  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex was a species of carnivorous dinosaur. It lived at the end of the reign of the dinosaurs and it's name means "terrible lizard." Like the rest of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex was killed off once and for all when a meteor hit planet Earth 65 million years ago. In Ook and Gluk: Kung Fu Cavemen from The Future Mog Mog and her daughter Lily are T-Rexes that have befriended Ook and Gluk. In the 10th Captain Underpants book, Tippy Tinkletrousers rides one to capture the five protagonists and after a meteor hits the earth and one of Tippy's clones is killed, the T-Rex is killed along with the rest of the dinosaurs.
  • thumb|right|Der Tyrannosaurus Rex Der Tyrannosaurus Rex, kurz T-Rex, war ein riesiger, fleischfressender, sich auf zwei Beinen fortbewegender Dinosaurier, der in der Kreidezeit in Nordamerika lebte. Er ist wohl einer der bekanntesten Dinosaurier und gehörte zudem zu den größten und gefährlichsten Theropoden. Heute ist er logischerweise ausgestorben.
  • thumb|right|Der Tyrannosaurus Rex Der Tyrannosaurus Rex, kurz T-Rex, war ein riesiger, fleischfressender, sich auf zwei Beinen fortbewegender Dinosaurier, der in der Kreidezeit in Nordamerika lebte. Er ist wohl einer der bekanntesten Dinosaurier und gehörte zudem zu den größten und gefährlichsten Theropoden. Heute ist er logischerweise ausgestorben.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex ​is one Dinosaur Killer Human film 1992 Jurassic Park film 1992
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex, or T-rex, is a LEGO Animal dinosaur, usually made of multiple parts. Since the first T-rex was released in 1997 in DUPLO, various incarnations and versions of the T-rex have been released since.
  • Tyrannosaur Rex is the king of dinosaurs and it was also extinct. The male is large, but the female is larger. Retro turned a big reptile into a T-Rex. The T-Rex broked out and attacked. It has brown and green scales on it's skin, sharp teeth, big legs and tail, small arms, and feirce looking roars.
  • Der Tyrannosaurus Rex (kurz T-Rex) war einer der größten fleischfressenden Dinosaurier, zugehörig zu den Theropoden und den Coelurosauriern, speziell den Tyrannosauriern. Er lebte in der Kreidezeit, also von vor 68-65 mio. Jahren.Innerhalb der Godzilla-Reihe spielt der Tyrannosaurus Rex in sofern eine Rolle, dass der Godzillasaurus eine neuartige Abwandlung dieser Rasse ist. Zudem erscheint in Godzilla – Der Retter der Erde ein Tyrannosaurier namens Tyrant King, ebenfalls eine Abwandlung oder ein überdurchschnittlich großes Exemplar dieser Art. Kategorie:Tiere
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex was a Late Creataous carnivore that was the second largest carnivore on land ever.It was 23ft tall(7meters),48-50ft long(14.5-15.3m),and 15-16 tons(30,000-32,000lbs) Studies have shown that T rex's 35,000-60,000 newton bite force was poisonus!It was the most feared creature ever and nothing preyed on it or dare enter it's territory.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is a character.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is the secondary antagonist of Fantasia in 100 Arce Wood.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is a species of carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the late Cretaceous. It appeared in ten Sunday strips, five weekday strips, two pieces of original artwork and was mentioned in a few more comics. Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most frequently seen dinosaur in Calvin and Hobbes; the second most frequently seen is Allosaurus. This is due to both dinosaurs, particularly the former, being popular culture icons for their size and alleged ferocity.
  • After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, a Tyrannosaurus rex could be seen in the timestream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") Doctor Noonian Soong kept a Tyrannosaurus skull and several small models of this dinosaur in his laboratory on Terlina III. (TNG: "Brothers" ) Although not specifically stated on screen, Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Cretaceous period.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex (or T-Rex), whose name means "tyrant lizard king", is a species of predatory theropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period around 65 million years ago. One appeared as the main antagonist in The Rite of Spring segment of the 1940 Disney animated feature film Fantasia and has been featured in numerous other Disney properties.
  • The tyrannosaurus rex is a three-part fossil that can be donated to the museum in all Animal Crossing series games to date. It is the highest-scoring fossil (when complete) in terms of HRA points. The T-Rex Skull is also the highest-selling fossil in the game, as it is sold for 6,000 Bells.
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a playable mascot in Crossy Road. It was added in the Dinosaur Update.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is an extinct creature that scientists believe lived during the Cretaceous Period. It was the largest carnivorous land animal of all time. If it were alive today, it could eat a man in one bite. The T-Rex is the antagonist in Dinosaurs Before Dark.
  • The species (or at least some individuals) had some form of a language. (TV: Deep Breath)
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex, also known as T. rex, is a large theropod dinosaur that appears throughout the Turok franchise. In the video games, the T. rex appears mostly as a boss, and in some cases, it appears as a mini-boss.
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex was the primary villian in the Tsuburaya collaberation with Bass and Rankin.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex (Ethymology: tyrant+lizard+king) was the last-Cretaceous coelurosaurian/Carnosaurs theropod and among the largest known carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is an extinct species of Brute Wyvern, first introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier: New World 5.0 as the Flagship Monster. It appears randomly crashes into quests like Deviljho and occasionally will cause hunters to fail quests.
  • He was designed and built by Patrick Johnson and is performed and voiced by Tim Sweeney. On tour, he is usually performed by Sean Johnson.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex was bipedal with a large head, tiny forelimbs and a long tail. Adults ranged from around 9.1-15.2 meters long with legs up to three meter long, and weighed in excess of five tons. They had yellow eyes, a strong sense of smell and a loud, gutteral roar. (TOS novel: First Frontier)
  • Tyrannosaurus rex is a large predatory dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period. It can refer to the following pages: * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy in the Disney Castle from Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy on Isla Sorna from Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy. * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy in Kingdom Hearts III (Magnus V Version) by Magnus V. * T
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is monster #6 in Series 1, and monster #145 in Series 6. It was the first monster name to make a second appearance in the series.
  • The T-Rex has many ways to kill Lara, so it's really a death-wish to stay near it.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest Tyrannosaur, spanning up to 40 to 47 feet long. It's name meaning "tyrant lizard king", It probably could have killed just about any other dinosaur smaller than it in its habbitat of north america. It's primary weapon is most likely its bone crushing teeth. Many herivores have evolved characteristics to help them in case of a Tyrannosaurus rex attack.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. The most famous dinosaurs, it is a type of theropod dinosaur native to North America. This animal was up to 40 feet long and 14 feet tall. It had the highest bite force of any known land animal. All of its senses were exceptionally high, but its eyesight and smell in particular ranked among the greatest of any animal. Tyrannosaurus had a proportionately large brain and was probably a social animal. Juvenile Tyrannosauruses were proportionately skinnier and more lightweight than adults, and their skulls were lengthened. Juveniles were likely very fast runners.
  • T. Rex were a British rock band, formed in 1967 by singer/songwriter and guitarist Marc Bolan. The band formed as Tyrannosaurus Rex, releasing four albums as an acoustic duo under that name and winning a following among the British "underground" audience. Tony Visconti (their producer for several albums) claimed in a documentary on the band that he had taken to using the abbreviated term "T.Rex" as a shorthand, something that initially irritated Bolan, who gradually came around to the idea and officially shortened the band's name to "T.Rex" at roughly the same time they started having big hits (shortly after going electric). In the 1970s, the band had reached success with glam rock hits like "Jeepster", "Get It On", "Ride a White Swan", "20th Century Boy", "Children of the Revolution", "Ho
  • Le Tyrannosaurus rex parfois abrégé en T.rex signifiant « le roi des lézards tyrans » est la plus célèbre espèce de dinosaure de la famille des tyrannosauridés. C'est un dinosaure carnivore du sous-ordre des theropodes qui vivait dans ce qui est maintenant l'Amérique du Nord, à une période de la fin du Crétacé appelée le Maastrichtien, entre 68 et 65 millions d'années avant notre ère. Il fut l'un des derniers dinosaures non-aviaires existant avant l'extinction du Crétacé.
  • The Tyrannosaurus goes after Ariel and Flounder and they think that if they swim, the dinosaurs won't get them. However, the Tyrannosaurus can breath on land and sea as he is shown aquatic. The trident beam must have gave the dinosaurs aquatic powers when they were unfrozened.
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex is a large and fearsome carnivorous dinosaur. They were bipedal members of the order Saurischia; the average adult specimen weighed in at roughly seven tons. Their arms were quite small, but modern evidence reveals that they were strong enough to actually drag themselves or push themselves off of the ground when they were resting or had fallen. This trait has led some to believe that the animal was a massive scavenger, although it is possible that the jaws were so effective for killing large prey that the need for advanced fore-limbs gradually faded away.
  • tyranosaurus rex (ty-ran-o-saur-us rex)was an enormous creature that lived on the land during the cretacious period. It may not be the biggest dinosaur, but its the most famous. The trex only lived in a couple of different countries (by then all the continents were almost the same as today).It was 22ft tall (6m),46ft(14.5m),and weighed 15-16 tons (25,000-26,000 lbs) questions and answers: Q.could trex really run at 30mph? A.T.rex could run faster,at 40mph. Q.was the t-rex scavenger or hunter? A. The T.rex was both. you stayed still could a t-rex still see you?
  • right|thumb|270px|Ein Tyrannosuarus 1975 in London right|thumb|270px|Ein Tyrannosuarus in den 1890er Jahren in London Bei einem Tyrannosaurus rex handelt es sich um eine ausgestorbene Großechse oder Dinosaurier aus der Kreidezeit. Es handelt sich bei dieser Art um die wohl bekannteste Saurierart der Welt. Der Doctor kommt mehrmals mit Vertretern dieser Spezies in Kontakt und kann auf weniger schöne Erfahrungen zurückblicken. Die Silurianer lebten einst mit Tyrannosauriern auf der Erdoberfläche.
  • Tyrannosaurus, from the Greek "τυραννόσαυρος", meaning 'tyrant lizard' is a species of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur found in the Rainy Basin. The species Tyrannosaurus rex, commonly abbreviated to T. rex, hails from what is now western North America.
  • Tyrannosaurus, from the Ancient Greek tyrannos (τύραννος), "tyrant", and sauros (σαῦρος), "lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex (rex meaning "king" in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is one of the most well-represented of the large theropods. Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, which then was an island continent named Laramidia. Tyrannosaurus had a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period, 68 to 66 million years ago. It was among the last non-avian dinosaurs to exist before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex ("Tyrant Lizard King") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived during the the Late Cretaceous 70-66 million years ago and a fixture in popular culture. During its time, T.Rex was a top predator throughout most of Western North America and a formidable foe, taking down whatever it wanted like: Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Ornithomimus, Pachycephalosaurus and Edmontosaurus.Recent evidence may suggest T-Rex hunted and lived in family groups, rather than alone, to bring down large game like Alamosaurus.
  • Neutral
  • 12.0
  • 47.6
  • Eat in order to survive
  • Unknown or No Trademark.png
  • Nordamerika
Row 4 info
  • Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers, The Adventure of Ook and Gluk: Kung-Fu Cavemen from Future
  • Tiranosaurusu rekkusu
  • 240.0
  • ティラノサウルス・レックス
Row 1 info
  • Ook, Gluk, Tippy Tinkletrousers, Cavemen
Nombre Científico
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Tiere
  • Tirannosauro
  • Tyrannosaure rex
  • Look below.
  • Starvation, thirst
Row 4 title
  • Appearances
  • Defense Down, Poison, Dark, Dizzy, Mute
  • Ferocious, aggressive, violent, ruthless, hungry, thirsty, voracious, cruel, destructive, mysterious, dangerous, greedy, carnivorous
  • None
Enlace Wikipedia
  • Tyrannosaurus
Row 2 info
  • George, Harold, Mr. Krupp/Captain Underpants, Chief Goppernopper, JP Goppernopper
  • Copperjaw
Row 1 title
  • Friends
  • *Cráneo: 6.000 Bayas *Cuerpo: 5.000 Bayas *Cola: 5.000 Bayas
  • 2012
  • Low
  • Rebirth of Mothra III
  • Final del Período Cretácico
Row 2 title
  • Enemies
  • Theropoden
  • 25
  • 150
  • Dinosaurier
Row 3 info
  • Dinosaur
Row 3 title
  • Species
  • 5.400000
  • To be added.
  • 6
  • 145
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Allosaurus
  • T-Rex Skull
  • T-Rex Tail
  • T-Rex Torso
Box Title
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
Latest Appearance
  • None
  • None
  • Frank Welker
  • Episode 5.5
  • ,
  • Extinction Event
  • Picture This
  • System version 3 : 7477 T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex 7476 Iron Predator vs. T-Rex
  • DUPLO version 2 : 5597 Dino Trap 5598 Dino Valley
  • System version 4 : 5886 T-Rex Hunter 5887 Dino Defense HQ
  • System version 2 : 6720 Tyrannosaurus 1371 Spinosaurus Attack
  • DUPLO version 1 : 1781 Dinosaur Babies 2601 T-Rex Dinosaurs 2604 Dino World 2605 Dinosaur Park 2803 Dinosaur Babies 2821 Dinosaurs Fun Forest 2851 Medium Dino Bucket 2922 Dinosaur Blocks 3615 Theatre Stories
  • System version 1 : 5987 Dino Research Compound 1349 LEGO Studios Steven Spielberg MovieMaker Set 5975 T-Rex Transport LEGO Racers 2 1278 Johnny Thunder & Baby T 1354 Dino Head Attack 4079 Mini Rex 5903 Johnny Thunder and Baby T 5914 Sam Sinister and Baby T 5955 All Terrain Trapper 7623 Temple Escape 7627 Temple of the Crystal Skull 7783 The Batcave: The Penguin and Mr. Freeze's Invasion 8967 Gold Tooth's Getaway
  • T-Rex
  • Echsenbeckensaurier
  • Late Cretaceous
  • Food, eating, water
conservation status
  • Extinct
  • A large T-Rex
  • Two fingers on both arms, brown or red, yellow or grey eyes
  • Gigantic and slender dark blue/gray T-Rex, three fingers on both arms, red devilish eyes
  • None
First Appearance
Scientific name
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Jungle and Wilderness
  • T-Rex, Rex, Rexy, Tyrannosaurus
  • Large jaws with huge, thickly built teeth with powerful jaw strength, long muscular legs, short but very powerful arms and long, powerful but stiff tail
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Neutral
  • A ''tyrannosaurus in Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals
  • A Tyrannosaurus rex in Rebirth of Mothra III
  • a Tyrannosaurus in Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs
  • 15.500000
  • Triceratops
  • Strength, roars, powerful bone-crushing bite
  • *Cráneo T-Rex *Cola T-Rex *Cuerpo T-Rex
Fatalities caused
  • See full list below
  • ¡Por fin! ¡Hemos conseguido reunir el esqueleto de un tiranosaurio rex! ¡Uhu! ¡Deseo cantar mi gozo a las estrellas! ¡Creí que este día no llegaría nunca! Honremos la ocasión con algunas palabras acerca del tiranosaurio rex. Este gigante carnívoro fue uno de los últimos grandes dinosaurios del planeta. Se le consideraba el más temible y peligroso de los depredadores, pero... Una teoría reciente sugiere que este animal era, de hecho, bastante torpe. ¡Sí, torpe! ¡Y que su dieta se componía principalmente de dinosaurios muertos! Disiento de tal teoría. ¡Sigo pensando que era un cazador implacable! Oh, uhu. Te pido disculpas. Debo respetar el trabajo de los arqueólogos...
  • El nombre científico de esta bestia significa "lagarto tirano rey". Sobrevivió hasta los últimos días de los dinosaurios, y era un depredador implacable. ¿Te imaginas cómo debía de desgarrar la carne de sus presas con esas mandíbulas? ¡Qué horror! Era muy pesado, de modo que se cree que no era especialmente rápido. Yo diría que, en caso de ataque, era posible escapar de él corriendo... Si no te paralizaba el pánico, claro.
Creature type
Alternative Namen
  • König der Tyrannenechsen
  • ausgestorben
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Bonkers
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Gravity Falls
  • The Legend of Tarzan
  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series
  • Timon & Pumbaa
  • Went extinct
  • The Timekeeper
  • Primeval World
  • Universe of Energy
  • Bone Crusher
  • 8000.0
Appears In
  • None
  • T-Rex
  • T-Rex, Tyrant King, Mr. S. Twombley Tyrannosaurusclauses
  • None
  • None
  • $0.99 or 100
  • Skull: 6,000 Bells
  • Tail: 5,000 Bells
  • Torso: 5,500 Bells
  • 35 m
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • Brute Wyvern
  • Tyrannosaurus rex
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • King of all Carnivores, The King of the Brute Wyverns
  • Claws, teeth, tail, strength
  • Teeth, claws, talons, tail
  • icon
  • in case the animal has two icons
  • 1512
Image size
  • 250
  • Dinosaurio
  • Look below.
  • No
  • Ice
  • T. rex
  • T.Rex
  • 6500
  • 80000
  • T. rex
stars needed
  • 5
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • 1997
  • 2000
  • 2001
  • 2005
  • 2008
  • 2012
  • DUPLO version 1:
  • DUPLO version 2:
  • System version 1:
  • System version 2:
  • System version 3:
  • System version 4:
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex
  • 3
Time Period
  • Late Cretaceous period
  • Late Cretaceous
  • Green
  • Red
  • Original
  • Dino Attack Variant
  • Dino Variant
  • Dinosaurs Variant
  • Jurassic World Variant
  • 6720
  • T-RexHUGE.png
  • $ 57-4.jpg
  • Dino2133.jpg
  • T-Rex-1.png
  • T-Rex-2.png
  • T-RexGIANT.png
  • Fantasia
  • Fantasia 2000
  • Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin
Home world
  • Tyrannosaurier
  • None
Image File
  • Vastatosaurus Rex, Deviljho, Abiorugu, Giaorugu
  • Stop-motion, Toru Kawai, Puppets
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • 250
wikipage disambiguates
  • Hostile
  • 1
Unlocked by
  • Available from start
  • El tiranosaurio rex , mejor conocido como T-Rex, es uno de los dinosaurios carnívoros más conocidos y destacados. Se caracterizaba por tener unos brazos realmente cortos en respecto a su cuerpo. Sócrates habla sobre él en Animal Crossing: La película: El T-rex es el rey de los saurios, en particular, el carnívoro más feroz dentro de la superfamília Tyrannosauroidea perteneciente a los terápodos. De esta manera, la terminología puede dividirse en dos partes. Tiranosaurio significa 'lagarto tirano' y Rex del latín 'rey'.
  • Wirbeltiere
Deaths caused
  • 1
performs in shows
  • No
ZT2: Extinct Animals
  • 250
ZT2: Dino Danger
  • 250
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T-Rex was a species of carnivorous dinosaur. It lived at the end of the reign of the dinosaurs and it's name means "terrible lizard." Like the rest of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex was killed off once and for all when a meteor hit planet Earth 65 million years ago. In Ook and Gluk: Kung Fu Cavemen from The Future Mog Mog and her daughter Lily are T-Rexes that have befriended Ook and Gluk. In the 10th Captain Underpants book, Tippy Tinkletrousers rides one to capture the five protagonists and after a meteor hits the earth and one of Tippy's clones is killed, the T-Rex is killed along with the rest of the dinosaurs.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex ("Tyrant Lizard King") is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived during the the Late Cretaceous 70-66 million years ago and a fixture in popular culture. During its time, T.Rex was a top predator throughout most of Western North America and a formidable foe, taking down whatever it wanted like: Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Ornithomimus, Pachycephalosaurus and Edmontosaurus.Recent evidence may suggest T-Rex hunted and lived in family groups, rather than alone, to bring down large game like Alamosaurus. T.Rex appears in four episodes of Jurassic Fight Club: "T.Rex Hunter", "Raptors vs. T.Rex", "Armageddon" and "Biggest Killers" and made a brief cameo in "Deep Sea Killers" when comparing his teeth to that of a Brygmophyseter.[60-66]
  • thumb|right|Der Tyrannosaurus Rex Der Tyrannosaurus Rex, kurz T-Rex, war ein riesiger, fleischfressender, sich auf zwei Beinen fortbewegender Dinosaurier, der in der Kreidezeit in Nordamerika lebte. Er ist wohl einer der bekanntesten Dinosaurier und gehörte zudem zu den größten und gefährlichsten Theropoden. Heute ist er logischerweise ausgestorben.
  • thumb|right|Der Tyrannosaurus Rex Der Tyrannosaurus Rex, kurz T-Rex, war ein riesiger, fleischfressender, sich auf zwei Beinen fortbewegender Dinosaurier, der in der Kreidezeit in Nordamerika lebte. Er ist wohl einer der bekanntesten Dinosaurier und gehörte zudem zu den größten und gefährlichsten Theropoden. Heute ist er logischerweise ausgestorben.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex ​is one Dinosaur Killer Human film 1992 Jurassic Park film 1992
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex, or T-rex, is a LEGO Animal dinosaur, usually made of multiple parts. Since the first T-rex was released in 1997 in DUPLO, various incarnations and versions of the T-rex have been released since.
  • Tyrannosaur Rex is the king of dinosaurs and it was also extinct. The male is large, but the female is larger. Retro turned a big reptile into a T-Rex. The T-Rex broked out and attacked. It has brown and green scales on it's skin, sharp teeth, big legs and tail, small arms, and feirce looking roars.
  • Le Tyrannosaurus rex parfois abrégé en T.rex signifiant « le roi des lézards tyrans » est la plus célèbre espèce de dinosaure de la famille des tyrannosauridés. C'est un dinosaure carnivore du sous-ordre des theropodes qui vivait dans ce qui est maintenant l'Amérique du Nord, à une période de la fin du Crétacé appelée le Maastrichtien, entre 68 et 65 millions d'années avant notre ère. Il fut l'un des derniers dinosaures non-aviaires existant avant l'extinction du Crétacé. Ce dinosaure était carnivore et ses pieds étaient dotées de coussinets qui percevaient les vibrations dans le sol: ainsi ils pouvait sentir les grands herbivores qui passaient dans sont territoire. Les Tyrannosaurus rex mâles était plus petits que les femelles, qui étaient extrèmement arrogantes à la saison des amours.
  • Der Tyrannosaurus Rex (kurz T-Rex) war einer der größten fleischfressenden Dinosaurier, zugehörig zu den Theropoden und den Coelurosauriern, speziell den Tyrannosauriern. Er lebte in der Kreidezeit, also von vor 68-65 mio. Jahren.Innerhalb der Godzilla-Reihe spielt der Tyrannosaurus Rex in sofern eine Rolle, dass der Godzillasaurus eine neuartige Abwandlung dieser Rasse ist. Zudem erscheint in Godzilla – Der Retter der Erde ein Tyrannosaurier namens Tyrant King, ebenfalls eine Abwandlung oder ein überdurchschnittlich großes Exemplar dieser Art. Kategorie:Tiere
  • right|thumb|270px|Ein Tyrannosuarus 1975 in London right|thumb|270px|Ein Tyrannosuarus in den 1890er Jahren in London Bei einem Tyrannosaurus rex handelt es sich um eine ausgestorbene Großechse oder Dinosaurier aus der Kreidezeit. Es handelt sich bei dieser Art um die wohl bekannteste Saurierart der Welt. Der Doctor kommt mehrmals mit Vertretern dieser Spezies in Kontakt und kann auf weniger schöne Erfahrungen zurückblicken. Die Silurianer lebten einst mit Tyrannosauriern auf der Erdoberfläche. Zusammen mit anderen Saurierarten streift ein Tyrannosaurus 1975 durch London. Dieser Umstand ist auf die Zeitmaschine des Fanatikers Whitaker zurückzuführen, der ganz London zurück in die "goldene" Zeit, sprich die Kreidezeit, bringen möchte, damit er und seine Anhänger dort leben können. Fern der Verschmutzung und Unreinheit der Menschheit. Der Dritte Doctor kann die Maschine im letzten Moment sabotieren, so dass die Dinosaurier mitsamt von Whitaker zurück in die Vergangenheit gebracht werden. (Invasion of the Dinosaurs) Die abtrünnige Time Lady Rani transportiert in ihrer TARDIS verschiedene Dinosaurier-Embryonen, darunter auch einen des Tyrannosaurus rex. Nachdem der Sechste Doctor die TARDIS der Rani manipuliert hat, kann diese deren Geschwindigkeit nicht mehr drosseln und die Embyonen beginnen zu wachsen (The Mark of the Rani). Irgendwann im viktorianischen Zeitalter gelangt ein besonders großes Weibchen durch einen unglücklichen Umstand nach London. In ihrer eigenen Zeit hatte der Saurier versehendlich die TARDIS verschluckt. Da sich der Zwölfte Doctor zu diesem Zeitpunkt gerade so die Steuerung der TARDIS wieder erarbeitete und von den Nachwirkungen seiner letzten Regeneration noch geplagt wurde, nahm er das Tier unbeabsichtigt mit. Madame Vastra versuchte den Saurier zu beruhigen und hielt ihn mit Hilfe von Leuchtfeuern an seinen Platz, in der Hoffnung, dass der Doctor, sobald er wieder auf den Beinen war, die Dinodame zurück in ihre Zeit bringen konnte. Leider kam es dazu nicht mehr, da der Half-Face Man Gewebe des Dinosaurers brauchte und ihn danach einfach verbrannte. (Deep Breath) Kategorie:Nichthumanoide Lebensformen Kategorie:Dinosaurier Kategorie:Irdische Lebensformen Kategorie:Reptiloide Lebensformen
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex was a Late Creataous carnivore that was the second largest carnivore on land ever.It was 23ft tall(7meters),48-50ft long(14.5-15.3m),and 15-16 tons(30,000-32,000lbs) Studies have shown that T rex's 35,000-60,000 newton bite force was poisonus!It was the most feared creature ever and nothing preyed on it or dare enter it's territory.
  • Tyrannosaurus, from the Greek "τυραννόσαυρος", meaning 'tyrant lizard' is a species of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur found in the Rainy Basin. The species Tyrannosaurus rex, commonly abbreviated to T. rex, hails from what is now western North America. Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus is a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hindlimbs, Tyrannosaurus forelimbs are small and retained only two digits. Although other theropods rival or exceed T. rex in size, it is the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known land predators, measuring over 12 metres (40 feet in length and up to 7.5 metric tons in weight.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is a character.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is the secondary antagonist of Fantasia in 100 Arce Wood.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is a species of carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the late Cretaceous. It appeared in ten Sunday strips, five weekday strips, two pieces of original artwork and was mentioned in a few more comics. Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most frequently seen dinosaur in Calvin and Hobbes; the second most frequently seen is Allosaurus. This is due to both dinosaurs, particularly the former, being popular culture icons for their size and alleged ferocity.
  • tyranosaurus rex (ty-ran-o-saur-us rex)was an enormous creature that lived on the land during the cretacious period. It may not be the biggest dinosaur, but its the most famous. The trex only lived in a couple of different countries (by then all the continents were almost the same as today).It was 22ft tall (6m),46ft(14.5m),and weighed 15-16 tons (25,000-26,000 lbs) questions and answers: Q.could trex really run at 30mph? A.T.rex could run faster,at 40mph. Q.was the t-rex scavenger or hunter? A. The T.rex was both. you stayed still could a t-rex still see you? A.Yes, it could just sniff you out anyway.
  • After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, a Tyrannosaurus rex could be seen in the timestream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") Doctor Noonian Soong kept a Tyrannosaurus skull and several small models of this dinosaur in his laboratory on Terlina III. (TNG: "Brothers" ) Although not specifically stated on screen, Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Cretaceous period.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex (or T-Rex), whose name means "tyrant lizard king", is a species of predatory theropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period around 65 million years ago. One appeared as the main antagonist in The Rite of Spring segment of the 1940 Disney animated feature film Fantasia and has been featured in numerous other Disney properties.
  • The tyrannosaurus rex is a three-part fossil that can be donated to the museum in all Animal Crossing series games to date. It is the highest-scoring fossil (when complete) in terms of HRA points. The T-Rex Skull is also the highest-selling fossil in the game, as it is sold for 6,000 Bells.
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a playable mascot in Crossy Road. It was added in the Dinosaur Update.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is an extinct creature that scientists believe lived during the Cretaceous Period. It was the largest carnivorous land animal of all time. If it were alive today, it could eat a man in one bite. The T-Rex is the antagonist in Dinosaurs Before Dark.
  • T. Rex were a British rock band, formed in 1967 by singer/songwriter and guitarist Marc Bolan. The band formed as Tyrannosaurus Rex, releasing four albums as an acoustic duo under that name and winning a following among the British "underground" audience. Tony Visconti (their producer for several albums) claimed in a documentary on the band that he had taken to using the abbreviated term "T.Rex" as a shorthand, something that initially irritated Bolan, who gradually came around to the idea and officially shortened the band's name to "T.Rex" at roughly the same time they started having big hits (shortly after going electric). In the 1970s, the band had reached success with glam rock hits like "Jeepster", "Get It On", "Ride a White Swan", "20th Century Boy", "Children of the Revolution", "Hot Love", "Telegram Sam", and "Metal Guru". After earning success in the early and mid-1970s, the band broke up after Bolan was killed in a 1977 car accident. (read more at Wikipedia)
  • Tyrannosaurus, from the Ancient Greek tyrannos (τύραννος), "tyrant", and sauros (σαῦρος), "lizard") is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex (rex meaning "king" in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T. rex, is one of the most well-represented of the large theropods. Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, which then was an island continent named Laramidia. Tyrannosaurus had a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period, 68 to 66 million years ago. It was among the last non-avian dinosaurs to exist before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to its large and powerful hind limbs, Tyrannosaurus fore limbs were short but unusually powerful for their size and had two clawed digits. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known land predators. In fact, the most complete specimen measures up to m ( ft) in length, up to tall at the hips, and up to in weight. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus rex may have been an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs, ceratopsians, and possibly sauropods, although some experts have suggested the dinosaur was primarily a scavenger. The debate about whether Tyrannosaurus was an apex predator or scavenger was among the longest ongoing feud in paleontology; however, most scientists now agree that Tyrannosaurus rex was an opportunistic carnivore, acting as both a predator and a scavenger. It is estimated to be capable of exerting one of the largest bite forces among all terrestrial animals. More than 50 specimens of Tyrannosaurus rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Soft tissue and proteins have been reported in at least one of these specimens. The abundance of fossil material has allowed significant research into many aspects of its biology, including its life history and biomechanics. The feeding habits, physiology and potential speed of Tyrannosaurus rex are a few subjects of debate. Its taxonomy is also controversial, as some scientists consider Tarbosaurus bataar from Asia to be a second species of the Tyrannosaurus and others maintaining the Tarbosaurus is a separate genus of dinosaur. Several other genera of North American tyrannosaurids have also been synonymized with Tyrannosaurus.
  • The species (or at least some individuals) had some form of a language. (TV: Deep Breath)
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex, also known as T. rex, is a large theropod dinosaur that appears throughout the Turok franchise. In the video games, the T. rex appears mostly as a boss, and in some cases, it appears as a mini-boss.
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex was the primary villian in the Tsuburaya collaberation with Bass and Rankin.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex (Ethymology: tyrant+lizard+king) was the last-Cretaceous coelurosaurian/Carnosaurs theropod and among the largest known carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • The Tyrannosaurus rex is a large and fearsome carnivorous dinosaur. They were bipedal members of the order Saurischia; the average adult specimen weighed in at roughly seven tons. Their arms were quite small, but modern evidence reveals that they were strong enough to actually drag themselves or push themselves off of the ground when they were resting or had fallen. This trait has led some to believe that the animal was a massive scavenger, although it is possible that the jaws were so effective for killing large prey that the need for advanced fore-limbs gradually faded away. Tyrannosaurus is featured in many popular films, books,and shows, and it is hailed as an apex predator, even carnivores such as Carcharadontosaurus, and Giganotosaurus were larger. It has been proven that T-rex would have been more adept in a fight with one such animal due to the massive force behind its bite. An adult Tyrannosaurus, for example, could easily compress a large truck with a single, concentrated bite.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is an extinct species of Brute Wyvern, first introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier: New World 5.0 as the Flagship Monster. It appears randomly crashes into quests like Deviljho and occasionally will cause hunters to fail quests.
  • He was designed and built by Patrick Johnson and is performed and voiced by Tim Sweeney. On tour, he is usually performed by Sean Johnson.
  • The Tyrannosaurus goes after Ariel and Flounder and they think that if they swim, the dinosaurs won't get them. However, the Tyrannosaurus can breath on land and sea as he is shown aquatic. The trident beam must have gave the dinosaurs aquatic powers when they were unfrozened. The Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops go on a rampage in the vacation area and Sebastion almost got crushed by the T-Rex. The T-Rex thinks some objects are prey, the carnivore eats everyting in his path. A family of humpback whales came and they scare off the Stegosaurus and Triceratops. The Tyrannosaurus Rex battles the whales, but one huge male hits the T-Rex with his tail and it knocks out the dinosaur. Ariel thanks the whale for rescuing everyone. The Tyrannosaurus couldn't stand anymore of whales so he heads back to land with the Triceratops, the Stegosaurus, and the Brontosaurus family.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex was bipedal with a large head, tiny forelimbs and a long tail. Adults ranged from around 9.1-15.2 meters long with legs up to three meter long, and weighed in excess of five tons. They had yellow eyes, a strong sense of smell and a loud, gutteral roar. (TOS novel: First Frontier)
  • Tyrannosaurus rex is a large predatory dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period. It can refer to the following pages: * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy in the Disney Castle from Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy on Isla Sorna from Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy. * Tyrannosaurus rex, an enemy in Kingdom Hearts III (Magnus V Version) by Magnus V. * T
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex is monster #6 in Series 1, and monster #145 in Series 6. It was the first monster name to make a second appearance in the series.
  • The T-Rex has many ways to kill Lara, so it's really a death-wish to stay near it.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest Tyrannosaur, spanning up to 40 to 47 feet long. It's name meaning "tyrant lizard king", It probably could have killed just about any other dinosaur smaller than it in its habbitat of north america. It's primary weapon is most likely its bone crushing teeth. Many herivores have evolved characteristics to help them in case of a Tyrannosaurus rex attack.
  • Tyrannosaurus rex is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. The most famous dinosaurs, it is a type of theropod dinosaur native to North America. This animal was up to 40 feet long and 14 feet tall. It had the highest bite force of any known land animal. All of its senses were exceptionally high, but its eyesight and smell in particular ranked among the greatest of any animal. Tyrannosaurus had a proportionately large brain and was probably a social animal. Juvenile Tyrannosauruses were proportionately skinnier and more lightweight than adults, and their skulls were lengthened. Juveniles were likely very fast runners.
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