  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Abigail
  • Father's Joy
  • Ascend Mode Floor: Time To Trifle (Floor 38) Partners: Iblis & Carine Skills: Soul Gauge Boost A HP Recovery A Nullify Ringout A
  • Abigail es un poderoso demonio mencionado en Devil May Cry: The Animated Series de quien se decía que alguna vez rivalizo con el Rey Demonio.
  • Abigail is a character appearing in Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl.
  • Abigail is a KGB agent who lives in a cabin in upstate New York. Abigail offered Elizabeth shelter when she was recovering from her bullet wound (Pilot). In Operation Chronicle Abigail picked up Jared Connors .
  • Abigail is a character in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. She is among a group of survivors led by Doc in the remnants of Raccoon City, serving as the group's mechanic. She is portrayed by Australian actress and VJ Ruby Rose.
  • Abigail is the orange tabby kitten of Mrs. Halberstadt and her middle-aged son who appeared in the episode iScream On Halloween. Abigail is known to knock things over in her apartment, claw up people, and run around crazy for no good reason, as most kittens do. This scares Carly, Sam, and Freddie and makes them think there is a ghost in the apartment.
  • Abigail fue [[Archivo:Kavner.jpg|thumb|195px|left|Julie Kavner, su dobladora original.]] la niñera de los niños Simpson. Su nombre es el de abigail simpson
  • She is a smart and mischievous woodmouse who loves adventures. She likes being the leader and helping her friends.
  • Abigail – postać, zamieszkująca obóz piratów w modyfikacji Returning.
  • Abigail is a ranger.
  • Abigail(アビゲイルAbigeiru) is a character from the Final Fight series where he is a member of the Mad Gear Gang and the boss of the penultimate stage in the original Final Fight, Metro City's Bay Area.
  • Abigail of Saint Luziland joined Planet Bob on July 14, 2012, a member of the green team trading sphere and very shortly thereafter a member of the Viridian Entente.
  • The name Abigail refers to two different characters from Favorite Word. Click on either of the images below to find out more about that character:
  • Abigail is part of Daily Dare, the Games Master Challenge, and the New Game Challenge.
  • Abigail is Arnie's pet pig. She is Abner's female doppelganger.
  • Abigail (アマノ Amano en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime, es una pastelera que vive con su sobrina, Teresa.
  • Abigail was a character that only appeared in Special Skills. She was portrayed by Hayley Sharp.
  • Abigail is a very smart, old woman whom will fix anything that has become socially corrupt. She thinks of herself as a mistress of order in a world of chaos.
  • Abigail is a supporting character in Once Upon a Time. She is the haughty princess daughter of King Midas and the ex-fiancée of Prince Charming. Abigail and Charming were in an arranged engagement in order to merge both of their kingdoms together. Following the Dark Curse, she became trapped in Storybrooke, Maine as Kathryn Nolan, David's wife, who is trapped in a loveless marriage.
  • Abigail is Mrs. Cauldron's niece and Winona's cousin. She attends Witch School with Winona as her teacher.
  • Abigail is a very smart, old woman whom will fix anything that has become socially corrupt. She thinks of herself as a mistress of order in a world of chaos. She appears in MySims Islands and MySims, MyLife.
  • Abigail es un personaje de la película Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Es interpretado por Ruby Rose. Categoría:Personajes
  • Abigail is the second King Diamond album and their first concept album. It was released in 1987 on Roadrunner Records. There were several re-releases, first in 1997 with 4 bonus tracks, and then a 25th Anniversary edition in 2005 with a bonus DVD. This album has sold over 175,000 copies in North America alone.
  • Abigail is a former babysitter who had a mental breakdown because of Bart and is now cared for by her sister.
  • Abigail is a new character introduced in Metal Slug Attack.
  • Abigail is the Francine`s New York counterparty. See also: The New York Pizza Cats
  • Abigail is Claymore No. 12 of the current generation and uses the nickname "Sand Cloud Abigail" (砂塵のアビゲイル, Sajin no Abigeiru, lit. "Abigail of Dust").
  • Abigail is the daughter of the owner of Sitoth trading. She is in charge of selling the wares while her father crafts the materials that are sold. Her father is known as "Smithy Thompson".
  • Même ici, tout le monde est hostile à son égard et la craint, pour autant, aucun n'hésite à la solliciter en secret contre monnaies trébuchantes, pour l'un des plantes spéciales ou une potion, pour l'autre une incantation, voire un sortilège d'envoûtement. Le Révérend, prêtre du Culte du Feu Eternel et chef des habitants du Faubourgs de Wyzima contribue à entretenir ce climat de suspicion et de haine. Il a informé la congrégation, sans preuve à l'appui, qu'Abigail avait prononcé la Malédiction du Cerbère à l'origine des troubles dont est victime aujourd'hui l'ensemble des faubourgs.
  • |} Abigail (grana przez Bridget Shergalis) to agresywna dziewczyna która lubi się rządzić i kocha się w Ty'u. Wysyłała także Ty'owi liściki.
  • Abigail is a beautiful girl mouse and the main protagonist in Once Upon a Forest.
  • Abigail (アビゲイル Abigeiru?) is a character from the Final Fight series where he is a member of the Mad Gear Gang and the boss of the penultimate stage in Final Fight, Metro City's Bay Area.
  • Abigail is a witch. She was in the witch circle that brought Donna back to life. The circle was looking for a sixth member of their coven so they wanted Donna. Donna's life was safed by them so she would be forever in their debt. To bring back Donna to life they needed a sacrifice. So they killed the spirit of a girl, who would not return. The girl was completely destroyed and didn't had a chance to get an afterlife. Abigail was responsible for getting the spirit of the girl.
  • Vědma, žijící v Podhradí (Kapitola I). Po nějakou dobu se stará o Alvina, poskytne vám i informace o Bestii a položí starořeckou hádanku (Co je to: ráno to má 4 nohy, v poledne 2, večer 3 ?). Nakonec se musíte rozhodnout jestli se jí zastanete nebo budete souhlasit s Velebníčkem, který ji viní za problémy vesnice. Varování - Spoiler : Následují zásadní informace o ději hry Zaklínač nebo knih o Zaklínači.
  • Abigail es un personaje de The Witcher. Se trata de una bruja que vive en las afueras de Wyzima. Como tal, el resto de los habitantes no la tienen en muy alta estima y a menudo la culpan de cualquier tipo de suceso extraño o nocivo. Abigail es también una notable alquimista, por lo que pese a no confiar en ella los lugareños suelen recurrir a sus servicios para obtener todo tipo de pociones y venenos. Abigail no es una persona especialmente escrupulosa, y suele atender tales peticiones sin hacer preguntas ni plantearse cuestiones morales.
  • Abigail is a little purple monster on Rechov Sumsum, the Israeli co-production of Sesame Street. She likes to play with the neighbors on the street and looks up to her adult friend, Gershon. Abigail is mostly seen in segments where she talks with a famous Israeli guest star and sings a song with them (most notably Ronny Rock singing "En Den Dino"). She also has her own recurring segment, "Abigail's Quiz Show". Much like Sesame Street's Elmo, Abigail refers to herself in third person.
  • Geralt can buy a rejtély olaj from her that makes it easier to battle spectres and ghosts. In fact, she buys and sells quite a few things: * the aforementioned Kísértetelleni Olaj * some növényekben * some ásványokban, in particular Foszfor, the only source of Vermilion in Act I * some zsír (medvezsír) * bomb making ingredients * a few könyvek * Állatok könyve * A bargesztekrol * A mezei növényekrol * Mocsári szörnyek * an anti-drowner talisman (she'll buy these as well as the pouch of salt) * Bargeszt koponya * Farkasbőr * Baziliszkusz irha * Fléder szemfogak
  • Sie ist heimliches Mitglied vom Kult der Löwenkopfspinne. Liefert Geralt sie der aufgebrachten Menge aus, verflucht sie ihn im Namen der Löwenkopfspinne. Es bleibt in jedem Fall ungeklärt, ob die Hexe tatsächlich einen bösen Einfluss auf einige Dörfler ausgeübt hat, die Untaten begangen haben. Geralt kann von ihr diverse Kräuter und alchimistische Zutaten kaufen und erhält außerdem Geisteröl als Klingenüberzug und Rezept dazu von ihr. Abigail spielt eine wichtige Rolle im ersten Kapitel, als sie den Waisenjungen Alvin bei sich aufnimmt, nachdem Geralt ihn vor den Bargesten gerettet hat. Am Ende dieser Hauptquest wird Geralt vor die Entscheidung gestellt, Abigail den wütenden Dörflern auszuliefern, die die Hexe für die Bestie verantwortlich machen wollen, oder sie vor dem Mob zu schützen.
  • Abigail (Hebrew: אֲבִיגַיִל / אֲבִיגָיִל, Modern Avigáyil Tiberian ʾĂḇîḡáyil / ʾĂḇîḡāyil ; "her Father's joy" or "fountain of joy") is a female name occurring in Biblical narratives in the Books of Samuel and in the Books of Chronicles. Abigal occurs once and is thought by the vast majority of scholars to be an alternate spelling of Abigail. There appear to be two individuals named Abigail:
  • Abigail è una giovane strega che vive nelle Campagne di Vizima. Non è molto popolare tra suoi compaesani, infatti ogni volta che c'è qualcosa che non va o che qualcosa di strano accade, Abigail viene imputata di ogni responsabilità. Tuttavia è a lei che si rivolgono quando hanno bisogno di aiuto con i problemi quotidiani della vita, specialmente le donne con i mariti adulteri o gli uomini con problemi d'impotenza sessuale. La principale abilità di Abigail è l'Alchimia. Spesso gli abitanti si rivolgono a lei per pozioni, rimedi e veleni che la ragazza fornisce senza alcuna obiezione morale.
  • 6
  • 1.200000
  • Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
Portrayed By
  • Unknown
Row 9 info
Primera aparición
  • "New Kid on the Block"
Row 8 info
  • Tower of Witchery
  • "Triangle"
Posiadana Broń
  • kobieta
Row 4 info
  • 30
  • "What Happened to Frederick"
  • Femenino
Row 7 title
  • Family
  • DP024
  • アマノ Amano
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • Human
  • N/A
  • Abigail
Row 8 title
  • Home
Polski Dubbing
  • Abigail.png
  • W50.jpg
  • Rust, being made fun for his name
Row 4 title
  • TV Appearances
  • Faction/Affiliation
Row 9 title
  • First Appearance
  • Brute force
Pierwszy odcinek
  • Violeta
Row 2 info
  • Human
  • Unknown
Row 6 info
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Race
  • 30
  • AoE attack. Cannot damage player or current allies.
Row 5 info
  • ?
  • 1.500000
  • Masculino
  • "abigail"
Row 2 title
  • Species
  • Age
Row 6 title
  • Romances
Kod na przywołanie
  • Pir_6136_Abigeil
Row 5 title
  • Voice
Row 3 info
  • Good
  • Owner of Sitoth Trading, Thompson
  • 5
Row 3 title
  • Affiliations
  • Family
Miejsce zamieszkania
Row 7 info
Imię i nazwisko
  • Abigail
  • 1.500000
  • Canada
term start
  • 2012-07-14
  • 2012-07-17
Box Title
  • Abigail
  • Sister: Abby
  • Babysitter
  • Abigail
  • Unknown
  • "Snow Drifts"
  • The Counteragent
  • Hermana: Abby
  • 40.0
  • Bananas
Voiced by
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Żyje
  • 11903
  • Emma 114.png
  • Abigail 103.png
  • Abigail 106.png
  • Abigail 113.png
  • Kathryn 103.png
  • Kathryn 105.png
  • Kathryn 106.png
  • Kathryn 110.png
  • Kathryn 113.png
  • Kathryn 118.png
  • Kathryn 321.png
  • 5
  • Beautiful
  • The Witcher
  • "New Kid on the Block"
  • Daniel
First Appearance
  • "Mistress of Order"
  • Gray and Messy
  • Kathryn Nolan
  • 75
  • Abigail
  • Unknown
  • electric
  • Hebrew
  • Abigail, as he appears in Final Fight.
  • Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
  • Page 47
  • "Snow Falls"
  • Sinnoh
  • Unknown
Social Class
  • *Upper Class *Royal
  • Hebrew
  • --10-16
  • 200
  • alive
  • 584.0
  • 80
  • 200
  • 300
  • joy
  • Military Leadership, Cube Experiment
  • La sobrina de Abigail, Teresa, le pide de favor a Ash que le preste su Pikachu a su tia, para hacerse pasar por Sugar y ayudarla en el concurso de repostería, sin embargo, Abigail descubre que ese Pikachu no era el suyo ya que Sugar tostaba las bayas de una forma diferente.
  • Pikachu es el compañero de Abigail, le ayuda en su pastelería. Le llama Sugar. Un gesto típico de Sugar es rascarse la cabeza con la cola. Sugar se marchó un día cuando Abigail le pidió que consiguiera abrir una baya Perasi y el no fue capaz. Finalmente regreso convertido en Raichu. Conoce rayo y puño certero.
Last Seen
  • 8'
  • Potbellied Pig
  • Abigail
  • Cooking Up A Sweet Story!
  • Princess Abigail
  • Abigail owns a Pikachu that she uses to toast Aspear Berries. It went away after it thought it was useless, but came back, stronger than ever, and evolved into Raichu.
  • Ash used his Pikachu to disguise as Sugar so Abigail could use Pikachu to toast the Aspear Berries. Pikachu later returned when the real Sugar came back as Raichu.
  • left
  • right
  • N/A
short name
  • Abigail
  • Olga Hnidey
term end
  • present
  • Abigail
  • Sand Cloud Abigail
  • Yahwism
  • 60
  • None
  • Abigail's House
  • Abigail
  • 275
  • EP493 Pikachu y Abigail.png
  • EP493 Sugar.png
  • 寺内よりえ Yorie Terauchi
  • Newspaper
  • High ranking officer of the Rebel Army
  • Co-Queen Consort of David
  • María Romero
  • 2006
  • Theresa
  • Unknown
  • Frederick - Fiancé
  • King Midas - Father
  • Prince Charming - Ex-Fiancé
  • Abigail
  • 102040
  • Female
  • Male
  • female
  • *Nabal *David
  • 600
  • Semite
Long name
  • Abigail
  • Pikachu de AshPikachu
  • Sugar
  • N/A
  • None
  • 8
  • Kathryn reveals her story.
  • Abigail is reunited with Frederick.
  • Another place, another time.
  • Kathryn Nolan: Moment Killer.
  • Kathryn bumps into Mary Margaret whilst shopping.
  • Kathryn is found by Ruby.
  • Kathryn meets Mary Margaret.
  • Kathryn tries to help David remember.
  • Kathryn tries to leave town.
  • The carriage is ambushed by Snow White.
  • Princess Abigail is arranged to marry Prince Charming.
  • Emma and Sidney investigate Kathryn's disappearance.
  • Israelite
  • 83
  • Michele Knotz
wikipage disambiguates
first anime
  • None
first manga
  • Scene 139
  • →
  • Creating and handling laser weaponry
townie or commercial
  • Townie
miłosne interesy
  • Father's Joy
  • Ascend Mode Floor: Time To Trifle (Floor 38) Partners: Iblis & Carine Skills: Soul Gauge Boost A HP Recovery A Nullify Ringout A
  • Abigail es un poderoso demonio mencionado en Devil May Cry: The Animated Series de quien se decía que alguna vez rivalizo con el Rey Demonio.
  • Abigail is a character appearing in Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl.
  • Abigail (Hebrew: אֲבִיגַיִל / אֲבִיגָיִל, Modern Avigáyil Tiberian ʾĂḇîḡáyil / ʾĂḇîḡāyil ; "her Father's joy" or "fountain of joy") is a female name occurring in Biblical narratives in the Books of Samuel and in the Books of Chronicles. Abigal occurs once and is thought by the vast majority of scholars to be an alternate spelling of Abigail. There appear to be two individuals named Abigail: * The mother of Amasa. In the Book of Chronicles and Septuagint version of the Books of Samuel, Abigail's father is Jesse, and she is therefore sister of David, but in the masoretic text of the Books of Samuel her father is Nahash; scholars think that Nahash is a typographic error, based on the appearance of the name two verses later. In the Book of Chronicles, Amasa's father is Jether the Ishmaelite, but in the books of Samuel, Amasa's father is Ithra the Israelite; scholars think that the latter case is more likely. * The wife of the wicked Nabal, who became a wife of David after Nabal's death. She had attempted to stop David from taking revenge against Nabal for his ingratitude towards David, warning him that vengeance was sinful and God would take care of the issue. Her accuracy in understanding God's will suggests that she was a true follower of God. She was the mother of one of David's sons, who is named in the Book of Chronicles as Daniel, in the masoretic text of the Books of Samuel as Chileab, and in the Septuagint text of the Books of Samuel as Daluyah. It is possible that both women named Abigail are the same woman, as textual scholars regard the account in the Books of Chronicles as deriving from the Books of Samuel, and the references there to Abigail as a sister of David occur only in the passages that textual scholars attribute to the court history of David, a document that does not mention Abigail as one of David's wives.
  • Abigail is a KGB agent who lives in a cabin in upstate New York. Abigail offered Elizabeth shelter when she was recovering from her bullet wound (Pilot). In Operation Chronicle Abigail picked up Jared Connors .
  • Abigail is a character in Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. She is among a group of survivors led by Doc in the remnants of Raccoon City, serving as the group's mechanic. She is portrayed by Australian actress and VJ Ruby Rose.
  • Abigail es un personaje de The Witcher. Se trata de una bruja que vive en las afueras de Wyzima. Como tal, el resto de los habitantes no la tienen en muy alta estima y a menudo la culpan de cualquier tipo de suceso extraño o nocivo. Abigail es también una notable alquimista, por lo que pese a no confiar en ella los lugareños suelen recurrir a sus servicios para obtener todo tipo de pociones y venenos. Abigail no es una persona especialmente escrupulosa, y suele atender tales peticiones sin hacer preguntas ni plantearse cuestiones morales. Además de estar involucrada en varias misiones principales, es posible comerciar con Abigail a lo largo del Capítulo I. Entre otras cosas, la bruja vende la fórmula para elaborar aceite para espectros, diversas plantas y minerales, grasas, ingredientes para bombas y varios libros (Barghests, El libro de los animales, Monstruos del pantano y Plantas del campo). También comprará trofeos obtenidos de monstruos menores, como pieles o cráneos de Barghest. Aviso de Spoiler: Detalles significativos de la trama comienzan aquí. Si Abigail sobrevive a los acontecimientos del Capítulo I, Geralt se la encontrará en Aguas Turbias durante el Capítulo IV.
  • Abigail is the orange tabby kitten of Mrs. Halberstadt and her middle-aged son who appeared in the episode iScream On Halloween. Abigail is known to knock things over in her apartment, claw up people, and run around crazy for no good reason, as most kittens do. This scares Carly, Sam, and Freddie and makes them think there is a ghost in the apartment.
  • Abigail fue [[Archivo:Kavner.jpg|thumb|195px|left|Julie Kavner, su dobladora original.]] la niñera de los niños Simpson. Su nombre es el de abigail simpson
  • She is a smart and mischievous woodmouse who loves adventures. She likes being the leader and helping her friends.
  • Abigail – postać, zamieszkująca obóz piratów w modyfikacji Returning.
  • Abigail is a ranger.
  • Sie ist heimliches Mitglied vom Kult der Löwenkopfspinne. Liefert Geralt sie der aufgebrachten Menge aus, verflucht sie ihn im Namen der Löwenkopfspinne. Es bleibt in jedem Fall ungeklärt, ob die Hexe tatsächlich einen bösen Einfluss auf einige Dörfler ausgeübt hat, die Untaten begangen haben. Geralt kann von ihr diverse Kräuter und alchimistische Zutaten kaufen und erhält außerdem Geisteröl als Klingenüberzug und Rezept dazu von ihr. Abigail spielt eine wichtige Rolle im ersten Kapitel, als sie den Waisenjungen Alvin bei sich aufnimmt, nachdem Geralt ihn vor den Bargesten gerettet hat. Am Ende dieser Hauptquest wird Geralt vor die Entscheidung gestellt, Abigail den wütenden Dörflern auszuliefern, die die Hexe für die Bestie verantwortlich machen wollen, oder sie vor dem Mob zu schützen. Bleibt Abigail am Leben, trifft Geralt sie in Kapitel 4 wieder. Sie hat sich dort in Trübwasser als Heilerin niedergelassen. Abigail nimmt jeweils einen Part den Quests des vierten Kapitels ein. Abigails Waren in Kapitel 4. Die Quest "Die Hitze des Tages" verläuft dann etwas anderes, wenn Abigail in Akt 1 gelyncht wird. In Trübwasser trifft Geralt eine andere Heilerin, die dem Hexer ermahnt, dass an seinen Händen unschuldiges Blut klebt (Abigails Blut). Im abschließenden Epilog begegnet Geralt Abigail abermals, unabhängig von der in Akt 1 getroffenen Entscheidung.
  • Abigail(アビゲイルAbigeiru) is a character from the Final Fight series where he is a member of the Mad Gear Gang and the boss of the penultimate stage in the original Final Fight, Metro City's Bay Area.
  • Abigail of Saint Luziland joined Planet Bob on July 14, 2012, a member of the green team trading sphere and very shortly thereafter a member of the Viridian Entente.
  • The name Abigail refers to two different characters from Favorite Word. Click on either of the images below to find out more about that character:
  • Abigail is part of Daily Dare, the Games Master Challenge, and the New Game Challenge.
  • Abigail is Arnie's pet pig. She is Abner's female doppelganger.
  • Abigail (アマノ Amano en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime, es una pastelera que vive con su sobrina, Teresa.
  • Abigail is a little purple monster on Rechov Sumsum, the Israeli co-production of Sesame Street. She likes to play with the neighbors on the street and looks up to her adult friend, Gershon. Abigail is mostly seen in segments where she talks with a famous Israeli guest star and sings a song with them (most notably Ronny Rock singing "En Den Dino"). She also has her own recurring segment, "Abigail's Quiz Show". Much like Sesame Street's Elmo, Abigail refers to herself in third person. While the Rechov Sumsum page on Sesame Workshop's "Around the World" website spells the character's name "Abigail," the English subtitles on the DVD release Meet Oofnik the Grouch use the spelling "Avigile." She was featured on the front page of Israeli Google on November 4, 2009, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the American Sesame Street.
  • Abigail was a character that only appeared in Special Skills. She was portrayed by Hayley Sharp.
  • Abigail is a very smart, old woman whom will fix anything that has become socially corrupt. She thinks of herself as a mistress of order in a world of chaos.
  • Abigail is a supporting character in Once Upon a Time. She is the haughty princess daughter of King Midas and the ex-fiancée of Prince Charming. Abigail and Charming were in an arranged engagement in order to merge both of their kingdoms together. Following the Dark Curse, she became trapped in Storybrooke, Maine as Kathryn Nolan, David's wife, who is trapped in a loveless marriage.
  • Abigail is Mrs. Cauldron's niece and Winona's cousin. She attends Witch School with Winona as her teacher.
  • Abigail is a very smart, old woman whom will fix anything that has become socially corrupt. She thinks of herself as a mistress of order in a world of chaos. She appears in MySims Islands and MySims, MyLife.
  • Abigail es un personaje de la película Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Es interpretado por Ruby Rose. Categoría:Personajes
  • Abigail è una giovane strega che vive nelle Campagne di Vizima. Non è molto popolare tra suoi compaesani, infatti ogni volta che c'è qualcosa che non va o che qualcosa di strano accade, Abigail viene imputata di ogni responsabilità. Tuttavia è a lei che si rivolgono quando hanno bisogno di aiuto con i problemi quotidiani della vita, specialmente le donne con i mariti adulteri o gli uomini con problemi d'impotenza sessuale. La principale abilità di Abigail è l'Alchimia. Spesso gli abitanti si rivolgono a lei per pozioni, rimedi e veleni che la ragazza fornisce senza alcuna obiezione morale. Attenzione: Spoiler!: Significativi dettagli della trama a seguire. Nel corso del Capitolo I, Abigail ospita il piccolo Alvin dopo che Geralt lo salva dall'attacco dei barghest. Shani infatti non può più tenerlo con sé alla Locanda. Abigail gli farà bere una pozione di Petali di mirto bianco, che provoca in lui uno stato di trance. La Bestia prende possesso del suo corpo e rivela la natura della maledizione che affligge il villaggio e l'origine dei mastini infernali. Geralt può rivolgersi ad Abigail se ha bisogno di comprare o vendere alcuni ingredienti tra i quali: * erbe * minerali - fosforo e vermiglio * unguenti per le armi * alcuni libri e talismani. * alcune Basi per unguenti (grasso d'orso) * Basi per bombe * Teschio di barghest * Pelle di lupo * Pelle di basilisco * Zanne di fleder Abigail è seguace del Culto del Ragno Leonino. Questo fatto viene svelato alla fine del Capitolo I, quando Geralt deve decidere se lasciare la ragazza nelle grinfie della folla infuriata e del Reverendo, oppure salvarla. Se Geralt decide di lasciarla al suo destino, Abigail viene linciata dalla folla del villaggio e arsa sul rogo. In punto di morte maledirà Geralt nel nome di Coram Agh Tera, il Ragno Leonino. Non è chiaro quale sia il suo coinvolgimento nei misfatti degli altri abitanti del villaggio e in che misura abbia contribuito a influenzarli. Si nota soltanto che nella sua capanna, Abigail ha un piccolo altare pagano su cui ha fatto una bambola somigliante a Odo e che Geralt trova una fiala di veleno nella Cripta nelle campagne di fianco al cadavere di Ilsa. Quasi sicuramente uno dei veleni di Abigail. Abigail infatti racconta che Ilsa si era recata disperata in cerca del suo aiuto, dopo lo stupro da parte di Mikul. A seconda della scelta di Geralt al termine della missione "Mostri e uomini", Abigail può ricomparire una seconda volta nel Capitolo IV del gioco, nel ruolo della Guaritrice di Acque Oscure.
  • Geralt can buy a rejtély olaj from her that makes it easier to battle spectres and ghosts. In fact, she buys and sells quite a few things: * the aforementioned Kísértetelleni Olaj * some növényekben * some ásványokban, in particular Foszfor, the only source of Vermilion in Act I * some zsír (medvezsír) * bomb making ingredients * a few könyvek * Állatok könyve * A bargesztekrol * A mezei növényekrol * Mocsári szörnyek * an anti-drowner talisman (she'll buy these as well as the pouch of salt) * Bargeszt koponya * Farkasbőr * Baziliszkusz irha * Fléder szemfogak Abigail is secretly a member of the Cult of the Lionhead Spider: this is revealed when Geralt chooses to leave her fate to the villagers. She curses Geralt in the name of Coram Agh Ter. Whether this means she's also responsible for the misdeeds of the other villagers is unclear - possibly, she had something to do with influencing the merchant to kill his brother as she has a suspicious doll of his likeness in her hut.
  • Abigail is the second King Diamond album and their first concept album. It was released in 1987 on Roadrunner Records. There were several re-releases, first in 1997 with 4 bonus tracks, and then a 25th Anniversary edition in 2005 with a bonus DVD. This album has sold over 175,000 copies in North America alone.
  • Abigail is a former babysitter who had a mental breakdown because of Bart and is now cared for by her sister.
  • Abigail is a new character introduced in Metal Slug Attack.
  • Abigail is the Francine`s New York counterparty. See also: The New York Pizza Cats
  • Abigail is Claymore No. 12 of the current generation and uses the nickname "Sand Cloud Abigail" (砂塵のアビゲイル, Sajin no Abigeiru, lit. "Abigail of Dust").
  • Abigail is the daughter of the owner of Sitoth trading. She is in charge of selling the wares while her father crafts the materials that are sold. Her father is known as "Smithy Thompson".
  • Même ici, tout le monde est hostile à son égard et la craint, pour autant, aucun n'hésite à la solliciter en secret contre monnaies trébuchantes, pour l'un des plantes spéciales ou une potion, pour l'autre une incantation, voire un sortilège d'envoûtement. Le Révérend, prêtre du Culte du Feu Eternel et chef des habitants du Faubourgs de Wyzima contribue à entretenir ce climat de suspicion et de haine. Il a informé la congrégation, sans preuve à l'appui, qu'Abigail avait prononcé la Malédiction du Cerbère à l'origine des troubles dont est victime aujourd'hui l'ensemble des faubourgs.
  • |} Abigail (grana przez Bridget Shergalis) to agresywna dziewczyna która lubi się rządzić i kocha się w Ty'u. Wysyłała także Ty'owi liściki.
  • Abigail is a beautiful girl mouse and the main protagonist in Once Upon a Forest.
  • Abigail (アビゲイル Abigeiru?) is a character from the Final Fight series where he is a member of the Mad Gear Gang and the boss of the penultimate stage in Final Fight, Metro City's Bay Area.
  • Abigail is a witch. She was in the witch circle that brought Donna back to life. The circle was looking for a sixth member of their coven so they wanted Donna. Donna's life was safed by them so she would be forever in their debt. To bring back Donna to life they needed a sacrifice. So they killed the spirit of a girl, who would not return. The girl was completely destroyed and didn't had a chance to get an afterlife. Abigail was responsible for getting the spirit of the girl.
  • Vědma, žijící v Podhradí (Kapitola I). Po nějakou dobu se stará o Alvina, poskytne vám i informace o Bestii a položí starořeckou hádanku (Co je to: ráno to má 4 nohy, v poledne 2, večer 3 ?). Nakonec se musíte rozhodnout jestli se jí zastanete nebo budete souhlasit s Velebníčkem, který ji viní za problémy vesnice. Varování - Spoiler : Následují zásadní informace o ději hry Zaklínač nebo knih o Zaklínači. Pokud ji necháte upálit, dozvíte se, že patří mezi kultisty Pavouka se lví hlavou; pokud ji zachráníte, setkáte se s ní opět v Kapitole IV, kde vám pomůže s několika úkoly - především "V poledním žáru" bude mít o trochu optimističtější zakončení.
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