  • Tiny
  • Tiny
  • Tiny
  • Tiny
  • Tiny
  • Tiny is the 17th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Ida Roberthson.
  • Tiny was an inmate of the Green River County Detention Center.
  • Tiny was sent to Titan to collect samples for testing. Upon return, she blew up because her samples were too large and became unstable, and caused sinkholes that threatened to destroy Eureka. This was prevented by Holly Marten and Douglas Fargo.
  • Tiny was an overweight wench from Isla Tesoro. Tiny showed an attraction to the pirate who captured her and seemed to enjoy the attention the pirates gave, willingly "showing her larboard side" upon demand. Not all pirates were enamored with Tiny, some of them disregarding her in favour of the "Redhead".
  • Tiny is a giant 50 foot ape. History Tiny is formed when the Monkey King and the Monkey Elder fuse together. He only appears in UnderFist:The Next Generation!!! Reign of the Monkey King! Abilities He is super strong, and fast.
  • Tiny is the giant great white shark kept by The Penguin in the "Torture Chamber" of his museum, the Cyrus Pinkney's Institute for Natural History.
  • Cross The Chasm, a region of Coldharbour.
  • Tiny is Meagly McGraw's right hand man. He carries no firearms but is stronger than both Elboze and four nailers put together. Despite his great strength, he has a very low I.Q. level. Meagley rides on Tiny's shoulders with the help of a backpack-like device. Tiny uses spiky knuckle dusters to smash his enemies while McGraw shoots with arrows. He is fought at Beeks Opple Farm. After he is defeated, it leaves Meagly in a much more vulnerable position while fighting Stranger.
  • Tiny appears in Red Sauce.
  • Tiny is a Hippo friend of Robotnik Jr.
  • Tiny is a man who appeared in "Blood Brothers".
  • U can find Tiny gallery here.
  • Tiny is a fictional character of the 1975 movie Moonrunners.
  • Played by: Meat Loaf Tiny is the bouncer for the Gasworks. He appears to be a friend of Wayne and Garth. He has a low opinion for The Shitty Beatles band.
  • Es una bebé extraterrestre de especie y planeta desconocido quien junto con sus padres quedó atrapada en la Tierra por más de 50 años.
  • Tiny is one of the inmates of Havenworth Federal Penitentiary.
  • Kidnapped and brought to Storybrooke by Cora, Anton the Giant unleashes his vengeance on the town when a case of mistaken identity leads him to try and settle an old score with David. Mr. Gold, accompanied by Emma and Henry, attempts to depart Storybrooke - hoping to keep his memory intact when he crosses the town line - and heads to the airport in search of his son Bae, while Greg questions Belle as to what she saw on the night of his car accident. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, and against his brothers' wishes, Anton climbs down the beanstalk and attempts to befriend some humans - whose intentions may not be so noble.
  • Tiny is een status die je personage kan hebben in Super Smash Bros.. Je bent dan een stuk kleiner, slapper en lichter. Er zijn drie manieren om Tiny te worden: * Door een Poisoned Mushroom op te rapen. Na een tijdje wordt je weer normaal. * Als de tegenstander Lightning aanraakt. * Door in te stellen in een Special Brawl. Iedereen is dan Tiny en dat blijft de hele match.
  • Mr Big: *Screams* Marsupilami: He is too spooky! Tiny his a huge hairy pink nosed furry scary ghost. File:Maurice.jpg Oh no! This plant is too short and it is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Tiny was LaVonda DuPree's dog in Sordid Lives: The Series. When he got out of the house one day, he found his way to Highway 84, where he got "squashed flatter than a pancake" ("The Day Tammy Wynette Died, Part 1").
  • Tiny is the Warlord (former co-Warlord) of the Satan's Mothers, previously leading along with Spider.
  • Tiny is a gangbanger and an associate of sociopath gang leader, Rashad Hollander.
  • "Tiny" was the name given to a fomorian encountered by Vox Machina in the Underdark. As an NPC, he was portrayed by Matthew Mercer.
  • Tiny is a Little Robots minifigure introduced in 2003. He appeared in four sets. He controls the Day & Night Lever. When controlling it, he pushes it either left or right. When he pushes left, that makes the night come on, so that he can sleep, when he pushes it right, that makes day come on, which wakes the Little Robots, so that he can start the day.
  • Tiny ist ein Mitglied der Biker aus Grand Theft Auto V, das bereits verstarb. In einigen Klubhäusern hängt eine Erinnerungsplakette, auf der „Brothers forever, forever Brothers“ steht. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Charaktere Kategorie:Biker Kategorie:Verstorben
  • Tiny is a giant, who makes an appearance in The Hammer of Thor, when he makes Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro, Samirah al-Abbas, Hearthstone, and Blitzen carry his bag.
  • A tiny sized creature is typically between 1 and 2 feet in height or length and weighs between 1 and 8 pounds.
  • The Tiny is a member of Ultra-Humanite's Gorilla Army.
  • Tiny is the nickname that Harry Dresden gives the second eldest Gruff. He first appears in Small Favor.
  • Tiny is a thin female Sheltie Retriever Greyhound mix pup with short sandy-gold fur, a fuzzy narrow body, a large soft head, a slender muzzle, floppy ears, and dark-brown eyes.
  • Tiny is the thirteenth episode in the second season of The Pizza Show. It is the twenty-ninth episode overall.
  • Tiny es el tiburón gigante que hace de mascota de El Pingüino en el Club Iceberg en Batman: Arkham City.
  • たいにーと読む。「とてもちっちゃな」とかの意味。 「Tiny Avatar」とか「Tiny Prim」などのように使う。それぞれちっさいアバターとか、ちっさいプリムを指す。 Tiny Avatarはボディ・クラッシャーと呼ばれるAOの一種を用いて、通常よりも小さなアバターを実現したもの。Cue Fride氏によるTiny製作キット(無料)が配布されて以来爆発的にその数が増えている。海外ではリアル小動物系が多いのに対して、日本界隈ではアニメ的なものも多く非常に愛らしい。造形的に日本人に向いているのかもしれません。 Tiny Primでは時計の針のような小さいものも作れる。Tiny Primは、通常の方法では作れず特殊な技を使う必要がある。実際の製作方法は言葉で説明するのが困難なため YouTubeなどにあがっている解説ビデオを探すことをお勧めします。
  • Tiny is one of the main antagonists in Adventures in Babysitting. He is portrayed by Michael Northey.
  • To get out of this, Jimmy auctioned off Tiny, who was purchased by Rudolpho, who welcomed the warmth as he was bald and Tiny served as a toupee. Then Tiny grew even more and was a stressful weight on the neck.
  • A verry simple small theme for low resolutions or just a nice clean feeling.
  • Tiny ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin der Fantasie. Son esprit produit un nombre incalculable d’idées à la seconde. Alors, pour se vider un peu la tête, elle les introduit dans celles des gens. C’est notamment grâce à elle que certains aventuriers arrivent à visualiser leur voisine Sadida en petite tenue… Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Tiny beschützt den 31. Maisial.
  • "Tiny" (real name unknown) is a resident of Malfourche, Mississippi and the proprietor of Tiny's Bait 'n' Bar. He is a tall, grossly overweight man with a shaved head. He wears tank tops and is deeply tanned. He uses chewing tobacco. Special Agent Pendergast and Laura Hayward visit Tiny's bar in Malfourche during the Fever Dream investigation. Mike Ventura had warned Tiny and his clientele of their impending arrival and Tiny, who thought the two were environmentalists bent on turning the Black Brake Swamp into a wildlife reserve, was very rude to them.
  • Obergefreiter Wolfgang Ewald Leo Helmuth Creutzfeldt, is one of the main characters in Sven Hassel's novels. He is a member of V Company's II platoon, commanded by the Old Man. Hamburger from the Reeperbahn; was a bicycling courier with a communist past; a giant of size and therefore a bully; more or less illiterate and not very smart, but still sneaky and deep down not as bad as he'd seem. Joined the Foreign Legion after the war. He is referenced as Tiny, Little John, Little Brother, Lillebror, Pikkuveli, Petit Frere, Le Petit, according to different languages.
  • The proprietor of Tiny's Used Spaceships. Tiny is a used spaceship salesman, living in the small civilization of Ulence Flats on the surface of Kerona. He appears to be a somewhat dubious character who makes money by pawning off useless junk on unsuspecting customers.
  • Tiny, der Stone Giant (Steinriese), ist ein Stärke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Zwar beginnt Tiny jede Runde als relativ kleine Einheit, kann sich jedoch durch seine Ultimate-Fähigkeit dauerhaft größer und mächtiger machen. Er ist eine Nahkampf-Einheit und gehört den Radiant an. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Disablers, Nukers, Initiators und Durablers übernehmen. Durch Avalanche kann er gegnerische Einheiten betäuben und schädigen und mit Toss eine zufällige Einheit in seiner Reichweite in die gegnerischen Reihen werfen und damit Schaden verursachen. Avalanche gehört außerdem zu den wenigen Fähigkeiten im Spiel, die auch auf Gebäude wirken. Bei Craggy Exterior handelt es sich um eine passive Fähigkeit, die Schaden, den Tiny aus der Nähe erhält, auf Gegner zurückwerfen und sie damit betäube
  • After Biff Jr. stole an arrowhead from Verne he'd been planning to bring to show and tell, Verne convinced Marty to drive him back to the prehistoric era, as he was forbidden from taking the DeLorean time machine himself. He eventually returned with a dinosaur egg, not considering the dangers of it hatching in the 20th century until too late.
  • This little puppy is first encountered at the Fengtian train station, right after the events of Zhaoyang Village. It greets Yuri with happy barks, only to growl at him when the mysterious voice makes another appearance. It manages to make an appearance a little while later in the sewers below Fengtian while Alice and Yuri are trying to find a way out. Seeing it's gleeming eyes peering out from a dark, crumbled hole in the wall, they at first expect a monster, only to be freaked out by this little pup leaping out at them, giving happy barks. Alice, feeling sorry for it, brings it along.
  • 17
  • 400
  • 2
  • 700
  • Good
  • ''Pirates of the Caribbean (Board game)
  • Desconocido
first-ncis la
  • +25 Angriffstempo
  • Femenino
  • 20
chips available
  • 3
  • Tiny
Loot Tier
  • 6
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • *The Bridge
  • *Girl in the Flower Dress
last-ncis la
ep num
  • 13
  • Bibliotempel
  • -
  • 17000
Production Information
  • Production Information
  • True
Nombre del personaje
  • Tiny
season num
  • 2
  • 700
  • 0
  • [-4,-24]
  • LQKJ
  • +6 Stärke
  • * Reden
Related Quests
  • Wrench
  • +40 Bewegungstempo
  • +200 Schaden mit Avalanche
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Algunos meses de edad
  • +12 Intelligenz
  • 24000
  • Portrayed By
  • 700
  • None
  • Dropped from a great height into the temple in Yug'Voril
  • +60 Schaden
Patch Introduced
chips required
  • 3
  • +14 Manaregeneration
  • 270
  • 13
  • Easter
  • 7.080000
  • Biker
  • Bebe alien
  • Ginnifer Goodwin
  • Snow White
  • Mary Margaret
  • Jared S. Gilmore - Henry Mills
  • Jennifer Morrison - Emma Swan
  • Lana Parrilla - Regina Mills/Queen Regina
  • Meghan Ory - Ruby/Red Riding Hood
  • and Robert Carlyle - Mr. Gold/Rumplestiltskin
  • Emilie de Ravin - Belle French
  • Josh Dallas - David Nolan/Charming/James
  • *SQ1VGA
  • Villains
Full Name
  • Tiny
  • New York
  • Jotunheim
  • Broke Grog's ale cask, enraging him
  • 700
  • Padres alien
  • Unknown
  • Robotnik Jr., eating a lot, listening to Miss Saccharine read fairy tales
  • Hostile
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Deceased
  • Living
  • 213
  • 21301
  • 21302
  • 21303
  • 21304
  • 21305
  • 21306
  • 21307
  • 21308
  • 21309
  • 21310
  • 21311
  • 21312
  • 21313
  • 21314
  • 21315
  • 21316
  • 21317
  • 21318
  • 21319
  • 21320
  • 21321
  • 21322
  • 21323
  • 21324
  • 21325
  • 21326
  • 21327
  • 21328
  • 21329
  • 21330
  • 21331
  • 21332
  • 21333
  • 21334
  • 21335
  • 21336
  • 21337
  • 21338
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Folsom Prison Blues
  • Grumpy
  • Lee Arenberg
  • Leroy
  • Beverley Elliott - Granny
  • Colin O'Donoghue - Captain Hook
  • Ethan Embry - Greg Mendell
  • Jorge Garcia - Anton
  • Abraham Benrubi - Arlo
  • Alan Dale - King George
  • Cassidy Freeman - Jack
  • 1
  • Wild Pack
  • Tiny
  • John "Tiny" Callahan
  • [Unknown]
  • 250
  • 275
  • 2015-05-14
  • Fighting
bold difficulty
  • 1
  • 990
  • false
  • Giant
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • Tiny
  • false
  • false
  • false
  • Mike Osborne
  • N/A
Character Name
  • Tiny
  • Enhanced Strength
  • 200
Created by
  • Profile
  • 700
  • Tiny
  • Ultra-Humanite's Gorilla Army
Air Date
  • 2013-02-10
  • 0
  • Tiny
  • show
  • left
  • right
  • Storm of Dogs, Dead of Night
  • Pup: Tiny
  • Pup
  • Penguin
Real Name
  • Tiny
  • "Tiny"
  • 2003
  • Wild Pack
  • the baby alien
  • Used Spaceship Salesman
  • 220
  • 280
  • Sheltie-Retriever Greyhound mix
  • Inmate
  • Brother: Tumble
  • Mother-Dog: Sweet Sire-Dog: Lucky
  • Sisters: Nibble, Fluff
  • Tiny
  • 700
  • ---
  • Im Tempel
  • Female
  • Male
  • male
  • Gender unknown
  • 38000
  • Caucasian
  • Super-Simian
  • Fomorian
  • TBA
  • George Sharperson
  • Normal
  • With fingers
  • 0
  • Hostile
  • *Kerona *Tiny's Used Spaceships *Ulence Flats
  • 2
  • Mary Margaret expresses her worry for Emma, should they return home.
  • "How terribly uncivilized."
  • A giant's toast.
  • Anton and his "new family".
  • Anton believes the humans to be liars.
  • Anton defends his harp.
  • Anton hangs on by a thread.
  • Anton meets some new people.
  • Anton takes his anger out on Storybrooke.
  • Arlo tells Anton that he must destroy the beans.
  • Belle is approached by Greg in hospital.
  • Belle watches a Lost reference in hospital.
  • David rescues Anton.
  • Gold is parted from Bae's shawl.
  • Gold is unable to use magic to heal himself.
  • Hook reveals Cora's "weapon of choice".
  • How much do you bet he's paying her?
  • Humans are coming...
  • Jack and James are prepared to fight.
  • Jack is left for dead.
  • Jack thanks Anton for his kindness.
  • Mary Margaret and David set off to find Cora.
  • Mary Margaret frees the shrunken giant.
  • Meet Jack.
  • Mr. Gold arrives to invoke Emma's favor.
  • Mr. Gold is nervous about finding his son.
  • Regina comes a-knockin'.
  • Regina has a plan...
  • Regina watches the giant grow giant.
  • Snow defends her man.
  • The axe never lies.
  • The town bands together to help Anton.
  • The wind's gusting towards the Charmings.
  • Tiny climbs down the beanstalk.
  • "My name is Rumplestiltskin, and we're gonna find my son."
  • David, Mary Margaret and Leroy are chased by a giant.
  • Anton reveals that he might just have a way back home.
  • Belle is restrained and sedated by a not-so-severe nurse.
wikipage disambiguates
  • None
  • show
  • frame
  • Warlord
  • Byron Bertram
  • TSA Agent
  • David-Paul Grove - Doc
  • Faustino Di Bauda - Sleepy
  • Jeffrey Kaiser - Dopey
  • Michael Coleman - Happy
  • Mig Macario - Bashful
  • Ingrid Torrance - Severe Nurse
  • Andre Tricoteux - Argyle
  • C. Ernst Harth - Abraham
  • Todd Thomson - Business Man
  • Tiny is the 17th level in Chip's Challenge Level Pack 1. It was created by Ida Roberthson.
  • Tiny was an inmate of the Green River County Detention Center.
  • Tiny was sent to Titan to collect samples for testing. Upon return, she blew up because her samples were too large and became unstable, and caused sinkholes that threatened to destroy Eureka. This was prevented by Holly Marten and Douglas Fargo.
  • Tiny was an overweight wench from Isla Tesoro. Tiny showed an attraction to the pirate who captured her and seemed to enjoy the attention the pirates gave, willingly "showing her larboard side" upon demand. Not all pirates were enamored with Tiny, some of them disregarding her in favour of the "Redhead".
  • Tiny is a giant 50 foot ape. History Tiny is formed when the Monkey King and the Monkey Elder fuse together. He only appears in UnderFist:The Next Generation!!! Reign of the Monkey King! Abilities He is super strong, and fast.
  • Obergefreiter Wolfgang Ewald Leo Helmuth Creutzfeldt, is one of the main characters in Sven Hassel's novels. He is a member of V Company's II platoon, commanded by the Old Man. Hamburger from the Reeperbahn; was a bicycling courier with a communist past; a giant of size and therefore a bully; more or less illiterate and not very smart, but still sneaky and deep down not as bad as he'd seem. Joined the Foreign Legion after the war. He is referenced as Tiny, Little John, Little Brother, Lillebror, Pikkuveli, Petit Frere, Le Petit, according to different languages. He is described as a seven foot tall gorilla-like ruffian, weighing 260lbs (16st 4oz) and his first words are "Here! Beer! Five glasses at once." He is, of course, beaten in his fight with the Legionnaire but manages to get his own back through various means. He initially only befriends Pluto, both being Hamburgers and both sharing a large size, but after Pluto is killed, he learns to like Porta and the Legionnaire and the rest of his comrades. In Comrades Of War, Tiny tells the story of his time in prison Brückenkopf 3, Torgau where he had his arm broken in three places and his little toe torn off with pincers. Tiny cannot read or write according to Assignment Gestapo. He has one ear missing plus a finger and a toe at various times. He joined the army at sixteen following advice from the 'holy men' who ran the school of correction where he seems to have spent most of his childhood. He was "marked down barmy by the Army psychopaths" in 1938 by order of Herr General der Kavallerie Knochenhauer, Commander of 10th Army Corps, Hamburg. He has an excellent knack of appearing to be completely stupid as and when it suits him. Tiny ends up in Sven's company ('Return To The Eastern Front' Chapter 8 of Wheels Of Terror), spends his time quarrelling with everyone, and gets warnings from von Barring and threats from the Old Un.
  • Tiny is the giant great white shark kept by The Penguin in the "Torture Chamber" of his museum, the Cyrus Pinkney's Institute for Natural History.
  • After Biff Jr. stole an arrowhead from Verne he'd been planning to bring to show and tell, Verne convinced Marty to drive him back to the prehistoric era, as he was forbidden from taking the DeLorean time machine himself. He eventually returned with a dinosaur egg, not considering the dangers of it hatching in the 20th century until too late. Verne was barely able to hide the newly hatched baby dinosaur from his mother and was able to keep his father from noticing the temporal displaced beast when Jules helped him disguise it as their new friend "Elroy." Verne named the dinosaur "Tiny;" an ironic name choice as it was already growing at a rapid pace. Jules theorized that a biochemical reaction had resulted from Tiny's exposure to the present day atmosphere, causing the accelerated growth. Tiny managed to escape the brothers' watch as the two discussed the ethics of keeping him in 20th century Hill Valley. He was subsequently spotted by Biff Tannen and his son who captured him and sold him to Mr. Wisdom for $50,000. Verne admitted what he'd done to his father in order to gain his help in finding Tiny, so Doc and Clara decided to go easy on their son because of his honesty. The Brown family, along with Marty, soon after caught sight of Tiny on Mr. Wisdom's TV show where the star announced his plans to dissect the dinosaur and sell him to multiple universities for research. The family eventually managed to infiltrate the television studio and escape with Tiny, replacing him with a decoy worn by Marty and Jules. Having been successfully rescued from harm, Tiny was then boarded onto a railcar on the Jules Verne Train to be taken home when he spat out one of his baby teeth. Verne decided to take the tooth instead to show and tell after returning Tiny to his own time.
  • Cross The Chasm, a region of Coldharbour.
  • Tiny is Meagly McGraw's right hand man. He carries no firearms but is stronger than both Elboze and four nailers put together. Despite his great strength, he has a very low I.Q. level. Meagley rides on Tiny's shoulders with the help of a backpack-like device. Tiny uses spiky knuckle dusters to smash his enemies while McGraw shoots with arrows. He is fought at Beeks Opple Farm. After he is defeated, it leaves Meagly in a much more vulnerable position while fighting Stranger.
  • Tiny appears in Red Sauce.
  • Tiny is a Hippo friend of Robotnik Jr.
  • Tiny is a man who appeared in "Blood Brothers".
  • U can find Tiny gallery here.
  • Tiny is a fictional character of the 1975 movie Moonrunners.
  • Tiny ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin der Fantasie. Son esprit produit un nombre incalculable d’idées à la seconde. Alors, pour se vider un peu la tête, elle les introduit dans celles des gens. C’est notamment grâce à elle que certains aventuriers arrivent à visualiser leur voisine Sadida en petite tenue… Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Tiny beschützt den 31. Maisial. Wenn du mit dem Geist von Tiny sprechen möchtest, dann musst du ihr eine Opfergabe darbringen.Tiny ist Hauptdarstellerin in der Quest "Opfergabe für Tiny". Eine Übersicht aller 365 Opfergaben-Quests findet sich unter Almanax.
  • The proprietor of Tiny's Used Spaceships. Tiny is a used spaceship salesman, living in the small civilization of Ulence Flats on the surface of Kerona. He appears to be a somewhat dubious character who makes money by pawning off useless junk on unsuspecting customers. Due to the unforseen consequences of time travel the Tiny of Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) is a large (as in not-so-tiny), red skin-covered beast. Roger remembers having encountered a short green-scaled covered Icthyoid salesman when he first landed on Kerona. Then again Roger's memories have been modified through repeated time travel experiences he doesn't remember which was his original timeline. An account of his original experiences before the influence of time travel are fortunately recorded in the The Official Guide To Roger Wilco's Space Adventures (1st Edition).
  • Played by: Meat Loaf Tiny is the bouncer for the Gasworks. He appears to be a friend of Wayne and Garth. He has a low opinion for The Shitty Beatles band.
  • "Tiny" (real name unknown) is a resident of Malfourche, Mississippi and the proprietor of Tiny's Bait 'n' Bar. He is a tall, grossly overweight man with a shaved head. He wears tank tops and is deeply tanned. He uses chewing tobacco. Special Agent Pendergast and Laura Hayward visit Tiny's bar in Malfourche during the Fever Dream investigation. Mike Ventura had warned Tiny and his clientele of their impending arrival and Tiny, who thought the two were environmentalists bent on turning the Black Brake Swamp into a wildlife reserve, was very rude to them. Tiny and his posse planned to lure Pendergast and Hayward into an ambush and kill them in the swamp. Tiny rented them a fan boat and drew them an intentionally incorrect map. Pendergast was aware of their plan and went the opposite direction. Despite their precuations, Tiny's group managed to ambush Pendergast and Hayward. They threw Pendergast and Hayward's police badges into the swamp, restrained the two, and removed Hayward's shirt and bra, exposing her breasts. After their escapades at Spanish Island, Pendergast and Hayward returned to Tiny's Bait 'n' Bar. Pendergast sank several of the barflies' boats with a twelve-gauge shotgun. After ensuring that everyone was out of the bar, Pendergast and Hayward fired their weapons into the shop's large propane tank. The ensuing explosion destroyed the building. Hayward, normally a stickler for procedure, felt she had enjoyed the experience a little too much.
  • Es una bebé extraterrestre de especie y planeta desconocido quien junto con sus padres quedó atrapada en la Tierra por más de 50 años.
  • Tiny is one of the inmates of Havenworth Federal Penitentiary.
  • Kidnapped and brought to Storybrooke by Cora, Anton the Giant unleashes his vengeance on the town when a case of mistaken identity leads him to try and settle an old score with David. Mr. Gold, accompanied by Emma and Henry, attempts to depart Storybrooke - hoping to keep his memory intact when he crosses the town line - and heads to the airport in search of his son Bae, while Greg questions Belle as to what she saw on the night of his car accident. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, and against his brothers' wishes, Anton climbs down the beanstalk and attempts to befriend some humans - whose intentions may not be so noble.
  • Tiny is een status die je personage kan hebben in Super Smash Bros.. Je bent dan een stuk kleiner, slapper en lichter. Er zijn drie manieren om Tiny te worden: * Door een Poisoned Mushroom op te rapen. Na een tijdje wordt je weer normaal. * Als de tegenstander Lightning aanraakt. * Door in te stellen in een Special Brawl. Iedereen is dan Tiny en dat blijft de hele match.
  • Mr Big: *Screams* Marsupilami: He is too spooky! Tiny his a huge hairy pink nosed furry scary ghost. File:Maurice.jpg Oh no! This plant is too short and it is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Tiny was LaVonda DuPree's dog in Sordid Lives: The Series. When he got out of the house one day, he found his way to Highway 84, where he got "squashed flatter than a pancake" ("The Day Tammy Wynette Died, Part 1").
  • Tiny is the Warlord (former co-Warlord) of the Satan's Mothers, previously leading along with Spider.
  • Tiny is a gangbanger and an associate of sociopath gang leader, Rashad Hollander.
  • "Tiny" was the name given to a fomorian encountered by Vox Machina in the Underdark. As an NPC, he was portrayed by Matthew Mercer.
  • Tiny is a Little Robots minifigure introduced in 2003. He appeared in four sets. He controls the Day & Night Lever. When controlling it, he pushes it either left or right. When he pushes left, that makes the night come on, so that he can sleep, when he pushes it right, that makes day come on, which wakes the Little Robots, so that he can start the day.
  • Tiny ist ein Mitglied der Biker aus Grand Theft Auto V, das bereits verstarb. In einigen Klubhäusern hängt eine Erinnerungsplakette, auf der „Brothers forever, forever Brothers“ steht. Kategorie:Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Charaktere Kategorie:Biker Kategorie:Verstorben
  • Tiny is a giant, who makes an appearance in The Hammer of Thor, when he makes Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro, Samirah al-Abbas, Hearthstone, and Blitzen carry his bag.
  • A tiny sized creature is typically between 1 and 2 feet in height or length and weighs between 1 and 8 pounds.
  • The Tiny is a member of Ultra-Humanite's Gorilla Army.
  • Tiny is the nickname that Harry Dresden gives the second eldest Gruff. He first appears in Small Favor.
  • Tiny is a thin female Sheltie Retriever Greyhound mix pup with short sandy-gold fur, a fuzzy narrow body, a large soft head, a slender muzzle, floppy ears, and dark-brown eyes.
  • Tiny is the thirteenth episode in the second season of The Pizza Show. It is the twenty-ninth episode overall.
  • Tiny es el tiburón gigante que hace de mascota de El Pingüino en el Club Iceberg en Batman: Arkham City.
  • たいにーと読む。「とてもちっちゃな」とかの意味。 「Tiny Avatar」とか「Tiny Prim」などのように使う。それぞれちっさいアバターとか、ちっさいプリムを指す。 Tiny Avatarはボディ・クラッシャーと呼ばれるAOの一種を用いて、通常よりも小さなアバターを実現したもの。Cue Fride氏によるTiny製作キット(無料)が配布されて以来爆発的にその数が増えている。海外ではリアル小動物系が多いのに対して、日本界隈ではアニメ的なものも多く非常に愛らしい。造形的に日本人に向いているのかもしれません。 Tiny Primでは時計の針のような小さいものも作れる。Tiny Primは、通常の方法では作れず特殊な技を使う必要がある。実際の製作方法は言葉で説明するのが困難なため YouTubeなどにあがっている解説ビデオを探すことをお勧めします。
  • Tiny is one of the main antagonists in Adventures in Babysitting. He is portrayed by Michael Northey.
  • This little puppy is first encountered at the Fengtian train station, right after the events of Zhaoyang Village. It greets Yuri with happy barks, only to growl at him when the mysterious voice makes another appearance. It manages to make an appearance a little while later in the sewers below Fengtian while Alice and Yuri are trying to find a way out. Seeing it's gleeming eyes peering out from a dark, crumbled hole in the wall, they at first expect a monster, only to be freaked out by this little pup leaping out at them, giving happy barks. Alice, feeling sorry for it, brings it along. Onwards, Alice begins complaining of feeling like something malicious is following and watching them, even after Margarete has joined them. This feeling persists even after unlocking the seal and defeating the guardians. Up top once again, Tiny takes off running. Yuri is fine to let the dog be, but of course Alice is worried for it so they follow. It's barking alerts the guards, bringing the gang into an unneeded fight. After the scramble, they turn to see Tiny surrounded by an aura, and with the capability to talk to them. It turns out, the malevolent feeling that Alice had been feeling was caused by this dog, who had actually been Dehuai in a disguise. It then transforms into Beast Dog upon being teased by Margarete and Yuri.
  • To get out of this, Jimmy auctioned off Tiny, who was purchased by Rudolpho, who welcomed the warmth as he was bald and Tiny served as a toupee. Then Tiny grew even more and was a stressful weight on the neck.
  • A verry simple small theme for low resolutions or just a nice clean feeling.
  • Tiny, der Stone Giant (Steinriese), ist ein Stärke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Zwar beginnt Tiny jede Runde als relativ kleine Einheit, kann sich jedoch durch seine Ultimate-Fähigkeit dauerhaft größer und mächtiger machen. Er ist eine Nahkampf-Einheit und gehört den Radiant an. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Disablers, Nukers, Initiators und Durablers übernehmen. Durch Avalanche kann er gegnerische Einheiten betäuben und schädigen und mit Toss eine zufällige Einheit in seiner Reichweite in die gegnerischen Reihen werfen und damit Schaden verursachen. Avalanche gehört außerdem zu den wenigen Fähigkeiten im Spiel, die auch auf Gebäude wirken. Bei Craggy Exterior handelt es sich um eine passive Fähigkeit, die Schaden, den Tiny aus der Nähe erhält, auf Gegner zurückwerfen und sie damit betäuben kann. Tinys Kraft ist sehr stark abhängig von seiner Ultimate-Fähigkeit, durch die er nicht nur an Größe sondern auch an Kraft gewinnt und Toss verbessert, aber auch massiv an Angriffsgeschwindigkeit verliert. Mit Aghanim's Scepter erhält Tiny einen Flächenschaden und eine Bonusreichweite auf seine Nahkampfangriffe, verbessert Toss und lässt Tiny Bonusschaden gegen Gebäude verursachen.
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