  • Sarona VIII
  • Sarona VIII
  • Sarona VIII
  • Planeta de Recreo hacia donde se dirigía el Enterprise-D para que la tripulación tome un período de licencia, cuando fueron demorados por una llamada de auxilio proveniente del Sistema Pegos Menor.
  • Sarona VIII is the eighth planet in the Sarona system, well-known as a destination for shore leave for Starfleet officers. Among its attractions is the Blue Parrot Café, which serves blue cocktails. The USS Enterprise-D stopped there for shore leave in 2364. (TNG episode: "We'll Always Have Paris") In 2379 Esperanza Piñiero met Jas Abrik in the Blue Parrot Café to ask him to not reveal what he knows about Tezwa and to offer him the job of security advisor to Nanietta Bacco, should she win the election for Federation President.
  • Sarona VIII ist ein Planet, der bei Offizieren der Sternenflotte ein beliebtes Ziel für Landurlaub ist. Teil seines Angebots ist das Blue Parrot Café, wo man exotische Cocktails serviert. Es liegt gegenüber von Zanza Men's Tanzpalast. Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) nimmt 2364 Kurs auf Sarona VIII, nachdem man Doktor Paul Manheim hat helfen können. (TNG: )
  • Sarona VIII was the inhabited eighth planet in its star system. In the 24th century, this planet was visited by Starfleet crewmembers for shore leave. One of its most popular attractions was the Blue Parrot Café, which served blue concoctions, and was located across the city square from the Zanza Men's Dance Palace. Sometime before late 2364, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, and Jean-Luc Picard had visited this planet. In 2364, upon the completion of its rescue mission at Vandor IV, Sarona VIII was the destination of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" )
  • Sarona VIII ist ein Planet, der bei Offizieren der Sternenflotte ein beliebtes Ziel für Landurlaub ist. Teil seines Angebots ist das Blue Parrot Café, wo man exotische Cocktails serviert. Es liegt gegenüber von Zanza Men's Tanzpalast. Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) nimmt 2364 Kurs auf Sarona VIII, nachdem man Doktor Paul Manheim hat helfen können. (TNG: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planeten­systems mit der Bezeich­nung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planeten­systems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigen­namen nach dem dazu­gehörigen Zentral­gestirn zu benennen. Kategorie:Planet
  • Planeta de Recreo hacia donde se dirigía el Enterprise-D para que la tripulación tome un período de licencia, cuando fueron demorados por una llamada de auxilio proveniente del Sistema Pegos Menor.
  • Sarona VIII is the eighth planet in the Sarona system, well-known as a destination for shore leave for Starfleet officers. Among its attractions is the Blue Parrot Café, which serves blue cocktails. The USS Enterprise-D stopped there for shore leave in 2364. (TNG episode: "We'll Always Have Paris") In 2379 Esperanza Piñiero met Jas Abrik in the Blue Parrot Café to ask him to not reveal what he knows about Tezwa and to offer him the job of security advisor to Nanietta Bacco, should she win the election for Federation President. The Saronan emblem was a dodecahedron that was vaguely crescent shaped. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
  • Sarona VIII was the inhabited eighth planet in its star system. In the 24th century, this planet was visited by Starfleet crewmembers for shore leave. One of its most popular attractions was the Blue Parrot Café, which served blue concoctions, and was located across the city square from the Zanza Men's Dance Palace. Sometime before late 2364, William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, and Jean-Luc Picard had visited this planet. In 2364, upon the completion of its rescue mission at Vandor IV, Sarona VIII was the destination of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
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