  • Lucian
  • Lucian
  • Lucian
  • Lucian
  • Lucian
  • |}
  • Lucian was male Romulan Senator in the 2250s of the alternate reality.
  • Lucian is the strongest of the Elite Four and constantly appears in Total Drama Before Time. He was first seen by Chomper. His first appearence was Izzy Or Isn't She.
  • Lucian, also known as “Luc” for short, is Evin’s closest friend. He has a big mouth and a big ego to boot. He’s an overzealous brainiac, whose hobby is tinkering with gadgets. He has a particular interest in Parakinetics. His parents died not long after he was born, and he lives with his legal guardian, an ex-army solider, named Pierre. Although he’s quick to speak and act, he very rarely considers the consequences of his actions, or fully think things through.
  • Lucian est le Lycan Originel, le tout premier Lycan à avoir jamais existé. Il est né d'une Louve-Garou de 1ère Génération.
  • Lucian es un Lycan que aparece en Underworld ,Underworld: Evolution y Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Él era el líder de la resistencia Lycan desde los tiempos de la esclavitud de Viktor, y es en gran parte un catalizador de los acontecimientos de las cuatra películas de Underworld. Es interpretado por el actor Michael Sheen como un adulto, y por Alexander Carroll como un niño de 11 años de edad. Él es el principal protagonista de Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.
  • Lucian (Sabata in the Japanese version of Lunar Knights) is one of the two main heroes of Lunar Knights, and uses the powers of darkness. He travels the world as a vampire hunter, defeating and purifying vampires with the help of "Sunflower Girl" Alice, and his ship Laplace. His Terrennial is Nero, whom he "stole" from Dumas seven years prior to the beginning of the game.
  • Lucian est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Lucian is a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. Lucian specializes in psychic-type Pokémon.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__LucianKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Lucien war ein Zauberer und ein ehemaliger Schüler im Kamar-Taj.
  • Lucian was the father of Fauna and the brother of Sestus. He was a thoughtful chimpanzee who trusted humankind instead of fearing or enslaving them, but he was the victim of Zon. After his death, Fauna, who was blind, was raised by Sestus and, like him, blamed humans for Lucian's death.
  • Lucian was a sorcerer and a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts who joined the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth.
  • Lucian W. is a member of The Doomsday Pirates, being one of the first to join along with his brother Harlem W. (The captain is their childhood friend)
  • Lucian is a fictional character and second-generation Lycan. He is the leader of the Lycan horde in the movie Underworld and also appears in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and in flashbacks in Underworld: Evolution. He is portrayed by actor Michael Sheen.
  • Lucian is the 4th and most powerful member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. He specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon.
  • Lucian is a side character on Conception 2. He can be met by the Main Character by following Ellie Troit's bonding arc. He is first encountered at Ellie's apartment. He is a Nemesis Hunter that hunts and kills Heretics and like all Nemesis Hunters, he has his very own X-Machina, which is a hi-tech motorcycle that can sense Heretic barriers.
  • Lucian is a main character and Einherjar in Valkyrie Profile. He is a Swordsman and can be recruited in Chapter 5. As opposed to most of Lenneth's Einherjar, he plays an important part in the storyline, especially if Ending A is achieved.
  • Lucian is a Lycan (werewolf) and the main protagonist in the movie Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and a anti-hero in Underworld. He is portrayed by Michael Sheen.
  • He is portrayed by actor and martial artist Scott Adkins, who also portrayed Hector in The Expendables 2.
  • Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on a grim mission: to purge the spirits of those ensnared in undeath, his eternal beloved among them.
  • Lord Lucian Hewitt (ルシオン•ヒューイット) is human form of the Silver Dragon, Aphelion. Lucian lives in Radiata Castle and is an advisor to Jasne Colton . In truth, he manipulates events in Radiata in order to allow humanity to exterminate the dragons and become masters of their own fate. Lucian spends most of his time in his room on the castle's fourth floor, or in it's library. If a kick duel is initiated, the player will be faced with a large number of powerful guards.
  • Lucian grunted, lifted his shoulder and threw Fadious back. His axe swung just as Fadious was far enough away to meet the heart of its thick steel blade. It cut easily through the worn leather breastplate spraying the air with blood and bits of Fadious’s entrails. The axe was a symbol of the problem with the Doviello. It was a relic of an earlier time, when the Doviello were capable of forging such items. Even now, at the beginning of the Age of Rebirth, a weapon nearly a century old was better than the crude weapons the Doviello used. But the other empires were relearning the knowledge of former ages, soon the Doviello would face armies outfitted with steel weapons and armor. And the strength of the Doviello would not be enough to stand against it.
  • 56
  • Rzeź to liniowa, kolidująca umiejętność mierzona.
  • Bezwzględny Pościg to ślizg.
  • Płomienny Wybuch to obszarowa, wybuchająca w kształcie gwiazdy, liniowa umiejętność mierzona
  • Przebijające Światło to liniowa umiejętność obszarowa.
Row 4 info
  • Leader of the Lycans
  • Normalne=
  • jednostek
  • Normal
  • Psychic
  • Fighting
  • Steel
Row 7 title
  • Type of Hero
  • mana
  • mana
  • ゴヨウ Goyō
Première Apparition
  • Marrón
  • Rzeź
  • Bezwzględny Pościg
  • Przebijające Światło
  • Płomienny Wybuch
  • Psychic
  • Fighting
Efekty czarów
  • Obszarowe
  • Sword Fighting
Row 1 info
  • Lucian
  • Bleus
  • Sato Takehiro
  • ?
  • Lycan
  • y
Row 4 title
  • Occupation
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Przebijające Światło może zostać uniknięte, gdy cel w trakcie opóźnienia 0.35 sekundy poruszy się i wyjdzie z zasięgu umiejętności.
  • * Oznaczenie może zostać oczyszczone, np.: .
  • * Chociaż Rzeź jest podobna do umiejętności ładowanych jest przerywana tylko przez efekty kontroli tłumu oparte na powietrzu, ogłuszenia, przyciągnięcia i polimorfie. Uciszenia nie przerywają umiejętności. :* Wyjątek stanowi , które również nie przerywa umiejętności. * Podstawowa prędkość ataku Luciana zapewnia pocisków. * Lucian podczas Rzezi może rzucać , , i oraz może przyciągnąć się bez przerywania Rzezi. * Dla umiejętności bohaterów typu: lub Lucian podczas Rzezi jest skierowany przodem względem kierunku strzelania. :* Podobna sytuacja występuje u .
  • * Pierwszy pocisk inicjuje cel Miotacza Światła i nakłada efekty typu . * Jeśli cel zostanie zabity pierwszym pociskiem, to drugi wystrzeli w inny wrogi pobliski cel. W pierwszej kolejności bohaterów i stwory z małą ilością zdrowia. :* Jeśli nie ma drugiego celu, to Miotacz Światła zostanie zużyty. * Drugi pocisk nakłada wszystkie efekt Miotacza Światła. * Podobnie jak Miotacz Światła działa automatycznie i wywołuje specjalną animacje ataku. Dodatkowo Lucian może swobodnie poruszać się podczas używania umiejętności.
  • * Bezwzględny Pościg resetuje licznik ataków podstawowych Luciana. * Dodatkowy pocisk z nie skraca czasu odnowienia Bezwzględnego Pościsku.
  • sek.
Dargestellt von
  • : Lucian po 0.35 sekundy wystrzeliwuje wiązkę światła w kierunku celu, zadając obrażenia fizyczne wszystkim wrogom w linii. 500 1100
  • : Lucian wystrzeliwuje pocisk który wybucha w kształcie gwiazdy po trafieniu w cel lub osiągnięciu maksymalnego zasięgu, zadając obrażenia magiczne i oznaczając ich na 6 sekund.
  • Ponowne aktywowanie Rzezi zakończy umiejętność wcześniej, a efekty kontroli tłumu przerywające podstawowe ataki przerywają umiejętność. 1200
  • : Lucian strzela pociskami w wybranym kierunku przez 3 sekundy, każdy pocisk zadaje obrażenia fizyczne pierwszej trafionej wrogiej jednostce. Rzeź zadaje 400% obrażeń stworom. W trakcie działania Rzezi, podstawowe ataki Luciana są wyłączone i nie może użyć i . Lucian może się poruszać i używać oraz przenikać przez jednostki.
  • Jeśli oznaczony cel otrzyma obrażenia, to Lucian otrzymuje premię do prędkości ruchu na 1 sekundy. Nie pochłania to oznaczenia. 1000
  • : Lucian doskakuje do wyznaczonego miejsca. Czas odnowienia Bezwzględnego Pościgu skraca się o 1 sekundę za każde trafienie wrogiej jednostki, efekt jest podwojony w przypadku bohaterów. 425
  • Vers 1207
  • The Blue
Row 2 info
  • Underworld
  • Pt 437 front.png
  • Pt 475 front.png
  • Pt 196 front.png
  • Pt 065 front.png
  • DP 065 front.png
  • DP 437 front.png
  • DP 122 front.png
  • Pt 122 front.png
  • DP 308 front.png
  • DP 203 front.png
Row 6 info
  • free the lycans from vampire slavery, avenge Sonya's death, kill Viktor, create a vampire-werewolf hybrid
  • the Zealots
  • 53
  • 54
  • 55
  • 56
  • 57
  • 58
  • 59
  • 60
  • 69
  • 70
  • 71
  • 72
  • 75
Row 1 title
  • Full Name
  • Aproximadamente 795
  • 50
  • 100
  • Azul
devil fruit
  • Tank-Tank no Mi: Ice
Row 5 info
  • Immortality, Super Strength, Shape-Shifting, Super Speed, Accelerated healing, Swordsmen, Marksmen
Row 2 title
  • Origin
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
  • Dystansowe
Row 6 title
  • Goals
  • 425
  • 1000
  • 1400
  • /
  • /
  • Tak
  • active
  • active
  • Magiczne
  • Fizyczne
Row 5 title
  • Powers/Skills
  • Hungría
Row 3 info
  • First Lycan
  • 50
  • 100
  • many
  • Bruns
Row 3 title
  • Alias
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • nie blokują umiejętności.
  • blokują pojedynczy pocisk.
Row 7 info
  • Leader, Lycanthrope, Anti-hero
  • ^^^
  • 2017-03-03
  • Hungary
  • 425
  • 550
  • 1000
  • 1400
Box Title
  • Do-Gooder
  • Lucian
  • Dark and Lunar
  • Blue
  • Black in Werewolf form
  • The Arena
  • Michael Corvin
  • Ilona
  • Sonja
  • Viktor
  • Hijo no nacido
  • 23
  • 24
  • ??
  • 2.52145224E10
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • verstorben
First Appearance
  • Underworld
  • Primer Lycan
  • Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Lucian
  • Lucian
  • Durchdringendes Licht
  • Erbarmungslose Verfolgung
  • Flammenschuss
  • Lucian Hewitt
  • Niedermähen
  • ルシオン•ヒューイット
  • Psychic
  • Natural
  • psychic
  • rom
  • Is the human form of Aphelion
  • Senator Lucian in 2258.
Hair Color
  • black
  • Unknown
  • 300
  • IV
  • Mana
Character Name
  • Lucian
  • Doctor Strange Prelude - The Zealot
  • Décédé
  • 5
  • Starker Zelot
  • Strong Zealot
  • 5000000000
  • 1207
  • 189.0
  • Lucian
  • Blacksmith
  • Apprentice
  • Alpha Lycan
  • First Lycan
  • DurchdringendesLicht.jpg
  • ErbarmungsloseVerfolgung.jpg
  • Flammenschuss.jpg
  • Niedermähen.jpg
  • Senator
  • 1.0
  • Advisor to Jasne Colton
  • Advisor to Salute Larks
Image size
  • 270
Real Name
  • Lucian
  • 1.0
  • Lucian rennt eine kurze Strecke in die Richtung des Mauszeigers.
  • Fonce sur une courte distance. Si touche un ennemi, le délai de récupération de Poursuite Inlassable est réduit de 1 seconde .
  • Lucian bewegt sich frei, während er schnell in eine Richtung feuert und Schaden am ersten getroffenen Gegner verursacht. Lucian kann "Erbarmungslose Verfolgung" benutzen, während er schießt.
  • Tire un projectile en croix qui explose au contact d'un ennemi ou en bout de course. L'explosion inflige pts de dégâts magiques et marque les ennemis pendant 6 secondes. Quand Lucian ou ses alliés blessent une cible marquée, Lucian augmente sa vitesse de déplacement de pendant 1 seconde.
  • Tire un projectile en croix qui explose au contact d'un ennemi ou en bout de course. L'explosion inflige pts de dégâts magiques et marque les ennemis pendant 6 secondes. Quand Lucian ou ses alliés blessent une cible marquée, Lucian augmente sa vitesse de déplacement de pendant 1 seconde.
  • Tire un rayon lumineux qui transperce une unité ennemie, infligeant pts de dégâts physiques aux ennemis sur une ligne.
  • Tire un rayon lumineux qui transperce une unité ennemie, infligeant pts de dégâts physiques aux ennemis sur une ligne.
  • Lucian se déplace librement tout en tirant rapidement dans une direction pendant 3 secondes. Les balles blessent le premier ennemi touché et infligent pts de dégâts physiques chacune. Déluge de Balle inflige 400% des dégâts aux sbires. Pendant Déluge de Balles, Lucian peut utiliser . Réactiver pour annuler Déluge de Balles plus tôt. *
  • Lucian se déplace librement tout en tirant rapidement dans une direction pendant 3 secondes. Les balles blessent le premier ennemi touché et infligent pts de dégâts physiques chacune. Déluge de Balle inflige 400% des dégâts aux sbires. Pendant Déluge de Balles, Lucian peut utiliser . Réactiver pour annuler Déluge de Balles plus tôt. *
  • Lucian feuert einen Blitz durchdringenden Lichts durch ein Ziel hindurch und verursacht an Gegnern in einer Linie Schaden.
  • Lucian feuert ein Geschoss ab, das sternförmig explodiert, womit er Gegner markiert. Lucian erhält Lauftempo, wenn er markierte Gegner angreift.
  • Heroic
  • 60
  • 100
  • Lucian EVideo.ogv
  • Lucian QVideo.ogv
  • Lucian RVideo.ogv
  • Lucian WVideo.ogv
  • Lucian
  • Déluge de Balles
  • Déluge de Balles
  • Flamboiement
  • Flamboiement
  • Lumière Perforante
  • Lumière Perforante
  • Poursuite Inlassable
  • Poursuite Inlassable
  • y
  • The Doomsday Pirates
  • 250
  • LucianPlatinum.gif
  • LucianSprite.png
  • VSLucian.png
  • Muerto
  • Doctor Strange
BG Color
  • Psychic
  • West Freeport
  • Espeon
  • Bronzong
  • Medicham
  • Mr. Mime
  • Alakazam
  • Gallade
  • Girafarig
  • Forgeron
  • Aîné des Lycans
  • Premier Lycan
  • Dominic Allen
Image File
  • Lucian-lucian-5880976-748-930.jpg
  • Male
Japanese name
  • ゴヨウ Goyō
  • Lucian.png
  • 295
  • 2.52145224E10
  • Circa 1207
  • Underworld
  • Tak
  • Tak
Trafienie krytyczne
  • Tak
  • |}
  • Lucian was male Romulan Senator in the 2250s of the alternate reality.
  • Lucian is the strongest of the Elite Four and constantly appears in Total Drama Before Time. He was first seen by Chomper. His first appearence was Izzy Or Isn't She.
  • Lucian, also known as “Luc” for short, is Evin’s closest friend. He has a big mouth and a big ego to boot. He’s an overzealous brainiac, whose hobby is tinkering with gadgets. He has a particular interest in Parakinetics. His parents died not long after he was born, and he lives with his legal guardian, an ex-army solider, named Pierre. Although he’s quick to speak and act, he very rarely considers the consequences of his actions, or fully think things through.
  • Lucian est le Lycan Originel, le tout premier Lycan à avoir jamais existé. Il est né d'une Louve-Garou de 1ère Génération.
  • Lucian es un Lycan que aparece en Underworld ,Underworld: Evolution y Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Él era el líder de la resistencia Lycan desde los tiempos de la esclavitud de Viktor, y es en gran parte un catalizador de los acontecimientos de las cuatra películas de Underworld. Es interpretado por el actor Michael Sheen como un adulto, y por Alexander Carroll como un niño de 11 años de edad. Él es el principal protagonista de Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.
  • Lucian (Sabata in the Japanese version of Lunar Knights) is one of the two main heroes of Lunar Knights, and uses the powers of darkness. He travels the world as a vampire hunter, defeating and purifying vampires with the help of "Sunflower Girl" Alice, and his ship Laplace. His Terrennial is Nero, whom he "stole" from Dumas seven years prior to the beginning of the game.
  • Lucian est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Lucian is a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. Lucian specializes in psychic-type Pokémon.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__LucianKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Lucien war ein Zauberer und ein ehemaliger Schüler im Kamar-Taj.
  • Lucian was the father of Fauna and the brother of Sestus. He was a thoughtful chimpanzee who trusted humankind instead of fearing or enslaving them, but he was the victim of Zon. After his death, Fauna, who was blind, was raised by Sestus and, like him, blamed humans for Lucian's death.
  • Lucian was a sorcerer and a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts who joined the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth.
  • Lucian W. is a member of The Doomsday Pirates, being one of the first to join along with his brother Harlem W. (The captain is their childhood friend)
  • Lucian is a fictional character and second-generation Lycan. He is the leader of the Lycan horde in the movie Underworld and also appears in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and in flashbacks in Underworld: Evolution. He is portrayed by actor Michael Sheen.
  • Lucian is the 4th and most powerful member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. He specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon.
  • Lucian is a side character on Conception 2. He can be met by the Main Character by following Ellie Troit's bonding arc. He is first encountered at Ellie's apartment. He is a Nemesis Hunter that hunts and kills Heretics and like all Nemesis Hunters, he has his very own X-Machina, which is a hi-tech motorcycle that can sense Heretic barriers.
  • Lucian is a main character and Einherjar in Valkyrie Profile. He is a Swordsman and can be recruited in Chapter 5. As opposed to most of Lenneth's Einherjar, he plays an important part in the storyline, especially if Ending A is achieved.
  • Lucian is a Lycan (werewolf) and the main protagonist in the movie Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and a anti-hero in Underworld. He is portrayed by Michael Sheen.
  • He is portrayed by actor and martial artist Scott Adkins, who also portrayed Hector in The Expendables 2.
  • Lord Lucian Hewitt (ルシオン•ヒューイット) is human form of the Silver Dragon, Aphelion. Lucian lives in Radiata Castle and is an advisor to Jasne Colton . In truth, he manipulates events in Radiata in order to allow humanity to exterminate the dragons and become masters of their own fate. Lucian spends most of his time in his room on the castle's fourth floor, or in it's library. If a kick duel is initiated, the player will be faced with a large number of powerful guards. Initially, Lucian attempts to diffuse hatred and direct it away from the non-humans. He convinces Jasne that the members of the Rose Cochon brigade were largely responsible for Ridley being injured during their mission by the blood orc. During a later meeting, he attempts to prevent Cross from taking his brigade to Earth Valley, however Larks is ultimately swayed in favour of the humans' financial benefit.
  • Lucian grunted, lifted his shoulder and threw Fadious back. His axe swung just as Fadious was far enough away to meet the heart of its thick steel blade. It cut easily through the worn leather breastplate spraying the air with blood and bits of Fadious’s entrails. The axe was a symbol of the problem with the Doviello. It was a relic of an earlier time, when the Doviello were capable of forging such items. Even now, at the beginning of the Age of Rebirth, a weapon nearly a century old was better than the crude weapons the Doviello used. But the other empires were relearning the knowledge of former ages, soon the Doviello would face armies outfitted with steel weapons and armor. And the strength of the Doviello would not be enough to stand against it. Yet here they stood, arguing with each other over the meager scraps of their frozen tundra. While each year the ice receded and more powerful empires moved into the lands, pushing the Doviello back. Instead of uniting to stand against these other armies the tribe leaders fought each other. Lucian hated killing Fadious, it was another senseless death that only weakened the Doviello but that was all the Doviello responded to. “Does anyone else oppose me?” Most dropped their eyes as Lucian looked at them. A few sided with Lucian and had cheered him on during the fight, but most had hoped that Lucian would die and they could go back to the life they knew and ignore his crazy plan to restore their power. Either way no one stood against him. “Gather your weapons and as much gear as you can carry without slowing you down. We will hunt as we go and the land will only get less hospitable as we near Letum Frigus. Two weeks run, and then we will feast from the Illians' larder. They will receive us as kings for the message we carry.” That was the secret of a forced march, promise the men paradise at the other end. For the Doviello, it was a feast. Lucian only hoped his story was true.
  • Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on a grim mission: to purge the spirits of those ensnared in undeath, his eternal beloved among them.
is side of
is Famille of
is FormerMembers of
is Rôle of
is Commanders of
is Casualties of
is Character of
is Family of
is Obraz podpis of
is premier membre of