  • Vitiate
  • Vitiate
  • Vitiate
  • Vitiate, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for more than a millennium. He is the primary antagonist of the Jedi Knight Storyline.
  • Tenebrae era un sith purasangre varón procedente de Medriaas. Hijo de una campesina pobre y el gobernante del planeta, el Lord Sith Dramath, en su infancia ya era fuerte en la Fuerza, y usó este poder para matar a su padre adoptivo. En los siguientes años, formó una orda de seguidores y destronó a su padre biológico, para finalmente consquistar el planeta. Después, el Señor Oscuro de los Sith Marka Ragnos le dio a Tenebrae la posición de gobernador de Medriaas—cuyo nombre cambió a Nathema—y el título de Lord Sith Vitiate. Durante la Gran Guerra Hiperespacial entre el Imperio Sith y la República Galáctica, Vitiate se mantuvo al margen del conflicto, que los Sith terminaron perdiendo. Vitiate llamó a los Lores Sith que sobrevivieron a la guerra y se reunieron en Nathema, realizando un ritual
  • Vitiate, known for the vast majority of his life as simply the Sith Emperor and known to his Eternal Empire as Valkorion, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after its destruction in the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for over 1300 years. To the people of the Eternal Empire over which he ruled in his later life, he was His Glorious Majesty, Slayer of Izax, Immortal Master and Protector of Zakuul—their Immortal Emperor. Born in 5113 BBY as Tenebrae, the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath of Medriaas and a poor farm woman, the child who eventually became the Emperor killed his own father at the age of ten and was granted the title of Lord Vitiate by the then–Dark Lord Marka Ragnos three years later. Vitiate renamed his world Nathema and ruled it for
  • Vitiate, a Sith Uralkodó, ahogy életének túlnyomó többségét élte, vagy más néven Valkorion, ahogy az Örök Birodalomban ismerték, a Sith-ek Sötét Nagyura volt, aki újjáépítette a Nagy Hiperűr háborúban összezúzott Sith Birodalmat, majd több mint 1300 évig uralkodott felette. A későbbiekben általa alapított Örök Birodalomban, mely felett későbbi élete alatt uralkodott, úgy ismerték, mint Őszentsége, Izax réme, a Halhatatlan Mester, Zakuul védelmezője vagy a Halhatatlan Császár. A Császár végül meghalt, de erejére és pusztítására évezredekkel később is emlékeztek.
  • The Sith Emperor, born as Tenebrae and later known as Lord Vitiate, was a Dark Lord of the Sith and ruler of the Sith Empire. He declared himself as the new Sith Emperor and ruled over the Sith after the Great Hyperspace War. Since his arrival on Dromund Kaas, the Emperor isolated himself from his people and started on his lifelong quest to destroy the entire galaxy and obtain eternal life.
  • 50
  • Ситският император
  • Ситският император
  • Ситският император
  • Black
  • Red
  • *Vörös *Különféle
  • 1
  • *Sith *Varios
  • 250
  • *Ninguno *Varios
  • Valkorion Vitiate Sith Uralkodó
  • Despues del 3.522 ABY
  • c. 2.000 ABY—
  • *Imperio Sith *Imperio Sith reconstituido
  • 4999
  • 5000
  • Eventualmente Darth Ruin
  • Eventualmente Darth Desolous
  • *Varias muertes de los cuerpos acogidos 3.950—3.641 ABY , { *Antes del 67 ABY
  • *Rojo; después claro; finalmente blanco *Varios
  • Negro; rojo/amarillo
  • Masculino
  • Boss
  • 5000
  • c. 5.113 ABY, Nathema/Medriaas
  • *Sith *Különféle
  • Tenebrae
  • Tenebrae
  • Tenebrae
  • Emperador Sith / Lord Vitiate / Tenebrae
  • *Black *Various
  • Alive
  • Sith Empire
  • Sith Order
  • *Old Sith Empire *Reconstituted Sith Empire **Sith Emperor's power base *Eternal Empire
  • Valkorion
  • Valkorion
  • Valkorion#legends
  • None
  • *None *Various
  • Valkorion
  • Vitiate
  • The Sith Emperor
  • Vitiate
  • Valkorion
  • Emperor Vitiate
  • "Tenebrae"
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji
  • Sith
  • Male
  • Lord Dramath
  • Vitiate
  • Valkorion
  • Valkorion
  • *Sith *Various *Force entity
  • Sith Pureblood-Human mix Human
  • Вишейт
  • Вишейт
  • Вишейт
  • Valkorion
  • Valkorion
  • Sith
  • Gallery
  • Synopsis
  • Villain Overview
  • Before 67 BBY
  • 4999
  • Medriaas
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji
  • 250
  • ヴィシエイト
  • Vitiate
  • Emperador Sith
  • 324350
  • hyperspace/source/praji/20090205.html
  • Elite
  • Pale White
  • *Red *Various
  • Male
  • 1460
  • 5113
  • *Multiple host body deaths, 3950–c. 3640 BBY *3637 BBY, Zakuul *3630 BBY, Zakuul
  • 5113
  • Exal Kressh
  • c. 3636 BBY—
  • *Sith Birodalom **Sith Uralkodói erő bázis *Örök Birodalom
  • YE 5113, Medriaas
  • *A gazda testek YE 3950-YE 3940-ig *YE 3637 *Valamikor YE 67
  • 5000
  • 1
  • *Mandalore el Máximo *Darth Revan *Exal Kressh
  • Medriaas
  • Vitiate, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for more than a millennium. He is the primary antagonist of the Jedi Knight Storyline.
  • Vitiate, a Sith Uralkodó, ahogy életének túlnyomó többségét élte, vagy más néven Valkorion, ahogy az Örök Birodalomban ismerték, a Sith-ek Sötét Nagyura volt, aki újjáépítette a Nagy Hiperűr háborúban összezúzott Sith Birodalmat, majd több mint 1300 évig uralkodott felette. A későbbiekben általa alapított Örök Birodalomban, mely felett későbbi élete alatt uralkodott, úgy ismerték, mint Őszentsége, Izax réme, a Halhatatlan Mester, Zakuul védelmezője vagy a Halhatatlan Császár. YE 5113-ban született, Tenebrae néven, a Medriaasi Sith Nagyúr Dramath és egy szegény farmer asszony fattyú fiaként. A gyermek akiből az Uralkodó lett, 10 évesen végzett apjával majd három évvel később megkapta a Vitiate Nagyúr címet Marka Ragnostól. Vitiate átnevezte a bolygót Nathemara és ott uralkodott a következő század során, kizárva magát a Sith hatalmi harcokból, még a Nagy Hiperűr háborúból is, amikor a Köztársaság elpusztította a Birodalmat YE 5 000-ben. A Nathemára hívta a megmaradt Sith Nagyurakat az üdvözülés ígéretével, majd összekapcsolódott az erejükkel egy rettegett rituáléban. Felhasználva erejüket tette magát halhatatlanná, melynek ára a Nathema teljes élő világa volt, mely ezzel pusztult, mi több, a szertartás kitépte a bolygót és a környékét az Erő szövetéből. Elrejtve személyazonosságát összegyűjtötte a Birodalom maradványait, mint önjelölt Császár és egy 20 éves utazásra indult az Ismeretlen Régiókba, ahol megalapította az új Sith Birodalmat az elveszett gyarmatvilágon, a Sith-ek ősi hazájában a Dromund Kaason. Mélyen elmerült az Erő sötét oldalának titkaiban, míg népe az új civilizációt építette és a Birodalom csak bővült elrejtve a Köztársaság elől a következő ezer évben. A Császár arra törekedett, hogy galaktikus méretűvé fejlessze az életét meghosszabbító rituálét. Ez azonban háborút követelt, egy olyat amely civilizációkat törölne, hogy ő falhassa az energiájukat ezzel válva istenné. E célból Vitiate végül felhasználta a Mandalore-i harcosokat, hogy megtámadja a Köztársaságot. A Mandalore-iak vereségét követően maga mellé állított két hatalmas Jedi lovagot. Sith mágiával megrontotta elméjüket és a Köztársaság ellen uszította őket. Később az újjászületett Revan visszatért, hogy kihívja a Császárt, és közeli- sikere arra ösztönözte a Vitiatet, hogy további intézkedéseket tegyen a halála ellen. Védve igazi testét tudatát átirányította egy másik testbe, akit a Császár Hangjaként ismerünk. Majd három évszázaddal később a Császár végre megindította háborúját a Köztársaság ellen. A háború során, hogy létrehozza akarata kiterjesztését, akiket az Császár Gyermekei néven ismerünk, majdnem kisiklott az áruló tanítvány Exal Kressh miatt, akit kiiktattak mielőtt maradandó kárt tett volna Vitiate terveiben. Ahogy a háború a harmadik század felé közeledett, a fogságban szenvedő Revannak sikerült hatást gyakorolnia a Császár elméjére, hogy kössön békét a Köztársasággal. Ebből született a Coruscanti Egyezmény és a Birodalom vezetése visszakerült a Sötét Tanács kezébe, míg a Császár magányba vonult, hogy előkészítse szertartása terveit. Ekkor egy fiatal és erős Jedi, aki Tython Hőse néven vált ismertté, felhívta magára Vitiate figyelmét a Hidegháborúban, amikor látomásokat küldött magáról a Császár elméjébe. De a Császár könnyedén megtörte akaratát és a sötét oldal felé fordította a teljes rajtaütő csapatával akiket azért küldtek, hogy elfogják a Sith uralkodót. A Jedi hónapokkal később szabadult meg Vitiate akaratától, a szintén halhatatlan Scourge Nagyúr segítségével, aki a Császár személyes végrehajtója volt, vagy más néven a Császár Haragja. Ám Vitiate már elindította terveit és a Galaxisban ismét kitört a háború. Ahogy a Hős igyekezett megállítani a Császár ügynökeit, hogy elindítsák a szertartást, Vitiate-t rövid úton tőrbe csalta a Vosson az áruló Sith Nagyúr Darth Baras. Ennek ellenére megszökött az új Császár Haragjának segítségével és visszatért a Dromund Kaasra, hogy aktiválja Gyermekeit szerte a Galaxisban és felkészüljön a Lovagokkal való végső összecsapásra. Mialatt a Köztársasági Flotta megtámadta a Dromund Kaast, a Császár összecsapott a Hőssel és T7-O1 asztromechanikai droiddal, egy hatalmas harcban, mely végül Vitiate vereségével ért véget. Hangjának elvesztése mély álomba taszította a Császárt, míg a Galaxisban fokozódott a háború, ami miatt Darth Malgus megpróbálta megkaparintani a Birodalom trónját. A Császár végül meghalt, de erejére és pusztítására évezredekkel később is emlékeztek.
  • The Sith Emperor, born as Tenebrae and later known as Lord Vitiate, was a Dark Lord of the Sith and ruler of the Sith Empire. He declared himself as the new Sith Emperor and ruled over the Sith after the Great Hyperspace War. Since his arrival on Dromund Kaas, the Emperor isolated himself from his people and started on his lifelong quest to destroy the entire galaxy and obtain eternal life. Tenebrae was born during the Golden Age of the Sith, prior to the outbreak of the Great Hyperspace War. He was born on the planet Nathema, one of the fringe worlds of the first Sith Empire. His family were simple farmers who had no connection to the Force. However, when Tenebrae grew older, he started to develop a connection with the Dark Side of the Force and his powers grew significantly. When his father found out about his powers, he started to question his wife and abused her for answers. Tenebrae's mother told them that Tenebrae was related to Dramath, the ruler of Medriaas. Tenebrae was so angry that he killed his father for abusing his mother and battered his mother for months until she died at his hands. After murdering his family, he forced the other villagers to bow down to him. When Dramath became aware of the existence of his son, he payed him a visit and asked him to bow down before him. Tenebrae refused and appeared to be stronger than his biological father and killed him in a duel. After the death of Dramath he became the ruler of Medriaas and managed to impress Dark Lord Marka Ragnos, ruler of the Sith Empire, at the age of thirteen. Marka Ragnos then recognized him as the ruler of Medriaas and renamed him as Lord Vitiate. After Marka Ragnos died, and the Sith Empire lost the Great Hyperspace War against the Galactic Republic, Lord Vitiate called all living Sith Lords to his world to perform a ritual to wipe out the Republic. However, the ritual was a scam to grant eternal life and he single-handedly wiped out every living thing on the planet, including the Force. After the ritual he lead the surviving Sith into space, fleeing from the Republic and hoping to find a proper planet. After several years floating in space they found Dromund Kaas. Lord Vitiate declared himself as Sith Emperor and promised his people vengeance. Several hundred years passed by and the Sith Empire had become a prominent empire. Around 303 BTC a few Dark Council members started to plot against him, knowing his goal to destroy the Galaxy. When Revan was secretly captured by Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge, and Meetra Surik managed to contact Scourge, Lord Scourge plotted a move against the Emperor, by letting the Emperor wipe out the entire Dark Council so Scourge could free Revan from his prison. After his release Revan confronted the Emperor but was defeated after Scourge betrayed them. The Emperor then granted Scourge enteral life and named him as the Emperor's Wrath. Revan was captured and imprisoned in the Maelstrom Prison, his thoughts linked to the Emperor's, hoping he could scatter information about the Republic's defenses. Unknown to the Emperor, Revan also managed to manipulate the Emperor, delaying the war as much as possible. About three hundred years later the Emperor found his armada ready for war against the Republic, and so the Great Galactic War began. After 28 years the Sith Empire managed to win the war, but the Republic wasn't defeated. A peace treaty was settled between the two factions and the Emperor became the ruler of half the Galaxy. During the Cold War, the Emperor was attacked at his Emperor's Fortress|fortress but managed to defeat the strike team and brainwashed them as his pawns. One Jedi Knight managed to break free from the Emperor's will and allied with Scourge to take down the Emperor. Eventually, they followed the Emperor to the Dark Temple and defeated the Emperor, destroying his body. Later, however, an Emperor's Hand member confirmed the Emperor was still alive.
  • Tenebrae era un sith purasangre varón procedente de Medriaas. Hijo de una campesina pobre y el gobernante del planeta, el Lord Sith Dramath, en su infancia ya era fuerte en la Fuerza, y usó este poder para matar a su padre adoptivo. En los siguientes años, formó una orda de seguidores y destronó a su padre biológico, para finalmente consquistar el planeta. Después, el Señor Oscuro de los Sith Marka Ragnos le dio a Tenebrae la posición de gobernador de Medriaas—cuyo nombre cambió a Nathema—y el título de Lord Sith Vitiate. Durante la Gran Guerra Hiperespacial entre el Imperio Sith y la República Galáctica, Vitiate se mantuvo al margen del conflicto, que los Sith terminaron perdiendo. Vitiate llamó a los Lores Sith que sobrevivieron a la guerra y se reunieron en Nathema, realizando un ritual del lado oscuro que consumió el planeta entero, generando el Vacío y haciéndose inmortal. Después de descubrir el planeta Dromund Kaas y establecer allí la capital de un renovado Imperio Sith, que progresó en el anonimato durante el siguiente milenio, Vitiate pasó a ser conocido como el Emperador Sith. En el 3.960 ABY, el Emperador se enfrentó a los Jedi de la República Revan y Malak, que habían ido a Dromund Kaas en busca de una amenaza Sith. El Emperador les corrompió y los convirtió en los Lores Sith Darth Revan y Darth Malak, enviándoles a buscar la Fragua Estelar—una estación espacial Rakatan que le ayudaría a consquistar la República creando montones de naves. No obstante, Revan regresó al lado luminoso de la Fuerza, mató a Malak, y destruyó la Fragua Estelar, regresando a Dromund Kaas para enfrentarse con el Emperador Sith. Éste le derrotó y capturó con ayuda de Lord Scourge, manteniéndolo prisionero en la Nébula Remolino y nombrando a Scourge Ira del Emperador. Durante los siguientes siglos, Revan fue el nexo entre el Emperador y la Orden Jedi, y causó que el Emperador se retrasase en su invasión de la República sembrando la duda en su mente. En el 3.681 ABY, el Emperador terminó invadiendo la República, y conquistó gran parte de los mundos republicanos, entre ellos Korriban, el planeta natal de los Sith. Cuando la aprendiz del Emperador, Exal Kressh, traicionó a los Sith, el Emperador envió a Teneb Kel a matarla, tarea que cumplió con éxito. Veintiocho años después del inicio de la guerra, los Sith saquearon la capital de la República, Coruscant, poniendo fin a la guerra con un tratado de paz. Embarcándose en una Guerra Fría, los Sith siguieron agrediendo a la República, acción que terminó con la paz en el 3.643 ABY, dando lugar a la Segunda Gran Guerra Galáctica. Sin embargo, un Caballero Jedi, con ayuda de Lord Scourge, derrotó al Emperador en el Templo Oscuro de Dromund Kaas. Aunque el Templo fue destruido junto al cuerpo del Emperador, Acólitos Sith recuperaron su esencia y la prepararon para transferirla a un nuevo cuerpo; durante este tiempo, la nueva Ira del Emperador acalló los rumores sobre la muerte del Emperador, a la vez que la República contaba con que estuviese muerto.
  • Vitiate, known for the vast majority of his life as simply the Sith Emperor and known to his Eternal Empire as Valkorion, was a Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire after its destruction in the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for over 1300 years. To the people of the Eternal Empire over which he ruled in his later life, he was His Glorious Majesty, Slayer of Izax, Immortal Master and Protector of Zakuul—their Immortal Emperor. Born in 5113 BBY as Tenebrae, the illegitimate Sith son of Lord Dramath of Medriaas and a poor farm woman, the child who eventually became the Emperor killed his own father at the age of ten and was granted the title of Lord Vitiate by the then–Dark Lord Marka Ragnos three years later. Vitiate renamed his world Nathema and ruled it for the next century, content to exclude himself from Sith power struggles and even the Great Hyperspace War when the Galactic Republic destroyed the Empire in 5000 BBY. Summoning the remaining Sith Lords to Nathema with the promise of salvation from the Jedi, Vitiate turned on his fellows and used their strength to perform a ritual that made him immortal, at the expense of every living thing on Nathema. Shedding his identity as Lord Vitiate, the self-proclaimed Sith Emperor led the scattered survivors of the Empire on a twenty-year odyssey into the Unknown Regions, where he established a new Sith Empire on the lost colony world of Dromund Kaas. He delved deep into the mysteries of the dark side of the Force as his people built a new civilization and expanded the Empire's domain over the next thousand years. His life prolonged through the power of the ritual, the Emperor sought a way to repeat the same feat of Sith magic on a galactic scale. However, doing so required a war—war that would destroy civilizations and fuel his power so that he could consume everything in the galaxy and become like a god. To that end, the Emperor arranged for the Mandalorian warrior culture to attack the Republic, and he turned the powerful Jedi Knights Revan and Malak to the dark side and set them upon the Republic after the Mandalorians were defeated. Yet a redeemed Revan returned to challenge the Emperor once more, and Revan's near-success and subsequent capture led the Emperor to pursue further safeguards against his death. Now truly an entity of pure Force energy, he ensured his survival through the transference of his consciousness between host bodies known as Emperor's Voices, and the Emperor launched his own war on the Republic almost three centuries later. During the course of the war, the Emperor's efforts to create the extensions of his will known as the Children of the Emperor were nearly derailed by his traitorous apprentice Exal Kressh, but Kressh was eliminated before she could do lasting harm to her Sith Master's plans. As the war neared the end of its third decade, the captive Revan was able to mentally influence the Emperor to sue for peace with the Republic, and the resultant Treaty of Coruscant saw the Sith leader return control of the Empire to the ruling Dark Council and retreat into seclusion in order to prepare his ritual. A powerful young Jedi who would become known as the Hero of Tython drew the Emperor's attention during the subsequent Cold War, on account of the visions that centered around the Jedi Knight, but the Emperor easily crushed the Jedi's will and turned the Knight to the dark side along with the rest of a strike team sent to capture the Sith ruler. The Knight broke free of the Emperor's control months later with the help of the immortal Lord Scourge, the Emperor's personal executioner or Wrath, but the Emperor had already set his plans in motion as the galaxy spiraled into renewed war. As the Hero raced to stop the Emperor's agents from starting the ritual, the Emperor dealt with the machinations of the traitorous Sith Darth Baras and returned to Dromund Kaas, to activate his Children across the galaxy and prepare for a final confrontation with the Knight. While a Republic fleet invaded Dromund Kaas, the Emperor fought the Hero and the astromech droid T7-O1 in a climactic battle that ended with the Emperor's defeat. The loss of his Voice drove the Emperor into a deep slumber while the galaxy escalated further into war, prompting the Sith Lord Darth Malgus to try to seize the throne of the Empire. A returned Revan attempted to restore the Emperor to a physical form in order to kill him once and for all, and though the mad Force-user was stopped by an Empire and Republic united in fear of the threat a returned Emperor posed, the Emperor's essence was able to regain his strength by feeding off the deaths and chaos that resulted from the coalition's battle against Revan's forces on the moon Yavin 4. Now known simply as Vitiate by the Empire he once ruled, the former Emperor took control of the planet Ziost, possessing the world's population and bringing about a horrific cataclysm there. However, Vitiate disappeared in the aftermath of the Ziost massacre, only to reappear as Valkorion, the leader of a hidden Eternal Empire in Wild Space. Unbeknownst to the rest of the galaxy, Vitiate had spent the last several centuries forging a new society on the planet Zakuul as his host body Valkorion, and even had three children, Arcann, Thexan, and Vaylin. After Valkorion's sons raided the larger galaxy and drew the attention of the Republic and the Empire, Valkorion was struck down in a confrontation with his treacherous son Arcann and a famous warrior known as the Outlander. Releasing his hold on his Human form, Valkorion embedded his energy and consciousness within the Outlander's mind, leading Arcann to freeze the Outlander in carbonite for five years. The Outlander was eventually freed and began to lead a revolution against the Eternal Empire and now-Emperor Arcann's domination of the galaxy, and Valkorion counseled the Outlander and offered to share his immense power with his new host as the Outlander's Alliance sought to topple Valkorion's son from the Eternal Throne. Not long afterwards, the former Sith Emperor died a final death at the hands of the Outlander and his own family, though his powers and accomplishments were still remembered millennia later.
is inventor of
is Leader of
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is Emperor of
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is Creators of
is Commander of
is Incumbent of
is Founder of
is Commanders of
is establishedby of
is Before of
is After of
is Forces of
is Owners of
is Builder of
is Masters of