  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso is one of the main protagonists of the game Final Fantasy X, and makes an appearance in Final Fantasy X-2. Kimahri doesn't talk much, and that may be because he's ashamed of his broken horn. Kimahri had a protective cause over Yuna , even before he became her summoner. He adventures with the team throughout Final Fantasy X, and makes a cameo in the game's sequel, Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Kimahri Ronso, es un joven de la tribu de los ronso. Es el guardián de Yuna en Final Fantasy X y, de vez en cuando, le ayuda en Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Kimahri Ronso on Final Fantasy X:stä Ronso-heimoon kuuluva Ronso. Hän on pelattava hahmo X:ssä. thumb|Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso (jap. キマリ=ロンゾ) ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy X, ein junger Krieger der Ronso vom Berg Gagazet, der Yuna seit ihrer Kindheit beschützt. Er ist eine sehr schweigsame, aber loyale Garde. Kimahri beherrscht die Dragonik-Technik, mit der man sich Techniken seiner Feinde aneignen kann. Er ist ein „Ausgestoßener“ der Ronso, da sein Horn abgebrochen ist. Er spricht selten ein Wort und widmet sich ganz dem Schutze Yunas. Nachdem Sin besiegt wurde, wird Kimahri zum Ältesten seines Stammes ernannt.
  • As a Ronso Kimahri has blue fur and white hair and beard. Like all Ronso, he is leonine, tall and muscular, has a tail and a horn on his forehead. Kimahri's horn is broken, causing him great shame as a Ronso. His ears are pierced, and his hair is held back in a ponytail and braided on the sides. Due to his fur Kimahri doesn't need to wear clothes for warmth. He wears leather straps that hold in place his arm guards and his chest piece that has a skull motif. He wears ankle guards and a sash tied around his waist with a red belt. His shoulder guards have tufts of white feathers or fur.
  • Kimahri Ronso est un personnage jouable dans Final Fantasy X et un personnage non-jouable dans Final Fantasy X-2. Membre de la tribu des Ronsos, il est taciturne, à cause de la honte d'avoir eu sa corne brisée par un autre Ronso. Protecteur de Yuna depuis son enfance, il devient un Gardien pendant son pèlerinage.
  • "Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri protect Yuna." -Kimahri Ronso Kimahri Ronso is a playable character in Final Fantasy X and non-playable character in Final Fantasy X-2. He is of the Ronso tribe. While taller than humans, he is smaller than normal Ronso and has a broken horn. Like all Ronso, he has the Lancet ability which allows him to copy certain special moves from fiends. In the English localization, Kimahri is pronounced [kɨ̞ˈmɑː.ɹi].
  • Kimahri Ronso è un personaggio giocabile nel gioco Final Fantasy X. È un esponente della forte razza Ronso, umanoidi simili a leoni del mondo di Spira. Primo tra i guardiani della giovane invocatrice Yuna, è votato a proteggerla da qualunque pericolo, ed è disposto a sfidare chiunque possa rappresentare una minaccia per lei. Nonostante l'aspetto spaventoso, ha un animo gentile, ed è dotato di molto più buonsenso di molti altri personaggi.
Other Appearances
  • true
  • Yellow
  • Katsumi Chou
  • 2,04 m
  • Gelb
  • Grís
  • 200
  • Lanzas
  • Speere und Lanzen
  • 25
  • Amarillos
  • Weißgrau
  • キマリ=ロンゾ
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • 25
  • 25
  • 27
  • Grey
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso
  • 50
  • Kimari-Ronzo
  • Kimari-Ronzo
  • John DiMaggio
  • Tesshin Murata
ffx weapon
  • Blaumagier und Dragoner
ffx ultimateweapon
  • Spirit Lance
x2 type
  • creaturecreator
ffx limitbreak
ffx type
  • playable
ffx armor
x2 ccabilities
  • Desconocida
  • 8.0
  • キマリ=ロンゾ
  • *Guardian *Elder
  • true
  • Male
  • 200
  • Right-handed
  • #FFDD55
  • lightblue
  • 204
boss page
  • Kimahri
  • Rechts
  • Kimahri Ronso is one of the main protagonists of the game Final Fantasy X, and makes an appearance in Final Fantasy X-2. Kimahri doesn't talk much, and that may be because he's ashamed of his broken horn. Kimahri had a protective cause over Yuna , even before he became her summoner. He adventures with the team throughout Final Fantasy X, and makes a cameo in the game's sequel, Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Kimahri Ronso, es un joven de la tribu de los ronso. Es el guardián de Yuna en Final Fantasy X y, de vez en cuando, le ayuda en Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Kimahri Ronso è un personaggio giocabile nel gioco Final Fantasy X. È un esponente della forte razza Ronso, umanoidi simili a leoni del mondo di Spira. Primo tra i guardiani della giovane invocatrice Yuna, è votato a proteggerla da qualunque pericolo, ed è disposto a sfidare chiunque possa rappresentare una minaccia per lei. Nonostante l'aspetto spaventoso, ha un animo gentile, ed è dotato di molto più buonsenso di molti altri personaggi. Kimahri ricompare in Final Fantasy X-2 come personaggio secondario, ora ristabilitosi nel suo luogo natio e volto a proteggere la sua razza. Nell'edizione International è possibile reclutare Kimahri in squadra dopo aver soddisfatto determinate condizioni.
  • "Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri protect Yuna." -Kimahri Ronso Kimahri Ronso is a playable character in Final Fantasy X and non-playable character in Final Fantasy X-2. He is of the Ronso tribe. While taller than humans, he is smaller than normal Ronso and has a broken horn. Like all Ronso, he has the Lancet ability which allows him to copy certain special moves from fiends. Mostly out of shame over his broken horn, Kimahri rarely speaks to anyone. Whenever he does, he only talks to those he likes and trusts, which is a main part of why he doesn't initially talk to male protagonist Tidus — he neither likes nor trusts him upon their first meeting. The first time he speaks during Final Fantasy X is following Operation Mi'ihen, when he reminds Tidus — who is shocked to hear Kimahri talk at all — that he must keep a bright exterior and happy face to help brighten Yuna's dark journey. From then on, he only talks when necessary and usually offers helpful advice when he does speak. In the English localization, Kimahri is pronounced [kɨ̞ˈmɑː.ɹi].
  • Kimahri Ronso on Final Fantasy X:stä Ronso-heimoon kuuluva Ronso. Hän on pelattava hahmo X:ssä. thumb|Kimahri Ronso
  • Kimahri Ronso (jap. キマリ=ロンゾ) ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus Final Fantasy X, ein junger Krieger der Ronso vom Berg Gagazet, der Yuna seit ihrer Kindheit beschützt. Er ist eine sehr schweigsame, aber loyale Garde. Kimahri beherrscht die Dragonik-Technik, mit der man sich Techniken seiner Feinde aneignen kann. Er ist ein „Ausgestoßener“ der Ronso, da sein Horn abgebrochen ist. Er spricht selten ein Wort und widmet sich ganz dem Schutze Yunas. Nachdem Sin besiegt wurde, wird Kimahri zum Ältesten seines Stammes ernannt.
  • As a Ronso Kimahri has blue fur and white hair and beard. Like all Ronso, he is leonine, tall and muscular, has a tail and a horn on his forehead. Kimahri's horn is broken, causing him great shame as a Ronso. His ears are pierced, and his hair is held back in a ponytail and braided on the sides. Due to his fur Kimahri doesn't need to wear clothes for warmth. He wears leather straps that hold in place his arm guards and his chest piece that has a skull motif. He wears ankle guards and a sash tied around his waist with a red belt. His shoulder guards have tufts of white feathers or fur.
  • Kimahri Ronso est un personnage jouable dans Final Fantasy X et un personnage non-jouable dans Final Fantasy X-2. Membre de la tribu des Ronsos, il est taciturne, à cause de la honte d'avoir eu sa corne brisée par un autre Ronso. Protecteur de Yuna depuis son enfance, il devient un Gardien pendant son pèlerinage.
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