  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • MAYA
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Αμερινδικός λαός της Μέσης Αμερικής.
  • File:Quake1.gif Maya is a Level Theme in Dissolution of Eternity and a subtype of Ancient. This theme constitutes Mesoamerican ruins that fell under the control of Quake and His forces after they distorted history. For Quake, Adrian Carmack prepared a set of Aztec textures because id Software thought that they would have an Aztec section in their project, but American McGee was unexcited about them and uninspired, so they had to be deleted.
  • In Disaster Averted, the gang were telling Kevin the story about the Hurricane Irene. The gang was in Barney's apartment in the middle of the hurricane. Ted went to the hallway and there he met Maya. Ted comes back inside telling Barney he can't come to his house and that Maya will be coming in his place. Everyone fights over who gets to stay after Lily calls Maya a floozy and Ted says that no one is coming and that he is going by himself. Maya later tells Ted that she has a boyfriend.
  • La civilización maya aparece en: * Maya (III) * Maya (IV) * Maya (V)
  • Maya est la sœur jumelle d’Aya, décédée avec leur mère Mariko Brea dans un accident de voiture alors que la leader de l'Aube n'avait que 5 ans. Après cet accident, les organes de Maya furent utilisés pour des greffes : Aya reçu une cornée, Melissa Pearce un de ses reins, et Mary Takei son coeur. C'est ainsi que les trois jeunes femmes devirent elles aussi des néo-humaines, ayant reçu en même temps les mitochondries incroyablement évoluées de Maya.
  • The Maya are one of 18 nations in vanilla Rise of Nations. They have the Power of Architecture, based on the Maya historical proficiency in monumental architecture; being some of the first and finest builders of great cities, with a mastery of masonry and a stunning and sturdy architectural style; leaving many construction achievements well-known today, and many other yet to be discovered, still standing somewhere among the dense jungles of Yucatán.
  • Maya was a Twi'lek female and, along with her twin sister Naya, was one of the leaders of the Booster Club for the Chandrila Chiefs limmie team in the last decades of the Old Republic.
  • Maya is the Queen Ant with fantastic power that most people dare not face. She prefers to live undisturbed in dark damp places, but will come out from time to time to punish those that would invade her nest.
  • Kategorie:Karty Můžete ji koupit v Ishbalu v Císařské ulici. Chodí tam kluk jménem Jack. Za 20GP vám ji prodá.
  • Maya is a wild woman from the jungle planet Mirinoi and Galaxy Yellow of the Galaxy Rangers. She is also referred to as Yellow Galaxy Ranger or Lost Galaxy Yellow Ranger - variations on her in-show label, though the latter is more in reference to the show than a proper label.
  • Maya (冥亞 (メイア) Maya?) is a member of the Kamisato Faction.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 73C2FB
  • Maya is the woman who killed Carolyn Bigsby when she took a group of people hostage at a local supermarket.
  • Maya is a high-end 3D computer graphics and 3D modelling software package, originally by Alias Systems Corporation but now owned by Autodesk under its Media and Entertainment division. Autodesk acquired the software in October 2005 upon purchasing Alias. It is often used in the film and TV industry, as well as for computer and video games.
  • Maya was een Kantare vrouw. Ze was de vrouw van Ezral en de moeder van Liana. Maya kwam om het leven in 2130 toen haar schip in een ionenstorm terecht kwam en neerstortte op een onbewoonde planeet. In een poging om Liana wat gezelschap te brengen, creëerde Ezral in 2131 een holografische versie van Maya, samen met de andere leden van de bemanning. (ENT: "Oasis")
  • Maya est l'un des héros de Dragon Quest IV. Elle rencontre les autres héros alors qu'elle et sa soeur Mina cherchent à punir l'assasin de leur père Mahabala, Dickenz. Elle fait aussi une petite apparition avec sa soeur dans l'anime Abel Yūsha. Elle fait également partie des invités disponible au Havre des Aventuriers de Dragon Quest IX.
  • Maya ( マヤ, Maya) est une jeune femme qui est apparue seulement dans le cinquième film. Elle est la fiancée de Saga et petite-fille d'Izaya.
  • Maya is a mulawin. She is the brother of Lakan and the friend of Pagaspas. During the battle between the mulawins and the hathors, many mulawins have died and suffered. When Lakan returned to Encantadia, he just knew that Maya died during the battle.
  • Maya is an MvP found in Bossnia [Lv:3] and anthell01 every 2 hours or so. She drops Mother's Nightmare which is a Collector Quest Item
  • Maya is the fearless jaguar who is the protector of the rainforest.
  • Maya ist die gegenwärtige Anführerin des Juken-Club. Die meiste Zeit nimmt sie die Form eines kleinen Mädchens und zeigt ihre wahre Gestalt nur sehr selten. Schon früh wurde ihr aufgetragen über das Schwert Reiki zu wachen. Sie war die einzige Person, die ihren Bruder Shin kontrollieren konnte und schwor sich nach dessen Tod, Rache an ihrem ehemaligen Geliebten Mitsuomi zu nehmen.
  • thumb|Das Maya-Hologramm (2151) Maya ist eine weibliche Kantare. Sie ist die Frau von Ezral und die Mutter von Liana. Ihr Mann ist Chefingenieur seines Raumschiffes, als dieses in einem Ionensturm beschädigt wird und auf einen Planeten stürzt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist ihre gemeinsame Tochter Liana noch ein Kind. Bei dem Absturz stirbt Maya. Ihr Mann macht sich Vorwürfe, an ihrem Tod schuld zu sein. Nach und nach schafft er als Ersatz für alle Getöteten Hologramme, auch von ihr. (ENT: ) Maya wurde von Claudette Sutherland gespielt und von Inge Solbrig synchronisiert.
  • Dicionário Eletrônico Houaiss
  • Maya is a character that appeared in Barney's Jungle Friends/ Home Sweet Earth: The Rainforest. She is played by Holly Franklin.
  • Maya è la fidanzata di Saga e la nipote di Baba.
  • Mother Maya is an inhabitant of Megaton in 2277.
  • Maya was what the ascetics called the deadly illusion that distracts the soul from its true mission. They believed that the world of the senses was the world of maya. The meaning of maya was centered on the fact that people did not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it, created by them. The maya were also called to the abilities of the Kakita Artisan and they were used to increase their knowledge of Acrobatics, Dancing, Jester, Music, Origami, Painting, Storytelling, Ikebana, Noh/Kabuki, or Poetry.
  • Maya ist der Name verschiedener Elefantenkühe: * der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Maya im englischen Zoo Chester; * der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Maya, die im Februar 2012 im Circus Universal Renz gestorben ist; * der Afrikanischen Elefantenkuh Maya im spanischen Bioparc Valencia; * der Afrikanerin Maya im Zoo Basel (Schweiz). Vgl. auch Maja, die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Zoo Bojnice (Slowakei). Kategorie:Begriffserklärung
  • Kukulkan, un extraterrestre bienveillant, visita périodiquement les civilisations antiques de la Terre, notamment les civilisations maya, égyptienne, aztèque et chinoise, et influença leur architecture et leur développement agricole. Il fut l'objet d'un culte en tant que dieu. Kulkulkan fut découvert par l'équipage de l'USS Enterprise en 2270. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
  • [[en:]]en:Maya es:Mayazh:摩耶 pt:Maya
  • Maya (Mara in the NES version) is a playable character in IV.
  • Maya is a girl that Quint and Natalie saved from Team Devastator. She showed so much potential that she quickly became one of the organization's many 'Ensigns'.
  • El nombre Maya en la mitolohía bahka pareze ehtá relazionáo kon Mahu kien eh konzideráo komo marío de Mari i ke debe zé er mihmo ar ke yamaban Kulebro
  • Maya is a beautiful woman whom Moe met over the Internet. She is a little person, standing at about three feet tall.
  • Maya is an FBI agent doing surveillance on the hotel room in Under Covers (episode).
  • Maya (真夜 Maya) is the human form of the Pearlshell Fangire (パールシェルファンガイア Pārusheru Fangire) and the original Queen (クイーン Kuīn) of the Checkmate Four in 1986, possessing the Queen tattoo on her palm. She is Wataru Kurenai and Taiga Nobori's mother.
  • Maya (also known as Virus.MSWord.Maya) is a mass-mailing macro worm on Microsoft Windows. It spreads via email. It is a Microsoft Word virus, meaning it uses exploits in Microsoft Word to infect the computer. Maya is also a worm/virus hybrid, as it has a payload that is similar to both types of malware.
  • Maya was a Gear soldier in the COG Army, and one of the few front line female Gears.
  • Maya is a mermaid from the same pod Lyla, Nixie, Sirena, and Aquata are from. Maya and Aquata are best and closest friends, since they are seen often traveling together. She was the one compelled to report that a boy had fallen into the moon pool under the girls watch during the full moon, which had resulted in exiling them from their rightful home, and forcing the rest of the mermaids to move to the pacific ocean.
  • Maya Fallegeros is a female playable character who was introduced in the 1996 arcade game of Killer Instinct 2. An Amazonian queen who hails from the South American rain forests, in Killer Instinct (2013) she is the last remaining member of a secretive cabal of monster hunters known as the Night Guard. Maya made her second debut as a playable character in the Season Two of Killer Instinct (2013), and was given a fraternal twin in Season Three through the new character Mira. She became the first of the original KI2 cast to be reintroduced to the franchise after twenty years, and was made available in KI 2013 on October 15th, 2015.
  • Maya may refer to: * Mei's mother from Legend of Legaia. * A Mystic from Legaia 2: Duel Saga.
  • Madre Maya nació en 2236, tiene 41 años y la mano derecha del Confesor Cromwell. Ella y Cromwell en realidad son también marido y mujer, pero no anuncian el hecho, ya que los dos están muy ocupados promoviendo los ideales de la iglesia. A pesar de que tiene 41 años en el momento de Fallout 3, parece tener unos 70 años, muy probablemente debido a la exposición a la radiación, la exposición prolongada a la luz solar, y la falta de agua potable.
  • Maya is the mother of Toby Logan. It is unknown what her last name is due her being constantly being seen in flashbacks.
  • Maya ist die eine Protagonistin im Film Antarctica - Gefangen im Eis. Sie führt die Schlittenhunde durch die eisige Wildnis. Sie versuche ihr Rudel zu schützten, wurde jedoch von einer Robbe gebissen und fast getötet. Jerry meinte, dass Maya sein bester Schlittenhund ist.
  • Maya was a young woman with whom Janis Hawk began to develop a romantic relationship.
  • |-| substantif féminin = étymologie * de mayo * singulier : maya [ˈmaja] * pluriel: mayas [ˈmajas] 1. * Catégorie:plante espèce de plante herbacée pérenne de la famille des composées 2. * jeune fille élue chaque année parmi celles d'une localité pour en présider certaines festivités 3. * Catégorie:Jeu jeu d'enfant, forme de cache-cache où il nécessaire de toucher un objet déterminé, par exemple une pierre, pour être libéré 4. * Catégorie:Jeu cet objet références * , carte 1429
  • All matter is believed to be an illusion called Maya, blinding us from knowing the truth. Maya is the limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled. Maya is held to be an illusion, a veiling of the true, unitary Self — the Cosmic Spirit. Maya gets destroyed for a person when they perceive the true self with transcendental knowledge.
  • Maya is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She runs the bookstore of Chinatown in Future London. She is found in the bookstore as well. She offers a bit of service in info regarding Chinatown and the people in it. Her bookstore is a place where Professor Layton and Luke go a couple of times in the story too. She is also one of the few characters in Unwound Future who wears glasses.
  • Maya is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Tribal Despotism.
  • Maya was a Human female who served as a Alderaanian Security agent and a member of Senator Bail Organa's personal security detail during the Clone Wars. Shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Organa sent her on a mission to recover cargo essential for weakening the Empire.
  • In the Annie's Diary short story, Annie Shan writes about a girl in her class named Maya, who has a yo-yo and is very skilled at using it. Annie later asks her father to buy her one, but he says she'll have to wait until her birthday.
  • A member of the Black Dog Star Trio, Maya is the only wolf to attack in a team along with Mash and Martega.
  • Maya is a female character in Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. She has been trapped in a house with many other people, and is brought into the real world by the player (acting as the protagonist). Remembering nothing but her own name, she helps the player unravel the mystery of the cursed Purple Diary in order to regain her memories, providing the player with hints as they progress.
  • Maya is a sister. She is 8 years old. She love to ducks in eat.
  • Maya - jüngere Tochter von Lyralenda III, Schwester von Valea, die ihrer Mutter auf den Stierthron nachfolgte; Mutter von Lyralenda IV, die Valeas kinderlos gestorbener Tochter Dalyna auf den Stierthron folgte. Über ihre Bedeutung in der Ahnenlinie des Herrscherhauses n'Varthar hinaus ist nichts über Maya überliefert.
  • Maya är en historisk term som används för att hänvisa till en grupp Tau'ri från Centralamerika. i det förflutna så förflyttade sig flera Maya folket till en annan planet med hjälp av Crystal skull. På grund av detta är ättlingar till de Maya folket som finns på planeten. Exempel på detta är Tollan. (SG1: "Evolution, Part 1", "Evolution, Part 2")(SG1: "Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods") *Maya
  • Maya (マヤ Maya?) es una habitante de la Isla Asuka que apareció por primera vez en la quinta película de One Piece.
  • The Maya were indigenous Mexican indians who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • Maya is a minor antagonist in Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1, and one of the main antagonists in Episode 5.
  • When Carla was shunting trucks at the scrapyard, she saw a old broken-down engine without many parts. The engine's name was Maya, and she was a LMS Princess Coronation Class locomotive in semi-streamlined condition. She was brought from the United Kingdom and was being used for spare parts. Carla got Casey Jones who made a deal with the scrapyard owner who gave Maya to Casey. She was re-streamlined and restored. Now she hauls fast passenger and goods trains. In 2014 she was visited by a number of steam locomotives from around the U.S. to help her cope being one of the last of her kind.
  • Maya ist eine Medizinstudentin an der Winston Universität.
  • Maya es un personaje menor de la serie. Es una mujer de baja estatura con la que Moe se reune por medio de Internet. Su primera aparición fue en el episodio "Eeny Teeny Maya Moe".
  • Maya was a Kantare female. She was the wife of Ezral and the mother of Liana. Maya was killed in 2129, when her ship became caught in an ion storm and crash landed on a planet. In an effort to provide a family for Liana, Ezral created a holographic representation of Maya, identical in appearance and personality, along with other members of the crew, in 2131. (ENT: "Oasis") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Maya is the adoptive mother of D'Jok and a professional psychic. She is good friends with Mana-Ice and has a good relationship with the Snow Kids and also with The Pirates.
  • Maya jest Żółtym Galaktycznym Rangersem (ang. Yellow Galaxy Ranger) oraz jedną z głównych postaci Power Rangers Zagubiona Galaktyka.
  • Marala "Maya" Iniya Prasad is the younger twin sister of Sora, the secondary deuteragonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, the main protagonist of Luna Tempest, and the 9th Disney Adventurer. She is a normal fashion prodigy attending Midtown High School as a junior (at the age of 14, much to some people's dismay and surprise). Her life was normal until she got struck by lightning and received electrokinesis. She is the 20th Junior Disney Princess.
  • Despite being geographically distant from Akator, the ancient Mayans were taught the secret of corbel arch construction by the Ugha residents and their gods of the advanced city. The modern-day indigenous peoples of the region are descended from the Mayans, and speak languages derived from the Mayan language.
  • She's only appear at series and Nintendog Dalmatian and Friends. She's not longer at agility, and concerts, she's just available on walks.
  • Maya is the Rasputin of Parallel World slaves who escaped to Earth to be a stowaway in ships VUDO and eventually became friends Rena.
  • The Mayans were a Mesoamerican civilization that ceased to exist centuries ago, although its people actually survived and form large parts of the current population of Mesoamerica. At its peak, it was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world. Unknown to most, the kings of the Mayans were actually an old race of abnormals, possessing a longevity very similar to that of Helen Magnus.
  • Maya era la sirvienta de la Princesa Kitana en la serie de televisión Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Es interpretado por Maria Arcé.
  • Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Maya is the human form of the Pearlshell Fangire and the original Queen of the Checkmate Four in 1986, possessing the Queen tattoo on her palm.
  • Maya (マーニャ, Mānya) is a playable character in Dragon Quest Heroes. Her character is a reprisal of her debut appearance.
  • Maya is a woman who appeared in the fifth One Piece movie. She is Saga's fiancée and Izaya's granddaughter.
  • Here are some words of Maya: joc'aljelep (century) buluk (eleven)
  • Maya was a Kouga shinobi dog and Kurojaki's loyal subordinate.
  • Maya was a character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was the assistant of Eli's during his days as a magician. However, when she was inhabited by the spirit of the evil demon Tataka, she turned on Eli and tried to kill him. Xena and Gabrielle stepped in to help, and the witnesses concluded that Gabrielle was a Devi (a great healer), believing that she was the one that cast the demon out of her. However, it was later revealed that it was Eli that cured Maya and cast the spirit of Tataka into Gabrielle. She was played by Alex Reekers.
  • Maya is from Pluto. Because she is from Pluto, Maya has a thick coat of hair to help keep her warm and look good. Maya's eyes are also unusual. She has a large compound eye for normal vision and a smaller upward looking eye to watch out for meteors (the first word any native of Pluto learns is 'Duck!').
  • Maya byla zabita v roce 2129, když jejich loď ztroskotala během iontové bouře. Ezral vytvořil její hologram, stejně jako zbytku posádky, aby dělali společnost jejich dceři Lianě, a ochraňovali jí. Když na planetě v roce 2151 přistála loď Enterprise, setkali se s jejím hologramem. Když Maya viděla, že se Liana začíná sbližovat s komandérem Tuckerem, snažila se je držet odděleně. (ENT: "Oasis")
  • Maya is Elmo's classmate, who appears in the "Elmo's First Day of School" online storybook. She is a pink girl with brown hair.
  • File:Elder Scroll.gif Speak to Maya in Farrell Family Crypt (X:473 Y:268, level 2) and receive Maya's Certificate.
  • Maya is a student attending P.S. 38, who is in a relationship with Chad Applewhite.
  • Maya is one of Light Yagami's former girlfriends that he apparently met during high school.
  • Maya is a fictional character in the Dragonball Extreme. She's an love interest of Yamcha. They first met each other by trouble because the bandits are after her. Yamcha saves her by using his martial arts techniques against them. Maya confessed to him about her becoming a bounty hunter hunting and get a reward / money and she's part of a gang. Yamcha looks after Maya at the Diablo Desert into his hideout with Puar. Maya and Yamcha had friendships and relationships with each other. Maya remembers Launch because they met each other since childhood. At first she thought Launch is normal but she finds her annoying because every time she sneezes she changes.
  • "Black Queen" Maya (黒后の魔夜, Kuro Kisaki no Maya) is an extremely dangerous and active crime lord situated within the Land of Water. She is the individual in charge of drug transportation, human trafficking, murders, thievery and all other varieties of crime within the country. Yet even with the overbearing presence that is the Black Queen, none have ever grasped her true identity.
  • right|thumb|400px|Mapa de los sitios mayas Los mayas son un pueblo que se ubica geográficamente en el sur de lo que hoy es México y el norte de América Central. Es especialmente importante su presencia e influencia en los territorios de las actuales Guatemala y Belice, con una rica historia de unos 3.000 años. Los antiguos mayas fueron una de las culturas mesoamericanas precolombinas. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, el pueblo maya nunca "desapareció", millones aún viven en la región, y muchos de ellos aún hablan alguno de los idiomas de la familia mayense. Lo que sí desapareció fue el esplendor de la civilización maya siglos antes de la llegada de los primeros españoles. La Conquista española se consumó en 1687 con la toma de Tayasal, en el Petén (actual Guatemala).
  • The year 395 A.F. marked the conclusion of one epoch and the birth of another. Sarapis, the Logos, who had overseen all Creation since the beginning of Time itself, merged Makali, the Goddess of Destruction, and Maya, the Mother of Humanity, into one being: Maya, the Great Mother. Imbuing the new Goddess with His own power, He passed on to Her the mantle of Supreme Creator of Achaea. Her favoured animal is the Great Grey Owl, and it is said that She sometimes appears in its form, seeing through its eyes.
  • Maya tends to scare off the neighborhood cats and protecting Sakaki from Kamineko. After his attack on said cat when he had just found Sakaki after travelling all the way from Iriomote Island, Maya was physically weakened – probably due to exhaustion from having travelled so far. He was taken to Dr. Ishihara, who was suspicious because of Maya's obvious resemblance to an Iriomote Cat (that are not recommended for keeping as pets), but Sakaki and Chiyo convinced him that Maya was a crossbreed and they were thus allowed to take him home. Sakaki decided to name her new pet Maya. In spite of being a wildcat, Maya is comfortable around people and even Tadakichi-san. He also lets Sakaki bathe him. Maya once scratched Tomo because she was taunting him, but Sakaki tapped him on the head and told h
  • Maya (マヤ Maya) was one of the members of the street gang, Spike's Soldiers, which was active in Grove 22 of the Sabaody Archipelago. She is also the childhood friend of the gang's founder and leader, Spike, as well as with Meso and Boris. She, along with the rest of the gang, helped both Spike and Jolly D. Chris escape the pursuing Marines after Spike had gone on a rampage at the Human Auctioning House and later threatened a World Noble.
  • Maya is a character played by Maria Arcé, introduced in the 5th episode "The Essence" of Mortal Kombat: Conquest, though she was ironically called "Servant Woman" as seen at the episode's end credits. She is a native of Edenia, which has been merged with Outworld by the warlord Shao Kahn. She is a royal servant to Princess Kitana alongside her mistress Qali and is about 10,000 years old. Maya was one of the many Edenians whose peaceful home was another world fallen victim to Shao Kahn's aggression and they lived under his iron fist.
  • Maya lebt auf dem Planeten Mirinoi. Sie erscheint zur einer Ritual wo die Tapfersten und Stärksten Krieger fünf Legendäre Quasarschwerter aus einem Stein zu ziehen. Es schafft keiner der Krieger die Schwerter auch nur ein Stück weit raus zu ziehen. Kurz darauf taucht Furio auf, die rechte Hand von Scorpius. Auch Furios kann die Schwerter weder raus ziehen noch zerstören. Maya ist derweil auf der Flucht und es gelingt ihr durch ein Zeitportal das sich geöffnet hat zu entkommen. Auf dem Mond angekommen trifft sie auf Leo, Mike, Kai und Kendrix.
  • Maya was a Parisian model whom Richie Ryan befriended after meeting her in a restaurant, where she explained what he had ordered in his faulty French, and then saw again on stage at a fashion show. He told her she had stolen the spotlight. Fearing for his life, Richie set Piton on fire and escaped. The following day, Piton and Duncan MacLeod had a confrontation, Piton assured MacLeod he had nothing to do with Cynthia's death, and that he would do no harm to Richie. Meanwhile, MacLeod, who had been alerted by Richie, arrived at Piton's house. He sent Maya away and challenged Piton.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • The Avengers
  • S.M.A.S.H
  • The Guardians of the Galaxy
  • F
  • 4
  • 43
  • 55
  • blue
  • Good
  • Lawful Good
  • あたしの力を存分に引き出してくれてありがとな。これでも…感謝してるんだ…ぞ。
  • アタシの力を存分に引き出してくれてありがとな。これでも…感謝してるんだ…ぞ。
  • 摩耶さまの攻撃、喰らえ!
  • To decipher her past
  • To protect New York City from crime
  • To reunite with Sora
  • Working in restaurant
Type Clarifier
  • Borderlands 2
Secretary 2/Kai Ni/En
  • Admiral~ calm down a bit will ya? Why dontcha just follow MY example! ...Eh? "You're one to talk"!?
Secretary 2/Kai Ni
  • 提督、お前もちったぁー落ち着けよ。この摩耶様を見習ってさぁ! …え?お前が言うな!?
Starting A Sortie/Kai Ni
  • 防空重巡洋艦摩耶様だ!対空戦かい?よぉし任せろ!アタシの後に隠れてな!
Battle Start/Kai Ni
  • どーだ!参ったか!
Starting A Sortie/Kai Ni/En
  • I'm the awesome air defense cruiser, Maya! Anti-aircraft warfare? You can count on me! Just hide behind me!
Battle Start/Kai Ni/En
  • Yeah! You like that?!
  • +5
  • +4
  • Féminin
temp companion
  • no
  • でぇーい!
  • どーだ!参ったか!
Returning From Sortie
  • 作戦が終わったぜ
Ostatnie pojawienie się
  • Lightspeed Rescue Odcinek 30
  • 24
  • 28
  • 34
Major Damage/En
  • Don't joke with me! J...just wait and see!
  • あん!?
  • Fallout 3
Setsubun2016 EN
  • Here we go, Choukai! I'm throwing the beans! Uryah, uryahuryah!! ...why are you running!!?
  • Choukai, chị tới đây! Ném đậu nè! Uryah, uryahuryah!! ...sao em lại chạy hả!!?
Monde d'Origine
  • Une Terre
Primera aparición
  • "Eeny Teeny Maya Moe"
  • Unsere erste Vorlesung
Row 8 info
  • Kouga, Shiga Prefecture
  • 8.520552E8
  • Antarctis
  • Maya is a playable Siren class character in Borderlands 2.
  • I heard there's a newbie. Let's take care of her!
  • Highlander: The Series, in the Season One episode Eye of the Beholder
  • Zu seinen Herrchen zurückfinden
perm companion
  • no
Row 4 info
  • 提督、手紙だぜ 提督、情報の確認かい?いいぜ!
Hexidecimal Code
  • 73
Romaji Name
  • Maya
  • なんか用か?
Battle Start
  • でぇーい!
  • 40
  • 42
  • 46
  • Here comes my pain train, eat it!
  • おぉ…、チョコのお返しかい?サンキュー提督、甘いもん苦手だけど、食ってみっかな~
  • おぉ・・・、チョコのお返しかい?サンキュー提督、甘いもん苦手だけど、食ってみっかな~
Looking At Scores
  • 提督、手紙だぜ
Fall2015 EN
  • Aw man, summer is over and now we're stuck in this gloomy season. *sneeze*
  • Ôi trời, hè qua rồi và giờ bị mắc kẹt trong cái mùa u ám này. Hơ hơ, hắt xì!
  • Femenino
  • 提督、お前ちょっとウザイ 提督ー、お前もちったぁ落ち着けよ。この摩耶様を見習ってさ~。・・・えっ、お前が言うな!?
  • おう!行くぜ!抜錨だ おおっ、行くぜっ!防空巡洋艦摩耶!抜錨だっ!
  • -
Row 7 title
  • Name Meaning
  • Sinking...huh... I had such a simple life...
  • Nicky Whelan
  • -
  • TBA
S Fuel
  • 2
  • 4
Night Attack/En
  • You wanna piece of me!?
  • no
  • 10
  • 14
  • マイア
  • マヤ
New Header
  • Maya Teraxtola; Maya Teraxtola from Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 14 001.png
  • Maya(Daevas); Maya .png
  • Maya(Inhumans); Maya_ 1.jpg
  • Weiblich
  • weiblich
  • Maya
Erster Auftritt
Secretary 1/En
  • Need something?
  • 作戦が終わったぜ
  • Maya
Liczba Odcinków
  • 48
  • 新入りだってさ。かわいがってやるか!
Row 1 info
  • weiß-braun
Starting A Sortie/En
  • If you're afraid, just hide behind me.
  • Guten
max condition
  • -
  • 2129
  • Armas pequeñas: 42/44
  • Medicina: 44
  • Sigilo: 48
  • よ!アタシ、摩耶ってんだ、よろしくな よっ、提督!頑張ってっか~?今日もこの摩耶様とひと暴れと行こうぜぇ!
  • マヤ
  • Yo! Name's Maya, nice to meet you.
  • マヤ
  • the pigment used by the Mayans in art. It is extremely resistant to weathering and acidity.
  • Żółty
Row 8 title
  • Place of Birth
  • SpecialsAndMoviesCharactersColors
  • AsukaColores
  • 最近ちょっとじめじめした日が続くな。かぁっと、気持ち良く晴れるといいな。なあ!
  • no
Minor Damage 1/En
  • Geh!
  • no
cure addiction
  • no
  • 4
  • Ma gia
  • True Organization XIII, Candlehead getting in trouble, Florence, Pain and Panic shape-shifting, Matt , being used
Secretary 2/En
  • Huh!?
japan voice actor
  • Aya Hisakawa
Row 4 title
  • First Appearance:
  • Last appearance
  • Lifespan
  • Maya
  • あったりまえだろ?あたしは摩耶さまだぜ?
  • Civile
  • Willkommen in Mayas Reich der Bücher!
Looking At Scores/En
  • Hey Admiral, it's a letter.
Docking Major
  • こんなになるまでこき使いやがって、クソが!
  • yes
  • 0
Minor Damage
  • げっ!
  • んだよぉ!
  • Yo, Admiral! Working hard? Cause today is another day for me to kick some ass!
Docking Complete
  • ポンコツの修理が終わったぜ。
Night Battle/En
  • Looks like you're getting on my nerves, bub.
  • んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ
  • んだよぉ、バレンタイン?うっぜぇなぁ、もう!まぁでも、一応買ってあんぜ…ホラ
  • 甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!!
  • 甘いもんは苦手なんだよ! これでも食らいやがれぇー!!
  • マヤ
Secretary Married/En
  • You...can be kind sometimes...I guess.
Novel Debut
Night Attack
  • ぶっ殺されてぇか!?
  • Antarctica - Gefangen im Eis
Night Battle
  • お前、アタシを怒らせちまったな
  • Unser Dankeschön
M Torp
  • +1
  • +2
  • FO3
  • Maya
japan name
  • 眞夜
Christmas2015 EN
  • Christmas... is not that bad. This "champagne" alcohol tastes pretty good, isn't it admiral?
Equipment 1/En
  • Yeaaah! I'm fired up! Here I go!
  • アタシ引っ込めて、艦隊は大丈夫か?
  • ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ!
  • Castaño
Row 2 info
  • おーい!提督ー!聞いてっかー?おーい!・・・ちっ、聞いちゃいねぇ。んだよぉ!ったく・・・
Row 6 info
  • modrá
Bekannt als
  • Maja
  • Yeaaah! I'm fired up! Here I go!
  • Zagubiona Galaktyka Odcinek 1
  • Líder religiosa
  • よっ、提督!頑張ってっか~?今日もこの摩耶様とひと暴れと行こうぜぇ!
Nom Usuel
  • Maya
  • Edenian
  • Humana, Afro-americana
type of villain
  • Enforcer, Parent
Row 1 title
  • Family
  • Breed
  • Occupation
  • Portrayed By:
Fighting Style
  • Projectile Rushdown
M Armor
  • +2
S Bauxite
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
Joining A Fleet/En
  • Yeah! Let's go! Setting sail!
  • Medizin-Studentin
  • Schlittenhund
Minor Damage 2/En
  • The hell?!
Starting A Sortie
  • 怖いならアタシの後ろに隠れてな
Equipment 3/En
  • Awright!
  • ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ! ん。補給は大事だぜ!サンキューな!
cure radiation
  • no
Row 5 info
  • Femenino
  • Isn't it obvious? I'm Maya the Awesome, you know?
  • Maya
Row 2 title
  • Relationships
  • Status
  • Affiliation
  • Age:
  • ふっざけるな、みてなよ
  • 摩耶さまの攻撃、喰らえ! どーだ!参ったか! ふっふーん!生まれ変わった摩耶様の本当の力、思い知れぇ!
  • stark
  • gehorsam
  • ruhig
Row 6 title
  • Family or owners
  • Best friends:
quests started
  • -
Secretary Married
  • お前、優しいとこ……あるんだな。
Joining A Fleet
  • おう!行くぜ!抜錨だ
  • こんなになるまでこき使いやがって…クソが!
book appearance
  • Annie's Diary
  • Kantare
Docking Minor/En
  • Pulling me back, will the fleet be okay?
  • やったな!
  • いくぜぇー鳥海!豆投げんぜぇ!うりゃ、うりゃうりゃ!!…何故逃げる!!
  • いくぜぇー鳥海!豆投げんぜぇ!うりゃ、うりゃうりゃ!!…何故逃げる!!
RainySeason2016 EN
  • Lately it's been all damp and wet, huh. Would be cool if the weather cleared up already, right?
NewYear2016 EN
  • Admiral. A Happy New Year to ya. Take care of Maya-sama this year, too! I'm beggin' ya!
  • Đô đốc. Chúc mừng năm mới. Chăm sóc cho Maya-sama năm nay nữa nhé! Vậy đi!
  • Maya
S Ammo
  • 2
  • 6
  • 7
  • 沈む…かぁ…チョロイい人生だったなぁ…
Secretary 3/En
  • Admiral, you're a bit annoying.
  • -
  • 13
  • 20
  • 45
  • 7
  • Nè! Đô đốc! Anh có nghe gì không? Nè! ...Chết tiệt, anh không nghe sao. Cái quái ...? Sheesh...
  • Maya
  • Kobe-built. I went hard in the Southern Ops and Solomon battles!
  • Haah? Leyte? Nah, I'm not great with subs.
  • Third of the Takao-class heavy cruisers, Maya-sama!
  • サンキュー提督。これならいける!
  • 35
  • 47
  • 71
Row 5 title
  • Status
  • Game
  • Last Appearance:
  • blau
  • 沈む…かぁ…チョロイい人生だったなぁ…
  • お前、アタシを怒らせちまったな
  • ぶっ殺されてぇか!?
Major Damage
  • ふっざけるなぁ!み、見てろよな!
Battle Start/En
  • Deeei!
Shade of
  • Blue
  • The Sly Graverobber
  • 18
  • 60
  • 72
Equipment 2/En
  • Thanks, admiral. This'll be good!
Row 3 info
  • Merpeople
  • "The Order of the Stone"
  • GNG volume 5, GNG episode 12
  • Marcus Goode
S Steel
  • 12
  • 20
  • 21
  • 1
  • 4
  • 6
Row 3 title
  • Enemies
  • First appearance
  • Species:
  • First Appearence
  • げっ!
Miejsce pochodzenia
  • Mirinoi
  • 怖いならアタシの後ろに隠れてな 防空重巡洋艦摩耶様だ!対空戦かい?よぉし任せろ!あたしの後に隠れてな!
  • Thanks for always using my full power, man. This too... I
  • ああん? レイテ? んだよ、潜水艦って奴は苦手だよ。
  • 生まれは神戸。南方作戦や激戦のソロモン海で暴れまくってやったぜ!
  • 高雄型重巡洋艦3番艦の摩耶さまだ。
  • 高雄型重巡洋艦3番艦の摩耶さまだ。生まれは神戸。南方作戦や激戦のソロモン海で暴れまくってやったぜ!ああん? レイテ? んだよ、潜水艦って奴は苦手だよ。
  • んだよぉ!? んだよぉ・・・!舐めるなぁ!
  • Maya
  • Normales Husky Aussehen
  • Hund
  • Vrouw
  • Maya
Docking Complete/En
  • The wrecked has finish repairing.
Docking Minor
  • アタシ引っこめて、艦隊は大丈夫か?
Returning From Sortie/En
  • Operation complete.
Row 7 info
  • Demon Arrow
Docking Major/En
  • Using me until I'm like this... dammit!
  • 提督。謹賀新年ってやつだ。今年もこの摩耶様をよろしくな!頼むぜ!
  • 提督。謹賀新年ってやつだ。今年もこの摩耶様をよろしくな!頼むぜ!
quests involved
  • -
  • Sora
  • Ariel
  • Tauriel
  • Beatrice "Tris" Prior from Divergent
  • Claire Bennet from Heroes
  • Gabi Diamond from Young & Hungry
  • Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  • The 11th Doctor
  • Trung bình
  • 5
Box Title
  • Maya
  • Ex-boyfriend: Moe Szyslak
  • Ariel Winter
  • Shailene Woodley
  • Kath Soucie
  • Emily Osment
  • Jane Lynch
  • none
  • Nimbasa City
  • Maya
  • UF
  • Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
  • Chef
  • Execute any rogue Fangires
  • Maya
  • Madre Maya
  • Earth
  • Earth [Lv:4]
  • MAY
  • Kingdom Hearts series
  • FO3
  • Disney INFINITY 3.0
  • Kobieta
  • Zagubiona Galaktyka
  • Shouting Spiders
  • yes
  • あん!?
  • なんか用か?
  • 提督、お前ちょっとウザイ
  • Maia
  • Maya
  • Brown
Full Name
  • Maya
  • 2010-06-20
  • 2011-07-29
  • 2011-08-13
  • 2012-08-11
  • 2013-03-03
  • 2014-08-17
  • 2016-11-11
  • 2016-12-31
  • Galaxy Yellow Ranger
  • Pearlshell Fangire
  • Kamen Rider Kiva
  • Mulawin
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Fighting skills
  • 13.0
  • Chapter 21
  • Izaya
  • Confesor Cromwell - Esposo
  • Ex Pareja: Moe
  • 11
  • 14
  • 17
  • 19
  • 20
  • 27
  • 41
  • 1518
  • Nhanh
  • Her siblings, Vanellope and Mochani, sports, braiding Riku's hair, taking selfies, Shadow, Lucas Jewel, Brandi, the Cupcaked Papayas, spending time with her friends, Matt
  • Shaman
Voiced by
  • 35
  • 48
  • Fans
  • -
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Deaseased
  • 1
  • 2
  • 27
  • 45
  • 48
  • maya
  • maya, Kanae Fujishiro
  • maya is a music producer who is known to be good at the guitar. He also is the creator of a mini trilogy staring KAITO and MEIKO called the 'Color Chronicle series'. He was briefly part of a unit called ASSEMBLE†FAILURE with Kanae Fujishiro. maya also produced demos to Internet Co., Ltd.'s VOCALOIDs: V3 Lily, V3 Gackpoid and Megpoid English.
First Appearance
  • 40
  • 摩耶
  • 摩耶改
  • 摩耶改二
  • Minor character
  • Religious leader
  • Borderlands 2
  • Dragon Quest IV
  • 3
  • 4
  • - Khóa -
  • - Trống -
  • Black
  • Brown
  • brown
  • Brown/Blue
  • Dragon Quest IV party member.
  • Maya
  • Này bọn kia, các ngươi làm ta điên lên rồi đấy, hừ!!
  • Yeaaah! Tôi nóng lên rồi này! Tôi đến đây!
  • Tôi nghe là có người mới gia nhập, anh phải đối xử tốt với cô ấy đấy!
  • Cảm ơn anh vì luôn sử dụng toàn bộ sức mạnh của tôi, chàng trai. Điều này quá...tôi rất biết ơn đấy.....yeah!
  • Yeaaah! Tôi nóng lên rồi này! Tôi đến đây! Việc tiếp tế rất quan trọng! Cảm ơn anh!
  • Anh cần gì à ?
  • Chiến dịch đã hoàn thành!
  • De~ei !
  • Geh!~
  • Howzat ! Đầu hàng chưa!?
  • Hả?!
  • Ngươi muốn bị bắn chết hả?
  • Tốt rồi!
  • Sử dụng tôi đến mức này ... chết tiệt!
  • Tôi đang chìm ư...hừ..Tôi đã có một cuộc sống đơn giản.......
  • Yeah! Đi nào! Nhổ neo! Oh, được! Đi nào! Tuần dương hạm phòng không Maya! Nhổ neo!
  • Quý cô Maya tấn công, ăn tụi nó nào! Howzat! Đầu hàng chưa!? Hehee...Chiêm ngưỡng sức mạnh của Maya-sama tái sinh đi này!
  • Nếu thấy sợ thì cứ nấp sau tôi là được Tôi là tuần dương hạm phòng không Maya-sama! Không chiến sao ? Được, để đó cho tôi! Chỉ cần nấp sau lưng tôi là được rồi!
  • Không phải rõ ràng quá rồi sao ? Tôi là quý cô Maya mà, anh hiểu chứ?
  • Đô đốc, có thư! Đô đốc, xác nhận dữ liệu ? Tốt lắm!
  • Tuần dương hạm hạng nặng thứ 3 thuộc lớp Takao, quý cô Maya đây! Sinh ra tại tỉnh Kobe.Tôi đã chiến đấu rất quyết liệt trong chiến dịch hành quân đến phía nam và những trận đánh ở Solomon! Hả? Leyte ? Không, tôi không thạo mấy cái tàu ngầm.
  • Cảm ơn anh, đô đốc. Điều này sẽ tốt đấy!
  • Tôi bị lôi vào đây à, như vậy hạm đội sẽ không sao chứ ?
  • Anh...tôi nghĩ...đôi khi cho anh làm thế cũng được.
  • Gì thế này!? Gì thế này...!? Đừng làm bẩn người ta!
  • Đô đốc, anh khiến tôi khó chịu đôi chút đấy! Đô đốc ~ bình tĩnh chút đi ? Sao không nhìn tôi mà làm gương này! ...Eh ? "Không cho tôi nói sao"!?
  • Bỏ qua thứ vô bổ này đi, đừng có nhìn!
  • Chào! Tên tôi là Maya, rất vui được gặp anh! Chào, đô đốc! Anh có làm việc chăm chỉ không thế ? Bây giờ Maya-sama sẽ tận hưởng cảm giác vui sướng này!
  • Maya
  • Mother Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya
  • Maya Fallegeros
  • Maya Kai
  • Maya Kai Ni
  • Maya Prasad
  • The Traitor's Gambit
  • 3
  • Rock
  • Quest
  • Insect
  • Worm
  • Rebel
  • CA
  • MvP
  • Checkmate Four
  • Funny, kind, sweet, friendly, adventurous, optimistic, forgiving, understanding, helpful, loyal, protective, brave , heroic, wise, motherly, clumsy , spunky, mischievous, sassy, rebellious, tomboyish, fierce, cowardly , naive, outspoken
latest release version
  • 8
  • 300
  • Bitten by a Ticker
  • Mānya
  • Screenshot of Maya 8.0
  • FBI Agent Maya in the Season 3 episode, "Under Covers".
  • Female
  • Merchant
Hair Color
  • Black
  • 40
  • 45
Character Type
  • Playable character
  • Maya
Group Affiliations
  • Danseuse
  • Miyuki Sawashiro
  • Anjli Mohindra
Unit style
  • American
Building style
  • American
  • C
Pořadové číslo
  • 1
  • no
  • Ensign
  • Ja
  • yes
Attack/Kai Ni/En
  • Hehee...feel the might of a brand new me!
Attack/Kai Ni
  • ふっふーん!生まれ変わった摩耶様の本当の力、思い知れぇ!
Looking At Scores/Kai Ni/En
  • Admiral, data confirmation? Very well!
Looking At Scores/Kai Ni
  • 提督、情報の確認かい?いいぜ!
Battle Start/Note
  • Battle cry
Skins Link
  • on
Valentine2015 2 EN
  • I don't like sweets! Eat this!!
  • Tôi không thích đồ ngọt! Ăn đi này!!
Valentine2015 2 Note
  • Attack line
  • Lời thoại khi tấn công
  • Mickey Mouse
  • Once Upon a Time
  • Youngsters
  • Ultimate Spider-Man
  • Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
  • Avengers Assemble
  • Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Disney's All New House of Mouse
  • Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
  • あったりまえだろ?アタシは摩耶さまだぜ?
  • Hit Points: 80
  • Kisses Justin while the sun sets
  • Adopts Candlehead and and watches Ralph go on his first date with Elsa
  • Maya
  • Unknown
  • ECHO Recordings Main|Maya/ECHO Recorders Standard When joining a game *Siren here. Nice to meet you all. If anyone tries to capture me, I'll incinerate their brain. Killing an enemy *Looks like my training is paying off! *That was satisfying, huh? *Hahaha-*snort*... excuse me... *You should ALL be running! *Fear me, bitches! *You are nothing! *Just. Give. Up! *This is the power of a siren! *You're powerless! Switching seats *This seat is sticky; why is it sticky? Hitting an enemy with a vehicle *Roadkill! *Bye now! *Moron! *What was that? Hitting another vehicle in co-op *Apologies! *Any broken bones? *I feel the airbag should've inflated. *That was unintentional! Critical Kill *Criticaaal! *Strangely satisfying. *Interesting reactions. *Critical Phaselocking an enemy *Stay still! *Stay put! *Stop struggling! *You won't enjoy this! *This will hurt! *Shut up! *Quiet! *Please stop. *You, stop. *Hold it right there! *Silence! *Freeze! *Gotcha! *This will end! *Stop! Killing an enemy while phaselocked *I love my powers! *That was awesome! *Another one down! *And stay down! *Bed time! *Farewell! *That was interesting! *You're done! *So it goes... *Shhh! Silence. *Bye now. *Cool! Throwing a grenade *Explosives! *Explosives out! *Got somethin' for ya! *Grenade out! Spotting items *Wow... *That is lovely! *That is beautiful. *Great. *Wow! *How about that? *Nice. When comparing items on the menu *Hmm... There's pros and cons to each... *I've gotta think about this. *Which is superior? Upon Leveling up *Wisdom is strength. *I feel different. *Always room to improve. *How about that? *Always more to learn. *Success! *Better and better. *I feel good! When Killing a Badass *One less badass. *Let's do that again sometime. *That calmed him down some. *Boo-yah! With Handsome Jack's voice *This is interesting technology. I wonder how it -- oh God, I sound atrocious. *The monks always said to know your enemy like you know yourself, but this voice is officially the creepiest god-damn thing ever. *I've never considered myself an angry person, but if I have to speak with this fascist voice much longer, I will rip out my own voice box and stomp on it. *The silence is ... oh god, hearing Jack's voice come out of me just made me throw-up in my mouth a little. *Siren here, testing tes...ting -- oh dear, I wanna punch myself in the throat. Spotting a badass *Careful! Badass! *Stay focused, Badass! *Look out, Badass! Idle *I'll never forget what the Head Monk told me right before I left the Abbey: "Child, you have so much left to learn" he said. I imagine he would have continued speaking, had I not pulled the trigger. *This silence reminds me of the Abbey... I hated the god damn Abbey. *Twenty-seven years of training just so I could stare at nothing. *The monks told me to respect silence, to treasure the moments of inaction so that combat could be even more invigorating. Now I truly understand: they didn't know what the HELL they were talking about! *The impossible has happened. I... am... bored. *Booored... * Oh my God, this is dull. *Through meditation, I see everything: eternity, the whole of existence... aaand right now, it is boring the hell out of me. *I'm all for meditation, but this is ridiculous. *I came to this planet to fight, not to wait. Recovery [Kill Revive] *I'm back, bitches! *No! *Who's next? *Now where was I? *And now, you will fall! *Wasn't even close! *Wasn't my time. Issuing a duel *I'll show you how to fight. *Ever fought a siren before? *Wanna spar? *I challenge you! *Let's duel! Receiving a duel request *You want to spar? *A challenge huh? *A duel then? *Interesting... *If you say so... Losing a Duel *You fought well. *I can see to your skill. *Well played... bitch. *Your skills were superior. *Perhaps next time Getting a tie *It seems our skills are equal. *Looks like we're evenly matched. *A tie? Interesting. *Well done. Winning a duel *Thanks for the spar. *Don't let it get you down. *How pleasing *You fought bravely. *I am victorious! In Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep *Hm. This area kinda smells like butts and dead people. *Good morrow, fair maiden. Does something trouble you? *Lots and lots of books... and guns. Dropping the Crit *Oops. *Crap! *Damn! *Son of a... *WHY is this gun so slippery? In Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre *I know almost nothing about romance, so please pretend I just said something really inspiring about the power of love. *: **That... was not for me. **Bit better, but -- hic -- not great. **That felt good. *Everyone will tell you small lies, except the people you love, who will tell you large ones. *There was once an older man. He's dead now, of course. *Romaburn plants don't grow out here -- I'm marginally sure this is just rolled-up human flesh dipped in gasoline. *Pah! No. *: **Hey, Junkbot. Stella. Could I borrow that wig? **Ummm... I still need it for this quest, though. **I'M A COMPLETIONIST. SORRY! *I really hope he's just using this for maintenance. *It's succeeded in irritating me, if nothing else. In Sir Hammerlock vs. the Son of Crawmerax *And that's why you never take orders. If I'm gonna get blown up, I wanna get blown up for my own reasons. *The impact pattern's not that big. Fall must not have been high enough for him to lose consciousness before hitting the ground. Ugh. *Consider yourself lucky. That poison must have worked quickly. I wouldn't have. *Someone once said, he who sets out on revenge should first dig two graves. That's a stupid-ass quote, revenge is awesome. *Poor attempt at faking a suicide, but clearly a doctor's hands at work. *What am I, uh... what am I looking at?
Appears In
See Also
  • *Siren *Lilith
  • Mesoamerican
Image caption
  • Modern flag of the Maya peoples
  • Shailene Woodley
  • 5218
  • C9C299
Voice Actor
  • N/A
  • Miya
  • 冥亞
  • 311.0
  • Maya
  • Maya.jpg
  • --05-03
  • #"stainless moon" #"meltdown -Camui-" #"virgin butterfly" #"Sajou no Ashiato" #"poetaster_and_singing_dolls_" #"raid of glass" #"Luxurious times" #"and taboo..." #"Usubeni" #"mist-missing love-" #"Kanata no Kagerou" #"reason of birth" #"chu-tto Sobani Itene☆" #"Bloody Fang" #"Ginsei no Artemis" #"Mizugiwa no Hekishoku" #"stainless moon -Re:birth-" #"Lilyzm Gold" #"raid of glass ~tearful voice~" #"fake or fate?" #"Gekkou" #"hands" #"Natsu to Kaze to, Kimi to Watashi to Mugiwaraboushi." #"Synapse doll" #"messiah or desire" #"STIGMΛ" #"Netsuzou Sareta Yoru" #"Gardian Blue" with subtitles #"Minna Daisuki!" #"Red Reflection" with subtitles #"soul without destination" with subtitles #"snowdust memory" #"Gacha Power!" #"Sweet Shackles" #"Color Chronicle" #"Dreaming of a Vanishing Doll" #"Re:ЯítueL lily." #"Akatsuki no Hana" #"Reminiscence of Garnet" #"slow" #"Friendship Love Kick Girl!" #"Endless LoveR." #"Eternal feel" with subtitles #"mist -attachment in the dark-" #"Destiny colors" #"Eclipse Garden" #"Oedo Flower" #"radiant place" #"Konohana Sakuya" #"bright & pride" #"Bitter×Sweet×fancygirl" #"Destiny colors" #"Break my little world" #"Eclipse Garden" #"Night of LILITH" #"Chikaisou no Ainsofu" #"Be brave." #"Mystic rites" #"Lady Vampire" #"MARRY ME" #"more lies" #"resolve." #"Lady Ready" #"konohanachiruya -side M-" #"raid of tears."
  • show
latest release date
  • August 2006
  • Maya.png
  • .doc
Marital Status
  • Sword
  • Temperance and Vengeance
  • Her bare hands
  • Shooting Star Keyblade
  • Steel Daggers
  • *Mk 2 Lancer Assault Rifle *Snub Pistol *Bolo Grenade
  • #1 Sexiest Character of 2015
  • 新入りだってさ。かわいがってやるか!
  • Mira
  • None
  • Omen
  • Gargos
  • Kan-Ra
  • Shadow Jago
  • Eyedol
  • Florence, Pain and Panic, Winona, Luke
  • Ultratech
Image size
  • 250
  • 290
  • Dancer
  • MVP
  • Takao
  • Lass/Team Protectorate Ensign
  • 70
  • 80
  • 2
  • 3
  • せっかくの夏が終わっちまって、しけた季節になってきやがったぜ…ううう、はっくしょん!!
  • せっかくの夏が終わっちまって、しけた季節になってきやがったぜ…ううう、はっくしょん!!
  • お前、優しいとこ……あるんだな。
  • Present
  • Đây là tiếng hét của ẻm :)
  • Yellow
  • gold
  • silver
Alternate names
  • Mayan Blue
  • Maya
  • Magic
  • Chaos Control
  • Website: asanagi Blog: mockoss maya sound wave
  • --06-12
  • Maya
  • 2129
  • Mayan
Valentine2015 Note
  • Sounds like a tsundere
  • Maya
  • Brea
  • New York City
  • Destiny Islands
  • Litwak's Arcade
  • Eric Goldberg
  • 250
  • Eclipse Garden Album.png
  • LG Yellow Galaxy Ranger.jpg
  • Maya Reason of birth.jpg
  • Maya first album.jpg
  • Maya.gif
  • Mayatraveler.jpg
  • Mystic rites album.jpg
  • maya.jpg
  • May
  • *Maya's equipped class mod is represented by a book attached to her left hip.
  • The Saga of Darren Shan
Last Appearance
  • クーリスマスねー、ま、いっか! このシャンパンノって酒もま、ありだしな。な、提督!
  • Schoolchild
  • The Traitor's Gambit
  • 250
  • Mother_Maya.jpg
  • anime
  • anime
  • Fallecida
Docking Complete/Note
  • ポンコツ also means scrap metal
  • Unova
  • Dancer
  • Unknown
  • Vessel
  • Keyblade Master
  • Socialite
  • Fashion Designer
  • Fashion Model
  • Bookstore owner
  • Physiotherapist
  • Civil; Fiancée de Saga
  • Founder and Leader of S.T.O.R.M.
  • Queen of the Fangires
  • BIMA Garuda Knight
Named after
  • paint dye
  • 61
  • 228
  • 1147
  • 250
Operating System
  • Nâng cấp
  • July 2009
  • 45
  • 55
  • 57
  • As an infant, Maya was identified as a Siren and given to the Order of the Impending Storm, the ruling order of monks on her homeworld of Athenas. She trained her Siren powers in secret until she reached adulthood, when the monks revealed her to the public as their goddess and savior. Irritated by the Order's short leash, she longed for adventure and expressed interest in traveling to Pandora to learn more about her Siren lineage. She eventually realized that the Order was using her as a threat to extort money and obedience from the people of Athenas. After Phaselocking and executing her handler Brother Sophis, she headed to Pandora to finally satisfy her curiosity about Sirens. Maya already knew of the Vault and the presence of Eridium before arriving on Pandora. After Handsome Jack learned of Maya through Hyperion surveillance footage of Athenas, it presumably didn't take much effort to get the Siren on the train at the beginning of the game.
  • Dealing With It
  • Maya
  • Marala Iniya Prasad
  • * COG Armor *Communications earpiece
  • やったな!
  • ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ!
  • サンキュー提督。これならいける!
  • Luna Tempest
  • Winona
  • Wreck-it Ralph 2
  • TBA
  • Sammie
  • Julie
  • DJ
  • Tyler
  • Noah
  • Spense
  • Eva
  • Justin, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Erika , Sora, Kairi, Shadow the Hedgehog , Sonic the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Brandi Civine, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Luke Cage/Power Man, Ava Ayala/White Tiger, Luke Higgins
  • N/A
  • Mayapan
  • 2
  • 5100.0
  • Lv75
  • Lv18
Eye Color
  • Blue
Image File
  • Maya.jpg
  • Maya.png
  • Human
  • Monster
  • Insect
  • Human, African American
  • Human Siren
  • Néo-humaine
  • Herman's henchman
Japanese name
  • マーニャ
  • 6
  • 8
  • 12
  • "Oh, Florencendina! Did you ever consider wearing BARRELS?! They look so cute on you!"
  • "Maybe if you follow your heart, you might be able to redeem yourself."
  • EEDC82
  • FBF4CB
  • ようし、漲ってきたぜ。やるぞ!
  • -
  • よ!アタシ、摩耶ってんだ、よろしくな
  • Femenino
  • Mayan
  • Maja.jpg
  • Maya 2.jpg
  • Maya.png
  • unknown
  • 60
  • At least 13 B.E.
  • PetiK
  • French
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • Ryōka Yuzuki
  • 2130
  • Anna Luise Kiss
  • Puntos de vida: 08
  • Bueno
Beziehungen zu
  • Jerry
Ranger Farbe
  • Gelb
Gespielt von
  • In the battle of Leyte, Maya was sunk by USS Dace, a submarine, Dace mistook her for a Kongou-class battleship and fired 6 torpedoes, 4 of them hit Maya.
Notable Drop(s)
  • 24
  • Megumi Toyoguchi
  • Haruna Ikezawa
WhiteDay2015 EN
  • Ohh...Tặng lại chocolate ? Cảm ơn anh đô đốc. Tôi không thích đồ ngọt lắm. Có lẽ tôi sẽ cho thêm vài thứ~
  • Ohh...A return for the chocolate? Thank you Admiral. I'm no good with sweet stuff. Maybe I will give it a try~
Minor Damage 2/Kai Ni/En
  • The hell...?! Don't mess with me!
Minor Damage 2/Kai Ni
  • んだよぉ…!舐めるなぁ!
  • Hey! Admiral! Are you listening? Hey! ...Damn, he won't listen. The hell!? Sheesh...
MidSummer2015 Note
  • おーい!提督ー!聞いてっかー?おーい!…ちっ、聞いちゃいねぇ。んだよぉ!ったく…
  • Resupplying is important! Thank you!
  • 遂にアタシたちも二周年って訳か。提督、これまでありがとうな!あぁ!嬉しいぜ!
  • 遂に私たちも二周年って訳か。提督、これまでありがとうな!あぁ!嬉しいぜ!
  • ん。補給は大事だぜ!サンキューな!
Joining A Fleet/Kai Ni/En
  • Oh, here I go! Air defense cruiser Maya! Setting sail!
SecondAnniversary2015 EN
  • We finally reached two years too! Thanks for all you've done Admiral! Ahh! I'm happy!
  • Chúng ta đã trải qua hai năm rồi ! Cảm ơn vì tất cả những việc anh đã làm nhé đô đốc! Ahh! Tôi rất vui!
Valentine2015 EN
  • What? Valentine's? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, but I did buy some for you anyways. Here!
  • Sao? Valentine? Ugh, jeez! Ehh, nhưng mà tôi có mua một ít cho anh này. Đây!
Joining A Fleet/Kai Ni
  • おおっ、行くぜっ!防空巡洋艦摩耶!抜錨だっ!
MidSummer2015 EN
  • Được rồi! Mùa hè, là mùa hè đấy! Cảm thấy thoái mái chứ ? Này, đô đốc, cởi hết quần áo và đi bơi thôi!
  • All right! It's summer, summer! Feels good huh? Hey, Admiral, take off your clothes and stuff and let's go swimming!
  • よし!夏だ、夏!気持ちがいいね。な、提督、服なんぞ脱いで泳ぎに行こうぜ!
  • よし!夏だ、夏!気持ちがいいね。な、提督、服なんぞ脱いで泳ぎに行こうぜ!
  • Αμερινδικός λαός της Μέσης Αμερικής.
  • File:Quake1.gif Maya is a Level Theme in Dissolution of Eternity and a subtype of Ancient. This theme constitutes Mesoamerican ruins that fell under the control of Quake and His forces after they distorted history. For Quake, Adrian Carmack prepared a set of Aztec textures because id Software thought that they would have an Aztec section in their project, but American McGee was unexcited about them and uninspired, so they had to be deleted.
  • In Disaster Averted, the gang were telling Kevin the story about the Hurricane Irene. The gang was in Barney's apartment in the middle of the hurricane. Ted went to the hallway and there he met Maya. Ted comes back inside telling Barney he can't come to his house and that Maya will be coming in his place. Everyone fights over who gets to stay after Lily calls Maya a floozy and Ted says that no one is coming and that he is going by himself. Maya later tells Ted that she has a boyfriend.
  • La civilización maya aparece en: * Maya (III) * Maya (IV) * Maya (V)
  • Maya est la sœur jumelle d’Aya, décédée avec leur mère Mariko Brea dans un accident de voiture alors que la leader de l'Aube n'avait que 5 ans. Après cet accident, les organes de Maya furent utilisés pour des greffes : Aya reçu une cornée, Melissa Pearce un de ses reins, et Mary Takei son coeur. C'est ainsi que les trois jeunes femmes devirent elles aussi des néo-humaines, ayant reçu en même temps les mitochondries incroyablement évoluées de Maya.
  • The Maya are one of 18 nations in vanilla Rise of Nations. They have the Power of Architecture, based on the Maya historical proficiency in monumental architecture; being some of the first and finest builders of great cities, with a mastery of masonry and a stunning and sturdy architectural style; leaving many construction achievements well-known today, and many other yet to be discovered, still standing somewhere among the dense jungles of Yucatán.
  • Maya was a Twi'lek female and, along with her twin sister Naya, was one of the leaders of the Booster Club for the Chandrila Chiefs limmie team in the last decades of the Old Republic.
  • Maya is the Queen Ant with fantastic power that most people dare not face. She prefers to live undisturbed in dark damp places, but will come out from time to time to punish those that would invade her nest.
  • Kategorie:Karty Můžete ji koupit v Ishbalu v Císařské ulici. Chodí tam kluk jménem Jack. Za 20GP vám ji prodá.
  • Maya is a wild woman from the jungle planet Mirinoi and Galaxy Yellow of the Galaxy Rangers. She is also referred to as Yellow Galaxy Ranger or Lost Galaxy Yellow Ranger - variations on her in-show label, though the latter is more in reference to the show than a proper label.
  • Maya (冥亞 (メイア) Maya?) is a member of the Kamisato Faction.
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 73C2FB
  • Maya is the woman who killed Carolyn Bigsby when she took a group of people hostage at a local supermarket.
  • Maya (マヤ Maya) was one of the members of the street gang, Spike's Soldiers, which was active in Grove 22 of the Sabaody Archipelago. She is also the childhood friend of the gang's founder and leader, Spike, as well as with Meso and Boris. She, along with the rest of the gang, helped both Spike and Jolly D. Chris escape the pursuing Marines after Spike had gone on a rampage at the Human Auctioning House and later threatened a World Noble. After the events of the Timber Arc, where she would later help both Chris and Spike, as well as Timber and the Galley-La Company handle the threat of the Ika Bounty Hunters, Maya would join her fellow gang members in becoming shipwrights for Galley-La over the two year time skip.
  • Maya is a high-end 3D computer graphics and 3D modelling software package, originally by Alias Systems Corporation but now owned by Autodesk under its Media and Entertainment division. Autodesk acquired the software in October 2005 upon purchasing Alias. It is often used in the film and TV industry, as well as for computer and video games.
  • "Black Queen" Maya (黒后の魔夜, Kuro Kisaki no Maya) is an extremely dangerous and active crime lord situated within the Land of Water. She is the individual in charge of drug transportation, human trafficking, murders, thievery and all other varieties of crime within the country. Yet even with the overbearing presence that is the Black Queen, none have ever grasped her true identity. Under the veil of shadows, Maya has integrated herself into both the underground and the world above. Her standing among respected civilization underneath the pseudonym Satsuki (殺気, Satsuki) is Kirigakure's Head Ninja, thus giving her full privileges to maintain her anonymity in the underground by tampering with the surface as she so pleases.
  • Maya was een Kantare vrouw. Ze was de vrouw van Ezral en de moeder van Liana. Maya kwam om het leven in 2130 toen haar schip in een ionenstorm terecht kwam en neerstortte op een onbewoonde planeet. In een poging om Liana wat gezelschap te brengen, creëerde Ezral in 2131 een holografische versie van Maya, samen met de andere leden van de bemanning. (ENT: "Oasis")
  • Maya est l'un des héros de Dragon Quest IV. Elle rencontre les autres héros alors qu'elle et sa soeur Mina cherchent à punir l'assasin de leur père Mahabala, Dickenz. Elle fait aussi une petite apparition avec sa soeur dans l'anime Abel Yūsha. Elle fait également partie des invités disponible au Havre des Aventuriers de Dragon Quest IX.
  • Maya ( マヤ, Maya) est une jeune femme qui est apparue seulement dans le cinquième film. Elle est la fiancée de Saga et petite-fille d'Izaya.
  • Maya is a mulawin. She is the brother of Lakan and the friend of Pagaspas. During the battle between the mulawins and the hathors, many mulawins have died and suffered. When Lakan returned to Encantadia, he just knew that Maya died during the battle.
  • Maya is an MvP found in Bossnia [Lv:3] and anthell01 every 2 hours or so. She drops Mother's Nightmare which is a Collector Quest Item
  • Maya is the fearless jaguar who is the protector of the rainforest.
  • Maya ist die gegenwärtige Anführerin des Juken-Club. Die meiste Zeit nimmt sie die Form eines kleinen Mädchens und zeigt ihre wahre Gestalt nur sehr selten. Schon früh wurde ihr aufgetragen über das Schwert Reiki zu wachen. Sie war die einzige Person, die ihren Bruder Shin kontrollieren konnte und schwor sich nach dessen Tod, Rache an ihrem ehemaligen Geliebten Mitsuomi zu nehmen.
  • thumb|Das Maya-Hologramm (2151) Maya ist eine weibliche Kantare. Sie ist die Frau von Ezral und die Mutter von Liana. Ihr Mann ist Chefingenieur seines Raumschiffes, als dieses in einem Ionensturm beschädigt wird und auf einen Planeten stürzt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist ihre gemeinsame Tochter Liana noch ein Kind. Bei dem Absturz stirbt Maya. Ihr Mann macht sich Vorwürfe, an ihrem Tod schuld zu sein. Nach und nach schafft er als Ersatz für alle Getöteten Hologramme, auch von ihr. (ENT: ) Maya wurde von Claudette Sutherland gespielt und von Inge Solbrig synchronisiert.
  • Dicionário Eletrônico Houaiss
  • Maya is a character that appeared in Barney's Jungle Friends/ Home Sweet Earth: The Rainforest. She is played by Holly Franklin.
  • Maya è la fidanzata di Saga e la nipote di Baba.
  • Mother Maya is an inhabitant of Megaton in 2277.
  • Maya was what the ascetics called the deadly illusion that distracts the soul from its true mission. They believed that the world of the senses was the world of maya. The meaning of maya was centered on the fact that people did not experience the environment itself but rather a projection of it, created by them. The maya were also called to the abilities of the Kakita Artisan and they were used to increase their knowledge of Acrobatics, Dancing, Jester, Music, Origami, Painting, Storytelling, Ikebana, Noh/Kabuki, or Poetry.
  • Maya ist der Name verschiedener Elefantenkühe: * der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Maya im englischen Zoo Chester; * der Asiatischen Elefantenkuh Maya, die im Februar 2012 im Circus Universal Renz gestorben ist; * der Afrikanischen Elefantenkuh Maya im spanischen Bioparc Valencia; * der Afrikanerin Maya im Zoo Basel (Schweiz). Vgl. auch Maja, die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Zoo Bojnice (Slowakei). Kategorie:Begriffserklärung
  • Kukulkan, un extraterrestre bienveillant, visita périodiquement les civilisations antiques de la Terre, notamment les civilisations maya, égyptienne, aztèque et chinoise, et influença leur architecture et leur développement agricole. Il fut l'objet d'un culte en tant que dieu. Kulkulkan fut découvert par l'équipage de l'USS Enterprise en 2270. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
  • [[en:]]en:Maya es:Mayazh:摩耶 pt:Maya
  • Maya was a Parisian model whom Richie Ryan befriended after meeting her in a restaurant, where she explained what he had ordered in his faulty French, and then saw again on stage at a fashion show. He told her she had stolen the spotlight. She told him that her friend, and the real star, Cynthia Hampton, had disappeared. Not long after, Cynthia's body was discovered, but one of the pair of earrings she had been wearing was missing. Maya confided to Richie the possibility of Gabriel Piton being the murderer. Trying to help Maya, Richie attempted to investigate Piton's apartment, and was confronted by the Immortal, Piton, himself. Fearing for his life, Richie set Piton on fire and escaped. The following day, Piton and Duncan MacLeod had a confrontation, Piton assured MacLeod he had nothing to do with Cynthia's death, and that he would do no harm to Richie. Richie, however, fearing for Maya's life, stole a gun, and knowing Maya was at Piton's house, went to confront him. Piton called the police. Richie tried to convince Maya to tell the police about the earring, but Maya, still unsure Piton was the killer, did nothing. Realizing that Maya had tipped Richie about the earring, Piton then tried to kill her, but she defended herself. Meanwhile, MacLeod, who had been alerted by Richie, arrived at Piton's house. He sent Maya away and challenged Piton.
  • Maya (Mara in the NES version) is a playable character in IV.
  • Maya is a girl that Quint and Natalie saved from Team Devastator. She showed so much potential that she quickly became one of the organization's many 'Ensigns'.
  • El nombre Maya en la mitolohía bahka pareze ehtá relazionáo kon Mahu kien eh konzideráo komo marío de Mari i ke debe zé er mihmo ar ke yamaban Kulebro
  • Maya is a beautiful woman whom Moe met over the Internet. She is a little person, standing at about three feet tall.
  • Maya is an FBI agent doing surveillance on the hotel room in Under Covers (episode).
  • Maya (真夜 Maya) is the human form of the Pearlshell Fangire (パールシェルファンガイア Pārusheru Fangire) and the original Queen (クイーン Kuīn) of the Checkmate Four in 1986, possessing the Queen tattoo on her palm. She is Wataru Kurenai and Taiga Nobori's mother.
  • Maya (also known as Virus.MSWord.Maya) is a mass-mailing macro worm on Microsoft Windows. It spreads via email. It is a Microsoft Word virus, meaning it uses exploits in Microsoft Word to infect the computer. Maya is also a worm/virus hybrid, as it has a payload that is similar to both types of malware.
  • Maya was a Gear soldier in the COG Army, and one of the few front line female Gears.
  • Maya is a mermaid from the same pod Lyla, Nixie, Sirena, and Aquata are from. Maya and Aquata are best and closest friends, since they are seen often traveling together. She was the one compelled to report that a boy had fallen into the moon pool under the girls watch during the full moon, which had resulted in exiling them from their rightful home, and forcing the rest of the mermaids to move to the pacific ocean.
  • Maya Fallegeros is a female playable character who was introduced in the 1996 arcade game of Killer Instinct 2. An Amazonian queen who hails from the South American rain forests, in Killer Instinct (2013) she is the last remaining member of a secretive cabal of monster hunters known as the Night Guard. Maya made her second debut as a playable character in the Season Two of Killer Instinct (2013), and was given a fraternal twin in Season Three through the new character Mira. She became the first of the original KI2 cast to be reintroduced to the franchise after twenty years, and was made available in KI 2013 on October 15th, 2015.
  • Maya may refer to: * Mei's mother from Legend of Legaia. * A Mystic from Legaia 2: Duel Saga.
  • Madre Maya nació en 2236, tiene 41 años y la mano derecha del Confesor Cromwell. Ella y Cromwell en realidad son también marido y mujer, pero no anuncian el hecho, ya que los dos están muy ocupados promoviendo los ideales de la iglesia. A pesar de que tiene 41 años en el momento de Fallout 3, parece tener unos 70 años, muy probablemente debido a la exposición a la radiación, la exposición prolongada a la luz solar, y la falta de agua potable.
  • Maya is the mother of Toby Logan. It is unknown what her last name is due her being constantly being seen in flashbacks.
  • Maya ist die eine Protagonistin im Film Antarctica - Gefangen im Eis. Sie führt die Schlittenhunde durch die eisige Wildnis. Sie versuche ihr Rudel zu schützten, wurde jedoch von einer Robbe gebissen und fast getötet. Jerry meinte, dass Maya sein bester Schlittenhund ist.
  • Maya was a young woman with whom Janis Hawk began to develop a romantic relationship.
  • |-| substantif féminin = étymologie * de mayo * singulier : maya [ˈmaja] * pluriel: mayas [ˈmajas] 1. * Catégorie:plante espèce de plante herbacée pérenne de la famille des composées 2. * jeune fille élue chaque année parmi celles d'une localité pour en présider certaines festivités 3. * Catégorie:Jeu jeu d'enfant, forme de cache-cache où il nécessaire de toucher un objet déterminé, par exemple une pierre, pour être libéré 4. * Catégorie:Jeu cet objet références * , carte 1429
  • All matter is believed to be an illusion called Maya, blinding us from knowing the truth. Maya is the limited, purely physical and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled. Maya is held to be an illusion, a veiling of the true, unitary Self — the Cosmic Spirit. Maya gets destroyed for a person when they perceive the true self with transcendental knowledge.
  • Maya is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She runs the bookstore of Chinatown in Future London. She is found in the bookstore as well. She offers a bit of service in info regarding Chinatown and the people in it. Her bookstore is a place where Professor Layton and Luke go a couple of times in the story too. She is also one of the few characters in Unwound Future who wears glasses.
  • Maya is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Tribal Despotism.
  • Maya was a Human female who served as a Alderaanian Security agent and a member of Senator Bail Organa's personal security detail during the Clone Wars. Shortly after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Organa sent her on a mission to recover cargo essential for weakening the Empire.
  • In the Annie's Diary short story, Annie Shan writes about a girl in her class named Maya, who has a yo-yo and is very skilled at using it. Annie later asks her father to buy her one, but he says she'll have to wait until her birthday.
  • Maya is a character played by Maria Arcé, introduced in the 5th episode "The Essence" of Mortal Kombat: Conquest, though she was ironically called "Servant Woman" as seen at the episode's end credits. She is a native of Edenia, which has been merged with Outworld by the warlord Shao Kahn. She is a royal servant to Princess Kitana alongside her mistress Qali and is about 10,000 years old. Maya was one of the many Edenians whose peaceful home was another world fallen victim to Shao Kahn's aggression and they lived under his iron fist. Maya was last seen at the throne room of Shao Kahn's Palace, being tortured at the hands of one of the Shadow Priests who have been interrogating her about the whereabouts of the Essence of Edenia while branding her with a hot poker. Maya was so not fortunate as she was killed by the Shadow Priest with a blade when his master Shao Kahn ordered him to "shut her up". She was murdered in front of both Shao Kahn and Qali, the same woman who cared for the girl under her tutelage for years, and yet did nothing to save her. Her fate was just a reminder of the Konqueror's unrelenting cruelty. Her soul was presumably stolen as well placing it eternal torment.
  • A member of the Black Dog Star Trio, Maya is the only wolf to attack in a team along with Mash and Martega.
  • Maya is a female character in Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. She has been trapped in a house with many other people, and is brought into the real world by the player (acting as the protagonist). Remembering nothing but her own name, she helps the player unravel the mystery of the cursed Purple Diary in order to regain her memories, providing the player with hints as they progress.
  • Maya is a sister. She is 8 years old. She love to ducks in eat.
  • Maya - jüngere Tochter von Lyralenda III, Schwester von Valea, die ihrer Mutter auf den Stierthron nachfolgte; Mutter von Lyralenda IV, die Valeas kinderlos gestorbener Tochter Dalyna auf den Stierthron folgte. Über ihre Bedeutung in der Ahnenlinie des Herrscherhauses n'Varthar hinaus ist nichts über Maya überliefert.
  • Maya är en historisk term som används för att hänvisa till en grupp Tau'ri från Centralamerika. i det förflutna så förflyttade sig flera Maya folket till en annan planet med hjälp av Crystal skull. På grund av detta är ättlingar till de Maya folket som finns på planeten. Exempel på detta är Tollan. (SG1: "Evolution, Part 1", "Evolution, Part 2")(SG1: "Stargate SG-1: City of the Gods") *Maya
  • Maya (マヤ Maya?) es una habitante de la Isla Asuka que apareció por primera vez en la quinta película de One Piece.
  • The Maya were indigenous Mexican indians who inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • Maya is a minor antagonist in Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1, and one of the main antagonists in Episode 5.
  • Maya tends to scare off the neighborhood cats and protecting Sakaki from Kamineko. After his attack on said cat when he had just found Sakaki after travelling all the way from Iriomote Island, Maya was physically weakened – probably due to exhaustion from having travelled so far. He was taken to Dr. Ishihara, who was suspicious because of Maya's obvious resemblance to an Iriomote Cat (that are not recommended for keeping as pets), but Sakaki and Chiyo convinced him that Maya was a crossbreed and they were thus allowed to take him home. Sakaki decided to name her new pet Maya. In spite of being a wildcat, Maya is comfortable around people and even Tadakichi-san. He also lets Sakaki bathe him. Maya once scratched Tomo because she was taunting him, but Sakaki tapped him on the head and told him not to scratch people. Before graduation, Sakaki often visited Chiyo-chan's house so that she could be with Maya, even spending the night there where she rolled around on the floor holding her cat, only to be confronted by Chiyo-chan in doing so. He tends to keep a serious look on his face, and is nearly identical to his deceased mother (apart from his size).
  • When Carla was shunting trucks at the scrapyard, she saw a old broken-down engine without many parts. The engine's name was Maya, and she was a LMS Princess Coronation Class locomotive in semi-streamlined condition. She was brought from the United Kingdom and was being used for spare parts. Carla got Casey Jones who made a deal with the scrapyard owner who gave Maya to Casey. She was re-streamlined and restored. Now she hauls fast passenger and goods trains. In 2014 she was visited by a number of steam locomotives from around the U.S. to help her cope being one of the last of her kind.
  • right|thumb|400px|Mapa de los sitios mayas Los mayas son un pueblo que se ubica geográficamente en el sur de lo que hoy es México y el norte de América Central. Es especialmente importante su presencia e influencia en los territorios de las actuales Guatemala y Belice, con una rica historia de unos 3.000 años. Los antiguos mayas fueron una de las culturas mesoamericanas precolombinas. Contrariamente a la creencia popular, el pueblo maya nunca "desapareció", millones aún viven en la región, y muchos de ellos aún hablan alguno de los idiomas de la familia mayense. Lo que sí desapareció fue el esplendor de la civilización maya siglos antes de la llegada de los primeros españoles. La Conquista española se consumó en 1687 con la toma de Tayasal, en el Petén (actual Guatemala). Los mayas construyeron las conocidas ciudades de Tikal, Palenque, Copán, y Calakmul, así como Dos Pilas, Uaxactún, Altún Ha, y muchos otros sitios en el área. No desarrollaron un imperio, sino una cultura fruto de su organización en ciudades-estado independientes cuya base era la agricultura. Los monumentos más notables son las pirámides que construyeron en sus centros religiosos, junto a los palacios de sus gobernantes. Otros restos arqueológicos importantes incluyen las losas de piedra tallada usualmente llamadas estelas (los mayas las llamaban Tetún, o “tres piedras”), que describen a los gobernantes junto a textos jeroglíficos que describen sus genealogías, victorias militares, y otros logros. Los mayas participaban en el comercio a larga distancia en Mesoamérica, y posiblemente más allá. Entre los bienes de comercio estaban el cacao, la sal y la obsidiana.
  • Maya ist eine Medizinstudentin an der Winston Universität.
  • Maya es un personaje menor de la serie. Es una mujer de baja estatura con la que Moe se reune por medio de Internet. Su primera aparición fue en el episodio "Eeny Teeny Maya Moe".
  • Maya was a Kantare female. She was the wife of Ezral and the mother of Liana. Maya was killed in 2129, when her ship became caught in an ion storm and crash landed on a planet. In an effort to provide a family for Liana, Ezral created a holographic representation of Maya, identical in appearance and personality, along with other members of the crew, in 2131. (ENT: "Oasis") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Maya is the adoptive mother of D'Jok and a professional psychic. She is good friends with Mana-Ice and has a good relationship with the Snow Kids and also with The Pirates.
  • Maya jest Żółtym Galaktycznym Rangersem (ang. Yellow Galaxy Ranger) oraz jedną z głównych postaci Power Rangers Zagubiona Galaktyka.
  • Marala "Maya" Iniya Prasad is the younger twin sister of Sora, the secondary deuteragonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, the main protagonist of Luna Tempest, and the 9th Disney Adventurer. She is a normal fashion prodigy attending Midtown High School as a junior (at the age of 14, much to some people's dismay and surprise). Her life was normal until she got struck by lightning and received electrokinesis. She is the 20th Junior Disney Princess.
  • Despite being geographically distant from Akator, the ancient Mayans were taught the secret of corbel arch construction by the Ugha residents and their gods of the advanced city. The modern-day indigenous peoples of the region are descended from the Mayans, and speak languages derived from the Mayan language.
  • She's only appear at series and Nintendog Dalmatian and Friends. She's not longer at agility, and concerts, she's just available on walks.
  • Maya is the Rasputin of Parallel World slaves who escaped to Earth to be a stowaway in ships VUDO and eventually became friends Rena.
  • The Mayans were a Mesoamerican civilization that ceased to exist centuries ago, although its people actually survived and form large parts of the current population of Mesoamerica. At its peak, it was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world. Unknown to most, the kings of the Mayans were actually an old race of abnormals, possessing a longevity very similar to that of Helen Magnus.
  • Maya era la sirvienta de la Princesa Kitana en la serie de televisión Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Es interpretado por Maria Arcé.
  • Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Maya is the human form of the Pearlshell Fangire and the original Queen of the Checkmate Four in 1986, possessing the Queen tattoo on her palm.
  • Maya lebt auf dem Planeten Mirinoi. Sie erscheint zur einer Ritual wo die Tapfersten und Stärksten Krieger fünf Legendäre Quasarschwerter aus einem Stein zu ziehen. Es schafft keiner der Krieger die Schwerter auch nur ein Stück weit raus zu ziehen. Kurz darauf taucht Furio auf, die rechte Hand von Scorpius. Auch Furios kann die Schwerter weder raus ziehen noch zerstören. Maya ist derweil auf der Flucht und es gelingt ihr durch ein Zeitportal das sich geöffnet hat zu entkommen. Auf dem Mond angekommen trifft sie auf Leo, Mike, Kai und Kendrix. Sie erklärt den Vorfall was auf ihrem Planeten passierte. Auf Mirinoi angekommen ist sie einer der Auserwählten und wird zum gelben Ranger. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Ranger Kategorie:Gelbe Ranger
  • Maya (マーニャ, Mānya) is a playable character in Dragon Quest Heroes. Her character is a reprisal of her debut appearance.
  • Maya is a woman who appeared in the fifth One Piece movie. She is Saga's fiancée and Izaya's granddaughter.
  • Here are some words of Maya: joc'aljelep (century) buluk (eleven)
  • Maya was a Kouga shinobi dog and Kurojaki's loyal subordinate.
  • Maya was a character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was the assistant of Eli's during his days as a magician. However, when she was inhabited by the spirit of the evil demon Tataka, she turned on Eli and tried to kill him. Xena and Gabrielle stepped in to help, and the witnesses concluded that Gabrielle was a Devi (a great healer), believing that she was the one that cast the demon out of her. However, it was later revealed that it was Eli that cured Maya and cast the spirit of Tataka into Gabrielle. She was played by Alex Reekers.
  • Maya is from Pluto. Because she is from Pluto, Maya has a thick coat of hair to help keep her warm and look good. Maya's eyes are also unusual. She has a large compound eye for normal vision and a smaller upward looking eye to watch out for meteors (the first word any native of Pluto learns is 'Duck!').
  • Maya byla zabita v roce 2129, když jejich loď ztroskotala během iontové bouře. Ezral vytvořil její hologram, stejně jako zbytku posádky, aby dělali společnost jejich dceři Lianě, a ochraňovali jí. Když na planetě v roce 2151 přistála loď Enterprise, setkali se s jejím hologramem. Když Maya viděla, že se Liana začíná sbližovat s komandérem Tuckerem, snažila se je držet odděleně. (ENT: "Oasis")
  • Maya is Elmo's classmate, who appears in the "Elmo's First Day of School" online storybook. She is a pink girl with brown hair.
  • File:Elder Scroll.gif Speak to Maya in Farrell Family Crypt (X:473 Y:268, level 2) and receive Maya's Certificate.
  • Maya is a student attending P.S. 38, who is in a relationship with Chad Applewhite.
  • The year 395 A.F. marked the conclusion of one epoch and the birth of another. Sarapis, the Logos, who had overseen all Creation since the beginning of Time itself, merged Makali, the Goddess of Destruction, and Maya, the Mother of Humanity, into one being: Maya, the Great Mother. Imbuing the new Goddess with His own power, He passed on to Her the mantle of Supreme Creator of Achaea. Maya, the Great Mother, exists at the fount of all Creation. Reality as it is experienced through ordinary consciousness can be ultimately understood as a manifestation of Her fundamentally creative energies. The multiplicities and complexities of Creation belie their origin in the same Source, and this illusion is called the Veil of Maya. Her favoured animal is the Great Grey Owl, and it is said that She sometimes appears in its form, seeing through its eyes.
  • Maya is one of Light Yagami's former girlfriends that he apparently met during high school.
  • Maya is a fictional character in the Dragonball Extreme. She's an love interest of Yamcha. They first met each other by trouble because the bandits are after her. Yamcha saves her by using his martial arts techniques against them. Maya confessed to him about her becoming a bounty hunter hunting and get a reward / money and she's part of a gang. Yamcha looks after Maya at the Diablo Desert into his hideout with Puar. Maya and Yamcha had friendships and relationships with each other. Maya remembers Launch because they met each other since childhood. At first she thought Launch is normal but she finds her annoying because every time she sneezes she changes.
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