  • Blair
  • Blair
  • Blair
  • Blair
  • Au nord, à la tour de garde.
  • Blair (ブレア, Bureå) ist eine Katze mit magischen Fähigkeiten, die eine menschliche Gestalt annehmen kann und oftmals als Hexe bezeichnet wird, was sich jedoch als falsch erweist. Zurzeit arbeitet sie im Club Chupa♡Cabras zusammen mit den Hexen Risa und Arisa. Sie ist sehr stark und geschickt im Kampf.
  • Blair (ブレア, Burea) es una gata con poderes mágicos, por lo que generalmente es confundida con una Bruja.
  • Blair was a squad leader who participated in Operation: Deliverance. After the first part of the battle in the bus depot Blair was ordered by Captain Winters to sweep the south and east walls. Blair and his squad survived the second and third Chimeran assaults. Blair was presumably killed after the Chimera launched spire missiles at the depot.
  • Blair was behind the phantom naval officer case, with his partner, Culhane.
  • Blair is a member of The Blacklist.
  • Blair was a kid.
  • Blair is a powerful being who appears as a black cat wearing a curly witch's hat and with a curled up tail. She seems to know Zev. Blair has been shown using exceptionally powerful "Pumpkin Magic", which she used to easily kill the Shattered Mirror Universe's Miserix. Although she admitted herself it would have been much more difficult had he not been previously weakened by a seal placed on him. Apparently, Blair answers to a being known as Shinigami. Nothing is known about him.
  • Blair (ブレアBurea) is a Monster Cat with very strong magical power who was mistaken for a Witch by Maka Albarn and Soul Eater. She later would take residence at Maka and Soul's Apartment due to them destroying her house and works as one of the four employees at Chupa♡Cabra's. She also occasionally works alongside both the DWMA, Maka, and Soul on their various quests.
  • Blair is a long haired ghost pet cat available to everyone for purchase through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png349, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png314.
  • Blair is a Art-talent fairy who only appears in the video game. Her bio states:
  • Blair is the surname of line of Heros from many wars. Several have been Terran Confederation officers or pilots.
  • Blair (アントニオ, Antonio en japonais, Olaf en anglais, en espagnol et en italien, Ettore en allemand) est un fourmilier apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Blair is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Blair is a Gym Leader in Pokemon Genesis. She uses the Fire-Type and gives out the Conflagration Badge to those who defeat her.
  • Blair was the Senior Biologist of the U.S. Outpost 31. He is portrayed by Wilford Brimley.
  • Blair was located in western Maryland. A shallow creek ran by on the east boundary of town and a railroad ran by in the north. The Black Hills Forest was located just outside of town. The town encompassed three thousand acres.
  • Lieutenant Blair fought against the Galactic Empire with a resistance group before or during the year 1 BBY. Blair was the only survivor out of the resistance fighters who fought in the air at the Battle of Slotern. Blair and other resistance fighters were fighting in ancient starfighters against the Empire, when TIE fighters attacked their older craft. Only Blair and the Lieutenant's wingman were left after the initial attack by the TIEs. The assault was so sudden and shocking that Blair was unable to fire any weapons. The TIEs came back and shot and killed Blair's wingman, while badly damaging Blair's craft. Blair dove for the ground, and the automatic ejection activated on Blair's craft. Blair was the only survivor of the two-minute-long battle. The pilot later had an Eyewitness Report
  • Blair is a shopkeeper in Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. Blair is an apprentice baker in Arcose. She was the daughter of a very rich family, but tragic circumstances led to her becoming a peasant, and she started over by becoming an apprentice to Arcose's head baker. She is very nostalgic about her past, and it's revealed that she is not originally from Arcrose, but she doesn't talk about her home country either. She tends to have a short fuse and an explosive temper when angry. Most of the time, however, she is very sweet and kind. She also develops a slight crush on Klein Kiesling.
  • {{Character infobox - DxD Fanon|name = Blair|image = Human Form=File:Medusa bb.png|-|The Blair Witch=[[File:2103.jpg|300px]]|caption = The Immortal Witch|Kana = ブレーズ|Romaji = Burēzu|Race = Human (Witch)|Nicknames = Elly Kedward (Birth Name)The Black WitchThe First SorceressThe True Immortal|Hair Color = Blonde (in Human Form)Black|Eye Color = Pale Yellow|Relatives = Akira Kurusu (Adopted Son)|Affiliations = Khaos Brigade|Status = Immortal|Ranking = Magnus Opus Archaeus}}'''Blair''' (ブレーズ, ''Burēzu, ''sometimes also known as '''Blair, the Black Witch''') is a powerful witch, and also the infamous figure known as the "Blair Witch," who terrorized Blair, now known as Burkittsville in modern times, in retaliation for being unjustly accused of witchcraft, while being a Wiccen at the time. Short
  • Blair started playing Puzzle Pirates in 2006. With the help of Bozeman, Blair found her place with Team Zissou. Becoming addicted immediately, She advanced through the crew and was named a senior officer. Blair formed a new crew, Bartholomew's Revenge, which was named after her rat, Bartholomew. Blair can usually be found behind a trusty cannon loading guns or in her shops, Blair's Tailoring Stall and Blair's Weaving Stall on Lagniappe buying clothes. She shares a house with Bozeman on Lagniappe as well.
  • 5
  • 55
  • 10
  • Mâle
  • 1
  • 1
  • Fourmilier
  • "Helpless"
  • Keuraijen
  • Blair
  • ブレア
  • Arbeiterin im Cabaret Club
  • 15
  • ChupaCabrasColors
  • ignored
  • white
  • charcoal
  • Cat
  • 10
  • "Arioch Cain"
  • None
Related Quests
  • 145
  • yes
  • 100
  • Emiri Kato
jap name
  • ブレア Burea
  • Tour de Guet de Fotamion
  • None
Patch Introduced
Live Image
  • Blair Live.jpg
  • 20
Character's Soul Type
  • inhabitant
  • Blair
  • Akira Kurusu
  • Xenosaga Episode III
  • Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana
  • Bureå
  • Black
  • 100
  • Lucy
Voiced by
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Immortal
  • Non-Player Killer
  • yes
  • Senior Biologist
  • Black
  • Reddish-brown
  • Midnight
  • Blair
  • yes
  • Burea
  • Burea
  • Burēzu
  • The Immortal Witch
  • Blair in 2003
Hair Color
  • Black
  • Blonde
  • Magnus Opus Archaeus
Character's Residence
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Chic
Character's Status
  • Alive
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --05-19
Character's Affiliations
  • Prolog:Soul Eater, Episode 1
What is the character's anime debut?
  • Señorita Bruja
Character's Occupations
  • DWMA Transceiver
  • Employee at Chupa♡Cabra's
What is the character's manga debut?
  • Deceased, assimilated by the Thing
  • Infected by Crawlers
Appears In
  • Resistance: Fall of Man
  • 100
  • Blairchen
  • U.S. Outpost 31 crew
  • Agente de Shibusen
  • Trabajadora en Chupa♡Cabra's
  • ブレア
  • ブレア
English Title
  • Blair
  • Charming Witch
  • Union
  • 2
  • Squad Leader
Place of death
  • The Black Witch
  • Elly Kedward
  • The First Sorceress
  • The True Immortal
  • Blair.JPG
  • Khaos Brigade
  • "Arioch Cain"
  • Humana=250px
  • Viva
Character's Theme
  • Halloween/Pumpkins
  • Unnamed father
  • Sharon
  • 10
Eye Color
  • Pale Yellow
  • Female
  • Male
  • "tartarin"
  • 105
  • Human
  • Elyos
  • 874.579000
  • 3
  • ブレーズ
  • normal
  • 1951-07-11
  • Femenino
  • *Blair vs Maka Albarn & Soul Eater I *Blair vs Maka Albarn & Soul Eater II *Blair vs Maka Albarn & Soul Eater III *Blair vs Flying Dutchman *Noah (Greed) & his Creatures vs Spartoi and Death the Kid
  • 61.300000
  • Starfish
  • black
  • Taureau
  • Marion von Stengel
  • Soul "Eater" Evans & Maka Albarn
Character's Magic
  • *Blair vs Maka Albarn & Soul Eater IV
  • *Blair vs Mizune Family
  • 250
The Blair Witch
  • 300
  • Au nord, à la tour de garde.
  • Blair (ブレア, Bureå) ist eine Katze mit magischen Fähigkeiten, die eine menschliche Gestalt annehmen kann und oftmals als Hexe bezeichnet wird, was sich jedoch als falsch erweist. Zurzeit arbeitet sie im Club Chupa♡Cabras zusammen mit den Hexen Risa und Arisa. Sie ist sehr stark und geschickt im Kampf.
  • Blair (ブレア, Burea) es una gata con poderes mágicos, por lo que generalmente es confundida con una Bruja.
  • Blair was a squad leader who participated in Operation: Deliverance. After the first part of the battle in the bus depot Blair was ordered by Captain Winters to sweep the south and east walls. Blair and his squad survived the second and third Chimeran assaults. Blair was presumably killed after the Chimera launched spire missiles at the depot.
  • Blair is a shopkeeper in Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana. Blair is an apprentice baker in Arcose. She was the daughter of a very rich family, but tragic circumstances led to her becoming a peasant, and she started over by becoming an apprentice to Arcose's head baker. She is very nostalgic about her past, and it's revealed that she is not originally from Arcrose, but she doesn't talk about her home country either. She tends to have a short fuse and an explosive temper when angry. Most of the time, however, she is very sweet and kind. She is an incredibly gifted baker, and is constantly trying to develop new, more amazing styles of bread. She secretly loves candy, and wishes to add candy to the store's menu someday. She also develops a slight crush on Klein Kiesling.
  • Blair was behind the phantom naval officer case, with his partner, Culhane.
  • Blair is a member of The Blacklist.
  • Blair was a kid.
  • Blair is a powerful being who appears as a black cat wearing a curly witch's hat and with a curled up tail. She seems to know Zev. Blair has been shown using exceptionally powerful "Pumpkin Magic", which she used to easily kill the Shattered Mirror Universe's Miserix. Although she admitted herself it would have been much more difficult had he not been previously weakened by a seal placed on him. Apparently, Blair answers to a being known as Shinigami. Nothing is known about him.
  • Blair (ブレアBurea) is a Monster Cat with very strong magical power who was mistaken for a Witch by Maka Albarn and Soul Eater. She later would take residence at Maka and Soul's Apartment due to them destroying her house and works as one of the four employees at Chupa♡Cabra's. She also occasionally works alongside both the DWMA, Maka, and Soul on their various quests.
  • Blair is a long haired ghost pet cat available to everyone for purchase through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png349, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png314.
  • Blair is a Art-talent fairy who only appears in the video game. Her bio states:
  • Blair is the surname of line of Heros from many wars. Several have been Terran Confederation officers or pilots.
  • Blair (アントニオ, Antonio en japonais, Olaf en anglais, en espagnol et en italien, Ettore en allemand) est un fourmilier apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • {{Character infobox - DxD Fanon|name = Blair|image = Human Form=File:Medusa bb.png|-|The Blair Witch=[[File:2103.jpg|300px]]|caption = The Immortal Witch|Kana = ブレーズ|Romaji = Burēzu|Race = Human (Witch)|Nicknames = Elly Kedward (Birth Name)The Black WitchThe First SorceressThe True Immortal|Hair Color = Blonde (in Human Form)Black|Eye Color = Pale Yellow|Relatives = Akira Kurusu (Adopted Son)|Affiliations = Khaos Brigade|Status = Immortal|Ranking = Magnus Opus Archaeus}}'''Blair''' (ブレーズ, ''Burēzu, ''sometimes also known as '''Blair, the Black Witch''') is a powerful witch, and also the infamous figure known as the "Blair Witch," who terrorized Blair, now known as Burkittsville in modern times, in retaliation for being unjustly accused of witchcraft, while being a Wiccen at the time. Shortly after her death by exposure, Blair was cast with the curse of "Immortality," as per the deal she made with the Devil Matriarch, Mephistopheles. Due to the long years of her immortality, she grew to despise humans, Gods, and Devils, wanting their immediate extinction. She killed many humans, but spared Akira Kurusu, who she later adopted and raised as her own child, due to the "dead look" in his eyes. He would later become her pawn in her scheme to kill every last Devil and God in the world. == Appearance == When she still retained the name Elly Kedward, the title she was born with, Blair was a woman with a fairly average physical build, and a large, black, dotted snake tattoo winding down either arm. Her facial features consist of eyes containing yellow irises with black pupils, and black hair arranged in a spiked style, with two long strands extending downwards framing either side of her face, that entwine each other like a caduceus' snake to rest upon her chest. She often wore a black sleeveless dress with a collar, which curiously has a spiderweb-like design at the top. After assuming the name of Blair, the Black Witch, she died her hair yellow, in order to cast aside her birthright, and forgoing any and all ties to the past. She had also begun to war a black body-length suit with hood, which extends downwards to her knees. The hood itself is adorned with an eye-like marking upon either side which, interestingly, when worn in addition to the shape of her hair, gives it the appearance of a snake's mouth, with teeth and fangs. == History == === Early Life as Kelly Kedward === Once known as the kind-hearted Wiccen, Elly Kedward, Blair was a woman renowned for her beauty and healing methods. While some had found it to be rather bizarre and strange, many had come to appreciate it. According to Blair, she learned of the art of magic through Sarah Ravencroft, a fellow Wiccen from Salem Village. For a time, Elly had enjoyed her peaceful life, as she, like Sarah, wanted nothing more than to bring peace to the lives of the people under her care. At some point in time, she had even fallen in love with one of the townsfolk, a young man named Jonah Mason. Jonah was a foreigner who had traveled from one of the southern colonies, as he and his family were not on good terms. As it happened, Jonah was once a patient of hers, and had fallen in love with her at first sight. Likewise, Elly had grew fond of the man who had been seeking her approval and his dedication to her. Unfortunately, after being in a relationship for two years, things had suddenly turned south, as Jonah's older brother, Jeremiah, had arrived to take him home. Jonah had left his family because of a dispute regarding the arranged marriage of his sister to a wealthy banker named Peterson, whom Jonah could not accept due to his upbringing. He held a deep grudge for the higher class, as he believed that they were the reason why his family had suffered in their early years. Jeremiah was willing to use force to bring Jonah back, if common sense failed. When he saw Elly healing an elderly woman diagnosed with an unknown disease, he accused her of being a witch, and claimed that she was poisoning Jonah's mind. Jonah, and many of the townsfolk who Elly had healed, immediately leaped to her defense. This, however, would be the first of many events that would lead to Blair being accused of witchcraft during the infamous Salem Witch Trials. === The Witch Trials === Jeremiah had begun doing everything he could possibly do in order to convince Jonah to return and accept the marriage, though he believed that Elly, who he was convinced was a witch, was poisoning his mind. To that end, he tried to besmirch her reputation, spreading false rumors about her, many of which were unfounded as was later revealed. Many grew to doubt Elly, all sans Jonah, who and a few others still defended her. Jeremiah did not stop there, however. He even began to accuse some of Elly's patients, and even Sarah Ravencroft, as witches, though many still continued to doubt the legitimacy of his claims, as Sarah was very well respected in Salem. Some of the townsfolk learned from Jonah about the family situation, and eventually began to believe that Jeremiah was simply blaming Elly, thinking that she was a threat to Jonah. However, only a few months later did word begin to spread about the mysterious happenings of Salem Village. Children had begun to claim that they were being attacked by invisible forces, as inexplicable marks began to appear on her body, including bite marks, wounds, etc. Some had believed that it was simply the children gaining attention, but the incidents invoked the attention of the Inquisition, and then the events started to escalate. While it was not documented, there were several cases of known witch craft being held in Salem. A woman was found in her home, pinned to the ceiling without any sort of wound on her person, yet blood continued to leak profusely from every orifice of her body. Investigators were left befounded, as there was nothing keeping her on the ceiling, even after they managed to pull her down. Another case was a child who was floating in the air above her bed, her eyes glazed with white, and bloody markings all across her body. In a document filed by Head Inquisitor Samuel Brig, the witch who committed these acts was none other than Sarah Ravencroft, who had gone mad after losing her husband and four-month year old child in a carriage accident. When word of this spread, suddenly ever suspicious "miracle" became seen as witchcraft. A few, including Jonah, still believed that Elly was innocent. However, Jonah's brother Jeremiah had managed to sway the populace of Blair, due to the mysterious death of one of Elly's patients. While documents say that the patient, Mary Clifford, had died of a heart attack, she was barely in her twenties, and came to Elly because she felt ill. Because no one knew the cause of death at the time, many believed that Elly had killed Mary, and began a witch hunt. === The Birth of the Black Witch === Jonah and Elly fled into the Black Hills forest, though they were caught off guard by Jeremiah, who shot at Elly. It didn't struck her, but it did cause a fight to break out between the two brothers. Jeremiah was desperately trying to convince his brother that his lover was a witch, but Jonah rebuked him by saying that he ruined everything. He even reveals that it was Jeremiah who opted for their sister to marry Peterson in order to regain their once proud status as bankers. Jeremiah, now furious, claims that Elly has ruined everything, and tries to shoot her. Jonah steps in front of the line of fire, and is fatally wounded. Elly, horrified and angered, kills Jeremiah, melding his body with a tree, with the roots burying into his body and piercing several of his organs in the process. When the townsfolk arrive, they find an unresponsive Elly cradling the dead Jonah's body in her arms, and the corpse of Jeremiah in a tree. Believing that Elly killed them both, they tied her up high on a tree, and weighed her limbs down with stones, thus leaving her for dead. The Wiccen, however, after spending a week in her state, had encountered a mysterious figure who introduced himself as Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles greets her casually, saying that he feels her overwhelming rage, and asks her for her greatest wish. Elly however, rebukes him, saying that if there is any rage in her heart, it is because she had lost the man she loved. Mephistopheles, however, began to sway her, saying that if there is something she should be angry at, it should be the people who accused her. He told her lie after lie, saying that they were rejoicing her soon-to-be death, and claimed that Jonah was nothing but a filthy man who was the Devil's own whore. Eventually, Elly's heart grew furious at the townsfolk. Mephistopheles asked her if she felt true rage, and she told him yes. Thus, the Devil gave her an offer: He would grant her the gift of "Immortality," and thus have all of eternity to punish those who were responsible. Elly accepted. Afterwards, Mephistopheles began to teach her everything he knew about the dark arts. In a short amount of time, the Wiccen had given up on her practices of healing, and instead embraced her newfound status as a witch. After ten years had passed since she became Mephistopheles' student, Elly returned to Blair, and began to terrorize the town. First, she killed the children of her persecutors, and then killed their families, and then finally, she ended their now broken lives. She didn't stop with them, however, as she also terrorized those who had no actual involvement in her death, sans chasing after her. The only ones she spared from her wrath were the few who still defended her, even to this day. Eventually, Elly appeared when the fear in Blair had reached it's height, and set the entire town ablaze. As the people fled, she claimed that this was their punishment for what they had done to her and Jonah, telling them to remember her as the "Witch of Blair" that would haunt them until their days of repentance. With her revenge complete, Elly had chosen to live a quiet life in the Black Hills forests, though her rage still lingered. After some time had passed, she later came to learn that what Mephistopheles had told her was all a lie: none of the townspeople had ever truly considered her to be a witch. In reality, after a year had passed since her days as Mephistopheles' student, Jeremiah and Jonah's sister, Jacqueline, had informed the townsfolk of Jeremiah's unknown secret: he was furious that Jonah had chosen to abandon his family and had found a new life to spend with some no-named woman. Elly, now furious, barged into Mephistopheles home, only to learn from a servant that he had been executed, having tried to instigate a rebellion against the current leaders of the Underworld. Feeling cheated out of her revenge, Elly cursed the Great Satans, and many years later, she even came to despise the gods themselves, believing that they had chosen this life for her. As a result of her anger, she left behind a powerful curse on the Black Hills forest, killing and terrorizing anyone that had dared to trespass her home. === The Godslayer's Origin === However, as fate would have it, Elly, who had long since abandoned that name in favor of the name of Blair, forgoing any and all ties to her days as a Wiccen, came across a boy who had miraculously survived her curse. The boy had apparently been caught in her curse for over fifty years, though he had not aged at all. She had originally intended to kill him, but changed her mind when she saw the look in his eyes, which she described as the look of a corpse with it's heart still beating. Taking an interest, Blair began to raise the child as her own, teaching him how to read and write, and even teaching him how to wield magic. Blair would later learn that the child, who's name was Akira Kurusu, had lost his past as a result of the curse, and was in fact, a Godslayer - a human with the power to slay even the Gods themselves. Upon learning of this, Blair began to plot her revenge against the Gods and Devils, with Akira as her faithful pawn. == Personality == As Elly, Blair was a soft-spoken, gentle and warming individual who believed that all of life was precious, and should be valued. She was quite shy around strangers, but eventually overcame this when she became romantically involved with Jonah Mason. However, after her persecution as a witch, Jonah's death, and Mephistopheles' manipulation, Blair became cold, manipulative, and pragmatic. She was uncaring of the principles she once held firmly, and even adopted a cruel and sadistic streak, taking great pleasure in killing those who she believed were responsible for her suffering. In the present day, Blair is a stoic and cold woman who does not like to interact with others, and harbors a great deal of hatred towards Gods and Devils alike. In fact, the only reason she joined Ophis was because she would be able to increase Akira's abilities to succeed in her revenge. That being said, she does not get along well with the other members; namely the Hero Faction and the Old Satan Faction. She particularly despises Katarina Leviathan, referring to her as a washed-up old hag, and threatened to kill Georg if he tried to come near her. However, in contrast, she has a motherly, almost loving and caring nature with Akira. Despite viewing him as little more than a pawn in her schemes, she genuinely cares about him, even teaching him things that she would otherwise deem unnecessary such as literature, writing, mathematics, and history. Likewise, Akira views her as if she were his real mother, informing Ophis that if she tried to betray his "mom" in any way, he would end her, in spite of the difference in power between them. == Abilities == As one of the oldest, and most powerful witches in existence, Blair's power is beyond comprehension, accomplishing many feats. Some say her skills far surpass even the likes of Merlin, the council and sorcerer of Camelot who served and advised King Arthur, who was very well-known for his incredible magical power, almost unmatched in terms of sheer magecraft alone. Additionally, Blair suffers from Mephistopheles' "Curse of Immortality." As a result, she is incapable of dying, and does not need to eat or drink in order to sustain herself. Furthermore, any damage she receives is quickly healed, even something as serious as having nearly half of her lower body, including several of her major organs being damaged, being destroyed by Sirzechs' Power of Destruction, only for her to regenerate the wound with relative ease. == Trivia == * Blair's appearance is based off of Medusa Gorgon, one of the main antagonist's of the ''Soul Eater ''franchise.
  • Blair started playing Puzzle Pirates in 2006. With the help of Bozeman, Blair found her place with Team Zissou. Becoming addicted immediately, She advanced through the crew and was named a senior officer. Blair formed a new crew, Bartholomew's Revenge, which was named after her rat, Bartholomew. Blair can usually be found behind a trusty cannon loading guns or in her shops, Blair's Tailoring Stall and Blair's Weaving Stall on Lagniappe buying clothes. She shares a house with Bozeman on Lagniappe as well. Because of her love for gunning, Blair has achieved the navy rank of Admiral and was awarded the golden cannon for her hard work and dedication towards Gunnery. Blair is always eager to help out a fellow mate, but you will rarely see her performing Carpentry as she dreads it more than anything. Currently Blair is working on the winged shoes trophy and memming the oceans. Blair has also found a new love in jobbing for the Cursed Isles and hunting for sea monsters. So, if pirates ever need a good worker, she is their girl.
  • Blair is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
  • Blair is a Gym Leader in Pokemon Genesis. She uses the Fire-Type and gives out the Conflagration Badge to those who defeat her.
  • Blair was the Senior Biologist of the U.S. Outpost 31. He is portrayed by Wilford Brimley.
  • Lieutenant Blair fought against the Galactic Empire with a resistance group before or during the year 1 BBY. Blair was the only survivor out of the resistance fighters who fought in the air at the Battle of Slotern. Blair and other resistance fighters were fighting in ancient starfighters against the Empire, when TIE fighters attacked their older craft. Only Blair and the Lieutenant's wingman were left after the initial attack by the TIEs. The assault was so sudden and shocking that Blair was unable to fire any weapons. The TIEs came back and shot and killed Blair's wingman, while badly damaging Blair's craft. Blair dove for the ground, and the automatic ejection activated on Blair's craft. Blair was the only survivor of the two-minute-long battle. The pilot later had an Eyewitness Report about the battle.
  • Blair was located in western Maryland. A shallow creek ran by on the east boundary of town and a railroad ran by in the north. The Black Hills Forest was located just outside of town. The town encompassed three thousand acres.
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is Anwender of
is Obtention of
is Users of
is Characters of
is Affiliation of
is Character's Affiliations of
is Diffusion of
is Host of
is Nutzer of