  • Second Lieutenant
  • Second lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant is a junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces.
  • Second Lieutenant ist ein traditioneller Infanterie-Rang von der Erde. Es ist der niedrigste Offizierdienstgrad, den Kadetten der Offiziersschule nach ihrem Abschluss erhalten. Der Dienstgrad ist dem Fähnrich der Sternenflotte gleichgestellt. Der Dienstgrad entspricht dem Leutnant im Deutschen Heer. In der Simulation des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf dem Holodeck der USS Voyager nehmen mehrere Hirogen die Rollen von deutschen Offizieren mit diesem Rang an. (VOY: ) Gene Roddenberrys Dienstgrad während des Zweiten Weltkriegs war Second Lieutenant.
  • 少尉は、大抵の場合士官になった際、初めての階級となる。彼らは中尉から24カ月のアフターサービスを受ける。 非公式設定で少尉は"大尉"または"LT"と呼ばれる。
  • Second Lieutenant is a junior Commissioned Officer of the Space Marine Corps.
  • Second lieutenant is the lowest officer rank used by the MACOs and Federation Marines, superior to enlisted grades and subordinate to First Lieutenant and Marine Captain. A second lieutenant commands a platoon, about 30 troops. The rank is equivalent to the Starfleet rank of ensign.
  • A Second Lieutenant is an army rank equivalent to Ensign in seniority. A Second Lieutenant is typically senior to any enlisted personnel and junior to a 1st Lieutenant. Second Lieutenants are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "2Lt." or "2LT".
  • Second lieutenant is a junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces.
  • Second Lieutenant ist der unterste Offiziersdienstgrad. Er unterstützt den Kompanieführer. In der Regel gibt es diesen Rang zweimal pro Kompanie. Im Gefecht ist es seine Aufgabe, zusammen mit Serganten hinter der Gefechtslinie, deren zusammenhalt zu überwachen und keine Lücken enstehen zu lassen. Er übernimmt die Führung, wenn die anderen Offiziere ausfallen. Sold: US/CS ca. 100$
  • Second Lieutenant is the lowest Starfleet Marine Corps officer rank. Second Lieutenants are fresh from the Starfleet Marine Academy and have little to no in field experience. As such they generally serve as adjutants to higher ranking officers or in support capacities in platoons and companies.
  • A Second Lieutenant usually receives a promotion to First Lieutenant after eighteen to twenty-four months of active service. In informal settings, Second Lieutenants are referred to simply as "Lieutenant". This rank was commonly given to Initiates who had not yet been given a master, but were participating in either Corps as part of their curriculum.
  • Second Lieutenant is the second lowest Colonial Marine Corps officer rank. Second Lieutenants have little to no in field experience. As such they generally serve as adjutants to higher ranking officers or in support capacities in platoons and companies.
  • Second Lieutenant is a military rank that represents an officer at the middle of a commissioned rank scale. It is often parallel to the Naval rank of Ensign.
  • Second lieutenant is the lowest officer rank used by the MACOs and Federation Marines, superior to enlisted grades and subordinate to first lieutenant and captain. A second lieutenant commands a platoon, about 30 troops. MACO lieutenants did not appear in Star Trek: Enterprise to avoid audience confusion over rank names. This rank is also used in the Bajoran Militia and other armies. (DS9) The rank is equivalent to the Starfleet rank of ensign, and lieutenant in the Federation Starfighter Corps.
  • <default>Second Lieutenant</default> Affiliation Higher rank Lower rank Command Known Second Lieutenants [Source] • [Talk] Second Lieutenant is a junior Company Grade Commissioned officer rank of the UNSC Marine Corps, UNSC Army, and UNSC Air Force; it is the lowest commissioned officer rank and is equal in rank to Ensign in the UNSC Navy. Second Lieutenants are given command of platoons, such as the case of Second Lieutenant Oros in Halo: The Flood. In informal settings, Second Lieutenants are referred to simply as "Lieutenant" or "LT."
  • Second Lieutenant was a lesser grade of lieutenant, below First Lieutenant. It was used in the military forces of various galactic governments, including the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. This rank was also used for Clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic placed above a Sergeant-Major but below a Lieutenant. Like Lieutenants, 2nd Lieutenants could command a platoon, and had blue markings in the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Confederacy of Independent Systems also used the rank.
  • Second lieutenant was a military rank. A traditional infantry rank, second lieutenant was the lowest officer grade, subordinate to a first lieutenant. Infantry lieutenants fell below captain, and commanded a platoon, consisting of about thirty troops. In comparison to naval ranking systems, a second lieutenant was equivalent to the grade of ensign or sublieutenant, depending on the specific arrangement. A Japanese officer wearing second lieutenant insignia on his epaulets was among the Humans captured by the Briori in 1937. (VOY: "The 37's")
  • This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Second Lieutenant article. Take me to the Second Lieutenant article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • Platoon
  • 小隊
Higher Rank
  • 2
  • O2 .png
base width
  • 144
  • *Dalu *McCasky *Oros
  • *Dell Morris
  • *ダル *McCasky *オロス *フェイソン
  • Second Lieutenant
  • 少尉
  • Earth Second lieutenant
  • SS2Ltbrds.jpg
  • Red .png
  • Green .png
  • Gold .png
  • 0
  • SS patch 2nd lieutenant.png
Lower Rank
  • 0
float width
  • 144
  • Second Lieutenant is a junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces.
  • Second Lieutenant ist ein traditioneller Infanterie-Rang von der Erde. Es ist der niedrigste Offizierdienstgrad, den Kadetten der Offiziersschule nach ihrem Abschluss erhalten. Der Dienstgrad ist dem Fähnrich der Sternenflotte gleichgestellt. Der Dienstgrad entspricht dem Leutnant im Deutschen Heer. In der Simulation des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf dem Holodeck der USS Voyager nehmen mehrere Hirogen die Rollen von deutschen Offizieren mit diesem Rang an. (VOY: ) Gene Roddenberrys Dienstgrad während des Zweiten Weltkriegs war Second Lieutenant.
  • 少尉は、大抵の場合士官になった際、初めての階級となる。彼らは中尉から24カ月のアフターサービスを受ける。 非公式設定で少尉は"大尉"または"LT"と呼ばれる。
  • Second lieutenant was a military rank. A traditional infantry rank, second lieutenant was the lowest officer grade, subordinate to a first lieutenant. Infantry lieutenants fell below captain, and commanded a platoon, consisting of about thirty troops. In comparison to naval ranking systems, a second lieutenant was equivalent to the grade of ensign or sublieutenant, depending on the specific arrangement. This rank was used by the United States armed forces and police, represented by a single rectangular gold bar uniform insignia beginning around the 20th century. 2nd lieutenants existed in other Earth nations, such as World War II Germany and Japan. Japanese second lieutenants wore a single star on a red epaulet with one wide center gold braid flanked by thinner braids on either side. In the German armies, this was translated as Leutnant, but in the SS, second lieutenants were referred to as Untersturmführer ("junior storm leader"). The collar insignia for this was a black square bordered with white, with three silver pips in a diagonal line. A Japanese officer wearing second lieutenant insignia on his epaulets was among the Humans captured by the Briori in 1937. (VOY: "The 37's") In a holodeck simulation of a Nazi campaign in France, a group of Hirogen hunters took the persona of 1940s German officers. The Beta Hirogen, named Turanj, wore an SS uniform displaying the insignia for Untersturmführer. (VOY: "The Killing Game", "The Killing Game, Part II") An SS Untersturmführer was part of Vosk and Adolf Hitler's alternate timeline invasion of the USA. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 9) , 2nd lieutenant was a rank in the Military Assault Command Operations in the 2150s. The insignia for this rank was on display in a diagran of MACO rank and insignia. This chart shows only general equivalencies based on the ranks used by many governments on Earth, as well as the rest of the galaxy.
  • Second Lieutenant is a junior Commissioned Officer of the Space Marine Corps.
  • Second lieutenant is the lowest officer rank used by the MACOs and Federation Marines, superior to enlisted grades and subordinate to First Lieutenant and Marine Captain. A second lieutenant commands a platoon, about 30 troops. The rank is equivalent to the Starfleet rank of ensign.
  • A Second Lieutenant is an army rank equivalent to Ensign in seniority. A Second Lieutenant is typically senior to any enlisted personnel and junior to a 1st Lieutenant. Second Lieutenants are addressed by rank and name, thereafter by subordinates as "Sir" or "Ma'am". The rank is usually abbreviated to "2Lt." or "2LT".
  • This page give you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Second Lieutenant article. Take me to the Second Lieutenant article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Second Lieutenant link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links.
  • Second lieutenant is a junior commissioned officer military rank in many armed forces.
  • Second Lieutenant ist der unterste Offiziersdienstgrad. Er unterstützt den Kompanieführer. In der Regel gibt es diesen Rang zweimal pro Kompanie. Im Gefecht ist es seine Aufgabe, zusammen mit Serganten hinter der Gefechtslinie, deren zusammenhalt zu überwachen und keine Lücken enstehen zu lassen. Er übernimmt die Führung, wenn die anderen Offiziere ausfallen. Sold: US/CS ca. 100$
  • Second Lieutenant is the lowest Starfleet Marine Corps officer rank. Second Lieutenants are fresh from the Starfleet Marine Academy and have little to no in field experience. As such they generally serve as adjutants to higher ranking officers or in support capacities in platoons and companies.
  • A Second Lieutenant usually receives a promotion to First Lieutenant after eighteen to twenty-four months of active service. In informal settings, Second Lieutenants are referred to simply as "Lieutenant". This rank was commonly given to Initiates who had not yet been given a master, but were participating in either Corps as part of their curriculum.
  • Second Lieutenant is the second lowest Colonial Marine Corps officer rank. Second Lieutenants have little to no in field experience. As such they generally serve as adjutants to higher ranking officers or in support capacities in platoons and companies.
  • Second Lieutenant is a military rank that represents an officer at the middle of a commissioned rank scale. It is often parallel to the Naval rank of Ensign.
  • <default>Second Lieutenant</default> Affiliation Higher rank Lower rank Command Known Second Lieutenants [Source] • [Talk] Second Lieutenant is a junior Company Grade Commissioned officer rank of the UNSC Marine Corps, UNSC Army, and UNSC Air Force; it is the lowest commissioned officer rank and is equal in rank to Ensign in the UNSC Navy. Second Lieutenants are given command of platoons, such as the case of Second Lieutenant Oros in Halo: The Flood. Second Lieutenant is an entry-level rank for most commissioned officers. A Second Lieutenant usually receives a promotion to First Lieutenant after eighteen to twenty-four months of active service. In informal settings, Second Lieutenants are referred to simply as "Lieutenant" or "LT."
  • Second lieutenant is the lowest officer rank used by the MACOs and Federation Marines, superior to enlisted grades and subordinate to first lieutenant and captain. A second lieutenant commands a platoon, about 30 troops. MACO lieutenants did not appear in Star Trek: Enterprise to avoid audience confusion over rank names. This rank is also used in the Bajoran Militia and other armies. (DS9) The rank is equivalent to the Starfleet rank of ensign, and lieutenant in the Federation Starfighter Corps.
  • Second Lieutenant was a lesser grade of lieutenant, below First Lieutenant. It was used in the military forces of various galactic governments, including the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. This rank was also used for Clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic placed above a Sergeant-Major but below a Lieutenant. Like Lieutenants, 2nd Lieutenants could command a platoon, and had blue markings in the early stages of the Clone Wars. The Confederacy of Independent Systems also used the rank. Kyle Katarn served as a Second Lieutenant in the Stormtrooper Corps. Alfonso Luiz Obota was a Second Lieutenant in Rebel Alliance Special Operations and Momo in the Imperial Army. Hurati was a Second Lieutenant in the CIS before his promotion to captain.
is Higher Rank of
is Current Commander of
is Title of
is Rank of
is Lower Rank of