  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • Icarus
  • UMA created by the BPL.
  • Daedalus built the Labyrinth under the castle of King Minos in Crete. This was created to hold the Minotaur, and as a challenge to kill Theseus, enemy of Minos. Daedalus gave Ariadne a ball of string, so she would give it to Theseus to get through the Labyrinth. Because of this, Daedalus and his son Icarus were thrown into the Labyrinth. The two escaped, and were thrown into a high tower prison.
  • Icarus is a character from the Disney animated series Hercules. He was Hercules' best friend during their time in Prometheus Academy. He also has a romantic obsession with his friend Cassandra.
  • Icarus is an Artificial Intelligence that appears in the first Deus Ex game. Designed by Bob Page, he was used to track JC Denton and to replace the insubordinate AI before Daedalus. Icarus is the malevolent counterpart to Daedalus, being sociopathic and negative in contrast to him. He was voiced by Peter Marquardt.
  • Goren and Eames investigate the death of an actor in an expensive Broadway show.
  • Icarus is a legendary character from Greek Mythology. According the the myth, his father Daedalus constructed wings for him out of wax and feathers of birds, so that he could escape the land of Crete by flight. His father warned him not to fly too close to the sun, but since he ignored such warnings, his wings melted, and he fell to his death. Hawkman often said "Great Icarus!" when he was surprised by something. Also, Miss Caraway owned a statue that resembled Icarus. It was located in her estate.
  • Icarus was the son of Daedalus, cousin of Perdix, and a grandson of Athena, which would make him a legacy. He is most commonly known for his attempt to escape the island, Crete, by flight, which ended in a fall to his death because he did not listen to his father.
  • File:IcarusCJE.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Icarus is een personage uit Hercules: The Animated Series. Hij is de beste vriend van Hercules en verliefd op Cassandra. Hij is ingesproken door French Stewart.
  • Icarus is a Crucible map in the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron.
  • Icarus is a Japanese Ocarina Company.
  • Icarus is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.
  • Mid Level wind fusion beast
  • Name: Icarus Run Time: 5:35 Year: 2000
  • Joshua "Jay" Guthrie, Icarus, was a mutant associated with the junior training squad, the New Mutants.
  • Icarus was a legendary individual. He was a man who dreamt of flying. He made wax wings covered with feathers. He flew high into the sky and too close to the sun.
  • Beginning in Skyworld with Pit's younger appearance, Icarus would have taken place not long after the events of the first game. In this game, Palutena banishes the angel from Skyworld to the Overworld, as he is accused of crimes against their realm. Many years after this event, Pit has matured into a skilled warrior from the time he spent defending the Overworld, now possessing the ability to fly due to his wings becoming stronger with age. As a new darkness begins to threaten the earth, Pit is prompted to defend the realm and find redemption along the way.
  • Icarus is an asteroid in the solar system's asteroid belt. The space battleship Yamato is secretly refitted at the Earth Defence Force facility on Icarus following an invasion by the Dark Nebula Empire (Be Forever Yamato).
  • Icarus is the final member of Chishiki's Elite Four. He specialises in type Pokemon.
  • Image:Ikaris 001.gif|Ikaris Image:None.jpg|Icarus (zoon van Ikaris) Image:Icarus.jpg|Icarus (Joshua Guthrie)
  • Icarus është dragua i vogël i cili është dragua personal i Gohanit. Ai shfaqet edhe në filmin Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, kur Gohani e shpëton atë nga një pemë e cila po rrëzohej. Prej atij momenti ai bëhet dragoi besniku i Gohanit. Por edhe Icarus e shpëton Gohanin në disa raste në Sagën e Garlic jr.
  • Independent, intellectual... believes the ends justify the means, and always has several ways planned to achieve his ends. Exacting, precise in his strategy, able to coordinate aerial and other high-speed attacks with great precision. As robot, has thermal energy-blade. As spacecraft, has dual laser batteries. Studies mechanical engineering as a hobby. Has a severe phobia of confinement.
  • In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of Daedalus, King Minos' architect, who built the labyrinth for King Minos to imprison the Minotaur. In reality, the father and son were Minos' prisoners, imprisoned in a tower. The clever Daedalus plucked feathers from the birds that landed at the window and, over time, gathered enough to build two pairs of wings for himself and his son, Icarus. The two escaped, but Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high. The prideful Icarus didn't listen. He flew so high, the heat of the sun melted the wax in his wings, and he plunged to his death into the ocean. The loss troubled Daedalus so much that he refused to share the plans for his wings until his death.
  • File:Q2.png In Quake 2, an Icarus is a humanoid Strogg with a jetpack built into its upper back, with twin Blasters mounted onto its shoulders. Whilst it is only ever seen in flight, it does have legs, which is suggestive of a need to land on a regular basis, probably to refuel, rearm and take in some Stroyent. Icarus are essentially Flyers, but with much higher health and without a melee attack. Icarus first appear in the Prison hub, and are an uncommon Enemy throughout the rest of the game.
  • Icarus is een draak en de beste vriend van Gohan, nadat deze hem uit een bosbrand redt in DBZ-film 3. We zien hem in verscheidene DBZ-films en de Garlic Jr.-saga.
  • This is really Flight of Icarus from Blackbox by Brad Hughes. With some modifications. My horrible green background is included as a cruel little bonus.
  • Icarus is a extra-terrestrial 17-years-old soldier from Planet Ankaa of the Phoenix Dimension. He's confident, fearless and always do his own thing, he might seem a little intimidating, but the truth is that he's a loyal friend and it's Kopa's long-lost brother.
  • Icarus are humanoid Krono-Titans who possess bird-like wings instead of arms. Icarus Titans are commonly used by Casterwill family members alongside Feyone, and one appears in the arsenal of Sophie Casterwill.
  • In Greek mythology, Icarus was a figure that together with Daedalus tried to escape their prison by fashioning wings from wax and feathers. However, Icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted. The story of Daedalus was one of Tom Paris' favorite myths; however he bemoaned the fact that Alice left out the part about Icarus' fate when she retold the myth to him in 2376. When called out on this, he dismissed the detail as Poetic license. (VOY: "Alice") A second season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was entitled "The Icarus Factor" .
  • The Icarus (or Icharus) was a hovercraft of Zion's fleet during the Sixth Matrix Resistance, captained by Ajax. It was the second largest of the military fleet, with only the Mjolnir bigger.
  • Ron Grams, better known by his ring name of Icarus is an independent worker that works mostly in CHIKARA.
  • Icarus was a ship used by the Osarian Guard for ground assaults. It had two versions, a Daedalion/Dorn occupation cruiser (Icarus) and a Victory I Star Destroyer (Icarus II).
  • Icarus is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #38 in the Arena.
  • Icarus was a boy who's father, a master craftsman named Daedalus, created a pair of artificial wings that allowed him to fly. The wings were made of feathers held together by wax, and Daedalus warned him not too fly too close to the sun, lest the wax melt. Icarus flew away from the island of Crete, but ignored his father's instructions. The wings melted, and Icarus plunged to his death in the sea.
  • Icarus is the name of a "Luxurious Sky Cruise," provided by Icarus Travel Commission Inc. Advertisements can be seen all around Columbia, such as in the Town Center and in Emporia.
  • The VRA is in full effect and things take an unfortunate turn of events after the Green Arrow tries to stop a mugging but is attacked by citizens for being a super hero. Clark discovers that the civilians who attacked Oliver were all marked with a darkness tattoo. Carter Hall and Stargirl return to help Clark deal with Slade's re-emergence after he kidnaps Lois.
  • It was destroyed during the Battle of Space Station Liberty when it was abandoned aboard the doomed station.
  • Icarus - bliźniacza Daedalusowi sztuczna inteligencja. Własność Boba Page'a, który używał go min. do podsłuchiwania planów JC, Tracera Tonga i innych swoich przeciwników, a także do ściągania zdobytych przez JC danych poprzez Infolink.
  • Icarus was the young son of the great inventor Daedalus. One day, while flying with his father's winged invention, Icarus flew too close to the sun. This caused the wax holding his wings together to melt. He fell to his death in the sea. His death plunged Daedalus into a depression that caused him to become careless and invent weapons for King Nikolos.
  • Icarus é a chefe final do estágio extra de Banshiryuu. Categoria:Personagens Seihou Categoria:Seihou
  • Icarus is an orange male flier, or bat, and flies into the Regalian arena, plagueridden, and clearly incoherent. He flies around for a bit, then ceases flying and plummets to the ground and breaks his neck, dying instantly. Solovet calls to set the body on fire, Ripred argues against it, but they torch Icarus anyway, and the fleas carrying the plague hop off him, chasing the Underlanders and bats. Though they take preventative measures, Gregor's mother and two bats are plaguestricken.
  • Icarus ist das Flugzeug, das man auf Mob of the Dead selbst bauen kann. Sein Name entstammt dem Tagebuch thumb|Icarusvon Albert Arlington.
  • Icarus is the former prince of the planet Ikarus, adopted by Star King Bazeu as a "prince" of the Great Star League Gozma
  • Icarus is a male Silverwing bat who was a friend of Cassiel Silverwing. At the end of Silverwing (novel), he agrees to help Shade Silverwing look for Cassiel.
  • It is well understood by Western Australians that once Icarus has been launched, Sydney will be the first to go. The latté-sipping financially complacent petit-bourgeoise republic of soccer-mum suburbia will be no more than a steaming, crater-ridden wasteland. Hopefully there will be some diamonds when it is inspected. But Icarus goes far further than merely incinerating try-hard grandoise cities - it's ability to refine and direct a beam of light no wider than 30 cm allows it to be used for personal attacks. Don't agree with that jerk over the shuffling of the poker cards? Then stop complaining and plug the coordinates into the Icarus GPS. Then put on your sunglasses. The worst that could happen is you lose a chair and portion of roof - but the neat pile of diamonds that will be left will
  • Icarus, short for Deciples of Icarus. Icarus was the name of a boy/ man who took it upon himself to glue together some feathers and build himself some wings. This was acheived for the sole purpose of flight. Icarus had a vision to take flight and soar higher than any man before him. Unfortunately for him, he flew way too high. In fact he pretty much flew into the sun. this caused the glue in his man-made wings to melt or... de-coagulate and in turn completely destryed his wings. Ofcourse, without any wings he came plummeting to the ground and outrageouse speeds. The impact would have been a plausible reason for his death.
  • Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son. Daedalus tried his wings first, but before taking off from the island, warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea, but to follow his path of flight. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms, and so Icarus fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos.
  • The Krynn ambassador in the Symbiotry of Peaceful Beings. He said "Even the Krynn cannot deny the truth of this situation and they do not understand how anyone can defend our right to keep such a hazardous technology." Frustrated by the lack of progress in the talks concerning humanity's time travel technology, he stormed out of the talks. He approached Agent 3, who came to believe that time travel is too dangerous a technology to be held only by humans and he promised her that the Krynn would allow the technology to be available for all species.
  • The Icarus was an exploratory spacecraft owned by Interplanetary Expeditions. In December of 2256 the Icarus departed Station Prime on an archaeological and scientific mission to a planet out on the Rim codenamed Alpha Omega 3. Unusually well funded, the expedition had a budget four times greater than similar missions, and the ship carried aboard some of the most advanced equipment available at the time. Later, the ship disappeared and was presumed destroyed. It would later emerge that the Icarus's destination was Z'ha'dum, the ancient homeworld of the Shadows, and the arrival of the ship resulted in the Shadows being prematurely awakened from their centuries-long hibernation. Not ready to be exposed to the younger races so soon, the Shadows captured the ship's company and crew and gave th
  • Es gibt Geschichten im Tri-System, die sind einfach nur zum Schmunzeln geeignet. Die Story zur Icarus gehört auf jeden Fall dazu. Eigentlich gibt es eine einfache Formel, wenn man ein Schiff bauen möchte – die so genannten „3 F“: form follows function, die Form folgt der Funktion. Nur beim Bau der Icarus hatte man dies einfach vergessen. Anstelle eines Technikers engagierte man zuerst einen Designer, um die Form für den neuen Jäger zu entwerfen. Anscheinend hatte dies oberste Priorität – warum weiß keiner mehr so genau. Fakt aber ist, das es weder eine Ausschreibung für einen Wettbewerb „schönstes Schiff des Tri-Systems“ noch etwas anderes in dieser Art zum Zeitpunkt der Entwicklung gab. Das Ergebnis: ein eleganter Jäger, der aber mit einem Preis von 105.000 Credits ein echtes Schattendase
  • As his name suggests, he attempted to escaped with his father Daedalus with the use of crude wings. he flew so high that the glue melted from the feathers and fell into the ocean below. However, unlike the original tale he actually survived the incident, but was left with a permanent mental injury in the process. It is revealed in the clip-show episode "Hercules and the Yearbook", which is set after the series, that he went on in to help manufacture in his father's industry.
  • The Icaurs (Scientific Name: Volatilis Penguin of Fatum, Latin for Flying Penguin of Doom) is a penguin in a biosuit, that has achieved the power of flight. It has two snowball blasters mounted into the armor's shoulders, and a powerful jetpack on it's back. Only the eyes of the penguin inside the biosuit are seen, since their beak is attached to an oxygen mask so that they can survive the high altitude in the air. The blasters fire 120 snowballs per minute, which is two snowballs a second, and the jet pack fuel is composed of highly compressed Doom Weeds converted into a potent steam. The armor however, is composed of a tough lightweight alloy that is found in many stainless steel stove appliances in the igloo's around the USA. The Icarus serve as Darktan's anti-air units, and are used to
  • Icarus is Gohan's pet baby dragon in Dragonball Z. He is purple and has wings. Gohan rescued him from a wild fire in The Tree of Might and Icarus became attracted to Gohan. Though Gohan's mother Chichi says he can't keep him, Goku goes against his wife's wishes and finds a cave to hide Icarus in. Though he hardly makes an appearance and is never seen again after the Cell Games, he is very helpful and devoted to Gohan, as he attacks Shenron when he thinks the larger dragon wants to hurt Gohan and helps Gohan control his Oozaru form. In Cooler's Revenge, he attacks Cooler's armored squad and takes Gohan to Korin's tower for senzu beans because flying with Gohan's energy would alert Cooler's scouters of his location. He also prevents Gohan from being infected by the black water mist and saves
  • Amid a storm of publicity, wealthy entrepreneur Gustav Graves unveiled the Icarus satellite to the world's press gathered in Iceland. He claimed that the satellite had been created with the intent of providing sunlight to areas of the world which lack it in order to promote agricultural development in cold climate countries. In reality, however, Graves was planning to use the satellite as a weapon to detonate mines placed along the De-Militarised Zone between North and South Korea. With a path carved through the de-militarised zone, the North - with his backing - would invade the South.
  • Icarus was featured in The Storyteller: Greek Myths story of "Daedalus and Icarus". Icarus was the son of Daedalus. Icarus was clumsy, awkward and an embarrassment his father. After the death of his cousin Talos, Icarus and Daedalus fled to Crete. In Crete Daedalus constructed the Labyrinth for King Minos. After Minos cast Daedalus and Icarus into the Labyrinth and escaped, Daedalus decided that he and Icarus had to flee Crete toget away from Minos. Daedalus sculpted many figures of a winged boy in honor of his lost son.
  • The Icarus was an orbital satellite built by the Brotherhood of Makuta which was equipped with a quadron energy cannon capable of disintegrating anything not made of intritium with a single shot. The Icarus was erased from existence when Blackout used the Vahi Cube to rewind time by six months. It was rebuilt following Blackout's takeover of the universe.
  • Daedalus, Icarus's father, who was a remarkable Athenian craftsman who was exiled in the palace of Knossos by King Minos. He was exiled because of his involvement in helping Theseus, who survived the Labyrinth and defeated the Minotaur. He had given Minos's daughter, Ariadne, a ball of string (clew), which she used to help Theseus, Minos's enemy. Hellenistic writers give the tale variants, which has Icarus escape from Crete via boat provided by Pasiphaë. Daedalus had constructed the first sails for the boat. Icarus when en route to Sicily fell into the water and
  • When Icarus was seventeen he spotted a runner from his bedroom window. Two days later he snuck out of the apartment, a small rucksack strapped to his back and dead set on becoming a runner himself. Life on the rooftops has never been easy, but Icarus is a fast learner and he soon made a name for himself as a fast, safe and dependable player.
  • VI
  • Jill
  • no
  • 20
  • ???
  • Dengeki Sentai Changeman
  • Power Rangers Stellar Force
  • Unknown
Main Character
  • Good
  • 1
  • 2
  • To marry Cassandra
story name
  • Icarus
  • 1
Row 4 info
  • Unknown
  • 6
Battle Start
  • Move! I can't see the sun!
  • Icarus
  • 6600
  • 7260
skill lv
  • All allies' ATK 350% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 350% up / 20% chance
  • A Very Cold Rival
Row 1 info
  • Icarus
  • Desconhecidas
  • Marte no futuro
  • Being kidnapped, his jealousy of his father
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • Escape from Crete
  • 11000
  • No
  • "Icarus"
  • *Não possui
  • Desconhecida
Row 2 info
  • Unknown
original upload date
  • Sep.2.2009
  • Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!
  • It's the Final Supernova!
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • 1
  • Spacecraft
  • crimson
broadcast date
  • 2010-12-10
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • Arena
Greek/Roman form
  • None
  • yes
  • 6600
  • 7260
friendship max
  • I bet I could touch the sun
  • if I were with you.
  • Froslass
  • 0
  • Desconhecida, possivelmente Anjo
friendship event
  • I know I'll crash and burn,
  • I want to thank you for not
  • but I can't help myself.
  • laughing at my dream.
battle end
  • Crash and burn...
Row 3 info
  • Greek Mythology
  • UR
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • The sun blazes hot and bright
  • enough to melt my wings today.
  • Unknown
  • DeFoe
  • Mallory
  • Sophie Casterwill
  • Rune Guardians
  • silver
  • Quake 2
  • Icarus from Greek mythology
  • Irregular
  • 2
Box Title
  • Icarus
  • None
  • The Battle of the Labyrinth
  • Armored Core: Project Phantasma
  • Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes
  • VI
  • Light
  • Kenji Fukuda
  • offGrid
  • Thomas Doherty
  • Unknown
  • Darktan's Army
  • Decepticon
Birth Date
  • 1982-07-26
  • Chishiki
  • Chishiki League
  • None
  • Ice
  • Hazel
  • Light Blue
Full Name
  • Icarus
  • Stellar Phoenix Crimson Ranger
  • Lireo
  • イカルス Icarus
  • The Gateway
  • Unknown
  • Black boots
  • Black and red bracers
  • Black and red hooded vest
  • Gray/Grey pants
  • Gray/Grey tank top
  • Cassandra, having fun, telling jokes, being hyper and childish, helping out Hercules
  • 10
Voiced by
  • N/A
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Destroyed
  • Icarus
  • 1
  • TBA
  • rushu
  • yes
  • Theta & Sigma
  • White
  • Unknown
  • None
  • viridian
  • Icarus
  • Joshua "Jay" Guthrie
  • Ron Grams
  • Ice
  • Psychic
  • Bug
  • Prince
  • Poison
  • Steel
  • OC
  • ghost
  • ice
  • Krono-Titan Sharpshooter
  • insane, hyperactive, childish, funny, goofy, flirtatious, energetic, loyal, fun-loving, helpful, naïve, wacky, ditzy, formally envious, impulsive, mirthful, sassy, spunky, talkative, batty, nutty, enthusiastic, friendly, lovable, zany, vivacious, optimistic, cuddlesome
  • yes
  • White
  • The Calling
  • "Absent Heroes"
  • ROM Annual #3
  • 11000
  • 18000
  • Strategist
  • Unknown
  • no
  • Hercules: The Animated Series
  • TS143
  • Daniel Lundell
  • Graduates Prometheus Academy and becomes a famous inventor
  • Flight
  • Blinding Bolts
  • 50
  • yes
  • 295
  • 9612
  • 51518
  • 58163
  • 90631
  • 600123
  • (Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg
  • (Marvel Nexus); Zechariah Guthrie.jpeg
  • Archangel; Archangel NEW!.jpg
  • black
  • I want to fly as high as
  • the sun.
  • 130
  • 170
  • death
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast( )
Appears In
  • Crawlers
  • Dozers
  • Tele-presence probe
Episode Number
  • 207
  • Icarus
  • Son of Daedalus, King Minos' architect
  • The Wax-Wing King Iccy poo
  • #FFE93E
Voice Actor
  • Bob Joles
Birth Place
  • Pennsylvania, USA
  • 2.200000
  • 5
  • Unknown
  • 215.9
  • Son of Daedalus
  • Flying Biosuit Penguin
  • Legacy of Athena
  • Froslass is Icarus's only known Pokemon in the anime. It's used in a battle between her and Russell's Rhydon. The battle was fierce and despite the type advantage, she still lost. *It's known moves are: Shadow Ball, Hail, Blizzard & Draining Kiss *Froslass's Ability is: Snow Cloak
  • Unknown
  • Mashna ng Hukbo ni Hara Pirena
  • 6500
  • 7150
  • None
  • Unknown
  • 3
  • 4
  • Icarus
  • Ichabod Slayne
  • Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Performer in an Animated Program
  • A Wing and a Prayer
  • 38
  • senior officer
  • Sh03Icarus.PNG
  • Adonis, Hades, Pain, Panic, Nemesis, Jealousy , the Egyptians gods, Jafar
  • Elite Four
  • Survey Ship
  • 20
  • #efefef
Real Name
  • Unknown
  • Icarus
  • Ever drawn to the sun, this maiden insists on flying high, even though it melts her wings.
  • AC
  • Crimson
  • hathoria
  • white; color: #9E8A89
  • Unknown
  • Ikaris; Ikaris 001.jpg
  • General
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • Taksil na Kapatid
  • See vampire
  • Able to adapt to any situation, can sculpt wax wings
  • 66
  • 79
  • No matter how high I fly, I
  • can't seem to touch the sun.
  • yes
  • Icarus as he appeared in the series=250px
  • PhoenixSoldier.jpg
  • Ikarys; Ikarys_0001.jpg
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Ship; Icarus_.jpg
  • Icarus(Human & Eternal Hybrid); Ikaris's son.png
  • Hell's Angel(Joshua Guthrie II); Hell's Angel 1175.jpg
  • Ikarus
  • Planet Ankaa
  • y
  • 1991
  • 2002
  • Daedalus
  • Miss Thespis
  • Athena
  • Perdix
  • *Daedalus † * Naucrate
  • Thomas Zebulon Guthrie , Lucinda Guthrie , Samuel Zachary Guthrie, Paige Guthrie, Joelle Guthrie, Elizabeth Guthrie, Melody Guthrie, Jeb Guthrie, Lewis and unnamed sister , Lucas "Luke" Guthrie , Ray Junior
  • 240
  • y
  • Male
  • female
  • ???
  • Penguin
  • AC Super Nova
  • (Assemble!); Icarus.png
  • "Oh ho! I love her so much! Oh ho ho! What are you looking at?!"
  •   Killed by Asval
  • Russell
  • Icarus
  • Eian
  • Horace
  • Lilli
  • 140
  • no
  •   Lirean
  • 150
  • Average
  • Extremely Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • Elite Four
atk g
  • 10164
  • * Ela tem o cabelo azul pálido amarrado em um rabo de cavalo alto com uma fita vermelha. Tem olhos azuis. Usa duas espadas, uma é de ouro e a outra é de prata. Usa um vestido com um colete azul escuro, mangas cor de âmbar e uma saia amarela. Usa luvas vermelhas com guarnição branca. Tem asas branco acinzentadas.
cost g
  • 87
Tamanho da Imagem
  • 255
Main Image Size
  • 300
  • Desconhecida
  • Desconhecidos
def g
  • 10010
skill g lv
  • All allies' ATK 450% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 450% up / 20% chance
  • 5
  • 6
soldiers g
  • 9438
  • Swordfighting
  • UMA created by the BPL.
  • Daedalus built the Labyrinth under the castle of King Minos in Crete. This was created to hold the Minotaur, and as a challenge to kill Theseus, enemy of Minos. Daedalus gave Ariadne a ball of string, so she would give it to Theseus to get through the Labyrinth. Because of this, Daedalus and his son Icarus were thrown into the Labyrinth. The two escaped, and were thrown into a high tower prison.
  • Daedalus, Icarus's father, who was a remarkable Athenian craftsman who was exiled in the palace of Knossos by King Minos. He was exiled because of his involvement in helping Theseus, who survived the Labyrinth and defeated the Minotaur. He had given Minos's daughter, Ariadne, a ball of string (clew), which she used to help Theseus, Minos's enemy. Along with himself, Icarus was also imprisoned. Daedalus fashioned a pair of wings for his son and him, which they attempted to use to escape. Icarus was warned not to fly too close to the Sun, nor too close to the water. However, Icarus ignored his father's words and flew too close to the Sun. The wax on his wings melted from the Sun's heat and it caused Icarus to fall and die. The sea in which he fell in became known as the Icarian Sea. Hellenistic writers give the tale variants, which has Icarus escape from Crete via boat provided by Pasiphaë. Daedalus had constructed the first sails for the boat. Icarus when en route to Sicily fell into the water and drowned. Heracles erected a tomb for him.
  • Icarus is a character from the Disney animated series Hercules. He was Hercules' best friend during their time in Prometheus Academy. He also has a romantic obsession with his friend Cassandra.
  • Icarus is an Artificial Intelligence that appears in the first Deus Ex game. Designed by Bob Page, he was used to track JC Denton and to replace the insubordinate AI before Daedalus. Icarus is the malevolent counterpart to Daedalus, being sociopathic and negative in contrast to him. He was voiced by Peter Marquardt.
  • Goren and Eames investigate the death of an actor in an expensive Broadway show.
  • Es gibt Geschichten im Tri-System, die sind einfach nur zum Schmunzeln geeignet. Die Story zur Icarus gehört auf jeden Fall dazu. Eigentlich gibt es eine einfache Formel, wenn man ein Schiff bauen möchte – die so genannten „3 F“: form follows function, die Form folgt der Funktion. Nur beim Bau der Icarus hatte man dies einfach vergessen. Anstelle eines Technikers engagierte man zuerst einen Designer, um die Form für den neuen Jäger zu entwerfen. Anscheinend hatte dies oberste Priorität – warum weiß keiner mehr so genau. Fakt aber ist, das es weder eine Ausschreibung für einen Wettbewerb „schönstes Schiff des Tri-Systems“ noch etwas anderes in dieser Art zum Zeitpunkt der Entwicklung gab. Das Ergebnis: ein eleganter Jäger, der aber mit einem Preis von 105.000 Credits ein echtes Schattendasein führen muss – die Konkurrenz auf dem Markt ist hart: die Heretic kostet weniger, bietet aber mehr Schildkapazität und sogar mehr Speed. Noch billiger ist die Drakkar, die ebenfalls mühelos mit der Icarus mithalten kann und trotzdem bessere Schilde und Manövrierfähigkeiten aufweist. Größere Verkäufe blieben bisher aus.
  • Icarus is a legendary character from Greek Mythology. According the the myth, his father Daedalus constructed wings for him out of wax and feathers of birds, so that he could escape the land of Crete by flight. His father warned him not to fly too close to the sun, but since he ignored such warnings, his wings melted, and he fell to his death. Hawkman often said "Great Icarus!" when he was surprised by something. Also, Miss Caraway owned a statue that resembled Icarus. It was located in her estate.
  • Icarus was the son of Daedalus, cousin of Perdix, and a grandson of Athena, which would make him a legacy. He is most commonly known for his attempt to escape the island, Crete, by flight, which ended in a fall to his death because he did not listen to his father.
  • File:IcarusCJE.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Icarus is Gohan's pet baby dragon in Dragonball Z. He is purple and has wings. Gohan rescued him from a wild fire in The Tree of Might and Icarus became attracted to Gohan. Though Gohan's mother Chichi says he can't keep him, Goku goes against his wife's wishes and finds a cave to hide Icarus in. Though he hardly makes an appearance and is never seen again after the Cell Games, he is very helpful and devoted to Gohan, as he attacks Shenron when he thinks the larger dragon wants to hurt Gohan and helps Gohan control his Oozaru form. In Cooler's Revenge, he attacks Cooler's armored squad and takes Gohan to Korin's tower for senzu beans because flying with Gohan's energy would alert Cooler's scouters of his location. He also prevents Gohan from being infected by the black water mist and saves Maron from Bulma and Chichi who had been infected by the mist. Icarus also helps Gohan escape his mom's tedious studying to go watch Goku (attempt to) learn how to drive in Goku's Ordeal. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Icarus was featured in The Storyteller: Greek Myths story of "Daedalus and Icarus". Icarus was the son of Daedalus. Icarus was clumsy, awkward and an embarrassment his father. After the death of his cousin Talos, Icarus and Daedalus fled to Crete. In Crete Daedalus constructed the Labyrinth for King Minos. After Minos cast Daedalus and Icarus into the Labyrinth and escaped, Daedalus decided that he and Icarus had to flee Crete toget away from Minos. Minos controlled the sea around Crete and there was no route of escape there. Daedalus realized that the only way out was by air. Daedalus built wings for himself and Icarus, fashioned with feathers held together with beeswax. Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, as it would melt his wings, and not too close to the sea, as the sea spray would dampen them and weigh him down. They successfully flew from Crete, but Icarus soon flew too close to the sun. The wax holding the feathers melted and he fell to his death, drowning in the sea (which was afterwards named after him - The Icarian Sea). Daedalus lamented his dead son and blaiming himself for the tragedy. Daedalus sculpted many figures of a winged boy in honor of his lost son.
  • Icarus is een personage uit Hercules: The Animated Series. Hij is de beste vriend van Hercules en verliefd op Cassandra. Hij is ingesproken door French Stewart.
  • Icarus is a Crucible map in the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron.
  • Icarus is a Japanese Ocarina Company.
  • Icarus is a pirate on the Viridian Ocean.
  • It is well understood by Western Australians that once Icarus has been launched, Sydney will be the first to go. The latté-sipping financially complacent petit-bourgeoise republic of soccer-mum suburbia will be no more than a steaming, crater-ridden wasteland. Hopefully there will be some diamonds when it is inspected. But Icarus goes far further than merely incinerating try-hard grandoise cities - it's ability to refine and direct a beam of light no wider than 30 cm allows it to be used for personal attacks. Don't agree with that jerk over the shuffling of the poker cards? Then stop complaining and plug the coordinates into the Icarus GPS. Then put on your sunglasses. The worst that could happen is you lose a chair and portion of roof - but the neat pile of diamonds that will be left will more than cover it. That's the beauty of Icarus - any organic matter that is incinerated with enough heat will leave diamonds behind. How enjoyable.
  • Mid Level wind fusion beast
  • Name: Icarus Run Time: 5:35 Year: 2000
  • When Icarus was seventeen he spotted a runner from his bedroom window. Two days later he snuck out of the apartment, a small rucksack strapped to his back and dead set on becoming a runner himself. Life on the rooftops has never been easy, but Icarus is a fast learner and he soon made a name for himself as a fast, safe and dependable player. He is counted among the very best, second only to Faith Connors. Noah took him into the cabal while Faith was in prison, and the two have developed a close bond. Like Faith, Icarus runs mainly for the thrill of it, and every day he revels in this life which is very different than the one originally staked out for him. But unlike Faith, he is not very impulsive, and his skill comes from careful calculation rather than brash risk-taking. He detests being compared to her, and he decided long ago to not let her tarnish his reputation once she was let out of juvie.
  • As his name suggests, he attempted to escaped with his father Daedalus with the use of crude wings. he flew so high that the glue melted from the feathers and fell into the ocean below. However, unlike the original tale he actually survived the incident, but was left with a permanent mental injury in the process. In the series, he constantly trying to win the heart of his self-proclaimed sweetheart Cassandra, much to her surprise and disgust. At one point she foresees herself kissing him, so she decides to sell her soul to Hades as a means to avoid the ordeal, but eventually, it comes to reality when Icarus is stuck in a coma after an attack provoked by Hades and one of his minions, Aphrodite, whom assists Hercules and Cassandra with the ordeal, reveals to Cassandra that the only way to revive Icarus is to receive a kiss from his sweetheart. Realizing that she holds this title, she reluctantly proceeds with the decision (after a song), resulting in his revival, only for him to start chasing her around asking for another kiss. It is revealed in the clip-show episode "Hercules and the Yearbook", which is set after the series, that he went on in to help manufacture in his father's industry.
  • Joshua "Jay" Guthrie, Icarus, was a mutant associated with the junior training squad, the New Mutants.
  • The Icarus was an exploratory spacecraft owned by Interplanetary Expeditions. In December of 2256 the Icarus departed Station Prime on an archaeological and scientific mission to a planet out on the Rim codenamed Alpha Omega 3. Unusually well funded, the expedition had a budget four times greater than similar missions, and the ship carried aboard some of the most advanced equipment available at the time. Later, the ship disappeared and was presumed destroyed. It would later emerge that the Icarus's destination was Z'ha'dum, the ancient homeworld of the Shadows, and the arrival of the ship resulted in the Shadows being prematurely awakened from their centuries-long hibernation. Not ready to be exposed to the younger races so soon, the Shadows captured the ship's company and crew and gave them a choice: either serve the Shadows willingly or become new central processing units for their ships.
  • Icarus was a legendary individual. He was a man who dreamt of flying. He made wax wings covered with feathers. He flew high into the sky and too close to the sun.
  • Beginning in Skyworld with Pit's younger appearance, Icarus would have taken place not long after the events of the first game. In this game, Palutena banishes the angel from Skyworld to the Overworld, as he is accused of crimes against their realm. Many years after this event, Pit has matured into a skilled warrior from the time he spent defending the Overworld, now possessing the ability to fly due to his wings becoming stronger with age. As a new darkness begins to threaten the earth, Pit is prompted to defend the realm and find redemption along the way.
  • Icarus is an asteroid in the solar system's asteroid belt. The space battleship Yamato is secretly refitted at the Earth Defence Force facility on Icarus following an invasion by the Dark Nebula Empire (Be Forever Yamato).
  • Icarus is the final member of Chishiki's Elite Four. He specialises in type Pokemon.
  • Image:Ikaris 001.gif|Ikaris Image:None.jpg|Icarus (zoon van Ikaris) Image:Icarus.jpg|Icarus (Joshua Guthrie)
  • Icarus është dragua i vogël i cili është dragua personal i Gohanit. Ai shfaqet edhe në filmin Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, kur Gohani e shpëton atë nga një pemë e cila po rrëzohej. Prej atij momenti ai bëhet dragoi besniku i Gohanit. Por edhe Icarus e shpëton Gohanin në disa raste në Sagën e Garlic jr.
  • Independent, intellectual... believes the ends justify the means, and always has several ways planned to achieve his ends. Exacting, precise in his strategy, able to coordinate aerial and other high-speed attacks with great precision. As robot, has thermal energy-blade. As spacecraft, has dual laser batteries. Studies mechanical engineering as a hobby. Has a severe phobia of confinement.
  • The Krynn ambassador in the Symbiotry of Peaceful Beings. He said "Even the Krynn cannot deny the truth of this situation and they do not understand how anyone can defend our right to keep such a hazardous technology." Icarus maintained the Krynn position that each race should have complete autonomy on its own technologies, but the position changed after the arrest of Agent 5. Since then Icarus tried to gain the support of the envoys infighting about the abolishment of the technology. When he met again resistance, he exclaimed that humanity is too obstinate and naive race to have been voted into the symbiotry. Frustrated by the lack of progress in the talks concerning humanity's time travel technology, he stormed out of the talks. He approached Agent 3, who came to believe that time travel is too dangerous a technology to be held only by humans and he promised her that the Krynn would allow the technology to be available for all species. Icarus caught Gage Blackwood (from 2319) when he transported to the Krynn ship. Icarus activated a security robot that grabbed Gage by both arms. As he was trapped, Icarus explained that the artifacts were a means to correct the handicap that has plagued his race since their 'patrons' lifted them out of the waters many centuries ago. He went on to explain how he has paved the way for the Krynn to replace humanity as a vital member of the Symbiotry. The security robot took Gage and placed him in the right transporter to remove from him the JumpSuit, even if he would die without it. Gage used a burnt out generator core. He placed it in his temporal pocket after he installed the new one. He took the core out and threw it with all his might. It smashed through the force field and pushed Icarus into another transporter which was supposed to transport inorganic matter. Gage dashed forward and pushed the transporting button, eliminating Icarus' metal prosthetics. The ambassador broke out of the transporter and swam away. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of Daedalus, King Minos' architect, who built the labyrinth for King Minos to imprison the Minotaur. In reality, the father and son were Minos' prisoners, imprisoned in a tower. The clever Daedalus plucked feathers from the birds that landed at the window and, over time, gathered enough to build two pairs of wings for himself and his son, Icarus. The two escaped, but Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high. The prideful Icarus didn't listen. He flew so high, the heat of the sun melted the wax in his wings, and he plunged to his death into the ocean. The loss troubled Daedalus so much that he refused to share the plans for his wings until his death.
  • Amid a storm of publicity, wealthy entrepreneur Gustav Graves unveiled the Icarus satellite to the world's press gathered in Iceland. He claimed that the satellite had been created with the intent of providing sunlight to areas of the world which lack it in order to promote agricultural development in cold climate countries. In reality, however, Graves was planning to use the satellite as a weapon to detonate mines placed along the De-Militarised Zone between North and South Korea. With a path carved through the de-militarised zone, the North - with his backing - would invade the South. Unlike the diamond satellite from Diamonds Are Forever, this particular satellite utilises solar energy instead of laser technology; harnessing the power of the sun and focusing it on a given target. When James Bond uncovered Graves' true intentions, Graves attempted to kill the British agent with Icarus as he fled the scene, laying waste to the ice-covered landscape. Bond however evaded its beam and returned to Graves' ice palace in search of Jinx, who was being held hostage until Graves fired Icarus upon the site in hopes of drowning her. The ice palace was destroyed, but not before Bond rescued Jinx. Graves then returned to his native North Korea where he planned to fire Icarus upon the American lines along the De-Militarized Zone. Fashioning a sophisticated combat suit fitted with a remote control to the satellite, Graves shot down an American missile launched to intercept Icarus, and then fired the weapon upon the minefield below. With no effective countermeasure, the American and South Korean forces had no choice but to retreat as Icarus approached the U.S. command bunker. However, Icarus was finally deactivated when Bond and Jinx boarded Graves' jet and finally killed him, denying the North Korean military their advantage over the Allies and thwarting the invasion. It can be presumed that Icarus itself was destroyed soon after.
  • File:Q2.png In Quake 2, an Icarus is a humanoid Strogg with a jetpack built into its upper back, with twin Blasters mounted onto its shoulders. Whilst it is only ever seen in flight, it does have legs, which is suggestive of a need to land on a regular basis, probably to refuel, rearm and take in some Stroyent. Icarus are essentially Flyers, but with much higher health and without a melee attack. Icarus first appear in the Prison hub, and are an uncommon Enemy throughout the rest of the game.
  • The Icarus was an orbital satellite built by the Brotherhood of Makuta which was equipped with a quadron energy cannon capable of disintegrating anything not made of intritium with a single shot. The Icarus was erased from existence when Blackout used the Vahi Cube to rewind time by six months. It was rebuilt following Blackout's takeover of the universe. An alternate-universe version of the Icarus was used by Xeno in an attempt to destroy Roxtus. However, this attempt was stopped by Blackout's own Icarus, which destroyed the alternate version of the Icarus. The Ynot hailing from that dimension attempted to use Blackout's Icarus to destroy Roxtus, only for the satellite weapon's failsafe mechanism to activate, disintegrating the Makuta with an antimatter beam.
  • Icarus is een draak en de beste vriend van Gohan, nadat deze hem uit een bosbrand redt in DBZ-film 3. We zien hem in verscheidene DBZ-films en de Garlic Jr.-saga.
  • This is really Flight of Icarus from Blackbox by Brad Hughes. With some modifications. My horrible green background is included as a cruel little bonus.
  • Icarus is a extra-terrestrial 17-years-old soldier from Planet Ankaa of the Phoenix Dimension. He's confident, fearless and always do his own thing, he might seem a little intimidating, but the truth is that he's a loyal friend and it's Kopa's long-lost brother.
  • Icarus are humanoid Krono-Titans who possess bird-like wings instead of arms. Icarus Titans are commonly used by Casterwill family members alongside Feyone, and one appears in the arsenal of Sophie Casterwill.
  • In Greek mythology, Icarus was a figure that together with Daedalus tried to escape their prison by fashioning wings from wax and feathers. However, Icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted. The story of Daedalus was one of Tom Paris' favorite myths; however he bemoaned the fact that Alice left out the part about Icarus' fate when she retold the myth to him in 2376. When called out on this, he dismissed the detail as Poetic license. (VOY: "Alice") A second season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was entitled "The Icarus Factor" .
  • The Icarus (or Icharus) was a hovercraft of Zion's fleet during the Sixth Matrix Resistance, captained by Ajax. It was the second largest of the military fleet, with only the Mjolnir bigger.
  • Ron Grams, better known by his ring name of Icarus is an independent worker that works mostly in CHIKARA.
  • The Icaurs (Scientific Name: Volatilis Penguin of Fatum, Latin for Flying Penguin of Doom) is a penguin in a biosuit, that has achieved the power of flight. It has two snowball blasters mounted into the armor's shoulders, and a powerful jetpack on it's back. Only the eyes of the penguin inside the biosuit are seen, since their beak is attached to an oxygen mask so that they can survive the high altitude in the air. The blasters fire 120 snowballs per minute, which is two snowballs a second, and the jet pack fuel is composed of highly compressed Doom Weeds converted into a potent steam. The armor however, is composed of a tough lightweight alloy that is found in many stainless steel stove appliances in the igloo's around the USA. The Icarus serve as Darktan's anti-air units, and are used to slow down small helicopters. The Icarus is also resistant to hazardous substances, such as the binary code from Hackzon Valley, and Ditto. With it's durable shell, swift manoeuvrability and an insatiable appetite for destruction, the Icarus is an aerial nightmare.
  • Icarus, short for Deciples of Icarus. Icarus was the name of a boy/ man who took it upon himself to glue together some feathers and build himself some wings. This was acheived for the sole purpose of flight. Icarus had a vision to take flight and soar higher than any man before him. Unfortunately for him, he flew way too high. In fact he pretty much flew into the sun. this caused the glue in his man-made wings to melt or... de-coagulate and in turn completely destryed his wings. Ofcourse, without any wings he came plummeting to the ground and outrageouse speeds. The impact would have been a plausible reason for his death. Why would we follow a guy who flew into the sun? Because he TOTALLY ROCKS!! that's why. Icarus had a dream to soar higher than any man before him and that dream is the same vision this guild has. We aspire to be higher and stronger than any other before us.
  • Icarus was a ship used by the Osarian Guard for ground assaults. It had two versions, a Daedalion/Dorn occupation cruiser (Icarus) and a Victory I Star Destroyer (Icarus II).
  • Icarus is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #38 in the Arena.
  • Icarus was a boy who's father, a master craftsman named Daedalus, created a pair of artificial wings that allowed him to fly. The wings were made of feathers held together by wax, and Daedalus warned him not too fly too close to the sun, lest the wax melt. Icarus flew away from the island of Crete, but ignored his father's instructions. The wings melted, and Icarus plunged to his death in the sea.
  • Icarus is the name of a "Luxurious Sky Cruise," provided by Icarus Travel Commission Inc. Advertisements can be seen all around Columbia, such as in the Town Center and in Emporia.
  • The VRA is in full effect and things take an unfortunate turn of events after the Green Arrow tries to stop a mugging but is attacked by citizens for being a super hero. Clark discovers that the civilians who attacked Oliver were all marked with a darkness tattoo. Carter Hall and Stargirl return to help Clark deal with Slade's re-emergence after he kidnaps Lois.
  • It was destroyed during the Battle of Space Station Liberty when it was abandoned aboard the doomed station.
  • Daedalus fashioned two pairs of wings out of wax and feathers for himself and his son. Daedalus tried his wings first, but before taking off from the island, warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea, but to follow his path of flight. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms, and so Icarus fell into the sea in the area which today bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos. Hellenistic writers give euhemerising variants in which the escape from Crete was actually by boat, provided by Pasiphaë, for which Daedalus invented the first sails, to outstrip Minos' pursuing galleys, and that Icarus fell overboard en route to Sicily and drowned. Heracles erected a tomb for him.
  • Icarus - bliźniacza Daedalusowi sztuczna inteligencja. Własność Boba Page'a, który używał go min. do podsłuchiwania planów JC, Tracera Tonga i innych swoich przeciwników, a także do ściągania zdobytych przez JC danych poprzez Infolink.
  • Icarus was the young son of the great inventor Daedalus. One day, while flying with his father's winged invention, Icarus flew too close to the sun. This caused the wax holding his wings together to melt. He fell to his death in the sea. His death plunged Daedalus into a depression that caused him to become careless and invent weapons for King Nikolos.
  • Icarus é a chefe final do estágio extra de Banshiryuu. Categoria:Personagens Seihou Categoria:Seihou
  • Icarus is an orange male flier, or bat, and flies into the Regalian arena, plagueridden, and clearly incoherent. He flies around for a bit, then ceases flying and plummets to the ground and breaks his neck, dying instantly. Solovet calls to set the body on fire, Ripred argues against it, but they torch Icarus anyway, and the fleas carrying the plague hop off him, chasing the Underlanders and bats. Though they take preventative measures, Gregor's mother and two bats are plaguestricken.
  • Icarus ist das Flugzeug, das man auf Mob of the Dead selbst bauen kann. Sein Name entstammt dem Tagebuch thumb|Icarusvon Albert Arlington.
  • Icarus is the former prince of the planet Ikarus, adopted by Star King Bazeu as a "prince" of the Great Star League Gozma
  • Icarus is a male Silverwing bat who was a friend of Cassiel Silverwing. At the end of Silverwing (novel), he agrees to help Shade Silverwing look for Cassiel.
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