  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan Revan, znany także jako Darth Revan, był Jedi ery nazwanej jego imieniem. Brał czynny udział w Wojnach o Naboo. Brał udział w wojnach z Darthem Nihilusem, Darthem Haagenem i Darthem Sionem.
  • Revan, later known as Darth Revan, was a male Human Jedi and Sith Lord during the Jedi Civil War.
  • Revan was a Sith Lord and leader of the Sith Empire until he was captured by a group of Jedi who wiped his memory and enlisted him into the Republic army, he was later re-trained as a Jedi and was sent on a quest to find the Star Forge, an ancient battlestation capable of manufacturing thousands of Ships and Battle Droids at an alarming rate, with the help of several companions, Revan destroyed the Star Forge and killed Malak, his former apprentice.
  • Revan, to silny Mocą mężczyzna gatunku ludzkiego.
  • Tracking down the ancient Star Maps, Revan discovered the space station known as the Star Forge. Though he became a feared and ruthless Sith Lord, Revan lost his memories after nearly being killed by his traitorous apprentice Malak. He was voiced by Rino Romano in Knights of the Old Republic and by Jeff Bennett in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  • Revan was a Slimer who instigated an uprising in Baktan to give his people rights over the "superior" Eskoni. (PROSE: Coldheart) File:CharStub.png
  • He appears at Fabulizor Spaceship to used his machine.
  • Revan fue conocido como el mas grande de los jedi, y a la vez como el mas poderoso de los Lord Sith. Se desconoce de que planeta proviene, solo se sabe que era un planeta del borde exterior. Tras llegar al Enclave Jedi, pasó años entrenándose con muchos Maestros como el Maestro Zhar Lestin, el Maestro Dorak, la Maestra Arren Kae y el Maestro Vandar Tokare. Pero su primera y última Maestra fue Kreia (Darth Traya).
  • Revan era un Jedi vissuto negli anni della Vecchia Repubblica.
  • link=RevanRevan , også kjent som "The force walker", ble født rundt år 3994 BBY. Han ble lokket til Keiserens side og slaktet i hans navn helt til han løsrev seg og startet en vendetta som skulle føre til hans fenglsling i flere hundre år. Derfra toturerte keiseren Revan igjennom hans sinn, men på samme måte som Keiseren var i Revans sinn, var Revan også i keiserens. Revan så keiseren som en uungåelig skjebne for hele universet og viet sitt liv til å beseire ham.
  • Revan was the King of the Rakshasa, ruler in ancient tinmes of the Ivory Kingdoms. The Rakshasa treated humans as cattle until Vishnu the Preserver reincarnated in Arun ended ther reign of terror. Arun gathered an army of mischievous but good-hearted shapeshifting spirits who overthrew Revan from the power. Half a dozen of Revan's brothers, the Greater Rakshasa, survived.
  • Revan is an active player on POTCO. He was the founder of the Ancient Empire. He used to be the GM of Pirate Council Guild. The Guild gave him a chance at an empire, a chance of ruling the seas, but he quit the guild and turned away. He did this because he knew the pirate lords were the rulers of the seas. Later, he started to regret his choice, trying to take control of the Caribbean, he started the Ancient Empire.
  • Revan, also known as Darth Revan, was a Jedi Knight and briefly a Dark Lord of the Sith. Revan turned to the Dark Side along with his friend, Darth Malak. Revan became Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Darth Malak became his Sith apprentice. Darth Revan was later betrayed by Darth Malak and captured by the Jedi. Revan was redeemed by the Jedi and became a servant of the light once again. With the help of his friends, Revan redeemed Bastilla Shan, killed Darth Malak, and destroyed the Star Forge. After that, Revan disappeared.
  • After winning the war at the Battle of Malachor V, he, along with his longtime friend Malak, vanished into the Unknown Regions. Some time later he returned to known space, wearing the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith and leading an empire of his own with which to conquer the Republic. The conflict that resulted eventually saw Revan captured, his memories suppressed and a new identity implanted into his mind. However, during the quest to find and destroy the Star Forge, the true Revan re-emerged. Accepting the chance to atone for his dark ways, he joined with Bastila Shan and a number of other companions in helping to defeat the Sith. Later, he departed the Republic, bound for parts unknown.
  • Revan - renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.
  • Revan, also known as the Revanchist and feared as the Sith Lord Darth Revan , was an a Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. A human male, and acknowledged as a very gifted Force-sensitive pupil, he was trained as a Padawan by number of other Jedi Masters and Kreia, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine.
  • Revan, senere kaldt the Revanchist og Darth Revan da han blev en Dark Lord of the Sith var en mand og menneske som spillede store roller som både Jedi og Sith i de Mandalorian Krige og i Jedi Civil Krigen. Man tror han var født i Outer Rim's Territorier. Revan var født ca. ved 3994 BBY og studerede under et antal forskellige Jedi Mestre, for at blive en Padawan. Han blev hurtigt ven med en anden student, ved navn Alek. Den unge mand blev en Jedi Kriger og gik imod ordre fra Jedi Ordren og hjalp til i de Mandalorian Krige, som var imellem den Galaktiske Republik og Mandalorian kriger klanerne. Han ledte Revanchist bevægelsen og gik imod Jedi Rådet's ønsker. Da han dræbte en af de Mandalorian klan ledere, tog han lederens maske, og gik med den. Han var derefter udnævnt som Supreme Kommandør.
  • Revan—renombrado como el Revanchista, honorado como el Revan, denostado como Revan el Carnicero, temido como el Señor Oscuro de los Sith Darth Revan, y alabado como el Caballero Pródigo—fue un humano que tuvo papeles importantes tanto como Jedi y Sith en las Guerras Mandalorianas y la Guerra Civil Jedi. Posiblemente originario de los territorios del Borde Exterior, el hombre posteriormente conocido como Revan nació alrededor del año 3.994 ABY y estudió bajo un número de distintos Maestros Jedi como Padawan en la Orden Jedi. Haciéndose amigo rápidamente de un estudiante llamado Alek, el joven se convirtió en un Caballero Jedi y fue un ruidoso y carismático crítico de la inactividad de la Orden durante las concurrentes Guerras Mandalorianas entre la República Galáctica y la cultura guerrera
  • Revan bol veľmi nadaný Jedi snáď vo všetkých smeroch. Trénoval pod mnohými majstrami, ako boli Majstri Zhar, Kae a Dorak. Hlavná majsterka bola Kreia neskôr Darth Traya. Hovorilo sa, že bol budúcnosťou rádu Jedi. Jediná jeho veľká slabina bola umenie v sile. Počas Mandalorianskej vojny sa však aj napriek odporu Rady Jedi postavil do čela armád Republiky spoločne s mnohými mladými Jedimi, pre ktorých bol Revan ikonou - začali si hovoriť Revanisti. Po príchode Revana na bojisko sa karta veľmi rýchlo obrátila. Vďaka svojmu briliatnému taktickému mysleniu donútil Mandalorianov k ústupu a nakoniec ich aj drtivo porazil v bitke na Malachore V, kde zabil vodcu Mandalorianov Mandalora a vzal jeho helmu, bez nej si nemohli Mandaloriani zvoliť nového vodcu. Bohužiaľ vojna a Malachor V si na Revanovi
  • Revan war ein menschlicher Jedi-Meister und späterer Sith-Lord zur Zeit der Alten Republik. Zur Zeit der Mandalorianischen Kriege widersetzte er sich der Anweisung des Jedi-Rates, die kampfhungrigen Mandalorianer, die die Galaxis überfielen, nicht zu bekämpfen und sammelte zusammen mit seinem Padawan Alek Anhänger, mit denen er die Invasoren zurückschlug und in der Schlacht von Malachor V besiegte. Danach jagte er gemeinsam mit Malak überlebende Mandalorianer, wobei sie auf den Planeten Dromund Kaas stießen. Dort trafen sie auf den Sith-Imperator, der die beiden Jedi auf die Dunkle Seite zog. Gemeinsam mit Malak suchte er unter dem Namen Darth Malak erfolgreich nach der Sternenschmiede, einer alten Superwaffe der Rakata mit der sie sich dem Imperator allerdings widersetzten, indem sie ihr
  • Revan was a Jedi Knight and General during the Mandalorian Wars. A Human male once known by the nickname, the Revanchist, he was both a charismatic and enigmatic leader, a renowned tactician and expert strategist, and a hero of the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars, leading the Republic fleets to victory after victory. Ending the conflict personally, with the execution of Mandalore the Ultimate and the destruction of Malachor V; Revan led the remains of the Republic fleet deep into the Unknown Regions to hunt down the remaining Mandalorians. He returned however, as Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith.
  • Revan - jedan od najjačih sitova svih vremena a uz to i jedia! thumb Revan je bio moć. Gledati u njega bilo je kao gledati u samo srce sile. Čak se i tada moglo vidjeti da Jedi koje je ubio će biti duboko urezani u njegovoj duši. – Jedi master Kreia govorila je tako o jednom do rijetkih koji su bili povezani sa silom kao jedan nitko osim njega i Anakina nije mogao biti takav.Odobrani!Iako ne od same sile kao Anakin i Revan je bio odabran na svoj način.
  • Revan erat iedaius-miles notus Rei Publicae Veteris aera. Intererat bellis Mandalorianis vicitque. Postea cum Malace in Regiones ignotas venit et ibi in planeta Dromund-Kaase Nigellum latus Roboris accepit a principe sithum. Post revertendum in Galacticam ut dux sithum Bellum civile iedaiorum incepit utens fornace stellari nominansque se Darthem. Post revertendum ad lucem propter Ordinem iedaiorum, tradendum a Malace discipulo suo et Bastilam Shanem vicit Principatum sithum suum non tenens memoria historiam suam per annum. Delevit sithes manentes in Corribane abiitque ad principatum sithum vivificatum inveniendum, sed captus est a Darthe Naerisse. Mitra Suric et Scorgius eum servaverunt veneruntque cum eo ad principem sithum necandum, sed in pugno Mitra a Scorgio necata est Revanque in vin
  • Revan oli arvoituksellinen jediritari ja kenraali Vanhan Tasavallan aikana. Hän oli karismaattinen johtaja, potentiaalinen Voiman käyttäjä ja loistava taktikko, johtaessaan Tasavallan voittoon mandalorialaisia vastaan. Sodan jälkeen hän kuitenkin kääntyi Voiman pimeälle puolelle ja otti nimekseen Darth Revan. Hän alkoi siten kerätä voimia Tasavaltaa vastaan ja aloitti jedien sisällissodan. Revan valloitti suuren osan Tasavallan alueesta ja kehitti mahtavaa imperiumia, mutta joutui lopulta jedien ansaan ja oman oppilaansa, Darth Malakin, pettämäksi.
  • Canonicamente Maschio
  • 60
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Champion
  • Ρέβαν
  • Ρέβαν
  • Ρέβαν
  • Ρέβαν
  • Ρέβαν
  • Galaktická Republika
  • Revanisti
  • Revanovo Sithské Impérium
  • Rád Jedi
  • Sithské Impérium
  • Masculin
  • Sconosciuto, Deralia
  • Non est notum, fortasse, Deralia
  • Darth Malak
  • Darth Malak
  • *Meetra Surik *Darth Malak *Scourge
  • *Zakon Jedi *Sithowie *Revanżyści *Cesarstwo Naboo
  • 1.9
  • 250
  • *Jediritarikunta *Galaktinen Tasavalta *Sithit *Sithien Imperiumi
  • männlich
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Dorak *Arren Kae *Vandar Tokare
  • człowiek
  • Marrón oscuro
  • Revan
  • 3641
  • 3951
  • 3957
  • —c. 3.643 ABY
  • Entre 3.957 y 3.956 ABY
  • *Orden Jedi **Cruzados Jedi *República Galáctica **Cuerpos de Misericordia de la República **Ejército de la República *Imperio Sith Resurgido *Imperio Sith de Revan *Orden de Revan
  • Jedi Ordenen Revans Sith Imperie Den Galaktiske Republikken
  • Braun
  • 3642
  • 3956
  • 3959
  • 3962
  • Revan
  • Meetra Surik
  • Darth Malak
  • Darth Malgus
  • Eventualmente Rans
  • Eventualmente Twitch
  • Kreia
  • Usurpador mandaloriano de HK-47
Data urodzenia
  • 3994
  • 111.0
  • *3.642 ABY,La Fundición *3.640 ABY, Yavin 4
  • Revan
  • 250
  • Umano
  • ciemny brąz
  • 3994
  • Clara
  • 3994
  • A discrezione del giocatore
  • *Jedi-Meister *Sith-Lord
  • Marrón oscuro
  • DXbchkKn.jpg
  • ciemny brąz
  • *Ordine Jedi *Sith
  • 3951
  • 3997
  • –3.956 ABY
  • Entre 3.957 –3.956 ABY
  • Ei tiedossa
  • c. 3.994 ABY, posiblemente en el Borde Exterior
  • 1
  • Darth Malak
  • Ei tiedossa
  • Ei tiedossa, lopulta Kreia
  • Ei tiedossa, lopulta Twitch
  • Braun
  • Mann
  • Ninguno
  • Davik Kang
  • Meetra Surik
  • Dueño de HK-47 de la Coporación Systech
  • Eventualmente Exar Kun con Ulic Qel-Droma
  • Queedle Molto
  • Twitch
  • Zoriis Bafka
  • 3642
  • Ei tiedossa
  • *Tinlavius Skywalker *Meetra Surik *Darth Malak *Scourge
  • *Jedi-Orden *Gakaktische Republik *Darth Revans Sith-Imperium
  • Ei tiedossa, keltaiset
force power
  • cca 3,994 PBY
  • 레반
  • 레반
  • unknown
  • Rino Romano Jeff Bennett
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • None *Jedi Order *Sith Empire
  • Unknown
  • Dark brown
  • Unknown, yellow
  • Señor Oscuro de los Sith
  • Dueño del Halcón de Ébano
  • Comandante Supremo del Ejército de la República
  • Amo de HK-47
  • Campeón de Carreras Swoop del Sector Arkanis
  • Campeón de Carreras Swoop del Sector Manaan
  • Campeón de Duelo de Taris
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Deceased
  • * * *s * *
  • *Sith *Galactic Republic *Jedi Order
  • *Jedi Order **Revanchists *Galactic Republic **Republic Mercy Corps **Republic Military *Resurgent Sith Empire *Revan's Sith Empire *Order of Revan
  • *Ordre Jedi *République Galactique * *Empire Sith *Revanites
  • Boss,Neutral
  • 'Kingdom Hearts: Night of The War'
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan#legends
  • Black
  • Dark brown
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • ريفان
  • ريفان
  • ريفان
  • Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal
  • Episode Commentary #3.17: Ghosts of Mortis
  • Interference
  • The Force Unleashed Preview 3
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Revan
  • Furvus, flavus in nigello latere Roboris
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Dorak *Arren Kae
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Dorak *Arren Kae
  • Sithin musta valtias
  • Ebon Hawkin omistaja
  • Tarisin kaksintaisteluringin mestari
  • Arkaniksen sektorin kiituriajojen mestari
  • Manaanin sektorin kiituriajojen mestari
  • 3956
  • 3959
  • KotOR y KotOR II
farba očí
  • tmavo hnedá
  • *Res Publica Galacticae **classis aut exercitus Rei Publicae *Ordo iedaiorum *Revanchistae *Principatus sithum vivificatus *Principatus sithum Darthis Revanis
  • 260
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Дарт Реван
  • Дарт Реван
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
Data śmierci
  • nieznana
  • *Dark Revan *Revan Le Boucher *Avner
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • 250
  • *Sith Empire *Old Republic
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • Реван
  • *Galactic Republic *Sith Empire *Order of Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Jedi
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • 3642
  • 3956
  • 3959
  • 3962
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal
  • Interference
  • RevanKotor.jpg
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • レヴァン
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Unknown,
  • Deralia
  • Sable de Luz Rojo , Sable de Luz Rojo y Violeta . Azul, Amarillo y Verde para el jugador.
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • 2307595
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/BtT1
  • default.asp?x=starwars/article/FUpreview3
  • explore/the-clone-wars/ep317/#!/media/commentary
  • hyperspace/fiction/interference20090929.html
  • Light
  • Fair
  • fff
  • *Maître Jedi *Seigneur Noir des Sith
  • Menneske
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • Revan
  • *3642 BBY, the Foundry *c. 3638 BBY, Yavin 4
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Dorak *Arren Kae
  • *Kreia * * * *
  • *Arren Kae *Kreia *Master Dorak *Zhar Lestin *Yuthura Ban
  • *Sabre laser *La Force
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Darth Revan
  • Lord_Revan.jpg
  • Jedi
  • c. 3994 BBY, believed to be somewhere in the Outer Rim
  • Yavin IV
  • Rishi
  • The Foundry
  • Maelstrom Prison
miejsce i data urodzenia:
  • 3994
  • 1
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Arren Kae
  • * *3638 av.BY, Yavin 4
Kolor włosów
  • ciemno brunatny
  • Zakon JediSithowie
kolor oczu:
  • ciemno brunatny
Kolor skóry
  • jasny
  • 3641
  • 3951
  • 3957
  • –c. 3643 BBY
  • c. 3957–3956 BBY
farba kože
  • svetlá
  • Revan.png
  • Ebon Hawk
rasa (gatunek):
  • mężczyzna
  • A discrezione del giocatore, gialli
  • 3951
  • 3997
  • –3956 BBY
  • c. 3957–3956 BBY
  • Revan
  • *Meetra Surik *Darth Malak *Scourge
  • Ukjent Har bodd på Coruscant
  • *Kreia *Zhar Lestin *Dorak Quinn *Arren Kae
  • KreiaZhar LestinDorakArren Kae
  • Darth MalakMeetra Surik Scourge
  • Darth Malak
miejsce i data śmierci:
  • 3640
  • * Darth Malak
známy padawani
  • 3983
  • *Mitra Suric *Darth Malac *Scorgius *Bastila Shan
  • *Creia *Dorac *Arren Caius *Zhar Lestin *Iuthura Ban
  • 250
  • Túnica de Darth Revan y Túnica de Duron Qel-Droma
  • 3640
farba vlasov
  • tmavo hnedá
známy majstri
  • Revan Revan, znany także jako Darth Revan, był Jedi ery nazwanej jego imieniem. Brał czynny udział w Wojnach o Naboo. Brał udział w wojnach z Darthem Nihilusem, Darthem Haagenem i Darthem Sionem.
  • Revan, later known as Darth Revan, was a male Human Jedi and Sith Lord during the Jedi Civil War.
  • Revan was a Sith Lord and leader of the Sith Empire until he was captured by a group of Jedi who wiped his memory and enlisted him into the Republic army, he was later re-trained as a Jedi and was sent on a quest to find the Star Forge, an ancient battlestation capable of manufacturing thousands of Ships and Battle Droids at an alarming rate, with the help of several companions, Revan destroyed the Star Forge and killed Malak, his former apprentice.
  • Revan - jedan od najjačih sitova svih vremena a uz to i jedia! thumb Revan je bio moć. Gledati u njega bilo je kao gledati u samo srce sile. Čak se i tada moglo vidjeti da Jedi koje je ubio će biti duboko urezani u njegovoj duši. – Jedi master Kreia govorila je tako o jednom do rijetkih koji su bili povezani sa silom kao jedan nitko osim njega i Anakina nije mogao biti takav.Odobrani!Iako ne od same sile kao Anakin i Revan je bio odabran na svoj način. Rođen na planetu Obsodion blizu Korribana. Bio je jedino dijete u obitelji koja mu nije dopuštala da ide u jedi akademiju. Kao mali naišao je na stari sith hram gdje je našao sith holocorn kojeg je uspio pokrenuti i vidjeti svu silinu sitova i mračne strane sile. Vidjevši to poželi odmah ići na akademiju, pošto ga roditelji nisu pustili na njima iskali svoj bijes. Nije poznato kojom se moći koristio ali kako su im bile sve kosti u tijelu uništena najbliža je toj moći force crash - tu silu su samo sitovi koristili ali je Darth Sidius nikad nije uspio svladati, a samo jedan jedi se koristio njome a to je Mace Windu koji ju je upotrijebio na generalu Grievous-u zbog čega je on imao malo problema s disanjem u osveti sitha. Revan je bio shrvan što je ubio roditelje te se povukao u jedi hram gdje ga je pronašao Jedi Master Vendor. Koji je osjetio kako je mladić jak u sili te ga doveo na Dantooin, gdje je Revan bio obučen u Jedi Enklavi od Jedi Mastera Vendora do 15 godine kad je dobio za mentoricu Kreiu od koje je i sam više znao i bio jači. Pošto od nje nije mogao ništa korisno naučiti a imao je neizrecivu moć te je mogao učiti od drugih jedi mastera kao što su Zhar, Dorak i Kae u to vrijeme stekao je prijatelja koji se zvao Malak iako je bio jak u sili njegova moć nije dorasla Revanu. U svoje slobodno vrijeme Revan je radio na droidu HK – 47 jednom od najvećih ubojica u galaksiji. Njih dvojica su jednog dana nabasali na stari hram nedaleko od Jedi Enklave gdje je malak rekao Revanu « Jel ovo mudro. Ako jednom prođemo kroz ta vrata nikad se više nećemo moći vratiti. Jedi viječe će nas sigurno kazniti » Ali su prošli i otkrili star map koja je vodila do star forgea ali su morali skupiti sve dijelove koji su bili na drugim planetima bilo ih je 5. No prijetnja za republiku je ponovo bila od Mandalorijanaca koji su napali i ovako oslabljenu republiku od velikog sith rata. Revan i Malak su krenuli u rat i ne samo oni veći i oni koji su bili stariji iskusniji slušali su Revana koji je bio padawan a oni Masteri ili Knightovi. A jedan među njima bio je njegov najbolji general, Jedi čije ime se ne zna te je prozvan Exile zbog toga što je izbačen iz reda jel je slijedio Revana u rat. On je zapovjedio svom najboljem čovjeku Bao Duru da upotrijebi mass shadov najjače oružije tog vremena s kojim je bila uništena cijela neprijateljska flota i pola republičke.
  • Revan, to silny Mocą mężczyzna gatunku ludzkiego.
  • Revan, senere kaldt the Revanchist og Darth Revan da han blev en Dark Lord of the Sith var en mand og menneske som spillede store roller som både Jedi og Sith i de Mandalorian Krige og i Jedi Civil Krigen. Man tror han var født i Outer Rim's Territorier. Revan var født ca. ved 3994 BBY og studerede under et antal forskellige Jedi Mestre, for at blive en Padawan. Han blev hurtigt ven med en anden student, ved navn Alek. Den unge mand blev en Jedi Kriger og gik imod ordre fra Jedi Ordren og hjalp til i de Mandalorian Krige, som var imellem den Galaktiske Republik og Mandalorian kriger klanerne. Han ledte Revanchist bevægelsen og gik imod Jedi Rådet's ønsker. Da han dræbte en af de Mandalorian klan ledere, tog han lederens maske, og gik med den. Han var derefter udnævnt som Supreme Kommandør. Men, da Revan overvandt den Mandalorian leder, Mandalore the Ultimate (Mandalore den Ultimative), i slutningen af Kampen om Malachor V i 3960 BBY, fulgte han og hans ven, Alek, nu kendt som Malak det mystiske spor, på en Sith influens på de Mandalorian Krige. Da de nåede de Ukendte Regioner, opdagede de et hemmeligt Sith Imperium og var tvunget ind i Den Mørke Side af Sith Kejseren. Sith Kejseren sendte dem tilbage til Republikken som intelligensagenter, men lidt tid efter så brød Revan og Malak, de nye Dark Lords of the Sith ud af Kejserens mentale kontrol og begyndte deres eget imperium, med Stjerne Smeden, en ældgammel rumstation med store kræfter som var bygget af Rakata folket. De brugte Stjerne Smeden til at bygge en militær flåde og våben, til at gå i krig imod Republikken, som resulterede i Jedi Civil Krigen. Men, Revan var forædt af sin Sith Lærling, Malak og blev fanget og taget tilbage til Jedi Ordren af Jedi Kriger Bastila Shan, som reddede Revan og formede et Kraftbond med Revan. Da han blev taget tilbage, blev hans hjerne ryddet af Jedi Ordren og han blev givet en ny identitet som en Republikansk soldat og var sat på det Republikanske krigsskib, Endar Spire. Men, da Malak angreb Endar Spire, over planeten Taris, i et fejlet forsøg på at fange Bastila Shan, dannede Revan et team med den Republikanske officer, Carth Onasi og et antal andre individuele på Taris og lokaliserede Shan. De flygtede derefter fra Taris, før Malak ødelagde Taris' overflade. Revan og hans venner rejste til Dantooine's Jedi Enklave, hvor han var træner til at blive en Jedi endnu engang. Han var derefter sendt ud på en mission, for at lokalisere Stjernekortene, som var Rakatan kulturgenstande som ville afsløre beliggelsen af Stjerne Smeden. Revan fik nye allierede og kom tættere på Shan, i rejserne. Men, da gruppen var angrebet og fanget af Malak, blev Revan's rigtige identitet afsløret og Shan var taget af Malak. Da Revan og resten af gruppen slap fri (udover Shan), var de tvunget til at lede efter det sidste kort. Da de fandt det sidste kort og kom ombord Stjerne Smeden, fandt gruppen Shan, men noget var galt. Shan var blevet tvunget over til den Mørke side af Kraften, men Revan fik hende overtalt til at blive god igen. Sammen, fik de lagt en ende på Malak. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Tracking down the ancient Star Maps, Revan discovered the space station known as the Star Forge. Though he became a feared and ruthless Sith Lord, Revan lost his memories after nearly being killed by his traitorous apprentice Malak. He was voiced by Rino Romano in Knights of the Old Republic and by Jeff Bennett in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  • Revan was a Slimer who instigated an uprising in Baktan to give his people rights over the "superior" Eskoni. (PROSE: Coldheart) File:CharStub.png
  • He appears at Fabulizor Spaceship to used his machine.
  • Revan fue conocido como el mas grande de los jedi, y a la vez como el mas poderoso de los Lord Sith. Se desconoce de que planeta proviene, solo se sabe que era un planeta del borde exterior. Tras llegar al Enclave Jedi, pasó años entrenándose con muchos Maestros como el Maestro Zhar Lestin, el Maestro Dorak, la Maestra Arren Kae y el Maestro Vandar Tokare. Pero su primera y última Maestra fue Kreia (Darth Traya).
  • Revan era un Jedi vissuto negli anni della Vecchia Repubblica.
  • link=RevanRevan , også kjent som "The force walker", ble født rundt år 3994 BBY. Han ble lokket til Keiserens side og slaktet i hans navn helt til han løsrev seg og startet en vendetta som skulle føre til hans fenglsling i flere hundre år. Derfra toturerte keiseren Revan igjennom hans sinn, men på samme måte som Keiseren var i Revans sinn, var Revan også i keiserens. Revan så keiseren som en uungåelig skjebne for hele universet og viet sitt liv til å beseire ham.
  • Revan war ein menschlicher Jedi-Meister und späterer Sith-Lord zur Zeit der Alten Republik. Zur Zeit der Mandalorianischen Kriege widersetzte er sich der Anweisung des Jedi-Rates, die kampfhungrigen Mandalorianer, die die Galaxis überfielen, nicht zu bekämpfen und sammelte zusammen mit seinem Padawan Alek Anhänger, mit denen er die Invasoren zurückschlug und in der Schlacht von Malachor V besiegte. Danach jagte er gemeinsam mit Malak überlebende Mandalorianer, wobei sie auf den Planeten Dromund Kaas stießen. Dort trafen sie auf den Sith-Imperator, der die beiden Jedi auf die Dunkle Seite zog. Gemeinsam mit Malak suchte er unter dem Namen Darth Malak erfolgreich nach der Sternenschmiede, einer alten Superwaffe der Rakata mit der sie sich dem Imperator allerdings widersetzten, indem sie ihr eigenes Sith-Imperium gründeten und die Republik in einen Bürgerkrieg stürzten. Allerdings verriet Malak Revan, woraufhin der Dunkle Lord von einigen Jedi gerettet wurde, wobei er sein Gedächtnis verlor. Er diente fortan als Soldat unter einer Scheinidentität für die Jedi Bastila Shan, wobei sie über Taris in eine Schlacht gerieten, bei der die Jedi auf dem Planeten gefangen genommen wurde. Gemeinsam mit dem Soldaten Carth Onasi rettete Revan sie und brachte sie nach Dantooine in die Jedi-Akademie, wo der ehemalige Sith-Lord erneut in der Macht ausgebildet wurde. Daraufhin brach er auf, um den Weg zur Sternenschmiede zu finden, wobei er die Planeten Kashyyyk, Korriban, Tatooine und Manaan besuchte. Er wurde auf seinem Weg zum letzten der vier Planeten mit seinen Gefährten von Admiral Saul Karath gefangen genommen. Nachdem sie den Imperialen getötet hatten, wurde Revan von Malak mit seiner wahren Identität konfrontiert. Der einstige Sith fand die Sternenschmiede, wo er Malak besiegen konnte und den Jedi-Bürgerkrieg dadurch beendete. Seine Erinnerungen kehrten in der folgenden Zeit bruchstückweise zurück, weshalb er sich erneut nach Dromund Kaas begeben wollte. Nachdem sein Schiff, die Ebon Hawk, über Nathema von Sith-Imperialen abgeschossen worden war, wurde er jedoch von ihnen gefangen genommen. Die Jedi Meetra Surik befreite ihn und sie stellten sich gemeinsam dem Sith-Imperator. Meetra wurde allerdings getötet, während Revan vom Imperator gefangen genommen wurde. Dreihundert Jahre später wurde er von einigen Republikanern befreit, denen er sich im Kampf gegen das Sith-Imperium anschloss und mithilfe der Fabrik, einer mächtigen Raumstation versuchte, das Imperium zu vernichten. Jedoch gelang es einigen Imperialen, den ehemaligen Sith-Lord zu besiegen, was zu seinem Tod führte.
  • Revan bol veľmi nadaný Jedi snáď vo všetkých smeroch. Trénoval pod mnohými majstrami, ako boli Majstri Zhar, Kae a Dorak. Hlavná majsterka bola Kreia neskôr Darth Traya. Hovorilo sa, že bol budúcnosťou rádu Jedi. Jediná jeho veľká slabina bola umenie v sile. Počas Mandalorianskej vojny sa však aj napriek odporu Rady Jedi postavil do čela armád Republiky spoločne s mnohými mladými Jedimi, pre ktorých bol Revan ikonou - začali si hovoriť Revanisti. Po príchode Revana na bojisko sa karta veľmi rýchlo obrátila. Vďaka svojmu briliatnému taktickému mysleniu donútil Mandalorianov k ústupu a nakoniec ich aj drtivo porazil v bitke na Malachore V, kde zabil vodcu Mandalorianov Mandalora a vzal jeho helmu, bez nej si nemohli Mandaloriani zvoliť nového vodcu. Bohužiaľ vojna a Malachor V si na Revanovi a jeho priateľovi Malakovi vybrali svoju daň. Po víťazstve vo vojne Revan na niekoľko rokov zmizol. Vrátil sa ako Darth Revan, pripravený zničiť Republiku a nastoliť vlastnú vládu. Po mnohých porážkach sa Rada uchýlila k zúfalej možnosti, ako vojnu aspoň spomaliť. Malý úderný tím Jediov sa mal dostať na Revanovu loď a Revana zajať. Úderný tím sa naozaj dostal až k Revanovi, ale nepočítali s tým, že jeho učeník Malak svojho majstra zradí a vypáli na loď svojho majstra dávku striel zo svojej vlastnej lode. Revanov stav bol vážny, ale rytierke Jedi Bastile Shan (ktorá bola neskôr jeho ženou) sa Revana a podarilo zachrániť a dopraviť pred Radu. Lenže to už nebol ten Darth Revan, ani dokonca Revan. Stratil totiž pamäť a všetky sily, a tak mu Rada vytvorila novú identitu a spomienky a umiestnila ho pod velenie Bastily na loď Endar Spire. Vojna ale pokračovala a na miesto Revana nastúpil jeho učeník Malak, teraz známy pod menom Darth Malak. Malak zničil pri útoku na Taris loď Endar Spire, na ktorej bol ako Revan, tak Bastila. Malak, netušiac, že je Revan stále nažive, sa pokúša Bastilu zajať, ale vďaka Revanovi a pilotovi Carthovi Onasovi sa Bastile, spoločne s Revanom a Carthom, podarí uniknúť. Po úteku z Tarisu sa z Revana stáva Jedi, stále netušiac nič o svojom pravom pôvode, sa vydáva na nebezpečnú misiu zničiť Malaka. Misia spočíva v nájdení galaktických máp, ktoré vedú k tajomnej Star Forge. Po nájdení väčšiny máp sa Revan pri konfrontácii s Malakom na palube Leviathanu nakoniec dozvedá, kto naozaj je. Pri úteku z Leviathanu je zajatá Bastila a Revan sa vydáva hľadať poslednú mapu a potom samotnú Star Forge, kde nakoniec Malaka porazí a Star Forge zničí. Po porážke Malaka a Sithov sa Revan oženil s Bastilou a mal syna z ktorého nakoniec vyrástol senátor, Vaner Shan. Revan ale stále nemal pokoj. Trápili ho sny o nejakom nebezpečenstve za hranicami známej galaxie, a tak sa vydal tomuto nebezpečenstvu čeliť a nikto o ňom vyše 300 rokov nepočul. A asi sa potom stretol aj so svojou praprapravnučkou veľmajsterkou Satele Shan.
  • Revan was the King of the Rakshasa, ruler in ancient tinmes of the Ivory Kingdoms. The Rakshasa treated humans as cattle until Vishnu the Preserver reincarnated in Arun ended ther reign of terror. Arun gathered an army of mischievous but good-hearted shapeshifting spirits who overthrew Revan from the power. Half a dozen of Revan's brothers, the Greater Rakshasa, survived.
  • Revan is an active player on POTCO. He was the founder of the Ancient Empire. He used to be the GM of Pirate Council Guild. The Guild gave him a chance at an empire, a chance of ruling the seas, but he quit the guild and turned away. He did this because he knew the pirate lords were the rulers of the seas. Later, he started to regret his choice, trying to take control of the Caribbean, he started the Ancient Empire.
  • Revan oli arvoituksellinen jediritari ja kenraali Vanhan Tasavallan aikana. Hän oli karismaattinen johtaja, potentiaalinen Voiman käyttäjä ja loistava taktikko, johtaessaan Tasavallan voittoon mandalorialaisia vastaan. Sodan jälkeen hän kuitenkin kääntyi Voiman pimeälle puolelle ja otti nimekseen Darth Revan. Hän alkoi siten kerätä voimia Tasavaltaa vastaan ja aloitti jedien sisällissodan. Revan valloitti suuren osan Tasavallan alueesta ja kehitti mahtavaa imperiumia, mutta joutui lopulta jedien ansaan ja oman oppilaansa, Darth Malakin, pettämäksi. Jedit vangitsivat Revanin ja jedineuvosto tuhosi hänen mielensä asettaen Revanille täysin uuden henkilöllisyyden, joka olisi uskollinen Tasavallalle. Revan kuitenkin sai lopulta tietää menneisyydestään, mutta päätti pysyä valoisalla puolella ja päätti sisällissodan tappamalla Malakin. Pian tämän jälkeen Revan lähti omille teilleen tuntemattomille alueille. Hän oli muistanut Tasavaltaa uhkaavan suuren vaaran, "aidot sithit", jotka hän oli löytänyt sithlordina. Revan pelkäsi näiden hyökkäävän heikentyneeseen galaksiin ja lähti yksin eliminoimaan tämän vaaran.
  • Revan, also known as Darth Revan, was a Jedi Knight and briefly a Dark Lord of the Sith. Revan turned to the Dark Side along with his friend, Darth Malak. Revan became Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith, and Darth Malak became his Sith apprentice. Darth Revan was later betrayed by Darth Malak and captured by the Jedi. Revan was redeemed by the Jedi and became a servant of the light once again. With the help of his friends, Revan redeemed Bastilla Shan, killed Darth Malak, and destroyed the Star Forge. After that, Revan disappeared.
  • After winning the war at the Battle of Malachor V, he, along with his longtime friend Malak, vanished into the Unknown Regions. Some time later he returned to known space, wearing the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith and leading an empire of his own with which to conquer the Republic. The conflict that resulted eventually saw Revan captured, his memories suppressed and a new identity implanted into his mind. However, during the quest to find and destroy the Star Forge, the true Revan re-emerged. Accepting the chance to atone for his dark ways, he joined with Bastila Shan and a number of other companions in helping to defeat the Sith. Later, he departed the Republic, bound for parts unknown.
  • Revan was a Jedi Knight and General during the Mandalorian Wars. A Human male once known by the nickname, the Revanchist, he was both a charismatic and enigmatic leader, a renowned tactician and expert strategist, and a hero of the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars, leading the Republic fleets to victory after victory. Ending the conflict personally, with the execution of Mandalore the Ultimate and the destruction of Malachor V; Revan led the remains of the Republic fleet deep into the Unknown Regions to hunt down the remaining Mandalorians. He returned however, as Darth Revan, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Deploying his vast armada, the very ships that had fought alongside him during the Mandalorian Wars, against the Republic fleet; Revan ignited the Jedi Civil War. Once again, Revan and his Sith apprentice Darth Malak claimed repeated victories against the Republic, and in the process established a powerful new Sith Empire. For two and a half years Revan's fleet cut a swathe through the Republic fleet before the Dark Lord was finally betrayed by Darth Malak, and captured by the Jedi Order. Thought dead to the entire galaxy, thanks to the intervention of Bastila Shan, Revan's mind was severely damaged although alive. Unable to restore the Dark Lord's memories, the Jedi Council repaired what they could of the damaged mind, programming a new identity into Revan: one loyal to the Republic. In the year that followed, Revan and a company of followers scoured the galaxy for the source of Malak's strength of numbers. Despite eventually learning of his previous identity, Revan rejected the evil of his past, defeated Malak and ended the very war he had begun. A year later, Revan once again departed for the Unknown Regions. A former Jedi master of Revan's, the aged Kreia, believed that Darth Revan's brutally efficient invasion of the galaxy had been part of a complex plan to secure the Republic from a long-hidden threat known as the "True Sith", and suggested that Revan had departed on a solitary quest to defeat them once and for all.
  • Revan—renombrado como el Revanchista, honorado como el Revan, denostado como Revan el Carnicero, temido como el Señor Oscuro de los Sith Darth Revan, y alabado como el Caballero Pródigo—fue un humano que tuvo papeles importantes tanto como Jedi y Sith en las Guerras Mandalorianas y la Guerra Civil Jedi. Posiblemente originario de los territorios del Borde Exterior, el hombre posteriormente conocido como Revan nació alrededor del año 3.994 ABY y estudió bajo un número de distintos Maestros Jedi como Padawan en la Orden Jedi. Haciéndose amigo rápidamente de un estudiante llamado Alek, el joven se convirtió en un Caballero Jedi y fue un ruidoso y carismático crítico de la inactividad de la Orden durante las concurrentes Guerras Mandalorianas entre la República Galáctica y la cultura guerrera Mandaloriana. Liderando el movimiento Revanchista y tomando el nombre de Revan, el Caballero se puso la máscara de un Mandaloriana caída a medida que se unía a las Fuerzas Armadas de la República y era nombrado Comandante Supremo. Sin embargo, cuando Revan derrotó al líder Mandaloriano Mandalore el Máximo en la Batalla de Malachor V en 3.960 ABY, Revan y su amigo Alek, ahora conocido como Malak, siguieron el rastro de una misteriosa influencia Sith en las Guerras Mandalorianas a las Regiones Desconocidas, donde los dos descubrieron un Imperio Sith reconstituido y fueron llevados al lado oscuro de la Fuerza por el Emperador Sith. Enviados de regreso a la República como agentes de avance, los nuevos Señores de los Sith Darth Revan y Darth Malak se libraron del control mental del Emperador y establecieron su propio imperio con la Fragua Estelar, una antigua estación espacial de gran poder que había sido construida por la especie Rakata. En la resultante Guerra Civil Jedi, Revan fue traicionado por su aprendiz Sith Malak y capturado por el Caballero Jedi Bastila Shan, que salvó a Revan y formó un lazo de la Fuerza entre ellos. Con su mente borrada, Revan recibió una nueva identidad como un soldado de la República por parte del Consejo Jedi, pero cuando Malak intentó capturar a Shan abordo de la nave de guerra de la República Espiral Endar sobre el planeta Taris, Revan unió fuerzas con el oficial Carth Onasi y varios individuos en Taris para rescatar a Shan y escapar del planeta antes de que Malak destruyese la superficie de Taris. En Dantooine, el amnésico Revan fue reentrenado como un Padawan Jedi y enviado a una misión para localizar los Mapas de Estrellas, artefactos Rakata que los llevarían hasta la Fragua Estelar, y Revan ganó nuevos aliados y se hizo más cercano a Shan durante sus viajes. No obstante, cuando el grupo fue capturado por Malak, se reveló la verdadera identidad de Revan y Shan fue capturada, forzando a Revan y a su tripulación encontrar el último Mapa y localizar la Fragua solos. A bordo de Fragua Estelar, Revan trajo a una caída Shan de vuelta al lado oscuro de la Fuerza con su amor y venció a Malak, ganándose la Cruz de Gloria y el título de Caballero Pródigo. Revan se casó con Shan y se sumergió en la oscuridad durante varios años hasta que sus resurgidas memorias le llevaron a dejar a su mujer y a su niño nonato detrás en una búsqueda de respuestas en las Regiones Desconocidas, y fue apresado por los Sith durante tres años hasta que su antigua teniente Meetra Surik lo rescató con ayuda del Lord Sith Scourge. El intento del trío de eliminar al Emperador Sith fracasó, y Revan fue encarcelado durante trescientos años hasta que fue finalmente liberado por fuerzas de la República. Tomando control de la Fundición, Revan intentó construir un ejército de droides de exterminio para destruir al Imperio, pero el Maestro Jedi desapareció cuando fue derrotado por un equipo de asalto del Imperio y nunca fue visto de nuevo en la Galaxia conocida. Su legado, sin embargo, continuó presente; el Lord Sith Darth Rivan, que empezó el conflicto milenario conocido como las Nuevas Guerras Sith, se llamó a sí mismo en honor a Revan a partir de un manuscrito dañado sobre el Lord Sith, y el Lord Sith Darth Bane descubrió el holocrón Sith de Revan en el planeta Lehon y usó las enseñanzas de Revan para desarrollar la filosofía de la Regla de Dos.
  • Revan, also known as the Revanchist and feared as the Sith Lord Darth Revan , was an a Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. A human male, and acknowledged as a very gifted Force-sensitive pupil, he was trained as a Padawan by number of other Jedi Masters and Kreia, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Being very charismatic, by 3,964 BBY he was a Jedi Knight respected enough to amass a notable following that argued for Jedi intervention in the Mandalorian Wars. Though opposed in this by the Jedi Council itself, Revan could not be dissuaded. Revealing the horror of the Mandalorians' genocide of the Cathar, Revan bolstered his support base and then quickly circumvented the Council, exploiting a technicality that forced it to begrudgingly "sanction" the intervention he desired. With the Council sidelined, the charismatic young Jedi and his closest friend, Malak, were able to recruit and lead a faction of the Jedi Order to war without fear of reprisal against the will of the Jedi Council, made up of m A talented military tactician and strategist, Revan directed the Galactic Republic to victory after assuming command of its forces in 3,961 BBY, finally ending the conflict the following year with the defeat and execution of Mandalore the Ultimate, the destruction of Malachor V and the disarmament of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, acts which earned him a reputation among the Mandalorians as Revan the Butcher. In the wake of this triumph, Revan, his loyal Jedi followers, and the third of the Republic fleet that remained under his direct control ventured into the Unknown Regions, ostensibly in pursuance of Mandalorian stragglers—and ceased all communications with the known galaxy. In those unknown regions of space, on Dromund Kaas, Revan and Malak came face to face with the long hidden Sith Empire and its Emperor. Thus, having already embraced the seductive Sith teachings he encountered at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, Revan's induction into their traditions was finally completed. Bid by his newfound master to acquire the Star Forge—a superweapon of the Infinite Empire, on his behalf, Revan successfully tracked down the last Rakatan Star Maps required to reveal its location. Upon securing the ancient space station, however, he returned to the civilization he had left behind openly as Darth Revan, proclaiming himself to be the Dark Lord of the Sith. Commanding the continued obedience of many veterans of the Mandalorian Wars, and alongside the man who was now his Sith apprentice, Darth Malak, Revan betrayed the Jedi, turned against the Republic, and plunged the known galaxy into the Jedi Civil War. Utilizing the Star Forge to spawn an immense armada, Revan cut a carefully calculated path of conquest through the Outer Rim, building his own powerful Sith Empire to which new converts regularly flocked. Though the Republic staved off total defeat for two years, thanks to the extraordinary battle meditation of the gifted Jedi Bastila Shan, Revan's ultimate triumph seemed inevitable until he and Malak were ensnared by a Jedi trap. As a Republic fleet engaged that of the two ruling Sith, a strike team led by Shan boarded Revan's flagship and battled its way to the Dark Lord. Moments before the Jedi engaged Revan in combat, however, Malak—sensing an opportunity to be rid of both the Jedi and the Master whose power he coveted—had his own vessel open fire on the distracted Sith Lord's bridge. Caught by surprise, Revan was incapacitated by Malak's attack and then captured by the strike team while his traitorous apprentice, believing his Master destroyed, seized control of his Empire. His mind shattered, his memories scattered, and soon thought dead by the galaxy-at-large, Revan's life was preserved by none other than Shan, an act that forged a Force bond between them. Either unable or unwilling to restore their prisoner's true self, but requiring the knowledge buried within his mind, the Jedi Council used the Force to rebuild Revan with a new identity loyal to the Republic. Almost one year later, after Revan, still oblivious to his true past, rescued the captive Shan alongside Carth Onasi and an eclectic band of allies on Taris, the Jedi Council on Dantooine opted to retrain him. Reawakening to his former skills and charged with unearthing the source of Malak's colossal fleet, Revan and his loyal comrades thwarted all obstacles and adversaries as he and Shan were guided by shared "visions", in truth Revan's own memories—to the Star Maps on Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan, and Korriban. In the midst of this odyssey, the group was ensnared by Admiral Saul Karath, commander of the Sith fleet, and imprisoned aboard the Leviathan. Though Revan and his friends escaped, killing Karath along the way, Darth Malak confronted his former Master, revealed his true identity and ultimately captured Shan, the woman Revan had come to love. Continuing in the face of this loss, Revan and his allies successfully discovered the final Star Map and the location of the Star Forge. There, in the Rakata System, Revan rejected the darkness of his past, turned Shan—whom Malak had broken to his will—back to the light and vanquished the reigning Dark Lord, playing his part in the battle that brought the war he had instigated to a close. Two years onward, having driven the warring Sith factions from Korriban, and becoming a Jedi Master, Revan—with more memories returning—left the known galaxy behind on a solitary quest against the true Sith Empire. As of 3,641 BBY, he was thought to have never returned, until now...
  • Revan - renowned as the Revanchist, honored as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.
  • Revan erat iedaius-miles notus Rei Publicae Veteris aera. Intererat bellis Mandalorianis vicitque. Postea cum Malace in Regiones ignotas venit et ibi in planeta Dromund-Kaase Nigellum latus Roboris accepit a principe sithum. Post revertendum in Galacticam ut dux sithum Bellum civile iedaiorum incepit utens fornace stellari nominansque se Darthem. Post revertendum ad lucem propter Ordinem iedaiorum, tradendum a Malace discipulo suo et Bastilam Shanem vicit Principatum sithum suum non tenens memoria historiam suam per annum. Delevit sithes manentes in Corribane abiitque ad principatum sithum vivificatum inveniendum, sed captus est a Darthe Naerisse. Mitra Suric et Scorgius eum servaverunt veneruntque cum eo ad principem sithum necandum, sed in pugno Mitra a Scorgio necata est Revanque in vinculis positus. Revan servatus est a iedaiis e vinculis principis sithum propter spiritum Mitrae Suricis, qui Otegi de locatione Revanis narraverat. In vinculis pacem inter principatum sithum et Rem Publicam per principem fecerat. Post iter ad planetam Tython et Senatum iedaiorum certiorem faciendum de principe sithum venit in Fabricam ad droides militares faciendas, sed victus a servis principis erat. 240px|left|Darth Malac, discipulus Revanis Peritus Roboris putabatur a multisque magistris-iedaiis doctus est in Coruscante et in Dantuinis Academia iedaiorum.
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