  • Juneau
  • Juneau
  • Juneau
  • Juneau
  • Juneau
  • Juneau
  • The City and Borough of Juneau is the largest municipality in Cascadian Alaska, as well as the capital of the current State of Alaska.
  • Juneau was a city in Alaska, United States. In 2286, as the transmissions of the Whale Probe were vaporizing the planet's oceans, Juneau reported to Starfleet Command that cloud coverage had increased to 95%. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • Juneau est une planète de l'UEG. C'est un des lieux de voyages où il est possibles de se rendre à partir du Manassas Spaceport sur Reach.
  • Juneau is the capital city of the state of Alaska.
  • In the 23rd century, Starfleet maintained a base near Juneau in Alaska. The base at Juneau was one of many across the planet to be disabled by the Cetacean Probe in 2286. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home) Starfleet Lieutenant (j.g.) Kara Bain and her father, K. E. Bain, shared a home in Juneau. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns)
  • Juneau es la capital del estado estadounidense de Alaska.
  • The flag of Juneau, Alaska, United States, consists of a light blue background, with a light blue rectangle (bordered in blue) about half the size of the flag in the center of the flag, with a stylized green mountain on the left side of the box, The word "JUNEAU" (coloured blue) in the upper-right area of the box. Below "JUNEAU" is a yellow five-pointed star (outlined in blue) with the words "ALASKA'S CAPITAL CITY" (colored blue) to the right of the star. Underneath the "★ ALASKA'S CAPITAL CITY" are stylized waves in blue, all within the box.
  • The former capital of the Pre-War Northwest Commonwealth, now a major trading center for the Northwest.
  • Juneau ist eine Stadt, welche sich in Alaska auf der Erde befindet. Als die Walsonde 2286 auf der Erde nach Buckelwalen sucht, nimmt die Wolkendecke über der Stadt rapide zu. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart)
  • Juneau era una città dell'Alaska, USA, si trovava vicino il Golfo dell'Alaska. (TOS: "Lo zoo di Talos") Nel 2286, quando la sonda delle balene attaccò la Terra, Juneau era una delle città più colpite dalla nube di densa copertura che ha bloccava la luce del sole. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra) Informazioni di retroscenaLa città si trovava nella regione del Pacifico. Alla mappa ebbero accesso dagli archivi della USS Enterprise i talosiani nel 2254.
  • Juneauday.png|Juneau at daytime Juneaunight.png|Juneau at night Juneau is a city in , in . It has a population of 0.02 Million and is a .
  • Juneau était une ville de l'État d'Alaska (USA) sur Terre.
  • Juneau is een stad in Alaska, een onderdeel van de vroegere Verenigde Staten van Amerika, op het Noord Amerikaanse continent van de Aarde. Juneau was één van de steden die in 2286 getroffen werd door de dikke wolk die het zonlicht tegenhield als gevolg van de ecologische aanval op Aarde door de walvis sonde. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") Categorie:VS nederzettingen de:Juneau en:Juneau fr:Juneau it:Juneau
  • Juneau is the defunct capital of the Anarcho-Syndalist Narco-State of Alaska, previously the capital of the Amazingly Wonderful Wolf-Murdering Moose-Eating Empire of Alaska. It is know for having roads, bears, and a bridge to somewhere, as well as having been the residence of glaciers and the spawn of Satan known as Sarah Palin.
  • Juneau is the capital of Alaska. In terms of area, it is the largest U.S. capital. It cannot be reached from the other states by land, but only by sea and air. A favorite way to go to Juneau is via a cruise (also see Alaskan Cruises FAQ). Articles about Juneau:
  • none
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  • Juneau
  • settlement large
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  • Bruce Botelho
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  • The City and Borough of Juneau is the largest municipality in Cascadian Alaska, as well as the capital of the current State of Alaska.
  • Juneau was a city in Alaska, United States. In 2286, as the transmissions of the Whale Probe were vaporizing the planet's oceans, Juneau reported to Starfleet Command that cloud coverage had increased to 95%. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
  • Juneau est une planète de l'UEG. C'est un des lieux de voyages où il est possibles de se rendre à partir du Manassas Spaceport sur Reach.
  • Juneau is the capital city of the state of Alaska.
  • Juneau is the capital of Alaska. In terms of area, it is the largest U.S. capital. It cannot be reached from the other states by land, but only by sea and air. A favorite way to go to Juneau is via a cruise (also see Alaskan Cruises FAQ). Articles about Juneau: * Juneau:Accommodations * Juneau:Attractions * Juneau:Climate * Juneau:Downtown * Juneau:History * Juneau:Hospitals * Juneau:Industry * Juneau:Media (newspapers, radio stations, etc.) * Juneau:Museums * Juneau:Natives * Juneau:Restaurants * Juneau:Schools * Juneau:Sports * Juneau:Transportation
  • In the 23rd century, Starfleet maintained a base near Juneau in Alaska. The base at Juneau was one of many across the planet to be disabled by the Cetacean Probe in 2286. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home) Starfleet Lieutenant (j.g.) Kara Bain and her father, K. E. Bain, shared a home in Juneau. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns)
  • Juneau es la capital del estado estadounidense de Alaska.
  • The flag of Juneau, Alaska, United States, consists of a light blue background, with a light blue rectangle (bordered in blue) about half the size of the flag in the center of the flag, with a stylized green mountain on the left side of the box, The word "JUNEAU" (coloured blue) in the upper-right area of the box. Below "JUNEAU" is a yellow five-pointed star (outlined in blue) with the words "ALASKA'S CAPITAL CITY" (colored blue) to the right of the star. Underneath the "★ ALASKA'S CAPITAL CITY" are stylized waves in blue, all within the box.
  • The former capital of the Pre-War Northwest Commonwealth, now a major trading center for the Northwest.
  • Juneau ist eine Stadt, welche sich in Alaska auf der Erde befindet. Als die Walsonde 2286 auf der Erde nach Buckelwalen sucht, nimmt die Wolkendecke über der Stadt rapide zu. (Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart)
  • Juneau era una città dell'Alaska, USA, si trovava vicino il Golfo dell'Alaska. (TOS: "Lo zoo di Talos") Nel 2286, quando la sonda delle balene attaccò la Terra, Juneau era una delle città più colpite dalla nube di densa copertura che ha bloccava la luce del sole. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra) Informazioni di retroscenaLa città si trovava nella regione del Pacifico. Alla mappa ebbero accesso dagli archivi della USS Enterprise i talosiani nel 2254.
  • Juneauday.png|Juneau at daytime Juneaunight.png|Juneau at night Juneau is a city in , in . It has a population of 0.02 Million and is a .
  • Juneau était une ville de l'État d'Alaska (USA) sur Terre.
  • Juneau is een stad in Alaska, een onderdeel van de vroegere Verenigde Staten van Amerika, op het Noord Amerikaanse continent van de Aarde. Juneau was één van de steden die in 2286 getroffen werd door de dikke wolk die het zonlicht tegenhield als gevolg van de ecologische aanval op Aarde door de walvis sonde. ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") Categorie:VS nederzettingen de:Juneau en:Juneau fr:Juneau it:Juneau
  • Juneau is the defunct capital of the Anarcho-Syndalist Narco-State of Alaska, previously the capital of the Amazingly Wonderful Wolf-Murdering Moose-Eating Empire of Alaska. It is know for having roads, bears, and a bridge to somewhere, as well as having been the residence of glaciers and the spawn of Satan known as Sarah Palin.
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