  • Turbolift
  • Turbolift
  • Turbolift
  • Benutzt von: Menschen (Bündnis)
  • A turbolift was a device mounted on starships and buildings, such as space stations, to allow easy movement of cargo and people between key areas of buildings or starships. They came in two forms: horizontal and vertical, the ancestor of the latter being the mechanical elevator. They were complemented by a network of Jefferies tubes when turbolifts failed. Norexan-class starships were equipped with turbolifts right behind the bridge. (RIS Bouteina: "The Departure")
  • Turbolifts allow vertical and horizontal movement around a ship or facility at relatively high velocities. For the comfort of passengers turbolifts are often fitted with inertial dampeners to reduce the effects of changes of speed.
  • Chaque véhicule comprend un cabine en plaques de duranium garnies de micromousse, façonnées sur un cadre ultraléger en composites à base de duranium. Au long de chaque turbopuits, des conduites électromagnétiques assurent la propulsion des trois moteurs à induction linéraire montés dans un cadre extérieur au véhicule, ce qui assure des accélérations de près de 10 mètres par seconde. Des amortisseurs inertiels absorbent une partie de cet effet, par le truchement d'une grille montée dans la base de chaque cabine.
  • NX-class starships needed only a button to be pressed to specify which deck to travel to. (ENT: "Cold Front") Incorporated in the design of Constitution-class turbolifts were small handles on the interior, allowing for transport without the use of voice commands. At some point, it became necessary to use both the handle and to submit a voice command on board Constitution-class ships. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations") Later refits phased out any analog interfaces and featured auditory receivers allowing passengers to use voice commands to direct the turbolift. Upon receipt of the voice command, the command queried the network, allowing for computation of the most optimal route to the destination. Such routes factored in the presence of other turbolifts already in operation. The auditory re
  • thumb|right|200px|Turbolift von Innen Turbolifte sind auf jedem Raumschiff mit mehreren Decks der Sternenflotte zu finden und unterstützen die Mobilität der Crew an Bord durch schnelle Transporte von Ort zu Ort. Waren früher Turbolifts noch teilweise durch Handdruck zu bedienen, so funktionieren sie im 24. Jahrhundert fast ausschließlich durch Spracheingabe. In Notsituationen und bei Ausfall der Turbolifts muss die Mannschaft auf Wartungsschächte und Jefferies-Röhren zurückgreifen, um so mühevoll von Deck zu Deck zu klettern. (TNG: )
  • Turbolift
  • Transportation technology
  • Турболифт/Канон
  • Conveying people and objects to different levels in a structure
  • ターボリフト
  • Benutzt von: Menschen (Bündnis)
  • A turbolift was a device mounted on starships and buildings, such as space stations, to allow easy movement of cargo and people between key areas of buildings or starships. They came in two forms: horizontal and vertical, the ancestor of the latter being the mechanical elevator. They were complemented by a network of Jefferies tubes when turbolifts failed. Norexan-class starships were equipped with turbolifts right behind the bridge. (RIS Bouteina: "The Departure")
  • Turbolifts allow vertical and horizontal movement around a ship or facility at relatively high velocities. For the comfort of passengers turbolifts are often fitted with inertial dampeners to reduce the effects of changes of speed.
  • Chaque véhicule comprend un cabine en plaques de duranium garnies de micromousse, façonnées sur un cadre ultraléger en composites à base de duranium. Au long de chaque turbopuits, des conduites électromagnétiques assurent la propulsion des trois moteurs à induction linéraire montés dans un cadre extérieur au véhicule, ce qui assure des accélérations de près de 10 mètres par seconde. Des amortisseurs inertiels absorbent une partie de cet effet, par le truchement d'une grille montée dans la base de chaque cabine.
  • NX-class starships needed only a button to be pressed to specify which deck to travel to. (ENT: "Cold Front") Incorporated in the design of Constitution-class turbolifts were small handles on the interior, allowing for transport without the use of voice commands. At some point, it became necessary to use both the handle and to submit a voice command on board Constitution-class ships. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations") Later refits phased out any analog interfaces and featured auditory receivers allowing passengers to use voice commands to direct the turbolift. Upon receipt of the voice command, the command queried the network, allowing for computation of the most optimal route to the destination. Such routes factored in the presence of other turbolifts already in operation. The auditory receivers also automatically scanned for voiceprint authentication, allowing for select personnel access to restricted areas. Turbolifts from the 23rd century also featured communication panels to allow communication with other sections of the ship without the need for a communicator. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius" ) While most starship turbolifts were enclosed, some turbolifts remained open when at rest, in the style of an elevator built in the early-to-mid-20th century. The Cardassians built such a turbolift on Terok Nor when it was in operation, and it was still in use by Starfleet on the renamed Deep Space 9. Once this turbolift was activated, it became enclosed as a precautionary measure. These turbolifts' positioning mechanisms were powered by multi-phase alternating current. In ships and stations that contained turbolift doors that remained closed while not in use, the doors were often unresponsive in low or no power situations. In a Galaxy-class starship, turbolifts were regulated by the turbolift control and an average of ten turbolift cars were in service at any one time. Some peak usage times, such as change-of-shift, could call for a doubling of the turbolift cars with only a 22% decrease in efficiency. The reason this was possible was that the turboshaft network was designed with the specific purpose of allowing multi-access loops and thus permitting a flexible route for each turbolift car. (citation needed • [ edit]) When battle stations are ordered, all turbolift cars may be subjected to deactivation pending the authorization of the commanding officer. In such cases, personnel are still free to move about the ship via a network of vertical ladders and Jefferies tubes. While docked at a starbase, the turboelevator network was connected to the network of the adjacent starbase, allowing for easy passage without the use of an umbilical dock. This was accomplished through a connection point located at the upper terminus of turboshaft two, leading from the main bridge. When linked, turbolifts cars could travel freely between the ship and areas of the starbase. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual; TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ; Original Series films; Star Trek: The Next Generation) This may be contradictory to what was seen in "11001001" . In that episode, an umbilical was attached to the midsection of the Enterprise with personnel traversing it, but the bow of the ship could not be seen, and thus the aforementioned turboelevator network connection to the starbase was not revealed. Most of the information is taken from Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and may not be canon, although a large part of this literature is considered canon. Also, there is not enough evidence from any series to prove these facts as not canon.
  • thumb|right|200px|Turbolift von Innen Turbolifte sind auf jedem Raumschiff mit mehreren Decks der Sternenflotte zu finden und unterstützen die Mobilität der Crew an Bord durch schnelle Transporte von Ort zu Ort. Sie sind vergleichbar mit Aufzügen, fahren jedoch nicht nur vertikal sondern auch horizontal im so genannten Turboliftschacht. Auf einigen Schiffen ist der einzige Zugang (bzw. der Hauptzugang) zu der Brücke nur über einen Turbolift zu erreichen. Manche Turbolifts können auch nur bestimmte Decks erreichen, so gibt es auf Raumschiffen der Galaxy-Klasse einen Turbolift, der die Brücke mit der Kampfbrücke verbindet. Laut dem Buch Die Technik der USS Enterprise sind auf Schiffen der Galaxy-Klasse normalerweise ungefähr 10 Turboliftkabinen im Einsatz, welche jedoch zu Stoßzeiten (Schichtwechsel, Alarm usw.) auf insgesamt 20 Turboliftkabinen aufgestockt werden können. In diesem Fall wird die Systemreaktionszeit um 22% verlängert. Auch soll es laut dem Buch möglich sein, mit dem Turbolift eines angedockten Schiffes direkt in die Turboliftschächte der Sternenbasis zu gelangen. Somit steigt man an Bord des angedockten Schiffes in den Turbolift und befindet sich beim Aussteigen an Bord der Sternenbasis. Auch kann über diese Andock-Stellen im Notfall die Besatzung evakuiert werden (etwa nach einer Notlandung der Untertassen-Sektion der Galaxy-Klasse). Waren früher Turbolifts noch teilweise durch Handdruck zu bedienen, so funktionieren sie im 24. Jahrhundert fast ausschließlich durch Spracheingabe. In Notsituationen und bei Ausfall der Turbolifts muss die Mannschaft auf Wartungsschächte und Jefferies-Röhren zurückgreifen, um so mühevoll von Deck zu Deck zu klettern. (TNG: ) Ein Teil des Turboliftsystems sind die Sprachrezeptoren. Falls diese Fehlfunktionen aufweisen, kann es passieren, dass der Turbolift nicht an sein gewünschtes Ziel gelangt. (VOY: ) Cardassianische Turbolifte, wie sie auf Deep Space 9 eingesetzt werden, leiten ungeschützen Multiphasenwechselstrom durch die Positionierungsmechanismen. Dies erlaubt es Odo nicht, sich durch Verändern seiner Form aus dem Turbolift zu befreien. (DS9: ) Allerdings stürzen sie im Gegensatz zu ihrem Sternenflottenpendant bei einem Energieausfall nicht ab. (TNG: , DS9: )
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