  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • ELF
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elf
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  • Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many other races find them hauntingly beautiful.
  • [[Datei:Holly_Short_2.jpg|thumb|Ein Beispiel einer Elfe, hier Holly Short]] Dieser Artikel behandelt die Spezies, die Zahl ist nicht gemeint Die Elfen, Singular Elf und Elfe, sind die erste der acht Familien des Erdvolks.
  • Grafika:200px-Un_elfe_un_peu_frimeur_jnl_fal.jpg Elfy stanowią jedną z najważniejszych ras większości światów fantasy. Ze względu na różnice między światami, zachodzą również zasadnicze różnice w opisach elfów w różnych rzeczywistościach fantasy. Wspólne pozostają jednak przeważnie pewne elementy natury oraz wyglądu elfów: * długie, szpiczaste uszy * długowieczność * związki z naturą i lasem * uzdolnienia magiczne * piękny wygląd * długie włosy * piękny i melodyjny głos
  • The Elf is the quintessential speed character. Usually dressed in green and always armed with trusty bow, he relies on quick speed and a fast bow-hand to get out of trouble. The Elf typically has slightly worse-than-average armor and strength, and average magic. Though the Elf and the Archer are nearly identical in most aspects, the major difference is that the Archer is an elven female who has the superior ranged abilities (though the Elf is better at melee combat).
  • Wild and free, elves guard their forested lands using stealth and deadly arrows from the trees. They are a people of deeply felt but short-lived passions. Elves are easily moved to delighted laughter, blinding wrath, or mournful tears. Thanks in part to to their long life span, elves sometimes have difficulty taking certain matters as seriously as other races do, but when genuine threats arise, elves are fierce and reliable allies.
  • The Elf Nanny was interviewed for a nanny position by Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. However, she withdrew her application when she realized the manor was under constant demonic attack. Despite this, she later helped Piper by keeping an eye on Wyatt while she and her sisters were battling the Titans. Another Elf appeared alongside many other magical beings to help the sisters fight Zankou and his demonic forces. She survived the attack on the manor and faded away.
  • The Elves are a peaceful race that reside in Elfheim. Their leader is the Prince of Elfheim, and they are related to the Dark Elves, the leader of whom has cast the Prince of Elfheim into a deep sleep. The Elf King and his descendants were trusted with the Mystic Key by the royal family of Cornelia, to keep until the fabled Warriors of Light arrived in Elfheim to claim it. The Elves have four magic shops in their town and are of relatively small stature, which seems to imply they favor magic over physical might.
  • Elves are a race of pointy-eared humanoids endowed with magical powers. They come in many varieties and versions, ranging from small fairy-like woodland spirits to a tall and proud race of semi-divine beings. The latter kind of elves are traditionally antagonous to dwarves, and can be seperated into various subgroups or cultures including High elves, Wood elves and Dark elves. Christmas elves are the little green-garbed helpers of Santa.
  • Elfs typically are dexterous fighters and skillful wizards. Elfs are often connected to a certain flavor of Elf that is related to Tolkiens Elf/Elb Species. Typical Variants are: * Norse style Elf: Stylish and snobish folks that are also skillful craftsmen for everything beautiful. * Wood Elf: Nature friendly folks living in the woods, hugging treas - much like flower power people. * Noble Elf: A bit snobbish, but fierce warriors and magic users at the same time Most of these descriptions however tend to let Elfs have less strict society then mankind in its history had.
  • Az elfek, más néven tündék, az erdők kecses léptű, hegyes fülű, karcsú lakói. Jól bánnak a lő- és dobófegyverekkel, kiváló nyomkövetők és nagyon ügyes vadászok: egy tapasztalt elf íjával senki sem mer szembenézni, akár három hetes nyomokat is megtalál és felismer, élelem keresgélésre pedig kevesebb energiát kell pazarolnia, mint másoknak. Fizikailag talán ők a leggyengébbek, de ezt a hátrányukat pótolja fürgeségük a harcban - már kezdetben kiemelkedően magas ügyességgel indulnak. Induló fegyver : 1 bot Induló tárgy : 1 vizestömlő Induló szakértelem: nyomkövetés 3, vadászat 3
  • Una wacha piola que helea y la re pega, se pone bien loca y tiene banda de skills para todo Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Elf energity
  • The long-lived elven people are a slender, athletic folk who tend to live in heavily wooded areas. They have watched as much of the natural beauty in Faerûn has faded from existence but they do their best to preserve and restore the natural wonders of The Forgotten Realms. Some elves have come to the city of Neverwinter realizing that without this bastion of humanity, the surrounding natural beauty will soon fall prey to time as well.
  • Elfy - rasa związana z żywiołem powietrza. Najwięcej elfów zamieszkuje Alfheim, ale sama rasa wywodzi się z dalekiej północy i rozprzestrzeniła się po całej Wanadii. Zamieszkują też w Sunnirze i w Alfheimie Zamorskim w Winlandii. Największą grupę elfów poza Wanadia stanowią smagli Jakszowie. Elfy nie mają ograniczonej długości życia i nigdy nie umierają ze starości. Jednak stare elfy podlegają Zaśnięciu, stopniowo przestając przywiązywać znaczenie do ziemskiej rzeczywistości. Ich słabością jest alergia na żelazo. Kategoria:Rasy
  • Elves are among the most populous races in the Shining series, and are represented in a majority of the games.
  • Die Elfen sind Wesen aus dem Land hinter der realen Welt. Sie besuchen unsere Erde und verstecken sich z.B. in der National-Elf oder dem Elfer-Rat, damit sie unbemerkt ihren Schabernack mit den Menschen treiben können. Manchmal gesellt sich noch ein weiterer Elf zu einer Gruppe - so geschehen bei den 12 Jüngern des Jesus von Nazareth. Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • Der Elf eine Minifigur aus der Minifiguren Serie 3. Er hat einen Cape, Bogen und Schild. Sein Wappen ist ein weißer Hirschkopf auf grünem Grund und güldenem Rand. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten: Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Kraft Datei:CM_drei_sterne.png Kreativität Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Tempo
  • "Elvies" are vampire helpers of Nancy Claus. The Elvies that Work for Santa got bitten by Nancy Claus, and turned into her slaves. when she turned good again they turned back to normal.
  • Drow are an evil subspecies of elf that occasionally venture into wildspace.
  • An elf was a type of mythological creature from the history of the planet Earth. (TOS novel: The Rift) It has been suggested that the Human legends of elves were actually early Selelvian contact with Humans. (NF novel: Stone and Anvil)
  • The Elf is a Collectable Minifigure released in 2011 from 8803 Minifigures Series 3. He comes with a shield, a cape, and a bow and arrow. He also comes with a newly moulded hairpiece which also appeared in Series 4 on the Werewolf in brown. The Elf was one of five minifigures chosen for a re-release within the set 850458 VIP Top 5 Boxed Minifigures.
  • Elves are capricious by nature, and few rules govern their long lives. They are fond of circular dances, feasting, singing and gaming and are most likely to be spotted when engaged in one of these activities. Sometimes, for amusement, elves will lure humans into dancing with them or tasting some of their food. In both cases, the humans will lose all track of time and be trapped unless rescued.
  • Elves, much like their living ancestors, the eladrin, who are also commonly called elves, are a long lived race of the Tel-quessir found most commonly in forests, shrublands, and other wildernesses. From time to time the elves have organized strong nations, though with far less frequency than eladrin, in some cases adopting even a nomadic lifestyle. Almost all elves worship the Seldarine, otherwise known as the elven pantheon, and the elves are generally, though not always, good in nature.
  • "Elf" (エルフ Erufu) is an archetype used by Gekko Tenma in Yu-Gi-Oh! R, with a few members also used by Yugi Muto and Yuma Tsukumo. They are mostly LIGHT/EARTH Fairy/Spellcaster monsters. This archetype has support in both the anime and manga. In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses, "Wing Egg Elf" can transform into a monster with "Elf" in its name when strengthened with "Insect Imitation". In Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, "Celtic Guardian" can be Fusion Summoned using an "Elf" and a Warrior monster. Also, in both video-games, "Elf's Light" can only be equipped to "Elf" monsters.
  • At Bethmora, once Abe arrives with the last crown piece, Nuada revives the Golden Army to destroy the BPRD agents before Hellboy openly declares a challenge for the right to the crown. As Hellboy is the son of the fallen one, Nuada is forced to accept the challenge and loses. Warning Hellboy to kill him, Nuada attempts to kill the demon from behind before Nuala stabs herself in the heart to end her brother's life at the cost of her own. The fate of the Elves with the last of their royal family death is unknown.
  • If one looks at a certain stand point the elves are typicially arrongant and extremely bigoted to the point of looking down on their foes. This is weakness as their culture is more vulnerable to human of saito's world power. They are so arrogant they call human barbarians and are even prideful when cornered as shown with bishadil and joeseph.
  • Elf was a popular board game created and distributed by former Homeni Gamery, whom produced it from 1979 to 1984. Elf is an acronym, meaning Enter Larry's Farm. A revised version was made in 1980, and a sequel, Elof, was sold from 1983 to 1984. It discontinued after the Board Game Crash of 1984, in which the only games Homeni Gamery wold were Army and Salsa.
  • Elves are a humanoid race living in Avden [Source]
  • The elves are based on the "enemy" from the Golden Axe video games, often fought between levels but also appear in-level on occasion. Taya of the Shining Force is a more traditional elf, complete with healing powers and above-average agility.
  • Der Elf, auch Elfen (plural), Elf (männlich) oder Elfe (weiblich) genannt, ist neben den Orks und Zwergen eine der typischen, klassischen Rassen im Fantasygenre.
  • Queen of Elves.
  • Elves (singular: Elf) are creatures of Norse mythology. The elves were originally imagined as a race of minor nature and fertility gods, who are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty, living in forests and underground places, like caves, or in wells and springs. They have often been portrayed to be either long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers.
  • The Elf is a playable character.
  • The Elf is a playable mascot in Crossy Road.
  • The Elves are one of the Oldest races on Norrath.
  • Point Blank Shot - Characters who select Elf as one of their domains receive the Point Blank Shot feat for free.
  • Elves are the oldest and wisest of all the humanoid races. They are a sophisticated people, with a profound love of the arts and lives of hedonistic self-indulgence. No Elf likes to have to deal with the problems of everyday life and labour of all kinds is considered dull. Elves do not get on well with other races, being arrogant, whimsical, and impractical. Dwarfs in particular find them irritating. Elves speak their own rather precise and complex language.
  • There are three varieties of elves in the world; wood elves, high elves and grey elves. Wood elves and grey elves are native to the Shores, while high elves live mostly the Shores of Winter. Unlike elves in the Forgotten Realms, elves in Shores of Winter have a soul, just like any other living SoW race. Elves are not connected to any magical ‘weave’, nor can they feel any special mind links between each other. They do feel a strong sense of ‘belonging’ to the natural world and the magic in it. It is not uncommon for grey elves to be born with innate magical talents. Elves generally live to be around 300 years old, though some have lived to be over 500 years or more.
  • Elfs, also called Elves, were immortal Near-Humans from the planet Arda. They were known in some parts of the galaxy, but they were thought of as a legend. Most Elfs did not have the technology to leave Arda, and those who acquired it never returned. One of them left Arda and went to Chandrila where he married a Human female and had a family. The most famous member of the family was Kundun the Legend, who by that time was more Human than Elf. He also had the eternal life quality, which enabled him and his family live for more than four thousand years.
  • The elves a typically short, skinny people in colorful clothes. They are mostly Spock-like, with pointed noses and ears and upturned eyebrows.
  • Elves are a race of alleged alien humanoids with identical characteristics to the Elves mentioned throughout folklore and mythology worldwide. Elves are often human-shaped, differing only from humans due to their pointy ears and their differences in height and weight, as well as skin colour which may vary depending on the origin of the creature. Often potrayed as small and magicial creatures in folklore, elf-like aliens have always been a common sighting on Earth.
  • Elf is one of the realm of Hibernia's selectable races. Slender and tall, Elves are an agile race with high dexterity and intelligence, and find comfort with magic-casting. They resemble humans, but have a less-sturdy body build and pointed ears.
  • Elf is an American Christmas comedy film directed by Jon Favreau, written by David Berenbaum, and starring Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart, Ed Asner, and Zooey Deschanel. It was released in the United States on November 7, 2003, and grossed over $220,400,000 worldwide.
  • Elf — Postać magiczna ożywiona przez kostkę Forda. Pochodzi z gry Dungeons, Dungeons And More Dungeons.
  • Elves are a long-lived humanoid race, more slender and agile than humans. They can be distinguished by their large, keen eyes and their pointed ears. They have a close kinship with both nature and magic, testament to their kinship with their immortal cousins, the Fey.
  • Twelve Days of StarCraft is a holiday game, named as such by Santa Claus and his elves. The Night Elf Banshee is available as a player portrait in Wings of Liberty, with night elves being a race from Warcraft. A holographic figure in the Hyperion's cantina also does the night elf dance. Concept art once depicted the merc compound hosting a similar hologram of an actual night elf. A night elf templar portrait was available to those who pre-ordered the collector's edition of Mists of Pandaria.
  • An elf is a character that appears in Shrek 1 2 and 3
  • In "Equal Frights!", published in Marvel UK's The Real Ghostbusters 1990 Annual, the Ghostbusters encountered Elves in Dublin while they were going to Heathrow Airport. Each elf had a knife with which they would try to stab the Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters managed to trap the elves, but had to let them go when they learned that the supernatural creatures of the United Kingdom played a big part in the tourist economy.
  • The entire race of elves was divided during the great migration, so the elves have different characteristic. This type of Elf who lives in Arborlon.
  • They are a long-lived race possessing great skill in magic and art. In their language, they are called Tel'quessir, or "The People", and all other races (including the drow) are called N'Tel'Quess, or "Not People". Our story focuses on the elven communities of Semberholme and the forest of Cormanthor, particularly on the small village of Erülisse, comprised primarily of moon elves and gold elves. Elves comprise the center race of our story.
  • BT01-007_RRR.jpg Unit_ot04.jpg Unit_ot05.jpg Unit_ot19.jpg Crimson_Beast_Tamer_(Character_Unit).jpg Solitary_Knight,_Gancelot.jpg Yggdrasil_Maiden,_Elaine.jpg Doreen_the_Thruster_(Character_Unit).jpg Demon_Eater_(Character_Unit).jpg "Elf" (エルフ Erufu) is a shared race found in various clans.
  • Elfen zijn de oudere kinderen van Ilúvatar, op mensen gelijkende wezens die echter nooit zullen sterven door ouderdom maar wel als ze in de strijd vallen of verongelukken. Ze zijn in de meeste dingen veel bedrevener dan Mensen, machtig en wijs. De Elfen spreken overwegend Quenya en Sindarijns.thumb|270px
  • Elves, or Elven, are a race strikingly similar to humans, but with long pointy ears. Long ago, the elven Vuliian Empire forced all the other elven kingdoms to join them, only opposed by the Gamlon Elves. However, the Vulii elves succeeded in destroying the castle of Gamlon. Vulii elves are typically known for their villainous personalities - a trait only Cale'anon lacks.
  • Arelith subraces: * Moon Elf (default) * Sun Elf * Wild Elf * Wood Elf * Drow Comparison of their mechanical statistics is listed in article about races.
  • While in most fantasy games and stories, Elves are mystical race of the faykin, in Heroscape Elves are in fact an alien race that comes from the world of Feylund. They are aligned with Ullar, the fantasy-based General, and like Elves in other franchises, Heroscape Elves have a closer affinity for the natural world over technological civilization and often have magical abilities.
  • The faction-based artifacts are Anden Longbow and Dawnward Sextant. The faction-based artifacts are Choking Cloud, Beacon of Light, Entangle, and Lightning Storm
  • Elven ability adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Con Favored class (Wizard): A multiclass elf's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
  • Elves are magical beings under the Glamour magic, summoned from the Fairy Ring rune.They are very useful Familiars, serving magicians by collecting Mana from crystals, creating the Talisman, and healing other Glamour Familiars. Elves are very friendly and easier to handle than faeries, which can be summoned from the same rune. They also seem to be helpful when it comes to household chores (Gaff can be seen told to clean up Lillet's room).
  • Elfy zostaly stworzone przez boga Marea jako uzdrowiciele. Posiadaja najsilniejsze buffy w grze oraz buffy obszarowe. Sa najbardziej poszukiwane na bossy i elite moby choc nie zawsze. Uzywaja broni typu staff i wand i po osiagnieciu 50 lvla i wykonaniu questa przemienia sie w Templar lub Priest. Źródło -
  • Elves are one of the most common and prosperous humanoid races, yet their presence in modern Golarion is not what it once was. Despite their lessened numbers, elf-kind remains one of the most influential and important racial groups in the world.
  • An elf is a member of one of the longest lived species on Azeroth known for keen perception, grace, and great spellwork. Elves were once believed to be the first race to awaken on Azeroth, but some ancient histories believe that elves were originally trolls that were transformed by the Well of Eternity.
  • Tall, slender, and human-like, they have pointed ears and fair skin. They live in harmony with nature and have dedicated their lives to studying magic. They have better INT, RS, MP, HP, and CHM stats, but low ATK and DEF. They usually live around 1,000 years, outliving most of their friends who are not elves.
  • Elves are creatures of light that appear in Norse mythology.They come from Alfheim which is one of The Nine Worlds that are held in the branches and roots of the world tree Yggdrasil. Their lord is Frey father of Magnus Chase. This world or realm is mentioned in The Sword of Summer.
  • Elves are humanoid beings, known for their pointy ears, beauty and powerful, usually earth based, magics.
  • Elves are creatures that are human-like but have pointy ears, posses more powerful magic and are flimsily built.
  • Superman sarcastically told the Raven that his jury robots were all "handmade by little elves in the Black Forest."
  • Elfen sind eine Rasse, die wiederholt in der Final Fantasy-Reihe auftreten.
  • Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4½ to 5½ feet tall. There are 4 elven races on the Mortal Plane High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves and Desert Elves
  • thumb|450px|Nocne elfy, wysokie elfy, krwawe elfy, elfy skażonej krwi, nieumarłe elfy oraz nieszczęśniElfy to przedstawiciele najdłużej żyjącego gatunku w Azeroth, znane ze swojej inteligencji, gracji oraz wielkiego talentu magicznego. Elfy były niegdyś uważane za pierwszą rasę, która przebudziła się w Azeroth, jednak Brann Bronzebeard dowiódł, że elfy były pierwotnie trollami, które zostały przemienione przez Studnię Wieczności. Istnieją różne rasy elfów, a dwie najbardziej charakterystyczne, nocne i krwawe, są rasami grywalnymi.
  • The 10th-Century Icelandic poet Thrund suggests that they also have infravision, but other sources suggest that Thrund was huffing something. Most modern scholars recognise that whilst Elves had infravision in Thrund's day it is no longer the case. Modern elves exhibit 'Low Light Vision'. Elves are smaller than pixies.
  • Tieffrequente elektromagnetische Wellen sind Bestandteil der ursprünglichen Umwelt auf der Erde. Sie werden allerdings auch zur Kommunikation mit U-Booten (ausführlicher, aber englisch) genutzt, wobei eine enorme Menge an Energie eingesetzt wird.
  • Elves were a sentient species of small, winged humanoids with gray skin, broad heads and pointed ears. A number of elves were in the employ of the crime lord Papa Toren. Those individuals would translate Toren's otherwise unintelligible mumbles to his discussion partners and, if necessary, protect him from harm.
  • Elves are one of the many races that are found on the world of Krynn. Notable elves include Gilthanas, Tanis Half-elven, Dalamar the Dark, Porthios, Solostaran (Speaker of the Sun) , and Laurana. The Elven Nation itself is broken into two pieces: Qualinesti and the Silvanesti. There are many kinds of elves found on Krynn besides though who live in Qualinesti and Silvanesti,such as the Kagonesti,the Wild Elves live in South and North Ergoth.And the Dargonesti Elves are slender, and slight in stature. and most have magical abilities
  • <default>Elf</default> Chapter №: Album №: Release date: Last Chapter: Next Chapter: Anime adaptation: Elf ( 妖精 / ようせい / yousei ) is the first chapter of the Elfen Lied manga series, and of course, the first chapter of Volume One. At fifty-six pages, it is longer than many early chapters. A story arc digest of chapters one through seven is also available.
  • Gnarl on the Elves Elves are a slim, magical race, with long pointed ears native to Evernight Forest, the isle of Everlight and also appear to have a significant population in the Sanctuaries.
  • An Elf is a creature from Earth myths. One meaning of the term "brownie" is a benevolent elf said to haunt houses and secretly do chores. Sophie looked up the various definitions of brownies when Lucy became a junior member of the Guides Association, she and Brian initally believed that Lucy was an elf. (Brian of the Brownies)
  • Elves are the mysterious, quiet, and sometimes dangerous inhabitants of Lyétanír Forest, in the eastern parts of Arnevia. Although sharing the same physical characteristics, most Elves are divided into the Sivallion, who worship Mysloria, the Sun, and light, and the Sindaraan, who worship Sindar, god of the Moon, night, and stars.
  • Elves live in ancient forested realms and have an affinity for the natural world.
  • Elves have the following racial traits. Elven Weapon Proficiency You gain proficiency with the longbow and the shortbow. Fey Origin Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Group Awareness You grant non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks. Wild Step You ignore difficult terrain when you shift (even if you have a power that allows you to shift multiple squares). Elven Accuracy You can use elven accuracy as an encounter power.
  • An Elf is a mythical creature from Norse mythology, typically very small in size and being a forest dweller. According to Fox Mulder, George Ellery Hale was visited by an Elf who told him to ask the Rockefeller Foundation for funds to build the Palomar Observatory in San Diego California (TXF: "Little Green Men).
  • An elf is a creature of Germanic mythology. The elves were originally thought of as a race of minor nature and fertility gods, who are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and underground places and caves, or in wells and springs. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers. Following J. R. R. Tolkien's influential The Lord of the Rings, wherein a wise, immortal people named Elves have a significant role, elves became staple characters of modern fantasy.
  • Elves were one of the first two races to walk upon Aerion, they were created by Aerith. Leader - ???
  • Xanthian Elves live in Elf Elms which look like Mundanian elm trees. They get stronger as they get closer to their elms.
  • Elves are among the longest living races in Gielinor, the elves have witnessed the passing of the God Wars, and watched as other races were destroyed. They retreated beyond the mountains so many years ago. There are few scholars who know very little at all about the elves, and fewer still who are correct. The elves worship a strange deity called Seren, who communes with the crystal seeds that the elves use to build almost everything. Their society was riven several centuries ago, though, and now skirmishes often break out within the forest of Isafdar as the rebels fight to reclaim their lost lands.
  • Eric Endorphin (エリック・エンドルフィン), also known as Elf (エルフ), is a scout character.
  • One of the most common humanoid races in fantasy literature, the elves are present in the Slayers world as well.
  • Common Elves look exactly like humans, except for their pointed ears. Even then, the difference is so small that most humans will not even realize that they are talking to a non-human creature. Most Elves are redheads. Also, Common Elves have the reputation of being very hard workers and generally positive creatures.
  • Elf (エルフ) is one of the four initial races in the world of Elder Tale and one of the eight races players can choose from.
  • Like Vampires, elves are quite common on the Sueniverse, though they mostly keep to the environs of the land of Lorien. Also like the vampires, the elves of the 'verse are from diverse sources and mythologies.
  • Middle English from Old English ælf (incubus, elf). Originated from Indo-European root *albho- (brilliant, shining white) via Teutonic languages.
  • One Christmas Eve, during a stop at an orphanage, a baby boy named William, captivated by the sight of a teddy bear, crawls into Santa Claus's (Ed Asner) sack of gifts while he is delivering toys. Santa Claus unknowingly takes the boy back to the North Pole, and when discovered, is renamed Buddy because one the elves notices he is wearing "Little Buddy" brand diapers. Papa Elf (Bob Newhart) volunteers to raise him.
  • In early modern and modern folklore, they become associated with the fairies of Romance folklore and assume a diminutive size, often living mainly in forests but also underground in hills or rocks, or in wells and springs. 19th-century Romanticism attempted to restore them to full stature, often depicting them as very young, probably adolescent (lack of facial hair on male elves), men and women of great beauty. The "Christmas elves" of contemporary pop culture were popularized during the 1870s in the United States, in publications such as Godey's Lady's Book.
  • Elves are the citizens of one of the four great kingdoms on the other side of the imaginary universe. Their general life involves granting wishes in exchange for babies, crying Elf Tears over issues of Hunk Rump, playing poker, and absconding with the pies of Clowns from windowsills. Elves are known practitioners of Majyyk and their most valiant warrior is a Mage. Most of their political dissension stems from Problem Sleuth's Quest of Spirit, encouraging the Elves to be more thrifty when stealing Pies, which makes the Clowns go into a rage. Elves also appear in the brief "restart" of Jailbreak.
  • Elf was co-creator of the Pyrite Grendels, the Dusky Grendels and the Sea Ettins with Shazza, and a conversion of the grendels called the Pewter Grendels with slaterbait. Her grendels used a genome based on a Bruin Norn genome provided by Moca - as a result, her grendels were more peaceful, lived for longer and had certain immunities. Elf's website - Elf's Experimentation Labs - is now down, but her grendels are described here and on archives of her site, and are archived at MysticFalcon's Worldz along with the Sea Ettins.
  • Elves were a race of beings who migrated to Alagaësia from Alalëa in the distant past: around 5217 AC. Humanoid in appearance, they had noticeably angular features, slanting eyebrows and pointed ears, as well as a cat-like face: they were generally tall and always slim, as well as were, according to legend, the fairest people of the land, partly because of the physical transformation caused by the Dragons' influence on them (and were thus called the Fair Folk). Most elves were more gifted with magic than the other races and had an innate knowledge of their true names, thus making them more powerful than other races.
  • Elves are a humanoid race with long, pointy ears native to the town of Filia in the Connous region of Iria. In general, this race has advantages in Magic and Archery, but disadvantages in Melee combat. They are equivalent in Alchemy as other races. Their specialized stats are Intelligence and Dexterity, and in addition they have the largest Mana Pool of all the races.
  • Elves are rare in Aranna, often staying in the Vai'lutra forests as well as the town of Aman'lu. Those that do venture out are usually adventurers, whose tales become children's stories or legends. They don't appear at all in Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, but are a playable race in Dungeon Siege II and Dungeon Siege II: Broken World.
  • Elves are considered the first out of The People. With an average height of 3 feet or 1 meter 1 centimetre, elves, along with pixies, are one of the most commonly seen fairy species in the Artemis Fowl books. They are the type of fairies that are most commonly seen in Haven City. Generally intelligent, elves are known for their loyalty and courage. Elves had wings until, due to evolution, they lost them.
  • A Nordlingek gyakran üldözték az elfeket, számos más nem-ember mellett. Emiatt rengeteg elf lett tagja a Scoia'tael gerilla-csoportnak, akik az Északi Királyságok elleni birodalmi invázió alatt, szövetségre léptek a Nilfgardokkal. Viszonzásul, Emhyr var Emreis császár, saját államot adott az elfeknek Dol Blathanna-ban, és annak királynőjévé nevezte ki Enid an Gleanna-t. Az elfek úgy hiszik, hogy az emberekkel (akik kifejlődtek) ellentétben, őket "létrehozták". Ez okból kifolyólag, néhány elf, szőrös, emberszabású majmoknak tartja őket.
  • Η φυλή των Έλφ λατρεύει την θεά του νερού και αγαπάει τη φύση και ότι έχει σχέση με το νερό. Οι Έλφ έχουν λεπτά και ελαφριά σώματα, μακριά αυτιά και όμορφα εξωτερικα χαρακτηριστικά. Στην εποχή των γιγάντων, ανάμεσα σε όλα τα πλάσματα είχαν την περισσότερη δύναμη. Όμως όταν οι γίγαντες καταστράφηκαν, η δύναμη και η επιρροή των ελφ παράκμασε. Σήμερα κατοικούν μόνο ένα μικρό μέρος του δάσους δίπλα στη πόλη Aden. Ειδικές δυνάμεις τών ελφ: Σε σύγκριση με τις άλλες φυλές, οι ελφ μπορούν να κρατάνε την αναπνωή τους περισσότερο απο τους άλλου και να πηδάνε από ψηλά μέρη.
  • Elf can refer to any of four playable races in ADOM: * High elf * Grey elf * Dark elf * Mist elf In general, elves have high Dexterity, Learning, and Mana scores, and low Strength and Toughness scores. This makes them well-suited for using spells and missiles. Elves of certain classes will start out with Elven chain mail, which is excellent as far as starting equipment goes. Elf can also refer to certain monsters: * Dark elven warrior * Dark elven archer * Dark elven wizard * Dark elven lord * Dark elven priestess * Dark elven princess
  • Elves (sometimes elfs) exist in many continua, most notably in modern fantasy or fantasy-influenced settings, but have their origins in regional folklore. Many 'contemporary' elven varieties are based (sometimes loosely, sometimes not) on the elves of The Lord of the Rings. (Note that having pointy ears alone is not an identifying factor for being a local elf variety. Vulcans from Star Trek and Hylians from The Legend of Zelda are both pointy-eared species that are not elves. Calling them elves is incorrect and bad.)
  • The definition of an elf in fantasy literature varies from author to author. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as a group of beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. In Old Norse mythological texts, elves seem at least at times to be counted among the pagan gods; in medieval German texts they seem more consistently monstrous and harmful.
  • The race of Elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. The Elves have slim and nimble bodies, long ears, and beautiful features. During the era of Giants, among all creatures they held the most power. However, when the Giants were destroyed, the power and influence of the Elves were also diminished. Now they only inhabit part of the forest in Aden. Special Abilities of the Race: Compared to other races, Elves can hold their breath longer and are better able to jump from high places.
  • Elves are a long lived mortal race with a close connection to nature and magic thanks to their blood ties to the Faerfolc. Many of them prefer to live in forests, guarding nature from those seeking to exploit it. However, other elves have migrated into deserts, snow planes and mountain ranges and have even integrated themselves into human cities. The close relationship between elves and humans throughout the ages has resulted in the births of many half-elves although racism has also existed between the two races due to their different views on life. After the Cataclysm, a mysterious disease known as the Blood Fever affected the elven population in Remon and beyond, killing them off in growing numbers, but this disease vanished mysteriously after the Catastrophe which ushered in the Fourth
  • They are a shy and secretive people, usually avoiding humans. Some dwell underground harvesting gems and some have small kingdoms, be it a civilized province, or an enchanted dark wood. Elves can be divided into two broad groups, black elves and white elves. While these divisions are generally true, there has been much inter-marriage among the elves of Daventry. As a result many elves live both above and below the ground, and cannot be fitted into easy categories. In fact, in the Dark Forest of Serenia there is a large settlement of "Gray Elves".
  • The Elves (森精種(エルフ), Erufu)? are the seventh ranked race of the Exceed and were created by Kainasu, the Forest God. Their homeland is Elven Gard, the largest nation on Disboard. Though the elf country is democratic with the largest families within the council of elders, they often have slaves from other races to serve them from within the conquered territories they have claimed or from bets that have been lost, this often results in generational slave families living with their owner families for life such as Chlammy Zell lives with Fiel Nirvalen. It is noted that there are currently 2 factions within Elven Gard, the council of elders and the Hero of elves, who was not given much detail other than the Hero of Elves has the support of the Elven people, while the council is trying to gain mo
  • Elves are a basic character race that are featured in the core rulebooks of both 3rd and 4th editions of Dungeons & Dragons. In Eberron, modern elves are split into many distinct cultures: the Aerenal, the Valenar, the Khorvaire elves, and the drow of Xen'drik. Each of these cultures participates in some form of ancestor worship, though each has a unique expression of this practice. The Valenar elves focus their worship only on their Warrior ancestors. By emulating the deeds of these ancestors, they believe the spirits can live again. They do not resurrect their fallen or beloved as Deathless.
  • <default>Elf</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Elfy (ang. Fairy) — małe ozdobne istoty o bardzo niskiej inteligencji, używane głównie w celach dekoracyjnych. Elfy wyglądem przypominają małego człowieczka. Mogą osiągnąć do pięciu cali (12,7 cm) wzrostu, potrafią latać, co umożliwiają im skrzydła (przezroczyste lub tęczowe). Występują głównie w lasach i na polanach.
  • Er zijn velen theorieën over het ontstaan van elves. Sommige mensen bijvoorbeeld, denken dat elves afstammen van hun godin, Elune. Andere mensen denken dat ze afkomstig zijn van trolls. Het enige dat Blizzard heeft vrijgegeven over de oorsprong van elves is dat er een 'stam van mensachtigen' was, die naar de Well of Eternity trok, en met haar energie veranderden in night elves, de eerste elves. De night elves bouwden een grote complexe en machtige beschaving op. De bestudeerders van de bron heetten de Highborne. Deze elite sekte van de night elves leerde hoe je de kracht van de bron moest gebruiken, en waaren de eerste gebruikers van magie. de War of the Ancients kwam en velen elves overleden door de chaos. de oorlog eindigde met een de Great Sundering, de vernietiging van de Well of Etern
  • In every installment of the series, the Elves are all women with long green hair. They are experts in the field of archery and move quickly to protect their forest. Elves have no relationship with humans despite their geographical proximity. To prevent any adventurer to reach Yggdrasil (although humans can), the elves have designed their forest to get lost easily. Elves are very close to the Aesir.
  • The elves were one race, slaves under the Dragon Lords. * The elves who tended the fields and forests were the precursors to the modern-day Eledhel * Those who served their masters were the ancestors to the Moredhel. * Those who were tasked to protect and guard the Sven'Gary were the ancestors of the Anoredhel. * The Eldar, wisest and most powerful of the elves, served as loremasters and keepers of treasures plundered by the Dragon Lords; they fled to Kelewan, but were presumed to have perished with their masters. * Those elves who served the Valheru as ministers, or sometimes dancers, eventually broke away from Midkemia in the beginning of the Chaos Wars, establishing a colony on their own planet and became the Taredhel.
  • A type of fairy that lives underground in the hills and fields where nature remains unspoiled. They are thought to have originated in Scotland, but appear in folklore throughout western and northern Europe. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers.
  • General infomation-------- The elves,(more commonly known as rangers or forest elves)are the most powerful melee unit and allies to the humans.They normally attack in 4s or 5s but pose to be strong enough to maintain fighting 2 units of orcs single-handedly.They can also have a huge array of magic spells and a stronger elemental boost than their dark counterparts.Sadly,they are not playable in Kingdom Under Fire Heroes or Kingdom Under Fire The Crusaders and just an ally on some missions.
  • An elf is a mythical being that was often the subject of Earth fairy tales. When James T. Kirk discovered, in 2267, that violent emotions were the means required to destroy the Omicron spores that had taken over his crew, he was forced to make several insulting remarks to his first officer Spock in order to break him free of the spore's influence. While insulting Spock's Vulcan heritage, Kirk referred to Spock as "an elf with a hyperactive thyroid," later adding that Spock "should be squatting on a mushroom instead of passing himself off as a man." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise" )
  • An elf is a humanoid being usually considered one of the many types of little people, commonly associated with Santa Claus. They are generally said to have elfin features such as colorless hair, pointed ears, and pale or discolored bodies. With the advent of The Lord of the Rings, the popular elvish stereotype became humanoids that were taller, fairer and more graceful than humans, though in truth J.R.R. Tolkien got this version from the elves of Norse Mythology. They are often characterized by pointy ears, though the length of them differs greatly depending on the story, and immortal or centuries-long lives. They often have non-human hair colors, like Celeborn's silver hair, and, in World of Warcraft, the night elves have blue or green hair.
  • The kingdom of Tirannwn contains the largest proportion of the elven population. It is scarcely populated with the exception of Prifddinas, the capital of the region. * Prifddinas - the largest elven settlement, a mighty crystalline city that dates from thousands of years ago. From the Fourth Age the city has remained in its crystal seed state: this was brought on by King Baxtorian of Clan Cadarn and the Clan Elders who sang the Song of Reversion to end Iorwerth control over the city as part of the Elven Civil War. In the Plague's End quest the player ends Iorwerth control over northern Tirannwn and restores the city to its former glory by gathering the Clan Elders in the Great Library. * Lletya - a village found on the outskirts of Isafdar, inhabited by rebel elves. * Elf Camp -
  • Elves are slightly shorter than humans, and have a much lighter build. They lack the strength and stamina of the larger races, but are far more agile, both in body and mind. Elves tend to make their homes deep within secluded forests, but always remain in touch with the world around them. The easiest way to recognize an elf is by their pointy ears. * Bard * Wizard * Ranger * Monk * Psionic * Priest * Druid * Valkyrie * Paladin * Cavalier
  • 250px|thumb|Elf 250px|thumb|Elf thumb|250px|Elfy Faeruńskie thumb|250px|Elfy Krynnskie thumb|250px|Morski elf thumb|250px|Avariel Elfy są często spotykaną w Wieloświecie rasą. Wyróżniają się dość szczupłą i niewysoką budową ciała, spiczastymi uszami, długowiecznością (dożywają nawet tysiąca lat), doskonałymi zmysłami i silnym związkiem z magią. Elfy żyjące na planach są bardziej wzniosłe od swoich odpowiedników z pierwszych sfer materialnych. Inną wspólną cechą elfów jest niezaprzeczalna urodziwość - praktycznie nie spotyka się osobników brzydkich lub kalekich od urodzenia. Bardzo rzadko noszą zarost a ich oczy mają w sobie charakterystyczną głębię. Żywią się zazwyczaj owocami i produktami zbożowymi, czasami wzbogacając tą dietę owocami polowania. Podobnie jak krasnoludy, elfy są mistrzami
  • These gentle-souled Elves are proficient at healing others in their party. But don't be fooled, they also pack a wicked wallop in the form of magical attacks. Elfs have the healer role in the world of Rohan with its basic healing skills, shields and buffs they are well needed when going out to the adventure. White Mage - Every Elf starts as a healer with minor magic attack skills, basic healing skills and barriers.
  • Being immortal, Elves continued to live peacefully throughout the Fourth Age. While those had left Middle-earth, the Elves that lived in Aman chose to stay and live in a blissful happiness as they did before the Revolt of the Ñoldor. All the Wood elves in the Woodland Realm chose to stay, and became more secretive, civilized, and great in number. Most from Lothlórien have chosen to stay while some, which included Celeborn and Galadriel, sailed to the Undying Lands. However, Celeborn and Galadriel had a vision that they would return to Middle-earth once a year during the Fourth Age. The elves from other places in Middle-earth, never chose to sail into the Utter West and chose to remain civilized during the Fourth Age while the rest sailed to the Undying Lands.
  • Elves are one of four playable Races and are joined with the Humans to form the Alliance of Light. Description Methodical, deliberate, and smart are just some of the words used to describe the Elves. The Elves, like the Vail, are descendents from the Dumianas. The Laws of Nature are very important to the Elves, and their society relies on order and discipline. The Elves are in constant conflict in their attempts to keep the monsters of Teos outside of their borders. The magical Elves are the chosen of the beautiful Goddess of Light. Race Bonus Classes Appearance
  • Elves are generally considered one of the most beautiful races. They are slightly shorter and more delicate than humans and are not as hardy. Elves are a rare sight on the sword coast perhaps because they prefer the wild to human cities. While they are well known as a cheerful and frolicsome race many elves, especially drow, are as surly as dwarves or as prideful as humans.
  • In Chapter 2, Alena and co. see an elf named Lita and her sister at the top of Birdsong Tower, though the pair leaves as soon as they see the party, leaving behind a phial of Birdsong Nectar. Later, in Chapter 5, they meet Rosalee, an elf who was hunted by humans because she cries rubies. Her lover Saro, the game's main antagonist, builds a fortress to protect her, around which the town of Rosalee Hill grows. A few elves also live in Rosalee Hill, as it gradually became a shelter for various supernatural beings from the machinations of greedy and bigoted humans.
  • Old Common term: Olve Elves are a bit shorter and lighter than humans, with a slender, atheltic build. They are known for their intelligence and dexterity, making them great rangers and wizards. According to their myth, the elves were born from the blood of Corellon Larethain and the tears of Sehanine Moonbow after Corellon's battle with Gruumsh, who they revere as their chief dieties. Some elves also pay homage to Ehlonna, goddess of woodlands.
  • The elven race pitied the primitive Normans and sought to help the race advance by teaching them the ways of their people. So proud and almighty were the elves that they failed to notice signs of rebellion from the Normans. One elf sage name Vanar foresaw the fall of his people and used his knowledge of magic to forge the Orb of Vanar in order to save the elven race. But his orb came too late, as the Normans allied with the dwarves to overthrow the elves and take over the kingdom of Geffenia that the elves established on Midgard. As a result, the remaining elves scattered to the far reaches of Midgard, but not before a powerful magic locked their world away from the Normans. Their numbers dwindled over the years and are now on the verge of extinction.
  • Long ago, the Elves, also known as the Fair Folk, welcomed the younger Races of Middle-earth and allied with them when the need was great, but centuries of war, betrayal, and hardship have made them fiercely protective of their seclusion. Playable Classes: Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Minstrel, Rune-keeper (MoM), Warden (MoM) Starting Area: Edhelion / Ered Luin
  • Elves are a forest-dwelling race in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world that are not naturally counted amongst the monsters. There are males and females just as with humans and dwarves; however, when exposed to demonic energy, female elves can be twisted into nymphomaniacal, monster versions of their original species.
  • Elves are one of the humanoid races that inhabit the Continent. Forming a major part of the Elder Races (along with dwarves and gnomes), those known as Aen Seidhe came to the Continent on their white ships much earlier than humans, but later than the other Elder Races. They live much longer than humans and are usually very attractive. Elves are capable of interbreeding with humans (thus producing half-elves and quadroons) and dryads. Though elves are incredibly long lived, only young elves are fertile, thus elven populations tend to reproduce at a slower rate than humans.
  • Elves have the following racial traits: * +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution. * Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Elf base land speed is 30 feet. * Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against spells or effects. * Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. * Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats. * +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An
  • A humanoid race, elves are typically shorter than humans (though this has been mitigated slightly since Dragon Age: Origins) and have a slender, lithe build and pointed ears. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan and the empire of Elvhenan, its following plunder by the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity. They attempted to rebuild their society in the Dales, but after three centuries they fell to the Chantry's Exalted Marches.
  • User with this ability either is or can transform into a elf (also known as Alvar, Daoine Sidhe, Sidhe, etc.), who are either close relatives for faery or near-mortals with exceptional living-span and magical inclination, there just doesn't really seem to be anything between. In general all elves appear humanoids of close to human size (some are notably smaller, other good deal taller), beautiful, young-looking or ageless, graceful and generally both wondrous and haughty. Although some (especially those of the Primal back-ground) could pass as particularly attractive humans, most have distinctive look of slender physique, vulpine facial features and arresting eyes, but especially their ears that range from but human sized with points to variously elongated. While most have relatively norma
  • (We see Chester sitting in a comfy chair in some room as the tune of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" plays.) Chester: (speaking calmly) Greetings, my friends, and welcome to a "Bummy Christmas Review." (Cut it "Bummy Christmas Reviews" title card, back to Chester) Let us venture into our very last Christmas film that we're reviewing, "Elf." (Cut to title card of it, back to Chester) ..."Elf"?! Really? This is the last one we're going out on, "Elf"?! People either seem to love or hate Will Ferrell, and I-- Are you sure we wanna go out on this one? I mean-- (waves arms) Hijinks! Hehe, he's terrible.
  • The drow are an elven subrace recognizable by their black skin, pale hair and the vicious snarl you may hear just before they plunge their murderous blade into your heart (if you will get lucky and die instead of being captured) - again according to the lore. Drow live in the Underdark divided into rivaling noble houses rulled by powerfull drow priestesses, worshiping Spider Godess Loth. Drow society is completely dominated by females, with drow males considered to be expandable. Drow consider themselves to be superior to other races, and reject moral ideals of the surfacers. They constantly fight with other race that inhibits the Underdark - driders.
  • 7
  • 13
  • 16
  • 18
  • 22
  • 26
  • 29
  • 33
  • 79
  • 84
  • 86
  • y
  • 4
  • 6
  • 9
  • 14
  • 25
  • 5
  • Neutral-Neutral
  • 79
  • 84
  • 86
  • 57
  • 60
  • 62
  • 2
Movement Type
  • Walking
fr name
  • Elfe
  • do 12 cm
  • Scimitar
  • * Reinforcement of the Army * Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters * Secret Village of the Spellcasters * Spellbook of Fate * Spellbook of Power * Spellbook of Wisdom * Toon Table of Contents * Wonder Wand
Battle Start
  • I will support you with magic.
Description from
  • “Trespass not in the secret glades of the Elves!” Hailing from deep within the mystical forests of the Elflands, north of the great Western Kingdom, the Elf is a skilled master of the longbow and a wilderness scout without equal. He can walk over dried leaves and brittle twigs without ever making a sound, leap effortlessly through the tall treetops, and track a troll raiding party for days with no rest. You may have heard that the Elves are a mysterious and secretive people, but in fact they’ll be happy to tell you all about their musical artistry with the harp and panpipes, their sworn friendship to the beasts of the woods, and their quest to rescue the enchanted Golden Goblet from the cavern of the Emerald Dragon. And then they’ll break out the epic poetry!
  • Sapient
  • Fire, Energy, Poison
  • 1500
  • 1650
New Header
  • Melf (Earth-616)
  • Natalie Wood; Natalie Wood .png
  • Relf; Needed.png
  • Time Agent 3121.10; Needed.png
  • Time Agent 3127.9; Needed.png
  • Time Agent 334A-W; Needed.png
  • 6.200000
  • Elves are fierce warriors and do not run even when they are in low health.
  • Elves are fierce warriors, they will fight to the death.
  • Elf
Mana Cost
  • 50
skill lv
  • Deal 120% DMG to all enemies / 10% chance
  • Deal 220% DMG to all enemies / 15% chance
  • Sylvain Elph
pt name
  • Elfo
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • Humanoids
  • An elf on a journey to visit the human lands.
  • * Magician's Circle * Royal Decree / Trap Stun
  • 9
  • 15
  • 33
  • 97
  • Humanoid
  • yes
  • no
  • ?
effect monsters
  • * Celtic Guard of Noble Arms * Dark Elf * Flelf * Obnoxious Celtic Guard * Toon Gemini Elf * Magical Undertaker * Rescue Rabbit * Summoner Monk
it name
  • Elfo
  • 11
  • 100.0
  • 320
  • No
normal monsters
  • * Ancient Elf * Celtic Guardian * Dancing Elf * Gemini Elf * Mystical Elf * Wing Egg Elf
  • S2e13_hot_elf_2.jpg
  • 101
  • 110.0
  • --01-23
  • --03-13
  • In the early days, it could be refunded by 1900 coins. Nowadays, it is around 2 million coins.
  • 100.0
  • Elves are fierce warriors, they will fight to the death.
  • None
  • 7
  • 10
  • 11
  • 15
  • 18
  • 7
  • 250
  • 300
Product page URL
  • Arm, Armor, Accessory
ko name
  • 엘프
  • 320
  • --
  • elf
  • Elfe
  • 100.0
  • 80.0
  • 100.0
  • 14
  • 45
  • 340
  • -
  • 100.0
es name
  • Duende
  • Infinite
  • 5
xyz monsters
  • * Shining Elf * Fairy King Albverdich
Always Drops
ko romanized
  • Elpeu
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 10
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 40
  • *First Age *Second Age *Third Age *Fourth Age
Attack style
  • Melee
  • 8803
  • No
  • A Chance Encounter ~ Begegnung
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's * Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL * Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V * Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions
  • 100.0
  • Usually chaotic good
  • 5
  • 38
  • 48
  • 54
  • 2050
  • 2255
  • Yes
  • Yes
friendship max
  • Great master, I want to spend eternity with you.
  • Easy
  • 6
  • 4
  • 7
  • y
  • No
  • No
  • エルフ
  • Unknown
  • 3
  • 6
  • 9
  • 11
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • 6
  • 11
  • 7
  • 10
  • Elves are a very ancient human-like race. They have a tall and beautiful figure. In former days they travelled all over Tibia, now they have retreated to an area in the north of Tibia where they live in dwellings made out of flourishing trees. Some of them are quite hospitable, but others are very suspicious towards any intruder and will try to repel him using their bows. Having a long history, the Elves are very skilled in magic, and almost every Elf knows some spells.
friendship event
  • Be with me always master Life eternal. Til death do us part.
battle end
  • Sorry I'm powerless...
  • Fairy F.png
  • elf
  • 9
  • 12
  • 13
  • 18
  • 23
  • Yes
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • N
  • Ultra Rare
  • Uncommon
  • Very Rare
Critical Chance
  • 5
  • Cape, Bogen und Schild
  • 100.0
  • yes
  • yes
  • No
  • In the olden days, you could purchase it at around 2000 coins. Nowadays, it is around 2 million coins.
  • 0
  • I have been waiting. Let me help you today.
  • Elves
  • Elves
  • Elves
immune to poison
  • No
  • Various locations worldwide
  • 1
  • 14400.0
  • Immune to sleep
  • Elves who merely pass within 5 ft. of a secret door can make a Perception check to notice it as if she were actively looking.
  • Proficient with longsword, shortsword, longbow, and shortbow
  • 6
  • 7
  • Wood
  • Cool
  • By class level
  • Series 3
  • an
  • Varies
  • Bright green
  • Green, blue, brown, red
  • Yellow, Red, Brown, Black, Blue
  • The North Pole
  • 1
  • Varies
  • 180
  • +2 Perception
  • +2 Nature
  • Sightings still occur frequently
  • Prideful, aggressive
  • Elves fully mature around the same time a human would, then aging drastically slows. Elves may life for thousands of years.
  • *Bright green eyes *Pointed ears *Short in height
  • +2 Ref, +2 Will
  • 5
  • 7
  • 35
  • 95
  • Dan Lebental
  • 22
  • 4
  • 6
  • N/A
  • 5820.0
  • Zwierzę
  • Long and pointy ears
  • *light elves *wood elves *high elves *grey elves *Sea-elves
First Appearance
  • Healer
  • Crystal Collector
  • Forests
  • Varies
  • 57
  • 60
  • 62
  • Varies
  • Black, Dark blue, brown
  • Blonde, red, white
  • black, brown or blonde
  • 1
  • 10
  • United States
  • dbkwik:resource/l8o7DeO_WOJQtzHrqcBL6A==
  • Coins
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Elves
  • Bugbear
  • Reaver
  • Diamond
  • Elf
  • Nature rune
  • Death rune
  • Gold ore
  • Jug of wine
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 1
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 2
  • Crystal triskelion fragment 3
  • Grapevine seed
  • Snape grass seed
  • Dokkalfar
  • Key token
  • Butterfly flower seed
  • Fire orb
  • Tyri
  • elf
  • Barberry seed
  • Fly trap seed
  • Potato cactus seed
  • Prickly pear seed
  • Reed seed
  • Sunchoke seed
  • Wishing well bush seed
  • エルフ
  • Spider Queen
  • Dark Maiden
  • Elf
  • Elf
  • Elvies
  • Focus Fire
  • Glade Warden
  • 15
  • 30
  • 60
  • 69
  • 90
  • 110
  • 164
  • 180
  • Color
  • Pale to black
  • Lightly tanned to dark brown
  • Main are: white, pale, dark black
  • Usually pale white/tan
  • „Betreten der geheimen Elfen-Lichtungen auf eigene Gefahr!“ Der Elf stammt aus den geheimnisvollen Wäldern der Elfenlande nördlich des großen Westlichen Königreichs. Er ist ein treffsicherer Langbogenschütze und findet sich wie kein anderer in der Wildnis zurecht. Er schleicht völlig lautlos über trockenes Laub und spröde Zweige, springt mühelos durch die Lücken zwischen den höchsten Baumkronen und bleibt den Stoßtrupps der Trolls tagelang auf den Fersen, ohne eine Pause zu benötigen. Du hast vielleicht schon gehört, dass Elfen mysteriöse Wesen sind, in Wirklichkeit erzählen sie aber nur allzu gerne von ihrer Kunstfertigkeit beim Spielen der Harfe und der Panflöte, von ihrem Freundschaftsschwur, den sie den Tieren des Waldes gegeben haben, und von ihrem Streben, den verzauberten Goldpokal aus der Höhle des Smaragddrachen zu retten. Und dann kann es auch gut sein, dass sie ein Gedicht erzählen!
  • Neural-Neutral
  • Fey Origin
  • Wild Step
  • Elven Accuracy
  • Elven Weapon Proficiency
  • Group Awareness
  • Erufu
  • Theatrical release poster
  • First edition of Elf didn't really make a hit in the industry...
  • A Valenar Elf
  • Elves.
  • Gekko Tenma and "Wonderbeat Elf"
  • Tao the Mage
  • The Elves of Faerûn.
  • Book 1
  • Fire
  • All troops gain +1 Magic for having 3 unique Elf troops
  • All troops gain +4 Life and +1 Magic for having 4 unique Elf troops
Hair Color
  • Various
  • *Cardia, Zeal *Thracia *Aison, Libaterra, Remon, Yamato *Celenia, Valencia, Zion
Japanese Voice Actor
  • Medium
  • Physical
3e type
4e type
  • Fey humanoid
3e advancement
  • By character class
3e size
  • Medium
4e size
  • Medium
4e source
  • Heroes of the Fallen Lands, pg. 260
  • Player's Handbook (4th edition), pg. 40;
3e class
gr name
  • Ξωτικό
3e source
  • Player's Handbook v. 3.5, pg. 15-16
Unusual Features
  • Long, pointed ears
  • Lanky, underdeveloped bodies
  • No aging beyond adolescence
  • auto
  • 32
  • 42
  • 90
  • 1
  • Yes
  • yes
  • Holly Short, Julius Root
  • * Oberon Greenhaze * Florian Greenheart * Erasmus * Cryos
  • Pearl
  • Scimitar
  • Cypress Sword
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! * Yu-Gi-Oh! R * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Ethnic Groups
Skin Color
  • White
  • Do you wish for elf's wisdom? I hope to assist you.
  • 1
  • 10
  • 59
  • 120
  • 130
  • Average
  • 150
  • dbkwik:resource/5Mi5_S7MwV3haQY7tVp61A==
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The Arcan’dor, the Fal’dorei, and the Withered
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The Reunion of the Elves
  • Elfy
  • Ekinmu Police
Other Names
  • ; Arabic : الفتاة
  • 15
  • 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 240280350
  • エルフ
  • 12000
  • $0.99 or 100
  • Plague's End
  • Any land
  • 163
  • Auto
  • Tall
  • -120.0
  • 0.0
  • 8.0
  • Varies; either roughly human or very small
  • Elf
  • Elves
  • Even at the present, there are elves who live in a most peculiar fashion, building villages deep in the forests. They have beautiful, delicate forms with long ears, and, compared to humans, they have greater magical power from birth. They live in harmony with nature. They are the guardians of the forest who have continued to protect nature from the humans for generations. They live by hunting wild animals, and eating fruits and vegetables that they gather from the forest. They never forget to express gratitude for this food. It is said that they always recite prayers to thank the forest and the animals before they eat. They generally have personalities that are proud and pure, but they have hard heads and are extremely inflexible. Since the age of the former demon lord, they've always looked down on humans, monsters, and dwarves as inferiors, scorning them as vulgar creatures, and thus, until now, they've hardly had any intermingling with the other races. They are ascetics who value living quietly in the forest without embracing desire, and they view sex in an especially negative light. For that reason, if one of the elves of the village becomes violated by the demonic energy of a succubus, they are extremely sensitive to it. The elf would probably be quickly banished from the village before any of their friends got raped. The process of corrupting such stubborn, fastidious individuals, teaching them the pleasure they had never known, and transforming them into wildly lustful monsters is extremely amusing to the succubi. Is is said that they view them as the best kind of toys, so many elves have been converted into succubi, and the number of pure elves remaining is dwindling year by year.
  • A type of people that live deep in the forests and build peculiar villages. They're also called “forest elves.” They are a pure and proud race, but they are hard-headed and stubborn. They are ascetic, and extremely negative towards sex and pleasure. They regard humans, monsters, and all things related to sex and pleasure as filthy and inferior, and they despise them. Since they have high magical energy, it's much more difficult for demonic energy to bind to them compared to humans, and monsterization is extremely gradual. They won't completely become monsters just from having sex with monsters. demonic energy arouses their bodies, eventually leading to a state where they have lewd desires and fantasies. Then, upon receiving a man's sperm, they completely change into monsters. Elves are sensitive to magical energy, and at the stage when one has been corrupted by demonic energy, everyone around will notice it, and banish them from the village, so chain monsterization and conversion of elven men into incubi rarely ever happens. After monsterization is completely finished, they become extremely lustful and lewd monsters almost like a backlash or something from everything until that point. When humans who think of sex and pleasure as dirty things change into monsters, in most cases, that hatred disappears, and they start to recognize it as a wonderful thing. But for most elves, sex and pleasure remain as filthy things along with humans. However, in monster-like fashion, they start to deeply love those filthy humans. As if ashamed of how clean they had been until then, they wish to be defiled with filthy lust and milky white semen, falling to become a being just as filthy as their beloved men. For them, it is an unbearably joyous thing. Just as they were once proud of their purity, it is said they become proud of their filthy, indulgent lives as monster “elves.” Additionally, there is a matter that is often misunderstood. That is, even if “elves” change into monsters, they don't become “dark elves.” These two races were entirely separate from the beginning.
  • The dwarves and elves have been fighting since ancient times, even before the age of the previous demon lord. Even at the present, the fighting still hasn't stopped. The elves despise the dwarves as an inferior race of fools with low intelligence. This angers the dwarves, and they keep responding to hostility with hostility. Now that both races have been reduced to lustful, lascivious monsters, for some reason, both elves and dwarves often tend to take a liking to the same men, and it often leads to a struggle. But now that they're monsters, it doesn't develop into the kind of fight where they spill each other's blood. Instead, they both snuggle up against the same human man. They rub their bodies against the man as though to assert ownership, pinching him between them, and soon begin to call each other names like “erofu” or “pedowarf. ”
  • At first, they continue to resist as their body undergoes transformation into a monster, but eventually, by receiving a human man's spirit energy, their form is converted into that of a lustful monster. These elves are treated as monsters. After their transformation into a succubus begins, the more they try to resist it, the more lustful a monster they end up becoming. It's almost like the personality of a pure elf is inverted. Their beauty and pride remain as is. They enjoy hardcore sex, and indulge in pleasure, as if their pride as a monster depended on it. Just as when they were a pure elf, they never forget to express their gratitude to a human man after getting exquisite pleasure and nourishment from sweet spirit energy. Instead of praying, they use their hands and mouth to service a man, expressing gratitude through giving him pleasure. They think of their old self as being extremely foolish for forbidding something so wonderful and pleasurable as intercourse with men. In a complete reversal from their abstemious period when they rejected sex, they despise followers of the order, and other elves who are like their former selves. Now that they're completely monsters, they're extremely fond of human men. They now desperately long for the human desire that they once regarded as filthy to be aimed at themselves. Though their attitude towards human men may have changed, they continue to utterly despise other monsters even now more than ever before. They're always uneasy because they feel like another monster is going to steal away their beloved man.
  • 28
  • Unknown
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 13
  • 23
  • 26
  • 38
  • 1700
  • 1870
  • Varies
  • Various colors
  • Blue, violet, green
  • 200
  • Millennia
  • 1.57788E10
  • 6.469308E9
  • Immortal or long-lived
  • eternity
  • Usually up to 200, but 900 not unheard of; do not suffer infirmities with age
  • Around 300-400 for Aen Seidhe; at least one known representative from Aen Elle who has reached 650
  • 6
  • Agilao Media Dormin
  • Breezer Recarm Marin Karin
  • Bufurama Marin Karin Recarm
  • Diarahan Patra
  • Dormina Zionga Diarama
  • Fairy Bolt Mahazan Zanma Lullaby Dia Media
  • Hapilma Media Escape
  • Hapilma Media Flee
  • High magic
  • Zan Hapilma Dormina Mazan
  • Zanma Makakaja Diarama Para-roux Paraladi Charm Bite
  • Эльфы
Image size
  • 225
Average Height
  • Tall, Aen Elle reach even 2 meters
  • Gra "Dungeons, Dungeons And More Dungeons"
  • green
  • #cac6bd
  • Team_Bonus_Type_1.png
  • Team_Bonus_Type_2.png
  • A tribe of sub humans that take great pride in their vast knowledge.
  • good
  • Resists Expel
  • Resist: Expel, Nerve, Spirit
  • 2.204E8
  • 18
  • 22
  • Pointed ears, sparse body hair, slim but athletic build, insightful, keen senses
  • Pointed ears, teeth without cuspids
  • Scorn for humans and dwarves
  • Talent in art, archery and magic
  • Two pairs of wings
  • Usually slim. Most are great Archers.
  • Pointy ears, tall, graceful, great knowledge of nature and magic
  • Guy Walks Into a Bar Productions
  • I'll lend you my magic and knowledge.
  • 0
  • 420
  • 2011
  • elves
  • Elf theatrical release poster
  • Elf.png
  • Focus Fire.png
  • Tw series Elves.png
  • 10
  • They are weak in Melee but strong in distance.
  • They are weak in melee and strong in distance.
  • They are weak in melee and strong in distance.
  • Norse mythology
  • European folklore
  • fantasy
  • Elf
Last Appearance
  • 8
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
Skill Trees
pt name female
  • Elfa
  • White to black
  • Black, brown, or blond hues
  • Dark brown, autumn orange, mossy green, deep gold
Body Type
  • Substance
  • Goblin
  • Good
  • "Death to the Defilers!"; "You are not welcome here."; "Flee as long as you can."; "Bahaha aka!"; "Ulathil beia Thratha!".
  • "Death to the Defilers!"; "You are not welcome here."; "Flee as long as you can."; "Bahaha aka!"; "Ulathil beia Thratha!"
  • 20
  • 23
  • 24
  • 67
  • 75
  • 96
  • 97
  • 100
  • 112
  • 114
  • 120
  • 176
  • elf
  • 2003-11-07
  • 2014-08-11
  • 2002-10-18
Ja Name
  • エルフ
  • Pale
  • Brown
  • tan
  • Pale brown, black
Eye Color
  • Various
  • Omnivore
  • Omnivorous
  • Men's Spirit Energy
  • M
  • 5
  • Elf
  • Elves
  • Fairy
  • There's not much effects though. It stops your boredom; that's for sure.
  • low-light
  • Low-Light Vision
  • Low-light
  • Low-light, Darkvision
  • The Soldiers of the Sanctuary, a group of elves from Everlight.
  • 1
  • PG
  • 2850
  • 3000
  • 3100
  • 3.3E7
  • David Berenbaum
  • Blue Mountains, Dol Blathanna, Tir ná Lia, human realms in Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaardian Empire
  • Humanoid, similar style and size to Elves spoken of in mythology
  • Excels in archery and has high willpower-related stats
  • Light, Dark, High, Wood, Christmas
  • 8803
  • Elf.png
  • Prime Material Plane
  • Bien
  • Valhalla Corridor
  • Sold in Weddell from 1979 to 1984,
  • Yalahar Foreigner Quarter and Trade Quarter, Maze of Lost Souls, Orc Fort , Hellgate, Shadowthorn, Ab'Dendriel elf caves, Elvenbane, north of Thais.
  • Yalahar Foreigner Quarter, Maze of Lost Souls, Orc Fort, Hellgate, Shadowthorn, Ab'Dendriel elf caves, Elvenbane, north of Thais.
  • Yalahar Foreigner Quarter, Maze of Lost Souls, Orc Fort, Hellgate, Shadowthorn , Ab'Dendriel elf caves, Elvenbane, north of Thais.
  • 13
  • Just attack them. Their melee is very easy to armor block, the only danger are the arrows which are rarely used.
  • Just attack them. Their melee is very easy to block, the only danger are the arrows which are rarely used.
  • Just attack them. Their melee is very easy to block, the only danger are the arrows which are rarely used.
  • They have low defense but be careful, they may be accompanied by Elf Scouts and Elf Arcanists, which are more dangerous.
  • They have low defense but be careful, they may be accompanied by Elf Scouts and Elf Arcanists, which are more dangerous.
  • They have low defense but be careful, they may be accompanied by Elf Scouts and Elf Arcanists, which are more dangerous.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 13
  • 16
  • 33
Pokrewne gatunki
  • * Bahanka * Chochlik kornwalijski * Erkling
  • 43
  • 10
  • 0
  • 12
  • Lyetanír, Syaar
  • 12
  • 19
  • 17
  • 3
Move Type
  • Forest
  • Walk
MAG Per Step
  • 0
  • 46
Magic Group
  • 6
  • 7
Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów
  • 3
  • 5
  • 8
  • 9
  • 15
  • 53
  • 10
  • 15
  • 35
  • 39
  • 42
  • 46
  • 11
  • 15
  • 19
Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii
  • XX
  • Strzelanie z łuku
  • Medium
creator deity
  • +2 vs. Enchantment Spells/Effects
  • Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
  • Elven, Common
  • +2 Perception
  • 1.0
  • Dark Elf
4e modifiers
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence or Wisdom
3e modifiers
  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
  • 115.0
4e skillmod
  • +2 Nature, +2 Perception
  • 155.0
  • 6.0
sub race(s)
  • half-elves, quadroons
  • Under Construction
  • See
  • __TOC__
  • Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many other races find them hauntingly beautiful.
  • [[Datei:Holly_Short_2.jpg|thumb|Ein Beispiel einer Elfe, hier Holly Short]] Dieser Artikel behandelt die Spezies, die Zahl ist nicht gemeint Die Elfen, Singular Elf und Elfe, sind die erste der acht Familien des Erdvolks.
  • 250px|thumb|Elf 250px|thumb|Elf thumb|250px|Elfy Faeruńskie thumb|250px|Elfy Krynnskie thumb|250px|Morski elf thumb|250px|Avariel Elfy są często spotykaną w Wieloświecie rasą. Wyróżniają się dość szczupłą i niewysoką budową ciała, spiczastymi uszami, długowiecznością (dożywają nawet tysiąca lat), doskonałymi zmysłami i silnym związkiem z magią. Elfy żyjące na planach są bardziej wzniosłe od swoich odpowiedników z pierwszych sfer materialnych. Inną wspólną cechą elfów jest niezaprzeczalna urodziwość - praktycznie nie spotyka się osobników brzydkich lub kalekich od urodzenia. Bardzo rzadko noszą zarost a ich oczy mają w sobie charakterystyczną głębię. Żywią się zazwyczaj owocami i produktami zbożowymi, czasami wzbogacając tą dietę owocami polowania. Podobnie jak krasnoludy, elfy są mistrzami rzemiosła, z tym że pracują raczej w drewnie i metalu. Są również świetnymi wojownikami, starannie planującymi taktykę, wykorzystującymi zwiad, kamuflaż i podstęp. Ich ulubioną bronią są łuki i kusze, którymi rażą wrogów z dystansu. W zwarciu posługują się rapierami i lekkimi długimi mieczami, które pozwalają im w pełni wykorzystać swą morderczą finezję. Elfi magowie chętnie posługują się czarem uśpienia, ponieważ elfy są odporne na jego działanie. Wskutek działania czynników zewnętrznych elfy rozwinęły się na rozmaite, dość mocno różniące się podrasy, mogące jednak swobodnie się ze sobą krzyżować. Najbardziej znaną i specyficzną podrasą elfów, wyróżniającą się pod każdym względem są drowy. Elfy mówią swoim własnym językiem, większość z nich zna także wspólny i leśny oraz inne języki. Głównym bóstwem i stworzycielem elfów jest Corellon Larethian.
  • Grafika:200px-Un_elfe_un_peu_frimeur_jnl_fal.jpg Elfy stanowią jedną z najważniejszych ras większości światów fantasy. Ze względu na różnice między światami, zachodzą również zasadnicze różnice w opisach elfów w różnych rzeczywistościach fantasy. Wspólne pozostają jednak przeważnie pewne elementy natury oraz wyglądu elfów: * długie, szpiczaste uszy * długowieczność * związki z naturą i lasem * uzdolnienia magiczne * piękny wygląd * długie włosy * piękny i melodyjny głos
  • Being immortal, Elves continued to live peacefully throughout the Fourth Age. While those had left Middle-earth, the Elves that lived in Aman chose to stay and live in a blissful happiness as they did before the Revolt of the Ñoldor. All the Wood elves in the Woodland Realm chose to stay, and became more secretive, civilized, and great in number. Most from Lothlórien have chosen to stay while some, which included Celeborn and Galadriel, sailed to the Undying Lands. However, Celeborn and Galadriel had a vision that they would return to Middle-earth once a year during the Fourth Age. The elves from other places in Middle-earth, never chose to sail into the Utter West and chose to remain civilized during the Fourth Age while the rest sailed to the Undying Lands. More than 3,000 High elves continued to live peacefully in Lindon while most of them sailed for Valinor after Gil-galad's death. The High elves also shared their connection with the other elven realms in Middle-earth and began to slowly populate after Sauron's death.
  • The Elf is the quintessential speed character. Usually dressed in green and always armed with trusty bow, he relies on quick speed and a fast bow-hand to get out of trouble. The Elf typically has slightly worse-than-average armor and strength, and average magic. Though the Elf and the Archer are nearly identical in most aspects, the major difference is that the Archer is an elven female who has the superior ranged abilities (though the Elf is better at melee combat).
  • Wild and free, elves guard their forested lands using stealth and deadly arrows from the trees. They are a people of deeply felt but short-lived passions. Elves are easily moved to delighted laughter, blinding wrath, or mournful tears. Thanks in part to to their long life span, elves sometimes have difficulty taking certain matters as seriously as other races do, but when genuine threats arise, elves are fierce and reliable allies.
  • Elves are a forest-dwelling race in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world that are not naturally counted amongst the monsters. There are males and females just as with humans and dwarves; however, when exposed to demonic energy, female elves can be twisted into nymphomaniacal, monster versions of their original species. Non-corrupted elves are a haughty, isolationist, and puritanical species that are more naturally magical than humans. They have an ancient rivalry with the dwarves that predates even the age of the former Demon Lord. Precisely because elves are so prideful and pure, succubi and dark elves particularly enjoy corrupting them. This kind of lesbian sexual predation by the inma is causing pure elves to disappear rapidly. Although they naturally look down on pretty much all other races, non-corrupted elves are physically capable of interbreeding with humans, producing half-elves. When they become monsters, in the same style as angels the elves' high magical power prevents them from sprouting succubus horns and wings, although their bodies do become more sensitive, beautiful, and arousing, in the usual monster style. Elf villages are scrupulous about exiling those touched with demonic energy; once they're cast out, "even if it isn’t their intent, they’ll advance in the direction where there are human men". Why they specifically seek out human men as opposed to their own species isn't clear , but once they find them, monster elves prove particularly fond of filthy, hardcore sex. Exactly how elves are related to dark elves in the MGE world is not clear; Wandering Scholar reports in Fallen Maidens that "These two races were entirely separate from the beginning", but the species' mutual antagonism implies there may be some history there. In any case, it's not like angels and dark angels: elves are not turned into dark elves or vice-versa, the two are distinct species.
  • The Elf Nanny was interviewed for a nanny position by Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. However, she withdrew her application when she realized the manor was under constant demonic attack. Despite this, she later helped Piper by keeping an eye on Wyatt while she and her sisters were battling the Titans. Another Elf appeared alongside many other magical beings to help the sisters fight Zankou and his demonic forces. She survived the attack on the manor and faded away.
  • The Elves are a peaceful race that reside in Elfheim. Their leader is the Prince of Elfheim, and they are related to the Dark Elves, the leader of whom has cast the Prince of Elfheim into a deep sleep. The Elf King and his descendants were trusted with the Mystic Key by the royal family of Cornelia, to keep until the fabled Warriors of Light arrived in Elfheim to claim it. The Elves have four magic shops in their town and are of relatively small stature, which seems to imply they favor magic over physical might.
  • Elves are generally considered one of the most beautiful races. They are slightly shorter and more delicate than humans and are not as hardy. Elves are a rare sight on the sword coast perhaps because they prefer the wild to human cities. While they are well known as a cheerful and frolicsome race many elves, especially drow, are as surly as dwarves or as prideful as humans. There are many racial divisions of elves: Gold elves, drow (aka dark elves), moon elves, sea elves, wild elves, and winged elves (aka avariel). Elves are generally liked and even admired by humans and are easily accepted into their society. The same cannot be said for dwarves some of whom despise elves on principal.
  • Elves are a race of pointy-eared humanoids endowed with magical powers. They come in many varieties and versions, ranging from small fairy-like woodland spirits to a tall and proud race of semi-divine beings. The latter kind of elves are traditionally antagonous to dwarves, and can be seperated into various subgroups or cultures including High elves, Wood elves and Dark elves. Christmas elves are the little green-garbed helpers of Santa.
  • Elfs typically are dexterous fighters and skillful wizards. Elfs are often connected to a certain flavor of Elf that is related to Tolkiens Elf/Elb Species. Typical Variants are: * Norse style Elf: Stylish and snobish folks that are also skillful craftsmen for everything beautiful. * Wood Elf: Nature friendly folks living in the woods, hugging treas - much like flower power people. * Noble Elf: A bit snobbish, but fierce warriors and magic users at the same time Most of these descriptions however tend to let Elfs have less strict society then mankind in its history had.
  • Az elfek, más néven tündék, az erdők kecses léptű, hegyes fülű, karcsú lakói. Jól bánnak a lő- és dobófegyverekkel, kiváló nyomkövetők és nagyon ügyes vadászok: egy tapasztalt elf íjával senki sem mer szembenézni, akár három hetes nyomokat is megtalál és felismer, élelem keresgélésre pedig kevesebb energiát kell pazarolnia, mint másoknak. Fizikailag talán ők a leggyengébbek, de ezt a hátrányukat pótolja fürgeségük a harcban - már kezdetben kiemelkedően magas ügyességgel indulnak. Induló fegyver : 1 bot Induló tárgy : 1 vizestömlő Induló szakértelem: nyomkövetés 3, vadászat 3
  • Una wacha piola que helea y la re pega, se pone bien loca y tiene banda de skills para todo Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Elf energity
  • The long-lived elven people are a slender, athletic folk who tend to live in heavily wooded areas. They have watched as much of the natural beauty in Faerûn has faded from existence but they do their best to preserve and restore the natural wonders of The Forgotten Realms. Some elves have come to the city of Neverwinter realizing that without this bastion of humanity, the surrounding natural beauty will soon fall prey to time as well.
  • They are a shy and secretive people, usually avoiding humans. Some dwell underground harvesting gems and some have small kingdoms, be it a civilized province, or an enchanted dark wood. Elves can be divided into two broad groups, black elves and white elves. While these divisions are generally true, there has been much inter-marriage among the elves of Daventry. As a result many elves live both above and below the ground, and cannot be fitted into easy categories. In fact, in the Dark Forest of Serenia there is a large settlement of "Gray Elves". Another group is the dark elves it is unclear where they fit on the spectrum, but appear to be as evil as the black elves. Elves are generally of human form, pale in color, of slim build with pointed ears. While considered "little people," some elves can be as tall as humans, and they have even been known to marry with them. Most, though, are short, ranging in height from two and a half feet to four feet tall. Elves have their own kings, laws, and customs, but do not live together in towns and cities. Some of the rare and tall sylvan elves are known to have built large houses where they live and practice magic. In general, elves are friendly but do prefer to stay out of sight of humans. Because of their low visibility, they are considered more mischievous than they really are--the thought being something like "if they don't have something to hide, why don't they show themselves more?" Although secretive, some Elves are happy when humans don't fear them, and in some cases, are eager to offer magic gifts to them. Many of the inhabitants in Daventry, do not share much love for the little people--short elves, dwarfs, gnomes and leprechauns.
  • Elfy - rasa związana z żywiołem powietrza. Najwięcej elfów zamieszkuje Alfheim, ale sama rasa wywodzi się z dalekiej północy i rozprzestrzeniła się po całej Wanadii. Zamieszkują też w Sunnirze i w Alfheimie Zamorskim w Winlandii. Największą grupę elfów poza Wanadia stanowią smagli Jakszowie. Elfy nie mają ograniczonej długości życia i nigdy nie umierają ze starości. Jednak stare elfy podlegają Zaśnięciu, stopniowo przestając przywiązywać znaczenie do ziemskiej rzeczywistości. Ich słabością jest alergia na żelazo. Kategoria:Rasy
  • Elves are among the most populous races in the Shining series, and are represented in a majority of the games.
  • Die Elfen sind Wesen aus dem Land hinter der realen Welt. Sie besuchen unsere Erde und verstecken sich z.B. in der National-Elf oder dem Elfer-Rat, damit sie unbemerkt ihren Schabernack mit den Menschen treiben können. Manchmal gesellt sich noch ein weiterer Elf zu einer Gruppe - so geschehen bei den 12 Jüngern des Jesus von Nazareth. Der Lachfisch-Zahlenstrahl: 0 - 00 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 42 - 100 - 404 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> $1 - Dunkelziffer - Heilige Zahl - Rübezahl - Zwölfmeter
  • Der Elf eine Minifigur aus der Minifiguren Serie 3. Er hat einen Cape, Bogen und Schild. Sein Wappen ist ein weißer Hirschkopf auf grünem Grund und güldenem Rand. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten: Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Kraft Datei:CM_drei_sterne.png Kreativität Datei:CM_fünf_sterne.png Tempo
  • Old Common term: Olve Elves are a bit shorter and lighter than humans, with a slender, atheltic build. They are known for their intelligence and dexterity, making them great rangers and wizards. According to their myth, the elves were born from the blood of Corellon Larethain and the tears of Sehanine Moonbow after Corellon's battle with Gruumsh, who they revere as their chief dieties. Some elves also pay homage to Ehlonna, goddess of woodlands. Elves are long lived and spend much time in study or exploring, giving many people the impression that they are not entirely concerned with the world around them, while others may find them a bit chaotic. Sunndi, Celene and the Duchy of Urnst are all controled by a ruling evelen house, while the Lendore Islands are an oppressive elf ruled theocracy dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow. They are common in Highfolk and the Vesve Forest, having settled the area long before humans entered the area.
  • "Elvies" are vampire helpers of Nancy Claus. The Elvies that Work for Santa got bitten by Nancy Claus, and turned into her slaves. when she turned good again they turned back to normal.
  • Drow are an evil subspecies of elf that occasionally venture into wildspace.
  • An elf was a type of mythological creature from the history of the planet Earth. (TOS novel: The Rift) It has been suggested that the Human legends of elves were actually early Selelvian contact with Humans. (NF novel: Stone and Anvil)
  • The drow are an elven subrace recognizable by their black skin, pale hair and the vicious snarl you may hear just before they plunge their murderous blade into your heart (if you will get lucky and die instead of being captured) - again according to the lore. Drow live in the Underdark divided into rivaling noble houses rulled by powerfull drow priestesses, worshiping Spider Godess Loth. Drow society is completely dominated by females, with drow males considered to be expandable. Drow consider themselves to be superior to other races, and reject moral ideals of the surfacers. They constantly fight with other race that inhibits the Underdark - driders. Half-elves are born of an elf parent and a human parent, and share some traits from both races.
  • In early modern and modern folklore, they become associated with the fairies of Romance folklore and assume a diminutive size, often living mainly in forests but also underground in hills or rocks, or in wells and springs. 19th-century Romanticism attempted to restore them to full stature, often depicting them as very young, probably adolescent (lack of facial hair on male elves), men and women of great beauty. From their depiction in Romanticism, elves entered the 20th-century high fantasy genre in the wake of the published work of J.R.R. Tolkien (especially the posthumous publication of his Silmarillion where Tolkien's treatment of the relation of light elves, dark elves and dwarves is made explicit). The "Christmas elves" of contemporary pop culture were popularized during the 1870s in the United States, in publications such as Godey's Lady's Book.
  • The Elf is a Collectable Minifigure released in 2011 from 8803 Minifigures Series 3. He comes with a shield, a cape, and a bow and arrow. He also comes with a newly moulded hairpiece which also appeared in Series 4 on the Werewolf in brown. The Elf was one of five minifigures chosen for a re-release within the set 850458 VIP Top 5 Boxed Minifigures.
  • Elves are capricious by nature, and few rules govern their long lives. They are fond of circular dances, feasting, singing and gaming and are most likely to be spotted when engaged in one of these activities. Sometimes, for amusement, elves will lure humans into dancing with them or tasting some of their food. In both cases, the humans will lose all track of time and be trapped unless rescued.
  • Elves, much like their living ancestors, the eladrin, who are also commonly called elves, are a long lived race of the Tel-quessir found most commonly in forests, shrublands, and other wildernesses. From time to time the elves have organized strong nations, though with far less frequency than eladrin, in some cases adopting even a nomadic lifestyle. Almost all elves worship the Seldarine, otherwise known as the elven pantheon, and the elves are generally, though not always, good in nature.
  • "Elf" (エルフ Erufu) is an archetype used by Gekko Tenma in Yu-Gi-Oh! R, with a few members also used by Yugi Muto and Yuma Tsukumo. They are mostly LIGHT/EARTH Fairy/Spellcaster monsters. This archetype has support in both the anime and manga. In Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses, "Wing Egg Elf" can transform into a monster with "Elf" in its name when strengthened with "Insect Imitation". In Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, "Celtic Guardian" can be Fusion Summoned using an "Elf" and a Warrior monster. Also, in both video-games, "Elf's Light" can only be equipped to "Elf" monsters.
  • These gentle-souled Elves are proficient at healing others in their party. But don't be fooled, they also pack a wicked wallop in the form of magical attacks. Elfs have the healer role in the world of Rohan with its basic healing skills, shields and buffs they are well needed when going out to the adventure. White Mage - Every Elf starts as a healer with minor magic attack skills, basic healing skills and barriers. Priest - Specializing in healing and protection using a range of powerful magic spells. They assist in party members' recovery, defense also vitality. Their main Status is Psyche and main weapon a Staff but if the player opts for a one Handed weapon and a shield for additional protection it can be used. Priest at end game levels can pack a punch in the form of Magic attacks that can deal decent damage to opponents or debilitate them in the form of various debuffs and roots. Templar - Quite the aggressor, they are capable of both magical and physical attacks. But their healing powers are keen as well. Their main Status is Intelligence and main weapon a Mace/Club and a shield. Templars deal fast solid attacks to the opponent while healing themselves or its fellow party members in the form of Auras. They also have an arsenal of utility spells and stuns to combine their steady DPS.
  • At Bethmora, once Abe arrives with the last crown piece, Nuada revives the Golden Army to destroy the BPRD agents before Hellboy openly declares a challenge for the right to the crown. As Hellboy is the son of the fallen one, Nuada is forced to accept the challenge and loses. Warning Hellboy to kill him, Nuada attempts to kill the demon from behind before Nuala stabs herself in the heart to end her brother's life at the cost of her own. The fate of the Elves with the last of their royal family death is unknown.
  • If one looks at a certain stand point the elves are typicially arrongant and extremely bigoted to the point of looking down on their foes. This is weakness as their culture is more vulnerable to human of saito's world power. They are so arrogant they call human barbarians and are even prideful when cornered as shown with bishadil and joeseph.
  • Elf was a popular board game created and distributed by former Homeni Gamery, whom produced it from 1979 to 1984. Elf is an acronym, meaning Enter Larry's Farm. A revised version was made in 1980, and a sequel, Elof, was sold from 1983 to 1984. It discontinued after the Board Game Crash of 1984, in which the only games Homeni Gamery wold were Army and Salsa.
  • Elves are a humanoid race living in Avden [Source]
  • The elves are based on the "enemy" from the Golden Axe video games, often fought between levels but also appear in-level on occasion. Taya of the Shining Force is a more traditional elf, complete with healing powers and above-average agility.
  • Der Elf, auch Elfen (plural), Elf (männlich) oder Elfe (weiblich) genannt, ist neben den Orks und Zwergen eine der typischen, klassischen Rassen im Fantasygenre.
  • Elves (sometimes elfs) exist in many continua, most notably in modern fantasy or fantasy-influenced settings, but have their origins in regional folklore. Many 'contemporary' elven varieties are based (sometimes loosely, sometimes not) on the elves of The Lord of the Rings. The presence of elves often assumes the presence of humans, because they are a deviation from the local 'human' model yet are very close in general form. Elves generally have the same body structure as humans, but are usually finer-boned and slim rather than bulky. Their height varies, but is nearly always shorter than humans (save in some continua where they are referred to as 'tall and fair') ranging from the slightly shorter elves of Dungeons & Dragons to the tiny elves present in many fairy tales. Their features are usually more delicate than those of humans, and they usually cannot grow facial hair. One of their identifying features is the shape of their ears: long and thin or short and leaf-shaped, they are always 'pointy' in some way. (Note that having pointy ears alone is not an identifying factor for being a local elf variety. Vulcans from Star Trek and Hylians from The Legend of Zelda are both pointy-eared species that are not elves. Calling them elves is incorrect and bad.) Culturally, elves are often characterized as wise, passive, magical, close to nature, and culturally static. In many settings, elves live much longer lives than humans (or are immortal), and their ways change very little because it may take centuries for even one generation to pass. It was an unfortunate stereotype that elves as a concept were designed to be holier-than-thou or simply better at everything than humans, leading to a common characterization of elves being short-sighted or haughty. Many modern inclusions of elves seek to deviate from this model, such as the elves of Dragon Age, which retain little of their ancient dignity; the house elves of Harry Potter, which are tiny, unattractive creatures who work for wizarding families; or the elfs of Discworld, which are more closely modeled on the elves of ancient myth: self-centered, unpleasant, rather dumb but extremely cunning, and afraid of iron. Sometimes there are multiple variations of elf in a canon, whether it is simple cultural difference or a 'racial' difference that implies that they are as different from each other as elves and dwarves are. Speaking of dwarves, many elf varieties have either a contrast or an outright rivalry with the local dwarves. It's easy to see why they might fight like cats and dogs: Dwarves are subterranean, elves are usually forest-dwelling. Dwarves like rocks, elves like trees. Dwarves are often bearded, stumpy, and token-masculine as a culture; elves are not usually bearded, are willowy, and usually are somewhat androgynous... etc. Half-elf, half-human individuals exist in many continua that contain elves, and are perhaps the most common humanoid hybrids in fantasy (despite often being rare in their own continua). Elves tend to speak languages with many diphthongs and accents throughout many continua. (See Grelvish.)
  • Queen of Elves.
  • Elves (singular: Elf) are creatures of Norse mythology. The elves were originally imagined as a race of minor nature and fertility gods, who are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty, living in forests and underground places, like caves, or in wells and springs. They have often been portrayed to be either long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers.
  • The Elf is a playable character.
  • The Elf is a playable mascot in Crossy Road.
  • The Elves are one of the Oldest races on Norrath.
  • Point Blank Shot - Characters who select Elf as one of their domains receive the Point Blank Shot feat for free.
  • Elves are the oldest and wisest of all the humanoid races. They are a sophisticated people, with a profound love of the arts and lives of hedonistic self-indulgence. No Elf likes to have to deal with the problems of everyday life and labour of all kinds is considered dull. Elves do not get on well with other races, being arrogant, whimsical, and impractical. Dwarfs in particular find them irritating. Elves speak their own rather precise and complex language.
  • There are three varieties of elves in the world; wood elves, high elves and grey elves. Wood elves and grey elves are native to the Shores, while high elves live mostly the Shores of Winter. Unlike elves in the Forgotten Realms, elves in Shores of Winter have a soul, just like any other living SoW race. Elves are not connected to any magical ‘weave’, nor can they feel any special mind links between each other. They do feel a strong sense of ‘belonging’ to the natural world and the magic in it. It is not uncommon for grey elves to be born with innate magical talents. Elves generally live to be around 300 years old, though some have lived to be over 500 years or more.
  • Elfs, also called Elves, were immortal Near-Humans from the planet Arda. They were known in some parts of the galaxy, but they were thought of as a legend. Most Elfs did not have the technology to leave Arda, and those who acquired it never returned. One of them left Arda and went to Chandrila where he married a Human female and had a family. The most famous member of the family was Kundun the Legend, who by that time was more Human than Elf. He also had the eternal life quality, which enabled him and his family live for more than four thousand years.
  • The elves a typically short, skinny people in colorful clothes. They are mostly Spock-like, with pointed noses and ears and upturned eyebrows.
  • Elves are a race of alleged alien humanoids with identical characteristics to the Elves mentioned throughout folklore and mythology worldwide. Elves are often human-shaped, differing only from humans due to their pointy ears and their differences in height and weight, as well as skin colour which may vary depending on the origin of the creature. Often potrayed as small and magicial creatures in folklore, elf-like aliens have always been a common sighting on Earth.
  • Elf is one of the realm of Hibernia's selectable races. Slender and tall, Elves are an agile race with high dexterity and intelligence, and find comfort with magic-casting. They resemble humans, but have a less-sturdy body build and pointed ears.
  • Elf is an American Christmas comedy film directed by Jon Favreau, written by David Berenbaum, and starring Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart, Ed Asner, and Zooey Deschanel. It was released in the United States on November 7, 2003, and grossed over $220,400,000 worldwide.
  • Elf — Postać magiczna ożywiona przez kostkę Forda. Pochodzi z gry Dungeons, Dungeons And More Dungeons.
  • A Nordlingek gyakran üldözték az elfeket, számos más nem-ember mellett. Emiatt rengeteg elf lett tagja a Scoia'tael gerilla-csoportnak, akik az Északi Királyságok elleni birodalmi invázió alatt, szövetségre léptek a Nilfgardokkal. Viszonzásul, Emhyr var Emreis császár, saját államot adott az elfeknek Dol Blathanna-ban, és annak királynőjévé nevezte ki Enid an Gleanna-t. Az elfek úgy hiszik, hogy az emberekkel (akik kifejlődtek) ellentétben, őket "létrehozták". Ez okból kifolyólag, néhány elf, szőrös, emberszabású majmoknak tartja őket. A Aen Sidhe mellett, egy másik elf (Aen Elle) csoport is létezik, azonban ők egy másik világot népesítenek be.
  • An elf is a humanoid being usually considered one of the many types of little people, commonly associated with Santa Claus. They are generally said to have elfin features such as colorless hair, pointed ears, and pale or discolored bodies. With the advent of The Lord of the Rings, the popular elvish stereotype became humanoids that were taller, fairer and more graceful than humans, though in truth J.R.R. Tolkien got this version from the elves of Norse Mythology. They are often characterized by pointy ears, though the length of them differs greatly depending on the story, and immortal or centuries-long lives. They often have non-human hair colors, like Celeborn's silver hair, and, in World of Warcraft, the night elves have blue or green hair. They are also known to use bows, and sometimes magic, though other weapons are used occasionally.
  • Elf can refer to any of four playable races in ADOM: * High elf * Grey elf * Dark elf * Mist elf In general, elves have high Dexterity, Learning, and Mana scores, and low Strength and Toughness scores. This makes them well-suited for using spells and missiles. Elves of certain classes will start out with Elven chain mail, which is excellent as far as starting equipment goes. Elf can also refer to certain monsters: * Dark elven warrior * Dark elven archer * Dark elven wizard * Dark elven lord * Dark elven priestess * Dark elven princess Finally, there are certain items created by Elves: * Dark elven quarrel * Elven chain mail
  • <default>Elf</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Elfy (ang. Fairy) — małe ozdobne istoty o bardzo niskiej inteligencji, używane głównie w celach dekoracyjnych. Elfy wyglądem przypominają małego człowieczka. Mogą osiągnąć do pięciu cali (12,7 cm) wzrostu, potrafią latać, co umożliwiają im skrzydła (przezroczyste lub tęczowe). Występują głównie w lasach i na polanach. Elfy posiadają słabą moc magiczną, której używają do obrony przed takimi drapieżnikami, jak lelek wróżebnik. Mają kłótliwy charakter, ale są bardzo próżne, więc łatwo dają się namówić do odgrywania roli dekoracji. Elfy nie potrafią mówić, ale mogą komunikować się ze sobą za pomocą brzęczenia. left|150px Samica elfa składa za jednym razem nawet do pięćdziesięciu jaj, zawsze po spodniej stronie liścia. Po jakimś czasie z jaj wykluwają się barwne larwy. Gdy minie od sześciu do dziesięciu dni, larwy przędą kokony, z których po miesiącu wychodzą dorosłe, uskrzydlone elfy. Elfy są obecne w kulturze mugoli. Czarodzieje uważają, że elfy wraz z jednorożcem stały się najczęstszym bajkowym motywem u mugoli wśród magicznych stworzeń. W Boże Narodzenie 1993 roku, kiedy Harry Potter był na trzecim roku nauki w Hogwarcie profesor Flitwick prawdopodobnie użył elfów do oświetlania choinek. thumb Elfie skrzydła są składnikiem eliksirów, usunięcie ich nie zabije elfa, jednak spowoduje jego dużą irytację.
  • Elves are rare in Aranna, often staying in the Vai'lutra forests as well as the town of Aman'lu. Those that do venture out are usually adventurers, whose tales become children's stories or legends. They don't appear at all in Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, but are a playable race in Dungeon Siege II and Dungeon Siege II: Broken World. Elves bear a resemblance to Humans, though they have pointed ears and sometimes different skin colors (of which are a subtle yellow and a dark grey). Elves are both male and female, and reproduce the same way as Humans do. Different from the Humans, however, the Elves live for many centuries, the oldest known Elf being Arinth, of whom was approximately two thousand years old at his death.
  • Elves are slightly shorter than humans, and have a much lighter build. They lack the strength and stamina of the larger races, but are far more agile, both in body and mind. Elves tend to make their homes deep within secluded forests, but always remain in touch with the world around them. The easiest way to recognize an elf is by their pointy ears. Because of their affinity with nature, Elves posses the ability to blend in with their surroundings, can see in the dark, and are difficult to control through magic. They tend to have strong morals, and can instinctively sense evil creatures. While their intelligence allows them to pursue almost any type of magical or religious training they desire, Elves are limited in their choices of other vocations. * Bard * Wizard * Ranger * Monk * Psionic * Priest * Druid * Valkyrie * Paladin * Cavalier
  • Elves are a long-lived humanoid race, more slender and agile than humans. They can be distinguished by their large, keen eyes and their pointed ears. They have a close kinship with both nature and magic, testament to their kinship with their immortal cousins, the Fey.
  • Twelve Days of StarCraft is a holiday game, named as such by Santa Claus and his elves. The Night Elf Banshee is available as a player portrait in Wings of Liberty, with night elves being a race from Warcraft. A holographic figure in the Hyperion's cantina also does the night elf dance. Concept art once depicted the merc compound hosting a similar hologram of an actual night elf. A night elf templar portrait was available to those who pre-ordered the collector's edition of Mists of Pandaria.
  • The definition of an elf in fantasy literature varies from author to author. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as a group of beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. In Old Norse mythological texts, elves seem at least at times to be counted among the pagan gods; in medieval German texts they seem more consistently monstrous and harmful. In the England of Queen Elizabeth I, elves became conflated with the fairies of Romance culture, so that the two terms began to be used interchangeably. German folklore has tended to see the conflation of elves with dwarfs, leading to the "Christmas elves" image developed in the late 19th-century United States. Elves entered the 20th-century high fantasy genre in the wake of works published by authors such as JRR Tolkien. Harry Turtledove's version of Elves, noted for their height, beauty, and longevity, largely depend on Tolkien's parameters, with the precise details variable as he sees fit.
  • The race of Elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. The Elves have slim and nimble bodies, long ears, and beautiful features. During the era of Giants, among all creatures they held the most power. However, when the Giants were destroyed, the power and influence of the Elves were also diminished. Now they only inhabit part of the forest in Aden. Special Abilities of the Race: Compared to other races, Elves can hold their breath longer and are better able to jump from high places. Characteristics: Elves are wise and quick-witted. They are fast in attack, movement and casting speeds. They also have superior marksmanship skills and higher evasion ratings. However, their attack strength is inferior to that of other races.
  • An elf is a character that appears in Shrek 1 2 and 3
  • In "Equal Frights!", published in Marvel UK's The Real Ghostbusters 1990 Annual, the Ghostbusters encountered Elves in Dublin while they were going to Heathrow Airport. Each elf had a knife with which they would try to stab the Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters managed to trap the elves, but had to let them go when they learned that the supernatural creatures of the United Kingdom played a big part in the tourist economy.
  • The entire race of elves was divided during the great migration, so the elves have different characteristic. This type of Elf who lives in Arborlon.
  • They are a long-lived race possessing great skill in magic and art. In their language, they are called Tel'quessir, or "The People", and all other races (including the drow) are called N'Tel'Quess, or "Not People". Our story focuses on the elven communities of Semberholme and the forest of Cormanthor, particularly on the small village of Erülisse, comprised primarily of moon elves and gold elves. Elves comprise the center race of our story.
  • BT01-007_RRR.jpg Unit_ot04.jpg Unit_ot05.jpg Unit_ot19.jpg Crimson_Beast_Tamer_(Character_Unit).jpg Solitary_Knight,_Gancelot.jpg Yggdrasil_Maiden,_Elaine.jpg Doreen_the_Thruster_(Character_Unit).jpg Demon_Eater_(Character_Unit).jpg "Elf" (エルフ Erufu) is a shared race found in various clans.
  • The elven race pitied the primitive Normans and sought to help the race advance by teaching them the ways of their people. So proud and almighty were the elves that they failed to notice signs of rebellion from the Normans. One elf sage name Vanar foresaw the fall of his people and used his knowledge of magic to forge the Orb of Vanar in order to save the elven race. But his orb came too late, as the Normans allied with the dwarves to overthrow the elves and take over the kingdom of Geffenia that the elves established on Midgard. As a result, the remaining elves scattered to the far reaches of Midgard, but not before a powerful magic locked their world away from the Normans. Their numbers dwindled over the years and are now on the verge of extinction. During the battles of the Day of Despair, the elves absorbed demonic energies as they fought alongside the Normans. The elves' reliance on the magic of Yggdrasil, now tainted, caused them to eventually mutate into Noels.
  • Η φυλή των Έλφ λατρεύει την θεά του νερού και αγαπάει τη φύση και ότι έχει σχέση με το νερό. Οι Έλφ έχουν λεπτά και ελαφριά σώματα, μακριά αυτιά και όμορφα εξωτερικα χαρακτηριστικά. Στην εποχή των γιγάντων, ανάμεσα σε όλα τα πλάσματα είχαν την περισσότερη δύναμη. Όμως όταν οι γίγαντες καταστράφηκαν, η δύναμη και η επιρροή των ελφ παράκμασε. Σήμερα κατοικούν μόνο ένα μικρό μέρος του δάσους δίπλα στη πόλη Aden. Ειδικές δυνάμεις τών ελφ: Σε σύγκριση με τις άλλες φυλές, οι ελφ μπορούν να κρατάνε την αναπνωή τους περισσότερο απο τους άλλου και να πηδάνε από ψηλά μέρη. Χαρακτηρησικά: Οι ελφ είναι σοφοί και σβέλτοι. Γρήγοροι στην επίθεση, και στη εκτέλεση μαγείας. Επίσης έχουν πολύ καλό στόχο και περισσοτερή Elves are wise and quick-witted. They are fast in attack, movement and casting speeds. They also have superior marksmanship skills and higher evasion ratings. However, their attack strength is inferior to that of other races.
  • Elfen zijn de oudere kinderen van Ilúvatar, op mensen gelijkende wezens die echter nooit zullen sterven door ouderdom maar wel als ze in de strijd vallen of verongelukken. Ze zijn in de meeste dingen veel bedrevener dan Mensen, machtig en wijs. De Elfen spreken overwegend Quenya en Sindarijns.thumb|270px
  • General infomation-------- The elves,(more commonly known as rangers or forest elves)are the most powerful melee unit and allies to the humans.They normally attack in 4s or 5s but pose to be strong enough to maintain fighting 2 units of orcs single-handedly.They can also have a huge array of magic spells and a stronger elemental boost than their dark counterparts.Sadly,they are not playable in Kingdom Under Fire Heroes or Kingdom Under Fire The Crusaders and just an ally on some missions. In-game--------- They have a powerful defence and speed reaching through an entire map in just half a minute or so.They alsohave an unusual attack form,a combo attack spinning and attacking trice.They can cast blizzard,curatio,meteor and lightingstorm etc.They have no archers or ranged units(KUF:Heroes & KUF:The Crusaders) sadly but make it up for their amazing speed making them a big help in battles. In KUF 2 you can add elf archers to your units which have a higher range spam and more damage than human archers.
  • Elves, or Elven, are a race strikingly similar to humans, but with long pointy ears. Long ago, the elven Vuliian Empire forced all the other elven kingdoms to join them, only opposed by the Gamlon Elves. However, the Vulii elves succeeded in destroying the castle of Gamlon. Vulii elves are typically known for their villainous personalities - a trait only Cale'anon lacks.
  • Arelith subraces: * Moon Elf (default) * Sun Elf * Wild Elf * Wood Elf * Drow Comparison of their mechanical statistics is listed in article about races.
  • While in most fantasy games and stories, Elves are mystical race of the faykin, in Heroscape Elves are in fact an alien race that comes from the world of Feylund. They are aligned with Ullar, the fantasy-based General, and like Elves in other franchises, Heroscape Elves have a closer affinity for the natural world over technological civilization and often have magical abilities.
  • The faction-based artifacts are Anden Longbow and Dawnward Sextant. The faction-based artifacts are Choking Cloud, Beacon of Light, Entangle, and Lightning Storm
  • Elves are considered the first out of The People. With an average height of 3 feet or 1 meter 1 centimetre, elves, along with pixies, are one of the most commonly seen fairy species in the Artemis Fowl books. They are the type of fairies that are most commonly seen in Haven City. Generally intelligent, elves are known for their loyalty and courage. Elves had wings until, due to evolution, they lost them. Elves are known to have brown skin, the majority of them having red or auburn hair, though some like Lily Frond and Raine Vinyaya have white or blonde hair. Like the other fairy species, they have a longer lifespan than humans, as shown by the young hotshot LEP officer Holly Short, who is said to be an octogenarian (in her 80s) and clearly considered very young. Artemis Fowl described Elves as very emotional creatures"
  • Elven ability adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Con Favored class (Wizard): A multiclass elf's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
  • Elves are magical beings under the Glamour magic, summoned from the Fairy Ring rune.They are very useful Familiars, serving magicians by collecting Mana from crystals, creating the Talisman, and healing other Glamour Familiars. Elves are very friendly and easier to handle than faeries, which can be summoned from the same rune. They also seem to be helpful when it comes to household chores (Gaff can be seen told to clean up Lillet's room).
  • Elfy zostaly stworzone przez boga Marea jako uzdrowiciele. Posiadaja najsilniejsze buffy w grze oraz buffy obszarowe. Sa najbardziej poszukiwane na bossy i elite moby choc nie zawsze. Uzywaja broni typu staff i wand i po osiagnieciu 50 lvla i wykonaniu questa przemienia sie w Templar lub Priest. Źródło -
  • Elves are one of the most common and prosperous humanoid races, yet their presence in modern Golarion is not what it once was. Despite their lessened numbers, elf-kind remains one of the most influential and important racial groups in the world.
  • An elf is a member of one of the longest lived species on Azeroth known for keen perception, grace, and great spellwork. Elves were once believed to be the first race to awaken on Azeroth, but some ancient histories believe that elves were originally trolls that were transformed by the Well of Eternity.
  • Tall, slender, and human-like, they have pointed ears and fair skin. They live in harmony with nature and have dedicated their lives to studying magic. They have better INT, RS, MP, HP, and CHM stats, but low ATK and DEF. They usually live around 1,000 years, outliving most of their friends who are not elves.
  • Elves are creatures of light that appear in Norse mythology.They come from Alfheim which is one of The Nine Worlds that are held in the branches and roots of the world tree Yggdrasil. Their lord is Frey father of Magnus Chase. This world or realm is mentioned in The Sword of Summer.
  • The Elves (森精種(エルフ), Erufu)? are the seventh ranked race of the Exceed and were created by Kainasu, the Forest God. Their homeland is Elven Gard, the largest nation on Disboard. Though the elf country is democratic with the largest families within the council of elders, they often have slaves from other races to serve them from within the conquered territories they have claimed or from bets that have been lost, this often results in generational slave families living with their owner families for life such as Chlammy Zell lives with Fiel Nirvalen. It is noted that there are currently 2 factions within Elven Gard, the council of elders and the Hero of elves, who was not given much detail other than the Hero of Elves has the support of the Elven people, while the council is trying to gain more power over the people.
  • Elves are humanoid beings, known for their pointy ears, beauty and powerful, usually earth based, magics.
  • Elves are creatures that are human-like but have pointy ears, posses more powerful magic and are flimsily built.
  • Superman sarcastically told the Raven that his jury robots were all "handmade by little elves in the Black Forest."
  • The elves were one race, slaves under the Dragon Lords. * The elves who tended the fields and forests were the precursors to the modern-day Eledhel * Those who served their masters were the ancestors to the Moredhel. * Those who were tasked to protect and guard the Sven'Gary were the ancestors of the Anoredhel. * The Eldar, wisest and most powerful of the elves, served as loremasters and keepers of treasures plundered by the Dragon Lords; they fled to Kelewan, but were presumed to have perished with their masters. * Those elves who served the Valheru as ministers, or sometimes dancers, eventually broke away from Midkemia in the beginning of the Chaos Wars, establishing a colony on their own planet and became the Taredhel. The elves were decimated in the Chaos Wars and when the Dragon Lords were defeated by the gods they struggled to survive in the world; Ashen-Shugar freed them from their slavery and bid them to pursue their own destiny amidst the new races. The eledhel removed themselves to the forest-city of Elvandar choosing to remain close to the lesser races while the moredhel, long influenced by their masters' aggression, sought to regain the former grandeur of their masters by collecting relics and weapons of the Dragon Lords. The glamredhel also aimed to control their own fate, though in a more warlike manner. To that end they constructed two mighty city-fortresses, Sar-Isbandia and Sar-Sargoth. The ocedhel are elves who originally lived on Novindus and forgot their language. There are few differences between eledhel and the moredhel. They are most distinct in their ways of thinking. On the rare occasion that a moredhel turns away from his ways, an event known as Returning, and reaches the eledhel he is considered one of them. For an outsider, from that moment on the moredhel is eledhel. The glamredhel were later driven to near extinction in a massive genocidal war by the moredhel, who took their city-fortresses. When a rift was established between Midkemia and Kelewan, it was found that the Eldar had survived the Chaos Wars and lived under the frozen ice of Kelewan in another forest-city. The Eldar returned to Midkemia and now live in Elvandar under Queen Aglaranna's rule. During the Great Uprising of the moredhel, the last of the glamredhel were found living in the Edder forest. The glamredhel were told of Elvandar, and they travelled there to join with their eledhel kin. Their king, Earanorn, now is one of Queen Aglaranna's advisors. He has named Aglaranna's son, Calin, as his heir to bring both races of elves under one ruler in the future. During the SerpentWar, most of ocedhel were killed, however a few survived and came to live in Elvandar. Roughly a century after the Serpentwar, the Taredhel unleashed and were overcome by the invading Demon Horde. Forced to abandon their empire, they created a rift to Midkemia, and established their colony in a valley in the Grey Towers.
  • Elfen sind eine Rasse, die wiederholt in der Final Fantasy-Reihe auftreten.
  • Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4½ to 5½ feet tall. There are 4 elven races on the Mortal Plane High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves and Desert Elves
  • An elf is a mythical being that was often the subject of Earth fairy tales. When James T. Kirk discovered, in 2267, that violent emotions were the means required to destroy the Omicron spores that had taken over his crew, he was forced to make several insulting remarks to his first officer Spock in order to break him free of the spore's influence. While insulting Spock's Vulcan heritage, Kirk referred to Spock as "an elf with a hyperactive thyroid," later adding that Spock "should be squatting on a mushroom instead of passing himself off as a man." (TOS: "This Side of Paradise" ) Upon meeting Spock in 2269, Lucien referred to him as his "elfin friend." (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
  • thumb|450px|Nocne elfy, wysokie elfy, krwawe elfy, elfy skażonej krwi, nieumarłe elfy oraz nieszczęśniElfy to przedstawiciele najdłużej żyjącego gatunku w Azeroth, znane ze swojej inteligencji, gracji oraz wielkiego talentu magicznego. Elfy były niegdyś uważane za pierwszą rasę, która przebudziła się w Azeroth, jednak Brann Bronzebeard dowiódł, że elfy były pierwotnie trollami, które zostały przemienione przez Studnię Wieczności. Istnieją różne rasy elfów, a dwie najbardziej charakterystyczne, nocne i krwawe, są rasami grywalnymi.
  • The 10th-Century Icelandic poet Thrund suggests that they also have infravision, but other sources suggest that Thrund was huffing something. Most modern scholars recognise that whilst Elves had infravision in Thrund's day it is no longer the case. Modern elves exhibit 'Low Light Vision'. Elves are smaller than pixies.
  • Tieffrequente elektromagnetische Wellen sind Bestandteil der ursprünglichen Umwelt auf der Erde. Sie werden allerdings auch zur Kommunikation mit U-Booten (ausführlicher, aber englisch) genutzt, wobei eine enorme Menge an Energie eingesetzt wird.
  • Elves were a sentient species of small, winged humanoids with gray skin, broad heads and pointed ears. A number of elves were in the employ of the crime lord Papa Toren. Those individuals would translate Toren's otherwise unintelligible mumbles to his discussion partners and, if necessary, protect him from harm.
  • Long ago, the Elves, also known as the Fair Folk, welcomed the younger Races of Middle-earth and allied with them when the need was great, but centuries of war, betrayal, and hardship have made them fiercely protective of their seclusion. Tall and strong, fair and graceful, Elves have keen senses and a deep affinity for the beauty of the natural world. Throughout the ages, the deeds and struggles of the noble races of Elves have been entwined with the history of Middle-earth. Elves do not grow old as other races do — there are Elves abroad in Middle-earth today who still remember their youth in the First Age. They remember all too well the devastation caused by the tides of evil that once darkened the land — a shadow that threatens to do so once again. In ages past, the Elves divided into many different groups, and settled throughout Middle-earth, primarily in the ancient forested realms where they still live. Playable Classes: Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Minstrel, Rune-keeper (MoM), Warden (MoM) Starting Area: Edhelion / Ered Luin
  • In every installment of the series, the Elves are all women with long green hair. They are experts in the field of archery and move quickly to protect their forest. Elves have no relationship with humans despite their geographical proximity. To prevent any adventurer to reach Yggdrasil (although humans can), the elves have designed their forest to get lost easily. In Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, if Alicia and her team are in contact with an elf, she is returned to the entrance of the Bois. Rufus is a Half - Elf vessel meant as a backup body for Odin to use, in case anything happened to Odin's body. Because of this, Rufus was treated like an animal by the other Elves. When Roussalier - the only elf named the series - comes to help Rufus and Alicia, Rufus feels angry and does not want the pity of an elf. Gradually, Rufus begins to appreciate her help, but Roussalier dies at the hands of the Aesir for helping Alicia and Rufus in their attempt to access Bifrost. It is widely believed that Roussalier was Rufus' mother. In Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, a human with great power named Lezard Valeth used Elves for his experiments. This is not the first time they are used as experiments; Dipan had done the same. It is revealed that the Elves are to be vessels of the gods so that they can travel to Midgard. The union of a human with an elf is possible, and Odin comes from this kind of union. Full-blooded Elves are immortal, but Elves who are half-human can gain power, whereas other deities' powers remain the same forever. Elves are very close to the Aesir.
  • Elves are one of the many races that are found on the world of Krynn. Notable elves include Gilthanas, Tanis Half-elven, Dalamar the Dark, Porthios, Solostaran (Speaker of the Sun) , and Laurana. The Elven Nation itself is broken into two pieces: Qualinesti and the Silvanesti. There are many kinds of elves found on Krynn besides though who live in Qualinesti and Silvanesti,such as the Kagonesti,the Wild Elves live in South and North Ergoth.And the Dargonesti Elves are slender, and slight in stature. and most have magical abilities
  • In Chapter 2, Alena and co. see an elf named Lita and her sister at the top of Birdsong Tower, though the pair leaves as soon as they see the party, leaving behind a phial of Birdsong Nectar. Later, in Chapter 5, they meet Rosalee, an elf who was hunted by humans because she cries rubies. Her lover Saro, the game's main antagonist, builds a fortress to protect her, around which the town of Rosalee Hill grows. A few elves also live in Rosalee Hill, as it gradually became a shelter for various supernatural beings from the machinations of greedy and bigoted humans. Towards the end of the game, they travel to the World Tree, at the roots of which the elves have built their main city, Elfville. They also have one final meeting with Lita, her sister, and another, unnamed elf in Zenithia, though the trio gives them a cold reception.
  • <default>Elf</default> Chapter №: Album №: Release date: Last Chapter: Next Chapter: Anime adaptation: Elf ( 妖精 / ようせい / yousei ) is the first chapter of the Elfen Lied manga series, and of course, the first chapter of Volume One. At fifty-six pages, it is longer than many early chapters. A story arc digest of chapters one through seven is also available.
  • Gnarl on the Elves Elves are a slim, magical race, with long pointed ears native to Evernight Forest, the isle of Everlight and also appear to have a significant population in the Sanctuaries.
  • The kingdom of Tirannwn contains the largest proportion of the elven population. It is scarcely populated with the exception of Prifddinas, the capital of the region. * Prifddinas - the largest elven settlement, a mighty crystalline city that dates from thousands of years ago. From the Fourth Age the city has remained in its crystal seed state: this was brought on by King Baxtorian of Clan Cadarn and the Clan Elders who sang the Song of Reversion to end Iorwerth control over the city as part of the Elven Civil War. In the Plague's End quest the player ends Iorwerth control over northern Tirannwn and restores the city to its former glory by gathering the Clan Elders in the Great Library. * Lletya - a village found on the outskirts of Isafdar, inhabited by rebel elves. * Elf Camp - an Iorwerth campsite located to the south of Prifddinas.
  • An Elf is a creature from Earth myths. One meaning of the term "brownie" is a benevolent elf said to haunt houses and secretly do chores. Sophie looked up the various definitions of brownies when Lucy became a junior member of the Guides Association, she and Brian initally believed that Lucy was an elf. (Brian of the Brownies)
  • Elves are the mysterious, quiet, and sometimes dangerous inhabitants of Lyétanír Forest, in the eastern parts of Arnevia. Although sharing the same physical characteristics, most Elves are divided into the Sivallion, who worship Mysloria, the Sun, and light, and the Sindaraan, who worship Sindar, god of the Moon, night, and stars.
  • Elves live in ancient forested realms and have an affinity for the natural world.
  • Elves are one of the humanoid races that inhabit the Continent. Forming a major part of the Elder Races (along with dwarves and gnomes), those known as Aen Seidhe came to the Continent on their white ships much earlier than humans, but later than the other Elder Races. They live much longer than humans and are usually very attractive. Elves are capable of interbreeding with humans (thus producing half-elves and quadroons) and dryads. Though elves are incredibly long lived, only young elves are fertile, thus elven populations tend to reproduce at a slower rate than humans. Like other nonhumans, elves are often persecuted by Nordlings. Because of that, many elves were members of the Scoia'tael guerillas allied with Nilfgaard during the empire's invasion of the Northern Kingdoms. In return, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis gave the elves a state of their own in Dol Blathanna and made Enid an Gleanna its queen. Elves believe that they were created, unlike humans, who evolved. For this reason, some elves consider humans to be little more than hairless apes. Aside from Aen Seidhe, there exists another group of elves called Aen Elle that inhabits another world.
  • (We see Chester sitting in a comfy chair in some room as the tune of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" plays.) Chester: (speaking calmly) Greetings, my friends, and welcome to a "Bummy Christmas Review." (Cut it "Bummy Christmas Reviews" title card, back to Chester) Let us venture into our very last Christmas film that we're reviewing, "Elf." (Cut to title card of it, back to Chester) ..."Elf"?! Really? This is the last one we're going out on, "Elf"?! People either seem to love or hate Will Ferrell, and I-- Are you sure we wanna go out on this one? I mean-- I mean, okay. Let's talk about "Elf"! (pauses) There's Will Ferrell. (pauses) He's an elf. (pauses, then waves arms) Hijinks! There's some other characters in the movie. They're boring. (waves arms) Hijinks! I'm sorry, but what do you say about this movie? I mean, it's not good, it's not bad, it's just... "Elf"! Now if ALF was an elf, that would be awesome. In fact, maybe he is. Maybe he was like an elf back on his original planet. Where all their noses are ribbed for her pleasure. I think they should remake "Elf" and make it with Alf! In fact, "Elf" and Alf can have a giant battle together! Alf can use all his alien ships and weaponry! And "Elf" can use all the Satanic powers of Santa! And "Elf" can be like, "You sit on a throne of lies!" And Alf can be like, "I kill me and you!" (Mimics "Pshew" laser effects, then spreads arms) Christmas! And then, just when it looks like all hope is lost and the whole world is gonna be destroyed by these two abominations of God... Bruce Willis comes in! Using a decked-out version of Ralphie's BB gun! "Yippee-kay-yay, motherfudger." And then, Jack Skellington comes in, bringing all his Halloween buddies! They get in an epic battle with the Rankin Bass stop-motion characters! The Grinch comes in and sets them all on fire ' know, they're puppets. Chevy Chase makes some awkward conversation with some attractive lady. Hehe, he's terrible. And Charlie Brown wonders, "What does it all mean?" OH MY GOD, I wrote the greatest Christmas story of all time! Oh wait, the only thing missing is Jesus. Jesus is the referee! "Thou shall not be granted two points." Oh my God, we totally gotta make this movie! It'll cost a bajillion dollars, we'll get everybody together, and we'll call it "Christmas." FUCK YEAH! Screw it! "Elf" was the best movie to go out on! Oh my God, and we're gonna make the best Christmas story of all time, the best Christmas movie, the best Christmas special, the be-- You know what? I gotta call somebody. I know just the person for the job! (dials cellphone) Hello? I have an excellent idea for a Christmas movie! (We cut to Donnie Dupre of "Demo Reel") Donnie: Really? Tell me more! Chester: (looks at camera) Merry Christmas!
  • Elves were a race of beings who migrated to Alagaësia from Alalëa in the distant past: around 5217 AC. Humanoid in appearance, they had noticeably angular features, slanting eyebrows and pointed ears, as well as a cat-like face: they were generally tall and always slim, as well as were, according to legend, the fairest people of the land, partly because of the physical transformation caused by the Dragons' influence on them (and were thus called the Fair Folk). Most elves were more gifted with magic than the other races and had an innate knowledge of their true names, thus making them more powerful than other races. Elves are also extremely smart and wise, perhaps by their long lives, perhaps by their union with the dragons. "Those blasted elves always seem to be right!" --Orrin
  • A type of fairy that lives underground in the hills and fields where nature remains unspoiled. They are thought to have originated in Scotland, but appear in folklore throughout western and northern Europe. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers. Both male and female elves appear young and beautiful, and enjoy eternal life. It is said that if a human sees one, he or she will fall in love at first sight. They are gentle folk who love music and sometimes dance on the hilltops. However, some elves live in human houses and cause mischief. The elves are said to have their own kingdom and a society much like ours.
  • Elves have the following racial traits. Elven Weapon Proficiency You gain proficiency with the longbow and the shortbow. Fey Origin Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Group Awareness You grant non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks. Wild Step You ignore difficult terrain when you shift (even if you have a power that allows you to shift multiple squares). Elven Accuracy You can use elven accuracy as an encounter power.
  • One Christmas Eve, during a stop at an orphanage, a baby boy named William, captivated by the sight of a teddy bear, crawls into Santa Claus's (Ed Asner) sack of gifts while he is delivering toys. Santa Claus unknowingly takes the boy back to the North Pole, and when discovered, is renamed Buddy because one the elves notices he is wearing "Little Buddy" brand diapers. Papa Elf (Bob Newhart) volunteers to raise him. Buddy (Will Ferrell) grows up at the North Pole and is unaware of his humanity. Papa Elf makes him his apprentice and explains that he repairs the "Kringle 3000, 500 Reindeer-Power" jet engine on Santa's sleigh, which he invented in the 1960's when the Christmas spirit that powers the sleigh started declining after people started to stop believing in Santa Claus, forcing him to build the engine to assist Santa. Due to his being a human in an environment designed for the North Pole elves, Buddy is uncomfortably bigger than the elves, and is unable to use the items utilized by them. His toy making skills are comparatively inferior and he is unable to keep up with the elves' high quotas, and despite the elves' assurances that he's just "special", is demoted to a demeaning job testing toys. While working, he overhears another elf saying that Buddy is human. Papa Elf reveals that Buddy was born to Walter Hobbs (James Caan) and Susan Wells and given up for adoption, and that Walter never knew of his existence. He explains how Susan later died and that Walter now works at a children's book company in New York City. Buddy is convinced by Leon the Snowman (Leon Redbone) to go to New York to find his father. Prior to leaving, Santa informs him that his father, Walter, is on the naughty list due to his greed and insensitivity. Upon arriving in New York City, Buddy displays his ignorance in several ways, as he crosses the street at the wrong time, chews discarded gum on the subway station's handrails (ignoring Santa's earlier advice not to do so), and takes a coffee shop's claim to have the "world's best cup of coffee" literally. Eventually, he finds his father in his office in the Empire State Building. Walter initially lets him in, thinking Buddy is sending him a Christmas gram but when Buddy tells him about Susan Wells, an incredulous Walter has security throw him out, who advise Buddy that he go to Gimbels, where the manager (Faizon Love), mistakes him for a Santa Land elf. Here, he meets a woman named Jovie (Zooey Deschanel), a Gimbels employee whom he falls in love with. Upon learning that Santa will be arriving the next day, Buddy sneaks in and spends the night giving Santa Land a makeover, complete with Lego models, fancy decorations, and a giant glitter sign. He also purchases a nightie to give to his dad because it's "for that special someone", but when he tries to deliver it, security take it and again throw him out. When the store Santa (Artie Lange) arrives to meet the kids, Buddy is horrified to discover that he is not the real Santa, and the two have a destructive brawl after Buddy rips off the man's fake beard to expose him as an imposter. As a result, he is jailed and banned from the store. After opening Buddy's gift, Walter gets a call from the police and, after reluctantly bailing Buddy out, takes him to a pediatrician (Jon Favreau) for a DNA test, which confirms that Buddy is Walter's biological son. Although Walter is still incredulous seeing Buddy as insane, he is pressured by the doctor into taking him home to meet his stepmother, Emily (Mary Steenburgen) and 12-year-old half-brother Michael (Daniel Tay). Walter and Michael are put off by Buddy's childlike behaviour (such as slathering his spaghetti in maple syrup and M&Ms and not seeming to understand that neither of them are interested in playing with him), but Emily insists that they take care of him until he "recovers". Buddy eventually befriends Michael after single-handedly helping him defeat a gang of bullies in a snowball fight, and Michael encourages Buddy to ask Jovie out. Meanwhile, Walter learns from his boss Fulton Greenway (Michael Lerner) that his company is failing after publishing the flop "The Puppy and the Pigeon" with two missing pages, believing the price to re-print the book is too high. The next day, after some pressure from Emily, Walter reluctantly takes Buddy to work with him and sends him down to the mailroom so he cannot be disturbed. However, he accidentally becomes drunk after mistaking a co-worker's whisky for syrup and throws an outrageous party, which disrupts a phone conversation with Walter and best-selling children's book writer Miles Finch (Peter Dinklage), whom Walter has hired in order to save his company. Later at night, Buddy goes on a date with Jovie and manages to win her over with his child-like personality. The next day, the vertically challenged Finch arrives at Walter's company and begins to share some of his suggestions for book covers, but Buddy walks into the conference room to tell his dad about his newfound love and mistakes Finch for an elf. After becoming offended by Buddy's questions about how he left the North Pole and if Santa knows that he is there, Finch loses his temper and attacks Buddy before storming out, despite Walter's pleas for him to stay. Enraged that the one chance of saving his company has been ruined, Walter tells Buddy that he does not care that he is an elf, that he is insane, or that he is his son before yelling at him to "get out of his life". Deeply saddened, Buddy returns home and, after writing a message on an etch-a-sketch to Walter apologizing for ruining his life and "cramming 11 cookies into the VCR", runs away. Back at the office, Walter has given up hope on saving his company and now feels guilty for upsetting Buddy, when his associates tell him that they found a notebook Finch left behind in the conference room. Discovering that it is filled with excellent ideas for children's books, Walter excitedly tells them to get a storyboard ready. At the house, Michael finds Buddy's note, and bursts in on Walter's meeting with Greenway to frantically tell him that he is gone. After being convinced by Michael that he has been putting his job over his family, Walter asks Greenway to reschedule, but when he callously refuses, Walter and Michael tell him "up yours" before leaving. As a result, Greenway fires Walter. Meanwhile, while walking through the streets, Buddy sees Santa's sleigh crash in Central Park, which attracts the attention of various news stations, the NYPD, and fellow New Yorkers. When Buddy finds Santa, he explains that the sleigh's engine had broken off, and that the last bit of Christmas spirit which powers the sleigh has faded as well. Walter apologizes to Buddy for his behavior and accepts him as his son. Buddy then takes them to meet Santa, who reveals to them that believing in him can make his sleigh fly. Getting an idea, Michael grabs Santa's list and reads it in front of the TV cameras set up outside the park so that people all over New York City can believe in him, while the Central Park Rangers chase Santa's sleigh as Buddy tries to reattach the engine. Jovie, who was in the crowd after seeing the events on TV, manages to overcome her shyness and gets the sleigh back in the air by the power of Christmas spirit when she leads the crowd of people in singing "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" on live TV, recalling Buddy's statement; "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loud for all to hear." However, Santa is still unable to fully power the sleigh. Walter, who was mouthing the words, is convinced by Michael to overcome his lack of Christmas spirit and starts singing for real. This allows the sleigh to fly higher and Christmas is saved. By the next Christmas, Walter starts his own publishing company with the first best-selling book released titled Elf, an account of Buddy's adventures written and illustrated by Buddy himself. Sometime later, Buddy and Jovie have a daughter named Susie, named after Buddy's now-deceased biological mother. During the film's closure, the family visits Papa Elf at the North Pole.
  • A humanoid race, elves are typically shorter than humans (though this has been mitigated slightly since Dragon Age: Origins) and have a slender, lithe build and pointed ears. Long ago, the elves were the dominant race on Thedas, and their advanced civilization was based on nature, the Fade and magic. After the fall of their great city of Arlathan and the empire of Elvhenan, its following plunder by the Tevinter Imperium and the subsequent generations of slavery, the elves lost most of their cultural heritage and identity. They attempted to rebuild their society in the Dales, but after three centuries they fell to the Chantry's Exalted Marches. Since then, the elves have separated into two distinct groups: the Dalish, who chose to lead nomadic lives and strive to keep elven culture alive rather than submit, and the city elves, who live alongside humans, usually as impoverished outcasts, and have adopted many human customs. Overall, the elves are now a people associated with poverty, crime, barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties. In Ancient Tevinter elves were called "rattus". Modern humans use the racial slurs "knife ears," "slant-eared" or, less cruelly, "rabbit." Though most of the elven language has been lost, they once referred to themselves as "elvhen," which means "the People". ─────── In Dragon Age: Origins, elves are able to play all three classes, warrior, rogue and mage; an elven Warden can choose the Dalish elf, city elf or magi origin. Racial benefits of elves: +2 Willpower, +2 magic In Dragon Age: Inquisition, elves are able to take on the role of a Dalish Inquisitor. Racial benefits of elves: +25% Ranged Defense against all ranged attacks, including magical projectiles
  • An Elf is a mythical creature from Norse mythology, typically very small in size and being a forest dweller. According to Fox Mulder, George Ellery Hale was visited by an Elf who told him to ask the Rockefeller Foundation for funds to build the Palomar Observatory in San Diego California (TXF: "Little Green Men).
  • Elf was co-creator of the Pyrite Grendels, the Dusky Grendels and the Sea Ettins with Shazza, and a conversion of the grendels called the Pewter Grendels with slaterbait. Her grendels used a genome based on a Bruin Norn genome provided by Moca - as a result, her grendels were more peaceful, lived for longer and had certain immunities. Elf's website - Elf's Experimentation Labs - is now down, but her grendels are described here and on archives of her site, and are archived at MysticFalcon's Worldz along with the Sea Ettins. She's also known as the creator of Golden Bengals breed and author of the Egg Pack for Mermaid norns, both can be found at Iggdrasil and Iggdrasil v2
  • Elves are one of four playable Races and are joined with the Humans to form the Alliance of Light. Description Methodical, deliberate, and smart are just some of the words used to describe the Elves. The Elves, like the Vail, are descendents from the Dumianas. The Laws of Nature are very important to the Elves, and their society relies on order and discipline. The Elves are in constant conflict in their attempts to keep the monsters of Teos outside of their borders. The magical Elves are the chosen of the beautiful Goddess of Light. Race Bonus Elves get a DEX bonus upon creation, all of them having 4 DEX more than other races (see other races articles for different bonuses.) Classes There are three classes available to the Elves, they are; Appearance As standard there are five hairstyles, five faces and five heights to choose from. * View a gallery of Hairstyles * View a gallery of Faces
  • An elf is a creature of Germanic mythology. The elves were originally thought of as a race of minor nature and fertility gods, who are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and underground places and caves, or in wells and springs. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers. Following J. R. R. Tolkien's influential The Lord of the Rings, wherein a wise, immortal people named Elves have a significant role, elves became staple characters of modern fantasy.
  • Elves are the citizens of one of the four great kingdoms on the other side of the imaginary universe. Their general life involves granting wishes in exchange for babies, crying Elf Tears over issues of Hunk Rump, playing poker, and absconding with the pies of Clowns from windowsills. Elves are known practitioners of Majyyk and their most valiant warrior is a Mage. Most of their political dissension stems from Problem Sleuth's Quest of Spirit, encouraging the Elves to be more thrifty when stealing Pies, which makes the Clowns go into a rage. The Elves are aligned with Problem Sleuth and granted him a boon when he completed his Quest of Spirit, which allowed him to pass through the Elf bust and gain awareness of his Female Alter Ego. Elves also appear in the brief "restart" of Jailbreak.
  • Elves were one of the first two races to walk upon Aerion, they were created by Aerith. Leader - ???
  • Xanthian Elves live in Elf Elms which look like Mundanian elm trees. They get stronger as they get closer to their elms.
  • Er zijn velen theorieën over het ontstaan van elves. Sommige mensen bijvoorbeeld, denken dat elves afstammen van hun godin, Elune. Andere mensen denken dat ze afkomstig zijn van trolls. Het enige dat Blizzard heeft vrijgegeven over de oorsprong van elves is dat er een 'stam van mensachtigen' was, die naar de Well of Eternity trok, en met haar energie veranderden in night elves, de eerste elves. De night elves bouwden een grote complexe en machtige beschaving op. De bestudeerders van de bron heetten de Highborne. Deze elite sekte van de night elves leerde hoe je de kracht van de bron moest gebruiken, en waaren de eerste gebruikers van magie. de War of the Ancients kwam en velen elves overleden door de chaos. de oorlog eindigde met een de Great Sundering, de vernietiging van de Well of Eternity, waarbij zoveel kracht en magie vrij kwam dat het continent in drieën brak, met de Maelstrom in het midden. Op de plaats waar ooit de Well of Eternity stond. De night elves beseften dat dit hun schuld was, dus ze begonnen een nieuw druïdistisch bestaan. De Highborne konden zich alleen niet vinden in dit nieuwe leven zonder magie. Ze voeren over de oceaan en ontdekten de Eastern Kingdoms. Daar stichten ze hun nieuwe koninkrijk Quel'Thalas, wat Hoog Koninkrijk of Hoog Thuis beteknde in hun taal. Ze noemden zich high elves. Vele jaren verstreken, en een groep ondode, de Scourge, viel Quel'Thalas aan. Velen high elves stierven. In eerbetooon aan hen die stierven hernoemden zich naar blood elves.
  • Elves are a long lived mortal race with a close connection to nature and magic thanks to their blood ties to the Faerfolc. Many of them prefer to live in forests, guarding nature from those seeking to exploit it. However, other elves have migrated into deserts, snow planes and mountain ranges and have even integrated themselves into human cities. The close relationship between elves and humans throughout the ages has resulted in the births of many half-elves although racism has also existed between the two races due to their different views on life. After the Cataclysm, a mysterious disease known as the Blood Fever affected the elven population in Remon and beyond, killing them off in growing numbers, but this disease vanished mysteriously after the Catastrophe which ushered in the Fourth Age. Despite this reprieve, elves are still fading, their power and numbers now a fraction of what they once were.
  • Elves are among the longest living races in Gielinor, the elves have witnessed the passing of the God Wars, and watched as other races were destroyed. They retreated beyond the mountains so many years ago. There are few scholars who know very little at all about the elves, and fewer still who are correct. The elves worship a strange deity called Seren, who communes with the crystal seeds that the elves use to build almost everything. Their society was riven several centuries ago, though, and now skirmishes often break out within the forest of Isafdar as the rebels fight to reclaim their lost lands.
  • Eric Endorphin (エリック・エンドルフィン), also known as Elf (エルフ), is a scout character.
  • One of the most common humanoid races in fantasy literature, the elves are present in the Slayers world as well.
  • Common Elves look exactly like humans, except for their pointed ears. Even then, the difference is so small that most humans will not even realize that they are talking to a non-human creature. Most Elves are redheads. Also, Common Elves have the reputation of being very hard workers and generally positive creatures.
  • Elf (エルフ) is one of the four initial races in the world of Elder Tale and one of the eight races players can choose from.
  • Elves are a basic character race that are featured in the core rulebooks of both 3rd and 4th editions of Dungeons & Dragons. In Eberron, modern elves are split into many distinct cultures: the Aerenal, the Valenar, the Khorvaire elves, and the drow of Xen'drik. Each of these cultures participates in some form of ancestor worship, though each has a unique expression of this practice. The Aerenal elves worship their ancestors as Deathless, lifeforms much like undead but kept alive by the positive energy of Irian. The Deathless serve as advisors and defenders and are considered by those who worship them to be divine as a whole, in the form of the Undying Court. The Valenar elves focus their worship only on their Warrior ancestors. By emulating the deeds of these ancestors, they believe the spirits can live again. They do not resurrect their fallen or beloved as Deathless. The Khorvaire elves are as diverse as the elf race as a whole. They divide themselves by nation or by Dragonmarked House and often follow the local customs. A few still hold their own race's beliefs in ancestor worship, but not to the same degree as the Valenar or Aerenal. Their half-elven descendents, the Khoravar, have formed a separate community. The Drow don't worship their ancestors directly. Rather, they tend to hold to the preservation of their forebears' traditions. They believe nothing honors their ancestors more than by living as they did. Some Drow also worship the scorpion god Vulkoor, though some Khorvairian scholars suspect Vulkoor to merely be an aspect of The Mockery, a member of the Dark Six.
  • Like Vampires, elves are quite common on the Sueniverse, though they mostly keep to the environs of the land of Lorien. Also like the vampires, the elves of the 'verse are from diverse sources and mythologies.
  • Elves have the following racial traits: * +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution. * Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. * Elf base land speed is 30 feet. * Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against spells or effects. * Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. * Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats. * +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it. * Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan. * Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass elf ’s wizard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
  • Middle English from Old English ælf (incubus, elf). Originated from Indo-European root *albho- (brilliant, shining white) via Teutonic languages.
  • Elves are a humanoid race with long, pointy ears native to the town of Filia in the Connous region of Iria. In general, this race has advantages in Magic and Archery, but disadvantages in Melee combat. They are equivalent in Alchemy as other races. Their specialized stats are Intelligence and Dexterity, and in addition they have the largest Mana Pool of all the races. * At base, an Elf runs 1.32x faster than Humans and 1.20x faster than Giants. * Elves are granted the ability to Hide. While this is enabled, the Elf's mana will be depleted at a constant rate. When an Elf is using this action, he or she can be seen by anyone except monsters, in or out of PVP. Monsters cannot see or target hidden Elves, with the exception few. * Elves may transform into a Falcon after completing Generation 2. * Elves use different amounts of AP for certain skills compared to a Human or Giant.
  • User with this ability either is or can transform into a elf (also known as Alvar, Daoine Sidhe, Sidhe, etc.), who are either close relatives for faery or near-mortals with exceptional living-span and magical inclination, there just doesn't really seem to be anything between. In general all elves appear humanoids of close to human size (some are notably smaller, other good deal taller), beautiful, young-looking or ageless, graceful and generally both wondrous and haughty. Although some (especially those of the Primal back-ground) could pass as particularly attractive humans, most have distinctive look of slender physique, vulpine facial features and arresting eyes, but especially their ears that range from but human sized with points to variously elongated. While most have relatively normal skin-tones, some have anything but (blue seems common); this includes both groups. As mentioned elves are divided into two broad groups that can be described as Lesser/Modern and Mythic/Primal: the Elves of Modern group are near-mortal, with closer to human abilities and also potential (amusingly they also tend towards more haughty behavior). Primal Elves are very close to Fae, many of them powerful enough that they were considered Gods (Vanir of Norse Deity Physiology, Tuatha Dé Danann of Celtic Deity Physiology) in earlier times. Regardless of which group they belong, all elves share certain traits including grace, some magical ability and skill with both close combat (especially swords) and marksmanship (with bows). Of all Faery-kind they are most likely to create and live in their own communities, nations and states of varying sizes. While Modern Elves have their Kingdoms and lands in Physical world, Primal Elves tend to live Under-Hill, Other Side or simply on the plane where their Faery-cousins dwell.
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