  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • The Yuuzhan Vongs are one of the ten factions of Star Wars Miniatures, and it is the smallest of them all. It represents the Yuuzhan Vong invaders of the New Jedi Order book series, and any other works within that time frame. It is a Dark Side faction, and it can be played in the New Jedi Order era.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong is an extragalactic species of the Star Wars Universe. At the end of the Yuuzhan Vong wars (29ABY), they were relocated on the planet Zonama Sekot. Some of them helped for the Ossus Project at the legacy era. The Yuuzhan Vong used biotechnology and hated, since generations, mechanical devices. They were also cut from the force.
  • Yuuzhan Vong (Yuuzhan Vong) to rasa pochodząca z innej galaktyki. Specyfiką tego gatunku jest genetyczna biotechnologia, dzięki której Yuuzhanie tworzą samodzielne planetarne ekosystemy. Spoleczeństwo jest podzielone na kasty: kapłani, mistrzowie przemian, wojownicy, intendenci, robotnicy, zhańbieni.
  • [Source] Les Yuuzhan Vongs sont des êtres d'une espèce venue d'une autre galaxie qui envahissent la galaxie en 25 ap.BY. Ils envahissent d'abord la Bordure Extérieure avec la base scientifique de Belkadan puis Helska IV, Dubrillion, Sernpidal et Dantooine puis Ithor.
  • [[Archivo:Netter_jamaane.jpg|thumb|Netter Jamaane, Sumo Señor de los Yuuzhan Vong]]Los Yuuzhan Vong son una facción que aparece en Habbo-Wars por primera vez a manos de David565 y Sir.Sileth. Posteriormente Netter Jamaane (leyendacloud) toma el relevo de la facción y hasta ahora es el último Sumo Señor legítimo
  • There are only a few Yuuzhan Vong Characters still active, though they are growing. * Kyle Diath/Serrum Yem * Wanderer/Vua Pwyll * Ru Kwaad * Sinn Karrar * Dianly * Vrakar Kraal
  • A Yuuzhan Vongok egy félelmetes külsejű faj volt. A hagyaték korában megtámadták az Új jedi rendet és majdnem el is pusztították azt.thumb|Yuuzhan Vong harcos. A Vongokon csak néhány erőtámadás hatott. A Vongok segitői közül a legaktívabbak a Chazrachok voltak. A Vongok rendkívül vallásosak voltak és nem hittek semmiben aminek köze volt az akkori mechanikus technológiához csak annak lerombolásában. Még a házukban sem volt semmilyen gép. A harcban főleg botokat használtak amiket valamilyen módon erősebbé tettek(pl.: tüskék és lándzsa hegyek). De néha ostort is használtak.thumb|A Yuzzhan Vong jelkép.thumb|144px|Ostoros Yuzzhang Vong.
  • Gli Yuuzhan Vong e i loro schiavi, sono due delle poche specie aliene a provenire da una galassia esterna a quella di Guerre stellari. Il loro pianeta di origine, Yuuzhan'tar, è andato distrutto in una guerra civile, come la quasi totalità della loro galassia. Sono una specie di fanatici religiosi che credono nel dolore come mezzo di avvicinamento ai loro dèi, che secondo la loro religione hanno creato l'universo mutilandosi e sacrificando parti di se stessi. Tutta la loro tecnologia è basata su ingegneria genetica e biotecnologia, in quanto ritengono la tecnologia meccanica una blasfemia. La loro società è divisa in caste rigidamente separate. Gli Yuuzhan Vong hanno la particolarità di non avvertire la Forza e di non poter essere individuati attraverso di essa, a differenza di tutte le al
  • The Yuuzhan Vong (ooh-ZAHN vawng) are a race of humanoid sentient beings from the Star Wars universe. They are notable for causing more destruction and chaos than any other antagonist in the Expanded Universe aside from the Empire and the Sith, and for definitely taking the Most Destructive Species crown. And when you consider exactly how much stuff gets destroyed on a regular basis in the EU, that is not a title to be taken lightly.
  • Yuuzhan Vongerne, også kaldt "Yun-Yuuzhan's Børn", "Den Udvalgte Race" eller kendt til Chisserne og Ferroanerne som de Fjerne Outsiders var en følsom art som næsten ødelagde hele Den Nye Republik, og var ansvarlige for dræbet af næsten 365 trillion følsomme væsener i løbet af deres invasion på galaksen. Yuuzhan Vongerne kunne ikke blive følt igennem Kraften. Dette forvirrede Jedierne der først mødte Yuuzhan Vongerne.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong, also known as the Viet Cong, Dong Vong, Ding Dong, or the Yuuzhanongvongdongatungvonga, were something to get people to read Star Wars books were offensive cultural religious stereotypes aliens whose spaceships were made of seafood. (No, we're not making this up.) They looked like Doctor Who rejects strange goblin zombie things, people who survived a nuclear explosion (note: Dubya is doing the narrating), or maybe the Tin Scarecrow from Oz, or one of those craps you take some morning and is kinda most but its still hard to squeeze out. AND THEY KILLED CHEWBACCA!!! THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......... Well, at least they got Coruscant. Now we don't have to cover up the Reowort Tower project that we worked on there (yeah, right) the past two years. That building was boun
  • Yuuzhan Vongové jsou dvounozí humanoidní vetřelci, jejichž původ leží kdesi za hranicemi známé galaxie. V mnoha ohledech připomínají lidi, většinou jsou však vyšší, těžší a na hlavách jim roste méně vlasů. Jejich obličeje vypadají jako hroudy pulsujícího masa, z nichž vyhlížejí kruté oči, pod nimiž jsou modravé váčky. Mají ustupující čelo, které jim propůjčuje barbarský vzhled. Tento dojem je umocněn rituálním tetováním a záměrným zjizvením tváří, kterým se zdobí příslušníci nižších tříd. Výše postavení Yuuzhan Vongové se vyznačují ještě směšnějšími thumb|left|180px a podivnějšími formami znetvoření a změnami tvaru svého těla. Tento typ zmrzačení je odrazem ritualizovaného pojetí víry, kterému se podřizuje každý Yuuzhan Vong. Účelem tohoto snažení je povznesení sebe sama: Yuuzhan Vongové t
  • thumb|200px|En Yuuzhan Vong-kriger. Yuuzhan Vong er en intelligent rase fra en ukjent galakse, og er en av de få kjente rasene i universet som ikke er kraftsensitive. 25 år etter Slaget ved Yavin invaderte de Galaksen. Dette førte til død for nesten 365 billioner levende vesner, inkludert Chewbacca, Han Solos sønn Anakin Solo, Borsk Fey'lya og alt levende på planeten Ithor. Vong er høye, og har et veldig frastøtende utseende. Arr og tatoveriger markerer forskjellige ranker. Et annet kjennetegn er alle misformasjonene de har i huden. Teknologien deres består av bio-teknologi, romskipene deres er levende vesner.
  • "They were brutal, merciless, and unstoppable. They killed for the pleasure of it and seemed fulfilled by it." ―Garqi refugee The Yuuzhan Vong functioned in a caste system. They ranged from the powerful Supreme Overlord to the usually shammed Worker caste.Not much is known of their economic system, but it appeared to be a command economy. The political system of the Yuuzhan Vong is a theocracy with the Supreme Overlord deriving his authority directly from his status as the voice Yun-Yuuzhan. Main article: Supreme Overlord
  • Mutilándose ellos mismos en servicio a sus dioses, ofrecen y abrazan su dolor. Su creencia es que la única constante en la vida es la muerte... "Dolor y Muerte" es lo que su sociedad desarrolla. Los yuuzhan vong rechazan completamente la tecnología. En cambio, usan brutales monstruosidades orgánicas, cuyo principal papel es adjudicar mundos hacia ellos.
  • Homeworld: Unknown Description: The Yuuzhan Vong are a fictional race of sentient beings that rise as a threat to the New Republic in the Star Wars New Jedi Order series of novels. They are the only known alien species in the Star Wars universe to have originated outside the Star Wars galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong are a race of religious zealot masochists. They genetically engineer and grow all of their organic technology and view mechanical technology as blasphemy. They endeavor to improve their physical capabilities through organ grafting. Notably, the Yuuzhan Vong are not included in the Force, something the Jedi have found very mysterious, since all living things are supposed to have, in some way or another, a Force energy signature from other species.
  • Origin No information Homeworld No information Abilities No information Members No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Hostile Species No information The Yuuzhan Vong are an alien race from the non-canon "Legends" timeline of the Star Wars franchise. Their most prominent role is in the New Jedi Order series of novels, of which they are the main antagonists. However, they also make minor appearances in later novels and the Legacy comic book series.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong and their Chazrach slaves were among the few alien species known to originate outside the galaxy (the only known others being the Silentium and the Abominor). A typical Yuuzhan Vong resembled a Human in form, though they were taller and heavier than the average Human and had less hair on their heads. The Yuuzhan Vong were religious zealots, who viewed mechanical technology as blasphemy. Their technological innovations were genetically engineered and purely organic. Additionally, the Yuuzhan Vong deeply respected pain to the point of masochism, and strove to improve their physical capabilities through organ grafting. Such grafting was a status symbol within Yuuzhan Vong society.
  • Южан-вонг
  • Южан-вонг
  • Южан-вонг
  • Южан-вонг
  • Южан-вонг
rodná planeta
  • *Nom Anor *Nei Rin *Tsavong Lah *Mezhan Kwaad *Shimmra Jamaane *Quoreal *Nen Yim *Nas Choka
  • Noir
  • Bipédie
  • 120.0
  • černé
  • Inteligentes
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Une paire
  • 240
  • Yuuzhan-vong2.jpg
type of hostile species
  • Fanatics, Sadomasochists, Genocidal Villains
  • 180
  • Violet pale à jaune pale
  • Destroy any presence of machines and technology
  • Invade and conquer the galaxy for the Yuuzhan Vong race
  • Obey the orders and wills of their gods and dieties
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Star Wars Legends: New Jedi Order
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • *Grayish violet *Yellowish
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Biological weapons
  • Biological starships
  • Biot technology
  • Immunity from the force
znani przedstawiciele
  • Tsavong LahNom AnorShimrra JamaaneShedao ShaiMezhan Kwaad
  • rasa inteligentna
  • Nom Anor
  • Tsavong Lah
  • Nen Yim
  • Shimrra Jamaane
  • Nei Rin
  • Shedao Shai
  • Mezhan Kwaad
  • Nas Choka
  • Querela
  • Viull Gorsat
  • Zeno Quah
  • *Nom Anor *Nei Rin *Tsavong Lah *Mezhan Kwaad *Shimrra Jamaane *Quoreal *Nen Yim *Nas Choka *Shedao Shai *Zenoc Quah *Viull Gorsat
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vongowie
  • Yuuzhan Vongowie
  • Yuuzhan Vongowie
  • Yuuzhan Vongowie
  • Yuuzhan Vongowie
  • Far Outsiders
  • Children of Yun-Yuuzhan
  • The Chosen Race
  • The Vong
  • Vong
  • Conquering planets
  • Waging war
  • Worshipping their gods
  • 1.800000
  • 400
  • Tall
  • *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic *Maul: Lockdown *Rogue Planet *Outbound Flight *Shatterpoint *Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd *Choices of One *Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood *Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost 2 *Vision of the Future *Survivor's Quest *Boba Fett: A Practical Man *The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime *Star Wars: Invasion: Refugees *Star Wars: Invasion: Rescues *Star Wars: Chewbacca * *The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught *Star Wars: Invasion: Revelations *The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin *The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial *The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse * *The New Jedi Order: Balance Point *Star Wars Miniatures: Attack on Endor—Scenario Booklet *The New Jedi Order: Recovery *The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest *The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth *Emissary of the Void *The New Jedi Order: Star by Star *The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey * *The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream *The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand *The New Jedi Order: Traitor *The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way *The New Jedi Order: Ylesia * *The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant *The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee * *The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion *The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy *The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force * *Dark Nest I: The Joiner King *Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen *Dark Nest III: The Swarm War *Legacy of the Force: Betrayal *Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines *Legacy of the Force: Tempest *Legacy of the Force: Exile *Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice *Legacy of the Force: Inferno *Legacy of the Force: Fury *Legacy of the Force: Revelation *Legacy of the Force: Invincible *Crosscurrent *Riptide *Millennium Falcon *Fate of the Jedi: Outcast *Fate of the Jedi: Omen *Fate of the Jedi: Abyss *Fate of the Jedi: Backlash *Fate of the Jedi: Allies *Fate of the Jedi: Vortex *Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse *An Apology *X-Wing: Mercy Kill *Crucible *Legacy 8: Allies *Legacy 1: Broken, Part 1 *Legacy 4: Noob *Legacy 5: Broken, Part 4 *Legacy 9: Trust Issues, Part 1 *Star Wars: Legacy: Ghosts *Star Wars: Legacy: Claws of the Dragon *Legacy 27: Into the Core *Legacy 29: Vector, Part 10 *Legacy 30: Vector, Part 11 *Legacy 37: Tatooine, Part 1 *Legacy 39: Tatooine, Part 3 *Legacy 41: Rogue's End *Legacy 43: Monster, Part 1 *Legacy 44: Monster, Part 2 *Legacy 45: Monster, Part 3 *Legacy—War 1 *Legacy—War 2
  • *Average 76 standard years old *Maximum 2 to 3 times human length
  • Юужань-вонги
  • Юужань-вонги
  • Юужань-вонги
  • Юужань-вонги
  • Юужань-вонги
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • 1.700000
  • *Eye sacks *jet black blood *sloping foreheads *"absence" in the Force *hard skin
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan vongit
  • Yuuzhan vongit
  • Yuuzhan vongit
  • Yuuzhan vongit
  • Yuuzhan vongit
  • 250
  • ユージャン・ヴォング
  • ユージャン・ヴォング
  • ユージャン・ヴォング
  • ユージャン・ヴォング
  • ユージャン・ヴォング
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Zonama Sekot
  • Yuuzhan'tar
  • Black
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Yuuzhan Vong
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
Kolor włosów
  • czarne
  • Yuuzhan Vong
Kolor skóry
  • szaro-fioletoważółtawa
  • šedá-purpurová-modrá-nažloutlá
Planeta pochodzenia
znaki szczególne
  • okaleczenianie istnieją w Mocy
średnia długość życia
  • 76
średnia wysokość
  • 114.0
  • Gli Yuuzhan Vong e i loro schiavi, sono due delle poche specie aliene a provenire da una galassia esterna a quella di Guerre stellari. Il loro pianeta di origine, Yuuzhan'tar, è andato distrutto in una guerra civile, come la quasi totalità della loro galassia. Sono una specie di fanatici religiosi che credono nel dolore come mezzo di avvicinamento ai loro dèi, che secondo la loro religione hanno creato l'universo mutilandosi e sacrificando parti di se stessi. Tutta la loro tecnologia è basata su ingegneria genetica e biotecnologia, in quanto ritengono la tecnologia meccanica una blasfemia. La loro società è divisa in caste rigidamente separate. Gli Yuuzhan Vong hanno la particolarità di non avvertire la Forza e di non poter essere individuati attraverso di essa, a differenza di tutte le altre specie conosciute.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong and their Chazrach slaves were among the few alien species known to originate outside the galaxy (the only known others being the Silentium and the Abominor). A typical Yuuzhan Vong resembled a Human in form, though they were taller and heavier than the average Human and had less hair on their heads. The Yuuzhan Vong were religious zealots, who viewed mechanical technology as blasphemy. Their technological innovations were genetically engineered and purely organic. Additionally, the Yuuzhan Vong deeply respected pain to the point of masochism, and strove to improve their physical capabilities through organ grafting. Such grafting was a status symbol within Yuuzhan Vong society. Perhaps most notably, the Yuuzhan Vong were unable to be sensed through the Force. This confounded the Jedi who first encountered the Yuuzhan Vong. However, they were susceptible to some Force attacks.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong, also known as the Viet Cong, Dong Vong, Ding Dong, or the Yuuzhanongvongdongatungvonga, were something to get people to read Star Wars books were offensive cultural religious stereotypes aliens whose spaceships were made of seafood. (No, we're not making this up.) They looked like Doctor Who rejects strange goblin zombie things, people who survived a nuclear explosion (note: Dubya is doing the narrating), or maybe the Tin Scarecrow from Oz, or one of those craps you take some morning and is kinda most but its still hard to squeeze out. AND THEY KILLED CHEWBACCA!!! THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......... Well, at least they got Coruscant. Now we don't have to cover up the Reowort Tower project that we worked on there (yeah, right) the past two years. That building was bound to fall down anyhow, and my aunt's escapade on the 234th floor was a bit hard to take. They worshiped many Gods including the great Allah Yum-Yum. The Yuuzhan Vong had an obsession with biotechnology, which would be cool if their obsession wasn't so overdone to the point of being utterly ridiculous. You know what they say about overkill. Okay, the amphistaffs were kind of cool, but still, the Yuuzhan Vong managed to make biotechnology stupid by using it for the most mundane of things. Living ships is fine, but living loincloths? Living cups? Living bowls? Apparently such organic materials as wood, clay, and stone were not organic enough and the Yuuzhan Vong preferred to drink from worm anus.
  • Yuuzhan Vongové jsou dvounozí humanoidní vetřelci, jejichž původ leží kdesi za hranicemi známé galaxie. V mnoha ohledech připomínají lidi, většinou jsou však vyšší, těžší a na hlavách jim roste méně vlasů. Jejich obličeje vypadají jako hroudy pulsujícího masa, z nichž vyhlížejí kruté oči, pod nimiž jsou modravé váčky. Mají ustupující čelo, které jim propůjčuje barbarský vzhled. Tento dojem je umocněn rituálním tetováním a záměrným zjizvením tváří, kterým se zdobí příslušníci nižších tříd. Výše postavení Yuuzhan Vongové se vyznačují ještě směšnějšími thumb|left|180px a podivnějšími formami znetvoření a změnami tvaru svého těla. Tento typ zmrzačení je odrazem ritualizovaného pojetí víry, kterému se podřizuje každý Yuuzhan Vong. Účelem tohoto snažení je povznesení sebe sama: Yuuzhan Vongové totiž věří, že přetvářejí tělo k obrazu svých bohů a že se jim tak přibližují. Znetvoření tedy symbolizuje vzestup ve společenském žebříčku. Když každý jednotlivec provádí na svém těle tyto změny, nakonec sebe sama přetvoří. V průběhu tohoto procesu si Yuuzhan Vongové na tělo transplantují končetiny jiných druhů živočichů nebo orgány vzniklé uměle za pomoci tkánového inženýrství. Nikdy se nepokoušejí změnit se tak, aby to trvale omezovalo funkčnost jejich těla, pouze mění jeho tvar nebo své schopnosti dokonce zlepšují. Ti, v jejichž procesů změn došlo k chybám a kteří jsou proto funkčně zmrzačeni, jsou označeni jako Zahanbení a jsou přeřazeni na nejnižší místo v rámci nejspodnější kasty společnosti. Vše, co Yuuzhan Vongové dělají, činí pro větší slávu svých bohů. Proto také pokračují v dobývání a ovládání galaxie, kterou stejně jako svá těla přetvářejí k obrazu svých božstev. Na této své cestě jim stále přinášejí oběti a činí pokání. V jejich mytologii se totiž praví, že když je stvořitel přivedl na svět, obětoval při tom za velkých bolestí různé částí svého těla. To vedlo až k jeho smrti, z niž povstal na vyšší úrovni bytí. Během tohoto procesu údajně vytvořil nižší bohy, kteří pak tím, že k sobě skládali orgány a části těl jiných živočichů, vytvořili Yuuzhan Vongy. Proto je nutné přinášet oběti, jež se považují za posvátné. Tato rasa je národem nelítostných válečníků, kteří se nevzdají žádnému nepříteli za žádných okolností. Obávají se totiž, že by tím zneuctili své bohy. Používají zbraně, nástroje a dokonce i kosmické lodě, které jsou za pomoci tkánového inženýrství vyrobeny z živých tkání. Neživou technologii a stroje považují za zvrácené. Ze všeho nejvíce nenávidí droidy, neboť je považují za napodobeninu života a z toho důvodu za nejodpornější věc na světě. Všichni, kdo nepatří k jejich druhu, jsou pro ně nevěřící. Útok na jejich čest a víru má většinou za následek souboj na život a na smrt. Ten může být také považován za oběť bohům a zemřít v bitvě je jedna z největších poct, kterou může Yuuzhan Vong získat. Z neznámých příčin nedokážou rytíři Jedi vnímat Yuuzhan Vongy s pomocí síly. Když vtrhli do galaxie, postupovali neúprosně od planety k planetě. * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategorie:Inteligentní druhy Kategorie:Yuuzhan Vongové Kategorie:Rasy a poddruhy Kategorie:Druhy
  • The Yuuzhan Vong (ooh-ZAHN vawng) are a race of humanoid sentient beings from the Star Wars universe. They are notable for causing more destruction and chaos than any other antagonist in the Expanded Universe aside from the Empire and the Sith, and for definitely taking the Most Destructive Species crown. And when you consider exactly how much stuff gets destroyed on a regular basis in the EU, that is not a title to be taken lightly. They made their first appearance in the New Jedi Order series, which is a whopping collection of nineteen novels and twenty-seven stories chronicling the first Yuuzhan Vong War. This series' first installment killed off one of the characters who'd been in Star Wars since the very first movie, which gives you an idea of how the rest of the shebang goes.
  • Mutilándose ellos mismos en servicio a sus dioses, ofrecen y abrazan su dolor. Su creencia es que la única constante en la vida es la muerte... "Dolor y Muerte" es lo que su sociedad desarrolla. Los yuuzhan vong rechazan completamente la tecnología. En cambio, usan brutales monstruosidades orgánicas, cuyo principal papel es adjudicar mundos hacia ellos. Después de milenios de luchas internas, coincidieron en una sola idea: Conquista. Así, tras destrozar su mundo, empezaron una marcha de terror y sangre sobre los demás mundos, cruzando el vacío en sus naves orgánicas. Intentando encontrar la tierra prometida por sus dioses. Los yuuzhan vong son de apariencia similar a los humanos, son más musculosos y tienen escaso cabello. Llamarlos torpemente "vong" es un gran insulto para ellos; la mayoría de su raza poseen implantes, mutilaciones y/o tatuajes. Estos adornos corporales identifican su linaje, rango y honor para sus dioses.
  • thumb|200px|En Yuuzhan Vong-kriger. Yuuzhan Vong er en intelligent rase fra en ukjent galakse, og er en av de få kjente rasene i universet som ikke er kraftsensitive. 25 år etter Slaget ved Yavin invaderte de Galaksen. Dette førte til død for nesten 365 billioner levende vesner, inkludert Chewbacca, Han Solos sønn Anakin Solo, Borsk Fey'lya og alt levende på planeten Ithor. Vong er høye, og har et veldig frastøtende utseende. Arr og tatoveriger markerer forskjellige ranker. Et annet kjennetegn er alle misformasjonene de har i huden. Teknologien deres består av bio-teknologi, romskipene deres er levende vesner. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • The Yuuzhan Vongs are one of the ten factions of Star Wars Miniatures, and it is the smallest of them all. It represents the Yuuzhan Vong invaders of the New Jedi Order book series, and any other works within that time frame. It is a Dark Side faction, and it can be played in the New Jedi Order era.
  • A Yuuzhan Vongok egy félelmetes külsejű faj volt. A hagyaték korában megtámadták az Új jedi rendet és majdnem el is pusztították azt.thumb|Yuuzhan Vong harcos. A Vongokon csak néhány erőtámadás hatott. A Vongok segitői közül a legaktívabbak a Chazrachok voltak. A Vongok rendkívül vallásosak voltak és nem hittek semmiben aminek köze volt az akkori mechanikus technológiához csak annak lerombolásában. Még a házukban sem volt semmilyen gép. A harcban főleg botokat használtak amiket valamilyen módon erősebbé tettek(pl.: tüskék és lándzsa hegyek). De néha ostort is használtak.thumb|A Yuzzhan Vong jelkép.thumb|144px|Ostoros Yuzzhang Vong. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] Kategória:Fajok
  • The Yuuzhan Vong is an extragalactic species of the Star Wars Universe. At the end of the Yuuzhan Vong wars (29ABY), they were relocated on the planet Zonama Sekot. Some of them helped for the Ossus Project at the legacy era. The Yuuzhan Vong used biotechnology and hated, since generations, mechanical devices. They were also cut from the force.
  • Yuuzhan Vongerne, også kaldt "Yun-Yuuzhan's Børn", "Den Udvalgte Race" eller kendt til Chisserne og Ferroanerne som de Fjerne Outsiders var en følsom art som næsten ødelagde hele Den Nye Republik, og var ansvarlige for dræbet af næsten 365 trillion følsomme væsener i løbet af deres invasion på galaksen. Yuuzhan Vongerne og deres Chazrach slaver var iblandt få andre fremmede arter kendt for at stamme fra det ydre galaksen (de eneste andre var Silentiumerne og Abominorerne). En typisk Yuuzhan Vong lignede et normalt Menneske, men de var større og tungere end det normale menneske og havde færre hår på deres hoveder. Yuuzhan Vongernes teknologiske innovationer var pur organiske. Yuuzhan Vongerne respekterede også smerte og ville hele tiden styrke deres fysiske dygtigheder igennem organ podning, helt indtil podning blev til et status symbol imellem Yuuzhan Vong samfundet. Yuuzhan Vongerne kunne ikke blive følt igennem Kraften. Dette forvirrede Jedierne der først mødte Yuuzhan Vongerne.
  • Yuuzhan Vong (Yuuzhan Vong) to rasa pochodząca z innej galaktyki. Specyfiką tego gatunku jest genetyczna biotechnologia, dzięki której Yuuzhanie tworzą samodzielne planetarne ekosystemy. Spoleczeństwo jest podzielone na kasty: kapłani, mistrzowie przemian, wojownicy, intendenci, robotnicy, zhańbieni.
  • [Source] Les Yuuzhan Vongs sont des êtres d'une espèce venue d'une autre galaxie qui envahissent la galaxie en 25 ap.BY. Ils envahissent d'abord la Bordure Extérieure avec la base scientifique de Belkadan puis Helska IV, Dubrillion, Sernpidal et Dantooine puis Ithor.
  • [[Archivo:Netter_jamaane.jpg|thumb|Netter Jamaane, Sumo Señor de los Yuuzhan Vong]]Los Yuuzhan Vong son una facción que aparece en Habbo-Wars por primera vez a manos de David565 y Sir.Sileth. Posteriormente Netter Jamaane (leyendacloud) toma el relevo de la facción y hasta ahora es el último Sumo Señor legítimo
  • Homeworld: Unknown Description: The Yuuzhan Vong are a fictional race of sentient beings that rise as a threat to the New Republic in the Star Wars New Jedi Order series of novels. They are the only known alien species in the Star Wars universe to have originated outside the Star Wars galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong are a race of religious zealot masochists. They genetically engineer and grow all of their organic technology and view mechanical technology as blasphemy. They endeavor to improve their physical capabilities through organ grafting. Notably, the Yuuzhan Vong are not included in the Force, something the Jedi have found very mysterious, since all living things are supposed to have, in some way or another, a Force energy signature from other species. The Yuuzhan Vong function in a caste system. They range from the powerful two-person Supreme Overlord caste to the lowly oppressed worker caste. Below is a list of the major castes. Their economic system isn't really mentioned, but appears to be a command economy, and their political system is obviously a form of theocracy or autocracy. The highest caste is led by the Supreme Overlord, who commands all of the other castes. At the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the current Supreme Overlord is Shimrra. Or so the Yuuzhan Vong think. Only the Supreme Overlord has direct communication with Yun-Yuuzhan, the Creator and Supreme God of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Supreme Overlord caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * Supreme Overlord * Heir The shapers are the scientists who supervised the biotechonology of the Yuuzhan Vong. The shaper caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * Master Shaper * Adept * Savant The priests are the servants of the many lesser deities of the Yuuzhan Vong. The priest caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * High Priest, High Priestess * Priest, Priestess * Seer * Savant The warrior caste serves as the armies of the Yuuzhan Vong and is one of the largest castes. They are well trained, deadly, and are more aggressive than the other castes of the Yuuzhan Vong. The caste's most famous warrior is Tsavong Lah, the warmaster at the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Their chief weapon is the amphistaff, which resembles a deadly serpent capable of spitting venom or coiling around foes. The warriors are devotees of the Slayer, Yun-Yammka, and seek honour in combat. They wear the living vonduun crab armour which is capable of resisting blaster fire and lightsabers. The warrior caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * Warmaster * Supreme Commander * Commander * Subaltern * Warrior The intendant caste is responsible for the Yuuzhan Vong economy. The most famous intendant is Nom Anor, the most infamous enemy of the Jedi. The intendant caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * High Prefect * Prefect * Consul * Executor The worker caste is the largest, yet lowest, caste, and serves mainly as servants and laborers. The worker caste includes Shamed Ones (Yuuzhan Vong whose bodies have rejected implants and modifications), Chazrach (a low intelligence reptillian race enslaved by the Yuuzhan Vong), and shaped slave races from the Star Wars galaxy. The worker caste consists of the following ranks, in descending order: * Workers * Shamed Ones * Slaves The Yuuzhan Vong are refugees from a distant galaxy. Their homeworld was destroyed so long ago that its name has been forgotten. Their homeworld was a sentient planet and almost all their technology was organic. They were a peaceful species living as symbionts with their homeworld until they were subjugated by a technologically advanced species. Eventually the invaders were driven back and the Yuuzhan Vong struck back fiercely, conquering the invaders and in the process becoming warlike. They then subjugated other alien civilizations in a crusade to rid their galaxy of technology, including the reptillian Chazrach, which became slave soldiers. After that, they fought among themselves in several civil wars that destroyed their homeworld and ruined their entire galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong then left their galaxy in massive Koros-strohna worldships and travelled to the Star Wars galaxy in a journey that would take about a thousand standard years. There is evidence that the Yuuzhan Vong had scouted the galaxy since before the Mandalorian Wars; four thousand years before their initial invasion, Canderous Ordo encountered a "living asteroid that spat fire" and escaped towards the edge of the galaxy. However, the Yuuzhan Vong began probing in force four thousand years later, several years after the Battle of Naboo. They attacked Zonama Sekot in an attempt to steal its advanced biological technology, but the living world defeated them and Old Republic Jedi Vergere offered herself in exchange that Zonama Sekot be left undamaged. The Yuuzhan Vong accepted her, and Vergere lived with them for 50 years. During this time, she revealed information about her galaxy while learning their secrets. Also during those years, the Yuuzhan Vong remained hidden from the galaxy, though they sent a number of Intendants to scout the galaxy. A notable Intendant assigned to this task was Nom Anor. After the Galactic Civil War which saw the New Republic defeat the remnants of the Empire, the Yuuzhan Vong saw their chance to invade the weakened galaxy. On the distant world Rhommamool, the invaders, through Nom Anor disguised as the leader of the Red Knights of Life, stirred up a rebellion between Rhommamool and its neighbour Osarian. The same agent was also responsible for infecting Mara Jade Skywalker and a hundred others with a fatal Yuuzhan Vong disease. As a result, the Praetorite Vong took over Helska IV and brought down Sernpidal's moon upon the planet, killing millions, including the famous Wookiee Chewbacca. The Yuuzhan Vong also encountered the Jedi, whom they considered the worst of a galaxy of infidels. The Yuuzhan Vong then began attacking worlds in their path with much ease. Bimmiel, Dantooine, Dubrillion, and Obroa-Skai are among the many worlds captured, while Ithor was turned into a fireball and rendered uninhabitable. Then arose the problem of refugees from shattered planets that the government could not ignore. The New Republic began to blame the Jedi for starting the conflict with the aliens. Knowing that the Jedi were their worst enemies, they offered the galaxy a ceasefire in exchange that all of the Jedi be handed over to them. Then in a shock tactic, the invaders launched an attack on the other side of the galaxy at the planet Fondor which was close to the capital Coruscant itself. During the Battle of Fondor, the Yuuzhan Vong suffered heavy losses when Centerpoint Station was fired by Han Solo's cousin Thrackan Sal-Solo. The Yuuzhan Vong eventually struck a deal with the Hutts that allowed them to pass through Hutt Space unmolested. But the Hutts were betrayed, and their worlds were attacked. The Peace Brigade, an organization which supported the Yuuzhan Vong, was formed through Yuuzhan Vong agents. This organization also helped the Yuuzhan Vong capture Jedi. Then, on Yavin 4, Yuuzhan Vong of the oppressed Shamed caste came to admire the Jedi after a shamed Yuuzhan Vong named Vua Rapuung helped Anakin Solo rescue fellow Jedi Tahiri Veila, and as a result, a heresy was formed that infiltrated all levels of Yuuzhan Vong society, particularly the Shamed caste. With Coruscant rapidly becoming surrounded, the Yuuzhan Vong create fearsome Voxyn beasts that hunt Force sensitive individuals. A Jedi strike team lead by Anakin Solo soon destroyed the Voxyn breeding facility over Myrkr, though most of the team was slain, including Anakin Solo. Above Coruscant, the Yuuzhan Vong captured the planet after a long battle and had it terraformed, and became Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld. Following the conquest, the New Republic was reorganized as the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (or Galactic Alliance or GFFA for short) and Borleias became the capital world. The terraforming of Coruscant was sabotaged by the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo. The Galactic Alliance, having moved to Mon Calamari, prepares to attack the weary Yuuzhan Vong. The Alpha Red Project, which would destroy the Yuuzhan Vong and their organic technology is destroyed by Vergere. The Yuuzhan Vong are lured into the Deep Core moon Ebaq 9, and the task force is destroyed. There, Tsavong Lah is slain by Jaina Solo and Vergere sacrifices herself to eliminate the rest of the invaders. In the Force Heretic series of the New Jedi Order novels, the Galactic Alliance heroes Han Solo, Leia and Twin Suns Squadron head out to find powerful allies while the Jedi Luke Skywalker begins a mission to find the legendary living planet Zonama Sekot. The Jedi stumble upon a Yuuzhan Vong attack against the Imperial Remnant and help fight the invaders off, thus gaining a powerful ally. Meanwhile, the Yuuzhan Vong Nom Anor disguised as the prophet Yu'Shaa begins stirring up the heresy on Yuuzhan'tar formerly Coruscant posing as a Shamed One after fleeing the wrath of Supreme Overlord Shimrra for suggesting the disastrous Ebaq 9 mission and gains many followers among the worker caste. Luke's team then heads into Chiss space to obtain information on the Unknown Regions and hopefully Zonama Sekot. Meanwhile, Han and Leia's team heads to Bakura, where they thwart a Ssi-Ruuk invasion. The Jedi search the Chiss libraries for their missing planet. Later, the Jedi locate their Zonama Sekot, but so too have the Yuuzhan Vong. Sekot drives off the attackers as the Jedi land on its surface. Meanwhile Han Solo and Leia attempt to bring a communication station to the Unknown Regions back online while the Jedi negotiate with the living world to help them in the war. In The Final Prophecy, Yuuzhan Vong operatives steal one of Zonama Sekot's organic starships and the Shaper Nen Yim discovers that Sekotan technology is similar to Yuuzhan Vong technology and that her people have gone terribly astray. Nom Anor disguised as Yu'Shaa along with Nen Yim and the priest Harrar arrive in Zonama Sekot where they find out that many of the species from their galaxy are found on the planet. A plot by Nom Anor to destroy the living world is foiled. In The Unifying Force, Han and Leia rescue hundreds of high-ranking Alliance prisoners facing sacrifice to the enemy's gods. The Galactic Alliance prepares a fleet to defend Mon Calamari from the invaders while another Alliance fleet engages the Yuuzhan Vong at Coruscant. In the end, Supreme Overlord Shimrra is slain and the Yuuzhan Vong lose the war. They surrender and are placed under the living planet Zonama Sekot's jurisdiction. Zonama Sekot is revealed to be the seed of the long-dead original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld. One of the surrender terms the Galactic Alliance placed before the Yuuzhan Vong was that they were to help rebuilt Coruscant. The Galactic Alliance moves its capital to Denon though it would be moved to Coruscant again after the rebuilding is complete. The Yuuzhan Vong invasion was the most devastating crisis the galaxy had faced. The cost of the actions of the Yuuzhan Vong was very dear to the Star Wars galaxy. The number of deaths over the known galaxy that resulted from the invasion was estimated at about 365 trillion sentients. That would be equal to 61 thousand Earth-type worlds with a population of 6 billion each.
  • Origin No information Homeworld No information Abilities No information Members No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Hostile Species No information The Yuuzhan Vong are an alien race from the non-canon "Legends" timeline of the Star Wars franchise. Their most prominent role is in the New Jedi Order series of novels, of which they are the main antagonists. However, they also make minor appearances in later novels and the Legacy comic book series. Much of their early history is unclear, but it is believed that many thousands of years before their invasion of the Star Wars galaxy, the Vong were a peaceful race that lived in symbiosis with their homeworld Yuuzhan'tar, which itself was a living entity. Invaded by a race that was more machine that organic, Yuuzhan'tar showed the Vong how to defend themselves, and provided bio-technological tools to do so. While they were able to do so this had the unfortunate effect of awakening their war like tendencies. The Vong went on to enslave or destroy many of the speicies in the home galaxy before turning on each other. One of the casualties of their civil war was Yuuzhan'tar - which was destroyed in the war. Before that was done Yuuzhan'tar dispatched a seed towards the Star Wars galaxy in the hopes that it would take root and become another living world. Stripped of their symbiosis and their connection to the Force, the Vong experienced intolerable pain. Pain to them became the only way to experience what they had lost, and became central to Yuuzhan Vong society. The Vong were soon forced to leave their home galaxy and journey for greener pastures, a journey that would take several thousand years. As early as about 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin Vong scouts reached the galaxy. Revan's colleague Canderous Ordo once referred to encounter he had with this scout. During the long journey the worldship fleet nearly destroyed itself with the domains of the Vong fighting against each other, and was in bad shape by the time of the invasion. By the second decade after Yavin, the main force reached the galaxy, and were determined to cleanse the galaxy of all machine technology, conquer all living species in the galaxy, and exterminate the Jedi. When Supreme Overlord Quoreal began having second thoughts about invading the galaxy when scouts reported the existence of a living world, a coup lead by Shimrra Jamaane toppled Quoreal's rule and allowed the invasion to proceed. With the Vong unaffected by most Force powers, the Jedi were suddenly uncertain how to face this new enemy. Worse, many in the galaxy turned against them - and groups such as the Peace Brigade tried their best to help the Vong rid the galaxy of the Jedi. Over the next five years the Yuuzhan Vong War proved to be one of the most destructive conflicts ever visited on the denizens of the Star Wars galaxy. Over 365,000,000,000,000 sentient beings died in the war. Countless worlds were ravaged, most notably Ithor, a lush jungle paradise planet with inhabitants that vowed to keep unspoiled. The vong unleashed toxic chemicles on Ithor, and in less then five minuts, Ithor was uninhabitable. Even Coruscant itself fell to the Vong for a period of time during which Shimrra took up residence on the planet, which the Vong tried to reshape into a copy of their original homeworld. Many were enslaved and forced by surge coral to go fight for the Vong. When a Jedi strike team was finally able to kill Shimrra - who turned out to be a puppet of the Shamed One Onimi, and Onimi killed a short time later by Jacen Solo the rest of the Vong realized that continued fighting would be useless, and surrendered themselves to the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
  • There are only a few Yuuzhan Vong Characters still active, though they are growing. * Kyle Diath/Serrum Yem * Wanderer/Vua Pwyll * Ru Kwaad * Sinn Karrar * Dianly * Vrakar Kraal
  • "They were brutal, merciless, and unstoppable. They killed for the pleasure of it and seemed fulfilled by it." ―Garqi refugee The Yuuzhan Vong functioned in a caste system. They ranged from the powerful Supreme Overlord to the usually shammed Worker caste.Not much is known of their economic system, but it appeared to be a command economy. The political system of the Yuuzhan Vong is a theocracy with the Supreme Overlord deriving his authority directly from his status as the voice Yun-Yuuzhan. By the time of the New Galactic Empire, the caste based system was still present with warriors and Shapers still seen Main article: Supreme Overlord The Supreme Overlord was thehead of the Yuuzhan Vong society. He was in charge of everythign that went on in the Yuuzhan Vong.
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