  • Tala
  • Tala
  • Tala
  • Tala
  • Tala
  • Tala was a woman who after the Day of Wrath joined other individuals in the conspiracy which would be known the Qolat. She was appointed as one of the three first Qolat Masters, alongside Qolat, the first who talked against the Gods, and the beast known as the Jinn Servant.
  • Tala is a star in the binary Shar'tala'veb system in the Kalandra sector. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)
  • Tala est un système planétaire qui se situe dans la Voie Lactée. Ce système semble abriter cinq planètes et en particulier la planète natale des Grognards, la planète Balaho.
  • Tala es una supergigante azul y la estrella alrededor de la cual orbita el planeta natal de los Unggoy, Balaho. La estrella es orbitada por al menos cinco planetas. No hay otros planetas conocidos que orbiten Tala.
  • thumb|Un jugador, talando Tejos es lo mas costoso para un jugador free toca ser 60 Tala! . left|thumb|Un jugador, haciendo uso de la habilidad de Tala en un árbol (Sauce). Esta habilidad consiste en la tala de arboles. Es una de las habilidades mas comunes para los que no son miembros. Es también una habilidad fácil, y los troncos obtenidos pueden ser vendidos a altos precios.
  • Tala is a mermaid from Andros. In the world of sirens, Tala is the ambassador of the seas. Its role is to carry messages throughout the world. Tala mainly appears in Season 3. She is good friends with Nesia, Kalia and Tressa.
  • She may randomly spawn in the Ruins of Sescheron, and may be nominated a bounty target. It appears that she carries a Crusher. Like other Barbarian cannibals, she has very high melee damage, huge Life pool and moves very quickly. In addition, she has Cleave and Furious Charge abilities, the latter dealing massive damage to any enemies caught in her path, enough to one-shot kill an adequately geared hero. Her other unusual ability is her spawning manner: when out of combat, she hides high in the ceiling, falling upon victim from above. It is therefore not possible to ambush her and attack first.
  • Many of the names and incidents in Underworld were derived from the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. Tala is an analogue of the Greek heroine Atalanta, who was one of the Argonauts in some versions of the myth. (INFO: Underworld, DOC: Into the Unknown) File:CharStub.png
  • Tala (ユーリ・イヴァーノフ Yuriy Ivanov) is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade and Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is the captain of the Blitzkrieg Boys. His Bit-Beast and Beyblade is Wolborg.
  • Tala was a powerful sorceress who worked for Project Cadmus and was later recruited in Grodd's Legion of Doom.
  • Tala is an Archon of the Wisdom Orb Legion dispatched to the Settlers Campsite in Brusthonin. She has some rather off-putting habits.
  • Tala è una stella supergigante blu, a cui orbitano cinque pianeti attorno. Uno di questi è Balaho, il pianeta dei Grunt. Il nome degli altri pianeti è sconosciuto.
  • Tala is one of the two competing tribes in Survivor Philippines: Celebrity Doubles Showdown.
  • File:Tala 001.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Name: Tala Ivanov (im Original Yuriy Valkov) Team: Demolition Boys (erste Staffel), Neobaorg/Blitzkrieg Boys (dritte Staffel) Bitbeast: Wolborg (Gestalt eines Wolfes) Tala lebt schon in früher Kindheit, bevor er in die Abtei eintritt, auf der Straße, wo er auf Bryan Kuznetsov traf - seine Mutter hat die Familie aufgrund der Trunksucht des Vaters verlassen.
  • Tala reappears as a member of Grodd's Legion of Doom. She has taken over Giganta's position as Grodd's female companion and also serves as the legion's master of magic and mysticism. As Lex Luthor took control of the Legion from Grodd, Tala quickly changed positions, swearing allegiance to Luthor and becoming his new groupie.
  • At some point, Tala was released from her magical prison by Grodd, who became the object to Tala's undivided gratitude and affection from that point on. Tala gladly joined Grodd's supervillain organization and placed her magical talents at his disposal. Tala teleported a team to the Himalayas and raided a Temple for the Heart of Nanda Parbat. At that point, Tala was completely loyal to Grodd, and also was the only one in the loop on his plan to turn every human on Earth into an ape ― herself included. However, Tala's allegiance quickly shifted once Lex Luthor disposed of Grodd and took control over the organization.
  • Tala was the wife of Chigid, the chieftain of the Painted Ones. She was also the doting mother of Jeg, whom she pampered and defended until he was completely spoiled. She was cruel to prisoners and slashed Bisky's back open for daring to speak back to her son; however, she cared dearly for her mate and treated him well - a trait highly uncommon in vermin.
  • 47
  • 5
  • ウルボーグ
  • Yuuri Ivuaanofu
  • 7
  • guard
  • M
  • Blue
  • Transparent Blue
  • N/A
Voiced by
  • Lara Jill Miller
  • Red
  • Purple
  • Ambassador Tala
  • Tala
  • Wolborg
  • A wide range of mystical powers
  • N-9
Character Name
  • Tala
  • Nesia, Kalia and Tressa
  • Cadmus Headquarters
  • Legion's Headquarters
  • Qolat founder
  • Tala
  • Wisdom Orb Legion
  • 2
  • Mermaid
  • #5F4A82
  • background:#ff8080
  • tala
  • None
  • ユーリ・イヴァーノフ
  • After Day of Wrath
  • Unknown
  • Blader
  • Justice League Unlimited: Destroyer
  • Underworld
  • Doomwyte
  • 9426
  • Asmodian
  • Human sorceress
  • normal
  • Survival
  • Unknown
  • Tala
wikipage disambiguates
  • Beyblade Vol.4 - Chapter 2: "The Demolition Boys"
  • Chiaki Morita
  • Archaic Tagalog term for "star"
  • Day 1
  • 300
  • Beyblade Volume 4 - Chapter 2: The Demolition Boys
  • Wolborg
  • Jamie Haydon-Devlin
  • Starting tribe
  • Name: Tala Ivanov (im Original Yuriy Valkov) Team: Demolition Boys (erste Staffel), Neobaorg/Blitzkrieg Boys (dritte Staffel) Bitbeast: Wolborg (Gestalt eines Wolfes) Tala lebt schon in früher Kindheit, bevor er in die Abtei eintritt, auf der Straße, wo er auf Bryan Kuznetsov traf - seine Mutter hat die Familie aufgrund der Trunksucht des Vaters verlassen. In der Abtei ist Tala vor allem zielstrebig, und er beäugt Kais Eintritt und Einmischung in die Situation mit BlackDranzer voller Eifersucht und Misstrauen. Tala ist Boris Balkov treu ergeben, und wird mittels einiger technischer Hilfsmittel "cybertisiert", also zum Teil zu einem Cyborg gemacht, nicht - wie es oft angenommen wird - geklont. Dem "verbesserten" Cyber-Tala gelingt es nicht, Tyson zu schlagen und die Weltherrschaft für die Organisation der BioVolt (die unter der Schirmherrschaft und Leitung Voltaire Hiwataris steht), und dieselbe wird zerschlagen. Daraufhin sagt sich Tala mitsamt seines Teams "Demolition Boys" - bestehend aus Ian, Bryan, Spencer und Tala selbst - davon los und tauchen wenige Jahre später (Staffel "G-Revolution") wieder als Team auf, unter neuer Formation (Ian taucht nur im Manga auf, Kai nimmt seinne Platz ein) und neuem Namen: "Blitzkrieg Boys" (im Original "Neoborg"). Kategorie:Beyblade
  • Tala was a woman who after the Day of Wrath joined other individuals in the conspiracy which would be known the Qolat. She was appointed as one of the three first Qolat Masters, alongside Qolat, the first who talked against the Gods, and the beast known as the Jinn Servant.
  • Tala is a star in the binary Shar'tala'veb system in the Kalandra sector. (The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon)
  • Tala est un système planétaire qui se situe dans la Voie Lactée. Ce système semble abriter cinq planètes et en particulier la planète natale des Grognards, la planète Balaho.
  • Tala es una supergigante azul y la estrella alrededor de la cual orbita el planeta natal de los Unggoy, Balaho. La estrella es orbitada por al menos cinco planetas. No hay otros planetas conocidos que orbiten Tala.
  • thumb|Un jugador, talando Tejos es lo mas costoso para un jugador free toca ser 60 Tala! . left|thumb|Un jugador, haciendo uso de la habilidad de Tala en un árbol (Sauce). Esta habilidad consiste en la tala de arboles. Es una de las habilidades mas comunes para los que no son miembros. Es también una habilidad fácil, y los troncos obtenidos pueden ser vendidos a altos precios.
  • Tala is a mermaid from Andros. In the world of sirens, Tala is the ambassador of the seas. Its role is to carry messages throughout the world. Tala mainly appears in Season 3. She is good friends with Nesia, Kalia and Tressa.
  • She may randomly spawn in the Ruins of Sescheron, and may be nominated a bounty target. It appears that she carries a Crusher. Like other Barbarian cannibals, she has very high melee damage, huge Life pool and moves very quickly. In addition, she has Cleave and Furious Charge abilities, the latter dealing massive damage to any enemies caught in her path, enough to one-shot kill an adequately geared hero. Her other unusual ability is her spawning manner: when out of combat, she hides high in the ceiling, falling upon victim from above. It is therefore not possible to ambush her and attack first.
  • At some point, Tala was released from her magical prison by Grodd, who became the object to Tala's undivided gratitude and affection from that point on. Tala gladly joined Grodd's supervillain organization and placed her magical talents at his disposal. Tala teleported a team to the Himalayas and raided a Temple for the Heart of Nanda Parbat. At that point, Tala was completely loyal to Grodd, and also was the only one in the loop on his plan to turn every human on Earth into an ape ― herself included. However, Tala's allegiance quickly shifted once Lex Luthor disposed of Grodd and took control over the organization. Tala asserted Luthor that his pursuit of Brainiac was a "pure wild goose chase", and was growing increasingly desperate over his obsession. She cast a spell on Brainiac's fragment to prove it was just a rock; however, upon doing so, she was assailed by images of Brainiac's demise in outer space, which allowed Luthor to determine the location and set off after it. Tala was very jealous, possessive, and longed for affection. As a result, her loyalty was volatile. She quickly grew tired of "competing with a dead computer" and being spurned by Lex Luthor. So, in an act of revenge, Tala turned to Grodd, who was being held prisoner within the headquarters, and raised a mutiny against Luthor. However, when Tala attempted to directly attack Luthor, she was subdued by her own magic thanks to a magic amulet that her former lover had purchased for just such a situation. After Luthor's warring faction emerged triumphant, Tala begged for forgiveness, pleading insanity. Luthor strapped Tala into a contraption to use her as a mystical conduit to reassemble Brainiac. In the end Tala couldn't endure the painful process and died screaming, succumbing to the excruciating agony, but not before she used the last of her strength to interfere with the process to have it revive Darkseid instead as her final act of revenge on Luthor.
  • Many of the names and incidents in Underworld were derived from the myth of Jason and the Argonauts. Tala is an analogue of the Greek heroine Atalanta, who was one of the Argonauts in some versions of the myth. (INFO: Underworld, DOC: Into the Unknown) File:CharStub.png
  • Tala (ユーリ・イヴァーノフ Yuriy Ivanov) is a character in the Original Series, consisting of Beyblade and Beyblade: G-Revolution. He is the captain of the Blitzkrieg Boys. His Bit-Beast and Beyblade is Wolborg.
  • Tala reappears as a member of Grodd's Legion of Doom. She has taken over Giganta's position as Grodd's female companion and also serves as the legion's master of magic and mysticism. As Lex Luthor took control of the Legion from Grodd, Tala quickly changed positions, swearing allegiance to Luthor and becoming his new groupie. Tala gets fed up with Luthor, as he is consumed with the task of restoring Brainiac, so she goes to the imprisoned Grodd and helps him mount an insurrection on Luthor. Lex, however, defeats Grodd and, thanks to a very expensive magic amulet he purchased in case she attacked him with her magic, takes Tala prisoner. She tries to woo her way back into Luthor's good graces, but he reveals that he has other plans for her. Hooking her up to a machine, Lex uses Tala as a power conduit to restore Brainiac, but as a final mocking, Tala resurrects Darkseid instead.
  • Tala was a powerful sorceress who worked for Project Cadmus and was later recruited in Grodd's Legion of Doom.
  • Tala is an Archon of the Wisdom Orb Legion dispatched to the Settlers Campsite in Brusthonin. She has some rather off-putting habits.
  • Tala è una stella supergigante blu, a cui orbitano cinque pianeti attorno. Uno di questi è Balaho, il pianeta dei Grunt. Il nome degli altri pianeti è sconosciuto.
  • Tala is one of the two competing tribes in Survivor Philippines: Celebrity Doubles Showdown.
  • File:Tala 001.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Tala was the wife of Chigid, the chieftain of the Painted Ones. She was also the doting mother of Jeg, whom she pampered and defended until he was completely spoiled. She was cruel to prisoners and slashed Bisky's back open for daring to speak back to her son; however, she cared dearly for her mate and treated him well - a trait highly uncommon in vermin. Tala and the rest of the Painted Ones were in the habit of attacking trespassers - however, they bit off more than they could chew when they went after a small band of Redwallers and Guosim. The group had an ally in the Gonfelins, who outnumbered the rats and completely subjugated them, taking several of them (Tala included) prisoner. When Log-a-Log Tugga Bruster murdered Chigid after the wounded rat had surrendered, Tala swore revenge for the cowardly deed. The Painted Ones were driven from their territory and set loose upon the Western Plains to wander where they would, never to return. However, Tala disobeyed and sneaked back to hide outside the Abbey, waiting for her chance. It came when a deposed Tugga was driven from the Abbey for theft - fleeing his former tribe, he did not see Tala until it was too late. The rat ran him through with a stick she had sharpened, before disappearing forever.
is Leader of
is Suns of
is Relationship of
is Owner of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Blader of