  • Kieran
  • Kieran
  • Kieran
  • Kieran
  • Kieran
  • Kieran
  • Kierans are a race of humanoids, who are from a homeworld they have yet to reveal to the rest of the galaxy. It is rumored to lie at the far edges of the Galaxy on the rim, on the side of the Alpha Quadrant but this again has not yet been confirmed.
  • Kieran is a faerie and a member of the Wild Hunt. He is one of the Unseelie King's many children and is thus considered a prince of the Unseelie Court.
  • Kieran is a level 30 weapon vendor located in the Tradesmen's Terrace in the night elf city of Darnassus. See List of Darnassus NPCs.
  • Kieran is a lieutenant of the Second Sons. He appears in Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series.
  • He also appears to be good friends with his superior, Geoffrey, and Geoffrey gives him a Silver Axe in a conversation at the base just before Part 2 Chapter 3 in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. This friendship is also referenced by their bond support. He appears as an enemy in Part 3 Chapter 12 to the Daein army, most likely representing the Crimean Royal Knights in Geoffrey's absence. However, the chances of battling him are very slim.
  • Kieran ist ein Waffenhändler der Kaldorei in Darnassus.
  • Kieran to członek Leśnej Straży, jeden ze zwiadowców Gelu.
  • Kieran ist ein Mensch des 21. Jahrhunderts. Er ist durch Zufall in dem walisischen Dorf Brynblaidd, als dessen Bewohner der Tradition folgen, alle 10 Jahre Menschen abzuschlachten. Er überlebt mit Hilfe des Torchwood 3-Teams.
  • Kieran (ケビン Kebin, Kevin in the Japanese and German version) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the sub-commander of the Crimean Royal Knights, and serves under General Geoffrey.
  • Kieran was a young boy who had originated from a small island known as Draco, off the bottom coast of Kanto, His main goal in his life is to be a Dragon type master, with his best friend Dragonite. He is currently 14 years if age and has succeeded in collecting All Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, badges, as he is currently collecting Kalos'.
  • Kieran was a Starfleet officer serving on the USS Enterprise-D in 2371, holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Kieran was one of the victims of the Chova, a telepathic weapon used by the opponents of Governor Ra'ch B'ullhy of Damiano. (TNG - Perchance to Dream comic: "In the Sleep of Death, What Dreams May Come")
  • When a family portrait was being taken in the 2050s, Kieran made the "rabbit ears" gesture behind a relative's head. Shannon told him to "knock it off and that's an order". (VOY: "11:59") Kieran was played by an uncredited actor.
  • Kieran egy tündér, aki régen a Tündérek Ellenudvarának tagja volt és aki most a Vadűzés tagja.
  • Kieran (born in 9:31 Dragon) is the son of Morrigan, possibly born with the soul of the slain Old God, Urthemiel. Kieran only exists if Morrigan had been in a romantic relationship with the Warden in Dragon Age: Origins or performed her ritual at the end of that game.
  • Kieran ist Morrigans Sohn, sofern der Wächter in Dragon Age: Origins Morrigans Ritual zugestimmt hat.
  • Kieran, formerly known as Blain, is an anthro fox from the Redwallverse. He is currently under the care of Agents Adder and Deuce.
  • Kieran ist der Sohn des König des Dunklen Hofes und somit ein Elbenprinz. Laut Mark Blackthorn ist er erst um die 20 Jahre alt. Während der Zeit in der Mark bei der Wilden Jagd ist, rettet Kieran Mark das Leben und sie haben eine Affäre.
  • When the Kelownans learned of the military alliance between the Tiranians and the Andari Federation in 2002, Kieran traveled to Earth with Ambassador Dreylock and Commander Hale in the hopes of obtaining the Tau'ri's more advanced military technology to aid in their conflict with Kelowna's two rival nations.
  • Kieran es un príncipe hada de la Corte Noseelie y un miembro de la Cacería Salvaje. El hada Hefeydd se refiere a él como "el príncipe". Es el más pequeño y el menos considerado de los cincuenta hijos del rey de la Corte Noseelie. Debido a sus maquinaciones por detrás del trono fue enviado a la Cacería cuando aún era muy joven. También Mark le contó a Cristina que el rey se lo entregó a Gwyn como señal de buena voluntad hacia él pero que debía tratar bien a Kieran.
  • Kieran is the gang's Tomboy. She is a tomboyish girl who loves sports and a good challenge. She is the school's taekwondo champ and is always found practicing her moves, especially on the boys. Kieran is incredibly strong and sometimes forgets how strong she was, resulting in injuring some students. Her best friend is Mindy. In Oh My English Season 3, she made an appearance as a minor character, bearing the same name in an episode titled, Zack to the Future.
  • Kieran är en manlig Kelownaner. Och han var en Kelownaner vetenskapsman och chef för naquadria projektet att vända mineral till en kraftfull destruktiv vapen. Han var också en mentor till Jonas Quinn. När Kelownanerna fick kännedom om den militära alliansen mellan Tiranianerna och Andari Federationen, reste Kieran till Jorden med ambassadör Dreylock och Befälhavare Hale i hopp om att få Tau'ri mer avancerade militär teknologi till stöd i sin konflikt med Kelowna två rivaliserande nationer. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Kelownans
  • 11
  • 12
  • 30
  • Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series
  • Wilde Jagd
Row 8 info
  • Dratini
  • 275
Row 4 info
  • Lower Coastal Kanto
Erscheint in
  • blau/grau
  • Infobox Kieran.jpg
Row 7 title
  • Height
  • Kobaltkék
  • Männlich
  • männlich
Erster Auftritt
  • Countrycide
  • Kieran
  • König des Dunklen Hofes
  • Ismeretlen testvérek
Row 1 info
  • Male
Startet die Aufträge
  • *Abyssus-Wacht - Streng geheim *VW Op. #115: Li'Telor Variant *Skyward Ho, Voidwatcher!
  • Student
  • Mitglied der Wilden Jagd
Boarder's Name
Row 8 title
  • First Pokemon
Row 4 title
  • Region
  • 230
  • Norg
Row 2 info
  • 14
  • Él
  • Férfi
Row 6 info
  • Black Dragon
  • Hume
  • 1
  • 6
  • +2
  • +4
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • 10
  • 20
  • +2
Row 5 info
  • *Dragonite *Venusaur *Pidgeot *Lapras *Arcanine *Cloyster
  • 11
  • 21
  • +2
Row 2 title
  • Age
  • +0
  • +1
Row 6 title
  • Title/s
  • blau
Home Continuum
  • 8
  • 16
Letzter Auftritt
  • Countrycide
  • 20
  • -
Row 5 title
  • Party
  • Bietet den Spielern Hilfe bei Voidwatchoperationen an, ähnlich denen der Voidwatch Officer in Jeuno. *Beteiligt an Voidwatch Op. *Bietet Riftstein. *Zeigt eure gegenwärtige Anzahl an Riftsteine. *Verkauft: **Cobalt Cell: 3.000 Cruor **Rotphasen-Manipulator: 3.000 Cruor **Xanthous Cell: 3.000 Cruor **Periapt of Emergence: 50.000 Cruor **Periapt of Guidance: 150.000 Cruor **Periapt of Percipience: 150.000 Cruor **Periapt of Sapience: 50.000 Cruor **Periapt of Clarity: 50.000 Cruor
  • 12
  • 20
  • +2
  • Man
Row 3 info
  • Draco Island
Row 3 title
  • Hometown
  • 1
Row 7 info
  • 1.54M
  • Humanoid
Box Title
  • Kieran
  • 250
  • 270
  • Alliance
  • 20
  • "A Nest of Vipers"
  • 8
  • 23
  • Menos de 20
  • 20
  • Kieran
  • "Sons of Winter"
  • Male
Hair Color
  • Azul
  • Blue, Black
Adopted By
  • Adder and Deuce.
  • 10
  • 11
  • +0
  • +1
  • 8
  • 9
  • Herceg
  • Prince
  • Weapon Merchant
  • Kieran
  • Príncipe
  • Lieutenant of the Second Sons
  • 10
  • 18
  • +2
  • 20
  • 20
  • Kieran
  • * Princeling * Kier
  • Part 2, Chapter 3: Geoffrey's Charge
  • Chapter 10: Prisoner Release
  • 4231
Home Planet
  • Morrigan
  • Flemeth
  • Yavana
  • Rey Noseelie
  • Mark Blackthorn
  • Alistair ,
  • Der Wächter ,
  • Flemeth ,
  • Loghain
  • Morrigan ,
  • Optional:
  • Yavana ,
  • * Unseelie King * Unnamed water faerie * Adaon * Various siblings
  • 30
  • 41
  • +3
  • +4
  • Darnassus
  • Countrycide
  • 1
  • 11
  • +3
  • +4
Eye Color
  • Black and silver
  • Negro y plateado
Image File
  • Kieran.png]]
  • Female
  • Male
  • Männlich
  • Masculino
  • Händler
  • 33
  • 36
  • Heterochromia iridum
  • 250
  • Kieran.jpg
  • T 06 kieran.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Fekete és ezüstszürke
  • C
  • / / E*
ismertető jegy
  • Heterokrómia
Besondere Kennzeichen
  • einfarbige Iris
  • Kierans are a race of humanoids, who are from a homeworld they have yet to reveal to the rest of the galaxy. It is rumored to lie at the far edges of the Galaxy on the rim, on the side of the Alpha Quadrant but this again has not yet been confirmed.
  • Kieran is a faerie and a member of the Wild Hunt. He is one of the Unseelie King's many children and is thus considered a prince of the Unseelie Court.
  • Kieran är en manlig Kelownaner. Och han var en Kelownaner vetenskapsman och chef för naquadria projektet att vända mineral till en kraftfull destruktiv vapen. Han var också en mentor till Jonas Quinn. När Kelownanerna fick kännedom om den militära alliansen mellan Tiranianerna och Andari Federationen, reste Kieran till Jorden med ambassadör Dreylock och Befälhavare Hale i hopp om att få Tau'ri mer avancerade militär teknologi till stöd i sin konflikt med Kelowna två rivaliserande nationer. Efter inledande förhandlingar med jorden för att få hjälp i desarmera krisen, erkände Kieran privat till sin gamla elev, Jonas Quinn, att han fruktade den destruktiva kraften i hans naquadria bomb och insåg att en permanent fred mellan de tre nationerna i hans värld var enda chansen att avvärja katastrofen. Kieran föreslås att det införs SG-1 till Kelowna motståndet, en hemlig motståndsgrupp mot regeringen böjd på att ta kontroll över Kelowna regeringen och tvinga de övriga nationerna tillbaka till förhandlingsbordet. Laget enades motvilligt. Men när Dr Kieran föll från en byggnad på Langara och var tillbaka till jorden för läkarvård, upptäcktes att hans hjärna hade försämrats på grund av hans exponering för de naquadria, som fick honom att hallucinera bli jagad. Det föreföll också att hela Kelowna motståndet var en lögn i hans sinne och han tog alla naquadria till deras "högkvarter" för ingenting utom för SGC att experimentera med. Kieran var därefter placeras i intensivvård vid SGC. Det är okänt om Kieran småningom återvände till sin planet eller inte. (SG1: "Shadow Play") __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Kieran is a level 30 weapon vendor located in the Tradesmen's Terrace in the night elf city of Darnassus. See List of Darnassus NPCs.
  • Kieran is a lieutenant of the Second Sons. He appears in Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series.
  • He also appears to be good friends with his superior, Geoffrey, and Geoffrey gives him a Silver Axe in a conversation at the base just before Part 2 Chapter 3 in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. This friendship is also referenced by their bond support. He appears as an enemy in Part 3 Chapter 12 to the Daein army, most likely representing the Crimean Royal Knights in Geoffrey's absence. However, the chances of battling him are very slim.
  • Kieran ist ein Waffenhändler der Kaldorei in Darnassus.
  • When the Kelownans learned of the military alliance between the Tiranians and the Andari Federation in 2002, Kieran traveled to Earth with Ambassador Dreylock and Commander Hale in the hopes of obtaining the Tau'ri's more advanced military technology to aid in their conflict with Kelowna's two rival nations. After initial negotiations with Earth for help in defusing the crisis, Kieran privately confessed to his old student, Jonas Quinn, that he feared the destructive power of his Naquadria bomb and realized that a permanent peace between the three nations of his world was the only chance to avert disaster. Kieran proposed to introduce SG-1 to the Kelownan resistance, a secret anti-government resistance group bent on taking control of the Kelownan government and forcing the other nations back to the negotiating table. The team reluctantly agreed. However, when Dr. Kieran fell from a building on Langara and was returned to Earth for medical treatment, it was discovered that he had developed schizophrenia due to his exposure to the radioactive Naquadria, as it turned out to not have been adequately shielded, which caused him to hallucinate being chased. Also, it appeared that the entire Kelownan resistance was a fabrication within his mind and he brought all the Naquadria to their "headquarters" for nothing except for the SGC to experiment with. Kieran was subsequently placed in intensive care at Stargate Command. It is unknown if Kieran was eventually returned to his planet or not. (SG1: "Shadow Play")
  • Kieran to członek Leśnej Straży, jeden ze zwiadowców Gelu.
  • Kieran ist ein Mensch des 21. Jahrhunderts. Er ist durch Zufall in dem walisischen Dorf Brynblaidd, als dessen Bewohner der Tradition folgen, alle 10 Jahre Menschen abzuschlachten. Er überlebt mit Hilfe des Torchwood 3-Teams.
  • Kieran (ケビン Kebin, Kevin in the Japanese and German version) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the sub-commander of the Crimean Royal Knights, and serves under General Geoffrey.
  • Kieran was a young boy who had originated from a small island known as Draco, off the bottom coast of Kanto, His main goal in his life is to be a Dragon type master, with his best friend Dragonite. He is currently 14 years if age and has succeeded in collecting All Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, badges, as he is currently collecting Kalos'.
  • Kieran was a Starfleet officer serving on the USS Enterprise-D in 2371, holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Kieran was one of the victims of the Chova, a telepathic weapon used by the opponents of Governor Ra'ch B'ullhy of Damiano. (TNG - Perchance to Dream comic: "In the Sleep of Death, What Dreams May Come")
  • When a family portrait was being taken in the 2050s, Kieran made the "rabbit ears" gesture behind a relative's head. Shannon told him to "knock it off and that's an order". (VOY: "11:59") Kieran was played by an uncredited actor.
  • Kieran es un príncipe hada de la Corte Noseelie y un miembro de la Cacería Salvaje. El hada Hefeydd se refiere a él como "el príncipe". Es el más pequeño y el menos considerado de los cincuenta hijos del rey de la Corte Noseelie. Debido a sus maquinaciones por detrás del trono fue enviado a la Cacería cuando aún era muy joven. También Mark le contó a Cristina que el rey se lo entregó a Gwyn como señal de buena voluntad hacia él pero que debía tratar bien a Kieran. La edad de Kieran no es fija pero en el armario de los abrigos en la lotería Mark dice que Kieran no es mayor que él (suponiendo que Mark aparenta la edad de Julian, 17 años) y que, aunque es un hada atemporal, ha vivido menos de veinte años. Mark pensaba que el color de pelo de Kieran dependía de su estado de ánimo pero en uno de los últimos adelantos de LOS Kieran cambia su color de pelo deliberadamente para divertir a uno de los hijos de Magnus y Alec.
  • Kieran egy tündér, aki régen a Tündérek Ellenudvarának tagja volt és aki most a Vadűzés tagja.
  • Kieran (born in 9:31 Dragon) is the son of Morrigan, possibly born with the soul of the slain Old God, Urthemiel. Kieran only exists if Morrigan had been in a romantic relationship with the Warden in Dragon Age: Origins or performed her ritual at the end of that game.
  • Kieran ist Morrigans Sohn, sofern der Wächter in Dragon Age: Origins Morrigans Ritual zugestimmt hat.
  • Kieran, formerly known as Blain, is an anthro fox from the Redwallverse. He is currently under the care of Agents Adder and Deuce.
  • Kieran ist der Sohn des König des Dunklen Hofes und somit ein Elbenprinz. Laut Mark Blackthorn ist er erst um die 20 Jahre alt. Während der Zeit in der Mark bei der Wilden Jagd ist, rettet Kieran Mark das Leben und sie haben eine Affäre.
  • Kieran is the gang's Tomboy. She is a tomboyish girl who loves sports and a good challenge. She is the school's taekwondo champ and is always found practicing her moves, especially on the boys. Kieran is incredibly strong and sometimes forgets how strong she was, resulting in injuring some students. Her best friend is Mindy. She dislikes girly clothes and behaviour. In Season 2, she is appointed as the School Sports Captain after Johan has moved to a sports school and was the first girl to have that position. She is determined to aggressively implement a healthy lifestyle for all students of SM Jalan Mas. In Oh My English Season 3, she made an appearance as a minor character, bearing the same name in an episode titled, Zack to the Future.
is Beziehung of
is gyermekek of
is StartNPC of
is units gained of
is Name of
is Significant Other of
is Link of
is Relative of
is Family of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Character(s) of
is karaktär of