  • Martia
  • Martia
  • Martia
  • Martia is April's friend. She is on her mathematics team at school and attended the birthday party Luke threw for April.
  • Martia is an NPC.
  • Martia was a chameloid active in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Her alter ego in the main universe was imprisoned in 2293 on the Klingon penal colony on Rura Penthe and met James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy, before get killed. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
  • Martia had committed a major crime against the Klingon Empire and was imprisoned on the Klingon penal colony Rura Penthe in the 2290s. In 2293, she was involved in a plot to kill Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy. Martia was offered a full pardon for her crimes if she assisted the Klingons in murdering the two Starfleet officers, by helping them escape and therefore giving the guards a believable excuse for killing them. She initially approached Kirk and McCoy when they were imprisoned in Rura Penthe, and helped them avoid a fight with a large, threatening inmate as well as with a horned alien prisoner. Then, she offered them a way to escape. Using her shapeshifting abilities, she alternately appeared as a hulking, hirsute male alien to infiltrate a male-only level, and then a
  • Martia era un chameloide femmina imprigionata sulla colonia penale klingon di Rura Penthe. All'inizio, apparve come un'umanoide esotica con un debole per i sigari. Nel 2293, fece parte di un piano ordito per uccidere il Capitano della Flotta Stellare James T. Kirk ed il dottor Leonard McCoy i quali erano reclusi a Rura Penthe dopo l'accusa di esser stati i responsabili dell'assassinio del Cancelliere klingon Gorkon. Il piano consisteva nel far in modo che Martia "aiutasse" i due ufficiali della Flotta Stellare ad evadere dalla colonia penale ed oltrepassare lo scudo magnetico che impediva l'uso del teletrasporto. Kirk e McCoy dovevano quindi venire uccisi "mentre cercavano di scappare." Per aver preso parte attiva al piano, a Martia fu promesso di venir rilasciato.
  • thumb|Martia auf Rura Penthe. (2293) Martia ist eine Chamäleonidin und ist eine Gefangene im klingonischen Straflager Rura Penthe. 2293 ist Martia Teil der Khitomer-Verschwörung. Sie bekommt vom Leiter des Straflagers das Angebot, ihre Freiheit zu erhalten, wenn sie Captain Kirk und Doktor McCoy bei deren Flucht unterstützt, damit diese bei der Flucht getötet werden können. Somit würden die beiden einen glaubwürdigen Tod sterben und wären den Verschwören nicht mehr im Weg.
  • 2293
  • Martia's death
  • Martia's primary appearance
  • memoryalpha
  • Deceased
  • Martia
  • Martia in 2293
  • This is a skill quest NPC for Priest's skill Revival.
  • red
  • 2293
  • Martia's death.jpg
  • Martia.gif
  • 2
  • female
  • Elim Year 330
  • Martia is April's friend. She is on her mathematics team at school and attended the birthday party Luke threw for April.
  • thumb|Martia auf Rura Penthe. (2293) Martia ist eine Chamäleonidin und ist eine Gefangene im klingonischen Straflager Rura Penthe. 2293 ist Martia Teil der Khitomer-Verschwörung. Sie bekommt vom Leiter des Straflagers das Angebot, ihre Freiheit zu erhalten, wenn sie Captain Kirk und Doktor McCoy bei deren Flucht unterstützt, damit diese bei der Flucht getötet werden können. Somit würden die beiden einen glaubwürdigen Tod sterben und wären den Verschwören nicht mehr im Weg. Als Kirk und McCoy ins Straflager kommen, gelingt es ihr, das Vertrauen der beiden zu erlangen. Sie kann Kirk und McCoy davon überzeugen zu fliehen. Die gestaltwandlerischen Fähigkeiten helfen ihr bei der Flucht. Die Klingonen statten sie mit allen Mitteln aus, damit die Flüchtlinge auf der eiskalten Oberfläche überleben können. Nachdem die Flüchtlinge das Magnetfeld, welches illegales Beamen von der Oberfläche verhindert, verlassen haben, erkennt Kirk, dass es sich um eine Falle handelt. Martia ist in Kirks Augen zu gut ausgestattet. Martia erklärt Kirk den wahren Plan und nimmt Kirks Gestalt an. Sie greift Kirk an und die beiden kämpfen gegeneinander. Plötzlich erscheint der Leiter des Straflagers mit einigen Wachen. Der Klingone sieht nur die beiden Kirks und jeder der beiden sagt, dass er der echte Kirk sei. Schließlich tötet der Klingone einen der beiden Kirks und es stellt sich heraus, dass dieser Martia ist. Es war eigentlich nie geplant, dass Martia frei kommt, denn man will keine Zeugen für den Mord an Kirk und McCoy. Aber letztendlich können Kirk und McCoy auch dank der Hilfe von Martia den Klingonen entkommen. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land)
  • Martia era un chameloide femmina imprigionata sulla colonia penale klingon di Rura Penthe. All'inizio, apparve come un'umanoide esotica con un debole per i sigari. Nel 2293, fece parte di un piano ordito per uccidere il Capitano della Flotta Stellare James T. Kirk ed il dottor Leonard McCoy i quali erano reclusi a Rura Penthe dopo l'accusa di esser stati i responsabili dell'assassinio del Cancelliere klingon Gorkon. Il piano consisteva nel far in modo che Martia "aiutasse" i due ufficiali della Flotta Stellare ad evadere dalla colonia penale ed oltrepassare lo scudo magnetico che impediva l'uso del teletrasporto. Kirk e McCoy dovevano quindi venire uccisi "mentre cercavano di scappare." Per aver preso parte attiva al piano, a Martia fu promesso di venir rilasciato. Martia, nelle sembianze di Kirk, fu ucciso da un comandante klingon della colonia poco dopo che Kirk e McCoy vennero tratti in salvo dalla nave stellare USS Enterprise-A. (Star Trek VI: Rotta verso l'ignoto)
  • Martia is an NPC.
  • Martia was a chameloid active in the 23rd and 24th centuries. Her alter ego in the main universe was imprisoned in 2293 on the Klingon penal colony on Rura Penthe and met James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy, before get killed. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
  • Martia had committed a major crime against the Klingon Empire and was imprisoned on the Klingon penal colony Rura Penthe in the 2290s. In 2293, she was involved in a plot to kill Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy. Martia was offered a full pardon for her crimes if she assisted the Klingons in murdering the two Starfleet officers, by helping them escape and therefore giving the guards a believable excuse for killing them. She initially approached Kirk and McCoy when they were imprisoned in Rura Penthe, and helped them avoid a fight with a large, threatening inmate as well as with a horned alien prisoner. Then, she offered them a way to escape. Using her shapeshifting abilities, she alternately appeared as a hulking, hirsute male alien to infiltrate a male-only level, and then as a little blond girl to escape her restraints. Helping Kirk and McCoy travel beyond the magnetic shield, Martia then attempted to alert the guards to their location, and engaged in a fight with Kirk using his image. When the commandant of the colony arrived, however, he was tricked into killing Martia by the genuine Kirk. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
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