  • Gladys
  • Gladys
  • Gladys
  • Gladys
  • Gladys
  • Gladys
  • Gladys was an elderly resident of Bowerstone Old Town. Along with her sister, Moira, she set up a charity for orphans, the homeless, and other needy people. Unfortunately, the charity disappeared with their death. The two sisters resided in what is now called The Helping Hand.
  • Gladys es una Plumbot precreada de Oasis Landing. Vive con su enemiga Chelsea Gateway. Según su biografía, ella fue programada para cuidadora, pero a través de los años, Chelsea le ha jugado muchas bromas que han terminado con su paciencia. Es mejor amistad de Delta un Plumbot. Como tiene los rasgos Maestría algorítmica e I.A. pescadora, tiene dominada las habilidades de pintura y pesca.
  • Gladys is a minor character that appears in Super Paper Mario.
  • Es una mujer de ojos verdes oscuros y pelo largo de color naranja. Lleva un vestido púrpura.Tambien lleva unos pendientes amarillos y un broche del mismo color.
  • Gladys is the aunt of Howard and may be the sister of either Debbie Wolowitz or her ex-husband Sam Wolowitz. In "The Comic Book Store Regeneration", Debbie is visiting Howard's Aunt Gladys in Florida and passes away in her sleep which also acknowledges the passing of the actress who played her, Carol Ann Susi.
  • Gladys is a demon that transfers the souls that Sam captures with whichever vessel he is presented with; back to Hell, from her cubicle at DMV.
  • Gladys, a.k.a. Gladstone, is a steam tender engine.
  • Gladys is a character weapon first making its appearance in The Hard Goodbye. A Springfield Armory M1911A1 pistol, it's Marv's weapon of choice when he's not taking people out by hand. Only taken out on special occasion, it's usually left at his mother's house, hidden in his old room.
  • Gladys ist ein noch sehr junges Mädchen, welches bei der Agentur Fittes arbeitet. Lucy schätzt sie in "Der Wispernde Schädel" auf etwa acht Jahre ein. Sie war bei dem Fall der Albe von Wimbledon dabei. Kategorie:Agentur Fittes Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Der Wispernde Schädel
  • Gladys (ちとせ, Chitose) est une autruche, plus précisément une grue du Japon apparaissant comme villageoise dans la série Animal Crossing à partir d'Animal Crossing: Wild World. Elle est également présente dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+, une version exclusivement japonaise du jeu Animal Crossing sur GameCube en Europe. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Gladys is the mother of Billy and the wife of Harold and is a patient, yet very mentally unstable woman whose condition seems to have been brought on by having to deal with her family.
  • Gladys is a social worker in Los Angeles.
  • Gladys was a former member of the U.S. Army.
  • Gladys Bloom is a fictional character in the Regents Walk comic series. Other kids often call her "Gross Gladys", mostly due to her little sinus problems. She is one of the twelve Shadows, so her tale will be part of the Stories written series.
  • A strange sexless thing that continually changed its voice and responded often with the phrase 'Yes Darling!'. This part was also played by Ray Ellington (e.g., see "Rommel's Treasure").
  • thumb|Gladys mit King JulienGladys ist eine alte Frau, die öfters den Central Park Zoo besucht. Sie hat eine Katze (eigentlich ein Frettchen) und bringt den Tieren im Central Park Zoo immer leckere Sachen mit. Leider sieht sie schlecht und hält die Lemuren deshalb für Katzen. Von Alice wurde sie schon mehrmals ermahnt, sie soll keine Tiere füttern, aber sie findet immer wieder einen Weg, das Verbot zu umgehen.
  • Jak każdy mieszkaniec Oasis Landing, Gladys posiada ukrytą cechę Sima z przyszłości, a także maksymalną ilość punktów umiejętności wędkowania i malowania, ze względu na swoje chipy.
  • Gladys - A new kind and elderly woodcarver who creates Patty and wishes for her to become a real girl returns. By the voiced Jennifer Hudson.
  • Gladys was een koningsdochter en heilige uit Wales. Gladys was de dochter van Brychan van Brecknock. Toen de naburige koning Gwynllyw om haar hand vroeg, weigerde Gladys. Gwynllyw ontvoerde daarop het meisje en het paar begon een gewelddadig bestaan te leiden. Zij werd de moeder van Cadoc, die zijn ouders er van kon overtuigen hun gewelddadig leven op te geven en hun religieuze roeping te volgen. Gladys werd non in Newport (Monmouthshire) en op het einde van haar leven kluizenares in Wales. Haar feestdag is op 29 maart.
  • In "The One With Ross' Grant", Phoebe gives "Gladys" to Monica because Mike hates it. Monica attempts to give it to Rachel only resulting in a big fight over who has to keep it. Then Phoebe created another piece called Glyniss for whoever does not get to keep Gladys. In "The One With Phoebe's Dad" Gladys can be seen hanging in Phoebe's grandmothers apartment however dressed in red.
  • Gladys is the name of a military-grade mobile transport vehicle. Its undercarriage is like that of a tank, however it is exposed at the top. Gladys is used during the Action Scientists' deployment to Egypt, where it allows the team to catch up the moving, weaponized pyramids. Its model, design, and etymology are unknown.
  • Gladys - starsza pani, która dokarmia zwierzęta w zoo. Ma na pieńku z Alice, która nie lubi, gdy goście karmią zwierzęta. Z racji słabego wzroku myli lemury i fretki z kotami. Posiada fretkę o imieniu Zoe, którą karmi i utrzymuje tylko dlatego, że myśli, iż jest kotem. Wszystkie zwierzęta w zoo ją lubią, oprócz Juliana, ponieważ zawsze daje im smakołyki. Pojawia się w odcinkach Uwierz w bebech i Koty Dwa.
  • Gladys, labeled as The Little Twin Sista, is a contestant in Total Drama Flashback.
  • Gladys Idiot es una de los personajes secundarios de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy.
  • Being nothing but a flower, Gladys obviously doesn't talk back, but Ned often talks as if she has her own opinions and responses.
  • Nom: Inconnu Prénom: Gladys Couleur des cheveux: Mauves Lieu d'habitation: Maison de retraite - Springfield Activité: Retraitée - Elle porte des lunettes. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Fiche Brouillon
  • Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, she has the Future Sim hidden trait. She has mastered her Painting and Fishing skills, as she has the Algorithmic Artist and A.I. Angler trait chips installed.
  • Gladys is the recruiting character and antagonist in the live-action series BUNK'D.
  • Gladys was a tribble named by Julian Bashir in 2373. Gladys later helped Bashir to find a way to control the tribble species' eating habits, as he used Klingon pheromones on it, which stopped Gladys from eating. (DS9 short story: "The Tribbles' Pagh")
  • She was seen on the bus to Monsters University. She also appears on
  • Gladys is an old woman that the Gang uses in their various schemes. Quotes: "My grandmother had an affair with Susan B. Anthony"
  • Gladys is a Retirement Castle resident. Homer knows her after a short while in the retirement home. She is seen reading a book.
  • She has a severe facial tic, which usually appears when Billy is misbehaving, when her authority is challenged, or whenever Grim is present, and has also developed nervous breakdowns. Despite so, Gladys cares deeply for Billy and Harold, although when Harold gets fired for doing something stupid or whenever Billy is really disobeying her or acting up, she does have large outbursts of rage. She wants Billy to grow up to be a chiropractor, even though she knows that is very unlikely to happen. Gladys is a caring mother, a loving wife and a devoted homemaker.
  • thumb|260px|Madre de Billy thumb|302px|Gladys amenaza a HaroldEs la mamá de Billy y la esposa de Harold. Odia a Puro Hueso hasta el punto de querer echarlo de su casa por temor a que le haga daño a Billy. Tiene los ojos verde oscuro y el cabello anarajado. Lleva maquillaje y unos aros que hacen juego con una hebilla que lleva en su cabello. En cuanto a la vestimenta, luce un vestido largo de color violeta claro y unos zapatos bordó.
  • Ethnie: Semiréalmiens | Culture: Garétien | Métier: Charlatan | Points d'aventure: 1050 | Points d'expérience: 20 | Niveau: 03 Ferdok, vous accoste dans le Quartier des charretiers durant la quête Meurtres à Ferdok Bonus et malus : Caméléon social Catégorie:Les héros
  • Roger Wilco once tried to ask her out on a date to Monolith Burger, but she never looked up from her post and ignored him. She was always looking at the icons on her computer screen all the time, and would drag the icons she didn't want to the toilet on her screen. She continued to be Roger's crush and was constantly on his mind... She has no interest in cross-dressers, and if she knew Roger Wilco had dressed up as a women, she would never go out with him ever. Roger had been told that she and the other more female of the XOS crew liked the cut of Roger's skivvies. But if she did, Roger couldn't tell, as she almost always had her face glued to her control panel.
  • Good
First game
  • Super Paper Mario
Portrayed By
  • Bad
  • Architect
  • I wish that my little Patty, would become a real girl
  • Femelle
  • Smiles are free.
  • Autruche
Primera aparición
  • Esqueletos en Casa
Initial Phrase
  • stretch
  • Kobieta
  • 250
  • Humano
  • Chitose
  • Femenino Archivo:Femenino.jpg
  • Eagle
main colors
  • Orange and White
  • Separation from Glory
  • ちとせ
  • FO4
  • 10.800000
  • Plumbot
Initial Clothes
  • Misty Tee
  • Gladys podnosi Juliana.
  • Oasis Landing
  • yes
  • A peaceful zen garden
  • Gladys
  • Człowiek
  • Sandra
  • Marta
  • Plik:Gladys.png
  • Keaton
  • 130.680000
ukryta cecha
  • Sim z przyszłości
  • Ama de casa.
  • Future Sim
última Aparición
  • Tempus Fugit
  • hide
  • Amiibo 194 Gladys.png
  • Femenino.
  • 7
  • Mieszkaniec z przyszłości
  • Gladys
  • Dostosowanie nastroju
  • Artyzm algorytmów
  • Wędkarska S.I.
  • Hamster
  • Secundario.
  • Desconocidos
  • Hamphrey
  • The Sims 3: Skok w Przyszłość
  • 123.199000
  • 194
  • New Wood Carver
  • Mary Scheer
  • "The D.E.N.N.I.S. System"
  • "The Nightman Cometh"
  • Druid
  • Retired
  • Social Worker
  • Equipment Shopkeeper
  • Gladys
  • Kingdom Hearts III
  • Super Paper Mario
  • none
  • Disney's Pinocchio
  • Fearless Flashbacks
  • Team Courtney
  • Vital Visions
  • 10
  • Dark Blue
  • 4
  • The regular amount of milk,
  • Two spoonfuls of sugar
  • Mocha,
  • Fable II
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Minor
  • true
First Appearance
  • Oasis Landing
  • U.S. Army Veteran
  • The Sims 3: Into the Future
  • Gray
  • Auburn
  • Gladys
  • Gladays
  • Ostrich
  • Normal
  • Old Lady, Kindness and Sweet fully
  • 95
  • Glayds as seen in game.
  • Though Gladys was designed as a basic caretaker, Chelsea has made some major upgrades. Maybe a few too many; Gladys has some simmering resentments after years of servitude.
  • Female
  • Husband: Walter
  • 9
  • 10
comic appearances
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Normale
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --01-15
film appearances
Actor de Voz
występowanie w pozostałych odcinkach
  • Anna Apostolakis-Gluzińska
  • Nowy York
  • Gladys
  • Disney's All New House of Mouse
  • BUNK'D
  • Disney's Pinocchio: The Series
  • K.K. Folk
  • None
  • Gladys
  • Paper
  • Calligraphy
  • Mood Adjuster
  • Algorithmic Artist
  • A.I. Angler
  • purple
  • 1
  • 1981-03-15
  • --01-15
  • Normal
  • Plumbot
  • Unknown
  • She is Grimvale's druid, and can also provide you with some handy equipment.
Last Appearance
  • Las Sombrías Aventuras de Billy y Mandy
  • Weapon
  • House Keeper
  • Future Resident
  • Iconic
  • Edron
  • Gladys Shoemaker Bloom
  • Human
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
  • Grim & Evil
  • Pinocchio II
  • Acting
  • 2
  • Female
  • Male
  • "codêt"
  • Aunque Gladys fue diseñada como cuidadora básica, Chelsea le ha implementado importantes mejoras. Tal vez demasiadas, porque Gladys alberga cierto resentimiento tras años de servicio.
  • PP: 4 and 5
  • "She stome mine"
  • Smiles are free, you know.
  • Femenino
  • Southeast on Grimvale, in her little house.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 25
  • Capricorne
  • No
  • Unknown
Primera Aparicion
  • true
  • No
  • Grue du Japon
  • Unknown
  • 8
  • Gladys was an elderly resident of Bowerstone Old Town. Along with her sister, Moira, she set up a charity for orphans, the homeless, and other needy people. Unfortunately, the charity disappeared with their death. The two sisters resided in what is now called The Helping Hand.
  • Gladys es una Plumbot precreada de Oasis Landing. Vive con su enemiga Chelsea Gateway. Según su biografía, ella fue programada para cuidadora, pero a través de los años, Chelsea le ha jugado muchas bromas que han terminado con su paciencia. Es mejor amistad de Delta un Plumbot. Como tiene los rasgos Maestría algorítmica e I.A. pescadora, tiene dominada las habilidades de pintura y pesca.
  • Gladys is a minor character that appears in Super Paper Mario.
  • Es una mujer de ojos verdes oscuros y pelo largo de color naranja. Lleva un vestido púrpura.Tambien lleva unos pendientes amarillos y un broche del mismo color.
  • Gladys is the aunt of Howard and may be the sister of either Debbie Wolowitz or her ex-husband Sam Wolowitz. In "The Comic Book Store Regeneration", Debbie is visiting Howard's Aunt Gladys in Florida and passes away in her sleep which also acknowledges the passing of the actress who played her, Carol Ann Susi.
  • Ethnie: Semiréalmiens | Culture: Garétien | Métier: Charlatan | Points d'aventure: 1050 | Points d'expérience: 20 | Niveau: 03 Ferdok, vous accoste dans le Quartier des charretiers durant la quête Meurtres à Ferdok * Furtivité : 06 * Volonté : 04 * Perception : 05 * Vol à la tire : 06 * Rue : 10 * Soin des blessures : 00 * Magie : 02 * Séduction : 09 * Étiquette : 02 * Négocier : 04 * Nature humaine : 10 * Baratiner : 13 * Crochetage : 04 * Dagues : 04 * Armes de pointe : 08 * Haches et masses : 00 * Sabres : 00 * Bagarre : 02 * Couteau de lancer : 05 * Mêlée * Feinte * Vision pure * Que la foudre te frappe! * Lumière dans les ténèbres * Nuée d'étincelles dansantes Bonus et malus : Caméléon social Catégorie:Les héros
  • Gladys is a demon that transfers the souls that Sam captures with whichever vessel he is presented with; back to Hell, from her cubicle at DMV.
  • Gladys, a.k.a. Gladstone, is a steam tender engine.
  • Gladys is a character weapon first making its appearance in The Hard Goodbye. A Springfield Armory M1911A1 pistol, it's Marv's weapon of choice when he's not taking people out by hand. Only taken out on special occasion, it's usually left at his mother's house, hidden in his old room.
  • Gladys ist ein noch sehr junges Mädchen, welches bei der Agentur Fittes arbeitet. Lucy schätzt sie in "Der Wispernde Schädel" auf etwa acht Jahre ein. Sie war bei dem Fall der Albe von Wimbledon dabei. Kategorie:Agentur Fittes Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Der Wispernde Schädel
  • Gladys (ちとせ, Chitose) est une autruche, plus précisément une grue du Japon apparaissant comme villageoise dans la série Animal Crossing à partir d'Animal Crossing: Wild World. Elle est également présente dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+, une version exclusivement japonaise du jeu Animal Crossing sur GameCube en Europe. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Gladys is the mother of Billy and the wife of Harold and is a patient, yet very mentally unstable woman whose condition seems to have been brought on by having to deal with her family.
  • Roger Wilco once tried to ask her out on a date to Monolith Burger, but she never looked up from her post and ignored him. She was always looking at the icons on her computer screen all the time, and would drag the icons she didn't want to the toilet on her screen. She continued to be Roger's crush and was constantly on his mind... She has no interest in cross-dressers, and if she knew Roger Wilco had dressed up as a women, she would never go out with him ever. Roger had been told that she and the other more female of the XOS crew liked the cut of Roger's skivvies. But if she did, Roger couldn't tell, as she almost always had her face glued to her control panel. Roger believed it is possible that Gladys was captured by Vohaul and turned into one of the cyborg, and sent to roam the streets of some Xenon city to find more survivors and bring them to Sludge Vohaul.
  • Gladys is a social worker in Los Angeles.
  • Gladys was a former member of the U.S. Army.
  • Gladys Bloom is a fictional character in the Regents Walk comic series. Other kids often call her "Gross Gladys", mostly due to her little sinus problems. She is one of the twelve Shadows, so her tale will be part of the Stories written series.
  • thumb|260px|Madre de Billy thumb|302px|Gladys amenaza a HaroldEs la mamá de Billy y la esposa de Harold. Odia a Puro Hueso hasta el punto de querer echarlo de su casa por temor a que le haga daño a Billy. Tiene los ojos verde oscuro y el cabello anarajado. Lleva maquillaje y unos aros que hacen juego con una hebilla que lleva en su cabello. En cuanto a la vestimenta, luce un vestido largo de color violeta claro y unos zapatos bordó. La gusta la limpieza, ya que se puede alterar con el tema de los gérmenes. Gladys se preocupa mucho por su hijo y teme constantemente de que algo pueda sucederle. Cuando conoció a Puro Hueso se volvió loca del miedo, y la Tía Sís la llevó a un asilo mental. Más tarde vuelve y, desde entonces odia profundamente a Puro Hueso. Ella es mentalmente inestable, como lo demuestra cuando su autoridad es cuestionada, cuando Billy se mete en un lío, o cuando Puro Hueso está presente, ya que desarrolla un tic facial en su ojo. Suele ser una mujer muy dura, ya que Harold se le tiene algo de miedo, como lo demuestra en el episodio "La Niñera del Terror" y en la película "La Gran Aventura de Billy y Mandy contra el Coco", en la cual no quería decirle a su esposa que había sido despedido de su trabajo. Categoría:Personajes
  • A strange sexless thing that continually changed its voice and responded often with the phrase 'Yes Darling!'. This part was also played by Ray Ellington (e.g., see "Rommel's Treasure").
  • thumb|Gladys mit King JulienGladys ist eine alte Frau, die öfters den Central Park Zoo besucht. Sie hat eine Katze (eigentlich ein Frettchen) und bringt den Tieren im Central Park Zoo immer leckere Sachen mit. Leider sieht sie schlecht und hält die Lemuren deshalb für Katzen. Von Alice wurde sie schon mehrmals ermahnt, sie soll keine Tiere füttern, aber sie findet immer wieder einen Weg, das Verbot zu umgehen.
  • She has a severe facial tic, which usually appears when Billy is misbehaving, when her authority is challenged, or whenever Grim is present, and has also developed nervous breakdowns. Despite so, Gladys cares deeply for Billy and Harold, although when Harold gets fired for doing something stupid or whenever Billy is really disobeying her or acting up, she does have large outbursts of rage. She wants Billy to grow up to be a chiropractor, even though she knows that is very unlikely to happen. Gladys is a caring mother, a loving wife and a devoted homemaker. She suffers from an unnamed mental condition (in her first appearance it's mentioned she must have forgotten her medicine when she claims she saw Grim) and is overprotective of Billy. She fluctuates between these qualities at an unsettling rapidity, if any at all. Her renowned fits of insanity and ferocious mood swings have always been present. She even attacked her husband Harold more than a few times, notably with a chainsaw, frying pan, even with a Scythe and many other dangerous items. Harold implies that she has schizophrenia during her first appearance, asking if she forgot to take her medicine when she tries to tell Harold about Grim. This was present before she even met Grim. Her relationship to Grim is ambivalent at best. She has never come to terms with the fact that her son's best friend is The Grim Reaper himself - and that he is also living under her roof, watching her TV and eating at her table. She is exceptionally mean to him, and they will always bicker if placed in the same room. There is even an episode about their relationship. At times, it seems as if Billy has inherited some of his mother's madness.
  • Jak każdy mieszkaniec Oasis Landing, Gladys posiada ukrytą cechę Sima z przyszłości, a także maksymalną ilość punktów umiejętności wędkowania i malowania, ze względu na swoje chipy.
  • Gladys - A new kind and elderly woodcarver who creates Patty and wishes for her to become a real girl returns. By the voiced Jennifer Hudson.
  • Gladys was een koningsdochter en heilige uit Wales. Gladys was de dochter van Brychan van Brecknock. Toen de naburige koning Gwynllyw om haar hand vroeg, weigerde Gladys. Gwynllyw ontvoerde daarop het meisje en het paar begon een gewelddadig bestaan te leiden. Zij werd de moeder van Cadoc, die zijn ouders er van kon overtuigen hun gewelddadig leven op te geven en hun religieuze roeping te volgen. Gladys werd non in Newport (Monmouthshire) en op het einde van haar leven kluizenares in Wales. Haar feestdag is op 29 maart.
  • In "The One With Ross' Grant", Phoebe gives "Gladys" to Monica because Mike hates it. Monica attempts to give it to Rachel only resulting in a big fight over who has to keep it. Then Phoebe created another piece called Glyniss for whoever does not get to keep Gladys. In "The One With Phoebe's Dad" Gladys can be seen hanging in Phoebe's grandmothers apartment however dressed in red.
  • Gladys is the name of a military-grade mobile transport vehicle. Its undercarriage is like that of a tank, however it is exposed at the top. Gladys is used during the Action Scientists' deployment to Egypt, where it allows the team to catch up the moving, weaponized pyramids. Its model, design, and etymology are unknown.
  • Gladys - starsza pani, która dokarmia zwierzęta w zoo. Ma na pieńku z Alice, która nie lubi, gdy goście karmią zwierzęta. Z racji słabego wzroku myli lemury i fretki z kotami. Posiada fretkę o imieniu Zoe, którą karmi i utrzymuje tylko dlatego, że myśli, iż jest kotem. Wszystkie zwierzęta w zoo ją lubią, oprócz Juliana, ponieważ zawsze daje im smakołyki. Pojawia się w odcinkach Uwierz w bebech i Koty Dwa.
  • Gladys, labeled as The Little Twin Sista, is a contestant in Total Drama Flashback.
  • Gladys Idiot es una de los personajes secundarios de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy.
  • Being nothing but a flower, Gladys obviously doesn't talk back, but Ned often talks as if she has her own opinions and responses.
  • Nom: Inconnu Prénom: Gladys Couleur des cheveux: Mauves Lieu d'habitation: Maison de retraite - Springfield Activité: Retraitée - Elle porte des lunettes. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Fiche Brouillon
  • Like all pre-made Sims from Oasis Landing, she has the Future Sim hidden trait. She has mastered her Painting and Fishing skills, as she has the Algorithmic Artist and A.I. Angler trait chips installed.
  • Gladys is the recruiting character and antagonist in the live-action series BUNK'D.
  • Gladys was a tribble named by Julian Bashir in 2373. Gladys later helped Bashir to find a way to control the tribble species' eating habits, as he used Klingon pheromones on it, which stopped Gladys from eating. (DS9 short story: "The Tribbles' Pagh")
  • She was seen on the bus to Monsters University. She also appears on
  • Gladys is an old woman that the Gang uses in their various schemes. Quotes: "My grandmother had an affair with Susan B. Anthony"
  • Gladys is a Retirement Castle resident. Homer knows her after a short while in the retirement home. She is seen reading a book.
is roommates of
is Członkowie of
is Relatives of
is Familia of
is Diffusion of
is Members of
is Relationship of
is Enemies of
is Personnages of
is Family of
is Friends of
is On Cover of
is also appearing of
is Relaciones of