  • Alastria
  • Alastria
  • Alastria
  • Planeta del Cuadrante Delta, que gira alrededor de un par de estrellas binarias a 40.000 años luz de Sikaris. Sus bosques son muy frondosos, y en las horas del amanecer (llamadas por los Sikarians el "Alba Zaphyr") soplan unos vientos llamados Erosene que tienen efectos euforizantes en la fisiología de esta raza.
  • Alastria was a planet in a binary star system, located in the space of the galaxy's Delta Quadrant, approximately 40,000 light-years from Sikaris. The Sikarians would use their spatial trajector technology to reach the world. Alastria was as far out as their trajector technology could reach. (VOY episode: "Prime Factors")
  • De bossen van Alastria waren Eudana's favoriete plek. Ze nam vaandrig Harry Kim daar mee naartoe in 2371. Ze gebruikten de Sikarian ruimtelijke trajector om er vanaf Sikaris te komen. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
  • Alastria was a planet in the system of the same name. This planet was located forty thousand light years from Sikaris. By the late 24th century, Alastria was at the uttermost limit of the spatial trajector, a device invented by the Sikarians. The planet was known for its euphoria-inducing erosene winds, the dawn zephyr. For Eudana, a Sikarian, the woods of Alastria were her favorite place. In 2371, she took Ensign Harry Kim there, when the USS Voyager visited Sikaris. (VOY: "Prime Factors")
Planet Name
  • Alastria
  • Alastria
  • 2371
  • De zonsopkomst op de planeet Alastria
  • Intact
  • Alastria
  • The surface of Alastria
  • Harry Kim and Eudana on Alastria.jpg
  • Alastria surface.jpg
  • Veertigduizend lichtjaren van de planeet Sikaris
  • Planeta del Cuadrante Delta, que gira alrededor de un par de estrellas binarias a 40.000 años luz de Sikaris. Sus bosques son muy frondosos, y en las horas del amanecer (llamadas por los Sikarians el "Alba Zaphyr") soplan unos vientos llamados Erosene que tienen efectos euforizantes en la fisiología de esta raza.
  • Alastria was a planet in the system of the same name. This planet was located forty thousand light years from Sikaris. By the late 24th century, Alastria was at the uttermost limit of the spatial trajector, a device invented by the Sikarians. The planet was known for its euphoria-inducing erosene winds, the dawn zephyr. For Eudana, a Sikarian, the woods of Alastria were her favorite place. In 2371, she took Ensign Harry Kim there, when the USS Voyager visited Sikaris. (VOY: "Prime Factors") While the Sikarians explained that they could reach all planets in their quadrant, it was not explicitly stated that Alastria too was in the Delta Quadrant. However, according to and the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 14), this planet was located in this quadrant. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 14) classified Alastria as a Class M planet.
  • Alastria was a planet in a binary star system, located in the space of the galaxy's Delta Quadrant, approximately 40,000 light-years from Sikaris. The Sikarians would use their spatial trajector technology to reach the world. Alastria was as far out as their trajector technology could reach. (VOY episode: "Prime Factors")
  • De bossen van Alastria waren Eudana's favoriete plek. Ze nam vaandrig Harry Kim daar mee naartoe in 2371. Ze gebruikten de Sikarian ruimtelijke trajector om er vanaf Sikaris te komen. (VOY: "Prime Factors")