  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • Gnome
  • __TOC__
  • GNOME(그놈, GNU Network Object Model Environment)은 UNIX(惑은 類似 UNIX) 運營體制를 위한 自由 소프트웨어 데스크탑 環境이다. GNOME은 GNU 프로젝트의 公式 데스크탑이다.
  • Gnomes are a reclusive but industrious race that dwell in burrows. They are skilled with alchemy, invention, craft, and are particularly known for their talents with Illusion magic. They are pranksters and generally well-natured.
  • They do not have magical powers and are characterized by their stinginess, which is their predominating trait. Pixieville Bank is where Gnomes keep most of their wealth but each has other hiding places.
  • Le gnome est une petite créature vivant principalement sous terre. Ils sont considérés comme des nuisibles par les sorciers (à l'instar des taupes pour les Moldus) car ils infestent leurs jardins.
  • Gnomes preferred to remain among thier own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes stood 3 to 3½ feet tall and lived 350-500 years. There were two races of gnomes on the Mortal Plane Grey Gnomes and Dour Gnomes
  • File:Sf The Gnome fdm thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • A gnome, or garden gnome, is a magical creature commonly known to infest the gardens of wizarding households. The correct taxonomical name for gnomes is, purportedly, Gernumbli gardensi, or sometimes referred to as Gernumblies. They are found throughout Europe and North America. A gnome in the Muggle world is an inanimate statue that looks like a small Father Christmas.
  • We've arvried at the end of the line and I have what I need! We've arvried at the end of the line and I have what I need!
  • "I gnome." "Eh?" "Gnome! It's a joke!" "Oh, Rick."
  • Gnomes are a small race, almost as short as halflings and more finely built than dwarves. Gnomes have dark to tan skin and dark hair. Dwarves are their distant cousins and they share the love of glittering things though gnomes have more affection and respect for the natural world than dwarves do. Gnomes love jokes and are very clever; some might even call them devious. Gnomes can be anything from fighters to illusionists and are far more capable than they appear.
  • Gnomes are in wide demand as alchemists, inventors, technicians, and furniture-makers, though most prefer to remain among their own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes adore animals, gems, and jokes (especially pranks). They love to learn by personal experience, to burn things, and are always trying new ways to build things. Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, with skin that ranges from dark tan to woody brown. Their hair is fair, and their eyes are often some shade of blue. Gnomes generally wear earth tones, but decorate their clothes intricately. Males favor carefully-trimmed beards. Gnomes live 350 to 500 years.
  • Gnomes are a race of short humanoid creatures who can be quite vicious. Some of them live on Zoniat, such as Shinobi. ("Malphoid the Mailbox-Bot") A population of them could also live on Soluna. (Chronicles Addendum)
  • The ingenious gnomes, masters of technology and the former denizens of Gnomeregan, are a race of diminutive humanoids, living in cities nestled in the snowy peaks of Dun Morogh at New Tinkertown in league with the Alliance.
  • Gnomes are smaller relatives of Dwarfs; they have a similar cultural background and speak their own Dwarvish dialect. If anything, Gnomes are even more short-tempered and difficult to get along with than Dwarfs. Like them, they live mostly underground or amongst mountains. Gnomes can be found almost exclusively on the western side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Their numbers are few and declining all the time. Some communities survive in the remoter areas of the Isle of Albion, but these cannot be said to constitute anything other than a backward remnant of the race.[1a]
  • thumb|200px|Oficjalne logo GNOME, GNU Network Object Model Environment (ang. sieciowy model obiektów środowiska GNU) - środowisko graficzne będące częścią projektu GNU, oparte na bibliotekach Qt. Prace rozpoczął meksykański programista Miguel de Icaza w sierpniu 1997 roku, w celu stworzenia całkowicie dostępnego środowiska graficznego, alternatywnego do KDE. GNOME bezproblemowo współpracuje z większością systemów typu Unix. Pierwsza wersja, oznakowana 1.0, została wydana w marcu 1999 roku. Najnowsza wersja, 2.20 pochodzi z 19 września 2007 roku.
  • A Gnome is a legendary creature
  • Gnomes turn to stone whenthe sun light hit them when it shines they look like ornaments like you see in your garden. They like gems as you seen in snow white they also posses magic and are kind to animals some are also evill and cause mischief like gremlins. gnomes can found in forest or mountans they like mushrooms and wild food and a phimble permint shnops.
  • Gnomes are often mistaken for Pygmy Elves.
  • I'm 20 years old and I live in Belgium
  • Gnomes are a misfit race, originally alien to Golarion and far from ideally suited to life in the world. Forced from their original home, the realm of the fey known to the people of Golarion as the First World, the gnome race is still haunted by the spiritual damage caused by their exodus. Many still long for a return to that golden age.
  • Gnomes are magical beings that are small of stature. They are not known to have natural enemies, but are known to irritate other beings with their personalities.
  • Gnomes are a race of humanoids in Gloriana. They value humor above just about everything else, injecting puns and practical jokes into just about every situation. They are about half the size of a human, with pointy ears and wide, often-grinning mouths. They are not to be confused with Dwarves (who never appear in the games, but are frequently referred to by Punny Bones in an unflattering manner). A Gnome appears in every game except for Quest for Glory III: Wages of War.
  • Die Gnome (土妖精族(ノーム), Nōmu?, lit. Erd-Elfen Familie) sind eine der neun Rassen in ALfheim Online.
  • Old Common term: Noniz
  • Les gnomes sont de petits êtres semblables aux nains et aux lutins.
  • Gnomes are a race of small humanoids. According to a gnome cleric in Strip #968, gnomes are the cousins of Dwarves.
  • Gnomes are small and stealthy fey who value a quick mind and the ability to escape notice. Gnomes are drawn to illusion and trickery. They explore the world with a sense of curiosity and wonder.
  • Playable Classes Cleric, Enchanter, Paladin, Magician, Necromancer, Rogue, Shadow Knight, Warrior, Wizard Armor Size Small Race Abilities Infravision, Tinkering (crafting skill that can be increased at level 16)
  • Rasse Führer Hochtüftler Gelbin Mekkadrill Zugehörigkeit Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Hauptstadt Gnomeregan Zone Dun Morogh Gebiet Fraktionen Stufe Die exzentrischen und äußerst erfinderischen Gnome sind eines der eigenartigsten Völker Azeroths. Angesichts ihrer Technikversessenheit und dem scheinbaren Drang, ständig neue, explosive Wunderwerke der Technik zu entwickeln, erscheint es schon fast wie ein Wunder, dass die Gnome bis zum heutigen Tag überlebt haben.
  • The Gnome was summoned by Sandor Fane aka the The Overlord to inhabit the body of Gotham City socialite Grant Arden. Grant was a chemical engineer and founder of Arden Chemicals. Sandor also created a hooded, brown costume for Grant to wear. This costume was not conceived well.
  • Beyond the worldwide GNOME Community, GNOME is supported by companies including HP, MandrakeSoft, Novell, Red Hat, and Sun. Distros which use GNOME include: * Ubuntu not Gnome shell * Debian * Linux Mint * Fedora
  • Despite their size and weakness, Gnomes are notoriously hard to get a hold of. They get a +5 racial bonus to CMD, and to Escape Artist skill checks.
  • Gnomes are among the most inquisitive of races. They seek knowledge in all its forms and tend to careers which allow them to fulfill this thirst: bards, historians, alchemists and librarians, as well as spies. The gnomes rule the nation of Zilargo, one of the oldest nations of Khorvaire.
  • A Gnome is said to be some kind of small creature who likes to lives in lawns. A member of the International Sprite League once bought a Sprite through "dubious channels", and was delivered "a lawn gnome with wings taped to its back". "Gnome" could also be another name for Leprechaun, Pixie, or some other small creature. But most likely it's non-living garden accessory.
  • Gnomes are Winter Fae. They were among Mab's troops in Summer Knight.
  • Gnome — Ever since human beings first set foot on the Faranga Islands many years ago, the native gnomes have been notorious 'troublemakers'.
  • Until CL 25-30 the gnomes from Valera Training Grounds can be considered the best place for combat training, because players can fight being away from game, being required just to insert the bot check every 15 minutes, and sometime eating some foods.
  • Gnomes are smaller relatives of Dwarfs; they have a similar cultural background and speak their own Dwarvish dialect. If anything, Gnomes are even more short-tempered and difficult to get along with than Dwarfs. Like them, they live mostly underground or amongst mountains. Gnomes can be found almost exclusively on the western side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Their numbers are few and declining all the time. Some communities survive in the remoter areas of the Isle of Albion, but these cannot be said to constitute anything other than a backward remnant of the race.
  • The Gnome was the disguise of Gill Littlefoot, used to frame his wife, Amanda, the queen of the Royal Knights Faire, and to attack attendants at the faire who were dressed as pirates.
  • center|440px GNOME (그놈, GNU Network Object Model Environment) 은 데스크톱 환경이자 GNOME을 개발하는 전체 프로젝트의 이름입니다.
  • The Gnomes (土妖精族(ノーム), Nōmu?, lit. Earth fairy family) are one of the nine races in «ALfheim Online».
  • Gnome on rotu joka on läheistä sukua Dwarfeille ja sienille. Heidän pääkaupunkinsa on Ironforge (rautahaarukka) ja heidän johtajansa on Gelbippeli Menkkatorque. Gnomet tunnetaan kahdesta asiasta; lyhyydestään ja pienistä peniksistään. Gnomet ovat todella taitavia rakentamaan kaikkia mekaanisia vibraattoreja. He rakensivat Toisen Sodan aikaan paljon dildoja ja vibraattoreita Alliancen jäsenille yhdyntän Horden kanssa.
  • The gnomes are a cheery and friendly race found in Knightmare. they are similar in appearance to dwarfs but there are major differences. One is the gnomes are short but they ted to be thinner and more scrawly. Another is they have cheerful voices and always have white beards. The gnomes are nature lovers in that they live in forests, fields and anywhere where there is lots of plants and animals. They are quite friendly and are known for their willingness to help others. Gnomes have amazing abilities to grow plants and will do their best to protect and nurture nature.
  • A gnome is a mythical creature characterized by its extremely small size and subterranean lifestyle. They build complex underground homes, usually in the base of trees, with escape tunnels. They take care of the woodland creatures when they are injured, and in return have very good relations. gnomes can live to be over 500 years old, reaching their peak between 250-350 years of age. Gnomes marry, and almost always have twins. Families get no larger than two children. Gnomes are peaceful, helpful creatures, and often live in old homes and barns, helping the families who reside within.
  • Rock gnomes are the most populous gnome subrace. They live in burrows beneath rolling, wooded hills. Friends to animals, rock gnomes have a racial ability that allows them to speak with burrowing animals.
  • A earth elemental that first appears in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.
  • BT01-046EN_C.jpg Weapons_Dealer,_Govannon.jpg The Gnomes are a shared race of Units found in the Gold Paladin and Royal Paladin Clans. There are no effects related to this specific race so far.
  • Gnomish ability adjustments: +2 constitution, -2 strength Favored class (wizard): A multiclass gnome's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
  • Gnomes, or the Forgotten Folk as they were sometimes known, were small humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humor, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess. Having had few overt influences on the world's history but many small and unseen ones, gnomes were often overlooked by the powers that be, despite their craftiness and affinity for illusion magic.
  • Gnomes are one of the humanoid races. Gnomes were the oldest sentient race on the Continent and together with dwarves and elves are called the Old races. Gnomes are shorter and weaker than dwarves, but just as tough and more agile. They can be easily distinguished from dwarves and halflings by their long noses. Many gnomes live in Mahakam along with the dwarves, although others inhabit the Tir Tochair mountain range. They are excellent smiths and metallurgists and their gwyhyr swords are considered the best in the world.
  • Gnome (ノーム Noomu?) is the Spirit of Earth, also representing one of the four cardinal elements of the Tales games. Gnome has appeared in several games of the series as a character or cameo and can be summoned through the Gnome arte. Gnome is opposed by Sylph, the Spirit of Wind. In Tales of Rebirth, Gnome is replaced by Randgriz, the Sacred Beast of Earth.
  • Gnome is an earth element creature of which is only located within the Forbidden Land, Kadessa .
  • Gnomes are a race on the world of Tarkus (Tyragon). They are known to be great smiths who forged great war hammers. The ancient hammers remain strong even after many centuries.
  • Gnomes are seldom seen in daylight. As a result, they often befriend nocturnal animals such as bats and keep them as pets. They were featured in Monsterology's Semi-Human Creature section. Whether gnomes have any relation to the similar diminutive Vampire bloodline known as the Ba'al remains to be seen.
  • Gnome eli tonttu tai maahinen, on rotu RuneScapessa. Heitä asuu eniten on eniten Gnome Strongholdissa. Gnomeilla on myös vahvempia taistelijoita joiden nimi on Gnome warrior. Gnomeilta voi varastaa kun on varastelu 70. Gnomejen paikkoja * Tree Gnome Village * Gnome Stronghold * Grand Tree * Battlefieldin eteläosa * Ship Yard 1. * OHJAUS
  • Gnomes are quick, lighthearted cousins to dwarves. It is believed by many that gnomes were originally the offspring of dwarves and either elves or humans, but all three races strenuously deny this.
  • Gnomekind's obsession with acquiring wealth has brought them to the very bowels of the Earth, from which they exercise virtually no interaction humankind, and when they do it is often unpleasant. This is mostly due to the fact that gnomes (like their dwarvish kin) are slaves to their greed, and are often evil as a result. The only gnomes that interact with humans regularly are a troublesome subspecies known as garden gnomes. They burrow in soft soil, feed mainly on roots, and are kleptomaniac. Due to this; they infest gardens and are little if not nothing more than pests.
  • Gnomes are one of the most concentrated races, other than humans. Not only do the gnomes have their own empire, but they also have their own food, clothes, transportation, quests, and even semi-popular minigames called Gnome Ball and the Gnome Restaurant. The Gnome race is primarily located in Kandarin.
  • The Gnome furniture is the last of the Parody Posters. It was released on the 30th of November, 2013.
  • GNOME – środowisko graficzne dla systemów pod kontrolą naczelnego generała Pingwina. Niczym nie przypomina Windowsa, i dobrze!
  • thumb|200px|Oficjalne logo thumb|200px|Ikona Nuvola GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME, ang. sieciowy model obiektów środowiska GNU) – środowisko graficzne będące częścią projektu GNU, oparte na bibliotekach GTK+. Prace rozpoczął meksykański programista Miguel de Icaza w sierpniu 1997 roku, w celu stworzenia całkowicie dostępnego środowiska graficznego, alternatywnego do KDE. GNOME bezproblemowo współpracuje z większością systemów typu Unix. Pierwsza wersja, oznakowana 1.0, została wydana w marcu 1999 roku. Najnowsza wersja, 3.8.2 pochodzi z 16 maja 2013 roku.
  • Gnome is a race in World of Warcraft. They are part of the Alliance, and since Gnomeregan is now longer under their control, their capital is also Ironforge, as the dwarves'. Gnomes speak gnomish. Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • Aussi voleurs que des pies, ils chapardent tout ce qui leur passe sous la main. La plupart des breloques qu’ils dérobent ne leur sont d’aucune utilité et s’entassent en monceaux jusqu’au plafond de leurs repaires, mais comme on ne sait jamais quand un objet peut servir, ils font main basse sur tout ce qu’ils trouvent lors de leurs raids incessants. Ainsi, tout gnome digne de ce nom est-il équipé d’une bonne douzaine de poches et autres besaces de tailles variées afin de pouvoir emporter un maximum de marchandise. YGEkPvKUzEA Expérience: * Gnome: +50 * Chef: +100
  • Gnomes are one of the families of The People. They are known to be short and overweight, but there are rare occasions of a tall and skinny gnome. Ark Sool is an example of this. Gnomes are barely ever mentioned in the books, but Captain Holly Short describes them as "Big and lumbering, with their rear ends blocking two lanes." Also, a gnome gets thrown out of a mixer by Doodah Day in The Lost Colony. As mentioned in The Opal Deception, gnomes have an average height of 2 feet. They are frequently known as lovers of gold, jewels, and other finery.
  • Gnomes have a great tradition of expertise in the area of natural (earth) element manipulation (such as creating a cage out of a rose bush) and creation as well as skill in the arts. Many people will travel across many lands in search of a Gnome craftsman so that they may purchase one of his sturdy earth-based weapons. They also live in lush gardens and are generally the cause of the gardens good fortune. They are based on traditional Garden Gnome designs as well as German Culture.
  • À la fois malicieux, excentriques et courageux, les gnomes présentent un paradoxe unique au sein des races civilisées peuplant Azeroth. Inventeurs géniaux à la bonne humeur communicative, ils ont subi tour à tour la traîtrise, l’exil et le génocide. C’est leur optimisme remarquable face à de telles épreuves qui caractérise le mieux l’inébranlable ténacité des gnomes.
  • Gnomes are a type of dwarf that dwells underground, guarding their treasures. Gnomes make efficient workers, due to their stubbornness and will-power. Occasionally these gnomes were employed by agencies such as the Bank of Zork, the Great Underground Highway Toll System, and Bozbarland.
  • An earth elemental. * It attacks by opening a pit beneath its victim and then crushing them. Source: Cult Compendium
  • Tinker gnomes are a subspecies of gnome native to Krynn.
  • Gnomes are a playable race in ADOM. Like Drakelings, gnomes are typically a playable-only race - no NPCs are gnomish save for Ruun in Dwarftown (if the PC is gnomish) and/or some shopkeepers, and gnomes have no evil counterparts that can appear as NPCs (unlike hurthlings and elves).
  • Gnome is a creature in the cybersite Castleblanca. He often appears in castles. Sometimes, he won't let people pass without his permission. He is a mean little guy who prefers people keeping their speeches short.
  • Gnomes are related to Dwarfs but they are more social compared to Dwarfs. They often are specialists, illusionists or bards.
  • Greater Spell Focus: Illusion - Characters who select Gnome as one of their domains receive the Greater Spell Focus: Illusion feat for free.
  • rightGNOME rappresenta uno sforzo internazionale per la realizzazione di un ambiente desktop completo - l'interfaccia grafica che sta in cima al sistema operativo - interamente a partire da software libero. Questo obiettivo include la creazione di un frameworks per lo sviluppo di software, selezione di software per il desktop ed il lavoro sui programmi che gestiscono l'avvio delle applicazioni, la manipolazione dei file e la gestione delle finestre e delle funzioni. GNOME è parte del progetto GNU e può essere usato con vari sistemi operativi Unix-like, tra i più conosciuti come Linux e Solaris.
  • GNOME is a desktop environment for Debian. On most installations it is the default. GNOME supports multiple desktops and comes with several pieces of native software, such as GNOME BitTorrent. This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.
  • Gnomes are a race of non-player characters found throughout Kandarin, particularly in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, Tree Gnome Village, and Battlefield. However, there are some isolated gnomes scattered around Gielinor, notably Hazelmere and the Gnome pilots. They are green humanoids, smaller and more human in appearance than goblins. Often, gnomes can be seen wearing clothes and pointed wizard hats in a range of bright and pastel colours, though some (such as Glough) prefer armoured helmets. Bolren and King Narnode Shareen wear yellow party hats.
  • Gnomes zijn wezens die tot nu toe samen met de goblins de kleinste ras zijn. Ze zijn ongeveer tweederde van een dwarf die weer de helft van een human/mens is. De gnomes zijn begonnen met het bestaan als mechagnomes, gnomes van ijzer/steen. Door de Curse of Flesh (vloek van het vlees) werden ze net als de dwarves van vlees. De gnomes hadden Gnomeregan, hun hoofdstad, die later overgenomen zou worden door troggs en leper gnomes.
  • Gnomes are a race of tiny humanoids who are intrinsically linked with the element of earth. Gnomes are capable of moving through earth Genomes are highly intelligent, small humanoids. They possess indefiable self-confidence and a high understanding of technical matters and machinery. Gillas, the Royal Researcher of Fine Mechanicks, is a Genome.
  • Die exzentrischen und äußerst erfinderischen Gnome sind eines der eigenartigsten Völker Azeroths. Angesichts ihrer Technikversessenheit und dem scheinbaren Drang, ständig neue, explosive Wunderwerke der Technik zu entwickeln, erscheint es schon fast wie ein Wunder, dass die Gnome bis zum heutigen Tag überlebt haben. Ihre phantastische Technopolis, Gnomeregan, teilte sich die winterlichen Lande von Dun Morogh mit den nächsten Verwandten der Gnome, den wackeren Zwergen von Eisenschmiede. Zwar sind auch die Zwerge sehr gut darin, alle Arten von Maschinen zu bauen und zu entwerfen, doch die wahre Ehre für praktisch alle revolutionären Innovationen, die in der zwergischen Technik zu finden sind, gebührt den Gnomen.
  • Les gnomes sont secrets et mystérieux. La plupart résident à Mahakam avec les nains. Ils se mêlent rarement aux humains. Les gnomes sont d'habiles artisans, mineurs et inventeurs. Leur technologie est supérieur à celle des humains et leur armes n'ont pas leurs égales. Ils sont en outre considérés comme la plus ancienne race du continent. Un gnome alchimiste contesté par ces pairs : Kalkstein
  • Gnomes are happy creatures that run around the back alleys of gas stations handing out pamphlets for the lastest gnome merchandise. But not all gnomes are like this. Gnomes are generally good natured, and loving things. But there are different breeds on gnome. Some of them are pure evil. These are a few breeds of gnome.
  • The Gnomes are known as the Protectors of the Earth and are seldom fighters. They mainly use magic for their everyday tasks. But if war calls for them, they fight and they fight hard. Being shorter than a dwarf and having leg muscle which gives them great agility, they tend to also spy on people. 
  • Gnomes were a species of supernatural beings resembling diminutive humans.
  • Many have innate warrior instincts. One of the most notable Earthmen was Golg, whom Puddleglum captured after the demise of the Witch Queen but who later helped Rilian and his rescuers escape.
  • thumb|121px|GNOME (logo)GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) è un ambiente desktop creato inizialmente da Miguel de Icaza e Federico Mena nell'agosto del 1997, con l'obiettivo di fornire un ambiente di sviluppo e desktop libero per il sistema operativo GNU/Linux. Grazie a questo e ai risultati raggiunti, è presto stato riconosciuto come il desktop ufficiale del progetto GNU. Al tempo l'unica alternativa sufficientemente completa era KDE, il quale raccoglieva diverse critiche riguardanti il non essere un ambiente aperto (infatti fornisce le api per i soli linguaggi C e C++) e non completamente libero, in quanto le librerie grafiche su cui si basa, le Qt, non erano ancora state rilasciate con una licenza libera (in seguito sono state rilasciate sotto licenza GNU GPL).
  • ie cleveren, draufgängerischen und oft auch exzentrischen Gnome stellen ein einzigartiges Paradoxon unter den zivilisierten thumb|302px|link=Datei:D399e8acd89f295f2e551893975d2f21.jpgVölkern Azeroths dar. Sie sind brillante Erfinder und mit einer unverrückbar positiven Grundeinstellung gesegnet, doch hat dieses Volk Verrat, Vertreibung und einen Beinahe-Genozid erleiden müssen. Es ist dieser beeindruckende Optimismus angesichts all jener Katastrophen, der den unbeirrbaren Lebenswillen der Gnome symbolisiert. Gnome sind ein zwergenhaftes Volk, und doch haben sie auf Azeroth dauerhaften Eindruck hinterlassen, weil sie unter Einsatz kollektiver Intelligenz und kollektiven Ehrgeizes auf vielen Gebieten Völker mit mehr Körpergröße in den Schatten stellen. Gnome sind berühmte Ingenieure, Mechani
  • Gnomes have the following racial traits: * +2 Constitution, –2 Strength. * Small: As a Small character, a gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character. * Gnome base land speed is 20 feet. * Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. * Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons. * +2 racial bonus on saving throws against . * Add +1 to th
  • Gnomes are tiny humanoid creatures with very large (for their size) noses and big pointed hats. They like to pick up items such as Lifeforce and equipment and carry them off into their burrows. This can become quite cumbersome, when they carry off the rare Fairy Gems.
  • At some point the trolls, under Lord Stoll's leadership, invaded from the North and set up camp a few days from Mechastone. They attacked the gnomes' lands, enslaving and killing the gnomes (Including innocent women and children) in order to get the gnomes' ore stockpiles. During Cale'anon's first visit to Mechastone he, alongside Krunch, Benn'joon and Richard came under the employ of the Mechastone Defense Force after they had been tried for the murder 126 gnome soldiers. Chief Engineer Toyk instructed Cale and his company to assassinate the Lord Stoll, in exchange for a scroll describing the road to the Sword of Truth. The gnome soldier Fitch was ordered to lead the group to the troll camp, but accidentally bumped right into a marching troll army. The group was captured, but was able to
  • Gnomes are great elementals: manifestations of the magical power of earth in a particular landscape. They come into being ex terra when an area of land is rich in a particular element: "A gnome would be born in places such as forests with rich soil and plant life, or caves rich with ore... Gnome wouldn't exist in barren wastelands with polluted soil" . In their natural state, elementals have an incorporeal existence and do not interact directly with the world, though they are conscious and can lend their power to humans they find worthy, empowering so-called "covenanters" to become powerful elemental mages.
  • This page refers to the comic series, Theta the Otter. For the character, see Theta the Otter. Info= Theta the Otter is a new comic series written by RedLeopardNyro. Evidently, the main protagonist of the series is Theta himself. The series started as a fancomic, originally titled Theta the Otter: Alt. Universe, until Theta was given to RLN by his original creator, SigmaAlphaThree. So far, the series has three draft books, and the fourth is currently being written. The series is being turned into a digital webcomic, with some minor changes from the original draft versions.
  • [[Bild:Gnome RPG.jpg|thumb|200px| Ein Gnom im Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni PnP RPG. Illustration von Jarosław Musiał.]] Gnome zählen zu den humanoiden Rassen des Kontinents. Zusammen mit den Zwergen und Elfen gehören sie zu den Alten Völkern. Sie haben ihre eigene Sprache. Gnome sind kleiner und schwächer als Zwerge, aber genauso widerstandsfähig und agil. Man kann sie wegen ihrer langen Nasen sehr leicht von Zwergen und Halblingen unterscheiden.
  • Gnome is the Mana Spirit of earth. He appears as a humanoid creature with a large beard, resembling real-life garden gnomes. His powers are of an earthly persuasion, with such attacks as gem missiles, land mines, rock slides, earthquakes, and weapon enchantments that can petrify opponents. Gnome's powers also extend to temporarily raising defense or lowering speed. His Speed Up spell in Secret of Mana was given to Jinn (Sylphid) in the sequel, who also received a Defense Down spell, creating a "true" opposition for both modifiers
  • Gnomes are the rarest of the civilized races of the Shores. Traditionally gnomes live deep underground or in temperate forests, and so there are two kinds of gnomes; Deep Gnomes and Surface Gnomes (usually just called Gnomes). The Deep Gnomes, living in Neverlight, has almost completely disappeared from the Shores and are therefore often called "Never Gnomes." The Surface Gnomes, who are not quite as rare, usually live among humans or halflings on the Shores and elsewhere. , the town of Coxville has the largest population of gnomes, with almost half being gnomes and the other half humans. Gnomes can live to about 250 years.
  • Gnomes have been the enemies of Dwarves for many centuries. The two races are descended from a common ancestor, and the conflict between them originally arose when the Gnomes wished to focus on mechanical innovation rather than subterranean exploration. They found that their interests corresponded closely with those of the Humans, and left the Dwarven cities to live with humankind. As there has been increased interaction between the races, Gnomes have gradually learned to become more tolerant of their distant cousins.
  • Bestand:Gnome chathead.png Gnomes, of kabouters, zijn een ras in RuneScape. Net als de mensen, hebben ze hun eigen rijk, voedsel, Questen, transportatie en Mini Games. De meeste gnomes bevinden zich in het koninkrijk Kandarin. 200px|thumb|Een gnome huisje Gnomes lijken erg veel op mensen. Ze zijn alleen kleiner van ongeveer 1 meter hoogte. Ze dragen vaak groene kleren en punt mutsen. Op vele manieren lijken ze op de Dwarves, hoewel de dwergen erg veel haar hebben. Ook hebben de gnomes punt oren, net als de Elven.
  • Az excentrikus, gyakran briliáns gnómok a világ legjellegzetesebb fajainak egyike közé tartoznak. Megszállottan terveznek radikálisan új technológiákat, és építenek észbontó, mechanikus szerkezeteket. A kísérletezés gyakran nem várt eredményt hoz, kész csoda hát, hogy egyáltalán fennmaradtak a hosszú évek során. Jól fejlett, csodálatos technovárosuk, Gnomeregan szívében állandó a nyüzsgés. Törp rokonaikkal megosztják az erdős Dun Morogh erőforrásait. Igaz, Ironforge törpjei szintén élénk mérnöki és technológiai elmék, mégis a gnómok azok, akik a kritikus, látnoki megoldásokat szállítják a törpök gőzgépeihez és fegyvereihez. A gnómok jól szolgálták a Szövetséget a második nagy háború idején, ám a Lángoló Légiókkal szemben vívott csaták során furcsamód megtagadták szövetségeseik további tám
  • 風変わりな、だが時として聡明なGnomeは、世界中でも最も珍妙な種族のひとつである。Gnomeは新たな技術の開発と心の底から驚嘆せしめる工学を設計することに関しては非常に熱心である。 驚くべき機械都市Gnomereganは、従兄弟のDwarfたちと森林に覆われたDun Morogh Peaksの資源を共有することで繁栄した。IronforgeのDwarfたちもまた技術と工学に関しては一家言持っているが、Dwarfの武器と蒸気 車両の大部分のデザインはGnomeによるものである。 Gnomeは第二次戦争においてはthe Allianceと共に戦ったが、近年起こったthe Burning Legionによる侵略においては、the Allianceを助けるための人員を送ることを拒否した。Gnomeのデザインによる武器はthe Legionに対して一定の戦果を与えたが、DwarfたちはGnomeの勇敢な兵士とパイロットとを供出しないという決定に衝撃を受けることとなった。 戦いが終わり、the Allianceは何故Gnomeたちが協力を拒否したのかその理由を知ることとなった。太古よりの野蛮なる脅威が地の底から這い上がり、 Gnomereganへと侵略していたのだ。Gnomeたちはthe Allianceにとって一番重要なことがthe Legionを打ち倒すことだと知っており、そのため単独でそれらに立ち向かおうと決めたのだった。Gnomeたちは勇敢に戦い最愛の都市を救おうと努力 したにも関わらず、Gnomereganは完全に失われることとなった。 Gnome種族の半分近くがGnomeregan陥落に間に失われていた。生き残ったぼろぼろになったGnomeたちは、IronforgeのDwarfの砦へと避難した。Gnomeは再びthe Allianceの目的に忠実に従い、戦略と武器とを考え
  • GNOME е съкращение на английски език от GNU Network Object Model Environment. GNOME e работна среда и платформа за разработка на приложения за Unix и всички подобни операционни системи. Произнася се "гном" Тя е създадена през 1997 Мигел де Иказа и Федерико Мона като свободен конкурент на CDE и KDE. Състои се от много части включително библиотеки като gtk+; Изполват се в средата window manager-а metacity, мениджър за файлове nautilus, панела gnome-panel и много приложения като gedit, epiphany , totem и много други.
  • A Gnome is a master of machinery and building. They can build just about any machine for the right occasion and they pride themselves in this. They are small and bearded like Dwarves but have white hair and brown skin. Gnomes are a care-free race and they usually focus on their machines rather than others. They do have racial tensions with the Dark Elves and the Trolls.
  • Gnome (ノーム Nōmu) is a Phantom born from within a sommelier (ソムリエ somurie) when he gave in to despair. His Gate target is scam artist Manami Yamasaki (川崎 愛美 Yamasaki Manami) . He is capable of burrowing and is equipped with a trident.
  • Gnomes are often regarded as more intelligent than most other races, and have a higher standard of living. Gnomes generally love nature, making their homes in treetops and living in heavily wooded forests. Despite their usually peaceful nature, gnomes are well-trained militarily, capable of overwhelming most armies through sheer numbers. They mount prehistoric terrorbirds and battle tortoises in conflict to make up for their small size. Using magic, they have unique illusionary, stealth, Guthixian, and spiritual magic using hybrid Elven/Gnome machinery or meditation to amplify it. Most Gnomes, even civilians, carry bows, and some carry metal weaponry in combat.
  • Gnomes are close cousins of both the dwarfs and the dark elves and are associated with the spirits of both the earth and the mountains. Most, but not all, live underground and are said to guard veins of precious metals and stones, as well as vast, ancient treasures that have been buried there. Gnomes are a mischievous people. Gnomes are long lived, while they may look a certain age in human years, it is likely their age is ten times that of humans. For example, some gnomes may appear to be sixty years old, but actuality they may be six hundred. Thus gnomes that appear to be around one hundred, could in theory actually be closer to a thousand years old. While they are long lived, they do still appear to have mortal lives.
  • One of the simplest Unix desktops is the GNU's Gnot Unix Gnotworking Object Model Environment, or GUI Gno One Might Enjoy, or GNOME. GNOME enables you to use your computer while getting as little work done as possible. It was first created by duplicating Mac OS 9 with a Bizarro-ray. The GNOME Foundation has a policy of rewriting the entire desktop from scratch every five years, thus ensuring that the software remains free of cruft and features, and at the same time giving their Bugzilla a fresh set of bugs.
  • GNOME (pronounced /ɡəˈnoʊm/) is a desktop environment—a graphical user interface which runs on top of a computer operating system—composed entirely of free software. It is an international project that includes creating software development frameworks, selecting application software for the desktop, and working on the programs which manage application launching, file handling, and window and task management. The name originally stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  • Le gnome est un animal vivant, parfois poilu, parfois non. Il possède un Q.I. variant dans une fourchette à 6 piques, entre 150 et 250. Il est barbu, porte un tee-shirt sale, est célibataire sauf s'il s'agit d'un cypto-Gnome.
  • Gnomes, also known as the Kuwalden in their own language, are creatures from European folklore on Earth. They are basically human-like, although they're much smaller. They almost always wear reddish, pointed hats. The USS Enterprise encountered what appeared to be the last colony of gnomes in the 23rd century. Despite initial illusions, it seemed that the last four gnomes were using their hats (actually advanced matter-rearranging devices) to create illusions and convert Federation colonists into Trolls, the traditional enemies of the Gnomes.
  • The Gnomes are a diminuitive race of tinkers and engineers who, like their cousins the Dwarves, have a tendency to live underground. Most members of the Gnomish race used to dwell in the techno-city of Gnomeregan before the Gnomes unwittingly awakened the barbaric and, though they put up a valiant fight, through a combination of relentless Trogg aggression and unbridled chemical warfare, the Gnomish race was driven from their city and took up refuge in the nearby Dwarven city of Ironforge. Despite the destruction of their home city the Gnomes remain a kindhearted and amiable race. All Gnomes are gifted with a natural aptetude for technology, coupled with their long lifespans this has allowed the Gnomes to design some of the greatest feats of engineering on Azeroth, including various flying
  • Gnomes are the smaller cousins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about four feet high and not so stocky as dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor short cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys (except trolls and maybe hurthlings). Their greatest enemies are the kobolds living in the tunnels below the mountains. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes are excellent crossbowmen who prefer to utilize light crossbows for ranged attacks.
  • With their sharp minds and upbeat attitude, very little fazes the gnomes of Mekalia. Their home city, under the sands of Qalia, is a marvel of engineering that rivals even the dwarves' home of Bordinar's Cleft. Centuries ago, the gnomes under orders from their beloved Underking, sealed off a portion of their city and fled to higher grounds to escape the depraved deep dwarves. Though gnomes are marked by an almost fanatical faith in their Underking, the famous general Ulaben took his army and fled, seeking to find a way back into the Deep Dark to defeat the Deep Dwarves once and for all.
  • The Evil Queen stands in a clearing in the woods, surrounded by apparently deceased trees. "Who among us is tired of losing?". The camera pans away to reveal that she is not alone; by her side stands her valet, holding a bag. Also present are a few dark knights, minions of the Queen, an ogre, the gnome, and the blind witch, among others, all evil presences. They all form a circle around the clearing, at the center of which is a fire. The Queen tells them that their continuous losses are why she called them there: to put an end to their misery. She throws some items into the fire, as she says that they're there to claim their victory and move to a better realm. Howlings are heard around them, coming from nowhere. "A place where we can finally win.", the Queen says. The blind witch asks if t
  • -
  • Gelbin Mekkatorque
  • Sicco Thermaplugg
  • High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of Gnomes & Captain Tread Sparknozzle,High Tinker's Advisor
  • 3
  • 5
  • 8
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 24
  • 26
  • 6.627096E8
  • Kamen Rider Wizard
  • 2
  • 4
  • 12
  • 23
  • 35
  • 46
  • 14
  • Light-Neutral
  • Gnomes start off Neutral, though Class and Star sign can affect this. Other gameplay effects *Level advancement: Gnomes require less experience to increase in level than other races - receiving roughly a 25% discount on required experience per level for their profession. **Whilst being able to raise levels quickly is almost always a good thing, it may be of some concern to PCs that are trying to get through the Small Cave safely. Also, the PC might reach level 16 perhaps more quickly than desired, i.e before clearing the Pyramid - meaning they may have to attempt to defeat Rehetep without adequate time to prepare, or just abandon the Pyramid completely. *Crossbow training: Gnomes require roughly 25% less marks per skill level to raise their skill with Crossbows than the other races. *Talents: Gnomes start with one extra Talent. They share this racial ability with hurthlings. Eating habits Gnomes have rather average tastes. Food such as rats, fat worm and cooked roaches make them vomit; but aside from doppelgangers, there is nothing that they refuse to eat.
  • +5 using bows
  • 4
  • -
  • -
  • Alliance
  • -
Battle Start
  • I'll bury you, okay?
  • -
  • -
  • 15
  • Sprache
  • Gnome
  • P&P
  • Kultur & Charakteristika
  • 14
  • Wind
  • -
  • 1600
  • 1680
  • 1760
New Header
  • Null
  • -
Luck Skill
  • -
  • 70
  • 20
  • 25
  • 207
skill lv
  • Unit DEF +??%
  • [Autoskill]
  • Unit DEF +3%
  • 250
  • Hatcher
Max Luck
  • 72
  • 90
  • Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort,
  • 7
  • 15
  • 37
  • 40
  • 46
  • 89
  • Yes
  • 13
  • 26
  • 33
  • 30
  • by Apr 23rd 2014 4:00PM
  • *Tête d'une grosseur disproportionnée ressemblant à une pomme de terre *Pieds durs, osseux et velus *Dents tranchantes
  • 1
  • 4
  • 17
  • -52
  • F8wx3FPui7PuUAae
  • Single Foe/1/Physical/None
  • "The Thing You Love Most"
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 12
  • 18
  • 30
  • 33
  • Bounce
  • Arm, Armor, Accessory
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers.
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 medium-sized elemental lasers.
  • Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets,
  • -
  • Yes
  • 2
  • 25
  • -
  • 0
  • -
  • 5
  • High
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9
  • 10
  • 18
  • 37
  • 41
  • 5
  • 25
  • 37
  • Gnome
  • Gnomisch
  • Gnome/Kultur
  • Gnome/P&P
  • Usually neutral good
  • 6
  • 7
  • 12
  • 14
  • 59
  • 64
  • 72
  • 1600
  • 1680
  • 1790
  • 13860
  • 19983
  • File:1109.png
friendship max
  • Dig it or don't dig it? I don't understand what are you talking about.
Strike shot
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and sends it flying.
  • Furious Slaughtering - 16 Turns
  • Tearful Clobbering - 15 Turns
  • 5
  • 6
  • 24
  • 46
  • 58
  • 9
  • 10
  • 16
  • 22
  • Gnome
  • 4
  • 10
  • 5
  • 6
  • 10
  • 50
  • 116.730000
  • 8950.800000000001
friendship event
  • I can adjust my gender to your preferred one.
  • Tell me which one do you prefer?
  • Why do you care so much whether I am a boy or girl..?
battle end
  • What!? I was buried...!
  • 3
  • 4
  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 16
  • 21
  • 25
  • 26
  • 30
  • Yes
  • R
  • N
  • -
  • Gnome
  • Where are you going today? I hope it smells like dirt
  • Yes
  • 42.0
  • JAP 14
  • W-4529
  • 1
  • Earth; Mining
  • 8
  • 10
  • +1 to DCs for all Illusion spells/spell-like abilities cast.
  • Gnomes have innate spell like abilities that they can cast at will. These are dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation.Caster level is equal to the gnome's character level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + Cha .
  • Ruining the reputation of his rich wife to get her money
  • Overlord II
  • Overlord: Dark Legend
  • "The Thing You Love Most"
  • 6
  • 9
  • 25
  • Earth
  • Passion
  • Yoshiyuki Kanayasu
  • By class level
  • Male
  • Red
  • White
  • Any shade of Green or Blue
  • *Racines de plantes *Vers *Horglups
  • Gnomes train in Gemology, Listening, Mining, Pick pockets, and Ventriloquism. Gnomes are the only race that are guaranteed Pick pockets and Ventriloquism; Pick pockets can easily be obtained by PCs that are neither lawful nor aspiring Paragons of Order, though. Gemology and mining can be put to good use to generate a source of both income and Learning , provided the PC has a pickaxe. Ventriloquism is a somewhat rare skill that can be sometimes put to good use; however, the skill is generally hard to advance, even for gnomish PCs that also practise it in their profession.
  • +2 Arcana
  • +2 Stealth
  • Calm, Gentle
  • Potato-like heads
  • +2 Fort, +2 Ref
  • 5
  • 25
  • 23
  • Shovel
  • In relation
  • 10206
  • Gnome Statue.png
  • Dans les jardins où ils creusent des terriers *Europe du Nord *Amérique du Nord *Le Terrier
  • *Rock *Deep *Forest
  • Gnome Icon.svg
  • -
  • -
  • Caves, Dungeons, Forests, and Hills
  • Caves, mines, etc.
  • •Tales of Symphonia
  • •Tales of Phantasia
  • •Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon
  • •Tales of Vesperia
  • •Tales of Eternia
  • •Tales of Legendia
  • •Tales of Xillia
  • excellent night sight
  • Whilst most gnomes have roughly average stats, gnomes typically have very impressive Mana scores and good Dexterity. Whilst gnomes are not as nimble and often not quite as magically adept as elves, they tend to be considerably tougher - making gnomes a popular choice for magic-orientated PCs. Gnomes tend to incur minor penalties to Strength and Willpower, and tend to be slightly less intelligent than humans; otherwise, their stats are typically well balanced and they tend to have surprisingly good Charisma scores.
  • White
  • Dark brown
  • brown
  • white
  • Black or brown
  • 53
  • 13
  • 12
  • 11
  • Gnomes
  • Undine
  • Gnomes
  • Lightning
  • Gnome
  • Unknown
  • Gnome
  • Sylph
  • Salamander
  • Whisper Gnome
  • Chaos Gnome
  • Datei:Allianz 32px.png Gnome
  • Deep Gnome
  • Gnomes, Masters of Invention
  • Gnóm
  • ノーム
  • 8
  • 13
  • 20
  • 27
  • 40
  • 50
  • 63
  • 68
  • 73
  • 100
  • 116
  • 205
  • -
  • Main are: white, Tan, Black
  • Ruddy tan to woody brown to rocky gray; grays to white with age
  • Ogre
  • Power
  • Humanoid
  • Wall
  • bnetwowus
  • wowinsider
  • bnetwoweu
  • 49
  • 101
  • 10
  • n/a
  • Earth
  • Light-Neutral
  • Fey Origin
  • Fade Away
  • Master Trickster
  • Reactive Stealth
  • Trickster's Cunning
  • -=Gnome=-
  • A female gnome, from Races of Eberron
  • A gnome engineer
  • Icoon van Technologie
  • Various depictions of gnomes.
  • This illustration of a gnome by Sławomir Maniak accompanied the "Winning Races: Gnomes" article in issue #390.
  • Book 1
  • Magnetokinesis
  • Superstrength
  • Durability
  • +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Str
  • +2 Dex or +2 Cha
  • +2 Int, and either
  • :
  • Khaz Modan
  • Khaz Modan, especially Dun Morogh. Often live in dwarven settlements in Loch Modan and Wetlands
  • Small
  • 186.0
  • 104
  • + 9
  • Colérique
WoWWiki Link
  • 17
  • Gnomes have somewhat high power point regeneration rates, and average hit point regeneration rates.
  • Sentient
3e type
4e type
  • Fey Humanoid
3e advancement
  • By character class
Classification du ministère
  • XX
3e size
  • Small
4e size
  • Small
4e source
  • Player's Handbook 2, pg. 10
3e class
3e source
  • Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 132
  • Player's Handbook v. 3.5, pg. 16-17
  • Races of Stone, pg. 86-88
  • Races of Stone, pg. 94-96
  • 33
  • 40
Name (Romaji)
  • Nōmu
  • Nōmu
  • 2
  • 3
  • 12
  • 95
  • -
  • n/a
  • -
  • Vivolith Slayer
  • Parody Posters
  • Demon Slayer L
  • None
  • Healing Potion
  • Svirfneblin
  • Imago
  • Jungle Rats; Zil
  • I'm gnome, an earth apparition! I'm invincible!
  • 200
  • -
  • 9
  • 23
  • 40
  • 50
  • 177
  • 60
  • -
  • *Gernumbli gardensi *Gernumblies
  • 9
  • 10
  • Dia
  • -
  • Resist
  • Repel
  • -
  • When choosing a race-class combination, gnomes have a number of points of interest - their fast level advancement, their high Mana scores and their relatively good Toughness . Gnomes are natural Elementalists - due to their magical abilities and fast level advancement . Their ability to quickly gain levels also makes them notable Beastfighters and Monks. Their high Mana combined with one guaranteed extra talent means that gnomes are often eligible for a Heir gift - which is particularly beneficial for Thieves, Healers, Bards and Mindcrafters . Gnomes can do well at any class centred around casting. Alternatively, players may chose gnomes to be Archers due to their racial affinity with crossbows and their semi-casting potential.
  • K
  • Any
  • 1
  • 16
  • 102
  • 233
  • 6.0
  • 8.0
  • 186.0
  • 246.0
  • Gnome
  • Elemental Spirit
  • Human and
  • Gnomes
  • Gnome
  • Pokemon Master
  • 46
  • left
  • right
  • 3
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 21
  • 38
  • 64
  • 70
  • 2000
  • 2100
  • 2200
  • Glittering opaque orbs of black or blue
  • gnome-icon-light.png
  • 9.46728E9
  • 1.262304E10
  • 7.8894E9
  • -2.36682E10
  • -2.524608E10
  • 7
  • Zan
  • Earth defense
  • Hama Mazanma Penpatra Tetraja
  • Hama Mazanma Tetraja
  • Hanmahan
  • High Elec Pleroma\Innate Lullaby\25 Life Gain\28
  • Magna Patra Dia Rakukaja Dormina Magnus
  • Mamudo Tarukaja Rakukaja Sukukaja Tetraja Dia
  • Mazanma Hama Tetraja Penpatra
  • Paraladi
  • Petra Cure Heal Defboost Slumber Petraburst
  • Posumudi Petradi
  • Psy
  • Zanma Zanmaon Mazan
  • Zio Loyal Electricity
  • Zionga Mahazio Tetraja
  • 4
  • 20
  • A tribe of earth apparitions. They control the elements of the earth.
  • Gnomes are the smaller cousins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about four feet high and not so stocky as dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor short cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys . Their greatest enemies are the kobolds living in the tunnels below the mountains. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes are excellent crossbowmen who prefer to utilize light crossbows for ranged attacks. Gnomes train in the following skills: Gemology, Listening, Mining, Pick Pockets, and Ventriloquism.
  • Elec\+4 Ailment\+1 Force\-5
  • 1108
  • 1109
  • -
  • Weak to Force, magic, and Almighty
  • Paralyzation
  • 17
  • 20
  • 22
  • 160
  • Agility, cleverness;
  • Bright hair color, wildly differing colored eyes
  • Long noses
  • Metalurgy and jewelry skills;
  • Most are short and chubby.
  • Taller and thinner than most gnomes
  • Wiry, rock-colored skin, stringy hair
  • Small, keen mind, bright personality, magically gifted, can turn invisible
  • n/a
  • Guess whether
  • a girl or a boy I am...
  • Gnome
  • n/a
  • Daisuke Sakaguchi
  • n/a
  • 14
  • Base=File:1108.png
  • Gnome RPG.jpg
  • Gnome-human .jpg
  • Despite their dark sense of humor, gnomes appear to be relatively popular in the world of Ancardia. Gnomish shopkeepers seem to unassuming, and don't generally do very mean deals with any race. Gnomish PCs are equally treated well by shopkeepers; they receive excellent deals from gnomish shopkeepers , and they also receive relatively good deals from dwarves.
  • Gelbin Mekkanivelle
  • 12
  • 11
  • Halállovag
  • Zsivány
  • Pap
  • Mágus
  • Boszorkánymester
  • Harcos
  • Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight
  • Hunter ,Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Death knight , Priest , Tinker, Techno mage, Steam warrior, Ace, Bombardier, Gunman, Sapper, Archmage, Necromancer, Potion doc , Aristocrat
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 12
  • 20
  • 1108
  • 1109
  • 1
  • Any
  • *Northern Europe *North America
  • •Primary Craymel of Celestia
  • •Spirit of Earth
  • 4529
  • 11
  • gnome3.png
  • -
  • 11
  • 13
  • 20
  • 30
  • 35
  • 70
  • 75
  • 100
  • 109
  • 130
  • 140
  • 170
  • 194
  • 212
  • 308
  • 313
  • 322
  • 8234
  • 13972
  • 256.0
  • JAP 320
  • gnome
  • 2013-11-30
  • -
  • Like humans and hurthlings, all gnomes come prepared with some torches and an adequate supply of fuel. Gnomes otherwise tend to pack light - typically starting out with leather armor and a light weapon. Some gnomes - such as Fighters and Priests - also start out with a small shield to compliment their defensive fighting styles.
  • 0
  • 4
  • 6
  • Keemstar
  • Pale brown
  • fair
  • 12
  • Omnivorous
  • Men's spirit energy
  • This holiday
  • Male
  • infinite
  • 108
  • Grant Arden
  • low-light
  • Low-Light Vision
  • Low-light
  • A gnome with a brown hat.
  • Evolution: 3.0
  • Turned into stone
  • Mountain ranges of Mahakam and Tir Tochair
  • Strong
  • -
  • Gnomes are a playable race in ADOM. Like Drakelings, gnomes are typically a playable-only race - no NPCs are gnomish save for Ruun in Dwarftown and/or some shopkeepers, and gnomes have no evil counterparts that can appear as NPCs .
  • Weak
  • Typically Brown Hair
  • James Arnold Taylor
  • 1
  • The petrified gnome.
  • The Queen attempts to enact the Dark Curse, before the eyes of the most wicked beings.
  • Daedalus
  • Forbidden Land / Kadessa
  • Server Europe
  • The Feywild and Toril
  • 10
wikipage disambiguates
  • Expel
  • 1
  • Typischerweise Braunes Haar
  • 9
  • 11
  • 26
  • 37
  • 40
  • 46
  • 27
  • Ziodyne Rakunda
  • 26
  • 29
  • None
  • -
MAG Summon
  • 254
  • Unfriendly
  • -
  • 12
  • 56
  • 68
  • 18
  • 21
  • 5
  • Null
  • -
  • 1
  • earth
  • earth origin
  • earthbody
  • jirae
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one hit, one enemy
  • -
  • 5
Move Type
  • Walk
  • Trente centimètres
  • 12
  • 7
  • 9
  • Magic or Small Axe
  • Force
  • -
  • 5
  • 6
  • 9
  • 10
  • n/a
  • 8
  • 11
  • 10
  • 11
  • 13
  • 37
  • -
  • 11
  • 13
  • Elec
  • 6
  • Dumb
  • Cowardly
  • varies
  • Gnomes are the smaller cousins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about four feet high and not so stocky as dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor short cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys . Their greatest enemies are the kobolds living in the tunnels below the mountains. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes are excellent crossbowmen who prefer to utilize light crossbows for ranged attacks.
  • 250
  • 250
  • +2 vs. Illusions
  • Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Orc
  • Gnome, Common. Gnomes can also communicate with any burrowing mammal as if using the speak with animals spell.
  • +1 vs. Goblinoids and Kobolds
  • +4 Dodge vs. Giants
  • Erde; Bergbau
  • +2 Perception and Craft
  • 2.0
4e modifiers
  • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma or Dexterity
3e modifiers
  • -2
  • +2 Charisma, –2 Strength
  • +2 Constitution, -2 Strength
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution,
  • +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma
  • 250
  • 90.0
4e skillmod
  • +2 Arcana, +2 Stealth
  • 80.0
  • 7.0
  • __TOC__
  • GNOME(그놈, GNU Network Object Model Environment)은 UNIX(惑은 類似 UNIX) 運營體制를 위한 自由 소프트웨어 데스크탑 環境이다. GNOME은 GNU 프로젝트의 公式 데스크탑이다.
  • Gnomes are a reclusive but industrious race that dwell in burrows. They are skilled with alchemy, invention, craft, and are particularly known for their talents with Illusion magic. They are pranksters and generally well-natured.
  • They do not have magical powers and are characterized by their stinginess, which is their predominating trait. Pixieville Bank is where Gnomes keep most of their wealth but each has other hiding places.
  • Gnomes are close cousins of both the dwarfs and the dark elves and are associated with the spirits of both the earth and the mountains. Most, but not all, live underground and are said to guard veins of precious metals and stones, as well as vast, ancient treasures that have been buried there. Gnomes are a mischievous people. Gnomes are long lived, while they may look a certain age in human years, it is likely their age is ten times that of humans. For example, some gnomes may appear to be sixty years old, but actuality they may be six hundred. Thus gnomes that appear to be around one hundred, could in theory actually be closer to a thousand years old. While they are long lived, they do still appear to have mortal lives. Gnomes can be found residing in tree logs, shacks, and small huts. They look like dwarfs, with beards and pointed hats, but they are shorter. Gnomes also normally have the ability to weave magic into the the things they make.SNW #? Ropes made by gnomes are known for being strong reliable rope (unless the magic is disrupted somehow).SNW #? Another Gnome was known for making special boots that wouldn't slip on the rocks of the Glass Mountains, and gloves that couldn't be cut by the sharp edges of the mountains.KoS #? The gnome Rumplestiltskin is known for his ability to turn straw into gold. This is the power of his one-of-a-kind spindle. He has been encountered several times by the Royal Family of Daventry. Graham once met him in Daventry and answered his riddle and later while in Serenia he returned his spindle to either him or his relative. Alexander-Gwydion met him once on his return to Daventry. In the Underground Realm of the Gnomes, most underground Gnomes appear to have gray dirty skin. It is possible that they may be a different sub-race. This race is immortal. A gnome with a pointed hat stole the belongings of the Wanderer. Another race of gnomes known as the Sense Gnomes are guards of the Isle of Wonder. There are five of them, one for each sense. Vizier Alhazred had contacted them to tell them to kill Alexander. However Alexander was able to trick each of their senses one by one with a stinky flower, a mechanical nightingale, a mint, a rabbit's foot, and Invisible Ink. Gnomes may have mundane dames such as David, Charles, Bill, Tom and Fred, or whimsical names such as Trilly Dilly, Mosstwizzle, Wigglebright, Rumplestiltskin, or Zax.
  • Az excentrikus, gyakran briliáns gnómok a világ legjellegzetesebb fajainak egyike közé tartoznak. Megszállottan terveznek radikálisan új technológiákat, és építenek észbontó, mechanikus szerkezeteket. A kísérletezés gyakran nem várt eredményt hoz, kész csoda hát, hogy egyáltalán fennmaradtak a hosszú évek során. Jól fejlett, csodálatos technovárosuk, Gnomeregan szívében állandó a nyüzsgés. Törp rokonaikkal megosztják az erdős Dun Morogh erőforrásait. Igaz, Ironforge törpjei szintén élénk mérnöki és technológiai elmék, mégis a gnómok azok, akik a kritikus, látnoki megoldásokat szállítják a törpök gőzgépeihez és fegyvereihez. A gnómok jól szolgálták a Szövetséget a második nagy háború idején, ám a Lángoló Légiókkal szemben vívott csaták során furcsamód megtagadták szövetségeseik további támogatását. Bár megoldásaikkal nagyban hozzájárultak a Légió legyőzésében, a törpök és emberek számára érthetetlen volt, miért nem küldtek további elszánt harcosokat és pilótákat a csatába. A háború végeztével a Szövetség felfedezte a gnómok hirtelen visszavonulásának okát. Ősi, barbár veszedelem tört ugyanis a felszínre a föld bugyraiból, és megtámadta Gnomeregan városát. Tudták, hogy szövetségeseik legfőbb célja a Lángoló Légió legyőzése, mégis helyben maradtak, hogy védjék szeretett városukat. Minden erőfeszítésük ellenére Gnomeregan elveszett a küzdelmek során. A gnóm faj közel fele odaveszett a szülővárosért folytatott küzdelemben. A fennmaradt, szedett-vedett gnómok törpe társaiknál Vaskohó városában találtak menedéket. A gnómok stratégiák kiagyalásával és eszement fegyverek gyártásával töltik az idejüket, hogy mielőbb visszafoglalják feldúlt városukat, és szebb jövőt építsenek utódaik számára.
  • Le gnome est une petite créature vivant principalement sous terre. Ils sont considérés comme des nuisibles par les sorciers (à l'instar des taupes pour les Moldus) car ils infestent leurs jardins.
  • Gnomes preferred to remain among thier own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes stood 3 to 3½ feet tall and lived 350-500 years. There were two races of gnomes on the Mortal Plane Grey Gnomes and Dour Gnomes
  • File:Sf The Gnome fdm thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • A gnome, or garden gnome, is a magical creature commonly known to infest the gardens of wizarding households. The correct taxonomical name for gnomes is, purportedly, Gernumbli gardensi, or sometimes referred to as Gernumblies. They are found throughout Europe and North America. A gnome in the Muggle world is an inanimate statue that looks like a small Father Christmas.
  • Gnome is the Mana Spirit of earth. He appears as a humanoid creature with a large beard, resembling real-life garden gnomes. His powers are of an earthly persuasion, with such attacks as gem missiles, land mines, rock slides, earthquakes, and weapon enchantments that can petrify opponents. Gnome's powers also extend to temporarily raising defense or lowering speed. His Speed Up spell in Secret of Mana was given to Jinn (Sylphid) in the sequel, who also received a Defense Down spell, creating a "true" opposition for both modifiers Gnome often live in places below the ground and is associated with dwarves. Despite looking wise and experienced, his looks tend to decieve his traits. He is jolly and occasionally fools around.
  • We've arvried at the end of the line and I have what I need! We've arvried at the end of the line and I have what I need!
  • "I gnome." "Eh?" "Gnome! It's a joke!" "Oh, Rick."
  • Gnomes are a small race, almost as short as halflings and more finely built than dwarves. Gnomes have dark to tan skin and dark hair. Dwarves are their distant cousins and they share the love of glittering things though gnomes have more affection and respect for the natural world than dwarves do. Gnomes love jokes and are very clever; some might even call them devious. Gnomes can be anything from fighters to illusionists and are far more capable than they appear.
  • Gnomes are in wide demand as alchemists, inventors, technicians, and furniture-makers, though most prefer to remain among their own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes adore animals, gems, and jokes (especially pranks). They love to learn by personal experience, to burn things, and are always trying new ways to build things. Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, with skin that ranges from dark tan to woody brown. Their hair is fair, and their eyes are often some shade of blue. Gnomes generally wear earth tones, but decorate their clothes intricately. Males favor carefully-trimmed beards. Gnomes live 350 to 500 years.
  • Gnomes are a race of short humanoid creatures who can be quite vicious. Some of them live on Zoniat, such as Shinobi. ("Malphoid the Mailbox-Bot") A population of them could also live on Soluna. (Chronicles Addendum)
  • At some point the trolls, under Lord Stoll's leadership, invaded from the North and set up camp a few days from Mechastone. They attacked the gnomes' lands, enslaving and killing the gnomes (Including innocent women and children) in order to get the gnomes' ore stockpiles. During Cale'anon's first visit to Mechastone he, alongside Krunch, Benn'joon and Richard came under the employ of the Mechastone Defense Force after they had been tried for the murder 126 gnome soldiers. Chief Engineer Toyk instructed Cale and his company to assassinate the Lord Stoll, in exchange for a scroll describing the road to the Sword of Truth. The gnome soldier Fitch was ordered to lead the group to the troll camp, but accidentally bumped right into a marching troll army. The group was captured, but was able to deceive the troll Lord, assassiating him once they had gotten his trust. Toyk and the Mechastone Defense Force marched straigth into the troll army, and with the help of Cale'anon's group, eventually won the war. Toyk handed over the scroll, as promised, and the group left Mechastone behind. Much later on in the comic, when Krunch is attempting to gain allies for his clan in an impending war, the Gnomes come to the aid of the Bloodrage, although the vast difference in both height and stature led to bouts of initial prejudice between the groups. After the failed battle of the North, when everyone is forced to flee from the Bloodrage Stronghold, the Gnomes fall back and it is later discovered that they have been placed under siege by the Black Dwarves. Having little options, the group eventually opts to travel with Cale (although Pella was forced to cause their retreat) and pledged their loyalty to the King of Kethenecia. Allied with Cale, the group now makes it's way alongside the remains of the Bloodrage and the Sisters to journey to the land of Kethenecia. During their travels with Cale, the group stumbles upon the Knights of the Way who eventually join Cale in a manner similar to that of the Gnomes, Bloodrage and Sisters and were present at Kethenecia when Aelloon attacked.
  • One of the simplest Unix desktops is the GNU's Gnot Unix Gnotworking Object Model Environment, or GUI Gno One Might Enjoy, or GNOME. GNOME enables you to use your computer while getting as little work done as possible. It was first created by duplicating Mac OS 9 with a Bizarro-ray. The GNOME Foundation has a policy of rewriting the entire desktop from scratch every five years, thus ensuring that the software remains free of cruft and features, and at the same time giving their Bugzilla a fresh set of bugs. Havoc Pennington, their chief anti-feature crusader, is directly responsible for the removal of Gnearly 47614 features, making him the world's most productive destruction engineer. Critics say that this hampers their ability to goof off during work, but he defensively claims that "it's for your own good" and occasionally mutters "we KNOW where you're going today." In its quest to be as Mac-like as possible, GNOME started by using as much memory and CPU as Mac OS X, if Gnot more. gnome-terminal has a 42MB footprint, and even though it's only a terminal emulator, by the Gnext GNOME release, it will have the ability to eat huge amounts of system resources within seconds, without ever returning them. This is Gnot deemed an issue as one of the stated long-term goals of GNOME is that Gno user should use the shell to allow for its eventual removal.
  • The ingenious gnomes, masters of technology and the former denizens of Gnomeregan, are a race of diminutive humanoids, living in cities nestled in the snowy peaks of Dun Morogh at New Tinkertown in league with the Alliance.
  • Gnomes are smaller relatives of Dwarfs; they have a similar cultural background and speak their own Dwarvish dialect. If anything, Gnomes are even more short-tempered and difficult to get along with than Dwarfs. Like them, they live mostly underground or amongst mountains. Gnomes can be found almost exclusively on the western side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Their numbers are few and declining all the time. Some communities survive in the remoter areas of the Isle of Albion, but these cannot be said to constitute anything other than a backward remnant of the race.[1a]
  • thumb|200px|Oficjalne logo GNOME, GNU Network Object Model Environment (ang. sieciowy model obiektów środowiska GNU) - środowisko graficzne będące częścią projektu GNU, oparte na bibliotekach Qt. Prace rozpoczął meksykański programista Miguel de Icaza w sierpniu 1997 roku, w celu stworzenia całkowicie dostępnego środowiska graficznego, alternatywnego do KDE. GNOME bezproblemowo współpracuje z większością systemów typu Unix. Pierwsza wersja, oznakowana 1.0, została wydana w marcu 1999 roku. Najnowsza wersja, 2.20 pochodzi z 19 września 2007 roku.
  • 風変わりな、だが時として聡明なGnomeは、世界中でも最も珍妙な種族のひとつである。Gnomeは新たな技術の開発と心の底から驚嘆せしめる工学を設計することに関しては非常に熱心である。 驚くべき機械都市Gnomereganは、従兄弟のDwarfたちと森林に覆われたDun Morogh Peaksの資源を共有することで繁栄した。IronforgeのDwarfたちもまた技術と工学に関しては一家言持っているが、Dwarfの武器と蒸気 車両の大部分のデザインはGnomeによるものである。 Gnomeは第二次戦争においてはthe Allianceと共に戦ったが、近年起こったthe Burning Legionによる侵略においては、the Allianceを助けるための人員を送ることを拒否した。Gnomeのデザインによる武器はthe Legionに対して一定の戦果を与えたが、DwarfたちはGnomeの勇敢な兵士とパイロットとを供出しないという決定に衝撃を受けることとなった。 戦いが終わり、the Allianceは何故Gnomeたちが協力を拒否したのかその理由を知ることとなった。太古よりの野蛮なる脅威が地の底から這い上がり、 Gnomereganへと侵略していたのだ。Gnomeたちはthe Allianceにとって一番重要なことがthe Legionを打ち倒すことだと知っており、そのため単独でそれらに立ち向かおうと決めたのだった。Gnomeたちは勇敢に戦い最愛の都市を救おうと努力 したにも関わらず、Gnomereganは完全に失われることとなった。 Gnome種族の半分近くがGnomeregan陥落に間に失われていた。生き残ったぼろぼろになったGnomeたちは、IronforgeのDwarfの砦へと避難した。Gnomeは再びthe Allianceの目的に忠実に従い、戦略と武器とを考えながら時を過ごしている。それは結果として自分たちの破壊された都市を奪還し、人々にとっての明るい未来を作るのを助けることとなるだろう。
  • A Gnome is a legendary creature
  • Gnomes turn to stone whenthe sun light hit them when it shines they look like ornaments like you see in your garden. They like gems as you seen in snow white they also posses magic and are kind to animals some are also evill and cause mischief like gremlins. gnomes can found in forest or mountans they like mushrooms and wild food and a phimble permint shnops.
  • Gnomes are often mistaken for Pygmy Elves.
  • I'm 20 years old and I live in Belgium
  • Gnomes are a misfit race, originally alien to Golarion and far from ideally suited to life in the world. Forced from their original home, the realm of the fey known to the people of Golarion as the First World, the gnome race is still haunted by the spiritual damage caused by their exodus. Many still long for a return to that golden age.
  • Gnomes are magical beings that are small of stature. They are not known to have natural enemies, but are known to irritate other beings with their personalities.
  • thumb|121px|GNOME (logo)GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) è un ambiente desktop creato inizialmente da Miguel de Icaza e Federico Mena nell'agosto del 1997, con l'obiettivo di fornire un ambiente di sviluppo e desktop libero per il sistema operativo GNU/Linux. Grazie a questo e ai risultati raggiunti, è presto stato riconosciuto come il desktop ufficiale del progetto GNU. Al tempo l'unica alternativa sufficientemente completa era KDE, il quale raccoglieva diverse critiche riguardanti il non essere un ambiente aperto (infatti fornisce le api per i soli linguaggi C e C++) e non completamente libero, in quanto le librerie grafiche su cui si basa, le Qt, non erano ancora state rilasciate con una licenza libera (in seguito sono state rilasciate sotto licenza GNU GPL). GNOME è libero fin dalla sua nascita, essendo pubblicato sotto le licenze GNU General Public License e GNU Lesser General Public License (a seconda dei componenti).
  • Gnomes are a race of humanoids in Gloriana. They value humor above just about everything else, injecting puns and practical jokes into just about every situation. They are about half the size of a human, with pointy ears and wide, often-grinning mouths. They are not to be confused with Dwarves (who never appear in the games, but are frequently referred to by Punny Bones in an unflattering manner). A Gnome appears in every game except for Quest for Glory III: Wages of War.
  • Die Gnome (土妖精族(ノーム), Nōmu?, lit. Erd-Elfen Familie) sind eine der neun Rassen in ALfheim Online.
  • Old Common term: Noniz
  • Les gnomes sont de petits êtres semblables aux nains et aux lutins.
  • [[Bild:Gnome RPG.jpg|thumb|200px| Ein Gnom im Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni PnP RPG. Illustration von Jarosław Musiał.]] Gnome zählen zu den humanoiden Rassen des Kontinents. Zusammen mit den Zwergen und Elfen gehören sie zu den Alten Völkern. Sie haben ihre eigene Sprache. Gnome sind kleiner und schwächer als Zwerge, aber genauso widerstandsfähig und agil. Man kann sie wegen ihrer langen Nasen sehr leicht von Zwergen und Halblingen unterscheiden. Viele Gnome leben zusammen mit den Zwergen in Mahakam, obwohl einige auch die Bergkette Tir Tochair besiedeln. Sie sind exzellente Schmiede und Meister der Metallverarbeitung. Die von ihnen hergestellten Gwyhyr-Schwerter werden als die besten der Welt angesehen.
  • Gnomes are often regarded as more intelligent than most other races, and have a higher standard of living. Gnomes generally love nature, making their homes in treetops and living in heavily wooded forests. Despite their usually peaceful nature, gnomes are well-trained militarily, capable of overwhelming most armies through sheer numbers. They mount prehistoric terrorbirds and battle tortoises in conflict to make up for their small size. Using magic, they have unique illusionary, stealth, Guthixian, and spiritual magic using hybrid Elven/Gnome machinery or meditation to amplify it. Most Gnomes, even civilians, carry bows, and some carry metal weaponry in combat. Gnomes are a highly diplomatic race, holding alliances with many other mortal races, both in and outside Kandarin. In many large cities and unexplored areas, gnome ambassadors, researchers, or explorers can often be found attempting to increase their knowledge of the world. Gnomes are unique culturally, they love cooking, music, animals and inventing new things. They are also infamous pranksters and are well known for their own sport, Gnome Ball. Gnomes are perhaps the most technologically advanced race, rivalled only by the elves and the dwarves. One of their most notable invention is the gnome glider, an aerial transport system used both in combat and peace. Also of note is the gnomecopter (which was removed as of 25 March 2009), a small one-man flying machine used to give tours to free-to-play players. Other technological innovations include their ballistic military devices, their invention of the parachute, the spring cleaner, and their knowledge of elven crystal equipment. Gnomes generally follow the god of balance, Guthix; gnomish mages generally use Claws of Guthix in combat, Hazelmere mentions his loyalty to Guthix, Hudo shouting "Great Guthix!" when showing him giant frog legs, Professor Arblenap commenting that the Dwarven Power Station is "not Guthix", Gnome children may recite a prayer to Guthix when spoken to, and the player mentions at one point that they thought Guthix created the gnomes and dwarves as the first races. Additionally, the Battle mages who are aligned with Guthix are gnomes. Guthix himself, in the God Letters, has expressed deep fondness for the Gnomes. And as shown in Armies of Gielinor, Gnomes fought for Guthix in the God Wars. According to Saradomin, "As I understand it, the gnomes speak their own tongue, yet are also fluent in the common language used by humans within the world, allowing communication to be made between the races." Their own tongue is called Old Gnomish.
  • Gnomes are a race of small humanoids. According to a gnome cleric in Strip #968, gnomes are the cousins of Dwarves.
  • Gnomes are small and stealthy fey who value a quick mind and the ability to escape notice. Gnomes are drawn to illusion and trickery. They explore the world with a sense of curiosity and wonder.
  • Playable Classes Cleric, Enchanter, Paladin, Magician, Necromancer, Rogue, Shadow Knight, Warrior, Wizard Armor Size Small Race Abilities Infravision, Tinkering (crafting skill that can be increased at level 16)
  • The Evil Queen stands in a clearing in the woods, surrounded by apparently deceased trees. "Who among us is tired of losing?". The camera pans away to reveal that she is not alone; by her side stands her valet, holding a bag. Also present are a few dark knights, minions of the Queen, an ogre, the gnome, and the blind witch, among others, all evil presences. They all form a circle around the clearing, at the center of which is a fire. The Queen tells them that their continuous losses are why she called them there: to put an end to their misery. She throws some items into the fire, as she says that they're there to claim their victory and move to a better realm. Howlings are heard around them, coming from nowhere. "A place where we can finally win.", the Queen says. The blind witch asks if they will be happy, and the Queen guarantees this to her. However, she adds that first she will need something from them: a lock of hair from those with the darkest souls. She tells them they must trust her, because if they don't, there are other ways. This said, the trees around them seem to come to an all new sort of life on their own, growing upwards in spiral motions, and evolving all the way up until the branches meet at the top of the clearing and form a dome of sorts above the wicked ones' heads. The gnome seems rather intimidated by this. The Queen smiles wickedly as she performs her magicks. The blind witch immediately takes a small knife from her belt garter and cuts off a bit of her hair. The gnome, still looking shaky, removes a tiny bit of his beard with his own gloved fingers. The ogre rips out his ponytail with his bare hand. The Queen passes by each of them, collecting the bits of their hair in a small basket. As she gets back to her original place, the trees go back to their previous form. She throws the hair onto the fire and says that all that remains is the final ingredient. This said, her father opens up a chest before her, containing what she deems a 'prized heart'. She takes it in her hands and reveals that it belonged to her childhood steam, a "glorious beast" whose passing will fuel their victory. "Let my wrath be unleashed.", she says, before she throws the heart into the fire. The flames instantly become more intense, and a spiraling cloud of smoke emerges from it and into the darkened sky, containing lightning in its midst. The gnome is further intimidated by it. The blind witch, unable to see it, opens up her arms and allows herself to feel its power. The Queen is overcome with a perverse joy, bathed in the power of her spell... until the power runs out. All of a sudden, the smoke funnel disappears, much to her surprise. The gnome starts laughing at her. He points at the Queen and says "Yeah, you really unleashed something there.", between laughs. She zaps him with a spell and he instantly turns into a stone statue. An irritated Queen leaves. ("The Thing You Love Most")
  • Rasse Führer Hochtüftler Gelbin Mekkadrill Zugehörigkeit Rufstufe zu Beginn Stufenbereich Ort Hauptstadt Gnomeregan Zone Dun Morogh Gebiet Fraktionen Stufe Die exzentrischen und äußerst erfinderischen Gnome sind eines der eigenartigsten Völker Azeroths. Angesichts ihrer Technikversessenheit und dem scheinbaren Drang, ständig neue, explosive Wunderwerke der Technik zu entwickeln, erscheint es schon fast wie ein Wunder, dass die Gnome bis zum heutigen Tag überlebt haben.
  • The Gnomes are a diminuitive race of tinkers and engineers who, like their cousins the Dwarves, have a tendency to live underground. Most members of the Gnomish race used to dwell in the techno-city of Gnomeregan before the Gnomes unwittingly awakened the barbaric and, though they put up a valiant fight, through a combination of relentless Trogg aggression and unbridled chemical warfare, the Gnomish race was driven from their city and took up refuge in the nearby Dwarven city of Ironforge. Despite the destruction of their home city the Gnomes remain a kindhearted and amiable race. All Gnomes are gifted with a natural aptetude for technology, coupled with their long lifespans this has allowed the Gnomes to design some of the greatest feats of engineering on Azeroth, including various flying machines, submarines and the Deeprun Tram, arguably the greatest mode of transport in the world.
  • The Gnome was summoned by Sandor Fane aka the The Overlord to inhabit the body of Gotham City socialite Grant Arden. Grant was a chemical engineer and founder of Arden Chemicals. Sandor also created a hooded, brown costume for Grant to wear. This costume was not conceived well.
  • Beyond the worldwide GNOME Community, GNOME is supported by companies including HP, MandrakeSoft, Novell, Red Hat, and Sun. Distros which use GNOME include: * Ubuntu not Gnome shell * Debian * Linux Mint * Fedora
  • Despite their size and weakness, Gnomes are notoriously hard to get a hold of. They get a +5 racial bonus to CMD, and to Escape Artist skill checks.
  • Gnomes are among the most inquisitive of races. They seek knowledge in all its forms and tend to careers which allow them to fulfill this thirst: bards, historians, alchemists and librarians, as well as spies. The gnomes rule the nation of Zilargo, one of the oldest nations of Khorvaire.
  • A Gnome is said to be some kind of small creature who likes to lives in lawns. A member of the International Sprite League once bought a Sprite through "dubious channels", and was delivered "a lawn gnome with wings taped to its back". "Gnome" could also be another name for Leprechaun, Pixie, or some other small creature. But most likely it's non-living garden accessory.
  • Le gnome est un animal vivant, parfois poilu, parfois non. Il possède un Q.I. variant dans une fourchette à 6 piques, entre 150 et 250. Il est barbu, porte un tee-shirt sale, est célibataire sauf s'il s'agit d'un cypto-Gnome. Rarement dangereux, nous ne connaissons pas beaucoup de choses de cet animal. Connu pour sa petite taille, certains spécimens peuvent néanmoins atteindre le 1,80 mètre. Le gnome de petite taille peu être parfois très dangereux et agressif. Il faut se méfier de lui. Les petits gnomes sont souvent déguisés en humain et nous ressemblent alors comme deux gouttes d'eaux... On les reconnaît assez facilement. En effet le gnome de petite taille déguisé en humain est très susceptible face aux remarques qui peuvent être faites sur sa taille. Le petit gnome en colère donne alors des coups de pieds dans les jambes (ne pouvant atteindre plus haut).
  • GNOME (pronounced /ɡəˈnoʊm/) is a desktop environment—a graphical user interface which runs on top of a computer operating system—composed entirely of free software. It is an international project that includes creating software development frameworks, selecting application software for the desktop, and working on the programs which manage application launching, file handling, and window and task management. GNOME is part of the GNU Project and can be used with various Unix-like operating systems, most notably those built on top of the Linux kernel and the GNU userland, and as part of Java Desktop System in Solaris. The name originally stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  • Gnomes are Winter Fae. They were among Mab's troops in Summer Knight.
  • Gnome (ノーム Nōmu) is a Phantom born from within a sommelier (ソムリエ somurie) when he gave in to despair. His Gate target is scam artist Manami Yamasaki (川崎 愛美 Yamasaki Manami) . He is capable of burrowing and is equipped with a trident. At first, Wizard's Hurricane Style was able to overpower the Phantom, but before Wizard can attack again, Gnome travels underground to escape. He then kidnapped Manami, but thanks to Wizard's Drill Ring, he was able to burrow underground to reach the Phantom. Gnome called more Ghouls to attack Wizard, but they are easily defeated. The Gnome Phantom then creates a cave-in to escape again. He then destroyed Manami's family photos, but it doesn't make her despair. Gnome then fight Wizard, and thanks Wizard's Flame Style's Defend Ring to protect him from Gnome's attack, but the Phantom escapes again. Knowing Manami's true source of hope, he then burns down Manami's house that she used to live in with her family. But, thanks to Wizard's Water Style, which succeeded in extinguishing the fire, Gnome's plan was foiled. The Phantom then fights Wizard's Water Style, though trying escape once more, Wizard changes to Land Style and use the Big Ring to bring out the Gnome Phantom from underground. He then fight Wizard once again and the magician ends up using the Smell Ring to ruin the Phantom's sense of smell. Wizard then use the Kick Strike Ring and Drill Ring combination to end the Gnome Phantom's career.
  • Gnome — Ever since human beings first set foot on the Faranga Islands many years ago, the native gnomes have been notorious 'troublemakers'.
  • Gnomes are great elementals: manifestations of the magical power of earth in a particular landscape. They come into being ex terra when an area of land is rich in a particular element: "A gnome would be born in places such as forests with rich soil and plant life, or caves rich with ore... Gnome wouldn't exist in barren wastelands with polluted soil" . In their natural state, elementals have an incorporeal existence and do not interact directly with the world, though they are conscious and can lend their power to humans they find worthy, empowering so-called "covenanters" to become powerful elemental mages. Like almost everything else in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia world, though, elementals can become corrupted by demonic energy. This turns them from vague, incorporeal nature-spirits to voluptuously-bodied magical monstergirls. The connection between an elemental and the land she inhabits is sympathetic, and as the monstergirl grows in power from receiving spirit energy, the land becomes more mana-rich and bountiful. The most powerful demonic elementals have such mastery over the forces of nature that natural disasters can be entirely averted within Demon Realms. Like other great elementals, gnomes can "fission" into multiple little chibi bodies, so as to be in several places at once if her stewardship of the natural environment requires it . However, married elementals tend to do this less and less, as they prefer to remain in complete, feminine form for the pleasure of their husband.
  • Until CL 25-30 the gnomes from Valera Training Grounds can be considered the best place for combat training, because players can fight being away from game, being required just to insert the bot check every 15 minutes, and sometime eating some foods.
  • Gnomes are smaller relatives of Dwarfs; they have a similar cultural background and speak their own Dwarvish dialect. If anything, Gnomes are even more short-tempered and difficult to get along with than Dwarfs. Like them, they live mostly underground or amongst mountains. Gnomes can be found almost exclusively on the western side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Their numbers are few and declining all the time. Some communities survive in the remoter areas of the Isle of Albion, but these cannot be said to constitute anything other than a backward remnant of the race.
  • The Gnome was the disguise of Gill Littlefoot, used to frame his wife, Amanda, the queen of the Royal Knights Faire, and to attack attendants at the faire who were dressed as pirates.
  • center|440px GNOME (그놈, GNU Network Object Model Environment) 은 데스크톱 환경이자 GNOME을 개발하는 전체 프로젝트의 이름입니다.
  • The Gnomes (土妖精族(ノーム), Nōmu?, lit. Earth fairy family) are one of the nine races in «ALfheim Online».
  • Gnomes have the following racial traits: * +2 Constitution, –2 Strength. * Small: As a Small character, a gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character. * Gnome base land speed is 20 feet. * Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. * Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons. * +2 racial bonus on saving throws against . * Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by gnomes. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects. * +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids. * +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too. * +2 racial bonus on Listen checks. * +2 racial bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks. * Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc. * In addition, a gnome can speak with a burrowing mammal (a badger, fox, rabbit, or the like, see below). This ability is innate to gnomes. See the Speak with Animals spell description. * Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—Speak with Animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). A gnome with a Charisma score of at least 10 also has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + gnome’s Cha modifier + spell level. * Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass gnome’s bard class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.
  • Gnome on rotu joka on läheistä sukua Dwarfeille ja sienille. Heidän pääkaupunkinsa on Ironforge (rautahaarukka) ja heidän johtajansa on Gelbippeli Menkkatorque. Gnomet tunnetaan kahdesta asiasta; lyhyydestään ja pienistä peniksistään. Gnomet ovat todella taitavia rakentamaan kaikkia mekaanisia vibraattoreja. He rakensivat Toisen Sodan aikaan paljon dildoja ja vibraattoreita Alliancen jäsenille yhdyntän Horden kanssa.
  • The gnomes are a cheery and friendly race found in Knightmare. they are similar in appearance to dwarfs but there are major differences. One is the gnomes are short but they ted to be thinner and more scrawly. Another is they have cheerful voices and always have white beards. The gnomes are nature lovers in that they live in forests, fields and anywhere where there is lots of plants and animals. They are quite friendly and are known for their willingness to help others. Gnomes have amazing abilities to grow plants and will do their best to protect and nurture nature.
  • A gnome is a mythical creature characterized by its extremely small size and subterranean lifestyle. They build complex underground homes, usually in the base of trees, with escape tunnels. They take care of the woodland creatures when they are injured, and in return have very good relations. gnomes can live to be over 500 years old, reaching their peak between 250-350 years of age. Gnomes marry, and almost always have twins. Families get no larger than two children. Gnomes are peaceful, helpful creatures, and often live in old homes and barns, helping the families who reside within.
  • Rock gnomes are the most populous gnome subrace. They live in burrows beneath rolling, wooded hills. Friends to animals, rock gnomes have a racial ability that allows them to speak with burrowing animals.
  • A earth elemental that first appears in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.
  • BT01-046EN_C.jpg Weapons_Dealer,_Govannon.jpg The Gnomes are a shared race of Units found in the Gold Paladin and Royal Paladin Clans. There are no effects related to this specific race so far.
  • Gnomish ability adjustments: +2 constitution, -2 strength Favored class (wizard): A multiclass gnome's wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
  • Gnomes, or the Forgotten Folk as they were sometimes known, were small humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humor, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess. Having had few overt influences on the world's history but many small and unseen ones, gnomes were often overlooked by the powers that be, despite their craftiness and affinity for illusion magic.
  • Gnomes are one of the humanoid races. Gnomes were the oldest sentient race on the Continent and together with dwarves and elves are called the Old races. Gnomes are shorter and weaker than dwarves, but just as tough and more agile. They can be easily distinguished from dwarves and halflings by their long noses. Many gnomes live in Mahakam along with the dwarves, although others inhabit the Tir Tochair mountain range. They are excellent smiths and metallurgists and their gwyhyr swords are considered the best in the world.
  • Gnome (ノーム Noomu?) is the Spirit of Earth, also representing one of the four cardinal elements of the Tales games. Gnome has appeared in several games of the series as a character or cameo and can be summoned through the Gnome arte. Gnome is opposed by Sylph, the Spirit of Wind. In Tales of Rebirth, Gnome is replaced by Randgriz, the Sacred Beast of Earth.
  • Gnome is an earth element creature of which is only located within the Forbidden Land, Kadessa .
  • Gnomes are a race on the world of Tarkus (Tyragon). They are known to be great smiths who forged great war hammers. The ancient hammers remain strong even after many centuries.
  • Gnomes have been the enemies of Dwarves for many centuries. The two races are descended from a common ancestor, and the conflict between them originally arose when the Gnomes wished to focus on mechanical innovation rather than subterranean exploration. They found that their interests corresponded closely with those of the Humans, and left the Dwarven cities to live with humankind. As there has been increased interaction between the races, Gnomes have gradually learned to become more tolerant of their distant cousins. While Gnomes are much shorter than Humans, their wiry forms are more strong and durable. They have an incredible ability to regenerate, and are resistant to poison, disease, and magical attacks. Their intelligence and quickness make them well-suited for many different professions, although they are not as skilled in fighting as some of the other races. * Rogue * Wizard * Ranger * Monk * Psionic * Druid * Shaman * Valkyrie * Paladin
  • Gnomes are often regarded as more intelligent than most other races, and have a higher standard of living. Gnomes generally love nature, making their homes in treetops and living in heavily wooded forests. Despite their usually peaceful nature, gnomes are well-trained militarily, capable of overwhelming most armies through sheer numbers. They mount prehistoric terrorbirds and battle tortoises in conflict to make up for their small size. Using magic, they have unique illusionary, stealth, Guthixian, and spiritual magic using hybrid Elven/Gnome machinery or meditation to amplify it. Most Gnomes, even civilians, carry bows, and some carry metal weaponry in combat. Gnomes are a highly diplomatic race, holding alliances with many other mortal races, both in and outside Kandarin. In many large cities and unexplored areas, gnome ambassadors, researchers, or explorers can often be found attempting to increase their knowledge of the world. Gnomes are unique culturally, they love cooking, music, animals and inventing new things. They are also infamous pranksters and are well known for their own sport, Gnome Ball. Gnomes are perhaps the most technologically advanced race, rivalled only by the dwarves. One of their most notable invention is the gnome glider, an aerial transport system used both in combat and peace. Also of note is the gnomecopter (which was removed as of 25 March 2009), a small one-man flying machine used to give tours to free-to-play players. Other technological innovations include their ballistic military devices, their invention of the parachute, the spring cleaner, and their knowledge of elven crystal equipment. Many believe the gnomes follow the god of balance, Guthix. There is much evidence to support this; gnomish mages generally use Claws of Guthix in combat, Hazelmere mentions his loyalty to Guthix, Hudo shouting "Great Guthix!" when showing him giant frog legs, Professor Arblenap commenting that the Dwarven Power Station is "not Guthix", Gnome Children may recite a prayer to Guthix when spoken to, and the player mentions at one point that they thought Guthix created the gnomes and dwarves as the first races. Additionally, the Battle mages who are aligned with Guthix are gnomes. Guthix himself, in the God Letters, has expressed deep fondness for the Gnomes. And as shown in Armies of Gielinor, Gnomes fought for Guthix in the God Wars. According to Saradomin, "As I understand it, the gnomes speak their own tongue, yet are also fluent in the common language used by humans within the world, allowing communication to be made between the races." Their own tongue is called Old Gnomish.
  • Gnomes are seldom seen in daylight. As a result, they often befriend nocturnal animals such as bats and keep them as pets. They were featured in Monsterology's Semi-Human Creature section. Whether gnomes have any relation to the similar diminutive Vampire bloodline known as the Ba'al remains to be seen.
  • Gnome eli tonttu tai maahinen, on rotu RuneScapessa. Heitä asuu eniten on eniten Gnome Strongholdissa. Gnomeilla on myös vahvempia taistelijoita joiden nimi on Gnome warrior. Gnomeilta voi varastaa kun on varastelu 70. Gnomejen paikkoja * Tree Gnome Village * Gnome Stronghold * Grand Tree * Battlefieldin eteläosa * Ship Yard 1. * OHJAUS
  • Gnomes are quick, lighthearted cousins to dwarves. It is believed by many that gnomes were originally the offspring of dwarves and either elves or humans, but all three races strenuously deny this.
  • Gnomekind's obsession with acquiring wealth has brought them to the very bowels of the Earth, from which they exercise virtually no interaction humankind, and when they do it is often unpleasant. This is mostly due to the fact that gnomes (like their dwarvish kin) are slaves to their greed, and are often evil as a result. The only gnomes that interact with humans regularly are a troublesome subspecies known as garden gnomes. They burrow in soft soil, feed mainly on roots, and are kleptomaniac. Due to this; they infest gardens and are little if not nothing more than pests.
  • Gnomes are one of the most concentrated races, other than humans. Not only do the gnomes have their own empire, but they also have their own food, clothes, transportation, quests, and even semi-popular minigames called Gnome Ball and the Gnome Restaurant. The Gnome race is primarily located in Kandarin.
  • The Gnome furniture is the last of the Parody Posters. It was released on the 30th of November, 2013.
  • A Gnome is a master of machinery and building. They can build just about any machine for the right occasion and they pride themselves in this. They are small and bearded like Dwarves but have white hair and brown skin. Gnomes are a care-free race and they usually focus on their machines rather than others. They do have racial tensions with the Dark Elves and the Trolls. Gnomes are the innovative race of Norrath. Very small and lanky, the Gnomes spend their days hiding in the cavernous city of Ak'Anon making jewelry, exploring new caves, and inventing new things. They are by no means a strong and sturdy race, but their edge is their dexterity and intelligence. They were the second race, afer Dwarves, created by Brell Serilis. The Gnomes are very curious, and tend to experiment with things that can be potentially dangerous. The Gnomes are friends with the other good races of Norrath: Humans, Barbarians, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings. Many people do not take the Gnomes seriously because they are so short, even though they have created so many great things. Starting as a gnome will put you in the city of Ak'Anon on Faydwer. The special powers of Gnomes are tinkering and infravision for seeing in dark caves. Gnomes may specialize in the classes of Cleric, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard. They worship such deities as Brell Serilis, Bristlebane, Solusek Ro, Rallos Zek,and Bertoxxulous.
  • GNOME – środowisko graficzne dla systemów pod kontrolą naczelnego generała Pingwina. Niczym nie przypomina Windowsa, i dobrze!
  • ie cleveren, draufgängerischen und oft auch exzentrischen Gnome stellen ein einzigartiges Paradoxon unter den zivilisierten thumb|302px|link=Datei:D399e8acd89f295f2e551893975d2f21.jpgVölkern Azeroths dar. Sie sind brillante Erfinder und mit einer unverrückbar positiven Grundeinstellung gesegnet, doch hat dieses Volk Verrat, Vertreibung und einen Beinahe-Genozid erleiden müssen. Es ist dieser beeindruckende Optimismus angesichts all jener Katastrophen, der den unbeirrbaren Lebenswillen der Gnome symbolisiert. Gnome sind ein zwergenhaftes Volk, und doch haben sie auf Azeroth dauerhaften Eindruck hinterlassen, weil sie unter Einsatz kollektiver Intelligenz und kollektiven Ehrgeizes auf vielen Gebieten Völker mit mehr Körpergröße in den Schatten stellen. Gnome sind berühmte Ingenieure, Mechaniker und Techniker und werden für ihre Beschlagenheit in den wissenschaftlichen Aspekten der Welt weithin respektiert. Zudem sind sie in der Lage, jene Beschlagenheit in die Erfindung und den Bau von Werkzeugen, Fahrzeugen, Rüstungen und Waffen umzumünzen.Über gnomische Geschichte vor dem Zweiten Krieg ist nur sehr wenig bekannt – auch bei den Gnomen selbst. Die gnomische Philosophie beruht zum Großteil auf vorwärtsgerichtetem Denken und schöpferischen Konzepten. Der Geschichte oder nicht-wissenschaftlichen Aufzeichnungen hingegen sind nur sehr wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt worden. Jedoch haben neuere Entwicklungen dazu geführt, dass man prähistorische Mechagnome entdeckt hat, die von den Titanen entwickelt wurden, um bei der Formung der Landschaften Azeroths zu helfen. Wie so viele andere Kreationen der Titanen wurden auch diese Helfer mit dem Fluch des Fleisches kontaminiert, und so wurde aus ihnen das, was heute als das Volk der Gnome bekannt ist.Doch sollten die Gnome erst Jahrhunderte später durch die Zwerge als ein überlebensfähiges und wichtiges Volk anerkennt werden. Die Zwerge waren von der Genialität und Flinkheit ihrer kleineren „Verwandten“ (denn auch sie waren einst von den Titanen erschaffen worden und erlitten den gleichen Fluch) beeindruckt, und sie halfen den Gnomen dabei, eine Hauptstadt zu errichten, Gnomeregan. Sie entstand in dem Hügelland von Dun Morogh, in der Nähe der Hauptstadt der Zwerge selbst, Eisenschmiede. Von ihrer wundersamen technologisierten Stadt aus exportierten die Gnome bald unschätzbar wertvolle Unterstützung in Form von Waffen, Fahrzeugen sowie energetischen Truppen an die Allianz der Zwerge, Menschen und Hochelfen. Doch als die Brennende Legion angriff, weigerten sich die Gnome seltsamerweise, ihren Verbündeten zu Hilfe zu kommen. Erst, als der Krieg vorüber war, erfuhr die Allianz den Grund für den Rückzug der Gnome. Zur Zeit des Dritten Krieges hatte sich in den Tiefen Azeroths eine uralte Bedrohung erhoben, um Gnomeregan anzugreifen. Da sie wussten, dass die oberste Priorität der Allianz war, die Brennende Legion zu besiegen, entschlossen sich die Gnome, sich dem Feind allein zu stellen. Obwohl sie tapfer kämpften, um ihre geliebte Stadt zu retten, war Gnomeregan verloren.Der Großteil des Gnomenvolkes wurde beim Fall Gnomeregans ausgelöscht … einige behaupten, nicht weniger als 80 Prozent aller Gnome starben während dieser schrecklichen Tage. Die wenigen Überlebenden flohen in die Sicherheit des nahe gelegenen Eisenschmiede. Dort begannen sie langsam, ihre Streitkräfte wieder aufzufrischen, ihre Wunden zu heilen und sich darauf vorzubereiten, ihre zerstörte Stadt wieder einzunehmen.Kurz vor dem Kataklysmus führte der Anführer der Gnome, Hochtüftler Gelbin Mekkadrill, einen Angriff auf die Invasoren Gnomeregans an. Das Manöver war ein erster Erfolg, aber es wird noch weit mehr Blutvergießen geben, bevor die Heimat der Gnome befreit sein wird.
  • Gnomes are the smaller cousins of dwarves. They live in rolling hills and wooded valleys. They are great connoisseurs of gems and the best gem carvers known in the whole world. Gnomes are famous for their very black humor and their great magical skills. They are about four feet high and not so stocky as dwarves. They groom their beards very well, although they generally favor short cropped beards. Gnomes are great leather workers and gnomish boots are a quality product every race greatly enjoys (except trolls and maybe hurthlings). Their greatest enemies are the kobolds living in the tunnels below the mountains. They normally attack each other on sight. Gnomes are excellent crossbowmen who prefer to utilize light crossbows for ranged attacks. Gnomes train in the following skills: Gemology, Listening, Mining, Pick Pockets, and Ventriloquism.
  • thumb|200px|Oficjalne logo thumb|200px|Ikona Nuvola GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME, ang. sieciowy model obiektów środowiska GNU) – środowisko graficzne będące częścią projektu GNU, oparte na bibliotekach GTK+. Prace rozpoczął meksykański programista Miguel de Icaza w sierpniu 1997 roku, w celu stworzenia całkowicie dostępnego środowiska graficznego, alternatywnego do KDE. GNOME bezproblemowo współpracuje z większością systemów typu Unix. Pierwsza wersja, oznakowana 1.0, została wydana w marcu 1999 roku. Najnowsza wersja, 3.8.2 pochodzi z 16 maja 2013 roku.
  • Gnome is a race in World of Warcraft. They are part of the Alliance, and since Gnomeregan is now longer under their control, their capital is also Ironforge, as the dwarves'. Gnomes speak gnomish. Here is a characters on WoWRP.
  • Gnomes are the rarest of the civilized races of the Shores. Traditionally gnomes live deep underground or in temperate forests, and so there are two kinds of gnomes; Deep Gnomes and Surface Gnomes (usually just called Gnomes). The Deep Gnomes, living in Neverlight, has almost completely disappeared from the Shores and are therefore often called "Never Gnomes." The Surface Gnomes, who are not quite as rare, usually live among humans or halflings on the Shores and elsewhere. , the town of Coxville has the largest population of gnomes, with almost half being gnomes and the other half humans. Gnomes can live to about 250 years. Along with dwarves and elves, gnomes are considered a Vanishing Race by humans (and the gnomes agree with this), as their numbers have been in decline for the last thousand years and gnome dominant towns are today almost unheard of.
  • Aussi voleurs que des pies, ils chapardent tout ce qui leur passe sous la main. La plupart des breloques qu’ils dérobent ne leur sont d’aucune utilité et s’entassent en monceaux jusqu’au plafond de leurs repaires, mais comme on ne sait jamais quand un objet peut servir, ils font main basse sur tout ce qu’ils trouvent lors de leurs raids incessants. Ainsi, tout gnome digne de ce nom est-il équipé d’une bonne douzaine de poches et autres besaces de tailles variées afin de pouvoir emporter un maximum de marchandise. YGEkPvKUzEA Expérience: * Gnome: +50 * Chef: +100
  • GNOME е съкращение на английски език от GNU Network Object Model Environment. GNOME e работна среда и платформа за разработка на приложения за Unix и всички подобни операционни системи. Произнася се "гном" Тя е създадена през 1997 Мигел де Иказа и Федерико Мона като свободен конкурент на CDE и KDE. Състои се от много части включително библиотеки като gtk+; Изполват се в средата window manager-а metacity, мениджър за файлове nautilus, панела gnome-panel и много приложения като gedit, epiphany , totem и много други. Работната среда GNOME е написана на програмния език C, с цел максимална преносимост на кода. Налични са много свързвания, позволяващи GNOME приложения да бъдат написани на множество програмни езици, такива като C++, Ruby, C#, Python, Perl и много други.
  • Gnomes are one of the families of The People. They are known to be short and overweight, but there are rare occasions of a tall and skinny gnome. Ark Sool is an example of this. Gnomes are barely ever mentioned in the books, but Captain Holly Short describes them as "Big and lumbering, with their rear ends blocking two lanes." Also, a gnome gets thrown out of a mixer by Doodah Day in The Lost Colony. As mentioned in The Opal Deception, gnomes have an average height of 2 feet. They are frequently known as lovers of gold, jewels, and other finery.
  • Gnomes have a great tradition of expertise in the area of natural (earth) element manipulation (such as creating a cage out of a rose bush) and creation as well as skill in the arts. Many people will travel across many lands in search of a Gnome craftsman so that they may purchase one of his sturdy earth-based weapons. They also live in lush gardens and are generally the cause of the gardens good fortune. They are based on traditional Garden Gnome designs as well as German Culture.
  • À la fois malicieux, excentriques et courageux, les gnomes présentent un paradoxe unique au sein des races civilisées peuplant Azeroth. Inventeurs géniaux à la bonne humeur communicative, ils ont subi tour à tour la traîtrise, l’exil et le génocide. C’est leur optimisme remarquable face à de telles épreuves qui caractérise le mieux l’inébranlable ténacité des gnomes.
  • Gnomes are a type of dwarf that dwells underground, guarding their treasures. Gnomes make efficient workers, due to their stubbornness and will-power. Occasionally these gnomes were employed by agencies such as the Bank of Zork, the Great Underground Highway Toll System, and Bozbarland.
  • An earth elemental. * It attacks by opening a pit beneath its victim and then crushing them. Source: Cult Compendium
  • Tinker gnomes are a subspecies of gnome native to Krynn.
  • Gnomes, also known as the Kuwalden in their own language, are creatures from European folklore on Earth. They are basically human-like, although they're much smaller. They almost always wear reddish, pointed hats. The USS Enterprise encountered what appeared to be the last colony of gnomes in the 23rd century. Despite initial illusions, it seemed that the last four gnomes were using their hats (actually advanced matter-rearranging devices) to create illusions and convert Federation colonists into Trolls, the traditional enemies of the Gnomes. Their aim was to drive outsiders off the planet. (TOS comic: "There's No Space Like Gnomes'!")
  • Gnomes are a playable race in ADOM. Like Drakelings, gnomes are typically a playable-only race - no NPCs are gnomish save for Ruun in Dwarftown (if the PC is gnomish) and/or some shopkeepers, and gnomes have no evil counterparts that can appear as NPCs (unlike hurthlings and elves).
  • Gnome is a creature in the cybersite Castleblanca. He often appears in castles. Sometimes, he won't let people pass without his permission. He is a mean little guy who prefers people keeping their speeches short.
  • Gnomes are related to Dwarfs but they are more social compared to Dwarfs. They often are specialists, illusionists or bards.
  • Greater Spell Focus: Illusion - Characters who select Gnome as one of their domains receive the Greater Spell Focus: Illusion feat for free.
  • rightGNOME rappresenta uno sforzo internazionale per la realizzazione di un ambiente desktop completo - l'interfaccia grafica che sta in cima al sistema operativo - interamente a partire da software libero. Questo obiettivo include la creazione di un frameworks per lo sviluppo di software, selezione di software per il desktop ed il lavoro sui programmi che gestiscono l'avvio delle applicazioni, la manipolazione dei file e la gestione delle finestre e delle funzioni. GNOME è parte del progetto GNU e può essere usato con vari sistemi operativi Unix-like, tra i più conosciuti come Linux e Solaris.
  • GNOME is a desktop environment for Debian. On most installations it is the default. GNOME supports multiple desktops and comes with several pieces of native software, such as GNOME BitTorrent. This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.
  • Gnomes are a race of non-player characters found throughout Kandarin, particularly in the Tree Gnome Stronghold, Tree Gnome Village, and Battlefield. However, there are some isolated gnomes scattered around Gielinor, notably Hazelmere and the Gnome pilots. They are green humanoids, smaller and more human in appearance than goblins. Often, gnomes can be seen wearing clothes and pointed wizard hats in a range of bright and pastel colours, though some (such as Glough) prefer armoured helmets. Bolren and King Narnode Shareen wear yellow party hats.
  • Gnomes zijn wezens die tot nu toe samen met de goblins de kleinste ras zijn. Ze zijn ongeveer tweederde van een dwarf die weer de helft van een human/mens is. De gnomes zijn begonnen met het bestaan als mechagnomes, gnomes van ijzer/steen. Door de Curse of Flesh (vloek van het vlees) werden ze net als de dwarves van vlees. De gnomes hadden Gnomeregan, hun hoofdstad, die later overgenomen zou worden door troggs en leper gnomes.
  • Gnomes are a race of tiny humanoids who are intrinsically linked with the element of earth. Gnomes are capable of moving through earth Genomes are highly intelligent, small humanoids. They possess indefiable self-confidence and a high understanding of technical matters and machinery. Gillas, the Royal Researcher of Fine Mechanicks, is a Genome.
  • Die exzentrischen und äußerst erfinderischen Gnome sind eines der eigenartigsten Völker Azeroths. Angesichts ihrer Technikversessenheit und dem scheinbaren Drang, ständig neue, explosive Wunderwerke der Technik zu entwickeln, erscheint es schon fast wie ein Wunder, dass die Gnome bis zum heutigen Tag überlebt haben. Ihre phantastische Technopolis, Gnomeregan, teilte sich die winterlichen Lande von Dun Morogh mit den nächsten Verwandten der Gnome, den wackeren Zwergen von Eisenschmiede. Zwar sind auch die Zwerge sehr gut darin, alle Arten von Maschinen zu bauen und zu entwerfen, doch die wahre Ehre für praktisch alle revolutionären Innovationen, die in der zwergischen Technik zu finden sind, gebührt den Gnomen.
  • Bestand:Gnome chathead.png Gnomes, of kabouters, zijn een ras in RuneScape. Net als de mensen, hebben ze hun eigen rijk, voedsel, Questen, transportatie en Mini Games. De meeste gnomes bevinden zich in het koninkrijk Kandarin. 200px|thumb|Een gnome huisje Gnomes lijken erg veel op mensen. Ze zijn alleen kleiner van ongeveer 1 meter hoogte. Ze dragen vaak groene kleren en punt mutsen. Op vele manieren lijken ze op de Dwarves, hoewel de dwergen erg veel haar hebben. Ook hebben de gnomes punt oren, net als de Elven. Gnomes zijn veel intelligenter dan vele andere rassen in RuneScape. Gnomes houden erg van de natuur, maken hun huizen in bomen of onder de grond en wonen in bossen. Ondanks hun vredig leven, hebben ze ook een goed getraind leger, dat vele andere legers overweldigd. Ze gebruiken daarvoor vaak Terrorbirds en Tortoises, in samenhang met pijlen en bogen of metalen wapens. Gnomes zijn erg berust op vrede en zijn een vriend een vele rassen. Ze houden van kopen, muziek, de natuur, dieren en het uitvinden van nieuwe dingen. De Gnomes zijn waarschijnlijk het ras dat zich het meest heeft ontwikkeld in de techniek. Zoals de uitvinding van de Gnome Gliders, parachutes, verschillende militaire voorwerpen zoals de ballistic en de bekende Gnomecopters in Lumbridge. Er is nog weinig bekend over de religie van de gnomes. Vele geloven dat de gnomes de god van balans, Guthix volgen. Er bestaat een aantal bewijzen hiervoor: de gnome Hazelmere is een gnome die heeft gezegd dat hij loyaal aan Guthix is. Ook de spreuk "Claws of Guthix" kunnen worden behaald van een gnome in de Mage Arena. Het praatje ging dat Guthix de Gnomes en de Dwarves als eerst heeft ontworpen, maar ze later te klein vonden om te overleven in de wildernis. Dit praatje is bekend gemaakt in de Meeting History Quest, dat het een vals praatje was, omdat de mensen door de Portal of Life, in Gielinor kwamen.
  • With their sharp minds and upbeat attitude, very little fazes the gnomes of Mekalia. Their home city, under the sands of Qalia, is a marvel of engineering that rivals even the dwarves' home of Bordinar's Cleft. Centuries ago, the gnomes under orders from their beloved Underking, sealed off a portion of their city and fled to higher grounds to escape the depraved deep dwarves. Though gnomes are marked by an almost fanatical faith in their Underking, the famous general Ulaben took his army and fled, seeking to find a way back into the Deep Dark to defeat the Deep Dwarves once and for all. With their new proximity to the Upside, many gnomish expeditions have encountered the new and dangerous races of Qalia: the qaliathari, the mordebi, and the varanthari horsemen. Being new to Upside the gnomes are still distrustful of all the other races, making relations sometimes difficult. Dark elves, however, are no strangers to gnomes, and those on the Upside differ very little from their Deep Dark brethren. Gnomes can be Warriors, Rogues, Clerics, Blood Mages, Sorcerers, Psionicists, and Necromancers.
  • Les gnomes sont secrets et mystérieux. La plupart résident à Mahakam avec les nains. Ils se mêlent rarement aux humains. Les gnomes sont d'habiles artisans, mineurs et inventeurs. Leur technologie est supérieur à celle des humains et leur armes n'ont pas leurs égales. Ils sont en outre considérés comme la plus ancienne race du continent. Un gnome alchimiste contesté par ces pairs : Kalkstein
  • Gnomes are tiny humanoid creatures with very large (for their size) noses and big pointed hats. They like to pick up items such as Lifeforce and equipment and carry them off into their burrows. This can become quite cumbersome, when they carry off the rare Fairy Gems. There are four types of gnomes, which differ in the colour of their hats, the lifeforce they drop and special abilities. While gnomes with brown hats lack any specialities, red gnomes will perform suicide attacks on the Overlord (they neither attack minions nor the Overlord when he possesses a minion's body), green gnomes can climb trees and blue gnomes can swim. While regular gnomes are merely an annoyance, the Fire Gnomes, which characterized by their burning hat tips, will latch onto the Overlord and explode. These can become a serious threat if not dealt with quickly. All of them communicate in a high pitched squeaky voice. In Overlord II the gnomes declare war on the Overlord,because he gets the Evil Presence Spell from them, one of them pushes the Overlord, he smashes the gnome and the Overlord is set before the task to kill a thousand gnomes. Though this does not seem to yield anything, other than huge amounts of Lifeforce from killing them. The 1000th gnome that is killed will drop the Gnome Champion hat, and you'll be awarded Gnome Grinder.They are the perfect bait for the Eradicator Agents.
  • Gnomes are happy creatures that run around the back alleys of gas stations handing out pamphlets for the lastest gnome merchandise. But not all gnomes are like this. Gnomes are generally good natured, and loving things. But there are different breeds on gnome. Some of them are pure evil. These are a few breeds of gnome.
  • The Gnomes are known as the Protectors of the Earth and are seldom fighters. They mainly use magic for their everyday tasks. But if war calls for them, they fight and they fight hard. Being shorter than a dwarf and having leg muscle which gives them great agility, they tend to also spy on people. 
  • Gnomes were a species of supernatural beings resembling diminutive humans.
  • This page refers to the comic series, Theta the Otter. For the character, see Theta the Otter. Info= Theta the Otter is a new comic series written by RedLeopardNyro. Evidently, the main protagonist of the series is Theta himself. The series started as a fancomic, originally titled Theta the Otter: Alt. Universe, until Theta was given to RLN by his original creator, SigmaAlphaThree. So far, the series has three draft books, and the fourth is currently being written. The series is being turned into a digital webcomic, with some minor changes from the original draft versions. The digital webcomic version can be seen at the site here. |-|Draft Copy=
  • Many have innate warrior instincts. One of the most notable Earthmen was Golg, whom Puddleglum captured after the demise of the Witch Queen but who later helped Rilian and his rescuers escape.
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