  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey
  • New Jersey is one of the fifty states in the United States of America and is located on the East Coast. Southern New Jersey is home to one of the country's most infamous locales - Gotham City.
  • History of location is unknown.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
  • New Jersey is state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States.
  • New Jersey is a state located in the eastern United States, west of New York and a neighbor to Manhattan.
  • New Jersey is a state located in the northeastern and MidAtlantic regions of the United States of America.
  • thumb|120pxNew Jersey ist ein Bundesstaat der USA. Der Staat kam bisher nur in der Episode Blitz und weg vor. Dort haben die Pinguine Maurice auf einer Müllkippe in New Jersey gefunden. In der Folge Hoboken Krise kam New Jersy die ganze Folge lang vor. Natürlich wegen des Hoboken Zoos. In Madagascar 2 sagte Julien, als die Tiere in Afrika gelandet sind: "New York City ist ein ziemlicher Saustall. Sind wir vielleicht gelandet in New Jersey?"
  • It is based on the real-world location of Trenton, New Jersey.
  • New Jersey is a small state of the United States south-west of New York.
  • ニュージャージー州は地球のアメリカ東海岸にある、州の一つである。州都はトレントンである。
  • The brother of Abu Mousa attended a mosque in New Jersey. (Trinity)
  • New Jersey is one of fifty states of the United States of America. In the Never War, the Hindenburg arrived in Lakehurst, New Jersey. It was here that Winn Farrow used his rocket and destroyed it. In the Pilgrims of Rayne, Patrick Mac told Courtney Chetwynde and Dodger that Mark Dimond's dead body washed up on the Jersey coast.
  • The flag of New Jersey is buff with a stylized version of the New Jersey state coat of arms in the center of the flag. The coat of arms is on a yellow background.
  • Il New Jersey è uno stato federato degli Usa.
  • New Jersey (wym. Niu Dżerzi) - miasto pojawiające się w serialu. Ma dzielnicę Hoboken. Miasto przedstawione jako straszne i brudne, w rzeczywistości jest czyste i uporządkowane. Jest tam Zoo w Hoboken. Kategoria:Miejsca Kategoria:Miasta
  • Hudson–Bergen Light Rail Tonnelle Avenue ↔ 22nd Street Newark Light Rail Newark Penn Station ↔ Grove Street/Broad Street
  • New Jersey is a state of the United States.
  • New Jersey is an American state.
  • Villes : * Secaucus * Teaneck
  • According to show writer Kenny Byerly, the ugly, stinky place that Mikey thinks is beautiful, where the Turtles end up after their wild subway ride in It Came From The Depths, was originally not a sewage plant but New Jersey.
  • The Payne residence is situated in New Jersey. In 1998, Max, Michelle and Rose Payne live there. In 2012, Max resides at an apartment in Hoboken, however, after killing Tony DeMarco, Max decides to flee Hoboken and take up security work in São Paulo, Brazil, alongside Raul Passos.
  • New Jersey is a US State. It's population is 77% Christian.
  • It is a widely known fact that New Jersey is the worst best state in the world. A solid choice, it is used in all manner of electronics, such as salmon. If you live in New Jersey, then HAHAHA CONGRATS! Sorry, composting myself now. Using a mop that somehow emits all sorts of sparks and smoke. Why, it has been doing so for all of my life! Guess that explains a few things, eh?
  • New Jersey ist eine Stadt in der nähe von New York.
  • NFPA 99 Adopted as Law? - Yes Certificate of Need Required? - Yes
  • New Jersey är en stat i nordöstra USA på Jorden. Skeppet som transporterar de artefakter som avslöjats av Stewart Expeditionen kraschade utanför New Jersey och återupptäcktes under 2000. (SG1: "The Curse")
  • New Jersey is a state in the United States. Ernest J. Cherney was originally from New Jersey. "Buster Baxter & the Letter from the Sea"
  • New Jersey is a state within the United States known for its productive fossil sites. New Jersey is where the first America dinosaur was found (Hadrosaurus). Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • New Jersey is a state on the East Coast of the United States. It's part of the New York metropolitan area and lies between the Hudson River and Upper New York Bay across from Lower Manhattan. New Jersey was the powerbase of the Stracci family as well as the DiMeo family. However, the Greco family from Philadelphia had a strong presence in Southern Jersey, particulary Atlantic City, where gambling was legalized in 1976.
  • New Jersey was the home state of George McClellan. It and Delaware were the only two states which he was able to carry in his bid for the presidency in 1864.
  • New Jersey is a state in the northeastern United States. Its population is over 8,600,000. The capital is Trenton and the largest city is Newark.
  • Parts of the state are not nuclear/toxic but rather rural. These zones are being encroached and absorbed by the cities of doom and destruction. There is no such thing as the Mafia.
  • New Jersey was a region in the North American continent of Earth, a political subdivision of the United States of America originally settled as a British colony.
  • New Jersey ist ein Bundesstaat der USA auf der Erde. 2368 entführt Berlinghoff Rasmussen Data und will ihn mit seiner Zeitkapsel ins 22. Jahrhundert nach New Jersey mitnehmen. (TNG: ) Tony Cicco aus dem Holoprogramm Bashir 62 verlegt Bajor nach New Jersey und Odo bestätigt dies. (DS9: )
  • The Hudson River forms a border between New York and New Jersey.
  • The state is on the Atlantic coast and borders New York State, Philadelphia and Delaware. New Jersey is one of the original 13 colonies that broke away from Great Britain and signed the Declaration of Independence.
  • New Jersey was a state of the United States of America in which the city of Trenton could be found. (TV: The Stones of Blood) Rex Matheson once compared Wales to New Jersey, because it was separated from England by the Severn Bridge, similar to the way New Jersey was separated from New York by bridges. (TV: The New World)
  • Main Page | About the Freedom Democrats Wiki | Find your State | Platform | Internet Links | Media Links | Literature | Contacts | Video | Forums | Endorsements | This page is for those in New Jersey who are interested in The Democratic Freedom Caucus.
  • Jersey Nova (New Jersey en engles) es un stato de la Statos Unida de America. La site capital es Trenton.
  • New Jersey (pronounced /njuː�ˈdʒɜrzi/, locally [nuː�ˈdʒɜrzi]) is a state in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It is bordered on the northeast by New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey lies largely within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia. It is the most densely populated state in the United States.
  • Greatest American country with so many intelligent jew businessmen.
  • New Jersey is a state in the northeastern United States of America on Earth. The ship carrying the artifacts uncovered by the Stewart expedition crashed off the coast New Jersey and were rediscovered in 2000. (SG1: "The Curse")
  • This page will contain a list of Autism resources available in the state of New Jersey.
  • New Jersey is one of fifty states in the United States of America.
  • This is the page for charting a course of action for winning the nomination in New Jersey. Please use the index below to find your county.
  • New Jersey is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north by New York, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the southwest by Delaware, and on the west by Pennsylvania. Parts of New Jersey lie within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia.
  • NewJersey officially know as The Republic of New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the former United States.
  • Von Manhattan aus liegt New Jersey auf der anderen Seite des m bis n km breiten Hudson? River. Es gibt eine Brücke, die n km lange George Washington Bridge ... Tunnel ...
  • The Chemical Coast is a region along the shores of Newark Bay, the Arthur Kill, and Raritan Bay. During Pre-War times, this stretch of coastline was heavily polluted, due to a concentration of factories and chemical plants. Post-War fallout and radiation has only made the environmental issues in the water and nearby coastline worse.
  • New Jersey is a State in the United States of America. Sharona Fleming lives there with her husband and child, Benjy Fleming.
  • New Jersey is the 3rd state of the United States of America. * According to Of Muppets and Men, Richard Hunt was born and largely grew up in New Jersey (this was confirmed on The MuppetCast, in an interview with Richard's mother Jane Hunt). * In an Ernie and Bert sketch from Sesame Street's first season, Ernie shows off his "R" collection, which includes one from a football game between Rutgers University and a Rhode Island college team. * Bert mentions shooting pigeon footage in Asbury Park in "Doin' the Pigeon." * Lydia, the tattooed pig, has a tattoo of the iconic scene of George Washington crossing the Delaware River at Trenton, NJ. The Sesame Muppets also re-enact Washington crossing the Delaware in The Sesame Street 1976 Calendar. * In episode 0961 of Sesame Str
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | GREETINGS NEW JERSEY! This page, along with the Yahoo! Group for Gravel will be utilized as the central distribution of information regarding New Jersey and Senator Gravel. Check back here often to find info for events, fund raising, material for publishing and posting, organization contacts, etc, etc... If you have any questions, please feel free to send the State Director an email!
  • On February 17, 1986, Tommy Raymond was born in Secaucus. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone" ) In 2320, Lewis Zimmerman, the future creator of the Emergency Medical Hologram, was born in Grover's Mill. (VOY: "Projections", set artwork) In 2368, Berlingoff Rasmussen, a 22nd century Human, had programmed a 26th century time-travel pod for a return course to New Jersey. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" )
  • New Jersey is a small state on the East coast of the United States that has a plethora of expressway exits, several thousand toll booths, and a few service areas serving greasy pizza. Despite this seeming lack of a defining characteristic, New Jersey is densely packed with about 9 million human beings who could not decide between the extravagant, sophisticated life of a New Yorker and the dull but peaceful life of a country hillbilly. The resulting mixture is filled with the Jews, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Hispanics, and god-knows-whatever-else that harbors a weird fantasy towards famous universities, education, green grass, and skyscrapers. Speaking of green grass, New Jersey has plenty of weed. In fact, it is so abundant that it is practically used as currency in districts like Patte
  • The long, skinny stretch of industrial blight has been at the heart of US history since the Revolution, when a battle was fought at Princeton, and George Washington spent two bleak winters at Morristown. As the Civil War came, the state's commitment to an industrial future ensured that, despite its border location along the Mason–Dixon line, it fought with the Union. >>>>>[Toxic Avenger Shamans attack the sprawls and small towns. My guess is an Avenger got to Princeton. Maybe a pissed-off dork, still slotted from his school days, decided it was time for a little payback after years of being ignored, avoided, and ridiculed.]<<<<< -Retro Beushen (04:13:42/09-18-70) >>>>>[Poisoner Shamans have been worse for Jersey. They have been the ones to keep the state poisoned and they shall pay for t
  • This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's New Jersey article. Take me to the New Jersey article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • The area was inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, with historical tribes such as the Lenape along the coast. In the early 17th century, the Dutch and the Swedes made the first European settlements. The British later seized control of the region, naming it the Province of New Jersey. It was granted as a colony to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. At this time, it was named after the largest of the British Channel Islands, Jersey, Carteret's birthplace. New Jersey was the site of several decisive battles during the American Revolutionary War.
  • New Jersey, or officially the State of New Jersey is one of the states located in the mainland of the United States of America, located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and south of New York. It was the childhood home state for Indiana Jones, who was born in Princeton.
  • New Jersey is is een regio in Noord Amerika op de planeet Aarde. Claire Raymond en haar gezin waren afkomstig uit de stad Secaucus in New Jersey. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", eerste versie) De 22e eeuwse tijdreizende uitvinder/misdadiger Berlingoff Rasmussen kwam ook uit New Jersey, of hij gebruikte het slechts als de plek van zijn werkzaamheden. (TNG: "A Matter of Time") Holodek karakter Tony Cicci vroeg Odo eens waar hij vandaan kwam. Odo zei dat hij van Bajor kwam; een locatie die Cicci onjuist in 'Jersey' plaatste. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang") Categorie:Aarde
  • Il New Jersey era una regione che apparteneva allo stato-nazione degli Stati Uniti d'America, nel continente Nord Americano sulla Terra. Nel tardo XX secolo, Clare Raymond chiamò da questa regione, nella città di Secaucus. (TNG: "La zona neutrale") Nel XXII secolo il viaggiatore temporale, inventore e truffatore Berlingoff Rasmussen, proveniva anche dal New Jersey, o per lo meno lo utilizzava come base operativa. (TNG: "Uno strano visitatore") Lewis Zimmerman, programmatore del Medico Olografico di Emergenza, nacque nel New Jersey nel 2320. (VOY: "Proiezioni")
  • New Jersey is a eastern state in the United States. Leonard moved to Pasadena from NJ to take a job at Caltech. Leonard also went to Princeton University that is located in New Jersey. Beverly Hofstadter lives in New Jersey and Howard's mother Debbie Wolowitz was born there. Dialogue from The Graduation Transmission: Penny: I’ve never been to New Jersey before. Leonard: It gets a bad rap from shows like Jersey Shore and Real Housewives. Penny: So it’s not really like that? Leonard: No, it’s like that.
  • New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north and east by the U.S. state of New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey is the fourth-least extensive, but the 11th-most populous and the most densely populated of the 50 United States. New Jersey lies mostly within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York City and Philadelphia. It is also the second-wealthiest U.S. state by 2011 median household income.
  • Inns of Ocean Grove - Located one block from the Atlantic Ocean in the quaint Victorian town of Ocean Grove. 22 Ocean Pathway Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. The Linda Lee - 725 Columbia Avenue ~ Cape May, NJ 08204. Our quaint Cape May accommodations have either a king or queen bed and some rooms have a fireplace. Debbie's Room, Felica's Room, Sophie, Julie and Stephanie's Room. Bedford Inn - 805 Stockton Ave. ~ Cape May, NJ. 08204. For inquiries +16098844158. Choose from wonderful selection of Cape May inn: Edward's Room, Annie C. Page, Elle's and Edith's room.
  • New Jersey is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States. The state is named after the island of Jersey in the English Channel. It is bordered on the north by New York, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the southwest by Delaware, and on the west by Pennsylvania. Parts of New Jersey lie within the metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia.
  • 8414350
  • Union of Communist Republics
  • 200
  • 240
  • 56772.0
  • 19231
  • New Jersey
TV Series
  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Agent Carter
  • Luke Cage
  • Jessica Jones
  • New Jersey
  • Debiut
  • Kontynent
  • Miejsce
  • Pogoda
  • 140
  • New Jersey is one of the fifty states in the United States of America and is located on the East Coast. Southern New Jersey is home to one of the country's most infamous locales - Gotham City.
  • "Welcome to Storybrooke"
  • -Realne
  • Ameryka północna
  • Pingwiny z Madagaskaru
  • Umiarkowana
  • 3251991
  • * [[W:C:DC:Bludhaven
  • 2
  • 3.0
  • 3378
  • January, 2014 13th
  • March, 2014 5th
  • Area: 8,729 sq mi
  • Length: 150 miles
  • Width: 70 miles
  • 1.0
  • 8729
  • New Jersey Transit logo.png
  • 2013-03-08
  • First Shore War, Second Shore War
  • English de facto
  • Garden State
  • New Jersey
  • State of New Jersey
  • 438
  • New Jersey
  • The Republic of New Jersey
web series
  • WHiH Newsfront
  • State
Location name
  • New Jersey
  • Milky Way
  • English
  • 1787-12-18
flag type
  • National Flag
  • No
  • 246
  • 3
locations within
  • 110
  • Revolutionary
  • Dollar
  • The Garden State; "Joisey"
  • Captain America: Civil War Prelude
  • Captain America: First Vengeance
  • Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation
Casus Belli
  • Communist Ideology
  • Kaskus-SL war
  • New_Jersey_state_seal.svg
Preceded By
  • Kaskus-SL War
  • * Atlas of the DC Universe * New Jersey article at Wikipedia
  • 8414350
  • 8864590
  • Americans
  • Unknown
  • Population Density: 1,134/sq mi 438/km²
  • 1304
  • 70
  • New Jersey
  • BroadStreetNJ-KinkiSharyo.jpg
  • 2077-10-23
  • 1928-03-26
  • 1787-12-18
  • 150
  • 0
  • 1134
  • New Jersey
  • 0
  • 1803
  • 47
  • 550
  • None
  • White Peace
  • NJ
  • --12-18
  • New Jersey
  • Real World; Earth-Two; Earth-One; New Earth
  • Spawn; Real World
  • 11
  • Jersey
  • 38
  • Eastern: UTC-5/-4
  • #CC0000
  • #ffff00
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Captain America: The First Avenger
  • 457332
  • US-NJ
  • State of New Jersey
  • Een Kinki Sharyo tram bij het eindpunt Broad Street
  • east coast of the United States
  • 75
  • "Haec civitas non stabit in aeternum!"
  • Liberty and prosperity
  • 73
  • 2
  • FAN-UCR War
  • Kaskus-SL war
  • 7425
  • Black
  • WhiteSmoke
  • 40
  • Flag of New Jersey.svg
  • Newjerseystateflag.jpg
  • 14.900000
Followed By
  • FAN-UCR War
  • 150
  • New Jersey 150px The Second Republic of Norris 150px SocialistWRepublic 150px Greece 150px Barryteroria 150px
  • New Jersey 150px
  • Urquan
  • likano
  • N.J.
  • 22608
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1935
  • Sol
  • Flag of the United States.png
  • 1435
  • New Jersey is one of the fifty states in the United States of America and is located on the East Coast. Southern New Jersey is home to one of the country's most infamous locales - Gotham City.
  • History of location is unknown.
  • The headings in this section provide links to some of the topics in the Ideas Bank. Click on the Ideas Bank link, or to see a full list of topics.
  • New Jersey is state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States.
  • New Jersey is the 3rd state of the United States of America. * According to Of Muppets and Men, Richard Hunt was born and largely grew up in New Jersey (this was confirmed on The MuppetCast, in an interview with Richard's mother Jane Hunt). * In an Ernie and Bert sketch from Sesame Street's first season, Ernie shows off his "R" collection, which includes one from a football game between Rutgers University and a Rhode Island college team. * Bert mentions shooting pigeon footage in Asbury Park in "Doin' the Pigeon." * Lydia, the tattooed pig, has a tattoo of the iconic scene of George Washington crossing the Delaware River at Trenton, NJ. The Sesame Muppets also re-enact Washington crossing the Delaware in The Sesame Street 1976 Calendar. * In episode 0961 of Sesame Street, Biff and Sully approach Judy Collins to sing a song with their group. When Judy asks if Sully can actually sing, Biff replies, "Does Sully sing? Is Newark a city?!" * In Episode 217 of The Muppet Show, when Kermit discovers the cow backstage, he remarks "I think they're gonna love the show in Jersey." * Guy Smiley's hair for the game show "What Is It?" was done by Raul of Hoboken. * "Born to Add" claims "There's a lot of us adders on the Jersey Shore." * The doctor in The Muppets Take Manhattan suggests that Kermit is "Mr. Enrico Tortellini, of Passaic, New Jersey." * Captain Vegetable's home base is a secret garden somewhere in New Jersey. * Adrienne Bip is from Nutley, New Jersey. * In The Muppet Christmas Carol, while being chased by a cat, Rizzo the Rat hollers, "I'm from Jersey!" * The Elephant Elevator Operator muses in his self-titled Sesame Street song that one of his potential occupations could have been a "lifeguard on the New Jersey Shore." * In episode 3129 of Sesame Street, agent Bernie books his all-animal band for a gig in Parsippany. * During the opening song in Big Bird's Birthday or Let Me Eat Cake, everyone compares Big Bird's birthday to a beautiful place. Oscar the Grouch sings "anyplace in Jersey on a rainy day!" * Big Bird visits Union City in a "Big Bird's Video Postcards" segment. * In the Sesame Street song, "I'm Talkin' Love", Herry Monster guesses the far away place Trisha Yearwood's friend is in is New Jersey. * Kermit notes that many of the costumes for CinderElmo were imported from New Jersey in a bonus feature interview. * During an appearance on Family Feud, Johnny Fiama mentioned that he was from Camden, NJ. * In The Muppet Show Live, Miss Piggy appeared on a TV monitor, and told Kermit that she couldn't appear at Muppetfest because she was busy at "Piggyfest, a celebration of all things moi. And let me tell you, Bayonne is lovely this time of year." * Pepe the King Prawn is seemingly obsessed with the geography of the northeastern United States, in particular, New Jersey. His favorite vacation location is Camden. * In a "Monster Clubhouse" segment, the monsters receive a postcard from Minnie Golf in Tiny Town, New Jersey. * Singing Telegram Messenger Grover mentions a singing gig he has in Teaneck in Bert & Ernie's Word Play. * The Westfield Garden State Plaza, located in Paramus, was the filming location for All-Star Alphabet. * Trash Gordon once defeated a nasty inhabitant of the Planet Pizza by trapping them in a pizza box and sending them to New Jersey. * During "No Room for Boring," Rizzo mentions playing "hackeysack in Hackensack, New Jersey." * Little Children, Big Challenges: Divorce features a film segment ("Chase's Story") shot on-location in Hillsdale.
  • New Jersey is a small state on the East coast of the United States that has a plethora of expressway exits, several thousand toll booths, and a few service areas serving greasy pizza. Despite this seeming lack of a defining characteristic, New Jersey is densely packed with about 9 million human beings who could not decide between the extravagant, sophisticated life of a New Yorker and the dull but peaceful life of a country hillbilly. The resulting mixture is filled with the Jews, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Hispanics, and god-knows-whatever-else that harbors a weird fantasy towards famous universities, education, green grass, and skyscrapers. Speaking of green grass, New Jersey has plenty of weed. In fact, it is so abundant that it is practically used as currency in districts like Patterson. New Jersey's claim to fame is as a headquarters of several large American corporations, between the time that they relocate out of New York and the time where they re-incorporate in a whole 'nother country. These corporations reside in tall skyscrapers, surrounded by tract housing where the employees live. New Jersey also serves the nation by being used in analogies of how small Israel is, and how it is surrounded by mortal enemies. New Jersey's motto, "Fuggedaboudit!" is not obscene, but it pleases New Jerseyans that it seems to be. Informally, New Jersey is referred to as the "Fuck Youse State." Youse want a mawttoh, I got youse guys a fuckin' mawttoh right here.
  • New Jersey is a state located in the eastern United States, west of New York and a neighbor to Manhattan.
  • New Jersey is a state located in the northeastern and MidAtlantic regions of the United States of America.
  • thumb|120pxNew Jersey ist ein Bundesstaat der USA. Der Staat kam bisher nur in der Episode Blitz und weg vor. Dort haben die Pinguine Maurice auf einer Müllkippe in New Jersey gefunden. In der Folge Hoboken Krise kam New Jersy die ganze Folge lang vor. Natürlich wegen des Hoboken Zoos. In Madagascar 2 sagte Julien, als die Tiere in Afrika gelandet sind: "New York City ist ein ziemlicher Saustall. Sind wir vielleicht gelandet in New Jersey?"
  • It is based on the real-world location of Trenton, New Jersey.
  • New Jersey is a small state of the United States south-west of New York.
  • ニュージャージー州は地球のアメリカ東海岸にある、州の一つである。州都はトレントンである。
  • The brother of Abu Mousa attended a mosque in New Jersey. (Trinity)
  • New Jersey is one of fifty states of the United States of America. In the Never War, the Hindenburg arrived in Lakehurst, New Jersey. It was here that Winn Farrow used his rocket and destroyed it. In the Pilgrims of Rayne, Patrick Mac told Courtney Chetwynde and Dodger that Mark Dimond's dead body washed up on the Jersey coast.
  • New Jersey is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States. The state is named after the island of Jersey in the English Channel. It is bordered on the north by New York, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the southwest by Delaware, and on the west by Pennsylvania. Parts of New Jersey lie within the metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia. Inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, the first European settlements in the area were established by the Swedes and Dutch in the early 1600s. The British later seized control of the region, which was granted to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton as the colony of New Jersey. New Jersey was an important site during the American Revolutionary War; several decisive battles were fought there. The winter quarters of the revolutionary army were established twice by George Washington in Morristown, which was called the military capital of the revolution. The New Jersey Journal, a newspaper published by Shepard Kollock, who established his press in Chatham during 1779, became a catalyst in the revolution. News of events came directly to Kollock from Washington's headquarters in nearby Morristown, which he published to boost the morale of the troops and their families, and he conducted lively debates about the efforts for independence with those who opposed and supported the cause he championed. Later, working-class cities such as Paterson and Trenton helped to drive the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century. New Jersey's position at the center of the BosWash megalopolis, between Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, D.C., fueled its rapid growth through the suburban boom of the 1950s and beyond.
  • The flag of New Jersey is buff with a stylized version of the New Jersey state coat of arms in the center of the flag. The coat of arms is on a yellow background.
  • Il New Jersey è uno stato federato degli Usa.
  • New Jersey (wym. Niu Dżerzi) - miasto pojawiające się w serialu. Ma dzielnicę Hoboken. Miasto przedstawione jako straszne i brudne, w rzeczywistości jest czyste i uporządkowane. Jest tam Zoo w Hoboken. Kategoria:Miejsca Kategoria:Miasta
  • Hudson–Bergen Light Rail Tonnelle Avenue ↔ 22nd Street Newark Light Rail Newark Penn Station ↔ Grove Street/Broad Street
  • New Jersey is a state of the United States.
  • New Jersey is an American state.
  • New Jersey, or officially the State of New Jersey is one of the states located in the mainland of the United States of America, located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and south of New York. It was the childhood home state for Indiana Jones, who was born in Princeton. The area was settled by the Delaware Indians prior to European colonization. Both Swedish and Dutch settlements were established in the area, with the Dutch eventually buying out the Swedish lands, and the English taking over the Dutch colonies. During the Revolutionary War, the colony then became the third state to secede from the United Kingdom, and major battles were fought at Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth. The state became a center for American industrialization, and later was the site of Thomas Edison's labs in Menlo Park.
  • Main Page | About Mike Gravel | Top Issues | Other Issues | Grassroots Campaign | Online Campaign | Media Campaign | Contacts | Videos | Forums | Chat | Calendar | Donate | Gravel Stuff | WikiProjects | GREETINGS NEW JERSEY! This page, along with the Yahoo! Group for Gravel will be utilized as the central distribution of information regarding New Jersey and Senator Gravel. Check back here often to find info for events, fund raising, material for publishing and posting, organization contacts, etc, etc... If you have any questions, please feel free to send the State Director an email! As of right now, few of us in New Jersey are in contact with each other, so we encourage you to join the mailing-list and join in! We are currently discussing plans for a press packet to send to the press and organizations, fund raising ideas so that posted material and publishing material can be produced (don't forget about self-publishing!), event planning, and eventually having an event with Senator Gravel in New Jersey! Get involved! And if you haven't yet voted for the National Initiative for Democracy, do so today! Take control of your life, and in turn, your government! -
  • Villes : * Secaucus * Teaneck
  • The area was inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, with historical tribes such as the Lenape along the coast. In the early 17th century, the Dutch and the Swedes made the first European settlements. The British later seized control of the region, naming it the Province of New Jersey. It was granted as a colony to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. At this time, it was named after the largest of the British Channel Islands, Jersey, Carteret's birthplace. New Jersey was the site of several decisive battles during the American Revolutionary War. New Jersey is bordered on the north and northeast by New York (parts of which are across the Hudson River, Upper New York Bay, the Kill Van Kull, Newark Bay, and the Arthur Kill); on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; on the southwest by Delaware across Delaware Bay; and on the west by Pennsylvania across the Delaware River.
  • According to show writer Kenny Byerly, the ugly, stinky place that Mikey thinks is beautiful, where the Turtles end up after their wild subway ride in It Came From The Depths, was originally not a sewage plant but New Jersey.
  • The Payne residence is situated in New Jersey. In 1998, Max, Michelle and Rose Payne live there. In 2012, Max resides at an apartment in Hoboken, however, after killing Tony DeMarco, Max decides to flee Hoboken and take up security work in São Paulo, Brazil, alongside Raul Passos.
  • This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's New Jersey article. Take me to the New Jersey article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a New Jersey link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links.
  • New Jersey is a US State. It's population is 77% Christian.
  • Il New Jersey era una regione che apparteneva allo stato-nazione degli Stati Uniti d'America, nel continente Nord Americano sulla Terra. Nel tardo XX secolo, Clare Raymond chiamò da questa regione, nella città di Secaucus. (TNG: "La zona neutrale") Nel XXII secolo il viaggiatore temporale, inventore e truffatore Berlingoff Rasmussen, proveniva anche dal New Jersey, o per lo meno lo utilizzava come base operativa. (TNG: "Uno strano visitatore") Lewis Zimmerman, programmatore del Medico Olografico di Emergenza, nacque nel New Jersey nel 2320. (VOY: "Proiezioni") Intrigato dalla figura di Odo, il personaggio olografico Tony Cicci chiese ad Odo da dove venisse. Odo rispose che era di Bajor; un luogo a Cicci totalmente sconosciuto per poi convincersi che si trovasse nel 'Jersey'. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")
  • It is a widely known fact that New Jersey is the worst best state in the world. A solid choice, it is used in all manner of electronics, such as salmon. If you live in New Jersey, then HAHAHA CONGRATS! Sorry, composting myself now. Using a mop that somehow emits all sorts of sparks and smoke. Why, it has been doing so for all of my life! Guess that explains a few things, eh?
  • New Jersey ist eine Stadt in der nähe von New York.
  • NFPA 99 Adopted as Law? - Yes Certificate of Need Required? - Yes
  • New Jersey är en stat i nordöstra USA på Jorden. Skeppet som transporterar de artefakter som avslöjats av Stewart Expeditionen kraschade utanför New Jersey och återupptäcktes under 2000. (SG1: "The Curse")
  • New Jersey is a state in the United States. Ernest J. Cherney was originally from New Jersey. "Buster Baxter & the Letter from the Sea"
  • New Jersey is a state within the United States known for its productive fossil sites. New Jersey is where the first America dinosaur was found (Hadrosaurus). Image:Mantell's Iguanodon restoration.jpg This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • New Jersey is a state on the East Coast of the United States. It's part of the New York metropolitan area and lies between the Hudson River and Upper New York Bay across from Lower Manhattan. New Jersey was the powerbase of the Stracci family as well as the DiMeo family. However, the Greco family from Philadelphia had a strong presence in Southern Jersey, particulary Atlantic City, where gambling was legalized in 1976.
  • New Jersey was the home state of George McClellan. It and Delaware were the only two states which he was able to carry in his bid for the presidency in 1864.
  • New Jersey is a state in the northeastern United States. Its population is over 8,600,000. The capital is Trenton and the largest city is Newark.
  • New Jersey is is een regio in Noord Amerika op de planeet Aarde. Claire Raymond en haar gezin waren afkomstig uit de stad Secaucus in New Jersey. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", eerste versie) De 22e eeuwse tijdreizende uitvinder/misdadiger Berlingoff Rasmussen kwam ook uit New Jersey, of hij gebruikte het slechts als de plek van zijn werkzaamheden. (TNG: "A Matter of Time") Holodek karakter Tony Cicci vroeg Odo eens waar hij vandaan kwam. Odo zei dat hij van Bajor kwam; een locatie die Cicci onjuist in 'Jersey' plaatste. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang") In een alternatieve tijdlijn van het jaar 1944 was New Jersey te zien op een kaart waar de Nazis hun plannen op hadden staan voor het binnenvallen van de Verenigde Staten. (ENT: "Storm Front, Deel I" en "Deel II") Categorie:Aarde
  • Parts of the state are not nuclear/toxic but rather rural. These zones are being encroached and absorbed by the cities of doom and destruction. There is no such thing as the Mafia.
  • Inns of Ocean Grove - Located one block from the Atlantic Ocean in the quaint Victorian town of Ocean Grove. 22 Ocean Pathway Ocean Grove, NJ 07756. The Linda Lee - 725 Columbia Avenue ~ Cape May, NJ 08204. Our quaint Cape May accommodations have either a king or queen bed and some rooms have a fireplace. Debbie's Room, Felica's Room, Sophie, Julie and Stephanie's Room. Bedford Inn - 805 Stockton Ave. ~ Cape May, NJ. 08204. For inquiries +16098844158. Choose from wonderful selection of Cape May inn: Edward's Room, Annie C. Page, Elle's and Edith's room. Courtyard Cranbury South Brunswick - 420 Forsgate Drive. Phone: + 1 609-655-9950. Located in the suburban South Brunswick neighborhood of Cranbury, New Jersey, the hotel is near Six Flags Great America and convenient to Princeton along with Monroe Township. Courtyard Paramus - 320 Route 17 North. Paramus, New Jersey 07652. Phone: + 1 201-599-1414. Located near the Garden State Plaza, Paramus Park Mall, Town Center Mall and the Shops at Riverside. The Montreal Inn - Beach at Madison Ave. Cape May, New Jersey 08204. Phone: 1-800-525-7011. This Cape May lodging amenities include: Ocean Front Heated Pool, Fitness Center, Harry's Ocean Bar & Grille, Poolside Bar, Montreal Inn gift shop and many more. The Southern Mansion. A Cape May Bed & Breakfast Hotel. 720 Washington Street Cape May, NJ 08204. 1-800-381-3888 | 1-609-884-7171. The Southern Mansion, built circa 1860, is the largest and most opulent Cape May bed & breakfast inn and hotel, featuring the largest Cape May b&b rooms and suites in Cape May. Courtyard Mt. Laurel - 1000 Century Parkway · Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054. Phone: 1+856-273-4400. Located near downtown Philadelphia, PA, Moorestown Mall and Battleship, NJ. Courtyard Basking Ridge - 595 Martinsville Road. Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920. Phone: 1+908-542-0300. Located off I-78 and Route 287 and minutes from Warren, NJ. Courtyard Lebanon - 300 Corporate Drive · Lebanon, New Jersey 08833. Phone: 1+908-236-8200. Located along I-78 and Route 22, near the Crayola Factory, Alba Vineyards and Flemington, New Jersey. Courtyard Hanover Whippany- 157 Route 10 East · Whippany, New Jersey 07981. Phone: 1+973-887-8700. Located near Morristown, Manhattan, and the Newark Liberty International Airport. Courtyard Parsippany- 3769 Route 46 East. Parsippany, New Jersey 07054. Phone: 1+973-394-0303. Located in the Parsippany business district. TownePlace Suites Mt. Laurel- 450 Century Parkway. Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054. Phone: 1+856-778-8221. Courtyard Secaucus Meadowlands- 455 Harmon Meadow Boulevard. Secaucus, New Jersey 07094. Phone: 1+201-617-8888. Located near MetLife Stadium and the IZOD Center. Courtyard Lincroft Red Bank - 245 Half Mile Road, Red Bank, New Jersey, 07701. Phone: 1-732-530-5552. This hotel in Red Bank, NJ features a state of the art interactive lobby with wide open work spaces. Tap into the quiet energy at the Courtyard Lincroft Red Bank hotel near Middletown, New Jersey.
  • The long, skinny stretch of industrial blight has been at the heart of US history since the Revolution, when a battle was fought at Princeton, and George Washington spent two bleak winters at Morristown. As the Civil War came, the state's commitment to an industrial future ensured that, despite its border location along the Mason–Dixon line, it fought with the Union. >>>>>[Toxic Avenger Shamans attack the sprawls and small towns. My guess is an Avenger got to Princeton. Maybe a pissed-off dork, still slotted from his school days, decided it was time for a little payback after years of being ignored, avoided, and ridiculed.]<<<<< -Retro Beushen (04:13:42/09-18-70) >>>>>[Poisoner Shamans have been worse for Jersey. They have been the ones to keep the state poisoned and they shall pay for their crimes. They are the ones responsible for the perpetual state of pollution for which the state has become known. There are much more Poisoners than Avengers.]<<<<< -Lillia of The Land (13:27:43/09-27-70) That commitment to industry has doomed New Jersey in modern times. Most travelers only see "the Garden State" (so called for the rich market garden territory at the state's heart) from the stupendously ugly New Jersey Turnpike Gridguide toll road which, heavy with truck traffic, cuts through a landscape of gray smokestacks and industrial estates. Even the songs of Bruce Springsteen and Leo Saraf, Asbury Park's two golden boys, paint their home state as a gritty urban wasteland of empty lots, gray highways, lost dreams and blue-collar tragedy, though Saraf is much more modern. The majority of the refineries and factories hug only a mere twenty-four-kilometer-wide swath along the turnpike, but bleak cities like Newark, home to the major airport, and Trenton, the capital, do little to improve the look of the place and the state suffers from a major image problem. But there is more to New Jersey than factories and pollution. Alongside its revolutionary history, Thomas Paine and Walt Whitman both wrote nostalgically of the happy years they spent there; while the northwest corner near the Delaware Water Gap is still traced with picturesque lakes, streams and woodlands. Best of all, the Atlantic shore offers many bustling resorts, from the tattered glitz of Atlantic City (C) to the glorious kitsch of Wildwoods (A) and the old-world charm of Cape May (B). The quake of 2005 hit many New Jersey areas hard, and many never rebuilt. Many local municipalities took corporate buyouts and handed their land over to the megacorporations for revitalization. What happened in many areas was quite the opposite: many of the megas, namely Saeder-Krupp, used most of the ruined areas of New Jersey as their own private dumping grounds. Ghouls, ghosts and worse soon made their homes in the toxic swamps and abandoned ruins of quake-destroyed blocks of old businesses and homes. Inland New Jersey (D) Traveling west on the interstates from the shore or from New York City, visitors see the New Jersey of popular imagination: heavily industrialized, a cultural desert, peppered with run-down cities like Trenton and Paterson. Newark, the state's largest city, is perhaps the nation's drabbest, redeemed only by its efficient airport, new performing arts center, and views over the Hudson to the Statue of Liberty (which is, incidentally, in New Jersey waters). The one place that holds interest in inland New Jersey is Titus Mill and Princeton University, an Ivy League town that makes a pretty if limited stopoff. The animal and insect life is dangerous, but more opportunistic than territorial. If you’re weak or wounded, here they come, but they won’t go out of their way to consume the strong and well-organized. Natural disasters occasionally happen, but it’s not inherent in the landscape. People generally avoid this area and view it as dangerous, but the strong and skilled can get by just fine. Bandits, those five-fingered raccoons; mutated fruit bats; massive wild dogs with red eyes, black fur and horns; deathlights (others call them corpselights); there are even rumored to be Trolls out there that lure people away from the sprawl under some illusion, and they are never heard from again. Then there all the other types of packs of wild, giant, mutated dogs ... some breathe fire while others scare the drek out of you so bad you don't move and then it's too late; wolverines the size of lions and that foam acid at the mouth, snakes that can lure the unsuspecting with its mimicry, short, human-like creatures covered in brown fur, sharp teeth and sinister faces; mutated possums; and giant, tusked black bears. And don't forget about the underwater beasties ... giant, troll-like lizards with paralyzing barbs growing from its lips; and the massive toxic earth spirits and toxic water monstrosities. New Jersey Shore (A) New Jersey's Atlantic coast, a 209-kilometer stretch of almost uninterrupted resorts – some rowdy, many pitifully run-down and faded, a few undeveloped and peaceful – has long been reliant on gambling (formerly farming) and tourism. No profitable ports were established, nor did short-lived attempts at whaling come to anything. In the late 1980s the whole coastline suffered severe and well-publicized pollution from ocean dumping, but today the beaches, if occasionally somewhat crowded and choked by the SINless masses during tourist time, are safe and clean (rundown and abandoned most of the year): sandy, broad and lined by characteristic wooden boardwalks (faded and warped), some of which, in an attempt to maintain their condition, charge admission during the summer. The rundown glitz of Atlantic City is perhaps the shore's best known attraction, but there are also quieter resorts like Spring Lake and historic Victorian Cape May, plus local gems like Wildwood that are worth the journey further down the coast. Despite the depressed state of the area, there are no threatening animals here. There is only a comfortable temperature range, and edible food grows wild in some places. Water sources are available year-round. Easy camping year round, and easy farming or animal-husbandry. Urban Areas Metahumans (mostly orks and trolls) tend to be crowded into the rotting tenement high rises in Newark, East Orange, Jersey City, Paterson, Trenton, Camden, and Clifton. Coffin hotels proliferate in the poorer sections of the Jersey Sprawls of Newark, Patterson, and Camden. Newark: Population: 2,260,851 Human: 85% Elf: 1% Dwarf: 4% Ork: 5% Troll: 6% Other: 0% >>>>>[Yeah. Right. 0% Other. Tell that to the slots who died at the claws of the ghouls in what was once East Orange. Truth is the Newark Sprawl is a crusted drainage ditch for whatever the New York Megasprawl don’t want.]<<<<< -Jersey Giant (21:43:27/11-19-70) 8 Districts: -Arlington: D (Sector 3): Depressed Business Zone. Crowded residents experience few patrols and poorly maintained PanicButton booths which means that crime here is reported less often and therefore laws are enforced less often. Omni Police Services holds the law enforcement contract here, but makes a real effort to prevent crimes before they happen. These security forces are looked upon by suspicion at best by locals, who accuse law enforcement of being less than thorough in investigations involving crimes at businesses here than in other parts of the New Jersey Sprawl. Most Northern New Jersey officers start their training in places like Arlington and try to get promoted out as quickly as possible. Most, however, maintain their contacts from their beat days because they know its places like Arlington where the information flows. Except for undercover officers and detectives, the usual response to any call here consists of 6-8 fully armored officers in an armored Citymaster with two patrol vehicles and one combat mage. Drones are sometimes used to reduce the risk of injury to officers. Many of the old businesses and buildings have been boarded up for decades, home only for squatters and gangs. Homeless, mostly children, eke a meager living selling BTL chips, as well as more traditional drugs, on the street. When the megacorporations went on their land-buying spree, they snatched up this entire area, filled in lakes, bulldozed down trees, demolished old buildings and homes, and constructed blocks of metahuman housing projects for the orks and trolls that work in New York’s and New Jersey’s shipyards and other fields of manual labor nobody else wants to do. -Belleville: B: Belleville, NJ is made up primarily of commercial properties such as industrial parks, office complexes and manufacturing. Just on the northern edge of Arlington, Belleville guards its regentrification projects jealously. Rehabbers are turning older buildings into art galleries, loft apartments, and other low middle-class businesses and dwellings. This trend is spreading the big three law enforcement corporations thin as they try to contain the gang violence in Arlington. -Downtown: D (Sector 1): A ruined area, the old downtown of Newark. The area is a very poor residential and business area where people barely eke out a living well below the poverty line in the remains of old office towers and condemned buildings with faulty water and electrical systems. Gangs rule the streets here, and each claim one of the many Night Clubs and bars as their home turf. Chip addiction is big among the juvies, so is pre-teen parenthood. -East Orange: D (Sector 13): This is an area of toxic swamp and decayed urban housing tenements. Those who have stayed and managed to survive the ghouls here have gone so insane, they would just as soon kill you for your shoes as make a deal with you. And if you’re looking for magical assistance, this is the last place you’ll want to look. If there are any magicians here, they are all toxic, stalking the swamps and crumbling blocks with their abominations they call their spirits, nothing more than twisted horrible creatures marred by the blight of the land and the water. This area includes the Dead Zone of Rahway. No one lives here but ghouls, the wandering ganger or people on the run. There is no power or water but what people find for themselves. Devil rats, some as big as small dogs, infest the allies and the abandoned buildings. -Kearny: B. Industrial (Bad Area). (Sector 3). Coffin motels. Decrepit ferrocrete tenements. -Lyndhurst: A. Industrial (Good Area) -Orange: A. Industrial (Good Area) -West Orange: B. Industrial (Bad Area) Jersey City: Since the Quake of ’05, the Crash of 2029, and the Night of Rage of roughly 10 years later, Jersey City never really recovered. It’s formerly bustling downtown area is now home to only squatters, gutterpunks, chipheads, street punks, and gangers. This area is contained by the loop created by I-78 and I-95. The only relative safety here is found in the many coffin hotels, made from converted apartments and condos damaged from the quake. There are four subway mass transit stops, but all but one are closed. The one remaining open is Journal Square only because it deposits its unwashed masses in Terminal. Population: 864,486 Human: 62% Elf: 13% Dwarf: 11% Ork: 14% Troll: <1% Other: <1% 3 Districts -Bayonne: A. Industrial (Good Area) -Downtown: E. Abandoned Zones -Hoboken: B. Business, Lower-Middle Class Paterson: Paterson is at least attempting a regentrification, with having moved its downtown to a new location. A few minor corporations do business from the upper floors of the gleaming towers. The lower floors are public access shops, small restaurants, banks, and the like. Security is very tight. Squatters have taken over the old downtown blocks and the city has left the buildings and streets to rot. West Paterson has been holding its own for a long while, but time will only tell if it will fall the same way as the rest of Paterson, or go the way of Passaic. Population: 1,435,618 Human: 90% Elf: 4% Dwarf: 3% Ork: 1% Troll: 1% Other: 1% 5 Districts -Downtown: D. Residential, Very Poor -Garfield-Lodi: C. Residential, Poor -Passaic: AA. Downtown, Upper-Middle Class -Ridgewood: C: Industrial (Very Bad Area) -West Patterson: A. Downtown, Middle Class Elizabeth: (Security Rating A). Residential, Middle Class This little sprawl is a diamond in the blight. Surrounded by urban slums, Elizabeth makes the last stand for middle class residential living in the Sprawl. Population: 326,700 Human: 55% Elf: 43% Dwarf: 1% Ork: 1% Troll: <1% Other: <1% Edison: Population: 742,226 Human: 86% Elf: <1% Dwarf: 1% Ork: 5% Troll: 8% Other: 1% 2 Districts -Downtown: B. Residential, Lower-Middle Class. -Metuchen: AA. Downtown, Upper-Middle Class. Toms River 591,155: A. Industrial (Good Area) Trenton 113,103: E. Business, Slum. Camden: Population: 931,457 Human: 42% Elf: 2% Dwarf: 22% Ork: 20% Troll: 13% Other: 1% 3 Districts -Downtown: C. Business, Poor. -Cherry Hill: D. Business, Very Poor. -Bellmawr: C. Business, Poor. Clifton 101,014: C. Business, Poor. Brick Township: (Security Rating AA). Business, Upper-Middle Class Population: 151,141 Human: 69% Elf: 28% Dwarf: 2% Ork: <1% Troll: <1% Other: 1% Princeton: Population 9,415 (Security Rating E). Business, Slum Human: 50% Elf: 1% Dwarf: 3% Ork: 37% Troll: 9% Other: <1% Princeton, NJ never recovered after the Quake of 2005. And its hopes for any future recovery evaporated when the powers-that-be at the prestigious University decided to head for higher, and more secure, ground and moved to Edison, New Jersey in 2018 after years of bureaucracy and “filibustering”. The ensuing corporate war finally pushed Princeton University out and left the town of Princeton to rot. None of the buildings are fit for habitation and would be condemned if the New Jersey Dept. of Buildings and Standards ever bothered to give Princeton a scan. Now considered a slum, people live here still, but they aren’t “real” people (they don’t have SINs, after all), so the big three law enforcement corps figure they have more important assets to protect. Patrols are not assigned to places like Princeton and Winter Systems, Knight Errant, MinuteMan Security, nor Lone Star make any effort to prevent crimes from happening. They will respond if the victim has a SIN and calls in a complaint themselves, or if the violence makes headlines or threatens to spill over into more “important” areas like Edison. When law enforcement does respond, it’s very high level, usually including two Citymasters filled with 12-15 officers in heavy armor, plus one rigger per vehicle to handle drones and the Citymaster’s weapons, and at least two Combat Mages. Such force is always lead by an elite officer. The slums of Princeton are often where detectives and undercover operatives maintain contacts. The old University Campus seems to be home to a number of gangs, chipheads, burn-outs, squatters, and addicts. But, occasionally, you might find the rare item or person of value within this motley crew. A small black market has been created here by criminals and smugglers. The rest of the town looks totally abandoned. But it’s not. There are about 9,500 people left. More than enough to wage a full scale war. There may also be a couple nice hide-aways, but for the most part, Princeton qualifies as a slum. Titus Mill (A) Mount Rose (AA) (Princeton University): This is an upper-middle class area that won the Great Bonanza when the University relocated here. Anyone here who works, works for Princeton University. The posh businesses revolve around Princeton U., catering to the rich kids and even richer benefactors and corporate salarymen. The average income here is in the six figures, and the average home here can fit ten tenements in old Princeton, within which an ork family of ten must find space. Self-satisfied Princeton, on UCAS-206 11 km north of Trenton, the Town of Titus Mill, is home to Princeton University – the nation's fourth oldest, which broke away from the overly religious Yale in 1756. It began its days inauspiciously as Stony Brook in the late 1600s and then in 1724 became known as Princes Town, a coach stop between New York and Philadelphia. In January 1777, a week after Washington's triumph against the British at Trenton, the Battle of Princeton occurred southwest of the town of Princeton, the University’s old home. This victory, a turning point in the Revolutionary effort, bolstered the morale of Washington's troops before their long winter encampment at Morristown to the north. After the war, in 1783, the Continental Congress, fearful of potential attack from incensed unpaid veterans in Philadelphia, met here for four months; the leafy, well-kept town was then left in peace to follow its academic pursuits. Graduates of the university include actor James Stewart, jazz-age writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, and American Presidents Wilson and Madison. Today, it has moved to Titus Mill roughly ten years after the Quake of 2005. Princeton University is rumored to have been the birthplace of more than one of the famed Echo Mirage strike team that wiped out the last of the virus that crashed the world wide computer nets in 2029. There is little to do in this sleepy place called Titus Mill other than tour the university and see the historic sites. The campus is well guarded that it gives the Tir/Salish border patrols a bad name. Paranormal Animals, mostly Cocatrices and Barghests, guard the perimeters, along with powerful elementals, City Spirits, and Hearth Spirits. All offensive measures are non-lethal … lethality is often preferred to the Princeton University security measures. Its Matrix PLTG is just as tough: Orange 10 - 13/16/17/15/15 Host (Hard). Cedar Grove (B). Bad Industrial Area. Blawenburg (A). Downtown Middle Class. Rockingham (A). Business, Middle Class. Monmouth Junction (A). Industrial Area (Good) Cranbury (B) Business, Lower-Middle Class, Atlantic City: (Security Rating C). Population: 309,070 Human: 89% Elf: 5% Dwarf: 4% Ork: 1% Troll: 1% Other: <1%
  • New Jersey was a region in the North American continent of Earth, a political subdivision of the United States of America originally settled as a British colony.
  • New Jersey ist ein Bundesstaat der USA auf der Erde. 2368 entführt Berlinghoff Rasmussen Data und will ihn mit seiner Zeitkapsel ins 22. Jahrhundert nach New Jersey mitnehmen. (TNG: ) Tony Cicco aus dem Holoprogramm Bashir 62 verlegt Bajor nach New Jersey und Odo bestätigt dies. (DS9: )
  • The Hudson River forms a border between New York and New Jersey.
  • The state is on the Atlantic coast and borders New York State, Philadelphia and Delaware. New Jersey is one of the original 13 colonies that broke away from Great Britain and signed the Declaration of Independence.
  • New Jersey was a state of the United States of America in which the city of Trenton could be found. (TV: The Stones of Blood) Rex Matheson once compared Wales to New Jersey, because it was separated from England by the Severn Bridge, similar to the way New Jersey was separated from New York by bridges. (TV: The New World)
  • Main Page | About the Freedom Democrats Wiki | Find your State | Platform | Internet Links | Media Links | Literature | Contacts | Video | Forums | Endorsements | This page is for those in New Jersey who are interested in The Democratic Freedom Caucus.
  • Jersey Nova (New Jersey en engles) es un stato de la Statos Unida de America. La site capital es Trenton.
  • New Jersey (pronounced /njuː�ˈdʒɜrzi/, locally [nuː�ˈdʒɜrzi]) is a state in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It is bordered on the northeast by New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey lies largely within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia. It is the most densely populated state in the United States.
  • Greatest American country with so many intelligent jew businessmen.
  • On February 17, 1986, Tommy Raymond was born in Secaucus. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone" ) In 2320, Lewis Zimmerman, the future creator of the Emergency Medical Hologram, was born in Grover's Mill. (VOY: "Projections", set artwork) In 2368, Berlingoff Rasmussen, a 22nd century Human, had programmed a 26th century time-travel pod for a return course to New Jersey. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ) Intrigued with Odo's appearance, holodeck character Tony Cicci asked Odo where he was from. Odo responded that he was from Bajor; a location that Cicci unknowingly thought was located in "Jersey". (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang") In 1944 of an alternate timeline, in which Nazi Germany, with the help of the time-traveling Na'kuhl, had conquered the northeastern United States, Enterprise, monitoring an American counteroffensive from orbit, detected fighting a hundred kilometers south of New York City – while never mentioned by name, the geography of the United States would place this in mid-New Jersey. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In the original episode "The Neutral Zone" , Edward Raymond and Tommy Raymond, the sons of Donald Raymond and Clare Raymond, were born in Secaucus in the late 1980s. In the remastered episode, they were born in Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • New Jersey is a state in the northeastern United States of America on Earth. The ship carrying the artifacts uncovered by the Stewart expedition crashed off the coast New Jersey and were rediscovered in 2000. (SG1: "The Curse")
  • This page will contain a list of Autism resources available in the state of New Jersey.
  • New Jersey is one of fifty states in the United States of America.
  • This is the page for charting a course of action for winning the nomination in New Jersey. Please use the index below to find your county.
  • New Jersey is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north by New York, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the southwest by Delaware, and on the west by Pennsylvania. Parts of New Jersey lie within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York and Philadelphia.
  • NewJersey officially know as The Republic of New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the former United States.
  • Von Manhattan aus liegt New Jersey auf der anderen Seite des m bis n km breiten Hudson? River. Es gibt eine Brücke, die n km lange George Washington Bridge ... Tunnel ...
  • New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States. It is bordered on the north and east by the U.S. state of New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest by Delaware. New Jersey is the fourth-least extensive, but the 11th-most populous and the most densely populated of the 50 United States. New Jersey lies mostly within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York City and Philadelphia. It is also the second-wealthiest U.S. state by 2011 median household income. The area was inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, with historical tribes such as the Lenape along the coast. In the early 17th century, the Dutch and the Swedes made the first European settlements. The British later seized control of the region, naming it the Province of New Jersey. It was granted as a colony to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. At this time, it was named after the largest of the British Channel Islands, Jersey, Carteret's birthplace. New Jersey was the site of several decisive battles during the American Revolutionary War. In the 19th century, factories in cities such as Paterson, Newark, Trenton, and Elizabeth helped to drive the Industrial Revolution. New Jersey's geographic location at the center of the Northeast megalopolis, between Boston and New York City to the northeast, and Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C., to the southwest, fueled its rapid growth through the process of suburbanization in the 1950s and beyond.
  • The Chemical Coast is a region along the shores of Newark Bay, the Arthur Kill, and Raritan Bay. During Pre-War times, this stretch of coastline was heavily polluted, due to a concentration of factories and chemical plants. Post-War fallout and radiation has only made the environmental issues in the water and nearby coastline worse.
  • New Jersey is a eastern state in the United States. Leonard moved to Pasadena from NJ to take a job at Caltech. Leonard also went to Princeton University that is located in New Jersey. Beverly Hofstadter lives in New Jersey and Howard's mother Debbie Wolowitz was born there. New Jersey is the fourth smallest state, but the most densely populated situated and part of the New York City and Philadelphia metropolitan areas. Historically it was settled by the Lenape native Americans and colonized by the Dutch and Swedes in the late seventeenth century. After years as an English colony, several significant battles occurred during the American Revolution. A major source of agricultural and manufactured goods, the state grew rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century as a major suburban area. In popular perception, NJ gets a woefully bad press, thought of as a state where disposable income is in inverse proportion to good taste, marked by an uncouth and harsh-on-the-ear accent, people of minimal education and limited intellectual curiosity, and too close to major population centres (New York especially) to have any identity of its own. apart from the lowest-common-denominator bad stuff. (British readers will instantly perceive that in an ideal world, New Jersey should be twinned with Essex.) This is the home state of Leonard Hofstadter, possibly explaining why he got as far away from it as possible whilst remaining in the same country. Dialogue from The Graduation Transmission: Penny: I’ve never been to New Jersey before. Leonard: It gets a bad rap from shows like Jersey Shore and Real Housewives. Penny: So it’s not really like that? Leonard: No, it’s like that.
  • New Jersey is a State in the United States of America. Sharona Fleming lives there with her husband and child, Benjy Fleming.
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