  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford is a character from the popular video game Final Fantasy VI. She appeared when Elan and Thog attempted to sneak onto their airship disguised as other characters from Final Fantasy VI. She later helped eject the two when they mentioned Resurrection and did not know what "Fenix Down" is, and it became apparent they were not who they claimed to be.
  • Terra Branford (Tina en version japonaise) est la protagoniste principale du jeu Final Fantasy VI.
  • The member currently playing Terra joined as her on November 14, 2013, and has played her since.
  • Terra Branford, called Tina Branford (ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo) in the Japanese version, is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VI. She is a half-human, half-Esper hybrid and the first character in the game to control. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • Yoshinori Kitase has stated in an interview that Final Fantasy VI has no official main character, as the developers aimed to give the entire cast equal development and standing without anyone standing above the rest. However, Terra features prominently in much of the game's artwork and is pivotal to its plot; she is present in the game's logo, the game's main theme is named after her, and she was chosen as the heroine to represent Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia. Thus, she is considered the game's central protagonist, which gives her the distinction of being the first female protagonist of a game in the mainstream Final Fantasy series.
  • Yoshinori Kitase has stated that Final Fantasy VI has no official main character, as the developers aimed to give the entire cast equal development and status without anyone standing above the rest. However, Terra features prominently in much of the game's artwork and is pivotal to its plot; she is present in the game's logo, the game's main theme is named after her, and she was chosen as the heroine to represent Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia Final Fantasy. She is often considered the game's central protagonist, which would make her the first female protagonist in the mainstream Final Fantasy series.
  • Terra Branford, called Tina in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI. Her unique abilities make her a key player in the war between the Gestahlian Empire and the rebel factions. Her gameplay name before the player names her is ??????, and her "name" in dialogue is Girl.
  • Terra Brandford, conocida en la versión japonesa como Tina Brandford ( ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo), es una de las protagonistas y personaje jugable de Final Fantasy VI. Sus habilidades especiales la convierten en una pieza clave en la guerra entre el Imperio de Gestahl y las facciones rebeldes. Es posible que por todos estos motivos sea considerada comúnmente por el fandom como la protagonista central, lo que en tal caso, la convierte en la primera mujer protagonista principal en la saga Final Fantasy.
  • Terra Branford (jap. ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo) ist die Hauptfigur in Final Fantasy VI und damit der erste weibliche Hauptcharakter der Serie. Ihre Handlungen werden zunächst von Kefka Palazzo mithilfe eines Knechtreifs bestimmt, der sie als strategische Waffe einsetzt. Bei der Begegnung mit einer Esper wird diese Verbindung aber gebrochen und sie schließt sich in ihrer Verwirrtheit und Heimlosigkeit den Rückkehrern an. Es zeigt sich, dass Terra das Kind einer menschlichen Frau und einer Esper ist und somit eine Schlüsselrolle im Spiel einnimmt. Sie bleibt die meiste Zeit über sehr unsicher.
  • Terra Branford is one of the main characters in the popular role-playing game Final Fantasy VI (released as Final Fantasy III in the U.S.). Terra is a mysterious girl, possessing the power of magic. Her father, Maduin, was an Esper and her mother, Madonna, was a human. Terra was in SC2K5 where she lost to Dante. In SC2K6, Terra reappeared, beating Sarah Kerrigan in a match with one of the Worst. Pics. Ever!
  • Terra Branford (Japanin versiossa nimellä Tina) on pelattava hahmo Final Fantasy VI:ssa. Terra on puoliksi ihminen, puoliksi Esper, yksi harvoista henkilöistä jotka ovat kykeneviä taikomaan luonnostaan ja ainoa tunnettu olemassa oleva ihmisen ja Esperin risteytys. Hänen uniikit kykynsä tekevät hänestä olennaisen hahmon vastarintaliikkeen riveissä. thumb|Yoshitaka Amanon näkemys. Pelin tekijät ovat haastatteluissa painottaneet, että Final Fantasy VI ei sisällä virallista päähahmoa, vaan kaikki hahmot ovat yhtä tärkeitä ja jokaisella hahmolla on oma, tärkeä kehityskaarensa ja osansa juonessa. Tästä huolimatta, Terra on hyvinkin paljon esillä peliä koskevissa kuvissa, hänen hahmonsa on pelin logossa, pelin pääteemakappale on nimetty hänen mukaansa ja hänet valittiin Final Fantasy VI:n edustaj
  • Terra Branford è una dei personaggi principali di Final Fantasy VI. Il suo nome originale giapponese è Tina, ma è stato cambiato per suonare più esotico; inoltre, il suo nome non è rivelato fino alla conclusione del prologo del gioco, e fino ad allora è chiamata ?????? nei menù di gioco e Ragazza nei dialoghi.
Other Appearances
  • true
  • 1
  • +2
  • Animals
  • 18
  • 1,70 m
  • 200
  • ティナ・ブランフォード
  • Elite Magitec
  • Oui
  • Yukari Fukui
  • Daga, espada y bolas de acero
  • Trance
  • 18
  • Kriegerin, Magitek-Ritterin
  • Natalie Lander
  • 50
  • Field sprite (SNES/PSX/GBA). Esper battle sprite (SNES/PSX/GBA). Baby sprite (SNES/PSX/GBA).48x48px|Field sprite (iOS/Android). 48x48px|Esper battle sprite (iOS/Android). Baby sprite (iOS/Android).
  • Trance
  • 48.0
  • Maduin [deceased], Madeline [deceased]
  • Magitek Elite
  • Terra Branford
  • 18
  • 18
  • 5.680368E8
  • Most heavy armor, shields, mage and female-exclusive equipment
  • Most swords, daggers, many maces
  • Unknown
  • Alive
  • Protagoniste
  • Terra Branford
  • Terra Branford
  • Character
  • playable
  • 50
  • true
  • Tina Buranfōdo
  • Tina Buranfōdo
  • Tina Buranfōdo
  • --10-18
  • Terra in human form.
  • Terra Branford
  • true
  • lugares abarrotados
  • Magicita
  • 1
  • 48.0
  • Fluffing Moogles
  • Tierra de los espers
  • 160.0
  • 48.0
  • Trance/Revert
  • Terra Branford
  • ティナ・ブランフォード
  • 230
  • 18
  • true
  • FFVI
  • Tina Branford
  • Female
  • ティナ・ブランフォード
  • 160
  • 160
  • 388
  • 388
  • 1
  • Moguris adorables
  • Riot Blade
  • animales
  • 40
  • Apocalypse
  • Crowded places
  • desconocido
  • Terra Brandford, conocida en la versión japonesa como Tina Brandford ( ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo), es una de las protagonistas y personaje jugable de Final Fantasy VI. Sus habilidades especiales la convierten en una pieza clave en la guerra entre el Imperio de Gestahl y las facciones rebeldes. Yoshinori Kitase ha declarado en una entrevista que "Final Fantasy VI no tiene un protagonista principal oficial", ya que los desarrolladores pretendían darle a todo el elenco de protagonistas igual desarrollo e importancia sin que ninguno sobresaliera demasiado por encima del resto. A pesar de esto, Terra aparece de manera prominente en muchas de las ilustraciones del juego y cumple un rol crucial en el desarrollo del argumento, además que su silueta se encuentra presente en el logotipo del juego, el tema musical principal del juego lleva su nombre y ella fue elegida como la heroína que representaría a Final Fantasy VI en el juego Dissidia Final Fantasy. Es posible que por todos estos motivos sea considerada comúnmente por el fandom como la protagonista central, lo que en tal caso, la convierte en la primera mujer protagonista principal en la saga Final Fantasy.
  • Terra Branford is one of the main characters in the popular role-playing game Final Fantasy VI (released as Final Fantasy III in the U.S.). Terra is a mysterious girl, possessing the power of magic. Her father, Maduin, was an Esper and her mother, Madonna, was a human. Terra was in SC2K5 where she lost to Dante. In SC2K6, Terra reappeared, beating Sarah Kerrigan in a match with one of the Worst. Pics. Ever! While absent from the 4-ways contests, Terra returned in the Winter 2010 Contest, where she beat Darth Revan (with a match pic that finally depicted her with green hair) before losing to fellow FF protagonist Squall.
  • Terra Branford is a character from the popular video game Final Fantasy VI. She appeared when Elan and Thog attempted to sneak onto their airship disguised as other characters from Final Fantasy VI. She later helped eject the two when they mentioned Resurrection and did not know what "Fenix Down" is, and it became apparent they were not who they claimed to be.
  • Terra Branford (Tina en version japonaise) est la protagoniste principale du jeu Final Fantasy VI.
  • Terra Branford, called Tina in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI. Her unique abilities make her a key player in the war between the Gestahlian Empire and the rebel factions. Her gameplay name before the player names her is ??????, and her "name" in dialogue is Girl. Yoshinori Kitase has stated that Final Fantasy VI has no official main character, as the developers aimed to give the entire cast equal development and status without anyone standing above the rest. However, Terra features prominently in much of the game's artwork and is pivotal to its plot; she is present in the game's logo, the game's main theme is named after her, and she was chosen as the heroine to represent Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia Final Fantasy. She is often considered the game's central protagonist, which would make her the first female protagonist in the mainstream Final Fantasy series. Terra Branford was born in the Land of Espers, to an Esper father (Maduin) and a human mother (Madeline). Two years after she was born, the Gestahlian Empire raided the Land of Espers and abducted Maduin. Madeline, with her last breath, told the Emperor Gestahl to keep away from her daughter; however, it was too late. Terra grew up in the custody of the Empire and was raised as a weapon of mass destruction. The exact details of this part of her life are unknown, but she developed a fondness for Moogles during this time and enjoyed fluffing their fur. Eventually, the Imperial general Kefka Palazzo took a keen interest in her and put a Slave Crown on her head, forcing her to obey his orders directly. Among them was to annihilate fifty of the Empire's finest soldiers, which she did with ease. Presumably, this was a test of whether the slave crown actually worked and/or her ability to do so.
  • The member currently playing Terra joined as her on November 14, 2013, and has played her since.
  • Terra Branford, called Tina Branford (ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo) in the Japanese version, is the protagonist of Final Fantasy VI. She is a half-human, half-Esper hybrid and the first character in the game to control. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
  • Terra Branford (Japanin versiossa nimellä Tina) on pelattava hahmo Final Fantasy VI:ssa. Terra on puoliksi ihminen, puoliksi Esper, yksi harvoista henkilöistä jotka ovat kykeneviä taikomaan luonnostaan ja ainoa tunnettu olemassa oleva ihmisen ja Esperin risteytys. Hänen uniikit kykynsä tekevät hänestä olennaisen hahmon vastarintaliikkeen riveissä. thumb|Yoshitaka Amanon näkemys. Pelin tekijät ovat haastatteluissa painottaneet, että Final Fantasy VI ei sisällä virallista päähahmoa, vaan kaikki hahmot ovat yhtä tärkeitä ja jokaisella hahmolla on oma, tärkeä kehityskaarensa ja osansa juonessa. Tästä huolimatta, Terra on hyvinkin paljon esillä peliä koskevissa kuvissa, hänen hahmonsa on pelin logossa, pelin pääteemakappale on nimetty hänen mukaansa ja hänet valittiin Final Fantasy VI:n edustajaksi hyvien puolelle Dissidiassa. Tämän kaiken lisäksi, suurin osa pelin faneista pitää häntä pelin päähahmona.
  • Yoshinori Kitase has stated in an interview that Final Fantasy VI has no official main character, as the developers aimed to give the entire cast equal development and standing without anyone standing above the rest. However, Terra features prominently in much of the game's artwork and is pivotal to its plot; she is present in the game's logo, the game's main theme is named after her, and she was chosen as the heroine to represent Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia. Thus, she is considered the game's central protagonist, which gives her the distinction of being the first female protagonist of a game in the mainstream Final Fantasy series.
  • Yoshinori Kitase has stated that Final Fantasy VI has no official main character, as the developers aimed to give the entire cast equal development and status without anyone standing above the rest. However, Terra features prominently in much of the game's artwork and is pivotal to its plot; she is present in the game's logo, the game's main theme is named after her, and she was chosen as the heroine to represent Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia Final Fantasy. She is often considered the game's central protagonist, which would make her the first female protagonist in the mainstream Final Fantasy series.
  • Terra Branford è una dei personaggi principali di Final Fantasy VI. Il suo nome originale giapponese è Tina, ma è stato cambiato per suonare più esotico; inoltre, il suo nome non è rivelato fino alla conclusione del prologo del gioco, e fino ad allora è chiamata ?????? nei menù di gioco e Ragazza nei dialoghi. Mezza umana e mezza Esper, Terra ha il dono innato della magia, caratteristica che la rende un personaggio chiave nella guerra tra l'Impero di Gestahl e la Resistenza, e per le trattative di pace con gli Esper stessi. Diventata soldato dell'elite imperiale grazie alle sue capacità magiche, non ha ricordi della sua vita a causa del controllo mentale esercitato su di lei dall'Impero, ed è portata dalla parte della Resistenza grazie al potere di un Esper e al fortuito incontro con un avventuriero di nome Locke. Terra appare come personaggio giocabile in Dissidia Final Fantasy e Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, proprio in rappresentanza di Final Fantasy VI, e dopo questa comparsa è apparsa successivamente in numerosi titoli spin-off. Sebbene, secondo quanto affermato dal direttore Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy VI non abbia un vero protagonista, Terra è considerata il personaggio principale a causa della sua importanza nella trama: la prima metà della storia ruota principalmente attorno a lei, e anche se è possibile completare il gioco senza riottenerla nel party giocabile, è comunque presente nel finale; inoltre, lei è presente sul logo del gioco, il tema principale del gioco porta il suo nome e lei è il personaggio più noto da parte dei fans. Per queste ragioni, Terra è considerata la prima donna protagonista di un gioco della serie regolare di Final Fantasy.
  • Terra Branford (jap. ティナ・ブランフォード, Tina Buranfōdo) ist die Hauptfigur in Final Fantasy VI und damit der erste weibliche Hauptcharakter der Serie. Ihre Handlungen werden zunächst von Kefka Palazzo mithilfe eines Knechtreifs bestimmt, der sie als strategische Waffe einsetzt. Bei der Begegnung mit einer Esper wird diese Verbindung aber gebrochen und sie schließt sich in ihrer Verwirrtheit und Heimlosigkeit den Rückkehrern an. Es zeigt sich, dass Terra das Kind einer menschlichen Frau und einer Esper ist und somit eine Schlüsselrolle im Spiel einnimmt. Sie bleibt die meiste Zeit über sehr unsicher. Sie kann ihre eigene Rolle im politischen Kampf von Imperium und Rebellion weder verstehen noch einordnen, als ein Wesen zwischen den Stühlen ohne echte Heimat oder Herkunft. Zu mehreren Charakteren versucht sie tiefere Bindungen aufzubauen, was aber erst bei den verwaisten Kindern von Mobliz gelingt. Zu diesen Kindern entwickelt sie ein tiefes Mitleid sowie Beschützer- und Muttergefühle.
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