  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • La nave prende il nome da Ferdinando Magellano, il quale era il capo della prima spedizione che circumnavigò la Terra. Ironia della sorte, Magellano non sarebbe mai sopravvissuto al viaggio stesso, morendo a metà strada del viaggio nelle Filippine per colpa di un attacco degli indigeni.
  • Named for the early 16th century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who organized the first circumnavigation of the Earth. * Magellan Melrow * Magellanic Cloud * Magellanic Alliance * Pax Magellanic
  • In Magellan befindet sich keine Sonne und kein Planet. thumb|400px * Basis Mactan (4C) * Freihafen 4 (5E) * Asteroidenabbaustation (3F) * 2 Lagerdepots (3F) * New York (4D) * California (4G) * Manchester (5B) * Cortez (Die Barriere), (2C) * Leeds (Die Barriere), (3C) * Manchester (Die Barriere), 4C) * Die Barriere * Wendell-Eisfeld * Wasser (Die Barriere, Wendell-Eisfeld) * Bradley (Die Barriere), (7C)
  • Magellan is the vice warden of Impel Down. He was formerly the chief warden, but after his failure to stop the jail's one and only mass-breakout, he was replaced by Hannyabal and demoted to vice warden. He was the main antagonist during the Impel Down Arc.
  • International regulatory body who administer interstellar prospecting laws. Any profit made by a corporation on discovered systems and planets is funnelled through Magellan, and a cut is taken by them. Most probably named for Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
  • The Magellan is a research vessel used on an expedition to find the Lost City of Krobos.
  • Magellan (マゼラン - Mazeran) était le Sous-Directeur d'Impel Down il y a 20 ans de cela, puis il fût promu au rang de directeur de la prison sous-marine. Poste qu'il quittera après la guerre de Marineford. Il est l'antagoniste principal de l'Arc d'Impel Down. Il fût par la suite rétrogradé après avoir échoué dans sa mission d'arrêter Monkey D. Luffy et pour ne pas avoir pu empêché plus de 200 prisonniers de s'échapper d'Impel Down. Le nouveau directeur d'Impel Down est maintenant Hannyabal. On apprend qu'après l'ellipse Sadi devient amoureuse de lui.
  • Magellan is a lemur that is needed to unlock the earth totem pole in the Temple Jungle. He resides at the top of the giant Gaia Tree with several other lemurs in the jungle. After the showdown with Morcubus and finding the Crown of Nightmares, he will then be avaliable for recruitment for the Sim Protection Agency. In most missions all you get from his calls are chitters, but occasionally he will send you pictures of what he's doing. Magellan mainly just sleeps when you see him in the HQ.
  • Magellan adalah seorang pria bertubuh tinggi besar, kira-kira tiga kali ukuran manusia normal. Ia memiliki wajah seram dengan gigi-gigi yang tajam, jenggot tebal dan bertanduk, dan memakai semacam sayap kelelawar. Dibawah tanduk, ia memiliki rambut hitam pendek bergaya twintail. Secara umum, Magellan memiliki penampakan seperti setan penjaga. Seperti kebanyakan petugas Impel Down, Magellan mengenakan pakaian khas penjaga dengan setelan hitam dan kemeja merah di bawahnya. Setelan hitamnya memiliki banyak fitur kancing. Selain itu, ia juga memakai sebuah topi khas petugas, dengan sepatu bot.
  • Magellan (マゼラン) is the vice warden of Impel Down. He was formerly the chief warden, but after his failure to stop the jail's one and only mass-breakout, he was replaced by Hannyabal and demoted to vice warden. He was the main antagonist during the Impel Down Arc.
  • Status: The Magellan was a Federation Type-6 shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. In the 2360s, Magellan was assigned to the USS Enterprise as shuttle 15.
  • Magellan appears in MySims Galaxy.
  • High Explorer Magellan assisted Brann Bronzebeard in taking advantage of the Explorers' Guild's collection of historical and cultural texts used in writing Chapter One of the Lands of Conflict. Brann thanks Magellan in an introductory letter addressed to High Explorer Tomli Magellas, his brother Magni Bronzebeard, and the Excursion Council, found within his book. This reference is likely a typo of High Explorer Magellas, and intended to be Tomli Magellas, rather than a separate character.
  • Magellan ist der ehemalige Gefängnisdirektor von Impel Down. Zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford ist Magellan der stellvertretende Direktor von Impel Down Er empfängt Boa Hancock und Vizeadmiral Momonga in seinem Raum.
  • Commodore Magellan was a cybernetic construct who commanded a science vessel.
  • The Magellan was the first Magellan-class battleship to be built and commissioned in U.C. 0070 for the Earth Federal Space Force. In UC 0079, the Magellan was based at Luna II, when Char Aznable led a commando team and attacked Luna II. The Magellan was ordered to leave Luna II, but Aznable's team mined the entrance to Luna II. The Magellan was heavily damaged and crashed. The Magellan blocked the entrance, which inhibited the White Base from leaving Luna II and engaging the Zeon forces, which included a Musai-class light cruiser. The White Base destroyed the Magellan on orders from Commandant Watkein. (Escape from Luna II)
  • The Magellan System includes the Freeport 4 base, an abandoned Bretonian station now inhabited by miners from New London, and the Mactan base, home to the Lane Hackers. Other criminal organizations include the Liberty Rogues and Outcasts. The system's chief products include water and oxygen.
  • Magellan é unha banda de rock/metal progresivo procedente de California e creada polos irmáns Trent Gardner (voz, teclado, trombón) e Wayne Gardner (guitarra, baixo, coros) en 1985.
  • Magellan è l'attuale vicedirettore della prigione di Impel Down. Prima del salto temporale ricopriva la carica di direttore.
  • Anteriormente fue el alcaide de la prisión, puesto que ahora ocupa Hannyabal por razones desconocidas.
  • The Magellan was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer in service of the Galactic Empire, and later Warlord Zsinj's government.
  • The Magellan was a luxury ocean liner travelling the oceans of the planet Mesa. Operated by Voyages Unlimited, it was the first floating passenger vessel to be used on Mesa for centuries. It was destroyed in mid-1922 PD as part of Operation Houdini, covering the secret removal of a number of prominent members of the Mesan elite. Of the 2,744 passengers and 963 crewmembers aboard, only 855 survived. (CS3)
  • Magellan is the name of interstellar spaceships in multiple works of science fiction.
  • Born into the new Millennium with a twin named Plumpaw, Magellan is an a Demarian barely out of adolescence with a confused idea about life. On the one paw, he desperately wants to be as cool, relaxed and dangerous as the people he meets on Tomin Kora, and on the other, he can't quite shake the feeling that something about that world is just...not right. Initially working under the influence of Redmane, Magellan follows his sister all over the galaxy, trying to stay out of trouble with Plum and keep her from cutting off his tufty hair.
  • In early 2368, Worf attempted to take the Magellan to the surface of El-Adrel IV to rescue Captain Jean-Luc Picard, stranded there by the Tamarians. In order to keep Picard and the Tamarian captain, Dathon, undisturbed, the Tamarian vessel opened fire on the Magellan, only damaging it enough to prevent it from landing. The shuttle aborted the mission and returned to the Enterprise. (TNG: "Darmok" )
  • Magellan has been a prison guard at Impel Down for many years prior to his debut in the Impel Down Arc. After the events at Saboady Arcipelago, Luffy learned that his brother has been sent to Impel Down and is awaiting execution at Marineford. While Luffy was going through each level to get to the level where Ace was at, Magellan learned of Straw Hat's infiltration. In level four, Magellan confronted Luffy and Bentham. He promptly defeated Luffy who was already exhausted from going through all the levels and gravely poisoned him in the process.
  • Magellan (EARTH) 1. Firstly, you must have got Clive, and completed Ferdinand's quest in the bar in Holy Village. You need Clive in team, and the King Certificate. 2. Sail from South Island, past Cook's Fleet in a southeast direction to land on Magellan's Fleet (see map if you're having difficulty finding it). 3. Talk to Bo-sun and fight him with his 2 guards (1K + 800HP), after defeating them he will tear up your King Certificate - thus you cannot land on this ship again. Leave the ship for the pirate den. 4. Head back to the cave on South Island's coast, this time go to the door in the southwest. Talk to the pirates at the door and enter inside. Make your way to the far portal and you will see a ship. 5. Get aboard the ship and go below deck, set Clive to battle mode and enter the first
  • Magellan (マゼラン, Mazeran) is the chief warden of the World Government's underwater prison, Impel Down. While he was the warden, it was thought that Portgas D. Ace was being held in the prison. Monkey D. Luffy first encountered Magellan during his quest to rescue Ace before reuniting with his crew. When it seemed that Luffy has the advantage, he unexpectedly touched Magellan's poison and was imprisoned. Later, the entirety of the prison staged a massive breakout. Luffy fought the warden in a rematch at the prison's entrance, this time with the aid of Galdino's strong wax. In the end, Magellan was defeated. However, the warden tried one last time to stop the escapes, only meeting resistance from one of Luffy's enemies turned friends, Bentham. For his failures two years later, Magellan was dem
  • thumb|Die Magellan im Innern des Nullraums. Die Magellan ist ein Shuttle des Typs 6 der Sternenflotte, stationiert auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D). Es trägt dort die Nummer 15, die später erst die Goddard und dann die Hawking tragen. 2368 setzt Worf die Magellan ein, um Captain Picard von der Oberfläche von El-Adrel IV zu holen, nachdem die Transporter nicht eingesetzt werden können. Die dafür verantwortlichen Tamarianer feuern auf die Magellan und beschädigen sie so gerade so stark, dass sie nicht auf dem Planeten landen kann, und Worf muss die Mission abbrechen. (TNG: )
  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • M
  • 327
  • 1600.0
  • 4
  • Battleship
  • Toxi-Fruit
  • Poison
  • ドクドクの実
  • 203
  • 571
  • Fruta Doku Doku
Fruta del Diablo
  • si
  • File:2580.png
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Attacks in an X pattern with 4 small elemental lasers.
  • x
  • Impel Down
  • マゼラン
  • männlich
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • x
  • Hatcher
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • Inside Out, MuseWrapped Records
  • 2368
  • マゼラン
  • マゼラン
  • ImpelDownColores
  • ImpelDownColors
  • 30
  • Veneno
  • ImpelDown
  • マゼラン
  • Bounce
  • No
  • Mazeran
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks nearby enemies with large four-rebound elemental lasers.
  • Attacks nearby enemies with medium-sized three-rebound elemental lasers.
  • * vicedirettore; * direttore
  • Trent Gardner
  • Wayne Gardner
  • --10-05
  • Mazeran
  • マゼラン
  • 17398
  • 20081
  • 21197
Strike shot
  • Neutralizes damage walls, barriers, warps, and mines.
  • Launches a pulse attack in the targeted direction.
  • スペース・デリバリー - 22 Turns
  • マゼラニック・ストリーム - 25 Turns
  • ステラ・テンタクル・ナックル - 12 Turns
  • Magellan
  • 528
  • 538
  • 542
  • 549
  • 581
  • Mazeran
  • 10
  • 254.470000
  • 360.500000
  • 382.830000
  • Minovsky-Ionesco Fusion Reactor
  • Mensch
  • 9
  • Mazeran
  • 250
  • World Government
  • Impel Down
  • TIE/LN starfighters
  • Scientist, science vessel commander, commodore
  • 25
  • Female
  • Terran Dominion : Alpha Squadron
  • Mazeran
  • 0
  • 425
  • 432
  • 440
  • 444
  • 452
  • 490
  • 250
  • 250
  • Magellan
  • 9
  • 11
  • 14
  • Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
  • 4
  • His devil fruit powers
  • Yes
  • Destroyed
  • destroyed
  • lebendig
  • 2360.0
  • Paramecia
  • 15
  • NCC-1701-D/15
  • * *
  • Earth Totem Pole guardian, potential recruit
  • Playable in the third game.
  • Mitsuaki Hoshino
  • 50
  • Magellan
  • Magellan
  • Shiliew confrontation
  • assisted by Shiliew
  • tragic
  • Ship
  • Speed
  • System
  • Balanced
  • fed
  • legends
  • Image caption
  • October, 0070
  • Chapter 528; Episode 425
  • Mitsuaki Hoshino
  • 102
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • s
  • Nebulan Slayer L
  • Mech Slayer M / Demon Slayer M
  • Water Resistance / Nebulan Slayer XL
  • black
  • 203
  • #203A52
  • 9
  • 96
  • 1
  • Magellan
  • --10-09
  • Magellan dopo.png
  • Research Vessel
  • 0
  • 531
Image size
  • 225
  • *
  • white
  • #C0C0C0
  • -
  • --10-09
  • Bridge
  • Magellan
  • Base=File:2578.png
  • 10
  • 2578
  • 2579
  • 2580
  • manga st
  • manga post
  • 8
  • Gardien en Chef , Directeur Vice Directeur
  • Vice Warden; Chief Warden
  • 800
  • 12728
  • 17024
  • 19039
  • Magellan
  • 1990
  • 7
  • Male
  • Terran
  • Cybernetic construct
  • Vizegefängnisleiter
  • Evolution: ??
  • Ascension: ??
  • Magellan.jpg
  • --10-09
  • Alcaide
  • Vice-alcaide
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
Funi eva
  • * Magellan Vs Shiliew = Victoire ' * Magellan Vs Luffy = Victoire * Magellan Vs Ace = Victoire facile * Magellan Vs Emporio Ivankov = Victoire * Magellan Vs Inazuma = Victoire * Magellan Vs équipage de Barbe Noire = Victoire éclaire * Magellan Vs Luffy,Mr.3= Fuite de Luffy * Magellan Vs Équipage de Barbe Noire = Défaite '
  • 1600
  • 1
  • schwarz
  • Virar Cabbel
  • Doku Doku no Mi
  • Venom-Venom Fruit
  • schwarz
  • Doku Doku no Mi
  • La nave prende il nome da Ferdinando Magellano, il quale era il capo della prima spedizione che circumnavigò la Terra. Ironia della sorte, Magellano non sarebbe mai sopravvissuto al viaggio stesso, morendo a metà strada del viaggio nelle Filippine per colpa di un attacco degli indigeni.
  • Named for the early 16th century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who organized the first circumnavigation of the Earth. * Magellan Melrow * Magellanic Cloud * Magellanic Alliance * Pax Magellanic
  • In Magellan befindet sich keine Sonne und kein Planet. thumb|400px * Basis Mactan (4C) * Freihafen 4 (5E) * Asteroidenabbaustation (3F) * 2 Lagerdepots (3F) * New York (4D) * California (4G) * Manchester (5B) * Cortez (Die Barriere), (2C) * Leeds (Die Barriere), (3C) * Manchester (Die Barriere), 4C) * Die Barriere * Wendell-Eisfeld * Wasser (Die Barriere, Wendell-Eisfeld) * Bradley (Die Barriere), (7C)
  • thumb|Die Magellan im Innern des Nullraums. Die Magellan ist ein Shuttle des Typs 6 der Sternenflotte, stationiert auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D). Es trägt dort die Nummer 15, die später erst die Goddard und dann die Hawking tragen. 2368 setzt Worf die Magellan ein, um Captain Picard von der Oberfläche von El-Adrel IV zu holen, nachdem die Transporter nicht eingesetzt werden können. Die dafür verantwortlichen Tamarianer feuern auf die Magellan und beschädigen sie so gerade so stark, dass sie nicht auf dem Planeten landen kann, und Worf muss die Mission abbrechen. (TNG: ) Im gleichen Jahr wird die Magellan mit Phasern ausgerüstet, damit Commander Riker und der J'naii Soren eine Mission zur Rettung der Crew des J'naii-Shuttles Taris Murn durchführen können. Mit den Phasern gelingt es die J'naii aus dem Nullraum zu befreien und an Bord der Magellan zu beamen. Kurz darauf wird die Magellan zerstört und alle Personen an Bord von der Enterprise gerettet. (TNG: ) Die Magellan war das erste Typ-6-Shuttle, das in TNG zu sehen war. Kategorie:Shuttle en:Magellan
  • Magellan is the vice warden of Impel Down. He was formerly the chief warden, but after his failure to stop the jail's one and only mass-breakout, he was replaced by Hannyabal and demoted to vice warden. He was the main antagonist during the Impel Down Arc.
  • International regulatory body who administer interstellar prospecting laws. Any profit made by a corporation on discovered systems and planets is funnelled through Magellan, and a cut is taken by them. Most probably named for Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
  • The Magellan is a research vessel used on an expedition to find the Lost City of Krobos.
  • Magellan (マゼラン - Mazeran) était le Sous-Directeur d'Impel Down il y a 20 ans de cela, puis il fût promu au rang de directeur de la prison sous-marine. Poste qu'il quittera après la guerre de Marineford. Il est l'antagoniste principal de l'Arc d'Impel Down. Il fût par la suite rétrogradé après avoir échoué dans sa mission d'arrêter Monkey D. Luffy et pour ne pas avoir pu empêché plus de 200 prisonniers de s'échapper d'Impel Down. Le nouveau directeur d'Impel Down est maintenant Hannyabal. On apprend qu'après l'ellipse Sadi devient amoureuse de lui.
  • Magellan is a lemur that is needed to unlock the earth totem pole in the Temple Jungle. He resides at the top of the giant Gaia Tree with several other lemurs in the jungle. After the showdown with Morcubus and finding the Crown of Nightmares, he will then be avaliable for recruitment for the Sim Protection Agency. In most missions all you get from his calls are chitters, but occasionally he will send you pictures of what he's doing. Magellan mainly just sleeps when you see him in the HQ.
  • Magellan adalah seorang pria bertubuh tinggi besar, kira-kira tiga kali ukuran manusia normal. Ia memiliki wajah seram dengan gigi-gigi yang tajam, jenggot tebal dan bertanduk, dan memakai semacam sayap kelelawar. Dibawah tanduk, ia memiliki rambut hitam pendek bergaya twintail. Secara umum, Magellan memiliki penampakan seperti setan penjaga. Seperti kebanyakan petugas Impel Down, Magellan mengenakan pakaian khas penjaga dengan setelan hitam dan kemeja merah di bawahnya. Setelan hitamnya memiliki banyak fitur kancing. Selain itu, ia juga memakai sebuah topi khas petugas, dengan sepatu bot.
  • Magellan (マゼラン) is the vice warden of Impel Down. He was formerly the chief warden, but after his failure to stop the jail's one and only mass-breakout, he was replaced by Hannyabal and demoted to vice warden. He was the main antagonist during the Impel Down Arc.
  • Status: The Magellan was a Federation Type-6 shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. In the 2360s, Magellan was assigned to the USS Enterprise as shuttle 15.
  • Magellan appears in MySims Galaxy.
  • High Explorer Magellan assisted Brann Bronzebeard in taking advantage of the Explorers' Guild's collection of historical and cultural texts used in writing Chapter One of the Lands of Conflict. Brann thanks Magellan in an introductory letter addressed to High Explorer Tomli Magellas, his brother Magni Bronzebeard, and the Excursion Council, found within his book. This reference is likely a typo of High Explorer Magellas, and intended to be Tomli Magellas, rather than a separate character.
  • Magellan ist der ehemalige Gefängnisdirektor von Impel Down. Zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford ist Magellan der stellvertretende Direktor von Impel Down Er empfängt Boa Hancock und Vizeadmiral Momonga in seinem Raum.
  • In early 2368, Worf attempted to take the Magellan to the surface of El-Adrel IV to rescue Captain Jean-Luc Picard, stranded there by the Tamarians. In order to keep Picard and the Tamarian captain, Dathon, undisturbed, the Tamarian vessel opened fire on the Magellan, only damaging it enough to prevent it from landing. The shuttle aborted the mission and returned to the Enterprise. (TNG: "Darmok" ) Later that year, the Magellan was used by Commander William T. Riker and J'naii pilot Soren to rescue the crew of the J'naii shuttle Taris Murn from a pocket of null space. The Magellan was equipped with phaser emitters for the mission, which it used to chart the null space. The shuttle later entered null space and beamed the J'naii crew aboard, but was destroyed shortly after the Enterprise was able to transport Soren, Riker, and the J'naii back to the ship. (TNG: "The Outcast" ) The Magellan was named after noted Spanish navigator Ferdinand Magellan, the first explorer to circumnavigate the planet Earth, according to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 10) . The Magellan was the first type-6 shuttle seen on Star Trek: The Next Generation. The shuttle's interior scenes in "Darmok" were filmed on Paramount Stage 9 on 25 July 1991 . The interior scenes in "The Outcast" were filmed on Paramount Stage 9 on Thursday 9 January 1992 and Friday 10 January 1992 .
  • Magellan has been a prison guard at Impel Down for many years prior to his debut in the Impel Down Arc. After the events at Saboady Arcipelago, Luffy learned that his brother has been sent to Impel Down and is awaiting execution at Marineford. While Luffy was going through each level to get to the level where Ace was at, Magellan learned of Straw Hat's infiltration. In level four, Magellan confronted Luffy and Bentham. He promptly defeated Luffy who was already exhausted from going through all the levels and gravely poisoned him in the process. Magellan had Luffy sent to Level five for his imprisonment. After the incident, Magellan tries to gat things back in order. Unknown to Magellan, Luffy had recovered from his fatal poisoning thanks to Emporio Ivanko. Magellan had his men escort Ace out of the facility but the Blackbeard Pirates had arrived at Impel Down with the intent on recruiting new members. He confronted the Blackbeard Pirates and poisoned them. Magellan tried to also halt all prisoners from exiting Impel Down. He later learned that Bentham has assisted in the prisoners escape by playing the role as an impersonator of Magellan. Infuriated by Bentham's action, Magellan was about to fight him. After the events of Marineford, Magellan took responsibility for all the mishaps that occurred with the prisoners escaping from the compound. After the time skip, it was revealed that Magellan had been demoted an Hannyabal has usurped his position as head jailer.
  • Commodore Magellan was a cybernetic construct who commanded a science vessel.
  • Magellan (EARTH) 1. Firstly, you must have got Clive, and completed Ferdinand's quest in the bar in Holy Village. You need Clive in team, and the King Certificate. 2. Sail from South Island, past Cook's Fleet in a southeast direction to land on Magellan's Fleet (see map if you're having difficulty finding it). 3. Talk to Bo-sun and fight him with his 2 guards (1K + 800HP), after defeating them he will tear up your King Certificate - thus you cannot land on this ship again. Leave the ship for the pirate den. 4. Head back to the cave on South Island's coast, this time go to the door in the southwest. Talk to the pirates at the door and enter inside. Make your way to the far portal and you will see a ship. 5. Get aboard the ship and go below deck, set Clive to battle mode and enter the first room you can. Talk to Magellan (not possible without Clive on battle) and a battle will commence with 8 pirates (around 800HP), kill them and go back upstairs. 6. Talk to Magellan and the pirates again, and fight with them. Magellan will join you in battle so you can only have maximum of 3 in your team here. Kill the pirates (8 of them with 800HP, they respawn once). Magellan joins your team and you also gain a star.
  • The Magellan was the first Magellan-class battleship to be built and commissioned in U.C. 0070 for the Earth Federal Space Force. In UC 0079, the Magellan was based at Luna II, when Char Aznable led a commando team and attacked Luna II. The Magellan was ordered to leave Luna II, but Aznable's team mined the entrance to Luna II. The Magellan was heavily damaged and crashed. The Magellan blocked the entrance, which inhibited the White Base from leaving Luna II and engaging the Zeon forces, which included a Musai-class light cruiser. The White Base destroyed the Magellan on orders from Commandant Watkein. (Escape from Luna II)
  • The Magellan System includes the Freeport 4 base, an abandoned Bretonian station now inhabited by miners from New London, and the Mactan base, home to the Lane Hackers. Other criminal organizations include the Liberty Rogues and Outcasts. The system's chief products include water and oxygen.
  • Magellan é unha banda de rock/metal progresivo procedente de California e creada polos irmáns Trent Gardner (voz, teclado, trombón) e Wayne Gardner (guitarra, baixo, coros) en 1985.
  • Magellan è l'attuale vicedirettore della prigione di Impel Down. Prima del salto temporale ricopriva la carica di direttore.
  • Anteriormente fue el alcaide de la prisión, puesto que ahora ocupa Hannyabal por razones desconocidas.
  • The Magellan was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer in service of the Galactic Empire, and later Warlord Zsinj's government.
  • The Magellan was a luxury ocean liner travelling the oceans of the planet Mesa. Operated by Voyages Unlimited, it was the first floating passenger vessel to be used on Mesa for centuries. It was destroyed in mid-1922 PD as part of Operation Houdini, covering the secret removal of a number of prominent members of the Mesan elite. Of the 2,744 passengers and 963 crewmembers aboard, only 855 survived. (CS3)
  • Magellan is the name of interstellar spaceships in multiple works of science fiction.
  • Magellan (マゼラン, Mazeran) is the chief warden of the World Government's underwater prison, Impel Down. While he was the warden, it was thought that Portgas D. Ace was being held in the prison. Monkey D. Luffy first encountered Magellan during his quest to rescue Ace before reuniting with his crew. When it seemed that Luffy has the advantage, he unexpectedly touched Magellan's poison and was imprisoned. Later, the entirety of the prison staged a massive breakout. Luffy fought the warden in a rematch at the prison's entrance, this time with the aid of Galdino's strong wax. In the end, Magellan was defeated. However, the warden tried one last time to stop the escapes, only meeting resistance from one of Luffy's enemies turned friends, Bentham. For his failures two years later, Magellan was demoted to Vice Warden. Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode. Before his playable appearance, he had been a non-playable character since the first game.
  • Born into the new Millennium with a twin named Plumpaw, Magellan is an a Demarian barely out of adolescence with a confused idea about life. On the one paw, he desperately wants to be as cool, relaxed and dangerous as the people he meets on Tomin Kora, and on the other, he can't quite shake the feeling that something about that world is just...not right. Initially working under the influence of Redmane, Magellan follows his sister all over the galaxy, trying to stay out of trouble with Plum and keep her from cutting off his tufty hair.
is GegessenVon of
is Combatientes of
is Utilisateur of
is Heroes of
is Partei of
is User of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Erfinder of
is pengguna of
is newchar of