  • Pullock V
  • Pullock V
  • Pullock V
  • Pullock V
  • Pullock V
  • Het was het doel van de eerste buitenwereldse aanval van het Bajoran verzet. De aanval werd geleid door Lenaris Holem van de Ornathia weerstandscel. (DS9: "Shakaar")
  • Es un Planeta de la Union de Cardassiana Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
  • Pullock V -planeta leżąca na terytorium Unii Kardasjańskiej. Była celem pierwszego rajdu Bajorańskiego Ruchu Oporu poza ich macierzystą planetą. Rajdem dowodził Lenaris Holem z komórki oporu Ornathia. (DS9: Shakaar)
  • Pullock V was the fifth planet in its star system. This planet was located in Cardassian space. It was the target of the first off-world raid by the Bajoran Resistance. The raid was led by Lenaris Holem, of the Ornathia resistance cell. (DS9: "Shakaar")
  • Pullock V is a Cardassian planet and the fourth of the Pullock star system. In 2348, Winn Adami brought word to the Ornathia resistance cell from a prylar in her order that Ornathia Lac had been detained in a prison camp on Pullock V. Determined to rescue him, Lenaris Holem, Halpas Palin, Ornathia Delle, Ornathia Taryl, Tiven Cohr, Ornathia Sten, Crea, Legan Fin and Legan Duravit attacked Pullock V. The cell failed to rescue Lac, who was later executed, but the prison facility was damaged and several Cardassian soldiers were killed. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves)
  • Pullock V ist ein Planet der Cardassianischen Union. Pullock V ist Ziel eines Anschlags des Bajoranischen Widerstands. Der Anschlag wird von Lenaris Holem angeführt, welcher der Ornathia-Widerstandszelle angehört. Es handelt sich um den ersten Angriff einer anderen Welt gegen einen Planeten der Cardassianer. (DS9: )
  • Pullock V
  • Pullock V ist ein Planet der Cardassianischen Union. Pullock V ist Ziel eines Anschlags des Bajoranischen Widerstands. Der Anschlag wird von Lenaris Holem angeführt, welcher der Ornathia-Widerstandszelle angehört. Es handelt sich um den ersten Angriff einer anderen Welt gegen einen Planeten der Cardassianer. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planeten­systems mit der Bezeich­nung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planeten­systems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigen­namen nach dem dazu­gehörigen Zentral­gestirn zu benennen.
  • Het was het doel van de eerste buitenwereldse aanval van het Bajoran verzet. De aanval werd geleid door Lenaris Holem van de Ornathia weerstandscel. (DS9: "Shakaar")
  • Es un Planeta de la Union de Cardassiana Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
  • Pullock V is a Cardassian planet and the fourth of the Pullock star system. In 2348, Winn Adami brought word to the Ornathia resistance cell from a prylar in her order that Ornathia Lac had been detained in a prison camp on Pullock V. Determined to rescue him, Lenaris Holem, Halpas Palin, Ornathia Delle, Ornathia Taryl, Tiven Cohr, Ornathia Sten, Crea, Legan Fin and Legan Duravit attacked Pullock V. The cell failed to rescue Lac, who was later executed, but the prison facility was damaged and several Cardassian soldiers were killed. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) The "raid" on Pullock V became the first Bajoran Resistance attack on a Cardassian target not on Bajor. Shakaar Edon considered it to be a bold move. (DS9 episode: "Shakaar")
  • Pullock V was the fifth planet in its star system. This planet was located in Cardassian space. It was the target of the first off-world raid by the Bajoran Resistance. The raid was led by Lenaris Holem, of the Ornathia resistance cell. (DS9: "Shakaar") This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", pp. 18-19; "Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Pullock system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was an A-class star. According to a map of the Cardassian Union – prepared by an anonymous astrography clerk, from the Cardassian Central Archives, in 2364 – Pullock was identified as a Cardassian system. The Star Trek: Terok Nor novel Night of the Wolves depicts the raid on Pullock V, setting it in 2348.
  • Pullock V -planeta leżąca na terytorium Unii Kardasjańskiej. Była celem pierwszego rajdu Bajorańskiego Ruchu Oporu poza ich macierzystą planetą. Rajdem dowodził Lenaris Holem z komórki oporu Ornathia. (DS9: Shakaar)
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