  • H'atoria
  • H'atoria
  • H'atoria
  • H'atoria
  • H'atoria ist eine kleine klingonische Kolonie nahe der Grenze zur Föderation. 2016 findet bei H'atoria der Erstkontakt zwischen Klingonen und Vulkaniern statt. Ein vulkanisches Schiff dringt in den klinonischen Raum ein und wird sofort von den Klingonen vernichtet. (DSC: )
  • H'atoria is an ice covered world. It has a Klingon outpost.
  • H'atoria era un planeta habitado. Fue el hogar de una pequeña colonia Klingon, que se encuentra cerca de la frontera con la Federación. En un futuro alterno, Worf era gobernador de H'atoria.
  • In 2016, a Vulcan starship crossed into Klingon space near H'atoria and was immediately destroyed by the Klingons. In the aftermath, Vulcans established a policy of firing first when encountering Klingons, earning their respect and eventually leading to the establishment of formal relations. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello", "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") While it was not explicitly stated, this was strongly implied to have been the first contact between Vulcans and Klingons. In an alternate future timeframe, Worf was governor of H'atoria. (TNG: "All Good Things..." )
  • H'atoria was a Klingon Empire planet, near the Federation border. The world sustained a small Klingon colony population in the 24th century. H'atoria was mostly covered in water oceans, with very few landmasses, and had two small moons. H'atoria was home to a native amphibious civilization called the Selsseress. In an alternate future timeframe created by Q, Worf was governor of H'atoria in 2395. (TNG episode & novelization: All Good Things...)
  • H'atoria
  • H'atoria was a Klingon Empire planet, near the Federation border. The world sustained a small Klingon colony population in the 24th century. H'atoria was mostly covered in water oceans, with very few landmasses, and had two small moons. H'atoria was home to a native amphibious civilization called the Selsseress. In early 2381, it was one of the many worlds devastated by the Borg Invasion. Over seven thousand Borg cubes launched to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants from the Azure Nebula. While briefing Federation President Nanietta Bacco on their losses, Raisa Shostakova estimated that H'Atoria was likely to be attacked within four hours. The Borg assaulted H'atoria, leaving virtually nothing behind, only a few surviving Selsseress. About three months later, the abandoned world was conquered by the Kinshaya, as part of the new offensive against the Klingon Empire. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) In an alternate future timeframe created by Q, Worf was governor of H'atoria in 2395. (TNG episode & novelization: All Good Things...)
  • H'atoria ist eine kleine klingonische Kolonie nahe der Grenze zur Föderation. 2016 findet bei H'atoria der Erstkontakt zwischen Klingonen und Vulkaniern statt. Ein vulkanisches Schiff dringt in den klinonischen Raum ein und wird sofort von den Klingonen vernichtet. (DSC: )
  • H'atoria is an ice covered world. It has a Klingon outpost.
  • In 2016, a Vulcan starship crossed into Klingon space near H'atoria and was immediately destroyed by the Klingons. In the aftermath, Vulcans established a policy of firing first when encountering Klingons, earning their respect and eventually leading to the establishment of formal relations. (DIS: "The Vulcan Hello", "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") While it was not explicitly stated, this was strongly implied to have been the first contact between Vulcans and Klingons. As of the late 24th century, it was home to a small Klingon colony, which was located near the border with the Federation. In an alternate future timeframe, Worf was governor of H'atoria. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. "ha-TORE-ee-uh" was the pronunciation for this planet's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1] H'atoria, the primary of H'atoria, was located in the Beta Quadrant on a star chart seen in the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" }.
  • H'atoria era un planeta habitado. Fue el hogar de una pequeña colonia Klingon, que se encuentra cerca de la frontera con la Federación. En un futuro alterno, Worf era gobernador de H'atoria.
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