  • Testament
  • Testament
  • Testament
  • Testament ... → Siehe auch Exodus, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax
  • The Testament was a Hammerhead-class cruiser used by the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars.
  • Testament is one of the villains from Guilty Gear. He is able to wield odd magic and fights with both a scythe and impressive moveset consisting of summons, as well as his unnamed crow familiar.
  • Testament was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in orbit of the Sigma Cygni 57 star system, at coordinates 5.81N 0.31E. In the 23rd century, Testament was home to a Federation colony, a noted center of mining and trade. By reference stardate 2/2306.01, the world had a population of 4.25 billion individuals of varied races and cultures, and the government was a full-status colonial member of the Federation. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
  • Testament is published by DC Comics under the Vertigo imprint. Current price per issue is $2.99.
  • thumb|Ferdek i Ziomek po zaskakującym wejściu strażaków.Testament – 149. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
  • Testament is a 1983 drama film, directed by Lynne Littman based on Carol Amen's three-page long story "The Last Testament."
  • Testament (テスタメント, Tesutamento) is a human-type Gear in the Guilty Gear series of fighting game. He is able to wield odd magic and fights with both a scythe and impressive moveset consisting of summons, as well as his youkai familiar, EXE Beast.
  • Testament is a powerful and aggressive zoning character. Zoning and aggression, you ask? How's that work? Well, I'll tell you. He can set up a lot of stuff to control space, and has good pokes. However, make no mistake, his pressure and offense are why people play him. He also has other ridiculous shit like the Badlands loop, as well as having Forward EXE Beast, which is probably the best move in the game, and it has an FRC, etc. Standard S tier stuff, really. But you want to know how to play him? Well, scroll down, past the move list which I was too lazy to fill in. Update! I was unlazy, and so filled in the specials and overdrives.
  • Unter einem Testament versteht man üblicherweise den letzten Willen eines Menschen. Wie die Bezeichnung letzter Wille impliziert, wird in der Regel nur eine gültige Fassung eines Testamentes abgefasst. Labile Charakter tendieren jedoch dazu, ihr Testament zu ändern. Diese unterschiedlichen Fassungen werden dann als altes und neues Testament bezeichnet. Oft führt eine Testamentsänderung jedoch zu Erbstreitigkeiten. Testamente führen zudem eine interessantes Eigenleben: Sie neigen dazu, manchmal einfach zu verschwinden, z.B. durch spontane Selbstentzündung.
  • Testament is an American metal band from Berkeley, California, formed in 1985. They are often credited as one of the most popular bands of the 1980s thrash metal scene. In the 28 years since its inception, Testament has had numerous lineup changes, and guitarist Eric Peterson has been the only constant member, although the band currently also features two of its original members, Alex Skolnick (guitarist) and Greg Christian (bass). Chuck Billy replaced former singer Steve Souza in 1986, prior to the recording of their first studio album, The Legacy, and has been a member of the band since.
  • Testament (学習装置 (テスタメント) Gakushū Sōchi (Tesutamento)?, lit. "Learning Device") is a machine designed by a genius biopsychologist, Nunotaba Shinobu, that is used to install information into a human's brain. Notably used for the Sisters Project under the supervision of biopsychologists.
  • Testament is an Orbital Frame piloted by Cage Midwell in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars.
  • Zawsze dobrze mieć przygotowanych kilka na wypadek wypadku, żeby – uwzględniając zaistniałą po wypadku sytuację towarzyską i rodzinną – wybrać najodpowiedniejszy i szybciutko podpisać.
  • Als Testament bezeichnet man den letzten Willen und die Verteilung des Erbes für den Fall des Todes einer Person. Im Jahr 2154 muss Captain Jonathan Archer beim ushaan gegen Shran einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod führen. Archer studiert zu dieser Zeit ein PADD mit den Spielregeln, als T'Pol hinzu kommt und fragt, ob Archer bereits an seinem Testament arbeitet. (ENT: )
  • Dropping your foe into a pitch black abyss of the Netherworld, you tear open a rift to the spirit realm and drown them inside, sealing them away in the rift. A massive contract appears as you retrieve your foe from the inky blackness and you drag their body along the ancient certificate, spelling out their own death as their soul slips away. As a standard action, make a single attack against an enemy within reach. If this attack hits, deal double damage as well as an additional 1d10 per level (Max 25d10). The creature gets a will saving throw DC: 18+ Charisma modifier for half damage. If the creature fails this saving throw, it takes 1 constitution bleed for 4 rounds. If a creature is slain through this technique, it is treated as a trap the soul spell. If a creature failed it's save and
  • Testament is a 1983 disaster drama originally produced as an episode of PBS' American Playhouse but ultimately released theatrically. The film is about the after-effects of a nuclear attack on a small suburb near San Francisco.
  • In der Bibel sind 2 Testamente dokumentiert. Eins ist älter als das andere, welches also jünger ist . Zunächst war Gott (der Erblasser) der Meinung, dass sein Testament also das Erstere, ausreichen würde, alles zu regeln für die Erben. Jedoch hatte er nicht mit den juristisch verwirrten Geist des modernen Menschen gerechnet. Er musste feststellen, dass das Alte Testament wegen einiger Formfehler leider nicht vollstreckbar ist. Vor allem scheitert die Umsetztung daran, dass der Erblasser (hier Gott) nicht verstorben ist und auch nicht vor hat jemals das zeitliche zu segnen. Demzufolge kann der Erbfall also nie eintreten und die ganze Mühe war für die Katz.
  • 315.0
Planet Name
  • Testament
  • 2003
  • Testament
  • Saito-style Ancient Martial Arts, memories , Sol Badguy
  • Class 2
type of villain
  • Tragic Villain
Fighting Style
  • Saito-style Ancient Martial Arts
  • gray
Japanese Voice
  • Katsuaki Kobayashi
  • Takami Akkun
  • 2.10384E7
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • Imagine a day like any other. The children are fighting, the refrigerator is humming. Highways are jammed, playgrounds are filled. Everything is perfectly normal... For the very last time.
  • Kliff Undersn
  • 12
  • *12 Aurek-class tactical strikefighters * 2 Ministry-class orbital shuttles * Various support craft
  • To serve Justice To protect Dizzy
  • Jane Alexander, William Devane, Rossie Harris, Roxana Zal, Lukas Haas, Philip Anglim
  • Switzerland
  • Guilty Gear
  • Unknown
  • Magical powers
  • Kliff Undersn, potatoes, pudding
Previous Affiliation
  • Sacred Order of Holy Knights
  • Scythe
  • Blood Scythe
  • 5400.0
  • Alive
  • S
  • Anti-human maverick
  • Cruiser
  • Warship
  • Blood Rituals, Extra-dimensional Magic
Release Date
  • 1983-11-04
  • United States
  • Testament
  • Cruiser
  • fed
  • Tesutamento
  • テスタメント
  • English
  • Guilty Gear Xtra
  • planet
  • 73.0
  • Distortion Gear
  • Gear of Distortion, The Black Knight
  • Thinking, taking care of Dizzy
  • 4250000000
  • テスタメント
  • 185.0
  • Testament
  • yes
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Lance, Sword
  • 4000
  • Galactic Republic
  • --05-09
  • yes
  • yes
  • Slaughter, playing with kids , thinking
  • Navigation computer equipped
  • 400
  • 86429
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Gear
  • Testament
  • Catchphrase
Eye Color
  • Red
  • Male
  • Gear
Blood Type
  • Analysis failed
  • John Sacret Young , Carol Amen
  • Lynne Litman
  • 300
  • 6
  • *Dual heavy turbolasers *Turbolaser *Point-defense laser cannon batteries *Laser cannon turrets
  • Sigma Cygni 57 star system, coordinates 5.81N 0.31E, Alpha Quadrant
  • 300
wikipage disambiguates
  • Testament
  • 50
  • *Jedi General Malak *Ferroh
  • Tear Bullet, Tear Blast, Rusty Lancer, Rusty Cutter, Soulshooter, Soulsection, Ray Disaster, Nail Laser, Halberd, Comet, Shock Hi-Low
drama CD
  • Guilty Gear XX Side Black
  • Guily Gear XX Side Black
  • Testament ... → Siehe auch Exodus, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax
  • The Testament was a Hammerhead-class cruiser used by the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian Wars.
  • Testament is one of the villains from Guilty Gear. He is able to wield odd magic and fights with both a scythe and impressive moveset consisting of summons, as well as his unnamed crow familiar.
  • Testament was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, in orbit of the Sigma Cygni 57 star system, at coordinates 5.81N 0.31E. In the 23rd century, Testament was home to a Federation colony, a noted center of mining and trade. By reference stardate 2/2306.01, the world had a population of 4.25 billion individuals of varied races and cultures, and the government was a full-status colonial member of the Federation. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
  • Testament is published by DC Comics under the Vertigo imprint. Current price per issue is $2.99.
  • Testament is a 1983 disaster drama originally produced as an episode of PBS' American Playhouse but ultimately released theatrically. The film is about the after-effects of a nuclear attack on a small suburb near San Francisco. Early in the film, Scotty, the youngest child in the central family, watches Sesame Street in a handful of scenes, including the scene when the nuclear attack occurs. It should be noted that all clips from Sesame Street seen on the television are from animated inserts, rather than Muppet clips. However, Scotty is also seen wearing a t-shirt with Kermit the Frog's face on it.
  • thumb|Ferdek i Ziomek po zaskakującym wejściu strażaków.Testament – 149. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
  • In der Bibel sind 2 Testamente dokumentiert. Eins ist älter als das andere, welches also jünger ist . Zunächst war Gott (der Erblasser) der Meinung, dass sein Testament also das Erstere, ausreichen würde, alles zu regeln für die Erben. Jedoch hatte er nicht mit den juristisch verwirrten Geist des modernen Menschen gerechnet. Er musste feststellen, dass das Alte Testament wegen einiger Formfehler leider nicht vollstreckbar ist. Vor allem scheitert die Umsetztung daran, dass der Erblasser (hier Gott) nicht verstorben ist und auch nicht vor hat jemals das zeitliche zu segnen. Demzufolge kann der Erbfall also nie eintreten und die ganze Mühe war für die Katz. Fals Sie also schon immer wissen wollten, warum Jesus sterben musste, hier Die Antwort: Erst durch den Tod des Testamentsverfassers wird ein Testament vollstreckbar. Und Jesus ermächtigte sich eines kleinen Tricks, damit auch das Testament seines Vaters endlich zur Vollendung gelangen konnte. Er erklkärte einfach das gesamte Erbe seines Vaters, also das Alte Testament zu seinem rechtmäßigen Erbe und bekräftigte auch zukünftig dessen Gültigkeit. Schließlich verfasste er sein (nun juristisch einwandfreies) Neues Testament und starb eines mehr oder weniger natürlichen Todes. Der Umstand, dass er bereits nach 3 Tagen wieder quicklebendig herumspazierte, kratzt nicht an der Gültigkeit des Todesfalles und damit an der Volstreckbarkeit seines Testamentes. - Gott sei Dank! ' siehe auch:Reglementierte Christliche Gemeinde - sind immer noch nicht ganz überzeugt, ob das so jetzt durchgeht Kategorie:Kult Kategorie:Theologie
  • Dropping your foe into a pitch black abyss of the Netherworld, you tear open a rift to the spirit realm and drown them inside, sealing them away in the rift. A massive contract appears as you retrieve your foe from the inky blackness and you drag their body along the ancient certificate, spelling out their own death as their soul slips away. As a standard action, make a single attack against an enemy within reach. If this attack hits, deal double damage as well as an additional 1d10 per level (Max 25d10). The creature gets a will saving throw DC: 18+ Charisma modifier for half damage. If the creature fails this saving throw, it takes 1 constitution bleed for 4 rounds. If a creature is slain through this technique, it is treated as a trap the soul spell. If a creature failed it's save and was effected by a Shinigami's judgement or shinigami sight ability when this is used on them, They are also effected by a Litany of Sloth spell.
  • Testament is a 1983 drama film, directed by Lynne Littman based on Carol Amen's three-page long story "The Last Testament."
  • Testament (テスタメント, Tesutamento) is a human-type Gear in the Guilty Gear series of fighting game. He is able to wield odd magic and fights with both a scythe and impressive moveset consisting of summons, as well as his youkai familiar, EXE Beast.
  • Testament is a powerful and aggressive zoning character. Zoning and aggression, you ask? How's that work? Well, I'll tell you. He can set up a lot of stuff to control space, and has good pokes. However, make no mistake, his pressure and offense are why people play him. He also has other ridiculous shit like the Badlands loop, as well as having Forward EXE Beast, which is probably the best move in the game, and it has an FRC, etc. Standard S tier stuff, really. But you want to know how to play him? Well, scroll down, past the move list which I was too lazy to fill in. Update! I was unlazy, and so filled in the specials and overdrives.
  • Unter einem Testament versteht man üblicherweise den letzten Willen eines Menschen. Wie die Bezeichnung letzter Wille impliziert, wird in der Regel nur eine gültige Fassung eines Testamentes abgefasst. Labile Charakter tendieren jedoch dazu, ihr Testament zu ändern. Diese unterschiedlichen Fassungen werden dann als altes und neues Testament bezeichnet. Oft führt eine Testamentsänderung jedoch zu Erbstreitigkeiten. Testamente führen zudem eine interessantes Eigenleben: Sie neigen dazu, manchmal einfach zu verschwinden, z.B. durch spontane Selbstentzündung.
  • Testament is an American metal band from Berkeley, California, formed in 1985. They are often credited as one of the most popular bands of the 1980s thrash metal scene. In the 28 years since its inception, Testament has had numerous lineup changes, and guitarist Eric Peterson has been the only constant member, although the band currently also features two of its original members, Alex Skolnick (guitarist) and Greg Christian (bass). Chuck Billy replaced former singer Steve Souza in 1986, prior to the recording of their first studio album, The Legacy, and has been a member of the band since.
  • Als Testament bezeichnet man den letzten Willen und die Verteilung des Erbes für den Fall des Todes einer Person. Im Jahr 2154 muss Captain Jonathan Archer beim ushaan gegen Shran einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod führen. Archer studiert zu dieser Zeit ein PADD mit den Spielregeln, als T'Pol hinzu kommt und fragt, ob Archer bereits an seinem Testament arbeitet. (ENT: ) 2371 spekuliert B'Elanna Torres, dass Telek R'Mor den Computerchip mit ihren persönlichen Botschaften, vielleicht vor seinem Tod der romulanischen Regierung übergeben oder deren Übermittlung an die Empfänger in einem Testament geregelt hat. (VOY: ) 2374 schlägt der Vorta Keevan vor, dass Quark und sein Ferengi-Kommando schon mal ihr Testament machen sollen, da sie zu einer Rettungsmission für Ishka, in den Raum des Dominions aufbrechen, was sie Keevans Meinung nach nicht überleben werden. (DS9: ) 2376 macht Lewis Zimmerman sein Testament und vermacht darin seine letzte Forschungsarbeit und seine holografische Kunst, einschließlich des Meisterwerks Frau in vier Dimensionen, Reginald Barclay. Außerdem bittet er darum, dass die Sternenflotte Haleys Programm solange laufen lässt, wie die Jupiter-Station existiert. (VOY: )
  • Testament (学習装置 (テスタメント) Gakushū Sōchi (Tesutamento)?, lit. "Learning Device") is a machine designed by a genius biopsychologist, Nunotaba Shinobu, that is used to install information into a human's brain. Notably used for the Sisters Project under the supervision of biopsychologists.
  • Testament is an Orbital Frame piloted by Cage Midwell in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars.
  • Zawsze dobrze mieć przygotowanych kilka na wypadek wypadku, żeby – uwzględniając zaistniałą po wypadku sytuację towarzyską i rodzinną – wybrać najodpowiedniejszy i szybciutko podpisać.
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