  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • A Templar * Second in command of the Fishermen Squad. * Cousin of Vega and in her honor guard. Source: Sun County
  • Mara était une klingonne et l'épouse de Kang. Elle était également son officier scientifique à bord du croiseur de bataille. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")
  • Mara was the nanny taking care of Nei, the son of Paomu. Mara stole Paomu's Coin Purse in order to place a bet on "drake races". When approached, Paomu will ask the player to help her retrieve her money. Near Teipoa Island in Haiju Lagoon, the player will find some Bleached Bones and a Ravenous Drake. The drake drops Paomu's purse when killed. It appears that Mara may have been eaten by the drake.
  • Mara was a somewhat unscrupulous student at Smallville High School during Clark's junior and senior years. In his junior year, she was the girlfriend of, and co-conspirator with Jason Dante. In Clark's senior year, she was one of the Cheerleaders of Devotion.
  • Die Mara hat keine physikalische Manifestation in der realen Welt, sondern erscheint ihren Opfern im Traum und übernimmt ihren Körper. Die Besessenen werden durch ein Tattoo in der Form einer Schlange gezeichnet, welches ein Eigenleben entwickeln und andere infizieren kann. Die Mara ist ein bösartiges Wesen, dass sich von negativen Gefühlen ernährt und das Leiden anderer genießt. Sie führt leicht manipulierbare Individuuen in Versuchung, kontrolliert sie und lässt sie Chaos und Verderben anrichten.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiMara (znana również jako Bogini Miłości) – bogini współczucia oraz zrozumienia. Powszechnie czczona bogini (nie licząc Dunmerów). Początkowo zaczynała w mitycznych czasach jako bogini płodności. W Skyrim, Mara jest damą Kyne'a. W Cyrodiil jest uważana za Boginie-Matkę. Czasami utożsamiana z „Anuada” Nira, żeńską podstawą kosmosu, z którego zrodziło się stworzenie. Zależnie od religii jest małżonką Akatosha lub Lorkhana, choć występuje także jako konkubina obu.
  • Mara was a young woman from The Silk and the Song. She was a Wild Human of Haafin and love interest of the main character Alan.
  • Mara was a naga of the Greensnake Bloodline who married a human, Mirumoto Daini, and helped the Naga aid Rokugan during the Clan War and on the Second Day of Thunder.
  • Mara is a character appearing in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn. She is the final tenant and the one that lives in Apartment #302. Dom Woole will request that Kirby fill it with the right furniture in order to invite her. Mara plays a game with Kirby in which he must beat her in a race.
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. Colegio Mayor femenino adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La rotonda que lleva su nombre (por cercanía) así como el propio colegio mayor ha sido uno de los lugares mas significativos en la última década del Negro, así grandes eventos como San Negrín, o el Aquamara tuvieron lugar en la propia rotonda o en las proximidades.
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png <default>Mara</default> Character Details Gender Status Death Faction Location Occupation Teaches Loot Quests Voice actor Mara is a Titan Lord of Water and the primary antagonist of Risen 2: Dark Waters. She draws many sea-dwelling creatures to shores of islands of the Southern Seas, including some that might not normally be seen by humans. SPOILERS FOLLOW
  • File:Mara Arion Lord Of Atlantis 2 RT.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Mara (マーラ, Māra)? is a demon in the series.
  • Mara (マーラ Māra) are Demons that possess statues of Buddha or Kannon in temples.
  • Mara is a title character cat from 130 Collection of a Storybook
  • Mara is a pregnant woman who gave birth at the hospital.
  • Mara is a supporting character in TRON: Uprising, voiced by Mandy Moore. She is one of Beck's best friends and his co-worker at Able's garage. Mara specializes in making deadly weapons and vehicles. She has also expressed admiration for Beck's renegade program disguise, completely unaware of his true identity.
  • Mara is the Buddhist version of Satan in South Asian mythology. He appears in the episode of Disney's Animated Myths and Legends "The Legend of The Buddha, which aired on January 2, 2000. He is voiced by James Earl Jones.
  • The Mara is an animal available on FarmVille. It was originally released on September 20th, 2012 as a reward for collecting 6 Ball of Wools on Stamp Collection Countdown Day 3. Alternative names for this animal is Mara Rodent.
  • thumb|200px Mara es la diosa del amor, madre de la tierra pródiga y fuente de compasión y comprensión. Casi venerada como una diosa universal, sus orígenes son en tiempos míticos como una diosa de la fertilidad. En Skyrim, Mara es una sierva de Kyne. En el Imperio, es la diosa madre, venerada en las Benevolencias de Mara. A veces es asociada con Nir de la 'Anuad', el principio femenino del cosmos que dio origen a la creación. Dependiendo de la religión puede estar casada con Akatosh o Lorkhan o la concubina de ambos. Ella le dio al Nerevarine su blusa y su falda.
  • Mara (マーラ Māra) is a silver Handmaiden Mutant created by Shadow Moon. She died along with Kara during the collapse of Gorgom's base.
  • Mara act as Darkilov's foot soldiers, and are carriers of dreams. When a Nightmare attacks, they are summoned to aid in the fight against Oneiro Rangers. Each species of Nightmare owns its own type of Mara, related to its characteristics.
  • Mara is the 19th god of the universe, who awoke after Veros created two moons to circle the planet.
  • The Mara was/were a gestalt being/species that dwelt in the Dark Places of the Inside and sought physical existence by taking over a host in their dream. Because of its unclear nature, the Mara was simultaneously thought of as a "he," "it," and "they."
  • As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Mara was descended from Klingons affected with the Klingon augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: "Divergence") In 2268, Mara was part of the Klingon crew and Starfleet crewmembers aboard the USS Enterprise that while under the mind control of an unknown alien entity were fighting a no win battle. She was very worried that she would be violated by the Starfleet crew. She assisted Captain Kirk in negotiating a peaceful end to the conflict by taking him to Kang and supporting Kirk's theory that an alien was controlling both forces. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" )
  • Mara is a character from The New Adventures of He-Man.
  • She was only 17 when her father and brother died in the Riftwar, with few soldiers and no allies. Despite her obstacles though, in a considerable short amount of time she secured more prestige for House Acoma than they ever had in their long, honourable history. She became one of the most powerful people in the Empire and went on to change the very fabric of Tsurani culture and society for the better.
  • Mara is a Demon First Class, Unlimited, and a childhood friend of Urd. Like Urd, because of her demonic heritage, she has a musical weakness (rock in the original Japanese, and disco in Dark Horse's releases) which makes her dance until exhausted. She also seems to have a weakness against good luck charms, a trait not inherited by any other demon.
  • Mara is a Human resident of Sanctum, and she enjoys watching Bella perform. She's very proud of her brother Codinaus, who ascended as a Daeva.
  • Mara is a neighborhood near the northwest corner of Richland, just south of Uriah. It is a rundown area of homes and businesses around a central Plaza.
  • Osaka= Name: Osaka Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 0 Trade: Yes |-| Owau Prime= Name: Owau Prime Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 9 Trade: No |-| Ruhisa= Name: Ruhisa Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 10 Trade: Yes |-| Danube= Name: Danube Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 8 Trade: Yes |-| Prophet= Name: Prophet Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 10 Trade: No
  • A co-worker and one of Beck's friends at Able's Garage. Saved early in the series by Beck, Mara becomes one of the most dedicated believers in Tron's return and the Renegade's actions, often supporting him openly and questioning the official news reports painting the Renegade as a terrorist.
  • Mara é o símbolo da ruindade sistemática. Filha de um pajé, absorveu todos os conhecimentos do pai, utilizando-os sempre para fazer o mal. Segundo uma das versões, tantas maldades fez, que o próprio pai decidiu matá-la, a fim de evitar que sua descendência espalhasse a ruindade sobre a terra. Após inúmeras tentativas frustradas — pois Mara sempre descobria e escapava — ele consegue fazê-la afogar-se. Não pôde, porém, evitar que em sua agonia, a filha liberasse uma baba peçonhenta, contaminando diversas plantas e ervas que podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes de feitiços.
  • Mara is a never mermaid. She appears to be good friends with Oola and Voona. Her full name is unknown, because it is to hard to pronounce. She has blue hair and a tail, but doesn't wear a scarf.
  • Mara is a character appearing in the Savage Sword of Conan, and was a childhood friend of Conan.
  • Mara is a merchant who sells "under the counter wares". She is found on the second floor of the Rivertown Tavern after the main plot quest Chasing the Dragon. You can buy Weapons, Armor, Food, and Drinks from her. She lowers her prices if you mindread her. ru:Мара
  • Mara, labeled as The Sweet Goth Girl, was a contestant in Total Drama Paradise. Mara joined TDP so she can help Sarah win, and to use the money for liposuction.
  • Mara ist eine Freundin und Helferin aus Kirby und das magische Garn. Sie wohnt in Apartment #302 und ist damit die letzte Bewohnerin. Kirby muss sie in einem Wettrennen besiegen.
  • Mara was a location in the Richland district in the Matrix. This neighbourhood mostly consists storehouses belonging to various companies. The Blackwoods gang is also located in this area, as well as the Exile contact known as Sister Margaret.
  • Mara a Praetor Lupus tagja volt, aki meghalt, amikor Sebastian Morgenstern megtámadta a Praetor-házat.
  • Although not maniacal, as many PPCers are, Agent Mara is somber and blunt when she's not teasing her partner. Mara showed her partner, Agent Isaiah, the ropes early on in their missions, but as Isaiah gains more and more experience, she finds herself being on more of an equal footing with him. She still refers to him as "Recruit" now and again, even though Isaiah is now one of the oldest PPCers still active. She is tall and of medium build, with curly black hair that Misspelled Monkeys love to yank on, green eyes (DARK green, Suethors!), olive-toned skin, and is accompanied by her mini-Balrog, Moordoor. Her favorite weapon is a replica of Captain Jack Sparrow's pistol (which she only loads one round into at a time), and her favorite character in the multiverse is Samwise Gamgee.
  • Cet article a pour sujet un élément futur de la série Animal Crossing. Son nom est susceptible d'être modifié tout comme son contenu à mesure du développement de cet élément et des informations connues. Cet article est une ébauche. Vous pouvez aider My English Wiki en le développant. Catégorie:ébauche <default>Mara</default> Statistiques Mara (Viché en anglais, Ardelta en espagnol, Vicky en italien) est un écureuil apparaissant dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf après la mise à jour de novembre 2016.
  • Mara is a Human and member of the royal house within the Tower City-ship on the Lord Protector's Planet in the Pegasus galaxy. She is daughter of the Lord Protector and a sister to Tavius. In the far, distant past, at least one Ancient became an ancestor in Mara's family line, passing down the Ancient Technology Activation gene to her. (SGA: "The Tower") Prior to his arrival, the chamberlain, Otho, and Tavius had conspired to poison and kill Tavius and Mara's father. When Tavius ascended to the throne, he would ensure Otho would be granted the right to wed Mara.
  • Mara es el principal demonio de la mitología budista. Su origen se remonta a algunos de los textos sagrados que hablan de la vida del primer buda histórico, introduciendo a Mara como la personificación del mal que, a manera de tentador, se hace presente en la lucha espiritual de Buda por conseguir la iluminación.
  • In theistic religions the Devil, sometimes also known as Satan or Beelzebub, is a being completely opposed to God and to goodness. According to the Tipitaka, the Buddha was approached on several occasions by a spirit named Mara who tried to stop him from continuing his struggles for enlightenment, to tempt him and to encourage him to die (Sutta Nipata 426; Digha Nikaya 2. 103). Many Buddhists believe that Mara is an actual being while others contend that it is really an allegory or a personification of negative states of mind. There would seem to be more evidence for this second opinion than for the first. This is apparent from the fact that the Pali word màra means ‘death’ or ‘bringing death’ and that Mara’s three offspring are named Lobha, Dosa and Moha, meaning Greed, Hatred and Delusio
  • Formerly a trained Cobra Eel, MARA was one of the first tests of a Cobra experiement to integrate fish DNA into a human. The experiment partially succeeded, but partially failed. She grew gills, but her skin color changed to blue, and she was no longer able to breathe in the open air. Originally joined Cobra out of a 'hard luck' neighborhood, where right and wrong didn't matter, and no one was a friend. She found out that Cobra wanted more than they let on. She departed Cobra with help from GI Joe, during an incident where the Joes were attempting to find a stolen submarine. She has feelings for the one of the Joes, Shipwreck.
  • Mara is one of the Sisters, along with Caia. She is known as the Fetid Reaper, and embodies the fear and hatred of death. She is said to live in a decayed crypt of grave stone. The Sisters "The Divided One" - The Sisters are a duality, two sides of a single coin, and that coin is death. The sisters are also referred to by two names, Mara and Caia. Together their symbol is a black skull adorned with a golden burial wreath.
  • Mara is introduced in the third book as the daughter of Rosa, the current caretaker of the Lost Mesa (One of the five secret preserves). She is very serious and she doesn't talk much. Her knowledge about the vault housing the secret artifact on the preserve appears to be extensive, since she had knowledge of a pathway up that had not appeared for over a hundred years. She and her father Hal are the only known people who survived the fall of the Lost Mesa, which occured shortly after the mission to retrieve the artifact from the Painted Mesa. After the fall of the Lost Mesa she seeks revenge on the Society of the Evening Star. To help her attain this goal she joins the Knights of the Dawn and quickly rises though the ranks.
  • "In the year 2042, the world no longer knew war and lived wisely and happily in a new golden era!" "World scientist" Doctor Dino Lavelle is experimenting successfully to restore dead bodies to life. He is assisted in the process by Cal Evans and Mara. Wishing to attempt it on a body that has been dead as long as possible, Dino Lavelle sends Cal to retrieve the body of "Crazy" Ed Curren, a ruthless gangster from the 1920s era who was preserved hermetically by his gang. Curren's machine gun was laid to rest with his in his coffin.
  • Mara is a rather masculine woman working in the Vesper Mines, living in Vesper. The Avatar found her in the mines in Ultima VII during work time. Mara showed like everyone in the city a racist attitude against the Gargoyles, although in her case it seemed to be based more on simply assuming that violence was inevitable, than passionate hatred. This also was, why she was friends with Yvella and Cador, since they shared the dislike against Gargoyles. Interestingly, she didn't seem to want her dislike to become public knowledge.
  • Mara is the god of the Marags. His totem animal is the bat, as mentioned in The Rivan Codex. Known as the Weeping God for his long mourning after the Tolnedran massacre of the Marags, Mara nursed a hatred for the Tolnedrans. He stirred the ghosts of his dead people, so that few could ever enter his domain without being driven mad. The exception is the monastery at Mar Terrin, where Tolnedran monks attempt to comfort the spirits of the Marags. This monastery is often referred to in the books as "Tolnedra's Conscience".
  • thumb|Mara auf der Enterprise (2268) Die Klingonin Mara dient 2268 an Bord eines Schlachtkreuzers der D7-Klasse als Wissenschaftsoffizier. Sie ist die Frau von Commander Kang. Mit ihm zusammen wird sie auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter Arrest gestellt. Später versuchen sie, das Schiff unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen. Schließlich vermittelt sie ziwschen Kang und Captain Kirk, weil sie seine Theorie befürwortet. Kirk ist davon überzeugt, dass all diese Kämpfe von einem fremden Wesen geschaffen worden sind. (TOS: )
  • Mara is a Devil-like figure found in some Buddhist myths and is comparable to Satan, especially the "Serpent" aspect - a great tempter Mara was an infamous demon who manifested to try and tempt Gautuma Buddha away from reaching Enlightenment. Mara tried to seduce Buddha using the vision of a beautiful woman, although he failed in achieving this task he was seen as a trickster figure who would proceed to target humanity and try to distract them from their spiritual life via making the mundane alluring or the negative seem positive.
  • Mara, was a Near-Human female Jedi Knight who lived during the final decades of the Republic Dark Age. One of two apprentices to Jedi Master Bek—the other being Remulus Vev, Mara trained to be a Jedi. In 1,012 BBY, after a botched mission to Hurikane, Mara was mortally wounded and thought dead soon after, but under orders of her master to test Vev, she lowered her heart rate enough to pass for being dead and convinced she was, Vev left the Jedi Order and renounced the Force. She eventually passed her Jedi trials and joined the Army of Light on Ruusan where she ran into Vev again just before the seventh battle on the planet. Upon seeing her, he berated her for the false perception of her but fought beside her and his former master nonetheless until both were slain on the battlefield.
  • Mara is a character in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn. She is one of the residents that lives in the apartment complex in Quilty Square, and lives in apartment #302 after Kirby fills it with the right furniture. She is the last resident that comes to live in the apartments, but many think she has the most fun game. The game that she plays with the player is a race. She challenges the player to a race through part of a random level, and if the player gets to the end first, he wins. The races get harder and harder as the player beats them.
  • Mara was an orphaned female badger who was adopted by the Badger Lord of Salamandastron, Urthstripe the Strong, who called her "Browneye" as a pet name while she was an infant. Her best friend was the young hare, Pikkle Ffolger. She constantly fought with Urthstripe, feeling that he was too strict and overbearing. She met the weasel Klitch - son of the warlord Ferahgo the Assassin - and his comrade Goffa while wandering not far from Salamandastron, befriended them, and took them back to the mountain as guests. Urthstripe, incredulous and disgusted, ordered them taken from the mountain; A distraught Mara ran away with them, as did Pikkle. But Klitch led them into a trap, intending to turn them over to his father Ferahgo - believing that Mara and Pikkle knew where the famed badger treasure o
  • Mara är en kvinnlig människa och medlem av kungahuset i Tower City-skepp på Lord Protector's Planet i Pegasus galaxen. Hon är dotter till Lord Protector och en syster till Tavius​​. Mara var fullt medveten om det bleknar De gamla Teknologi Aktivering gen i sin familjs blodsband, och gjorde sin fysiska kropp tillgängligt för Överstelöjtnant John Sheppard i hopp om att han kan gifta sig med henne och ta hennes fars plats, återställa styrkan av genen och se positionen för Lord Protector till hennes familj.
  • Die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Mara lebte in der Réserve Africaine de Sigean in Südfrankreich. Mara wurde 1982 in Simbabwe geboren und kam bereits ein Jahr später in den französischen Safaripark im Département Aude. Demnach war sie erst ungefähr ein Jahr alt und wuchs dort ohne ihre Familie auf. In Sigean lebte damals bereits eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh aus Thailand mit Namen Yasmine, die etwa zehn Jahre älter war, aber wohl von den Afrikanern getrennt gehalten wurde. Ein Jahr nach Maras Ankunft trafen zwei weitere Afrikanische Elefantenkälber im Park ein, das Bullkalb N'Dume und das Kuhkalb Simba, die bei Eintreffen ein bzw. zwei Jahre alt waren. So wuchsen diese drei Jungtiere - wie früher Yasmine - im direkten Kontakt mit den Pflegern im Safaripark auf.
  • -
  • 5
  • 10
  • 19
  • 56
  • 62
  • 65
  • 69
  • 73
  • 75
  • 76
  • 77
  • 82
  • 85
  • 86
  • 88
  • 91
  • 92
  • 94
  • New Adventures
  • *Old Republic era *Rise of the Empire era
  • 56
  • 96
  • 165
  • -
Portrayed By
  • 30
  • 44
  • 59
  • 60
  • Velocity
  • Devoted
  • Chaos
  • Dark-Chaos
  • -
  • Praetor-ház
  • Femelle
  • Kinda
  • Antony and Cleopatra
  • Snakedance
  • The Cradle of the Snake
  • The Dreaming
  • Strong
  • -
  • Chudy
cost curr type
  • cash
  • Écureuil
  • Husband
  • Faniar
  • Faniar
Response Center
  • RC #1699
  • Kobieta
  • 250
Row 4 info
  • 170
  • Blau
  • Pregnancy
Battle Start
  • I'll record data on the enemy.
  • -
  • -
  • 14
  • 36
  • 48
  • 52
  • Galerie
  • Mara
  • Wie alles begann...
  • 15
  • 30
  • 51
  • 53
  • Ice
  • Light
  • -
  • 2700
  • 2835
  • 2970
  • Wróżka
  • Mara
  • Null
  • Resist
  • 154
  • 715
skill lv
  • All enemies can't move for 1 turn / 15% chance
  • All enemies can't move for 1 turn / 10% chance
xp gain type
  • home
  • Abrakadabrowo
skill 2 lv
  • Only available against current Archwitches.
  • Deal 7X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 20% UP
  • Deal 5X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 10% UP
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • 2268
  • Mara
Boarder's Name
  • 27
  • 99
  • 109
  • 124
  • 137
  • 1
  • -
  • 70
  • 110
harvest curr type
  • coin
  • Mara
  • Phys
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • Notable Book
harvest curr amt
  • 90
  • 2004
  • 5
  • iCJ0Uik+5XA%5Ya%
  • OOC: Frost/Feuer IC: Hervorrufung
  • Single Foe/1/Gun/Paralyze
  • 12
  • 22
  • 90
  • 100
  • None
  • DR
  • Strong
  • -
Row 2 info
  • Elhunyt
  • Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings
  • Tower
  • Maras Piraten
  • 760
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Real Name
  • Jasna
  • 0
  • 1
  • -
  • Katarzyna
  • 17
  • 24
  • 26
  • 30
  • 31
  • 35
  • 37
  • 125
  • 155
  • 14
  • 81
  • 110
Row 2 title
  • Species
  • First Appearance
  • Mara
  • Mara/Galerie
  • Mara/Wie alles begann..
  • NPC
grow time
  • 48
xp gain amt
  • 1400
  • 158
  • 160
  • 173
  • 186
  • 214
  • 2950
  • 3097
  • 3245
  • Rötlich
  • Blond
friendship max
  • I'm going to keep track of
  • the sheriff AND you now!
  • Mara
  • 390.0
Home Continuum
  • None
  • 6
  • 10
  • 14
  • 15
  • 256
first available
  • 20120920
Only appearance
  • 18
  • 19
  • 22
  • 25
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 18
jap name
  • フミフミ
  • Anführermonster
  • Kvinna
friendship event
  • Everyone mocks the sheriff,
  • Her smile lifts my spirits,
  • but I kind of like her.
  • just like yours does!
  • Mara Faniar
battle end
  • Sheriff,
Row 3 info
  • 15
  • 17
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 25
  • 55
  • 86
  • R
Row 3 title
  • Friends
  • Original Publisher
  • -
historie graczy
cost curr amt
  • 14
  • The Sims: Abrakadabra
  • Dorosły
  • Allianz
  • 10
  • Nein
  • Bartender
  • Slosh
  • Helu
  • Alsaud
  • Ka-shing
  • Meek
  • Pickman
  • Polyvinyl Vendor
  • Red line
  • inhabitant
  • 22
  • 25
  • 1
  • 39
Box Title
  • Mara
  • "The Tower"
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Mechanic, Cheerleader
  • 8
  • Light
  • Central at
  • Northwest at
  • South at
  • West at
  • Thrashing Rabbits
  • Fighting Ducks
Full Name
  • Mara
  • Cobra Navy
  • Manussa
  • Unknown
  • The New Adventures of He-Man
  • 48
  • 52
  • 24
  • 23
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Active
  • -
  • -
  • Kang
  • Mirumoto Daini
  • *Buntokapi, Ruling Lord of the Acoma *Hokanu, Ruling Lord of the Shinzawai
  • Red
  • Brown
  • 35
  • 40
  • 50
  • 61
  • Mara
  • Mara
  • The Mara
  • Agent Mara
  • Die Mara
  • MARA
  • Mara, Mistress of the Empire
  • 196
  • 215
  • 270
  • 283
  • 343
  • 523
  • 1246
  • 1449
  • 2000
  • 3000
  • FCs
  • Character
  • Maternity, love
  • Vaginal delivery
  • File:Mara.gif
  • True
  • Dark-Chaos
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn artwork
  • Agent Mara
  • Left, original outfit. Right, Mytes battle outfit.
  • Mara as she appears in Kirby's Epic Yarn
  • Intrigue and murder are specialties of the Water Titan Mara.
  • Kinda
  • Physical
  • Uses her ponytail as a frail
  • TDP - "Don’t lose who you are by playing this game."
  • 401
  • 399
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Normale
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --07-07
  • 25
  • 54
Mag Drop
  • 3864
  • 9500
  • Fire/Ice/Elec/Force
  • Sister Margaret at in the Mara church.
  • Sezu, Ruling Lord of the Acoma
Character Name
  • Mara
  • None
  • Sapphire
  • *Maras Ring der Wellen *Die Frau mit dem eiskalten Herzen S *Mara, die Piratenkönigin A
  • Mensch
  • The sheriff's not in right
  • now, but I can help you.
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15
  • 277
  • Maralagidyne
Image caption
  • Lady Mara
  • The Mara revealed - Doctor Who Kinda - BBC
  • N/A
  • 21
  • 22
  • 30
Voice Actor
  • Emma Tate
  • Strong
  • Drain
  • -
  • Citizen
  • Mara
Marital Status
  • Married
  • 30
  • 77
  • 162
  • 188
  • 196
  • 2950
  • 3097
  • 3245
  • Great DMGx5/ Pt+
  • Myriad Arrows\Innate Maralagidyne\Innate Primal Force\79 Power Charge\80 Tetrakarn\82 Absorb Ice\84
  • Hades Blast Charge Tetrakarn
  • Mad Rush Cursed Emission Marin Karin
  • Mad Rush Cursed Emission Marin Karin Bufudyne
  • Mazandyne Shibaboo Marin Karin Squash Tackle
  • Mazanma Marin Karin Diarama
  • Mazanma Shibaboo Temptation Fog Tackle Cleave
  • Mudoon Shibaboo Doguruadou Abaremawari
  • Relentless Research
  • Tarukaja Frenzy Tackle
  • Tetrakarn Mamudoon Go for the Neck
  • Tackle Shibaboo Temptation Fog Dekaja Squash Cleave Hell Thrust
  • Agidyne\Innate Blight\Innate Power Charge\63 Makarakarn\64 Absorb Physical\66 Fire Amp\67
  • Charge\Innate Hades Blast\Innate Taunt\Innate Repel Phys\95 Doping\96 Null Nerve\97
  • Hell Thrust Dance of Mara Charge Critical Eye Tetrabreak Makarakarn Dekunda
  • Diarahan Dismal Tune Hell Thrust Hades Blast Dekaja Mazanma Marin Karin Makajamon
  • Charge\Innate Hell Thrust\Innate Dance of Mara\Innate Doping\93 Null Nerve\94 Repel Phys\95
  • Absorb Fire\Innate Myriad Arrows\Innate Tentarafoo\57 Stagnant Air\58 Maragidyne\59 Fire Amp\60 Demon's Stab\61
  • Cursed Emission\Innate Mad Rush\63 State of Bliss\64 Drain\Max Loyalty
  • Acoma of the Clan Hadama
  • Stagnant Air
  • File:Mara_Old_and_New.jpg
  • The sheriff's deputy scolds her for wasting time on patrol, but they work well together.
  • Phys\+5 Ailment\+3 Ice\-6
  • background:#ff8080
  • Primary: White
  • Secondary: Yellow
  • -
  • Mara
  • Wind
  • -
  • Reflects Gun, Ice, Elec, Nerve, Expel, Death, Bind and Flying.
  • Nulls Expel and Death. Resists magic.
  • Nulls most magic
  • Reflects Expel. Resists Tech, Ice, Elec, Nerve, Death, Magic, Bind. to Fire.
  • Evil Ones, the Father of Lies
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn
  • 29
  • 35
  • 39
  • Mara the Chef
  • The sheriff took a walk in
  • lieu of doing her work again.
  • Help Me, Hunter Boy
  • Mara
  • 16
  • 20
  • 26
  • Roof at near central and northwest hardline.
  • Mara ist die Schwester von Marlone und wohl angeblich auch die Tochter von Karasian und Alebrin. Nachdem ihre Mutter aus Roumen verscheucht wurde, schwor sie den Dorfbewohnern Rache. Sie ist die Kapitänin der Marapiratenbande, und somit die Stärkste in der Bucht der Gier. Sie kann eine Spezialattacke einsetzen mit dem sie alle Gegner in Reichweite verletzt und kurzzeitig betäubt.
  • 28
  • 11
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 19
  • 20
  • -
  • Gun/Mind
Home Planet
  • -
  • Unknown
  • *Ayaki *Justin, Emperor of Tsuranuanni *Kasuma, heir to Acoma *Lanokota
  • 180
  • 485
  • 749
  • 797
  • 899
  • 969
  • 979
  • 983
  • 2300
  • 3200
  • 3475
  • 5000
  • 5458
  • 10500
  • 14574
  • 25953
  • Pagan
  • Salamandastron
  • Strong
  • Fair
  • TDP - Fourteenth
Image File
  • Mara Profile.jpg
  • "marébasse"
  • 1392
  • Ruling Lady of House Acoma
  • DMS, DTE
  • Mara
  • PP: 5
  • normal
  • 1000
  • 1198
  • Unknown
  • Stabbed with the Sacrificial Dagger and struck by her own magic
  • -
  • Drain
  • -
  • Bek
  • Mara.png
  • MaraTrueForm.jpg
  • Mara_Weinberger.png
  • circa. 1,030 BBY
wikipage disambiguates
  • Death
  • Expel/Death/Ailments
  • Expel, Death, Mind, Nerve, Curse
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 14
  • 21
  • 108
  • 122
  • 133
  • 143
  • 144
skill 2 end
  • 2015-09-30
  • Madness Crush Charge Tetrakarn
  • -
  • Null: Charm
MAG Summon
  • -
  • -
  • 258
  • -
  • Read Mind
  • 80
  • Null
  • Resist
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Phys x1 hit, 1 enemy
  • Cancer
  • -
  • Sweet Talk
  • Fire
  • Pierce
  • -
  • 22
Move Type
  • Ground
  • 92
  • Fire
  • Pierce
  • -
  • -
  • 5
  • Fire
  • 36
  • 105
  • 14
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 17
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • Dark
  • Fire
  • -
  • 27
  • -
  • 2007
  • Death
  • 2
  • -
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • Die Afrikanische Elefantenkuh Mara lebte in der Réserve Africaine de Sigean in Südfrankreich. Mara wurde 1982 in Simbabwe geboren und kam bereits ein Jahr später in den französischen Safaripark im Département Aude. Demnach war sie erst ungefähr ein Jahr alt und wuchs dort ohne ihre Familie auf. In Sigean lebte damals bereits eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh aus Thailand mit Namen Yasmine, die etwa zehn Jahre älter war, aber wohl von den Afrikanern getrennt gehalten wurde. Ein Jahr nach Maras Ankunft trafen zwei weitere Afrikanische Elefantenkälber im Park ein, das Bullkalb N'Dume und das Kuhkalb Simba, die bei Eintreffen ein bzw. zwei Jahre alt waren. So wuchsen diese drei Jungtiere - wie früher Yasmine - im direkten Kontakt mit den Pflegern im Safaripark auf. Mit dem Heranreifen der Elefanten entwickelte sich auf der Anlage auch die Gelegenheit zum Decken für den jungen Bullen N'Dume. Sowohl Mara als auch Simba brachten in dessen Gefolge je zwei Kälber zur Welt. Mara war die erste Kuh, die 1998 ein Elefantenkalb gebar. Es handelte sich um das erste Afrikanischer Elefantenbaby, das in Frankreich geboren wurde. Mit dem Nachwuchs stand Sigean auch ziemlich allein unter den Haltern Afrikanischer Elefanten. Maras Kälber waren: 1. * Bahati, weiblich, geboren am 21.10.1998 in Sigean. Bahati musste in ihrem ersten Lebensmonat mit der Flasche aufgezogen werden, weil sie für die mütterlichen Zitzen zu klein war. So wurde Mara gemolken und ihrer Tochter das Kolostrum verabreicht. Bahati wurde nur zwei Jahre alt und starb damit vor der Geburt weiterer Kälber in Sigean; 2. * Bambo, männlich, geboren am 09.07.2002 in Sigean. Da Mara zwei Tage nach der Geburt starb, musste auch Bambo mit der Flasche aufgezogen werden. Er wuchs in Sigean mit seinen Halbschwester Akili und Chupa auf und starb 2008 vermutlich an den Komplikationen bei einer Handaufzucht. Mara überlebte ihre zweite Geburt nur zwei Tage und starb am 11.07.2002 in Sigean. Durch den Tod auch ihrer beiden Kälber hat sie keine Nachkommen dauerhaft hinterlassen. In Sigean leben derzeit nur noch die Kälber ihrer Artgenossin Simba und der Bulle N'Dume.
  • A Templar * Second in command of the Fishermen Squad. * Cousin of Vega and in her honor guard. Source: Sun County
  • Mara is introduced in the third book as the daughter of Rosa, the current caretaker of the Lost Mesa (One of the five secret preserves). She is very serious and she doesn't talk much. Her knowledge about the vault housing the secret artifact on the preserve appears to be extensive, since she had knowledge of a pathway up that had not appeared for over a hundred years. She and her father Hal are the only known people who survived the fall of the Lost Mesa, which occured shortly after the mission to retrieve the artifact from the Painted Mesa. After the fall of the Lost Mesa she seeks revenge on the Society of the Evening Star. To help her attain this goal she joins the Knights of the Dawn and quickly rises though the ranks. In the fourth book she travels to Wyrmroost with Kendra, Warren, Gavin, Trask, Tanu and Dougan. It is revealed in the fourth book that Mara can tame certain magical creatures, like perytons and dragons. Near the end of the fouth book she is attacked by Navarog and falls off a cliff, but ends up surviving.
  • Mara är en kvinnlig människa och medlem av kungahuset i Tower City-skepp på Lord Protector's Planet i Pegasus galaxen. Hon är dotter till Lord Protector och en syster till Tavius​​. Mara var fullt medveten om det bleknar De gamla Teknologi Aktivering gen i sin familjs blodsband, och gjorde sin fysiska kropp tillgängligt för Överstelöjtnant John Sheppard i hopp om att han kan gifta sig med henne och ta hennes fars plats, återställa styrkan av genen och se positionen för Lord Protector till hennes familj. Innan han kom, kammarherren, Otho och Tavius​​ hade konspirerat för att förgifta och döda Tavius ​​och Mara far. När Tavius ​​besteg tronen, skulle han se till att Otho skulle ges rätt att gifta Mara. Mara bad Sheppard att avvika Tower, men Otho hade redan tagit De gamla Teknologi Aktivering genterapi Sheppard hade nyligen lämnat. På grund av detta skulle Otho gifta Mara och ta tronen stolen för sig själv. I en duell med Sheppard, ryckte Sheppard Otho kniv och skär honom med det. Kniven, även spetsad med gift, dödade Otho ögonblick senare lämnade Mara att gifta vem hon ville. Med tornet tömmas på all makt från Zero Point Module när Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay kortvarigt aktiverat City-skeppets Stardrive, har tagit makten ur händerna på den kungliga familjen och återvände till Eldreds folk nedan. (ATL: "The Tower")kategori:Prinsessor kategori:Lord Protector's folk kategori:En-gång Atlantis karaktär
  • Mara était une klingonne et l'épouse de Kang. Elle était également son officier scientifique à bord du croiseur de bataille. (TOS: "Day of the Dove")
  • In theistic religions the Devil, sometimes also known as Satan or Beelzebub, is a being completely opposed to God and to goodness. According to the Tipitaka, the Buddha was approached on several occasions by a spirit named Mara who tried to stop him from continuing his struggles for enlightenment, to tempt him and to encourage him to die (Sutta Nipata 426; Digha Nikaya 2. 103). Many Buddhists believe that Mara is an actual being while others contend that it is really an allegory or a personification of negative states of mind. There would seem to be more evidence for this second opinion than for the first. This is apparent from the fact that the Pali word màra means ‘death’ or ‘bringing death’ and that Mara’s three offspring are named Lobha, Dosa and Moha, meaning Greed, Hatred and Delusion. This interpretation is further supported by the fact that Buddhism sees evil as thoughts, speech and action motivated by ignorance rather than the machinations of a force external to the human mind. Mara is sometimes also called Kaõha, the Dark One (Majjhima Nikaya 1. 377), or Namuci (Digha Nikaya 2. 259).
  • Mara was the nanny taking care of Nei, the son of Paomu. Mara stole Paomu's Coin Purse in order to place a bet on "drake races". When approached, Paomu will ask the player to help her retrieve her money. Near Teipoa Island in Haiju Lagoon, the player will find some Bleached Bones and a Ravenous Drake. The drake drops Paomu's purse when killed. It appears that Mara may have been eaten by the drake.
  • Mara is a rather masculine woman working in the Vesper Mines, living in Vesper. The Avatar found her in the mines in Ultima VII during work time. Mara showed like everyone in the city a racist attitude against the Gargoyles, although in her case it seemed to be based more on simply assuming that violence was inevitable, than passionate hatred. This also was, why she was friends with Yvella and Cador, since they shared the dislike against Gargoyles. Interestingly, she didn't seem to want her dislike to become public knowledge. Mara also revealed her suspicions that while she knew little of Liana, mayor Auston's secretary, she was sure that it was Liana that secretly pulled the strings in the city.
  • Mara was a somewhat unscrupulous student at Smallville High School during Clark's junior and senior years. In his junior year, she was the girlfriend of, and co-conspirator with Jason Dante. In Clark's senior year, she was one of the Cheerleaders of Devotion.
  • Mara is one of the Sisters, along with Caia. She is known as the Fetid Reaper, and embodies the fear and hatred of death. She is said to live in a decayed crypt of grave stone. The Sisters "The Divided One" - The Sisters are a duality, two sides of a single coin, and that coin is death. The sisters are also referred to by two names, Mara and Caia. Together their symbol is a black skull adorned with a golden burial wreath. Mara "The Fetid Reaper" - Mara is the goddess of murder, necromancy, and sorrow. Her symbol is a black skull. Mara is revered by death cultists, necromancers, and those who wish to avoid her. She is the aspect of painful death and restless spirits. Necromancers pray to her to gain power over the dead.
  • Die Mara hat keine physikalische Manifestation in der realen Welt, sondern erscheint ihren Opfern im Traum und übernimmt ihren Körper. Die Besessenen werden durch ein Tattoo in der Form einer Schlange gezeichnet, welches ein Eigenleben entwickeln und andere infizieren kann. Die Mara ist ein bösartiges Wesen, dass sich von negativen Gefühlen ernährt und das Leiden anderer genießt. Sie führt leicht manipulierbare Individuuen in Versuchung, kontrolliert sie und lässt sie Chaos und Verderben anrichten.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiMara (znana również jako Bogini Miłości) – bogini współczucia oraz zrozumienia. Powszechnie czczona bogini (nie licząc Dunmerów). Początkowo zaczynała w mitycznych czasach jako bogini płodności. W Skyrim, Mara jest damą Kyne'a. W Cyrodiil jest uważana za Boginie-Matkę. Czasami utożsamiana z „Anuada” Nira, żeńską podstawą kosmosu, z którego zrodziło się stworzenie. Zależnie od religii jest małżonką Akatosha lub Lorkhana, choć występuje także jako konkubina obu.
  • Mara was a young woman from The Silk and the Song. She was a Wild Human of Haafin and love interest of the main character Alan.
  • Mara was a naga of the Greensnake Bloodline who married a human, Mirumoto Daini, and helped the Naga aid Rokugan during the Clan War and on the Second Day of Thunder.
  • Mara is a character appearing in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn. She is the final tenant and the one that lives in Apartment #302. Dom Woole will request that Kirby fill it with the right furniture in order to invite her. Mara plays a game with Kirby in which he must beat her in a race.
  • Mara es el principal demonio de la mitología budista. Su origen se remonta a algunos de los textos sagrados que hablan de la vida del primer buda histórico, introduciendo a Mara como la personificación del mal que, a manera de tentador, se hace presente en la lucha espiritual de Buda por conseguir la iluminación. Sin embargo, la creencia en Mara como un ser real pertenece a las poco letradas manifestaciones del Budismo en la cultura popular; ya que los monjes y todo budista medianamente ilustrado, comprenden que Mara es en esencia un ser simbólico, una personificación del mal entendido básicamente como el conjunto de fuerzas (externas e internas) y tendencias que favorecen el anclaje del individuo en el Samsara (ciclo de nacimiento, vida, muerte y resurrección), oponiéndose así a la iluminación, la liberación del sufrimiento y la realización espiritual. Pero el mal del Budismo no es el MAL del Cristianismo y del Islam, no está intrínsecamente ligado a los conceptos de ‹‹culpa›› y ‹‹pecado›› y, como aclara un portal de Budismo Shin (corriente budista surgida hace más de 800 años en Japón), “no es una entidad viva, es simplemente el síntoma de la ignorancia espiritual”, ignorancia ésta que tiene como principales consecuencias al apego y al odio, que junto a ella conforman los llamados “tres grandes venenos”. Por eso en el fondo el “mal” budista es ignorancia y error, debido a lo cual Mara, en tanto que personificación del “mal”, representa fundamentalmente el conjunto de ilusiones que impiden a los seres humanos lograr su liberación. Se la da por ello el título de “Señor de la Ilusión”, ya que en el Budismo permanecer en la ilusión implica permanecer en el samsara y por ende morir una y otra vez, Mara es también llamado “Señor de la Muerte” y “Dios de la Destrucción”. center|300px Categoría:Demonios Categoría:Bestiario
  • Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. Colegio Mayor femenino adscrito a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La rotonda que lleva su nombre (por cercanía) así como el propio colegio mayor ha sido uno de los lugares mas significativos en la última década del Negro, así grandes eventos como San Negrín, o el Aquamara tuvieron lugar en la propia rotonda o en las proximidades.
  • File:Risen2 logo 104.png <default>Mara</default> Character Details Gender Status Death Faction Location Occupation Teaches Loot Quests Voice actor Mara is a Titan Lord of Water and the primary antagonist of Risen 2: Dark Waters. She draws many sea-dwelling creatures to shores of islands of the Southern Seas, including some that might not normally be seen by humans. SPOILERS FOLLOW
  • File:Mara Arion Lord Of Atlantis 2 RT.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Mara (マーラ, Māra)? is a demon in the series.
  • Mara (マーラ Māra) are Demons that possess statues of Buddha or Kannon in temples.
  • Mara is a title character cat from 130 Collection of a Storybook
  • Mara is a character in the game Kirby's Epic Yarn. She is one of the residents that lives in the apartment complex in Quilty Square, and lives in apartment #302 after Kirby fills it with the right furniture. She is the last resident that comes to live in the apartments, but many think she has the most fun game. The game that she plays with the player is a race. She challenges the player to a race through part of a random level, and if the player gets to the end first, he wins. The races get harder and harder as the player beats them. Unfortunately for the player racing Mara, she can fly. She tends to take a lot of shortcuts through little bits of the race that Kirby cannot take due to his inability to fly. She starts taking shortcuts more frequently when the levels start getting harder, increasing difficulty. During later levels, she also starts to get faster, and the Car transformation is the only way to actually go faster than her. She does have one flaw, though, and that is her lack of stamina. While Kirby can keep going forever without stopping, Mara has to take little breathers every once in a while, costing her about three seconds each time. This is the only way for Kirby to catch up to her, due to her taking shortcuts.
  • Mara is a pregnant woman who gave birth at the hospital.
  • "In the year 2042, the world no longer knew war and lived wisely and happily in a new golden era!" "World scientist" Doctor Dino Lavelle is experimenting successfully to restore dead bodies to life. He is assisted in the process by Cal Evans and Mara. Wishing to attempt it on a body that has been dead as long as possible, Dino Lavelle sends Cal to retrieve the body of "Crazy" Ed Curren, a ruthless gangster from the 1920s era who was preserved hermetically by his gang. Curren's machine gun was laid to rest with his in his coffin. Doctor Lavelle successfully returns life to Curren to life. Curren is pleased to learn the brave, new world has no crime and therefore no law enforcement. "Crazy" Curren ties up Doctor Lavelle and Mara, using them as hostages. He decides he wants Cal to get the bodies of his old gang and attempt to revive them. Concerned for the safety of Dino and Mara, Cal manages to retrieve a few of the corpses from Curren's gang. Curren's gang is restored, and begins a reign of terror. Cullen and his gang rise to take control of the world. Cal manages to incite "Crazy" Ed Cullen's men against him, and the gangsters kill each other in a gun battle. Four others of Cullen's gang died in a "magno plane" crash, caused when the pilot bailed out and left them to their fates.
  • Formerly a trained Cobra Eel, MARA was one of the first tests of a Cobra experiement to integrate fish DNA into a human. The experiment partially succeeded, but partially failed. She grew gills, but her skin color changed to blue, and she was no longer able to breathe in the open air. Originally joined Cobra out of a 'hard luck' neighborhood, where right and wrong didn't matter, and no one was a friend. She found out that Cobra wanted more than they let on. She departed Cobra with help from GI Joe, during an incident where the Joes were attempting to find a stolen submarine. She has feelings for the one of the Joes, Shipwreck. Recently, she joined the GI Joe team. She has recently been fixed by the Joes so she can exist outside the water, though is unsuited to dry environments. She also still turns slightly purple when out of water, though not uncomfortable generally. She has earned some income previously by diving for wrecks and lost ships, both in salvage and hunting for treasure.
  • Mara is a supporting character in TRON: Uprising, voiced by Mandy Moore. She is one of Beck's best friends and his co-worker at Able's garage. Mara specializes in making deadly weapons and vehicles. She has also expressed admiration for Beck's renegade program disguise, completely unaware of his true identity.
  • Mara is a Devil-like figure found in some Buddhist myths and is comparable to Satan, especially the "Serpent" aspect - a great tempter Mara was an infamous demon who manifested to try and tempt Gautuma Buddha away from reaching Enlightenment. Mara tried to seduce Buddha using the vision of a beautiful woman, although he failed in achieving this task he was seen as a trickster figure who would proceed to target humanity and try to distract them from their spiritual life via making the mundane alluring or the negative seem positive. Mara was also the main antagonist in the Manga Buddha, created by Osamu Tezuka. In this version, Mara looks most of the time like a female with four arms with a snake-like abdomen. Sometimes, she's even in the complete shape of a snake. Mara was tortured during a battle with the god Brahman, and -because Brahman made Buddha- she tried to get destroy Buddha to get revenge. Mara, hoever, wasn't albe to tought human, so she set the criminal Ananda against Buddha. Ananda though, became a follower of Buddha, so Mara faled with her evil plans. Later, Mara tried to allure Ananda, but without success. Out of anger, Mara killed Ananda's girlfriend Lata implied.
  • Mara is the Buddhist version of Satan in South Asian mythology. He appears in the episode of Disney's Animated Myths and Legends "The Legend of The Buddha, which aired on January 2, 2000. He is voiced by James Earl Jones.
  • Mara was an orphaned female badger who was adopted by the Badger Lord of Salamandastron, Urthstripe the Strong, who called her "Browneye" as a pet name while she was an infant. Her best friend was the young hare, Pikkle Ffolger. She constantly fought with Urthstripe, feeling that he was too strict and overbearing. She met the weasel Klitch - son of the warlord Ferahgo the Assassin - and his comrade Goffa while wandering not far from Salamandastron, befriended them, and took them back to the mountain as guests. Urthstripe, incredulous and disgusted, ordered them taken from the mountain; A distraught Mara ran away with them, as did Pikkle. But Klitch led them into a trap, intending to turn them over to his father Ferahgo - believing that Mara and Pikkle knew where the famed badger treasure of Salamandastron was hidden. However, Urthstripe had sent Sapwood and Oxeye to follow them, and Sapwood allowed the pair to escape. Shortly after, Mara and Pikkle encountered the lizard Swinkee after they had taken up temporary residence in his cave and accidentally broken off the lizard's tail, his "best tail". In anger, Swinkee pretended to lead them to Salamandastron, but turned them over to the Toadking Glagweb as "Foodslaves", where they would be eaten by the tribe of toads, in exchange for food. While being kept in the toads' pit, they met Nordo, son of the Log-a-Log of the Guosssom, and waited for the shrews to rescue them. They joined with the Guosssom as they went across the Great Inland Sea to the island at its center, to reclaim the Blackstone that was the symbol of Log-a-Log's authority. Along the way, they encountered the Deepcoiler, a legendary monster of the Great Inland Sea. Panicked by the monster, many shrews tried to replace Log-a-Log with the shrew Tubgutt and paddle back to the mainland. However, Mara intervened on the side of Log-a-Log and ended the mutiny. After evading the Deepcoiler and reaching the island, Mara, Pikkle and the Guosssom encountered the albino badger Urthwyte, his grandmother Loambudd and his squirrel guardian, Ashnin. Mara explained to them was going back to Salamandastron to aid Urthstripe against Ferahgo, and told Loambudd all she knew of the badger Lord when asked. Realizing that the mountain would need all the help it could get, Ashnin, Loambudd and Urthwyte decided to accompany Mara to Salamandastron. They joined with Samkim, Arula and the Guosssom tribe of Alfoh the Elder and made the final stretch to Salamandastron. By the time they reached the battle, it was very nearly over. At its end, Mara found Urthstripe dead, having clutched Ferahgo to his chest and jumped from the top of the mountain. She realized then that she wished she had been able to add one more title to his credit - that of father. With Urthwyte installed as Urthstripe's successor, Mara decided to return to Redwall Abbey with Samkim and Arula, and take up the mantle of Badger Mother of Redwall - the first since Mellus' death many seasons earlier.
  • The Mara is an animal available on FarmVille. It was originally released on September 20th, 2012 as a reward for collecting 6 Ball of Wools on Stamp Collection Countdown Day 3. Alternative names for this animal is Mara Rodent.
  • thumb|Mara auf der Enterprise (2268) Die Klingonin Mara dient 2268 an Bord eines Schlachtkreuzers der D7-Klasse als Wissenschaftsoffizier. Sie ist die Frau von Commander Kang. Mit ihm zusammen wird sie auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter Arrest gestellt. Später versuchen sie, das Schiff unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen. Schließlich vermittelt sie ziwschen Kang und Captain Kirk, weil sie seine Theorie befürwortet. Kirk ist davon überzeugt, dass all diese Kämpfe von einem fremden Wesen geschaffen worden sind. (TOS: ) Ihre Rolle war der erste Auftritt einer klingonischen Frau in Star Trek. Mara wurde von Susan Howard gespielt und von Maddalena Kerrh synchronisiert.
  • thumb|200px Mara es la diosa del amor, madre de la tierra pródiga y fuente de compasión y comprensión. Casi venerada como una diosa universal, sus orígenes son en tiempos míticos como una diosa de la fertilidad. En Skyrim, Mara es una sierva de Kyne. En el Imperio, es la diosa madre, venerada en las Benevolencias de Mara. A veces es asociada con Nir de la 'Anuad', el principio femenino del cosmos que dio origen a la creación. Dependiendo de la religión puede estar casada con Akatosh o Lorkhan o la concubina de ambos. Ella le dio al Nerevarine su blusa y su falda.
  • Mara (マーラ Māra) is a silver Handmaiden Mutant created by Shadow Moon. She died along with Kara during the collapse of Gorgom's base.
  • Mara, was a Near-Human female Jedi Knight who lived during the final decades of the Republic Dark Age. One of two apprentices to Jedi Master Bek—the other being Remulus Vev, Mara trained to be a Jedi. In 1,012 BBY, after a botched mission to Hurikane, Mara was mortally wounded and thought dead soon after, but under orders of her master to test Vev, she lowered her heart rate enough to pass for being dead and convinced she was, Vev left the Jedi Order and renounced the Force. She eventually passed her Jedi trials and joined the Army of Light on Ruusan where she ran into Vev again just before the seventh battle on the planet. Upon seeing her, he berated her for the false perception of her but fought beside her and his former master nonetheless until both were slain on the battlefield. Vev later forgave her for the deception and took her lightsaber as a token of remembrance.
  • Mara act as Darkilov's foot soldiers, and are carriers of dreams. When a Nightmare attacks, they are summoned to aid in the fight against Oneiro Rangers. Each species of Nightmare owns its own type of Mara, related to its characteristics.
  • Mara is the 19th god of the universe, who awoke after Veros created two moons to circle the planet.
  • The Mara was/were a gestalt being/species that dwelt in the Dark Places of the Inside and sought physical existence by taking over a host in their dream. Because of its unclear nature, the Mara was simultaneously thought of as a "he," "it," and "they."
  • Mara is the god of the Marags. His totem animal is the bat, as mentioned in The Rivan Codex. Known as the Weeping God for his long mourning after the Tolnedran massacre of the Marags, Mara nursed a hatred for the Tolnedrans. He stirred the ghosts of his dead people, so that few could ever enter his domain without being driven mad. The exception is the monastery at Mar Terrin, where Tolnedran monks attempt to comfort the spirits of the Marags. This monastery is often referred to in the books as "Tolnedra's Conscience". Mara has the most constant spiritual presence after the departure of the gods; He is found to be always howling in the ruins of Mar Amon. His mad grief ended with the restoration of the Marags, when Taiba, a descendant of the massacre survivors, was found in the caverns below Rak Cthol. You will all taste pain and terror for this arrogant despite of me. I will wring the sleep from the minds of these intruders, and they will know the agony and madness I will visit upon them all.” — Magician's Gambit
  • As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Mara was descended from Klingons affected with the Klingon augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: "Divergence") In 2268, Mara was part of the Klingon crew and Starfleet crewmembers aboard the USS Enterprise that while under the mind control of an unknown alien entity were fighting a no win battle. She was very worried that she would be violated by the Starfleet crew. She assisted Captain Kirk in negotiating a peaceful end to the conflict by taking him to Kang and supporting Kirk's theory that an alien was controlling both forces. (TOS: "Day of the Dove" )
  • Mara is a character from The New Adventures of He-Man.
  • She was only 17 when her father and brother died in the Riftwar, with few soldiers and no allies. Despite her obstacles though, in a considerable short amount of time she secured more prestige for House Acoma than they ever had in their long, honourable history. She became one of the most powerful people in the Empire and went on to change the very fabric of Tsurani culture and society for the better.
  • Mara is a Demon First Class, Unlimited, and a childhood friend of Urd. Like Urd, because of her demonic heritage, she has a musical weakness (rock in the original Japanese, and disco in Dark Horse's releases) which makes her dance until exhausted. She also seems to have a weakness against good luck charms, a trait not inherited by any other demon.
  • Mara is a Human and member of the royal house within the Tower City-ship on the Lord Protector's Planet in the Pegasus galaxy. She is daughter of the Lord Protector and a sister to Tavius. In the far, distant past, at least one Ancient became an ancestor in Mara's family line, passing down the Ancient Technology Activation gene to her. (SGA: "The Tower") Mara was fully aware of the fading Ancient Technology Activation gene in her family's bloodline, and made her physical body available to Lt. Colonel John Sheppard in the hopes that he may wed her and take her father's place, restoring the strength of the gene and ensuring the position of Lord Protector to her family. Prior to his arrival, the chamberlain, Otho, and Tavius had conspired to poison and kill Tavius and Mara's father. When Tavius ascended to the throne, he would ensure Otho would be granted the right to wed Mara. Mara pleaded with Sheppard to depart the tower, but Otho had already taken the Ancient Technology Activation gene therapy Sheppard had recently provided. Because of this, Otho would wed Mara and take the throne chair for himself. In a duel with Sheppard, Sheppard snatched Otho's knife and cut him with it. The knife, also laced with poison, killed Otho moments later, leaving Mara to wed who she wished. With the tower drained of any power from the Zero Point Module when Dr. Rodney McKay briefly activated the City-ship's Stardrive, power was taken from the hands of the royal family and returned to Eldred's people below. (SGA: "The Tower")
  • Mara is a Human resident of Sanctum, and she enjoys watching Bella perform. She's very proud of her brother Codinaus, who ascended as a Daeva.
  • Mara is a neighborhood near the northwest corner of Richland, just south of Uriah. It is a rundown area of homes and businesses around a central Plaza.
  • Osaka= Name: Osaka Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 0 Trade: Yes |-| Owau Prime= Name: Owau Prime Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 9 Trade: No |-| Ruhisa= Name: Ruhisa Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 10 Trade: Yes |-| Danube= Name: Danube Type: Planet Inhabitants: Terran Technology Level: 8 Trade: Yes |-| Prophet= Name: Prophet Type: Station Inhabitants: Cyborg Technology Level: 10 Trade: No
  • A co-worker and one of Beck's friends at Able's Garage. Saved early in the series by Beck, Mara becomes one of the most dedicated believers in Tron's return and the Renegade's actions, often supporting him openly and questioning the official news reports painting the Renegade as a terrorist.
  • Mara é o símbolo da ruindade sistemática. Filha de um pajé, absorveu todos os conhecimentos do pai, utilizando-os sempre para fazer o mal. Segundo uma das versões, tantas maldades fez, que o próprio pai decidiu matá-la, a fim de evitar que sua descendência espalhasse a ruindade sobre a terra. Após inúmeras tentativas frustradas — pois Mara sempre descobria e escapava — ele consegue fazê-la afogar-se. Não pôde, porém, evitar que em sua agonia, a filha liberasse uma baba peçonhenta, contaminando diversas plantas e ervas que podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes de feitiços.
  • Mara is a never mermaid. She appears to be good friends with Oola and Voona. Her full name is unknown, because it is to hard to pronounce. She has blue hair and a tail, but doesn't wear a scarf.
  • Mara is a character appearing in the Savage Sword of Conan, and was a childhood friend of Conan.
  • Mara is a merchant who sells "under the counter wares". She is found on the second floor of the Rivertown Tavern after the main plot quest Chasing the Dragon. You can buy Weapons, Armor, Food, and Drinks from her. She lowers her prices if you mindread her. ru:Мара
  • Mara, labeled as The Sweet Goth Girl, was a contestant in Total Drama Paradise. Mara joined TDP so she can help Sarah win, and to use the money for liposuction.
  • Mara ist eine Freundin und Helferin aus Kirby und das magische Garn. Sie wohnt in Apartment #302 und ist damit die letzte Bewohnerin. Kirby muss sie in einem Wettrennen besiegen.
  • Mara was a location in the Richland district in the Matrix. This neighbourhood mostly consists storehouses belonging to various companies. The Blackwoods gang is also located in this area, as well as the Exile contact known as Sister Margaret.
  • Mara a Praetor Lupus tagja volt, aki meghalt, amikor Sebastian Morgenstern megtámadta a Praetor-házat.
  • Although not maniacal, as many PPCers are, Agent Mara is somber and blunt when she's not teasing her partner. Mara showed her partner, Agent Isaiah, the ropes early on in their missions, but as Isaiah gains more and more experience, she finds herself being on more of an equal footing with him. She still refers to him as "Recruit" now and again, even though Isaiah is now one of the oldest PPCers still active. She is tall and of medium build, with curly black hair that Misspelled Monkeys love to yank on, green eyes (DARK green, Suethors!), olive-toned skin, and is accompanied by her mini-Balrog, Moordoor. Her favorite weapon is a replica of Captain Jack Sparrow's pistol (which she only loads one round into at a time), and her favorite character in the multiverse is Samwise Gamgee.
  • Cet article a pour sujet un élément futur de la série Animal Crossing. Son nom est susceptible d'être modifié tout comme son contenu à mesure du développement de cet élément et des informations connues. Cet article est une ébauche. Vous pouvez aider My English Wiki en le développant. Catégorie:ébauche <default>Mara</default> Statistiques Mara (Viché en anglais, Ardelta en espagnol, Vicky en italien) est un écureuil apparaissant dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf après la mise à jour de novembre 2016.
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