  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • While previous antagonists in the Final Fantasy series were distant, cold, ruthless, and bent on their goals, Kefka is loud, short-tempered, maniacal, and destructive. His popularity among Final Fantasy fans, at least outside Japan, as an antagonist is rivaled only by Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Kefka is known for his many one-liners, his final almighty appearance (which has become something of a tradition in the series), as well as his sociopathic hatred of everything in existence. Kefka's defining character trait is his laughter, a high-pitched whooping cackle. In large part because of his dark humor and jester attire, Kefka was also given the nickname "the psycho clown" by fans, with this eventually becoming official with his CollectaCard description in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
  • Kefka Palazzo (ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso, spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version) is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. During the first half of the game, he acts as the court mage of Emperor Gestahl, but later betrays him and claims the power for himself. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • Kefka Palazzo est l'antagoniste principal du jeu Final Fantasy VI. Il est réputé pour être cruel, insensible. Son seul but : capturer Terra Branford pour lui prendre ses pouvoirs.
  • Kefka Palazzo (ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso?) (spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version), is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI. The prototype to the Magitek Knights, Kefka acts as Emperor Gestahl's court mage carrying out his orders, but behind his back schemes for his own ends.
  • Kefka Palazzo è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy VI. Il suo nome giapponese, pur essendo pronunciato in modo uguale, è scritto Cefca Palazzo. Crudele, spietato e disumano stratega militare, è stato la prima cavia degli esperimenti che crearono i Cavalieri Magitek, ma a causa di ciò ha perso il lume della ragione, ed è trattato più come un mago di corte che come un vero generale dell'esercito. Pur essendo al servizio dell'Imperatore Gestahl, la sua mente instabile lo rende pericoloso anche per i suoi alleati, e i suoi interessi divergono progressivamente da quelli del suo capo man mano che la trama del gioco avanza.
  • right|200px 40px|left|Kefka Kefka Palazzo (jap. ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso oder Cefca Palazzo in der japanischen Version) ist der Hauptantagonist in Final Fantasy VI und genießt eine enorme Beliebtheit unter den Fans der Serie. Einerseits sorgen seine Auftritte für unweigerliche Lacher, die Szene in der Wüste um Burg Figaro gilt hier als sehr beispielhaft, bei der er feststellt, er habe Sand auf den Schuhen, auf der anderen Seite sind seine Absichten und Motive ebenso wie seine Mittel und Wege vollkommen finster, unmoralisch und bösartig, mit einer stark sadistischen und menschenverachtenden Ausprägung. Berühmt ist sein fieses und hinterhältiges Gelächter, mit dem er seine Auftritte meist ankündigt.
  • thumb|Kefka Yoshitaka Amanon piirtämänä. Kefka Palazzo (alkuperäisessä versiossa nimellä Cefca Palazzo) on Final Fantasy VI:n päävihollinen ja viimeiseksi taisteltava vastus. Pelin alussa Kefkan rooli on Keisari Gestahlin hovimaagikkona joka lähinnä toteuttaa sanansaattajalle ominaisia tehtäviä. Hän kuitenkin toimii Gestahlin selän takana tehden hyökkäyksiä eri pikkukaupunkeihin ja kyliin samalla riistäen voimia Espereiltä eri käyttötarkoituksiinsa. Tapahtumien kulut johtavat Kefkan suorittamaan vallankaappaukseen ja hänen muuntautumiseensa Magian Jumalaksi.
  • Kefka Palazzo es el antagonista principal de Final Fantasy VI. Es el primer soldado Magitek según se conoce en la historia, que sirve como mago de la corte del Emperador Gestahl y se limita a cumplir sus órdenes al principio del juego, pero "a sus espaldas", ataca varias ciudades y se hace con el poder de varios Espers. Finalmente, Kefka derroca a Gestahl y consigue el poder de la Tríade Marcial, convirtiéndose en el dios de la magia.
  • Kefka serves as Emperor Gestahl's Court Mage and was the first volunteer for an experimental Magitek infusion, under the supervision of Cid. The process was still flawed, and although Kefka gained the ability to wield magic, it warped his mind and made him into the nihilistic psychopath he is during the course of the game. Kefka forces a Slave Crown upon Terra and uses her to lead an attack on Narshe to claim the frozen Esper there. When she escapes Imperial control, he pursues Terra to the kingdom of Figaro, setting the castle ablaze as she, Locke and King Edgar flee.
  • Kefka Palazzo (spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version), also known as Lord Kefka and Master Kefka, is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI. Kefka is an evil clown who acts as the court mage of Emperor Gestahl of the Gestahlian Empire early in the game, and simply carries out his monarch's orders. However, behind Gestahl's back, Kefka attacks various towns and drains the power of Espers meant for imperial usage. This gradual culmination in power leads Kefka to overthrow Gestahl and take control of the Warring Triad, effectively becoming the God of Magic itself. Infusions of Magitek power caused him to lose his sanity. At the age of 35, he is known for his high-pitched, maniacal laugh. Kefka Palazzo is also the leader of his own namesake secret society of diabolical cultists kno
Other Appearances
  • true
  • Chaotic Evil
  • Mirrors
  • Shigeru Chiba
type of villain
  • Technomagic Clown, Nihilist, Complete Monster
  • "Kefka"
  • Kefka's Laugh
  • Kefka's field sprite (SNES/PSX/GBA).left|Kefka's sprite (iOS/Android).
final boss page
  • Kefka
cinematic enemy page
  • Kefka
  • Achieve godhood and even genocide .
  • Destroy all existence.
  • Recreate the universe in his own image .
  • To destroy all meaning.
  • Final Fantasy
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Charisma
  • Insanity
  • Magical powers
  • Sadism
  • Magitek
  • Later developed absolute godlike powers that allowed him to destroy everything
  • 35
  • Final Fantasy
  • AB
  • Unknown
  • Kefka.ogg
  • KefkaLaugh.ogg
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Character
  • boss
  • right
  • Kefuka Parattso
  • --11-19
  • Final Fantasy VI artwork of Kefka by Yoshitaka Amano
  • Artwork of Kefka's |0=human form from Final Fantasy Legends 2 |1=God of Magic form from Puzzle & Dragons
  • true
  • 48.0
  • Kefka
  • Cefca Palazzo
  • Lord Kefka
  • Master Kefka
  • The Psycho Clown
  • Playing with dolls
  • Generally causing havoc.
  • Laughing diabolically.
  • Listening to screams of agony.
  • 167.0
  • Elf
  • X
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • ケフカ・パラッツォ
  • Unknown
  • General
  • Magician
  • Court Mage
  • God of Magic
  • Founder and leader of the Cult of Kefka
  • Magitek Knight prototype
  • true
  • FFVI
  • Kefka Palazzo
  • Dancing Mad
  • Cefca Palazzo
  • Male
  • Final Fantasy
  • Various
  • Canadian
  • 300
boss page
  • Kefka
  • Kefka serves as Emperor Gestahl's Court Mage and was the first volunteer for an experimental Magitek infusion, under the supervision of Cid. The process was still flawed, and although Kefka gained the ability to wield magic, it warped his mind and made him into the nihilistic psychopath he is during the course of the game. Kefka forces a Slave Crown upon Terra and uses her to lead an attack on Narshe to claim the frozen Esper there. When she escapes Imperial control, he pursues Terra to the kingdom of Figaro, setting the castle ablaze as she, Locke and King Edgar flee. During a siege on the Doma kingdom, Kefka grows impatient with General Leo and poisons Doma's drinking water, resulting in mass casualties and a swift victory for the Empire. Citing the poisoning of Doma, Gestahl eventually has Kefka imprisoned, but a plot twist later reveals this to be a ploy to gain the Returners' trust. Kefka later goes to Thamasa to kill the Espers congregated there. When General Leo tries to intervene, Kefka kills him. Using the power of the Espers, Kefka helps Gestahl raise the Floating Continent holding the Warring Triad, statues that were once the three gods of magic. When the party confront Kefka and Gestahl on the continent, Gestahl freezes them (except Celes), ordering her to kill her friends to show her loyalty to the Empire, but she in turn stabs Kefka instead. Enraged, Kefka knocks her aside and orders the statues to strike down Gestahl, unceremoniously booting him off the Floating Continent to his death. He then moves the Statues from their delicate balance, unleashing enough raw magical energy to reshape the face of the planet. Imbued with the power of the statues, Kefka becomes the god of the ruined world he created, using the statues to forge a massive tower of random debris to serve as his headquarters. Kefka smites the millions who refuse to worship him with his "Light of Judgment", a beam of incinerating light capable of cutting fissures into the planet's surface. At the game's conclusion, confronted by the protagonists, Kefka finally reveals his nihilistic motivations, explaining that all life is meaningless, and that the lives of mortal humans are purposeless. Thus, he proclaims that his new goal is to eradicate everything. The party reject his claims, citing examples of meaning in their personal lives, causing Kefka to go berserk. He turns his Light of Judgment on the World of Ruin one last time as the party attacks him, and reveals himself in a robed "god"-form with six wings. He is ultimately dispatched, the world shifts back as it once was, and the power of magic vanishes.
  • Kefka Palazzo es el antagonista principal de Final Fantasy VI. Es el primer soldado Magitek según se conoce en la historia, que sirve como mago de la corte del Emperador Gestahl y se limita a cumplir sus órdenes al principio del juego, pero "a sus espaldas", ataca varias ciudades y se hace con el poder de varios Espers. Finalmente, Kefka derroca a Gestahl y consigue el poder de la Tríade Marcial, convirtiéndose en el dios de la magia. Mientras que los anteriores antagonistas de Final Fantasy aparecían como personas despiadadas, frías y calculadoras, Kefka es maníaco y destructivo. Es, junto con Sefirot, el villano más reconocido de la saga, y destaca por sus peculiares frases, el enfrentamiento final contra su forma de ángel (que más tarde se convertiría en un clásico más de la saga) y su odio hacia la vida y la existencia. Pero, sin duda, el rasgo más distintivo de Kefka es su risa, que se repite varias veces a lo largo del juego. Su extraña personalidad sería provocada por el descontrol que trajo la experimentación de Magicita en él.
  • Kefka Palazzo è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy VI. Il suo nome giapponese, pur essendo pronunciato in modo uguale, è scritto Cefca Palazzo. Crudele, spietato e disumano stratega militare, è stato la prima cavia degli esperimenti che crearono i Cavalieri Magitek, ma a causa di ciò ha perso il lume della ragione, ed è trattato più come un mago di corte che come un vero generale dell'esercito. Pur essendo al servizio dell'Imperatore Gestahl, la sua mente instabile lo rende pericoloso anche per i suoi alleati, e i suoi interessi divergono progressivamente da quelli del suo capo man mano che la trama del gioco avanza. Kefka, insieme a Sephiroth, viene solitamente descritto come il cattivo più popolare della saga, ed è considerato dalla critica uno dei più grandi antagonisti videoludici. Molti cattivi futuri della serie riprenderanno, in chiave differente, numerose idee e concetti alla base del personaggio. Soprannominato dagli appassionati "clown psicopatico", compare anche in Dissidia Final Fantasy e Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, oltre ad alcuni spin-off minori della serie. Contrariamente a molti cattivi di Final Fantasy, generalmente distaccati, spietati e fissi sui loro obiettivi, Kefka è folle e distruttivo. È noto per le sue battute taglienti, la sua magnifica trasformazione finale (grazie a lui diventata una sorta di tradizione nella serie) e il suo atteggiamento sociopatico e misantropo, oltre, naturalmente, al suo aspetto iconico ed unico di clown. Il tratto più caratteristico di Kefka rimane senza dubbio la sua risata, realizzata appositamente per il gioco: sguaiata e maniacale, è stata spesso riproposta in altri media, ed è uno degli effetti sonori più iconici del mondo videoludico.
  • While previous antagonists in the Final Fantasy series were distant, cold, ruthless, and bent on their goals, Kefka is loud, short-tempered, maniacal, and destructive. His popularity among Final Fantasy fans, at least outside Japan, as an antagonist is rivaled only by Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Kefka is known for his many one-liners, his final almighty appearance (which has become something of a tradition in the series), as well as his sociopathic hatred of everything in existence. Kefka's defining character trait is his laughter, a high-pitched whooping cackle. In large part because of his dark humor and jester attire, Kefka was also given the nickname "the psycho clown" by fans, with this eventually becoming official with his CollectaCard description in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.
  • right|200px 40px|left|Kefka Kefka Palazzo (jap. ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso oder Cefca Palazzo in der japanischen Version) ist der Hauptantagonist in Final Fantasy VI und genießt eine enorme Beliebtheit unter den Fans der Serie. Einerseits sorgen seine Auftritte für unweigerliche Lacher, die Szene in der Wüste um Burg Figaro gilt hier als sehr beispielhaft, bei der er feststellt, er habe Sand auf den Schuhen, auf der anderen Seite sind seine Absichten und Motive ebenso wie seine Mittel und Wege vollkommen finster, unmoralisch und bösartig, mit einer stark sadistischen und menschenverachtenden Ausprägung. Berühmt ist sein fieses und hinterhältiges Gelächter, mit dem er seine Auftritte meist ankündigt. Wurden frühere Antagonisten als emotionslose, kalkulierende Bösewichte mit schier uneinholbarem Stärkevorsprung und nahezu unendlicher Macht dargestellt, ist Kefka das komplette Gegenteil. Angefangen bei seinem Erscheinungsbild als ein grell geschminkter und in bunten Gewändern gekleideter Harlekin oder Clown, wodurch er auf den ersten Blick überhaupt nicht bedrohlich wirkt. Hinzu kommt sein typisches Verhalten, das erst im Lauf der Zeit immer fragwürdiger und bösartiger wird, aber am Anfang noch recht harmlos und komödiantisch erscheint. Er lässt es sich nicht nehmen, sowohl seine Untergebenen Soldaten als auch seine Widersacher bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit zu verhöhnen. Außerdem ist er ein Feigling und flieht aus fast allen Kämpfen oder setzt Illusionen ein. Er stellt den bislang untypischsten wie psychopathischsten Antagonisten dar, der tatsächlich Spaß und Vergnügen an sinnloser wie großflächiger Gewalt und Zerstörung findet.
  • thumb|Kefka Yoshitaka Amanon piirtämänä. Kefka Palazzo (alkuperäisessä versiossa nimellä Cefca Palazzo) on Final Fantasy VI:n päävihollinen ja viimeiseksi taisteltava vastus. Pelin alussa Kefkan rooli on Keisari Gestahlin hovimaagikkona joka lähinnä toteuttaa sanansaattajalle ominaisia tehtäviä. Hän kuitenkin toimii Gestahlin selän takana tehden hyökkäyksiä eri pikkukaupunkeihin ja kyliin samalla riistäen voimia Espereiltä eri käyttötarkoituksiinsa. Tapahtumien kulut johtavat Kefkan suorittamaan vallankaappaukseen ja hänen muuntautumiseensa Magian Jumalaksi. Aikaisempien sarjan pelien vihollisten ollessa etäisiä, kylmiä, häikäilemättömiä ja selkeästi käyttäytyviä hahmoja, Kefka on äänekäs, esilläoleva, lyhyttemperamenttinen, tuhoamisviettiään totteleva maaninen kaistapää. Ainoa sarjassa koskaan esiintyvä vihollinen joka voi millään tavalla kilpailla fanien suosiosta Kefkan kanssa on Final Fantasy VII:n Sephiroth. Kefka tunnetaan parhaiten hänen kuolemattomista lausahduksistaan, ulkonäöstään niin omana itsenään kuin Magian Jumalana ja hänen sosiopaattisuutta hipovasta vihastaan kaikkea kohtaan. Hänen tunnistettavin piirteensä on kuitenkin selkäpiitä karmiva nauru, joka kuullaan pelin aikana useampaan otteeseen.
  • Kefka Palazzo (ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso, spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version) is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. During the first half of the game, he acts as the court mage of Emperor Gestahl, but later betrays him and claims the power for himself. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • Kefka Palazzo est l'antagoniste principal du jeu Final Fantasy VI. Il est réputé pour être cruel, insensible. Son seul but : capturer Terra Branford pour lui prendre ses pouvoirs.
  • Kefka Palazzo (spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version), also known as Lord Kefka and Master Kefka, is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI. Kefka is an evil clown who acts as the court mage of Emperor Gestahl of the Gestahlian Empire early in the game, and simply carries out his monarch's orders. However, behind Gestahl's back, Kefka attacks various towns and drains the power of Espers meant for imperial usage. This gradual culmination in power leads Kefka to overthrow Gestahl and take control of the Warring Triad, effectively becoming the God of Magic itself. Infusions of Magitek power caused him to lose his sanity. At the age of 35, he is known for his high-pitched, maniacal laugh. Kefka Palazzo is also the leader of his own namesake secret society of diabolical cultists known as the Cult of Kefka.
  • Kefka Palazzo (ケフカ・パラッツォ, Kefuka Parattso?) (spelled as Cefca Palazzo in the Japanese version), is the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI. The prototype to the Magitek Knights, Kefka acts as Emperor Gestahl's court mage carrying out his orders, but behind his back schemes for his own ends.
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