  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus
  • Horus, also known as Regulus I, was a planet, the first in the Regulus star system. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory", ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
  • Horus an Osiri that was born at the beginning of time. He was the high-chief of the Osiri until he was destroyed a few cenuries after the beginning of time when he and the expedition he led were killed by a black hole. He was replaced by Ra.
  • Horus (oder Horos) war ein Hauptgott in der frühen ägyptischen Mythologie. Ursprünglich ein Himmelsgott, war er außerdem Königsgott, ein Welten- oder Lichtgott und Beschützer der Kinder.
  • Horus is the god of the sky and kingship and tall hats and pharaonic beards and God and randumb nonsense.
  • Horus(ホルス神Horusu-shin) is the Stand of Pet Shop bound to ice appearing in Stardust Crusaders.
  • Horus is an ancient god of the Ancient Egyptian religion, whose cult survived so long that he evolved dramatically over time and gained many names. The most well known name is the Greek Horus, representing the Egyptian Heru/Har, which is the basic element in most of the other names of Horus. Horus was so important that the Eye of Horus became an important Egyptian symbol of power. He had a man's body and a falcon's head. He only had one eye because after Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Horus fought with Set for the throne of Egypt. In this battle Horus lost one of his eyes and later this became a sign of protection in Egypt. In one story he has said to have cut off his mother's head.
  • Horus is one of the Duel Masters in the Duel Masters Anime.
  • Horus is Amahl Ali Akbar's pet hawk.
  • Horus is a character in Worms Forts: Under Siege.
  • Horus was Ardeth Bay's falcon.
  • Horus was a member of the Herd of Storms who participated in the occupation of Westruun. As an NPC, Horus was played by Matthew Mercer.
  • The Horus is a Desert Petpet.
  • Horus is a level 68 general goods, meat, and drink vendor located at Dragonmaw Base Camp in the contested territory of the Shadowmoon Valley. Although he is called an "innkeeper", he will not let anyone set their hearthstone there. Horus is friendly to players who have completed File:Neutral 15.png [70] Blood Oath of the Netherwing
  • This player has won the following TBT Scummy Awards: * TBT Scummy Awards I - Best IRC Mafia Player (won) * TBT Scummy Awards II - Best IRC Mafia Player (won)
  • Horus' improvements exclusively benefit the damage done by infantry, making them a more viable option for a late-game army. He greatly improves Spearmen in particular, so it is also viable to worship him when facing an opponent focusing on cavalry. His God Power is equally devastating to units and buildings. It can be used to soften up an enemy before going in to finish off their units, with the help of the mighty Avengers and improved Spearmen, and his buildings using his demolition Axemen.
  • Quinto de los servidores desarrollados por NGD para la habla inglesa, solo los jugadores ingleses tienen acceso a el, aunque tambien al Ra puesto que algunos jugadores del servidor Ra no desean pasarse al Horus.
  • Horus is the loyal confidant and right-hand bird of prefect Vultaire, the overseer and ruler of the Birds' capital Avista.
  • Horus was the Ancient Egyptian god of the sky, protection, and kingship. He was, depending on the myth, the brother or son of Osiris and Isis. He was born shortly after his father departed to Duat, Ancient Egypt's underworld. He battled his uncle/brother for the throne of Egypt. He eventual gain back the throne. Horus was generally seen as a loving and protective figure. The Pharaoh was often thought to be a representation of Horus.
  • Horus was discovered by Osiris during the time-skip. Osiris trained him, tortured him and made sure he suffered only to grow and become the ultimate tool for future use. Learning the truth about Osiris, Horus came to WayHaven to enact his vengeance for the death of his parents upon him - only to find out Osiris is gone. He now acts as a gun-for-hire, taking on assassination missions perferably.
  • Horus is a Divine horse that gives you one treasure each day. When you scratch the Treasure Chest, you can win: * 1 Philosopher's Stone * Equus * Skill points you can apply to Horus as you wish
  • Sutekh, who was also brother to Osiris, ruled Phaester Osiris. When Sutekh killed Osiris, he projected his mind into a pilot of an Osiran ship, "birthing" a psi-child who (probably) led to Horus. (PROSE: The Sands of Time)
  • Horus is one of the Old Gods and spends most of his time as a hawk.
  • thumb|200px|Horus ze swoim... z jakimś człowiekiem Horus (pol. Refren, Chórek) – bóg w mitologii egipskiej, uosobienie faraona. Syn Ozyrysa i Izydy lub ich rodziców. Przedstawiany jako człowiek z głową sokoła.
  • Horus is the falcon god of the pharaohs and the sky. Originally, he was the son of Geb and Nut, born on the second Demon Day. Later, he was reborn to Osiris and Isis.
  • Horus, Lord of Light, is a superhero who appeared in the comic book mini-series 1963 and is an homage to Marvel Comics' Thor.
  • Horus oli egyptin taivaan jumala, ja Osiriksen poika. Horus kuvataan haukkana, tai haukanpäisenä miehenä, selitys Horus' nimelle, (egyptiksi, Heru), kaukaisuutta. Horus tunnettiin joskus Nekheny (kotka) nimellä, joskus kuitenkin päätettiin että Nekheny tarkoittaa toista haukka-jumalaa. thumb Luokka:Jumalat
  • thumb|Horus Horus war der Anführer der Raider-Gruppe, die 2197 die Stadt Brahmin Wood einnahm.
  • Horus is distant cousin to Anubis and former Nakhti emporer. Horus is an excellent Hunter. He has a pet hawk that is often seen perching on his shoulder out of the arena and he is blind in one eye.
  • Horus is the leader of the raider group that invaded Brahmin Wood in 2197.
  • Horus (egip. Hor, Haru="daleki") - prabóstwo o nieznanym pochodzeniu (być może nawet jednym z aspektów Horusa był ubóstwiony wódz plemienny), jeden z najpopularniejszych bogów egipskich. Dzięki popularności bóstwa-sokoła w wielu miejscowościach Egiptu jego kult rozprzestrzeniał się w sposób bezkonfliktowy. Najważniejsze bodaj bóstwo okresu pre- i wczesnodynastycznego (sokół był hieroglifem-determinatywem pojęcia "boga"). Bóg nieboskłonu i świata. Włączony do kręgu mitów ozyriackich stał się synem Ozyrysa i Izydy, przeciwnikiem Seta. Jednym z największych ośrodków kultu Horusa było dolnoegipskie Edfu; utożsamiony z Re nazwany został Re-Horachte.
  • RCO002_1466065707.jpg Hours Egyptian god of the sky son of Isis and Osiris
  • Horus is Amahl Ali Akbar's pet hawk Physical Appearance: it has brown feathers,with white feathers on the belly. History: Scooby-Doo in Where's my mummy ? It spotted the gang stuck in the desert when the mystery machine broke down, leading Akbar to rescue them, he also grabbed Cleopatra's crown when amiela was about to put it on.
  • Horus is a Peregrine Falcon belonging to Jack West Jr..
  • He was born on Abydos and conscripted into the service of the Supreme System Lord Ra to serve as one of his Horus Guards. (Stargate)
  • Horus is the homeworld of Special Police Dekaranger Supreme Commander Horusian Numa-O.
  • Le système Horus est essentiellement connu pour deux choses : ses points de sauts vers l’Empire Xi’An et Serling, un monde en rotation synchronisée proche de l’étoile possédant l’un des habitats humains les plus exceptionnels dans l’univers. Durant des années, le rapport d’Horus avec l’Empire Xi’An fît de lui un membre de la Ligne Perry, un groupe de systèmes classifiés comme «no-man’s land», et servant de zone tampon entre les deux espèces, un statut qui coupait le système de tout accès publique ou de tout développement privé. A présent, ces connexions sont ses plus gros atouts, faisant de ce système un lieu de prospection fascinant pour quiconque voudrait faire du commerce avec les Xi’An.
  • Often identified with the sun, Horus was known as one of the most powerful of the Egyptian pantheon. Son of the god Osiris, he seeks revenge for his father's death at the hands of the treacherous Seth. It is said that he and Seth have a never-ending battle, and when the sun rises, Horus begins to triumph, but when the sun sets, Seth gains the upper hand. The Pharaoh of Egypt was also thought to be the human personification of Horus, and was responsible for maintaining Ma'at, or balance, in Egypt. When the pharaoh died, he became the embodiment of Osiris.
  • Horus was considered by the Egyptians to be the sky god. He was the son of Isis and Osiris, born after his father's death at the hands of Set, Horus' uncle (on both sides). He later avenged his father and became Pharaoh of Egypt. His consort is Hathor and he has four sons, who protect the four canopic jars used in mummification; Imseti, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef and Hapi. In some variations of Egyptian Mythology, Horus, in an elder form, is also the brother of Isis, Osiris, Set and Nephthys. He also sometimes accompanied Ra through the Underworld
  • Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists. These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasised, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality. The earliest recorded form is Horus the Falcon who was the patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt and who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time became to be regarded as
  • [[Datei:My020.jpg|thumb|right|Horus über Mythor auf Pandor, daneben Hark.]]Horus - Kometentier Der weiße männliche Schneefalke, der Mythor als Sohn des Kometen durch manche Gefahr begleitete. Nach Allumeddon folgt er ihm auch im Aegyrland wieder. Der wichtigste Falke Myras ist der Schneefalke Horus, eines der drei Göttertiere des Lichtboten:
  • Horus is one of the 14 Wizards featured in Master of Magic. By default, he has File:Icon Life.png and File:Icon Sorcery.png Spellbooks at his disposal, as well as the Archmage Retort. Horus is a young spellcasting prodigy, or Archmage, a fact made all the more astounding by his stolid Halfling ancestry. Horus can work fast, instinctively steering File:Icon Power.png on optimal channels in spellcraft. While the game's Manual indicates Horus is only dimly-aware of this advantage, he is most eager to take to the field and play mind games with rival Wizards. He can throw unusually resilient File:Icon Life.png enchantments, and his File:Icon Sorcery.png is bound to frustrate.
  • [[Archivo:Primarca_horus.jpg|thumb|320px|Retrato de Horus durante la Gran Cruzada]] Horus, también conocido en vida como Lupercal por los Astartes de su Legión, los Lobos Lunares, fue uno de los veinte Primarcas genéticamente diseñados y creados por el Emperador de la Humanidad a partir de la base de su propio ADN antes del comienzo de la Gran Cruzada para liderar a sus ejércitos del recién nacido Imperio del Hombre.
  • Horus var en människa som var en del av Horus Vakt tjäna under Ra när han besökte Abydos för sista gången. När Daniel Jackson kom före dem, blev han beordrad att döda honom vilket han gjorde utan att fråga. Han bevittnade också Ra kasta Anubis mot väggen. Efter detta fortsatte han att hävda Ra vilja och närmade sig förklädd Tau'ri innan han skjuten av Jonathan J. O'Neill. Hjälmen var då bort och det uppenbarades för Abydonianer de är mänskliga. Han var möjligen döpt efter Systemherre Heru'ur. (Stargate)
  • E
  • 2
  • 30
  • 34
  • 37
  • 38
  • 56
  • 63
  • 64
  • 68
  • 118
  • Level
  • Gold and Silver
  • 12
  • 45
  • 49
Main Character
  • Light-Neutral
  • The Scorpion King
  • 0
  • 3
  • 50
Planet Name
  • Horus
Row 9 info
  • Magic staff
  • N/A
  • Faen
Row 8 info
  • Fighting Experience
Базовые ХП
  • 844
Row 4 info
  • The Tomorrow Syndicate
  • Grey, with white underbelly''
  • 1
  • Horus
  • 5
  • empty
Row 7 title
  • Powers
  • Egyptian
  • 21
  • 44
  • 45
  • 10
  • 38
  • 39
  • Dark
  • Death
  • Fire
  • Gun, Death
  • Ice, Dark
  • Männlich
  • Uranos und Gaia
Luck Skill
  • -
  • 312
  • 576
  • 900
Row 1 info
  • Horus
Max Luck
  • 72
  • 90
  • 4
  • N/A
  • 20
  • 69
  • 121
  • 0
  • 53
Row 8 title
  • Skills and Abilities
  • 1600
  • 9999999
  • 4
  • 30
Row 4 title
  • Team Affliations
  • C
Row 9 title
  • Paraphernalia
  • Episode 64
  • The Gatekeeper ofHell, Pet Shop (1)
  • 18
  • 22
  • 0
  • 57
  • Bounce
  • Can't Equip
Цена в колоде
  • 13
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks with a large, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks with a very large non-elemental blast around the user.
  • 0
Row 2 info
  • 1963
  • Sun
  • 1996
  • 12
  • 95
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • 0
  • Horus
  • 1200
  • Chapter 222
  • The Gatekeeper ofHell, Pet Shop (1)
Row 5 info
  • Lord of Light
  • 1588
  • 10
  • 27
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Labyrinth 2016
Row 6 title
  • Base of Operations
  • 17
  • 22
  • 94
  • 182
  • 8133
  • 10402
Базовая АТК
  • 199
Strike shot
  • Egyptian Sky Wadjet - 13 Turns
  • Mach Empyrean - 20 Turns
  • Uses peregrine power to increase Speed.
  • Uses sky god power to increase Speed.
  • 8
  • 13
  • 15
  • 16
  • no
Tag Skills
  • Energy Weapons: 30%
  • Small Guns: 45%
  • Unarmed: 76%
  • Javelin
  • Khopesh
  • 120
  • 10
  • 15
  • 10
  • 15
  • C
Row 5 title
  • Aliases
  • 20
  • 14
  • 18
  • 212.030000
  • 245.930000
  • Man
  • Killed by Grog
Row 3 info
  • Alan Moore, Rick Vietch
  • 12
  • 15
  • 17
  • 19
Row 3 title
  • Creators
To Evo
  • 30
civilian name
  • Ahamon "Babu" Sabbagh
Row 7 info
  • Super Strength, Super Endurance
  • 110
  • 500
  • Block 7
  • Retaliate 8
  • Thor's Rage 5
  • 75
  • Appearance in-game during Brahmin Wood
  • Humanoid
  • Dark Pyramid
  • D
Box Title
  • Horus
  • N/A
  • Stargate
  • The Throne of Fire
  • The Red Pyramid
  • The Serpent's Shadow
  • 25
  • Earth
  • 58
  • FOT
  • Faction
  • Neutral
  • 350
  • 1080
  • Black
  • black
Full Name
  • Horus
  • 33
  • 35
  • 1.262304E11
  • 16
  • 22
  • -50
  • B
  • Horus
  • 1
  • 48
  • 7
  • 0
  • 3
  • 52
ja kanji
  • ホルス神
  • God of Vengeance
  • Raider leader
  • 16
  • 48
  • 50
Other family
  • Thoth Great Uncle Anubis Cousin
  • 17
  • Horus
  • H-Hr:r
  • Horus
  • N31-i
  • ホルス
  • 76
  • 94
  • 99
  • 165
  • 200
  • 354
  • 11529
  • Common
  • Earth
  • Light-Neutral
  • none
  • Male
  • Horus als Falke
Type de système
  • Etoile unique
  • false
  • Humanoid
  • false
  • false
  • 162
  • 392
  • 800
  • Para un guerrero, el único crimen es la cobardía.
  • -
  • Horus
  • true
  • 14
Points de saut
  • false
Major Gods
  • 22
Myth Unit
  • 22
  • Horusfalke
  • r.w
  • 150
  • 150
  • im Altägyptischen auch:
Objet stellaires
  • Horos
  • in den Sargtexten auch:
  • Horus
  • r.w
def retorts
  • G5
  • false
  • false
  • Nein
  • 12
  • 145
  • 207
  • 4446
  • -
  • Null Damage Wall
  • no
  • Action Points: 7
  • Armor Class: 5
  • Bonus Damage: 0%
  • Damage Resistance: 0%
  • Healing Rate: 2
  • Melee Damage: 3
  • Perk Rate: 3
  • Poison Resistance: 30%
  • Skill Rate: 17
  • Critical Chance: 5%
  • Radiation Resistance: 12%
  • Carry Weight: 225 lbs.
  • Hit Points: 35
  • Flight / Shield Breaker
Alternate Name
  • Regulus I
  • ; Horus Earth X Vol 1 0.jpg
  • ; Horus .jpg
  • ; Horus NewWar .jpg
  • 13
  • planet
  • 78
  • Nell
  • 57
  • Brown and white
  • G5
  • God of War
  • God of Falcons and Hunting
  • God of the Sky
  • King of the Gods
  • Patron of the Pharaohs
  • The Avenger
  • 17
Voice Actor
  • Saori Azuma
  • 東さおり
  • 5
  • Horus
  • God of Kingship
  • God of the Sky
  • 96
  • 975
Marital Status
  • Single
  • 16
  • 18
  • 57
  • 94
  • 158
  • 1250
  • None
  • Deity
  • 1200000
  • 4
  • Mahamaon\Innate Mediarahan\Innate Growth 3\Innate Auto-Masuku\65 Bufudyne\67 Repel Dark\68
  • Maziodyne Mabufudyne Xanadu Debilitate Magic Repel Diarahan
  • Diarahan Estoma Tetrakarn
  • Magnus Mudo Makafuji Mudoon Makakaja Media
  • Magnus Teleport Makafuji Mudoon Makakaja Media
  • Mahanma Makarakarn Mediarama Recarm Tetraja
  • Mahanma Tetra Makarakarn Mediarama Recarm
  • Power Wave Megido Mahamaon Rakunda Magic Repel
  • Watchful\Innate Mahama\Innate Mana Gain\39 Dekunda\40 Liftoma\41 Mediarama\42 Violet Flash\43
  • Petraburst Teleport Silence Hex Comadeus Spellboost Heal All
  • Diarahan\Innate Mahamaon\Innate Magarudyne\Innate Wind Amp\70 Matarukaja\71 Absorb Wind\73
Image size
  • 250
  • Deity
  • General
  • Beast
  • 2200
  • 868
  • fusion
  • 22
  • Originally one of Egypt's guardian deities, he caused some trouble in the divine realm and was expelled to Earth by the Sun God Ra. Reborn in human form, he possesses magic that is nothing compared to a god, but is far beyond that of a human.
  • UEE
  • 600
  • 601
Place of Birth
  • Abu Kabir, Egypt
  • Horus
  • Physical
  • -
  • Madman
  • 1996
  • Horus.jpg
  • horus.png
  • 17
  • Tarik Fayad; Tarik Fayad from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 2 001.jpg
  • Horus(Rama-Tut's Robot); Horus Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 23.jpg
  • 0
  • 50
  • 10
  • 15
  • 600
  • 601
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Light, Ice
Home Planet
  • 185
  • 230
  • 352
  • 375
  • 802
  • 900
  • 8520
  • 14765
  • 60000
  • 388145
  • 15
  • 18
  • Horus
  • Infantry
Eye Color
  • Green
Image File
  • Horus.jpg
  • Male
  • Average
  • #ffcc00
Date of Birth
  • 2003-08-07
  • Isis and Osiris Geb and Nut
  • 1659
  • 250
  • Horus as falcon.svg
  • Horus standing.svg
  • 1
  • 13
wikipage disambiguates
  • Earth
  • -
  • 1
  • 10
  • 69
  • 118
  • B
  • Horus
  • -
  • none
  • Light
  • Recovery
  • 13
  • 19
  • 14
  • 20
  • Light
  • Expel
  • -
  • Electricity, Expel
Atribuida a
  • Atribuida a Horus Lupercal
  • Limited Gem Bag
missions involved
Site Description
  • A Horus is very wise, and can warn your Neopet of danger.
  • #ffe066
  • black
Shop Wizard Search Link
God Power
  • 22
  • Naine Rouge
Découvert en
  • 2528
  • Horus was considered by the Egyptians to be the sky god. He was the son of Isis and Osiris, born after his father's death at the hands of Set, Horus' uncle (on both sides). He later avenged his father and became Pharaoh of Egypt. His consort is Hathor and he has four sons, who protect the four canopic jars used in mummification; Imseti, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef and Hapi. In some variations of Egyptian Mythology, Horus, in an elder form, is also the brother of Isis, Osiris, Set and Nephthys. He also sometimes accompanied Ra through the Underworld The eye of Horus is an Egyptian sign of protection of the royal power. His symbol is a Falcon, specifically a peregrine. Many Egyptian cities honor this deity. Due to his affiliation with kingship, he is pictured with the combined crown of both Upper and Lower Egypt, representing his link to the king of Egypt, who would rule the entire country. The Pharaoh of Egypt was considered the son of Horus and thus a living god. Horus is one of the most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egypt specialists.[1]These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality.[2]He was most often depicted as a falcon, most likely alanner or peregrine, or as a man with a falcon head.[3] The earliest recorded form of Horus is the patron deity ofNekhen in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osirisin death. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife. Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being a god of the sun, war and protection.
  • Horus, also known as Regulus I, was a planet, the first in the Regulus star system. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory", ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
  • Horus an Osiri that was born at the beginning of time. He was the high-chief of the Osiri until he was destroyed a few cenuries after the beginning of time when he and the expedition he led were killed by a black hole. He was replaced by Ra.
  • Horus (oder Horos) war ein Hauptgott in der frühen ägyptischen Mythologie. Ursprünglich ein Himmelsgott, war er außerdem Königsgott, ein Welten- oder Lichtgott und Beschützer der Kinder.
  • Horus is the god of the sky and kingship and tall hats and pharaonic beards and God and randumb nonsense.
  • Horus(ホルス神Horusu-shin) is the Stand of Pet Shop bound to ice appearing in Stardust Crusaders.
  • Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in the Ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists. These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasised, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality. The earliest recorded form is Horus the Falcon who was the patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt and who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time became to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife. Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the Sky, god of War and god of Protection.
  • Horus is an ancient god of the Ancient Egyptian religion, whose cult survived so long that he evolved dramatically over time and gained many names. The most well known name is the Greek Horus, representing the Egyptian Heru/Har, which is the basic element in most of the other names of Horus. Horus was so important that the Eye of Horus became an important Egyptian symbol of power. He had a man's body and a falcon's head. He only had one eye because after Osiris was murdered by his brother Set, Horus fought with Set for the throne of Egypt. In this battle Horus lost one of his eyes and later this became a sign of protection in Egypt. In one story he has said to have cut off his mother's head.
  • Horus is one of the 14 Wizards featured in Master of Magic. By default, he has File:Icon Life.png and File:Icon Sorcery.png Spellbooks at his disposal, as well as the Archmage Retort. Horus is a young spellcasting prodigy, or Archmage, a fact made all the more astounding by his stolid Halfling ancestry. Horus can work fast, instinctively steering File:Icon Power.png on optimal channels in spellcraft. While the game's Manual indicates Horus is only dimly-aware of this advantage, he is most eager to take to the field and play mind games with rival Wizards. He can throw unusually resilient File:Icon Life.png enchantments, and his File:Icon Sorcery.png is bound to frustrate. Horus wears journeyman work-clothes to complement his mithril amulet and chiseled beauty. His name connotes the sky and projection of pharaonic power.
  • Horus var en människa som var en del av Horus Vakt tjäna under Ra när han besökte Abydos för sista gången. När Daniel Jackson kom före dem, blev han beordrad att döda honom vilket han gjorde utan att fråga. Han bevittnade också Ra kasta Anubis mot väggen. Efter detta fortsatte han att hävda Ra vilja och närmade sig förklädd Tau'ri innan han skjuten av Jonathan J. O'Neill. Hjälmen var då bort och det uppenbarades för Abydonianer de är mänskliga. Han var möjligen döpt efter Systemherre Heru'ur. (Stargate) File:Jack O'Neill.JPG Denna karaktär artikel är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate av utvidga det.
  • Horus is one of the Duel Masters in the Duel Masters Anime.
  • Horus is Amahl Ali Akbar's pet hawk.
  • Horus is a character in Worms Forts: Under Siege.
  • Horus was Ardeth Bay's falcon.
  • Horus was a member of the Herd of Storms who participated in the occupation of Westruun. As an NPC, Horus was played by Matthew Mercer.
  • The Horus is a Desert Petpet.
  • Horus is a level 68 general goods, meat, and drink vendor located at Dragonmaw Base Camp in the contested territory of the Shadowmoon Valley. Although he is called an "innkeeper", he will not let anyone set their hearthstone there. Horus is friendly to players who have completed File:Neutral 15.png [70] Blood Oath of the Netherwing
  • This player has won the following TBT Scummy Awards: * TBT Scummy Awards I - Best IRC Mafia Player (won) * TBT Scummy Awards II - Best IRC Mafia Player (won)
  • [[Archivo:Primarca_horus.jpg|thumb|320px|Retrato de Horus durante la Gran Cruzada]] Horus, también conocido en vida como Lupercal por los Astartes de su Legión, los Lobos Lunares, fue uno de los veinte Primarcas genéticamente diseñados y creados por el Emperador de la Humanidad a partir de la base de su propio ADN antes del comienzo de la Gran Cruzada para liderar a sus ejércitos del recién nacido Imperio del Hombre. Horus era el Primarca de la XVI Legión, los Lobos Lunares (más tarde renombrada los Hijos de Horus), el primer Señor de la Guerra Imperial, el hijo más favorecido del Emperador, y en última instancia el mayor Traidor en la Historia de la Humanidad. El mundo natal de Horus fue el Mundo Colmena de Cthonia, que estaba a sólo unos pocos años luz de Terra. Así fue como Horus fue el primer Primarca en ser redescubierto por el Emperador después de que este comenzara la Gran Cruzada a principios del M31. Más tarde Horus sería el responsable de desatar la horrenda guerra civil de siete años de duración, conocida como la Herejía de Horus, sobre el Imperio del Hombre a principios del M31, que mató a billones de hombres, mujeres y niños en búsqueda de su alocada ambición de derrocar al Emperador de la Humanidad y reemplazarlo como el regente de la raza humana. Finalmente, Horus perdió en su apuesta por el poder y fue asesinado por el padre que una vez amó durante la Batalla de Terra. Sus acciones dañaron al Imperio del Hombre más allá de toda reparación e inauguraron la actual Era del Imperio, donde la Humanidad es acosada por innumerables y horrorosos peligros para su existencia y la del Imperio, que se ha convertido en una presencia galáctica estancada, represiva, intolerante y deshumanizada.
  • Horus' improvements exclusively benefit the damage done by infantry, making them a more viable option for a late-game army. He greatly improves Spearmen in particular, so it is also viable to worship him when facing an opponent focusing on cavalry. His God Power is equally devastating to units and buildings. It can be used to soften up an enemy before going in to finish off their units, with the help of the mighty Avengers and improved Spearmen, and his buildings using his demolition Axemen.
  • Quinto de los servidores desarrollados por NGD para la habla inglesa, solo los jugadores ingleses tienen acceso a el, aunque tambien al Ra puesto que algunos jugadores del servidor Ra no desean pasarse al Horus.
  • Horus is the loyal confidant and right-hand bird of prefect Vultaire, the overseer and ruler of the Birds' capital Avista.
  • Horus was the Ancient Egyptian god of the sky, protection, and kingship. He was, depending on the myth, the brother or son of Osiris and Isis. He was born shortly after his father departed to Duat, Ancient Egypt's underworld. He battled his uncle/brother for the throne of Egypt. He eventual gain back the throne. Horus was generally seen as a loving and protective figure. The Pharaoh was often thought to be a representation of Horus.
  • Horus was discovered by Osiris during the time-skip. Osiris trained him, tortured him and made sure he suffered only to grow and become the ultimate tool for future use. Learning the truth about Osiris, Horus came to WayHaven to enact his vengeance for the death of his parents upon him - only to find out Osiris is gone. He now acts as a gun-for-hire, taking on assassination missions perferably.
  • Horus is a Divine horse that gives you one treasure each day. When you scratch the Treasure Chest, you can win: * 1 Philosopher's Stone * Equus * Skill points you can apply to Horus as you wish
  • Sutekh, who was also brother to Osiris, ruled Phaester Osiris. When Sutekh killed Osiris, he projected his mind into a pilot of an Osiran ship, "birthing" a psi-child who (probably) led to Horus. (PROSE: The Sands of Time)
  • Horus is one of the Old Gods and spends most of his time as a hawk.
  • thumb|200px|Horus ze swoim... z jakimś człowiekiem Horus (pol. Refren, Chórek) – bóg w mitologii egipskiej, uosobienie faraona. Syn Ozyrysa i Izydy lub ich rodziców. Przedstawiany jako człowiek z głową sokoła.
  • Horus is the falcon god of the pharaohs and the sky. Originally, he was the son of Geb and Nut, born on the second Demon Day. Later, he was reborn to Osiris and Isis.
  • Horus, Lord of Light, is a superhero who appeared in the comic book mini-series 1963 and is an homage to Marvel Comics' Thor.
  • Horus oli egyptin taivaan jumala, ja Osiriksen poika. Horus kuvataan haukkana, tai haukanpäisenä miehenä, selitys Horus' nimelle, (egyptiksi, Heru), kaukaisuutta. Horus tunnettiin joskus Nekheny (kotka) nimellä, joskus kuitenkin päätettiin että Nekheny tarkoittaa toista haukka-jumalaa. thumb Luokka:Jumalat
  • Le système Horus est essentiellement connu pour deux choses : ses points de sauts vers l’Empire Xi’An et Serling, un monde en rotation synchronisée proche de l’étoile possédant l’un des habitats humains les plus exceptionnels dans l’univers. Durant des années, le rapport d’Horus avec l’Empire Xi’An fît de lui un membre de la Ligne Perry, un groupe de systèmes classifiés comme «no-man’s land», et servant de zone tampon entre les deux espèces, un statut qui coupait le système de tout accès publique ou de tout développement privé. A présent, ces connexions sont ses plus gros atouts, faisant de ce système un lieu de prospection fascinant pour quiconque voudrait faire du commerce avec les Xi’An. Horus a été découvert officiellement en 2528 par une exploratrice de points de sauts du nom de Marie Sante, inconnue jusqu’alors. La légende raconte que le système avait été découvert plusieurs années plus tôt par Sante, alors âgée de 14 ans, après qu’elle ait volé un vaisseau pour fuir sa famille sur Gonn. Si l’histoire est vraie, elle doit avoir passé la majorité des années suivantes dans le système non revendiqué, seule sur son vaisseau. En effet, une recherche poussée des enregistrements de l’UPE et des registres d’atterrissage n’ont pas permis de trouver son nom à un quelqu’autre endroit durant cette période. Le premier enregistrement officiel de Sante pour l’UPE fut sa demande d’enregistrement pour la découverte du système Horus, dans laquelle elle demanda, avec succès, qu’il soit nommé d’après le nom de son vaisseau. Dans sa demande initiale était inclus un document au contenu très méticuleux, décrivant les trois planètes du système ainsi que deux ceintures d’astéroïdes. Apparemment, Sante avait passé une année, seule, à explorer le système avant de finalement décider de partager sa découverte. Cela eu pour conséquence qu’Horus soit le seul système a avoir été découvert et cartographié, avec tout ses corps célestes, par la même personne. L’entêtement de Sante à vouloir découvrir tout ce qu’Horus avait à offrir fut sa plus grande force mais aussi ce qui causa sa chute. En 2530, seulement deux ans après l’enregistrement d’Horus, l’humanité rencontrait pour la première fois les Xi’An, et les tensions ne firent que s’intensifier à partir de là. Dans le même temps, alors que des intérêts publics et privés installaient des opérations dans le système Horus, Sante était coincée aux confins du système, particulièrement concentrée sur la zone qu’elle avait encore à explorer. En 2542, Sante découvrit le point de saut reliant Horus au système Rihlah. Aujourd’hui encore, les historiens débattent afin de savoir si Sante avait compris à quel point le fait d’annoncer qu’Horus était en connexion avec le territoire Xi’An allait drastiquement modifier l’avenir du système. A cette époque, le point de saut vers Rihlah faisait d’Horus un risque pour la sécurité de l’UPE. Le gouvernement ferma le système à tout personnel non militaire, recevant très peu de résistance de la part du petit groupe de civils qui avaient commencé à s’établir sur la jeune planète de Serling. Seule Marie Sante défia l’ordre. Elle se cacha dans les confins extérieurs du système et s’arrangea pour rester indétectable jusqu’à ce qu’un pilote de la Marine ne rapporte la présence d’un vaisseau non autorisé dans son secteur. Une équipe tactique fut mobilisée pour finalement réaliser que le vaisseau était celui de Sante. Comme la fausse alerte avait fait perdre en vain de nombreuses heures et un grand nombre de crédits à l’armée, elle fit de l’expulsion de Sante du système une priorité. Encore à ce jour, personne ne sait avec certitude quel destin fut réservé à Marie Sante. Le dernier enregistrement d’elle provient d’une balise d’information récupérée et contenant ses journaux de bord. La dernière entrée était datée du 01/10/2545. Dedans, elle exprime sa conviction qu’Horus réserve encore de nombreux secrets, ce qui s’avéra vrai avec la découverte, en 2617, d’un point de saut vers le système Kayfa, contrôlé par les Xi’An. Sa dernière entrée se terminait ainsi : “ Horus est le seul foyer que j’ai jamais eu, je l’ai partagé au monde et ils me l’ont prit. Disons simplement que je ne ferai pas deux fois la même erreur. ” Ce furent ses derniers mots, Sante ne fut plus jamais vue ou entendue depuis. A l’heure actuelle, certains pensent que Sante a passé les dernières années de sa vie à se cacher dans le système. De nombreux explorateurs, amateurs comme experts, et même certains animateurs du Spectrum, ont essayé de rassembler des indices d’après ses journaux de bord afin de découvrir son ultime destin. Une partie du secteur touristique d’Horus, bien que réduite, est basée sur ce mystère grâce aux “chasseurs d’histoires” qui tentent toujours avec ferveur de localiser les restes du vaisseau perdu de Sante. Pendant ce temps, alors que l’UPE était en train de devenir l’UEE, l’armée a maintenu fermement son contrôle sur le système Horus tout au long de la guerre froide. Les missions de surveillance des deux points de saut du système menant en territoire Xi’An étaient essentielles stratégiquement mais extrêmement ennuyeuses. Le manque d’emplacements hospitaliers sur les planètes du système obligeant le personnel militaire à passer la totalité de leur affectation dans un cockpit ou dans un vaisseau capital ne fit pas de lui une destination appréciée par les soldats. Une fois que la guerre froide fut terminée et que la ligne Perry fut dissoute, l’UEE décida d’utiliser le système pour autre chose que les patrouilles militaires et les exercices. Le public eut finalement une autre chance de mettre la main sur le système. Malheureusement, les conditions planétaires inhospitalières ont maintenu la population à une échelle restreinte, et le peu de ressources naturelles fit que les industries lourdes se développèrent lentement dans le système. A présent, sa connexion à l’Empire Xi’An, qui a l’époque vouait le système à l’isolement, est peut-être devenu son atout le plus précieux. Les entreprises qui cherchent à tirer profit de l’amélioration des relations et de l’accroissement des échanges payent cependant le prix -sans cesse croissant- de l’immobilier sur Serling. Cela, afin d’avoir un bureau à seulement un point de saut de leurs partenaires commerciaux du système Rihlah. Bien que l’avenir semble radieux, de nombreuses personnes dans l’UEE considèrent toujours Horus comme un système qui n’a pas encore suffisamment de force politique ou économique pour gagner le droit à une quelconque reconnaissance au Sénat.
  • [[Datei:My020.jpg|thumb|right|Horus über Mythor auf Pandor, daneben Hark.]]Horus - Kometentier Der weiße männliche Schneefalke, der Mythor als Sohn des Kometen durch manche Gefahr begleitete. Nach Allumeddon folgt er ihm auch im Aegyrland wieder. Der wichtigste Falke Myras ist der Schneefalke Horus, eines der drei Göttertiere des Lichtboten: „Aus dem nebligen Licht tauchten Flügel auf. Es waren weite Schwingen, die kraftvoll die Lüfte durchschnitten. Ein großer weißer Vogel, ein Falke. Ein Schneefalke! Mythor wusste sofort, welcher Art er angehörte, obwohl er auch ein solches Tier noch nie gesehen hatte und es ihm auch nicht beschrieben worden war. Und auf den Schneefalken traf dasselbe wie auf das Einhorn zu - er erschien ihm vertraut. Er fühlte sich mit dem weißgefiederten Falken verbunden wie mit einem uralten Gefährten, der ihn lange Zeit durch die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens begleitet hatte. Und wieder fragte er sich, in welcher Beziehung er zu diesem Tier stand. Oder - auch das war eine Möglichkeit - handelte es sich nur um eine Vorschau auf Kommendes?“ Horus kämpft gegen und schlägt die Boten des Bösen, die Zauberraben des Vassander, liefert die dem Kometensohn ebenso vor die Füsse wie Schriftrollen als Botschaften. (My24). Er dient als Botschafter und Späher, der auch fremde Heere durch seine Flugmuster anzeigt. (My25), unter dem Einfluss der Strasse des Bösen griff er Buruna an. Luxon ist mit dem Sternenbogen der einzige, der Horus je vom Himmel holt. (My31) Im Orakel von Theran war er wie die anderen Göttertiere gut aufgehoben.
  • thumb|Horus Horus war der Anführer der Raider-Gruppe, die 2197 die Stadt Brahmin Wood einnahm.
  • Horus is distant cousin to Anubis and former Nakhti emporer. Horus is an excellent Hunter. He has a pet hawk that is often seen perching on his shoulder out of the arena and he is blind in one eye.
  • Horus is the leader of the raider group that invaded Brahmin Wood in 2197.
  • Horus (egip. Hor, Haru="daleki") - prabóstwo o nieznanym pochodzeniu (być może nawet jednym z aspektów Horusa był ubóstwiony wódz plemienny), jeden z najpopularniejszych bogów egipskich. Dzięki popularności bóstwa-sokoła w wielu miejscowościach Egiptu jego kult rozprzestrzeniał się w sposób bezkonfliktowy. Najważniejsze bodaj bóstwo okresu pre- i wczesnodynastycznego (sokół był hieroglifem-determinatywem pojęcia "boga"). Bóg nieboskłonu i świata. Włączony do kręgu mitów ozyriackich stał się synem Ozyrysa i Izydy, przeciwnikiem Seta. Jednym z największych ośrodków kultu Horusa było dolnoegipskie Edfu; utożsamiony z Re nazwany został Re-Horachte.
  • RCO002_1466065707.jpg Hours Egyptian god of the sky son of Isis and Osiris
  • Horus is Amahl Ali Akbar's pet hawk Physical Appearance: it has brown feathers,with white feathers on the belly. History: Scooby-Doo in Where's my mummy ? It spotted the gang stuck in the desert when the mystery machine broke down, leading Akbar to rescue them, he also grabbed Cleopatra's crown when amiela was about to put it on.
  • Horus is a Peregrine Falcon belonging to Jack West Jr..
  • Often identified with the sun, Horus was known as one of the most powerful of the Egyptian pantheon. Son of the god Osiris, he seeks revenge for his father's death at the hands of the treacherous Seth. It is said that he and Seth have a never-ending battle, and when the sun rises, Horus begins to triumph, but when the sun sets, Seth gains the upper hand. The Pharaoh of Egypt was also thought to be the human personification of Horus, and was responsible for maintaining Ma'at, or balance, in Egypt. When the pharaoh died, he became the embodiment of Osiris. Horus is a falcon-headed sun god in Egyptian mythology and the son of Osiris. He is most famous for his battle with the god Set for supremacy, losing an eye until he had it restored by Thoth. The gods passed judgment on the battle between Horus and Set, ultimately favoring Horus as the god of day. The "eye of Horus" symbol in Egyptian art represents healing.
  • He was born on Abydos and conscripted into the service of the Supreme System Lord Ra to serve as one of his Horus Guards. (Stargate)
  • Horus is the homeworld of Special Police Dekaranger Supreme Commander Horusian Numa-O.
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is Points de saut of
is Lieu(x) of
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is mob of
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is wikipage disambiguates of
is eyecatch of
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