  • Charlene
  • Charlene
  • Charlene
  • Charlene
  • Charlene is a former guardian of the Librarian and the Library's secretary. After the Serpent Brotherhood invaded The Library for the Crown of King Arthur, she and Judson broke the seal anchoring the Library to the Metropolitan Public Library and closing it off.
  • Charlene is a Poodle Only Shows a Pic of herself Not To Know About This Poodle But She Was Always Ruff's Girlfriend But In One Episode She Info's That She Loves The Spinach Cookies But Fleape's Children Effect Her She Wrote The letter saying: "Ruff I Love You Spinach Cookies But There Where Infested With Fleas So I Had To Call The Health Department" She was stole in by spot spotnick, in fetch: spy hounds.
  • Charlene is a woman who had an affair with John Redcorn and brief girlfriend of Bill Dauterive. She has a daughter named Kate, whom Dale thinks is not her "daughter". She, Kate, and her son Drew moved-in with John Redcorn, but were not mentioned or seen since. She met John Redcorn while working as a dancer under the stagename Candy and became pregnant with their daughter Kate. She only appears in the episode "Untitled Blake McCormick Project". She is voiced by Melinda Clarke.
  • Charlene is an adult Caucasian female who has bushy blond hair and wears a pink blouse and an apron over her blue skirt. She also wears a yellow bangle on her right wrist and red earrings. When she was unmasked, she was wearing the fake museum guide's uniform.
  • Charlene was the second wife of Gary Heffley. She divorced Gary because during a date, Charlene said she had 30 to 40 thousand in her bank while Gary said he had 45 (But Gary actually had only $45. Charlene thought he had 45,000 in his bank). She had gotten a band for the wedding but Gary was unable to pay, causing her to divorce because he lied to her.
  • Charlene is a member of the Unity in 2161.
  • Charlene war die beste Freundin von Jule Kasper.
  • Charlene the Chipette is the very first Chipette and Brittany's prototype. She has blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her signature colors are red and pink.
  • Charlene is the secretary of Leighton Perry in Heavy Rain.
  • Charlene was a woman Stephen Colbert dated in the '80s and it has been suggested she is Stephen's cousin. She has since gotten married and may or may not have filed a restraining order against him. Regardless, some people still say that she and Stephen are destined to be together.
  • Charlene Zorgu II is Lord Zorgu's girlfriend and future wife. In the episodes "Zorgu's Girlfriend", and then "Dearest Charlene", they both involve Lord Zorgu trying to get a date with Charlene. Charlene is shown to be a very happy woman, who loves flowers and chocolates, and has an obsession with wood and papers. Charlene has a job as a lumberjack, but never cuts down trees, she just gets money for no reason. Charlene is shown to be an antagonist at the end of "Dearest Charlene", where she manipulates Lord Zorgu into trying to kill Zroid, Chrome and Guy. Charlene also has a damaged shoulder.
  • Charlene is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest.
  • Charlene is Charlotte's cheerful grandmother. She and Charlotte are both happy, outgoing, kind and unaware of evil. Like Charlotte, she is voiced by creator Amy Winfrey. Charlene did not appear in the web series as she was introduced in the television series when the content was expanded. Charlene runs a store called Grandma Charlene's Candy and Auto Parts.
  • En la historia se enamora de Omar al igual que el de ella.
  • Charlene was the fiancée of Luis Otero, but her real love was for Mr. Smiley.
  • Charlene was the holographic wife of Kenneth, and mother of Belle and Jeffrey. The Doctor, who assumed the name Kenneth for his role, had created a holodeck program to experience family life. The program and family members were so perfect that it was nothing like real life. Charlene was a perfect homemaker who was subservient to her husband, letting him make all the decisions. When Belle died in an accident, Kenneth deactivated the program and Charlene ceased to exist. (VOY: "Real Life") Charlene was played by Wendy Schaal.
  • thumb|Charlene thumb|Charlene mit ihrer Familie Charlene ist ein Hologramm aus dem Holoprogramm Familienprogramm Beta-Rho. Sie ist darin die Ehefrau der Spielerrolle Kenneth und Mutter von Jeffrey und Belle. Sie ist intelligent und gebildet. Der Doktor, der Kenneth spielt, bringt zu diesem Essen Kes und auch B'Elanna Torres mit, letztere erkennt dabei, dass das ganze Programm und auch Charlene vollkommen unrealistisch programmiert ist und fügt einige zufällige Verhaltensalgorithmen hinzu. Charlene wurde von Wendy Schaal gespielt und von Karin David synchronisiert.
  • 3
  • Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest
temp companion
  • no
talking head
  • no
perm companion
  • no
  • -
items modified
  • -
  • empty
heal cripple
  • no
  • XY093
  • XY092
  • シェリル Sheriru
  • weiblich
Row 1 info
  • Ruff Ruffman
  • no
  • The Family
  • Charlene
film appearance
  • No
online appearance
  • Yes
  • Robes
Row 2 info
  • Fleas
Row 1 title
  • Likes
  • Schülerin
cure radiation
  • no
Row 2 title
  • Dislikes
  • Südafrika
quests started
  • -
book appearance
  • Yes
  • no
  • -
quests involved
  • -
  • N-Circle World
Box Title
  • Charlene
  • Drew
  • Kate
  • Unnamed Husband
  • 1
  • Cafe owner
  • FO1
  • Black
  • Blue
  • 12
  • 34
  • 45
  • 20.0
  • -30.0
Voiced by
  • -
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Human Female
First Appearance
  • Initiate
  • Blonde
  • Brown
  • Dark Yellow
  • Charlene
  • Charlene
  • 270
  • 1977-03-30
  • Charlene in 2006
  • "Charlotte's First Day"
  • The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
  • Female
  • Kalos
  • ledig
  • 2004-07-05
  • Medium
  • Charlene
  • All Eyes on the Future!
  • Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!
Cause of Death
  • Shot
  • Brown
  • -
  • #84d7ff
  • * All human abilities * All thief-related abilities
  • Lollipop family.jpg
  • Charlene.JPG
  • Thief
  • Librarian
  • librarian Bodyguard
  • Brown
  • -
  • Secretary of Perry
Killed by
  • Unknown Father - Father
  • Unknown Mother - Mother
  • Jon - Boyfriend †
  • Sam Merlotte - Ex-boyfriend
  • Unknown
Image File
  • Charlene
  • Female
  • 2003
  • 1990.0
wikipage disambiguates
  • Charlene is a former guardian of the Librarian and the Library's secretary. After the Serpent Brotherhood invaded The Library for the Crown of King Arthur, she and Judson broke the seal anchoring the Library to the Metropolitan Public Library and closing it off.
  • Charlene is a Poodle Only Shows a Pic of herself Not To Know About This Poodle But She Was Always Ruff's Girlfriend But In One Episode She Info's That She Loves The Spinach Cookies But Fleape's Children Effect Her She Wrote The letter saying: "Ruff I Love You Spinach Cookies But There Where Infested With Fleas So I Had To Call The Health Department" She was stole in by spot spotnick, in fetch: spy hounds.
  • Charlene is a woman who had an affair with John Redcorn and brief girlfriend of Bill Dauterive. She has a daughter named Kate, whom Dale thinks is not her "daughter". She, Kate, and her son Drew moved-in with John Redcorn, but were not mentioned or seen since. She met John Redcorn while working as a dancer under the stagename Candy and became pregnant with their daughter Kate. She only appears in the episode "Untitled Blake McCormick Project". She is voiced by Melinda Clarke.
  • Charlene is an adult Caucasian female who has bushy blond hair and wears a pink blouse and an apron over her blue skirt. She also wears a yellow bangle on her right wrist and red earrings. When she was unmasked, she was wearing the fake museum guide's uniform.
  • Charlene was the second wife of Gary Heffley. She divorced Gary because during a date, Charlene said she had 30 to 40 thousand in her bank while Gary said he had 45 (But Gary actually had only $45. Charlene thought he had 45,000 in his bank). She had gotten a band for the wedding but Gary was unable to pay, causing her to divorce because he lied to her.
  • Charlene is a member of the Unity in 2161.
  • Charlene war die beste Freundin von Jule Kasper.
  • Charlene was the holographic wife of Kenneth, and mother of Belle and Jeffrey. The Doctor, who assumed the name Kenneth for his role, had created a holodeck program to experience family life. The program and family members were so perfect that it was nothing like real life. Charlene was a perfect homemaker who was subservient to her husband, letting him make all the decisions. After B'Elanna Torres altered the program to make it more life-like, Charlene's character changed. She went from a sickeningly sweet submissive wife to an independent strong-willed woman. She had a life outside the home, becoming a working mother. She often disagreed with Kenneth's demands and spoke her own mind. She was not afraid to tell him that he was unreasonable and refused to abide by his rules. This gave The Doctor a taste of real life. When Belle died in an accident, Kenneth deactivated the program and Charlene ceased to exist. (VOY: "Real Life") Charlene was played by Wendy Schaal.
  • Charlene the Chipette is the very first Chipette and Brittany's prototype. She has blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her signature colors are red and pink.
  • Charlene is the secretary of Leighton Perry in Heavy Rain.
  • thumb|Charlene thumb|Charlene mit ihrer Familie Charlene ist ein Hologramm aus dem Holoprogramm Familienprogramm Beta-Rho. Sie ist darin die Ehefrau der Spielerrolle Kenneth und Mutter von Jeffrey und Belle. Sie ist intelligent und gebildet. In der ursprünglichen Version des Programms ist sie Kenneths kleine Frau. Sie ist eine gute Köchin, die vor allem ihren schwer arbeitenden Mann verwöhnen möchte und deswegen für ihn neue Kaffeemischungen beispielsweise von Paksor III und auch kontinentale Küche ausprobiert. Sie ist davon überzeugt, dass ihr Mann ein großartiger Arzt ist, der sich in seinem Beruf jedoch um zu viele unwichtige Sachen kümmern muss. Sie bittet Kenneth auch, seine Arbeitskollegen zum Abendessen mitzubringen und kocht für sie Wildpilzepilaw. Der Doktor, der Kenneth spielt, bringt zu diesem Essen Kes und auch B'Elanna Torres mit, letztere erkennt dabei, dass das ganze Programm und auch Charlene vollkommen unrealistisch programmiert ist und fügt einige zufällige Verhaltensalgorithmen hinzu. In der modifizierten Version ist Charlene eine selbstständige Frau, die regelmäßig zu Vortragsabenden, zum Beispiel in der bolianischen Botschaft geht. Deswegen hat sie auch wenig Zeit, ihre Familie ständig zu bekochen. Als der Doktor versucht, neue Regeln in der Familie aufzustellen, widersetzt sie sich ihm, weil er seine Pläne nicht mit ihr abgesprochen hat. Sie verteidigt auch Jeffrey und seine klingonischen Freunde. Als Belle beim Parrises squares ein Schädeltrauma erleidet, informiert sie Kenneth. Er und Dr. Findlay kommen nach drei Stunden Operation zu dem Schluss, dass sie Belle nicht mehr helfen können, doch Charlene möchte sich damit zunächst nicht abfinden. Später steht sie mit ihrem Mann und ihrem Sohn am Bett ihrer Tochter, als diese schließlich stirbt. (VOY: ) Charlene wurde von Wendy Schaal gespielt und von Karin David synchronisiert.
  • Charlene was a woman Stephen Colbert dated in the '80s and it has been suggested she is Stephen's cousin. She has since gotten married and may or may not have filed a restraining order against him. Regardless, some people still say that she and Stephen are destined to be together.
  • Charlene Zorgu II is Lord Zorgu's girlfriend and future wife. In the episodes "Zorgu's Girlfriend", and then "Dearest Charlene", they both involve Lord Zorgu trying to get a date with Charlene. Charlene is shown to be a very happy woman, who loves flowers and chocolates, and has an obsession with wood and papers. Charlene has a job as a lumberjack, but never cuts down trees, she just gets money for no reason. Charlene is shown to be an antagonist at the end of "Dearest Charlene", where she manipulates Lord Zorgu into trying to kill Zroid, Chrome and Guy. Charlene also has a damaged shoulder.
  • Charlene is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest.
  • Charlene is Charlotte's cheerful grandmother. She and Charlotte are both happy, outgoing, kind and unaware of evil. Like Charlotte, she is voiced by creator Amy Winfrey. Charlene did not appear in the web series as she was introduced in the television series when the content was expanded. Charlene runs a store called Grandma Charlene's Candy and Auto Parts.
  • En la historia se enamora de Omar al igual que el de ella.
  • Charlene was the fiancée of Luis Otero, but her real love was for Mr. Smiley.
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is Beziehungen of
is Portrays of
is Freunde of
is notable role(s) of
is Relatives of
is Affiliation of
is Role of
is Spouse of
is Identity of
is Relative of
is Person of
is Friends of
is Grandparents of