  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • |}
  • A charm is a form of magic and one of the basic of spells (often represented by a physical object).
  • Despite their threats he still teleported all to the morlock tunnels and once their storm and the X-men subdued them and they were sent to a desolate village in Africa where they would need to "survive". Charm was never seen again and it is unknown what effect M-Day had on him.
  • A charm is a spell that is not inherently harmful. A few charms include: Wingardium Leviosa, Alohomora and the Cushioning Charm.
  • Charm is one of the many stats your character has in-game. The more you have, the more benefits you can get, though they only help in certain cases.
  • Charm, de l'anglais to charm (charmer), enchanter ou dompter un monstre dans le jeu. Ce monstre n'attaquera que vos ennemis (même si c'était d'anciens alliés) le temps que durera le charme (ou jusqu'à la mort du monstre charmé)
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Charm (あまえる Fawn on) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Charm is a move introduced in Generation II. It became a fairy-type move in Generation VI. It was a normal-type move prior to that.
  • Characters with charm have that indefinable quality which allows them to get on exceptionally well with people, who will generally be friendly and helpful. Charming characters will find it easy to persuade other people of almost anything. They can 'turn on the charm' at will, giving them a +10% modifier to all tests involving Fel.
  • Charm describes something that has a Charm Element attached to it.
  • From: [[]] You're delighted to meet her, finally. Whatever her plans, they're devious enough to deserve applause. Use your most engaging smile. [Find the rest of the story at ]
  • Charm (カリスマ Karisuma, Charisma in the Japanese version, Charisme in the French version, Malia in the Italian version) is a support Skill that appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Fire Emblem Fates, as well as TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. Characters with this Skill will be able to grant a 10% bonus to the Accuracy and Avoid to all allied units within a 3 square radius.
  • Charm is a sorceress and one of Devle's minions.
  • The targeted follower acts as the charmer's follower for X turns. The charmed follower uses either its own EP or the charmer's EP, but not the EP of its true general. Cannot charm a follower that is a full Battle Level above that of the charmer (without a Charisma Badge).
  • Charm may refer to: * The item Charm (Item) * The skill Charm (Skill)
  • Lowers target's Attack by 2.
  • During the "Tale of the Goddess" quest, Gramps will give the player a Charm shortly after the player selects his/her wish.
  • Charm (愛嬌 Aikyō) is an attribute associated with the logicalists Yukari and Giselle.
  • Some mages don't want to dirty their own hands in battle, so they use this spell. Casting it forces the weaker minded enemy under the caster's control, allowing them to use their new puppet to attack other foes. This spell only works on one creature, and stronger willed foes will be able to resist it completely. Thus, use it with caution. The more powerful variant of this spell is Mass Charm, which will lead to an entire group of foes battling each other.
  • A charm was a power-up in Candy Crush Saga. A charm is similar to a booster, however, the main difference is that charms are permanent and can be used an unlimited amount of times. The only way to get charms was through buying them from the Yeti Shop; however, they are no longer purchasable after the 29th episode, Soda Swamp was added to the game.
  • Rokugani charms were sold as sacred souvenirs. Cloth, wood, and paper were the most popular of materials. Small bags on cords, inscribed with the kanji of a specific Fortune, were the most popular type of amulets. Other than the kami, popular inscriptions on amulets include josai shofuku, which meaned "away with misfortune," welcome to good luck, gakugyo seikyo (success in examinations), or ryoko amen (safe journey).
  • Charm (魅了(チヤーム) Chāmu) is a forbidden Holder Magic.
  • Charm is a conversation skill dervied from Body and Mind. Charm allows you to influence others with friendliness and flirtation.
  • Charms are little symbols you can hang on your Charm Necklace. If you enter these on Webkinz's Charm Forest, you can put it on your pet.
  • Charms have durability but the durability never decreases meaning they are permanent items which never have to be taken down and repaired. Charms have weight attribute and they will take a part of the characters load regardless if they are equipped or not.
  • Charm has the same design and dress design as "Gold Slipper" and S04E01 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1.
  • Charm is an ability available to the Smuggler before level 32. It is a buff that increases all group members presence for 30 minutes. It costs 25 energy and is instant cast with no cooldown.
  • Charm: 'This charm can be detonated from a distance.' Location: Initial.
  • A charm power controls a creature's actions in some way. This control is often represented by the creature being forced to attack its ally or being subjected to the dominated condition.[AP:216]
  • Charm was a subschool of enchantment, a school of magic. Charm spells changed how the subject viewed the caster, typically making one see the caster as a good friend.
  • Charm is a skill that can be used by human characters. File:Charm Pic.png
  • thumb|354px|right|Augenkontakt und ... Charme ist eine Fähigkeit der Succubus und wird zum Manipulieren von Männern verwendet. Durch Augenkontakt mit dem Monster wir dem Opfer die Gewalt über Körper und Geist entzogen und das Opfer wird ein Untertan der Succubus.
  • A charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or creature. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is. For example, the Colour Change Charm causes something to flash different colours; the Levitation Charm causes an object to levitate; the Cheering Charm improves upon a creature's mood. An object that has a lasting charm placed on it is called bewitched, though charms in general appear to last longer than other spells.
  • Charmeja on monenlaisia RuneScapessa. Yleisin niistä on Cold charm, joita melkein jokainen hirviö pudottaa kuollessaan.
  • Characters featured: Jim (pic) Anthony (pic) Blanche (pic)
  • A Charm is an object that preserves the Magyk of a spell. It can take any form, typically a piece of parchment of something symbolic to the spell, and has the incantation written on it. However, charms have been known to take forms of food, such as toast, as the charms must be made immediately to contain maximum power, and because wizards are notoriously forgetful. If a charm is in a different form than when the spell was written on it (bent, broken, separated, eaten, etc.), the Magyk is lost and the charm is useless.
  • A charm is an object that is used by its owner as a source of magical power. Orell Peattie was a practitioner of hexcraft and used the corpse of daughter as his charm. One who uses a charm is said to be "charmed." (TXF: "Theef")
  • Charm is Ayla's 5th-level Tech. It is the equivalent of the "Steal" command for Chrono Trigger. It requires 4 MP to cast and 400 TP to learn. The probability of a successful Charm can be increased by equipping the Alluring Top. Using this Tech allows the player to acquire a variety of items from monsters. Items range from common healing potions to rare armors and weapons obtainable only this way. Various capsules can also be redeemed this way.
  • Eagle's Splendor - Characters who select Charm as one of their domains can cast the spell Eagle's Splendor once per day.
  • Charm is a recurring negative status effect in the series. Charmed targets are bewitched into attacking their own allies or use healing spell on the enemies.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Charm</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;">Charm</span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 8,000 ‍ Dropped by Dropped by Transmutable Untransmutable Charm allows the Smeeta Kavat to grant a random buff to its owner, indicated by a special icon next to its owner's health and shields.
  • Charm ist eine Magie, mit der man auf die Gefühle andere Einfluss nehmen kann. Bora setzt diese Magie in Hargeon ein, um junge Frauen auf sein Schiff zu locken, damit er sie mit seinen Kameraden gefangennehmen und auf einem Sklavenmarkt verkaufen kann. Die Wirkung wird aufgehoben, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit derjenigen auf jemand anderen übergeht. Auch das Wissen um den Einsatz der Magie hebt die Wirkung auf.
  • A magical residence for a Spirit * It is usually representative of the spirit that it holds. Source: Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes, HeroQuest: Glorantha
  • Type: Positive/Good Effect: Jeane use Charm Rune to charm enemies. While the enemies are charmed, it turn against its allies or protect Jeane in battle. Gain From: Jeane automatically gain it in the game. Cure by: Unremovable Appear in: Suikoden IV; Suikoden Tactics; Suikoden V
  • This varies with both your level and the difference between your level and the mob's. Particularly when charming Tough mobs, the exact level of the mob makes a significant difference (for example, charm lasts significantly longer on a level 76 mob than on a level 77). {| width="80%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"
  • Charm was the ability to "subjugate [mortal] minds" and control their actions, as long as they were nearby. In practice only non-aggressive (NPC) Human characters could be Charmed. When activated, a circular targeting reticle appeared, that could be manually aimed, although it would automatically 'lock-on' to NPC or close to the target. Ordinarily, the target was purple in color (indicating no lock), but would change red if an enemy character was targeted (these could not be charmed) or white if an NPC was targeted, when activated, Kain 'projected' the view towards the character and players were then able to control the NPC in place of Kain. Kain could be seen from the NPC's point of view as closing his eyes and holding his fingers to his temples, but unprotected by any kind of shield. Cha
  • Charm effects are a form of crowd control that gives control of a victim to the caster. This control can either be direct, giving the caster the same control as a Hunter pet (or his own character) or indirect, causing the victim to "switch sides" and physically attack his former allies with no additional actions needed from the caster. Some charm spells effectively put the caster to sleep while he controls his target. Any charm, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 15 seconds when used against players in PvP. Examples of abilities that Charm opponents:
  • Charm is non-gameplay altering decoration, such as trees, plants, and rocks, that can be placed on an island by its governor, with the help of an Ocean Master. Charm prices currently start at around 50,000 PoE. Send Thalia a petition in the game for details. Usually only common, inconspicuous objects can be purchased. If Thalia approves of a more noticeable addition, it will likely cost much more. Ground tiles cannot be adjusted. Yohoho Tools may be helpful in planning your island layout, including charm you'd like to add.
  • Charm is a pre combat bonus. Your hero uses it before entering combat and you can use the charmed creatures in the ensuing fight if you want to and if have room for them your hero's army. If there's no room, the creatures will form a separate army nearby. In the Equilibris mod, creatures not incorporated into the attacking army are automatically dismissed. A hero with Basic Charm can convert 15% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 60 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 90% of normal.
  • Charm effects are a form of crowd control that gives control of a victim to the caster. This control can either be direct, giving the caster the same control as a Hunter pet (or his own character) or indirect, causing the victim to "switch sides" and physically attack his former allies with no additional actions needed from the caster. Some charm spells effectively put the caster to sleep while he controls his target. Any charm, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 15 seconds when used against players in PvP. Examples of abilities that Charm opponents: Warcraft III (/) examples:
  • Attack charms are received in some quests, especially early ones, but otherwise are entirely a player-created item, as with other items of the same craft type, Apothecary Attack charms, whether for magical or physical attacks, are equipped on the right hand side of the paper doll, and are consumed automatically after a number of attacks are made. The crafting of charms does not advance players towards a higher level of Apothecary skill; they do not advance the skill level percentage status bar, and do not count towards the items crafted requirement.
  • II
  • 2
  • 2
  • 1
  • Charm.png
  • 95
  • 9
Success title
  • A meeting of minds
  • Charm as an Earth pony in The Best Night Ever
  • 0
New Header
  • Charm(Gene Nation); Charm .jpg
  • Charm(Weird Sisters); Charm .jpg
  • チャーム
Failure title
  • Eyes as hard as jade
  • #AA6BD7
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 250
  • 380
  • 500
  • 750
  • 1000
  • 1500
  • 2000
  • Subjugation
  • 1
  • 1
  • Charm.jpg
  • 0
  • 1
  • Fledgling
Failure description
  • "Enchanted," she says coldly. "Why are you here?"
  • Charm as a Crystal unicorn pony in Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1
From Card/Storylet title
  • Heart's Desire - the Topsy King's Sister
  • 魅了
  • 58
  • Crystal
  • Instant
  • Boras Charm wirkt wieder bei Lucy.
  • Liebreiz
Unlocked with
  • 4
  • 1
  • Boras Charm wirkt wieder bei Lucy.
  • 3.600000
  • 1
  • Earth
  • 1
Success description
  • A coquettish smile. Who is charming who here? 'Oh dear,' she says. 'I had meant to meet you in the Quarter. But we were interrupted. I'm so glad we have this opportunity to talk.'
  • 1
  • 1
  • Rare
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2000
  • 4000
  • 6000
  • 8000
  • -
  • Charm in The Best Night Ever
  • ?
  • 1
  • Status
  • Charm
  • Up to 25.0 meters
  • Luck +2
  • 20
  • 1
  • 6.0
  • 2
  • 10
  • 20
  • 33
  • 47
  • 61
  • 74
  • 84
  • 94
  • 15
  • --
  • Unicorn
  • 200
  • Ultima IX
  • Ultima V
  • Blood Omen 2
  • Charm
  • "Charm"
  • Charm
  • 4
  • A most effective tactic to use against enemies is to charm members of their party to work against them. However, this spell is most difficult to apply where it could be of the most help, against the most diabolical of foes, those of superior intelligence. Control of a charmed individual is limited to fighting and moving; it does not extend to use of magic or special forms of attack. This spell can also be used to bring back party members after they have been charmed by a foe. An Xen Ex requires a careful mixture of nightshade, to poison the mind; a black pearl, for projection; and spider silk to bind loyalty.
  • Wheel Red Stick.png
  • 400
  • Charm Icon
  • Female
  • Grants the Coercer control over target opponent. The opponent has a recurring chance to resist the charm throughout its duration. Higher ranks of this spell will decrease the chance of a periodic resist.
  • Seduce an enemy to obtain an item.
  • Unremovable
  • 7
  • 4
  • N/A
  • 720
  • Defence
  • Magic Defence
  • no restrictions
  • Chāmu
  • 0
  • 300.0
  • Precise movements
  • 3.0
  • Jeane automatically gain it in the game.
  • Icon Charm.png
  • Fire_Charm.png
  • Freeze_charm.png
  • Ice_Freeze_Charm.png
  • Ice_charm.png
  • Mute_Charm.png
  • Poison_charm.png
  • Thunder_Charm.png
  • Status
  • Coercer
  • "Insignia of the Alliance/Horde and Medallion of the Alliance/Horde now remove Fear, Stun and Polymorph effects and no longer remove Charm effects."
  • "Charm and Polymorph mechanics can now be reactively countered by spells and abilities ."
  • Are dropped by both the 2 enemies that drops Ice Charm and and Freeze Charm, but with half rate of drop.
  • You're delighted to meet her, finally. Whatever her plans, they're devious enough to deserve applause. Use your most engaging smile.
  • Slightly improves your Luck.
  • Cute
  • 2
  • Blocks out Fire-type attacks by showing a purple zero, similarly to a Black Crystal with physical attacks. Blocking out damage will only be successful on a per projectile basis, meaning that each projectile can only damage characters with the charm equipped once.
  • Former description: Acts like a Black Crystal that is only against Fire attacks.
  • A mix of Ice and Freeze Charm. Sell values are the same as cards.
  • Blocks out Thunder-type attacks by showing a purple zero, similarly to a Black Crystal with physical attacks.
  • Prevents characters from being inflicted the Mute ailment.
  • Varies
  • ? Dosh
  • Charm Crystal Pony ID S4E25.png
  • Charm Earth pony ID S1E26.png
  • あまえる Fawn on
  • Could not be used on Enemies.
  • Limited by distance.
  • NPC's could not use aggressive actions.
  • 100
  • 100.0
  • 140
  • 210
  • Enemy
  • Single
  • One enemy
  • -
  • #FB9FFF
  • 9.0
  • 1
  • Book of Lore
  • Charm ID S1E26.png
  • 50
  • 80
  • 90
  • 95
  • Debuff
  • Gives all units with a 3 square radius for 10% support bonus to Accuracy and Avoid.
  • Adds certain properties to an object or creature
  • Allows Kain to control NPCs
  • Jeane use Charm Rune to charm enemies. While the enemies are charmed, it turn against its allies or protect Jeane in battle.
  • 0
  • Samuel17
  • HankGuideDude
  • Francisco25
  • Francisco25, modified by NNW
  • Blagdon Blay, Daisy Pennifold, Elizabeth Smudgling , Elliot Smethwyck, Felix Summerbee, Miranda Goshawk, Jarleth Hobart, Mnemone Radford, Orabella Nuttley, Severus Snape, Delfina Crimp, Levina Monkstanley, ect...
wikipage disambiguates
  • Varies
dropped by
  • Cyan Box Eel
  • Blue Shield Eel
  • Orange Boss Smiley Wheel
  • Blue Boss Roundhead Eel
  • Olive Boss Star Tree
  • Blue Big Shield Eel
  • Green Big Fairy Snake
  • Red Smiley Walker
  • Grey Boss Box Walker
  • Blue Big Skull Bat
  • Cyan Boss Gel Dragon
  • Tan Big Box Snake
  • Blue Box Eel
  • Green Big Smiley Walker
  • Orange Big Roundhead Eel
  • Purple Big Roundhead Eel
  • Red Boss Mask Bat
  • Red Gel Zombie
  • 100
  • 1
Item Name
  • Fire Charm
  • Ice Charm
  • Freeze Charm
  • Ice-Freeze Charm
  • Mute Charm
  • Poison Charm
  • Thunder Charm
  • auto
  • Prevents the Voltage from going down in the same turn.
  • Startles Pokémon that made a same-type appeal.
  • Badly startles Pokémon that the audience has high expectations for.
  • 2
  • 3
  • 456
  • 608
  • 532
  • 4
  • |}
  • This varies with both your level and the difference between your level and the mob's. Particularly when charming Tough mobs, the exact level of the mob makes a significant difference (for example, charm lasts significantly longer on a level 76 mob than on a level 77). {| width="80%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" ! align="center" style="background:#ffdead;" | Check ! align="left" style="background:#ffdead;" | Duration |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Too Weak |align="left" | 30 Minutes |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Easy Prey |align="left" | 20 Minutes File:Exclamation.gif |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Decent Challenge |align="left" | 10 Minutes |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Even Match |align="left" | 3.0 Minutes (5:15 at level 90) |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Tough |align="left" | 1.5 Minutes (1:50 level 91, 1:35 level 92, 0:45 level 93) |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Very Tough |align="left" | 1 to 20 seconds |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |align="center" | Incredibly Tough |align="left" | |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" |}
  • A charm is a form of magic and one of the basic of spells (often represented by a physical object).
  • Despite their threats he still teleported all to the morlock tunnels and once their storm and the X-men subdued them and they were sent to a desolate village in Africa where they would need to "survive". Charm was never seen again and it is unknown what effect M-Day had on him.
  • A charm is a spell that is not inherently harmful. A few charms include: Wingardium Leviosa, Alohomora and the Cushioning Charm.
  • Charm is one of the many stats your character has in-game. The more you have, the more benefits you can get, though they only help in certain cases.
  • Charm, de l'anglais to charm (charmer), enchanter ou dompter un monstre dans le jeu. Ce monstre n'attaquera que vos ennemis (même si c'était d'anciens alliés) le temps que durera le charme (ou jusqu'à la mort du monstre charmé)
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Charm (あまえる Fawn on) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Charm is a move introduced in Generation II. It became a fairy-type move in Generation VI. It was a normal-type move prior to that.
  • Characters with charm have that indefinable quality which allows them to get on exceptionally well with people, who will generally be friendly and helpful. Charming characters will find it easy to persuade other people of almost anything. They can 'turn on the charm' at will, giving them a +10% modifier to all tests involving Fel.
  • Charm describes something that has a Charm Element attached to it.
  • From: [[]] You're delighted to meet her, finally. Whatever her plans, they're devious enough to deserve applause. Use your most engaging smile. [Find the rest of the story at ]
  • Charm is non-gameplay altering decoration, such as trees, plants, and rocks, that can be placed on an island by its governor, with the help of an Ocean Master. Charm prices currently start at around 50,000 PoE. Send Thalia a petition in the game for details. Usually only common, inconspicuous objects can be purchased. If Thalia approves of a more noticeable addition, it will likely cost much more. Ground tiles cannot be adjusted. The process for removing unique charm that has been placed by someone else will be the same as an island transfer in terms of how to go about doing it. Removals will be done on Mondays or Tuesdays and an intent must be posted in Parley at least a week ahead of time with at least one viable blockadeable weekend (so you'd have to post by midnight on Monday, and have the island open for blockade that weekend for the removal to happen the following Monday.) Price will be the same as it cost to place the item. Contact Thalia if you have any questions. Yohoho Tools may be helpful in planning your island layout, including charm you'd like to add. Walking animals can be purchased as pets from the palace shoppe, which the governor can then set to roam on the main island scene.
  • Charm (カリスマ Karisuma, Charisma in the Japanese version, Charisme in the French version, Malia in the Italian version) is a support Skill that appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Fire Emblem Fates, as well as TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. Characters with this Skill will be able to grant a 10% bonus to the Accuracy and Avoid to all allied units within a 3 square radius.
  • Charm is a sorceress and one of Devle's minions.
  • The targeted follower acts as the charmer's follower for X turns. The charmed follower uses either its own EP or the charmer's EP, but not the EP of its true general. Cannot charm a follower that is a full Battle Level above that of the charmer (without a Charisma Badge).
  • Charm may refer to: * The item Charm (Item) * The skill Charm (Skill)
  • Lowers target's Attack by 2.
  • During the "Tale of the Goddess" quest, Gramps will give the player a Charm shortly after the player selects his/her wish.
  • Charm (愛嬌 Aikyō) is an attribute associated with the logicalists Yukari and Giselle.
  • Some mages don't want to dirty their own hands in battle, so they use this spell. Casting it forces the weaker minded enemy under the caster's control, allowing them to use their new puppet to attack other foes. This spell only works on one creature, and stronger willed foes will be able to resist it completely. Thus, use it with caution. The more powerful variant of this spell is Mass Charm, which will lead to an entire group of foes battling each other.
  • Charm was the ability to "subjugate [mortal] minds" and control their actions, as long as they were nearby. In practice only non-aggressive (NPC) Human characters could be Charmed. When activated, a circular targeting reticle appeared, that could be manually aimed, although it would automatically 'lock-on' to NPC or close to the target. Ordinarily, the target was purple in color (indicating no lock), but would change red if an enemy character was targeted (these could not be charmed) or white if an NPC was targeted, when activated, Kain 'projected' the view towards the character and players were then able to control the NPC in place of Kain. Kain could be seen from the NPC's point of view as closing his eyes and holding his fingers to his temples, but unprotected by any kind of shield. Charmed NPC's were generally used to activate levers and switches outside of Kain's reach, but they could also be used to lure enemies as the ordinary 'jumping' button made NPC's call out for help[BO2]. Kain gained thisDark Gift in Chapter 4:The Upper City, when he ran into traitor vampire Marcus. Marcus attempted to control Kain through the use of this Dark Gift, but failed, instead being able to read Kain's thoughts and learn of his mission to reach the Bishop of Meridian(When Kain gained the ability he is notably unable to use this facet of the Dark Gift) Marcus had evolved the gift originally and used it quite often, most notably throughout the chase with Kain to reach the Bishop's Manor (and back to the Cathedral), when Marcus used it repeatedly to summon Sarafan priests to attack Kain, it was also used to by him to silence the Bishop of Meridian when Kain wanted to know how to enter the Sarafan Keep. Upon killing Marcus (in a boss battle), Kain was granted this ability too.
  • A charm was a power-up in Candy Crush Saga. A charm is similar to a booster, however, the main difference is that charms are permanent and can be used an unlimited amount of times. The only way to get charms was through buying them from the Yeti Shop; however, they are no longer purchasable after the 29th episode, Soda Swamp was added to the game.
  • Rokugani charms were sold as sacred souvenirs. Cloth, wood, and paper were the most popular of materials. Small bags on cords, inscribed with the kanji of a specific Fortune, were the most popular type of amulets. Other than the kami, popular inscriptions on amulets include josai shofuku, which meaned "away with misfortune," welcome to good luck, gakugyo seikyo (success in examinations), or ryoko amen (safe journey).
  • Charm (魅了(チヤーム) Chāmu) is a forbidden Holder Magic.
  • Attack charms are received in some quests, especially early ones, but otherwise are entirely a player-created item, as with other items of the same craft type, Apothecary Attack charms, whether for magical or physical attacks, are equipped on the right hand side of the paper doll, and are consumed automatically after a number of attacks are made. Defence charms, whether against magical or physical attacks, must be activated by the player, just as potions are. They defend against only one attack, but each use lasts forever until it protects against an attack, even if the character logs out. Def charms add considerably more defense than the attack charms add to attack. This game mechanic lends itself, of course, to use against bosses that hit exceptionally hard (for their level), but hit with this attack less often, such as Chin. Damage over Time effects are not protected against by defense charms, and the charm 'charge' will not be used up by these attacks. The crafting of charms does not advance players towards a higher level of Apothecary skill; they do not advance the skill level percentage status bar, and do not count towards the items crafted requirement.
  • Charm is a conversation skill dervied from Body and Mind. Charm allows you to influence others with friendliness and flirtation.
  • Charms are little symbols you can hang on your Charm Necklace. If you enter these on Webkinz's Charm Forest, you can put it on your pet.
  • Charms have durability but the durability never decreases meaning they are permanent items which never have to be taken down and repaired. Charms have weight attribute and they will take a part of the characters load regardless if they are equipped or not.
  • Charm has the same design and dress design as "Gold Slipper" and S04E01 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #1.
  • Charm is an ability available to the Smuggler before level 32. It is a buff that increases all group members presence for 30 minutes. It costs 25 energy and is instant cast with no cooldown.
  • Charm: 'This charm can be detonated from a distance.' Location: Initial.
  • A charm power controls a creature's actions in some way. This control is often represented by the creature being forced to attack its ally or being subjected to the dominated condition.[AP:216]
  • Charm was a subschool of enchantment, a school of magic. Charm spells changed how the subject viewed the caster, typically making one see the caster as a good friend.
  • Charm is a skill that can be used by human characters. File:Charm Pic.png
  • thumb|354px|right|Augenkontakt und ... Charme ist eine Fähigkeit der Succubus und wird zum Manipulieren von Männern verwendet. Durch Augenkontakt mit dem Monster wir dem Opfer die Gewalt über Körper und Geist entzogen und das Opfer wird ein Untertan der Succubus.
  • A charm is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or creature. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is. For example, the Colour Change Charm causes something to flash different colours; the Levitation Charm causes an object to levitate; the Cheering Charm improves upon a creature's mood. An object that has a lasting charm placed on it is called bewitched, though charms in general appear to last longer than other spells.
  • Charm effects are a form of crowd control that gives control of a victim to the caster. This control can either be direct, giving the caster the same control as a Hunter pet (or his own character) or indirect, causing the victim to "switch sides" and physically attack his former allies with no additional actions needed from the caster. Some charm spells effectively put the caster to sleep while he controls his target. The Undead racial ability Will of the Forsaken breaks charms and renders a player immune to it for 5 seconds as of the 1.6.0 patch. Charmed creatures will not neccessarily be freed by damage, but damaging and "waking" the caster usually will. Any charm, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 15 seconds when used against players in PvP. Examples of abilities that Charm opponents: * Priest: Mind Control * Engineers: Gnomish Mind Control Cap, Gnomish Universal Remote (mechanical targets only) * Warlock: Enslave Demon (demons only) * A Warlock's pet Succubus can use the Seduction skill which is technically a "Charm" effect and can be dispelled as such, but acts more like a regular Sleep effect. Warcraft III (/) examples: * Units with the spell Charm (the Dark ranger and Forgotten One) * A Banshee's Possession spell
  • Charmeja on monenlaisia RuneScapessa. Yleisin niistä on Cold charm, joita melkein jokainen hirviö pudottaa kuollessaan.
  • Characters featured: Jim (pic) Anthony (pic) Blanche (pic)
  • A Charm is an object that preserves the Magyk of a spell. It can take any form, typically a piece of parchment of something symbolic to the spell, and has the incantation written on it. However, charms have been known to take forms of food, such as toast, as the charms must be made immediately to contain maximum power, and because wizards are notoriously forgetful. If a charm is in a different form than when the spell was written on it (bent, broken, separated, eaten, etc.), the Magyk is lost and the charm is useless.
  • A charm is an object that is used by its owner as a source of magical power. Orell Peattie was a practitioner of hexcraft and used the corpse of daughter as his charm. One who uses a charm is said to be "charmed." (TXF: "Theef")
  • Charm is Ayla's 5th-level Tech. It is the equivalent of the "Steal" command for Chrono Trigger. It requires 4 MP to cast and 400 TP to learn. The probability of a successful Charm can be increased by equipping the Alluring Top. Using this Tech allows the player to acquire a variety of items from monsters. Items range from common healing potions to rare armors and weapons obtainable only this way. Various capsules can also be redeemed this way.
  • Eagle's Splendor - Characters who select Charm as one of their domains can cast the spell Eagle's Splendor once per day.
  • Charm is a recurring negative status effect in the series. Charmed targets are bewitched into attacking their own allies or use healing spell on the enemies.
  • Charm is a pre combat bonus. Your hero uses it before entering combat and you can use the charmed creatures in the ensuing fight if you want to and if have room for them your hero's army. If there's no room, the creatures will form a separate army nearby. In the Equilibris mod, creatures not incorporated into the attacking army are automatically dismissed. A hero with Basic Charm can convert 15% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 60 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 90% of normal. Advanced Charm allows the hero to convert 20% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 120 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 80% of normal. Expert Charm allows the hero to convert 25% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 180 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 75% of normal. Master Charm allows the hero to convert 30% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 240 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 70% of normal. Grandmaster Charm allows the hero to convert 35% of greatly outnumbered hostile creatures to his side. The hero can convert no more than 300 experience points of creatures, plus 10% per level of the hero. The cost of surrendering is 65% of normal.
  • __notoc__ <default><span style="font-weight:bold;">Charm</span></default> <format><span style="font-weight:bold;">Charm</span></format> Mod.png Statistics Polarity Rarity Trading Tax 8,000 ‍ Dropped by Dropped by Transmutable Untransmutable Charm allows the Smeeta Kavat to grant a random buff to its owner, indicated by a special icon next to its owner's health and shields.
  • Charm effects are a form of crowd control that gives control of a victim to the caster. This control can either be direct, giving the caster the same control as a Hunter pet (or his own character) or indirect, causing the victim to "switch sides" and physically attack his former allies with no additional actions needed from the caster. Some charm spells effectively put the caster to sleep while he controls his target. The Undead racial ability Will of the Forsaken breaks charms and renders a player immune to it for 5 seconds as of the 1.6.0 patch. Charmed creatures will not neccessarily be freed by damage, but damaging and "waking" the caster usually will. Any charm, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 15 seconds when used against players in PvP. Examples of abilities that Charm opponents: * Priest: Mind Control * Engineers: Gnomish Mind Control Cap, Gnomish Universal Remote (mechanical targets only) * Warlock: Enslave Demon (demons only) * A Warlock's pet Succubus can use the Seduction skill which is technically a "Charm" effect and can be dispelled as such, but acts more like a regular Sleep effect.
  • Charm ist eine Magie, mit der man auf die Gefühle andere Einfluss nehmen kann. Bora setzt diese Magie in Hargeon ein, um junge Frauen auf sein Schiff zu locken, damit er sie mit seinen Kameraden gefangennehmen und auf einem Sklavenmarkt verkaufen kann. Die Wirkung wird aufgehoben, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit derjenigen auf jemand anderen übergeht. Auch das Wissen um den Einsatz der Magie hebt die Wirkung auf.
  • A magical residence for a Spirit * It is usually representative of the spirit that it holds. Source: Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes, HeroQuest: Glorantha
  • Type: Positive/Good Effect: Jeane use Charm Rune to charm enemies. While the enemies are charmed, it turn against its allies or protect Jeane in battle. Gain From: Jeane automatically gain it in the game. Cure by: Unremovable Appear in: Suikoden IV; Suikoden Tactics; Suikoden V
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