  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • RAT
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rats are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. Their attacks have a small chance to cause sickness, however; PCs have to watch out for this at the beginning of the game. Rats can also swim. They are often summoned en masse by wererats.
  • This file can be downloaded from This file can be downloaded from A md2 file is available for this model category =UFOAI includepage ={Preview locator}:1 skipthispage =no mode =userformat ordermethod =firstedit listseparators =,Image:,|%TITLE% ,
  • Kategorie:Pahýly a rat is like a lv 2 animle in rs around lumbrige and caves. good for newer players to train. Kategorie:Bestiář
  • Rat was a large competitor robot that fought in the first series of Dutch Robot Wars. It lost its first round battle to Bamm Bamm in its heat, then was eliminated in the Losers Melee despite flipping The Lethal Swan over. The team mascot was a toy rat, similar to 'Verminator' which sat on top of UK middleweight competitor Hard Cheese.
  • Rats are common animals in Far Cry 3. They can be found scurrying around the islands almost anywhere and are found in some of the missions.
  • Exp: 5 Hit Points: 10 Max Damage: 1-2 Field Notes: They are a little stronger than goats, but a well equipped can make short work of them. They drop Rat Tails, which are needed to make the Magic Trident. * Can Be found: * Witches House * Aeven Sewers * Aeven * Drops * Rat Tail
  • Rats are found in the Underground Cellar and in the Infested Field.
  • Rats are enemies in EarthBound Beginnings. They first appear in Ninten's house, but can later be found in the City Zoo, Merrysville and Sweet's Little Factory. Rats can bite Ninten and co. but can also 'say something nasty' which lowers fight. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s...
  • The acronym RAT may refer to * Remote access tool * Remote access trojan * Remote administration tool * Registrar administration tool
  • Rats are common rodents, able to survive almost everywhere.
  • Le rat est un animal aussi bien présent dans le monde des sorciers aussi bien que dans le monde des Moldus.
  • Le rat est né d'un croisement fortuit entre une truie naine alcoolique et une chauve-souris aux ailes arrachées. On distingue le rat des champs, sorte de paysan bouseux asocial et alcoolique qui aboie sur tous ceux qui passent, et le rat des villes, espèce popularisée par la chanson du même nom de l'incontournable Booba. Malgré toute ces différences il existe une espèce en voie d'extinction. Le rat albinos cyan de l'Australie orientale est engendré par l'accouplement du rat musqué et de la brebis à poil ras. Sa couleur, bleuté, est causée par les vapeurs d'essence de type "super" utilisée par les compagnies exploitant les sables verts situées aux 48 et 53 degrés au sud de l'Équateur. La Fouine est aussi un peu un rat mais que un peu.
  • Rat es un ratón que vive en la Aldea Pingüino , y es un compañero de clase de Arale Norimaki.
  • Rats were rodents. A particular large genus of the rat lived on board Jacko's boat, off the coast of Dubai.
  • Lt. Colonel John Sheppard believed the sound that Dr. Rodney McKay heard on Hoff were rats but they turned out to be scavengers. (SGA: "The Kindred, Part 1")
  • Rats did not spread the Black Plague. Many people think they did which is another reason of hating them. A flea bit a rat which then spread to other rats which then spread to humans.
  • A rat is a vast mouse that specializes in hacking into computers and clearing their hard drives. Rats are known to live in all sewer systems around the world, and most are involved in a sinister secret society which controls all activity on planet Earth. A variant of rats, called flying rats, are also known as cats, though they are occasionally confused with bats. ~ <b>A -1th grader</b>
  • Rats are small fur coated rodents. About the size of a fist with a pointed snout and long scantly-haired tail, rats are often found in such locales as streets, sewers, and gutters. Rats also resided in Hamunaptra and were one of the naturally-occurring creatures of the City of the Dead. If starved, rats will often cannibalise one another as food, and will eat anything that they can, some particular rats devouring the High Priest Imhotep's tongue when it was cut out in 1290 B.C by the Medjai. Rats could also be cooked and eaten when food was in low supply; though having both a bad smell and taste, rats were the best foodstuff that the desert could offer.
  • A rat is a prey animal in the Survivors universe.
  • The Rat simply known as Herman is the main antagonist of Lady and The Tramp.
  • Rats are agile omnivorous rodents who live and hunt in packs. Their colonies can usually be found in dark places and underground facilities such as sewers, cellars and dungeons. They may carry various diseases, and are known to attack humans venturing into their turf. Due to their numbers, aggressiveness and sharp fangs, they can pose a lethal threat. Dire rats are much larger and tougher than normal rats, and to an untrained commoner, even a single dire rat can be a deadly opponent.
  • Narrow PassagewayUnknown edit
  • Rat (ラット Ratto) is a member of Team Gaim.
  • Rat is a specie of monster that look like rats.
  • Rats are a species of small rodents.
  • Rats are giant rodents found in Fate.
  • Ein Rat oder Tipp ist ein helfender Hinweis zur Lösung eines Problems. 2374 gibt Vic Fontaine Dr. Julian Bashir einen Tipp, der ihm hilft sich mit Fähnrich Walker, trotz vorheriger Ablehnung, doch noch zu verabreden. (DS9: ) Später sucht Odo bei Quark bezüglich seines Verhältnisses zu Kira Rat. Da ihm dieser nicht besonders hilfreich ist, wendet sich Odo ebenfalls ratsuchend an Vic. (DS9: )
  • Rat is a common name for any large member of the family of rodents, with dull-colored, coarse fur; long tails; large ears; and a pointed snout. Rats have extremely powerful teeth, with which they often gnaw through wooden planks to get at stores of food, and they have even been known to bite holes in lead pipes. They are usually nocturnal and live in human habitations, forests, deserts, and on seagoing ships. They are extremely prolific, breeding 1 to 13 times a year and producing 1 to 22 young a litter. Most species of Rats are herbivorous, but some are omnivorous. The Rat is the only animal able to carry the vicious plague ability. It is immune to plague attacks, but keep in mind its low health, defense, and sight radius when planning optimum creature combinations.
  • Rats were rodents with hairless tails. In the illustration of The Magician's Nephew, rats are among the creatures brought up by Aslan's song. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, many rats were among followers to the White Witch where they help bind Aslan with many dark creatures on top of the Stone Table. Rats were part of the White Witch's Army in Beruna where they fight Aslan's Army. In the events of Prince Caspian, Rats join with the Old Narnians where they fight against Miraz and the Telmarine army at the Second Battle of Beruna.
  • Rats are harmless monsters found throughout the world.
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png Rats are harmless small animals in Risen 2: Dark Waters.
  • thumbLes rats d'Azeroth sont d'une petite taille et ne représentent aucune menace. Cependant, certains ont été victimes de la corruption des démons, multipliant leur taille et décuplant leur agressivité. Ils élisent souvent résidence dans des lieux abandonnés par la civilisation, ou tout autre lieu propice à leur occupation. On peut en trouver notamment à Hurlevent ou au tram des profondeurs et dans les donjons. [Précision : Les rats font partie des animaux qui permettent d'accomplir l'un des Hauts Faits généraux intitulé : Désinsectisation ]
  • Rat exists in several forms. As the Rat God he chitters to his children to tear down everything in an orgy of death and destrution. He gnaws at the webs of the Weaver, trying to free Gaia from its clutches. As Mamma Rat, she is a gentler totem, concerned with protecting the downtrodden in the cities. She is especially fond of children and cubs and will urge her followers to protect them from harm. The Ratkin get along better with the children of Rat than with most other Garou, but they still do not trust them very much. Nonetheless, Rat is the tribal totem of the Bone Gnawers.
  • Rats are long-tailed rodents, the three in the family being Sewer Rats, Giant Rats, and Rabid Rats. They are encountered at lower levels in the early part of the dungeon. Their lycanthrope relative, the wererat, can summon an entourage of these creatures as allies.
  • The rat is an animal in Rule of Rose. It is tied to a stick by the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club and is used to punish Jennifer. Later on in the game, when Jennifer is forced to give Amanda the same torture, Jennifer realizes the rat died and passes out when she sees its body is covered in maggots.
  • The Rat or Mouse is an Animal Minifigure. It has two variations; the most common being the "crawling" variation, but there is also a "standing" variation. The piece is four studs long, with the body taking up two studs, and the tail wrapping around the last two. The standing variation only takes up one stud.
  • Rats are one of the few animals that appear in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Blood Money and HITMAN™ (2016).
  • Rat is a character from the children's television show, The Wind in the Willows.
  • Rats are animals that are from the rodent family. They are basically larger version of Mice. Since they are bigger, they prey on other smaller species, they have even been known to attack humans at times, particularly infants. Once thousands of "sewer rats" came out of the sewer and attacked the Citizens of Gotham, but they are saved by the Dynamic Duo and Black Vulcan, who stopped the rats.
  • A rat is a type of pet. Unlike other pets, they are not purchasable or tradeable. When a pirate takes the 'Furnish your home' mission, he or she receives a randomly-colored rat. There are fifteen different colors for rats.
  • A rat was a type of rodent. At some point prior to Day 5, rats in Hangar BB of Ontario Airport were killed by exposure to the Sentox VX nerve gas that was being stored in the building. When Curtis Manning investigated the airport, he found the dead rats and had Craig bring a forensic team to run tests on them. Trace amounts of the chemical were found in the animals' blood. ("Day 5: 11:00am-12:00pm") When Jack Bauer found Cheng Zhi on board the Letitcia, he told him that he "should have stayed hidden like a rat". ("Day 9: 10:00pm-11:00am")
  • Les Rats étaient des animaux parasites qui, accompagnés de vases, ont infesté l'Arche du Lion, le Centre de Kaineng et Kamadan, Joyau d'Istan entre le 22 août 2007 et le 10 septembre 2008. Ils furent également absents durant Halloween 2007 et pendant les quelques jours qui suivirent la finale de l'évènement.
  • Rats decorate all the more run-down areas in the Overlord Series.
  • Se puede conseguir facilmente en las rutas del medio, pero solo en una version.frame|sprite
  • Rats are a species of wildlife commonly found in dark or wet locations, and will drop loot vital for several crafting recipes. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Rat is an enemy in Chrono Trigger that first appears in Arris Dome in 2300 AD. The rats appear in non-combat in Site 16, although they steal Potions from you. There is also a Rat in the Arris Dome, you need to catch it to know the password to the door to the supercomputer. (That's how you find out about Lavos)
  • Rat is a mouse that lives in Penguin Village, and who is a fellow classmate of Arale Norimaki.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Rat File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Rat File:Rat.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 10 Rare File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +2% to Spy when attacking or defending, +2% to Steal when attacking or defending, Permanent Holds power over the powerless This is Permanent if bought with gold, and will remain in the player's possession even after Reincarnation.
  • Rat is a hostile or non-hostile animal. They can be found hostile as one if not the first creature to kill as a part of the Reevor's Storehouse quest in Baldur's Gate Prologue in Candlekeep Storehouse. They can also be found non-hostile in Beregost Cave or Nashkel Mines.
  • Rat is a Terrorist featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
  • thumbRats er små dyr som man kan finde næsten overalt på hele runescape. Der findes flest udenfor og på første sal på Lumbridge castle. De har 30 hp, hvilket er noget af det laveste man kan have. Hvis man dræber 1.000.000 rats får man tilsendt en kasket med printet "Intet liv" med posten. Bare rolig, der er et latterligt guld klistermærke på også.Kategori:Monstre
  • The Rat is a guard MT seen in Armored Core: Nexus and Armored Core: Last Raven
  • The general rat resembles greatly their namesake. They are very small rodents with grey fur, round pink ears, a pointy nose, two dark eyes, pink paws, and a thin pink tail.
  • Rats, as stowaways on humans' ships, were introduced to Atlantis in the 15th century, and contributed to the extinction of many of the small continent's native species in the ages to come.
  • Chercher "rat" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Rats were medium-sized, long-tailed rodents, a number of which lived in sewers and underground tunnels in the present.
  • Players who have a cat or a kitten can tell it to chase vermin, in which case it will try to attack any rat in range. If your cat catches at least 100 rats you can go to Gertrude to get a cat training medal (no special bonuses). Also, if you have a rat pole, a rat will be added to it each time a rat is caught by your cat.
  • Rat means thief in Lower City cant. It's used in ways like "let's go catch some rats" by the Dogs. It's also used as an insult.
  • thumbRatten zijn een van de huisdieren die de leerlingen van Zweinstein mee naar school mogen nemen. Erg nuttig zijn ze niet. Ron heeft een rat, Schurfie.
  • thumbRatten zijn een van de huisdieren die de leerlingen van Zweinstein mee naar school mogen nemen. Erg nuttig zijn ze niet. Ron heeft een rat, Schurfie.
  • left Rat sólo aparece en la versión de 16 bits de Sonic the Hedgehog 2 como uno de los amigos animales de Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • A Rat is a monster that can be found roaming throughout RuneScape Classic. There are two varieties of rat; small rats are found in most major cities and dungeons; they play a small role in the Witch's Potion quest. Large rats (called Giant rats in RuneScape 2) are found in dungeons and the Lumbridge Swamps. Unlike small rats, they drop Raw rat meat upon dying.
  • Hit Dice: 1/4 d8 (1 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. Armor Class: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-12 Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Skills: Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +14, Move Silently +10, Swim +10 Feats: Weapon Finesse Environment: Any Organization: Plague (10-100) Challenge Rating: Advancement: - Level Adjustment: -
  • Rats eli rotat ovat pieniä eläimiä joita voi löytää useista paikoista. Paras paikka löytää niitä on Lumbridgen Linnan ympäriltä. Rottien häntiä käytetään Witch's Potion miniquestissa ja rotat ovat myös heikoimpia otuksia Runescapessa. Rotat eivät droppa luita paitsi rotat jotka ovat Stronghold of Securityssa.
  • Exp: 10 Atacks: melee(0-10)Summon: Legend: Rats are commonly known to spread diseases, they are a little stronger than Creep and are the nightmare of many people. The rat's bite can hurt alot Behavior:They atack you, and no't retarget Location:These creatures are found mostly with creeps in caves and sewers Notes:Don't attemp to kill them at level 1-2 they can hit pretty hard Strategy:with level 3-4 just atack them Loot:gold(0-20),Cheese Return Creatures
  • The Old World has its fair share of normal sized vermin, including Rats. All these creatures attack with one bite. However, there are also two abnormally large species: Giant Rats and Rock Rats.
  • Rats cannot go up stairs or ladders, and they only walk left and right. They can be killed by Rocks, or Fireballs, along with bombs.
  • Rats are creatures found in the "Lost Land Junkyard" level of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. They do not pose a threat to the player.
  • Rat was a Zionite redpill who was seen in a party, which was actually a front for the Cypherites. He appeared to be a newcomer, due to the fact that he wasn't familiar with where to go to the bathroom.
  • Savez može objaviti rat drugom savezu tako da stavi post objave u već ranije određeno mjesto u diplomaciji na forumu. Suradništvo između saveza ili saveza i igrača je moguće ali ne treba biti posebno objavljeno. Rat znači da se igrači mogu napadati bez bojazni da će dobiti ban za bashing. Nakon 12 sati od objave rata se ukida pravilo o bashingu, time dopuštajući da se upozore svi igrači o ratu. Ako jedan igrač napusti savez, rat se više ne odnosi na njega i stupaju na snagu normalna pravila o bashingu.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Silent, quick, and crafty, Rat is a master of guerrilla warfare and survival, and knows well the truth of the old adage, "safety in numbers." Rat has taught many Garou these truths, who also find he is a fierce fighter when cornered. Packs that are chosen by Rat gain his wisdom and his fierce determination, and are taught best how to bite. Rat Children also find it easier to slink through the night undetected. Bone Gnawers will aid any Children of Rat at any time, but will generally not risk their own lives for them. Children of Rat are uncomfortable around and often get into conflict with Children of Owl. While they are considered Wise by many Garou, they are not particularly Glorious.
  • Rats (グーズ Gūzu?) are recurring enemies in the Legend of Zelda series. They are small, agile enemies that strike quickly; however, they can be vanquished with one sword strike.
  • Ratten zijn kleine beesten die eigenlijk overal te vinden zijn. Level 1 ratten zijn dan ook niet te zien op de minimap.
  • Les Rats (グーズ Gūzu) sont des ennemis récurrents de la série. Ils apparaissent dans quelques jeux, 3D comme 2D, et vivent la plupart du temps dans des caves, des endroits sombres, fermés et étroits ou des donjons.
  • Rats are the very first monster you kill. You first encounter these small rodents at the Tutorial of how to fight monsters. These monsters do not pose much of a threat to seasoned players. These are killed by new players wanting to level up or for that extra EXP. I should be noted that this monster drops a ready to eat food, making it a very good soruce of food for new players.
  • A rat was a long-tailed rodent, a species of animal.
  • Rats in the Overland are in contact with gnawers from the Underland. They can communicate, as shown when Ripred had a mass amount of them spy on Gregor's family.
  • Rat ist ein guter Freund von Helmut. Sein Job im Clan ist es Spion zu sein. Er war auch auf Angel Island und suchte bestimmte Beweise. In den Comics spielt er keine große Rolle. Auf Angel Island begegnete er auch Knuckles. Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:Feinde
  • Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 14 Hit points: 1 Attack bonus: +4 Damage: d3-4 slashing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/8 Size: tiny Trained skills:(‡) hide (20), move silently (12) Feats: weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • Rats are enemies encountered throughout the Crash Bandicoot series. Rats made their debut in the first Crash Bandicoot game.
  • The Rat was a secret Strategic Scientific Reserve facility active during World War II and later a S.H.I.E.L.D. Prison.
  • Rat is an enemy from Clarence's Big Chance and is a rodent that quickly moves forward. The Rat is found in Clarence's Big Chance and the Suburbs. The Rat is usually found in dark places or places where Clarence must crouch under to get through. The Rat can be defeated by jumping on it. Its office counterpart is the Mousy and the Rat can also be found underwater as the Scuba Rat.
  • Unlike many species that have struggled with the intervention of humans, rats have been able to thrive in it, and spread diseases that have killed millions of people over the years. The most famous disease that is known to have been spread by rats is the Black Death.
  • Rat is the hunchbacked henchman of Dr. Zalost. His only appearance is in The Tower of Dr. Zalost.
  • A rat is one of the natures troops, it can be acquired only by following the quests and supplying the quest master with 200 crop; in which he then reinforces you with one. Unfortunately, the rat is not controllable but is permanently reinforced. The rat is the only nature troop type sent to us. You only get one rat, so if killed/starved, there is no opportunity for another one. Many of the top players find great joy in killing other players rats so to avoid letting them, the two options are starving the rat, or forfeiting doing quests. The rat's attributes are as follows: Rat:
  • Rats are the the weakest creatures from syrnia. While starting a training on combat rats can be attacked on Valera Training Grounds. After reaching Combat Level(CL) 10 rats cannot be attacked anymore at Valera
  • Rat (debut: Dec. 31, 2001) is a megalomaniacal rat on Pearls Before Swine. He is frequently critical of the strip's style and artwork as well as the other characters in the strip and all living things. Often self-employed, most of his businesses involve either punishing or defrauding people for their ignorance, much in the same vein as Dogbert, though with a darker humor.
  • Rat (debut: December 30, 2001) is a narcissistic, misanthropic rat, and is an antihero. He frequently breaks the fourth wall, as well as being aware of his implementation as a fictional comic strip character. Because of this, Rat is often critical of the comic strip's style and artwork as well as the other characters in the strip and many other living things. Often self-employed, most of his businesses involve either punishing or defrauding people for their ignorance, much in the same vein as Dogbert, though with a darker humor. His political views are alarmingly right-wing, especially in foreign policy, and he has a particular hatred for the nation of France. Rat is often rude, and he can usually be found criticizing or insulting someone. Rat lives with Pig and Guard Duck in a house somew
  • In 2285, at least one black rat was aboard the research station Regula I. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) In early 2365, while the USS Enterprise-D was entrapped in a void, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge stated out loud, "Like the rat said: Keep the cheese. I just want out of the trap." Later, Doctor Katherine Pulaski would likened the situation of the Enterprise-D to that of a rat in a maze. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease" ) In 2369, Odo disguised himself as a rat in order to overhear a conversation between Lursa, B'Etor and Tahna Los. (DS9: "Past Prologue")
  • Rats are quadrupedal animals of the rodent family. They appear in both S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Like the Crow, it is a non-hostile animal which does not serve any significant purpose. Sakharov also has a rat in his laboratory in Shadow of Chernobyl that runs in a hamster wheel continuously.
  • Rats are just medium-sized, long-tailed rodents living in inhabited areas such as capitals Novigrad and Vizima. Before the domesticating of cats their existence had been a great problem to human societies, most often being solved by hiring a rat-catcher playing on musical instrument. Large, savage rats living in the wilderness are called skrekks. Mutated forms of the species are pseudorats, and the cursed people who are able to take the form of half-human, half-rat are wererats.
  • Rats are animals that live on both Mobius and the many interpretations of Planet Earth in Sonic the Comic. Many appear as non-anthropomorphic rodents, although there are a few minor characters: * Rat Bratt is a nasty rat from out of town who appears to be unhappy with Tails' defence of Mobius. He challenges Tails to a race, which he appears to somehow win, despite Tails being much faster when flying. The fox discovers that Bratt had a twin brother who kept racing ahead to the next checkpoint by helicopter but was discovered when his brother wanted some of the credit. * Vermin the Cybernik was once a rat who sympathised with Doctor Robotnik. He volunteered to become a Cybernik, proving to be just as strong as Shortfuse the Cybernik. When the electromagnetic pulse struck, Vermin was i
  • Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) originated in Central Asia and arrived in Great Britain in 1730, reaching the United States of America in 1775. Before he shot Klaang in April 2151, rats were one of the only things that Richard Moore had ever shot in his life. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) Rats were considered extinct - though by uncertain means - by 2267; however, this was proved to be incorrect when Hikaru Sulu brought one on board the USS Enterprise, which he had acquired on Vishnu and named Mickey. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
  • The Rats wear gas masks, as they once lived in toxic mines and tunnels. Over time they mutated, with some growing long claws and shrinking in size and stature, while the Rats as a whole have become cannibalistic. When they collect people to be sacrificed and eaten, midgets and other bandits are often on the menu. The masks have become a sign of their status, and they wear them now for ceremonial purposes. They are mainly found in The Fridge, however some appear in Lynchwood, Tundra Express and Bloodshot Stronghold.
  • The Ratz are a small, gray-ish, one legged rodent species with glowing green eyes. They seem to be present all over Oddworld, as they appear briefly in many cutscenes of Munch's Oddysee. They act as the Almighty Raisin's eyes and ears, investigating industrial factories and reporting information, for the Raisin himself is too large and heavy to do so. Therefore, the Raisin knows nearly everything that happens around Oddworld. They have also been known to help adventurers in need, if one is wise enough to read the signs they give. For example, it can be seen in the opening cutscene for Munch's Oddysee that many ratz run away from Munch's side when the Vykker Pod comes. It can be assumed they kept him company overnight. They were given a large forehead and glowing eyes, to imply intelligence
  • Rats are small animals that can be found in numerous locations, mostly on cities, sewers and dungeons. Thus, they are common animals found throughout RuneScape, typically Combat level 1 or 3. Although many rats have no drops, the level 1 rats in the Stronghold of Security have a 100% chance to drop bones. Considered by most players to be the weakest monster in the game, rats possess only 2 Hitpoints, 8 total experience, 0 Defence, and a max hit and Attack accuracy of 1. Rats are quite literally half as strong as chickens.
  • During the time of Operation Snake Eater, in August 1964, rats inhabited the Soviet region of Tselinoyarsk. They were the descendents of Norwegian wild rats that were domesticated by humans as pets and lab animals. They also lived within the sewers leading away from Groznyj Grad. During the time of the Militaires Sans Frontières' infiltrations into black sites on Cuba from December 1974 to March 1975, rats had inhabited the premises of the black sites.
  • Rats and mice are known to destroy crops. It is the snakes that keep them in check. A Giant Rat once guarded the Land of the Leprechauns until Graham gave it some cheese. A rat lived in the dungeons of Castle Dracula. When Graham saved the life of The Rat in King's Quest V, she helped him escape imprisonment in the Swarthy Hog Inn in return. Another rat lived in the dungeon of Mordack's castle. Rats can also be found inside of the Catacombs of the Ancient Ones. Rats are found all over Dimension of Death, usually found inside crates.
  • Rats are small critters, found in many places, including Booty Bay, The Barrens, and the Deeprun Tram. They usually only take one normal attack to kill, since they are all Level 1, and have less than 10 Hit Points. These omnivorous rodents thrive almost anywhere. Rats usually run away. They bite only as a last resort. They are stealthy and good at balancing and swimming. (MGWS 16)
  • Rats living in the sewers of Raccoon City were the original carriers of the t-Virus that caused the Raccoon City Destruction Incident - as opposed to the leeches, which caused the outbreak in the Arklay Mountains. The only known example of an attack on a human was on an injured U.S.S. member seen in the introductory movie to Resident Evil Outbreak. According to the BIOHAZARD 2 Official Guide Book, the rats in the sewers grew significantly from the t-Virus, but were killed-off by their enemies, the Large Roaches.
  • Rats are small mammals of the order Rodentia, distinguishable from mice by their larger size. Rats are typically regarded as vermin or pests, although they can be domesticated and kept as pets, as well as tested in labs. The most common species of pet rat is the Brown/Norway Rat, or Rattus norvegicus. Rats can also serve as pets for wizards and witches, although they typically only live for two or three years, and are not as popular as owls or cats. There is a spell that can turn a teacup into a rat and another to turn a small child into a rat. Subtypes include the albino rat and the plague rat.
  • All rats have long, scaly tails that resemble either wiggly worms or scary snakes, beady eyes for seeing, and dexterous paws used to manipulate objects found in their environment, such as corn kernels, dress shoes, or bubble wrap, into the best position for biting, eating, and/or soiling, the three basic behaviors of the rat.
  • A Rat has appeared at various times in various themes in Irregular Webcomic!. Aside from its first appearance, its travels seem to be closely linked to the End of the Universe. A cyberspace avatar Rat runs through a cyberspace dungeon, followed by the cyberspace avatars of the Space characters. Cheshire Cat chases Rat through dwarven solarium Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Dr. No's nuclear reactor Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Serron & Iki Piki's jail cell Cheshire Cat chases Rat through a Vatican corridor Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Ishmael's dorm Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Iki Piki & Serron at robot ship sales presentation Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Mythbusters and their college-aged selves. Cheshire Cat chases Rat on asteroid spaceship. Ishmael claims to own C
  • Explanatory note: This creature is not the same in the game HKO as of 2011 anymore. This entry describes a Beta-creature of 2008. Rats (or mice) have been renamed to Squeets before the release of the game in 2009 and will drop different stuff now in 2011. Image:A Rat.PNG Level: 9 (or 10?) Drops: * mouse's teeth (value for the npc 8$) * mouse's tail (value for the npc 8$) * mouse's paw (value for the npc 8$) Zone(s): * East of Florapolis Valley Notes:
  • According to folklore, the Pied Piper rid the German town of Hamelin of its rats in exchange for twenty bags of gold in 1284. (COMIC: Challenge of the Piper, TV: The Day of the Clown) In 1605, the drains near the Houses of Parliament in London were infested with rats. The plotter Thomas Percy was disgusted by them. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot) In 18th century France, Susan was frightened by the rats she saw in the jail cell in which she and Barbara Wright were imprisoned. (TV: The Reign of Terror) The Fifth Doctor found some rats in Striker's Edwardian yacht. (TV: Enlightenment)
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • None
  • I
  • 1.0
  • Orange
creation date
  • 2007-07-29
  • 2.500000
  • 3
  • Common
  • Ratcatchers
  • Stronghold of Security
  • The Mummy Returns (novelization)
  • 1
  • 5
  • Ramming Link
Upload date
  • 2007-07-31
uv mapping
  • yes
Movement Type
  • Ground
m1 offense
  • 4
  • 7
  • ラットくん
m1 pp
  • 0
  • 18
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Hitman: Blood Money
  • 50
  • None
  • Rata
Row 4 info
  • Very many, mainly neighbors
  • * Packmembers tend to bite rather than using their claws, and gain an advantage when doing so, most particularly when fighting at a disadvantage. * Rat's children can slip through nigh impossible openings, sometimes as small as an actual rat's hole, and contort to get out of grapples and traps. * Banking on safety in numbers, followers of Rat find they're more able to be stealthy when in acting together. * Rat's children are also often able to sense and thus avoid toxins and harmful chemicals. * Rat approves of them thinking ahead about situations, and gives them an advantage when they're doing so.
  • No
Su región
  • Cartoon
  • A popular dwarven delicacy.
  • Eating rats causes races other than orcs or trolls to vomit.
  • 100
  • Masculino
acc magic
  • 0
  • None.
  • -.
  • 1
  • Fire, Energy, Poison
aff magic
  • 65
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *Paradise Lost
  • *The Things We Bury
  • yes
New Header
  • Rat (China Force) (Earth-616)
  • Locations
  • Teams
  • Tunnel Rats; No Image Team.jpg
  • Inner Circle member; Rat.jpg
  • Rat Pack; No Image Team.jpg
  • The Rat; SHIELD.png
  • Two-Legged Rat; Two-Legged Rat_0001.jpg
  • Wharf Rats; Wharf_rats__1.jpg
  • Pre-6.0
  • 2
  • Rats run away at 5 or less hp, can be pushed by players or stronger monsters, can't push other monsters or boxes.
  • Os Ratos fogem quando estão com 5 ou menos de hp, podem ser empurrador por jogadores ou monstros mais fortes, não podem empurra outros monstros nem caixas.
  • Rats run away at 5 or less hp, can be pushed by players or stronger monsters, can't push other monsters or boxes.
  • Ratten rennen weg van aanvallers zodra ze minder dan 5 hp hebben.
m1 defense
  • 8
  • 10
  • 50
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 10
  • Mammals
  • Mammals
  • Säugetiere
  • Mammals
  • Mammals
  • Mamiferos
Row 1 info
  • Rat
  • Many: Mostly capitalizing off of people
Su Dex anterior
  • Deeritza
Su Dex siguiente
  • Rotix
  • Ninguna
  • yes
  • Overgrown vermin
  • * A small muddy rat * He seems to live here
  • A popular dwarven delicacy.
  • A popular dwarven delicacy.
  • A popular dwarven delicacy.
  • 4
  • Mammal
  • no
  • No
  • no
  • nee
  • no
  • 80
  • 15
  • -
  • not bad
max hit
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 15
  • 100.0
  • 200
  • None
  • Nem
  • No
  • Nee
m1 hp
  • 10
max magic
  • 0
Row 4 title
  • Enemies
nombre-ja latino
  • Ratto-Kun
  • 101
  • 100.0
  • 110.0
  • 101
  • 100.0
  • 110.0
  • -
  • Nothing.
m1 wealth
  • 2.0
attack speed
  • 6
acc melee
  • -20
  • 110
aff weakness
  • 90
  • Rat
  • 50
  • Rats attack at a close range using Melee.
  • yes
  • Typically
  • 4
  • Intimidacion
  • Compensacion
  • None
  • Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers
Schwach gegen
Monster Memory
  • You walk down the dark and damp corridor. Your last torch flickers and starts to die down. The stairs up must be somewhere in front of you. You are quite confident. You killed all the great beasts that could stand in your way. Nothing can happen now. Suddenly you hear this quiet shuffling ahead... and behind you. Small things stay just outside your ever-waning circle of light. You walk faster now. Where did that high-pitched sound come from? One more corner to the stairs. With a last hissing sound your torch dies in your hand and you stand in the darkness. Now the rustling sound is all around you. You can feel them on your legs. Suddenly you can see it: the twin glowing points in the darkness. And two more. And another two...
aff melee
  • 55
  • 200
  • rat
Row 2 info
  • Rat
  • Former: Farina, Ivona, and Cindy Current: possibly Christmas Tree Lady
  • * Bite [2]
m1 speed
  • 5
  • Ei
  • 100.0
m1 exp
  • 3
  • 50
  • 99
  • 100.0
  • 80.0
  • 90.0
  • Ratón
  • 100.0
  • slight
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Job
  • Dog Terms
  • Desconocida
max ranged
  • 0
  • No
  • 2
  • 1.400000
  • No
Always Drops
  • Bones
  • Bones
  • Ei
  • 1.0
  • Nothing.
  • Bones Nothing
  • 3
  • little
  • 8
  • 10
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • 2
  • 7
  • 8
  • 13
Row 2 title
  • Human Terms
  • Relationship Status
aff ranged
  • 45
Attack style
  • Tierra
acc ranged
  • 0
  • No
  • 3
  • slight
  • 1
  • Nem
  • No
  • Ei
  • 99
  • 100.0
  • 75.0
  • 80.0
  • Always neutral
  • Yes
  • yes
  • Trivial
  • None
  • poison
  • None
  • 80.0
  • No
  • no
xp value
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
robot name
  • Rat
m1 location
  • Bones
  • --01-04
  • Raw rat meat
  • Rat's tail
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • não
  • nee
  • no
  • Rats live in the sewers of each town, in holes, and in dungeons. Cropping up in masses they are a real plague, and the governments pay head money for dead Rats. They are quite weak, but in packs they can be dangerous for badly equipped adventurers.
  • Regular, Raid, Unblockable
  • none
max melee
  • -20
  • 4
Row 3 info
  • Pig, Goat, and Zebra
  • The Empty City, Darkness Falls, Storm of Dogs, Dead of Night
  • rat
  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Always
Row 3 title
  • Friends
  • Book Mentions
  • Animal de compagnie
  • 100.0
  • * Rat asks that his Children never kill small vermin , as well as work to keep them from falling into harm. . * Rat is associated with Bone Gnawers, and asks that packs help out the unfortunate and downtrodden within the city, be it via volunteering at homeless shelters and soup kitchens or protesting a demolition of an old apartment building for 'historical' value . Those who fail to be generous in their aid find themselves walking in those unfortunates' shoes . * Rat's children feel compelled to hoard and stash food so as to not let the good stuff go to waste. They never leave leftovers alone when they can help it, to the point that resisting such an impulse may require Willpower.
  • sim
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • ja
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Nem
  • No
  • Nee
  • nw_rat001, nw_rat002
  • Thunder Rising, Into the Wild, Rising Storm, Firestar's Quest, SkyClan's Destiny, Midnight, Fading Echoes, Crookedstar's Promise, Outcast
  • 0
  • none
  • Gold, 0-2Cheese, Rat Tail
  • Rat Bone
  • Rat Skin
  • Tiny Meat
  • 12
  • 1
  • Mammals
  • Nagetier
  • Roedores
  • Glires
  • Rodents
  • Glires
  • Rodents
immune to poison
  • Nem
  • No
  • Nee
  • 0
  • Critter
  • Gothador
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • Melee
  • 19
  • *Sickening melee attack *Ignores water
Box Title
  • Rat
  • +4
  • Rat
  • City
  • Kingdoms
  • Pirates
  • Studios
  • Castle
  • Space Police III
  • Belville
  • Modular Buildings
  • Of MSE-6 and Men
  • 60
  • Hyrule Warriors
  • Hyrule Warriors Legends
  • Twilight Princess
  • Four Swords Adventures
  • Link's Awakening
  • Spirit Tracks
  • The Wind Waker
  • A Link to the Past
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • A Link Between Worlds
  • a
  • Combat
  • Native
  • No
  • Team Rat
  • 1
  • none
  • Red
  • 31.8
  • 2
  • Arale Norimaki
  • 6
  • 4
  • 6
  • 10
  • 12
  • 67
  • 75
  • 14
  • 18
  • 1
  • Melee
  • Alive
  • 30
conservation status
  • Least Concern
  • 2
  • 21
First Appearance
Scientific name
  • Rattus norvegicus
team members
  • Helen Ottenheim
  • John Aarts
  • Mark Ottenheim
  • 6.150000
  • Scouts
  • 0
  • good
  • 1
  • Dark Brown
  • *Black *Brown
  • * Gray * Brown
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 1
  • Rats
  • Bones
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Looting bag
  • Rat bone
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat
  • Rat's tail
  • Rat
  • giant rat
  • rabid rat
  • sewer rat
  • Common
  • SoS
  • Basements, cellars, sewers and cargo holds.
  • 40
Secondary weapon
  • 1
  • 0
  • Very rare
  • Very rare, normally appears in small groups
  • Quite rare, normally appears in small groups
  • nezumi
  • Bones
  • Rat bone
  • Rat's tail
  • Rat
  • A Rat from Twilight Princess
  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Fire spells
  • Earth spells
  • Slash / Controlled attacks
  • Silent, quick, and crafty, Rat is a master of guerrilla warfare and survival, and knows well the truth of the old adage, "safety in numbers." Rat has taught many Garou these truths, who also find he is a fierce fighter when cornered. Packs that are chosen by Rat gain his wisdom and his fierce determination, and are taught best how to bite. Rat Children also find it easier to slink through the night undetected. Bone Gnawers will aid any Children of Rat at any time, but will generally not risk their own lives for them. Children of Rat are uncomfortable around and often get into conflict with Children of Owl. While they are considered Wise by many Garou, they are not particularly Glorious.
  • 0
  • 2
  • 3
  • möglich
Money Dropped
  • 0
  • Tiny
Items Dropped
  • None
Items Equipped
  • None
immune to stun
  • No
Locations Found
  • 2
  • Ei
  • Good
  • 1
  • Physical
immun gegen
  • Nothing.
  • 300
exp/hp rate
  • 25
  • Ei
  • Ei
  • Earth spells
  • Melee
  • Ei
  • 24
  • 6
  • 2
Creature type
  • Rodent
  • Ei
dutch series
  • 1
  • Vaak
  • Altijd
Design ID
  • -
  • 1
  • 5
  • 8
  • 10
  • 18
  • 30
  • North America
  • 10
  • little
  • Nem
  • Yes
  • No
  • Nee
  • Alive
  • 1
  • 5
  • Créature non magique
  • 20
  • 30
  • 100.0
Appears In
  • None
Primary Weapon
  • 50
  • Rat
  • 1
  • 1
  • Compañero de clase de Arale Norimaki
  • 50
  • *Coruscant *Tatooine
  • 1
  • ラット
  • Rat
  • Runescape beta is now online!
  • Security and free-to-play update - the Stronghold of Security
  • Rat Catchers and Rat Pits!
  • Mammals
  • Rat
  • Rattus
  • Critter
  • 25
  • Rat
  • Giant Rat
  • Rock Rat
  • Normal Rat
  • Rat bone.png
  • Rat's tail.png
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 127
  • None
  • Flipping Shell
  • 5
  • 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • Low
  • Courage Muriel
  • 110
  • 0
  • 6
  • 7
  • 14
  • 25
  • 33
  • Psíquico
  • Rats are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. Their attacks have a small chance to cause sickness, however; PCs have to watch out for this at the beginning of the game. Rats can also swim. They are often summoned en masse by wererats.
  • Rosa
  • * Gnawer
  • None
  • 1
  • 14
  • 18
  • A Link to the Past
  • 4
  • 5
  • Long tail
  • Glowing red eyes
  • r
  • 0
  • 25
  • 250
  • Ratten rennen davon bei 5 oder weniger hp, können von Spielern und stärkeren Monstern gepusht werden, können keine anderen Monster oder Gegenstände pushen.
  • Rat
  • 2001
  • rats
  • 14
  • Level: 1, DV: 15, PV: 0, Hits: 3, Attacks: 1, Damage: 1-2. Speed: 100.
  • Level: 9, DV: 20, PV: 1, Hits: 34, Attacks: 1, Damage: 3-4. Speed: 100.
  • Billy 2 gp
  • Humgolf 2 gp
  • Matando estas pequenas criaturas é o melhor jeito para um novato sem bons equipamentos para conseguir algum dinheiro e experiência. Você também pode vender ratos mortos para os NPCs Seymour,Billy e Tom em Rookgaard para ganhar uns trocados.
  • Baxter 1 gp
  • It is said that rats are Servants of Urgith.
  • It is said that rats are Servants of Urgith.
  • Looks the same as a Ghost Rat.
  • Mainland:
  • Rookgaard:
  • Seymour 2 gp
  • Tom 2 gp
  • Verse dode ratten kunnen verkocht worden aan:
  • Killing those small creatures is the best way for a newcoming unequipped player to earn some money and experience. You can also sell dead rats to NPCs Seymour, Billy and Tom on Rookgaard for additional cash. Also Baxter in thais buy rats for 1gp. It is very curious that, even tough they are probably the first enemy you fight when you start playing, they are the enemy which, in average, kills more players daily.
  • Killing those small creatures is the best way for a newcoming unequipped player to earn some money and experience. You can also sell dead rats to NPCs Seymour,Billy and Tom on Rookgaard for additional cash.
  • Dit is de beste manier voor een nieuwe speler, zonder uitrusting om experience en geld te verdienen. Kijk wel uit, en zorg ervoor dat je altijd makkelijk kan vluchten want vooral op lagere levels zijn dit redelijk gevaarlijke monsters, met de meeste dodelijke slachtoffers in Rookgaard op hun naam. Er wordt gezegd dat ratten de dienaren zijn van Urgith.
  • It is said that rats are Servants of Urgith. They are the most fearsome creature of them all. Even Elephants fears them.
  • Om dode ratten aan een NPC verkopen moet je 'Rat' zeggen, eventueel met een nummer ervoor om er meerdere tegelijk te verkopen.
  • É dito que os ratos são Servos de Urgith.
  • You can also sell dead rats to NPCs Seymour, Billy and Tom on Rookgaard for additional cash. Also Baxter in thais buy rats for 1gp.
  • 20
  • 3
  • 10
  • 14
  • 225
  • 80
  • 172800.0
  • 86400.0
  • N/A
combat training
  • Valera
  • "Meep!".
  • "Meep!".
  • "Meep!".
  • "Meep!".
  • "Meep!".
  • 47
  • 2682
  • 3007
  • 4075
Time Period
  • Early Pleistocene epoch to present
  • 0
  • melee
  • Unknown
  • Dr.Zalost
  • 1
  • 4
  • 7
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 45
  • Unknown
  • 2000-10-27
  • 2001-01-04
  • 2005-11-28
  • 2006-07-04
  • Rat
  • 2001-01-04
  • slight
  • Dr.Zalost Courage Muriel
  • Pink
  • 300
  • 6
  • 86400.0
  • d3-4 slashing damage
  • Scavenger
  • Male
  • Unisex
  • Unknown, likely male
  • 6
  • 8
  • 21
  • Very Low
  • 4
  • 8
  • 10
  • 12.400000
  • 17
  • 24.800000
  • 24.900000
  • None
  • War
  • UFO: Alien Invasion link
  • Rats love the sewers.
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • 1
  • ねずみ
  • Ehhhh.
  • 20
  • 50
  • 1.0
  • Diese Monster sind gut zu killen für unerfahrene und unausgerüstete Spieler die einen neuen Character anfangen. Außerdem kann man dead rat an NPC's verkaufen für cash.
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
  • Bawfuria Sewers
  • Agricultural Center
  • dbkwik:resource/5Aj2GJNHXa6UG8frHRtt8Q==
  • dbkwik:resource/jzcODhqcg2BO_Bwm_IO9Iw==
  • Random
  • Any
  • Abandoned Sewers
  • Arris Dome
  • Rookgaard and Mainland, in most sewers and caves near towns. They can be found almost everywhere in Tibia.
  • All around Azeroth
  • Rookgaard e Mainland, em quase todos os esgotos e cavernas das cidades. podem ser encontrados em todos os lugares em Tíbia.
  • Rookgaard and Mainland, in most sewers and caves near towns. They can be found almost everywhere in Tibia.
  • Rookgaard and Mainland, in most sewers and caves near towns. They can be found almost everywhere in Tibia.
  • Rookgaard en Mainland. Zijn overal te vinden in de riolen en grotten over heel Tibia.
  • 1
  • Tiny
  • tiny
  • Any Vocation: Just attack them, they shouldn't be a problem to a level 8+ .
  • No Vocation: Be careful with them, if many rats come to you, try to stand in a place where only 1 or 2 rats can attack you and try to avoid getting trapped by them.
  • Any Vocation: Just attack them, they shouldn't be a problem to a level 8+ .
  • Any Vocation: Just attack them, they shouldn't be a problem to a level 8+ .
  • Sem Vocação: Tome cuidado com eles, se os ratos avançarem sobre você, tente ficar em um lugar onde somente 1 ou 2 ratos possa te atacar.
  • Voor elke vocation geldt: Gewoon aanvallen, een level 8 zal nu eenmaal niet snel doodgaan aan een rat. Nieuwe spelers: Kijk een beetje uit, met een paar tegelijk kun je er het beste voor zorgen dat je ergens gaat staan waar er op z'n hoogst 2 je tegelijk aan kunnen vallen. Anders kunnen ze nog best pijn doen.
  • Qualquer Vocação: Ataque-os, não devem ser um problema para um level 8+ .
  • Einfach Angreifen und töten. Solange sie nicht in Massen auftreten sollten sie kein Problem sein.
  • No Vocation: Be careful with them, if many rats come to you, try to stand in a place where only 1 or 2 rats can attack you and try to avoid getting trapped by them.
  • No Vocation: Be careful with them, if many rats come to you, try to stand in a place where only 1 or 2 rats can attack you and try to avoid getting trapped by them.
wikipage disambiguates
  • None
  • 5
  • None
  • Bad
  • slight
  • None
  • Gnaw
  • Money
  • None
  • Rookgaard und Mainland, in den meißten Kanalisationen und Höhlen in und um Städte herum. Sie können fast überall in tibia gefunden werden.
  • Mammal
reputation if killed
  • No
  • Yes
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • 5
  • 12
  • 30
  • Yes
  • Night
  • 28
Stark gegen
  • Rat
  • No
  • No
  • Rats are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. Their attacks have a small chance to cause sickness, however; PCs have to watch out for this at the beginning of the game. Rats can also swim. They are often summoned en masse by wererats.
  • This file can be downloaded from This file can be downloaded from A md2 file is available for this model category =UFOAI includepage ={Preview locator}:1 skipthispage =no mode =userformat ordermethod =firstedit listseparators =,Image:,|%TITLE% ,
  • Kategorie:Pahýly a rat is like a lv 2 animle in rs around lumbrige and caves. good for newer players to train. Kategorie:Bestiář
  • Rat (debut: December 30, 2001) is a narcissistic, misanthropic rat, and is an antihero. He frequently breaks the fourth wall, as well as being aware of his implementation as a fictional comic strip character. Because of this, Rat is often critical of the comic strip's style and artwork as well as the other characters in the strip and many other living things. Often self-employed, most of his businesses involve either punishing or defrauding people for their ignorance, much in the same vein as Dogbert, though with a darker humor. His political views are alarmingly right-wing, especially in foreign policy, and he has a particular hatred for the nation of France. Rat is often rude, and he can usually be found criticizing or insulting someone. Rat lives with Pig and Guard Duck in a house somewhere in Albany, California. He also shows some knowledge in the legal profession. He has represented many characters as lawyers, and has been a judge twice, although this could just be because of a mistaken belief that the gavel is used "to pound people on the head." He also was the corparate consuel for Joe's raostery. Rat is an insensitive character in the strip, whose interactions with others are typically sarcastic, condescending, self-centered, insulting and sometimes violent. It is stated during a storyline where Rat dies and subsequently returns that nobody really likes him other than Pig. When breaking the fourth wall he will berate his creator on various topics, including joke writing, artwork, or the general content of the strip itself. Rat has also beaten up and possibly try to kill his creator, but has also asked him to simply retire early. In one strip, Rat makes a puppet of Stephan and mocks him. He is also slightly childish in his ways. He was once seen portraying a native american, fighting Davy Crockett, who was portrayed by Pig. In another strip, he and Pig expressed anger and resentment over the fact that "the sharpener on the crayon box never worked!" In his spare time (almost always on Sunday), Rat writes one of three stories: * The Adventures of Angry Bob: A novel series about a 39-year old man who is always angry, attempts to find happiness, eventually does, then dies a horrible death immediately afterward. * Danny Donkey: A children's book series about a donkey who tries to teach children morals by drinking, smoking, stealing, violence, hating people, and various other methods. At one point in the strip, he came to life after Rat made a stuffed animal of him, but Pastis eventually returned him to a character in Rat's stories after it did not catch on. Often times, Rat uses him as a method to express his hatred of people. Danny Donkey often turns people into beers or kills his neighbors, something Rat would do if he could. * Elly Elephant: A series about a female elephant who is extremely friendly, thoughtful, and helpful toward other people, but does not receive the same consideration. These stories sometimes end with Elly stomping on (and in a couple instances, strangling) them. Pastis has mentioned that the character of Rat is his "voice" and that he identifies himself with Rat more than any other character.
  • Rat was a large competitor robot that fought in the first series of Dutch Robot Wars. It lost its first round battle to Bamm Bamm in its heat, then was eliminated in the Losers Melee despite flipping The Lethal Swan over. The team mascot was a toy rat, similar to 'Verminator' which sat on top of UK middleweight competitor Hard Cheese.
  • Rats are common animals in Far Cry 3. They can be found scurrying around the islands almost anywhere and are found in some of the missions.
  • A Rat has appeared at various times in various themes in Irregular Webcomic!. Aside from its first appearance, its travels seem to be closely linked to the End of the Universe. A cyberspace avatar Rat runs through a cyberspace dungeon, followed by the cyberspace avatars of the Space characters. Cheshire Cat chases Rat through dwarven solarium Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Dr. No's nuclear reactor Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Serron & Iki Piki's jail cell Cheshire Cat chases Rat through a Vatican corridor Cheshire Cat chases Rat through Ishmael's dorm Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Iki Piki & Serron at robot ship sales presentation Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Mythbusters and their college-aged selves. Cheshire Cat chases Rat on asteroid spaceship. Ishmael claims to own Cheshire Cat Cheshire Cat chases Rat while charity collector guy raises funds to restore time flow Cheshire Cat chases Rat by Paris and ghost at helm of their ship Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Hitler's cloned brains in jars Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Shakespeare and Ophelia's office cubicles Cheshire Cat chases Rat on Infinite Featureless Plain On board the asteroid spaceship, Loren Ipsum, now known to be a Martian agent, recognizes future origin of Rat, from cybernetic eye Cheshire Cat chases Rat past Pirates in Nigerian Finance Minister's office Rat alone visible in box on robot ship during sales presentation Cheshire Cat chases Rat through dungeon as Fantasy characters fight Balrog Rat placed in time travel machine. Cybernetic eye discussed Cheshire Cat chases Rat through street in Ancient Rome On board the asteroid spaceship, Ishmael notes that the Rat vanished, and then the Cheshire Cat vanishes. Ishmael declares the Cheshire Cat must be "some sort of quantum Cheshire Cat" The Rat's cybernetic eye is transmitting images that can be seen by Iki Piki, Serron, and the ghost of Paris. The Cheshire Cat chases the Rat through both the Harry Potter (theme) and the Star Wars (theme)
  • Exp: 5 Hit Points: 10 Max Damage: 1-2 Field Notes: They are a little stronger than goats, but a well equipped can make short work of them. They drop Rat Tails, which are needed to make the Magic Trident. * Can Be found: * Witches House * Aeven Sewers * Aeven * Drops * Rat Tail
  • Rats are found in the Underground Cellar and in the Infested Field.
  • Rats are enemies in EarthBound Beginnings. They first appear in Ninten's house, but can later be found in the City Zoo, Merrysville and Sweet's Little Factory. Rats can bite Ninten and co. but can also 'say something nasty' which lowers fight. File:Mr.Saturn Walk(Front).gifThis article is a . It is, in fact, so stubby, you cannot grasp the true form of its stubbiness. You can make My English Wiki h a p p y... by expanding it, N e s s...
  • The acronym RAT may refer to * Remote access tool * Remote access trojan * Remote administration tool * Registrar administration tool
  • Rats are common rodents, able to survive almost everywhere.
  • The Ratz are a small, gray-ish, one legged rodent species with glowing green eyes. They seem to be present all over Oddworld, as they appear briefly in many cutscenes of Munch's Oddysee. They act as the Almighty Raisin's eyes and ears, investigating industrial factories and reporting information, for the Raisin himself is too large and heavy to do so. Therefore, the Raisin knows nearly everything that happens around Oddworld. They have also been known to help adventurers in need, if one is wise enough to read the signs they give. For example, it can be seen in the opening cutscene for Munch's Oddysee that many ratz run away from Munch's side when the Vykker Pod comes. It can be assumed they kept him company overnight. They were given a large forehead and glowing eyes, to imply intelligence.
  • Le rat est un animal aussi bien présent dans le monde des sorciers aussi bien que dans le monde des Moldus.
  • Le rat est né d'un croisement fortuit entre une truie naine alcoolique et une chauve-souris aux ailes arrachées. On distingue le rat des champs, sorte de paysan bouseux asocial et alcoolique qui aboie sur tous ceux qui passent, et le rat des villes, espèce popularisée par la chanson du même nom de l'incontournable Booba. Malgré toute ces différences il existe une espèce en voie d'extinction. Le rat albinos cyan de l'Australie orientale est engendré par l'accouplement du rat musqué et de la brebis à poil ras. Sa couleur, bleuté, est causée par les vapeurs d'essence de type "super" utilisée par les compagnies exploitant les sables verts situées aux 48 et 53 degrés au sud de l'Équateur. La Fouine est aussi un peu un rat mais que un peu.
  • Rats are small animals that can be found in numerous locations, mostly on cities, sewers and dungeons. Thus, they are common animals found throughout RuneScape, typically Combat level 1 or 3. Although many rats have no drops, the level 1 rats in the Stronghold of Security have a 100% chance to drop bones. Considered by most players to be the weakest monster in the game, rats possess only 2 Hitpoints, 8 total experience, 0 Defence, and a max hit and Attack accuracy of 1. Rats are quite literally half as strong as chickens. Rats are looked upon fondly by most players, being the first monster any player defeats. Vannaka of Tutorial Island sets the task of slaying a rat or giant rat to every new player. Rats respawn after half a game tick, the fastest respawn rate in the game. Rats appear in many dungeons and sewers throughout Gielinor, and due to their weakness and commonness, rats are not marked on the minimap. A similar critter, the level 1 spider, shares the same stats as the rat. When clue scrolls were first introduced, rats had an extremely low chance of dropping an easy clue scroll. This was later changed so that rats never drop clue scrolls. The rat was one of the first entities ever added to RuneScape, being the fifth behind Hans, goblins, men, and women. Its larger counterpart, the giant rat, soon followed.
  • Rat es un ratón que vive en la Aldea Pingüino , y es un compañero de clase de Arale Norimaki.
  • Rats were rodents. A particular large genus of the rat lived on board Jacko's boat, off the coast of Dubai.
  • Lt. Colonel John Sheppard believed the sound that Dr. Rodney McKay heard on Hoff were rats but they turned out to be scavengers. (SGA: "The Kindred, Part 1")
  • Rats did not spread the Black Plague. Many people think they did which is another reason of hating them. A flea bit a rat which then spread to other rats which then spread to humans.
  • Rats are quadrupedal animals of the rodent family. They appear in both S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Like the Crow, it is a non-hostile animal which does not serve any significant purpose. Sakharov also has a rat in his laboratory in Shadow of Chernobyl that runs in a hamster wheel continuously. Initially, however, the idea was to create Infected Rats which would look like monsters, and once located among the common Rats, bite them and rapidly turn them into similar monsters. This mechanic was cut from the game after it was clear that Infected Rats had much more aggro radius toward the player than the common Rats, hence this technique wouldn't have worked.
  • A rat is a vast mouse that specializes in hacking into computers and clearing their hard drives. Rats are known to live in all sewer systems around the world, and most are involved in a sinister secret society which controls all activity on planet Earth. A variant of rats, called flying rats, are also known as cats, though they are occasionally confused with bats. ~ <b>A -1th grader</b>
  • Rats are small fur coated rodents. About the size of a fist with a pointed snout and long scantly-haired tail, rats are often found in such locales as streets, sewers, and gutters. Rats also resided in Hamunaptra and were one of the naturally-occurring creatures of the City of the Dead. If starved, rats will often cannibalise one another as food, and will eat anything that they can, some particular rats devouring the High Priest Imhotep's tongue when it was cut out in 1290 B.C by the Medjai. Rats could also be cooked and eaten when food was in low supply; though having both a bad smell and taste, rats were the best foodstuff that the desert could offer.
  • A rat is a prey animal in the Survivors universe.
  • The Rat simply known as Herman is the main antagonist of Lady and The Tramp.
  • Rats are agile omnivorous rodents who live and hunt in packs. Their colonies can usually be found in dark places and underground facilities such as sewers, cellars and dungeons. They may carry various diseases, and are known to attack humans venturing into their turf. Due to their numbers, aggressiveness and sharp fangs, they can pose a lethal threat. Dire rats are much larger and tougher than normal rats, and to an untrained commoner, even a single dire rat can be a deadly opponent.
  • In 2285, at least one black rat was aboard the research station Regula I. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) In early 2365, while the USS Enterprise-D was entrapped in a void, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge stated out loud, "Like the rat said: Keep the cheese. I just want out of the trap." Later, Doctor Katherine Pulaski would likened the situation of the Enterprise-D to that of a rat in a maze. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease" ) In 2369, Odo disguised himself as a rat in order to overhear a conversation between Lursa, B'Etor and Tahna Los. (DS9: "Past Prologue") A year later, Odo sneaked aboard a Kressari freighter and disguised himself as a rat again to investigate allegations by one of Quark's contacts that the Kressari were arming the Bajoran extremist group known as "The Circle". (DS9: "The Circle") After she learned about the Srivani experiments on her crew, Captain Kathryn Janeway told Alzen that "these lab rats" are fighting back to demonstrate that she won't cooperate with the Srivani. (VOY: "Scientific Method") In a deleted scene from ENT: "Storm Front", a rat in New York City of an alternate 1944 momentarily startled Sal and Jonathan Archer. In the first draft script of ENT: "Fortunate Son", Ryan colloquially referred to the cargo handlers at Jupiter Station as "ramp rats".
  • Narrow PassagewayUnknown edit
  • During the time of Operation Snake Eater, in August 1964, rats inhabited the Soviet region of Tselinoyarsk. They were the descendents of Norwegian wild rats that were domesticated by humans as pets and lab animals. They also lived within the sewers leading away from Groznyj Grad. During the time of the Militaires Sans Frontières' infiltrations into black sites on Cuba from December 1974 to March 1975, rats had inhabited the premises of the black sites. During the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005, various ventilation shaft covers in the tank hangar were left open in order to spray for rats, allowing Solid Snake to crawl inside and infiltrate the cell block. Previously, a group of Alaskan field mice, while not technically rats, had inadvertently shown Snake the way into the hangar proper, with Snake referring to them as "old friends" after returning to the facility nine years later, much to Otacon's confusion.
  • Rat (ラット Ratto) is a member of Team Gaim.
  • Rat is a specie of monster that look like rats.
  • Rats are a species of small rodents.
  • Rats are giant rodents found in Fate.
  • Ein Rat oder Tipp ist ein helfender Hinweis zur Lösung eines Problems. 2374 gibt Vic Fontaine Dr. Julian Bashir einen Tipp, der ihm hilft sich mit Fähnrich Walker, trotz vorheriger Ablehnung, doch noch zu verabreden. (DS9: ) Später sucht Odo bei Quark bezüglich seines Verhältnisses zu Kira Rat. Da ihm dieser nicht besonders hilfreich ist, wendet sich Odo ebenfalls ratsuchend an Vic. (DS9: )
  • Rat is a common name for any large member of the family of rodents, with dull-colored, coarse fur; long tails; large ears; and a pointed snout. Rats have extremely powerful teeth, with which they often gnaw through wooden planks to get at stores of food, and they have even been known to bite holes in lead pipes. They are usually nocturnal and live in human habitations, forests, deserts, and on seagoing ships. They are extremely prolific, breeding 1 to 13 times a year and producing 1 to 22 young a litter. Most species of Rats are herbivorous, but some are omnivorous. The Rat is the only animal able to carry the vicious plague ability. It is immune to plague attacks, but keep in mind its low health, defense, and sight radius when planning optimum creature combinations.
  • Rats were rodents with hairless tails. In the illustration of The Magician's Nephew, rats are among the creatures brought up by Aslan's song. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, many rats were among followers to the White Witch where they help bind Aslan with many dark creatures on top of the Stone Table. Rats were part of the White Witch's Army in Beruna where they fight Aslan's Army. In the events of Prince Caspian, Rats join with the Old Narnians where they fight against Miraz and the Telmarine army at the Second Battle of Beruna.
  • Rats are harmless monsters found throughout the world.
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png Rats are harmless small animals in Risen 2: Dark Waters.
  • thumbLes rats d'Azeroth sont d'une petite taille et ne représentent aucune menace. Cependant, certains ont été victimes de la corruption des démons, multipliant leur taille et décuplant leur agressivité. Ils élisent souvent résidence dans des lieux abandonnés par la civilisation, ou tout autre lieu propice à leur occupation. On peut en trouver notamment à Hurlevent ou au tram des profondeurs et dans les donjons. [Précision : Les rats font partie des animaux qui permettent d'accomplir l'un des Hauts Faits généraux intitulé : Désinsectisation ]
  • Rat exists in several forms. As the Rat God he chitters to his children to tear down everything in an orgy of death and destrution. He gnaws at the webs of the Weaver, trying to free Gaia from its clutches. As Mamma Rat, she is a gentler totem, concerned with protecting the downtrodden in the cities. She is especially fond of children and cubs and will urge her followers to protect them from harm. The Ratkin get along better with the children of Rat than with most other Garou, but they still do not trust them very much. Nonetheless, Rat is the tribal totem of the Bone Gnawers.
  • Rats are long-tailed rodents, the three in the family being Sewer Rats, Giant Rats, and Rabid Rats. They are encountered at lower levels in the early part of the dungeon. Their lycanthrope relative, the wererat, can summon an entourage of these creatures as allies.
  • The rat is an animal in Rule of Rose. It is tied to a stick by the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club and is used to punish Jennifer. Later on in the game, when Jennifer is forced to give Amanda the same torture, Jennifer realizes the rat died and passes out when she sees its body is covered in maggots.
  • The Rat or Mouse is an Animal Minifigure. It has two variations; the most common being the "crawling" variation, but there is also a "standing" variation. The piece is four studs long, with the body taking up two studs, and the tail wrapping around the last two. The standing variation only takes up one stud.
  • Rats are one of the few animals that appear in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Blood Money and HITMAN™ (2016).
  • Rat is a character from the children's television show, The Wind in the Willows.
  • Rats are animals that are from the rodent family. They are basically larger version of Mice. Since they are bigger, they prey on other smaller species, they have even been known to attack humans at times, particularly infants. Once thousands of "sewer rats" came out of the sewer and attacked the Citizens of Gotham, but they are saved by the Dynamic Duo and Black Vulcan, who stopped the rats.
  • A rat is a type of pet. Unlike other pets, they are not purchasable or tradeable. When a pirate takes the 'Furnish your home' mission, he or she receives a randomly-colored rat. There are fifteen different colors for rats.
  • Rats are small critters, found in many places, including Booty Bay, The Barrens, and the Deeprun Tram. They usually only take one normal attack to kill, since they are all Level 1, and have less than 10 Hit Points. These omnivorous rodents thrive almost anywhere. Rats usually run away. They bite only as a last resort. They are stealthy and good at balancing and swimming. (MGWS 16) Rats are oddly edible. Nipsy (who cooks them) and Monty (who captures them) of the Deeprun Tram operate a business in which they make Deeprun Rat Kabobs. Dig Rats inhabit Bael Modan in the Barrens and can be made into tasty Dig Rat Stew.
  • A rat was a type of rodent. At some point prior to Day 5, rats in Hangar BB of Ontario Airport were killed by exposure to the Sentox VX nerve gas that was being stored in the building. When Curtis Manning investigated the airport, he found the dead rats and had Craig bring a forensic team to run tests on them. Trace amounts of the chemical were found in the animals' blood. ("Day 5: 11:00am-12:00pm") When Jack Bauer found Cheng Zhi on board the Letitcia, he told him that he "should have stayed hidden like a rat". ("Day 9: 10:00pm-11:00am")
  • Rats are small mammals of the order Rodentia, distinguishable from mice by their larger size. Rats are typically regarded as vermin or pests, although they can be domesticated and kept as pets, as well as tested in labs. The most common species of pet rat is the Brown/Norway Rat, or Rattus norvegicus. Rats can also serve as pets for wizards and witches, although they typically only live for two or three years, and are not as popular as owls or cats. Body parts from rats, such as the tail and spleen, are used as ingredients in potions, such as the Shrinking Solution. According to Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit, dead rats should be fed to dragons as a reward for good behaviour. Despite this, after just a couple of weeks of growth, Rubeus Hagrid was feeding the young dragon Norberta (known at the time as "Norbert") dead rats by the crate. A rat is one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. Illyius's Patronus was a rat, which was originally scorned by his villagers for its small size. However, once that Patronus defeated a horde of Dementors sent by Raczidian, the village would forever commemorate any rat-form Patronus is considered to be the most esteemed. The Weasley family kept a pet rat named "Scabbers" for twelve years, owned first by Percy Weasley and later by his younger brother Ron. The fact that Scabbers managed to live for over twelve years greatly surpassed the life expectancy of an average rat, making people think that he was special. However, it was revealed in 1994 that Scabbers was actually an unregistered Animagus named Peter Pettigrew, also known as "Wormtail," who had gone into hiding after Lord Voldemort's disappearance in 1981. After fleeing Britain following his exposure, Pettigrew made his way to Albania, where he heard from the rats living in the area of Voldemort's presence in the forest. The Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley sells sleek black rats that can use their tails as skipping ropes. These may have had a longer lifespan than ordinary rats, as the clerk suggested them to Ron as "something a bit more hard-wearing" than a common garden rat. While hiding in a cave near Hogsmeade during the 1994–1995 school year, Sirius Black lived off of rats while keeping watch over his godson, Harry Potter, during the events of the Triwizard Tournament. Sirius regularly fed the hippogriff Buckbeak dead rats while keeping him at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Whether this or Sirius's own aforementioned diet on rats during the 1994-1995 school year had anything to do with his contempt for Pettigrew, or if it was just out of convenience is unknown. There is a spell that can turn a teacup into a rat and another to turn a small child into a rat. Subtypes include the albino rat and the plague rat.
  • Les Rats étaient des animaux parasites qui, accompagnés de vases, ont infesté l'Arche du Lion, le Centre de Kaineng et Kamadan, Joyau d'Istan entre le 22 août 2007 et le 10 septembre 2008. Ils furent également absents durant Halloween 2007 et pendant les quelques jours qui suivirent la finale de l'évènement.
  • Rats decorate all the more run-down areas in the Overlord Series.
  • Se puede conseguir facilmente en las rutas del medio, pero solo en una version.frame|sprite
  • Rats are a species of wildlife commonly found in dark or wet locations, and will drop loot vital for several crafting recipes. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Rat is an enemy in Chrono Trigger that first appears in Arris Dome in 2300 AD. The rats appear in non-combat in Site 16, although they steal Potions from you. There is also a Rat in the Arris Dome, you need to catch it to know the password to the door to the supercomputer. (That's how you find out about Lavos)
  • Rat is a mouse that lives in Penguin Village, and who is a fellow classmate of Arale Norimaki.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Rat File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Rat File:Rat.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 10 Rare File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +2% to Spy when attacking or defending, +2% to Steal when attacking or defending, Permanent Holds power over the powerless This is Permanent if bought with gold, and will remain in the player's possession even after Reincarnation.
  • Rat is a hostile or non-hostile animal. They can be found hostile as one if not the first creature to kill as a part of the Reevor's Storehouse quest in Baldur's Gate Prologue in Candlekeep Storehouse. They can also be found non-hostile in Beregost Cave or Nashkel Mines.
  • Rat is a Terrorist featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.
  • All rats have long, scaly tails that resemble either wiggly worms or scary snakes, beady eyes for seeing, and dexterous paws used to manipulate objects found in their environment, such as corn kernels, dress shoes, or bubble wrap, into the best position for biting, eating, and/or soiling, the three basic behaviors of the rat. This is not to say that the rat is a stupid or unintelligent animal. Rats have used their intelligence to attain a worldwide distribution via manipulating the inferior human race and stowing aboard its various ships, planes, and automobiles to new territories it would have found difficult to colonize on its own. Due to this incredible adaptability, the humble rat can now be found thriving, among other places, on the International Space Station, inside whales in the Pacific Ocean, on the rings of Saturn and the craters of the moon, and inside vacuum sealed cans of soup and chili in grocery stores worldwide.
  • thumbRats er små dyr som man kan finde næsten overalt på hele runescape. Der findes flest udenfor og på første sal på Lumbridge castle. De har 30 hp, hvilket er noget af det laveste man kan have. Hvis man dræber 1.000.000 rats får man tilsendt en kasket med printet "Intet liv" med posten. Bare rolig, der er et latterligt guld klistermærke på også.Kategori:Monstre
  • The Rat is a guard MT seen in Armored Core: Nexus and Armored Core: Last Raven
  • Explanatory note: This creature is not the same in the game HKO as of 2011 anymore. This entry describes a Beta-creature of 2008. Rats (or mice) have been renamed to Squeets before the release of the game in 2009 and will drop different stuff now in 2011. All content that might not be be suitable or just too sad for children has been removed from HKO before release in 2009; including death of pets, creatures, NPCs and your own character. You cannot kill creatures virtually ingame in HKO anymore but can only put them to sleep for a while. So they also won't drop body-parts like tails, paws nor teeth anymore after being defeated but stuff like "fury", "growl", "treasure", "feather" or "powder" and such instead. Image:A Rat.PNG Level: 9 (or 10?) Drops: * mouse's teeth (value for the npc 8$) * mouse's tail (value for the npc 8$) * mouse's paw (value for the npc 8$) Zone(s): * East of Florapolis Valley Notes:
  • Rats are animals that live on both Mobius and the many interpretations of Planet Earth in Sonic the Comic. Many appear as non-anthropomorphic rodents, although there are a few minor characters: * Rat Bratt is a nasty rat from out of town who appears to be unhappy with Tails' defence of Mobius. He challenges Tails to a race, which he appears to somehow win, despite Tails being much faster when flying. The fox discovers that Bratt had a twin brother who kept racing ahead to the next checkpoint by helicopter but was discovered when his brother wanted some of the credit. * Vermin the Cybernik was once a rat who sympathised with Doctor Robotnik. He volunteered to become a Cybernik, proving to be just as strong as Shortfuse the Cybernik. When the electromagnetic pulse struck, Vermin was incapacitated and taken to prison, but was reactivated when the Party Pooper's magnet pointed the wrong way. Shortfuse managed to open Vermin's armour by surrendering his Kaamdaarn software and quickly destroyed the villainous suit from the inside. * Liemould is a rat who lives in Castle Morbidden, serving Queen Vulpecula. As many rats are, Liemould is dirty and cunning, while also sucking up to his mistress. * Omen, Ebony's rival, appears to be a rat. * Rats often appear in Castle Frank N. Stein. One particular rat campaigned for equal rights for rodents and another let us know that they have feelings. In the dungeon, a vampire rat exists and let his friends know that Chuck D. Head was coming down for "dinner". * All of the Sky Pirates, bar Captain Plunder and Filch, were originally rats who lived in the Mystic Cave Zone. At some point, they were replaced by a much stupider crew who managed to get locked in The Highview Corrective Centre. * Casey, as Red Stealth, had to fight rats at the start of his second adventure, before moving on to more vicious, spray-painting goons. * A rat from the Pleasant Zone alerted Citadel Robotnik to the fact that the Freedom Fighters were in the Zone during Project Brutus. * Another rat visited Spike's Place for a drink and ended up trying to capture Sonic the Hedgehog for the reward. He soon changed his mind when Sonic turned into Super Sonic.
  • Rats living in the sewers of Raccoon City were the original carriers of the t-Virus that caused the Raccoon City Destruction Incident - as opposed to the leeches, which caused the outbreak in the Arklay Mountains. The only known example of an attack on a human was on an injured U.S.S. member seen in the introductory movie to Resident Evil Outbreak. According to the BIOHAZARD 2 Official Guide Book, the rats in the sewers grew significantly from the t-Virus, but were killed-off by their enemies, the Large Roaches. Non-infected rats appear in various locations in Resident Evil 5 and can be killed by the player. They also appear in Resident Evil 6 and also can be killed by the player.
  • The general rat resembles greatly their namesake. They are very small rodents with grey fur, round pink ears, a pointy nose, two dark eyes, pink paws, and a thin pink tail.
  • Rats, as stowaways on humans' ships, were introduced to Atlantis in the 15th century, and contributed to the extinction of many of the small continent's native species in the ages to come.
  • Rat (debut: Dec. 31, 2001) is a megalomaniacal rat on Pearls Before Swine. He is frequently critical of the strip's style and artwork as well as the other characters in the strip and all living things. Often self-employed, most of his businesses involve either punishing or defrauding people for their ignorance, much in the same vein as Dogbert, though with a darker humor. Rat is the most insensitive character in the strip, except when it comes to his love for Pig's sister Farina; he also seems to feel some genuine friendship toward Pig himself, although this hardly gives Pig any immunity from Rat's insults. Rat's interactions with others are typically sarcastic, condescending, insulting and sometimes violent, particularly when dealing with what he considers to be exceptionally annoying people (i.e. virtually everyone) and their habits. Rat frequently breaks the fourth wall to berate his creator on his jokes, artwork or general content of the strip itself.
  • The Rats wear gas masks, as they once lived in toxic mines and tunnels. Over time they mutated, with some growing long claws and shrinking in size and stature, while the Rats as a whole have become cannibalistic. When they collect people to be sacrificed and eaten, midgets and other bandits are often on the menu. The masks have become a sign of their status, and they wear them now for ceremonial purposes. Very much like actual rats, this faction will grab and make off with loot. This may lead to interesting decision points as a player weighs the benefits of defeating a threat or pursuing a rat which has acquired a valuable loot item. Defeating a hoarding rat will result in a burst of scattered loot. Additionally, due to their cannibalistic nature, they can regain health by devouring corpses. They have a chance of equipping a shield upon picking it up. They are mainly found in The Fridge, however some appear in Lynchwood, Tundra Express and Bloodshot Stronghold.
  • Chercher "rat" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Rats were medium-sized, long-tailed rodents, a number of which lived in sewers and underground tunnels in the present.
  • Players who have a cat or a kitten can tell it to chase vermin, in which case it will try to attack any rat in range. If your cat catches at least 100 rats you can go to Gertrude to get a cat training medal (no special bonuses). Also, if you have a rat pole, a rat will be added to it each time a rat is caught by your cat.
  • Rat means thief in Lower City cant. It's used in ways like "let's go catch some rats" by the Dogs. It's also used as an insult.
  • thumbRatten zijn een van de huisdieren die de leerlingen van Zweinstein mee naar school mogen nemen. Erg nuttig zijn ze niet. Ron heeft een rat, Schurfie.
  • thumbRatten zijn een van de huisdieren die de leerlingen van Zweinstein mee naar school mogen nemen. Erg nuttig zijn ze niet. Ron heeft een rat, Schurfie.
  • left Rat sólo aparece en la versión de 16 bits de Sonic the Hedgehog 2 como uno de los amigos animales de Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • According to folklore, the Pied Piper rid the German town of Hamelin of its rats in exchange for twenty bags of gold in 1284. (COMIC: Challenge of the Piper, TV: The Day of the Clown) In 1605, the drains near the Houses of Parliament in London were infested with rats. The plotter Thomas Percy was disgusted by them. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot) In the 14th century, fleas on rats carried the bubonic plague throughout Europe. Terileptil prisoners who found themselves near London in 1666 exploited this to engineer a new plague variant that was injected into the rats. This plague was prevented by the Fifth Doctor. (TV: The Visitation) In 18th century France, Susan was frightened by the rats she saw in the jail cell in which she and Barbara Wright were imprisoned. (TV: The Reign of Terror) While escaping the Squall in 1910, Amy Pond and Rory Williams entered the London sewers. The sewers were infested with rats, to Amy's horror. (PROSE: Paradox Lost) Some rats in First World War were modified by the Daleks as part of the Dalek Project. A cyborg rat saw Corporal Edward Anderson running through a trench. The rat followed him and was killed. Another rat observed the Eleventh Doctor and his companions running through the trench before going to Hellcombe Factory. After the Daleks were defeated, a surviving modified rat saw the Doctor and Angela Todd drinking tea. In 2017 a rat crawled on a nearly damaged Dalek as its eyestalk glowed blue, indicating that the Dalek was still alive. (COMIC: The Dalek Project) During the Spanish Civil War, the trenches were often infested with rats. George Orwell found them the most distressing factor of trench warfare. (PROSE: History 101) In the 1970s, Arthur Linwood, a medical student with a morbid fear of rats, was killed at Stangmoor Prison when the Keller Machine turned his fear against him. His fear was so great that rat bites and scratches manifested on his face and neck. (TV: The Mind of Evil) In the cellar of a Spanish hacienda in the 1980s, Shockeye of the Quawncing Grig caught a rat, broke its neck and began to devour it raw. He was displeased with the taste, hypothesising it might be more tolerable smoke-dried. (TV: The Two Doctors) In the early 2000s, undercover Krillitane at Deffry Vale High School freeze-dried rats to eat later. Mickey Smith let out a scream when accidentally discovering this supply. (TV: School Reunion) The Fifth Doctor found some rats in Striker's Edwardian yacht. (TV: Enlightenment) In 2050, the Space-Time Manipulator released a couple of black rats in Gryffen Manor, frightening Darius Pike. While these rats were otherwise identical to normal rats, they multiplied once every ten seconds. (TV: Liberation) Paradise Towers had a rat population after it fell into ruin. (TV: Paradise Towers) Following the 22nd century Dalek invasion, the rat population in England surged, likely because basic services had been discontinued. Prices for cats went through the roof. (PROSE: Legacy of the Daleks) By the 30th century, all wild animals and plants were extinct except for humans and rats. (PROSE: Just War) Rats were a common sight in the filthy Earth colony on Lebenswelt. One rat tried to bite Anji Kapoor's nose. (PROSE: The Book of the Still) At some point in the 52nd century, rats would sneak into the Seventh Transept where they were eaten by the skulls of the headless monks. (TV: The Wedding of River Song) On an Earth-like planet, the Gyros destroyed rats which tried to eat the food the robots had harvested and stored. (COMIC: The Gyros Injustice) Rats existed on Skaro until the latter stages of the Thousand Year War. (AUDIO: Davros, Corruption) The Steggosians were wiped out by a plague they had caught from rats. (PROSE: The Eyeless)
  • A Rat is a monster that can be found roaming throughout RuneScape Classic. There are two varieties of rat; small rats are found in most major cities and dungeons; they play a small role in the Witch's Potion quest. Large rats (called Giant rats in RuneScape 2) are found in dungeons and the Lumbridge Swamps. Unlike small rats, they drop Raw rat meat upon dying.
  • Hit Dice: 1/4 d8 (1 hp) Initiative: +2 Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft. Armor Class: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-12 Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d3-4) Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 2, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2 Skills: Balance +10, Climb +12, Hide +14, Move Silently +10, Swim +10 Feats: Weapon Finesse Environment: Any Organization: Plague (10-100) Challenge Rating: Advancement: - Level Adjustment: -
  • Rats eli rotat ovat pieniä eläimiä joita voi löytää useista paikoista. Paras paikka löytää niitä on Lumbridgen Linnan ympäriltä. Rottien häntiä käytetään Witch's Potion miniquestissa ja rotat ovat myös heikoimpia otuksia Runescapessa. Rotat eivät droppa luita paitsi rotat jotka ovat Stronghold of Securityssa.
  • Exp: 10 Atacks: melee(0-10)Summon: Legend: Rats are commonly known to spread diseases, they are a little stronger than Creep and are the nightmare of many people. The rat's bite can hurt alot Behavior:They atack you, and no't retarget Location:These creatures are found mostly with creeps in caves and sewers Notes:Don't attemp to kill them at level 1-2 they can hit pretty hard Strategy:with level 3-4 just atack them Loot:gold(0-20),Cheese Return Creatures
  • The Old World has its fair share of normal sized vermin, including Rats. All these creatures attack with one bite. However, there are also two abnormally large species: Giant Rats and Rock Rats.
  • Rats cannot go up stairs or ladders, and they only walk left and right. They can be killed by Rocks, or Fireballs, along with bombs.
  • Rats are creatures found in the "Lost Land Junkyard" level of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. They do not pose a threat to the player.
  • Rat was a Zionite redpill who was seen in a party, which was actually a front for the Cypherites. He appeared to be a newcomer, due to the fact that he wasn't familiar with where to go to the bathroom.
  • Savez može objaviti rat drugom savezu tako da stavi post objave u već ranije određeno mjesto u diplomaciji na forumu. Suradništvo između saveza ili saveza i igrača je moguće ali ne treba biti posebno objavljeno. Rat znači da se igrači mogu napadati bez bojazni da će dobiti ban za bashing. Nakon 12 sati od objave rata se ukida pravilo o bashingu, time dopuštajući da se upozore svi igrači o ratu. Ako jedan igrač napusti savez, rat se više ne odnosi na njega i stupaju na snagu normalna pravila o bashingu.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Silent, quick, and crafty, Rat is a master of guerrilla warfare and survival, and knows well the truth of the old adage, "safety in numbers." Rat has taught many Garou these truths, who also find he is a fierce fighter when cornered. Packs that are chosen by Rat gain his wisdom and his fierce determination, and are taught best how to bite. Rat Children also find it easier to slink through the night undetected. Bone Gnawers will aid any Children of Rat at any time, but will generally not risk their own lives for them. Children of Rat are uncomfortable around and often get into conflict with Children of Owl. While they are considered Wise by many Garou, they are not particularly Glorious.
  • Rats (グーズ Gūzu?) are recurring enemies in the Legend of Zelda series. They are small, agile enemies that strike quickly; however, they can be vanquished with one sword strike.
  • Ratten zijn kleine beesten die eigenlijk overal te vinden zijn. Level 1 ratten zijn dan ook niet te zien op de minimap.
  • Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) originated in Central Asia and arrived in Great Britain in 1730, reaching the United States of America in 1775. Before he shot Klaang in April 2151, rats were one of the only things that Richard Moore had ever shot in his life. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) Rats were considered extinct - though by uncertain means - by 2267; however, this was proved to be incorrect when Hikaru Sulu brought one on board the USS Enterprise, which he had acquired on Vishnu and named Mickey. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius) Q once turned Jean-Luc Picard into a rat, in order to unobtrusively watch the events of an alternate timeline. (TNG comic: "The Gift") Odo would often disguise himself as a rat when needing to eavesdrop on others. Odo once disguised himself as a rat in order to listen to a conversation between the Kohn-Ma terrorist Tahna Los and the Duras sisters Lursa and B'Etor. He later disguised himself as a rat while hiding on a Kressari freighter, and while in that form witnessed a Cardassian gul transferring weapons meant for the Bajoran Alliance for Global Unity movement. (DS9 episodes: "Past Prologue", "The Circle") In addition to eavesdropping, Odo would adopt the form of a rat when needing to move rapidly through areas where his regular humanoid form would not fit. Odo used the form of a rat to catch Nog in a crawlspace after Nog played a prank on the station security forces. (DS9 novel: The Siege) Odo also turned into a rat when he had to dive into some spreading mold that was overtaking Quark. (DS9 comic: "Stowaway")
  • Rats and mice are known to destroy crops. It is the snakes that keep them in check. A Giant Rat once guarded the Land of the Leprechauns until Graham gave it some cheese. A rat lived in the dungeons of Castle Dracula. When Graham saved the life of The Rat in King's Quest V, she helped him escape imprisonment in the Swarthy Hog Inn in return. Another rat lived in the dungeon of Mordack's castle. Rats can also be found inside of the Catacombs of the Ancient Ones. Rats are found all over Dimension of Death, usually found inside crates. Rats made their home inside the Sorrowing Court.Very big rats infested the Sorrowing Hall.
  • Les Rats (グーズ Gūzu) sont des ennemis récurrents de la série. Ils apparaissent dans quelques jeux, 3D comme 2D, et vivent la plupart du temps dans des caves, des endroits sombres, fermés et étroits ou des donjons.
  • Rats are the very first monster you kill. You first encounter these small rodents at the Tutorial of how to fight monsters. These monsters do not pose much of a threat to seasoned players. These are killed by new players wanting to level up or for that extra EXP. I should be noted that this monster drops a ready to eat food, making it a very good soruce of food for new players.
  • A rat was a long-tailed rodent, a species of animal.
  • Rats in the Overland are in contact with gnawers from the Underland. They can communicate, as shown when Ripred had a mass amount of them spy on Gregor's family.
  • Rat ist ein guter Freund von Helmut. Sein Job im Clan ist es Spion zu sein. Er war auch auf Angel Island und suchte bestimmte Beweise. In den Comics spielt er keine große Rolle. Auf Angel Island begegnete er auch Knuckles. Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:Feinde
  • Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 14 Hit points: 1 Attack bonus: +4 Damage: d3-4 slashing damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/8 Size: tiny Trained skills:(‡) hide (20), move silently (12) Feats: weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature)
  • Rats are enemies encountered throughout the Crash Bandicoot series. Rats made their debut in the first Crash Bandicoot game.
  • Rats are just medium-sized, long-tailed rodents living in inhabited areas such as capitals Novigrad and Vizima. Before the domesticating of cats their existence had been a great problem to human societies, most often being solved by hiring a rat-catcher playing on musical instrument. Large, savage rats living in the wilderness are called skrekks. Mutated forms of the species are pseudorats, and the cursed people who are able to take the form of half-human, half-rat are wererats. Also when Catriona Plague breaked out, the first to go were the cats and dogs, then the rats and finally the people. but this fact is known for small number of humans so there is no deratisation or something like that.
  • The Rat was a secret Strategic Scientific Reserve facility active during World War II and later a S.H.I.E.L.D. Prison.
  • Rat is an enemy from Clarence's Big Chance and is a rodent that quickly moves forward. The Rat is found in Clarence's Big Chance and the Suburbs. The Rat is usually found in dark places or places where Clarence must crouch under to get through. The Rat can be defeated by jumping on it. Its office counterpart is the Mousy and the Rat can also be found underwater as the Scuba Rat.
  • Unlike many species that have struggled with the intervention of humans, rats have been able to thrive in it, and spread diseases that have killed millions of people over the years. The most famous disease that is known to have been spread by rats is the Black Death.
  • Rat is the hunchbacked henchman of Dr. Zalost. His only appearance is in The Tower of Dr. Zalost.
  • A rat is one of the natures troops, it can be acquired only by following the quests and supplying the quest master with 200 crop; in which he then reinforces you with one. Unfortunately, the rat is not controllable but is permanently reinforced. The rat is the only nature troop type sent to us. You only get one rat, so if killed/starved, there is no opportunity for another one. Many of the top players find great joy in killing other players rats so to avoid letting them, the two options are starving the rat, or forfeiting doing quests. The rat's attributes are as follows: Rat:
  • Rats are the the weakest creatures from syrnia. While starting a training on combat rats can be attacked on Valera Training Grounds. After reaching Combat Level(CL) 10 rats cannot be attacked anymore at Valera
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