  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • Sanctuary
  • |}
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • The power of the grove revitalizes those within and reduces the energy consumed by skill use.
  • Sanctuary is a stage that appears in Dead or Alive 5.
  • [[Category:]] Sanctuary was an abjuration spell that could prevent enemies from attacking the subject for a few minutes on the condition that the subject does not take direct offensive action.
  • Sanctuary é a música tema de Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days e Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. A música foi escrita e intepretada por Utada Hikaru. Categoria:Kingdom Hearts II Categoria:Músicas Categoria:Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Categoria:Kingdom Hearts 3D
  • A sanctuary is a co-aligned temple. You will receive sanctuary from its priest if your alignment is greater than -4. This means monsters will not enter the temple, and any monsters currently within will not attack you in melee (though they can still use ranged attacks). The following monsters ignore sanctuary: * The Riders * High priests * All A * all hostile minions (e. g. from altar conversion) This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • Sanctuary, also known as Elara V, was a planet seen in Unreal II: The Awakening. It is the first planet that John Dalton explores in the game, as well as the first location of the mysterious Artifact. It also serves as the location of a Liandri Mining Facility. On the far side of the planet (from the Liandri facility) is a swamp which is the home to Rammers and Seagoats. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • The sanctuary is a location in Submachine Universe that was featured in Submachine 7: The Core.
  • Sylvan refuge with little problems caused by powerful Wraiths Some of the most extensive and authentic Chinese architecture is found here, in a beautiful countryside with high mountains. The most powerful Wraith yet, of course, when are they not, but also tricksy, like the fire devils that chase you unceasingly until you finally must combat, and more flying creatures hovering near the mountains, than you normally see Teleport Chain : Dreamweaver Port > Village of the Lost > Sanctuary > Village of Naught
  • Bajor; Bajoran onderschepper; Bajoran voorlopige regering; Bajoran wormgat; Bezetting van Bajor; Bolka; dabo meisje; dienst rooster; Dominion; Draylon II; entomologie; faser; Gamma kwadrant; generaal; icobessen taart; Interceptor One; Jalanda forum; jeetaka; Jem'Hadar; Kamer van ministers; Kentanna; klasse M; maaza stalks; Mardah; Minister; Noordwest schiereiland; Oog van het Universum; Reegrunions; Rom; Sefalla Prime; Skrreeans; T-Rogorans; Tixiplik, Plix; Trilar schiereiland; universele vertaler; vedek; Vedek assemblee.
  • Sanctuary creates a 5x5-cell area on the ground that heals players and monsters inside it in waves, at a 1 second interval. Requires 1 Blue Gemstone. The number of waves, number of targets that can be healed per wave, and the heal amount of each wave depends on the skill level used. Undead element and demon race monsters that move inside a Sanctuary will be damaged and pushed back by 2 cells. The damage dealt is half the healing power of Sanctuary and is holy property.
  • Our guild is a safe haven. We are a friendly and active guild that values both leveling and crafting.
  • Billions of years ago, Primus created the hive-like Sanctuary hidden deep below the deadly Protos to hide the Covenant. He filled it with miraculous machines, which the Covenant strives (has striven?) to improve over the ages.
  • Sanctuary was a Plasmid that existed in early versions of BioShock, but was ultimately cut from the final version of the game. In one of the podcasts, the developers revealed that it would have created a protective bubble around the player, absorbing all damage for a limited time. This was useful in early versions of the game, since hacking made the player vulnerable. When the game was changed to be paused while hacking, the developers felt this Plasmid no longer served a purpose. Although BioShock 2 returned to the previous method of hacking, the ability closest to the idea this one portrayed is Natural Camouflage.
  • Sanctuary might refer to: * Sanctuary (L&O), the Law & Order season four episode. * Sanctuary (SVU), the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season eighteen episode.
  • Sanctuary creates a soothing area on a targeted location that will restore HP of all entities within the area of effect every second. Against Undead property and Demon race monsters, this skill will inflict Holy property damage equal to half of the healing value and push them 2 cells backwards. Each cast consumes a Blue Gemstone.
  • Name: Sanctuary Run Time: 4:47 Written By: Steve Howe, Paul Sutin Year: 1995
  • The premier New Orleans biker bar, owned by the Peltiers, a clan of Katagaria bears. It is a limani: a safe zone for all types of Hunters where natural rivalries are put aside and no fighting or killing is allowed. Mama (Nicolette) and Papa (Aubert) Bear decided to found Sanctuary as a safe zone after their cubs Bastien and Gilbert were brutally killed by Arcadian Sentinels.
  • The Sanctuary is a lair of the Order, who see this location as a safe haven against the Otherworld. It is featured in Silent Hill: Revelation, and appears to have great purpose to the cult which occupies it. It is located beneath Lakeside Amusement Park.
  • Sanctuary is a city in The Cauldron island in north of Amarillia. It is the home of the amarillian Grand Wizards and it became the location of the amarillian royal family and of the court during the occupation of Castle Argent by the Bone Demon and Zagor.
  • Sanctuary is the 26th episode of The New Adventures of He-Man. File:Exclamation Point Emoticon.png This article is a stub. You can help Wiki Grayskull by expanding it before we are terrorized by evil villains!
  • She has thick pale nape length blonde hair, ice blue eyes and Sidhe-style pointed ears. She was five foot tall when first seen, but apparently had a growth spurt—by March, she was more like five foot three. She cannot understand the old Sidhe language.
  • In 1995, Sanctuary was released by Virgin Books.
  • Sanctuary is exclusive to expert extra in Super Monkey Ball Deluxe. It begins with a bridge that is fairly long. Off the side of the end of this bridge is a hemispherical object, the round face textured white while the flat face is textured normally for where it is found. Coming from this in a shallow staircase are more of these types of objects, however the segment removed from the shpere becomes lesser and lesser, reducing the platform space. At the end only a tiny sliver is removed from the sphere, this is where the goal rests.
  • "Sanctuary" is Sele-P's 4th Album. It consists of 14 tracks, sung by Lily, kokone and IA. The album Sanctuary is available in Toranoana.
  • Sanctuary est une petite ville de la banlieue de Boston, près de laquelle est situé l'Abri 111.
  • Sanctuary is a city on Pandora. It is mentioned in passing throughout Borderlands and is the central mission hub in Borderlands 2.
  • Sanctuary is a Cleric support skill.
  • Sanctuary is a planet.
  • Sanctuary is an in Horizon Zero Dawn.
  • Sanctuary is the 42nd episode of Gargoyles.
  • Sanctuary is a side quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.
  • "Sanctuary" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of Angel and the nineteenth episode overall. Co-written by Tim Minear and series creator Joss Whedon and directed by Michael Lange, it was originally broadcast on May 2, 2000 on the WB network. Convinced that Faith is capable of changing her ways, Angel continues to try to help her even as Buffy, the Watchers Council, Wolfram & Hart, and the L.A.P.D. all try to hunt her down. Meanwhile, Wesley faces a crisis of loyalties when the Watchers Council Special Operations Team offers to reinstate him if he helps them capture Faith.
  • Sanctuary was the hidden city of the Itica. Built from the ruins of a long forgotten city, it is said, it was discovered by the elves of Xandir on an expedition. The elves and Itica came to an agreement so now only they know where to find the Sanctuary, and are under no intention to reveal its location. After the Faerfolc Rampage, several Itica relocated to Aison to flee from the Faerfolc who saw them as intruders on their new domain.
  • The arrest of a notorious drug dealer leads to the detectives reopening the murder of a woman who worked for him in 1998. Scotty was working undercover at the time, but never talked about it because he got too close to the victim.
  • Sanctuary was once a sacred location of the protoss, a piece of their architecture being located in the region's center. Now however, the location is fought over for its mineral deposits.
  • A sanctuary is an area where PvP combat is prohibited. Sanctuaries were introduced in Image:Bc icon.gif World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
  • The Sanctuary is a set of magical chambers that exist somewhere outside of Albion, created by the Last Hero for his or her son or daughter. The Sanctuary also serves to replace the concept of a menu screen for Fable III. Unlike the 2D Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) of Fable and Fable II, it is a 3D environment where the normal menu sections are rooms. You can travel there by pressing the Start button or Esc key. It is also the place where Jasper resides for the majority of the game. Jasper unlocks and unveils certain parts as the game progresses.
  • According to the stories told in the books, Sanctuary is just one world of many, which was discovered by neutral forces of heaven and hell. These forces, both angels and demons, were tired of fighting for a cause they felt was futile. They decided instead to leave the ranks of their respective lords and seek to control worlds of their own. Sanctuary is where the story of Diablo takes place. There are no other known worlds at this time.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Global.png Description: +50% to all Image:Health.png spells. Received From: Moolinda Wu Requirements: Required Character Level: 42 Spells: * Imp * Leprechaun * Legend Shield * Sprite * Spirit Armor * Seraph * Satyr * Centaur Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror) Duration: 1 minute You ward a creature within range against attack. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect the warded creature from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends.
  • Sanctuary is a Gears of War multiplayer map that shipped with Gears of War PC and was remade for Gears of War 2 with the Dark Corners Map Pack.
  • Sanctuary is the twenty-third episode of the sixth season and the 125th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.
  • A hidden network of hospitals operated under complete and utter secrecy.
  • Cast by the Elohim. Expels all enemy units from your culture borders for 30 turns.
  • Trinity Church takes center stage as the battle rages around and beneath it. Players should take cover behind tombstones or lurk stealthily in the catacombs and passageways and ambush their unsuspecting prey. Some scaffolding leads up to a high-up building interior. Using the SCAR will allow players to compete effectively no matter what tactics their opponents employ. Players should try this map in Extraction and Capture the Relay: the underground tunnels are well-suited to captures.
  • Sanctuaryis a newb support and PKK guild. Sanctuary is Riouki Myssaki's first guild. Many people plan on joining Sanctuary when Riouki Myssaki levels to 50. One of the many people planning on joining Sanctuary is Hakashi.
  • Level: , Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No
  • Sanctuary might refer to: * Sanctuary (location), a safe place, such as an animal sanctuary * Sanctuary (diplomacy), a diplomatic procedure of granting sanctuary * "Sanctuary" , a DS9 episode * Sanctuary, the Pocket TOS novel * Sanctuary District, the setting of the DS9 "Past Tense" story arc
  • Sanctuary is a healer in Cove which, during Ultima V, was run by Jessica.
  • Sanctuary is a town similar to Possibility, where dragons from every tribe are welcome. It is being built by the Talons of Peace. Winter is building a den for scavengers in it. It is located in the foothills of the Claws of the Clouds Mountains, besides a very small, very cold lake.
  • Sanctuary is a Diablo-based territory in the Forgotten Realms universe. It is the world of Diablo up to Diablo 2 cause we don't talk about that third one. The territory was ruled by Mephistopheles on behalf of the Sin'dorei Council, but it has since passed to the Altruistic Valorians following the disbanding of Apex Tactical Contractors.
  • The Sanctuary is the main homeworld in the 3DS version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It is only place Hektore can't reach, making the Sanctuary a safe area from his tyranny and it is where the Shattering Sigil resides. At the Sanctuary, Wendel can summon your Skylanders.
  • Headquarters: London, UK Founded: 1976 Founded by: Rod Smallwood and Andy Taylor * Rock * Pop * Rap * Hip Hop * Metal
  • Sanctuary is episode four in season five of the live-action TV series The Incredible Hulk. It originally aired on November 6, 1981 on CBS.
  • "Sanctuary" is the fourteenth episode of the first season of Stargate: Atlantis.
  • Sanctuary (ursprünglich wurde die Map aus dem Spiel geschnitten und hieß Meteora) ist eine Multiplayermap aus thumb|SanctuaryCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, die mit dem Inhaltspaket 4 für Elitemitglieder erschien. Laut der Beschreibung von ELITE spielt sie in einer Kathedrale in Griechenland.
  • The Sanctuary was accessed primarily through an entrance hidden behind a bookshelf in Mario Auditore's study in the Villa.
  • Sanctuary is a group with the motto "There is a new way." Nicole Kirby finds one of the group's leaflets on a bulletin board at Angeles Hospital. ("Playing Cards with Coyote") Nicole later attends a Sanctuary meeting in “The American Legion Hall”, where she discovers it was founded and is led by Timothy. ("Revelation Zero, Part 1")
  • A Sanctuary spell causes other creatures to ignore the existence of the cleric.
  • Sanctuaries are located beneath different regions in huge caverns filled with all manner of creatures. The sanctuaries are generally lush and forested, orchids and willows are common plants. The upper reaches are generally reserved for platforms and ramps containing elven dwellings. The lower caverns are usually covered by forests, sparkling pools of water, and other idyllic landscapes. The lower portions act as habitats to the "pretty creatures" the elves are so overly fond of.
  • Everyone needs at least one sanctuary -- a place where you can feel safe and at peace. A sanctuary can be a room, a place in the woods. I suppose it can even be a Teddy bear or safety blanket. Do you have a sanctuary already? Would you like to create one?
  • Some interesting lore from within the Memorial Caverns in Sanctuary has been discovered.
  • Spell level: cleric 1 Innate level: 1 School: abjuration Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 round / level Save: will negates Spell resistance: no Description: The caster's or the person's, touched by the caster, presence is completely ignored by nearby creatures for the duration of the spell.
  • Sanctuary is a political thriller and crime story that featured two childhood friends, Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami, who are ruthlessly struggling to set a new paradigm of living in Japan. However the two friends took radically different paths: Akira chose the dark path of Japan's most infamous organized crime gang, the Yakuza, while Chiaki strived to become the youngest member of the Japanese Parliament. Being survivors of the Cambodian Killing Fields, the two characters developed an unmatched aggression and survival instincts, helping them to achieve their common ultimate goal: making Japan their own sanctuary.
  • It airs on SyFy (formerly known as the Sci Fi Channel). Sanctuary was renewed for a third season consisting of 20 episodes in December of 2009, and for a fourth season with 13 episodes in January of 2011. Months after the fourth season ended, Syfy announced on May 21, 2012 that Sanctuary will not be returning for a fifth season and that the show is cancelled. Syfy cancels Sanctuary.
  • The oldest and most sacred area of En II. Since its construction over three billion years ago, it has helped preserve the environmental balance on En II as well as the mental and emotional balances of its residents. Four stone columns stand tall in its field, housing four sacred gems that contain the spirits of wisdom, might, love, and courage. They are safeguarded from evil by an enormous spirit tree.
  • The target's presence is completely ignored by nearby creatures for the duration of the spell. Attacking, casting a spell, or performing another hostile action cancels the spell.
  • Sanctuary is a Canadian science fiction/fantasy television series, created by Damian Kindler. Sanctuary minis are mini-stenopelhabbilis.
  • Sanctuary, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 951-7 is a multiplayer map in Halo 2.
  • Sanctuary, (formerly known as the Southern Shrine or the Sacred Shrine) is a small shrine located south of Rimuldar in southeastern Alefgard. The shrine appears in Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, and Dragon Quest III.
  • Sanctuary is a completed seinen manga written by FUMIMURA Sho and illustrated by IKEGAMI Ryoichi.
  • Sanctuary (de_turkey) or Sultanahmed (for Turkey region) is an Original, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch map in Counter-Strike Online.
  • Sanctuary (けっかい, Kekkai?) "Magical Barrier" is an ability from Breath of Fire III and Breath of Fire IV.
  • Sanctuary, also called Chitauri Space, is the name given to an asteroid field inhabited by the Chitauri. It is the domain of Thanos.
  • A Sanctuary is a large tent invented by Violet Baudelaire, used by the Baudelaire children as a sleeping quarter during their stay at Count Olaf's House. Using a blanket and four ropes, she builds it in the children's bedroom. To make the sanctuary more comforting, she magnifies silhouettes of her parents using Klaus's helmet and flashlight.
  • The Sanctuary is a bomber, roughly five times the size of an AC. Its only weapons are its bombs which are no threat for the player but for the things he is supposed to protect. The unit however is an easy target due to its large size although it can fly pretty fast.
  • Sanctuary es una canción de la película de 1996, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • The Sanctuary is a religious building located directly north of Inoa Village. It is heavily modelled after High to Late Middle Ages Catholic abbeys, carrying the same air and purpose; with a hospital ward, kitchen, graveyard, crypt, library, school and other rooms. It can be revisited after completion, but in the closing stages of the end of the game becomes locked. Deep below the altar is a small shrine with a statue dedicated to Melzas, where Ronan worships. In the grounds near the graves lives the grave keeper, Cephas.
  • Sanctuary is the 13th episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the 13th overall episode.
  • The Sanctuary is the concealed Darktown shelter of a cult of Blood Mages operating in Kirkwall.
  • Sanctuary is a Canandian steampunk television series that originated as a webseries.
  • Sanctuary (англ. "Храм", "Алтарь" или "Заповедник") — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживание в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Входит в пакет DLC Collection 2. Карта стала доступна 13 марта 2012 года для платных пользователей Call of Duty Elite на Xbox 360.
  • This building, as the rest of the Lothlorien Citadel buildings, levels up over time. You can also automatically upgrade it to level 3 using Systematic Growth.
  • "Sanctuary" is the tenth episode of series 26, and the 791st episode of Casualty overall.
  • Sanctuary was the headquarters of the Paladin Order inside the Rishi Maze. It was located on the planet Reesh which means sanctuary in Ancient. Kiera Antilles is credited with the discovery of Sanctuary.
  • Sanctuary ist das Eröffnungslied des Videospiels Kingdom Hearts II, gesungen von der japanischen Sängerin Utada Hikaru. Es wurde von Hikaru geschrieben und produziert, und zwar noch vor der japanischen Version, Passion. In beiden Versionen des Songs werden einige Stellen rückwärts gesungen.
  • 1st-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror) Duration: 1 minute You ward a creature within range against attack. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect the warded creature from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball.
  • Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Tooku tooi basho e to Kaze ni fukare aruite ikuachi wa mina kitto tada sagashiteru'n da Ko Egaiteta mirai nigirishimete Haruka kanata mitsumeteru'n da Umare kita imi o shiritakute Tatoeba ushinau toki ga kite mo Dakishimeru koto ima, erabou Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Nakusenai mono ni mukatte Kagayaita yume dake o taguriyose nagara Tooku tooi basho e to Itsu ka miteta sora no iro ga Namida suru tabi ni yogoreteku Hoho o nuguttara kizuku darou Kiete iku hikari no tsuyosa Bokutachi wa mina kitto tada sagashiteru'n da Kotae ga soko ni nakutemo Dare mo shiranai jibun shinjite mitakute Tooku tooi basho e to Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Hateshinai sora o mezashite Kodou ga hibiki aeba hitori janai kara Tooku tooi b
  • Immortals who had grown tired of the Game or otherwise requested it, were installed in the Sanctuary, a safe house run by Watchers. The immortals were drugged and held in contraptions intended to immobilize them and ensure mortal humanity would never be ruled by an immortal. Considering the unpleasant nature of the confinement it is possible that some or many of the immortal participants were unaware of how the Sanctuary actually functioned. The Watchers assigned to the Sanctuary were well armed to defend it against attacks.
  • Sanktuarium to obszar, gdzie niedozwolona jest jakakolwiek walka między graczami. Sanktuaria zostały wprowadzone w World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Są to obszary dostępne zarówno dla graczy Przymierza, jak i Hordy. Obecnie status sanktuarium posiadają:
  • Sanctuary has seasons such as autumn and winter. Harvest is carried out in the former, in order to survive the rigors of the latter. On the last day of harvest season, the wisest folk lock their doors, hang their wards, hide under their beds, and wait for dawn. Those who survive the winter fever retain the strength of the madness it brings.
  • Sanctuary was the closest civilised settlement to orphanage at Dissan Abbey and lay on the route between the Feylands and the Wanderbog. Holden Crunchyson, a survivor of the fall of Falgoon Gap is considered the founder although there may have been one or two buildings there already before he first opened his inn. It was garrisoned largely by survivors from Falgoon Gap. Sanctuary is home to several of the larger professional guilds and is generally a great deal more open to strangers than Falgoon Refuge. Sanctuary provided easy access to the Temple of the Four
  • A sanctuary is an area where PvP combat is disabled for all players, and turning on your PvP flag will have no effect until you leave the sanctuary. Sanctuaries were introduced in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Places like Nighthaven and Booty Bay are not sanctuaries; PvP combat is still possible there. Just because PvP combat is disabled, that does not mean that a sanctuary is a safe haven; for example, the monsters on the Stair of Destiny are not PvP NPCs and will attack players if aggroed.
  • The largest and most famous space craft ever constructed, the SVS Sanctuary was built by Oswald Cottington IV as a lifeship against the Kretonian Invasion of 2651. It had an illustrious service, as lifeboat, center of government and focus of many historical events. It spent a brief period of time in Hiverspace, providing first contact with Comorro Station, an severly impacting the native cultures. Upon return, for a brief period of time it was renamed Concordance Station. It was, however, re-christened Sanctuary during the Moebius Effect crisis and for its last voyage to the Kamir planet of Nocturn. There it was to serve as a stepping stone to the universes beyond the five stargates. Sanctuary was subsequently captured, occupied and then destroyed in the first quarter of 3003 by the Nall C
  • Both versions of the song contain reversed lyrics, voiced by Utada herself. The reversed lyrics are in English in both versions. They include; "My heart's a battle ground" which is played in English even in the Japanese version of the song. The reversed portion of the songs are "I need more affection than you know"; in the "Battleground" sections, "So many ups and downs" and "I need true emotions" are the two other examples of the reversed lyrics.
  • Sanctuary is a chat room on Kongregate. Being one of the few original rooms Kongregate started with back in 2007, it is one of the oldest still functioning. Room ownership started with Koko, was passed on to Scotti, back to Koko, and is now currently owned by whiskerchu. Both Koko and Scotti are no longer moderators. Sanctuary is kept relatively free from trolls and spammers by several moderators, and a great collection of humorous and witty regulars. In a nutshell, Sanctuary is just what its name implies - a refuge. And it is awesome. __TOC__
  • Darkness of Dragons
  • Darktown
  • Road to Rule
  • Start button/Esc key
  • Via the Map Table
  • Malachtar
  • 1
  • 10
  • 55
  • 62
  • n/a
  • N
  • Makes the conjurer invulnerable, but unable to attack.
save type
  • W
level innate
  • 1
  • No
Row 9 info
  • "Human Nature"
  • 3
  • Rivals
default weapons
  • *Bolo Grenades *Boltok Pistol *Boomshot Grenade Launcher *Ink Grenades *Longshot Sniper Rifle *Mortar *Mulcher *Torque Bow
  • No
Row 8 info
job class
  • Ever My...
Row 4 info
  • 291
  • 1981-11-06
  • Paperback
  • Sanctuary
  • 2
  • Priest
  • 2015-11-11
  • 1993-11-28
  • 300
Row 7 title
  • Publisher
  • Preceded by
  • Yes
  • spells.
  • +50% to all
  • Lily
  • Ufena -Lilium mix-
  • BETH
Cast Time
  • 5.0
  • 2
  • Греция
Row 1 info
  • 4
  • Location
  • Virgin New Adventures
  • Ryoichi Ikegami
  • Rishi Maze
  • Sho Fumimura
  • No
  • Holy Night
  • Lily
  • 300
  • 8
  • Sanctuary is well on its way to becoming a thriving settlement.
  • I've agreed to help the people in Sanctuary establish a permanent settlement.
  • None
Row 8 title
  • Followed by
  • Previous NA
  • kokone
  • Lily
Casting Time
  • 4
  • No
Super Jump
  • Yes
  • Yes
technology tier
  • Tier 8 - Metal Working Technology
  • Second Sight
Row 4 title
  • *Humans *Many other refugee species
saving throw
  • None
  • No
Row 9 title
  • Next NA
  • IA
  • 1500
enabled with
  • High Priest
  • DS9
  • Nature
  • Ordination
  • 1
  • "Sanctuary"
  • 2370
  • Sanctuary
  • 210
Given by
  • Yes
level cleric
  • 1
  • Yes
  • No
Row 2 info
  • The Core
  • Viz Media
  • Chuck Bowman
  • David A. McIntee
  • Shogukan
original upload date
  • Sep.26.2014
Row 6 info
  • 272
  • New Mexico
  • Yandeloid Conception.jpg
  • Very Short
  • 1
Row 1 title
  • Type
  • Author
  • Location
  • Series
  • Episode
  • Yes
  • Luna : L.O.V.E side
  • Modifier
  • Cecilie
  • 312
  • *577 Earth days
  • kokone
Row 5 info
  • V1.0
  • 4.99
  • Father Costa
Row 2 title
  • Author
  • Director
  • Publisher
  • Region
  • no
  • Self
  • 180.0
Row 6 title
  • Location
  • No. of pages
spell resistance
  • No
  • 42
  • Snow Marriage
  • SHE's
  • No
  • 22
  • Life Vessel
  • Twilight
  • Bright Snow
  • 70
  • None
  • none
  • 473912
area of effect
  • The caster
Row 5 title
  • Complete Sanctuary
Row 3 info
  • 1995-04-20
  • Unknown
  • Deborah Dean Davis
  • 1
  • 2
  • Gabe Essoe en Kelley Miles
Row 3 title
  • Lily
  • kokone
scroll icon
  • Sanctuary scroll.PNG
  • Health
  • Yuuki Kira
Row 7 info
  • Lily
world type
  • Hub world
  • Sanctuary
  • *Fish *Grains *Vegetable fiber for clothing *Alliance military uniforms
  • Supportive
  • Immunity
  • 240
  • Xbox achievement image
  • 0
  • Magic
  • Touch
  • t
  • Ranged 10
  • mp_meteora
Box Title
  • Sanctuary
  • Dragon Age II
  • Dead or Alive 5
  • Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
  • Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
  • 270
  • 2.0
  • Seinen, Tragedy,
  • 10
  • FO4
  • *Gears of War PC *Gears of War 2
  • 55
  • 95
  • 150
  • Jessica.png
  • Three Horns - Divide
  • U-7
  • cleric utility 2
  • *Aang *Nix Card *Lott Dod *Onaconda Farr *Satine Kryze *Tal Merrik *Bail Organa *Mot-Not Rab *Gume Saam
  • 149
  • 2520.0
  • finish
  • 6
  • Alliance to Restore the Republic
  • *Sanctuary Council
  • Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett
  • Craig Veroni as Dr. Peter Grodin
  • Leonor Varela as Chaya Sar
  • Robert Thurston as Zarah
  • *Blaster *Lightsaber
  • Sanctuary
  • Rosal
  • Sorcery
  • *Clone Wars
id number
  • SAN-0151-AK20
  • Standard
  • *1.0 G
  • Halo 2
  • Borderlands 2
  • Fish life
  • Canada
  • Sanctuary
  • Story
  • Sanctuary
  • Lut Gholein, Aranoch
  • de_turkey
  • Action, Drama
  • City
  • Settlement
  • Healer
  • Global
  • Territory
  • Active
  • Constant
  • Milspec
  • Supportive Skill
  • minm side
  • Fable III GUI
  • sanctuary hills
Location name
  • Sanctuary Bar & Grill
  • 180
  • Wheel Gold Symbol.png
  • will negates
  • Will Negates
  • Common, Itica
  • 1995-12-18
  • 2000-05-02
  • 2004-10-13
  • 2004-11-29
  • 2006-03-12
  • 2010-05-20
  • 2011-10-22
  • An updated Lut Gholein, shown in a Modern Warfare mod
  • Paladin Temple
  • Sanctuary in Dead or Alive 5.
  • Stone Mario and Jedah Dohma in the Sanctuary
  • Bailey and Charles Percy talk about their patient's upcoming surgery.
  • Holy
  • Quest complete
  • Talk to Sturges
  • A group augmentation that prevents the group from being affected by control spells for a short duration. Control spells include any type of stun, mesmerize, root, stifle, daze, and fear. This spell has a 1% chance to break every time damage is received.
  • The caster's or the person's, touched by the caster, presence is completely ignored by nearby creatures for the duration of the spell.
  • Build defenses for Sanctuary
  • Build food for Sanctuary settlers
  • Go to Sanctuary
  • Player joins Minutemen - Trigger The First Step
  • Provide beds for Sanctuary settlers
  • Provide water for Sanctuary settlers
  • Season 6, episode 23
  • Pierce Station
  • Храм
duration type
  • short
  • 42
usable by
  • Cleric only
priest sphere
  • Protection
  • Yes
  • Alliance–affiliated independent villages
  • English
  • Sanctuaries
  • greater sanctuary
  • sanctuary
  • Simple
  • 100
  • The Sanctuary's Secret
  • 52
  • The Avengers Adaptation
  • Thor: The Dark World Prelude
  • white
Appears In
  • Bronze
Preceded By
  • "Hot Zone"
  • Graveyard
  • *Oceans *Islands
  • Forerunner Memorial
  • 114
  • None
  • VS
  • 29000
  • ¥ 1,500
  • Chitauri Command Center
  • Stage
  • Sanctuary
  • Haneek.jpg
  • 1
  • 1012141620
  • Manga, OVA, Film, Live Action
  • 20
  • 41
  • *Battle Rifle *Brute Shot *Carbine *Energy Sword *Needler *Magnum *Plasma Pistol *Plasma Rifle *Shotgun *SMG *Sniper Rifle *Fragmentation Grenades *Plasma Grenades
  • Yes
  • A Holy Place
  • Darktown Icon.png
  • Sanctuary.png
  • Icon purple helm.jpg
  • Is_sanctuary.png
  • Sanctuary trophy.png
  • is_sanctuary.gif
  • None
Image size
  • 250
  • 300
  • Cleric
  • Unique
  • Conjurer
  • Templar
  • Terrestrial ocean world
  • Angel novel
  • black
  • Angel episode
  • The conjurer creates an invulnerability zone. He will not be able to attack or be attacked, but he will be able to move.
  • white; color:#65B3CA
  • 230260290320350
  • 1
  • *Tidal Circuit *Prously's Rim Run
  • Sanctuary.png
  • File:Doa5_sanctuary.jpeg
  • High
  • №4
  • Single
  • single
  • 0.5
  • DS9
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • 1.140000
  • 8
  • 15
  • Sanctuary
  • Yes
  • y
  • 20.0
  • 100
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • The Avengers
  • 8
  • 28
  • 1.500000
  • *Artificial
  • *Temperate temperature *Moist hydrosphere
  • Lut Gholein, as it originally appears in Diablo
  • 2008
  • Group
  • Ground
  • You or one other creature
  • standard
  • 2000
  • Sanctuary
Ship image
  • Sanctuarylayout.jpg
  • Sanctuary
  • Evening, Rainy
Image File
  • 291
  • Sanctuary.jpg
  • Hulk-sanc.png
  • Type I
  • *Artificial
  • 8
  • 20
  • 220
  • 230
  • 1000
  • 1010
  • 1200
  • 1210
  • 1300
  • 1310
  • 1400
  • 1410
  • 1500
  • *Makes group members immune to Mesmerize effects *Makes group members immune to Fear effects *Makes group members immune to Daze effects *Makes group members immune to Stun effects *Makes group members immune to Root effects *Makes group members immune to Stifle effects *1% chance to dispel when target takes damage *1% chance to dispel when target receives hostile action
  • 3
  • Encounter
  • *Confederacy of Independent Systems **Techno Union **Trade Federation *Galactic Republic **Galactic Senate ***Senator
  • "I am the chosen one of the gods. None will interrupt my righteous duty"
  • Moolinda Wu
  • *Coruscant **Senate Building ***Senator Aang's Office
Followed By
  • "Before I Sleep"
  • The target receives a +5 bonus to all defenses. The effect lasts until the target attacks or until the end of your next turn.
Ship Name
  • SVS Sanctuary
  • *Refugees *Technology items
  • August 1802
  • 4
  • 1998-09-28
  • Dissidia and MOTVN
  • Heal Lv. 1
  • Quest, Heal Lv. 1
  • 128
  • Large town
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • None
  • Min01
  • *Slayer *CTF *Territories
  • *2-10
  • Leprechaun
  • Sprite
  • Centaur
  • Imp
  • Seraph
  • Satyr
  • Spirit Armor
  • Legend Shield
nom de cellule
  • SanctuaryExt02
  • PrewarSanctuaryExt01
  • SanctuaryExt
  • SanctuaryExt03
  • SanctuaryExt04
  • SanctuaryExt05
  • SanctuaryExt06
  • SanctuaryExt07
  • SanctuaryExt08
  • SanctuaryExt09
  • SanctuaryExt10
  • Большие
marqueur de carte image
  • FO4 map Sanctuary.jpg
marqueur de carte
  • Sanctuary
  • 2
  • 13
  • 16
  • 23
  • 25
  • 26
  • South Korea
  • link=Originallink=Team Deathmatchlink=Basiclink=Zombie Modes
  • 32
faction control
  • Celestial Guardians
cluster location
magic classification
  • Class 4 - Advanced Magic
  • |}
  • (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
  • The power of the grove revitalizes those within and reduces the energy consumed by skill use.
  • Sanctuary is a stage that appears in Dead or Alive 5.
  • [[Category:]] Sanctuary was an abjuration spell that could prevent enemies from attacking the subject for a few minutes on the condition that the subject does not take direct offensive action.
  • Sanctuary é a música tema de Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days e Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. A música foi escrita e intepretada por Utada Hikaru. Categoria:Kingdom Hearts II Categoria:Músicas Categoria:Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Categoria:Kingdom Hearts 3D
  • A sanctuary is a co-aligned temple. You will receive sanctuary from its priest if your alignment is greater than -4. This means monsters will not enter the temple, and any monsters currently within will not attack you in melee (though they can still use ranged attacks). The following monsters ignore sanctuary: * The Riders * High priests * All A * all hostile minions (e. g. from altar conversion) This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • Sanctuary, also known as Elara V, was a planet seen in Unreal II: The Awakening. It is the first planet that John Dalton explores in the game, as well as the first location of the mysterious Artifact. It also serves as the location of a Liandri Mining Facility. On the far side of the planet (from the Liandri facility) is a swamp which is the home to Rammers and Seagoats. This article is a . You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • The sanctuary is a location in Submachine Universe that was featured in Submachine 7: The Core.
  • Immortals who had grown tired of the Game or otherwise requested it, were installed in the Sanctuary, a safe house run by Watchers. The immortals were drugged and held in contraptions intended to immobilize them and ensure mortal humanity would never be ruled by an immortal. Considering the unpleasant nature of the confinement it is possible that some or many of the immortal participants were unaware of how the Sanctuary actually functioned. The Watchers assigned to the Sanctuary were well armed to defend it against attacks. The Sanctuary was destroyed in the early 2000s by Jacob Kell. Kell beheaded all the inmates, with the exception of Connor MacLeod whom he had been hunting and tormenting for centuries. Connor entered the Sanctuary ten years previously seeking peace from Kell's torments. Days after the destruction of the Sanctuary Matthew Hale, the Watcher in charge of the Sanctuary, captured and drugged Duncan MacLeod in an attempt to create a new Sanctuary. Joe Dawson and Methos mounted a raid, and freed Duncan. Considering the state of the inmates, the secrecy of the program, and the death of Matthew Hale, it is unlikely a new Sanctuary was permanently established though it is possible. (Joe Dawson killed Hale when Hale attempted to interfere with Duncan's challenge of Kell, Hale intended to imprison both immortals in a new version of the Sanctuary). Note: In one version of Highlander: Endgame, Methos mentioned that the Sanctuary was built on holy ground. However, Kell beheaded every inmate, other than Connor MacLeod, with no consequences. Since this is counter to the established canon, that immortals cannot fight on holy ground per the Rules, all references to it being holy ground were removed from the revised version of the film. It is possible that the filmmakers interpreted the Rule in question as referring strictly to fighting on holy ground, since Kell's victims were drugged and immobilized, no combat occurred. The footage of the Sanctuary still shows the guardian Watchers wearing coats reminiscent of monk's robes, which could be interpreted to mean the Sanctuary was on holy ground or the Watchers wished to imply the ground was sacred. The removal of the reference to holy ground leads to a logic error in that the Watchers carefully constructed a Sanctuary to deny an ending to the Game with the one caveat that it was wholly vulnerable to an incursion by hostile immortal/s. fr:Sanctuaire
  • Sylvan refuge with little problems caused by powerful Wraiths Some of the most extensive and authentic Chinese architecture is found here, in a beautiful countryside with high mountains. The most powerful Wraith yet, of course, when are they not, but also tricksy, like the fire devils that chase you unceasingly until you finally must combat, and more flying creatures hovering near the mountains, than you normally see Teleport Chain : Dreamweaver Port > Village of the Lost > Sanctuary > Village of Naught
  • Bajor; Bajoran onderschepper; Bajoran voorlopige regering; Bajoran wormgat; Bezetting van Bajor; Bolka; dabo meisje; dienst rooster; Dominion; Draylon II; entomologie; faser; Gamma kwadrant; generaal; icobessen taart; Interceptor One; Jalanda forum; jeetaka; Jem'Hadar; Kamer van ministers; Kentanna; klasse M; maaza stalks; Mardah; Minister; Noordwest schiereiland; Oog van het Universum; Reegrunions; Rom; Sefalla Prime; Skrreeans; T-Rogorans; Tixiplik, Plix; Trilar schiereiland; universele vertaler; vedek; Vedek assemblee.
  • Sanctuary creates a 5x5-cell area on the ground that heals players and monsters inside it in waves, at a 1 second interval. Requires 1 Blue Gemstone. The number of waves, number of targets that can be healed per wave, and the heal amount of each wave depends on the skill level used. Undead element and demon race monsters that move inside a Sanctuary will be damaged and pushed back by 2 cells. The damage dealt is half the healing power of Sanctuary and is holy property.
  • A sanctuary is an area where PvP combat is disabled for all players, and turning on your PvP flag will have no effect until you leave the sanctuary. Sanctuaries were introduced in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Places like Nighthaven and Booty Bay are not sanctuaries; PvP combat is still possible there. Just because PvP combat is disabled, that does not mean that a sanctuary is a safe haven; for example, the monsters on the Stair of Destiny are not PvP NPCs and will attack players if aggroed. Entering a sanctuary differs from the effect of manually turning off one's PvP flag, (or, on PvP servers, entering a friendly territory) in that PvP combat is immediately disabled; there is no five minute wait. Because of this, it is possible to evade PvP combat by entering a sanctuary, for example, if someone is attacked by another player on their way to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands, their attacker cannot continue attacking them if they cross the portal and enter the Stair of Destiny.
  • Our guild is a safe haven. We are a friendly and active guild that values both leveling and crafting.
  • Billions of years ago, Primus created the hive-like Sanctuary hidden deep below the deadly Protos to hide the Covenant. He filled it with miraculous machines, which the Covenant strives (has striven?) to improve over the ages.
  • Sanctuary was a Plasmid that existed in early versions of BioShock, but was ultimately cut from the final version of the game. In one of the podcasts, the developers revealed that it would have created a protective bubble around the player, absorbing all damage for a limited time. This was useful in early versions of the game, since hacking made the player vulnerable. When the game was changed to be paused while hacking, the developers felt this Plasmid no longer served a purpose. Although BioShock 2 returned to the previous method of hacking, the ability closest to the idea this one portrayed is Natural Camouflage.
  • Sanctuary might refer to: * Sanctuary (L&O), the Law & Order season four episode. * Sanctuary (SVU), the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season eighteen episode.
  • Both versions of the song contain reversed lyrics, voiced by Utada herself. The reversed lyrics are in English in both versions. They include; "My heart's a battle ground" which is played in English even in the Japanese version of the song. The reversed portion of the songs are "I need more affection than you know"; in the "Battleground" sections, "So many ups and downs" and "I need true emotions" are the two other examples of the reversed lyrics. In an interview, Utada said, "It's like... as if 'Hikari' was the dawn, and 'Passion' has a concluding or 'dusk' feeling to it. The lyrics of 'Passion' show how phases of the past, present and future of the character in my song relate to each other." At the end of Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance a different version, called "After the Battle" is used. This version is much quieter for most of the song until the ending part of it, which uses a faster instrumental than the rest of the song. Like Simple and Clean, there is an instrumental version of the song that is used for the menu trailer of "Kingdom Hearts II" called "Passion -Kingdom Orchestra Instrumental Version".
  • Sanctuary creates a soothing area on a targeted location that will restore HP of all entities within the area of effect every second. Against Undead property and Demon race monsters, this skill will inflict Holy property damage equal to half of the healing value and push them 2 cells backwards. Each cast consumes a Blue Gemstone.
  • Name: Sanctuary Run Time: 4:47 Written By: Steve Howe, Paul Sutin Year: 1995
  • The premier New Orleans biker bar, owned by the Peltiers, a clan of Katagaria bears. It is a limani: a safe zone for all types of Hunters where natural rivalries are put aside and no fighting or killing is allowed. Mama (Nicolette) and Papa (Aubert) Bear decided to found Sanctuary as a safe zone after their cubs Bastien and Gilbert were brutally killed by Arcadian Sentinels.
  • The Sanctuary is a lair of the Order, who see this location as a safe haven against the Otherworld. It is featured in Silent Hill: Revelation, and appears to have great purpose to the cult which occupies it. It is located beneath Lakeside Amusement Park.
  • Sanctuary is a city in The Cauldron island in north of Amarillia. It is the home of the amarillian Grand Wizards and it became the location of the amarillian royal family and of the court during the occupation of Castle Argent by the Bone Demon and Zagor.
  • Sanctuary is the 26th episode of The New Adventures of He-Man. File:Exclamation Point Emoticon.png This article is a stub. You can help Wiki Grayskull by expanding it before we are terrorized by evil villains!
  • She has thick pale nape length blonde hair, ice blue eyes and Sidhe-style pointed ears. She was five foot tall when first seen, but apparently had a growth spurt—by March, she was more like five foot three. She cannot understand the old Sidhe language.
  • Sanctuary is a chat room on Kongregate. Being one of the few original rooms Kongregate started with back in 2007, it is one of the oldest still functioning. Room ownership started with Koko, was passed on to Scotti, back to Koko, and is now currently owned by whiskerchu. Both Koko and Scotti are no longer moderators. Sanctuary is kept relatively free from trolls and spammers by several moderators, and a great collection of humorous and witty regulars. Sanctuary is more than just a room, it is a small community. At one point it held its own blog site, as well as a radio station. The regulars actively talk outside of Kongregate's website, hold webcam chats and events, and some even meet-up in person. In a nutshell, Sanctuary is just what its name implies - a refuge. And it is awesome. __TOC__
  • In 1995, Sanctuary was released by Virgin Books.
  • Sanctuary is exclusive to expert extra in Super Monkey Ball Deluxe. It begins with a bridge that is fairly long. Off the side of the end of this bridge is a hemispherical object, the round face textured white while the flat face is textured normally for where it is found. Coming from this in a shallow staircase are more of these types of objects, however the segment removed from the shpere becomes lesser and lesser, reducing the platform space. At the end only a tiny sliver is removed from the sphere, this is where the goal rests.
  • "Sanctuary" is Sele-P's 4th Album. It consists of 14 tracks, sung by Lily, kokone and IA. The album Sanctuary is available in Toranoana.
  • Sanctuary est une petite ville de la banlieue de Boston, près de laquelle est situé l'Abri 111.
  • Sanctuary is a city on Pandora. It is mentioned in passing throughout Borderlands and is the central mission hub in Borderlands 2.
  • Sanctuary is a Cleric support skill.
  • Sanctuary is a planet.
  • Sanctuary is an in Horizon Zero Dawn.
  • Sanctuary is the 42nd episode of Gargoyles.
  • Sanctuary is a side quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.
  • "Sanctuary" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of Angel and the nineteenth episode overall. Co-written by Tim Minear and series creator Joss Whedon and directed by Michael Lange, it was originally broadcast on May 2, 2000 on the WB network. Convinced that Faith is capable of changing her ways, Angel continues to try to help her even as Buffy, the Watchers Council, Wolfram & Hart, and the L.A.P.D. all try to hunt her down. Meanwhile, Wesley faces a crisis of loyalties when the Watchers Council Special Operations Team offers to reinstate him if he helps them capture Faith.
  • Sanctuary was the hidden city of the Itica. Built from the ruins of a long forgotten city, it is said, it was discovered by the elves of Xandir on an expedition. The elves and Itica came to an agreement so now only they know where to find the Sanctuary, and are under no intention to reveal its location. After the Faerfolc Rampage, several Itica relocated to Aison to flee from the Faerfolc who saw them as intruders on their new domain.
  • The arrest of a notorious drug dealer leads to the detectives reopening the murder of a woman who worked for him in 1998. Scotty was working undercover at the time, but never talked about it because he got too close to the victim.
  • Sanctuary was once a sacred location of the protoss, a piece of their architecture being located in the region's center. Now however, the location is fought over for its mineral deposits.
  • A sanctuary is an area where PvP combat is prohibited. Sanctuaries were introduced in Image:Bc icon.gif World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
  • The Sanctuary is a set of magical chambers that exist somewhere outside of Albion, created by the Last Hero for his or her son or daughter. The Sanctuary also serves to replace the concept of a menu screen for Fable III. Unlike the 2D Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) of Fable and Fable II, it is a 3D environment where the normal menu sections are rooms. You can travel there by pressing the Start button or Esc key. It is also the place where Jasper resides for the majority of the game. Jasper unlocks and unveils certain parts as the game progresses.
  • According to the stories told in the books, Sanctuary is just one world of many, which was discovered by neutral forces of heaven and hell. These forces, both angels and demons, were tired of fighting for a cause they felt was futile. They decided instead to leave the ranks of their respective lords and seek to control worlds of their own. Sanctuary is where the story of Diablo takes place. There are no other known worlds at this time.
  • School: Image:Life.png Pip Cost: 3 Accuracy: 100% Type: Image:Global.png Description: +50% to all Image:Health.png spells. Received From: Moolinda Wu Requirements: Required Character Level: 42 Spells: * Imp * Leprechaun * Legend Shield * Sprite * Spirit Armor * Seraph * Satyr * Centaur Prerequisite for: Spells: * None Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror) Duration: 1 minute You ward a creature within range against attack. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect the warded creature from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends.
  • The largest and most famous space craft ever constructed, the SVS Sanctuary was built by Oswald Cottington IV as a lifeship against the Kretonian Invasion of 2651. It had an illustrious service, as lifeboat, center of government and focus of many historical events. It spent a brief period of time in Hiverspace, providing first contact with Comorro Station, an severly impacting the native cultures. Upon return, for a brief period of time it was renamed Concordance Station. It was, however, re-christened Sanctuary during the Moebius Effect crisis and for its last voyage to the Kamir planet of Nocturn. There it was to serve as a stepping stone to the universes beyond the five stargates. Sanctuary was subsequently captured, occupied and then destroyed in the first quarter of 3003 by the Nall Clawed Fist Fleet. While built in a makeshift manner from available materials and an extremely constrained construction scehedule, Sanctuary was an engineering tiumph. Heavily armed and shielded, it had a massive landing and cargo handling facility, huge park-like bays containing a set of fully contained forest and agricultural preserves, a set of habitation domes providing proper environoments for the varied races of refugees and at the end of its life the largest operational spindrive system.
  • Sanctuary is a Gears of War multiplayer map that shipped with Gears of War PC and was remade for Gears of War 2 with the Dark Corners Map Pack.
  • Sanctuary is the twenty-third episode of the sixth season and the 125th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.
  • A hidden network of hospitals operated under complete and utter secrecy.
  • Sanctuary was the closest civilised settlement to orphanage at Dissan Abbey and lay on the route between the Feylands and the Wanderbog. Holden Crunchyson, a survivor of the fall of Falgoon Gap is considered the founder although there may have been one or two buildings there already before he first opened his inn. It was garrisoned largely by survivors from Falgoon Gap. Sanctuary is home to several of the larger professional guilds and is generally a great deal more open to strangers than Falgoon Refuge. Sanctuary provided easy access to the Temple of the Four The settlements fall outside the territories directly controlled by the Church of the Shroud, although the church has allies everywhere and it would be hard to overestimate the impact that their war on Falgoon Gap had on the surrounding area.
  • Cast by the Elohim. Expels all enemy units from your culture borders for 30 turns.
  • Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Tooku tooi basho e to Kaze ni fukare aruite ikuachi wa mina kitto tada sagashiteru'n da Ko Egaiteta mirai nigirishimete Haruka kanata mitsumeteru'n da Umare kita imi o shiritakute Tatoeba ushinau toki ga kite mo Dakishimeru koto ima, erabou Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Nakusenai mono ni mukatte Kagayaita yume dake o taguriyose nagara Tooku tooi basho e to Itsu ka miteta sora no iro ga Namida suru tabi ni yogoreteku Hoho o nuguttara kizuku darou Kiete iku hikari no tsuyosa Bokutachi wa mina kitto tada sagashiteru'n da Kotae ga soko ni nakutemo Dare mo shiranai jibun shinjite mitakute Tooku tooi basho e to Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Hateshinai sora o mezashite Kodou ga hibiki aeba hitori janai kara Tooku tooi basho e to Bokutachi wa mina kitto te o nobashiteru'n da Nakusenai mono ni mukatte Kagayaita yume dake o taguriyose nagara Tooku tooi basho e to
  • Trinity Church takes center stage as the battle rages around and beneath it. Players should take cover behind tombstones or lurk stealthily in the catacombs and passageways and ambush their unsuspecting prey. Some scaffolding leads up to a high-up building interior. Using the SCAR will allow players to compete effectively no matter what tactics their opponents employ. Players should try this map in Extraction and Capture the Relay: the underground tunnels are well-suited to captures.
  • Sanctuaryis a newb support and PKK guild. Sanctuary is Riouki Myssaki's first guild. Many people plan on joining Sanctuary when Riouki Myssaki levels to 50. One of the many people planning on joining Sanctuary is Hakashi.
  • Level: , Components: V, S, DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No
  • Sanctuary has seasons such as autumn and winter. Harvest is carried out in the former, in order to survive the rigors of the latter. On the last day of harvest season, the wisest folk lock their doors, hang their wards, hide under their beds, and wait for dawn. Those who survive the winter fever retain the strength of the madness it brings. Maps of Santuary depict a single major landmass, separated by the Twin Seas. The western end of the continent is bordered by the Great Sea, the east by the Sea of Light. To the north lies the Frozen Sea. Various regions and countries exist/have existed over the course of the world's history:
  • Sanctuary might refer to: * Sanctuary (location), a safe place, such as an animal sanctuary * Sanctuary (diplomacy), a diplomatic procedure of granting sanctuary * "Sanctuary" , a DS9 episode * Sanctuary, the Pocket TOS novel * Sanctuary District, the setting of the DS9 "Past Tense" story arc
  • Sanctuary is a healer in Cove which, during Ultima V, was run by Jessica.
  • Sanctuary is a town similar to Possibility, where dragons from every tribe are welcome. It is being built by the Talons of Peace. Winter is building a den for scavengers in it. It is located in the foothills of the Claws of the Clouds Mountains, besides a very small, very cold lake.
  • Sanctuary is a Diablo-based territory in the Forgotten Realms universe. It is the world of Diablo up to Diablo 2 cause we don't talk about that third one. The territory was ruled by Mephistopheles on behalf of the Sin'dorei Council, but it has since passed to the Altruistic Valorians following the disbanding of Apex Tactical Contractors.
  • The Sanctuary is the main homeworld in the 3DS version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It is only place Hektore can't reach, making the Sanctuary a safe area from his tyranny and it is where the Shattering Sigil resides. At the Sanctuary, Wendel can summon your Skylanders.
  • Headquarters: London, UK Founded: 1976 Founded by: Rod Smallwood and Andy Taylor * Rock * Pop * Rap * Hip Hop * Metal
  • Sanctuary is episode four in season five of the live-action TV series The Incredible Hulk. It originally aired on November 6, 1981 on CBS.
  • "Sanctuary" is the fourteenth episode of the first season of Stargate: Atlantis.
  • Sanctuary (ursprünglich wurde die Map aus dem Spiel geschnitten und hieß Meteora) ist eine Multiplayermap aus thumb|SanctuaryCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, die mit dem Inhaltspaket 4 für Elitemitglieder erschien. Laut der Beschreibung von ELITE spielt sie in einer Kathedrale in Griechenland.
  • The Sanctuary was accessed primarily through an entrance hidden behind a bookshelf in Mario Auditore's study in the Villa.
  • Sanctuary is a group with the motto "There is a new way." Nicole Kirby finds one of the group's leaflets on a bulletin board at Angeles Hospital. ("Playing Cards with Coyote") Nicole later attends a Sanctuary meeting in “The American Legion Hall”, where she discovers it was founded and is led by Timothy. ("Revelation Zero, Part 1")
  • 1st-level abjuration Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a small silver mirror) Duration: 1 minute You ward a creature within range against attack. Until the spell ends, any creature who targets the warded creature with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn’t protect the warded creature from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends.
  • A Sanctuary spell causes other creatures to ignore the existence of the cleric.
  • Sanktuarium to obszar, gdzie niedozwolona jest jakakolwiek walka między graczami. Sanktuaria zostały wprowadzone w World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Są to obszary dostępne zarówno dla graczy Przymierza, jak i Hordy. Obecnie status sanktuarium posiadają: * Image:Bc icon.gif Schody Przeznaczenia, Półwysep Piekielnego Ognia * Image:Bc icon.gif Shattrath, Las Terokkar * Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.png Acherus: Hebanowa Przystań, Wschodnie Ziemie Plagi * Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.png Dalaran, Smocze Cmentarzysko * Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.png Ziemie Srebrzystego Turnieju, Lodowa Korona * Image:Wrath-Logo-Small.png Zamarznięte Halle, Cytadela Lodowej Korony, Lodowa Korona
  • Sanctuaries are located beneath different regions in huge caverns filled with all manner of creatures. The sanctuaries are generally lush and forested, orchids and willows are common plants. The upper reaches are generally reserved for platforms and ramps containing elven dwellings. The lower caverns are usually covered by forests, sparkling pools of water, and other idyllic landscapes. The lower portions act as habitats to the "pretty creatures" the elves are so overly fond of.
  • Everyone needs at least one sanctuary -- a place where you can feel safe and at peace. A sanctuary can be a room, a place in the woods. I suppose it can even be a Teddy bear or safety blanket. Do you have a sanctuary already? Would you like to create one?
  • Some interesting lore from within the Memorial Caverns in Sanctuary has been discovered.
  • Spell level: cleric 1 Innate level: 1 School: abjuration Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 round / level Save: will negates Spell resistance: no Description: The caster's or the person's, touched by the caster, presence is completely ignored by nearby creatures for the duration of the spell.
  • Sanctuary is a political thriller and crime story that featured two childhood friends, Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami, who are ruthlessly struggling to set a new paradigm of living in Japan. However the two friends took radically different paths: Akira chose the dark path of Japan's most infamous organized crime gang, the Yakuza, while Chiaki strived to become the youngest member of the Japanese Parliament. Being survivors of the Cambodian Killing Fields, the two characters developed an unmatched aggression and survival instincts, helping them to achieve their common ultimate goal: making Japan their own sanctuary.
  • It airs on SyFy (formerly known as the Sci Fi Channel). Sanctuary was renewed for a third season consisting of 20 episodes in December of 2009, and for a fourth season with 13 episodes in January of 2011. Months after the fourth season ended, Syfy announced on May 21, 2012 that Sanctuary will not be returning for a fifth season and that the show is cancelled. Syfy cancels Sanctuary.
  • The oldest and most sacred area of En II. Since its construction over three billion years ago, it has helped preserve the environmental balance on En II as well as the mental and emotional balances of its residents. Four stone columns stand tall in its field, housing four sacred gems that contain the spirits of wisdom, might, love, and courage. They are safeguarded from evil by an enormous spirit tree.
  • The target's presence is completely ignored by nearby creatures for the duration of the spell. Attacking, casting a spell, or performing another hostile action cancels the spell.
  • Sanctuary is a Canadian science fiction/fantasy television series, created by Damian Kindler. Sanctuary minis are mini-stenopelhabbilis.
  • Sanctuary ist das Eröffnungslied des Videospiels Kingdom Hearts II, gesungen von der japanischen Sängerin Utada Hikaru. Es wurde von Hikaru geschrieben und produziert, und zwar noch vor der japanischen Version, Passion. In beiden Versionen des Songs werden einige Stellen rückwärts gesungen. Die Stellen, welche rückwärts gesungen werden sind in der englischen, sowie in der japanischen Version in englisch gehalten. Im ganzen Lied taucht immer wieder „I need more affection than you know“; in der „battleground“ Strophe, „So many ups and downs“ und „I need true emotions“ auf. Außerdem kann man das ganze Lied rückwärts abspielen, und es kommt ein verständlicher Text dabei heraus.
  • Sanctuary, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 951-7 is a multiplayer map in Halo 2.
  • Sanctuary, (formerly known as the Southern Shrine or the Sacred Shrine) is a small shrine located south of Rimuldar in southeastern Alefgard. The shrine appears in Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II, and Dragon Quest III.
  • Sanctuary is a completed seinen manga written by FUMIMURA Sho and illustrated by IKEGAMI Ryoichi.
  • Sanctuary (de_turkey) or Sultanahmed (for Turkey region) is an Original, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch map in Counter-Strike Online.
  • Sanctuary (けっかい, Kekkai?) "Magical Barrier" is an ability from Breath of Fire III and Breath of Fire IV.
  • Sanctuary, also called Chitauri Space, is the name given to an asteroid field inhabited by the Chitauri. It is the domain of Thanos.
  • A Sanctuary is a large tent invented by Violet Baudelaire, used by the Baudelaire children as a sleeping quarter during their stay at Count Olaf's House. Using a blanket and four ropes, she builds it in the children's bedroom. To make the sanctuary more comforting, she magnifies silhouettes of her parents using Klaus's helmet and flashlight.
  • The Sanctuary is a bomber, roughly five times the size of an AC. Its only weapons are its bombs which are no threat for the player but for the things he is supposed to protect. The unit however is an easy target due to its large size although it can fly pretty fast.
  • Sanctuary es una canción de la película de 1996, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • The Sanctuary is a religious building located directly north of Inoa Village. It is heavily modelled after High to Late Middle Ages Catholic abbeys, carrying the same air and purpose; with a hospital ward, kitchen, graveyard, crypt, library, school and other rooms. It can be revisited after completion, but in the closing stages of the end of the game becomes locked. Deep below the altar is a small shrine with a statue dedicated to Melzas, where Ronan worships. In the grounds near the graves lives the grave keeper, Cephas.
  • Sanctuary is the 13th episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the 13th overall episode.
  • The Sanctuary is the concealed Darktown shelter of a cult of Blood Mages operating in Kirkwall.
  • Sanctuary is a Canandian steampunk television series that originated as a webseries.
  • Sanctuary (англ. "Храм", "Алтарь" или "Заповедник") — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживание в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Входит в пакет DLC Collection 2. Карта стала доступна 13 марта 2012 года для платных пользователей Call of Duty Elite на Xbox 360.
  • This building, as the rest of the Lothlorien Citadel buildings, levels up over time. You can also automatically upgrade it to level 3 using Systematic Growth.
  • "Sanctuary" is the tenth episode of series 26, and the 791st episode of Casualty overall.
  • Sanctuary was the headquarters of the Paladin Order inside the Rishi Maze. It was located on the planet Reesh which means sanctuary in Ancient. Kiera Antilles is credited with the discovery of Sanctuary.
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