  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • OverLord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Manga y anime
  • The Overlord was a Harrower-class dreadnought used by the Sith Empire during the Cold War.
  • Overlord é uma lâmina dupla com uma elegante, forma de hélice. Os pinos se cruzam acima o punho, deixando uma lacuna de forma oval, e as pontas não se conectar ao final da lâmina, deixando outra brecha. Tem um brilho azul. Como Sanction, que libera faíscas azuis e linhas quando atingir alvos. Um Overlord é alguém com autoridade global em um determinado domínio.
  • The Overlord is a role taken by one of the players, and acts as the main antagonist for the hero players. Each turn, the Overlord uses his or her own special abilities and activates any minions under his or her control, such as Zombies or Ettins, or ally lieutenants. Each quest included in the Second Edition Base Game provides victory conditions for both the player heroes and the player Overlord. The Overlord must often complete an objective, such as moving certain monsters to specific areas, or discover a certain item before the heroes. The Overlord utilizes special abilities presented in the deck of Overlord Cards.
  • Overlord era un potente gigante dalla pelle rossa e nera, armato di un'enorme mazza spinata. Un tempo guardiano degli inferi a due teste, le perse entrambe quando quando una di esse si voltò davanti al suo padrone, e fu sepolto sottoterra lontano dalla luce. Riuscire a sconfiggerlo era una prova di coraggio ed eroismo. Fu registrato come ricercato da un seeq aspirante casanova desideroso di dimostrare il suo valore, e fu sconfitto da Vaan e da quest'ultimo nel palazzo sotterraneo di Sochen. La sconfitta di Overlord ispirò il seeq ad allenarsi per diventare più forte.
  • Overlords are a small, highly specialized caste within Marro society. They appear to be more powerful than regular Marro warlords, but less powerful than the Hivelords. They probably act as an intermediary between the Hivelords and the warlords, and thus aren't crucial to the Marro race in general. This would explain their rarity.
  • Overlord — карта из сетевой игры Call of Duty: Ghosts. Центр управления военными спутниками. en:Overlord (map) Категория:Карты Ghosts
  • The Overlord is a Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2012 under the Air Warriors series. It is powered by 4 "AA" batteries. In Finland, the blaster is a part of the Ruff Stuff Air Blasters series. It comes packaged with thirty Micro Darts, a thirty dart belt and a tripod.
  • (level 105)
  • A legend by nature of his existance, he emerges as a new and deadly Decepticon anti-hero. This mighty machine has the Autobots guessing. No location is too remote and no terrain too tough for this megalithic power-monger. With amazing capabilities he traverses the dimensions, his multiple functions activated by Energon mini figures in engine mode. A Tank to steamroll a path ahead and a Jet for C-SAC duty (carrier, spy and air-combatant). The colossal body houses an arms manufacturing plant, producing a multitude of sophisticated super-weapons. The ultimate conversion is to Battle Station Complex. A strategic support base ready for the arrival of the Decepticon fleet... ready for all out war!
  • Overlord ist der Codename einer Amerikanischen Kommandobasis, von der aus die Truppen während der Schlacht mit Informationen über Aufenthaltsorte und Truppenstärke von feindlichen Einheiten versorgt werden. Ausserdem werden von dort aus Befehle an die Truppen erteilt. Mann kann aus den Infos schließen, das Overlord Captain Mc Millan ist, da Price in Modern Warfare 3 erwähnt, dass er ihm noch etwas wegen Prypjat 1996 schuldig sei, wo Price bekanntlich Mc Millan rettete, als dieser von dem abstürzenden Heli verletzt wurde.
  • Overlord (рус.Повелитель) — компьютерная игра в action с элементами RTS и RPG, разработанная компанией Triumph Studios и изданная компанией Codemasters.
  • Overlord (オーバーロード, Ōbārōdo) or Over Lord is a Japanese novel series written by MARUYAMA Kugane and illustrated by so-bin. In 2014, the novel was adapted into a manga series by MIYAMA Fugin. And in 2015 it was adapted into an anime series by Madhouse.
  • When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: an experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free--and unleashing geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off [sic] planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements.
  • The Overlord is a monster/robot hybrid. He usually has a robe on, but has been shown with it off. When it is off, he looks like a round robot, with 4 tentacles. Each tentacle can open its hands, and bring out drills. Also, he can dig his tentacles into the ground and absorb energy to make him grow in size. The robot body can also turn into a cannon. First, the torso rotates so that it is laying perfectly horizontal. Then, the torso splits in two, and out of the top comes the cannon. It can fire lasers, but is also capable of shooting the Overlord incase of a need for a quick getaway. He only appeared in UnderFist!!! The Rebellion!, the first UnderFist mini-story.
  • An Overlord is the leader for their respective faction, voted by the people of each faction. Cheating in the election is strongly unadvised as this usually will lead to the cheater's death (aka; possible banning). Both Overlords at present, from August 3rd onwards, are Scottish. How FACKING OSOME is that?
  • Childhood's End was adapted for a three-part a series by the SyFy channel in 2015.
  • File:Quake1.gif The Overlord is the leader of the Wrath and possibly the replacement for Armagon as head of Quake's forces. The Overlord resides in his tomb which is last level of the first episode of Dissolution of Eternity. The Overlord is the first boss enemy of the game and final challenge for episode 1. The Overlord returns in episode 2 although it is unclear if this is the same one defeated in episode 1 or a completely different being. This robed skeletal figure ominously floats with the environment. His attack is a ball of energy which tracks the player and detonates on impact.
  • The Overlord is the might hero class of the Dungeon faction from Heroes of Might and Magic III. When levelling up, overlords are most likely to gain attack (40%) or defense (35%), and less likely to learn spellpower (15%) or knowledge (10%) for the first ten levels. After level ten, it's 30% each for attack and defense, and 20% each for spellpower and knowledge.
  • The Overlord is a Shaman who is a candidate for tribal leader. He creates his own clans and can carry out various magic to support his clan members. The Overlord leads the Orc race through the use of Seal of Winter, which reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies and Sight of Paagrio, which increases the accuracy of other members of his clan.
  • The Overlord is the master of the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. He is a god-like being that resides the Heavenly Keep and holds the power of the Holy Grail (Grail of Kings in the remake), a concoction that is said to be able to give eternal life to humans. He is responsible for the creation of most of the monstrosities that resides the labyrinth, which are result of his failed experiments on immortality.
  • La Overlord es una aeronave de combate y transporte utilizada por los Marines Espaciales Primaris.
  • "OVERLORD" (オーヴァーロード Ōbārōdo) is an ending theme of Kamen Rider Agito. * Artist: Overlord Choir * Episodes: 42
  • Overlord, Soberano, Supremo Soberano, Gran Señor, o Señor Supremo era títulos usados en varias organizaciones. * Soberano, un rango de gobernador en el Imperio Galáctico. * Señor Superior, el título del líder mandaloriano de la Guardia de la Muerte. * Supremo Soberano, el título del líder yuuzhan vong. * También es el título de uno de los episodios de Star Wars: The Clone Wars serie de televisión. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Overlords are a strain of flying Zerg units used to extend the Overmind's influence over great distances. They also played the role of transport for ground units before and during the war with the Terrans and the Protoss. For more information see Overlord on the parent site
  • Overlord 「オーバーロード Overlord?」 es una novela escrita por Kugane Maruyama y publicada desde el 30 de julio de 2012. Una adaptación al manga es publicada por Comp Ace desde el 26 de noviembre de 2014. Una adaptación al anime inició el 7 de julio de 2015.
  • The story begins with Yggdrasil, a popular online game which is quietly shut down one day; however, the protagonist Momonga decides to not log out. Momonga then becomes trapped in an alternate world as his in game character, a powerful skeletal wizard, along with his entire guild base and customized non-player characters (NPCs). This new world continues to change, with non-player characters (NPCs) beginning to feel emotions and Ainz adjusting to the limitations of his class. Having no living parents, friends, or place in society, this ordinary businessman Momonga then strives to become known in the new world he has entered in order to respect what he and his former guildmates built together.
  • Overlord(オーバーロード) là web novel Nhật Bản được viết bởi Maruyama Kugane, hiện đã viết lại dưới dạng Lightnovel, có So-bin minh họa. Tới nay đã có 9 volumne được xuất bản bởi Enterbrain và vẫn còn tiếp tục. Bản dịch dựa theo bản của nhóm Skythewood
  • Overlord on runescapen paras potion siinä on kaikki yhdessä extreme attack,extreme defence,extreme range,extreme magic ja extreme strenght samassa.Potionin tekoon tarvitaan nämä mainitut potionit,torstol ja vial of water herblore taso pitää olla 96. Kun juot tämän se vie sinulta 50 hp:ta ja kuuden minuutin päästä ku vaikutus lakkaa saat takaisin 50 hp:ta.
  • Overlord is the code name of an American command base that during combat gives information on the enemy's strength and location, as well as new orders or objectives to the soldiers currently in action.
  • The Overlord features a circular base with four equally-spaced, trapezoid Spawners. Its Drones look like medium-sized triangles and use their respective team color in TDM, Domination and Tag Mode. They will be blue to you and red to everyone else in FFA and Maze. Your drones will disappear when they hit the maze wall. Necromancers, Managers and other Drone users have the same effect when their Drones hit the maze wall.
  • Az Overlord a Reworn flotta hatalmas pusztítója, amellyel még nem találkozott úgy Szövetséges hajó, hogy hírt vihetett volna róla.
  • right|250px|Die VI Overlord, David Archer Overlord ist ein DLC für Mass Effect 2 und wurde am 15.Juni 2010 veröffentlicht. Er fügt dem Spiel 4 neue Aufträge, ein neues Sonnensystem und zwei neue Erfolge hinzu. Der M-44 Hammer wird ebenfalls verfügbar, sofern das Feuergänger-Pack noch nicht installiert ist, weil er für die Reisen über den Planeten Aite benötigt wird.
  • There were formerly requirements on the forums also but this was changed when the forums changed locations. The requirements were: * Profound reputation on the Forums (150 reputation) * 1500 Post count
  • Advantages: +4 power-ups (Level Increases) used to boost the ranks of your powers (A +100 point gain). Disadvantages: -1 Level to Mind Stat. -1 Level to Body Stat. -1 Level to Strength Stat. -1 Level to Agility Stat. Cannot purchase disadvantages on powers. Cannot use any Fighting Category Powers until the character wins six fights. Cannot use any Skill Category Powers until the character wins six fights.
  • Every level an Overlord gains ?? Endurance (?? hp) and ?? Intellect.
  • Overlord – kryptonim amerykańskiego dowódcy, który wydaje rozkazy USMC, Delta Force i US Army Rangers.
  • Overlord är en titel som utses till person sig själv. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: First Steps: The Stargate Unexplored Worlds Roleplaying Sourcebook") kategori:Titlar
  • Il loquace e socievole protagonista. È un incazzoso energumeno di dubbia natura barricato in un ammasso di ferraglia, che come tanti esaltati che ricoprono una certa carica aspirano al dominio del genere umano e alla conquista del mondo. Ogni riferimento o similitudine al personaggio di Sauron è puramente casuale. Gnarl Quaver L'anti-stress dell'Overlord. È un patetico servente giullare con la sindrome di Tourette, che fa tutto fuorché essere divertente. Il suo unico scopo è quello di farsi malmenare/impalare/crocifiggere/sodomizzare dal suo malefico Sire. Rose Velvet Melvin Più Pance Oberon
  • The OverLord (オーヴァーロード Ōvārōdo) is the highest power among the Unknown, and is referred to as the creator of the human race. Long ago, there existed twin entities; one being the embodiment of light while the other was embodiment of darkness.
  • Overlord is a common title for high ranking NPCs. Not to be confused with the Horde title of High Overlord, but can be the title of Horde leaders below the rank of High Overlord. Silithid hive leaders often have Overlord in their titles.
  • The elongated appendages that hung from the underbellies of the Gargantis were evolved into an array of microscopic filaments that gather sensory and spatial information through intermittent pulses, which are then fed into the overlord's central nervous system. All data gathered is processed as fast as it is received, allowing overlords to navigate through any environment and relay tactical data to the Swarm. Overlords are fairly docile. Additional duties include tending to young larvae and monitoring the progress of drones through a type of instinctive telepathy.
  • Like any good dark lord the Overlord is not one to risk his own life and thus has a near-endless supply of grotesquely violent minions by which to enforce his will - when these minions fail he has his own arsenal of destructive spells to unleash on the world, once he has found the proper items by which to unlock them that is.
  • "Victory goes to the leader with the most indispensable warriors!" Overlord is a former Crimson Guardsman looking for an opportunity to usurp the Cobra hierarchy. Charismatic and powerful, he draws many followers to his side using the platform of a return to traditional Cobra values - gradual but steady world conquest and acquisition of personal wealth - rather than hopelessly following the far-fetched schemes of old leadership. While he has attempted various allegiances over the years with others, he now has foresworn any further alliances and has devoted himself to raising his own secret army, the COIL. While his plans have taken years to grow to fruition, he continues to slowly writhe his way into the inner circle of Cobra, and vows to someday wrest control of the serpent bedecked thron
  • Chaotic-Disciple
  • 12
  • 30
  • Xemnas
  • 1992
  • 1994
  • #102010
  • #201010
  • #202020
  • Bonta
  • 800.0
  • +4
  • +3
  • * Wrath ball * Axe and Mace * Death Explosion
  • 62
  • No
  • Mortii
nombre solicitado
  • es.overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord.jpg
  • None
  • Volt
  • Volt, Poison
  • Volt, Poison, Arm & Leg Bind
  • Fully automatic
  • 5
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • A strange brooch obtained while fighting Dagganoths.
  • 300
  • 90
  • No
  • 40
  • No
ammo type
  • 2015-04-17
  • 25
  • 98
  • Victor Nixon
  • Ground Tactics
  • 311
  • Yes
  • +0
  • 30
  • Overlord
fanon doctor
  • 65
  • +40
  • +50
  • Tank / Jet / Battlestation
  • No
  • Drop
  • Command
  • No
  • 48600
production group
  • 420
  • Ghoul Feast
  • Russia
  • Primorsky Krai, USSR
  • Accolades
  • Dissolution of Eternity
  • Braskin Plains
  • 75
  • Seinen,
  • 90
  • Decepticon
  • 2000
  • OverLord of Light
  • +4
  • Playstation 3
  • PC, Xbox 360,
  • None
  • Enchanted Armour *First Strike
  • Chase Laser, Selfdestruct
  • Sunlight, Voltself, Ice Rain
  • Mountain Stream, Seek, Dance, Birth of Anguish, Solitude, Dazzling Sunlight, Hail and Rain, Crashing Thunder
  • No
  • 30
  • 0
  • Alive
  • Available
  • Żyje
  • 4
First Appearance
  • S0103
  • Rushu
  • 80
  • Capital ship
  • *
  • Resident Evil: Revelations 2
  • Gebieter
  • Gebieterin
  • 4
  • p
  • JETT
  • 72
  • Flame Fist
  • Overlord
  • Execution
  • Firebrand
  • Maelstrom
  • Corruption
  • Ruin
  • Impale
  • Rising Storm
  • Critical Strike
  • Ice Fist
  • Thunderslash
  • Permafrost
  • Shatter
  • Uppercut
  • Subdue
  • Thunderstrike
  • Swordbreaker
  • Assassinate
  • Wound
  • Blight of Air
  • Blight of Fire
  • Blight of Nature
  • Blight of Water
  • Burning Might
  • Canticle of Drought
  • Counterblow
  • Dual Strike
  • Entrap
  • Fade Strike
  • Firewater
  • Flame Gash
  • Flame Scorn
  • Frozen Agony
  • Hymn of Embers
  • Icebrand
  • Killer Satellite
  • Litany of the Void
  • Offering to the Cloudrider
  • Offering to the Forgefather
  • Offering to the Sundancer
  • Offering to the Tidekeeper
  • OverLord of Darkness
  • Overlord
  • Overlord
  • Overlord Core
  • Overlord+
  • Perfect Strike
  • Shieldcrusher
  • Shift Air
  • Shift Fire
  • Shift Nature
  • Shift Water
  • Soul Tap
  • Static Fist
  • Static Slam
  • Talisman of Withering
  • Toxify
  • Twisting Fate
  • Warpwood
  • Water Scorn
  • Wild Fist
  • Wild Scorn
  • Wind Scorn
  • Nature Abilities
  • Water Abilities
  • Fire Abilities
  • Air Abilities
  • Neutral Abilities
  • Action, Adventure
  • Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural
  • Leader
  • TP/OOC
  • Dreadnought
  • オーバーロード
  • オーバーロード+
  • Unknown
  • Akta Overlorda
  • Overlord U.S. D.O.D. insignia as it appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
  • Male
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Air damage and removes all Air charges from the target.
  • A physical attack that Diseases the target, reducing their maximum health.
  • A defensive stance ability. While this stance is active there is a chance that any enemies who attack the user will lose all of their Fire charges.
  • User makes an offering to the Cloudrider, sacrificing a percentage of their health in exchange for Air charges.
  • A ranged physical attack that stuns the target and roots them in place. The root effect is broken if the target takes damage.
  • A deadly physical attack that deals devastating Air damage and Diseases the target, lowering the effectiveness of their physical abilities.
  • A swift Deathblow attack that can only be performed upon enemies with very low health. Once begun, no enemy can escape from a Deathblow.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and exchanges Water charge levels between the user and target. Can be used on enemy targets only.
  • A defensive stance ability. While this stance is active there is a chance that any enemies who attack the user will lose all of their Nature charges.
  • A Curse ability that reduces the effect that healing abilities have on all nearby combatants, regardless of whether they are enemies or allies.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Air damage and Diseases the target, lowering their resistance to Air attacks. This effect can stack multiple times.
  • A rear Deathblow attack that can only be performed upon enemies with very low health and that have their backs to you. Once begun, no enemy can escape from a Deathblow.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and Curses the target. This Curse lowers the effectiveness of healing abilities used on the target.
  • A spiritual attack that deals moderate Water damage and roots all enemies near the user. Targets are less likely to succumb to disruption effects the more often they are used.
  • A physical attack that Diseases the target, rendering them unable to perform any physical abilities. Targets are less likely to succumb to disruption effects the more often they are used.
  • A physical attack that deals heavy Fire damage to the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Fire damage to the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Fire damage and removes all Fire charges from the target.
  • User makes an offering to the Sundancer, sacrificing a percentage of their health in exchange for Nature charges.
  • A spiritual attack that deals Air damage to all enemies near the user and Diseases them. This Disease lowers armor ratings.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and lowers the target's movement speed. Targets are less likely to succumb to disruption effects the more often they are used.
  • A physical attack that reduces the amount of damage the target can deal.
  • A physical attack that steals a moderate amount of the target's health and gives it to the user.
  • User makes an offering to the Tidekeeper, sacrificing a percentage of their health in exchange for Water charges.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Fire damage and magnetizes all charges on the target to Fire. This magnetize effect takes all the target's charges and places them on the Fire element.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Nature damage and removes all Nature charges from the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and creates Air charges on the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and creates Fire charges on the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and Curses the target, reducing the effectiveness of their healing abilities.
  • A deadly physical attack that deals heavy Air damage and removes all elemental charges from nearby enemies. Any enemy hit by this effect cannot generate charges of any element for a small amount of time.
  • A physical attack that lowers the target's offensive and defensive ratings.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and creates Nature charges on the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and exchanges Nature charge levels between the user and target. Can be used on enemy targets only.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Fire damage and always hits the target.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and removes all Water charges from the target.
  • An upgraded Overlord.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and exchanges Air charge levels between the user and target. Can be used on enemy targets only.
  • A physical attack that Curses the target, rendering them immune to healing for a short amount of time.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and exchanges Fire charge levels between the user and target. Can be used on enemy targets only.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Air damage and magnetizes all charges on the target to Air. This magnetize effect takes all the target's charges and places them on the Air element.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and magnetizes all charges on the target to Water. This magnetize effect takes all the target's charges and places them on the Water element.
  • A deadly physical three-swing combo attack. With each successful swing, the target's armor ratings are lowered. If one swing misses then all subsequent swings also miss.
  • A weapon that performs very well in midair. Excellent for taking on fliers.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Nature damage and magnetizes all charges on the target to Nature. This magnetize effect takes all the target's charges and places them on the Nature element.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate damage and creates Water charges on the target.
  • A physical two-swing combo attack that deals heavy Fire damage with each hit. If the first swing misses then the second will also miss.
  • A physical attack that greatly lowers the target's armor ratings.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Water damage and Curses the target, reducing their maximum health.
  • A physical ability that reverses all Nature and Air charges on the target. Any Nature charges the target has will become Air charges, and vice versa. This ability can be used on both enemies and allies.
  • A physical attack that deals heavy Air damage and stuns the target. Targets are less likely to succumb to disruption effects the more often they are used.
  • A physical ability that reverses all Water and Fire charges on the target. Any Water charges the target has will become Fire charges, and vice versa. This ability can be used on both enemies and allies.
  • User makes an offering to the Forgefather, sacrificing a percentage of their health in exchange for Fire charges.
  • A physical attack that deals moderate Fire damage to the target and creates a large number of Fire charges on them.
  • A physical attack that deals low Air damage and Diseases the target, increasing the amount of damage they take from Air attacks.
  • A defensive stance ability. While this stance is active there is a chance that any enemies who attack the user will lose all of their Air charges.
  • A defensive stance ability. While this stance is active there is a chance that any enemies who attack the user will lose all of their Water charges.
  • Performs very well in midair. Excellent for taking on fliers.
  • +50
  • +60
  • 3
  • Dirk + Shield OR 2H Staff
  • Battle Summoner
  • 7700
  • 0
  • 150000
  • 200000
  • 12
  • Yes
  • No
  • 4
  • 0
  • 300
  • 58
  • 59
  • 70
  • 75
  • 80
  • None
  • Imperial Wrath
  • Lord Wrath
  • Unknown
  • Wiki Overlord es un wiki dedicado a recopilar información de los personajes, episodios, capítulos, etc. del anime y manga de esta serie.
  • 16
  • 34.99
  • Solomon's General Store - Grand Opening!
  • Overlord
  • 800
  • Anime, Manga, Novel
  • Anime, Manga, Novela
  • 750
  • +0
  • 2
  • 150000
  • WindScorn.jpg
  • Ruin.jpg
  • HymnofEmbers.jpg
  • OfferingtotheCloudrider.jpg
  • Entrap.jpg
  • Shatter.jpg
  • ShiftWater.jpg
  • Corruption.jpg
  • TalismanofWithering.jpg
  • Thunderslash.jpg
  • Toxify.jpg
  • Impale.jpg
  • Permafrost.jpg
  • Subdue.jpg
  • Maelstrom.jpg
  • FlameScorn.jpg
  • OfferingtotheSundancer.jpg
  • Counterblow.jpg
  • RisingStorm.jpg
  • Icebrand.jpg
  • Swordbreaker.jpg
  • SoulTap.jpg
  • OfferingtotheTidekeeper.jpg
  • BlightofFire.jpg
  • Assassinate.jpg
  • BlightofAir.jpg
  • BlightofNature.jpg
  • BlightofWater.jpg
  • BurningMight.jpg
  • CanticleofDrought.jpg
  • CriticalStrike.jpg
  • DualStrike.jpg
  • Execution.jpg
  • FadeStrike.jpg
  • Firebrand.jpg
  • Firewater.jpg
  • FlameFist.jpg
  • FlameGash.jpg
  • FrozenAgony.jpg
  • IceFist.jpg
  • LitanyoftheVoid.jpg
  • OfferingtotheForgefather.jpg
  • PerfectStrike.jpg
  • Shieldcrusher.jpg
  • ShiftAir.jpg
  • ShiftFire.jpg
  • ShiftNature.jpg
  • StaticFist.jpg
  • StaticSlam.jpg
  • Thunderstrike.jpg
  • TwistingFate.jpg
  • Uppercut.jpg
  • Warpwood.jpg
  • WaterScorn.jpg
  • WildFist.jpg
  • WildScorn.jpg
  • Wound.jpg
  • Singleplayer, Multiplayer
  • 7
  • General Commander
  • Ogólny dowódca
  • Fighter
  • Summoner
  • Omnilord
  • 850
  • Sith Empire
  • N/A
  • The true form of the Ruler of Heaven. Behold his overwhelming power and despair.
  • Master of the floating castle and Ruler of Heaven, he has left his mortal body behind.
  • Antonio Seghetti was the first Overlord. A being who possessed a powersuit that made him near invincible. He opposed Savage Dragon in Chicago and was the ring leader of Vicious Circle. Overlord was created by Erik Larsen in his original incarnation. He first appeared in . The modern version took over his suit and first appeared in .
  • Known as the Heavenly Majesty and the Overlord both, he has cast off his human form.
  • The Overlord's true form, appearing with overwhelming power before the explorers
  • Conspiracy; Bureaucrat
  • None
  • Stun
  • Stun, Fear, Panic, Paralyze, Head Bind, Leg Bind
  • Centcom Comm
  • Overlord
  • 45
  • 50
  • 70
  • 75
  • Seigneur
  • Seigneuresse
  • OverlordOfDarkWorld
  • 2015-02-22
  • 150
  • 250
  • 78
  • Loyalty Points: 15,000
Last Appearance
  • S02E03
  • 21
  • Overlord.jpg
  • Soberano
  • Soberana
  • N/A
  • Abandonada
  • 250
  • 15
  • 1000
  • 1700
  • 2250
  • 2800
  • 5000
  • 6000
  • 8000
  • 27000
  • 35000
  • No
  • 2012-07-17
  • Playstation 3
  • --06-22
  • --06-24
  • --06-26
  • --06-29
  • PC, Xbox 360
  • -10
  • -6
  • -4
  • -3
  • -2
  • -1
  • Neutral
  • +1 Charges
  • +2 Charges
  • +4 Charges
  • +5 Charges
  • Single
Wiki name
  • Overlord Wiki
  • Wikia Overlord
  • Male
  • Asura
  • Prefix
  • Mikhail Derenko
  • x
  • Kamen Rider Agito
  • None
  • PC PEGI box art.
  • Antonio Seghetti
  • ESRB: T
  • PEGI: 16+
  • Overlord
  • overlord
  • overlordmaruyama
  • yes
  • Tubolaser batteries
  • 2012
  • #c86400
  • American
wikipage disambiguates
  • Antonio Seghetti
  • Victor Nixon
  • Призраки против Федерации
  • 15
  • Yes
  • 16
  • Rei Haneo
  • Sleep
  • All Ailments & Binds
  • Death, Petrify, Curse, Sleep
  • 40
  • 27
  • +1
  • +1
  • +1
  • +1
  • +2
  • Overlord
atk type
  • Melee
resist water
  • 10.0
resist mind
  • 0.0
resist air
  • 15.0
atk src
  • Weapon
resist fire
  • 45.0
  • 3
resist death
  • 0.0
resist earth
  • 0.0
atk pow
  • 260
  • This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:
  • Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Manga y anime
  • The Overlord was a Harrower-class dreadnought used by the Sith Empire during the Cold War.
  • Overlord é uma lâmina dupla com uma elegante, forma de hélice. Os pinos se cruzam acima o punho, deixando uma lacuna de forma oval, e as pontas não se conectar ao final da lâmina, deixando outra brecha. Tem um brilho azul. Como Sanction, que libera faíscas azuis e linhas quando atingir alvos. Um Overlord é alguém com autoridade global em um determinado domínio.
  • The OverLord (オーヴァーロード Ōvārōdo) is the highest power among the Unknown, and is referred to as the creator of the human race. Long ago, there existed twin entities; one being the embodiment of light while the other was embodiment of darkness. These twin 'brothers' co-existed in harmony for a time, eventually creating our world. However, neither could agree on who would reign over their creation and a battle for control took place. In the end, the OverLord of Darkness (闇のオーヴァーロード Yami no Ōbārōdo) triumphed over his brother, the OverLord of Light (光のオーヴァーロード Hikari no Ōbārōdo). But with his dying breath, the OverLord of Light bestowed his essence upon humanity, the power of Agito, with the hopes that, one day, they would evolve beyond his control. But the OverLord of Darkness refused to let this occur, taking it upon himself to personally eliminate the vessels of Agito, creating the Lords to kill all humans who possess the potential to "evolve" into Agito. Though he died around the Pleistocene era, the OverLord of Darkness left a puzzle that held a model of his very own DNA. Once the puzzle was solved, the OverLord's DNA was reconstructed from scratch. This allowed him to reform his physical body, starting off as an infant as he broke out of the containment box and escaped from the O-Parts lab. However, his birth was witnessed by Sakiko Mikumo, following her after he matured to an eight-year-old boy until she was killed by Anguis Femineus, whom the OverLord punished. Encountering Ryo as he was near death, the OverLord used his power to prolong his life, assuming his adult form as a result. After forced to take his leave after being nearly killed by a fear-driven Gills, the OverLord took it upon himself to personally murder Tomoko Miura, getting arrested and placed in a mental ward after he shut down from the burden of personally killing a human. As a result, the OverLord decided to watch from the sidelines as the Lords committed various supernatural murders on anyone reaching paranormal maturity, though he intervened once to give Agito's Tornador a power boost. It would later result with Shouichi, along with Ryo and Makoto Hikawa, further complicating matters and interfering in his emissaries' work. Before long, casualties mounted on both sides, with paranormals and Lords alike suffering heavy loses. But the loss of the El of the Water opened the eyes of the OverLord to the reality that the vessels of Agito, Shouichi Tsugami, Ryo Ashihara, and Kaoru Kino had grown too powerful. To this end, he would see to it personally that all active Agito vessels were hunted down and stripped of their Seeds of Agito, rendering them powerless. However, the OverLord realized he needs to kill the Riders in order to quell the Seeds he already absorbed. But with Hikawa's aid, Shouichi dealt a decisive blow to the OverLord that released the Seeds of Agito back to their rightful owners and forced the OverLord to retreat. However, that shock that even normal humans had grown strong enough to oppose his power convinced the Overlord that humanity was no longer worthy of existence, and so began orchestrating their extermination and start anew. The OverLord would put his genocide of humanity into action: realigning the constellations of the Zodiac, ultimately killing off all of mankind in bizarre doppelgänger homicides starting with those born under Scorpio. To do this requires tremendous concentration, which would render him vulnerable. To this end, he creates the El of the Wind to be his bodyguard and the El of the Ground to continue killing those reaching paranormal maturity. But the Riders make one final stand and with the El Lords destroyed, the OverLord attempts to retreat but is wounded by Agito's Shining Rider Kick. The OverLord survived the attack and has a conversation with Tetsuya Sawaki before the latter died, the latter's words convincing him that while he created mankind, the OverLord didn't truly understand them. After which, he hints that he decides to postpone his plans and observe how humans will use their own gifts and whether or not they are worth of existing.
  • The Overlord is a role taken by one of the players, and acts as the main antagonist for the hero players. Each turn, the Overlord uses his or her own special abilities and activates any minions under his or her control, such as Zombies or Ettins, or ally lieutenants. Each quest included in the Second Edition Base Game provides victory conditions for both the player heroes and the player Overlord. The Overlord must often complete an objective, such as moving certain monsters to specific areas, or discover a certain item before the heroes. The Overlord utilizes special abilities presented in the deck of Overlord Cards.
  • Il loquace e socievole protagonista. È un incazzoso energumeno di dubbia natura barricato in un ammasso di ferraglia, che come tanti esaltati che ricoprono una certa carica aspirano al dominio del genere umano e alla conquista del mondo. Ogni riferimento o similitudine al personaggio di Sauron è puramente casuale. Gnarl La balia dell'Overlord, un vecchio, decrepito pessimo ibrido tra Gollum, Yoda e il Maestro Miyagi. Forse l'unico servente veramente utile, istruisce il protagonista nella sua carriera di dittatore, oltre a mettere a disposizione utili tomi di magia nera. Pare essere rimasto brutalmente traumatizzato quando uno degli Overlord precedenti è stato divorato da una donnola gigante. Quaver L'anti-stress dell'Overlord. È un patetico servente giullare con la sindrome di Tourette, che fa tutto fuorché essere divertente. Il suo unico scopo è quello di farsi malmenare/impalare/crocifiggere/sodomizzare dal suo malefico Sire. Rose La puttanella casta dell'Overlord. È una sottospecie di candida figlia dei fiori/animalista/ambientista dall'animo dolce e gentile, che con il regno malefico e perverso dell'Overlord non centra un cazzo, ma che si offre di dargliela come rigraziamento per aver aiutato i suoi concittadini. Velvet La puttanella fetish dell'Overlord. Stivaloni in cuoio nero con vertiginosi tacchi a spillo, gonna con spacco inguinale, corsetto ampiamente scollato (nonché quinta di reggiseno), ninfomane sadomasochista e torturatrice incallita. Ormai l'idea ve la sarete già fatta. Melvin Più Pance Un disgustoso Ciccio Bastardo a capo dei mezzuomini, con un forchettone da barbecue per scettro. Ex membro della setta degli Eroi, è ora costretto nel suo regno a causa della sua ciccia straripante. Oberon Il re degli elfi, la sua pigrizia è tale che il suo culo ha messo letteralmente le radici al suolo, e impone alle altre creature magiche di fare il proprio porco comodo al posto suo. Sir William Un tempo il più stimato della suddetta setta, è diventato un un losco tiranno puttaniere che si insiste a ostentare la sua rediviva immagine pulita e onesta pur non riuscendo a ingannare nemmeno i ritardati, con una particolare predilezione per delle mignotte alate sue vicarie. Goldo Golderson È il cugino plurimiliardario di Gimli, indossa un'armatura d'oro palesemente copiata dai Cavalieri dello Zodiaco, e ha un'ascia doppia come animale domestico.
  • Overlord era un potente gigante dalla pelle rossa e nera, armato di un'enorme mazza spinata. Un tempo guardiano degli inferi a due teste, le perse entrambe quando quando una di esse si voltò davanti al suo padrone, e fu sepolto sottoterra lontano dalla luce. Riuscire a sconfiggerlo era una prova di coraggio ed eroismo. Fu registrato come ricercato da un seeq aspirante casanova desideroso di dimostrare il suo valore, e fu sconfitto da Vaan e da quest'ultimo nel palazzo sotterraneo di Sochen. La sconfitta di Overlord ispirò il seeq ad allenarsi per diventare più forte.
  • Overlords are a small, highly specialized caste within Marro society. They appear to be more powerful than regular Marro warlords, but less powerful than the Hivelords. They probably act as an intermediary between the Hivelords and the warlords, and thus aren't crucial to the Marro race in general. This would explain their rarity.
  • Overlord — карта из сетевой игры Call of Duty: Ghosts. Центр управления военными спутниками. en:Overlord (map) Категория:Карты Ghosts
  • The Overlord is a Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2012 under the Air Warriors series. It is powered by 4 "AA" batteries. In Finland, the blaster is a part of the Ruff Stuff Air Blasters series. It comes packaged with thirty Micro Darts, a thirty dart belt and a tripod.
  • (level 105)
  • A legend by nature of his existance, he emerges as a new and deadly Decepticon anti-hero. This mighty machine has the Autobots guessing. No location is too remote and no terrain too tough for this megalithic power-monger. With amazing capabilities he traverses the dimensions, his multiple functions activated by Energon mini figures in engine mode. A Tank to steamroll a path ahead and a Jet for C-SAC duty (carrier, spy and air-combatant). The colossal body houses an arms manufacturing plant, producing a multitude of sophisticated super-weapons. The ultimate conversion is to Battle Station Complex. A strategic support base ready for the arrival of the Decepticon fleet... ready for all out war!
  • Overlord is a common title for high ranking NPCs. Not to be confused with the Horde title of High Overlord, but can be the title of Horde leaders below the rank of High Overlord. Silithid hive leaders often have Overlord in their titles. NPC Overlords * [??] File:IconSmall Garrosh.gif Garrosh Hellscream * [80+] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Agmar * [71] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Bor'gorok * [77+] File:IconSmall IceTroll Male.gif Overlord Drakuru * [60+] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Hun Maimfist * [45+] File:IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Overlord Mok'Morokk * [73+] File:IconSmall FelOrc Male.gif Overlord Mor'ghor * [60+] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Runthak * [70+] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Or'barokh * [71] File:IconSmall Orc Male.gif Overlord Razgor Mob Overlords * [62] File:IconSmall Silithid.gif Aluntir * [62] File:IconSmall SilithidWorker.gif Arakis * [62] File:IconSmall SilithidTank.gif Xil'xix * [70+] File:IconSmall FungalGiant.gif Bog Overlord * [70 - 71+] File:IconSmall Ogre Mage.gif Deathshadow Overlord * [69 - 70] File:IconSmall Ethereal.gif Ethereum Overlord * [80+] File:IconSmall PitLord.gif Legion Overlord * [66 - 71] File:IconSmall Necromancer.gif Necro Overlord Mezhen * [64] File:IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Overlord Gorefist * [27+] File:IconSmall Quilboar Male.gif Overlord Ramtusk * [51] File:IconSmall Furbolg.gif Overlord Ror * [60+] File:IconSmall SpawnBlack.gif Overlord Wyrmthalak * [71+] File:IconSmall PitLord.gif Pit Overlord * [60 - 61] File:IconSmall Human Female.gif Twilight Overlord * [21 - 22] File:IconSmall Kobold.gif Windshear Overlord
  • Overlord ist der Codename einer Amerikanischen Kommandobasis, von der aus die Truppen während der Schlacht mit Informationen über Aufenthaltsorte und Truppenstärke von feindlichen Einheiten versorgt werden. Ausserdem werden von dort aus Befehle an die Truppen erteilt. Mann kann aus den Infos schließen, das Overlord Captain Mc Millan ist, da Price in Modern Warfare 3 erwähnt, dass er ihm noch etwas wegen Prypjat 1996 schuldig sei, wo Price bekanntlich Mc Millan rettete, als dieser von dem abstürzenden Heli verletzt wurde.
  • Overlord (рус.Повелитель) — компьютерная игра в action с элементами RTS и RPG, разработанная компанией Triumph Studios и изданная компанией Codemasters.
  • Overlord (オーバーロード, Ōbārōdo) or Over Lord is a Japanese novel series written by MARUYAMA Kugane and illustrated by so-bin. In 2014, the novel was adapted into a manga series by MIYAMA Fugin. And in 2015 it was adapted into an anime series by Madhouse.
  • When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: an experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free--and unleashing geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off [sic] planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements.
  • The Overlord is a monster/robot hybrid. He usually has a robe on, but has been shown with it off. When it is off, he looks like a round robot, with 4 tentacles. Each tentacle can open its hands, and bring out drills. Also, he can dig his tentacles into the ground and absorb energy to make him grow in size. The robot body can also turn into a cannon. First, the torso rotates so that it is laying perfectly horizontal. Then, the torso splits in two, and out of the top comes the cannon. It can fire lasers, but is also capable of shooting the Overlord incase of a need for a quick getaway. He only appeared in UnderFist!!! The Rebellion!, the first UnderFist mini-story.
  • An Overlord is the leader for their respective faction, voted by the people of each faction. Cheating in the election is strongly unadvised as this usually will lead to the cheater's death (aka; possible banning). Both Overlords at present, from August 3rd onwards, are Scottish. How FACKING OSOME is that?
  • Childhood's End was adapted for a three-part a series by the SyFy channel in 2015.
  • File:Quake1.gif The Overlord is the leader of the Wrath and possibly the replacement for Armagon as head of Quake's forces. The Overlord resides in his tomb which is last level of the first episode of Dissolution of Eternity. The Overlord is the first boss enemy of the game and final challenge for episode 1. The Overlord returns in episode 2 although it is unclear if this is the same one defeated in episode 1 or a completely different being. This robed skeletal figure ominously floats with the environment. His attack is a ball of energy which tracks the player and detonates on impact.
  • The Overlord is the might hero class of the Dungeon faction from Heroes of Might and Magic III. When levelling up, overlords are most likely to gain attack (40%) or defense (35%), and less likely to learn spellpower (15%) or knowledge (10%) for the first ten levels. After level ten, it's 30% each for attack and defense, and 20% each for spellpower and knowledge.
  • The Overlord is a Shaman who is a candidate for tribal leader. He creates his own clans and can carry out various magic to support his clan members. The Overlord leads the Orc race through the use of Seal of Winter, which reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies and Sight of Paagrio, which increases the accuracy of other members of his clan.
  • The Overlord is the master of the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. He is a god-like being that resides the Heavenly Keep and holds the power of the Holy Grail (Grail of Kings in the remake), a concoction that is said to be able to give eternal life to humans. He is responsible for the creation of most of the monstrosities that resides the labyrinth, which are result of his failed experiments on immortality.
  • La Overlord es una aeronave de combate y transporte utilizada por los Marines Espaciales Primaris.
  • "OVERLORD" (オーヴァーロード Ōbārōdo) is an ending theme of Kamen Rider Agito. * Artist: Overlord Choir * Episodes: 42
  • Overlord, Soberano, Supremo Soberano, Gran Señor, o Señor Supremo era títulos usados en varias organizaciones. * Soberano, un rango de gobernador en el Imperio Galáctico. * Señor Superior, el título del líder mandaloriano de la Guardia de la Muerte. * Supremo Soberano, el título del líder yuuzhan vong. * También es el título de uno de los episodios de Star Wars: The Clone Wars serie de televisión. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Overlords are a strain of flying Zerg units used to extend the Overmind's influence over great distances. They also played the role of transport for ground units before and during the war with the Terrans and the Protoss. For more information see Overlord on the parent site
  • "Victory goes to the leader with the most indispensable warriors!" Overlord is a former Crimson Guardsman looking for an opportunity to usurp the Cobra hierarchy. Charismatic and powerful, he draws many followers to his side using the platform of a return to traditional Cobra values - gradual but steady world conquest and acquisition of personal wealth - rather than hopelessly following the far-fetched schemes of old leadership. While he has attempted various allegiances over the years with others, he now has foresworn any further alliances and has devoted himself to raising his own secret army, the COIL. While his plans have taken years to grow to fruition, he continues to slowly writhe his way into the inner circle of Cobra, and vows to someday wrest control of the serpent bedecked throne from Cobra Commander once and for all.
  • Overlord 「オーバーロード Overlord?」 es una novela escrita por Kugane Maruyama y publicada desde el 30 de julio de 2012. Una adaptación al manga es publicada por Comp Ace desde el 26 de noviembre de 2014. Una adaptación al anime inició el 7 de julio de 2015.
  • The story begins with Yggdrasil, a popular online game which is quietly shut down one day; however, the protagonist Momonga decides to not log out. Momonga then becomes trapped in an alternate world as his in game character, a powerful skeletal wizard, along with his entire guild base and customized non-player characters (NPCs). This new world continues to change, with non-player characters (NPCs) beginning to feel emotions and Ainz adjusting to the limitations of his class. Having no living parents, friends, or place in society, this ordinary businessman Momonga then strives to become known in the new world he has entered in order to respect what he and his former guildmates built together.
  • Overlord(オーバーロード) là web novel Nhật Bản được viết bởi Maruyama Kugane, hiện đã viết lại dưới dạng Lightnovel, có So-bin minh họa. Tới nay đã có 9 volumne được xuất bản bởi Enterbrain và vẫn còn tiếp tục. Bản dịch dựa theo bản của nhóm Skythewood
  • Like any good dark lord the Overlord is not one to risk his own life and thus has a near-endless supply of grotesquely violent minions by which to enforce his will - when these minions fail he has his own arsenal of destructive spells to unleash on the world, once he has found the proper items by which to unlock them that is. A devourer of life-force and dark energy the Overlord has a choice in the way he governs his land, he can become a ruthless tyrant - using and abusing as he sees fit or he can become a true dark lord and destroy without reason as a murderous psychopath: although both paths have their rewards Gnarl advises the Overlord that sometimes it is better to leave a land full of terrified but alive minions, if only so they can do the Overlord's evil on his behalf.
  • Overlord on runescapen paras potion siinä on kaikki yhdessä extreme attack,extreme defence,extreme range,extreme magic ja extreme strenght samassa.Potionin tekoon tarvitaan nämä mainitut potionit,torstol ja vial of water herblore taso pitää olla 96. Kun juot tämän se vie sinulta 50 hp:ta ja kuuden minuutin päästä ku vaikutus lakkaa saat takaisin 50 hp:ta.
  • Overlord is the code name of an American command base that during combat gives information on the enemy's strength and location, as well as new orders or objectives to the soldiers currently in action.
  • The Overlord features a circular base with four equally-spaced, trapezoid Spawners. Its Drones look like medium-sized triangles and use their respective team color in TDM, Domination and Tag Mode. They will be blue to you and red to everyone else in FFA and Maze. Your drones will disappear when they hit the maze wall. Necromancers, Managers and other Drone users have the same effect when their Drones hit the maze wall.
  • Az Overlord a Reworn flotta hatalmas pusztítója, amellyel még nem találkozott úgy Szövetséges hajó, hogy hírt vihetett volna róla.
  • right|250px|Die VI Overlord, David Archer Overlord ist ein DLC für Mass Effect 2 und wurde am 15.Juni 2010 veröffentlicht. Er fügt dem Spiel 4 neue Aufträge, ein neues Sonnensystem und zwei neue Erfolge hinzu. Der M-44 Hammer wird ebenfalls verfügbar, sofern das Feuergänger-Pack noch nicht installiert ist, weil er für die Reisen über den Planeten Aite benötigt wird.
  • There were formerly requirements on the forums also but this was changed when the forums changed locations. The requirements were: * Profound reputation on the Forums (150 reputation) * 1500 Post count
  • Advantages: +4 power-ups (Level Increases) used to boost the ranks of your powers (A +100 point gain). Disadvantages: -1 Level to Mind Stat. -1 Level to Body Stat. -1 Level to Strength Stat. -1 Level to Agility Stat. Cannot purchase disadvantages on powers. Cannot use any Fighting Category Powers until the character wins six fights. Cannot use any Skill Category Powers until the character wins six fights.
  • The elongated appendages that hung from the underbellies of the Gargantis were evolved into an array of microscopic filaments that gather sensory and spatial information through intermittent pulses, which are then fed into the overlord's central nervous system. All data gathered is processed as fast as it is received, allowing overlords to navigate through any environment and relay tactical data to the Swarm. Overlords possess a large, bulbous brain which is protected by a heavily armored weave of bone and cartilage. It is a large organ, with millions of nerves and synaptic contacts. The overlord's cerebral structure is complex with neural pathways woven throughout the body; but is heavily concentrated in its lower section and legs. It is through this system that overlords relay commands to the Swarm. The overlord's nerve system makes it a powerful psionic energy transmitter (its ability to broadcast psychic energy is unmatched) and to preserve this capability, the zerg only altered neurologically impotent parts from the Gargantis, including the carapace and pulmonary chambers. As a result, the overlord's core genetic matrix is atypically homogenous: over 90%. The minimal alterations also preserved memories; ancient overlords, essentially assimilated Gargantis, regained their individuality upon becoming feral. Dr. Talen Ayers proposed two theories as to why this was—one, the Gargantis had the properties the zerg desired, and as such, little modification of their genetic code was required. Two, the zerg are unwilling to meddle too deeply with the structural makeup of species that possess great psionic ability, knowing that even the slightest of changes can destroy this ability. He counted on the latter. Unlike most other zerg breeds, overlords have a greater capacity to act on their own judgement, though their mental flexibility is still severely limited. Overlords typically only relay orders. They are technically capable of directly controlling lesser zerg, but only with extreme difficulty. After Kerrigan's defeat at Char, some overlords attempted to form pockets of organized zerg in the same manner as broodmothers. However, this was a token effort, and most zerg regressed to a feral state. Overlords are fairly docile. Additional duties include tending to young larvae and monitoring the progress of drones through a type of instinctive telepathy.
  • Every level an Overlord gains ?? Endurance (?? hp) and ?? Intellect.
  • Overlord – kryptonim amerykańskiego dowódcy, który wydaje rozkazy USMC, Delta Force i US Army Rangers.
  • Overlord är en titel som utses till person sig själv. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: First Steps: The Stargate Unexplored Worlds Roleplaying Sourcebook") kategori:Titlar
is baseunit of
is Comandante of
is Charaktere of
is TeamLeaders of
is Monster of
is Appearances of
is Job of
is мультиплеер of
is Classes of
is who of
is Class of
is evolvesfrom of
is NEXT of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is tpc of