  • Jock
  • Jock
  • Jock
  • Jock
  • Jock
  • A Jock is an unnamed teenager who lounged at a clothing store in Albuquerque with two of his friends.
  • .SuperStrength 75 tons .Invulnerabilty .Speed 50mph .SuperStamina .Enhanced Senses
  • His real name is cock.
  • Jock is a student at Springfield University.
  • Jock is the youngest steam engine on the Arlesdale Railway
  • Jock is a Scottish terrier who appears in Lady and the Tramp.
  • Jock es un personaje de la película Lady and the Tramp, y la secuela Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure.
  • A jock is someone who is always wearing those really gayass stupid football jerseys and wearing their favorite football/basketball/soccer team on their shirt or whatever, and everybody except for the preps absolutely hates them (as if they envy them or just plain out fucking hate them all together).
  • Dispara un misil que viaja en linea recta, aumentara su velocidad poco a poco y explotara al impacto. El misil hará 4 de daño por contacto antes de explotar. Jock también hará 2 de daño por contacto.
  • Jock is the tritagonist in Lady and the Tramp, and a supporting character in the sequel. He is a friendly but sometimes grumpy Scottish Terrier and one of Lady's neighbors.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jock Real Name Jock Job Titles Penciler; Inker First publication Unknown
  • "Jock" is the callsign of an S.A.S. operative working with the AFO teams in Afghanistan as a battle casualty replacement (BCR). He was on deployment with Voodoo, Dusty and Rabbit, before the events of Medal of Honor, to recover an Afghani informant called Malouf, who had valuable intel on the local al-Qaeda HVT called Al-Zaranj.
  • Brian "Jock" Flanagan is a freelance helicopter pilot, often hired by UNATCO to fly black helicopters. He works closely with Paul and JC Denton.
  • Jock is a pilot. He helped Indiana Jones escape the Hovitos tribesman. One of his Pastimes is fishing and he owns a pet Snake named Reggie.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jock Real Name Jock Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staf
  • After Rex's steampipe began leaking one day and Frank had to take his train, the Small Controller began thinking they needed another engine, and so he arranged for Jock to be built. When Jock first came out for testing he was still unnamed. Jock's paint colour reminded Douglas of his days on the Highland Railway, and he suggested the name "Jock" for the new engine. The Small Controller and Jock liked the name so it stuck.
  • A Jock, a pre-evolution version of the Homo sapien species, is defined by most scientists as Homo jockus (pronounced HO-mo JACK-ass) although some scientists argue whether they are actually more closely related to the common garden moss. Please note that a jock is entirely different from an athlete, and if you're unable to distinguish the two, perhaps you should read the rest of the article. Some jocks, particularly large ones, were well informed. Due to the fact that they have an over exaggerated sense of self worth plus taking too much time thinking how much they would like to have sex with themselves (and spending their free time figuring out how to do this - many believe they will one day find, or make, a way) they are a close relation to the 'douchebag'. Famous ones include David Beck
  • Brian "Jock" Flanagan jest pilotem śmigłowców, często wynajmowanym przez UNATCO. W trakcie gry lata w niewidzialnym dla radaru śmigłowcu SH-187. Jock używa w sieci pseudonimu FLYBOY. Był pilotem testowym w Bazie Sił Powietrznych Groom Lake. Jego ciekawość wzbudziły tam duży ruch rządowych osobistości, ogromne ilości wywożonych skał oraz kilometry montowanych światłowodów. Powęszył trochę i odkrył dowody na dziwne machinacje - zaledwie wierzchołek góry lodowej, ale dość by opanował go śmiertelny strach. Stał się samotnikiem, rozgoryczonym człowiekiem nie stroniącym od kieliszka, który czeka by ktoś uwierzył w jego wstrząsającą historię. Wyrzucono go z sił powietrznych i zaczął latać jako pilot do wynajęcia.
  • Jock is trouw en lief, al is hij toch de meest agressieve hond, in de vriendenkring van Lady desondanks dat hij de kleinste is. Jock waardeert desondanks zijn soms aanvallende houding, zijn geliefden en vrienden. Hij ziet Lady als een familielid en feliciteert haar regelmatig bij haar vooruitgang, samen met Snuffel. Jock is een beetje Lady's mentor, zo verteld hij samen met Snuffel, wat een baby is en hoe ze zich daarbij moet gedragen. Jock verteld ook verhalen aan Lady over Snuffels verleden.
  • Jock villagers (オイラ oira, or ハキハキhakihaki) (also called sporty or athletic) are male villagers in the Animal Crossing series. Hakihaki is a Japanese onomatopoeic or mimetic word meaning, briskly, promptly, clearly or lucidly. The English term Jock comes from the American stereotype, usually seen as high school or college jocks. A jock is a male athlete, who, in the light of the media, is considered unintelligent and dull-witted, which is reflected in the Animal Crossing personality type by their key interests in physical fitness and sports, including wrestling and typical gym exercises such as leg-squats and push-ups. These interests are unseen in the game, like the other hobbies. As of now, there are 76 jock villagers, making them the most common personality.
Portrayed By
  • Good
  • None
  • Jock
  • Magere Schotse terriër, met rode halsband en ruitvormige penning, later rode gestreepte sweater
  • Arreglador *Arregla mecanismos rotos con su llave inglesa
  • Tramp , mongrels, Trusty's stupidity, icy patches, Scamp unraveling his new sweater , Pongo and Perdita's puppies being in danger
  • 25
  • Fishing Pole, Wrench
  • Gruñón, amable
  • Lady en de Vagebond
  • Oliver & Company
  • One Hundred and One Dalmatians
  • Lady and the Tramp
  • Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
  • Student of Springfield University
  • Jock
  • Lady's new collar with a license
Voiced by
  • Alive
  • Homer Goes to College
  • Short and slender Scottish terrier, red collar with a gold license, later plaid sweater
  • Jock
  • Black
  • Jock
  • Brian "Jock" Flanagan
  • Grumpy, protective, patient, outspoken, fearless, sweet, loyal, aggressive , suspicious , opinionated , smart
  • White
  • Jock
  • "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie."
  • Jock con su jersey escocés
  • Goed
  • Tanden
  • New Haven, Connecticut
  • 101
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • Goof Troop
  • House of Mouse
  • The Wonderful World of Disney
  • 8
  • 1972-09-24
  • Heather Lad O'Glencairn, Uncle Jock
Voice Actor
  • Person
  • Jock
  • Jock.jpg
  • Penciler
  • Penciler; Inker
  • Teeth
  • Repair
  • 2008
  • New Haven, Connecticut
  • S.A.S, AFO team Neptune, AFO team Wolfpack
  • 180
  • Jock.png
  • JockGif.gif
  • Student
  • Freelance pilot
  • 101
  • Lady en de Vagebond
  • The Lion King
  • Lady and the Tramp
  • Lady en de Vagebond II: Rakkers Avontuur
  • Oliver & Company
  • One Hundred and One Dalmatians
  • Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
  • Male
  • Jock
  • Mark Simpson
  • Jock Lindsey
  • Mark Simpson
  • "Aye!"
  • "Off with you 'noo'!"
  • "Why, lassie! A bonny new collar!"
  • East Kilbride, Scotland
wikipage disambiguates
  • Un viejo terrier escocés
Writer name
  • Jock
  • 2
  • 4
  • Brian "Jock" Flanagan jest pilotem śmigłowców, często wynajmowanym przez UNATCO. W trakcie gry lata w niewidzialnym dla radaru śmigłowcu SH-187. Jock używa w sieci pseudonimu FLYBOY. Był pilotem testowym w Bazie Sił Powietrznych Groom Lake. Jego ciekawość wzbudziły tam duży ruch rządowych osobistości, ogromne ilości wywożonych skał oraz kilometry montowanych światłowodów. Powęszył trochę i odkrył dowody na dziwne machinacje - zaledwie wierzchołek góry lodowej, ale dość by opanował go śmiertelny strach. Stał się samotnikiem, rozgoryczonym człowiekiem nie stroniącym od kieliszka, który czeka by ktoś uwierzył w jego wstrząsającą historię. Wyrzucono go z sił powietrznych i zaczął latać jako pilot do wynajęcia. Jock został wezwany przez Paula, gdy ten miał uruchomiony killswitch i dostał polecenie przywiezienia brata. Jock spełnił prośbę i wbrew rozkazom z UNATCO dostarczył JC do Hell's Kitchen. Gdy JC i Paul zostali uwięzieni przez MJ12 Jock przebywał w Hong Kongu. Dostał wiadomość od Daedalusa aby ukradł helikopter i poleciał na Wyspę Wolności. Stamtąd odebrał uciekającego JC i przewiózł go z powrotem do Chin. W siedzibie Morgana Everetta "technik" umieszcza bombę w jego śmigłowcu. Jeśli JC nie odkryje tego na miejscu, Jock zginie w wybuchu opuszczając Strefę 51. Kategoria: Postacie w Deus Ex Kategoria:Pracownicy UNATCO
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jock Real Name Jock Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] Job Titles Penciler Gender First publication Unknown
  • A Jock is an unnamed teenager who lounged at a clothing store in Albuquerque with two of his friends.
  • .SuperStrength 75 tons .Invulnerabilty .Speed 50mph .SuperStamina .Enhanced Senses
  • His real name is cock.
  • Jock is a student at Springfield University.
  • After Rex's steampipe began leaking one day and Frank had to take his train, the Small Controller began thinking they needed another engine, and so he arranged for Jock to be built. When Jock first came out for testing he was still unnamed. Jock's paint colour reminded Douglas of his days on the Highland Railway, and he suggested the name "Jock" for the new engine. The Small Controller and Jock liked the name so it stuck. Later on, Jock pulled a doubleheader with Mike, who resented Jock's popularity and arrogance, and tried to teach him a lesson by cutting off steam, forcing Jock to do all the work. The prank backfired when Mike broke down on the homeward journey, and Jock had to pull both him and the train. That evening, the two engines made up their quarrel, and Jock resolved to be less conceited in the future.
  • Jock is the youngest steam engine on the Arlesdale Railway
  • A Jock, a pre-evolution version of the Homo sapien species, is defined by most scientists as Homo jockus (pronounced HO-mo JACK-ass) although some scientists argue whether they are actually more closely related to the common garden moss. Please note that a jock is entirely different from an athlete, and if you're unable to distinguish the two, perhaps you should read the rest of the article. Some jocks, particularly large ones, were well informed. Due to the fact that they have an over exaggerated sense of self worth plus taking too much time thinking how much they would like to have sex with themselves (and spending their free time figuring out how to do this - many believe they will one day find, or make, a way) they are a close relation to the 'douchebag'. Famous ones include David Beckham and Ashley Cole (note, British footballers tend to be the most well known mix of jock and douchebag).
  • Jock is a Scottish terrier who appears in Lady and the Tramp.
  • Jock es un personaje de la película Lady and the Tramp, y la secuela Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure.
  • A jock is someone who is always wearing those really gayass stupid football jerseys and wearing their favorite football/basketball/soccer team on their shirt or whatever, and everybody except for the preps absolutely hates them (as if they envy them or just plain out fucking hate them all together).
  • Dispara un misil que viaja en linea recta, aumentara su velocidad poco a poco y explotara al impacto. El misil hará 4 de daño por contacto antes de explotar. Jock también hará 2 de daño por contacto.
  • Jock is the tritagonist in Lady and the Tramp, and a supporting character in the sequel. He is a friendly but sometimes grumpy Scottish Terrier and one of Lady's neighbors.
  • Jock villagers (オイラ oira, or ハキハキhakihaki) (also called sporty or athletic) are male villagers in the Animal Crossing series. Hakihaki is a Japanese onomatopoeic or mimetic word meaning, briskly, promptly, clearly or lucidly. The English term Jock comes from the American stereotype, usually seen as high school or college jocks. A jock is a male athlete, who, in the light of the media, is considered unintelligent and dull-witted, which is reflected in the Animal Crossing personality type by their key interests in physical fitness and sports, including wrestling and typical gym exercises such as leg-squats and push-ups. These interests are unseen in the game, like the other hobbies. As of now, there are 76 jock villagers, making them the most common personality. The name hakihaki is referenced in Wild World's game files, and is the romanization of the Japanese word ハキハキ. Jock villagers are not referred to in any other way by Nintendo.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jock Real Name Jock Job Titles Penciler; Inker First publication Unknown
  • "Jock" is the callsign of an S.A.S. operative working with the AFO teams in Afghanistan as a battle casualty replacement (BCR). He was on deployment with Voodoo, Dusty and Rabbit, before the events of Medal of Honor, to recover an Afghani informant called Malouf, who had valuable intel on the local al-Qaeda HVT called Al-Zaranj.
  • Brian "Jock" Flanagan is a freelance helicopter pilot, often hired by UNATCO to fly black helicopters. He works closely with Paul and JC Denton.
  • Jock is trouw en lief, al is hij toch de meest agressieve hond, in de vriendenkring van Lady desondanks dat hij de kleinste is. Jock waardeert desondanks zijn soms aanvallende houding, zijn geliefden en vrienden. Hij ziet Lady als een familielid en feliciteert haar regelmatig bij haar vooruitgang, samen met Snuffel. Jock is een beetje Lady's mentor, zo verteld hij samen met Snuffel, wat een baby is en hoe ze zich daarbij moet gedragen. Jock verteld ook verhalen aan Lady over Snuffels verleden. Hij is met name goed bevriend met Snuffel een andere buurhond. Jock behandeld Snuffel eveneens als een familielid. De twee honden komen goed overeen, desondanks het stuntelen van Snuffel, en soms de aanvallende houding van Jock, waardoor ze soms ruzie hebben, al schaad dit hun vriendschap nooit. Zoals te zien is in de film moet Jock niks hebben van straathonden, zoals we zien als hij Vagebond (in eerste instantie) voor het eerst ontmoet. Ondanks dat hij klein is, is Jock een goede beschermer en zal hij tot het uiterste gaan, om zijn familie en vrienden te beschermen. We zien dit wanneer, hij op een gegeven moment bereid is om Vagebond aan te vallen als Vagebond, Lady blijft 'lastigvallen'. Uiteindelijk riskeert Jock zijn leven, om te voorkomen dat Vagebond in het asiel terecht komt, als terugbetaling voor het feit dat hij agressief was naar Vagebond aan het begin van de film. Hieruit kunnen we afleiden dat Jock een eervolle hond is, die niet bang is om fouten te maken en deze ook toe te geven.
  • Jock is a pilot. He helped Indiana Jones escape the Hovitos tribesman. One of his Pastimes is fishing and he owns a pet Snake named Reggie.
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