  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • History of this race is unknown.
  • Not sure yet.
  • Dragons are large lizard-like creatures with big wings and tail or just a long serpent like body with no wings and limbs to fit their natural environment, be it the ocean or the earth. Due to the various family members in the dragon race, the dragon's habitat will vary. The spiked dragons have so far made their homes on top of castles while a more narrow kind of dragon, presumably wyverns, nest in canyons. Water dragons don't fly and swim in the ocean as sea serpents.
  • Dragons es un Cortometraje que fue lanzado el 16 de Mayo del 2016. Dragons explora la historia del conflicto entre los hermanos shimada: Hanzo y Genji. En este episodio, seguiremos a Hanzo en su regreso a las tierras de su familia en Hanamura en búsqueda de redención ... y confrontar los fantasmas del pasado.
  • Dragons are large, mythical reptiles capable of flight.
  • Dragons, or MEDs (Magically Engineered Drakes) are one of the most famous forms of Mages of New World.
  • The Martial Arts fiends (arch-rivals to the Tigers). They are trying to recruit Bladedancer and Chaka.
  • Seeing as they are woefully undescribed in the books, there is lots of room for speculation on every facet of their existence. I (Kythyria) mostly based it on this discussion on LJ (note that I and zoropsis_ferri only registered towards the tail end of the discussion).
  • Dragons are an endangered species in the other world.
  • Dragons were ancient, intelligent, powerful creatures, as feared by others as they were admired in Middle-earth. Their exact origin is debated, though it was clearly stated that they were created by Morgoth in some sense.
  • giant fire-breathing lizard most powerful creatures in the game and informed never to fight on your own. i
  • Warren says, "...Their scales are like stone, their bones like adamant..." Also in Book 3, Kendra sees Chalize, the dragon of the Painted mesa describing her "...gleaming like a new penny, overlapping copper scales encasing her in metallic armor. A tall fin ran from the top of her fierce head to the base of her neck. Not including the whiplike tail and the long, arched neck, the body of the dragon was the size of an elephant. A pair of wings were folded at her sides." This dragon was possibly only a century old, being very young. From this encounter, it is shown that dragons have the ability to speak in human languages. Each dragon is unique, some being metallic, while others are not.
  • Dragons are large, horned fire-breathing reptiles that first appeared in the episode The Fire Breather. In said episode Chowder had eaten numerous fiery hot peppers which caused him to breathe fire, after his new ability destroyed the entire kitchen he was forced to leave and move in with dragons who soon welcomed him and his fiery breath, but soon enough he was forced to leave them when he started farting fiery farts. They live high up on mountain tops located outside of Marzipan City. They possess three types of skin coloration which are blue, orange and brown, they may also be green as shown in one of Chowder's daydreams. The dragons are voiced by Carlos Alazraqui, Dwight Schultz, and John DiMaggio.
  • In addition to the Terrain type, Dragon represents a specific type of encounter. Your character will have have to make a standard d20 roll for success or failure. Certain items can grant bonuses toward success with a + Dragon bonus.
  • Spike magically matures through his greediness in Secret of My Excess. He begins soliciting gifts from ponies for his birthday, which results in him growing into a gangly "teenager" by the next day. Twilight takes him to a doctor and then a vet, but both fail to diagnose him because they have no experience with dragons. She then takes him to Zecora who explains that his greed is making him grow up. Throughout the episode he grows larger, and develops more lizard-like qualities, like slit pupils and a long thin-forked tongue. Unlike the majority of other dragons in the show, he does not possess wings.
  • The Dragon Empire is an interplanetary empire controlled by an army of dragons.
  • Dragons are a race of beings able to shape-shift to human form. Occasionally some are locked in human form as access to dragon powers skipped them. As a whole, Dragons act as the protectors of magic and all beings which use it.
  • Dragons are amazng creatures, native to Mython.
  • There are 5 Dragons in Avernum. The first of these is Motrax, who the character meets in Avernum 1. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Main article: The First Great War
  • Placeholder for game information about dragons.
  • Dragons are a race of creatures who live in many fairy countries, including the Land of Oz and its neighboring lands.
  • There are creatures on Erwt that defy the rules of common sense, and which generally don't follow the ordinary rules of physics. They come from the deep Ocean, where the difference between air and water, light and dark is indistinct. Most of them stay out there; their constitution doesn't stand up to the more rigid fabric of Erwt, and turn back when they encroach on the calmer waters near the coast. Some others are more resilient. The greatest of these are the Dragons.
  • Dragons, like the rest of the magical community, once lived on Earth along with humanity. But as human fear of magic grew, magical creatures retreated and eventually went into hiding. Dragons were taken into the Wizard World where they are used for many tasks.
  • The Dragons were a sports team. In early 2377, they had won the pennant. Reginald Barclay, explaining his depressed state to Counselor Deanna Troi, mentioned that in the happier times while he was dating Leosa "the Dragons had just won the pennant." (VOY: "Inside Man") The authors of the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 218) identified the Dragons as a baseball team because of the use of the phrase "won the pennant", which was "reasonably specific" to this sport.
  • Cost: 50 - Manteniment: 1 escut, 1 infeliç Tecnologia requerida: Lideratge Els fa obsolets: Cavalleria Fa obsolet: Cavallers Atac: 5 - Defensa: 2 PV: 20 - PF: 1 Moviment: 2 Rang de visió: 1 * Es pot desmantellar en una ciutat per recuperar el 50% del cost de producció. * Pot fortificar-se, obtenint un 50% de bonificació defensiva. * Pot saquejar per destruir infraestructura de caselles. * Compta com a 'muntat' contra certs defensors. * Pot guanyar veterania per entrenament o combat. Tornar a pàgina d'unitats Unitats
  • Dragons is the fourth scenario in Ylaya's Quest campaign in the Hammers of Fate expansion.
  • Die Dragons sind eine Sportmannschaft im 24. Jahrhundert. Anfang 2377 gewinnen die Dragons die Meisterschaft. Später meint Reginald Barclay zu Deanna Troi, dass er in besseren Zeiten sich mit Leosa verabredete und die Dragons die Meisterschaft gewannen. (VOY: )
  • Dragons are a newly developed weapon originally designed by the Illuminator Aludra. She initially creates them as a means of taking revenge on the Seanchan for destroying the Illuminator's Guild. Mat Cauthon proposes the weapon to Elayne Trakand in Caemlyn who agrees to lend every bellfounder in Andor in order to make them.
  • Dragons are Rides capable of gliding. They can be found in the SC Marketplace under the Winged ride category. Dragon4.jpg|Gold Tipped Dragon|link= Dragon2.jpg|Scaled Dragon|link= Skeltaldragon.png|Skeletal Dragon|link= Poisondragon.jpg|a Poison Dragon|link=
  • A race of dragons inhabiting the Dragon Realms appears throughout the original Spyro games, of which Spyro himself is a part of. These dragons play a major role throughout the series, usually by being threatened by villains, who Spyro must defeat.
  • Here you can find links to the various dragons found in Dragon Story, sorted alphabetically. For the levels at which they unlock visit the Level Rewards page, and for dragon type information visit the Dragon Types page. __TOC__ 762 File:Dragon Count 100.png
  • A dragon (Sefenlander: Ajagar, Reyshi: Drych, Lohtish: Đrayeech, Rainish: DVRACO, Farwestern: Long, Kneypish: Neyi, Ane Polki: Druk, Sayerthenner: Tu Ru Ra Ko) is a four-limbed fire-breathing lyzard born with horns, wings, claws, and talons. Dragons comprise a wide variety of reptilians, ranging in size from insect-sized moths, silkwyrms, dragonflies, and butterflies to mammoth-sized burningjaws and morningstars, and even the whale-sized wyrms which once made the mighty tree Laochalk their home. Other types of dragons include flamekings, steedflames, sailinglords, burnburps, ogres, orcs, ice dragons, fearklausen, witewynds, werewyrms, sprytes, burninglords, and slowstars.
  • Dragons are kick-ass creatures dedicated to the destruction of idiots.
  • He is the most interesting man on runescape. He once parrell parked a train. Big Foot took a photograph of him. His 2 cents is worth 1.37. He is the most interesting man on runescape. During his early rs carrer he was just a baby blue dragon but quickly leveled up to "dragons". He is a proud owner of a comp cape. Dragons become famous when he was spotted dancing with "Unsocial" in elf city. Every since he was spoted with the Great Unsocial he became an instant rs celeb. - Dragons employee of the month
  • While in modern and middle aged tales dragons are connected with fire, in old mythologies dragons are connected to water. Unlike in European dragons who are picture to be evil, most of the Asian dragons are kind hearted.
  • Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that are featured in the myths of many cultures.
  • They have ability to breath fire. At some point in the past, a dragon was one of the 12 Noble Animals. Shendu than coveted it's power for himself. Dragon body parts, such as Dragon's Teeth can be powerful spell ingredients, and can only be destroyed with magic.
  • Dragons are very vulnerable to low-damage homing weapons and the Air Raider's Wireguns, since they will either spin out or crash if they take any damage while flying. A unique larger form exists, called the Greater Wild Dragon, and is fought once by the player as a boss during mission 80, Divine. It can fly indefinitely, and sprays continuous streams of flame that damage the player, even after they are extinguished. Care should be taken to dodge its attacks, as the massive amounts of damage, coupled by the fact there are almost no other enemies on the map for most of the fight, will mean a player can easily be killed even on Normal difficulty.
  • Dragons are three similar-looking fishlike creatures. They attack one after the other until all three are gone. The Dragons attack with bubbles. They attack with one attack where the bubble will float in air towards the ground forward at you. Best to jump over it when it comes at you. In another attack, they spit a bubble in air that floats up. Try to take those out if you can, because those burst and three fish monsters come out and run at you on screen. In another attack, he'll spit goo at you. Avoid it. Like most bosses in Makaimura for WonderSwan, aim at the head.
  • Characters with dragon-like characteristics: * Fred, from The Ed Sullivan Show and Sesame Street * Lothar, from The Great Santa Claus Switch * Ultragorgon, from Monster Maker * Uncle Deadly, from The Muppet Show
  • Dragons are rare creatures that have strong links to the gods. They are large reptilian creatures, and are listed by sub-species.
  • Dragons is an animated short movie that was released on May 16th, 2016.
  • Dragons are a species of winged reptiles that breathe fire, and are renowned for their hides and bones, used commonly for Crafting and Prayer, respectively. They are one the the strongest non-boss monsters one can fight in Soulsplit, and they require good combat skills and adequate armor to be defeated. High Prayer is useful to help reduce damage taken by praying Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee to negate dragons' melee attacks.
  • Dragons are one of the many intelligent species found in the Mystrians series. Many different species of dragons exist, but most appear to be european. According to Kinoh they are rarely seen due to a prejudice towards them caused by their immense size and magical ability.
  • The Dragons are the protectors of races and balance of Radiata. Seven dragons exist within the Radiata universe, although only six of them are central to the plot. They are immortal and do not actually die - instead, they "sleep" until the transition between the gold and silver dragons. After defeating the game once, the player may choose to continue their completed game, then warp to the Dragon Lair Cave where they can fight all the dragons except Aphelion, as well as get Valkyrie and fight other bosses.
  • The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. The English word dragon and Latin word draco derives from Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake". While not as common as in many other myths and legends, several dragons play prominent roles in Arthurian myth.
  • Dragons are going to appear in the episode the future dragons File:Dragon-Age2.jpg
  • Western dragons are a species of dragon often used for meat. The meat is then consumed by Phyllis Hyman. Extra meat is consumed by either David Bowie or Mario.
  • Dragons (竜族, Ryuuzoku) is a species in Megami Tensei series. They are Dragons, Humanoid Snakes, and Fire Breathing Serpentine-like creatures.
  • Dragons are a race of powerful winged reptiles who can breathe fire.
  • [[Category: Levels]] Dragons is a level from LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. It is the second level of The Goblet of Fire.
  • Dragons are essentially winged lizards that can breathe fire. There is a sulphur pouch in their throat and when they cough against it ferociously a spark is made and the cough sends a flame towards its target. Baby dragons haven't mastered this art and thus cannot breathe fire. Baby dragons will be seen slashing at you with their claws due to their inability to produce fire efficiently.
  • Like all other companions, the dragons have been removed from the store and are now available only in sales, already on horses. 3362305.png 3617154.png 5838114.png 8496015.png
  • Lohikäärmeet ovat vaarallisia hirviöitä, joita löytyy eri kokoisina ja värisinä. Niille tyypillisiä piirteitä ovat mm. tulinen hengitys sekä siivet. Lohikäärmeet kulkevat pääasiassa neljällä jalalla.
  • Not to be confused with the Fire-Tasters from Fire World, Dragons are an animal-like sentient life-form from Dragon Planet.
  • Dragons are very powerful and magical reptilian creatures. They have wings and usually have the power to blast something from their mouth (such as fire or acid).
  • Dragons are magical creatures that descend from Garsharak, the first dragon, born of Brog's pain, formed into a magical flame (see the Genesis IV, The First Creatures). They are powerful magic users, but are unlike any other creature we have seen on the face of Tibia. They have a fearsome control over fire, and wreak havoc on anyone that comes across them. Dragons are fabled to hoard large amounts of gold and treasure.
  • Within the continuity of the Dragonlands, dragon avatars are most likely intended to represent Wyrmmes, bipedial talking dragons from Drakoria.
  • Dragons are a species who are somewhat common in Mithgar, having the form of massive reptiles with powerful claws and teeth, terrible fire-breath, and keen intelligence.
  • Powerful engines of total destruction, the Dragons, or "Giant Wyrms" as they're known, are some of the most dangerous creatures through the multiverse. Known for being the foil to many a great hero, the Dragons stand paramount as bosses and enemies. Some Dragons are considered to be Demon or Overlord class creatures, and others are even considered to go beyond that. Dragons will all use stats from pre existing dragons in the Pathfinder RPG and some will have their own alterations, however the following are rules that effect all dragons on this list unless otherwise noted. = Black Wyrm =
  • Each of the Dragons are rare and are found in the part of the world where their element thrives. But they only appear after defeating the four Sages again to get the Lost Magics. Also they are only seen in one battle. So to get a specific Dragon, you have only one shot at getting that color of Dragon.
  • "Dragons are enormous, fire-breathing creatures that can only be handled by skilled, trained wizards. Dragon breeding is not permitted in the magical world: it was outlawed by the Warlock's Convention of 1709, and dragon eggs are Class A Non-Tradeable Goods. "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback is a baby dragon that Hagrid hatches from an egg that he acquired in violation of wizarding law. As a newborn, he looks like a crumpled black umbrella, and has huge, spiny wings, a skinny, jet-black body, a long snout with wide nostrils, horns and orange eyes.
  • Dragons are extremely large reptilian creatures notable for their fiery breath (and icy breath) and their ability to fly. Little is known about dragons, largely because very few dragons live outside of Goya, the home of the Dragon Knights. What is known is that dragons originate from the World of Wings and Scales. It is only through the power of the Dragon Rune that dragons can exist in the regular world. It is because of this that the Bearer of the Dragon Rune rarely fights, because if he or she died, all dragons in the world would die. This may also explain why dragons manage to live harmoniously with the Knights of Goya.
  • The Dragons were first mentioned in the 9th issue of W.I.T.C.H. and the Guardians discovered that their powers originated from the nymph Xin Jing and The Four Dragons. Whereas the Yellow Dragon loves the earth, the Red Dragon loves to swim, the Black Dragon flies the highest and the Pearl Dragon breathes the strongest flames. The Guardians then realize the origins of their power. In the 39th issue of W.I.T.C.H. the Silver Dragon appeared to Hay Lin and is actually a spirit protector of the Lin family. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Dragons are essentially super hounds, hounds with a far stronger breath attack, who have a stronger constitution and strength than an equivalently leveled golem. If you want them as a pet, you definitely must favor an element you're defending against, and for obvious reasons fire and ice are right out. They do not spam their breath attack as much as hounds, but you really don't want to take the chance an ice dragon is going to shatter a potion of potential now do you? (Superb+ Resistances can negate this however.)
  • Largely considered creatures of myth, true dragons only live in the far , beyond the kingdoms of Domhain Byd. There are many different breeds spoken of in legend, but what's true and what's the fabrication of imagination is difficult to say. In Mekti, it's commonly said that true dragons fly, eat flesh, and breath fire. They are said to be roughly on par of intelligence with cats and with similar tendencies to play with their food. Giant skulls large enough for a man to sit inside can be found in Mekti. It is said that these are from the days when great warriors hunted dragons in the north.
  • Dragons were once common beasts in the Drakonian Empire, but when The Shadow infested the minds of many Drakonians and dragons alike, the Dragon Wars began, causing many of the dragons to either kill each other, be killed out of retaliation or fear, or simply wither away in captivity. The population of dragons is estimated to have dropped by at least 90% of its average during Drakonia's reign in present day, and House Dragomyr were the only ones known to consistently breed and tame dragons into the Eighth Era, and even this has faded after the Dragomyrs were overthrown.
  • Dragons are a very rare race of supernatural creatures that have not been hunted or even seen for over 700 years. In fact, they are so rare that most veteran hunters (like Bobby Singer) dismiss their existence as purely fictional. Only a select few know otherwise, and even then, even they believe dragons were extinct. They are similar to the traditional dragons in lore, but, whilst in confined spaces, they appear more like humanoid creatures rather than the winged beasts shown in traditional art. There are descriptions of them appearing as giant bat-like creatures when in their true forms.
  • In the Legend universe, Dragons are a race of super intelligent, sentient creatures wielding highly advanced technology partially salvaged from Precursor relics. They are highly individualistic in their beliefs, goals, attitudes, and appearance. They can be many different colors and have many different skeletal configurations. Almost all dragons have an inherent magical ability, and some are able to wield several abilities at once. United under the banner of the powerful Dragon Confederation in the early 28th Century by their ancient Council, the Dragon Race has since sought to better the lives of it's creatures and the peaceful expansion of it's civilization; If provoked, they are capable of devastating acts of war, boasting an interstellar fleet capable of reducing entire planets to unin
  • A Dragon is a large, ferocious, fire-breathing, winged reptile of great power. There are at least 37 different types of dragons on Tarkus, as far as we know. the legendary Twelve-headed Black Beast said to be within the Darken Range. The most common dragon is the Green Dragon, 15 feet tall, dwell within the Torlin Forest and are aggressive fighters. The Blue Dragon, found in the northern regions, is very large and can breath fire a good distance. White Dragons are quite rare but not as much as Black Dragons, who are responsible for most of the dragon-related deaths on Tarkus.
  • All dragons have three things in common: * They can show loyalty and are extremely intelligent. * They are extraordinarily versatile, able to adapt almost instantly * All dragons have a destructive nature and cannot be tamed.
  • Dragons play an important part in the Heterodyne Story and come in many sizes and flavors. Theo used a dragon clank "T'Otheron" as the villain in his story, The Heterodyne Boys and the Dragon from Mars. Franz is a sleepy dragon who watches over the Heterodyne treasure hoard.
  • Amphitheres & the Incognito (Draco americanus) -American Amphithere (Draco americanus tex.) -Incognito (Draco americanus incognito.) -Mexican Amphithere (Draco americanus mex.) Ascetic Dragon* (Draco mysticus indiana.) Asian Lung (Draco orientalis.) -Chinese Lung or Imperial Lung (Draco orientalis magnus.) -Indonesian Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis.) (also called the Malay Dragon in the Compendium's Index) --Malay Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis magnus) --Javan Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis ssp.) --Krakatoan Dragon* (Draco orientalis indonesiensis ssp.) Hydra (Draco hydra.)
  • Dragons can wield more than fire nature, though it usually depends on what clan their from. The different clans of dragon are currently unnamed, thought there are known to be one for each Nature Transformation other than fire. Dragons have a moderate supply of chakra from which they can use a variety of techniques, with their most famous being the Fire Release: Running Fire, which allows them to set a forest or prairie ablaze in moments.
  • Dragons are magical creatures that descend from Garsharak, the first dragon, born of Brog's pain, formed into a magical flame (see the Genesis IV, The First Creatures). They are powerful magic users, but are unlike any other creature we have seen on the face of Tibia. They have a fearsome control over fire, and wreak havoc on anyone that comes across them. Dragons are fabled to hoard large amounts of gold and treasure. Mages should use Ice Damage on Dragons, Dragon Lords and their hatchlings. Mages should use Energy Damage on Frost Dragons, Ghastly Dragons and Undead Dragons.
  • Dragons (龍, Ryū) are some of the rarest and most powerful Ayakashi in existence. At least some originated in the mystical land of Ryusenkyo, which is recognized as their home and known for producing people with extremely powerful Ayakashi blood.
  • Dragons are huge, flying, fire-breathing reptiles with a strong mind and fearsome magical abilities. In addition to their fiery breath, they can summon daemons to their aid or become invisible. Only a fool or the strongest warrior would dare take on a mighty dragon. Such perils are usually rewarded with vast treasure, however. A varied lot, the dragons of Britannia usually are either green or red in color, while the rare ice dragons of the Serpent Isle are blue. Ice dragons mate for life and sing to each other during courting. Their blood can cure almost any disease.
  • The epitome of killing power - a Dragon - is an almost mythical creature in Antaloor, with barely few surviving in remote desert areas. The creature is huge, can fly, and - depending on the type - can deal different types of damage. There're several types you might come across; a green one lives in the woods, an orange one roams the deserts, while rainbow-colored verita-infused mutant - in verita rich areas. Forget the easy kills you know from TW1 - dragons in Antaloor 2.0 will require ALL possible advantages, and even then there's no certainty that the huge reptile will be defeated. There are rumours of animosity of dragons towards Gargoyles. Should you be running away from one, choose your path so that the two can meet. The fight that will ensue will be truly epic. Otherwise, proceed wit
  • In the beginning, dragons forged the world of Auratia. Morgath, the leader of the dragons created the earth, forests, oceans, and sky. His brethren Kronos and Lysaia then crafted the other races that would share the land with them. Many millenniums have passed since then. Morgath reunited with the chaos from whence he was born. Two Dragon Wars have come and gone, eventually claiming both Lysaia and Kronos as well. Now the remaining inhabitants of Auratia must work together to rebuild their shattered land.
  • Dragons are the dominant life form of Pyrrhia. Scavengers, or humans were once the dominant form of life, but dragons overthrew them in an event known as The Scorching. Dragons are highly intelligent, being capable of speech, tool-making, and other abilities that are normal in complex societies of people. Some even possess a form of magic, and when they do, they are known as animus dragons.
  • Dragons are flying beasts encountered by Darren Shan and Harkat Mulds. They were created by Darren's friend, Alan Morris. There were originally at least five who guarded the Lake of Souls. Darren, Harkat and Spits Abrams had to overcome them to get to the lake. Darren and Harkat first encountered the big male dragon with a purple head. Then Darren, Harkat and Spits see the entire family including two infants and two females. One had a grey head, the other white and including the big male. They later rule the future when humans, Vampires and Vampaneze die out or leave to another world.
  • The last surviving dragons in the world were possessed by House Targaryen, who used them to conquer and unify the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros three hundred years before the War of the Five Kings. Most of the Targaryen dragons died in the Dance of the Dragons about a century and a half later, and after that, the only dragons the Targaryens had grew little bigger then cats. Soon after the civil war the last Targaryen dragons died, after which the species was considered to be extinct throughout the world.
  • Dragons are epic creatures that can be found in the inner territory (one per realm). Before the superbosses were added, they were the highest PvE challenge a player could face. Like the other epic mobs, dragons require huge groups of players in order to be defeated. The usual technique against them is to get someone to lure them and make them run around, while everyone else attacks. They are: * Alasthor (Alsius) * Tenax (Ignis) * Vesper (Syrtis) Though they share the same model, there are aesthetic differences between the three of them.
  • AKA "Rym" According to The Book Of Mena, before the time of Luminous Arc, Witches worked with Dragons to defeat the God Zehaal and did so by putting him in a deep sleep for many many years. In the universe of Luminas Arc, there are only two living "dragons" that are known of. These are Alph and theo, who, while human contain the dragon heritage that allows them to access the ancient power of dragons, or ryms. The two become aware of and eventually are able to awaken their dragon/rym powers through the company and communication of the witches. Witches have a sugested history with dragons and know ryms to be fateful companions. The occasionally mentioned "fated kinship" between Lucia and Alph is example of this. Rym protect and use their powers to aid the witches. When Alph is "awakened" his
  • Within Valhalla live many dragon species and sub-species that provide all manner of challenge from the younglings to the massive and ancient beasts of legend.? Here are the more common types observed by adventurers fortunate enough to survive the encounter. Black Dragons? ? Black dragons prefer swampy areas for their lairs, as the very air produced in such places aids in Blue Dragons? ? Blue dragons tend to prefer arid climates such as deserts Green Dragons? ? Green dragons are quite similar to black dragons in many ways, but other than colour, they have
  • Well I don't know much about the guild myself, but what i do know is this guild protects their own and they support you through things such as marriage, discount on items, numerous exp hunts with the leader, and many more. To join click on the url link located in the guild stats box to the right and post under the Topic "Sign Ups". We are looking forward to your membership with our guild.
  • OldDigga
  • 89
  • y
  • Varies
  • 7
  • 4000
  • Sack of Endless Gold
  • H5X1
  • Dragons
  • 26
Row 4 info
  • No
  • 竜(ドラゴン)
  • #800000
Row 1 info
  • Varies from dragon to dragon. Some might be wingless
deceased state
  • Alive
Row 4 title
  • Leaders
  • Aggressive, predatory, defensive, monstrous
Row 2 info
Row 1 title
  • Appearence
Row 5 info
  • Alive
Powers and Abilities
  • *Super Strength *Super Speed *Super Senses *Shapeshifting *Flight *Pyrokinesis
Row 2 title
  • Main Abilities
Row 5 title
  • Staus of race
unnamed character
  • No
Row 3 info
  • Serve as protectors of all magical creatures
Row 3 title
  • Life in the Magical World
  • Worldwide
  • Bay of Dragons
  • Valyrian Freehold, Essos
Box Title
  • Dragons
  • all games
  • Doragons
  • Caves
  • Volcano
  • Dragon Town, Fillydelphia
  • Flight
  • Enhanced Durability
  • Energy Blasts
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Dexterity
  • Immense Life Span
  • Extinct from c. 150 - 298 AL,
  • now reborn
  • Reptilian features, chimeric, spines, horns, wings
  • *Giant beings with bat-like wings and sharp talons. *Can appear as a human
  • rushu
  • Preferably volcanic mountains
  • Ultima IX
  • Ultima V
  • Ultima IV
  • Ultima VII
  • Ultima VII Part Two
  • Ultima III
  • Ultima VI
  • Lhp
  • lhp
  • Dragon
  • Dragons
  • Dragons
  • Black, golden
  • These creatures can hurl mystical Fireballs at thy Party from afar. They are the only creatures that can wreak havoc upon thee when not in Conflict Mode. Any Party luckless enough to venture within three squares of one of these creatures will be subject to an awesome attack. The Great Dragons can destroy a Party before the Party ever engages in combat with the Dragon!
  • The Dragon is an evil, flying serpent which can cross water and blast ships with huge fireballs. Not many ships can withstand a couple passes by an attacking Dragon.
  • Found almost exclusively in the dungeon Destard, dragons are an ancient race of large reptiles. They possess great intelligence, and a few also use magic, sometimes summoning other creatures to fight with, or for them in battle. However, in combat, they are quite formidable without any aid, for in addition to their sharp claws and the rows of razor-like teeth that fill their maws, they are capable of producing large clouds of fiery death. That, combined with their ability to become invisible makes them more than a match for any foolish enough to cross one. Shouldst one ever be found that is willing to bargain with thee, I strongly suggest doing so, for very few can survive a battle with one of these terrible lizards, and even fewer can emerge victorious.
  • Dragons are a mysterious ancient race of highly evolved reptiles that possess magical abilities and a high degree of intelligence. They have large wings and are capable of rapid flight. A dragon is formidable in combat and is all the more lethal due to its noxious flaming breath. Its lair is usually a cave or a dungeon where it guards its eggs and treasure.
  • Similar to the ferocious, flying lizards of old Sosarian fame, the dragons here differ primarily in appearance. Ice dragons have white-blue scales and spew flames of blue death.
  • How many myths have been built around this winged, fire breathing holdover from Britannia's distant past? Event the strongest warrior has been known to wilt under the intense magical flames and noxious fumes that pour from the enraged beast's nostrils. Though mortal, dragons are extremely difficult to kill. It is therefore, a wonder that some bold souls have actually managed to steal eggs from a dragon's nest to satisfy the culinary delights of wealthy town dwellers!
  • Strongest and most feared of creatures, dragons shoot extremely damaging magic fireballs and are nearly impossible to defeat. They can attack while in flight and may do in an entire party before it has a chance to engage in close combat. Killing a dragon, however, can earn the slayer great treasure.
  • A feared creature in communion with other planes, a dragons knows of your presence in its lair before you know your dangerous location. Legion are the numbers who have been felled by the fiery breath of these highly intelligent creatures. Despite their cumbersome mass, dragons are excellent flyers with keen senses and must be addressed with ranged weapons and magic. It is reputed that they possess innate magical abilities, although there have been few volunteers to test this notion.
  • Y4-2
  • 250
  • Various Mannish and Elvish tongues
  • 16
  • 2016-05-16
  • Dragon, from Ultima VII manual.
  • Lauren Faust's sketch of a female dragon
  • Raelag says goodbye to Isabel and Ylaya
  • Offense, Defense and intimidation
  • Flight
  • Fire breath
  • y
  • Be-Knighted
  • Unknown
  • Dragon-like
  • 2
  • 58
  • Smaug, Ancalagon the Black, Glaurung, Scatha, etc.
  • x250px
  • 1
  • FF0000
  • Dragons
  • Varies
  • Dragon
  • Human
  • Dragons
  • 483.0
  • "Long and slow"
Image size
  • 250
  • 300
  • Allow Halris to be captured
  • Lose Ylaya, Queen Isabel or Raelag
  • red
  • Ylaya's Quest
  • Dragons
  • The Goblet of Fire
  • y
  • Defeat Thralsai
  • The Quidditch World Cup
  • Corto animado de Overwatch "Dragons"
  • Overwatch Animated Short “Dragons”
  • T'Otheron, Franz, Pretty Boy, others
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Obligate carnivore
Image File
  • Dragon.gif
  • Varies
  • #ED1C24
  • Compendium
  • Journal
  • The History of Britannia
  • Book of Lore
  • The Book of Fellowship
  • The Book of Lore
  • Beyond the Serpent Pillars
  • The Dragon Compendium
  • 0
  • 5
  • Griffon, Wyvern
  • Y4-2
  • 250
  • Normal
wikipage disambiguates
  • Many lands in Middle-earth
  • Dragons_underground.png
  • *Sword forged with the blood of a dragon.
  • History of this race is unknown.
  • Not sure yet.
  • Dragons are large lizard-like creatures with big wings and tail or just a long serpent like body with no wings and limbs to fit their natural environment, be it the ocean or the earth. Due to the various family members in the dragon race, the dragon's habitat will vary. The spiked dragons have so far made their homes on top of castles while a more narrow kind of dragon, presumably wyverns, nest in canyons. Water dragons don't fly and swim in the ocean as sea serpents.
  • Dragons es un Cortometraje que fue lanzado el 16 de Mayo del 2016. Dragons explora la historia del conflicto entre los hermanos shimada: Hanzo y Genji. En este episodio, seguiremos a Hanzo en su regreso a las tierras de su familia en Hanamura en búsqueda de redención ... y confrontar los fantasmas del pasado.
  • Dragons are large, mythical reptiles capable of flight.
  • Dragons, or MEDs (Magically Engineered Drakes) are one of the most famous forms of Mages of New World.
  • Dragons were once common beasts in the Drakonian Empire, but when The Shadow infested the minds of many Drakonians and dragons alike, the Dragon Wars began, causing many of the dragons to either kill each other, be killed out of retaliation or fear, or simply wither away in captivity. The population of dragons is estimated to have dropped by at least 90% of its average during Drakonia's reign in present day, and House Dragomyr were the only ones known to consistently breed and tame dragons into the Eighth Era, and even this has faded after the Dragomyrs were overthrown. Dragons are gauged to have some sort of intelligence, and seem to have their own language. Dragons can be heard roaring in different pitches and tones, and making other sounds like squeaking, clicking, and growling to indicate a message. They are also reported to gather in a large regional group, usually a pit or chasm with amplification qualities, and occasionally roar together to make the local dragons' presence known. House Dragomyr takes part of their name, and the image of their sigil, from dragons, and it was Aegor I Dragomyr who was the first to hatch and tame dragons. Gavarex, Aegor I's oldest and largest mount, was a dragon, possibly the strongest of his time. Gavarex was reportedly able to speak like a man in Drakonic, and his wingspan would shroud an entire village in darkness.
  • The Martial Arts fiends (arch-rivals to the Tigers). They are trying to recruit Bladedancer and Chaka.
  • Seeing as they are woefully undescribed in the books, there is lots of room for speculation on every facet of their existence. I (Kythyria) mostly based it on this discussion on LJ (note that I and zoropsis_ferri only registered towards the tail end of the discussion).
  • Dragons are huge, flying, fire-breathing reptiles with a strong mind and fearsome magical abilities. In addition to their fiery breath, they can summon daemons to their aid or become invisible. Only a fool or the strongest warrior would dare take on a mighty dragon. Such perils are usually rewarded with vast treasure, however. A varied lot, the dragons of Britannia usually are either green or red in color, while the rare ice dragons of the Serpent Isle are blue. Ice dragons mate for life and sing to each other during courting. Their blood can cure almost any disease. Dragons can usually be found in dungeons, but they also roam the wilderness. The most well-known dwelling place of dragons is the Dungeon Destard. As first seen in Ultima III, dragons appeared alongside the similarly-frightening griffons and wyverns. They stayed a part of the series to the very end, with exception of the two Underworlds and Ultima VIII. Due to the enormous difficulty of defeating a dragon, their power was reduced in Ultima VII, to give players a fair chance to defeat them. In Ultima IX, they seemed to lose all magical abilities, yet there were green, blue and red dragons to be found. There are several of the green variety throughout the world, but only two blue dragons (and you have to hunt to find them) and only one known red dragon. Dragon eggs have been quite a hot commodity in Britannia at various times through the years. Similar to liches, a very few dragons have been known to carry on after death as skeletal dragons.
  • Dragons are an endangered species in the other world.
  • Dragons were ancient, intelligent, powerful creatures, as feared by others as they were admired in Middle-earth. Their exact origin is debated, though it was clearly stated that they were created by Morgoth in some sense.
  • giant fire-breathing lizard most powerful creatures in the game and informed never to fight on your own. i
  • Warren says, "...Their scales are like stone, their bones like adamant..." Also in Book 3, Kendra sees Chalize, the dragon of the Painted mesa describing her "...gleaming like a new penny, overlapping copper scales encasing her in metallic armor. A tall fin ran from the top of her fierce head to the base of her neck. Not including the whiplike tail and the long, arched neck, the body of the dragon was the size of an elephant. A pair of wings were folded at her sides." This dragon was possibly only a century old, being very young. From this encounter, it is shown that dragons have the ability to speak in human languages. Each dragon is unique, some being metallic, while others are not.
  • The Dragons were first mentioned in the 9th issue of W.I.T.C.H. and the Guardians discovered that their powers originated from the nymph Xin Jing and The Four Dragons. Whereas the Yellow Dragon loves the earth, the Red Dragon loves to swim, the Black Dragon flies the highest and the Pearl Dragon breathes the strongest flames. The Guardians then realize the origins of their power. In the 39th issue of W.I.T.C.H. the Silver Dragon appeared to Hay Lin and is actually a spirit protector of the Lin family. In Season 2 of the TV series Lillian conjured a Dragon after Cornelia and the others discovered she was the Heart of Earth. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Dragons are large, horned fire-breathing reptiles that first appeared in the episode The Fire Breather. In said episode Chowder had eaten numerous fiery hot peppers which caused him to breathe fire, after his new ability destroyed the entire kitchen he was forced to leave and move in with dragons who soon welcomed him and his fiery breath, but soon enough he was forced to leave them when he started farting fiery farts. They live high up on mountain tops located outside of Marzipan City. They possess three types of skin coloration which are blue, orange and brown, they may also be green as shown in one of Chowder's daydreams. The dragons are voiced by Carlos Alazraqui, Dwight Schultz, and John DiMaggio.
  • In addition to the Terrain type, Dragon represents a specific type of encounter. Your character will have have to make a standard d20 roll for success or failure. Certain items can grant bonuses toward success with a + Dragon bonus.
  • A Dragon is a large, ferocious, fire-breathing, winged reptile of great power. There are at least 37 different types of dragons on Tarkus, as far as we know. the legendary Twelve-headed Black Beast said to be within the Darken Range. The most common dragon is the Green Dragon, 15 feet tall, dwell within the Torlin Forest and are aggressive fighters. The Blue Dragon, found in the northern regions, is very large and can breath fire a good distance. White Dragons are quite rare but not as much as Black Dragons, who are responsible for most of the dragon-related deaths on Tarkus. Gold Dragons inhabit the plains and are a common pest to farmers and traders, some 30 feet long and, if not hungry, will run from encounters. Jairen met a dragon when passing the Upper Tyre. He defeated him by using a fire spell taught to him by Lakmir. A black dragon is encountered in Shadowgate and a gold dragon in Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers.
  • Dragons can wield more than fire nature, though it usually depends on what clan their from. The different clans of dragon are currently unnamed, thought there are known to be one for each Nature Transformation other than fire. Dragons have a moderate supply of chakra from which they can use a variety of techniques, with their most famous being the Fire Release: Running Fire, which allows them to set a forest or prairie ablaze in moments. Most dragons, if not all, can speak human language, as well as a language of their own consisting of roars, though they tend to be quiet creatures, and rarely speak unless needed. Every spring, dragons gather in the Ryūhone Desert to nest and raise their young before setting out into the world again. A female dragon can only give birth twice in its lifetime, making the dragon species scarce. The lifespan of a dragon is several hundred years, with the oldest being almost two hundred years of age.
  • Spike magically matures through his greediness in Secret of My Excess. He begins soliciting gifts from ponies for his birthday, which results in him growing into a gangly "teenager" by the next day. Twilight takes him to a doctor and then a vet, but both fail to diagnose him because they have no experience with dragons. She then takes him to Zecora who explains that his greed is making him grow up. Throughout the episode he grows larger, and develops more lizard-like qualities, like slit pupils and a long thin-forked tongue. Unlike the majority of other dragons in the show, he does not possess wings.
  • The Dragon Empire is an interplanetary empire controlled by an army of dragons.
  • Dragons are a race of beings able to shape-shift to human form. Occasionally some are locked in human form as access to dragon powers skipped them. As a whole, Dragons act as the protectors of magic and all beings which use it.
  • All dragons have three things in common: * They can show loyalty and are extremely intelligent. * They are extraordinarily versatile, able to adapt almost instantly * All dragons have a destructive nature and cannot be tamed. It should be noted that dragons have been feared and worshiped through all ages. Any interaction with or talk of dragons may mean a confrontation with superstition. They are animals cloaked in mystery and admiration, but they are animals. Every species of dragon has an expansive variety of breeds which may display different attributes. The descriptions in this book are generally accurate for the species. Most dragons can understand speech and reason; in rare cases, they can speak. It is unwise to approach any dragon; while they can understand speech, they are more likely to have no interest in the pleadings of humans or, in the case of the sharper species, exploit the approacher. The closest humans have come to "taming" a dragon have been the Volvarians with their dragon charms, which is more accurately described as a high-risk, temporary domination. So while dragons can be influenced by a charm or in some rare cases persuaded, the venture to tame or control a dragon via any technique would be foolish and most likely fatal.
  • Dragons are amazng creatures, native to Mython.
  • There are 5 Dragons in Avernum. The first of these is Motrax, who the character meets in Avernum 1. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Main article: The First Great War
  • Placeholder for game information about dragons.
  • Dragons are essentially super hounds, hounds with a far stronger breath attack, who have a stronger constitution and strength than an equivalently leveled golem. If you want them as a pet, you definitely must favor an element you're defending against, and for obvious reasons fire and ice are right out. They do not spam their breath attack as much as hounds, but you really don't want to take the chance an ice dragon is going to shatter a potion of potential now do you? (Superb+ Resistances can negate this however.) All dragons have a very high chance to drop ores, treasure boxes (safes, chests, multiple gamble chests, material boxes, treasure balls, and bejeweled chests), and necklaces. Very rarely, they can drop Treasure Maps as well. As of Elona+ 1.19 (possibly earlier versions as well) control magic works on breath attacks, and dragons also have the control magic skill, making them decent pets as long as you can engineer some extra equipment slots on them. Getting resistance to the element used by the dragon pet of your choice is still recommended. As enemies, they are a damn good reason to have a sturdy pet, or one fast enough to avoid being hit, so that you may attack them while they focus on the pets. If your pet is missing, they're also the #1 reason for mid-level adventurers to be packing a rod of teleportation. Due to their high levels they start with near-zero potential in every stat, genes are a must. Warriors may have to run away from dragons longer than magic users depending on their total PV. If you're feeling cheap and you can't take the breath attacks from the stronger dragon types, blindness is a good way to lower their damage potential dramatically, then use dragon slaying gear and they'll go down much easier. Dark magic can work as well as potions, in a test on an electric dragon with a level 27 performer, a spammed Dark Eye can turn the fight from bias in the dragon's favor, to fighting a cripple. Obviously the same isn't true for dragons with dark resistance.
  • Dragons are a race of creatures who live in many fairy countries, including the Land of Oz and its neighboring lands.
  • Each of the Dragons are rare and are found in the part of the world where their element thrives. But they only appear after defeating the four Sages again to get the Lost Magics. Also they are only seen in one battle. So to get a specific Dragon, you have only one shot at getting that color of Dragon. They are winged monsters, but they do not fly. If you capture one you may not use them often since they cost 5pts. to have in your lineup, and you only get one. The most annoying thing about having them in your lineup is that they are incredibly slow which wouldn't be that big of a deal if your battles weren't timed. They hit hard, and are hard to kill. It is highly recomended that you are able to cast Rune Trios before hunting the Dragons.
  • The epitome of killing power - a Dragon - is an almost mythical creature in Antaloor, with barely few surviving in remote desert areas. The creature is huge, can fly, and - depending on the type - can deal different types of damage. There're several types you might come across; a green one lives in the woods, an orange one roams the deserts, while rainbow-colored verita-infused mutant - in verita rich areas. Forget the easy kills you know from TW1 - dragons in Antaloor 2.0 will require ALL possible advantages, and even then there's no certainty that the huge reptile will be defeated. There are rumours of animosity of dragons towards Gargoyles. Should you be running away from one, choose your path so that the two can meet. The fight that will ensue will be truly epic. Otherwise, proceed with EXTREME caution!
  • There are creatures on Erwt that defy the rules of common sense, and which generally don't follow the ordinary rules of physics. They come from the deep Ocean, where the difference between air and water, light and dark is indistinct. Most of them stay out there; their constitution doesn't stand up to the more rigid fabric of Erwt, and turn back when they encroach on the calmer waters near the coast. Some others are more resilient. The greatest of these are the Dragons.
  • Dragons, like the rest of the magical community, once lived on Earth along with humanity. But as human fear of magic grew, magical creatures retreated and eventually went into hiding. Dragons were taken into the Wizard World where they are used for many tasks.
  • Dragons are flying beasts encountered by Darren Shan and Harkat Mulds. They were created by Darren's friend, Alan Morris. There were originally at least five who guarded the Lake of Souls. Darren, Harkat and Spits Abrams had to overcome them to get to the lake. Darren and Harkat first encountered the big male dragon with a purple head. Then Darren, Harkat and Spits see the entire family including two infants and two females. One had a grey head, the other white and including the big male. They later rule the future when humans, Vampires and Vampaneze die out or leave to another world. The Stone of Blood comes from them and is the brain of a Dragon.
  • The Dragons were a sports team. In early 2377, they had won the pennant. Reginald Barclay, explaining his depressed state to Counselor Deanna Troi, mentioned that in the happier times while he was dating Leosa "the Dragons had just won the pennant." (VOY: "Inside Man") The authors of the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 218) identified the Dragons as a baseball team because of the use of the phrase "won the pennant", which was "reasonably specific" to this sport.
  • Cost: 50 - Manteniment: 1 escut, 1 infeliç Tecnologia requerida: Lideratge Els fa obsolets: Cavalleria Fa obsolet: Cavallers Atac: 5 - Defensa: 2 PV: 20 - PF: 1 Moviment: 2 Rang de visió: 1 * Es pot desmantellar en una ciutat per recuperar el 50% del cost de producció. * Pot fortificar-se, obtenint un 50% de bonificació defensiva. * Pot saquejar per destruir infraestructura de caselles. * Compta com a 'muntat' contra certs defensors. * Pot guanyar veterania per entrenament o combat. Tornar a pàgina d'unitats Unitats
  • Dragons is the fourth scenario in Ylaya's Quest campaign in the Hammers of Fate expansion.
  • Die Dragons sind eine Sportmannschaft im 24. Jahrhundert. Anfang 2377 gewinnen die Dragons die Meisterschaft. Später meint Reginald Barclay zu Deanna Troi, dass er in besseren Zeiten sich mit Leosa verabredete und die Dragons die Meisterschaft gewannen. (VOY: )
  • Dragons are a newly developed weapon originally designed by the Illuminator Aludra. She initially creates them as a means of taking revenge on the Seanchan for destroying the Illuminator's Guild. Mat Cauthon proposes the weapon to Elayne Trakand in Caemlyn who agrees to lend every bellfounder in Andor in order to make them.
  • Dragons are Rides capable of gliding. They can be found in the SC Marketplace under the Winged ride category. Dragon4.jpg|Gold Tipped Dragon|link= Dragon2.jpg|Scaled Dragon|link= Skeltaldragon.png|Skeletal Dragon|link= Poisondragon.jpg|a Poison Dragon|link=
  • A race of dragons inhabiting the Dragon Realms appears throughout the original Spyro games, of which Spyro himself is a part of. These dragons play a major role throughout the series, usually by being threatened by villains, who Spyro must defeat.
  • Dragons are magical creatures that descend from Garsharak, the first dragon, born of Brog's pain, formed into a magical flame (see the Genesis IV, The First Creatures). They are powerful magic users, but are unlike any other creature we have seen on the face of Tibia. They have a fearsome control over fire, and wreak havoc on anyone that comes across them. Dragons are fabled to hoard large amounts of gold and treasure. Mages should use Ice Damage on Dragons, Dragon Lords and their hatchlings. Mages should use Energy Damage on Frost Dragons, Ghastly Dragons and Undead Dragons. See also Dragon NPCs.
  • Here you can find links to the various dragons found in Dragon Story, sorted alphabetically. For the levels at which they unlock visit the Level Rewards page, and for dragon type information visit the Dragon Types page. __TOC__ 762 File:Dragon Count 100.png
  • Powerful engines of total destruction, the Dragons, or "Giant Wyrms" as they're known, are some of the most dangerous creatures through the multiverse. Known for being the foil to many a great hero, the Dragons stand paramount as bosses and enemies. Some Dragons are considered to be Demon or Overlord class creatures, and others are even considered to go beyond that. For years the Giant Wyrms have waged war against the Great Wyrms for supremacy of Dragon Kind, and it wasn't until recently that the Giant Wyrms retreated back into the human worlds while the Great Wyrms took the Netherworlds. This put the creatures at a sort of truce, though they are still highly territorial. Dragons will all use stats from pre existing dragons in the Pathfinder RPG and some will have their own alterations, however the following are rules that effect all dragons on this list unless otherwise noted. Flight: the Dragons possess tiny wings, and as such their power to fly is severely dampened. The dragon's fly speed is cut to 3/4 it's normal speed. In addition, the dragon no longer possesses any skill bonus to fly. Instead, replace the dragon's skill with Martial Practice (Natural) of an equal number of ranks. And remember the bonuses granted for having 10 and 15 ranks in the skill. Furthermore the dragon's base land speed is increased by 20 feet. Evility: All Dragons possess the Evility Rising Dragon and as such they gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage for every attack you receive. This bonus resets after you make an attack, or at the end of the round. A Dragon possesses one additional evility once it reaches 15 hit dice, as indicated by it's dragon type. = Black Wyrm = File:Black Wyrm.png Residing in swampy areas, the Black Wyrms are actually closely related to the Shroom and Green Dragons, sometimes sharing territory on strange occasions. Black Wyrms follow the rules for the Black Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Immortal Body, meaning you reduce all melee damage by 10 before applying damage reduction. Black Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Blue Wyrm = File:Blue Wyrm.png Powerful desert dwelling creatures, the Blur Wyrms tunnel through sand and fire bursts of lightning from their terrible mouths. Blue Wyrms follow the rules for the Blue Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Mass Blaster, meaning you deal an additional +2 damage for each creature caught in your area effects. Blue Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Brine Wyrm = File:Brine Wyrm.png Existing within the slimy depths of the Ocean, the Brine Wyrms are sea traveling dragons that not only rule over the ocean, but can take to the air to cause havoc as well. Brine Wyrms follow the rules for the Brine Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Corpse Eater, meaning you gain a number of hit points equal to the damage you deal when you kill an opponent with a normal attack. Brine Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Copper Wyrm = File:Copper Wyrm.png Copper Dragons are shiny and like to hide amongst rocky areas. They often have feuds with Red Wyrms over Territory. Copper Wyrms follow the rules for the Copper Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. Copper Dragons are usually Evil, though good ones do exist. At 15th level they gain the evility Mass Blaster, meaning you deal an additional +2 damage for each creature caught in your area effects. Copper Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Gold Wyrm = File:Gold Dragons.png Known as the "Muscle Men" of the draconic family, Gold Wyrms are hugely buff and whoop all kinds of ass. Gold Wyrms follow the rules for the Gold Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. Gold Dragons are usually Evil, though good ones do exist. Gold Dragons have NO flight speed at all, however they gain access to Exploding Fists, Tiger Charge, and King of Beasts at levels it would normally be able to learn a technique of that level. They are all usable once per day. At 15th level they gain the evility Corpse Eater, meaning you gain a number of hit points equal to the damage you deal when you kill an opponent with a normal attack. Gold Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Green Wyrm = File:Green Wyrm.png Jungle and swamp faring dragons, green dragons are evil, but still fight to protect nature. Green Wyrms follow the rules for the Green Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. Green Dragons do not take the penalty to their flight speed. At 15th level they gain the evility Miasma of Defiance meaning that you only take 1/2 damage from any kinds of energy damage from adjacent enemies. Green Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Red Wyrm = File:Red Wyrm.png The classic kind of dragon, Red dragons charge about breathing terrible fire on their foes and devouring villages. Red Wyrms follow the rules for the Red Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Energy Eater and as such you gain hit points equal to your charisma modifier when you land a successful attack. Red Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Shroom Wyrm = File:Shroom Dragon.png One of the more obscure kinds of dragons, they inhabit swampy mushroom forests and often destroy Eryngii villages. Shroom Wyrms follow the rules for the Green Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. Shroom Wyrms lack a fly speed completely, however they gain the Spore, Burrow speed, and Poison abilities of an Eryngi of it's hit dice. In addition, the dragon's breath weapon also deals damage from the spore attack. When A Green Dragon usually learns to Animate Treants it learns to do the same with giant mushrooms, use the same statistics. At 15th level they gain the evility Punishing Punisher so it gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage against any creature effected with a status ailment. Shroom Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova and Shroommania at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Silver Wyrm = File:Silver Wyrm.png Often getting into clan wars with Blue Dragons, Silver Dragons were the most reasonable kinds that actually began the retreat from the Netherworlds from the Great Wyrms. Silver Wyrms follow the rules for the Silver Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. Silver Dragons are usually evil, though some are good. At 15th level they gain the evility Immortal Body, meaning you reduce all melee damage by 10 before applying damage reduction.. Silver Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = Umbral Wyrm = File:Umbral Wyrm.png Evil dragons from the deepest reaches of the blackness of men's hearts, the Umbral Wyrm is a horrible being of pure evil. Umbral Wyrms follow the rules for the Umbral Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Mind Shackle which means enemies within 30 feet of you must sacrifice two technique slots to use a technique. Umbral Wyrms also gain the technique Grand Darkness Breath at 18 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type. = White Wyrm = File:White Wyrm.png Hailing from frigid mountains and cold peaks, the White Wyrms are a lonely and quiet race, often times preferring to avoid conflict all together. White Wyrms follow the rules for the White Dragons in the base Pathfinder RPG however they have the following changes. At 15th level they gain the evility Spiritual Wave meaning you gain a +2 to attack and damage against creatures effected by a fear effect. White Wyrms also gain the technique Colored Nova at 15 hit dice and it deals damage of the dragon's normal breath weapon type.
  • A dragon (Sefenlander: Ajagar, Reyshi: Drych, Lohtish: Đrayeech, Rainish: DVRACO, Farwestern: Long, Kneypish: Neyi, Ane Polki: Druk, Sayerthenner: Tu Ru Ra Ko) is a four-limbed fire-breathing lyzard born with horns, wings, claws, and talons. Dragons comprise a wide variety of reptilians, ranging in size from insect-sized moths, silkwyrms, dragonflies, and butterflies to mammoth-sized burningjaws and morningstars, and even the whale-sized wyrms which once made the mighty tree Laochalk their home. Other types of dragons include flamekings, steedflames, sailinglords, burnburps, ogres, orcs, ice dragons, fearklausen, witewynds, werewyrms, sprytes, burninglords, and slowstars.
  • Dragons are kick-ass creatures dedicated to the destruction of idiots.
  • He is the most interesting man on runescape. He once parrell parked a train. Big Foot took a photograph of him. His 2 cents is worth 1.37. He is the most interesting man on runescape. During his early rs carrer he was just a baby blue dragon but quickly leveled up to "dragons". He is a proud owner of a comp cape. Dragons become famous when he was spotted dancing with "Unsocial" in elf city. Every since he was spoted with the Great Unsocial he became an instant rs celeb. - Dragons employee of the month
  • While in modern and middle aged tales dragons are connected with fire, in old mythologies dragons are connected to water. Unlike in European dragons who are picture to be evil, most of the Asian dragons are kind hearted.
  • AKA "Rym" According to The Book Of Mena, before the time of Luminous Arc, Witches worked with Dragons to defeat the God Zehaal and did so by putting him in a deep sleep for many many years. In the universe of Luminas Arc, there are only two living "dragons" that are known of. These are Alph and theo, who, while human contain the dragon heritage that allows them to access the ancient power of dragons, or ryms. The two become aware of and eventually are able to awaken their dragon/rym powers through the company and communication of the witches. Witches have a sugested history with dragons and know ryms to be fateful companions. The occasionally mentioned "fated kinship" between Lucia and Alph is example of this. Rym protect and use their powers to aid the witches. When Alph is "awakened" his priorities turn to protecting Lucia, and protecting the world from Zehaal. Alph is the only Rym to have connected with a witch during the time of Luminous Arc, as Vanessa has teased Theo on numerous accounts about becoming her Rym. When Theo and Alph are fully "Awakened" and can access their dragon/rym abilities their battle classes change along with some skills. Theo is awakened before Alph, and his class changes from Archer to RymGuard. While he still uses a bow, and his archer skills are not changed, his Flash Drive abilities change to reflect his Rym status. Alph changes his class from Riffleman to Rym Hero after the second battle with the Steel Witch. His outfit, unlike Theo's changes. He still uses many riffleman skills, but gains three deffensive Rym Skills. His Flash Drive is also changed to reflect his Rym status. Elemental effects are present in the game and paying attention to them can greatly aid in battle. Dragon/Rym is considered an element of its own, but is considered nuetral as an element in battle. This has its benefits, even in a game whose battle system considers elements.
  • Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that are featured in the myths of many cultures.
  • They have ability to breath fire. At some point in the past, a dragon was one of the 12 Noble Animals. Shendu than coveted it's power for himself. Dragon body parts, such as Dragon's Teeth can be powerful spell ingredients, and can only be destroyed with magic.
  • Dragons are very vulnerable to low-damage homing weapons and the Air Raider's Wireguns, since they will either spin out or crash if they take any damage while flying. A unique larger form exists, called the Greater Wild Dragon, and is fought once by the player as a boss during mission 80, Divine. It can fly indefinitely, and sprays continuous streams of flame that damage the player, even after they are extinguished. Care should be taken to dodge its attacks, as the massive amounts of damage, coupled by the fact there are almost no other enemies on the map for most of the fight, will mean a player can easily be killed even on Normal difficulty.
  • "Dragons are enormous, fire-breathing creatures that can only be handled by skilled, trained wizards. Dragon breeding is not permitted in the magical world: it was outlawed by the Warlock's Convention of 1709, and dragon eggs are Class A Non-Tradeable Goods. "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback is a baby dragon that Hagrid hatches from an egg that he acquired in violation of wizarding law. As a newborn, he looks like a crumpled black umbrella, and has huge, spiny wings, a skinny, jet-black body, a long snout with wide nostrils, horns and orange eyes. "Within a week Norbert grows three times in length; smoke furls out of his nostrils, and he feeds on a bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. By the time he is two weeks old, Norbert eats dead rats by the crate, gives Ron a particularly nasty bite, and can make the walls of Hagrid's hut shake with a swing of his tail. Harry, Ron and Hermione arrange for the dragon to be collected and taken to Ron's brother Charlie, who studies dragons in Romania. "Hagrid packs Norbert into a large crate (with his "favourite" teddy bear), and Harry and Hermione take the dragon to the tallest tower at Hogwarts, where they successfully hand him to Charlie's friends."
  • Dragons are three similar-looking fishlike creatures. They attack one after the other until all three are gone. The Dragons attack with bubbles. They attack with one attack where the bubble will float in air towards the ground forward at you. Best to jump over it when it comes at you. In another attack, they spit a bubble in air that floats up. Try to take those out if you can, because those burst and three fish monsters come out and run at you on screen. In another attack, he'll spit goo at you. Avoid it. Like most bosses in Makaimura for WonderSwan, aim at the head.
  • Characters with dragon-like characteristics: * Fred, from The Ed Sullivan Show and Sesame Street * Lothar, from The Great Santa Claus Switch * Ultragorgon, from Monster Maker * Uncle Deadly, from The Muppet Show
  • Dragons are a very rare race of supernatural creatures that have not been hunted or even seen for over 700 years. In fact, they are so rare that most veteran hunters (like Bobby Singer) dismiss their existence as purely fictional. Only a select few know otherwise, and even then, even they believe dragons were extinct. They are similar to the traditional dragons in lore, but, whilst in confined spaces, they appear more like humanoid creatures rather than the winged beasts shown in traditional art. There are descriptions of them appearing as giant bat-like creatures when in their true forms. The dragons' motives were to open Purgatory to free Eve, Mother of All. To do this they abducted young female virgins so they could sacrifice one of them to become the vessel for Eve.
  • Dragons are rare creatures that have strong links to the gods. They are large reptilian creatures, and are listed by sub-species.
  • Dragons is an animated short movie that was released on May 16th, 2016.
  • Dragons are epic creatures that can be found in the inner territory (one per realm). Before the superbosses were added, they were the highest PvE challenge a player could face. Like the other epic mobs, dragons require huge groups of players in order to be defeated. The usual technique against them is to get someone to lure them and make them run around, while everyone else attacks. Dragons have 2 powers, one "flame spell" (element varies between realms) that activates if he gets close to his target, damaging anything in front of it. They also have a stomp strike, that has a very similar effect to Sultar's Terror. When the dragon flies in the air and hovers for a second, everyone will run for it as he is about to use this technique. They are: * Alasthor (Alsius) * Tenax (Ignis) * Vesper (Syrtis) Though they share the same model, there are aesthetic differences between the three of them.
  • Well I don't know much about the guild myself, but what i do know is this guild protects their own and they support you through things such as marriage, discount on items, numerous exp hunts with the leader, and many more. To join click on the url link located in the guild stats box to the right and post under the Topic "Sign Ups". We are looking forward to your membership with our guild. Recruitment- There is no alignment requirement (but the majority of the guild is bontarian). As of now, the recruitment level is 130+. The guild is lacking srams, enis, and sacs and has a lot of osas and enus. Pm elaire or olddigga for an invitation. There are no exceptions to getting into the guild if you are below level 90 (the only members who are below the requirement are loyal members who joined before the level requirement was raised). A piece of side information- our current average level in the guild is 127 (april 6, 2008). Recruitment- There is no alignment requirement (but the majority of the guild is bontarian). As of now, the recruitment level is 120+. The guild is lacking srams, enis, and sacs and has a lot of osas and enus. You can Pm Elaire,OldDigga,Compleo,Ace-King,Hilldeer or FlameWyrmling for an invitation. There are no exceptions to getting into the guild if you are below level 100(the only members who are below the requirement are loyal members who joined before the level requirement was raised). A piece of side information- our current average level in the guild is 141 (November 12, 2008).
  • Largely considered creatures of myth, true dragons only live in the far , beyond the kingdoms of Domhain Byd. There are many different breeds spoken of in legend, but what's true and what's the fabrication of imagination is difficult to say. In Mekti, it's commonly said that true dragons fly, eat flesh, and breath fire. They are said to be roughly on par of intelligence with cats and with similar tendencies to play with their food. Giant skulls large enough for a man to sit inside can be found in Mekti. It is said that these are from the days when great warriors hunted dragons in the north. In truth, these "true" dragons are more like locusts. Peaceful and solitary grasshoppers will, when conditions are right, congregate together in huge swarms. Their bodies change size and shape and color. They don't just innocently eat the grass and mate and die, but ingest everything they can including one another. Under the right conditions the innocent grasshopper becomes the ravenous locust; so too does the swamp dragon become the dragon. Swamp dragon eggs are sensitive to heat. Like crocodilians and lizards, lower temperatures lead to more females hatching and higher temperatures lead to more males hatching. A sustained high heat (maintaining an average of 120°F and never dropping below 100°F) will trigger changes in the egg that go beyond sex. The wings will be proportionately larger, the body sleeker and the glands in the throat that produce gas will be developed enough to ignite flame without a heat source. Such hot-weather produced dragons grow larger than their meek brethren. They first begin to fly when they reach puberty at the age of three. At this age, they have a wingspan of ten feet and weigh around 35lbs. During the first year of flight they typically lose ten pounds of weight--body fat reserves left over from infancy--though they'll slowly regain it in muscle. At the end of that first year of flight when they've slimmed down and have yet to grow any heavier they are at their fastest flight speed in their lives, reaching top speeds of 80mph. Dragons continue to grow throughout their lives, though as they get larger and heavier taking off becomes more difficult. Those that live long enough to have a sixty-foot wingspan are only able to coast on air-currents and must climb to a height before taking off. These limitations on mobility and speed mean that few dragons live past that stage--which comes when they're around fifty years old--though there are exceptions, as evidenced by the skulls in Mekti. Most dragons mate when they are between these extremes, with a wingspan of forty-feet, a body length of twelve feet, and a weight of 300lbs. At this stage, they have a good balance between speed and strength. If anyone were to catch sight of one, it would almost assuredly be at this stage, since this is when they are most likely to risk traveling from their nesting and feeding grounds. To maintain the necessary temperatures for their eggs, dragons lay their clutches in geothermically active areas with high air temperatures. Females are very rare, leading to males fighting fiercly against one another for the right to be part of a female's harem. In turn, the few females that there are tend to fight fiercly against one another for access to suitable nesting grounds. This keeps the population of dragons low and geographically isolated. Technically speaking, true dragons have become extinct on five separate occasions. All it takes to restart their phase is for a single female swamp dragon to find a hot enough place to make her nest. During unusually hot summers, some regions have suffered from dragon swarms when the local swamp dragons began producing them. No such swarm has occurred in a thousand years, but the legends remain. The digestive upsets and weaknesses of the swamp dragons are greatly reduced in true dragons, though not completly lost. Just as the finest race horse can be felled by colic, even a true dragon can die from a gastrointestinal crisis. Sharp blows to the throat that rupture the glands there will spell certain death (and an explosion) for the dragon. Exposure to intense heat or having their mouths held closed when they were preparing to flame can have the same result. Their skin is covered in armored scales and they have tough musculature--especially through the chest to support their wings--but their bones are relatively delicate and can be broken with enough force.
  • Within Valhalla live many dragon species and sub-species that provide all manner of challenge from the younglings to the massive and ancient beasts of legend.? Here are the more common types observed by adventurers fortunate enough to survive the encounter. Black Dragons? ? Black dragons prefer swampy areas for their lairs, as the very air produced in such places aids in File:Blackdragon1.jpeg the fuelling of the dreaded acid breath they spew. Far too many curious adventurers have died while examining the unique signature of the black dragon's breath weapon, admiring the beauty of the various melted things around the den. Blue Dragons? ? Blue dragons tend to prefer arid climates such as deserts File:Bluedragon.jpeg or mountains below the snow line. Ironically, their electric breath is best replenished in such places, but is far more effective the more humidity is present. Their preferred attack method is diving from above, electrifying and then crushing the target before making off with their prize. Green Dragons? ? Green dragons are quite similar to black dragons in many ways, but other than colour, they have File:Greendragon1.jpeg one major difference. Green dragons have been seen eating vast amounts of plant matter. They possess a unique internal organ that digest only plant matter and funnels the gases produced into the dragon's breath bladder, thus produced the noxious and deadly gas clouds these dragons are well known for using. Red Dragons? Red dragons are the stereotypical dragons of File:Rdragon1.jpeg legend.Greedy, intelligent, and completely evil, these creatures will choose any area for their lairs. Thankfully, these dragons also love their solitude and sleeping, and they rarely venture out from the den, although when they do, another generation has a new batch of tales and legends to add to the mix. White Dragons? ? Amoung dragonkind, white dragons are at the same time the most predictable and the least. File:Whitedragon1.jpegTheir lairs are always areas that feature cold climates, but their personalities are the most varied of their kin. Most dragons are creatures of evil, but there are whites who faithfully serve the causes of good in the world. White dragons are also amoung the most dangerous, as they are completely camouflaged in their environment, and unlike other dragons, can spend extended periods of time in the cold without concern for their cold-blooded bodies shutting down. There are also a fair number of the great ancient dragons, beasts so old that they are known throughout the land by their names.? Names such as Tunisk the Eternal, Moin the Malcontent, Quark the Imprisoned, Goin Longtooth, Nidhogg the Corpse Tearer, and Graback the Unsleeping.
  • Dragons are a species of winged reptiles that breathe fire, and are renowned for their hides and bones, used commonly for Crafting and Prayer, respectively. They are one the the strongest non-boss monsters one can fight in Soulsplit, and they require good combat skills and adequate armor to be defeated. High Prayer is useful to help reduce damage taken by praying Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee to negate dragons' melee attacks.
  • Dragons are one of the many intelligent species found in the Mystrians series. Many different species of dragons exist, but most appear to be european. According to Kinoh they are rarely seen due to a prejudice towards them caused by their immense size and magical ability.
  • In the Legend universe, Dragons are a race of super intelligent, sentient creatures wielding highly advanced technology partially salvaged from Precursor relics. They are highly individualistic in their beliefs, goals, attitudes, and appearance. They can be many different colors and have many different skeletal configurations. Almost all dragons have an inherent magical ability, and some are able to wield several abilities at once. United under the banner of the powerful Dragon Confederation in the early 28th Century by their ancient Council, the Dragon Race has since sought to better the lives of it's creatures and the peaceful expansion of it's civilization; If provoked, they are capable of devastating acts of war, boasting an interstellar fleet capable of reducing entire planets to uninhabitable wastelands. Generally choosing to shun war and most acts of violence, most dragons are peaceful, docile creatures, only choosing to attack if provoked or cornered.
  • The Dragons are the protectors of races and balance of Radiata. Seven dragons exist within the Radiata universe, although only six of them are central to the plot. They are immortal and do not actually die - instead, they "sleep" until the transition between the gold and silver dragons. After defeating the game once, the player may choose to continue their completed game, then warp to the Dragon Lair Cave where they can fight all the dragons except Aphelion, as well as get Valkyrie and fight other bosses.
  • The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. The English word dragon and Latin word draco derives from Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake". While not as common as in many other myths and legends, several dragons play prominent roles in Arthurian myth.
  • In the beginning, dragons forged the world of Auratia. Morgath, the leader of the dragons created the earth, forests, oceans, and sky. His brethren Kronos and Lysaia then crafted the other races that would share the land with them. Many millenniums have passed since then. Morgath reunited with the chaos from whence he was born. Two Dragon Wars have come and gone, eventually claiming both Lysaia and Kronos as well. Now the remaining inhabitants of Auratia must work together to rebuild their shattered land. Dragon's Prophet boasts a world filled with hundreds of different dragons. Each is unique and has its own story to share with the Osira.
  • Dragons are going to appear in the episode the future dragons File:Dragon-Age2.jpg
  • Western dragons are a species of dragon often used for meat. The meat is then consumed by Phyllis Hyman. Extra meat is consumed by either David Bowie or Mario.
  • Dragons (竜族, Ryuuzoku) is a species in Megami Tensei series. They are Dragons, Humanoid Snakes, and Fire Breathing Serpentine-like creatures.
  • Dragons are a race of powerful winged reptiles who can breathe fire.
  • [[Category: Levels]] Dragons is a level from LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. It is the second level of The Goblet of Fire.
  • The last surviving dragons in the world were possessed by House Targaryen, who used them to conquer and unify the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros three hundred years before the War of the Five Kings. Most of the Targaryen dragons died in the Dance of the Dragons about a century and a half later, and after that, the only dragons the Targaryens had grew little bigger then cats. Soon after the civil war the last Targaryen dragons died, after which the species was considered to be extinct throughout the world. At the same time that the War of the Five Kings began in Westeros, Daenerys Targaryen was in possession of three petrified dragons eggs. They were given to her as a wedding gift, still beautiful to look upon. However, she miraculously got the three new dragons to hatch from their eggs, and for the first time in generations, the unique sound of this lost species would be filling the skies of the world with the music of dragons once again.
  • Dragons are essentially winged lizards that can breathe fire. There is a sulphur pouch in their throat and when they cough against it ferociously a spark is made and the cough sends a flame towards its target. Baby dragons haven't mastered this art and thus cannot breathe fire. Baby dragons will be seen slashing at you with their claws due to their inability to produce fire efficiently.
  • Amphitheres & the Incognito (Draco americanus) -American Amphithere (Draco americanus tex.) -Incognito (Draco americanus incognito.) -Mexican Amphithere (Draco americanus mex.) Ascetic Dragon* (Draco mysticus indiana.) Asian Lung (Draco orientalis.) -Chinese Lung or Imperial Lung (Draco orientalis magnus.) -Indonesian Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis.) (also called the Malay Dragon in the Compendium's Index) --Malay Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis magnus) --Javan Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis ssp.) --Krakatoan Dragon* (Draco orientalis indonesiensis ssp.) --Sumatran Dragon (Draco orientalis indonesiensis ssp.) -Japanese Ryu (Draco orientalis japonicus.) -Korean Yong (Draco orientalis koreensis.) Basilisk (Draco basiliskos.) Cockatrice+ (Gallicus halitosis.) Dodo Dragon*+ (Dodoformae bina.) Draco stupidus* (Draco stupidus.) Dwarf Dragon (Draco parvulus.) European/Western Dragons (Draco occidentalis) -European Dragon (Draco occidentalis magnus.) --Tunguska Dragon (Draco occidentalis magnus ssp.) -Frost Dragon (Draco occidentalis maritimus.) --Has multiple unrevealed subspecies but we know Draco occidentalis maritimus magnus. -Gargouille (Draco occidentalis minimus.) Humming Dragon* (Draco minimus floralis.) Hydra (Draco hydra.) Indian Naga*+ (species unknown.) Knucker (Draco troglodytes.) -Bucca (Draco troglodytes ssp.) Komodo Dragon+ (Varanus komodoensis but also referred to as Monitor Lizard in the Compendium's Index.) Lake Serpent+ (Serpens aquadulcis.) Lindworm (Draco serpentalis.) Marsupial Dragon (Draco marsupialis.) -Unnamed relative of the Marsupial Dragon* (species unknown,probably Draco marsupialis ssp.) Megadracosaurus*+ (Megadracosaurus sp.) Monkey Dragon* (Draco simius ovilator.) Phoenix+ (Phoenix arabica.) Pygmy Dragon* or Bush Dragon (Draco nano.) Sargasso Dragon* (species unknown.) -Has several unrevealed subpsecies but we know Serpens monstruos magnus. Tasmanian Dragon (Draco semifascia.) Tibetan Dragon (Draco montana.) Wyvern (Draco africanus.)
  • Dragons are the dominant life form of Pyrrhia. Scavengers, or humans were once the dominant form of life, but dragons overthrew them in an event known as The Scorching. Dragons are highly intelligent, being capable of speech, tool-making, and other abilities that are normal in complex societies of people. Some even possess a form of magic, and when they do, they are known as animus dragons. Some dragons have died of old age or sickness in the series, most notably Queen Glacier of the IceWings. According to Starflight, dragons live more than a hundred years before they die "peacefully in their sleep", at least, if they are not killed earlier. Tui T. Sutherland has stated that the average lifespan for dragons is roughly 150 years. A RainWing named Tapir managed to live for 110 years before death, further confirming that dragons can have a naturally long lifespan. The dragon to human years goes like this: Four to seven are teens, seven to eight are young adults, and everything above adults.
  • Like all other companions, the dragons have been removed from the store and are now available only in sales, already on horses. 3362305.png 3617154.png 5838114.png 8496015.png
  • Dragons (龍, Ryū) are some of the rarest and most powerful Ayakashi in existence. At least some originated in the mystical land of Ryusenkyo, which is recognized as their home and known for producing people with extremely powerful Ayakashi blood. Dragons are among the largest and physically strongest Ayakashi, so it is not unusual for them to simply swat away minor annoyances with a flick of their tails. In addition, they also possess immense spiritual power, both of which make them extremely difficult to contain or control in any way. Some dragons also appear to have an elemental affinity that allows them to produce and manipulate that element freely, such as with water (Dragon Deity) or lightning (Tatsuki).
  • Lohikäärmeet ovat vaarallisia hirviöitä, joita löytyy eri kokoisina ja värisinä. Niille tyypillisiä piirteitä ovat mm. tulinen hengitys sekä siivet. Lohikäärmeet kulkevat pääasiassa neljällä jalalla.
  • Not to be confused with the Fire-Tasters from Fire World, Dragons are an animal-like sentient life-form from Dragon Planet.
  • Dragons are very powerful and magical reptilian creatures. They have wings and usually have the power to blast something from their mouth (such as fire or acid).
  • Dragons are magical creatures that descend from Garsharak, the first dragon, born of Brog's pain, formed into a magical flame (see the Genesis IV, The First Creatures). They are powerful magic users, but are unlike any other creature we have seen on the face of Tibia. They have a fearsome control over fire, and wreak havoc on anyone that comes across them. Dragons are fabled to hoard large amounts of gold and treasure.
  • Within the continuity of the Dragonlands, dragon avatars are most likely intended to represent Wyrmmes, bipedial talking dragons from Drakoria.
  • Dragons play an important part in the Heterodyne Story and come in many sizes and flavors. Theo used a dragon clank "T'Otheron" as the villain in his story, The Heterodyne Boys and the Dragon from Mars. Franz is a sleepy dragon who watches over the Heterodyne treasure hoard. Then there is the "Pretty Boy" dragon, actual name Lord Floriel Flametongue, who seems to be the drake equivalent of Othar. From the novels we learn that back in the day of the Storm King the Heterodynes used dragon skull drums. Apparently they had dealt with the dragons before encountering the Storm King. General Zog recognized Pretty Boy as one of those dragons. He deemed them troublesome.
  • Dragons are extremely large reptilian creatures notable for their fiery breath (and icy breath) and their ability to fly. Little is known about dragons, largely because very few dragons live outside of Goya, the home of the Dragon Knights. What is known is that dragons originate from the World of Wings and Scales. It is only through the power of the Dragon Rune that dragons can exist in the regular world. It is because of this that the Bearer of the Dragon Rune rarely fights, because if he or she died, all dragons in the world would die. This may also explain why dragons manage to live harmoniously with the Knights of Goya. Dragon Knights are paired up with a dragon at a very early age. This is a partnership that lasts for an entire lifetime, as it is typically not possible for a knight to obtain another dragon. Because of this, a Dragon knight whose dragon dies is exiled from Goya. Interestingly, a dragon that loses its master will eventually die in grief or in some cases, even transform into a zombified state. Due to the strength that dragons possess, Goya has long enjoyed autonomy from the Scarlet Moon Empire and later the Toran Republic, although they have always been closely allied with these countries. For three hundred years Joshua Levenheit was the bearer the Dragon Rune, until recent years when Milia succeeded him. Dragons have also been known to appear in the wild. However, these dragons are considered untameable and the typical policy among Dragon Knights is that rogue dragons have to be exterminated. At least two known cases of wild dragons have been recorded. The first was when exiled Dragon Knight Futch was able to find an as of yet unhatched dragon, whose mother had seemingly already died. The dragon, later named Bright, was an extremely rare white dragon that was able to be tamed. Futch would later encounter another adult rogue dragon, one that seemed to have come straight from the World of Wings and Scales, as it showed many strange abilities, such as the ability to warp people back to its home dimension. However Bright's intervention caused the renegade dragon to return the people it had taken; the rogue dragon subsequently returned to its home dimension in peace. Some prominent Dragons include: Black, Thrash, and Bright.
  • Dragons are a species who are somewhat common in Mithgar, having the form of massive reptiles with powerful claws and teeth, terrible fire-breath, and keen intelligence.
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