  • Ana
  • Ana
  • ANA
  • Ana
  • ANA
  • Ana is the mother of Nadia, who had surgery to remove an eight pound tumor.
  • Ana (アナ), written as Anna in Japanese sources, is a character in EarthBound Beginnings. She is normally the third character to join Ninten, and is also the only member of his team, excluding Pippi, who is female. She usually uses frying pans as her primary weapon, along with many powerful PSI powers.
  • miniatur|Ana sendet einem dieses Bild per Kurznachricht Ana ist ein Charakter aus Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Sie tanzt im Maisonette 9 und ist eine der Mädchen, das Luis verführen kann, um dann später mit ihr One-Night-Stands zu haben. Wenn man sie nicht anruft, schickt sie einem hin und wieder erotische MMS-Bilder.
  • Ana ist eine gewöhnliche junge Blutelfe ohne besondere Auffälligkeiten. Ihre Haare sind meist unordentlich zusammengebunden. Sie trägt Kleidung aus einfachen Stoffen, die zum Teil schon etwas abgetragen wirken.
  • Ana is a non-player character located in the Desert Mining Camp. The player has to free her from the camp in the Tourist Trap quest.
  • Dirección: Eduardo Frodden Guión: Eduardo Frodden, Francisco Ovalle Dirección de Fotografía: Sergio Armstrong Dirección de Arte: Florencia Sobarzo Elenco: Néstor Cantillana y María Paz Grandjean Año: 2006 Sinopsis: El despertador suena, Raúl abre los ojos, y ya sabe todo lo que pasará ese día. Siempre es igual: levantarse, llegar a la oficina, prender el computador y aguantar a su jefe. Raúl está atrapado y sus únicas ventanas hacia el exterior son Ana y su imaginación.
  • Ana se puede referir a los siguientes personajes: * Ana, una mujer sensible a la Fuerza. * Ana Blue, también llamada Sinewy Ana Blue, una contrabandista. * Ana Tathis, padawan durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • At the end of the quest, Irena will do the wave emote and say "Hi Ana!". Then, Ana will walk towards her and disappear. Though Ana disappears, Irena stays at the entrance of Shantay Pass, as though she is still waiting for her daughter.
  • Ana de Maná.
  • Ana was the Rokugani term for Pit.
  • Ana was a character from Barrio Sésamo, the Spanish version of Sesame Street. She was an adult human character who appeared in the second period of the series, from 1983 to 1987. She interacted with human-size Muppets Espinete and Don Pimpón. Ana was a student and popular with all the people who lived on the street. She lived in a flat which was directly over Espinete's home (although Espinete was seen using different places as a home). Ana had a know-it-all attitude similar to Don Pimpón's. She was also popular because of a catchy song she sang, Soy Ana ("I'm Ana").
  • At the end of the quest, Irena will do the wave emote and say "Hi Ana!". Then Ana will walk towards her and disappear. Though Ana disappears, Irena stays at the entrance of Shantay Pass, as though she is still waiting for her daughter.
  • Ana is a stereotypical female character in Mother for the Famicom. She is considerably weak and oddly attacks by using weapons such as frying pans. It's clear that she has romantic feelings for the game's protagonist Ninten in the game. Before she joined Ninten on his journey, Ana was well known for her amazing PSI abilities. Obviously she uses this to her advantage while in battle. Paula from the sequel EarthBound is said to be based on Ana.
  • Ana Valentina Haindes (Anna Gabriella Haindes en inglés, キメヤー ラユッゼリー 1. * REDIRECCIÓN Kimeyā Rayuzzerī (Hikase) en japonés) es una chica de 16 años que acompaña a Andrés, Alberto, Kotone, y otras personas en sus viajes. Su hermana, es Andrea. Estaba enamorada de Alberto y viceversa. Su hermana, también quería a Andrés, y viceversa. Ahora Ana está enamorada de Luki. Ella viaja también en la región Platino y Beisscull, y algún día conocerá la Región ?. Su comida favorita es el pescado, pasta y comidas marinas y saladas. A partir de HGSS empezó a fumar porros (Fumarrillos, según ella), y en FC toma 2 porros.
  • she is blue red and white.
  • Association of Naval Aviation Ana (Name) (may refer to some of these people): Ana Johnsson Ana Reeves Ana, Togo
  • Ana was a minor villain in Duke Nukem: Glorious Bastard.
  • Ana (アナ Ana) es un personaje que aparece en Sonic Unleashed. Ella es una residente humana de Mazuri y la hija de Kwami.
  • Ana is a mermaid and the princess of the underwater kingdom of Atlantia. She was involved greatly in the Battle in Atlantia. She was kidnapped by Death Mites (see Battle in Atlantia for more info) and kept in their dungeon untill King Poseidon would surrender the trident. She was rescued by her father who still remains king of Atlantia. Ana also discovered the Dark Kraken. While exploring a cave near Cuba, she was attacked by a large Kraken. When it left its cave into the light it yelped and fled into its dark cave.
  • Luis Lopez can dance with her, and if she is impressed, a trip to the ladies restroom will lead to a full on quickie behind a stall door. They will exchange numbers and Luis can call her to go to her place for sexual intercourse. This activity is called Booty Call.
  • Ana es un personaje de Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Ella se encuentra bailando en el Maisonette 9 y es una de las 10 chicas con quien puedes tener sexo casual. Para tener sexo casual con ella tienes que impresionarla en la pista de baile. Luego de eso tendrán sexo en el baño y te dará su número de teléfono.
  • Chief of operations Miles O'Brien found this program while checking several systems and tried to get access to this program. The computer denied him access to the program based on a personal security access code forged under O'Brien's name. The program was protected by a series of encryption sequences, which Lt. Jadzia Dax attempted to decrypt with an adaptive program. According to O'Brien, they were lucky because they were working with a Cardassian computer, which limited the program to no more than seven encryption sequences.
  • Laura era una joven estudiante en su primer año de universidad. El primer día le fue todo perfecto en la facultad y todos le acogieron con bastante entusiasmo. Pasaron los meses y llegó la época de right|250px exámenes. Laura quería estar tranquila, así que cogió sus cosas y se hospedó en una pequeña casa en el campo a las afueras de la ciudad. Estaba lloviendo muchísimo y al caer la noche, mientras ella estudiaba, tocaron a la puerta. Laura abrió. -Hola soy Ana, ¿te importaría que estudiásemos juntas? Durante todo el día no la vio, tampoco le dio importancia. Ana le miró fijamente y contestó:
  • thumb|Das Programm ANA ist entschlüsselt ANA ist der Name eines Computerprogramms, das Neela 2369 entwickelt, um die Kraftfelder für ihren Fluchtweg nach der geplanten Ermordung von Vedek Bareil zur Shuttlerampe A zu deaktivieren. Sie richtet das Programm so ein, dass, laut Computer, Chief O'Brien die Berechtigungen für das Programm hat. Zusätzlich hinterlegt sie einen Sicherheitscode. Da Deep Space 9 eine Raumstation mit cardassianischen Systemen ist, wird die Datei mit einem nur 7-stelligen Code versehen und ist leicht zu entschlüsseln.
  • Ana is the main protagonist of the 2004's remake Dawn of the Dead. She is based of by fran in the original but is stronger.After a long day at work she came home to snuggle with her boyfriend.When both in a shower they missed the news about a zombie virus.In the next morning the pair were atacked by the neighbor's zombie daughter. Ana barricaded the room and had to bandage her boyfrends wounds.Then all of a sudden he became a zombie which ledana to flee .When she bumbs into a group of survivors, they quikly barricade mall and take out the zombies inside.When all hope seems lost, they make a plan in which some of the survivors are killed .Ana managed to survive and relised that her love interset was bitten.She cried as the boat sailed away leaving her with nothing but just people that she
  • The ANA is digital universe, consisting of both personalities downloaded into its structure, and a multitude of virtual realities constructed by its "residents". It is the most powerful sentient "computer" ever, and has such a portion of it is devoted to be the government of the Commonwealth. It is not a single electronic device, rather:
  • Ana is one of the main antagonists in Rise of the Tomb Raider. She appears early in the game trying to warn Lara away from her father's research, as she worries she's headed down the same self destructive path. Ana was Lord Richard Croft's former girlfriend. In the game's optional dialogue audio files, Lord Croft explains how he met Ana. He was approached by her after a conference on folklore and anthropology. He was surprised to find her questions were "intelligent, almost innocent in their inquisitiveness".
Portrayed By
Base de Operaciones
  • El Cairo, Egipto
  • 162.0
  • Negro
  • hide
  • She looks like a tourist.
  • Stuffed.
  • This lady doesn't look as if she belongs here.
  • Sonic Unleashed
  • 410
  • Schatten
  • "ANA"
original upload date
  • Jan 22, 2013
  • Marrón
  • 60
  • Marrón
  • 200
  • Femenino
  • kupferrot
  • hide
Only appearance
  • 60
  • 80
  • Ana
  • Overwatch
  • 54.0
  • 8
  • 2016-07-19
  • Unnamed father, Unnamed mother
  • Ana
  • Ana Amari
  • Dardo Tranquilizante
  • Facilitadora
  • Granada Biótica
  • Nanopotenciamiento
  • Rifle Biótico
  • Siesta
  • Grey
  • Cute Spray
  • Pixel Spray
  • 60
  • 60
  • 3.786912E8
  • 0
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Support
  • Blonde
  • 3
  • Ana
  • Enabler
  • Naptime
  • Character
  • Ana
  • 70
  • 120
Family members
  • 10
  • *Turbante cerúleo *Collar de perlas con perlas cerúleo, naranja y blancas *Aretes blancos *Vestido rojo y tartán con cinta cerúleo *Pulseras con rayas azul zafiro, blanco, naranja y rojo *Sandalias grises
  • Bueno
Character Name
  • Ana
  • Yes
Appears In
  • EarthBound Beginnings and Mother 1 + 2''
  • Después de que Ana toca a uno de sus aliados con un potenciador de combate, este temporalmente se mueve más rápido, inflige más daño y recibe menos daño de los ataques enemigos.
  • Obten 4 asesinatos/asistencias con un uso de Nanopotenciamiento de Ana en una Partida Rápida o Competitiva.
  • Ana dispara un dardo de su arma de apoyo y deja a un enemigo inconsciente .
  • Ana lanza una bomba biótica que inflige daño a los enemigos y sana a los aliados en un área de efecto pequeña. Los aliados afectados reciben un breve aumento de sanación de todas las fuentes, mientras que los enemigos atrapados en la explosión no se podrán sanar por unos momentos.
  • Interrumpe una habilidad definitiva enemiga con un Dardo Tranquilizante en una Partida Rápida o Competitiva.
  • El rifle de Ana dispara dardos que pueden restaurar la salud de sus aliados o infligir daño permanente a sus enemigos. Puede usar la mira del rifle para ver de cerca a los objetivos y hacer tiros más precisos.
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • New Throwing Weapons!
  • No
  • 200
  • D
  • Habilidad máxima
  • Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Ana's Sleep Dart in quick or competitive play.
  • Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in quick or competitive play.
  • black; color: white
  • Archaeologist
  • Ana_cute.png
  • Ana_pixel.png
  • Bounty hunter, Vigilante
  • Army sniper ;
  • Overwatch second-in-command ;
  • 1983
  • 2003-04-14
  • Never stop fighting for what you believe in.
  • 2003-04-14
  • Female
  • 200
  • Ana Amari
  • GA: 11
  • アナ
  • 2015
  • Cazarrecompensas
  • 0
  • ???
  • American
wikipage disambiguates
  • *Musaid *Ver el mundo *Spagonia *Encontrar a su verdadero amor
  • *Tener que esperar a su verdadero amor *Su padre rechazando su elección de marido *Dr. Eggman
  • 10
  • 12
  • Ana is the mother of Nadia, who had surgery to remove an eight pound tumor.
  • Ana (アナ), written as Anna in Japanese sources, is a character in EarthBound Beginnings. She is normally the third character to join Ninten, and is also the only member of his team, excluding Pippi, who is female. She usually uses frying pans as her primary weapon, along with many powerful PSI powers.
  • miniatur|Ana sendet einem dieses Bild per Kurznachricht Ana ist ein Charakter aus Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Sie tanzt im Maisonette 9 und ist eine der Mädchen, das Luis verführen kann, um dann später mit ihr One-Night-Stands zu haben. Wenn man sie nicht anruft, schickt sie einem hin und wieder erotische MMS-Bilder.
  • Ana ist eine gewöhnliche junge Blutelfe ohne besondere Auffälligkeiten. Ihre Haare sind meist unordentlich zusammengebunden. Sie trägt Kleidung aus einfachen Stoffen, die zum Teil schon etwas abgetragen wirken.
  • Ana is a non-player character located in the Desert Mining Camp. The player has to free her from the camp in the Tourist Trap quest.
  • Dirección: Eduardo Frodden Guión: Eduardo Frodden, Francisco Ovalle Dirección de Fotografía: Sergio Armstrong Dirección de Arte: Florencia Sobarzo Elenco: Néstor Cantillana y María Paz Grandjean Año: 2006 Sinopsis: El despertador suena, Raúl abre los ojos, y ya sabe todo lo que pasará ese día. Siempre es igual: levantarse, llegar a la oficina, prender el computador y aguantar a su jefe. Raúl está atrapado y sus únicas ventanas hacia el exterior son Ana y su imaginación.
  • Ana se puede referir a los siguientes personajes: * Ana, una mujer sensible a la Fuerza. * Ana Blue, también llamada Sinewy Ana Blue, una contrabandista. * Ana Tathis, padawan durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN * La versión original de este artículo, o parte del mismo, fue traducida de Wookieepedia, [ ver autores].
  • Chief of operations Miles O'Brien found this program while checking several systems and tried to get access to this program. The computer denied him access to the program based on a personal security access code forged under O'Brien's name. The program was protected by a series of encryption sequences, which Lt. Jadzia Dax attempted to decrypt with an adaptive program. According to O'Brien, they were lucky because they were working with a Cardassian computer, which limited the program to no more than seven encryption sequences. After O'Brien and Dax decrypted the access code, 4-1-0-0-R-L-X, they discovered that the command protocols of this program included a system of sequential overrides for the security fields around runabout pad A – an escape route. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets") Originally, Anara was to be the character who attempted to assassinate Vedek Bareil in the episode. Although the character of Neela was later created for that purpose, the code "ANA" was retained from that early draft. (Star Trek Encyclopedia 2nd ed., p. 435; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 66) One of the encryption sequences shown during the computer's search reads "GENE ROD", a reference to Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, while another reads "NCC1 701", a reference to Star Trek's famous ship, the USS Enterprise.
  • Ana is the main protagonist of the 2004's remake Dawn of the Dead. She is based of by fran in the original but is stronger.After a long day at work she came home to snuggle with her boyfriend.When both in a shower they missed the news about a zombie virus.In the next morning the pair were atacked by the neighbor's zombie daughter. Ana barricaded the room and had to bandage her boyfrends wounds.Then all of a sudden he became a zombie which ledana to flee .When she bumbs into a group of survivors, they quikly barricade mall and take out the zombies inside.When all hope seems lost, they make a plan in which some of the survivors are killed .Ana managed to survive and relised that her love interset was bitten.She cried as the boat sailed away leaving her with nothing but just people that she has only met for about a week.In the credits millions of zombies chase them which led ana to fall down and evreyone screams.Then nas organs where ripped out and ana scramed COWARD as her last words. FAMOUS LINE.Look we have got a choice.Kill them or we get killed by them.Your call
  • At the end of the quest, Irena will do the wave emote and say "Hi Ana!". Then, Ana will walk towards her and disappear. Though Ana disappears, Irena stays at the entrance of Shantay Pass, as though she is still waiting for her daughter.
  • thumb|Das Programm ANA ist entschlüsselt ANA ist der Name eines Computerprogramms, das Neela 2369 entwickelt, um die Kraftfelder für ihren Fluchtweg nach der geplanten Ermordung von Vedek Bareil zur Shuttlerampe A zu deaktivieren. Sie richtet das Programm so ein, dass, laut Computer, Chief O'Brien die Berechtigungen für das Programm hat. Zusätzlich hinterlegt sie einen Sicherheitscode. Da Deep Space 9 eine Raumstation mit cardassianischen Systemen ist, wird die Datei mit einem nur 7-stelligen Code versehen und ist leicht zu entschlüsseln. Das Programm bringt den Chief schließlich auf die richtige Spur und der Mord an Vedek Bareil kann verhindert werden. (DS9: ) Kategorie:Computer en:ANA
  • Ana de Maná.
  • Ana was the Rokugani term for Pit.
  • Ana was a character from Barrio Sésamo, the Spanish version of Sesame Street. She was an adult human character who appeared in the second period of the series, from 1983 to 1987. She interacted with human-size Muppets Espinete and Don Pimpón. Ana was a student and popular with all the people who lived on the street. She lived in a flat which was directly over Espinete's home (although Espinete was seen using different places as a home). Ana had a know-it-all attitude similar to Don Pimpón's. She was also popular because of a catchy song she sang, Soy Ana ("I'm Ana").
  • At the end of the quest, Irena will do the wave emote and say "Hi Ana!". Then Ana will walk towards her and disappear. Though Ana disappears, Irena stays at the entrance of Shantay Pass, as though she is still waiting for her daughter.
  • Ana is a stereotypical female character in Mother for the Famicom. She is considerably weak and oddly attacks by using weapons such as frying pans. It's clear that she has romantic feelings for the game's protagonist Ninten in the game. Before she joined Ninten on his journey, Ana was well known for her amazing PSI abilities. Obviously she uses this to her advantage while in battle. Paula from the sequel EarthBound is said to be based on Ana.
  • Ana Valentina Haindes (Anna Gabriella Haindes en inglés, キメヤー ラユッゼリー 1. * REDIRECCIÓN Kimeyā Rayuzzerī (Hikase) en japonés) es una chica de 16 años que acompaña a Andrés, Alberto, Kotone, y otras personas en sus viajes. Su hermana, es Andrea. Estaba enamorada de Alberto y viceversa. Su hermana, también quería a Andrés, y viceversa. Ahora Ana está enamorada de Luki. Ella viaja también en la región Platino y Beisscull, y algún día conocerá la Región ?. Su comida favorita es el pescado, pasta y comidas marinas y saladas. A partir de HGSS empezó a fumar porros (Fumarrillos, según ella), y en FC toma 2 porros.
  • she is blue red and white.
  • The ANA is digital universe, consisting of both personalities downloaded into its structure, and a multitude of virtual realities constructed by its "residents". It is the most powerful sentient "computer" ever, and has such a portion of it is devoted to be the government of the Commonwealth. It is not a single electronic device, rather: ANA had ceased to be limited to the physical machinery that birthed it. The operational medium was now tunnelled into the quantum structure of spacetime around Earth ... it was no longer machine, or even artificial life. It had become alive. (The Dreaming Void)
  • Ana is one of the main antagonists in Rise of the Tomb Raider. She appears early in the game trying to warn Lara away from her father's research, as she worries she's headed down the same self destructive path. Ana was Lord Richard Croft's former girlfriend. In the game's optional dialogue audio files, Lord Croft explains how he met Ana. He was approached by her after a conference on folklore and anthropology. He was surprised to find her questions were "intelligent, almost innocent in their inquisitiveness". He stated having Ana in his life "Put new wind in his sails". She displayed interest in his work, organized his research and eventually became his editor. He noted that "Her presence in the manor has revitalized everything". Although Ana brought Lord Croft happiness, he believed Lara thought she was replacing Amelia Croft However, in adult Lara's dialogue files, she states Ana made her father happy. Unfortunately, much to Lara's disbelief and disgust, Ana is revealed to be working with Trinity, and is Konstantin's sister. Ana has been manipulating Lara's family for years, however, she still seems somewhat sentimental towards Lara. Because of this, she orders Trinity forces and Konstantin to keep her alive for the time being, though this is much to Konstantin's dislike as he believes Ana's dwelling in the past will hold them back in their pursuit for the Divine Source. Ana needs the source due to a disease she has, though she contradicts her work when she carelessly lights a smoke. After Lara escapes from the Gulag and joins forces with the Remnant people, Ana and Konstantin continuously argue over the fact that Trinity is only using them as the instruments to their triumph, and do not intend to let them keep the source. Ana has also not only manipulated the Crofts, she has also let her mentally disturbed brother believe that he is carrying out God's will, and has been since they were children. Mid game, Lara encounters Ana in the Cathedral where the Atlas (a map to the source) is hidden. Having no choice, Lara uses Ana as bait to the Trinity mercenaries, so that she can traverse deeper into the ruin. There she injures Ana and gains the upper hand to locating the source. After the encounter in the Cathedral, Ana drops the sentimental feelings for Lara, believing that "she can break her". In the end, Ana retrieves the source, however, Lara destroys it before she can use it. In a post credit scene, Ana is seen to be alive, leaving Siberia with Lara. However, just as she is about to reveal the truth of Lord Croft's death, she is shot and killed by an unknown sniper.
  • Association of Naval Aviation Ana (Name) (may refer to some of these people): Ana Johnsson Ana Reeves Ana, Togo
  • Ana was a minor villain in Duke Nukem: Glorious Bastard.
  • Ana (アナ Ana) es un personaje que aparece en Sonic Unleashed. Ella es una residente humana de Mazuri y la hija de Kwami.
  • Ana is a mermaid and the princess of the underwater kingdom of Atlantia. She was involved greatly in the Battle in Atlantia. She was kidnapped by Death Mites (see Battle in Atlantia for more info) and kept in their dungeon untill King Poseidon would surrender the trident. She was rescued by her father who still remains king of Atlantia. Ana also discovered the Dark Kraken. While exploring a cave near Cuba, she was attacked by a large Kraken. When it left its cave into the light it yelped and fled into its dark cave.
  • Laura era una joven estudiante en su primer año de universidad. El primer día le fue todo perfecto en la facultad y todos le acogieron con bastante entusiasmo. Pasaron los meses y llegó la época de right|250px exámenes. Laura quería estar tranquila, así que cogió sus cosas y se hospedó en una pequeña casa en el campo a las afueras de la ciudad. Estaba lloviendo muchísimo y al caer la noche, mientras ella estudiaba, tocaron a la puerta. Laura abrió. Era una joven preciosa, de piel blanca y lisa como la porcelana, de ojos verdes, grandes y vistosos y con unos labios carnosos y morados a causa del frío. Sus ropas eran como trapos colgando de su cuerpo, sucios y totalmente empapados a causa de la lluvia. La joven le regaló una tímida sonrisa a Laura y dijo: -Hola soy Ana, ¿te importaría que estudiásemos juntas? A lo que Laura contestó que le encantaría, que incluso así le seria más fácil. Así fue hasta que Laura se quedó dormida. Cuando despertó, Ana ya no estaba. Pensó que acaso se había marchado a la universidad. Durante todo el día no la vio, tampoco le dio importancia. Esa noche volvió a pasar lo mismo y así durante muchos días, pero nunca se atrevió a preguntar, habría parecido grosera. Durante una de esas noches, Ana se comportó de forma muy rara durante la noche; para la mañana siguiente, ya había desaparecido. Laura, confusa y sin poder soportarlo más, fue derecha al despacho del director. Le contó lo sucedido: el director parecía burlón ante la historia. Le pidió que se sentase y le explicó que Ana fue una joven que murió hace muchísimos años en las afueras de la ciudad. Decían por ahí que su alma seguía vagando por esas zonas; él personalmente no creía en ello. Le recomendó que no le diese importancia, que se trataba de meras coincidencias y que no temiera. Esa noche cuando tocaron a la puerta, parecía que el corazón se le fuera a escapar del pecho. Abrió, y allí estaba ella, Ana. Laura, temblando y asustada, le preguntó: -Tú moriste hace ya muchos años aquí, ¿verdad? Ana le miró fijamente y contestó: -Podríamos haber sido grandes amigas. Y desapareció sin dejar rastro. Laura contó esta historia a todo aquel que se la preguntaba, pero la gente no le creía, o no querían creerle y la encerraron en un manicomio. ¿Será verdad que Ana sigue rondando por ahí? Mejor no abrir la puerta a cualquiera. Categoría:Fantasmas
  • Luis Lopez can dance with her, and if she is impressed, a trip to the ladies restroom will lead to a full on quickie behind a stall door. They will exchange numbers and Luis can call her to go to her place for sexual intercourse. This activity is called Booty Call.
  • Ana es un personaje de Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Ella se encuentra bailando en el Maisonette 9 y es una de las 10 chicas con quien puedes tener sexo casual. Para tener sexo casual con ella tienes que impresionarla en la pista de baile. Luego de eso tendrán sexo en el baño y te dará su número de teléfono.
is Technik of
is Creador of
is Users of
is Familia of
is Family members of
is m1 equip by of
is Character of
is Voices of
is Parents of
is teased of