  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Although he grew up in a family famous for its Green Beret members, Bryan was never interested in La Junta. He always felt much closer to the Roots. Convinced that Bryan had true hero blood in his veins, General Cr pulled him out of the vegetarian crew, and brainwashed him into becoming the clan's commando.
  • Bryan was the Australian boyfriend of Shannon Rutherford and an active participant in one of her many scams that were pulled on her brother Boone to obtain the money that was taken from her when her father died. When a failed attempt by Boone to have Bryan arrested occurs, Boone takes matters into his own hands and offers Bryan $25,000 to break up with his sister, Bryan then claims that his love for Shannon is closer to $50,000. When Boone arrives to get Shannon out of Bryan’s place, he discovers that the entire thing was a set-up. Bryan would eventually make good of Boone’s wish, and take the $50,000 and leave Shannon.
  • Es un Entrenador/Rangerer que busca diversión. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN
  • Bryan est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième saison de The 100. Il est interprété par Jonathan Whitesell et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode "Watch The Thrones". Bryan est le petit ami de Nathan Miller, c'est un survivant de la station agro.
  • Bryan is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Bryan is a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons. He is portrayed by actor Jonathan Whitesell and débuts in Watch the Thrones.
  • Bryan is an unseen character mentioned in the second season. Bryan was Jaime Lannister's squire on the day of Willem Frey's wedding tournament.
  • Bryan appears in Blood Brothers.
  • Bryan was a student at Dakota Union High School.
  • Bryan apparently fled for Cantha with his family when the Charr invaded Ascalon. When the plague struck Cantha, he lost his wife and children. His greatest desire now is to return to Ascalon. In Wintersday 2005, Bryan expected something extra special under his tree.
  • Bryan is a boy from Amberwood Prep. He is a friend of Greg Slade and he attempts ask Sydney Sage out for a date and failing to do so.
  • Bryan is a character appearing in Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl.
  • Bryan is a charectar 15 in Picture Town, his birthday is (April 3rd, 2002), his age is (13). By: Roc. Sept. 21st, 2015.
  • Bryan is a captain in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. He can be found aboard the Odyssey east of New Sorpigal. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, the party can sail to Mist, which takes three days and costs 100 gold.
  • Bryan est l'ex-petit ami de Shannon. Celle-ci fait croire à son frère Boone qu'il la bat. Boone porte plainte au commissariat mais le policier dit qu'il ne peut rien faire si la victime ne porte pas plainte elle-même. Boone paye alors 50 000$ à Bryan pour qu'il n'approche plus sa sœur. Malheureusement, Shannon lui dit que c'était une arnaque. Mais le piège se referme sur elle car Bryan s'enfuit avec l'argent. (Le Cœur a ses raisons)
  • Bryan was a terran who lived on Tarsonis, employed by the Terra Family as the daytime lobby guard for the Terra Skyscraper. It was a position that got him killed, shot to death by a group of rebels intent on eliminating the Terra Family.
  • Bryan is a character in the comic Final Destination: Spring Break. He is a survivor of the Hotel Grand Tzolk explosion and is a close friend of Carly Hagan. Bryan, along with Carly and his friends Kris, Katie, Amanda, Matt and Jake all decide to take a vacation from college during Spring Break, heading out for the city Cancún. While they were on the plane there, Carly had a vision of everyone dying from a terrible hotel explosion due to a leaky boiler. Although traumatized from the event Carly's boyfriend Jake manages to calm her down, and they all proceed to go into the city, where they party on the beach and streets. That night at the hotel they're staying at, Carly freaks out again and asks for everyone to go outside. While they're waiting in the grass, the hotel explodes.
  • Bryan ist Shannons Freund in Australien. Er hilft ihr dabei bei einer Hochstapelei, um an Boones Geld zu kommen. Als Shannon Boone später verführt, behauptet sie Bryan hätte das ganze Geld genommen und sei verschwunden. Boone geht darauf zur australischen Polizei und meldet möglichen Missbrauchsfall, erfährt jedoch von dem Polizisten, dass er ihm nicht helfen könne, da es keine Beschwerde und eindeutigere Hinweise gäbe. Später ist Boone alleine im Hotel, als Shannon bei ihm klopft. Er lässt sie herein, und sie erzählt ihm, Bryan sei mit dem Geld abgehauen. („“)
  • Bryan was a troublesome teddy boy who, along with his friend Leslie, caused bother for two Coronation Street residents in 1961. In January of that year, the two boys entered the Corner Shop in high spirits and boisterously called for Florrie Lindley who was in the back. When she emerged, they cheekily asked if she is the woman who had her name in the papers recently for being prosecuted for selling firelighters after 7.00pm and being fined £1, before sarcastically requesting some tins of striped paint and joking about the babies' teething rings on display. When her kettle whistled, Florrie was reluctant to into the back to attend to it and leave the boys in the shop. She was right to worry - once she was out of sight, Leslie hid some teething rings under his coat, while Bryan threw sugar a
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Eeeeh! Tíiiiiio!" — Es difícil pillar por sorpresa a Bryan, pero si lo consigues suena así. "Cum..." — Su zumo del amor. "Jooodeeeeer...Cotrinaaaa...¡tienes culo de negra!..." — Jooodeeeer. Aunque algunos dicen que nació en Costa Rica, Briyin (o Biryin, según en que ámbitos) nació realmente en Pornolandia en 1985, siendo adoptado por la madre tierra santanderina. "Bryan, ¡oh Bryan! / creciste andando / con un taparrabos / Bryan ¡oh Bryan! " — D.E.P.
  • Bryan era el novio de Shannon en Australia. Se alió con ella para sacarle dinero a Boone. Cuando Shannon va a ver a Boone más tarde, dice que Bryan se ha llevado todo el dinero y la ha dejado. Boone aparece tocando la puerta de Bryan en Sídney. Estaba buscando a Shannon, y ella le pregunta qué hace allí, y Boone le dice que ha pasado 15 horas en un avión, y que un poco de alegría estaría bien. Shannon le dice que no es el mejor momento y sugiere a Boone que la llame mañana. Mientras lo dice, se aparta el pelo de la frente y se ve un morado. Boone se va y deja a Shannon y Bryan solos.
  • Boone showed up knocking at Bryan's door in Sydney, Australia. He was looking for Shannon, who walked in from another room. Shannon questioned Boone as to why he was there and Boone responded by saying that he had just spent 15 hours on a plane; any kind of greeting would be nice. Shannon told him that now wasn't really the best time and suggested that Boone call her tomorrow. As she was saying this, she ran her fingers through her hair to reveal a bruise on her forehead. Boone consented and left the two alone. Boone took things into his own hands and walked up to Bryan who was hosing down a picnic table on the dock area of one of the harbors. He told him that they needed to talk and that he wasn't going to waste his time - Bryan needed to break up Shannon, right then and there. "What you
  • Bryan era il fidanzato di Shannon in Australia. La aiuta in un piano per farsi dare dei soldi da Boone. Quando Shannon seduce Boone in "Ragione e sentimento", sostiene che Bryan le ha preso tutti i soldi e l'ha lasciata. Boone è in una stanza d'albergo con una borsa del ghiaccio sulla faccia, quando bussano alla porta. Boone apre e vede Shannon, che gli dice che Bryan ha preso i soldi e se ne andato.
  • Bryan był mieszkańcem Sydney oraz chłopakiem Shannon. Pewnego dnia przybył do nich Boone, który odwiedził siostrę. Bryan wyrzucił chłopaka za drzwi, ponieważ ten uznał, że bije on Shannon. Potem Bryan przebywał na przystani gdzie pracował. Przybył do niego Boone i zapłacił sporą sumę za to aby odczepił się od Shannon. Tak naprawdę o to chodziło mężczyźnie gdyż wraz z Shannon uknuł taką intrygę, że najpierw ta powie iż on ją bije a mpotem jej brat zapłaci mu za porzucenie dziewczyny. Potem Bryan i Shannon mieliby się podzielić pieniędzmi. Bryan jednak nie porzuca Shannon o czym przekonuje się Boone odwiedzając jeszcze raz siostrę. Tym razem wyjawia chłopakowi cały spisek. Wściekły Boone rzuca się na Bryana, ale ten jest silniejszy i pobija go a potem wyrzuca. Jakiś czas później Bryan zabier
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 18
  • 2
  • Present
  • Bryan
  • Bryan/Charles Mesure
  • Ragazzo di Shannon
vivant ou décédé
  • Vivant
  • Appears
Red Sky at Morning
  • mentioned
Watch The Thrones
  • Appears
Stealing Fire
  • appears
Terms and Conditions
  • Appears
  • appears
relations sentimentales
  • Nathan Miller - petit ami
  • Johan
  • "Hearts and Minds"
  • 5.680368E8
  • Australia
  • Kanto
  • Bryan
  • Kobieta/Mężczyzna
  • Bryan.jpg
  • Nieznane
  • 6
  • イサム Isamu
Perverse Instantiation (Part 1)
  • appears
Première Apparition
  • "Watch The Thrones"
  • Vanessa
  • Bryan
  • Sconosciuta
  • Unknown
  • Vivant
  • 3
  • Entrenador
  • "A Man Without Honor"
  • 4
  • Ciudad Carmín
  • Storm
  • Desconocida
  • Bryan
Dernière Apparition
  • 2.0
  • Fuyuko
Nbr. Apparition
  • 9
Number of Appearances
  • 2
  • Rare
  • Australie
  • black
  • red
  • white
The Four Horsemen
  • Mentioned
  • black
  • Eric McCormick
  • Student
  • Lobby guard
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • 36
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecida
  • Desconocida, posiblemente trabajador en el puerto
Voiced by
  • Uncredited
  • 1
  • Entrenador/Ranger
First Appearance
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • water
  • 250
  • Carly Hagan - Friend; Unknown
  • Jake - Friend; Deceased
  • Katie - Friend; Deceased
  • Kris - Friend; Deceased
  • Amanda - Friend; Deceased
  • Matt - Friend; Deceased
  • Sinnoh
  • Future Danville
  • Chłopak Shannon
Wanheda (Part 1)
  • Mentioned
Heavy Lies the Crown
  • Appears
Character Name
  • Bryan
  • Chocolate Especial
  • Black
  • 200
  • Exnovio de Shannon
  • Namorado de Shannon
  • Shannon's boyfriend
  • Shannons Freund
  • Bryan de Antigua
  • black
  • 2.200000
  • Same as Vanessa
Played By
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • Bryan
  • 120
  • left
  • right
  • La Junta
  • Trainer
  • 20
  • 200
  • Teen
  • Gallery
  • History
  • Introduction
  • Misc
  • Abilities and Powers
  • Personality and Relationships
  • 4
  • Bryan
  • L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N
Last Appearance
  • Evil!
  • College student
  • Desconhecida, talvez trabalhe em uma marina
  • unbekannt, arbeitet wahrscheinlich für die Marine
  • Bryan_Art_2.png
  • Muerto
  • Vivo
  • Captain
  • Arkadia Guard
  • 2007-01-05
  • Australia
  • Australien
  • Unknown
  • Austrália
  • Male
  • Boy
  • Terran
  • 1980
  • Charles Mesure als Bryan
  • Charles Mesure como Bryan
  • white
  • Unknown
  • --01-17
  • Mercader
  • Capitán de la Agitalanzas
  • Masculino
  • Unknown
  • Boone visits Shannon in Australia
  • Shannon tells Boone that Bryan took the money.
  • American
wikipage disambiguates
  • Sconosciuta, forse lavora in un porticciolo
  • Charles Mesure
  • Daniel Fehlow
  • Petit ami de Shannon.
  • Suffocated in a coffin
  • Appears
Bitter Harvest
  • Appears
Perverse Instantiation (Part 2)
  • Appears
  • Although he grew up in a family famous for its Green Beret members, Bryan was never interested in La Junta. He always felt much closer to the Roots. Convinced that Bryan had true hero blood in his veins, General Cr pulled him out of the vegetarian crew, and brainwashed him into becoming the clan's commando.
  • Bryan was the Australian boyfriend of Shannon Rutherford and an active participant in one of her many scams that were pulled on her brother Boone to obtain the money that was taken from her when her father died. When a failed attempt by Boone to have Bryan arrested occurs, Boone takes matters into his own hands and offers Bryan $25,000 to break up with his sister, Bryan then claims that his love for Shannon is closer to $50,000. When Boone arrives to get Shannon out of Bryan’s place, he discovers that the entire thing was a set-up. Bryan would eventually make good of Boone’s wish, and take the $50,000 and leave Shannon.
  • Es un Entrenador/Rangerer que busca diversión. 1. * REDIRECCIÓN
  • Boone showed up knocking at Bryan's door in Sydney, Australia. He was looking for Shannon, who walked in from another room. Shannon questioned Boone as to why he was there and Boone responded by saying that he had just spent 15 hours on a plane; any kind of greeting would be nice. Shannon told him that now wasn't really the best time and suggested that Boone call her tomorrow. As she was saying this, she ran her fingers through her hair to reveal a bruise on her forehead. Boone consented and left the two alone. Boone took things into his own hands and walked up to Bryan who was hosing down a picnic table on the dock area of one of the harbors. He told him that they needed to talk and that he wasn't going to waste his time - Bryan needed to break up Shannon, right then and there. "What you don't understand, Bryan, is that you'll be the third guy I've paid to leave. Go to her house when she's not there, get your stuff, and never have contact with her again," he said, promising Bryan that he would give him 25,000 US dollars for his deed if he came through. Bryan, instead, bargained for $50,000, to which Boone agreed. Bryan walked in on Boone and Shannon's conversation. Boone repeated his wanting to leave with Shannon a second time to Bryan, who asked him why he didn't get it. Boone realized from this remark that he had been set up, to which Bryan continued by saying that Shannon was "just getting what she's owed." He told Boone that his mother apparently "screwed Shannon over after her daddy died, kept all her father's money for herself." Boone guessed that this wasn't the first time Shannon had set him up and he ordered Bryan not to touch him. Bryan went ahead anyway and began punching Boone repeatedly. Shannon became frantic, yelling for Bryan to get off her brother. A bloody Boone struggled to his feet and limped out of the house.
  • Bryan est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième saison de The 100. Il est interprété par Jonathan Whitesell et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode "Watch The Thrones". Bryan est le petit ami de Nathan Miller, c'est un survivant de la station agro.
  • Bryan is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
  • Bryan is a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons. He is portrayed by actor Jonathan Whitesell and débuts in Watch the Thrones.
  • Bryan is an unseen character mentioned in the second season. Bryan was Jaime Lannister's squire on the day of Willem Frey's wedding tournament.
  • Bryan appears in Blood Brothers.
  • Bryan was a student at Dakota Union High School.
  • Bryan apparently fled for Cantha with his family when the Charr invaded Ascalon. When the plague struck Cantha, he lost his wife and children. His greatest desire now is to return to Ascalon. In Wintersday 2005, Bryan expected something extra special under his tree.
  • Bryan ist Shannons Freund in Australien. Er hilft ihr dabei bei einer Hochstapelei, um an Boones Geld zu kommen. Als Shannon Boone später verführt, behauptet sie Bryan hätte das ganze Geld genommen und sei verschwunden. Boone fliegt nach Australien, nachdem er einen beunruhigenden Anruf von Shannon erhalten hat, und klopft an Bryans Haustür in Sydney. Er fragt nach Shannon, die in dem Moment in das Zimmer kommt und ihn fragt, was er wolle. Boone antwortet, er habe gerade 15 Stunden im Flugzeug verbracht und dass ein "Freut mich, dich zu sehen. Toll, dass du gekommen bist.." schön wäre. Shannon erzählt ihm, der Augenblick sei ungünstig und bittet ihn, er solle am Tag darauf anrufen. Dabei fährt sie mit der Hand durch ihr Haar und offenbart einen blauen Fleck auf der Stirn. Boone ist zunächst einverstanden und lässt die beiden alleine. Boone geht darauf zur australischen Polizei und meldet möglichen Missbrauchsfall, erfährt jedoch von dem Polizisten, dass er ihm nicht helfen könne, da es keine Beschwerde und eindeutigere Hinweise gäbe. Boone entscheidet daraufhin, sich selbst um die Sache zu kümmern und sucht Bryan am Hafen von Sydney auf, als dieser gerade seine Yacht säubert. Er erzählt ihm, er wolle seine Zeit nicht verschwenden und komme gleich zur Sache - Bryan müsse jetzt sofort seine Schwester verlassen. Er sagt ihm "Du verstehst das nicht, Bryan. Du bist der dritte Typ, dem ich Geld gebe, damit er abhaut. Geh ins Haus, wenn sie nicht da ist, pack dein Zeug und nimm nie wieder Kontakt mit ihr auf", und ihm 25.000 Dollar dafür an. Bryan handelt ihn auf 50.000 Dollar hoch. Danach geht Boone zu Bryans Haus, um Shannon abzuholen. Diese scheint noch nicht aufbruchsbereit zu sein und sagt, er komme viel zu früh. Boone besteht darauf, dass sie ihre Sachen packt und fragt, was mit ihr los sei. In diesem Moment kommt Bryan ins Zimmer und fragt ihn, ob er es immer noch nicht verstehe. In diesem Moment sieht Boone ein, dass das ganze ein abgekartetes Spiel gewesen ist. Bryan erzählt ihm, Shannon hole sich nur, was ihr zustehe, da Boones Mutter sie um das Geld ihres Vaters betrogen habe, als dieser gestorben sei. Boone vermutet, dass diese Aktion nicht die erste ihrer Art gewesen ist und beschimpft Shannon als "Miststück". Bryan will ihn zurechtweisen und ein Handgemenge bricht aus, bei dem Shannon ihren Bruder verteidigt. Boone verlässt schließlich das Haus. Später ist Boone alleine im Hotel, als Shannon bei ihm klopft. Er lässt sie herein, und sie erzählt ihm, Bryan sei mit dem Geld abgehauen. („“)
  • Bryan był mieszkańcem Sydney oraz chłopakiem Shannon. Pewnego dnia przybył do nich Boone, który odwiedził siostrę. Bryan wyrzucił chłopaka za drzwi, ponieważ ten uznał, że bije on Shannon. Potem Bryan przebywał na przystani gdzie pracował. Przybył do niego Boone i zapłacił sporą sumę za to aby odczepił się od Shannon. Tak naprawdę o to chodziło mężczyźnie gdyż wraz z Shannon uknuł taką intrygę, że najpierw ta powie iż on ją bije a mpotem jej brat zapłaci mu za porzucenie dziewczyny. Potem Bryan i Shannon mieliby się podzielić pieniędzmi. Bryan jednak nie porzuca Shannon o czym przekonuje się Boone odwiedzając jeszcze raz siostrę. Tym razem wyjawia chłopakowi cały spisek. Wściekły Boone rzuca się na Bryana, ale ten jest silniejszy i pobija go a potem wyrzuca. Jakiś czas później Bryan zabiera wszystkie pieniądze i ucieka.
  • Bryan era el novio de Shannon en Australia. Se alió con ella para sacarle dinero a Boone. Cuando Shannon va a ver a Boone más tarde, dice que Bryan se ha llevado todo el dinero y la ha dejado. Boone aparece tocando la puerta de Bryan en Sídney. Estaba buscando a Shannon, y ella le pregunta qué hace allí, y Boone le dice que ha pasado 15 horas en un avión, y que un poco de alegría estaría bien. Shannon le dice que no es el mejor momento y sugiere a Boone que la llame mañana. Mientras lo dice, se aparta el pelo de la frente y se ve un morado. Boone se va y deja a Shannon y Bryan solos. Boone denuncia los malos tratos a Shannon a la policía, aunque Malcolm, el oficial, dice que no puede ayudarle. . Ante el hecho de que la policía no va a ayudarle, Boone va directamente a hablar con Bryan al puerto. Boone le ofrece 25 000 dólares americanos a cambio de dejarla, y le dice que es el tercer tío al que paga para que deje a Shannon. Al principio Bryan se hace el ofendido, pero acepta dejarla a cambio de 50 000 dólares. Después, Boone vuelve a casa de Shannon. Ella se enfada, y dice que habían quedado más tarde. Boone no le hace caso, y quiere llevársela de allí ya. Aparece Bryan, y Boone le vuelve a decir que quiere que deje a su hermana. Bryan le mira y le pregunta que por qué no lo ha entendido. En ese momento Boone se da cuenta de que ha sido engañado por su propia hermana. Bryan sigue diciéndole que Shannon solo ha «cogido lo que era suyo», ya que la madre de Boone había cogido todo el dinero del padre de Shannon en cuanto este murió. En ese momento empieza una pelea entre Bryan y Boone, de la que éste sale perdedor. Un humillado Boone sale de la casa. Boone estaba después solo en su habitación del hotel cuando Shannon llegó. Estaba borracha, y le dice a Boone que Bryan se la llevado todo el dinero y la ha dejado.
  • Bryan is a boy from Amberwood Prep. He is a friend of Greg Slade and he attempts ask Sydney Sage out for a date and failing to do so.
  • Bryan is a character appearing in Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl.
  • Bryan is a charectar 15 in Picture Town, his birthday is (April 3rd, 2002), his age is (13). By: Roc. Sept. 21st, 2015.
  • Bryan is a captain in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. He can be found aboard the Odyssey east of New Sorpigal. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, the party can sail to Mist, which takes three days and costs 100 gold.
  • Bryan est l'ex-petit ami de Shannon. Celle-ci fait croire à son frère Boone qu'il la bat. Boone porte plainte au commissariat mais le policier dit qu'il ne peut rien faire si la victime ne porte pas plainte elle-même. Boone paye alors 50 000$ à Bryan pour qu'il n'approche plus sa sœur. Malheureusement, Shannon lui dit que c'était une arnaque. Mais le piège se referme sur elle car Bryan s'enfuit avec l'argent. (Le Cœur a ses raisons)
  • Bryan era il fidanzato di Shannon in Australia. La aiuta in un piano per farsi dare dei soldi da Boone. Quando Shannon seduce Boone in "Ragione e sentimento", sostiene che Bryan le ha preso tutti i soldi e l'ha lasciata. Boone va a bussare alla porta di Bryan a Sydney, Australia. Sta cercando Shannon, che esce da un'altra stanza. Shannon domanda a Boone il perchè si trovi lì e Boone risponde dicendo che ha appena passato 15 ore su un aereo; gli avrebbe fatto piacere un qualunque genere di saluto. Shannon gli dice che quello non è il momento migliore e consiglia a Boone di chiamarla il giorno dopo. Nel dire questo, Shannon si passa le dita tra i capelli, rivelando un livido sulla fronte. Boone acconsente e lascia i due soli. Boone denuncia gli abusi di Bryan su Shannon alla stazione di polizia, anche se Malcolm, l'ufficiale, dichiara di non poterlo aiutare. Dopo una breve conversazione sulla sua famiglia, Boone riporta il discorso su Bryan, chiedendo che qualcono andasse almeno a controllare. Malcolm ribadisce che non può fare nulla. Boone prende la situazione nelle sue manie e si presenta davanti a Bryan che sta annaffiando un tavolo da picnic al porto su uno dei moli. Gli dice ha bisogno di parlargli e che questa volta non vuole perdere il suo tempo - Bryan deve lasciare immediatamente Shannon. Boone gli dice che è il terzo ragazzo che paga per andarsene e che deve andare a casa di Shannon quando lei non c'è, raccogliere le sue cose e non avere mai più contatti con lei. Bryan negozia 50000 dollari, dopo che Boone ne aveva offerti 25000. In seguito, Boone torna a casa di Shannon per portarla via con sè. Shannon si comporta in modo strano e gli dice di tornare più tardi. Ad un certo punto, Bryan entra dalla porta. Boone ribadisce il suo desiderio di portare via Shannon e chiede a Bryan perchè non se ne è andato. Boone capisce di essere stato raggirato. L'uomo lo deride sprezzantemente rivelandogli che Shannon ha orchestrato l’intera storia per ottenere quei soldi da Boone: la madre del ragazzo, infatti, si è presa ingiustamente tutta l'eredità del padre di Shannon e l'ha lasciata senza un quattrino. Boone è umiliato e lascia sfogare le sue emozioni attaccando Bryan che però ha presto la meglio sul ragazzo e lo colpisce ripetutamente. Shannon diventa furiosa, urlando a Bryan di mettere giù le mani dal fratello. Boone è in una stanza d'albergo con una borsa del ghiaccio sulla faccia, quando bussano alla porta. Boone apre e vede Shannon, che gli dice che Bryan ha preso i soldi e se ne andato.
  • Bryan was a troublesome teddy boy who, along with his friend Leslie, caused bother for two Coronation Street residents in 1961. In January of that year, the two boys entered the Corner Shop in high spirits and boisterously called for Florrie Lindley who was in the back. When she emerged, they cheekily asked if she is the woman who had her name in the papers recently for being prosecuted for selling firelighters after 7.00pm and being fined £1, before sarcastically requesting some tins of striped paint and joking about the babies' teething rings on display. When her kettle whistled, Florrie was reluctant to into the back to attend to it and leave the boys in the shop. She was right to worry - once she was out of sight, Leslie hid some teething rings under his coat, while Bryan threw sugar across the floor. Florrie returned and saw what they had been up to. Bryan refused to return the teething rings to a distressed Florrie. At that moment, Harry Hewitt entered the shop and Florrie told him what was going on. Harry threatened to beat them up so they handed back the teething rings while Florrie vowed to send the police after them. Defiant to the last, Bryan told Harry he only backed down as he didn't want to hurt him. They left the shop and Florrie was relieved at Harry's intervention. Two months later in March, Bryan and Leslie visited Snape's Cafe during Doreen Lostock's first night shift in that establishment. This time they were dressed in their full teddy boy regalia. As they entered, Bryan tipped a bowl of sugar into the teacup of an unsuspecting customer. They approached Doreen behind the counter and gave her cheek. Bryan asked if she had anything for a penny to which she retorted "Aye, gents' lavatory, first on the right". Referring to Leslie as "Yogi Bear", Doreen asked if he wanted anything. Leslie replied a jukebox, as thought the place was dead to which Doreen replied that they wouldn't be stopping then. For every cheeky remark they made, Doreen responded with a smart reply until they gave up and left the cafe. Sylvia Snape was highly impressed and grateful to Doreen for dealing with the boys so efficiently. The two characters were credited as "Teddy Boys" on their first appearance.
  • Bryan was a terran who lived on Tarsonis, employed by the Terra Family as the daytime lobby guard for the Terra Skyscraper. It was a position that got him killed, shot to death by a group of rebels intent on eliminating the Terra Family.
  • Bryan is a character in the comic Final Destination: Spring Break. He is a survivor of the Hotel Grand Tzolk explosion and is a close friend of Carly Hagan. Bryan, along with Carly and his friends Kris, Katie, Amanda, Matt and Jake all decide to take a vacation from college during Spring Break, heading out for the city Cancún. While they were on the plane there, Carly had a vision of everyone dying from a terrible hotel explosion due to a leaky boiler. Although traumatized from the event Carly's boyfriend Jake manages to calm her down, and they all proceed to go into the city, where they party on the beach and streets. That night at the hotel they're staying at, Carly freaks out again and asks for everyone to go outside. While they're waiting in the grass, the hotel explodes. The next morning, Sue Flanders tells them that they are unable to leave the city after Bryan suggests whether or not they should stay or go. On the taxi ride to the beach, Bryan explains to Carly how she has a gift that many people are unaware of and they go parasailing. During the boat ride Carly shouts for Matt to stop the boat but the throttle gets stuck and he's unable to do so. Kris ran to the back of the boat to shut off the engine, but the boat hit the reef and Kris wound up being gutted once the propeller flipped out the water and gutted him. The gang later goes to the hospital and Carly tries to explain to the group how Death may be out to get the survivors, but no one listens except for Bryan. Later that night, Katie is killed once she falls onto a medical display skeleton. With two of their friends dead, Carly and the gang find out that three other people, Dreena, Jeremy, and Gino, survived the explosion and are residing in a hotel. They team up with the group and go explore a set of Mayan ruins, with Bryan and Carly breaking away from the main crowd. They run into a shaman who keeps following the two and tells them about five unlucky days, before muttering the saying "La muterte tiene un diseño", which means "Death has a design." Bryan is confused by the saying and keeps muttering it along the way until the group goes scuba diving, and Gino is killed once a statue of an eel hits his air tank and it shoots him through the glass floor of the boat. In peril, Flanders arranges for the group to leave the city and bids them goodbye, just in time for a forklift driver to have a fatal heart attack. The forklift goes out of control and crashes through the bridge, killing Flanders, Dreena, and Jeremy, and their only means of escaping the city. With no other option, they are forced to stay behind at a hotel, where Carly and Bryan get closer and flirt with each other behind Jake's back. The group later spends time in the hottub, where Amanda leave to go swimming. As she swims, the boiler for the hottub malfunctions and the pool cover closes, trapping Amanda inside where she drowns. Upset, Matt storms away from the group while they chase after him, only to see him die once he is set on fire by several fireworks. Detective Garcia finally gets ahold of Carly and the others and tells them to go to the roof of the hotel in order for a pickup so they can leave the city. As they storm onto the roof, the pilot lands the chopper and Jake rushes to get aboard. However, due to the high speeds of the hurricane, the helicopter is blown in Jake's direction and he is chopped to pieces by the blades, shortly before the chopper itself crashes and explodes into the roof. Bryan suddenly realizes he's next and the two dodge all sorts of debris as the hotel begins to explode. After nearly getting crushed by a sign, run over by a jeep, and impaled in the head by a broken tree, they arrive at a funeral parlor. Bryan is the last survivor of the Hotel Grand Tzolk explosion to die. Thinking they cheated Death, Bryan instructs Carly to hide inside a coffin until the hurricane is over. While he is in the coffin, debris falls from the ceiling and onto the coffin, trapping him inside. Bryan desperately tries to claw his way out of the coffin, but eventually suffocates, and his body and the bloody mess he made are discovered by Carly after the storm's over. * The plane Bryan rode to Cancún was number 1188. * The morning after the hotel explosion, Carly is wearing a shirt that reads "Don't keep the faith." * Bryan almost died four times. He was nearly impaled in the head by a broken tree, nearly incinerated in the hotel, nearly run over by a jeep, and almost crushed by a sign. * Running past a gas station, Bryan sees a sign advertising a pack of cigarettes for $11.88. * After accidentally cutting her hand on a piece of glass, Carly unintentionally smears her blood on Bryan's jacket when she reaches out to grab him, symbolizing the bloody scratch marks that Bryan leaves in the coffin . * It's ironic that Bryan died inside a coffin, let alone a funeral parlor.
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Eeeeh! Tíiiiiio!" — Es difícil pillar por sorpresa a Bryan, pero si lo consigues suena así. "Cum..." — Su zumo del amor. "Jooodeeeeer...Cotrinaaaa...¡tienes culo de negra!..." — Jooodeeeer. Aunque algunos dicen que nació en Costa Rica, Briyin (o Biryin, según en que ámbitos) nació realmente en Pornolandia en 1985, siendo adoptado por la madre tierra santanderina. Ingresó en el Mayor con un pan bajo el brazo llamado The Source que hizo las delicias del resto de colegiales en aquel año. En efecto, sus 80 gigas de porno de gran calidad, seleccionado personalmente y con mimo, aseguró más de una satisfacción. Todavía se recuerdan las sesiones públicas de porno duro en la 2ªA (mientras Bryan nos comentaba los tipos de planos o decía: "eso es amor tíiio") o la revelación acerca de su fantasía sexual en donde mujeres y heces tienen cabida. Integrante de la Plaza Mayor de la 2ªA, desde el 2003 hasta el 2007 estuvo residiendo en el mismo cuarto, la 207. Bryan es estudiante de Informática en la Autónoma, aunque no se caracterice por pisar dichas instalaciones. Amante de la música, posee un gran oído que le valió para formar parte de los Applerounders Men, donde tocó la batería, pasando posteriormente a integrar las filas de Metal Oxidado a cargo del mismo instrumento. Finalmente, tras la incorporación de Alain a la batería, Bryan encontro en la guitarra su mejor forma de exteriorización del odio que lleva dentro, porque no olvidemos que odiar es uno de sus principales hobbies (odia a su casero, odia a la mujer de su casero, odia a su vecino, a la novia de su vecino...). Durante el curso 2006/2007 empezo a conocérsele como El Príncipe, tras su aparición estelar como protagonista en la película de Mel Gibson "Apocalípto". En su biografía no oficial, reciéntemente publicada, se rumoreaba que creció apartado del mundo en las selvas de Costa Rica en donde tatareaba su canción favorita: "Bryan, ¡oh Bryan! / creciste andando / con un taparrabos / Bryan ¡oh Bryan! " — D.E.P. Su evolución en cuanto a gustos musicales es más que curiosa, vino al Mayor hecho un bakala y de tanto convivir con Folch acabó siendo Jevi. Como consejero colegial, dio un cambio en su rol de proveedor de porno clausurando La Fuente y empezó a leer poemas de escritores malditos (Bukowski, Panero, Kierkegaard...). Y convirtió en uno de sus mayores divertimentos dar paseos de madrugada en busca de las rosas del Botánico. right|thumb|150px|Bryan en una tarde cualquiera
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