  • Cassie
  • Cassie
  • Cassie
  • Cassie
  • Cassie
  • Cassie
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Cassie is a Minor Character that makes an appearance in Gone, she is one of the Littles & Prees
  • Cassie is the first girl unlocked in the game, and the one that unlocks the most content as you advance through her stages. You encounter her at the very beginning, when you crush her with your bicycle, breaking her ribs and hospitalizing her.
  • Cassie is an Animorph, but nobody cares, Cassie's known animal forms include a wolf and a T. rex's butt.
  • Cassie is a group of people who makes vlogs. They are suitable for 13 and up because there are a few sexualvised discussions. They also use bad language and insults.
  • Hun selger følgende gjenstander: * Wooden shields * Bronze sq shields * Bronze kiteshields * Iron sq shields * Iron kiteshields * Steel sq shields * Steel kiteshields * Mithril sq shields
  • Cassie on kilpikauppias Faladorin puiston toisen sisäänkäynnin vieressä (läntisemmän), pienessä rakennuksessa. Voit ostaa Cassielta kilpiä, hinnaston näet oheisessa kuvassa.
  • Cassie is a neighbour of Mitchell, George and Annie. She is invited to their house by Mitchell, as Mitchell wants to live a normal human life which includes contact to the neighbours. She is doing Mediastudies at the college with Imran and Rory. Cassie only has one kidney. She was born that way and nobody knows why.
  • Jeune humaine de 18 ans, Cassie ne mesure ni plus ni moins qu’un mètre soixante cinq et possède de longs cheveux lisses et châtains aux reflets roux et parsemés d’atebas multicolores, preuve de son excentricité, ses vêtements également sont d’ailleurs le plus souvent bariolés de couleurs vives. Ses yeux sont d’un bleu-gris pâle, mais elle s’évertue à défendre qu’ils sont bleus pâles et rien d’autre. La teinte de sa peau est bronzée et de cette beauté naturelle qu’elle possède, on dit qu’elle l’a hérité de sa mère.
  • Cassie is the shy, cute and pretty little pink dragoness of the group and Emmy's best friend. She's the 35th hatchling of 72 (74 in some episodes) in her family - the typical middle child. Out of everyone in the main cast and despite her cuteness and beauty, she is shy most of the time, but makes up for it with her extensive knowledge of Dragon Land. She is voiced by Chantal Strand, who also voiced other characters such as Bijou in Hamtaro and Diamond Tiara in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
  • Cassie appears in Blood Brothers.
  • Cassie was a girl from Metropolis.
  • Cassie — Character
  • Cassie aparece en el capítulo 9 de la serie televisiva Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Es interpretada por Beth McKenzie.
  • Character in Easy Come, Easy Go. Once dated Soldier, now dating John. She has an otherworldly presence and, at the close of the story, is required to return 'home'... Better known as Cassilda... Also the name of a character in Sylvia's Pictures who vanished a year after her daughter, Sylvia, was born. The name could also be a shortening of Cassandra.
  • Cassandra "Cassie" Garner is the wife of Alan Garner.
  • Cassie is a human student at Carlton College in Palm Springs. She is the girlfriend of art student, Rowena Clark, and is friends with Moroi Adrian Ivashkov. Cassie is a culinery student at Carlton College and according to several students is incredibly talented.
  • Cassie is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • Cassie is a strange, part-plant being who seems to be affiliated with Faerie Idol Belldandy. She has currently been assigned to help Klak's group reach the Keruvim.
  • Cassie, born as Olivia Debray, was a 10th generation Malkavian resident of Washington, D.C.. A thin, gaunt woman with black hair and hazel eyes. She’s about 5’4” and usually dresses in styles reminiscent of the 1920s. She almost always wears a hat.
  • Cassie is an American professional wrestler currently working for Next Generation Wrestling (NGW) where she is on the show Warzone.
  • Nickname(s): Tree hugger Gender: Female Age: 13 - 16 (Series Time Span) Personality: Calm, Caring, Peace-loving. Battle Morph: Wolf Best Friend: Rachel Boyfriend: Jake
  • Current Name: Cassie© (VT) Other names: Cassielicious, Cass© (VT) Alliases: Serenity© (VT), Lunapeluna E-mail: IMs: * * Armies: None at the moment Years TT: 1 Year & 5 Months Favorite Tank: LightTank Cassie's Mods: * Swedish Swamp * Nordic Neighbourhood Hoster: Yes, dedicated. Skins Made: None
  • Cassie is a non-player character who owns Cassie's Shields, located in Falador just north-east of the town square. There is also a cape and cookedmeat spawn upstairs in her shop.
  • A minor one-off character in the Venture Bros. episode Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner, Cassie is the "favorite" secretary of President Breyer. They are both having an illicit affair together.
  • "I’m not trying to be some kind of martyr, or say that I’m always a screwup. I’m not. In my world, making hard choices is part of the deal. Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong. Sometimes I just can’t tell, even when the mission is over and we’ve all come out alive, at least. " — Cassie, Book #44: The Unexpected, pg. 78 Cassie is the heart of the Animorphs and easily the best morpher, an Estreen.
  • Castform's known moves are: Weather Ball, Sunny Day, Hail, Rain Dance, and her ability is Forecast.
  • Cassie's father, Kevin O'Casey, is running another of the many scams that frustrate his long-suffering wife and daughter, Cassie. This one involves selling and reclaiming a race horse. Hoss decides to teach O'Casey a lesson in honesty, with the help of Cassie and her mother.
  • Cassie is a guest at Barney and Robin's wedding. She is the daughter of Barney's mother, Loretta's, friend.
  • Cassie était une jeune Humaine, dans les visions de Benjamin Sisko sous l'influence des Prophètes et des Pah-wraiths.
  • Cassie is friend of Marnie Piper during Halloween High. She was captured by the father of Ethan Dalloway. While Cassie was trapped, she was stuck in Ethan's mirror phone. During at the mirror, Ethan was shocked when he saw her in his mirror phone. She was also a is witch like Marnie. She was locked up by at the club when she heard a metal creek inside the and also opening the knight mask. Then she disappeared out of nowhere. Cassie was also a friend of Ethan Dalloway for a very long time ago. Ethan felt upset when Cassie vanished.
  • thumb|Cassie (1953) Cassie ist ein Mensch in den 50er-Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie ist die Freundin von Benny Russell und arbeitet in einem Restaurant, dem Harlem Coffee Shop. 1953 erklärt Mrs. Jackson ihre Bereitschaft für einen Verkauf des Restaurants an Cassie und Benny Russell. Cassie versucht vergeblich Russell davon zu überzeugen das professionelle Schreiben sein zu lassen und stattdessen mit ihm das Restaurant zu übernehmen und eine Familie zu gründen. (DS9: ) Cassie wurde von Penny Johnson gespielt und von Joseline Gassen synchronisiert.
  • Cassie is a character that appears in the cartoon show episode "Phantom Bagpiper". She is a pony owned and watched over by her ghostly caretaker Laird Milton McKilty, along with her brother Scotty. She and Scotty are being sought after by the greedy horse jockey Frugal McDougal, who captured Cassie by having his servant disguise himself as a horse to lure them toward a magnet that McDougal installed on his mule cart, though Scotty managed to escape. Scotty helped Smurfette win back Cassie as well as her friends Clumsy and Painter by participating in a horse race with McDougal, which they managed to win when Smoogle imitated the sound of McKilty's bagpipe to make Scotty run faster.
  • Cassie was a friend of Chris and John in their high school years. Cassie had a big crush on Chris and tried flirting with him openly to get his attention. Chris showed no real interest. Cassie saw Daniela from a movie Chris and John made. She noticed something different, though she couldn't tell why. She became increasingly jealous when she realized Chris had liked Daniela. Though it's not stated how long she's known Chris, she's known him enough to know his father was know to be abusive to him. On the night of the prom, she apparently came by herself but was dancing with John.
  • Cassie is a character in the novel Final Destination: Dead Reckoning. She is one of the fatalities of the Club Kitty accident and is the secondary guitarist for the rock band The Vipers, led by Jessica Golden. As Cassie was playing along with her band, the lead singer has a premonition of the club collapsing due to a misfired bullet, which kills Jess and the rest of her band. Cassie used to date Charlie Delgado for a short period of time until she caught him cheating on her with her sister.
  • UNDER CONSTRUCTION She's always on hiatus. 8| But we love her anyways <3 She also has a page here but I forgot about it so now she has two pages. Rock on. Cass is a 2nd year Cultural Studies Major at Trent University in Oshawa that works at Tim Hortons (unfortunately). She wants to go into writing once she's done school, and is already working on her first novel (Faeriestone) in the hopes of having it published upon completion. She joined the Elegante close to when it first began and has stuck around ever since.
  • When she first meets Marnie and Dylan, the first impression given about her is that she's energetic, inquisitive, and a bit dense; she openly asked if they were humans, something that would be a dead give away that she wasn't. Edgar Dalloway later sealed her in a Witch's glass to help instigate things by causing a disapearance. Gwen later found and freed her, allowing Cassie to join her friends in the haunted house. Once the Council decided that there was no threat to Halloweentown anymore, Cassie joined everyone at the fair for fun.
  • Cassie ist Rachels beste Freundin. Ihre Mutter Michelle arbeitet als Tierärztin in den Gardens, was Cassie in Bd.1 ("Die Invasion") dazu nutzt, die Animorphs hinter die Kulissen des Tiergartens zu führen, sodass sie sich ihre ersten Kampfmorphs zulegen können, und was ihnen auch im Lauf der Serie immer wieder Nutzen bringt. Cassies Vater(Walter) leitet eine Wildtierklinik in seiner Scheune, in der sich die Animorphs im Lauf der Serie mehrfach Wildtiermorphs zulegen, wie beispielsweise ihre Raubvogelgestalten, Jakes Rotkehlanolis und eine Wolfsgestalt. Cassie selbst wollte vor dem Kampf gegen die Yirks ebenfalls Tierärztin werden, da sie die Natur über alles liebt (weshalb sie von Marco des öfteren damit aufgezogen wird), und sie ist der Ruhepol der Animorphs, da sie sich stets um eine kame
  • 10
  • Silver Shadows
  • 13
  • Good
  • Féminin
Monde d'Origine
  • None
Row 4 info
  • Sophie & Kiki , Finn , and 69 to 71 more
  • 125.0
Row 7 title
  • Debut Appearance
  • コバシ Kobashi
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • It's a Cassie
  • Nice eyes.
  • She sells shields
  • 1953
Known Aliases
  • La Casinadie!
  • None
  • Cassie in 1953
Row 4 title
  • Relatives
  • 1929
Row 2 info
  • Dragon
Row 6 info
  • Chantal Strand
Nom Usuel
  • Cassie
Row 1 title
  • Gender
Row 5 info
  • A light blue orb hung by a gold necklace
Row 2 title
  • Species
Row 6 title
  • Voice Actor
Row 5 title
  • Dragon Badge
  • No
Row 3 info
  • 7
Row 3 title
  • Age
  • Cassie
Row 7 info
  • 6
Box Title
  • Cassie
  • Mother
  • Student
  • Student,
  • Dipolmat to Free Hork-Bajir and Yeerk Peace Movement,
  • Animorph,
  • Assistant at Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic,
  • Cassie
  • Sans-Destin
Birth Date
  • 1984-03-17
  • Masasa Moyo
  • Biko
  • Nadia-Leigh Nascimento
  • Marilyn Alldredge
  • Brown
Full Name
  • Claudia Cassidy
  • Palm Springs
  • Enemies
  • Alliances
  • Current
  • Notable
  • characteristics
  • Prior
  • 19
  • 22
  • 5.680368E8
Voiced by
  • Alive
  • Active
  • Fallecida
  • The Fiery Heart
  • Black
  • Blond
  • Cassie
  • Olivia Debray
  • grass
  • normal
  • B
  • 250
  • 1971-10-24
Known relatives
  • Julia
  • Cassie in 1979
  • Cassie in 2004
  • Unova
Known Affiliations
  • None
Special Powers
  • None.
  • 200
  • Wesley, Ted
  • Unnamed Father
Character Name
  • Cassie!
Significant Other
  • No
  • Tree hugger, Mother Earth
Skin Color
  • White
  • Disparu
Created by
  • Xaq
  • 145
  • Roughly 180 lbs, presumably
  • 200
  • Unnamed Mother
Episode Number
  • 395
  • *Cassie *Cassandra
  • Basketball
Voice Actor
  • Pickle131
Birth Place
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Massive update!
  • 5
  • 300.0
  • Cassie
Marital Status
  • Engaged to Benny Russell
Image size
  • 400
  • Trainer
  • --08-25
Favorite Food
  • Spaghetti
  • Sword
  • Cassie_1979.jpg
  • Cassie_2004.jpg
  • Cartoon Show
  • 250
  • Waitress
  • Secretary
  • Taxi Driver
  • student
  • Milton McKilty's pet
  • Student at Carlton College
  • TBD
  • 2001-04-06
  • 2001-04-06
Eye Color
  • Unknown
Image File
  • Cassie3.png
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Female
  • female
  • 1985
  • Cassandra De Luca
Blood Type
  • A
  • Unknown
  •  Reverend Robert Lowell
  • Sells shields along with the Wooden Shield
  • American
wikipage disambiguates
Gift Preference
  • Flowers
Liked Trait
  • Buff
Favorite Job
  • Lifeguard
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Cassie is a Minor Character that makes an appearance in Gone, she is one of the Littles & Prees
  • Cassie is the first girl unlocked in the game, and the one that unlocks the most content as you advance through her stages. You encounter her at the very beginning, when you crush her with your bicycle, breaking her ribs and hospitalizing her.
  • Cassie is an Animorph, but nobody cares, Cassie's known animal forms include a wolf and a T. rex's butt.
  • When she first meets Marnie and Dylan, the first impression given about her is that she's energetic, inquisitive, and a bit dense; she openly asked if they were humans, something that would be a dead give away that she wasn't. Edgar Dalloway later sealed her in a Witch's glass to help instigate things by causing a disapearance. Gwen later found and freed her, allowing Cassie to join her friends in the haunted house. Once the Council decided that there was no threat to Halloweentown anymore, Cassie joined everyone at the fair for fun. Image:Stub.png This character article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Cassie is a group of people who makes vlogs. They are suitable for 13 and up because there are a few sexualvised discussions. They also use bad language and insults.
  • Hun selger følgende gjenstander: * Wooden shields * Bronze sq shields * Bronze kiteshields * Iron sq shields * Iron kiteshields * Steel sq shields * Steel kiteshields * Mithril sq shields
  • Cassie on kilpikauppias Faladorin puiston toisen sisäänkäynnin vieressä (läntisemmän), pienessä rakennuksessa. Voit ostaa Cassielta kilpiä, hinnaston näet oheisessa kuvassa.
  • Cassie ist Rachels beste Freundin. Ihre Mutter Michelle arbeitet als Tierärztin in den Gardens, was Cassie in Bd.1 ("Die Invasion") dazu nutzt, die Animorphs hinter die Kulissen des Tiergartens zu führen, sodass sie sich ihre ersten Kampfmorphs zulegen können, und was ihnen auch im Lauf der Serie immer wieder Nutzen bringt. Cassies Vater(Walter) leitet eine Wildtierklinik in seiner Scheune, in der sich die Animorphs im Lauf der Serie mehrfach Wildtiermorphs zulegen, wie beispielsweise ihre Raubvogelgestalten, Jakes Rotkehlanolis und eine Wolfsgestalt. Cassie selbst wollte vor dem Kampf gegen die Yirks ebenfalls Tierärztin werden, da sie die Natur über alles liebt (weshalb sie von Marco des öfteren damit aufgezogen wird), und sie ist der Ruhepol der Animorphs, da sie sich stets um eine kameradschaftliche Atmosphäre bemüht. Allerdings stürzt die Tatsache, dass sie beim Morphen ein Tier kontrollieren, Cassie immer wieder in moralische Konflikte, da dies ihrer Ansicht nach bei intelligenteren Tieren wie beispielsweise ihre Delfingestalten oder ihre Schimpansengestalten nichts anderes ist, als die Yirks tun. Auch sonst ist Cassie das moralische Mitglied des Teams, da sie sich noch mehr als die anderen Gedanken darum macht, was der Krieg sie alle kostet. Cassie fasste bereits einmal den Entschluss, aus dem Krieg auszusteigen, wurde jedoch von Aftran, einer pazifistischen Yirkfrau, deren Bruder Cassie im Kampf tötete, eines besseren belehrt, da Aftran ein kleines Mädchen namens Karen kontrollierte und diese Kontrolle aufgab, um Karen ein normales Leben zu ermöglichen. Privat hat sich Cassie in Jake verliebt, was seit dem ersten Band angedeutet und in Band 26 für offiziell erklärt wird, da sie Jake hier, voller Erleichterung darüber, dass er einer tödlichen Verletzung durch rasches Zurückmorphen entgangen ist, zum ersten Mal küsst, und die beiden danach mehr oder weniger ein Paar sind. Cassie kämpft in der Gestalt eines Wolfes und fliegt in der Gestalt eines Fischadlers.
  • Cassie is a neighbour of Mitchell, George and Annie. She is invited to their house by Mitchell, as Mitchell wants to live a normal human life which includes contact to the neighbours. She is doing Mediastudies at the college with Imran and Rory. Cassie only has one kidney. She was born that way and nobody knows why.
  • Jeune humaine de 18 ans, Cassie ne mesure ni plus ni moins qu’un mètre soixante cinq et possède de longs cheveux lisses et châtains aux reflets roux et parsemés d’atebas multicolores, preuve de son excentricité, ses vêtements également sont d’ailleurs le plus souvent bariolés de couleurs vives. Ses yeux sont d’un bleu-gris pâle, mais elle s’évertue à défendre qu’ils sont bleus pâles et rien d’autre. La teinte de sa peau est bronzée et de cette beauté naturelle qu’elle possède, on dit qu’elle l’a hérité de sa mère.
  • Cassie is the shy, cute and pretty little pink dragoness of the group and Emmy's best friend. She's the 35th hatchling of 72 (74 in some episodes) in her family - the typical middle child. Out of everyone in the main cast and despite her cuteness and beauty, she is shy most of the time, but makes up for it with her extensive knowledge of Dragon Land. She is voiced by Chantal Strand, who also voiced other characters such as Bijou in Hamtaro and Diamond Tiara in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
  • Cassie appears in Blood Brothers.
  • Cassie was a girl from Metropolis.
  • Cassie — Character
  • Cassie aparece en el capítulo 9 de la serie televisiva Mortal Kombat: Conquest. Es interpretada por Beth McKenzie.
  • Character in Easy Come, Easy Go. Once dated Soldier, now dating John. She has an otherworldly presence and, at the close of the story, is required to return 'home'... Better known as Cassilda... Also the name of a character in Sylvia's Pictures who vanished a year after her daughter, Sylvia, was born. The name could also be a shortening of Cassandra.
  • Cassandra "Cassie" Garner is the wife of Alan Garner.
  • Cassie is a human student at Carlton College in Palm Springs. She is the girlfriend of art student, Rowena Clark, and is friends with Moroi Adrian Ivashkov. Cassie is a culinery student at Carlton College and according to several students is incredibly talented.
  • Cassie is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • UNDER CONSTRUCTION She's always on hiatus. 8| But we love her anyways <3 She also has a page here but I forgot about it so now she has two pages. Rock on. Cass is a 2nd year Cultural Studies Major at Trent University in Oshawa that works at Tim Hortons (unfortunately). She wants to go into writing once she's done school, and is already working on her first novel (Faeriestone) in the hopes of having it published upon completion. She joined the Elegante close to when it first began and has stuck around ever since. Due to personal issues during last school year and the summer, Cass had to call several hiatus' and disappeared for a full month at one point. She has played Amaria Midesha, the main character from her novel, since the beginning. At one point she played another OC named Tera Omagi, but she didn't last long, and now plays Sarea James as well, the main character of a future novel idea she has in mind. Cass will also forever insist she loves living in Canada no matter how much she may whine about the cold in the winter <3 She also loves everyone else who pays on the elegante, she's just a shy dork who always hesitates at asking to plot or anything fff <3 Cass goes by several nicknames that have been given to her by different people, and doesn't mind being called by any one of them: Cass, Casseh, Cassie, Casseh-face, Ama-mun, Ama, Cassany<- okay she might maul you if you call her this
  • Cassie is a strange, part-plant being who seems to be affiliated with Faerie Idol Belldandy. She has currently been assigned to help Klak's group reach the Keruvim.
  • Cassie, born as Olivia Debray, was a 10th generation Malkavian resident of Washington, D.C.. A thin, gaunt woman with black hair and hazel eyes. She’s about 5’4” and usually dresses in styles reminiscent of the 1920s. She almost always wears a hat.
  • Cassie is an American professional wrestler currently working for Next Generation Wrestling (NGW) where she is on the show Warzone.
  • Nickname(s): Tree hugger Gender: Female Age: 13 - 16 (Series Time Span) Personality: Calm, Caring, Peace-loving. Battle Morph: Wolf Best Friend: Rachel Boyfriend: Jake
  • Current Name: Cassie© (VT) Other names: Cassielicious, Cass© (VT) Alliases: Serenity© (VT), Lunapeluna E-mail: IMs: * * Armies: None at the moment Years TT: 1 Year & 5 Months Favorite Tank: LightTank Cassie's Mods: * Swedish Swamp * Nordic Neighbourhood Hoster: Yes, dedicated. Skins Made: None
  • Cassie is a character in the novel Final Destination: Dead Reckoning. She is one of the fatalities of the Club Kitty accident and is the secondary guitarist for the rock band The Vipers, led by Jessica Golden. As Cassie was playing along with her band, the lead singer has a premonition of the club collapsing due to a misfired bullet, which kills Jess and the rest of her band. Cassie used to date Charlie Delgado for a short period of time until she caught him cheating on her with her sister. After Jess has her premonition of the club collapsing, Tony leads her backstage to comfort her while Cassie remainds inside the club. After Jess is escorted outside of the club by the bouncer, the club caves-in, killing Cassie and several others. * In Jess' vision of the club collapsing Cassie is killed when the lower half of her body is crushed by fallen debris. Since she didn't leave, it can be assumed she died in the same fashion. * On her way to the club Jessica Golden spots a homeless man nearby, doing his own spastic dance. Jess and the other survivors of the collapse would have several more encounters with this vagrant, who is implicated as having foreseen the club collapse along with Jess. * While waiting in line to get into the club Jess notices the "Enter Here" sign above the entrance has been defaced, with "Abandon fate, all ye who" having been scrawled on top of the sign. * Inside the club Jess is approached by Ben, who comments on how lame the club is. Jess agrees, responding by saying that taking TNT to the place and completely demolishing it would be an improvement.
  • Cassie is a non-player character who owns Cassie's Shields, located in Falador just north-east of the town square. There is also a cape and cookedmeat spawn upstairs in her shop.
  • A minor one-off character in the Venture Bros. episode Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner, Cassie is the "favorite" secretary of President Breyer. They are both having an illicit affair together.
  • "I’m not trying to be some kind of martyr, or say that I’m always a screwup. I’m not. In my world, making hard choices is part of the deal. Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong. Sometimes I just can’t tell, even when the mission is over and we’ve all come out alive, at least. " — Cassie, Book #44: The Unexpected, pg. 78 Cassie is the heart of the Animorphs and easily the best morpher, an Estreen.
  • Castform's known moves are: Weather Ball, Sunny Day, Hail, Rain Dance, and her ability is Forecast.
  • Cassie was a friend of Chris and John in their high school years. Cassie had a big crush on Chris and tried flirting with him openly to get his attention. Chris showed no real interest. Cassie saw Daniela from a movie Chris and John made. She noticed something different, though she couldn't tell why. She became increasingly jealous when she realized Chris had liked Daniela. Though it's not stated how long she's known Chris, she's known him enough to know his father was know to be abusive to him. On the night of the prom, she apparently came by herself but was dancing with John. She was shocked to see Chris come, alone and beat up. She confronted him about his dad, though Chris admitted his dad beat him. Chris was more concerned that he beat "her" (Daniela) and made her go away. Cassie tried again, and tried hitting on him. She tried comforting him to get his attentions and said "she's always been here for him". Upset and tired, Chris told Cassie to stop and leave him alone. Angrily to get him jealous and attention, she walked away and went to dance with John. However, it somewhat backfired, as Chris watched it, it made him miss Daniela and left the prom to go and see her. In 2004, Lilly and Scotty found her to ask her questions about Daniela. To coax her to remember, Lily said Chris asked about her and wanted to know what happened to her after prom. She stated "I ended up pregnant". Though it's never stated who the father of her baby was, it's hinted she might have slept with John. As she was last seen dancing very close to John, to make him jealous. And given John's personality as a teen, they most likely slept together.
  • Cassie's father, Kevin O'Casey, is running another of the many scams that frustrate his long-suffering wife and daughter, Cassie. This one involves selling and reclaiming a race horse. Hoss decides to teach O'Casey a lesson in honesty, with the help of Cassie and her mother.
  • Cassie is a guest at Barney and Robin's wedding. She is the daughter of Barney's mother, Loretta's, friend.
  • Cassie était une jeune Humaine, dans les visions de Benjamin Sisko sous l'influence des Prophètes et des Pah-wraiths.
  • Cassie is friend of Marnie Piper during Halloween High. She was captured by the father of Ethan Dalloway. While Cassie was trapped, she was stuck in Ethan's mirror phone. During at the mirror, Ethan was shocked when he saw her in his mirror phone. She was also a is witch like Marnie. She was locked up by at the club when she heard a metal creek inside the and also opening the knight mask. Then she disappeared out of nowhere. Cassie was also a friend of Ethan Dalloway for a very long time ago. Ethan felt upset when Cassie vanished.
  • thumb|Cassie (1953) Cassie ist ein Mensch in den 50er-Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie ist die Freundin von Benny Russell und arbeitet in einem Restaurant, dem Harlem Coffee Shop. 1953 erklärt Mrs. Jackson ihre Bereitschaft für einen Verkauf des Restaurants an Cassie und Benny Russell. Cassie versucht vergeblich Russell davon zu überzeugen das professionelle Schreiben sein zu lassen und stattdessen mit ihm das Restaurant zu übernehmen und eine Familie zu gründen. (DS9: ) Cassie wurde von Penny Johnson gespielt und von Joseline Gassen synchronisiert.
  • Cassie is a character that appears in the cartoon show episode "Phantom Bagpiper". She is a pony owned and watched over by her ghostly caretaker Laird Milton McKilty, along with her brother Scotty. She and Scotty are being sought after by the greedy horse jockey Frugal McDougal, who captured Cassie by having his servant disguise himself as a horse to lure them toward a magnet that McDougal installed on his mule cart, though Scotty managed to escape. Scotty helped Smurfette win back Cassie as well as her friends Clumsy and Painter by participating in a horse race with McDougal, which they managed to win when Smoogle imitated the sound of McKilty's bagpipe to make Scotty run faster.
is Main Character of
is michars of
is Row 6 info of
is Rol of
is Row 5 info of
is Previous of
is Characters of
is Significant Other of
is NEXT of
is Owner of
is family relatives of