  • Jem Carstairs
  • Jem Carstairs
  • Jem Carstairs
  • James "Jem" Carstairs a Londoni Intézet egyik árnyvadásza, aki hamar összebarátkozik az újonnan érkezett Tessával.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs is an inactive Shadowhunter and a former Silent Brother. Once an orphan living in the London Institute in the 1870s, along with his parabatai, Will Herondale, he is now a mortal who is over a hundred years old, cured of his illness.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs (chinesisch: Ke Jian Ming) (*1861) ist ein Schattenjäger, der von 1872 bis 1878 im Londoner Institut lebte. Bis er 12 war lebte er mit seinen Eltern Jonah Carstairs, Engländer und Ke Carstairs, Chinesin, im Institut von Shanghai. Dieses wurde jedoch von dem Dämon Yanluo angegriffen - seine Eltern starben schnell, Jem bekam sehr viel Gift ab, überlebte aber knapp und wurde nach London geschickt, wo er der Parabatai von Will Herondale wurde. Trotz der Tatsache, dass er überlebt hatte, musste er jeden Tag das Dämonengift Yin Fen einnehmen, welches ihn langsam von innen aus tötete, indem es seiner Haut, seinen Haaren und den Augen sämtliche Farbe nahm. Ende 1878 gab es schließlich kein Yin Fen mehr, Jem konnte jedoch dadurch, dass er zu Bruder Zachariah wurde, überleben.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs (born 1861) is the son of Jonah Carstairs and Ke Wen Yu, the second husband of Tessa Gray, one of the protagonists of The Infernal Devices and a supporting character in The Mortal Instruments both books by Cassandra Clare. However in 2007, after being a Silent Brother for 129 years, Jem was finally cured off his illness when the yin fen in him was burned away by the heavenly fire in Will's descendant Jace Lightwood and became mortal once again. He eventually rekindled his relationship with Tessa and they eventually married at Blackfrier's Bridge.
  • 1861
  • 275
Row 4 info
  • Shadowhunter, Silent Brother
  • silber
  • dunkelbraun mit goldenen Punkten in der Iris
  • Infobox James Carstairs.jpg
Row 7 title
  • Type of Hero
  • Fekete
  • Ezüst
  • männlich
  • Jem Carstairs
Row 1 info
  • James Carstairs
Row 4 title
  • Occuption
Row 2 info
  • Jem, Brother Zachariah
  • Él
  • Férfi
Row 6 info
  • To defeat [[w:c:villains:Axel Mortmain
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
Row 5 info
  • Seraph Blade, Stele, Speaking via thought
Row 2 title
  • Alias
Row 6 title
  • Goals
  • schwarz
  • silber
  • August 1861
Row 5 title
  • Powers/Skills
Row 3 info
  • The Infernal Devices
Row 3 title
  • Origin
Row 7 info
  • Book Hero
Box Title
  • Hero
Full Name
  • James Carstairs
  • Ke Jian Ming
  • 17
  • 146
  • 151
  • Alive
  • Lebend
  • Jem Carstairs
  • Jem Carstairs
  • Jem Carstairs/Gallery
Hair Color
  • Silver
  • Dark brown
Voller Name
  • James Carstairs
  • 17
  • 42
  • 146
  • Jem
Eye Color
  • Silver
  • Dark brown
Image File
  • Imagetidjc.jpg
  • Male
  • 1861
  • Jem.png
  • während der Krankheit extrem blass
  • Sötét barna
  • Ezüst
  • 178.0
Letztes Erscheinen
Erstes Erscheinen
teljes név
  • James Carstairs
  • James "Jem" Carstairs (chinesisch: Ke Jian Ming) (*1861) ist ein Schattenjäger, der von 1872 bis 1878 im Londoner Institut lebte. Bis er 12 war lebte er mit seinen Eltern Jonah Carstairs, Engländer und Ke Carstairs, Chinesin, im Institut von Shanghai. Dieses wurde jedoch von dem Dämon Yanluo angegriffen - seine Eltern starben schnell, Jem bekam sehr viel Gift ab, überlebte aber knapp und wurde nach London geschickt, wo er der Parabatai von Will Herondale wurde. Trotz der Tatsache, dass er überlebt hatte, musste er jeden Tag das Dämonengift Yin Fen einnehmen, welches ihn langsam von innen aus tötete, indem es seiner Haut, seinen Haaren und den Augen sämtliche Farbe nahm. Ende 1878 gab es schließlich kein Yin Fen mehr, Jem konnte jedoch dadurch, dass er zu Bruder Zachariah wurde, überleben. Bis 2007 war er ein Stiller Bruder, jedoch wurde das Yin Fen in ihm durch das Himmlische Feuer verbrannt, weshalb er wieder ein normaler sterblicher Schattenjäger wurde - dieses Mal aber im gesunden Zustand. Als Tessa Gray ins Institut kam, verliebte er sich schnell in sie und die beiden verlobten sich kurz darauf. Sie mussten ihre Verlobung jedoch nachdem Jem der Bruderschaft beigetreten war auflösen, sie trafen sich jedoch immer einmal jährlich auf der Blackfriars Bridge in London. Nachdem er kein Stiller Bruder mehr war, heiratete er Tessa im Jahr 2009. Die beiden lebten 2013 in Los Angeles.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs a Londoni Intézet egyik árnyvadásza, aki hamar összebarátkozik az újonnan érkezett Tessával.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs (born 1861) is the son of Jonah Carstairs and Ke Wen Yu, the second husband of Tessa Gray, one of the protagonists of The Infernal Devices and a supporting character in The Mortal Instruments both books by Cassandra Clare. Jem was born in Shanghai, China to Shadowhunters Jonah Carstairs (who was British) and Ke Wen Yu (who was Chinese) and was raised in the Shanghai Institute. When Jem was twelve, a Greater Demon named Yanluo broke into the Institute and killed Jonah and Ke in vengence for Ke destroying it's nest and also tortured Jem by poisoning him with a demon drug called yin fen. By the time the Shanghai Enclave arrived, Yanluo had escaped and Jem had become addicted to yin fen. After being rescued, Jem discovered that his independence on the drug could not be cured and had to keep taking it in order to continue to survive but it would give him a slow death. Jem eventually was sent to live in the London Institute where he was cared for by it's head Charlotte Branwell and also met her husband Henry and the other wards Will Herondale and Jessamine Lovelace. Will (who believed that he was cursed to cause death to those he loved) tried to stop Jem from befriending him but it didn't work and soon learned of Jem's illness. The two boys trained together and eventually became parabatai. In 1878, Jem (now 17) met and befriended a 16-year-old half Shadowhunter/half Demon named Tessa Gray and eventually fell in love with her and proposed, which she excepted. But on the run up to their wedding, Jem fell ill after ran out of yin fen and couldn't get anymore (due to their enemy The Magister buying it all). But luckily, Jem found a way to stop dying from his illness which was to become a Silent Brother and so he did and changed his name to Brother Zachariah, but because of this, Jem had to end his engagement with Tessa as Silent Brothers cannot marry. But the two met with each other on Blackfrier's Bridge in London once a year. However in 2007, after being a Silent Brother for 129 years, Jem was finally cured off his illness when the yin fen in him was burned away by the heavenly fire in Will's descendant Jace Lightwood and became mortal once again. He eventually rekindled his relationship with Tessa and they eventually married at Blackfrier's Bridge.
  • James "Jem" Carstairs is an inactive Shadowhunter and a former Silent Brother. Once an orphan living in the London Institute in the 1870s, along with his parabatai, Will Herondale, he is now a mortal who is over a hundred years old, cured of his illness.
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