  • Rebirth
  • Rebirth
  • Rebirth
  • Rebirth
  • Rebirth
  • REbirTH
  • ReBirth
  • Rebirth
  • "Rebirth" is the two-part premiere of Batman Beyond. It depicts Batman's retirement when Bruce Wayne steps down, and later rebirth as Terry McGinnis years afterward. After Bruce becomes aware of his declining health and lays down his mantle, Gotham City is without its protector for twenty years until Terry discovers the secret then takes the Batsuit to avenge his father's murder, which revives Batman in Gotham City.
  • Using an Eight Point Seal, Ace can activate this technique before hand by storing Yin-Yang chakra within his left eye. Shortly after his death, Yin-Yang chakra will recreate his physical body in its prime condition at whatever point in time he chose before he cast the technique, as well as restoring his soul to his body. This technique can only be used once every 20 years due to the nature of the jutsu, the strain it takes on the body, as well as the amount of chakra it takes to initiate it.
  • Full: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of target's skills are disabled for 10...4 seconds. This spell consumes all of your remaining Energy. Concise: Resurrects target party member (25% Health, 0 Energy). Teleports target to you. Disables target's skills (10...4 seconds). You lose all Energy. __TOC__
  • "Rebirth" is an original song by A Maya featuring Ruby. This song is featured in A Maya's EP, Adversity EP.
  • "Rebirth" is the 28th episode of The Legend of Korra.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 7 Accuracy: 90% Type: Image:Healing.png / Image:Ward.png Description: Gives 650 Image:Healing.png and Absorb 400 Image:Damage.png (Spirit Armor) to all allies. Received From: Loudly Sing Cuckoo Requirements: Required Character Level: 48 Spells: * None Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No
  • Un projet militaire en deux temps, consistant à analyser le résultat d’un métissage entre un humain et des gênes fossilisée d’une race disparut d’Hyrtec (A savoir, les Sylves) et d’observer les améliorations visibles dans un premier temps, puis d’utiliser le cobaye comme matrice pour une armée de guerrier génétiquement modifier.
  • Rebirth (suomeksi "Uudestisyntyminen") on toinen vuonna 2010 julkaistu sarjakuva. Se on Glatorian-sarjakuvasarjan seitsemäs sarjakuva, 49. pääsarjakuva ja viimeinen BIONICLE-sarjakuva.
  • Erina, fue secuestrada, siendo un bebé, por la amante de su padre. Kiwako cría a Erina como su propia hija hasta su arresto cuatro años después. Erina crece pero no tiene un lugar al que llamar hogar, y termina teniendo un romance con un hombre casado y quedando embarazada. La historia se centra entre dos mujeres, Erina y Kiwako.
  • __NOINDEX__'s erection was reborn upon seeing Starfire's porno.
  • Infernal Supernatural - Self Resurrection and Heal
  • Rebirth occurs in robo battles a few seconds after knockdown. During this stage, the robo becomes translucent and is invincible for several seconds. It is used to quickly approach and attack the enemy, or use long-range attacks with no vulnerability.
  • Rebirth is an anime set in China.
  • __FORCETOC__
  • Rebirth is a druid resurrection ability learned at level 56. It can be cast while in combat. To distinguish it from the similarly-named [Revive] it is often referred to in game as a combat– or battle–rez, or just "b–rez".
  • The scenario remains the same as in previous games, however, we can note major additions, like dialogues or additional quests ...
  • The dividing point between the Old Mathic Age and the Praxic Age. Occurred c. A.R. -500, when Avout left the cloistered environment of the Maths and freely mixed with Saecular society. Equivalent of Renaissance or Enlightenment.
  • .hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth (.hack//G.U. Vol.1 再誕) is the first of the three part video game series that launches .hack Conglomerate. The main theme to this game was "Gentle Hands" (やさしい両手) by Tomoyo Mitani (the track is titled "Kind Hands" as a background music in the US version of the game).
  • This is a series written by Sage. If you need more information, go here: The Sky Lights Series
  • Rebirth è un racconto di xdavidx nel quale è impossibile trovare tracce di italiano. Sembra essere scritto in un'antica lingua mediorientale [semi-cit.] La seconda riapertura possiamo rinominarla "Flood [Thread Ufficiale]" I maggiori floodatori furono: Alex Ray, Nowe e xdavidx Tutti e 3 si presero un ban per flood grave (31 giorni e meno 3 punti dalla patente).
  • Rebirth is the first episode of the seventh season of Futurama, and the first episode of the series to air on Comedy Central. The episode is counted as the 89th of the series.
  • 生かす:いかす; usually means "To make the most out of a limited resource or lucky opportunity." but it also can mean a docotr literally bringing a patient back to live i.e. after cardiac arrest. 復活・ ふっけつ: use this about jesus. also can be used about a revival of some retro trend. 再生;さいせい: this means "regeneration" or recycle, but is most commonly used on a DVD deck: "Playback."!!
  • In 1802, Aaron is killed while trying to save a woman when he is in the city. He awakes to find himself in a coffin, and his mother reaveals he is a vampire. He decides he does not to do his annual kill, so he will die (forever) on the anniversary of his death, because he doesn't believe in killing, especially to prolong his own life. About 7 months later when he is drinking, he meets Cassandra DuCharme, who informs him that he can take more blood than he had, and then he won't have to drink every night. In his final days Cassandra finds him again, and convinces him to kill.
  • In the Underworld, one can be reborn by first getting dipped in the River Lethe to erase their memories and then being born again in the mortal world. If the soul reaches Elysium three times, they can enter the Isles of the Blest.
  • Rebirth is the second episode of the first season of Caprica and the third produced hour of the series. It first aired on the SyFy Channel on January 29, 2010. Daniel Graystone is having some technical difficulties on his contract to produce Cylons for the government of the planet Caprica. Joseph Adama wants to visit his daughter's avatar again. Lacy Rand has an unsettling lunch with Clarice Willow and her extended family; Lacy later meets with Zoe and declares her to be a trinity. Sam Adama takes his nephew William to Little Tauron and teaches him something about Tauron society. Amanda Graystone learns more about Zoe's secret life and makes a startling public confession.
  • Rebirth: the dragon spirit é uma série criada por Charles Boa Morte. Ela ficou muito conhecida no orkut graças a um tópico no mangaká brasil teve nada menos que 1785 posts.
  • Rebirth is an insert song from Kamen Rider Blade. It was performed by Kousei Amano. Rebirth is the second ending theme of Kamen Rider Blade. It is also secondarily the character theme for Kamen Rider Garren. * Lyrics: Shoko Fujibayashi * Composition:Yukari Aono (青野ゆかり Aono Yukari) * Arrangement: Cheru Watabe (渡部チェル Watabe Cheru) * Artist: Kousei Amano * Episodes: 23-28, 30, 47
  • A character may be reborn twice. * First Reborn * Second Reborn
  • Rebirth can refer to: * Redemption, spiritual rebirth. * Resurrection, literal rebirth.
  • Steph went through a lot of rapid changes in her first three months of Rebirth - training by the top-tier heros in Gotham, a newfound confidence and friendships, and...a romance with Tim Drake! But all of this is threatened by a mysterious group of vigilantes spying on the heros of Gotham.
  • Rebirth was a Pro Wrestling R4GE Pay-Per-View held on May 14th 2006. It was the first R4GE Pay-Per-View since Ground Zero in 2004.
  • Rebirth is a disbanded flag on the Hunter Ocean that was originally created by Elve.
  • |} * Upon your death (and hence resurrection), your hate and aggro toward any mobs will be totally wiped clean. Although Rebirth does lead to some "double deaths", it can be a great skill for saving a group from a wipe or saving you the time of traveling back from the respawn point.
  • Rebirth has been dead for about 2 years now. Consize is now in a different guild that's led by Poppet, Lindum Colonia. Rebirth was a mixed-alignment guild that was founded as the third Guild on Shika by Lux-tits. Update: 26/08/2007 After a second break up of the guild, and the unfortunate departure of Lux-tits from Shika, Rebirth is was lead by Consize. Unfortunatly, due to a lot of inactive players, Rebirth somewhat declined, and opened it's doors to those of lower levels than the original, 40+ decided.
  • The team scrambles to try and fight the new Robeast, who's enhanced vision and multi-firing ability make it difficult for Voltron to counter, forcing them to retreat to the tunnels below and regroup. However, they learn that the Balmera is dying and unless they leave, everything on the Balmera will die with it. Though the Balmerans are reluctant to leave their home, Allura convinces them to flee to safety so they can live to fight on. The Paladins work to distract the Robeast while the Balmerans climb to the surface to escape on the Castle-ship.
  • Rebirth or Resurrection is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.
  • Lady Alvane's Shift takes April to the Journeyman Inn in Marcuria. She goes out into the city to visit the friends she made there and to see how they are. The marketplace is deserted; she goes into the Temple of the Balance, but Vestrum Tobias is nowhere to be found. She leaves the Enclave, and sees an army of Tyren riding towards the city. Remembering what Lady Alvane told her, she tries to make herself Shift, but it doesn't work. She runs back into the Enclave to take shelter, just as a Shift opens up behind her. She races through it to escape. Previous chapter - Next chapter
  • Setsuna accuses Ribbons of pretending to be God, but Ribbons claims that he is God. Ribbons believes that the human race will not stop fighting and will be destroyed unless he controls it, and he calls himself its savior. He compares what he’s doing to how people control animals, and he thinks that beating pure breed Setsuna cements his own value. In the ensuing battle, Setsuna is forced to evade while he waits for the Twin Drive system to charge, and when he tries to engage Ribbons at close range, he discovers that Ribbons’ Reborns Cannon is able to transform into a Gundam that has its own Twin Drive System. To make things even tougher, Ribbons gets backed up by Revive and Hiling, but fortunately for Setsuna, he gets his own help in the form of Lockon and Allelujah. With Hallelujah now as
  • Rebirth, or Rb, are cards that are made to update the artwork of older cards in Urban Rivals. Once a card received an Rb treatment, their older cards' artworks are replaced by their Rb artworks. Most cards that got Rb'ed are due to the fact that their old artworks look old or have the same pose/looks every level, making the cards look underwhelming/ridiculous/stupid. This is comparable with Brandon, whose old artwork's levels are simply him changing his shirt color, while his new artwork, Brandon Rb, has him looking twisted every level.
  • In this way, it seems (unless the Demon Book is available at level 1 in the Third Incarnation) enhanced XP and the opportunity to place XP into the Demon Book for another incarnation are never available at the same time; all XP applied to other incarnations, and all XP applied to characters of any incarnation that are level 100 or above, is always at the normal 1x rate. Realm of Reflection gives XP as normal, with no bonuses XP items give bonus XP, eg Fantasy Fruit after the first Awakening give 20,000 XP instead of 5,000
  • Asami arrives at Air Temple Island with a fully-equipped Future Industries airship, ready to aid Team Avatar, Tenzin, and Jinora in their expedition to search for airbenders in Ba Sing Se. Kya assures the group that she and Pema will take care of the island in the group's absence and expresses excitement over the chance to spend time with Rohan, who promptly vomits on her. Kya quickly cleans herself with her waterbending, while Pema takes the baby and states that he likes her.
  • Once Again, Stewie Thinks That His Family Is A Bunch Of Morons, And He Tries To Prevent Himself From Being Born. Stewie: I've had it, I might've thought last time that I belong here, but now I've realized that's a complete lie. Brian: do you still have your time machine? Stewie: what do you think? Duh, yes! Brian: so... Is this the last time I'll be seeing you? Stewie: pretty much. (Hugs Brian) Brian: goodbye, Nice Travels. Stewie: time machine is all ready. (1 breaking up Lois and Peter seen later) Stewie: rupert, I'm starting to fade away. We will have never met. (fades away completely) (groaning)
  • Story In the year 2015, man created machine, and they lived in peace, but one machine felt he wasn't being treated like a living being, and rebelled against his creators. Due to this, a year later, the war between man and machine had begun. The war had lasted for 5 years, until a human squad had made a truce with the machines. The person that wagered the truce was Hiro Shinohara, a (at the time) 12 year old boy who had negotiated the truce with the machines. In 2023, Hiro's friend Maka went missing, and he started his search on July 10th. On July 1st 2025, Hiro was shot down by a gang of rogue machines, and had almost died, but he requested to become a machine, while maintaining his memories and emotions. So on July 5 2025, he was transferred into a human created machine titled Project X M
  • It is now one month since the bombing, and Zoe is having problems distinguishing her real self from her virtual self. Lacy is approached by Sister Clarice Willow, the head of Zoe and Lacy's school, the Athena Academy, and also a member of the STO cult, who takes a special interest in her. Joseph struggles to connect to his son William, who begins spending time more with his uncle Samuel. She finally concedes that Zoe must have been involved with the STO, and makes an emotional public statement to that effect.
  • The forest gave way to life as he remembered it. The opening of his eyes after the seeming endless torment that was sure to end him, Griffin finally made it home. Sailing throught the forest, his senses re-awakened as the familiar smells and sights, and the presense of the forest. Traling to his side now, Luna approached half a wingspan to his side, dazzled and awestruck to be back too. "Griffin!" Luna cried out. "We made it home! We made it back home!" "The tree brought us back!" Griffin replied, in equal excitement adnhappiness. Tree Haven
  • In the Shinigami Realm, a Shinigami named Ryuk seems preoccupied with something while the other Shinigami continue to relax and gamble. Meanwhile, high school student Light Yagami translates a sentence from English to Japanese upon the request of his teacher. The other students do not seem to pay the teacher any mind, though, as they play with their handheld games and talk amongst themselves. Ryuk closes the episode, believing that humans are indeed interesting.
  • • Jynkar, Elemental de Bien
  • Consize
  • 56
  • 1
  • 3
  • 7
  • Kamen Rider Blade
  • *Rebellion era *New Republic era
  • Féminin
  • 7
Monde d'Origine
  • Hyrtec
  • Ulises Arreola
  • 12
debut shippuden
  • No
  • Inori Yuzuriha ©Guilty Crown
  • Lucia maria Misora ©to heart2
  • 250
  • 150.0
  • Gives 650
  • and Absorb 400
  • to all allies.
literal english
  • Rebirth
  • Rebirth
jutsu rank
  • S
jutsu classification
  • Kinjutsu, Yin-Yang Release
Cast Time
  • 2.0
  • Demi Sylve
  • insert
unnamed jutsu
  • No
  • None
  • 4
  • Hunter
  • Wrath, Ocean of Light, Excalibur.
  • 22
  • None
jutsu range
  • Short, Mid, Long
  • Rebirth
  • "Rebirth"
English Airdate
  • 2009-09-21
US Release Date
  • 2006-10-24
  • Rebirth TCG.jpg
  • No
  • 2010
  • 1.5
jutsu class type
  • Supplementary
Nom Usuel
  • Missi Léatarcie
  • none
jutsu media
  • Fanon Canon
  • 2015-12-25
EU Release Date
  • ?
  • 900.0
  • 7
  • 20
  • 48
  • 600.0
Japan Release Date
  • 2006-05-18
japanese airdate
  • 2009-03-29
  • 202
  • 2007
  • Wrath
  • BIONICLE: Glatorian
  • 10000031
  • Mnémosyne
  • 25
  • #| |0
  • 42.0
  • Damage
  • Healing
  • #| |1
  • 1
  • 8
  • 28
  • Ace Korimachi
  • 40.0
  • Ranged, Ally Rez, +Heal Over Time, Special, +3 Bloom
  • Shoko Fujibayashi
  • CRCP-40001
  • Sans-Destin, Voie de l'Aube
  • 2009-04-23
  • 2014-06-27
  • PS2
  • Scales
  • 4.73364E8
  • 7
  • A Maya
  • *Galactic Empire *Hethrir *Empire Reborn
  • shika
  • Mobile artificial planetoid
  • Jon Heder , Skyler Brigmann , Peter Giles , Michael Donovan , Jason Miller , Bruce Davison , Ashley Boettcher , Maria Bamford , Grey DeLisle-Griffin , Sunil Malhotra
  • Zombie Panic: Source
  • 2009-04-11
  • 2007-10-21
  • Rebirth
  • Action RPG
  • Healing
  • Utility
  • Ward
  • 1999-01-10
  • 2010-01-29
  • 2010-06-24
  • 2014-06-27
  • 2016-06-10
  • Saisei
  • Rebirth will resurrect the Hierophant automatically after their death . The automatic resurrection can be cancelled after death by cancelling the flashing Regenesis icon that appears after dying.
  • Wisdom
  • Judith Tarr
  • 2008-10-28
  • Rebirth can either greatly heal a conscious ally for a large amount of health over time or it can revive a fallen ally with a large amount of health and endurance and cause them to recover health over time. This power also grants 3 stacks of Bloom. Recharge: Very Long
  • 200
  •|bluenote=Nature's Swiftness should properly affect Rebirth.
  • no
  • Beyond the veil, Posthumous Reign, Taken by Storm,
Preceded By
  • Into The Wild Green Yonder
Other Names
  • Rebirth
  • 2007-04-01
  • 102
  • #| |1
  • 再生
  • 3200.0
  • 2.300000
  • Until Cancelled
  • Cher Watabe
  • PS2 Disk
  • NatureAffinity Rebirth.png
  • Single Player
  • 15
  • 2009-02-07
  • Avex Trax
  • Increases duration by 100%. You may order the Phoenix to move to a different location once while the Phoenix is alive.
  • Rebirth no longer has a cast time.
  • Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat.
  • Kousei Amano
  • black; color: pink
  • Main Page
  • Transcript
  • CD
  • 2
  • 2008-02-02
  • 102
  • Lord Hethrir
  • 2006-10-03
  • 28
  • 50
  • 89
  • Rebirth
  • y
  • 90
  • 2.0
prod code
  • 6
  • 2009-03-03
  • y
  • gackt
  • 4
  • Self
  • Sun in Glory
  • Hybride
  • *When target dies this spell will cast Regenesis on target. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. **Applies Regenesis on termination. ***Resurrects target with 40% health and power *Grants a total of 1 trigger of the spell
  • Yukari Aono
  • Change
  • #| |0
  • T
  • Namco Bandai
  • Loudly Sing Cuckoo
Followed By
  • "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela"
  • Rebirth
  • 2004
  • 1
  • "Rebirth" is the two-part premiere of Batman Beyond. It depicts Batman's retirement when Bruce Wayne steps down, and later rebirth as Terry McGinnis years afterward. After Bruce becomes aware of his declining health and lays down his mantle, Gotham City is without its protector for twenty years until Terry discovers the secret then takes the Batsuit to avenge his father's murder, which revives Batman in Gotham City.
  • The forest gave way to life as he remembered it. The opening of his eyes after the seeming endless torment that was sure to end him, Griffin finally made it home. Sailing throught the forest, his senses re-awakened as the familiar smells and sights, and the presense of the forest. Traling to his side now, Luna approached half a wingspan to his side, dazzled and awestruck to be back too. "Griffin!" Luna cried out. "We made it home! We made it back home!" "The tree brought us back!" Griffin replied, in equal excitement adnhappiness. Tears were streaming down Luna's face, matting the fur around the area. Both of them were laughing, as hard as they possibly could. They streamed over the forest banks, feeling the mist coating their bodies in a sparkling shine and refreshing wave of coolness. The bright moon and natural starlight illuminated the earth beyond comprehension, words that Griffin and Luna couldn't even fathom. There truly was no place like the forest, the home they were born in. Then they hit it. What they sought out to find. Tree Haven
  • Using an Eight Point Seal, Ace can activate this technique before hand by storing Yin-Yang chakra within his left eye. Shortly after his death, Yin-Yang chakra will recreate his physical body in its prime condition at whatever point in time he chose before he cast the technique, as well as restoring his soul to his body. This technique can only be used once every 20 years due to the nature of the jutsu, the strain it takes on the body, as well as the amount of chakra it takes to initiate it.
  • Full: Resurrect target party member. Target party member is returned to life with 25% Health and zero Energy, and is teleported to your current location. All of target's skills are disabled for 10...4 seconds. This spell consumes all of your remaining Energy. Concise: Resurrects target party member (25% Health, 0 Energy). Teleports target to you. Disables target's skills (10...4 seconds). You lose all Energy. __TOC__
  • Asami arrives at Air Temple Island with a fully-equipped Future Industries airship, ready to aid Team Avatar, Tenzin, and Jinora in their expedition to search for airbenders in Ba Sing Se. Kya assures the group that she and Pema will take care of the island in the group's absence and expresses excitement over the chance to spend time with Rohan, who promptly vomits on her. Kya quickly cleans herself with her waterbending, while Pema takes the baby and states that he likes her. Meanwhile, Mako arrives, bringing with him a map that he has marked with the locations of all the reported sightings of airbenders in the Earth Kingdom. Korra urges him join the trip, as he is still a part of Team Avatar, but Mako refuses, choosing to return to Republic City. Tenzin bids Pema farewell and promises to let her know once airbenders have been recruited to train at the Northern Air Temple. Ikki and Meelo ask their father why Jinora was the only one allowed to go to Ba Sing Se, but their disappointment is assuaged by Kya, who insists that they are needed at Air Temple Island to assist any airbenders who may come to them. Before he can leave the docks, Mako is stopped by Bolin. Mako cites his belief that he is drifting apart from Team Avatar as his reason for leaving, but his brother convinces him to join Korra anyway, pointing out that as they will be visiting their father's birthplace in Ba Sing Se, he does not want to disappoint their paternal grandmother. As the group leaves for Ba Sing Se, they discuss a plan to visit every settlement reported to have an airbender before landing in Ba Sing Se and excitedly consider the prospects of recreating the Air Nation. A boat arrives at a wooden prison surrounded by ocean, no land in sight. The White Lotus sentries on the platform, guarding a single prison cell made of wood, are initially relieved as they believe their shift change has arrived, but they grow alarmed to see Zaheer piloting the craft. He easily overpowers the guards with airbending and manages to toss three stones into the cell during the altercation. The prisoner, Ghazan, promptly earthbends them, converting them into a whirling star of lava and using it to cut through the wooden bars locking him in. He kicks the wall out, crushing a guard in the process, before taking out the remaining two with his lava star. Thanking Zaheer for giving him the means to free himself, Ghazan inquires as to where he procured his airbending abilities. Zaheer attributes them to Harmonic Convergence, interpreting it as a sign that their mission is righteous. The Future Industries airship arrives in a small Earth Kingdom village, and the team is invited to a special dinner with Kuon, a local farmer who has gained the ability to airbend. Tenzin informs Kuon that he is going to help him rebuild the Air Nation. Hearing this, Kuon becomes defensive, refusing to leave his family to learn about the Air Nomads. When Tenzin continues to insist that he join them, Kuon reaffirms his position and urges Tenzin to leave his village. The group visits other Earth Kingdom villages but is ultimately unsuccessful at recruiting individuals, who have lives of their own and are uninterested in learning about the Air Nomads. Deciding that Tenzin's method of recruitment is not working, Korra, Mako, and Bolin try taking matters into their own hands. They attempt to force a young, unambitious airbender named Ryu to join their cause but are ultimately unable to convince him. Locked in a barren prison, Ming-Hua hears the White Lotus sentries nearby alerting each other that the prison is under attack. Zaheer and Ghazan overpower the guards and provide Ming-Hua with a barrel of water, which she bends to create tentacle-like arms to escape her cell. Ming-Hua takes out the remaining sentries and reunites with Zaheer and Ghazan, who inform her that they will be breaking P'Li out of prison next. Meanwhile, a disheartened Team Avatar considers whether heading straight to Ba Sing Se would be the best course of action but ultimately decides to host an "airbending street performance" proposed by Bolin and Bumi. With Bolin acting as the host, Tenzin, Korra, Bumi, and Jinora demonstrate their bending in an attempt to entice airbenders to join their group. Following the show, a young airbender named Kai offers to join Team Avatar's mission to recruit airbenders. Requiring parental consent, Tenzin asks Kai what his parents think of him leaving to become an Air Nomad. Dejectedly, Kai tells Team Avatar that his parents died protecting their village from an outlaw raid. The group decides to admit him, but before the airship can leave, a group of earthbenders arrive demanding custody of the boy. Identifying them as the outlaws, Kai urges the group to flee, but Korra decides to confront the men instead. After a short fight, the men reveal that they are officers from the town seeking to arrest Kai for stealing his foster family's life savings. Kai ultimately concedes that the sheriff's account is true but insists that gaining bending changed him and pleads for Korra and Tenzin to take him along. Tenzin ultimately decides to recruit him. Before the group leaves, Mako stops Kai, warning him that he will be wary of his action, as he is more than familiar with the kind of person Kai is due to their similar backgrounds. Kai reiterates that he is planning to change, before turning to board the airship, where he meets Jinora, who offers to teach him what she knows about airbending. Back at the prison, a sentry informs Lord Zuko of Ming Hua's escape and Zaheer's acquisition of airbending, visibly alarming the former Fire Lord. Zuko places great emphasis on the prowess of each of the escaped convicts, stating that they have the power to "take down the entire world" as a unit. Knowing that they will come to release P'Li, Zuko instructs the sentry to send a message to Desna and Eska, the chiefs of the Northern Water Tribe, to warn them that an attack on their prison is imminent. He also orders a message to be sent to Chief Lin Beifong, requesting that she make the safeguarding of the Avatar her primary concern. Having finished relaying his instructions, Zuko mounts his dragon and flies toward the Northern Water Tribe.
  • "Rebirth" is an original song by A Maya featuring Ruby. This song is featured in A Maya's EP, Adversity EP.
  • "Rebirth" is the 28th episode of The Legend of Korra.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 7 Accuracy: 90% Type: Image:Healing.png / Image:Ward.png Description: Gives 650 Image:Healing.png and Absorb 400 Image:Damage.png (Spirit Armor) to all allies. Received From: Loudly Sing Cuckoo Requirements: Required Character Level: 48 Spells: * None Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No
  • Story In the year 2015, man created machine, and they lived in peace, but one machine felt he wasn't being treated like a living being, and rebelled against his creators. Due to this, a year later, the war between man and machine had begun. The war had lasted for 5 years, until a human squad had made a truce with the machines. The person that wagered the truce was Hiro Shinohara, a (at the time) 12 year old boy who had negotiated the truce with the machines. In 2023, Hiro's friend Maka went missing, and he started his search on July 10th. On July 1st 2025, Hiro was shot down by a gang of rogue machines, and had almost died, but he requested to become a machine, while maintaining his memories and emotions. So on July 5 2025, he was transferred into a human created machine titled Project X Model#01, The Reaper. Now, Hiro must try to find Maka, and save important figures of the present , and past in order to stop an uprising.l, and the possible extinction of humanity.
  • Un projet militaire en deux temps, consistant à analyser le résultat d’un métissage entre un humain et des gênes fossilisée d’une race disparut d’Hyrtec (A savoir, les Sylves) et d’observer les améliorations visibles dans un premier temps, puis d’utiliser le cobaye comme matrice pour une armée de guerrier génétiquement modifier.
  • Rebirth has been dead for about 2 years now. Consize is now in a different guild that's led by Poppet, Lindum Colonia. Rebirth was a mixed-alignment guild that was founded as the third Guild on Shika by Lux-tits. Rebirth was one of the best Guilds on Shika and was closed to anyone not level 40+. Rebirth had a break-up, everyone was kicked from the guild. It later managed to regroup and managed to regain a healthy 35+ members. Rebirth then made a guild dedicated to training younger members (20+) ,Rebirth acadamy, which would ship off graduated characters to rebirth at lvl 40. It was lead by Doros-skills and co-lead by lux-love (lux-tits' alternate character) it used to take in members and successfuly shipped many people to be trained in rebirth. Update: 26/08/2007 After a second break up of the guild, and the unfortunate departure of Lux-tits from Shika, Rebirth is was lead by Consize. Unfortunatly, due to a lot of inactive players, Rebirth somewhat declined, and opened it's doors to those of lower levels than the original, 40+ decided.
  • Rebirth (suomeksi "Uudestisyntyminen") on toinen vuonna 2010 julkaistu sarjakuva. Se on Glatorian-sarjakuvasarjan seitsemäs sarjakuva, 49. pääsarjakuva ja viimeinen BIONICLE-sarjakuva.
  • It is now one month since the bombing, and Zoe is having problems distinguishing her real self from her virtual self. Lacy is approached by Sister Clarice Willow, the head of Zoe and Lacy's school, the Athena Academy, and also a member of the STO cult, who takes a special interest in her. Joseph struggles to connect to his son William, who begins spending time more with his uncle Samuel. Still haunted by Tamara's avatar, Joseph attempts to contact Daniel again. Daniel, resigning himself to the loss of Zoe, turns his attention back to the mass-production order, and has the prototype moved to his home lab. While it is clear to him that the original Zoe-Cylon prototype exceeds the intelligence specs needed, it also exhibits erratic behavior. Meanwhile Amanda finally discovers from Agent Durham that her daughter had a secret boyfriend. At the terror memorial service, she learns more of the secret one-year relationship, and is given some of her daughter's effects (by Ben's mother) and finds an infinity symbol, which links Zoe to the STO. She finally concedes that Zoe must have been involved with the STO, and makes an emotional public statement to that effect.
  • Erina, fue secuestrada, siendo un bebé, por la amante de su padre. Kiwako cría a Erina como su propia hija hasta su arresto cuatro años después. Erina crece pero no tiene un lugar al que llamar hogar, y termina teniendo un romance con un hombre casado y quedando embarazada. La historia se centra entre dos mujeres, Erina y Kiwako.
  • __NOINDEX__'s erection was reborn upon seeing Starfire's porno.
  • Infernal Supernatural - Self Resurrection and Heal
  • Rebirth occurs in robo battles a few seconds after knockdown. During this stage, the robo becomes translucent and is invincible for several seconds. It is used to quickly approach and attack the enemy, or use long-range attacks with no vulnerability.
  • Rebirth is an anime set in China.
  • __FORCETOC__
  • Rebirth is a druid resurrection ability learned at level 56. It can be cast while in combat. To distinguish it from the similarly-named [Revive] it is often referred to in game as a combat– or battle–rez, or just "b–rez".
  • The scenario remains the same as in previous games, however, we can note major additions, like dialogues or additional quests ...
  • The dividing point between the Old Mathic Age and the Praxic Age. Occurred c. A.R. -500, when Avout left the cloistered environment of the Maths and freely mixed with Saecular society. Equivalent of Renaissance or Enlightenment.
  • .hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth (.hack//G.U. Vol.1 再誕) is the first of the three part video game series that launches .hack Conglomerate. The main theme to this game was "Gentle Hands" (やさしい両手) by Tomoyo Mitani (the track is titled "Kind Hands" as a background music in the US version of the game).
  • This is a series written by Sage. If you need more information, go here: The Sky Lights Series
  • Rebirth, or Rb, are cards that are made to update the artwork of older cards in Urban Rivals. Once a card received an Rb treatment, their older cards' artworks are replaced by their Rb artworks. Most cards that got Rb'ed are due to the fact that their old artworks look old or have the same pose/looks every level, making the cards look underwhelming/ridiculous/stupid. This is comparable with Brandon, whose old artwork's levels are simply him changing his shirt color, while his new artwork, Brandon Rb, has him looking twisted every level. It's should be noted that this trend seems to disappear as time comes. Several cards, like Bodenpower and Mac Hen, are also redesigned, though they have no Rb cards to indicate this. It's also noted that Rb cards are not different from their normal cards, thus it's often better to just get the older cards to see their new artworks. Some cards that get Rb can still be Cr'ed, like Striker Cr, GraksmxxT Cr, and Ratanah Cr.
  • Rebirth è un racconto di xdavidx nel quale è impossibile trovare tracce di italiano. Sembra essere scritto in un'antica lingua mediorientale [semi-cit.] La seconda riapertura possiamo rinominarla "Flood [Thread Ufficiale]" I maggiori floodatori furono: Alex Ray, Nowe e xdavidx Tutti e 3 si presero un ban per flood grave (31 giorni e meno 3 punti dalla patente).
  • Once Again, Stewie Thinks That His Family Is A Bunch Of Morons, And He Tries To Prevent Himself From Being Born. Stewie: I've had it, I might've thought last time that I belong here, but now I've realized that's a complete lie. Brian: do you still have your time machine? Stewie: what do you think? Duh, yes! Brian: so... Is this the last time I'll be seeing you? Stewie: pretty much. (Hugs Brian) Brian: goodbye, Nice Travels. Stewie: time machine is all ready. (1 breaking up Lois and Peter seen later) Stewie: rupert, I'm starting to fade away. We will have never met. Stewie: Rupert: before I fully fade away, I know you won't remember me, hopefully you gain a new compainion. (fades away completely) (complete darkness and silence) (groaning) Stewie: where am I? Doctor 1: It's A Girl! Stewie: I've been reborn, but I feel different. Doctor 2: welcome to the world. Stewie: (looks outside) it's snowing? But it's April. Stewie: I must be Canadian. Stewie: wait, did the doctor just say a girl? Stewie: well, today has been a rough day, actually one of my first. (taken home)
  • Rebirth is the first episode of the seventh season of Futurama, and the first episode of the series to air on Comedy Central. The episode is counted as the 89th of the series.
  • Rebirth or Resurrection is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body. It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar and is found in many societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia. The Egyptians believed that the young scarab emerged spontaneously from the burrow as if created from nothing. Thus, like Atum, the scarab god Khepri was a self-created god.The scarab beetle also lays its eggs in carrion, leading the ancient Egyptians to speculate that those scarab beetles were created from dead matter. As a result, Khepri was strongly associated with rebirth, renewal, and resurrection. Khepri is the Egytian Scarab beetle god of rebirth and the morning sun. Osiris's dark-green skin symbolizes rebirth. The analysis of Osiris permeates the later religious psychology of Carl Jung more than any other element. In 1950 Jung wrote that those who partake in the Osiris myth festival and follow the ritual of his death and the scattering of his body to restart the vegetation cycle as a rebirth "experience the permanence and continuity of life which outlasts all changes of form". Osiris provided the key example of the rebirth process in that initially only the Pharaohs "had an Osiris" but later other Egyptians nobles acquired it and eventually it led in the concept of soul for all individuals.
  • In this way, it seems (unless the Demon Book is available at level 1 in the Third Incarnation) enhanced XP and the opportunity to place XP into the Demon Book for another incarnation are never available at the same time; all XP applied to other incarnations, and all XP applied to characters of any incarnation that are level 100 or above, is always at the normal 1x rate. Realm of Reflection gives XP as normal, with no bonuses XP items give bonus XP, eg Fantasy Fruit after the first Awakening give 20,000 XP instead of 5,000 In the first incarnation at regular XP rates there is more XP from quests than a character can gain without leveling past the level caps on quests. Only players that failed to stack their quests efficiently will know how much more difficult it is to level with kill XP alone, and only they, and players that planned ahead that way, will see quest xp this time around. Quests can only be done once, outside of the obvious repeatable ones. In other words, when a character Rebirths, they can only do the quests they left undone the first time. Quests the character was eligible for and had not completed at the time of Rebirth are retained, and become available at their earliest level. Players seeking efficient use of XP resources and that are not otherwise indisposed to the Rebirth process may wish to begin it as soon as it becomes available. There are a great deal of experience-gaining resources at and after 100, that narrow the gap between Rebirthed 4x XP and normal XP; however, this and other factors are canceled out in the long run, e.g. lower xp at low Rebirth levels will happen eventually anyway, higher xp gain at 104 and 105 will happen after the second rebirth. Therefore the only valid contrast is the four times higher XP given to Rebirthed characters. The choice of when to begin the Rebirth process is not irreversible, in that points that could have been gained by rebirthing at a higher level can be gained after Rebirth, with the Ancient Tome. Additionally, the amount of XP needed to gain additional stats by reawakening and to return to endgame is, by far, less than that needed by continuing to level normally. Not only is the XP after rebirth multiplied by four, and by 3.5 after the second rebirth, but the XP curve is so high after 100 that it is less XP in total (when divided by four), to go up the 100 levels. * 101-105 gains 20 attribute points. 101-102 alone requires 66,954,000 XP, for 13,390,800 XP/point. Other levels are even higher. * 1-100 a second time gains the original + 20 attribute points. Because XP is x4 after rebirth, although it requires 303,626,185 XP, we must divide this by four to get 15,181,309. This gives a XP/point ratio of 3,795,327. * 3.5x xp after the 2nd rebirth is 4,337,516 XP/point for level 1-100 the third time, still below the 101-105 ratio. * The Book Demon process with the Ancient Tome complicates things a little. The conversion rate for XP, if it is not a straight 1:1 ratio, is not clear from the available literature. The path of least resistance in leveling a character from scratch, while preparing for Rebirth is to gain xp whereever possible from sources such as Daily Quests, Bounty Hunter, Phoenix Valley, Twilight Temple, etc, begin Rebirth at 100, up with the remaining quests in the second incarnation, again leaving any if there is excess, again using the dailies and alternate sources, get to 100 again with the 80+ dailies, and begin the third, harder, incarnation again, as soon as possible. The character will be much much stronger the second and third incarnation, mostly due to War Avatars, Meridian, equipped Accessories and maximum level Potions, but also with the bonus points. Leveling is faster later, so get there quickly. Not going to lie, the second incarnation is tougher after level 65 or so, without quests, and the third incarnation before that. But well worth it.
  • 生かす:いかす; usually means "To make the most out of a limited resource or lucky opportunity." but it also can mean a docotr literally bringing a patient back to live i.e. after cardiac arrest. 復活・ ふっけつ: use this about jesus. also can be used about a revival of some retro trend. 再生;さいせい: this means "regeneration" or recycle, but is most commonly used on a DVD deck: "Playback."!!
  • In 1802, Aaron is killed while trying to save a woman when he is in the city. He awakes to find himself in a coffin, and his mother reaveals he is a vampire. He decides he does not to do his annual kill, so he will die (forever) on the anniversary of his death, because he doesn't believe in killing, especially to prolong his own life. About 7 months later when he is drinking, he meets Cassandra DuCharme, who informs him that he can take more blood than he had, and then he won't have to drink every night. In his final days Cassandra finds him again, and convinces him to kill.
  • In the Underworld, one can be reborn by first getting dipped in the River Lethe to erase their memories and then being born again in the mortal world. If the soul reaches Elysium three times, they can enter the Isles of the Blest.
  • In the Shinigami Realm, a Shinigami named Ryuk seems preoccupied with something while the other Shinigami continue to relax and gamble. Meanwhile, high school student Light Yagami translates a sentence from English to Japanese upon the request of his teacher. The other students do not seem to pay the teacher any mind, though, as they play with their handheld games and talk amongst themselves. On the way home, Light listens to the news via a public television, as various crimes are being broadcast. With these horrible deaths in his mind, Light thinks how rotten the world has become. Ryuk has the same thoughts about his own world, the Shinigami Realm. The next day, Light is in a class where the teacher is discussing the extinction of certain species due to them not being fit for their surroundings. Looking outside the window, Light sees a notebook falling to the ground. Curious, he retrieves the notebook after school. Apparently, no one else has payed any mind to the notebook. Light opens the notebook and reads the first line inside it: "The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die." Believing the notebook is a sick joke, he puts it back on the floor. However, it seems as if the notebook is calling out to him, since Light comes back for it anyways, saying that he "must be warped, too." At home, Light goes over the rules written in the notebook, observing that you can make someone suffer or die peacefully. Still thinking the notebook is a juvenile prank, Light lies on his bed with the notebook laying on his desk. With the notebook, again seeming to call out to him, he walks over to the notebook and is about to write a name down when a thought occurs to him: "If someone actually dies, would that make me a murderer?". But he immediately shakes that thought off, saying that the notebook would never work anyways. Watching the news, Light decides to write down Kurou Otoharada's (a criminal who has held a group of children hostage) name into the notebook as a test. After 40 seconds pass, nothing happens to Kurou. But right when Light is about to turn the television off, the criminal's hostages run out of the building. Kurou has apparently died of a heart attack. In the middle of Light's astonishment, Light's mother calls out for him. Light is almost late for his prep course. Still not completely convinced, Light decides to test the notebook a second time, already deciding that the next person must also be a criminal on the chance that the notebook is real. For a moment, Light considers killing Sudou, a bully in his school, but eventually decides against it, thinking he should avoid anyone he actually knows… not that it makes a difference to him, personally. On the way home from his prep course, Light sees a motorcycle gang abusing a young lady. Hearing that the leader's name is Takuo Shibuimaru, Light walks into a shop and writes Takuo's name in a number of variations, to make sure he spells his name correctly. To further test the notebook, Light writes in the cause of death to be a traffic accident. A while later, Takuo is struck by a passing truck—"The Death Note… is real!". Back in the Shinigami Realm, 5 days have passed as Ryuk decides to leave. The other Shinigami, assuming he is going somewhere else in the realm, mention that everywhere he goes is a barren wasteland anyway. But Ryuk corrects them, saying that he dropped his Death Note. The other Shinigami ask him where he dropped it. Ryuk answers, "the human world" as he walks down a series of steps, sprouts wings, and flies into the door to the Human World. Light arrives home earlier than usual and gives his eager mother the results of the National Practice Exam; as usual, Light placed first. Seeming to have something else on his mind, Light goes up to his room, telling his mother that he will be studying, so she should not bother him. On the way up, his mother asks if he wants anything. But Light says he does not, saying in his mind that he "already has what he wants." Light takes the Death Note out of his locked cabinet and opens it up. Apparently, he has written down a number of people's names into the notebook since last time. Pleased with his work, he starts laughing until Ryuk appears out his window, saying that he "seems to like it." Surprised, Light screams and falls out of his chair onto the floor. Ryuk introduces himself and mentions that he is the Shinigami who dropped the notebook. Collecting himself, Light calmly tells the Shinigami that he really is not surprised to see him at all. In fact, he has been waiting to see him. Now it is Ryuk's turn to be surprised. He has heard stories of Death Notes falling into the human realm before, but never has he heard of a human to write down so many names in merely 5 days, saying that most humans would be too scared to. Now completely confident, Light tells Ryuk that he knew that there must be some kind of consequence to using the notebook and assumes that his soul will be taken. Ryuk replies that now that Light has picked up the notebook, it belongs to him now and that if he no longer desires it, he can simply pass it down to another human; the only consequences to using the Death Note will be that the user will experience terrors that only Death Note owners can experience, Ryuk (being the previous owner) will be writing Light's name down in his second Death Note (which he stole "behind the old man's back") and that the human user will not go heaven or hell, but to nothingness. Just then, Light's mother knocks on the door. Ryuk assures Light that he can open the door without her seeing him. Hiding the Death Note under his bed, Light opens the door. His mother has brought him some apples from their neighbors. As his mother complains about how dark his room is, Light realizes that she cannot see Ryuk. After she leaves, Ryuk explains that since he has written in the notebook, he is the only one that can see or hear him. As Ryuk helps himself to the apples, Light asks him why he was chosen to have the notebook. Ryuk answers that he was not chosen based on anything. It was all a mere coincidence, which is why he wrote the Death Note's instructions in English—the most popular language in the human world. Not believing that he wrote the instructions on a mere whim, he asks for the real reason why he dropped the notebook. Ryuk simply answers that he was bored. The Shinigami then explains how boring the Shinigami realm has become. All the other Shinigami spend their time either sleeping or gambling, and if they see someone writing names into their notebook, they ask why they are working so hard. The way Ryuk sees it, it is more fun to be in the human world. He then asks why Light only specified the cause of death for the motorcyclist. Light explains that if the most vicious criminals begin dying of a heart attack, that even the most simple-minded people will notice that someone is passing righteous judgment upon them. Ryuk then asks why he wants to pass righteous judgment in the first place. Light simply answers that he was bored, too. Light then flashbacks to after he has killed Takuo. In an internal monologue, he struggles with the concept of righteous judgment. But he soon comes to the conclusion that someone must take it upon themselves to do it, "even if it means sacrificing one's own life." Back at school, as the first signs of the sunlight appear on Light's desk, he convinces himself that no one else would be able to do such a thing and that only he can cleanse the world. This flashback is then followed by a series of criminals dying via the Death Note. Light then adds that while the most vicious criminals are being killed off, everyone else will begin conforming to good. Even the most minor criminals will be killed. As he finishes explaining this to Ryuk, the Shinigami replies that if he were to do this, then the only bad-hearted person will be Light, himself. Light merely brushes this comment aside, saying that he is a serious straight-A student who will reign over a New World as God. Ryuk closes the episode, believing that humans are indeed interesting.
  • Rebirth is the second episode of the first season of Caprica and the third produced hour of the series. It first aired on the SyFy Channel on January 29, 2010. Daniel Graystone is having some technical difficulties on his contract to produce Cylons for the government of the planet Caprica. Joseph Adama wants to visit his daughter's avatar again. Lacy Rand has an unsettling lunch with Clarice Willow and her extended family; Lacy later meets with Zoe and declares her to be a trinity. Sam Adama takes his nephew William to Little Tauron and teaches him something about Tauron society. Amanda Graystone learns more about Zoe's secret life and makes a startling public confession.
  • Rebirth: the dragon spirit é uma série criada por Charles Boa Morte. Ela ficou muito conhecida no orkut graças a um tópico no mangaká brasil teve nada menos que 1785 posts.
  • Rebirth is an insert song from Kamen Rider Blade. It was performed by Kousei Amano. Rebirth is the second ending theme of Kamen Rider Blade. It is also secondarily the character theme for Kamen Rider Garren. * Lyrics: Shoko Fujibayashi * Composition:Yukari Aono (青野ゆかり Aono Yukari) * Arrangement: Cheru Watabe (渡部チェル Watabe Cheru) * Artist: Kousei Amano * Episodes: 23-28, 30, 47
  • The team scrambles to try and fight the new Robeast, who's enhanced vision and multi-firing ability make it difficult for Voltron to counter, forcing them to retreat to the tunnels below and regroup. However, they learn that the Balmera is dying and unless they leave, everything on the Balmera will die with it. Though the Balmerans are reluctant to leave their home, Allura convinces them to flee to safety so they can live to fight on. The Paladins work to distract the Robeast while the Balmerans climb to the surface to escape on the Castle-ship. Suddenly, the Balmera's waning life force causes structural damage to the tunnels, leaving many of the Balmerans trapped below. Unable to fully evacuate, Allura decides to perform an ancient ritual once performed by her people to rejuvenate the Balmeran. Hunk's Bayard forms a large shoulder cannon for Voltron, granting the robot equal fire power against the Robeast, but they are still unable to defeat it. With help from the Balmerans, Allura's ritual is able to revive the Balmera, when the defeated Robeast falls and nearly crushes everyone, the Balmera saves them in gratitude by encasing it in crystals.
  • A character may be reborn twice. * First Reborn * Second Reborn
  • Rebirth can refer to: * Redemption, spiritual rebirth. * Resurrection, literal rebirth.
  • Steph went through a lot of rapid changes in her first three months of Rebirth - training by the top-tier heros in Gotham, a newfound confidence and friendships, and...a romance with Tim Drake! But all of this is threatened by a mysterious group of vigilantes spying on the heros of Gotham.
  • Lady Alvane's Shift takes April to the Journeyman Inn in Marcuria. She goes out into the city to visit the friends she made there and to see how they are. The marketplace is deserted; she goes into the Temple of the Balance, but Vestrum Tobias is nowhere to be found. She goes to Brian Westhouse's home. He's drinking, fully prepared for the Tyren's arrival with no intention of leaving. He's got a shotgun in his house, and he's prepared to use it - he built his house himself, the only thing he ever did that he was proud of, and the Tyren won't get near it. He tells April she should leave the city. She wishes him good luck. Image:Enclavefire.jpg Heading to the City Green, April finds Abnaxus preparing to leave. He wants to be with his family in this dark time. Before he goes, he gives April the Venar Stone, the final piece of the Stone Disk. April takes it to the Enclave, where the Disk was originally kept. Beneath the dome, the design of the Balance is carved into the stone with four hollows at the cardinal points. April puts the four pieces of stone in the hollows, beneath the head of the stone dragon curled around the dome, but there's just the sound of a mechanism jamming. She calls Crow, who points out the head of the dragon is blocked with pigeon...guano. After some persuading, he pecks it off, and the dragon breathes bright blue magical fire. It melts each fragment, and they run together into the circular mould at the centre. Then the bottom of the mould opens, dropping the molten Disk into the Library pool below. April goes into the Library to retrieve it, and runs into Minstrum Yerin. Like Brian Westhouse, he is defiant about the Tyren and prepared to help defend Marcuria. She asks him where Vestrum Tobias is, and Yerin sadly tells her that Tobias is dead. He was found in the temple, stabbed to death by an unknown assassin. April is shocked and saddened - she can't imagine who would do such a thing. Yerin believes it was the Vanguard, but tells her Tobias looked very peaceful... he didn't seem to have put up any resistance, and so it was probably someone he knew. With Yerin's help, April drains the Library pool using the sluices and obtains the Stone Disk. She leaves the Enclave, and sees an army of Tyren riding towards the city. Remembering what Lady Alvane told her, she tries to make herself Shift, but it doesn't work. She runs back into the Enclave to take shelter, just as a Shift opens up behind her. She races through it to escape. Previous chapter - Next chapter
  • Rebirth was a Pro Wrestling R4GE Pay-Per-View held on May 14th 2006. It was the first R4GE Pay-Per-View since Ground Zero in 2004.
  • Rebirth is a disbanded flag on the Hunter Ocean that was originally created by Elve.
  • |} * Upon your death (and hence resurrection), your hate and aggro toward any mobs will be totally wiped clean. Although Rebirth does lead to some "double deaths", it can be a great skill for saving a group from a wipe or saving you the time of traveling back from the respawn point.
  • Setsuna accuses Ribbons of pretending to be God, but Ribbons claims that he is God. Ribbons believes that the human race will not stop fighting and will be destroyed unless he controls it, and he calls himself its savior. He compares what he’s doing to how people control animals, and he thinks that beating pure breed Setsuna cements his own value. In the ensuing battle, Setsuna is forced to evade while he waits for the Twin Drive system to charge, and when he tries to engage Ribbons at close range, he discovers that Ribbons’ Reborns Cannon is able to transform into a Gundam that has its own Twin Drive System. To make things even tougher, Ribbons gets backed up by Revive and Hiling, but fortunately for Setsuna, he gets his own help in the form of Lockon and Allelujah. With Hallelujah now as an active part of him, Allelujah/Arios goes up against Hiling and quickly tears apart her Garazzo, before transforming into flight mode to sever her suit's torso, killing her. The Arios, however, is subsequently disabled by Ribbons' GN Fangs. The Ptolemaios then arrives on the battlefield, and Ribbons attacks, damaging the port side engine. Sumeragi orders the release of a smoke screen despite it affecting Setsuna. This gives Setsuna the opportunity to attack, and with his Innovator powers active, he's actually able to do some damage to Ribbons’ Gundam. The Cherudim meanwhile is heavily damaged, but Lockon is able to make use of a one second Trans-Am to get the upper hand on and take out Revive with his spare GN Pistol. Since the only opponent left is Ribbons’ Gundam, Sumeragi orders Ian to prepare to launch the R2 despite them not having a spare GN Drive. Ribbons meanwhile attributes Setsuna’s power to him having an original GN Drive, and Ribbons wants it back because otherwise his own creation would be meaningless. Tieria, however, uses Veda to tell Ribbons that their mission was not to lead mankind but to create a future with it, and he points to how Ribbons looks down on mankind as the reason why they can’t understand each other. Ribbons and Setsuna then engage their respective Trans-Am Systems, and although Ribbons scores several hits, Setsuna quantizes and manages to get a critical slash in. Unfortunately for Setsuna, Ribbons counterattacks and is able to slice off one of the 00 Raiser’s arms along with a GN Drive. This allows him to steal the GN Drives, but he finds that the Reborns Gundam has suffered too much damage to continue on. By chance, he happens upon the abandoned 0 Gundam, drifting out of one of Celestial Being's hangers and decides to stick the 00 Raiser’s GN Drive into it (Which was the GN Drive of Gundam Exia). When he returns to where the 00 Raiser is to finish Setsuna off, he discovers that Setsuna is gone and so was the right GN Drive. As it turns out, Setsuna has returned to the repaired Exia, now GN-001REII Gundam Exia Repair II and has reinstalled its GN Drive (which, coincidentally, was 0 Gundam's original drive). The two continue their fight on Celestial Being's surface, and it ends with them charging at each other. Both pierce their weapons into the other’s Gundam, and it results in the 0 Gundam exploding. With the Exia having taken significant damage as well, Setsuna is knocked unconscious, as the flower Feldt gave him flies out the cockpit through the big gaping hole made by 0 Gundam and soars off to Earth. Sometime later, Marina writes a letter to Setsuna to tell him her feelings. She knows that as a child soldier, he was coerced to fight and was only able to live on the battlefield. The two of them have the same desire for peace and understood each other, but Marina questions why their paths didn’t cross. She goes on to wonder about Setsuna’s own happiness even as he tries to get rid of strife in the world, and she believes that sharing one’s happiness with others and expanding that circle leads to true peace. That’s why she wants him to get a grip on his own happiness, and she’s praying that happiness comes to him. Marina then gives a speech to a large crowd touting how Azadistan was able to rebuild with the Earth Federation government’s aid, and she promises to work hard so that all countries of the Middle East get this aid. To herself and Setsuna, she promises to expand this small peace. Elsewhere in the world, Saji is thinking to himself about how the progression of Louise’s cell disorder has been completely stopped. He wonders if it’s thanks to the light that Setsuna released, but even if he doesn’t understand it, he knows that Louise is with him now. Louise is at this moment watching the new Federation president give a speech about A-LAWS being disbanded and about the Federation army being reorganized. The new president also vows to support non-Federation countries and to promote Federation participation to establish a true Earth Sphere Federation. Shirin and Klaus are part of the audience, and they feel that the world is just now starting to change. Klaus realizes that it’s easy to talk about understanding each other and a world of peace, but they have to aim for it for the sake of the children to come. Back at the hospital, Louise wonders what will happen to the world now, and although Saji isn’t sure, what he does know is that they can’t be unaware of everything. They know the importance of peace because they also know the reality and the battles, and they need to think about the world if they really want peace. On her wedding day, Kati gets a call from Andrei asking about Celestial Being. Kati honors them for helping beat A-LAWS, but she feels that as long as they don’t disarm, they’re seen as a threat to the current government. If Celestial Being makes a move, Kati - who’s been promoted to the rank of brigadier general - is ready to move as well. But on this particular day, what’s important is that she’s getting married to Patrick. Andrei meanwhile has been put in charge of a relief operation, and he vows to live as a soldier like his parents, protect the citizens, and fight against those who threaten peace. Billy goes back to his research, accompanied only by a photo of himself and Sumeragi, and he is visited sometimes by Graham. His uncle Homer has killed himself, rather than face the consequences of massacre. Of the Gundam pilots, Lyle takes some time off to visit the graves of his family and Anew to tell them that he’s left Katharon and will live as the Gundam Meister Lockon Stratos. He feels that even if he’s shunned from the world, he’ll continue fighting, and he wants Anew to wait for him in the afterlife. Allelujah and Marie, on the other hand, have left Celestial Being to begin a journey to find the meaning of their existence. Tieria is still part of Veda, and he’s entrusted the future to mankind and will watch over them until the upcoming dialogue. Reflecting on everything, Saji thinks that no one knows what will happen to the world, but he feels that whatever happens, happens. They can change the future and move towards the world that they want, and if they make a mistake, Saji is sure that Celestial Being will be there. At that moment, Setsuna is on board the Ptolemaios with Sumeragi, Lockon, and the rest of the crew, and he feels that they still have something to do. As the Ptolemaios launches toward space, Setsuna thinks about how they are Celestial Being, the ones who are aiming for the eradication of war. Even if the world abandons them, they’ll continue to face off against the world, and even if they themselves have to use force, they’ll live as a deterrent. For the sake of the future, Setsuna feels that they have to continue to exist.
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