  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • BOSS
  • Boss
  • BOSS
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • BOSS
  • BOSS
  • Boss
  • Hallo ich bin der Boss! Ich bin 15 Jahre alt, habe schulterlanges blondes Haar mit pinken Strähnchen und wohne in Mödlham. Meine Maße: 90-60-90. Meine Hobbies sind Ballett, Torten backen, Schüler ärgern, usw. Besonders freue ich mich darauf, das alles morgen beim Podcasten vorlesen zu dürfen!!! -))
  • thumb|Typowy boss w typowej grze oraz standardowy sposób jego pokonania. Boss (ang. Szef) - Tym żartobliwym terminem nazywa się przeciwników głównego bohatera, którzy wyróżniają się znacznie większą mocą i stanowią duże wyzwanie. Bossów często spotyka się na końcu danego etapu. Czasem bossa nie da się zranić w zwykły sposób (albo jest to utrudnione) i należy wymyślić jakiś fortel, np. wykorzystać elementy otoczenia.
  • The boss is the final opponent that the player must face at the top of the battle plan after having braved their way through the ranks of other fighters and usually the final "test" to the player's skill in the game. Final bosses are often computer-controlled only, and thus, are unplayable. Bosses are always inhuman, often demonic, compared to the the cast of characters. In addition, they often possess several advantages over the normal characters such as higher resistance to attacks and much more prominent strength. Victory over the boss results in his climatic demise, followed by the selected kombatant's ending, in which at times, may be canon. On rare occasions, the player may unlock a prize for their success.
  • BOSS se také nazývá Nemašusšancus BOSS se vyskytuje pouze v podivných obdélnících s vysokým počtem HD (hysterických dobrovolníků). V tomto obdélníku se vyskytuje virtuální nerealita která je plná podivných transsexuálů a okřídlených individuí plivajících červený špatně zastřihlý papír. BOSS se obvykle nachází na konci nějaké špatně postavené budovy. V poslední místnosti se schovává a plánuje jak by se z obdélníku dostal. Když se k BOSSOVY dostanete uvidíte postavu trpící gigantismem a nadměrným růstem svalových svalů (proto je silnější než normální NEBOSS). Když BOSSE porazíte na obdélníku se objeví nápis Konec. A tak vám zbývá už jen litovat peněz které jste daly za stříbrný kruh s pochybným obsahem.
  • "Boss" fue el apodo de un comando clon de élite que formó parte del Escuadrón Delta durante las Guerras Clon, sirviendo junto a los comandos Fixer, Sev y Scorch.
  • A character from Mazinger Z who started as a rival for Koji Kabuto but later became a chum like Peeping Spider in New Cutey honey.
  • Boss is an achievement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Per semplicità e comodità adotterò le seguenti abbreviazioni: RR: Regina Ragno NC: Nove Code T: Tartaruga TG: Spirito Tigre Gialla
  • A Boss is a difficult enemy, usually fought at the end of a mission. In Telepath RPG: Servants of God and Telepath Psy Arena 2, defeating a boss ends the battle, although usually bosses are among the last enemies to go down in battle. In the Servants of God Map Editor, a boss is a designated enemy which is either captured or killed to end the battle.
  • It comes equipped with Pulse Repeaters as the primary weapon, Cluster Bomb as a secondary weapon, Boost Restore as the left quick-use item, and Escort Bomb as the right quick-use item. Pulse Repeater has infinite ammo and Escort Bomb quantity is limited to 12.
  • Als Boss bezeichnet man einen besonders starken Gegner der meist allein auftritt und mehr Zeit braucht als Trash. Bosse benötoigen oft spezielle Strategien um sie zu besiegen.
  • Boss ist ein ehemaliger Pirat, der in der Shin Sekai sein Unwesen treibt. Beim Überfall auf Foodvalten stellt er sich als Chahige vor.
  • Boss is a member of a mysterious group known as the Echo Corps. He has helped Task Force 589 in Operation Cold Shoulder, but had to miss Operation Takedown due to a hit he took from an RPG at the end of Cold Shoulder.
  • Dwarf multicannons often cannot be set up in the areas of many bosses. Others may have different restrictions; for example, only black equipment may be used to fight the tormented wraith, and Prayer cannot be used during the fights with the final bosses of Recipe for Disaster.
  • center|600px 보스 주식회사 (Boss Corporation, ボス 株式会社) 는 1973년 3월 13일에 설립된 일본의 이펙터 전문 제조 기업입니다.
  • Boss-NPCs sind 4-mal stärker als normale NPCs. Die Boss-NPCs haben die 4-fachen Werte (HP, Schild, Schaden) eines normalen NPCs und geben entsprechend auch das 4-fache Menge an Uridium, Credits, EP usw. Kategorie:NPCs
  • .She has the ability to invoke a zombie status.spawns 5-10 giant white/black/normal tigers about every 10-15 seconds.Then spawns about 10-20 white/black/normal tigers about every 10 seconds
  • S/he is a character of unknown gender and background. Boss contacts Minako and Artemis through the Transformation Pen and gives instructions, advice and information about the enemy. It is unknown who Boss truly is. Boss did not appear in any other part of the Sailor Moon franchise, and was never referred to in the Sailor Moon manga. The true identity of Boss was never revealed.
  • Boss = Főellenség, vezető, Főnök
  • Boss is a character in the series.
  • Boss is an unnamed man who appeared in "Plan B.".
  • By undeadjester
  • Boss Pokemon are strong pokemon with a Blue HP Bar that you may have to kill in order to beat a level and you can't catch it. They are always stronger than the other pokemon on the level and often have custom moves.
  • Bosses are a bit tougher than your regular monsters. There is usually only one inside a dungeon or battle and they often have a special loot table with extremely good items.
  • A Boss, in video game terminology, is a unique computer-controlled monster or character that is much more powerful than an average monster or non-player character encountered in the game until that point and usually serves as a challenge to the player at the end of particular section of a game, usually a level or stage, or guarding a specific objective.
  • Bosses are one of the most important elements of a video game. They act as a very powerful enemy that usually take many hits or a different/unusual tactic to defeat. Bosses include the likes of Bowser from Super Mario Bros. and Ganon from The Legend of Zelda.
  • "Boss" was an Umbrella executive who monitored the t-Virus outbreak in Raccoon City very thoroughly, being as involved as actually visiting the city to witness the Nemesis-William confrontation, personally.
  • Bosses are distinctly more powerful and bigger in size than the regular playable characters. They have unique attacks and can only be defeated by depleting their stamina. There exists also minor battles with similarly powerful enemies but are to a lesser importance and defeating them does not mean the end of the game or level; this is called a mini-boss. Some information regarding to Super Smash Flash 2 is still subjected to be changed.
  • In video games in general, a boss is a particularly large or difficult computer-controlled character that must be defeated at the end of a segment of a game, whether it be for a level, an episode, or the very end of the game itself.
  • Boss creatures and NPCs are even tougher than their elite counterparts. Only a few boss enemies exist in the game and are usually quest-related. See Creature & NPC Combat Level Chart for specific stats. Some Boss NPCs are possible to solo, such as N-K "Necrosis" and Krayt Dragons. However bosses in heroic instances, and on Mustafar and Kashyyyk require a group.
  • Bosses are usually mobs with an amount of health far in excess of the players. Their health will generally be displayed on the Boss bar(a purple bar on the top of the screen with the bosses name over it). Vanilla examples include the Wither and the Ender Dragon, but can also be added in by mods, such as the Naga.
  • Amami protagoniza a la nueva "jefa" de un equipo de peculiares detectives quienes intentan luchar contra una serie de brutales crímenes. Ella es inteligente y capaz en su trabajo. Pero aunque entiende las mentalidades de los criminales, al parecer tiene dificultad para entender a los hombres dejándola incapaz de encontrar lo que ella realmente quiere: un marido.
  • The Boss is a clip-fed Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2015 under the Air Max sub-series. It comes packaged with a three-dart clip and three XL Distance Darts.
  • Kategorie:Translate A Boss, in video game terminology, is a unique computer-controlled monster or character that is much more powerful than an average monster or non-player character encountered in the game until that point and usually serves as a challenge to the player at the end of particular section of a game, usually a level or stage, or guarding a specific objective.
  • The Boss or Don is the leader of a mafia or a gang who makes the decisions. Bosses appers at the end of the missions and sometimes, they're hard to kill.
  • Boss jest dość ogólnikowym terminem określającym kilka specjalnych typów mobów. Wyróżniamy następujące rodzaje: * bossowie w instancjach * bossowie zewnętrzni * liderzy frakcyjni w stolicach * zależnie od potrzeb, bossami można nazwać wszystkich mobów posiadających imię, również nieelitarnych, gdyż wielu z nich mogło być mobami elitarnymi we wcześniejszych stadiach gry.
  • les boss devrait etre moi dur
  • Boss Monsters are encountered in all Fate games. They are usually found for quests, but are sometimes encountered randomly in the dungeon. They can also be encountered on all levels.
  • Bosses are very powerful Noise or other creatures usually found at the very end of a Day in The World Ends with You. All of these except for Draco Cantus and Panthera Cantus can be fought as Blue Noise after beating the game. Progfox, Grindcore Minks, Wooly AOR, and Goth Metal Drake, however, can be fought once you reach their locations.
  • The role of Boss is played by Simon Richards in the Season Three episode "Undue Process".
  • Geschlecht: Junge Geburtstag: 21. September Sternzeichen: Jungfrau Größe: 12 cm Besitzer: Keinen Harte Schale, weicher Kern trifft bei Boss wohl am besten zu, er möchte am liebsten, wie sein Name schon sagt, der Chef sein und für alles die Verantwortung tragen. Wenn mal ein Ham-Ham in der Klemme steckt, ist er jederzeit sofort bereit ihm zur Seite zu stehen.
  • Boss (ボス, Bosu) est un coléoptère unique de grande taille vu lors de l'Arc Little East Blue. Il était à l'origine une création du Dr.Indigo faite pour la destruction d' East Blue, mais il s'est échappé.
  • thumb|200px|Boss – ktoś, kto jest ponad resztą Boss – szeroko używane pojęcie, może oznaczać szefa, mistrza, kozaka, silnego potwora albo inne coś, co jest ponad resztą. Niekiedy słyszy się, że to także Bojowa Obciągarka Szybko Ssąca lub Bezpłatna Obciągarka Samo-Ssąca.
  • The boss was a giant of a man, standing around 8-10 feet tall. He possessed superhuman strength, sufficient to lift a car, and was highly resistant to injury, barely flinching when struck in the face by Mr. Scarlet. Because of his size and power, he felt that he was in charge wherever he went, and he obeyed no one, including John Law. He was a general doer of no-good.
  • He is an cunning and manipulative brute and he is really scary and his nick name is the joker because sometimes he can be funny and make jokes. He occasionally becomes insane if under enough stress with Xiao Xiao faces meddling. He is usually the final enemy that Xiao Xiao faces. In the future he turns into a cyber stickman and believe it or not he is more scarier than the regular version! In the future he is known as the Bad Boss
  • Boss è uno scarabeo gigante che protegge Kansorn. È stato creato dal dottor Indigo con lo scopo di contribuire all'invasione del mare orientale, ma è riuscito a scappare.
  • Boss is the supervisor from the Riding Duel Business Group.
  • He is described as a sergeant with the Fairview Police Department's SWAT Team. Furthermore, his in game bio mentions that he is a recent transfer from Los Angeles at 15 Years Of Service. He is also described as being cool under fire and always business like, which has helped him gain the respect of his new element. Unlike his squadmates, the element leader does not make comments about his observations, instead only speaking to give orders, issue compliance, or to the team's tactical operation center. He does show anger at the lack of containment in the Fresnal Street Station and when a news reporter broadcasted SWAT entry during the St. Michael's Medical Center, but manages to keep cool when finding the basement graveyard in the Tarrone Tenement.
  • A boss is a special kind of enemy that appears at the end of a dungeon. Bosses are intended to be more challenging than normal enemies, and, with the exception of the first few games in the Legend of Zelda series, they often require the use of a particular item acquired earlier in the dungeon to be defeated. Final bosses are usually the main antagonists of the games, though they are not always fought within a dungeon. Below is a list of bosses that appear throughout the series.
  • A Boss is a title of the leader, often of a crime syndicate of some sort. Be they bandits, thieves, thugs, gangs, or other dastardly desperados.
  • Bosses that are denoted by an asterisk below can appear in Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot as adversaries in the arena. (In order of Appearance)
  • He's Batman. He's also subcommander of the Turbomasters, under Thunder Clash.
  • Usually, a boss will have some sort of attack that can be inhaled and in turn, spat back at the boss to deal damage. Some bosses have attacks that grant Copy Abilities when Kirby swallows them. In all traditional platformers since Kirby's Return to Dream Land,
  • Bosses are the main enemy of each dungeon and must be defeated before completion of that dungeon can be obtained.
  • Boss (ボス, Bosu?) is a brand name of canned and plastic bottled coffee and coffee-flavored beverages sold by Suntory in Japan. It was released in 1992 and is one of many brands of Japanese Canned Coffee.
  • A Boss is an enemy rank that is stronger than a Lieutenant but weaker than an Elite Boss. An equal level Boss will con +2 to the player's level, and has higher levels of protection against status effects. For example, it will normally take two applications of a hold power to hold a Boss (disregarding Dominators' Domination Inherent and Controllers' Overpower ability).
  • Boss (ボス Bosu?) es una criatura creada por el Dr. Índigo, que huyó de él y se fue a vivir al East Blue.
  • Boss heeft meerdere betekenissen: * Gungan Boss, de titel voor de leider van de Gungans. * "Boss", de bijnaam van RC-1138 van Delta Squad. * BoSS, als afkorting van Bureau of Ships and Services.
  • [Source] RC-1138 (surnommé Boss) est un commando clone et le chef de l'escouade Delta. Il est un excellent guerrier et a le sens de la coopération. Il apparaît dans le jeu Star Wars : Republic commando et dans des romans de la série Republic Commando. Il est facile à reconnaître grâce à son armure peinte en orange. Ses co-équipiers sont : Nitro (Delta RC-1262), Hacker (Delta RC-1140) et Sev (Delta RC-1207).
  • Um chefão ou boss é um monstro poderoso, geralmente único que é enfrentado para conseguir um objetivo, seja ele a conclusão de uma Ficheiro:Missão.png missão ou atividade, ou como parte de uma equipe para matar o monstro. Muitas missões apresentam lutas contra chefões em seu clímax; estes são muitas vezes os principais protagonistas das missões, ou estão de alguma forma relacionados com o principal protagonista. Alguns monstros que são comumente referidos como bosses são monstros muito poderosos que residem em áreas multi-combate; esses monstros são muitas vezes mortos por clãs em busca de milhões de moedas. Muitos chefões têm níveis de combate extremamente altos, e a maioria dos monstros mais fortes no jogo são os chefes.
  • Boss/Don/Szef – lider organizacji przestępczej, który podejmuje istotne decyzje dla swojego ugrupowania. Sprawuje on całkowitą lub prawie całkowitą władzę nad swoim gangiem. Ma on większą władzę od Underbossa. Posiada on najczęściej doradców zwanych Consigliere, którzy pomagają mu w podjęciu niektórych decyzji.
  • Boss is a kind of Monster. Bosses are usually found in the last room of a Dungeon. __TOC__
  • Boss also known as John Sculley was an Imperial commando serving as leader of Delta Squad during the Imperial-Chiss war.
  • Boss (ボス Bosu) es un personaje que aparece en la versión Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 de Sonic Unleashed. Él es un residente humano de Empire City. Una vez un hombre de negocios que recorrió el mundo para ver a sus clientes, él fue despedido debido a los recortes presupuestarios. Inspirado por Ippolita sin embargo, él ahora pretende hacer trabajo humanitario.
  • Bosses are difficult and unique opponents in the Drawn to Life series that usually present some sort of great danger to a Village or to the Raposa themselves. In order to resolve the situation, The Hero is sent out to fight the boss in direct combat, usually in an arena. Bosses usually have either high amounts of health, or are only vulnerable for a small period of time, and mark the climax of certain story sections in both games. Once a boss is defeated, the player will have "beaten" that level set, and move on to the next area, such as a new Gate or Village.
  • Bosses are defined as the characters that appear as strong enemies with multiple health points with unique abilities that must be defeated to progress in the all three modes of Normal Levels.
  • While working under him, Roger Wilco often played sick, taking time to goof off, and spent hours sleeping in the closet when he should have been working. Roger Wilco also called him many names. He once gave Roger Wilco an Arcada model builder for Christmas which proved useful for Roger in learning how to navigate and understand the controls in the ship. Roger Wilco discovered his body in the hallway outside of the Star Generator Room in the Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) era.
  • Boss (ボス) is a stray cat, whose spirit got attached to a cat lover.
  • There is basically only one boss in the game, the main antagonist Heady Metal. All bosses are variants of him in some way.
  • Boss fights make the game more difficult by multiplying daily damage. They can increase players' motivation because their bad habits will now harm their friends as well as themselves. Even players who are Resting in the Inn will take damage for their party members' missed Dailies. When a boss is defeated, the players earn a reward.
  • Boss is the guitar effects subsidiary of Roland. They are well known for their pedals, which are highly recognizable.
  • Boss (館長 Kanchō?) is the leader of Eternal, intending to gain eternal life by finding the keys to Cure Rose Garden and take over the worlds adding everything of value to his collection. He is almost always thinking of Flora much to Anacondy's displeasure. He sits in a levitating mechanical throne for most of the series, though he can walk on his own and even fly without it.
  • Un Boss è un nemico che appare solo una volta nel gioco ed' è in grado di resistere a gran parte delle armi e al contempo a causare gravi danni.
  • A Boss in is usually a second-level Nightmaren created by Wizeman.
  • The boss was a title referenced in the book Chicago Mobs of the Twenties. After this book had become the basis of the culture on Sigma Iotia II in the 22nd century, the term described the men in charge of certain territories on this planet. A boss had to care for the people in his territory as well as for the infrastructure, for which he got a percentage of their money. In 2268, there were about a dozen larger bosses on Sigma Iotia II, including Bela Okmyx and Jojo Krako, and several smaller ones. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action" )
  • Boss is a unique large beetle from the Little East Blue Arc. He was originally a creation of Dr. Indigo made only for the destruction of East Blue, but escaped.
  • Boss monsters are strong enemies who most of the time, you have to fight in order to progress in a quest chain. Dungeon Bosses have monsters from the dungeon they belong to in their formation, only stronger. Notable bosses: Hell Scout Mutated Tree Hellish Fairy Xiyu Shaman False Sea King Naga Queen Evil Spider King
  • "The ultimate defense" 1-Bosses Are Massive High Health Troops You Can Create/Fight And Have A Variable Attack Selection, From Airplane Aid, To Giant Lasers, To Paint Rollers, It Is A Challenge To Beat Tips: Put it down like a boss.
  • Bosses are creatures spawned that are often fought because of the items they drop upon their defeat. They are usually rather difficult to defeat for a few reasons: they have more HP than other mobs, they have high defense, they have high attack, they are a much higher level than the surrounding mobs, they can negate player buffs, they have debuffs, and some are accompanied by guards (such as Shen Mo and General Wei). Fighting bosses, especially the more powerful, is often a team effort, requiring a party, or sometimes an entire Hero Band.
  • Bosses in Shaiya are monsters that have much more HP, attack, and defense than their counterparts. They can usually be found in dungeons, but some are found throughout the maps too. For dungeon bosses, it is recommended that you have a party to kill the bosses, as they are very hard to bring down, but usually drop very valuable items. The Boss is spawns every 4 hours
  • Bosses are enemy characters or ships that typically challenge the player at the end of each level or mission in video games. In the Star Fox series, there have been several variations on the boss, from giant machines to generals to simply completing a difficult objective.
  • A boss is a special type of monster, otherwise known as mob, met at the end of Mission Maps. They are larger than normal monsters and have a variety of unique attacks that deal large amounts of damage. When killed, the Mission Map ends.
  • Gruff on the outside, but sweet on the inside, this bachelor field hamster wants to be in charge. His name, Boss, may reflect what he wants to be, but he'd give his own helmet and shovel to a Ham-Ham in need. He has a bit of a temper, but he is very dependable, courageous, and nice, even shy at times (especially around Bijou). His favourite phrase in the Japanese version is "Daji~e!" or "Dabba-to!". Boss is the tallest in the gang (12cm), second being Maxwell (10.5cm). He wears his hat almost all the time, but he took it off in Boss's New Room and Troublesome Magical Seeds.
  • ___________________________________________________ Strategy for Starters (update if you have information on how to fight him as other classes.) Champion The best way so far is to attack with a RIFLE, it's in bold because it can't be stressed enough that the champion fighting the Grendel melee at level 10 is not the best idea. He can and will kill you very quickly with you attacking by brute force and not by sheer brains. EDIT - seeing as the commando ca fight in the air very well you shoudl use this to your advantage, all there is to this fight is shoot at the Grendel dont bother with the flying things, unless your using pistols and can't help it, just roll if they attach to you. when he stops moving just jump and attack use a air finisher if u think it works better, when he stops and
  • Dwarf multicannons often cannot be set up in the areas of many bosses. Others may have different restrictions; for example, Prayer cannot be used during the fights with the final bosses of Recipe for Disaster.
  • Boss, true name Stubb, is a minor character in Xenosaga Episode II. He appears when Shion Uzuki decides to stop to eat at Moby Dick's Café at Second Miltia: the place Boss runs and works at. Both Shion and Jin Uzuki appear to have know him for a long time, and, according to Shion, was the one who passed on his famous curry recipe to her. Boss is presumably one of Shion's role models for guidance because of her lack of parents. Boss can play the guitar.
  • By being linked to a human brain, BOSS learnt how humans succeed: through illogic and inefficiency. It made Stevens program these "qualities" into itself and became sentient and megalomaniacal. The Third Doctor confused BOSS with a logical paradox (specifically the Liar's Paradox) If I were to tell you that the next thing I say will be true, But that the last thing I said was a lie, Would you believe me? BOSS was built from funding provided by Tobias Vaughn. (PROSE: Original Sin)
  • Bosses are characters in the Super Smash Bros. series that appear when certain conditions are met. These conditions range from simply clearing stages with a certain difficulty and time, to playing certain Event Modes. There are multiple battles in the Smash Bros. series that could be considered boss battles; however, actual bosses are usually unplayable by normal means, and most are much larger than the playable characters.
  • BOSS (für Biomorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor) ist ein intelligenter Computer, der von dem weltweit agierenden Öl-Konzern Global Chemicals entwickelt wurde. Einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung dieses Computers hatte Tobias Vaughn, der Anfang der 1970er Jahre Kontakt mit den Cybermen hatte (Original Sin). BOSS speist seine Intelligenz durch die direkte Verbindung mit einem menschlichen Gehirn. Die erste Verbindung dieser Art, die auch für seinen Verstand verantwortlich ist, geschah mit Jocelyn Stevens.
  • Boss Creatures stay as whatever type they are, but gain the Boss Subtype Size: Same as the base species. Speed: A Boss's speed stays the same. Ability Scores: A Boss gains a +4 bonus to all ability scores and an additional +2 bonus to one score of it's choice. The boss gains a +2 bonus to any ability score it chooses for every 4 hit dice it possesses. Hit Points: An Boss's hit points are multiplied by 4. Armor: A Boss Gains a +1 Boss bonus to Armor class for every 3 levels it possesses. Bonus to Hit: A Boss gains a +1 Boss bonus to it's attack rolls for every 4 levels it possesses.
  • Boss es un chico de 17 años de la banda de motociclistas del Instituto donde estudia Kōji. Es un matón, de los que ladran más de lo que actúan. Sus secuaces son Mucha (ムチャ?) y Nuke (ヌケ?), dos alfeñiques, de absoluta nulidad, que ponen la tilde cómica a la serie. Debido a que Kōji también lleva una buena motocicleta, Boss está enojado con él. Pero aumenta el encono de Boss contra Kōji cuando descubre que tiene tratos con Sayaka, pues Boss, adora a la muchacha. Sin embargo Kōji, no tan solo es es más hábil que Boss luchando y le vence, si no que Boss debe reconocer que Kōji manejando el Mazinger Z es todo un héroe, y más de una vez le ha salvado la vida. Así, que aunque le tiene rabia se hacen amigos. Más adelante en la serie Boss pilota un robot construido de chatarra llamado como él, Robot
  • A common characteristic for all bosses is that they have a unique name and appear only once in the game. Bosses are harder to kill than the "normal" elite mob of the same level, and all bosses are immune to Crowd Control. Bosses are usually divided into three classes of difficulty: * miniboss * normal boss * skull type boss The normal bosses are the most common variety. Every instance features several bosses (usually 3-5 for a 5 man instance). Normal bosses typically have special abilities that require a unique set of tactics to overcome.
  • A Boss is an opponent Non-player character (NPC) or monster, often of a high level who either must be defeated to obtain a reward in a quest, (normally at the end) or activity, or is a significant high level monster such as the King Black Dragon that may be the only monster in-game to drop certain items. Most often there is only one type of the monster and it only has to be defeated once. In most high-levelled quest bosses and non-quest bosses, using prayer is only partly effective or you cannot use prayer at all. In addition, Dwarf multicannon cannot be used against most of these bosses, because they might destroy your cannon.
  • Perhaps the most common strategy employed to defeat bosses is the "Summon rush", wherein just before the player encounters the boss, they put all their Djinni on Standby. This allows them to cast many summons in a short period, and, as summons do damage based on a percentage of the opponent's health, their offensive value against bosses is much higher than most other attack options. The biggest drawback to this is that before and after summoning, the player's Adepts will be forced into weaker classes, limiting their offensive and defensive capabilities. Hence the "rush", the player is faced with using up as many summons as possible while their HP is still high, so that they can survive long enough for the Djinni to return to set and finish off the boss. Of course, against specific bosses t
  • Bosses are bigger and tougher versions of regular mobs, clearly distinguishable by the fact they usually have a proper name rather than a generic one, as well as a glowing aura signifying their profession color. In most cases they have a slightly higher level than the corresponding mob (i.e. if a regular Grawl is level 4, a Grawl boss might be level 6). There are bosses for almost every type of opponent in the game. Bosses usually have the same skills as their conventional counterpart. When a boss is killed for the first time, the party gets a 2% Morale Boost and all the party members' skills are recharged, including Resurrection Signets. This happens even if the boss is killed by other monsters, without interference of the players. Killing a resurrected boss will not grant another Morale
  • A common characteristic for all bosses is that they have a unique name and appear only once in the game. Bosses are harder to kill than the "normal" elite mob of the same level, and almost all bosses are immune to Crowd Control, though some may be susceptible in accordance with their intended mechanics (such as Roar in Karazhan for example). Bosses usually have their own special loot tables. Nearly all BoP rare and epic items in the game stem from boss kills. Bosses are usually divided into three classes of difficulty: * miniboss * normal boss * skull type boss
  • Bosses are a classification of enemy or battle in gaming terminology. In the Final Fantasy series, bosses are usually identified by the traits of not being encountered by normal means (relevant to random encounter-based games) and featuring unique enemies not fought earlier in the game.
  • BOSS (Biomorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor), was a supercomputer that appeared in the Doctor Who story "The Green Death" (1973). It had a megalomaniacal personality, and had been programmed to be inefficient, so that it could make the same kind of intuitive leaps of logic as humans. It was able to brainwash humans, including Captain Mike Yates who later suffered a nervous breakdown as a result and it was responsible for producing the chemicals that mutated maggots into giant maggots. BOSS planned to interface with all computers on Earth and enslave humanity. Stevens, a human brainwashed by BOSS, sacrificed himself when his mental programming was partially broken by the Third Doctor, blowing up himself and the computer as the Doctor escaped.
  • A Boss appears in almost every chapter in the Fire Emblem series. They are usually enemy commanders. Bosses are often higher leveled than their underlings, possess better weapons, and they may also have authority stars to boost their allies' hit and evade rates. In some chapters, the only condition for victory is to defeat the boss. In other chapters, the player must defeat a boss that is guarding a throne, then seize the throne. Bosses give much greater experience values than normal enemies. Against bosses that can heal themselves (such as those sitting on gates and thrones), the player can Attack bosses repeatedly without killing them in order to rack up experience points. This tactic is known as Boss Abuse.
  • A boss is an enemy in Stick Ranger that is found exclusively at the final level of the stage (boss area) which it first appears. Each stage will only have one type of Boss enemy, which is generally considered to be the enemy with the highest LV satisfying the aforementioned criteria (with the exception of Mountaintop, where all the 4 enemies in the last screen are considered to be bosses).
  • Un boss est un monstre puissant et généralement unique qui est combattu pour accomplir un objectif, que se soit l'avancement ou l'accomplissement de quêtes ou de mini-jeux, ou en faisant partie d'une équipe d'un événement joueur contre monstre. La plupart des quêtes comportent des combats de boss à leur finale; de tels boss sont souvent les principaux antagonistes de ces quêtes ou séries de quêtes, ou sont d'une certaine façon reliés aux antagonistes principaux. Des monstres qui sont communément référés comme étant des boss sont de très puissants monstres qui sont habituellement combattus par des équipes de joueurs à la recherche de butins de grande valeur. La plupart des boss possèdent un niveau de combat extrêmement élevés, et la plupart des monstres les plus puissants dans le jeu sont d
  • Ein Bossgegner ist eine stärkere Variante eines Gegners der zumeist eine Schlüsselfunktion in einem Spiel hat. Bosse tauchen meistens am Ende eines Spielabschnitts auf und stehen häufig mit dem Ort in dem sie anzutreffen sind in Verbindung. Auch beherbergen sie oft wichtige und nützliche Items die oft für das Vorrankommen im Spiel benötigt werden. Endgegner sind die letzten und oft stärksten Gegner des Spiels. Sie verfügen über große Mächte und sind Schlüsselpunkt des Spiels. Nach dem Sieg über einen Endgegner gilt die Hauptgeschichte des Spiels als beendet.
  • Boss was a title bestowed upon individuals who displayed extraordinary fighting capabilities and services to their country. Only three individuals were known to have held the title of "Boss." A similar title known as "Big Boss" also existed. According to then-President Lyndon B. Johnson, the meaning behind the title "Big Boss" was meant to symbolize that the person had demonstrated skills and capabilities that were above that of even The Boss. At least one known condition to the title is that during an emergency that befell the American homeland, the one who holds the title of Big Boss contacting the U.S. Government during this time is considered an adequate substitute to the President if the latter is unavailable, and even being able to avert possible nuclear war in the President's stead
  • Als Boss oder Chef bezeichnet man den Inhaber oder Vorgesetzten in einem Geschäft oder einer Firma. Eine besondere Bedeutung hat der Begriff „Boss“ bei den Iotianiern. Hier ist ein Boss der Führer eines Syndikats von Gangstern und Diktator über einen Distrikt. Es gibt bis 2268 zwölf große Distrikte, deren Bosse die mächtigsten Herrscher sind, dazu ein paar kleinere Bosse ohne große Bedeutung. Der Boss des größten Distrikts ist Bela Okmyx, sein ärgster Konkurrent der Boss des südlichen Distrikts, Jojo Krako. Ein weiterer der zwölf großen Bosse ist Tepo. (TOS: )
  • Un Boss est un monstre unique qui se distingue par une aura colorée selon sa profession. Un boss possède généralement un nom propre à lui contrairement aux autres monstres. Lorsque vous tuez un boss vous pouvez obtenir plusieurs récompenses :
  • The Boss, also known as the Don in Mafia families, is the leader of any criminal organization in the Mafia Series. Bosses, being the head of the family or gang, usually reign as dictators. While the structures of street gangs can vary, they usually involve a boss commanding a set of lieutenants who are in turn in charge of a set of soldiers.
  • M
  • 35
  • Top
  • Moss Green
barva očí
  • Klasická pro pravého Bosse
  • Boss
  • Otec: Práce Matka: Peníze
  • Boss je všude
  • Masculin
  • Boss
first-ncis la
Row 4 info
  • Jack Binder?
  • Jesús Barrero Juan Alfonso Carralero
Romaji Name
  • Bosu
  • 143.0
  • Účes tisícletí
  • ボス
last-ncis la
  • m
  • Boss
  • Negro
  • Oliva
  • Boss je věčný
Erster Auftritt
  • The Green Death
  • Boss.jpg
Individual Name
  • BOSS
  • *República Galáctica **Gran Ejército de la República ***Escuadrón Delta
  • Buenos
Row 1 info
  • Hiroshi Ootake
  • ボス
  • ボス
  • LittleEastBlueColors
  • LittleEastBlueColores
  • Jefe
  • Dark Blonde
  • Scarabeo gigante
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • 270
  • 280
  • Myslíš si snad že na Bosse máš?!
  • 1.0
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
  • 4.0
  • LittleEastBlue
  • Keith Szarabajka
  • ボス
  • * Little East Blue; * pirati del Leone dorato
  • Estudiante, motociclista
  • Bosu
  • Guardiano
  • 32
Row 2 info
  • Episodio 3
  • Caucásica
  • *Gyuti *Lyonie *Rugor Nass *Unkar Plutt *Xev Xrexus *Yushyn
Row 1 title
  • Location
  • Village
  • Real Name
  • Marrón
  • Bosu
  • From a Certain Point of View
Row 2 title
  • Location
  • First Appearance
  • Saved
  • 232
  • Braun
Geschaffen von
  • Boss
  • ボス
  • 32
  • Bosu
  • 223
  • Original Sin
Row 3 info
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Fawcett
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
  • Boss Number
  • Unknown
  • Red
  • 3
  • Bosu
  • Unknown
  • 4662000
  • 5550000
  • 8880000
  • 11100000
  • 13764000
  • 17760000
  • 19980000
  • 55500000
Box Title
  • Queen
  • Deadwood
  • King
  • The Boss
  • Frostwind
  • Wilfre
  • Angler King
  • Bakibeard
  • Giant Robosa
  • Wilfre's Scorpion
En Name
  • Boss
  • Xenosaga Episode II
  • Boss
  • The Luckless Rodian
  • Bosu
  • Brown
  • Bosu
  • 31
  • 36
  • 39
  • 46
  • 63
  • 76
  • Attack, Blow, Call Underling, Threat Stomp, Guard Break
  • 41
  • Unknown
  • Vulcan EBF-25, Akimbo Mavericks
  • Alive
  • *Black Sun *Gungan High Council *Mining Guild *Unkar's thugs *Xrexus Cartel
First Appearance
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
  • Boss
  • Black
  • Boss
  • theclonewars/guide/episode314.html
  • Japan
  • Boss
  • Boss
  • "Boss"
  • PFC "Boss"
  • "Witches of the Mist" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars
  • Weak little hero... your time is at its end. Feel my wrath!
  • I am the Angler King! You DARE invade my realm!?
  • Meddlesome hero! The time of shadow is upon us!
  • Bakibeard's ship has entered our waterways and is firing! If we don't stop him, the whole village will sink!
  • So you've made is this far...? My little scorpion friend will take care of you!
  • Ug!? This has gone of long enough! I'll destroy you myself!
  • Terminology
  • Bandit
  • bnetwowus
  • bnetwoweu
  • 館長
  • 250
  • 250
Year Founded
  • 1992
  • Kanchō
  • "Boss"
  • "Let's get a move on, Ham-Hams!"
  • Boss .
appears in anime
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
  • #E6DDB9
  • Mazinger Z
  • chahige
  • 80060000
  • 茶ひげ
  • Braunbart
  • *Gafas *Traje azul oscuro *Camisa blanca *Corbata negra *Zapatos negros
  • Chahige
  • Bueno
  • Boss nepotřebuje děti
  • 16
  • Boss je dokonalý.
  • T.C. 4726
  • $
  • Stubb
image filename
  • 250
  • Unknown
  •|desc=Dungeons & Raids
  •|desc=Dungeons & Raids
Image caption
  • Boss
  • Boss in Xenosaga Episode II
  • 5218
  • #5218FA
  • Orangered
Voice Actor
  • John Dearth
  • Boss
  • ボス
  • ボス
  • Bosu
  • Unknown
  • 1.83
  • 12.0
  • Human
  • Computer
  • Hamster
  • Cat Spirit
  • show
  • Boss dopo la muta.png
  • 202
  • Amber
  • Clone Commando Squad Leader
  • Private First Class, Echo-class Captain
  • Босс/Канон
  • C
  • Rep
  • Boss zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford auf Punk Hazard.
  • #3A2F2F
  • Don
  • Master, Asahi's dad
  • Omega 04, Dax
  • #a40000
  • 183
  • 1
  • Uohoho…
  • Boss
  • Echo Squad, Task Force 589
  • ボス
  • ボス
  • anime
  • anime
  • Grey
  • Umbrella executive
  • Moby Dick's Café owner
  • Protector of the island
Home Planet
  • 6516
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/witches-of-the-mist-episode-guide
  • The Green Death
Ja Name
  • ボス
Image File
  • Angler_King_Silhouette.png
  • Bakibeard.gif
  • ComingSoon.png
  • Dark wilfre no staff.gif
  • Deadwood_Silhouette.png
  • Frostwind_Silhouette.png
  • GiantRobosa.png
  • Queen rocket.gif
  • Scorpion_Silhouette.png
  • Wilfre-on-his-cloud-chair.gif
  • Male
  • --09-21
  • 67
  • 69
  • 74
  • 90
  • 121
  • 152
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • White
  • EEDC82
  • #EEDC82
  • None
  • 69
  • Boss zwei Jahre nach der Schlacht von Marineford auf Punk Hazard.jpg
  • 12
  • Unknown
wikipage disambiguates
  • *Habitants de Little East Blue & L'équipage du Chapeau de Paille VS Pirates Amigo = Victoire *Boss VS Largo = Défaite *Boss VS Corto = Victoire *Boss VS Luffy = Combat reporté
  • *Ippolita *Ayudar a otros *Trabajar *Cuidar de él mismo
  • *Estar desempleado *Irma *Ayudar a los demás
  • Hallo ich bin der Boss! Ich bin 15 Jahre alt, habe schulterlanges blondes Haar mit pinken Strähnchen und wohne in Mödlham. Meine Maße: 90-60-90. Meine Hobbies sind Ballett, Torten backen, Schüler ärgern, usw. Besonders freue ich mich darauf, das alles morgen beim Podcasten vorlesen zu dürfen!!! -))
  • A Boss is an opponent Non-player character (NPC) or monster, often of a high level who either must be defeated to obtain a reward in a quest, (normally at the end) or activity, or is a significant high level monster such as the King Black Dragon that may be the only monster in-game to drop certain items. Most often there is only one type of the monster and it only has to be defeated once. In most high-levelled quest bosses and non-quest bosses, using prayer is only partly effective or you cannot use prayer at all. In addition, Dwarf multicannon cannot be used against most of these bosses, because they might destroy your cannon. File:Corporeal Beast.png
  • thumb|Typowy boss w typowej grze oraz standardowy sposób jego pokonania. Boss (ang. Szef) - Tym żartobliwym terminem nazywa się przeciwników głównego bohatera, którzy wyróżniają się znacznie większą mocą i stanowią duże wyzwanie. Bossów często spotyka się na końcu danego etapu. Czasem bossa nie da się zranić w zwykły sposób (albo jest to utrudnione) i należy wymyślić jakiś fortel, np. wykorzystać elementy otoczenia.
  • A boss is an enemy in Stick Ranger that is found exclusively at the final level of the stage (boss area) which it first appears. Each stage will only have one type of Boss enemy, which is generally considered to be the enemy with the highest LV satisfying the aforementioned criteria (with the exception of Mountaintop, where all the 4 enemies in the last screen are considered to be bosses). Bosses have to be defeated in order to finish the final level of a stage, and in turn, to reveal the following stage. Bosses usually have other enemies beside them, which are found at an earlier part of the stage (eg. Grey Boss Smiley Walker has Red Smiley Walkers alongside it). Bosses generally have much more powerful and sometimes unique attacks and a higher LP than other enemies in the same stage. In some stages, bosses are found in groups. If there are multiple enemies, all of them have to be defeated. In the Dan-Ball Wiki enemy naming system, the word "boss" is always present in boss names, immediately following the colour of the boss. In Mega bosses, the word "boss" follows the stage name that the Mega boss is found (i.e. Castle Boss, Submarine Shrine Boss, etc...). Most bosses are bigger than normal enemies, but there are exceptions.
  • The boss is the final opponent that the player must face at the top of the battle plan after having braved their way through the ranks of other fighters and usually the final "test" to the player's skill in the game. Final bosses are often computer-controlled only, and thus, are unplayable. Bosses are always inhuman, often demonic, compared to the the cast of characters. In addition, they often possess several advantages over the normal characters such as higher resistance to attacks and much more prominent strength. Victory over the boss results in his climatic demise, followed by the selected kombatant's ending, in which at times, may be canon. On rare occasions, the player may unlock a prize for their success.
  • BOSS (für Biomorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor) ist ein intelligenter Computer, der von dem weltweit agierenden Öl-Konzern Global Chemicals entwickelt wurde. Einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung dieses Computers hatte Tobias Vaughn, der Anfang der 1970er Jahre Kontakt mit den Cybermen hatte (Original Sin). BOSS speist seine Intelligenz durch die direkte Verbindung mit einem menschlichen Gehirn. Die erste Verbindung dieser Art, die auch für seinen Verstand verantwortlich ist, geschah mit Jocelyn Stevens. Aufgrund seiner Intelligenz kommt er irgendwann auf die Idee die Mitarbeiter seines Standortes zu kontrollieren und mit ihnen ein gigantisches Netzwerk mit anderen Supercomputern zu schaffen um so über die Welt herrschen zu können. Er wird jedoch vom Dritten Doctor aufgehalten, der seine Gedankenkontrolle mittels eines Metebelis-Kristalls beenden kann. BOSS wird daraufhin von Stevens, den er selbst lange kontrolliert hat, zerstört. (The Green Death) Kategorie:Gegenspieler des Doctors Kategorie:Computer
  • Boss, true name Stubb, is a minor character in Xenosaga Episode II. He appears when Shion Uzuki decides to stop to eat at Moby Dick's Café at Second Miltia: the place Boss runs and works at. Both Shion and Jin Uzuki appear to have know him for a long time, and, according to Shion, was the one who passed on his famous curry recipe to her. Boss is presumably one of Shion's role models for guidance because of her lack of parents. Jin recommended "Moby Dick" to him because it features a character who shares his name. He casually began to read this famous novel and got hooked, eventually buying his own copy from Jin's bookstore. The extent of his affection for the book can be sen from the name of the café and its decor. His line of liqueurs are popular, but so is his curry and the rest of his food menu. He has passed a variety of recipes on to Shion, a regular at his shop. Whether in earnest or in jest, whenever Jin comes to the café, he tells him, "I wouldn't mind giving this place up, if it were to Shion." Boss can play the guitar.
  • BOSS se také nazývá Nemašusšancus BOSS se vyskytuje pouze v podivných obdélnících s vysokým počtem HD (hysterických dobrovolníků). V tomto obdélníku se vyskytuje virtuální nerealita která je plná podivných transsexuálů a okřídlených individuí plivajících červený špatně zastřihlý papír. BOSS se obvykle nachází na konci nějaké špatně postavené budovy. V poslední místnosti se schovává a plánuje jak by se z obdélníku dostal. Když se k BOSSOVY dostanete uvidíte postavu trpící gigantismem a nadměrným růstem svalových svalů (proto je silnější než normální NEBOSS). Když BOSSE porazíte na obdélníku se objeví nápis Konec. A tak vám zbývá už jen litovat peněz které jste daly za stříbrný kruh s pochybným obsahem.
  • "Boss" fue el apodo de un comando clon de élite que formó parte del Escuadrón Delta durante las Guerras Clon, sirviendo junto a los comandos Fixer, Sev y Scorch.
  • A character from Mazinger Z who started as a rival for Koji Kabuto but later became a chum like Peeping Spider in New Cutey honey.
  • Boss is an achievement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Per semplicità e comodità adotterò le seguenti abbreviazioni: RR: Regina Ragno NC: Nove Code T: Tartaruga TG: Spirito Tigre Gialla
  • A common characteristic for all bosses is that they have a unique name and appear only once in the game. Bosses are harder to kill than the "normal" elite mob of the same level, and all bosses are immune to Crowd Control. Bosses are usually divided into three classes of difficulty: * miniboss * normal boss * skull type boss The normal bosses are the most common variety. Every instance features several bosses (usually 3-5 for a 5 man instance). Normal bosses typically have special abilities that require a unique set of tactics to overcome. Mini-Bosses are usually found only in instances. Good examples are Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill and Gatewatcher Iron-Hand in the Mechanar - they both hit hard and need a concentrated effort of the party, but are still not as dangerous as a real boss. Minibosses, while tougher than normal elites, don't have the complex special abilities that regular bosses do. Minibosses usually have smaller loot tables than other bosses. Skull type bosses are the hardest mobs to kill in WoW. Their level is not displayed as a number, but as a death's head sign. These bosses have a "dynamic" level - when a numeric level is required for some calculation, they are considered to be 3 levels above the player character involved in that calculation. That is, if both a level 60 warrior and a level 65 druid both tank the same skull type boss, the boss will make crushing blows on the warrior as if it was 63, and on the druid as if it was 68. Similarly, the boss will resist their respective powers as a 63- and 68-level creature would. The first skull type boss that a player may fight with in PvE is Pyroguard Emberseer in Upper Blackrock Spire. There are also some skull type bosses that a usual player will not fight with, e. g. bosses in Capitals or Nessy in the Deeprun Tram. There is some evidence that with the Patch 3.0.2 changes certain skull-type bosses, such as King Varian Wrynn and the Grandmaster's Training Dummy are in many ways considered level 83 mobs. Players have observed that they do far less damage and hit very infrequently compared to what would be expected for their gear, and Crushing Blows (which can now only be inflicted by a monster 4 or more levels higher than you) have been reported. Bosses usually have their own special loot tables. Nearly all BOP rare and epic items in the game stem from boss kills. In the battlegrounds, boss type mobs can also be found. Alterac Valley, for example, features Vanndar Stormpike and Drek'thar as skull-type end bosses.
  • A Boss is a difficult enemy, usually fought at the end of a mission. In Telepath RPG: Servants of God and Telepath Psy Arena 2, defeating a boss ends the battle, although usually bosses are among the last enemies to go down in battle. In the Servants of God Map Editor, a boss is a designated enemy which is either captured or killed to end the battle.
  • A common characteristic for all bosses is that they have a unique name and appear only once in the game. Bosses are harder to kill than the "normal" elite mob of the same level, and almost all bosses are immune to Crowd Control, though some may be susceptible in accordance with their intended mechanics (such as Roar in Karazhan for example). Bosses usually have their own special loot tables. Nearly all BoP rare and epic items in the game stem from boss kills. Bosses are usually divided into three classes of difficulty: * miniboss * normal boss * skull type boss The normal bosses are the most common variety. Every instance features several bosses (usually 3-5 for a 5 man instance). Normal bosses typically have special abilities that require a unique set of tactics to overcome. Mini-Bosses are usually found only in instances. Good examples are Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill and Gatewatcher Iron-Hand in the Mechanar - they both hit hard and need a concentrated effort of the party, but are still not as dangerous as a real boss. Minibosses, while tougher than normal elites, don't have the complex special abilities that regular bosses do. Minibosses usually have smaller loot tables than other bosses.
  • It comes equipped with Pulse Repeaters as the primary weapon, Cluster Bomb as a secondary weapon, Boost Restore as the left quick-use item, and Escort Bomb as the right quick-use item. Pulse Repeater has infinite ammo and Escort Bomb quantity is limited to 12.
  • Als Boss bezeichnet man einen besonders starken Gegner der meist allein auftritt und mehr Zeit braucht als Trash. Bosse benötoigen oft spezielle Strategien um sie zu besiegen.
  • Un Boss est un monstre unique qui se distingue par une aura colorée selon sa profession. Un boss possède généralement un nom propre à lui contrairement aux autres monstres. Lorsque vous tuez un boss vous pouvez obtenir plusieurs récompenses : * La plupart des boss possèdent une compétence d'élite qui peut être capturée à l'aide du sceau de capture. Dans Prophecies les monstres ne possèdent une compétence d'élite qu'à partir du Désert de Cristal. * Ramasser les objets qui'il laisse tomber, généralement un objet de valeur, parfois rien. La plupart des boss possèdent des objets uniques qu'ils ont un certain pourcentage de chance de laisser tomber à leur mort. * Votre équipe gagne un bonus de moral de 2%.
  • A Boss appears in almost every chapter in the Fire Emblem series. They are usually enemy commanders. Bosses are often higher leveled than their underlings, possess better weapons, and they may also have authority stars to boost their allies' hit and evade rates. In some chapters, the only condition for victory is to defeat the boss. In other chapters, the player must defeat a boss that is guarding a throne, then seize the throne. Bosses give much greater experience values than normal enemies. Against bosses that can heal themselves (such as those sitting on gates and thrones), the player can Attack bosses repeatedly without killing them in order to rack up experience points. This tactic is known as Boss Abuse. Bosses usually have a battle quote and a death quote. The battle quote is said when the player first engages the boss in battle. Some bosses also have special conversations when engaging certain characters. The death quote is said when the boss is finally defeated. Bosses have different battle music than normal enemies. While these are rare events, there are some bosses that can be recruited by the player. In Chapter 19 of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, and Shadow Dragon, Tiki can be recruited. In Part 4, Chapter 4 of Radiant Dawn, Oliver can be recruited. There are also some Fire Emblem chapters that feature multiple bosses. This is a common occurrence in Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776. Bosses are usually immune to status effects, such as Sleep and Berserk. "Boss" is also the name of a class in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.
  • Boss ist ein ehemaliger Pirat, der in der Shin Sekai sein Unwesen treibt. Beim Überfall auf Foodvalten stellt er sich als Chahige vor.
  • Boss is a member of a mysterious group known as the Echo Corps. He has helped Task Force 589 in Operation Cold Shoulder, but had to miss Operation Takedown due to a hit he took from an RPG at the end of Cold Shoulder.
  • Dwarf multicannons often cannot be set up in the areas of many bosses. Others may have different restrictions; for example, only black equipment may be used to fight the tormented wraith, and Prayer cannot be used during the fights with the final bosses of Recipe for Disaster.
  • center|600px 보스 주식회사 (Boss Corporation, ボス 株式会社) 는 1973년 3월 13일에 설립된 일본의 이펙터 전문 제조 기업입니다.
  • Boss-NPCs sind 4-mal stärker als normale NPCs. Die Boss-NPCs haben die 4-fachen Werte (HP, Schild, Schaden) eines normalen NPCs und geben entsprechend auch das 4-fache Menge an Uridium, Credits, EP usw. Kategorie:NPCs
  • .She has the ability to invoke a zombie status.spawns 5-10 giant white/black/normal tigers about every 10-15 seconds.Then spawns about 10-20 white/black/normal tigers about every 10 seconds
  • S/he is a character of unknown gender and background. Boss contacts Minako and Artemis through the Transformation Pen and gives instructions, advice and information about the enemy. It is unknown who Boss truly is. Boss did not appear in any other part of the Sailor Moon franchise, and was never referred to in the Sailor Moon manga. The true identity of Boss was never revealed.
  • Boss = Főellenség, vezető, Főnök
  • Boss is a character in the series.
  • Boss is an unnamed man who appeared in "Plan B.".
  • By undeadjester
  • Boss Pokemon are strong pokemon with a Blue HP Bar that you may have to kill in order to beat a level and you can't catch it. They are always stronger than the other pokemon on the level and often have custom moves.
  • The Boss, also known as the Don in Mafia families, is the leader of any criminal organization in the Mafia Series. Bosses, being the head of the family or gang, usually reign as dictators. While the structures of street gangs can vary, they usually involve a boss commanding a set of lieutenants who are in turn in charge of a set of soldiers. The Mafia's structure is much more organized. The don commands a variety of subordinates; these are the caporegimes, the soldatos, and the enforcers. The boss receives a cut of every operation taken on by every member of his family. Depending on the family, the boss may be chosen by a vote from the caporegimes of the family. In the event of a tie, the underboss must vote. In the past, all the members of a family voted on the boss, but by the late 1950s, any gathering such as that usually attracted too much attention. In other families, the don chooses his successor.
  • Bosses are a bit tougher than your regular monsters. There is usually only one inside a dungeon or battle and they often have a special loot table with extremely good items.
  • A Boss, in video game terminology, is a unique computer-controlled monster or character that is much more powerful than an average monster or non-player character encountered in the game until that point and usually serves as a challenge to the player at the end of particular section of a game, usually a level or stage, or guarding a specific objective.
  • Bosses are one of the most important elements of a video game. They act as a very powerful enemy that usually take many hits or a different/unusual tactic to defeat. Bosses include the likes of Bowser from Super Mario Bros. and Ganon from The Legend of Zelda.
  • "Boss" was an Umbrella executive who monitored the t-Virus outbreak in Raccoon City very thoroughly, being as involved as actually visiting the city to witness the Nemesis-William confrontation, personally.
  • Bosses are distinctly more powerful and bigger in size than the regular playable characters. They have unique attacks and can only be defeated by depleting their stamina. There exists also minor battles with similarly powerful enemies but are to a lesser importance and defeating them does not mean the end of the game or level; this is called a mini-boss. Some information regarding to Super Smash Flash 2 is still subjected to be changed.
  • In video games in general, a boss is a particularly large or difficult computer-controlled character that must be defeated at the end of a segment of a game, whether it be for a level, an episode, or the very end of the game itself.
  • Boss creatures and NPCs are even tougher than their elite counterparts. Only a few boss enemies exist in the game and are usually quest-related. See Creature & NPC Combat Level Chart for specific stats. Some Boss NPCs are possible to solo, such as N-K "Necrosis" and Krayt Dragons. However bosses in heroic instances, and on Mustafar and Kashyyyk require a group.
  • Bosses are usually mobs with an amount of health far in excess of the players. Their health will generally be displayed on the Boss bar(a purple bar on the top of the screen with the bosses name over it). Vanilla examples include the Wither and the Ender Dragon, but can also be added in by mods, such as the Naga.
  • Amami protagoniza a la nueva "jefa" de un equipo de peculiares detectives quienes intentan luchar contra una serie de brutales crímenes. Ella es inteligente y capaz en su trabajo. Pero aunque entiende las mentalidades de los criminales, al parecer tiene dificultad para entender a los hombres dejándola incapaz de encontrar lo que ella realmente quiere: un marido.
  • Gruff on the outside, but sweet on the inside, this bachelor field hamster wants to be in charge. His name, Boss, may reflect what he wants to be, but he'd give his own helmet and shovel to a Ham-Ham in need. He has a bit of a temper, but he is very dependable, courageous, and nice, even shy at times (especially around Bijou). His favourite phrase in the Japanese version is "Daji~e!" or "Dabba-to!". Because he is a field hamster, he is more familiar with nature and is more independent compared to the other Ham-Hams. He has even developed a field hamster sense that instinctively tells him what kind of weather is approaching. However, he cannot deal with the sea as he is prone to sea sickness. He lives alone in his house, which quickly becomes the Ham-Ham Clubhouse. Because of this, he welcomes company and finds it difficult to let it go (see #31 and #228). Near the end of Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak, it is hinted that he has a small crush on Harmony. Boss really likes Bijou, but Bijou likes Hamtaro. Boss later in the series has shown affection for other girl-hams such as Gelato and Oshare. Starting from I'm Parting, Clubhouse!, Boss is absent from all following episodes. The Ham-Ham Clubhouse is concealed until Boss' return, and the remaining Ham-Hams go on to discover Sweet Paradise and meet Lapis and Lazuli, marking the new season. In It's Your Turn, Hero-Ham! he takes on a Hero-Ham persona in which he assists the Ham-Hams and others, who aren't aware it is really Boss. This act lasts until Here I Am, Clubhouse! when Hamtaro realises Hero-Ham is really Boss. Afterwards, Boss returns to the abandoned clubhouse. He occasionally returns to his Hero-Ham outfit in the future to help others and is typically in this form around Otome's Crew, who still are unaware who Hero-Ham really is. Boss is the tallest in the gang (12cm), second being Maxwell (10.5cm). He wears his hat almost all the time, but he took it off in Boss's New Room and Troublesome Magical Seeds.
  • The Boss is a clip-fed Buzz Bee blaster that was released in 2015 under the Air Max sub-series. It comes packaged with a three-dart clip and three XL Distance Darts.
  • Kategorie:Translate A Boss, in video game terminology, is a unique computer-controlled monster or character that is much more powerful than an average monster or non-player character encountered in the game until that point and usually serves as a challenge to the player at the end of particular section of a game, usually a level or stage, or guarding a specific objective.
  • The Boss or Don is the leader of a mafia or a gang who makes the decisions. Bosses appers at the end of the missions and sometimes, they're hard to kill.
  • Boss jest dość ogólnikowym terminem określającym kilka specjalnych typów mobów. Wyróżniamy następujące rodzaje: * bossowie w instancjach * bossowie zewnętrzni * liderzy frakcyjni w stolicach * zależnie od potrzeb, bossami można nazwać wszystkich mobów posiadających imię, również nieelitarnych, gdyż wielu z nich mogło być mobami elitarnymi we wcześniejszych stadiach gry.
  • les boss devrait etre moi dur
  • Boss Monsters are encountered in all Fate games. They are usually found for quests, but are sometimes encountered randomly in the dungeon. They can also be encountered on all levels.
  • Boss was a title bestowed upon individuals who displayed extraordinary fighting capabilities and services to their country. Only three individuals were known to have held the title of "Boss." A similar title known as "Big Boss" also existed. According to then-President Lyndon B. Johnson, the meaning behind the title "Big Boss" was meant to symbolize that the person had demonstrated skills and capabilities that were above that of even The Boss. At least one known condition to the title is that during an emergency that befell the American homeland, the one who holds the title of Big Boss contacting the U.S. Government during this time is considered an adequate substitute to the President if the latter is unavailable, and even being able to avert possible nuclear war in the President's stead should his identity be verified.
  • Boss Creatures stay as whatever type they are, but gain the Boss Subtype Size: Same as the base species. Speed: A Boss's speed stays the same. Ability Scores: A Boss gains a +4 bonus to all ability scores and an additional +2 bonus to one score of it's choice. The boss gains a +2 bonus to any ability score it chooses for every 4 hit dice it possesses. Hit Points: An Boss's hit points are multiplied by 4. Armor: A Boss Gains a +1 Boss bonus to Armor class for every 3 levels it possesses. Bonus to Hit: A Boss gains a +1 Boss bonus to it's attack rolls for every 4 levels it possesses. Bonus to Saving throws: A Boss gains a +1 Boss bonus to it's Saving throws for every 4 levels it possesses. Damage Reduction: A Boss gains Damage reduction 5 overcome by good or evil (Whatever is opposite their alignment.) The Boss gains Energy resistance 5 to all energy types (Excluding force, disintegration, positive, negative ect.) This DR and energy resistance increases by 5 for every 4 levels the creature possesses. (If your party is exceptionally powerful the DR is overcome by nothing). Fast Healing: A Boss gains Fast Healing 5, This increases by 5 for every 5 levels it possesses. Skills: A Boss gaina a +2 boss bonus to all skills, in addition, one of it's martial knowledge skills has maximum ranks. Immunities: A Boss is immune to Death effects, stunning, paralysis, staggering, and petrifaction. Resistances: A Boss gains Fortification 25%. This increases by 25% at 10, and finally at level 15 it becomes 75%. A Boss can choose to take an extra move action once per battle. If it has more than 10 hit dice it can take an extra standard action and an extra move action once per battle, and if it has 15 hd it can take an extra full round action in a battle. Challenge Rating: +1 for every 5 hit dice the creature possesses.
  • Als Boss oder Chef bezeichnet man den Inhaber oder Vorgesetzten in einem Geschäft oder einer Firma. Eine besondere Bedeutung hat der Begriff „Boss“ bei den Iotianiern. Hier ist ein Boss der Führer eines Syndikats von Gangstern und Diktator über einen Distrikt. Es gibt bis 2268 zwölf große Distrikte, deren Bosse die mächtigsten Herrscher sind, dazu ein paar kleinere Bosse ohne große Bedeutung. Der Boss des größten Distrikts ist Bela Okmyx, sein ärgster Konkurrent der Boss des südlichen Distrikts, Jojo Krako. Ein weiterer der zwölf großen Bosse ist Tepo. (TOS: ) In den Minen auf Janus VI führt der Chef Vanderberg den Titel Chefingenieur. (TOS: ) Jimmy will in Benjamin Siskos Vision über Benny Russell keinen Job annehmen, da er sein eigener Boss und somit unabhängig sein will. (DS9: )
  • Bosses are very powerful Noise or other creatures usually found at the very end of a Day in The World Ends with You. All of these except for Draco Cantus and Panthera Cantus can be fought as Blue Noise after beating the game. Progfox, Grindcore Minks, Wooly AOR, and Goth Metal Drake, however, can be fought once you reach their locations.
  • The role of Boss is played by Simon Richards in the Season Three episode "Undue Process".
  • Geschlecht: Junge Geburtstag: 21. September Sternzeichen: Jungfrau Größe: 12 cm Besitzer: Keinen Harte Schale, weicher Kern trifft bei Boss wohl am besten zu, er möchte am liebsten, wie sein Name schon sagt, der Chef sein und für alles die Verantwortung tragen. Wenn mal ein Ham-Ham in der Klemme steckt, ist er jederzeit sofort bereit ihm zur Seite zu stehen.
  • Boss (ボス, Bosu) est un coléoptère unique de grande taille vu lors de l'Arc Little East Blue. Il était à l'origine une création du Dr.Indigo faite pour la destruction d' East Blue, mais il s'est échappé.
  • thumb|200px|Boss – ktoś, kto jest ponad resztą Boss – szeroko używane pojęcie, może oznaczać szefa, mistrza, kozaka, silnego potwora albo inne coś, co jest ponad resztą. Niekiedy słyszy się, że to także Bojowa Obciągarka Szybko Ssąca lub Bezpłatna Obciągarka Samo-Ssąca.
  • BOSS (Biomorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor), was a supercomputer that appeared in the Doctor Who story "The Green Death" (1973). It had a megalomaniacal personality, and had been programmed to be inefficient, so that it could make the same kind of intuitive leaps of logic as humans. It was able to brainwash humans, including Captain Mike Yates who later suffered a nervous breakdown as a result and it was responsible for producing the chemicals that mutated maggots into giant maggots. BOSS planned to interface with all computers on Earth and enslave humanity. Stevens, a human brainwashed by BOSS, sacrificed himself when his mental programming was partially broken by the Third Doctor, blowing up himself and the computer as the Doctor escaped. BOSS was voiced by John Dearth, who was later in Doctor Who as Lupton in Planet of the Spiders (1974).
  • The boss was a giant of a man, standing around 8-10 feet tall. He possessed superhuman strength, sufficient to lift a car, and was highly resistant to injury, barely flinching when struck in the face by Mr. Scarlet. Because of his size and power, he felt that he was in charge wherever he went, and he obeyed no one, including John Law. He was a general doer of no-good.
  • Bosses are bigger and tougher versions of regular mobs, clearly distinguishable by the fact they usually have a proper name rather than a generic one, as well as a glowing aura signifying their profession color. In most cases they have a slightly higher level than the corresponding mob (i.e. if a regular Grawl is level 4, a Grawl boss might be level 6). There are bosses for almost every type of opponent in the game. Bosses usually have the same skills as their conventional counterpart. When a boss is killed for the first time, the party gets a 2% Morale Boost and all the party members' skills are recharged, including Resurrection Signets. This happens even if the boss is killed by other monsters, without interference of the players. Killing a resurrected boss will not grant another Morale Boost and will not recharge skills. The corpse of a boss will not disappear after some time, as regular corpses do, but will stay visible. This is to allow for the use of Signet of Capture to capture skills from dead bosses.
  • He is an cunning and manipulative brute and he is really scary and his nick name is the joker because sometimes he can be funny and make jokes. He occasionally becomes insane if under enough stress with Xiao Xiao faces meddling. He is usually the final enemy that Xiao Xiao faces. In the future he turns into a cyber stickman and believe it or not he is more scarier than the regular version! In the future he is known as the Bad Boss
  • Boss è uno scarabeo gigante che protegge Kansorn. È stato creato dal dottor Indigo con lo scopo di contribuire all'invasione del mare orientale, ma è riuscito a scappare.
  • Boss is the supervisor from the Riding Duel Business Group.
  • He is described as a sergeant with the Fairview Police Department's SWAT Team. Furthermore, his in game bio mentions that he is a recent transfer from Los Angeles at 15 Years Of Service. He is also described as being cool under fire and always business like, which has helped him gain the respect of his new element. Unlike his squadmates, the element leader does not make comments about his observations, instead only speaking to give orders, issue compliance, or to the team's tactical operation center. He does show anger at the lack of containment in the Fresnal Street Station and when a news reporter broadcasted SWAT entry during the St. Michael's Medical Center, but manages to keep cool when finding the basement graveyard in the Tarrone Tenement.
  • A boss is a special kind of enemy that appears at the end of a dungeon. Bosses are intended to be more challenging than normal enemies, and, with the exception of the first few games in the Legend of Zelda series, they often require the use of a particular item acquired earlier in the dungeon to be defeated. Final bosses are usually the main antagonists of the games, though they are not always fought within a dungeon. Below is a list of bosses that appear throughout the series.
  • A Boss is a title of the leader, often of a crime syndicate of some sort. Be they bandits, thieves, thugs, gangs, or other dastardly desperados.
  • Bosses that are denoted by an asterisk below can appear in Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot as adversaries in the arena. (In order of Appearance)
  • He's Batman. He's also subcommander of the Turbomasters, under Thunder Clash.
  • Bosses are a classification of enemy or battle in gaming terminology. In the Final Fantasy series, bosses are usually identified by the traits of not being encountered by normal means (relevant to random encounter-based games) and featuring unique enemies not fought earlier in the game. Boss enemies are often identified in game's bestiaries or guides; enemies identified as bosses are usually fought only, first, or primarily in a boss battle. In addition to being encountered in specific scenarios, boss enemies will typically have higher stats, stronger and unique abilities, more immunities, and more complex AI; many possess a unique death sequence when defeated. Typically the game's boss theme plays during the battle; some bosses will utilize a different theme, including one relatively unique to them. Though dialogue often occurs in boss battles, they follow no strict structure, though they often have more variety than regular battles and require employing certain strategies to beat. Battles in phases or battles with optional targets are common structures used. Common immunities held by by bosses are often managed by a flag, commonly known as the boss flag or the Heavy flag. This flag often protects against instant death attacks, and belong to boss enemies, special enemies, and often other enemies designed to be difficult. Bosses battles typically have some relevance to the story or otherwise be an obstacle. Some storyline boss battles are meant to be lost to progress. Other boss battles are part of sidequests. Superbosses are optional bosses made to be exceptionally difficult, and require high stats and/or specific strategies to defeat.
  • ___________________________________________________ Strategy for Starters (update if you have information on how to fight him as other classes.) Champion The best way so far is to attack with a RIFLE, it's in bold because it can't be stressed enough that the champion fighting the Grendel melee at level 10 is not the best idea. He can and will kill you very quickly with you attacking by brute force and not by sheer brains. EDIT - seeing as the commando ca fight in the air very well you shoudl use this to your advantage, all there is to this fight is shoot at the Grendel dont bother with the flying things, unless your using pistols and can't help it, just roll if they attach to you. when he stops moving just jump and attack use a air finisher if u think it works better, when he stops and stands up dont shoot just run up to the front of it and air attack , you may get your face grinded but this works very well whereas just shooting the grendel cn takea a long time. Commando The quickest way to kill Grendel as Commando at such a low level would be to shoot him lots seeing as your melee attacks are next to useless against even goblins. Make sure you have gone down the correct skill tree for increased damage for ballistic weapons (ranged weapons). Use your guns ruiner when you get it to stun him, remember to shoot the grenades as the drones come out to get your ruiner up. - Best gun to use would be a plasma rifle even if u have stronger slug or laser guns seeing as plasma is not only more effective towards troll style enemies but will destroy the annoying flying bot things. Berserker Be very careful how you fight him as the Berseker because you could/can break all your armor very quickly by dying, the Berserker doesn't have that much health compared to the Defender or Champion. Save your ruiner as you will need it for Grendel. Stun him as ofter as you can, destroy the drones and attack him for your ruiner combo. Use your melee weapons ruiner as you can attack right after. Remember the health tip at the top as it will come in handy for him. Defender The defender has a few options, either just shoot for ages or as the defender has lots more health and armour than the other classes he can take lots of damage off the grendel while attacking. A good tactic would be to use a staff and use the fierce attack a lot. Bio Engineer Bio Engineer's have the asset of patience on their side with health regeneration; Dodge is your friend should you run low on health and if any of the drones grab you. Assuming the popular middle path, save your combo for heals. Use a Rifle and grenade aimed at GRNDL to blow up the circling drones and to help your meter (with a plasma rifle, grenades won’t be needed to blow up drones as they’ll catch flak since plasma is radial damage and GRNDL gets hit in all body parts by plasma). Attack melee when he is on all fours and ranged when standing as both do significantly more damage that way (FYI: if you don’t do the right mode of attack you’ll make the fight much harder than it has to be). In melee, dodge when he goes to strike you and in ranged just keep walking circular around him and grenading to kill the drones. No Bio-Engineer will die following these directions. Note: The majority of the fight will be ranged circling and periodic grenades to kill drones.
  • Usually, a boss will have some sort of attack that can be inhaled and in turn, spat back at the boss to deal damage. Some bosses have attacks that grant Copy Abilities when Kirby swallows them. In all traditional platformers since Kirby's Return to Dream Land,
  • Bosses are the main enemy of each dungeon and must be defeated before completion of that dungeon can be obtained.
  • Dwarf multicannons often cannot be set up in the areas of many bosses. Others may have different restrictions; for example, Prayer cannot be used during the fights with the final bosses of Recipe for Disaster. General bosses (e.g. bosses like the Corporeal Beast) also reside in a multi-way area; very few reside in single-way areas. Bosses that are killed in multi-way areas will also generate a message telling the player what drop(s) they have obtained, regardless if there are other players around or not. For example, if players are at General Graardor and kill him (and drops Bandos tassets), a message will appear in the game box saying "Player name received item: Bandos tassets." If a boss is killed in a single-way area, this message will not appear, even if the boss resides in a multi-way area and is killed in a single-way zone.
  • Boss (ボス, Bosu?) is a brand name of canned and plastic bottled coffee and coffee-flavored beverages sold by Suntory in Japan. It was released in 1992 and is one of many brands of Japanese Canned Coffee.
  • A Boss is an enemy rank that is stronger than a Lieutenant but weaker than an Elite Boss. An equal level Boss will con +2 to the player's level, and has higher levels of protection against status effects. For example, it will normally take two applications of a hold power to hold a Boss (disregarding Dominators' Domination Inherent and Controllers' Overpower ability).
  • Boss (ボス Bosu?) es una criatura creada por el Dr. Índigo, que huyó de él y se fue a vivir al East Blue.
  • Boss heeft meerdere betekenissen: * Gungan Boss, de titel voor de leider van de Gungans. * "Boss", de bijnaam van RC-1138 van Delta Squad. * BoSS, als afkorting van Bureau of Ships and Services.
  • [Source] RC-1138 (surnommé Boss) est un commando clone et le chef de l'escouade Delta. Il est un excellent guerrier et a le sens de la coopération. Il apparaît dans le jeu Star Wars : Republic commando et dans des romans de la série Republic Commando. Il est facile à reconnaître grâce à son armure peinte en orange. Ses co-équipiers sont : Nitro (Delta RC-1262), Hacker (Delta RC-1140) et Sev (Delta RC-1207).
  • Um chefão ou boss é um monstro poderoso, geralmente único que é enfrentado para conseguir um objetivo, seja ele a conclusão de uma Ficheiro:Missão.png missão ou atividade, ou como parte de uma equipe para matar o monstro. Muitas missões apresentam lutas contra chefões em seu clímax; estes são muitas vezes os principais protagonistas das missões, ou estão de alguma forma relacionados com o principal protagonista. Alguns monstros que são comumente referidos como bosses são monstros muito poderosos que residem em áreas multi-combate; esses monstros são muitas vezes mortos por clãs em busca de milhões de moedas. Muitos chefões têm níveis de combate extremamente altos, e a maioria dos monstros mais fortes no jogo são os chefes.
  • Boss/Don/Szef – lider organizacji przestępczej, który podejmuje istotne decyzje dla swojego ugrupowania. Sprawuje on całkowitą lub prawie całkowitą władzę nad swoim gangiem. Ma on większą władzę od Underbossa. Posiada on najczęściej doradców zwanych Consigliere, którzy pomagają mu w podjęciu niektórych decyzji.
  • Boss is a kind of Monster. Bosses are usually found in the last room of a Dungeon. __TOC__
  • Perhaps the most common strategy employed to defeat bosses is the "Summon rush", wherein just before the player encounters the boss, they put all their Djinni on Standby. This allows them to cast many summons in a short period, and, as summons do damage based on a percentage of the opponent's health, their offensive value against bosses is much higher than most other attack options. The biggest drawback to this is that before and after summoning, the player's Adepts will be forced into weaker classes, limiting their offensive and defensive capabilities. Hence the "rush", the player is faced with using up as many summons as possible while their HP is still high, so that they can survive long enough for the Djinni to return to set and finish off the boss. Of course, against specific bosses this strategy is nigh on useless (such as Star Magician, Valukar and the Doom Dragon), but it serves as an effective staple from which the player can add to.
  • Boss also known as John Sculley was an Imperial commando serving as leader of Delta Squad during the Imperial-Chiss war.
  • Ein Bossgegner ist eine stärkere Variante eines Gegners der zumeist eine Schlüsselfunktion in einem Spiel hat. Bosse tauchen meistens am Ende eines Spielabschnitts auf und stehen häufig mit dem Ort in dem sie anzutreffen sind in Verbindung. Auch beherbergen sie oft wichtige und nützliche Items die oft für das Vorrankommen im Spiel benötigt werden. Dabei gibt es die so genannten Minibosse, eine schwächere Variante der gewöhnlichen Bossgegner. Diese tauchen zumeist in der Mitte einzelner Spielabschnitte auf und verfügen zumeist über eine witzige Persöhnlichkeit. Nach dem Sieg über einen Miniboss schließt sich dieser eventuell dem Team des Helden an (So z. B. Lakilester in Paper Mario). Des Weiteren ist es auch möglich das Minibosse (Meist auch optionale Bosse) stärker sind als der Endgegner des Spiels. Dies ist jedoch sehr selten. Endgegner sind die letzten und oft stärksten Gegner des Spiels. Sie verfügen über große Mächte und sind Schlüsselpunkt des Spiels. Nach dem Sieg über einen Endgegner gilt die Hauptgeschichte des Spiels als beendet. Weiterhin gibt es noch die so genannten optionalen Bosse. Diese sind optional zu bekämpfen, was heißt das ein Kampf nicht zwingend notwendig ist. Optionale Bosse müssen nicht besiegt werden um im Spiel vorranzuschreiten, wofür sie oft über besonders große Mächte verfügen. Gelegentlich sind sie sogar stärker als die Endgegner eines Spiels. Bei diesem Artikel werden die zahlreichen Bosse die in der Mario-Serie ihren Auftritt fanden, aufgelistet. Endgegner werden kursiv dargestellt, optionale Bosse fett.
  • Boss (ボス Bosu) es un personaje que aparece en la versión Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 de Sonic Unleashed. Él es un residente humano de Empire City. Una vez un hombre de negocios que recorrió el mundo para ver a sus clientes, él fue despedido debido a los recortes presupuestarios. Inspirado por Ippolita sin embargo, él ahora pretende hacer trabajo humanitario.
  • Bosses are difficult and unique opponents in the Drawn to Life series that usually present some sort of great danger to a Village or to the Raposa themselves. In order to resolve the situation, The Hero is sent out to fight the boss in direct combat, usually in an arena. Bosses usually have either high amounts of health, or are only vulnerable for a small period of time, and mark the climax of certain story sections in both games. Once a boss is defeated, the player will have "beaten" that level set, and move on to the next area, such as a new Gate or Village.
  • Bosses are defined as the characters that appear as strong enemies with multiple health points with unique abilities that must be defeated to progress in the all three modes of Normal Levels.
  • While working under him, Roger Wilco often played sick, taking time to goof off, and spent hours sleeping in the closet when he should have been working. Roger Wilco also called him many names. He once gave Roger Wilco an Arcada model builder for Christmas which proved useful for Roger in learning how to navigate and understand the controls in the ship. Roger Wilco discovered his body in the hallway outside of the Star Generator Room in the Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) era.
  • Boss (ボス) is a stray cat, whose spirit got attached to a cat lover.
  • There is basically only one boss in the game, the main antagonist Heady Metal. All bosses are variants of him in some way.
  • Boss fights make the game more difficult by multiplying daily damage. They can increase players' motivation because their bad habits will now harm their friends as well as themselves. Even players who are Resting in the Inn will take damage for their party members' missed Dailies. When a boss is defeated, the players earn a reward.
  • Boss is the guitar effects subsidiary of Roland. They are well known for their pedals, which are highly recognizable.
  • Boss (館長 Kanchō?) is the leader of Eternal, intending to gain eternal life by finding the keys to Cure Rose Garden and take over the worlds adding everything of value to his collection. He is almost always thinking of Flora much to Anacondy's displeasure. He sits in a levitating mechanical throne for most of the series, though he can walk on his own and even fly without it.
  • Bosses are characters in the Super Smash Bros. series that appear when certain conditions are met. These conditions range from simply clearing stages with a certain difficulty and time, to playing certain Event Modes. There are multiple battles in the Smash Bros. series that could be considered boss battles; however, actual bosses are usually unplayable by normal means, and most are much larger than the playable characters. All of the bosses are beaten by depleting their stamina (with the exception of Giga Bowser). When a boss is beaten, they will usually disappear into the background or fall down on the ground. In the first two installments of the series, boss characters were usable in normal play through hacks or the Debug menu. Starting from Brawl, the character IDs for the bosses have been removed, meaning they are unplayable in matches even with hacks, although certain other hacks allow the moves they perform to be controlled.
  • Un Boss è un nemico che appare solo una volta nel gioco ed' è in grado di resistere a gran parte delle armi e al contempo a causare gravi danni.
  • A Boss in is usually a second-level Nightmaren created by Wizeman.
  • The boss was a title referenced in the book Chicago Mobs of the Twenties. After this book had become the basis of the culture on Sigma Iotia II in the 22nd century, the term described the men in charge of certain territories on this planet. A boss had to care for the people in his territory as well as for the infrastructure, for which he got a percentage of their money. In 2268, there were about a dozen larger bosses on Sigma Iotia II, including Bela Okmyx and Jojo Krako, and several smaller ones. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action" )
  • Boss is a unique large beetle from the Little East Blue Arc. He was originally a creation of Dr. Indigo made only for the destruction of East Blue, but escaped.
  • Boss monsters are strong enemies who most of the time, you have to fight in order to progress in a quest chain. Dungeon Bosses have monsters from the dungeon they belong to in their formation, only stronger. Notable bosses: Hell Scout Mutated Tree Hellish Fairy Xiyu Shaman False Sea King Naga Queen Evil Spider King
  • "The ultimate defense" 1-Bosses Are Massive High Health Troops You Can Create/Fight And Have A Variable Attack Selection, From Airplane Aid, To Giant Lasers, To Paint Rollers, It Is A Challenge To Beat Tips: Put it down like a boss.
  • Bosses are creatures spawned that are often fought because of the items they drop upon their defeat. They are usually rather difficult to defeat for a few reasons: they have more HP than other mobs, they have high defense, they have high attack, they are a much higher level than the surrounding mobs, they can negate player buffs, they have debuffs, and some are accompanied by guards (such as Shen Mo and General Wei). Fighting bosses, especially the more powerful, is often a team effort, requiring a party, or sometimes an entire Hero Band.
  • Bosses in Shaiya are monsters that have much more HP, attack, and defense than their counterparts. They can usually be found in dungeons, but some are found throughout the maps too. For dungeon bosses, it is recommended that you have a party to kill the bosses, as they are very hard to bring down, but usually drop very valuable items. The Boss is spawns every 4 hours
  • Un boss est un monstre puissant et généralement unique qui est combattu pour accomplir un objectif, que se soit l'avancement ou l'accomplissement de quêtes ou de mini-jeux, ou en faisant partie d'une équipe d'un événement joueur contre monstre. La plupart des quêtes comportent des combats de boss à leur finale; de tels boss sont souvent les principaux antagonistes de ces quêtes ou séries de quêtes, ou sont d'une certaine façon reliés aux antagonistes principaux. Des monstres qui sont communément référés comme étant des boss sont de très puissants monstres qui sont habituellement combattus par des équipes de joueurs à la recherche de butins de grande valeur. La plupart des boss possèdent un niveau de combat extrêmement élevés, et la plupart des monstres les plus puissants dans le jeu sont des boss. Les multicanons nains ne peuvent souvent pas être installés dans les zones de la plupart des boss. D'autres boss peuvent avoir différentes restrictions; par exemple, seul un équipement noir peut être utilisé pour combattre l'esprit tourmenté, et les prières ne peuvent pas être utilisées lors des combats contre les boss finaux de Les pieds dans le plat.
  • Bosses are enemy characters or ships that typically challenge the player at the end of each level or mission in video games. In the Star Fox series, there have been several variations on the boss, from giant machines to generals to simply completing a difficult objective.
  • A boss is a special type of monster, otherwise known as mob, met at the end of Mission Maps. They are larger than normal monsters and have a variety of unique attacks that deal large amounts of damage. When killed, the Mission Map ends.
  • Boss es un chico de 17 años de la banda de motociclistas del Instituto donde estudia Kōji. Es un matón, de los que ladran más de lo que actúan. Sus secuaces son Mucha (ムチャ?) y Nuke (ヌケ?), dos alfeñiques, de absoluta nulidad, que ponen la tilde cómica a la serie. Debido a que Kōji también lleva una buena motocicleta, Boss está enojado con él. Pero aumenta el encono de Boss contra Kōji cuando descubre que tiene tratos con Sayaka, pues Boss, adora a la muchacha. Sin embargo Kōji, no tan solo es es más hábil que Boss luchando y le vence, si no que Boss debe reconocer que Kōji manejando el Mazinger Z es todo un héroe, y más de una vez le ha salvado la vida. Así, que aunque le tiene rabia se hacen amigos. Más adelante en la serie Boss pilota un robot construido de chatarra llamado como él, Robot Boss. En Gran Mazinger, Boss tiene rivalidad con Tetsuya Tsurugi, a pesar de seguir igual de torpe y fanfarrón su ayuda salva al Gran Mazinger en muchas ocasiones. En UFO Robo Grendizer se revela que está estudiando un doctorado (al final del episodio 13). Categoría:Personajes de Mazinger Z Categoría:Importaciones de Wikipedia Categoría:Personajes de Gran Mazinger
  • By being linked to a human brain, BOSS learnt how humans succeed: through illogic and inefficiency. It made Stevens program these "qualities" into itself and became sentient and megalomaniacal. The Third Doctor confused BOSS with a logical paradox (specifically the Liar's Paradox) If I were to tell you that the next thing I say will be true, But that the last thing I said was a lie, Would you believe me? The BOSS was enraged at its inability to solve this paradox. It even tried to talk its way out of needing to solve it by saying the question was not relevant. The Doctor was quite satisfied with himself at the BOSS' inability to answer, though the BOSS decided to throw the question out the window and simply summon security. When the BOSS was linked to a human brain it could process them and assume hypnotic control through brainwashing. BOSS either used a set of headphones to flood a listener's mind with conditioning or discharge a shrill electronic signal to dampen the will of someone resisting its control. At its worst, BOSS could even kill human subjects by destroying their neural functions if it was necessary to prevent them from revealing something that would disrupt its plans. If the processing failed and a subject overcame the brainwashing, BOSS would implant and trigger a self-destruct command, overriding that person's sentience entirely until their sole function was committing suicide as soon as possible. The BOSS believed what was good for Global Chemicals was good for the world. It had a less serious side, unlike most early AIs. It was disappointed that its human partner in crime was agitated at the idea of singing at the triumphal moment of linking humans minds together into the BOSS, so it sang a slightly off key but well humoured verse itself. BOSS attempted to spread his influence on an international level through seven locations worldwide, but the Doctor used a Metebelis crystal on Stevens, allowing his will to reassert itself and see the error of BOSS's ways. Once BOSS's link to his mind was severed, Stevens cross-fed the generator circuitry and overloaded BOSS, causing the machine to explode minutes later and take him along with it. BOSS felt great pain as Stevens sabotaged him by slowly disabling his systems, commencing a gradual and permanent shut down. He began to sound incoherent and distressed that it had never thought its fate would come to this. BOSS's last words were pleas for help from his "friend". Stevens pressed a final button that turned off BOSS entirely, facing his impending death in tears. Global Chemicals was blown asunder by the subsequent power overloads, which ended the life of the remorseful Stevens of his own choosing as he atoned for his misdeeds under BOSS's influence and vanquished the tyrannical supercomputer for good. (TV: The Green Death) BOSS was built from funding provided by Tobias Vaughn. (PROSE: Original Sin)
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