  • J'Onn
  • J'onn
  • J'onn
  • J'onn
  • thumb|J'onn (2287) J'onn ist ein Bewohner des Planeten Nimbus III. Im Jahr 2287 begegnet J'onn dem Vulkanier Sybok. Sybok befreit ihn mittels einer Gedankenverschmelzung von seinem tiefsten Schmerz. Fortan folgt J'onn ihm und hilft ihm dabei die Hauptstadt des Planeten zu erobern und ein Raumschiff der Föderation zu stehlen. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) J'onn wurde von Rex Holman gespielt und von Werner Abrolat synchronisiert.
  • J'onn était un habitant de la planète Nimbus III dans les années 2280.
  • In 2287, J'onn was recruited by Sybok and served in the Galactic Army of Light. He, along with Sybok and his numerous followers, stormed Paradise City on Nimbus III. He warned St. John Talbot, the Federation's representative, to get away from the city's transmitter when he tried to call for assistance.
  • J'Onn was a male humanoid inhabitant of Nimbus III who lived in the 23rd century. J'Onn's life before Nimbus had been as a subject of Romulan rule in the Regulus system. At Regulus, J'Onn embezzled funds from his employer, and the punishment gave him a choice of exile or death. J'Onn was deported to become a settler on Nimbus III, along with his wife Zaara, who refused to denounce him.
  • 2287
  • J'onn
  • Active
  • J'Onn
Character Name
  • J'Onn
  • no
  • Unknown
  • Male
  • male
  • Zaara
  • thumb|J'onn (2287) J'onn ist ein Bewohner des Planeten Nimbus III. Im Jahr 2287 begegnet J'onn dem Vulkanier Sybok. Sybok befreit ihn mittels einer Gedankenverschmelzung von seinem tiefsten Schmerz. Fortan folgt J'onn ihm und hilft ihm dabei die Hauptstadt des Planeten zu erobern und ein Raumschiff der Föderation zu stehlen. (Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) J'onn wurde von Rex Holman gespielt und von Werner Abrolat synchronisiert.
  • J'onn était un habitant de la planète Nimbus III dans les années 2280.
  • J'Onn was a male humanoid inhabitant of Nimbus III who lived in the 23rd century. J'Onn's life before Nimbus had been as a subject of Romulan rule in the Regulus system. At Regulus, J'Onn embezzled funds from his employer, and the punishment gave him a choice of exile or death. J'Onn was deported to become a settler on Nimbus III, along with his wife Zaara, who refused to denounce him. On Nimbus, there was no hope. J'Onn and Zaara lived a meager existence searching for water in the desert. In 2287, Zaara died, and J'Onn resolved to suicide by working himself to death digging for water. It was while doing this that he encountered Sybok, on a quest to gain supporters for his Galactic Army of Light. Sybok used a Vulcan psionic technique, a form of mind meld, to help J'Onn resolve his grief, and gained his allegiance. He was part of the force that kidnapped the Romulan, Klingon, and Terran ambassadors to Paradise City, the capital of Nimbus III. After luring the USS Enterprise-A to Nimbus III, he and the rest of Sybok's group stole the vessel to take it to the center of the galaxy, the fabled location of Sha Ka Ree. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
  • In 2287, J'onn was recruited by Sybok and served in the Galactic Army of Light. He, along with Sybok and his numerous followers, stormed Paradise City on Nimbus III. He warned St. John Talbot, the Federation's representative, to get away from the city's transmitter when he tried to call for assistance. Afterwards, he accompanied Sybok on his voyage to the center of the galaxy on the USS Enterprise-A, the vessel dispatched by Starfleet to rescue the hostages on Nimbus III. After the shuttlecraft Galileo crashed in the Enterprise's shuttlebay, he escorted Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Spock, and Dr. Leonard McCoy to the ship's brig on Sybok's orders. Later, he was injured on the bridge, when Klaa attacked the Enterprise. He later served beverages to both the Enterprise-A crew and the Klingon contingent of Klaa's ship, in the Enterprise's observation lounge. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
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