  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Baal
  • Sovani-oriented greatstaff.
  • |-|XFLAG Park=
  • Baal, Pan Zniszczenia – brat Mefista i Diablo oraz ostatni z Mrocznej Trójcy. W przerywnikach filmowych w Diablo II, Baal pojawia się jako wysoki, zakapturzony mężczyzna w długiej czarnej szacie. W grze zaś Baal znajduje się w ciele Tal Rasha. Przekształcił je jednak. Z pleców wystają długie macki niczym u ośmiornicy, zaś nogi przypominają odnóża pająka. Występuje tylko w Diablo II (przerywniki filmowe) oraz Diablo II: Pan Zniszczenia. Ginie, zabity przez Bohaterów w Komnacie Kamienia Świata podczas oblężenia twierdzy Harrogath.
  • Was a demon whom Savannah Levine accidently summoned.
  • Baal (バール Bāru) is the reconstructed corpse of an enormous giant which Power House CDXI managed to reanimated through the utilization of his cybernetics. At some point in time, a rogue of a scientist attempted to hijack Baal from the Marines for his own personal usage. However, the scientist only managed to trigger a failsafe which sent Baal on a rampage where it assaults any pirate that it happns to come across.
  • Baal was the prince of the Elf Kingdom, Shorquita.
  • From an interview with Stephen Collins:
  • <default>Baal</default> Alias Gender Species Age Height Nationality Hometown Status Known Relatives First Appearance Last Appearance Portrayed By Cause of Possession Baal was a demon that was unleashed from the underworld when Ruby Knowby released the evil contained within the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis. He first appeared in Ash vs Evil Dead Season Two and is portrayed by Joel Tobeck.
  • Nombre de un dios cananeo (significa «señor») Nm 25.3–5; Jue 2.11, 13*; 1 R 18.18–40; 2 R 10.18–28; Jr 19.5; Os 2.16–17; Ro 11.4.
  • Baal (バアル, Baaru?) is one of the 72 Demons of the Goetia.
  • Baal is a wrestler in the Lock Wrestling Federation. Known as the Lord of Destruction, his sole purpose in the LWF is to continue his Path of Destruction by causing mayhem and destruction.
  • Baal is a demon, considered the King of Hell with command of 66 legions of demons. He is thought to be either Satan himself, or Satan's chief assistant. He has been depicted as either a man, toad, or cat, and has the power to become invisible. Non-coincidentally, Baal is also the name of a chief member of the Phoenician (including Carthage) pantheon. He was also a Canaanite storm god before the Phoenicians adopted him.
  • Baal, auch als Herr der Zerstörung bekannt, ist eines der Drei Großen Übel. Er ist der mittlere Bruder von Diablo und Mephisto. Kategorie:Übel Kategorie:Bossgegner aus Diablo II
  • Baal (Ba'al) was a god for the ancient Phoenician people on Earth. Often associated with Human and child sacrifice, in the 21st century, this belief came into question by scholars and archaeologists. The new theory presented was that the Baalists were the victims of an ancient slander campaign. In 2267, Spock used Baalist child sacrifice as an example of the Federation's lack of religious freedom. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
  • Baal's early existence was much like that of his fellow brothers, Diablo and Mephisto—an endless battle with the forces of Heaven. He never got tired of it, partly because he never exhausted all the opportunities for wanton destruction. One rare exception where Baal worked with his brothers was the Fifth Battle of the Diamond Gates. However, determined to be the sole ruler of Heaven and Hell, Diablo turned on his brothers, costing the Primes their chance at victory.
  • ' ' thumb | 260px | El Señor de la Destrucción thumb | Baal Tor'Baalos, el Señor de la Destrucción, más comúnmente conocido como Baal (se pronuncia bahía-el de América del Norte, y bah-l en Europa) es El Señor de la Destrucción, el hermano mediano de los tres demonios mayores.
  • Baal (sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell) is one of the seven Princes of Hell, representing Gluttony, and is mentioned widely in the Old Testament as the primary pagan idol of the Phoenicians, often associated with the pagan goddess Ashtaroth. Baal is often deemed a Christian Demon and, according to most Grimoires and books on Demonology, is one of the highest ranked and principal rulers of Hell alongside Lucifer. Many say his dominion is of the East and that he is most powerful on Earth during the month of October.
  • thumb|Baal Tyon - jeden z posiadaczy tego tytułu. Baal – honorowy tytuł, nadawany wszystkim guru bractwa Śniącego po ich wstąpieniu do gildii oraz nowicjuszom, którzy wyruszyli do innych obozów, żeby głosić słowo Śniącego lub sprzedawać bagienne ziele.
  • Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasizing war, On our knees or another fucker's shore! Heiling new flesh, read, then roared, To the crooked cross and the holy cause! What else be whipped to frenzy for!? -Cradle of Filth, From the Cradle to Enslave Baal, Balseraph Prince of The War, is (after Lucifer) Hell's lead strategist in the fight against Heaven. He's doing an excellent job. He is organized and creative, and more than a match for Laurence, who leads Heaven's army.
  • Baal (lord), sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French) and Baell is one of the seven princes of Hell.
  • Baal gilt als einer der mächtigsten Goault überhaupt und herrscht auch über viele von ihnen. Baal nahm die Erde schon von ungefähr zehn Jahren ins Auge, lange bevor sich die Obliviontore öffneten. Das damalige Stargate-Kommando stellte sich ihm entgegen und verhinderten mehrmals die Invasion der Erde. Seit etwa 2011 beginnt Baal den nahem Osten zu erobern. Er geht dabei äußerst vorsichtig vor, dennoch Umfasst sein Reich bereits fast ganz Israel. Baal ist immer darauf bedacht seine Macht zu erweitern und geht daher ständig neue Bündnisse ein, die mehr oder weniger lange halten. So verbündete er sich zum Beispiel mit Anubis, Borbarad und auch mit Erebor. Letzterer gab ihm auch einen wichtigen Tip, der Baals Macht entscheident steigern sollte: er übernahm Jebus.
  • Fell Knight Baal is a Devourer Earthbound, champion of Lucifer in the Crimson Legion. He is the lover of Lady Anat. Since his summoning by Solomon in Iraq, he has become a megalomaniac and narcissist and declared himself Archduke. He thus became the first Earthbound to refuse being enslaved by the other Archdukes.
  • Baal - semicki bóg burz i życiodajnego deszczu, uważany za władcę świata. Jego kult w Egipcie został zapoczątkowane w czasach XVIII dynastii. Egipcjanie uważali go za strażnika granic, wyobrażali sobie go pod postacią psa. Jego świątynia znajdowała się w dzielnicy obcokrajowców w Memfis. W czasach Rammessydów identyfikowany był z Setem. Kategoria:Bogowie egipscy
  • Baal was one of the three frog-like spirits that came forth from the mouths of Nicolae Carpathia, Leon Fortunato, and the dragon, to inhabit the Carpathia clone bodies in the book "Armageddon". Baal, along with Ashtaroth and Cankerworm, were defeated by Jesus Christ in the book "Glorious Appearing", and cast out into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.
  • Baal was the android assigned to help Alecto Throop track down Lucien Keitel, he is damaged after an attack and after being repaired with another android's components, he warns the others that he may become corrupted by the other's programming and indeed he does as during an attack by one of Keitel's followers, he allows said follower to release a Facehugger from an egg that was secretely stored in a large crate, Massey manages to kill the follower just as he is being facehugged but the parasite immediately leaves the body and leaps at him instead. The corruption caused by the other Android's programming caused Baal to stand idle and refuse to help Massey as he is being latched onto by the facehugger, this almosts gets Throop and company killed as the Xenomorph from Massey ambushes them. B
  • Baal era una dibinida (probablemente er zol) de barioh puebloh zituáoh en Azia Menor i zu influenzia: loh kananeoh, loh kardeoh, loh babilonioh, loh zidonioh i loh ihraelitah. zu zignifikao ze aprohzima á de zenyor. En la Biblia Baál (בעל Ba‘al) eh uno de loh farzoh diozeh de loh ebreoh. Baál (tmb. kon grafía Beel, Bel, etz.) entra a formá parte de numerozoh nombreh kompuehtoh.
  • Tier: 2-A Name: Baal, Baal Hadad Origin: Shin Megami Tensei Gender: Male Age: Unknown. Likely Millions of Years Old Classification: Deiy, Semitic / Canaanite God, Supreme God, God of Fertility Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability and Stamina, Immortality (1, 2 and 4), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Electrical Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Healing, Instant Death through Curses, All-Mighty Attacks that Ignore Durability. Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Is the true form of the Demon Beelzebub, who is the strongest demon sans Lucifer)
  • Baal es el mundo natal de los Ángeles Sangrientos y es un planeta devastado. Hace milenios, antes de la fundación del Imperio, una guerra terrible estuvo a punto de destruir por completo este planeta y sus lunas, Baal Primus y Baal Secundus. Las armas antiguas tanto víricas como nucleares, que se arrojaron contra la superficie del planeta, convirtieron lo que antaño fue un mundo paradisíaco y sus lunas en desiertos tóxicos. La superficie del globo está formada por yermos tóxicos y desiertos de óxido rojo. El cielo está abrasado por los efectos de la guerra. Los supervivientes se transformaron en hurgadores y carroñeros de los restos de su antaño floreciente e idílica civilización. Adoptaron un estilo de vida nómada y se libraron guerras por los restos que encontraron.
  • Baal is the nominal homeworld of the Blood Angels Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Baal itself is a dry, dusty Desert World, scarcely inhabited by anyone other than mutants and feral animals. However its two moons, Baal Prime and Baal Secundus, support notable human settlements and were once "paradises for mortal men" though now they are classified as savage Feral Worlds by the Imperium. Little is known about the past circumstances of these two moons, but at some time in the past (probably during the Dark Age of Technology or the Age of Strife) a cataclysmic conflict arose and led to the widespread use of both viral and nuclear weapons, destroying the ecosystems of both satellites and contaminating their biospheres with radioactive fallout, chemical pollution and biological agents. The mig
  • Potente Signore del Sistema, Baal gioca decisamente sporco anche con i suoi compagni Goa’uld.In passato, ha preferito sterminare 60 milioni di persone in due sistemi solari piuttosto che consegnarli a Sokar durante una disputa per il controllo del territorio. Se non si sente trattato nel modo migliore di solito invia bombe camuffate come regalo.Baal ha votato a favore del ritorno di Anubis, forse sottovalutando le implicazioni del suo gesto, infatti non era ancora un Signore del Sistema all'epoca in cui Anubis era tra i più potenti, più di mille ani fa.Baal è acerrimo nemico di Yu, con cui ha un rapporto oscuro e complesso, ma ciò non gli vieta di incontrarsi con lui per trattative civili.Yu è stato l'unico Signore del Sistema a votare contro Anubis, e anche l'unico ancora in vita dall'epo
  • Baal, cuyo nombre significa literalmente "Señor", es uno de los demonios más extraños que habitan en el infierno. Si ir más lejos, algunos grimorios y libros prohibidos de la Edad Media lo describen como una mezcla de etéreo hermafrodita y viril general de los ejércitos subterráneos. Gran duque que domina una muy vasta extensión de los infiernos. Algunos demonomaníacos le designan como a general en jefe de los ejércitos infernales. En este caso, el protagonista vilipendiado por la Santa Inquisición es el pobre Baal.
  • Baal (バール Bāru) is one of the superbosses found in the Disgaea series. Appearing in multiple forms, he always holds incredible power. Known as "The Lord Of Terror" and "The Tyrant Overlord", Baal is a fearsome threat to all worlds in the Nippon Ichi Multiverse. Apart from his almost unstoppable power, he also has the ability to remove his soul from his body and move it to another one. In the Disgaea franchise, he usually appears as a giant and heavily armored Ogre which is assumed to be his true body. Usually, after the battle with him, a harder Round 2 is unlocked in which he uses another body (or multiple copies) to fight the main character while his old body restores itself. In other games like Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom, his appearances take place between his body being defeated a
  • Lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the principal male god of the Phoenicians. It is found in several places in the plural BAALIM (Judg. 2:11; 10:10; 1 Kings 18:18; Jer. 2:23; Hos. 2:17). Baal is identified with Molech (Jer. 19:5). It was known to the Israelites as Baal-peor (Num. 25:3; Deut. 4:3), was worshipped till the time of Samuel (1 Sam 7:4), and was afterwards the religion of the ten tribes in the time of Ahab (1 Kings 16:31-33; 18:19, 22). It prevailed also for a time in the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 8:27; comp. 11:18; 16:3; 2 Chr. 28:2), till finally put an end to by the severe discipline of the Captivity (Zeph. 1:4-6). The priests of Baal were in great numbers (1 Kings 18:19), and of various classes (2 Kings 10:19). Their mode of offering sacrifices is described in 1 Kings 18:25
  • Baal is a Semitic title that means Master or Lord. While it can actually refer to a large number of different deities, Baal in this case refers to a Canaan god of rain, fertility, agriculture, and thunder called Hadad. The name Baal, or Ba'al, is used as a substitute in some texts and in common modern usage. This is probably derived from the fact that, in ancient Canaan, only priests were allowed to utter the divine name, in much the same way as in Judaism where only priests were allowed to utter the name of God (YHVH), so common people simply referred to him as Baal.
  • 30
  • 52
  • 58
  • 60
  • 62
  • 65
  • 70
  • 71
  • 73
  • 85
  • 90
  • 300
  • 15
  • 24
  • 47
  • 72
  • 92
  • 95
  • 110
  • 136
  • -
Portrayed By
  • Joel Tobeck
Main Character
  • Mr. Gabriel; Baal from Daredevil Vol 2 1 0001.png
  • Dark-Chaos
  • Light-Law
  • Light-Neutral
  • Dx +1
  • TEC +1
  • File:2162.png
Spiritual State
  • Condemned
  • 5400
  • Null
  • -
Race Only
  • Sovani
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Attacks in a cross pattern with small elemental lasers.
PC Mystic Attack
  • 59
PC Attack Rating
  • 38
Erscheint in
  • -
Battle Start
  • Crush and bury!
Raza (Ej: Imperio de la Humanidad)
  • -
  • Phys
  • 7480
  • 8228
New Header
  • Varnae; Varnae from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 20 001.jpg
  • Ba'al
  • Ba'al-Hadad; Hadad from Wolverine Vol 2 13 0001.jpg
  • Baalists; Baalists from Wolverine Vol 2 13 0001.jpg
Mystic Attack
  • 40
  • -
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • 123
  • 167
  • 244
skill lv
  • All allies ATK • DEF 350% UP / 15% chance
  • All allies ATK • DEF 350% UP / 20% chance
  • Drop
  • XFLAG Park
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
PC Defense
  • 14
  • Bludgeon
  • 12
  • 21
  • 101
  • 107
  • 132
  • -
  • 22
  • 25
  • 27
  • 47
  • 76
  • Baaluk
  • 30
  • 7
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 31
  • 64
  • 76
  • Bounce
Weapon Type
  • Staff
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Randomly targets foes with 12 elemental shots.
  • Randomly targets foes with 18 elemental shots.
  • -
Weapon Size
  • Large
Attack Rating
  • 38
  • • Mephisto
  • • Diablo
  • Emperor
PC Eva
  • 6
  • 21
  • 60
  • 890
  • -
Fighting Style
  • Archerey
  • 1
  • Elec Amp Fire Amp * Ice Amp *
  • 10
  • 15
  • 16
  • 19
  • 21
  • 23
  • 24
  • 28
  • 29
  • 49
  • 63
  • 76
  • 90
  • 10
  • 23
  • 76
PC Mystic Defense
  • 22
Mystic Defense
  • 10
  • 122000
  • AoS: Episode 2
  • 16
  • 109
  • 122
  • 130
  • 140
  • 154
  • 200
  • 6650
  • 7315
  • 15009
  • 15675
  • 17009
friendship max
  • Why you--! Fine! I'll be a bit
  • nicer if it's you who's asking!
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Leads teammates against the enemy.
  • Increases Speed and Strength
  • バアル・ゼブル・ペインティング - 18 Turns
  • Goblet of Plenty - 16 Turns
  • Hellfire Strategy - 12 Turns
  • Infernal Tactics - 18 Turns
  • 17
  • 6
  • 10
  • 15
  • 29
  • 32
Selling Price
  • 270
  • 131
  • 147
Art Modifier
  • str
  • Tashlon Shell x 1
  • Silver Ore x2
  • Large Horn x5
  • Jhana Alloy x 1
  • Large Fang x5
  • Natural Oil x 2
  • 194
  • 15
  • 16
  • 18
  • 48
  • 82
  • 8
  • 13
  • 15
  • 31
  • 48
  • 14
  • 23
  • 236
  • 260.230000
  • 316.930000
friendship event
  • Fool! B-but..
  • I'm supposed to be nicer?
  • OK, today I'm gonna--! Huh?
  • You think I'm cuter that way?
battle end
  • W-wait... I just got buried?
  • 16
  • 18
  • 22
  • 23
  • 28
  • 47
  • 58
  • 76
  • UR
  • 37
  • 55
  • Avenda
  • 14
  • 20
  • 33
  • 15000
  • 111
  • Lord Commander Dante
  • 1
  • 15
  • 27
  • 12
  • Sovani specific
  • Birthright
  • Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
  • Diablo II
  • Diablo III
  • Book of Tyrael
  • Diablo Chess
  • Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
  • The Veiled Prophet
  • The Story of Diablo
  • Scales of the Serpent
  • Tales of Sanctuary
  • The Black Road To Hell and Back
  • 7
  • 8
  • Baal
  • 25
  • Dark
  • 8.990000
  • Male
  • Prime Evil
  • Brown
  • Non-specific
  • MP Damage
  • Bow-and-arrow
  • Alive
  • Merged with Diablo's essence
First Appearance
  • Null
  • -
  • Spécialiste
  • Unknown
  • 44
  • Black
  • Baal
  • BAAL
  • Baal
  • 42
  • 82
  • 85
  • 234
  • 244
  • 252
  • 274
  • 408
  • 430
  • 484
  • 688
  • 2220
  • 2768
  • 3100
  • 5000
  • Light-Neutral
Known relatives
  • Bluff, Wise
  • Forceful, Wise
  • Baaru
  • Armageddon
  • 15
  • 20
  • 29
  • 122
  • Megami Anat x Drake Ym x Drake Tiamat
  • Null
procs g
  • 1
  • Rebirth of the Great Overlord
Mag Drop
  • 420
  • 1
  • 3.4
  • 180
  • 230
  • -
  • -
  • Demihume Slayer
  • Null Block
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • None
  • -
  • Magi: Night 4
  • AoS: Night 10
  • 100
  • 7642
  • Hah! Ya think you're so big!?
  • I'll put ya six feet under!
  • Unknown
  • -
  • 20
  • 29
  • Shotquita, Pabbs
  • Mesopotamian deity denounced as a false god by Christianity.
  • God known in Mesopotamia as evil, according to biblical scribes.
  • Baal
  • 23
  • 32
  • 35
  • Drain
  • In the beginning
  • バアル
  • 135
  • 46660
  • C
  • 368.0
  • Malliem's Shop
  • Demon
  • Baal
  • Lord of Destruction
  • Bala, Spirit of Creation
  • Excidium
  • 10
  • 12
  • 16
  • 28
  • 30
  • 72
  • 121
  • 130
  • 148
  • 160
  • 178
  • 6530
  • 7183
  • 1
  • Gravity Well
  • Mediahan Diarahan Samarecarm
  • Bael's Bane Beast Eye Mahamaon Holy Wrath Radiance Megidola Divine Will
  • Agirama Curse Pulinpa
  • Bottoraa Curse 1 Pulinpa
  • Curse 2 Icy 2
  • Mazandyne\Innate Bufudyne\Innate Ally Retaliate\71 Maziodyne\72
  • Maragion Mabufula Mazionga Light Wall Samerecarm
  • Mazanma Mudo Petradi Kaishin
  • Mazio Zionga Zio
  • Maziodyne Mazionga Mediarahan Tetraja Recarmdra
  • Mazionga Tentarafoo Tetra Mediarahan Recarmdra
  • Mediarahan Diarahan Samarecarm
  • Blade Storm Aqua Pillar Psycho Blast King Seong's Sword Tempest Sakuri Fire
  • Ziodyne Mazionga Tempest Garyuon Hiryuon Mahadesaman
  • Bullangmas
  • Baal System
  • Deity
  • Fiend
  • Caesar Guard
  • Recarm Card
  • Mundo Desértico / Mundo Natal de Capítulo de Marines Espaciales
  • 28
  • This demon and gravity wielder is a fiend when rampaging, but she'll heed those she likes.
  • Baal can mutate into Peri.
  • Baal can mutate into Quetzalcoatl or Bacchus.
  • Sovani-oriented greatstaff.
  • -
  • Ice
  • -
  • Weak to Attack magic
  • Resists magic, to Curse
  • 69
  • 83
  • Satanism
  • First, I crush, then I bury!
  • That's how I say hello!
  • 12
  • Hell or Phoenicia
  • 29
  • 30
  • 36
  • Base=File:2160.png
  • 25
  • 26
  • Baal(Shadow Clan); Baal from Spider-Man Legend of the Spider-Clan Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
  • Baal; Baal from Daredevil Vol 1 84 0001.jpg
  • Baal of the Crimson Sands; Baal from Rise of Apocalypse Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
Last Appearance
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 15
  • 18
  • 19
  • 23
  • 24
  • 36
  • 46
  • 250
  • 2160
  • 2161
  • 2162
  • 2755
  • 122000
  • 200
  • 253
  • 395
  • 489
  • 525
  • 527
  • 560
  • 588
  • 601
  • 782
  • 910
  • 969
  • 3000
  • 5276
  • 8000
  • 8756
  • 13000
  • 16856
  • 17208
  • 19847
  • Earth
  • Baal Princeps
  • None
  • None
  • Male
  • None
  • Unknown
  • Demon
  • Deity
  • Demon
  • Elf
  • Tyrant
  • Vile
  • Soshin
  • I am Baal... With my power that surpasses all, let us surge through the four seas!
  • I am Baal... Together we shall spread my power,
  • which was once said to surpass even Yahweh's, to the four seas!
  • Ascension: 6.5
  • Evolution: 6.5
  • 333
  • -
  • -
  • None
  • Baal head.jpg
  • 400
  • Formerly Kingdom of Heaven
  • Hell
  • Mazurka
  • Valhalla Corridor
  • 30
wikipage disambiguates
  • -
  • Death/Ailments
  • 1
  • 2
  • 16
  • 20
  • 105
  • 114
  • 128
  • 115
  • 46
  • 77
  • 37
  • 42
  • -
MAG Summon
  • 1159
  • 192
  • 48
  • 53
  • 27
  • 55
  • 70
  • Resist
  • vile
  • elemres
  • light god
  • holy beast
  • earthrepel
  • waterdrain
  • Phys x1 hit, 1 enemy
  • -
  • 4
  • -
atk g
  • 10241
Move Type
  • Flat
  • Walk
  • My power fills the world... Even after fusion, that fact will not change.
  • -
cost g
  • 91
  • 85
  • 13
  • 18
  • 27
  • 28
  • Light
  • Almighty
  • Elec
  • 8
  • 10
  • 30
  • I am the Deity Baal. Give thanks, as you now hold the power of a god.
  • 66
  • 112
  • Enlightenment
  • 15
  • 19
  • 20
  • 70
  • 120
  • -
  • 18
  • 21
  • 24
  • Magic
  • Expel
  • 29
  • Calm
def g
  • 10056
skill g lv
  • All allies ATK • DEF 400% UP / 15% chance
  • All allies ATK • DEF 400% UP / 20% chance
soldiers g
  • 10696
  • #87CEFA
  • #00CED1
Unknown Power
  • Recovery
household vessel
  • Drakon: Bararaq Barasikh
  • Ja'far: Bararaq Sei
  • Masrur: Bararaq Kauza
  • Mystras Leoxses: Bararaq Harba
Magical Abilities
  • None
dungeon capturer
metal vessel
  • Bararaq Saiqa
household members
magic type
  • Sovani-oriented greatstaff.
  • |-|XFLAG Park=
  • Baal, Pan Zniszczenia – brat Mefista i Diablo oraz ostatni z Mrocznej Trójcy. W przerywnikach filmowych w Diablo II, Baal pojawia się jako wysoki, zakapturzony mężczyzna w długiej czarnej szacie. W grze zaś Baal znajduje się w ciele Tal Rasha. Przekształcił je jednak. Z pleców wystają długie macki niczym u ośmiornicy, zaś nogi przypominają odnóża pająka. Występuje tylko w Diablo II (przerywniki filmowe) oraz Diablo II: Pan Zniszczenia. Ginie, zabity przez Bohaterów w Komnacie Kamienia Świata podczas oblężenia twierdzy Harrogath.
  • Was a demon whom Savannah Levine accidently summoned.
  • Tier: 2-A Name: Baal, Baal Hadad Origin: Shin Megami Tensei Gender: Male Age: Unknown. Likely Millions of Years Old Classification: Deiy, Semitic / Canaanite God, Supreme God, God of Fertility Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability and Stamina, Immortality (1, 2 and 4), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Electrical Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Healing, Instant Death through Curses, All-Mighty Attacks that Ignore Durability. Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Is the true form of the Demon Beelzebub, who is the strongest demon sans Lucifer) Speed: Immeasurable Lifting Strength: Immeasurable Striking Strength: Multiversal+ Durability: Multiverse level+ Stamina: Infinite Range: Multiversal+ Standard Equipment: None notable. Intelligence: Incredibly High. Possibly Nigh-Omniscient Weaknesses: None notable
  • Baal is the nominal homeworld of the Blood Angels Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Baal itself is a dry, dusty Desert World, scarcely inhabited by anyone other than mutants and feral animals. However its two moons, Baal Prime and Baal Secundus, support notable human settlements and were once "paradises for mortal men" though now they are classified as savage Feral Worlds by the Imperium. Little is known about the past circumstances of these two moons, but at some time in the past (probably during the Dark Age of Technology or the Age of Strife) a cataclysmic conflict arose and led to the widespread use of both viral and nuclear weapons, destroying the ecosystems of both satellites and contaminating their biospheres with radioactive fallout, chemical pollution and biological agents. The mighty Fortress-Monastery of the Blood Angels was built on the world of Baal, and since the time of Sanguinius, the Blood Angels have continued to recruit from among the tribes of the Blood on Baal Secundus and Baal Prime (where a colony was established shortly after the time of the Horus Heresy).
  • Potente Signore del Sistema, Baal gioca decisamente sporco anche con i suoi compagni Goa’uld.In passato, ha preferito sterminare 60 milioni di persone in due sistemi solari piuttosto che consegnarli a Sokar durante una disputa per il controllo del territorio. Se non si sente trattato nel modo migliore di solito invia bombe camuffate come regalo.Baal ha votato a favore del ritorno di Anubis, forse sottovalutando le implicazioni del suo gesto, infatti non era ancora un Signore del Sistema all'epoca in cui Anubis era tra i più potenti, più di mille ani fa.Baal è acerrimo nemico di Yu, con cui ha un rapporto oscuro e complesso, ma ciò non gli vieta di incontrarsi con lui per trattative civili.Yu è stato l'unico Signore del Sistema a votare contro Anubis, e anche l'unico ancora in vita dall'epoca del suo regno, e per questo è diventato il suo obiettivo primario.Anubis manda le truppe di Baal a distruggere Yu e il suo esercito, ma Yu riesce a scappare.Quando finalmente Yu riesce a far ragionare Baal, uniscono le loro forze contro Anubis nell'orbita di Abydos, ma nel frattempo Anubis si è impossessato dell'"Occhio di Ra", l'unico pezzo mancante per completare un’arma micidiale con la quale distrugge gran parte della flotta dei Signori del Sistema. Dopo la sconfitta di Anubis si impossessò dei suoi domini e delle sue navi rimanenti, diventando il Goa'uld più potente. In seguito la sua flotta venne sconfitta dai replicanti, e lui fuggì nascondendosi sulla Terra e creando moltissimi cloni di se stesso. Alla fine tutti i suoi cloni vennero uccisi, e all'ultimo clone venne estratto il simbionte, che morì.
  • Baal (バール Bāru) is the reconstructed corpse of an enormous giant which Power House CDXI managed to reanimated through the utilization of his cybernetics. At some point in time, a rogue of a scientist attempted to hijack Baal from the Marines for his own personal usage. However, the scientist only managed to trigger a failsafe which sent Baal on a rampage where it assaults any pirate that it happns to come across.
  • Baal, cuyo nombre significa literalmente "Señor", es uno de los demonios más extraños que habitan en el infierno. Si ir más lejos, algunos grimorios y libros prohibidos de la Edad Media lo describen como una mezcla de etéreo hermafrodita y viril general de los ejércitos subterráneos. Gran duque que domina una muy vasta extensión de los infiernos. Algunos demonomaníacos le designan como a general en jefe de los ejércitos infernales. Lo cierto es que Baal es un demonio muy antiguo, y también ejemplo de la mediocridad y la incoherencia de los intérpretes medievales de los mitos hebreos, es decir, de los inquisidores y sus descendientes, capaces de aniquilar los rasgos más bellos de la mitología para utilizar a sus protagonistas en beneficio propio. En este caso, el protagonista vilipendiado por la Santa Inquisición es el pobre Baal. Originalmente Baal era considerado un espíritu de la fertilidad que garantizaba el éxito de las fecundaciones, y por ello protector del ganado y de la abundancia. Se lo veía como una criatura benevolente tanto por culturas nómadas como por sus descendientes, las tribus agrícolas; y bajo esa forma de camaradería lo recibieron los caldeos y los babilonios, para quienes no consiguió, sin embargo, ocupar un lugar jerárquico entre los dioses más poderosos, acaso por ser amigo de los pobres. En el Antiguo Testamento Baal aparece con frecuencia asociado a los cultos que desviaban al pueblo de Israel del verdadero Dios. En Reyes y en Paralipómenos cuenta con el auxilio de la fascinante Jezabel, y luego de su hija, Atalía, quienes participaron en el culto pagano de Baal buscando la fecundidad. No en vano, las mujeres entendieron mejor que los profetas los beneficios uterinos que proporcionaba su amistad. Convertido, no obstante, en enemigo y en idólatra por la intolerancia monoteísta, Baal terminó interpretando un papel opuesto al de su naturaleza, algo similar a lo que ocurrió con Lilith, la primera esposa de Adán. En otras palabras, Baal pasó de ser un dios de la fecundidad a un voraz devorador de niños. Una imagen paradigmática del estigma miserable que cayó sobre Baal puede verse en la que encabeza este artículo, un grabado extraído del libro maldito de Colin de Plancy: Dictionnaire Infernal. Diodoro de Sicilia se hizo eco de estas versiones difamatorias al describir a Baal como una especie de Cronos, tenebroso y voraz, cuyo culto pagano perduraba en la ciudad de Cártago poco antes de que el poderío del imperio la redujera a un vago recuerdo de sal y cenizas. Los mahometanos cuentan, que habiendo Abraham conocido al verdadero Dios, escogió el momento en que su padre estaba ausente para destrozar todos los ídolos, excepto el de Baal de cuyo cuello colgó la hacha con que había hecho el destrozo. Al regresar su padre le dijo que los ídolos habían reñido por la posesión de una ofrenda de trigo; y que como Baal era el mas grueso, había exterminado a los demás. Este era el motivo, añaden algunos doctores, porque Nembrot quiso quemar a Abraham. Categoría:Bestiario Categoría:Demonios
  • Baal is a Semitic title that means Master or Lord. While it can actually refer to a large number of different deities, Baal in this case refers to a Canaan god of rain, fertility, agriculture, and thunder called Hadad. The name Baal, or Ba'al, is used as a substitute in some texts and in common modern usage. This is probably derived from the fact that, in ancient Canaan, only priests were allowed to utter the divine name, in much the same way as in Judaism where only priests were allowed to utter the name of God (YHVH), so common people simply referred to him as Baal. The word ba'al was also used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to any number of local spirit deities worshiped as cult images, and in this context they were each regarded as false gods. Because of this, several demons were derived from Baal, including Bael and Beelzebub.
  • Baal (バール Bāru) is one of the superbosses found in the Disgaea series. Appearing in multiple forms, he always holds incredible power. Known as "The Lord Of Terror" and "The Tyrant Overlord", Baal is a fearsome threat to all worlds in the Nippon Ichi Multiverse. Apart from his almost unstoppable power, he also has the ability to remove his soul from his body and move it to another one. In the Disgaea franchise, he usually appears as a giant and heavily armored Ogre which is assumed to be his true body. Usually, after the battle with him, a harder Round 2 is unlocked in which he uses another body (or multiple copies) to fight the main character while his old body restores itself. In other games like Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom, his appearances take place between his body being defeated and his body being restored as he always has to use a backup body during those times. A typical backup body for Baal is either a Prinny suit or a Eyringa Mushroom as both are common and in ready supply.
  • Baal was the prince of the Elf Kingdom, Shorquita.
  • From an interview with Stephen Collins:
  • <default>Baal</default> Alias Gender Species Age Height Nationality Hometown Status Known Relatives First Appearance Last Appearance Portrayed By Cause of Possession Baal was a demon that was unleashed from the underworld when Ruby Knowby released the evil contained within the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis. He first appeared in Ash vs Evil Dead Season Two and is portrayed by Joel Tobeck.
  • Nombre de un dios cananeo (significa «señor») Nm 25.3–5; Jue 2.11, 13*; 1 R 18.18–40; 2 R 10.18–28; Jr 19.5; Os 2.16–17; Ro 11.4.
  • Baal era una dibinida (probablemente er zol) de barioh puebloh zituáoh en Azia Menor i zu influenzia: loh kananeoh, loh kardeoh, loh babilonioh, loh zidonioh i loh ihraelitah. zu zignifikao ze aprohzima á de zenyor. En la Biblia Baál (בעל Ba‘al) eh uno de loh farzoh diozeh de loh ebreoh. Baál (tmb. kon grafía Beel, Bel, etz.) entra a formá parte de numerozoh nombreh kompuehtoh. * Hanibaál > Anibal * Ahdrubal * Baarfegor * Baarberith (Berith > Beirut) * Baalzemen * Babel * Babilonia * Bartazar * Bertih < Baartiz * Baá Zabut o Berzebuth (ber Belzebu) * Hezabel
  • Baal (バアル, Baaru?) is one of the 72 Demons of the Goetia.
  • Lord. (1.) The name appropriated to the principal male god of the Phoenicians. It is found in several places in the plural BAALIM (Judg. 2:11; 10:10; 1 Kings 18:18; Jer. 2:23; Hos. 2:17). Baal is identified with Molech (Jer. 19:5). It was known to the Israelites as Baal-peor (Num. 25:3; Deut. 4:3), was worshipped till the time of Samuel (1 Sam 7:4), and was afterwards the religion of the ten tribes in the time of Ahab (1 Kings 16:31-33; 18:19, 22). It prevailed also for a time in the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 8:27; comp. 11:18; 16:3; 2 Chr. 28:2), till finally put an end to by the severe discipline of the Captivity (Zeph. 1:4-6). The priests of Baal were in great numbers (1 Kings 18:19), and of various classes (2 Kings 10:19). Their mode of offering sacrifices is described in 1 Kings 18:25-29. The sun-god, under the general title of Baal, or "lord," was the chief object of worship of the Canaanites. Each locality had its special Baal, and the various local Baals were summed up under the name of Baalim, or "lords." Each Baal had a wife, who was a colourless reflection of himself. (2.) A Benjamite, son of Jehiel, the progenitor of the Gibeonites (1 Chr. 8:30; 9:36). (3.) The name of a place inhabited by the Simeonites, the same probably as Baal-ath-beer (1 Chr. 4:33; Josh. 19:8).
  • Baal is a wrestler in the Lock Wrestling Federation. Known as the Lord of Destruction, his sole purpose in the LWF is to continue his Path of Destruction by causing mayhem and destruction.
  • Baal is a demon, considered the King of Hell with command of 66 legions of demons. He is thought to be either Satan himself, or Satan's chief assistant. He has been depicted as either a man, toad, or cat, and has the power to become invisible. Non-coincidentally, Baal is also the name of a chief member of the Phoenician (including Carthage) pantheon. He was also a Canaanite storm god before the Phoenicians adopted him.
  • Baal, auch als Herr der Zerstörung bekannt, ist eines der Drei Großen Übel. Er ist der mittlere Bruder von Diablo und Mephisto. Kategorie:Übel Kategorie:Bossgegner aus Diablo II
  • Baal (Ba'al) was a god for the ancient Phoenician people on Earth. Often associated with Human and child sacrifice, in the 21st century, this belief came into question by scholars and archaeologists. The new theory presented was that the Baalists were the victims of an ancient slander campaign. In 2267, Spock used Baalist child sacrifice as an example of the Federation's lack of religious freedom. (TOS novel: Mission to Horatius)
  • Baal's early existence was much like that of his fellow brothers, Diablo and Mephisto—an endless battle with the forces of Heaven. He never got tired of it, partly because he never exhausted all the opportunities for wanton destruction. One rare exception where Baal worked with his brothers was the Fifth Battle of the Diamond Gates. However, determined to be the sole ruler of Heaven and Hell, Diablo turned on his brothers, costing the Primes their chance at victory.
  • ' ' thumb | 260px | El Señor de la Destrucción thumb | Baal Tor'Baalos, el Señor de la Destrucción, más comúnmente conocido como Baal (se pronuncia bahía-el de América del Norte, y bah-l en Europa) es El Señor de la Destrucción, el hermano mediano de los tres demonios mayores.
  • Baal (sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell) is one of the seven Princes of Hell, representing Gluttony, and is mentioned widely in the Old Testament as the primary pagan idol of the Phoenicians, often associated with the pagan goddess Ashtaroth. Baal is often deemed a Christian Demon and, according to most Grimoires and books on Demonology, is one of the highest ranked and principal rulers of Hell alongside Lucifer. Many say his dominion is of the East and that he is most powerful on Earth during the month of October.
  • Baal was the android assigned to help Alecto Throop track down Lucien Keitel, he is damaged after an attack and after being repaired with another android's components, he warns the others that he may become corrupted by the other's programming and indeed he does as during an attack by one of Keitel's followers, he allows said follower to release a Facehugger from an egg that was secretely stored in a large crate, Massey manages to kill the follower just as he is being facehugged but the parasite immediately leaves the body and leaps at him instead. The corruption caused by the other Android's programming caused Baal to stand idle and refuse to help Massey as he is being latched onto by the facehugger, this almosts gets Throop and company killed as the Xenomorph from Massey ambushes them. Baal later moves an egg on to the chest of an Engineer causing it to be impregnated, the resulting Xenomorph goes on a rampage and even kills other Xenomorphs, Baal is also killed by the Jockey-Xenomorph
  • thumb|Baal Tyon - jeden z posiadaczy tego tytułu. Baal – honorowy tytuł, nadawany wszystkim guru bractwa Śniącego po ich wstąpieniu do gildii oraz nowicjuszom, którzy wyruszyli do innych obozów, żeby głosić słowo Śniącego lub sprzedawać bagienne ziele.
  • Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasizing war, On our knees or another fucker's shore! Heiling new flesh, read, then roared, To the crooked cross and the holy cause! What else be whipped to frenzy for!? -Cradle of Filth, From the Cradle to Enslave Baal, Balseraph Prince of The War, is (after Lucifer) Hell's lead strategist in the fight against Heaven. He's doing an excellent job. He is organized and creative, and more than a match for Laurence, who leads Heaven's army.
  • Baal (lord), sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French) and Baell is one of the seven princes of Hell.
  • Baal gilt als einer der mächtigsten Goault überhaupt und herrscht auch über viele von ihnen. Baal nahm die Erde schon von ungefähr zehn Jahren ins Auge, lange bevor sich die Obliviontore öffneten. Das damalige Stargate-Kommando stellte sich ihm entgegen und verhinderten mehrmals die Invasion der Erde. Seit etwa 2011 beginnt Baal den nahem Osten zu erobern. Er geht dabei äußerst vorsichtig vor, dennoch Umfasst sein Reich bereits fast ganz Israel. Baal ist immer darauf bedacht seine Macht zu erweitern und geht daher ständig neue Bündnisse ein, die mehr oder weniger lange halten. So verbündete er sich zum Beispiel mit Anubis, Borbarad und auch mit Erebor. Letzterer gab ihm auch einen wichtigen Tip, der Baals Macht entscheident steigern sollte: er übernahm Jebus.
  • Fell Knight Baal is a Devourer Earthbound, champion of Lucifer in the Crimson Legion. He is the lover of Lady Anat. Since his summoning by Solomon in Iraq, he has become a megalomaniac and narcissist and declared himself Archduke. He thus became the first Earthbound to refuse being enslaved by the other Archdukes.
  • Baal - semicki bóg burz i życiodajnego deszczu, uważany za władcę świata. Jego kult w Egipcie został zapoczątkowane w czasach XVIII dynastii. Egipcjanie uważali go za strażnika granic, wyobrażali sobie go pod postacią psa. Jego świątynia znajdowała się w dzielnicy obcokrajowców w Memfis. W czasach Rammessydów identyfikowany był z Setem. Kategoria:Bogowie egipscy
  • Baal es el mundo natal de los Ángeles Sangrientos y es un planeta devastado. Hace milenios, antes de la fundación del Imperio, una guerra terrible estuvo a punto de destruir por completo este planeta y sus lunas, Baal Primus y Baal Secundus. Las armas antiguas tanto víricas como nucleares, que se arrojaron contra la superficie del planeta, convirtieron lo que antaño fue un mundo paradisíaco y sus lunas en desiertos tóxicos. La superficie del globo está formada por yermos tóxicos y desiertos de óxido rojo. El cielo está abrasado por los efectos de la guerra. Los supervivientes se transformaron en hurgadores y carroñeros de los restos de su antaño floreciente e idílica civilización. Adoptaron un estilo de vida nómada y se libraron guerras por los restos que encontraron. Baal también es conocido por ser el infierno que engendra ángeles (refiriéndose a los Ángeles Sangrientos). Los caminos están cubiertos de cenizas. A lo largo del planeta quedan ruinas de estructuras del pasado, formadas por la vergüenza y la inmensa repulsión.
  • Baal was one of the three frog-like spirits that came forth from the mouths of Nicolae Carpathia, Leon Fortunato, and the dragon, to inhabit the Carpathia clone bodies in the book "Armageddon". Baal, along with Ashtaroth and Cankerworm, were defeated by Jesus Christ in the book "Glorious Appearing", and cast out into the Lake of Fire for all eternity.
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