  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend Of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=The Legend of Zelda/preload editintro=The Legend of Zelda/editintro width=25 The Legend of Zelda is a video game series created by Nintendo.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a long-running series of puzzle-adventure games developed and published by Nintendo. Many reviews of Golden Sun games compare the puzzle-filled dungeons to those of Zelda fame, and the series' elven main character Link, along with other Zelda characters, are main playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Camelot Software Planning, in their evident drawing of influence from this series, apparently made a specific nod to the series during development of Golden Sun: The Lost Age: hidden within the code of the game cart is an unused NPC sprite sheet that appears to be Link.
  • The Legend of Zelda was one of the most popular games in the history of the NES, so no one was surprised when it earned a 2 seed in the Game Contest of 2004. LoZ posted a number of dominating wins on its side of the division, including a very impressive drubbing of Tetris, but came up a little short in the division finals against an even bigger 8-bit icon, Super Mario Bros. 3. Some contend that Zelda 1's final ranking in the X-Stats being so "meh" is only because it was icon-SFFed by Mario 3, and that against nearly any other opponent the game would rank right up there with A Link to the Past. We'll find out in the next Game Contest.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist ein Videospiel von Nintendo Research & Develpoment 4 und wurde am 21.2.1986 erstmals herausgegeben. Es ist das erste Spiel der Reihe und sein Nachfolger ist Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Das Spiel wurde über 6,51 Millionen-mal verkauft. Im Spiel geht es darum, dass man die 8 Teile des Triforces der Weisheit sammelt und Prinzessin Zelda vor Gannon rettet.
  • The Legend of Zelda - Seria gier na konsole. Jest to mieszanka gry akcji, przygodowej, fabularnej, logicznej. Pierwsza gra z tej serii powstała w roku 1986. ącznie sprzedano 47 milionów egzemplarzy gier (stan na wrzesień 2005). thumb|250px|The Legend of Zelda - strona startowa Głównym bohaterem jest Link - bohaterski rycerz, ratujący Księżniczkę w magicznej krainie Hyrule. Kategoria:Gry
  • The Legend of Zelda is an upcoming PivotMasterDX production. Nothing is known about it, except that it’s a remake of one of PMDX’s old videos.
  • The Legend of Zelda (ゼルダの伝説, The Legend of Zelda) is the first game in The Legend of Zelda series, designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was released in 1986 in Japan, and later released in NTSC regions in 1987. It appears as a Masterpiece in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. In Brawl, it can be played for 120 seconds. In Smash Wii U, it can be played for 240 seconds.
  • The Legend of Zelda es una serie de videojuegos de acción-aventura creada por los diseñadores japoneses Shigeru Miyamoto y Takashi Tezuka, y desarrollada por Nintendo.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a high fantasy action-adventure video game series created by game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and developed and published by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda series has sold over 75 million copies worldwide since the release of the first game, The Legend of Zelda, making it one of the best selling franchises.
  • [[Datei:Link Cameo GS2.png|thumb|200px|Links Cameo-Auftritt in Golden Sun: Die vergessene Epoche.]] thumb|200px|right
  • The Legend of Zelda est un jeu de style action/aventure développé par Nintendo. Il s'agit du premier opus de la saga The Legend of Zelda sorti pour la première fois sur la NES. Dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo, suite à la mise à jour de novembre 2016, il est possible d'inviter des personnages de ce dernier jeu grâce à un amiibo, Epona, la jument de Link, Link loup, le personnage à incarner dans Twilight Princess, Ganon, un antagoniste de la série The Legend of Zelda et Médolie, un personnage de The Wind Waker. Ils apparaîtront ensuite dans un camping-car à la caravanerie et il est possible de les faire emménager dans le village du joueur en leur demandant.
  • The Legend Of Zelda is not by System of a Down!!!
  • The Legend of Zelda — em japonês, Zelda no Densetsu — é uma série de jogos para videogame criada por Shigeru Miyamoto para a Nintendo. O principal enredo da série (dentre outros) é a missão de Link para resgatar a Princesa Zelda do vilão Ganondorf. O nome da série é uma menção ao nome da princesa, já que a história dos primeiros jogos concentrou-se nela. z
  • The Legend of Zelda ist ein Spiel für das Nintendo Entertainment System, welches erstmals am 21. Februar, 1986. In Deutschland erschien das Spiel ein Jahr später am 27. November, 1987. Später wurde Das Zelda-Spiel für die Wii wiederveröffentlicht und wird in der Virtual Console angeboten. 2003 wurde das Spiel mit eine Spielesammlung für die GameCube wiederveröffentlicht und 2007 nochmals für den Game Boy Advance (NES Classics). Klassiviziert ist es laut ESRB nach Everyone. Als das Spiel damals rauskam dominierte es gerade zu den aktuellen Viedeospielmarkt und heimste einen großen Erfolg ein.
  • For the NES. * Open some locked doors without keys
  • The Legend of Zelda (ゼルダの伝説 Zeruda no Densetsu) is a Nintendo Entertainment System video game. It was first released in Japan as a Famicom Disk System game in February of 1986. The next year it would release in both North America and Europe. It is generally regarded as one of the most important video games of all time. The game was created by industry veterans Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. The Legend of Zelda was ranked as the number one video game of all time in the 200th issue of Game Informer. Super Mario Bros. was ranked number two.
  • The mini generated when a canon character's name is misspelled in badfic is a mini-gohma.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a series of games made by Nintendo, featuring the main character Link.
  • The player controls Link the silent protagonist, as he heads on a journey to rescue the beautiful Princess Zelda from the Evil Dark Lord Gannon, and find the pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda broke into eight pieces so Gannon couldn't find it. According to the game's backstory after Zelda was kidnapped, her old assistant Impa went out to look for a hero to save her, she was attacked by Gannon's minions but Link appeared and deafeted them. After which she asked him to save her. After finding the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom, Link is then able to infultrate Gannon's lair on Death Mountain. The two battle and Link is triumphant, and rescues Zelda, however, now he must go on a second quest to recover the Triforce of Power, which was also taken by Gannon.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a book about Lady Ermine de la Aefranzwadelatholachickennuggetsandwichonastick Zelda. It is a journal documenting her delusions of living in a pinapple under the sea, instead of her own mansion, during the French Revolution. It was published in 1801, after she was guillotined for her wearing square pants and a bowtie. Copies of this historical document are now very, very hard to find, as most of these books have vanished in the sands of time.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a popular and consistently acclaimed video game series made by Nintendo. It is the day before the annual Wing Ceremony in Skyloft, a contest promising a higher rank in the local Knight Academy, and a part in the festival, and a young man named Link has a dream about a gigantic dark monster and mysterious spirit. At it's climax, he is awakened by a huge bird called a Loftwing, giving him a letter telling him to meet up with Zelda, his childhood friend and love interest. It is there that he discovers that his rare Crimson Loftwing was taken by local bully Groose and his minions, in an attempt to sabotage Link's chances of winning in this year's festival, and possibly getting with Zelda. In spite of this, Link retrieves his Loftwing, and soundly beats Groose in the fesi
  • Nintendo's video game series that codified the Action Adventure genre and began in 1986 on the NES. The Legend of Zelda franchise is, in essence, a mythos in the classical sense of the word: An evil wizard/warlock/thief/monster named Ganon (or Ganondorf, but not Gannon) has cast a great evil over the land of Hyrule, and a young boy in a sort of green Peter Pan / Robin Hood costume must save Hyrule by recovering powerful artifacts that rest in places tainted by Ganon. Princess Zelda is his resourceful and sometimes secretive love interest. He either must rescue her or is guided by her, if not both at once. The story is repeated in many of the games, showing many eras, generations and Alternate Timelines for the land of Hyrule, and as many young boys named Link who find themselves forced to
  • The Legend of Zelda (THE HYRULE FANTASY ゼルダの伝説) est un jeu vidéo d'action-aventure édité et développé par Nintendo, sorti sur Famicon le 21 février 1986 au Japon, sur NES le 22 août 1987 aux États-Unis et le 27 novembre 1987 en Europe puis sur la console virtuelle le 19 novembre 2006 aux États-Unis, le 2 décembre 2006 au Japon, le 7 décembre 2006 en Australie et le 8 décembre 2006 en Europe.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist der erste Spiel der Zelda-Reihe. Das Spiel kam 1986 in Japan auf dem Markt und im Jahr 1987 erschien das Spiel auf den anderen Kontinenten. Es verkaufte sich rund 6,5 Millionen mal. Im Jahre 2004 erschien eine Remakeversion für den Gameboy Advance. Shigeru Miyamoto entwicktelte dieses Spiel und es wurde von Nintendo herausgegeben. Innerhalb des Spiels wird der Spieler in Hyrule anfangen. Der grüngekleidete Junge, namens Link muss sich auf die Suche der zersplitterten Triforcefragmenten begeben. Anschließend muss er die Prinzessin Zelda aus der Gefangenschaft von Ganon befreien.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a video game designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and developed and published by Nintendo. This game is the the first game in The Legend of Zelda series released, and the 8th game chronologically when going. Set in the land of Hyrule, the plot centers on a boy named Link, the playable protagonist, who aims to rescue Princess Zelda from the primary antagonist, Ganon, by collecting the eight fragments of the Triforce, a powerful artifact.
  • Link starts off the game jacking off, going into some cave where he is given a sword by some Old Man, and is presumably raped (this is why you don't accept gifts from strangers.) Tempted by the shittyness of the sword, and aided by the fact that he didn't take his pills, he goes on a retarded rampage, ass-raping every living thing in sight.
  • The Legend Of Zelda is a 2009 Fantasy Action film written and directed by Sam Balcomb starring J.R. Killigrew, Camille C. Brown, Anna Kendrick, Gregory Lee Kenyon, Camden Toy, Raiya Corsiglia, Ken Lyle and Carolyn Palmer. The film is based on the phenomenally successful 1998 Nintendo 64 video-game from Shigeru Miyamato The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the fifth instalment in the video game series. The film features incorporated elements of other Legend Of Zelda video-game instalment Twilight Princess. The film was released on DVD and Blu-Ray format on November 17th, 2009.
  • The series centers on Link, the playable character and chief protagonist. Link is often given the task of rescuing Princess Zelda and the kingdom of Hyrule from Ganon, who is the principal antagonist of the series; however, other settings and antagonists have appeared in several titles. The games' plots commonly involve a relic known as the Triforce, a set of three omnipotent golden triangles. The protagonist in each game is usually not the same incarnation of Link, but a few exceptions exist.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist eine Reihe von selbstentwickelten Videospielen des japanischen Hard- und Softwareproduzenten Nintendo und erschien auf so gut wie allen Plattformen der Firma, vom Game Boy über das Super Nintendo bis zur Wii. Als Schöpfer der Reihe gilt Shigeru Miyamoto, der geistige Kopf hinter einer Vielzahl an Videospielmarken wie Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Star Fox oder Pikmin. In Europa erschien das erste Zelda 1987 für die erste Nintendo-Konsole. Seither hat sich die Reihe insgesamt mehr als 50 Millionen mal verkauft und zählt damit zu den größten Franchises von Nintendo. Der populärste Titel der Reihe, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, aus dem Jahr 1998 für die Konsole Nintendo 64, wurde über 7 Millionen mal verkauft und zählt heute noch zu den bestbewerteten Videospielen
nombre solicitado
  • es.zelda
  • es.thelegend-of-zelda-fanon
  • es.thezelda
  • es.zeldafanon
  • es.zeldapedia
  • zelda.respuestas
  • 1987-08-22
  • A
  • Das Cover von The Legend of Zelda
  • Kybi
  • 1987-11-15
  • 1986-02-21
  • 2006-12-09
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Nintendo Gamecube
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Virtual Console
  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Family Computer Disk System
  • Family Computer Disk System/NES, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Virtual Console
  • Aktiv
  • None
  • Game
  • ESRB: E
  • Capcom
  • 1994-02-19
Spalte 1 Titel
  • Entwickler
  • The Legend of Zelda
Spalte 3 Titel
  • Herausgekommen
Spalte 1 Info
  • Nintendo Research & Development 4
Spalte 2 Titel
  • Herausgeber
Spalte 3 Info
  • FDS: 21.2.1986 NES: 22.8.1987 15.11.1987 19.2.1994 Game Boy Advance: 14.2.2004 2.6.2004 9.7.2004
Spalte 2 Info
  • Nintendo
  • 2011-09-01
  • Ninteno R&D4
  • 2006-12-08
  • 2011-09-01
  • 2011-09-01
  • 15
  • Zelda Wiki
  • 2011-09-01
  • 2006-12-02
  • 2006-11-19
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • NES, Gamecube, Wii , Game Boy Advance
  • 2006-12-08
  • ESRB: Everyone
  • Zeldapedia/de
Spalte 9 Titel
  • Nachfolger laut offizieller Zeitlinie
Spalte 8 Info
Spalte 9 Info
Spalte 8 Titel
  • Vorgänger laut offizieller Zeitlinie
  • 7
  • a
  • Zelda Respuestas es un proyecto de Fandom con el propósito de responder preguntas acerca de la serie de videojuegos The Legend of Zelda.
  • The Legend of Zelda Fanon Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom en el que puedes crear todas las historias mágicas, creadas e imaginadas por vos, sobre la saga de Zelda.
  • The Legend of Zelda Fanon Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom creado para todos los fans de Zelda apasionados por escribir sus propias aventuras, personajes, entre otros.
  • Enciclopedia en español formada por aportaciones manuales, cuyo propósito principal es la recopilación de información de todo lo relacionado con Zelda "La leyenda de Zelda", personajes, hadas, objetos, jefes, etc.
  • Hyrule Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom para los fans del anime, manga y juegos de The Legend of Zelda.
  • The Legend of Zelda Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom con información de esta grandiosa saga de videojuegos, guías, música y mucho más.
  • 10
  • 11
  • 18
  • 22
  • 26
  • 28
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Virtual Console
  • NES
  • Famicom Disk System
  • A
  • G
  • Aqui estoy
  • Carlos.nintendo
  • Linik Rinku
  • Lobo274
  • Maximilahn
  • Wikinformer
  • E
  • Abandonada
  • Activa
  • Single player
  • 1986-02-21
  • 1987-07-29
  • 1987-11-27
  • --08-31
  • --11-14
  • --11-19
  • --12-22
  • --02-21
  • --08-22
  • Famicom Disk System
  • x
  • Game Boy Advance version
  • Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda
  • Yes
  • The Legend of Zelda Wiki
  • Hyrule Wiki
  • The Legend of Zelda Fanon Wiki
  • Zelda Respuestas
  • Zeldapedia
  • 1
  • 250
  • File:zelda nes.jpg
  • Shigeru Miyamoto
  • Takashi Tezuka
  • Kōji Kondō
  • 3
  • 22
  • 31
wikipage disambiguates
  • Zeldapedia
  • de.zelda
  • zeldawiki
Spalte 4 Info
  • Action-Adventure
Spalte 7 Titel
  • Nachfolger
Spalte 4 Titel
  • Genre
Spalte 6 Info
  • Family Computer Disk System, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Advance
Spalte 7 Info
Spalte 6 Titel
  • Konsolen
Spalte 5 Titel
  • Spieleranzahl
  • 2009-03-31
Spalte 5 Info
  • 1
sortie usa
  • --11-27
  • Boutons et stylet
sortie euro
  • --07-29
Sortie jap
  • --02-19
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=The Legend of Zelda/preload editintro=The Legend of Zelda/editintro width=25 The Legend of Zelda is a video game series created by Nintendo.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a long-running series of puzzle-adventure games developed and published by Nintendo. Many reviews of Golden Sun games compare the puzzle-filled dungeons to those of Zelda fame, and the series' elven main character Link, along with other Zelda characters, are main playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Camelot Software Planning, in their evident drawing of influence from this series, apparently made a specific nod to the series during development of Golden Sun: The Lost Age: hidden within the code of the game cart is an unused NPC sprite sheet that appears to be Link.
  • The Legend of Zelda was one of the most popular games in the history of the NES, so no one was surprised when it earned a 2 seed in the Game Contest of 2004. LoZ posted a number of dominating wins on its side of the division, including a very impressive drubbing of Tetris, but came up a little short in the division finals against an even bigger 8-bit icon, Super Mario Bros. 3. Some contend that Zelda 1's final ranking in the X-Stats being so "meh" is only because it was icon-SFFed by Mario 3, and that against nearly any other opponent the game would rank right up there with A Link to the Past. We'll find out in the next Game Contest.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist ein Videospiel von Nintendo Research & Develpoment 4 und wurde am 21.2.1986 erstmals herausgegeben. Es ist das erste Spiel der Reihe und sein Nachfolger ist Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Das Spiel wurde über 6,51 Millionen-mal verkauft. Im Spiel geht es darum, dass man die 8 Teile des Triforces der Weisheit sammelt und Prinzessin Zelda vor Gannon rettet.
  • The Legend of Zelda - Seria gier na konsole. Jest to mieszanka gry akcji, przygodowej, fabularnej, logicznej. Pierwsza gra z tej serii powstała w roku 1986. ącznie sprzedano 47 milionów egzemplarzy gier (stan na wrzesień 2005). thumb|250px|The Legend of Zelda - strona startowa Głównym bohaterem jest Link - bohaterski rycerz, ratujący Księżniczkę w magicznej krainie Hyrule. Kategoria:Gry
  • The Legend of Zelda is an upcoming PivotMasterDX production. Nothing is known about it, except that it’s a remake of one of PMDX’s old videos.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a video game designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and developed and published by Nintendo. This game is the the first game in The Legend of Zelda series released, and the 8th game chronologically when going. Set in the land of Hyrule, the plot centers on a boy named Link, the playable protagonist, who aims to rescue Princess Zelda from the primary antagonist, Ganon, by collecting the eight fragments of the Triforce, a powerful artifact. As the inaugural game of The Legend of Zelda series, it was first released in Japan as a launch title for the Famicom's Disk System peripheral on February 21, 1986, a year and five months before it was released in North America. Because the Famicom Disk System was not released outside Japan, the game was published internationally on the Nintendo Entertainment System's cartridge format in 1987, with an internal battery to facilitate data saving.
  • The Legend of Zelda (ゼルダの伝説, The Legend of Zelda) is the first game in The Legend of Zelda series, designed by Shigeru Miyamoto and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was released in 1986 in Japan, and later released in NTSC regions in 1987. It appears as a Masterpiece in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. In Brawl, it can be played for 120 seconds. In Smash Wii U, it can be played for 240 seconds.
  • The Legend of Zelda es una serie de videojuegos de acción-aventura creada por los diseñadores japoneses Shigeru Miyamoto y Takashi Tezuka, y desarrollada por Nintendo.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a high fantasy action-adventure video game series created by game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and developed and published by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda series has sold over 75 million copies worldwide since the release of the first game, The Legend of Zelda, making it one of the best selling franchises.
  • The Legend Of Zelda is a 2009 Fantasy Action film written and directed by Sam Balcomb starring J.R. Killigrew, Camille C. Brown, Anna Kendrick, Gregory Lee Kenyon, Camden Toy, Raiya Corsiglia, Ken Lyle and Carolyn Palmer. The film is based on the phenomenally successful 1998 Nintendo 64 video-game from Shigeru Miyamato The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the fifth instalment in the video game series. The film features incorporated elements of other Legend Of Zelda video-game instalment Twilight Princess. The film was shot throughout the year of 2008 and released on April 11th. 2009 theatrically to phenomenal commercial and critical success. The film was released on DVD and Blu-Ray format on November 17th, 2009. As of January 16th, 2013 the film was made available on Ultraviolet format.
  • [[Datei:Link Cameo GS2.png|thumb|200px|Links Cameo-Auftritt in Golden Sun: Die vergessene Epoche.]] thumb|200px|right
  • The Legend of Zelda est un jeu de style action/aventure développé par Nintendo. Il s'agit du premier opus de la saga The Legend of Zelda sorti pour la première fois sur la NES. Dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo, suite à la mise à jour de novembre 2016, il est possible d'inviter des personnages de ce dernier jeu grâce à un amiibo, Epona, la jument de Link, Link loup, le personnage à incarner dans Twilight Princess, Ganon, un antagoniste de la série The Legend of Zelda et Médolie, un personnage de The Wind Waker. Ils apparaîtront ensuite dans un camping-car à la caravanerie et il est possible de les faire emménager dans le village du joueur en leur demandant.
  • The Legend Of Zelda is not by System of a Down!!!
  • The Legend of Zelda — em japonês, Zelda no Densetsu — é uma série de jogos para videogame criada por Shigeru Miyamoto para a Nintendo. O principal enredo da série (dentre outros) é a missão de Link para resgatar a Princesa Zelda do vilão Ganondorf. O nome da série é uma menção ao nome da princesa, já que a história dos primeiros jogos concentrou-se nela. z
  • Nintendo's video game series that codified the Action Adventure genre and began in 1986 on the NES. The Legend of Zelda franchise is, in essence, a mythos in the classical sense of the word: An evil wizard/warlock/thief/monster named Ganon (or Ganondorf, but not Gannon) has cast a great evil over the land of Hyrule, and a young boy in a sort of green Peter Pan / Robin Hood costume must save Hyrule by recovering powerful artifacts that rest in places tainted by Ganon. Princess Zelda is his resourceful and sometimes secretive love interest. He either must rescue her or is guided by her, if not both at once. The story is repeated in many of the games, showing many eras, generations and Alternate Timelines for the land of Hyrule, and as many young boys named Link who find themselves forced to become heroes. An official timeline can be found here; how long it will remain canonical, and whether it will ever be acknowledged within the games, remains to be seen.Games in the Legend of Zelda canon include: * The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1986) * Zelda II the Adventure of Link (NES, 1987) * The Legend of Zelda a Link To T He Past (SNES, 1991; ported for Game Boy Advance, 2002) * The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening (Game Boy, 1993; Updated Rerelease for Game Boy Color, 1998) * The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64, 1998; updated as a Preorder Bonus for GameCube, 2002; remade for Nintendo 3DS, 2011) * The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask (Nintendo 64, 2000) * The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Game Boy Color, 2001) * The Legend of Zelda Four Swords (the multiplayer mode for the Link to the Past remake; Game Boy Advance, 2002; remade for DSiWare, 2011) * The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker (GameCube, 2002) * The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures (GameCube, 2004) * The Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap (Game Boy Advance, 2004) * The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (GameCube and Wii, 2006) * The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS, 2007) * The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks (Nintendo DS, 2009) * The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011) Around the time Link to the Past was released, three more games came out which... haven't made the canon: Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure, the latter two of which are the only games in the franchise in which you play as Zelda throughout the game. In addition to the main canon, there are also the three Satellaview games released only in Japan for the Satellaview add-on for the Super Famicom: BS Zelda no Densetsu (BS Legend of Zelda) and BS Zelda no Densetsu Inishie no Sekiban (BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets. BS Stands for Broadcast Satellaview) The former is a remake of the original Legend of Zelda with SNES graphics but the Satellaview mascots (a boy in a baseball cap or a girl with red hair in a ponytail) are playable instead of Link. The latter uses the same characters but is based graphically on Link to the Past. The character chosen appears in Hyrule and defends it while Link is away (during the events of Link's Awakening). The third is a full, normal, downloadable version of A Link to the Past. The three Satellaview games were "broadcasted" during a one hour window on a weekly schedule and were designed to self-destruct after that hour was over (with the exception of the Alttp one). Because of this, you can no longer play them on the actual hardware and they can only be played on an emulator.Non-canonical licensed media include: * Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure for the Philips CD-i * The Legend Of Zelda cartoon * The Legend Of Zelda comic book published by Valiant * The Legend of Zelda manga See also the series' character sheet.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist eine Reihe von selbstentwickelten Videospielen des japanischen Hard- und Softwareproduzenten Nintendo und erschien auf so gut wie allen Plattformen der Firma, vom Game Boy über das Super Nintendo bis zur Wii. Als Schöpfer der Reihe gilt Shigeru Miyamoto, der geistige Kopf hinter einer Vielzahl an Videospielmarken wie Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Star Fox oder Pikmin. In Europa erschien das erste Zelda 1987 für die erste Nintendo-Konsole. Seither hat sich die Reihe insgesamt mehr als 50 Millionen mal verkauft und zählt damit zu den größten Franchises von Nintendo. Der populärste Titel der Reihe, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, aus dem Jahr 1998 für die Konsole Nintendo 64, wurde über 7 Millionen mal verkauft und zählt heute noch zu den bestbewerteten Videospielen überhaupt. Die Zeldapedia ist entsprechend ein Wiki zu der Zelda-Reihe und eine Datenbank für alles rund um die Spiele sowie darüber hinaus die im Laufe der Zeit entstandenen Comics und die Zeichentrickserie. In der Zeldapedia können Fans und Kenner alles, was man über TLoZ nur wissen kann, für Fans und Interessierte zusammentragen und aufbereiten. Egal, ob es sich dabei um konkrete Spielelemente, an der Entwicklung beteiligte Personen oder Figuren/Charaktere aus den einzelnen Spielen handelt, in der Zeldapedia ist für alles ein Artikel vorgesehen. Zeldapedia startete am 9. Dezember 2006 auf Kategorie:Computerspiele (Action) Kategorie:Aktiv (+500 Artikel)
  • The Legend of Zelda ist ein Spiel für das Nintendo Entertainment System, welches erstmals am 21. Februar, 1986. In Deutschland erschien das Spiel ein Jahr später am 27. November, 1987. Später wurde Das Zelda-Spiel für die Wii wiederveröffentlicht und wird in der Virtual Console angeboten. 2003 wurde das Spiel mit eine Spielesammlung für die GameCube wiederveröffentlicht und 2007 nochmals für den Game Boy Advance (NES Classics). Klassiviziert ist es laut ESRB nach Everyone. Als das Spiel damals rauskam dominierte es gerade zu den aktuellen Viedeospielmarkt und heimste einen großen Erfolg ein.
  • The series centers on Link, the playable character and chief protagonist. Link is often given the task of rescuing Princess Zelda and the kingdom of Hyrule from Ganon, who is the principal antagonist of the series; however, other settings and antagonists have appeared in several titles. The games' plots commonly involve a relic known as the Triforce, a set of three omnipotent golden triangles. The protagonist in each game is usually not the same incarnation of Link, but a few exceptions exist. Since the original The Legend of Zelda was released in 1986, the series has expanded to include 18 entries on all of Nintendo's major game consoles, as well as a number of spin-offs. An American animated TV series based on the games aired in 1989 and individual manga adaptations commissioned by Nintendo have been produced in Japan since 1997. As of 2011, the series has sold over 67 million copies. In the MYCUN franchise, The Wind Waker version of Link appears as one of the members of the MYCUN team.
  • Link starts off the game jacking off, going into some cave where he is given a sword by some Old Man, and is presumably raped (this is why you don't accept gifts from strangers.) Tempted by the shittyness of the sword, and aided by the fact that he didn't take his pills, he goes on a retarded rampage, ass-raping every living thing in sight. During the course of the game, Link locates eight mansions and slaughters the household's servants (with an assortment of bombs, ponies, arrows, and penis shaped swords) and eventually the owner of the household. He eats their hearts in a Satanic ritual to make himself stronger and then steals the poor dead monsters's triangle, after robbing their house of valuables of course. Along the way, he steals a variety of stuff from other people that helps him to go on his killing spree. He eventually finds his way into the pleasant household of Ganon, rapes his well paid servants, and proceeds to kill Ganon. Ganon's wife, the shemale Zelda, is forced to watch this happen. If this weren't enough, Link eventually has his way with him/her over a pool table. The end.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a popular and consistently acclaimed video game series made by Nintendo. It is the day before the annual Wing Ceremony in Skyloft, a contest promising a higher rank in the local Knight Academy, and a part in the festival, and a young man named Link has a dream about a gigantic dark monster and mysterious spirit. At it's climax, he is awakened by a huge bird called a Loftwing, giving him a letter telling him to meet up with Zelda, his childhood friend and love interest. It is there that he discovers that his rare Crimson Loftwing was taken by local bully Groose and his minions, in an attempt to sabotage Link's chances of winning in this year's festival, and possibly getting with Zelda. In spite of this, Link retrieves his Loftwing, and soundly beats Groose in the fesitval, later joining Zelda in flying around Skyloft. However, as they are flying, a mysterious black tornado suddenly appears and plucks Zelda off of her Loftwing, causing her to fall below the cloud barrier to the surface world. Link receives another vision from the mysterious spirit in his dreams. He comes to and tries to rescue Zelda, but is knocked out by the tornado himself in the process. Link comes to later, and yet again hears voices from the spirit, which is physically manifesting itself at this point as a being named Fi. Fi leads Link to the legendary Goddess Sword, which Link then wields in hope of possibly saving Zelda, and he descends to the surface world, eventually making his way to The Sealed Temple, where he meets an old sage. The sage gives Link hints as to where Zelda is, leading Link to eventually confront Ghirahim, the demon who took Zelda in the first place. After several confrontations with Ghirahim, Link finally finds Zelda at the Temple of Time, but was seperated again because of Ghirahim going on a rampage, forcing Zelda and her guardian Impa to retreat into the Gate of Time. As Ghirhim tries to pursue them, Impa destroys the Gate of Time, blocking him, and once again, Link is seperated from Zelda. Fi instructs Link to seek out the three Sacred Flames to make his sword more powerful, so that he can open the Gate of Time again. After infusing his Goddess Sword with these flames, it becomes the Master Sword, a weapon made specifically to destroy evil beings, and with this blade in hand, Link finds the second Gate of Time, and in turn Zelda. Zelda reveals herself to be the Goddess Hylia in human form, and she is sealed in crystal, leaving Link with the final mission of stomping out Demise, Ghirahim's master, who also turns out to be the monster that Link sees in his dreams. Shortly after, the dormant power in the Master Sword is awakened, and Link sets out on his final mission. After gaining the nesecary elements needed to fight Demise, the Triforces of Power, Wisdom, and Courage, there is one last showdown between Link and Ghirahim, who had just taken Zelda's soul so he could revive Demise, Link wins handily, but not before the ceremony can be completed. The monster of Link's dreams realizes it's true form as the spirit of death and destruction Demise, who challenges Link to a duel, with his life, the Triforce, and the entire world on the line. Link wins a hard fought battle, but in Demise's dying breath, he curses Link and Zelda's descendants to an eternity of battling his spirit. After this, Link and Zelda bring the Skyloft citizens to the surface world, and the kingdom of Hyrule is established. Now this is just how the Legend of Zelda starts, there are an buttload of games after that, that expand upon the lore. The protagonist of the series is always Link, a young man who is destined in most of the games, to save Hyrule from the clutches of the evil thief Ganondorf or his alter-ego, the dark beast Ganon while always saving Princess Zelda, also while meeting a huge cast of enemies and friends alike in his quest.
  • For the NES. * Open some locked doors without keys
  • The Legend of Zelda (ゼルダの伝説 Zeruda no Densetsu) is a Nintendo Entertainment System video game. It was first released in Japan as a Famicom Disk System game in February of 1986. The next year it would release in both North America and Europe. It is generally regarded as one of the most important video games of all time. The game was created by industry veterans Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. The Legend of Zelda was ranked as the number one video game of all time in the 200th issue of Game Informer. Super Mario Bros. was ranked number two.
  • The mini generated when a canon character's name is misspelled in badfic is a mini-gohma.
  • The Legend of Zelda ist der erste Spiel der Zelda-Reihe. Das Spiel kam 1986 in Japan auf dem Markt und im Jahr 1987 erschien das Spiel auf den anderen Kontinenten. Es verkaufte sich rund 6,5 Millionen mal. Im Jahre 2004 erschien eine Remakeversion für den Gameboy Advance. Shigeru Miyamoto entwicktelte dieses Spiel und es wurde von Nintendo herausgegeben. Innerhalb des Spiels wird der Spieler in Hyrule anfangen. Der grüngekleidete Junge, namens Link muss sich auf die Suche der zersplitterten Triforcefragmenten begeben. Anschließend muss er die Prinzessin Zelda aus der Gefangenschaft von Ganon befreien. Erstmals wurde das Spiel in Japan herausgegeben für das Famicon Disk System. Ein Jahr später wurde The Legend of Zelda in Europa und in Nordamerika herausgegeben für das Nintendo Entertainment System. Die Famicon Disk System-Konsole existierte im Jahr 1986 und 1987 nicht außerhalb von Japan, sondern nur dort. Deshalb entwickelte Nintendo in denJahren 1986 und 1987 The Legend of Zelda-Spielmodule für die Nintendo Entertainment System-Konsolen.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a series of games made by Nintendo, featuring the main character Link.
  • The player controls Link the silent protagonist, as he heads on a journey to rescue the beautiful Princess Zelda from the Evil Dark Lord Gannon, and find the pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda broke into eight pieces so Gannon couldn't find it. According to the game's backstory after Zelda was kidnapped, her old assistant Impa went out to look for a hero to save her, she was attacked by Gannon's minions but Link appeared and deafeted them. After which she asked him to save her. After finding the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom, Link is then able to infultrate Gannon's lair on Death Mountain. The two battle and Link is triumphant, and rescues Zelda, however, now he must go on a second quest to recover the Triforce of Power, which was also taken by Gannon.
  • The Legend of Zelda is a book about Lady Ermine de la Aefranzwadelatholachickennuggetsandwichonastick Zelda. It is a journal documenting her delusions of living in a pinapple under the sea, instead of her own mansion, during the French Revolution. It was published in 1801, after she was guillotined for her wearing square pants and a bowtie. Copies of this historical document are now very, very hard to find, as most of these books have vanished in the sands of time.
  • The Legend of Zelda (THE HYRULE FANTASY ゼルダの伝説) est un jeu vidéo d'action-aventure édité et développé par Nintendo, sorti sur Famicon le 21 février 1986 au Japon, sur NES le 22 août 1987 aux États-Unis et le 27 novembre 1987 en Europe puis sur la console virtuelle le 19 novembre 2006 aux États-Unis, le 2 décembre 2006 au Japon, le 7 décembre 2006 en Australie et le 8 décembre 2006 en Europe. C'est le premier opus de la saga éponyme créé par Shigeru Miyamoto. Sur NES, le jeu s'est vendu à 6,5 millions d'exemplaires, il se place donc, en termes de ventes, second de la série, derrière Ocarina of Time.
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is Vorgänger of
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is Home Continuum of
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is First appearence of
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is Spiel(e) of
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is Erste Erscheinung of