  • Hypnosis
  • Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
  • |}
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Hypnosis (サイケこうせん Psyche-beam) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Hypnosis is a psychic-type move introduced in Generation I.
  • A technique used by Sosuke Mizushima whereby he casts a genjutsu over Shusui in order to ensnare an individual in a well constructed Genjutsu in which their five senses are manipulated heavily. The catalyst for this technique is for the victim to view Shusui's blade. This technique can ensnare multiple targets at once. After Sosuke was killed by Hironori Ōtsutsuki, he learnt this technique himself.
  • Hypnosis is the 50th episode in As the Bell Rings (Australia).
  • Hypnosis is often used in Michael Connelly's novels to both commit crimes and to investigate them.
  • Hypnosis is the ability to make someone fall into a deep trance, or making the victim do whatever the hypnotist says. Vampires can hypnotize, alter memories, and erase memories, they can hypnotize both vampires and breathers, but it is much easier to hypnotize breathers then vampires. Vampires cannot hypnotize, alter memories, and erase memories, of a person they care about or are in love with. Hypnosis does not work on trained vampire slayers. This is a common Vampire power.
  • Hypnosis is a spell of the Hypnotist. When cast, it places an enemy to sleep for 5 seconds, restoring 75 mana to him and dealing 20 damage.
  • Hypnosis is a Level One Quantum power that allows a nova to hypnotize a person.
  • Using this ability, Charlie can induce his victims into a hypnotic state. This allows him to put the person into a trance, in which they won't be fully aware of what is happening around them. Whilst in the hypnotic state, he can command his victims into doing whatever he want them to do, no matter what their own personal views on the commands could be. This usually works when he speaks verbally to them and they usually follow the sound of his voice. When his victims are in the hypnotic trance they won't be able to get out of it until Charlie allows them to do so. They would remain in the trance even if he'd be silent or leave the area.
  • Gengar thrusts one hand forwards; an illusory pocket watch appears and spins in a circle before vanishing. Opponents standing in front of Gengar will fall under the move's effects and fall asleep.
  • Hypnosis is a state of mind or a set of attitudes, which is created by a special procedure that is followed. Characters on Arthur have been hypnotized, usually in a dream or daydream sequence.
  • May cause target sleep.
  • Induced Sedation is the ability to whistle and send someone into a Sedated State where they become completely relaxed and incapable of moving. Samson Gray (who is replicating this power) unsuccessfully attempts to use this power on his son Sylar after he demonstrates it on a rabbit.
  • Shaiya Relic of mystra is the best game i ever ver played. Its very easy to mmake money just port you and go to and goult stand. When u are lvl 40 in Nm u cane have hm.When u are in lvl 40 in Hm u cacne get Um.
  • Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. Dr. Heitz Werber conducted hypnosis on several alien abductees.
  • Hypnosis was the induction of a state of consciousness in which an individual's thoughts could be easily influenced by another. The mind trick abilities developed by Force-users were hypnotic in nature. Some species, like the Diathim and the Maelibi, had natural hypnotic skills. Hypnosis could be used on oneself. Cray Mingla forced herself to stay awake through hypnosis and drug therapies. Hypnosis could also be used to ingrain information into the memory of a subject, a process that was known as hypno-imprinting. Certain objects with hypnotic effects could be created. During the Clone Wars, the Gungan Rish Loo gave a hypnotic necklace to Boss Lyonie, putting him under influence.
  • The user is able to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.
  • Now, talking about your appeal to pets, absolutely nobody can rival you. They'd follow you to the ends of the earth. and that's a fact. 7/10
  • Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterized by a state of awareness combined with a heightened state of suggestibility. It is often used as part of a routine of psychotherapy. In House's Head, Chase uses hypnosis in an attempt to get House to remember the events leading up to the bus crash. In Dead & Buried, Chase uses hypnosis on Iris to deal with her dissociative identity disorder.
  • Hypnosis (JP) is a non-damaging Psychic-type move introduced in the first generation.
  • Hypnosis was a psychic ability to mesmerize and influence the minds of other beings, allowing the hypnotist to exert a level of control (sometimes total) over the victim's actions, as well as altering their perceptions. Certain vampires, such as The Master, Drusilla and Dracula, were particularly adept at hypnosis, and employed it to gain advantage over their enemies, though their hypnotic power worked differently.
  • Once tapping into Prue's fear of her sisters being in danger, Barbas was able to put Prue in a trance by slowly brushing his hand against her forehead. In this hypnotic state, Prue believed that her sisters were replaced by impostors. Piper and Phoebe were able to talk her out of the trance, but it took them quite a bit of time.
  • The Doctor occasionally practised hypnosis. Time Lord DNA included a psychic empathy field, indicating that all Time Lords may have been capable of hypnosis. (AUDIO: The Oseidon Adventure) To break the mind control by the artificial intelligence WOTAN, the First Doctor used it on his companion Dodo Chaplet, leaving her asleep 48 hours long and forgetful of the accident. (TV: The War Machines)
  • Visually, one knows that a vampire is hypnotizing a person when they stare at them intently, sometimes with the eyes going the characteristic vampire green-gold. Victims of vampire hypnosis in the Forever Knight universe do not behave the same way as hypnotized people in other science fiction or fantasy series. For example, in the Star Wars universe, which employs a type of hypnosis frequently called a "Jedi mind trick," victims typically adopt a casual tone of voice and then agree to whatever was being told to them without being able to think for themselves. Moments later, they might be puzzled about their new opinion, but would not feel obliged to change it back.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Hypnosis article. Take me to the [ Hypnosis] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about:
  • Hypnosis (さいみんじゅつ saiminjutsu) is a PSI ability in all three titles of the Mother series. It works on a single enemy, or all enemies, depending on the power level, and causes the affected target to fall asleep. Attacking an enemy while they are in the Hypnosis state, has a probability of them waking up from this status. This also applies to party members, as well as this status being removed after a battle is won. Hypnosis is learned in EarthBound Beginnings by Ninten and Ana, in EarthBound by Ness, and in Mother 3 by Kumatora.
  • Hypnosis is a distinctive, often trance-like mental state that is induced by an organized pattern of suggestions, usually verbal in nature, beginning with the suggestion of relaxation. The suggestions may be directly induced by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject, but may be also be self-induced (self-hypnosis or autohypnosis/auto-suggestion). The word 'hypnosis' itself is the invention of 19th century Scottish physician James Braid. The British Medical Association and the American Medical Association both recognize that hypnotherapy has many legitimate medical benefits.
  • In 2268, James T. Kirk believed hypnosis to be a possible reason for Professor John Gill's strange behavior, along with drugs and psychosis. However, he required Doctor Leonard McCoy to determine which. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" )
  • Hypnosis is the ability to control someone using the power of suggestion. Hypnotists are purported to be able to help people block or unblock memories, regress to earlier lives, or wander around clucking like chickens.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Hypnosis/preload editintro=Hypnosis/editintro width=25 Hypnosis is a phenomenon of the mind which can be used to treat fears and phobias, or bad habits such as smoking, over eating, or nail biting. Prominent hypnotherapists, such as Jason Vogel in Los AngelesJason Vogel, Hypnotherapist also help people become more personally effective, and overcome the barriers that block their success. Jason Vogel, M.A., C.Ht. Productivity Consultant and Certified Hypnotherapist 310-770-8081 Fax: 310-388-0336,
  • I
  • 1
  • 2
  • α, Ω
  • Evil
jutsu type
  • Yin Release,
debut shippuden
  • No
  • 0
literal english
  • Hypnosis
jutsu classification
  • Genjutsu,
Row 1 info
  • Make suggestions to the subconscious of others.
  • 0
unnamed jutsu
  • No
  • 1
  • None
  • 22
english tv
  • Temporary Hypnosis
  • 0
jutsu class type
  • Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
jutsu media
  • Anime, Manga, Game, Movie
ability to
  • place others into a hypnotic state in which they are highly suggestable
  • 30.0
  • None
  • 2.400000
  • 1
  • 50
  • 212
  • 14
  • 18
  • 22
  • 26
  • 30
  • 34
  • 38
  • 42
  • 46
  • Status
  • Supportive Power
  • Up to 25.0 meters
  • 20
Box Title
  • Hypnosis
  • None
  • Charlie Deveaux Unnamed Vampire Sienna Herriford
  • Scales
  • —
  • --
  • Puts target to sleep.
  • 50
  • 55
  • 60
  • 65
  • 70
  • 75
  • 80
  • 85
  • 90
  • Hypnosis
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 13
  • 15
  • 17
  • 19
  • Psychic
  • Attack
  • Maneuver
  • Single target debuff
  • Saimen
  • saiminjutsu
  • Charma using her powerful hypnotic ability
  • Hypnotising a girl into doing his bidding
  • Ness using Hypnosis α.
  • Makes the enemy fall asleep for duration .
  • A short duration charm that requires no concentration. It can be cast on weaker epic targets for a shorter dsuration.
  • Wisdom
  • 300
Appears In
  • EarthBound Beginnings, EarthBound & Mother 3
  • 0
  • 16.0
  • Hypnosis.gif
  • Status
  • Enchanter
  • Purple
  • The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
  • Smart
  • Clever
  • Side Special
  • 12
  • 2
  • サイケこうせん Psyche-beam
  • 2
  • Any action to the target will end the effect.
  • 60
  • 60.0
  • 2.5
  • Enemy
  • Around
  • One enemy or all enemies
  • -
  • 20.0
  • 25.0
  • 30.0
  • 35.0
  • 40.0
  • 45.0
  • 55.0
  • 60.0
  • 50.0
  • Put someone in a trance
  • *Charms target *Certain enemies cannot be charmed *Applies Disorientation on termination. Lasts for 3.0 seconds. *If Target is not a boss *If Target is not named *Does not affect Epic x2 targets
  • Physical contact or hand gesture at close proximity
  • さいみんじゅつ
  • Sleep
  • 1
  • 0
  • 100
  • 3
  • Prevents the Voltage from going down in the same turn.
  • Badly startles those that have made appeals.
  • Badly startles all of the Pokémon to act before the user.
  • Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
  • |}
  • Hypnosis is the ability to control someone using the power of suggestion. Hypnotists are purported to be able to help people block or unblock memories, regress to earlier lives, or wander around clucking like chickens. In Real Life, hypnosis is merely a state of extreme suggestibility, not mind control, and someone who is hypnotised is unlikely to do anything they would refuse to do when awake. Stage hypnosis where people are made to cluck like chickens works on the principle that the volunteer expected to be told to do something silly on stage and was willing to go along with it in the first place. In badfic, hypnosis is sometimes used to compel characters to do things they wouldn't ordinarily do, such as commit rape, fall in love with someone inappropriate, or wander around clucking like a chicken. This may be charge-worthy if hypnotism is presented as supernaturally powerful in a continuum without supernatural powers, but exceptions must be made in canons that allow for it. In some continua, hypnosis is a magical or psychic ability with which the hypnotist can implant suggestions directly into their target's mind. It often requires steady eye-contact with the target. A particularly potent example is the transfixing gaze of Middle-earth dragons such as Glaurung. Looking directly into a dragon's eyes puts you under its spell, and then it can do anything from convincing you that a bad idea is a good one to making you forget your entire life. Another example is Redwall's Ublaz Mad Eyes, who can control beasts such as monitor lizards and snakes and once compelled a follower who knew too much to throw himself out of an upper-floor window.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Hypnosis (サイケこうせん Psyche-beam) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Hypnosis is a psychic-type move introduced in Generation I.
  • A technique used by Sosuke Mizushima whereby he casts a genjutsu over Shusui in order to ensnare an individual in a well constructed Genjutsu in which their five senses are manipulated heavily. The catalyst for this technique is for the victim to view Shusui's blade. This technique can ensnare multiple targets at once. After Sosuke was killed by Hironori Ōtsutsuki, he learnt this technique himself.
  • Hypnosis is the 50th episode in As the Bell Rings (Australia).
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Hypnosis/preload editintro=Hypnosis/editintro width=25 Hypnosis is a phenomenon of the mind which can be used to treat fears and phobias, or bad habits such as smoking, over eating, or nail biting. Prominent hypnotherapists, such as Jason Vogel in Los AngelesJason Vogel, Hypnotherapist also help people become more personally effective, and overcome the barriers that block their success. Stage Hypnosis Dr. Mez, Stage Hypnotistdemonstrates the power of the mind in front of large audiences. The show is usually comic, and often side splitting hilarious. Advertisers... politicians... clergy & your lovers regularly use the techniques of hypnosis to influence you. Hypnosis is more effective and pervasive than you may realize. Make positive changes in your life: • Reduce Stress • Overcome Procrastination • Quit Smoking & Control Habits • Obtain your Ideal Weight • Communicate & Understand better Supercharge Your Business: • Create greater Pro$$perity • Establishing Patterns of Success • Communication Skills to Establish Rapport & Close Sales • Motivation to Get the Job Done Entertainment – (While Exploring the Mind) • Stage Hypnosis for parties – an unforgettable and inspiring show • Teambuilding • Laughter Jason Vogel, M.A., C.Ht. Productivity Consultant and Certified Hypnotherapist 310-770-8081 Fax: 310-388-0336, Georgetown University, Phi Beta Kappa M.A. Psychology, USM Post Graduate Degree/Internship, Hypnosis Motivation Institute Author of 2 Books, Business owner, Award-winning Filmmaker Writer for Washington Post, Washington Times, Money Magazine, and other National Publications Co-Host of “LA Commons” TV Program Guest on hundreds of TV and Radio Programs Former Contributing Editor with Financial World Magazine
  • Hypnosis is often used in Michael Connelly's novels to both commit crimes and to investigate them.
  • Hypnosis is the ability to make someone fall into a deep trance, or making the victim do whatever the hypnotist says. Vampires can hypnotize, alter memories, and erase memories, they can hypnotize both vampires and breathers, but it is much easier to hypnotize breathers then vampires. Vampires cannot hypnotize, alter memories, and erase memories, of a person they care about or are in love with. Hypnosis does not work on trained vampire slayers. This is a common Vampire power.
  • Hypnosis is a spell of the Hypnotist. When cast, it places an enemy to sleep for 5 seconds, restoring 75 mana to him and dealing 20 damage.
  • Hypnosis is a Level One Quantum power that allows a nova to hypnotize a person.
  • Using this ability, Charlie can induce his victims into a hypnotic state. This allows him to put the person into a trance, in which they won't be fully aware of what is happening around them. Whilst in the hypnotic state, he can command his victims into doing whatever he want them to do, no matter what their own personal views on the commands could be. This usually works when he speaks verbally to them and they usually follow the sound of his voice. When his victims are in the hypnotic trance they won't be able to get out of it until Charlie allows them to do so. They would remain in the trance even if he'd be silent or leave the area.
  • Gengar thrusts one hand forwards; an illusory pocket watch appears and spins in a circle before vanishing. Opponents standing in front of Gengar will fall under the move's effects and fall asleep.
  • Hypnosis is a state of mind or a set of attitudes, which is created by a special procedure that is followed. Characters on Arthur have been hypnotized, usually in a dream or daydream sequence.
  • May cause target sleep.
  • Induced Sedation is the ability to whistle and send someone into a Sedated State where they become completely relaxed and incapable of moving. Samson Gray (who is replicating this power) unsuccessfully attempts to use this power on his son Sylar after he demonstrates it on a rabbit.
  • The Doctor occasionally practised hypnosis. Time Lord DNA included a psychic empathy field, indicating that all Time Lords may have been capable of hypnosis. (AUDIO: The Oseidon Adventure) To break the mind control by the artificial intelligence WOTAN, the First Doctor used it on his companion Dodo Chaplet, leaving her asleep 48 hours long and forgetful of the accident. (TV: The War Machines) In Det-Sen Monastery (Tibet), the Second Doctor repeatedly counteracted the mind control by the Intelligence over humans, such as monks and his companion Victoria; in the second instance, he counter-hypnotised her in order to catch information about their enemy. (TV: The Abominable Snowmen) Even the Third Doctor proved to be able to break a state of hypnosis caused by others: on Jo Grant manipulated by the Master, through a verbal technique (TV: Terror of the Autons) or on the scientists kidnapped by the Sontaran Linx, with the help of an intermittent light. (TV: The Time Warrior) He could also resist forms of hypnosis which would defeat weaker-minded individuals, such as BOSS's conditioning at its strongest power frequency. (TV: The Green Death) The Fourth Doctor hypnotised Sarah-Jane Smith in order to reduce her oxygen requirements inside a decompression chamber (TV: Terror of the Zygons) or recover information about the entity that had possessed her through a Kastrian ring (TV: The Hand of Fear) simply by laying his hands on her temples. On Pluto, he once hypnotised one of the Company's guards in this way — and accidentally hypnotised a watching Leela, as well. (TV: The Sun Makers) On Ribos, instead, the Fourth Doctor used a fob watch to hypnotise a guard of a relic room. (TV: The Ribos Operation) The Sixth Doctor once hypnotised Jamie McCrimmon by first paralysing him, then using a silver pendulum to send him into a hypnotic sleep in order to ask him questions about what happened to the Second Doctor. (TV: The Two Doctors) On Necros, the Sixth Doctor tried to perform an eye-fixation form of hypnosis on a mutated victim of Davros' experiments. It failed and he was forced to fight the creature off. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks) Later on, instead, the Seventh Doctor managed to control the minds of Peter Warmsly and Pat Rowlinson and convince them to evacuate Gore Crow Hotel by simple eye-fixation. (TV: Battlefield) The Tenth Doctor used hypnosis to calm Peter Streete down and put him in a trance state, so that Peter could give him information about the Carrionites. This was also performed by pressing his fingers against Peter's temples. (TV: The Shakespeare Code) The Twelfth Doctor made Rupert Pink sleep and scrambled his memory about their rendezvous, by pressing his fingers against his temples. (TV: Listen) When Rupert, by then known as Danny, met the Twelfth Doctor as an adult and discovered his existence, his girlfriend Clara Oswald asked the Doctor not to meddle with his mind. (TV: The Caretaker)
  • Hypnosis (さいみんじゅつ saiminjutsu) is a PSI ability in all three titles of the Mother series. It works on a single enemy, or all enemies, depending on the power level, and causes the affected target to fall asleep. Attacking an enemy while they are in the Hypnosis state, has a probability of them waking up from this status. This also applies to party members, as well as this status being removed after a battle is won. Hypnosis is learned in EarthBound Beginnings by Ninten and Ana, in EarthBound by Ness, and in Mother 3 by Kumatora. This PSI is very helpful in Mother 3, because when an enemy falls asleep, its heartbeat can be heard, which helps Lucas and the party hit combos successfully. A counterpart to the PSI ability is Duster's Thief Tool, the "Hypno-Pendulum". This device causes the same "sleepiness" status ailment, except it costs no PP, has a low success rate (35%), and targets only one enemy at a time.
  • Shaiya Relic of mystra is the best game i ever ver played. Its very easy to mmake money just port you and go to and goult stand. When u are lvl 40 in Nm u cane have hm.When u are in lvl 40 in Hm u cacne get Um.
  • Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion. Dr. Heitz Werber conducted hypnosis on several alien abductees.
  • Visually, one knows that a vampire is hypnotizing a person when they stare at them intently, sometimes with the eyes going the characteristic vampire green-gold. Victims of vampire hypnosis in the Forever Knight universe do not behave the same way as hypnotized people in other science fiction or fantasy series. For example, in the Star Wars universe, which employs a type of hypnosis frequently called a "Jedi mind trick," victims typically adopt a casual tone of voice and then agree to whatever was being told to them without being able to think for themselves. Moments later, they might be puzzled about their new opinion, but would not feel obliged to change it back. Victims of vampire hypnosis, however, respond with slackening face muscles; and their eyes lose focus, or may even be shut. Typically, they typically repeat in a rote, almost monotone voice whatever the vampire has said while inducing the hypnosis. Essentially, people hypnotized by a vampire are put into a trance. Not all human beings are susceptible to hypnosis. Those who are resistors do not show any outward signs; so there is no way for a vampire to tell in advance whether they will be able to influence a person or not. The fact that the majority of mortals can be hypnotized tends to lead to the assumption that any mortal can be dealt with in this way—a complacency that only leads to trouble when one of the rare resistors is encountered. The ability of a vampire to hypnotize mortals was integral to Forever Knight from the beginning of the series. At the very beginning of "Dark Knight", the series pilot, Nick uses hypnosis on a persistent reporter.
  • In 2268, James T. Kirk believed hypnosis to be a possible reason for Professor John Gill's strange behavior, along with drugs and psychosis. However, he required Doctor Leonard McCoy to determine which. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) In 2364, Counselor Deanna Troi used hypnosis on both Worf and Doctor Beverly Crusher to determine what had caused a recent memory lapse during which they committed actions which they had no control over. Using the technique, it was found that both officers had been possessed by an unknown entity, which was ultimately revealed to be an energy-based lifeform from the Beta Renner cloud. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us" ) Within the holodeck of the USS Voyager, the characters of the holographic Irish village Fair Haven grew suspicious of the Voyager crew in 2376, believing them to be dangerous spirits. Kidnapping Captain Kathryn Janeway and The Doctor, Seamus and the others used hypnosis on The Doctor to learn the truth. Although The Doctor himself was a hologram, he was susceptible to the hypnosis and told the characters the truth about their existence. (VOY: "Spirit Folk")
  • Hypnosis was the induction of a state of consciousness in which an individual's thoughts could be easily influenced by another. The mind trick abilities developed by Force-users were hypnotic in nature. Some species, like the Diathim and the Maelibi, had natural hypnotic skills. Hypnosis could be used on oneself. Cray Mingla forced herself to stay awake through hypnosis and drug therapies. Hypnosis could also be used to ingrain information into the memory of a subject, a process that was known as hypno-imprinting. Certain objects with hypnotic effects could be created. During the Clone Wars, the Gungan Rish Loo gave a hypnotic necklace to Boss Lyonie, putting him under influence.
  • The user is able to affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.
  • Now, talking about your appeal to pets, absolutely nobody can rival you. They'd follow you to the ends of the earth. and that's a fact. 7/10
  • Hypnosis is a distinctive, often trance-like mental state that is induced by an organized pattern of suggestions, usually verbal in nature, beginning with the suggestion of relaxation. The suggestions may be directly induced by a hypnotist in the presence of the subject, but may be also be self-induced (self-hypnosis or autohypnosis/auto-suggestion). The word 'hypnosis' itself is the invention of 19th century Scottish physician James Braid. Although the long held popular view was that hypnosis is form of unconsciousness, the informed contemporary view is that it is actually a wakeful state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, with diminished peripheral awareness. The British Medical Association and the American Medical Association both recognize that hypnotherapy has many legitimate medical benefits.
  • Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterized by a state of awareness combined with a heightened state of suggestibility. It is often used as part of a routine of psychotherapy. In House's Head, Chase uses hypnosis in an attempt to get House to remember the events leading up to the bus crash. In Dead & Buried, Chase uses hypnosis on Iris to deal with her dissociative identity disorder.
  • Hypnosis (JP) is a non-damaging Psychic-type move introduced in the first generation.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Hypnosis article. Take me to the [ Hypnosis] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Hypnosis link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Hypnosis was a psychic ability to mesmerize and influence the minds of other beings, allowing the hypnotist to exert a level of control (sometimes total) over the victim's actions, as well as altering their perceptions. Certain vampires, such as The Master, Drusilla and Dracula, were particularly adept at hypnosis, and employed it to gain advantage over their enemies, though their hypnotic power worked differently.
  • Once tapping into Prue's fear of her sisters being in danger, Barbas was able to put Prue in a trance by slowly brushing his hand against her forehead. In this hypnotic state, Prue believed that her sisters were replaced by impostors. Piper and Phoebe were able to talk her out of the trance, but it took them quite a bit of time.
is vulnerable of
is Row 1 info of
is prereq of
is m3 vulnerable of
is M4P of
is M1P of
is Abilities of
is m2 vulnerable of
is M3P of
is Powers of
is PREV of
is M2P of
is NEXT of