  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • Hans
  • This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Location: Grizzleheim - Vigrid Roughland Gives Quest: Quest Goal: Bears in the Woods Ends Quest:
  • Film: Man lebt nur zweimal (Film) Gespielt von: Ronald Rich Hans ist der Bodyguard von Ernst Stavro Blofeld während dessen Zeit in Japan. Er ist groß und sehr stark. Um die Macht von Blofeld vor den Mitarbeitern der chinesischen Regierung zur Schau zu stellen, füttert er dessen Piranhas - wenig später wird auch Helga Brandt von den Piranhas zerfleischt. Als die Ninjas den Vulkan von Blofeld stürmen, gibt dieser Hans einen Schlüssel, womit das Raumschiff BIRD 1 gesprengt werden kann. James Bond kämpft zuerst mit Hans, wirft ihn dann in das Piranha-Becken und bringt dann BIRD 1 zur Explosion, kurz bevor es die amerikanische Gemini-Kapsel vernichten kann. Kategorie:Gegenspieler
  • Hans est le nom de l'Augurey qui sert de mascotte à l'équipe nationale de Quidditch du Liechtenstein.
  • Hans is the chauffeur of Mr. Toad, a sly business toad who participates in the Sock Market. Hans often carries Mr. Toad to places on his back.
  • Prince Hans is the youngest brother in a family of thirteen princes. Because he's the youngest, Hans is often bullied and mocked by his older brothers, so he sets off to find a magical urn that will help him become the King of Arendelle and gain the respect he so deeply desires.
  • Hans ist ein Nebencharakter in Die Auserwählten - In der Todeszone. Bevor er nach Denver zog, arbeitete er als Wissenschaftler für ANGST.
  • Hans is the name of a particularly scarred individual seen in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
  • A creation of Sinister while he was infiltrated at the Weapon X Program, at a time in which only Scalphunter remained loyal to Sinister. Even though he possessed a wide array of powers, he was nonetheless killed by Sabretooth.
  • Hans (ハンス Hansu?) is the Commander of the Scout Regiment in the live-action films Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 1 and Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 2; as well as in the web miniseries Attack on Titan: Counter Rockets. She is the live-action counterpart of Hange Zoë from the original Attack on Titan manga. She is portrayed by Satomi Ishihara.
  • On a later occasion an agent Hans is placed in Max's apartment as part of Siegfried's attempts to kidnap entertainer Ozark Annie, although it is not explicitly stated that this is the same man. [Uncredited, "Episode #67: "One of Our Olives is Missing".]
  • Hans ist wahrscheinlich ein Diener der Nightrays. Er wurde zum ersten Mal in Band 13 zusammen mit Vanessa Nightray in Isla Yuras Villa zur Einfürungsfeier von Oz Vessalius gesehen. Dieser Artikel ist ein Stub. Du kannst My English Wiki helfen, indem du ihn erweiterst. Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Nightray Familie Kategorie:Verstorben Kategorie:Diener Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:Mensch Kategorie:Vanessa Nightray
  • Hans was one of the servants at the estate of White Hill. He was killed was killed by Drogen during a late night murder of all the servants at the estate.
  • You can find your time spent online as well as how long ago your account was created, in days, by right-clicking age on him or by his dialogue's fourth option.
  • Prins Hans van de Zuidereilanden is een van de hoofdpersonages uit de animatiefilm Frozen. Zijn stem wordt ingesproken door Santino Fontana.
  • Hans is a Spire Guard, who was sent to capture the Pilgrim (a.k.a Hammer). When you are on the quest to help Hammer grow the Golden Oak, and help her get to the final fountain, soon, Brother Robin comes out of the door you will have to go through, and will have to save Hammer's father. Unfortunately, you will get there too late, and Hans will shoot Hammer's father, and then attempts to kill Hammer. Hammer then kills him in revenge. Hans has the same appearance as the usual Spire Guard, but has a deeper voice than most enemy Spire Guards the player faces in the game; his voice is more similar to that of a Spire Soldier.
  • Hans appears in Telepath RPG Chapters 1 and 2.
  • Hans is a man who appeared in "Matryoshka Part 1".
  • Hans is the Chiyu Star in Suikoden II.
  • Hans is the hidden main antagonist of Frozen.
  • Hans travelled in Moravia in the Dark Ages.
  • Hans was a member of the Thule Society.
  • Hans was a mercenary who worked for John Corben.
  • Prinz Hans von den südlichen Insel ist der Hauptantagonist in Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfroren. Er möchte Anna und Elsa aus dem Weg räumen, damit er König werden kann.
  • El Príncipe Hans Westergård de las Islas del Sur es el principal antagonista en la película animada de Disney de 2013 Frozen. Le da la voz Santino Fontana y en la Version Mexicana Hugo Serrano.
  • Size: 150 Meters Description: Has the perfect body for lying around and watching TV. He is always tripping over things. When Rolled Up: "Hmm... We feel something cozy. It's The rookie Hans! Contemplating the Cosmos?"
  • Super SpongeBob Pals (episode)
  • Hans was a naval yard crane owned by the German army in world war two his job was to load bombs missiles firearms and ammunition onto naval vessels and trains he was painted black with a swaStuka logo on his side and a black megaphone on the side of his cab Hans was sunk after he fell of his dock into the sea after that they never got another crane to replace him
  • Hans is the dolphin-like demi-human who serves as the radio operator and first officer of the city-ship Thames. He often disagrees with the Captain's decisions, especially when it comes to the use of firepower but he always follows through with his orders. After the Thames is sunk during the second disc by the -Seraphs- Hans moves to the grounded remains of Shevat with his wife Anna and son Lance. It's possible that he could be related to the Yggdrasil's dolphin-like demi-human radio operator Franz, but it seems rather unlikely.
  • Hans is an attackable NPC who works as the manservant of the Duke of Lumbridge. According to various sources and Jagex it is confirmed that he is the first ever NPC created by Jagex. He can be persuaded into thinking that players want to kill everyone inside the castle, causing him to panic.
  • Hans was a South African diplomat who worked for Arjen Rudd. He is seen being pursued by the LAPD in a red BMW with an illegal shipment of krugerrands in Lethal Weapon 2.
  • Hans is a member of Team Catastrophe. He has a criminal mark and is the only member of his team who wasn't shown in a Duel.
  • Hans is one of the three townfolk who frequent the Hotel Mordavia in the evening. He is a pumpkin and corn farmer. Hans is always accompanied by Franz and Ivan. They talk to the Hero as a group. Hans usually speaks first.
  • Hans est le garde du corps personnel d'Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Blond et de très grande taille, c'est sans doute l'un des alliés les plus coriaces du SPECTRE.
  • He climbs up the mountain if a contestant does not get the correct price on the prize. Should he fall off the cliff at the top of the mountain, the contestant loses. However, if Hans stays on the mountain at the end of the game, the contestant wins.
  • He also tried to help Teggs battle the malfunctioning Wrappo-Bot Six, but the robot knocked him out before Teggs managed to defeat it. When what they thought was Papa Claws (actually General Loki in disguise) appeared, Nickel explained what had happened and took Hans to bed so that he could recover. The two elfosaurs later returned to help the astrosaurs battle General Loki and his raptors in Papa Claws' workshop and tying the captured Ranpak up along with his raptor helpers. When Loki escaped, Hans and Nickel let Teggs and Iggy borrow a space-sleigh so they could chase after him. When they returned triumphant, Hans was a member of the celebration that followed.
  • Hans es un personaje menor de la serie. Es uno de los ricos inversores de origen alemán que busca y consigue comprar la Central Nuclear del Señor Burns en el episodio de la tercera temporada, "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk".
  • Hans is a limited-time character released with the Frozen Event Update on 7th December 2016, and is a part of the character collection.
  • Hans is, in 2001, mentioned on radio advertisements for the Medieval Millenium Fair. He is described as a "Mysterious prancing German" who will help people rid their condos of vermin, although a penny whistle is also needed.
  • Hans is a playable archer in the game Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and its remake Shining Force: Resurrection of Dark Dragon.
  • Hans makes his sole appearance in TimeSplitters Future Perfect, and only in a single Arcade League match.
  • Hans stands in the Tara Square with his eisel. Players can approach him and request their portrait to be drawn (see more information below). He only has the "Start Conversation" button when you talk to him.
  • Hans to główny antagonista filmu z 2013 roku pt. Kraina lodu.
  • Hans is a character who appeared in the Season 7 special "'Tis The Season To Be Smurfy". He is the son of a wealthy person who despises people from the poor side of the village they live in, who encounters Gustav the toymaker and receives a dancing wooden puppet as a gift, though it is soon taken out of the boy's hands and trampled underneath the family's carriage. He later comes to the defense of Gustav when he was accused of stealing the father's coin purse, only for the village thief to reveal that he himself is responsible for the theft.
  • Hans is the student council vice-president of the Jenis Royal Academy, and Kloe Rinz' roommate in the Trails in the Sky trilogy.
  • Hans is a Guard patrolling the Broken Valley Village in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.
  • Hans (スナイル, Sunairu en japonés) es un gorila presumido, que aparece por primera vez en Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  • Hans - Przemysław Frencel. Jest współautorem składu 52 Dębiec.
  • Hans is a skilled mechanic who is part of Vyse's pirate crew.
  • Hans is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
  • Hans (ガンズ Ganzu, Ganz in the Japanese version) is a non-playable character and the tertiary antagonist in Fire Emblem Fates on all routes. He is voiced by Hisanori Koyatsu in the Japanese version and by Travis Willingham in the English version.
  • When meeting him, Hens told the Avatar of how Lord British had given funds for the erection of four lighthouses. However, the light crystals for three of them had been lost during shipment, and Hans feared that they would never reach their destinations. He asked the Avatar about finding them, getting them polished in Britain, and then installing them in the fitting lighthouses. The Avatar accepted the job, and after all the crystals had been properly installed, Hans gave the promised reward.
  • In the commercial when Mater crashes into a pole and the pole crashes into Hans' pet store window, Sara Safestreet shows up and honks the State Farm jingle. Then, almost a dozen State Farm Insurance Pitties show up and clean up the mess Mater made and repair and catch all the pets for Hans.
  • Hans is one of the two Flying Turtlenecker Brothers, a pair of alien pro-wrestling Turtles who appeared in the 1987 TV series episode Planet of the Turtles. Hans is also the name of a Blonde muscular lackey of Wally Airhead voiced by Cam Clarke.
  • Hans is a character in the 2011 State Farm commercial.
  • thumb|Hans, der Zombie-LemurHans war ein männlicher Lemur im Königreich von King Julien auf Madagaskar.
  • Hans es un personaje y el villano principal de Frozen, y apareció en Frozen: Una Fiesta Congelada, los jugadores fueron capaces de disfrazarse de él con la ropa que fue vendida en el catálogo de Moda Pingüina de My Penguin
  • Hans is a chubby man in a green-and-brown version of a Mario costume. He's grumpy and doesn't talk much and is hard to work with, but he would become Yaschnugganheimer's sidekick, (much to Yaschnugganheimer's chagrin) and would actually prove to be very helpful. According to some of his flashback memories which somehow made their way into our records, Hans previously rode around on a Yoshi-like creature called Ginkus Jr. (Ginkus Jr.'s relationship to Ginkus, if any, is unknown.) APPEARANCES: "Yaschnugganheimer #1", "Tutorial Bot's Past" RACE: Human CREATED BY: Kurt Elfman
  • Categoría:Personajes{| class="quote" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px solid #EE9966; background:#FFFFB0; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; -khtml-border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -icab-border-radius: 6px;; padding:0; margin:.5em 1em .5em 1em; width:auto" |style="text-align:justify;padding:0 10px;"| "¡Oh, no Hans el Manotas!" -Heinz Doofenshmirtz |}Hans (Hans manotas) también llamado "Manu Manos Enormes" en España, es un personaje que Heinz Doofenshmirtz encuentra en el desempeño de una función de títeres de sombra en su adolescencia. Heinz estaba empezando a ser muy hábil con sus títeres de sombra, pero fue eclipsado por Hans y sus grandes manos. Estas manos de gran tamaño Hans ganó el apodo de "Gran Hans manos".
  • A player can examine or talk to him. When spoken to, Hans says, "Hello. What are you doing here?" The player is then given four options: * "I'm looking for whoever is in charge of this place," * "I have come to kill everyone in this castle!" * "I don't know. I'm lost. Where am I?" * "What do you do here?" (If a member) By asking the first question, Hans responds by telling the player about the Duke, and that he can be found in the study on the first floor. By choosing the third response, Hans will tell the player that he/she is in Lumbridge Castle.
  • leftHans é um NPC servo, de Duque Horácio do Castelo de Lumbridge. Ele é encontrado andando em círculos ao redor do Castelo de Lumbridge. Ele é o NPC mais antigo em RuneScape. Jogadores que têm uma conta que tem mais de 5 anos podem comprar uma Capa do conhecimento por 50.000 moedas (jogadores com uma conta que tem mais de 10 anos de idade podem comprar uma Capa do conhecimento (10 anos). Um jogador pode examinar ou falar com ele. Quando falar com ele, Hans diz: "Olá. O que você está fazendo aqui?" O jogador é, então, dado quatro opções:
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "El Guernica trata sobre la masacre de animales y niños..." — Hans haciendo de guia en el Reina Sofía. right|thumb|200px|Ejemplo de dos sicarios forzando a una menor. De nombre Andrea, natural de Santander. Tuvo que falsificar su DNI para escapar de su ciudad natal a la temprana edad de 14 años. A la única persona que consiguió engañar para que le diese cobijo fue a Juanjo, que buscaba desesperadamente alguién que 'estudiase' Bellas Artes para hacer compañía a Pili Rubiales.
  • Hans – maskonur pochodzący z Danii. To właśnie przez niego Skipper jest w Kopenhadze uznany za wroga publicznego nr 1. Duńczycy poznali się jednak na naturze Hansa i został przez nich wygnany. W odc. Zemsta jest słodka Hans chciał opanować bazę pingwinów, ponieważ nie miał gdzie mieszkać. By pomóc Hansowi, pingwiny znalazły mu nowy dom w Zoo w Hoboken. Później Hans pojawia się jeszcze w odcinkach Wymarzone wakacje, Powrót zemsty doktora Bulgota ,Matczyna miłość, Akcja bez zadęcia, Najlepszy wróg. W odcinku Wymarzone wakacje został zastąpiony androidem. W odcinku Powrót zemsty doktora Bulgota zostaje uwolniony z Hoboken przez doktora Bulgota, widać (też w tym odcinku) że ma smartphone'a, tak jak Kowalski. W odcinku Matczyna miłość porywa Mamę, potem ona zamieszkuje w Hoboken i opiekuje się
  • Hans is a KGB informant. He joined the cause after he was disgusted by the apartheid which was happening in South Africa and America's support towards it. He is an economics graduate student from South Africa working as a Teaching Assistant. He was romantically interested in Elizabeth but she kept the relationship strictly professional. Elizabeth teaches him surveillance techniques. He assisted Philip to keep Martha under surveillance. He killed one of his fellow South African student after he saw Hans during one of the operations.
  • When spoken to, Hans will tell the player he's been patrolling Lumbridge Castle for years, to which the player will respond saying he must be old. Hans then goes on to say he is a veteran of RuneScape and at this point will offer the player the option to buy the Veteran cape if they have the requirements. If they do not have the requirements, he will tell players how much longer they have until they may buy the cape. Hans also plays a role in a couple of Treasure Trail clue scrolls, one being an anagram (Snah = Hans), and the other a cryptic (which also has "Snah" in it).
  • Malo
Other Appearances
  • 2011
  • 2
  • 6
  • 13
  • 19
  • 12
Portrayed By
  • Satomi Ishihara
  • Peter Mark Kendall
  • Good
  • Painter
  • Asesinar a Elsa
  • Casarse con Anna para ser el rey de Arendelle.
Sprecher EN
  • Santino Fontana
dubbing polski
  • Die Auserwählten - In der Todeszone
Beteiligt an den Missionen
  • *Bastok-Mission 3-3
  • One good turn deserves another.
Primera aparición
  • "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
  • - Unknown
  • - None
Initial Phrase
  • groovy
  • Südliche Inseln
first-ncis la
  • Mężczyzna
  • König zu werden
Row 4 info
  • Elfin-12
  • 12
  • * Speed Spell - Book of Moon x2 * Speed Spell - Limiter Removal * Speed Spell - Riryoku x2 * Speed Spell - Shrink * Speed Spell - Speed Energy x3 * Speed Spell - The Shallow Grave x2
  • Sunairu
Romaji Name
  • Hansu
  • Masculino
  • Masculino
  • Miłogost ReczekJakub Szydłowski
Row 7 title
  • DSS Rating
  • Deer
tuner monsters
  • * Black Salvo x3
name japanese
  • ハンス
  • スナイル
last-ncis la
New Header
  • dbkwik:resource/SEECKORqMCbYoY7ndiTZkg==
  • Hans Middlestadt (Earth-616)
  • Hans Bruder; Hans .png
  • Hans Feldstadt; Hans Feldstadt 1.jpg
  • Hans Grentoff; Hans Grentoff .jpg
  • Hans Groitzig; Doctor Groitzig .jpg
  • Hans Jorgenson; Hans Jorgenson .png
  • Hans Klaus; Hans Klaus .jpg
  • Hans Knutte; Hans Knutte 001.jpg
  • Hans Stryker;Hans Stryker .jpg
  • Hans; Hans .jpg
  • Hans (DermaFree); Hans and Franz from Mystique vol 1 14.png
  • Hans Knoblach; Hans Knoblach and Gertrude Hunter .jpg
  • Victor von Doom; Victor von Doom from New Avengers Vol 3 31 002.jpg
Première Apparition
  • Männlich
  • männlich
video game debut
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus
  • Hans Jakes
  • Hans
Initial Clothes
  • Blue Argyle Tee
  • 4
  • 3
  • Tyler Jacob Moore
  • Um servo do duque de Lumbridge.
  • No
movie appearances
  • Cars 2
Row 1 info
  • Hans Candicane
  • Rotbraun
  • A castle servant
  • A servant of the Duke of Lumbridge
  • Servant of the Duke of Lumbridge.
  • An indoor ski run
  • An indoor ski run.
  • * Bottomless Trap Hole * Call of the Haunted * Dimensional Prison * Fairy Box x2 * Limit Reverse x2 * Prideful Roar
  • Hans
  • No
effect monsters
  • * Adhesive Explosive x3 * Blast Sphere x3 * KA-2 Des Scissors x3 * Mystic Tomato x2 * Phantom Skyblaster x2 * Sangan * Wall of Illusion x2
max hit
  • 1
  • człowiek
  • Maskonur
  • Hans
  • Loran
  • Grigilio
  • No
normal monsters
  • * Mechanicalchaser x2
synchro monsters
  • * Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" x3
Row 4 title
  • Planet Of Hatching
  • 50000
  • 100000
  • 150000
  • Deirdre
  • Hange Zoë
  • 1967
  • Ronald Rich
  • Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfroren
  • Bastok
  • No voiced dialogue
  • Pottermore
  • Não
  • Negro
Row 2 info
  • Hard to say, offhand
Row 6 info
  • Buying gloves.
Bekannt als
  • Prinz Hans
  • 190
  • Diener
cartoon first appeared
  • Hume
  • Adliger
  • None
  • 0
  • Macht
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
Fighting Style
  • Gatling gun
  • Adolescente
  • Desconocida
  • Prinz
  • ANGST-Wissenschaftler
  • 5
  • 18
  • 23
  • 28
  • 30
Row 5 info
  • Coming in handy.
  • "Suds"
  • Wyrm War Part 1
  • Amiibo 241 Hans.png
  • 17
  • 19
  • 21
  • 24
  • 26
  • 34
  • 35
  • 40
  • Masculino
  • Mensch
  • Presumido
  • 3
Row 2 title
  • Age
Dernière Apparition
  • charmant, listig
  • Südliche Inseln
Row 6 title
  • Dislikes
  • Wahrscheinlich schwarz
  • "Unreal Estate"
  • 10
Manga Debut
  • Seine Brüder
  • Arcade League > Honorary League > Deadweight > Freak Unique with Bronze or better
  • Goat
  • None
  • Atsushi Gisaichi
Row 5 title
  • Likes
  • Hellgrün
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 14
  • 24
  • 28
  • 32
Row 3 info
  • Chief Pressie-Label Writer
involved in missions
  • *Bastok Mission 3-3: Jeuno
  • always
Row 3 title
  • Rank
  • Hange Zoë
Pełne imię
  • Hans
Miejsce zamieszkania
  • Dania Zoo w Hoboken
  • 108.0
  • Chevre
  • Mensch
  • Hansu
  • 1
  • N/A
  • 5
  • x
Row 7 info
  • 8
Mag nicht
  • Elsa
  • 241
  • Dog
Box Title
  • Hans
  • Shade, son
En Name
  • Hans
  • Hans' Pet Boutique Owner
  • Hans
  • Hans el Manotas
  • ,
  • Frozen: Free Fall
  • TimeSplitters Future Perfect
  • 4
  • Black
  • Frozen Fever
  • 6
  • None at all
  • None at all,
  • Blue Mountain,
  • Unbekannt
  • Hans
  • File:Counter (FE13).pngCounter
  • File:Ogre Strike (Skill).pngDeath Blow
  • File:Diamond Strike (Skill).pngArmored Blow
  • File:MaxHPPlus5.pngHP +5
  • File:Roundhouse.pngGamble
  • File:Raven Strike (Skill).pngCertain Blow
  • File:StrengthCry.pngRally Strength
  • File:Magic Counter (Skill).pngCountermagic
  • File:Great Shield (FE13).pngPavise
  • 33
  • 3
  • 5
  • Estudiante/Creador de Sombras
Voiced by
  • Trainer
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Unbekannt
  • Unborn
  • żyje
  • Verstorben †
  • Deceased - Shot in the head
  • 40312
  • 40823
  • Black Beard 409.png
  • Second couteau
First Appearance
  • Minor Character
  • Fire Emblem Fates
  • fe14
  • Sora no Kiseki the 3rd + EVO
  • Trails in the Sky + EVO
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC + EVO
  • Blond
  • Hans
  • Veteran hood
  • Hans
  • Veteran cape
  • Hans
  • NPC
  • Character
  • Gorilla
  • Crew Member
  • Smug
  • Astuto, elegante, despiadado
  • 202
  • Everyone's favorite headshot.
  • Hansu
  • In-game depiction
  • (Artwork from Professor Layton and the Last Specter.)
  • Hans the Archer
  • Hans, as he appears in the anime.
appears in anime
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
  • Flexes his arms and says "Hey, wanna be in my gang?"
  • 5
appears in nds
  • 5
cartoon last appeared
  • 1
  • Hans
Debut movie
Ciudad Natal
  • Druelselstein
  • Es encarcelado por sus malas acciones
Character Name
  • Hans
  • No
  • Unbekannt
  • 6
  • -
  • #827338
  • 200
  • K.K. D & B
  • Yugo GV
  • Hange
  • "Mad Innocence"
Voice Actor
  • None
  • 1
  • ハンス
  • El Manotas
  • Hange Zoë
  • Runescape beta is now online!
Last Seen
  • 2.300000
  • ???cm
  • Zwyklak.png
  • Hans
  • #
  • show
  • Scissors
  • left
  • right
  • Hange Zoë
  • 10
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • Black
  • Principe/Prisionero
  • Spoon bending
  • 150
  • Hange Zoë
  • 15
  • #514D4E
  • Unknown
  • Teen
  • White/Tan
  • March 1988
  • Unknown
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Hans
  • Hans of Lumbridge
  • Professor Layton and the Last Specter
  • 25000
  • 12
  • --12-05
  • Eliminated
  • Amiibo_card_back.png
  • Hans
  • HANS2.png
  • N/A
  • Chapter 3: Journey Begins
  • Cartoon Show
  • No voiced dialogue
  • Cowboy
  • Arjen Rudd's henchman
  • ????
Debut series
  • Blond
  • N/A
  • Child
  • Commander
  • Wrestler
  • Professional Turbo Duelist
  • Student Council Vice-President
  • Príncipe de las Las Islas del Sur
  • Teaching Assistant Intelligence Agent
  • Official
  • 38
  • 40
  • 43
  • 44
  • 60
  • 65
  • 69
  • 70
  • 2001-01-04
  • Príncipe Hans Westergård de las Islas del Sur
  • 4
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 2001-01-04
Ja Name
  • ハンス
  • Frozen
  • Druelselstein
  • Female
  • Male
  • male
  • Presumed Male
  • 95
  • Rearguard
  • • Merchant
  • SY 428
  • Griffin Freeman
  • ハンス
  • Hange Zoë
  • Masculino
  • One of the first NPCs that new players meet in Lumbridge
  • Infinite
  • 3
  • The urn is found, as is Hans.
  • Hans captures Anna and Kristoff.
  • Hans' plans are revealed.
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • ?
No of Levels
  • 10
  • Orange
Unlocked by
Character Collection
  • Yes
Sprecher DE
  • Robin Kahnmeyer Manuel Straube
  • książę
Beziehungen zu
  • Anna
Dubbing angielski
głos oryginalny
  • John DiMaggio
gry wideo
wc11 deck
  • Stealth Blaster
Intereses de Amor
  • Interés de Amor de Doofenshmirtz sin identificar
  • Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Location: Grizzleheim - Vigrid Roughland Gives Quest: Quest Goal: Bears in the Woods Ends Quest:
  • Film: Man lebt nur zweimal (Film) Gespielt von: Ronald Rich Hans ist der Bodyguard von Ernst Stavro Blofeld während dessen Zeit in Japan. Er ist groß und sehr stark. Um die Macht von Blofeld vor den Mitarbeitern der chinesischen Regierung zur Schau zu stellen, füttert er dessen Piranhas - wenig später wird auch Helga Brandt von den Piranhas zerfleischt. Als die Ninjas den Vulkan von Blofeld stürmen, gibt dieser Hans einen Schlüssel, womit das Raumschiff BIRD 1 gesprengt werden kann. James Bond kämpft zuerst mit Hans, wirft ihn dann in das Piranha-Becken und bringt dann BIRD 1 zur Explosion, kurz bevor es die amerikanische Gemini-Kapsel vernichten kann. Kategorie:Gegenspieler
  • leftHans é um NPC servo, de Duque Horácio do Castelo de Lumbridge. Ele é encontrado andando em círculos ao redor do Castelo de Lumbridge. Ele é o NPC mais antigo em RuneScape. Jogadores que têm uma conta que tem mais de 5 anos podem comprar uma Capa do conhecimento por 50.000 moedas (jogadores com uma conta que tem mais de 10 anos de idade podem comprar uma Capa do conhecimento (10 anos). Um jogador pode examinar ou falar com ele. Quando falar com ele, Hans diz: "Olá. O que você está fazendo aqui?" O jogador é, então, dado quatro opções: * "Estou à procura de quem está no comando deste lugar", * "Eu vim para matar todos neste castelo!", * "Eu não sei. Estou perdido. Onde estou?" * "O que você faz aqui?" (Se você for membro) Ao fazer a primeira pergunta, Hans responde dizendo para o jogador sobre o Duque, e que ele pode ser encontrado no primeiro andar do castelo. Ao escolher a segunda resposta, Hans recua, e as palavras "Ajuda! Ajuda!" são exibidos acima da cabeça, como se estivesse usando a ferramenta de chat do jogo. Ao escolher a terceira resposta, Hans vai dizer ao jogador que ele / ela está no castelo de Lumbridge. Ao escolher a quarta opção e última, Hans irá dizer ao jogador que ele está patrulhando pelo castelo de Lumbridge há anos, e o jogador vai responder dizendo que ele deve ser velho. Hans então continua a dizer que ele é um veterano do RuneScape e neste momento vai oferecer ao jogador a opção de comprar a Capa do conhecimento (e também a Capa do conhecimento (10 anos) se eles têm os requisitos. Se eles não têm os requisitos, ele irá dizer quanto tempo eles têm até poderem comprar a capa.
  • Hans est le nom de l'Augurey qui sert de mascotte à l'équipe nationale de Quidditch du Liechtenstein.
  • Hans is the chauffeur of Mr. Toad, a sly business toad who participates in the Sock Market. Hans often carries Mr. Toad to places on his back.
  • Prince Hans is the youngest brother in a family of thirteen princes. Because he's the youngest, Hans is often bullied and mocked by his older brothers, so he sets off to find a magical urn that will help him become the King of Arendelle and gain the respect he so deeply desires.
  • Hans ist ein Nebencharakter in Die Auserwählten - In der Todeszone. Bevor er nach Denver zog, arbeitete er als Wissenschaftler für ANGST.
  • Hans is the name of a particularly scarred individual seen in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
  • A creation of Sinister while he was infiltrated at the Weapon X Program, at a time in which only Scalphunter remained loyal to Sinister. Even though he possessed a wide array of powers, he was nonetheless killed by Sabretooth.
  • Hans (ハンス Hansu?) is the Commander of the Scout Regiment in the live-action films Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 1 and Attack on Titan, The Movie: Part 2; as well as in the web miniseries Attack on Titan: Counter Rockets. She is the live-action counterpart of Hange Zoë from the original Attack on Titan manga. She is portrayed by Satomi Ishihara.
  • On a later occasion an agent Hans is placed in Max's apartment as part of Siegfried's attempts to kidnap entertainer Ozark Annie, although it is not explicitly stated that this is the same man. [Uncredited, "Episode #67: "One of Our Olives is Missing".]
  • Hans ist wahrscheinlich ein Diener der Nightrays. Er wurde zum ersten Mal in Band 13 zusammen mit Vanessa Nightray in Isla Yuras Villa zur Einfürungsfeier von Oz Vessalius gesehen. Dieser Artikel ist ein Stub. Du kannst My English Wiki helfen, indem du ihn erweiterst. Kategorie:Stub Kategorie:Nightray Familie Kategorie:Verstorben Kategorie:Diener Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:Mensch Kategorie:Vanessa Nightray
  • Hans was one of the servants at the estate of White Hill. He was killed was killed by Drogen during a late night murder of all the servants at the estate.
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "El Guernica trata sobre la masacre de animales y niños..." — Hans haciendo de guia en el Reina Sofía. right|thumb|200px|Ejemplo de dos sicarios forzando a una menor. De nombre Andrea, natural de Santander. Tuvo que falsificar su DNI para escapar de su ciudad natal a la temprana edad de 14 años. A la única persona que consiguió engañar para que le diese cobijo fue a Juanjo, que buscaba desesperadamente alguién que 'estudiase' Bellas Artes para hacer compañía a Pili Rubiales. Otra teoría sobre su juvenil aspecto cuenta que se bañó el la fuente de la enterna juventud junto a Cerdeño.
  • You can find your time spent online as well as how long ago your account was created, in days, by right-clicking age on him or by his dialogue's fourth option.
  • Prins Hans van de Zuidereilanden is een van de hoofdpersonages uit de animatiefilm Frozen. Zijn stem wordt ingesproken door Santino Fontana.
  • Hans is a KGB informant. He joined the cause after he was disgusted by the apartheid which was happening in South Africa and America's support towards it. He is an economics graduate student from South Africa working as a Teaching Assistant. He was romantically interested in Elizabeth but she kept the relationship strictly professional. Elizabeth teaches him surveillance techniques. He assisted Philip to keep Martha under surveillance. He killed one of his fellow South African student after he saw Hans during one of the operations. Hans assisted Philip and Elizabeth while they dug up William's body for getting Lassa virus samples. But during the transfer of the virus to the container, he tripped and cut himself thus infecting him. Knowing that he most likely will contract Lassa fever and will die a horrible death, Elizabeth executed him and buried him along with William's body.
  • Hans is a Spire Guard, who was sent to capture the Pilgrim (a.k.a Hammer). When you are on the quest to help Hammer grow the Golden Oak, and help her get to the final fountain, soon, Brother Robin comes out of the door you will have to go through, and will have to save Hammer's father. Unfortunately, you will get there too late, and Hans will shoot Hammer's father, and then attempts to kill Hammer. Hammer then kills him in revenge. Hans has the same appearance as the usual Spire Guard, but has a deeper voice than most enemy Spire Guards the player faces in the game; his voice is more similar to that of a Spire Soldier.
  • Hans appears in Telepath RPG Chapters 1 and 2.
  • Hans is a man who appeared in "Matryoshka Part 1".
  • Hans is the Chiyu Star in Suikoden II.
  • Hans is the hidden main antagonist of Frozen.
  • Hans travelled in Moravia in the Dark Ages.
  • Hans was a member of the Thule Society.
  • Hans was a mercenary who worked for John Corben.
  • Prinz Hans von den südlichen Insel ist der Hauptantagonist in Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfroren. Er möchte Anna und Elsa aus dem Weg räumen, damit er König werden kann.
  • El Príncipe Hans Westergård de las Islas del Sur es el principal antagonista en la película animada de Disney de 2013 Frozen. Le da la voz Santino Fontana y en la Version Mexicana Hugo Serrano.
  • Size: 150 Meters Description: Has the perfect body for lying around and watching TV. He is always tripping over things. When Rolled Up: "Hmm... We feel something cozy. It's The rookie Hans! Contemplating the Cosmos?"
  • Super SpongeBob Pals (episode)
  • Hans was a naval yard crane owned by the German army in world war two his job was to load bombs missiles firearms and ammunition onto naval vessels and trains he was painted black with a swaStuka logo on his side and a black megaphone on the side of his cab Hans was sunk after he fell of his dock into the sea after that they never got another crane to replace him
  • Hans is the dolphin-like demi-human who serves as the radio operator and first officer of the city-ship Thames. He often disagrees with the Captain's decisions, especially when it comes to the use of firepower but he always follows through with his orders. After the Thames is sunk during the second disc by the -Seraphs- Hans moves to the grounded remains of Shevat with his wife Anna and son Lance. It's possible that he could be related to the Yggdrasil's dolphin-like demi-human radio operator Franz, but it seems rather unlikely.
  • Hans is an attackable NPC who works as the manservant of the Duke of Lumbridge. According to various sources and Jagex it is confirmed that he is the first ever NPC created by Jagex. He can be persuaded into thinking that players want to kill everyone inside the castle, causing him to panic.
  • Categoría:Personajes{| class="quote" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border:1px solid #EE9966; background:#FFFFB0; border-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; -khtml-border-radius: 6px; -o-border-radius: 6px; -icab-border-radius: 6px;; padding:0; margin:.5em 1em .5em 1em; width:auto" |style="text-align:justify;padding:0 10px;"| "¡Oh, no Hans el Manotas!" -Heinz Doofenshmirtz |}Hans (Hans manotas) también llamado "Manu Manos Enormes" en España, es un personaje que Heinz Doofenshmirtz encuentra en el desempeño de una función de títeres de sombra en su adolescencia. Heinz estaba empezando a ser muy hábil con sus títeres de sombra, pero fue eclipsado por Hans y sus grandes manos. Estas manos de gran tamaño Hans ganó el apodo de "Gran Hans manos". Los títeres de sombra de Hans eran terribles, pero a pesar de esto fueron capaces de ganar el favor de una joven, que estaba empezando a mostrar interés por Heinz. Como adulto, Heinz intentó crear el espectáculo de títeres de sombras final con el lanzamiento de un gran robot basado en la parte superior del torso de un humano. Este robot le permitiría crear títeres de sombra en la superficie de la luna, pero no fue puesto en uso por Heinz empezó a perseguir a una figura en un traje espacial que parecía ser Hans, pero resultó ser Candace.
  • Hans was a South African diplomat who worked for Arjen Rudd. He is seen being pursued by the LAPD in a red BMW with an illegal shipment of krugerrands in Lethal Weapon 2.
  • Hans is a member of Team Catastrophe. He has a criminal mark and is the only member of his team who wasn't shown in a Duel.
  • A player can examine or talk to him. When spoken to, Hans says, "Hello. What are you doing here?" The player is then given four options: * "I'm looking for whoever is in charge of this place," * "I have come to kill everyone in this castle!" * "I don't know. I'm lost. Where am I?" * "What do you do here?" (If a member) By asking the first question, Hans responds by telling the player about the Duke, and that he can be found in the study on the first floor. By choosing the second response, the words "Help! Help!" are displayed above his head, as though he is using the in-game chat tool. By choosing the third response, Hans will tell the player that he/she is in Lumbridge Castle. By choosing the fourth and final option Hans will tell the player he's been patrolling Lumbridge Castle for years to which the player will respond saying he must be old. Hans then goes on to say he is a Veteran of RuneScape and at this point will offer the player the option to buy the Veteran Cape if they have the requirements. If they do not have the requirements, he will tell players how much longer they have until they may buy the cape. In a recent hidden update you can now simply right click and choose the "Buy capes" to skip the unneeded dialogue. Hans also plays a role in a couple of treasure trail clue scrolls, one being an anagram (Snah = Hans), and the other a cryptic (which also has "Snah" in it). Hans can also be spoken to by selecting "random contact" on the NPC Contact spell. If Hans is contacted, the player will humorously claim that you yourself is a knight coming to kill everyone in Lumbridge Castle, to which Hans will panic.
  • Hans is one of the three townfolk who frequent the Hotel Mordavia in the evening. He is a pumpkin and corn farmer. Hans is always accompanied by Franz and Ivan. They talk to the Hero as a group. Hans usually speaks first.
  • Hans est le garde du corps personnel d'Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Blond et de très grande taille, c'est sans doute l'un des alliés les plus coriaces du SPECTRE.
  • He climbs up the mountain if a contestant does not get the correct price on the prize. Should he fall off the cliff at the top of the mountain, the contestant loses. However, if Hans stays on the mountain at the end of the game, the contestant wins.
  • He also tried to help Teggs battle the malfunctioning Wrappo-Bot Six, but the robot knocked him out before Teggs managed to defeat it. When what they thought was Papa Claws (actually General Loki in disguise) appeared, Nickel explained what had happened and took Hans to bed so that he could recover. The two elfosaurs later returned to help the astrosaurs battle General Loki and his raptors in Papa Claws' workshop and tying the captured Ranpak up along with his raptor helpers. When Loki escaped, Hans and Nickel let Teggs and Iggy borrow a space-sleigh so they could chase after him. When they returned triumphant, Hans was a member of the celebration that followed.
  • Hans is a chubby man in a green-and-brown version of a Mario costume. He's grumpy and doesn't talk much and is hard to work with, but he would become Yaschnugganheimer's sidekick, (much to Yaschnugganheimer's chagrin) and would actually prove to be very helpful. According to some of his flashback memories which somehow made their way into our records, Hans previously rode around on a Yoshi-like creature called Ginkus Jr. (Ginkus Jr.'s relationship to Ginkus, if any, is unknown.) It is unknown what happened, but the next time Hans appeared in our records, he was trapped in a box on an airplane with Yaschnugganheimer. Despite some initial fighting, the two began to work together and managed to escape the airplane. Additionally, Hans appeared in one of Tutorial Bot's drug-induced fantasies; It is unknown whether this was a figment of Tutorial Bot's imagination or an actual appearance of the man. However, Tutorial Bot did steal his hat and later maintained it once the fantasy had worn off. To make up for stealing the poor man's hat, Tutorial Bot gave him a hat-like spiky bug. APPEARANCES: "Yaschnugganheimer #1", "Tutorial Bot's Past" RACE: Human CREATED BY: Kurt Elfman
  • Hans es un personaje menor de la serie. Es uno de los ricos inversores de origen alemán que busca y consigue comprar la Central Nuclear del Señor Burns en el episodio de la tercera temporada, "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk".
  • Hans is a limited-time character released with the Frozen Event Update on 7th December 2016, and is a part of the character collection.
  • Hans is, in 2001, mentioned on radio advertisements for the Medieval Millenium Fair. He is described as a "Mysterious prancing German" who will help people rid their condos of vermin, although a penny whistle is also needed.
  • When spoken to, Hans will tell the player he's been patrolling Lumbridge Castle for years, to which the player will respond saying he must be old. Hans then goes on to say he is a veteran of RuneScape and at this point will offer the player the option to buy the Veteran cape if they have the requirements. If they do not have the requirements, he will tell players how much longer they have until they may buy the cape. Hans also plays a role in a couple of Treasure Trail clue scrolls, one being an anagram (Snah = Hans), and the other a cryptic (which also has "Snah" in it). Hans can also be spoken to by selecting "random contact" on the NPC Contact spell. If Hans is contacted, your character will claim you are a knight coming to kill everyone in Lumbridge Castle. Hans panics in response.
  • Hans is a playable archer in the game Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and its remake Shining Force: Resurrection of Dark Dragon.
  • Hans makes his sole appearance in TimeSplitters Future Perfect, and only in a single Arcade League match.
  • Hans stands in the Tara Square with his eisel. Players can approach him and request their portrait to be drawn (see more information below). He only has the "Start Conversation" button when you talk to him.
  • Hans to główny antagonista filmu z 2013 roku pt. Kraina lodu.
  • Hans is a character who appeared in the Season 7 special "'Tis The Season To Be Smurfy". He is the son of a wealthy person who despises people from the poor side of the village they live in, who encounters Gustav the toymaker and receives a dancing wooden puppet as a gift, though it is soon taken out of the boy's hands and trampled underneath the family's carriage. He later comes to the defense of Gustav when he was accused of stealing the father's coin purse, only for the village thief to reveal that he himself is responsible for the theft.
  • Hans is the student council vice-president of the Jenis Royal Academy, and Kloe Rinz' roommate in the Trails in the Sky trilogy.
  • Hans is a Guard patrolling the Broken Valley Village in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.
  • Hans (スナイル, Sunairu en japonés) es un gorila presumido, que aparece por primera vez en Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  • Hans - Przemysław Frencel. Jest współautorem składu 52 Dębiec.
  • Hans is a skilled mechanic who is part of Vyse's pirate crew.
  • Hans – maskonur pochodzący z Danii. To właśnie przez niego Skipper jest w Kopenhadze uznany za wroga publicznego nr 1. Duńczycy poznali się jednak na naturze Hansa i został przez nich wygnany. W odc. Zemsta jest słodka Hans chciał opanować bazę pingwinów, ponieważ nie miał gdzie mieszkać. By pomóc Hansowi, pingwiny znalazły mu nowy dom w Zoo w Hoboken. Później Hans pojawia się jeszcze w odcinkach Wymarzone wakacje, Powrót zemsty doktora Bulgota ,Matczyna miłość, Akcja bez zadęcia, Najlepszy wróg. W odcinku Wymarzone wakacje został zastąpiony androidem. W odcinku Powrót zemsty doktora Bulgota zostaje uwolniony z Hoboken przez doktora Bulgota, widać (też w tym odcinku) że ma smartphone'a, tak jak Kowalski. W odcinku Matczyna miłość porywa Mamę, potem ona zamieszkuje w Hoboken i opiekuje się maskonurem. W odcinku Idealny dzień widać, jak Hans walczy ze Skipperem na ryby, ale Szef go pokonuje. W zatargu z Duńczykami chodziło prawdopodobnie o kanapki. Hans, choć potrafi być groźny, to przede wszystkim jest śmieszny (np. kiedyś miał zamrozić pingwiny promieniem zamrażającym, a miotacz mu się zepsuł). Wydaje się, że nie jest zły do szpiku kości- jak się okazało, nie potrafi patrzeć obojętnie, jak starsza pani cierpi. Dzięki temu budzi dużą sympatię widzów. Nieźle się śmieje.
  • Hans is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
  • Hans (ガンズ Ganzu, Ganz in the Japanese version) is a non-playable character and the tertiary antagonist in Fire Emblem Fates on all routes. He is voiced by Hisanori Koyatsu in the Japanese version and by Travis Willingham in the English version.
  • When meeting him, Hens told the Avatar of how Lord British had given funds for the erection of four lighthouses. However, the light crystals for three of them had been lost during shipment, and Hans feared that they would never reach their destinations. He asked the Avatar about finding them, getting them polished in Britain, and then installing them in the fitting lighthouses. The Avatar accepted the job, and after all the crystals had been properly installed, Hans gave the promised reward.
  • In the commercial when Mater crashes into a pole and the pole crashes into Hans' pet store window, Sara Safestreet shows up and honks the State Farm jingle. Then, almost a dozen State Farm Insurance Pitties show up and clean up the mess Mater made and repair and catch all the pets for Hans.
  • Hans is one of the two Flying Turtlenecker Brothers, a pair of alien pro-wrestling Turtles who appeared in the 1987 TV series episode Planet of the Turtles. Hans is also the name of a Blonde muscular lackey of Wally Airhead voiced by Cam Clarke.
  • Hans is a character in the 2011 State Farm commercial.
  • thumb|Hans, der Zombie-LemurHans war ein männlicher Lemur im Königreich von King Julien auf Madagaskar.
  • Hans es un personaje y el villano principal de Frozen, y apareció en Frozen: Una Fiesta Congelada, los jugadores fueron capaces de disfrazarse de él con la ropa que fue vendida en el catálogo de Moda Pingüina de My Penguin
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