  • Taurik
  • Taurik
  • Taurik
  • thumb|Fähnrich Taurik (2370) Fähnrich Taurik ist einer von vier Crewmitgliedern der USS Enterprise, die 2370 für eine Beförderung in Betracht gezogen werden. Der Vulkanier dient im Maschinenraum. (TNG: )
  • Ensign Taurik was a Vulcan Starfleet engineer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2370. He shared quarters with Sam Lavelle, and was also friends with Alyssa Ogawa, Sito Jaxa, and Ben, a waiter in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Lower Decks")
  • Ensign Taurik was a Vulcan crewmember serving in the engineering division aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Taurik's dry wit was typically Vulcan, which played off his roommate and friend Sam Lavelle. Other friends aboard the Enterprise-D included Nurse Alyssa Ogawa, Ensign Sito Jaxa, and Ten Forward waiter Ben. The group had regular poker nights in Taurik and Lavelle's quarters.
  • Taurik was a male Vulcan serving as an engineer in Starfleet during the 24th century. Most notably, Taurik served aboard the USS Enterprise-D and later the USS Enterprise-E as assistant chief engineer to Geordi La Forge.
  • La flemma di Taurik era tipicamente Vulcaniana, al contrario di quella del suo compagno di stanza ed amico Sam Lavelle. I suoi altri amici a bordo dell' Enterprise includevano l'infermiera Alyssa Ogawa, il guardiamarina Sito Jaxa, ed il cameriere del Bar di Prora Ben. Il gruppo giocava regolarmente a poker nell'alloggio di Taurik e Lavelle.
  • Taurik was a male Vulcan engineer in Starfleet. Taurik had a twin brother, Vorik, who served as an engineer aboard the USS Voyager. (ST video game: Starship Creator) In 2370, Ensign Taurik was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D engineering department under Geordi La Forge. (TNG episode: "Lower Decks") He served there until the ship's destruction in 2371, then spent the next two years working at Utopia Planitia, and in 2373, was assigned to the USS Ilan Ramon. In 2378, now a full Lieutenant, he became assistant chief engineer aboard the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG novel: A Time to Sow)
  • 2370
  • Taurik in 2370
  • 40
  • Memoryalpha
  • assistant chief engineer,
  • Brown
  • Active
  • Black
  • Taurik
  • fed
  • Ensign Taurik in 2370.
  • Taurik
Hair Color
  • black
  • 100.0
Character Name
  • Taurik
  • 2370
Marital Status
  • widowed
  • gold
  • Taurik.jpg
  • 1
Eye Color
  • brown
  • Male
  • male
  • 2350
  • thumb|Fähnrich Taurik (2370) Fähnrich Taurik ist einer von vier Crewmitgliedern der USS Enterprise, die 2370 für eine Beförderung in Betracht gezogen werden. Der Vulkanier dient im Maschinenraum. (TNG: )
  • Ensign Taurik was a Vulcan Starfleet engineer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2370. He shared quarters with Sam Lavelle, and was also friends with Alyssa Ogawa, Sito Jaxa, and Ben, a waiter in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Lower Decks")
  • Ensign Taurik was a Vulcan crewmember serving in the engineering division aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Taurik's dry wit was typically Vulcan, which played off his roommate and friend Sam Lavelle. Other friends aboard the Enterprise-D included Nurse Alyssa Ogawa, Ensign Sito Jaxa, and Ten Forward waiter Ben. The group had regular poker nights in Taurik and Lavelle's quarters.
  • Taurik was a male Vulcan serving as an engineer in Starfleet during the 24th century. Most notably, Taurik served aboard the USS Enterprise-D and later the USS Enterprise-E as assistant chief engineer to Geordi La Forge.
  • La flemma di Taurik era tipicamente Vulcaniana, al contrario di quella del suo compagno di stanza ed amico Sam Lavelle. I suoi altri amici a bordo dell' Enterprise includevano l'infermiera Alyssa Ogawa, il guardiamarina Sito Jaxa, ed il cameriere del Bar di Prora Ben. Il gruppo giocava regolarmente a poker nell'alloggio di Taurik e Lavelle. Mentre si trovava all'Accademia della Flotta Stellare, Taurik ebbe l'opportunità di osservare le scoperte preliminari del dottor Nils Diaz. Scoprì che causare il flusso del plasma nelle gondole di curvatura per uscire dalla sincronia aumentava la stabilità totale del campo di curvatura. Usando il lavoro di Diaz, Taurik progettò le modifiche al motore di curvatura della nave di classe Galaxy Enterprise nel 2370, la quale aumentò la propria stabilità di campo di curvatura del sette per cento. Era impaziente di iniziare i test di campo su questa ed altre migliorie sotto la direzione del Tenente Comandante Geordi La Forge. La Forge era irritato perché Taurik era un po' troppo zelante, ed anche estremamente curioso e ricettivo. La Forge si fece aiutare da Taurik a danneggiare la navetta Curie, affermando che si trattava di un test per la resistenza dello scafo. Taurik riconobbe che i campioni del fuoco dei phaser erano sufficienti per far credere che la navetta fosse sfuggita ad un attacco, sebbene si rese anche conto che La Forge voleva tenerlo buono con tale compito. La Forge, in seguito, capì che Taurik non era stato irritante di proposito, e lo invitò in sala macchine per iniziare a lavorare sulle modifiche ai motori. Dopo che Sito Jaxa lasciò l' Enterprise per una missione sotto copertura nello spazio Cardassiano, Lavelle cercò di ottenere alcune informazioni su detta missione da Taurik, ma egli mantenne il segreto. Dopo che la navetta di emergenza venne distrutta e la ragazza creduta uccisa, Taurik la ricordò con i suoi amici. Convinse anche Lavelle ad accettare la promozione per la quale era stata presa in considerazione Sito, dicendogli che il modo migliore per onorare la memoria di Sito, era di fare del suo meglio nella sua nuova posizione. (TNG: "Giovani carriere") Informazioni di retroscenaTaurik è stato interpretato da Alexander Enberg, che ha anche recitato nei panni del Vulcaniano Vorik in Star Trek: Voyager. La produttrice Jeri Taylor (che è la madre di Enberg) una volta disse che Taurik e Vorik erano fratelli gemelli.
  • Taurik was a male Vulcan engineer in Starfleet. Taurik had a twin brother, Vorik, who served as an engineer aboard the USS Voyager. (ST video game: Starship Creator) In 2370, Ensign Taurik was assigned to the USS Enterprise-D engineering department under Geordi La Forge. (TNG episode: "Lower Decks") He served there until the ship's destruction in 2371, then spent the next two years working at Utopia Planitia, and in 2373, was assigned to the USS Ilan Ramon. In 2378, now a full Lieutenant, he became assistant chief engineer aboard the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG novel: A Time to Sow) In 2379, he commanded the Echo team mission to infiltrate the nadion-pulse cannon firebase located in the Linoka Forest on Tezwa. (TNG novel: A Time to Kill) Taurik was still aboard the Enterprise in 2381 when it was involved in the Borg Invasion of 2381. After the ship engaged three Borg cubes in the Azure Nebula, Taurik reported the failure of their targeting computer to chief engineer La Forge, then attempted to get Geordi to leave for Sickbay after he was injured. When La Forge beamed over to the USS Aventine to assist in upgrading their capabilities for travel through subspace tunnels, Taurik was left in command of engineering, and reported their repair status to first officer Worf. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)
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